2020 Crime & Safety Report

This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in . OSAC encourages travelers to use this report to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in Mauritius. For more in-depth information, review OSAC’s Mauritius country page for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to private- sector representatives with an OSAC password.

Travel Advisory

The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Mauritius at Level 1, indicating travelers should exercise normal precautions. Review OSAC’s report, Understanding the Consular Travel Advisory System.

Overall Crime and Safety Situation

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Port Louis as being a LOW-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Mauritius is one of the safest countries in the region for resident and visiting foreigners. The national crime rate continues to be low, but the increase of drug use remains a growing problem. The police, customs officials, and the coast guard have made several large seizures of drugs; this may say more about the volume coming in than the amount stopped.

Despite these problems, crime in Port Louis (population of approximately 150,000) remains lower than in most U.S. cities of similar size. Port Louis and the areas of Flic en Flac, Grand Baie, or any other places tourists frequent are likely to have higher petty crime rates, especially at night. Most criminal activity directed against foreigners is non-violent. Foreigners are not specific targets for criminal activity, but may become targets of opportunity due to the failure to take minimal precautions. Economics is the primary motivation for most crimes (e.g. pickpocketing, purse snatching, and other petty theft), which often occur in crowded outdoor shopping areas as well as near ATMs. Remain alert for petty scams by street vendors and inflated “tourist prices” in markets.

Violent crimes (e.g. assault, murder, rape) occur but are uncommon compared to other African countries. Mauritius has seen a steady decline in violent crime over the last three years. Most violent crimes are “crimes of passion,” or attacks resulting from the escalation of domestic or neighborhood disputes. While violent crime involving tourists or business travelers is not common, there were a few high-profile violent crimes against foreigners in 2019:

 In January, five males armed with knives attacked a tourist leaving a nightclub in Grand Baie at around 0200. The motive was retaliation following a heated argument that had occurred earlier in the club with one of the assailants. Police arrested the assailants the following day.  In May, three individuals attacked a tourist couple at the foot of Le Pouce Mountain, injuring them and stealing a handbag containing about 200 Euros, passports, and the key to their rented car. Police arrested the assailants shortly thereafter. Review OSAC’s report, All That You Should Leave Behind.

1 In a few cases, tourists were victims of theft from their hotel rooms without any direct confrontation. In July, for instance, two similar robberies occurred on the same night at a hotel. The victims were asleep at the time of the break-ins. The police arrested the criminals the next day. Hotel room thefts can occur. Residential break-ins occur on occasion, but most burglars are keen to avoid confrontation. Break-ins do not typically involve violence, though some burglars have brandished weapons (e.g. knives, machetes) when confronted. Keep valuables locked in a hotel room safe. Review OSAC’s reports, Hotels: The Inns and Outs and Considerations for Hotel Security.

Exercise caution when walking alone at night outside hotel grounds, on beaches, and in unknown areas. Public beaches are generally safe, though thefts do occur. All beaches are public by law, and are often crowded on weekends and holidays. Women walking by themselves may be at greater risk for verbal harassment and criminal targeting.

Police have disrupted a handful of ATM skimming operations, detecting most before ATM users sustained loses. Review OSAC’s reports, The Overseas Traveler’s Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud and Taking Credit.

Cybersecurity Issues

Instances of serious cybercrimes are low. The (MPF) has a capable Cyber Crime Unit, which has received U.S. government training. Organized hacking operations by indigenous criminal groups are very limited, although the extent of hacking operations conducted by external actors is unknown. Review OSAC’s reports, Cybersecurity Basics, Best Practices for Maximizing Security on Public Wi-Fi, Traveling with Mobile Devices: Trends & Best Practices, and Satellite Phones: Critical or Contraband?

Transportation-Safety Situation

Road Safety and Road Conditions

Mauritius and the United States have driver’s license reciprocity, allowing visitors to operate a motor vehicle with any valid driver’s license. Motor vehicles are right-side drive, and traffic moves on the left side. The use of turn indicators does not always follow international conventions. Roads are generally narrow, with cars commonly parked in the roadway, making traffic accidents a constant concern. Most roads outside of the capital have only one lane in each direction. Truck and bus traffic is heavy, and safe passing opportunities can be few (though that does not stop vehicles from passing).

Poor civil planning adds a complex variable to the driving experience. Most roads predate automobile traffic. They can be very narrow with deep unmarked open gutters, steep drop-offs, or walls/hedges lining them instead of a shoulder. This leaves little visibility and no room to maneuver. Construction crews often do not provide adequate notice of lane/road closures; it is common for traffic traveling in both directions to funnel to a single lane without traffic controls.

Sidewalks are not common outside of urban centers, and there is often little/no shoulder for vehicles. Animals, pedestrians, bicycles, and motorbikes regularly use shoulders and pose safety hazards to vehicular traffic. Sidewalks are overcrowded, and pedestrians often walk in the streets, competing for space with vehicles.

2 Traffic in Port Louis is very heavy on weekdays during the main commuting hours, and often congested throughout the day. Motorcycles and scooters move between and around traffic, often disregarding traffic laws. Motorcycles and scooters should pass in the far right lane, but they commonly drive in between lanes and pass on the left.

Driving at night brings additional challenges. Street lighting is poor, and there is no lighting in many locations. Headlight use varies: it is common to see cars with no headlights, and others constantly running high beams; either scenario makes it difficult for oncoming traffic to see. Motorcyclists must wear reflective safety vests at night.

