And Our 1998 Donors

A & M Records Arista Records BMG BMt anger British Rock Symphony. Inc. tephen Baldwin Capitol Records Barenaked Ladies Columbia Records

Erie,Ba il, a > ''Dre'anakitaks Records Elektra Entertainment ennet` EMI Music Publishing rav Epic Records Group iiáckstreet Geffen Records Tammy ItilÍiger Mariah Carey ,<:wwYdtllMw Hootie & The Blowfish David Cassidy H.O.R.D.E. Tour Chiçago Wyclef Jean Lennie Clements Paul McCartney PaulaVole Maverick Recording Co. Shawn Colvin John Mellencamp Alice Cooper Frank Corrado RIAA Kevin Cronin Rolling Stone Magazine Sheryl Crow Virgin Records John Daly Warner Bros. /Reprise Records D'Angelo Yamaha Summer Concert Ellen DeGeneres Donna D'Enrico Jay Delsing Todd Demsey Chris DiMarco Celine Dion Robin Dorian Fran Drescher Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds Gloria Estefan Bruce Fleisher Vivica A. Fox Aretha Franklin Danny Gans Amy Grant M.C. Hammer A.J. Hammer Hanson Emmylou Harris Teri Hatcher Anne Heche Levin Helm Brian Henninger Rob Hyman Chris Isaak Jewel Billy JoeT Jimmy Johnston Bobby Keys Carole King Kool & the Gang Justin Leonard Jared Leto Huey Lewis Ben & Mark Lye Branford "Kansans Edwin McCain Michelle McGann Sarah McLachlan Bret Michaels Patrick Muldoon Bill Murray raised Aaron Neville In partnership with the music industry, VH1 S1ve The Music Olivia Newton -John Chris O'Donnell Joan Osborne Sarah Jessica Parker Brian Pavlet more than 1 and installed music Tom Pernice Jr. $ 1.5 million Iggy Pop Tom Purtzer Bonnie Raitt Tony Rich Chris Rock education in 212 public sehao' nationwide. Roshumba Seal Art Sellinger Brian Setzer Scott Simpson Together, we've given more than 57,000 children Nikki Sixx Smash mouth Kevin Sorbo Sting James Taylor Niki Taylor the chance for a sound future... Jon Tenney Tico Torres Jay Townsend Kris Tschetter Shania Twain David Uosikkinen the Wallflowers Steve Winwood Peter Wolf Stevie Wonder Robert Wuhl Adrian Young Little Steven Vas /.andt Dweezil Zappa National Supporting Organizations music 9du MENC- National Association for Music Educati oatio, _ g,,. ' posse NAMM- International Music Products Associattt}:.

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