Collisions among cars, trucks, motorcycles, scooters, and/or pedestrians are frequent and, when combined with the higher speeds on country roads, can be serious. Motorists must have auto insurance. Motorists involved in an accident where no injury has occurred can exchange information and report details to the authorities later. For minor accidents that meet certain criteria (no injuries, no third-party property damage), those involved may choose to come to a mutual agreement. Law enforcement often encourages this legal remedy, which drivers can handle by completing the Constat a l’Amiable (Friendly Agreement form). Individuals involved in an accident is in fear of personal safety should depart the area but should proceed immediately to the nearest police station to report the incident. Motorists involved in accidents that are more serious must report the matter to police and should only sign statements that accurately report the facts.

Police enforce traffic laws randomly. Typical enforcement focuses on ensuring that all vehicles are roadworthy and have appropriate registration and insurance. Speed traps occur around construction, towns, and city speed zones. Police personnel wear official uniforms and use clearly identifiable police vehicles at speed traps and checkpoints. Numerous fixed and portable speed cameras are in use, preceded by clearly marked signs. Police have also increased the use of DUI checkpoints as part of a campaign to reduce alcohol-related accidents. A recent change in the law has lowered the blood alcohol level effectively to zero tolerance. By law, police may compel individuals involved in serious accidents to test for blood alcohol levels. Refusal to be tested following a serious accident or at a checkpoint is itself an offense, which assumes the driver is under the influence.

Review OSAC’s reports, Road Safety Abroad, Driving Overseas: Best Practices, and Evasive Driving Techniques; and read the State Department’s webpage on driving and road safety abroad.

Public Transportation Conditions

Public transportation is relatively safe, inexpensive, and reliable. Bus schedules vary, but major routes are well served, especially during commuting hours. Public and private buses run between main towns between 0500 – 2100, and in remote areas until 1800.

Taxis are affordable, safe, and available at identified taxi stands, including near most hotels. Taxis do not have meters. Passengers should negotiate the fare in advance. Hotel concierge staff is a good resource to gauge an appropriate price. Taxis do not circulate routinely on the street, and may be difficult to find later in the evening. Avoid unregistered taxis, as they frequently charge unsuspecting visitors higher fares.

3 Aviation/Airport Conditions

As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Mauritius, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed the ’ Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization aviation safety standards. Review OSAC’s report, Security In Transit: Airplanes, Public Transport, and Overnights.

Terrorism Threat

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Port Louis as being a LOW-threat location for terrorism directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. The Mauritian government and community leaders have publicly stated their support for U.S. counterterrorism efforts. Mauritius has not been involved in any terrorist incidents. There are no known terrorist organizations operating in Mauritius.

There have been several pro-ISIS graffiti incidents at Hindu and Tamil temples with no claims of responsibility or arrests.

In 2017, Turkey detained two Mauritian travelers en route to the UK on suspicion of intention travel to Syria or Iraq in support of ISIS, returning them to Mauritius. An investigation remains open, but no charges have been filed.

In 2016, British authorities convicted a Mauritian couple living in the UK for providing material support for terrorism, a charge related to sending money to their nephew and niece, Mauritian ISIS supporters believed to be in Syria.

Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence

Civil Unrest

The U.S. Department of State has assessed Port Louis as being a LOW-threat location for political violence directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Political violence and civil unrest have occurred, but are not common. Most protests, scheduled or spontaneous, end peacefully. There are occasional tensions between unlicensed street venders and police, particularly around Christmas; these tensions have not turned violent since 2012. Police response is appropriate. Avoid large crowds and gatherings that appear to be political.

Former inhabitants from the British Indian Ocean Territory (, islands that include Diego Garcia), known as Chagossians, conduct occasional demonstrations directed against the Mauritian government and the British High Commission. These demonstrations have been non-violent. Chagossians have also peacefully delivered petitions to the U.S. Embassy to gain attention and garner support for their cause.

4 Religious/Ethnic Violence

Mauritius has no indigenous population. It is a multi-ethnic, multi-faith nation that has managed its diversity well compared to other African countries. However, underlying socioeconomic tensions related to this diversity occasionally manifest themselves in negative incidents. These tensions have been apparent on several occasions when acts of vandalism at temples or mosques stoke suspicions and inflame tempers. These tensions have not resulted in violence and generally end with peaceful community involvement, with senior members of the government and of the religious communities calling for calm and the police responding in a measured way. Press reporting on these tensions, particularly related to more vocal Hindu nationalism, seems to have increased during the last few years. This does not necessarily indicate an increase in tensions, but likely reflects backlash from pro-Hindu groups following temple vandalism. It may also reflect political posturing in the media.

Anti-U.S./Anti-Western Sentiment

There have been few indications of anti-U.S. or anti-Western sentiment. Anti-U.S. demonstrations have not resulted in violence. The most recent protest occurred when the U.S. recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017, a move that widely condemned, and drew approximately 175 people. A few demonstrators burned paper Israeli flags in front of the U.S. Embassy, but the organizers condemned this activity.

U.S. recognition of UK over the British Indian Ocean Territory during the automatic rollover of the Diego Garcia base agreement continues to be a contentious issue. Many newspaper and online articles are critical of the British High Commission and the U.S. support for Britain’s claim, which is currently before the International Court of Justice.

Post-specific Concerns

Environmental Hazards

Cyclones are the biggest environmental hazard in Mauritius. The core cyclone season lasts from November-April, although off-season cyclones, and anti-cyclones, can occur. Remain aware of weather and traveling conditions. Stay informed on weather conditions through television stations, radio, the internet, hotels, and police stations. Mauritius provides regular updates on its meteorological services webpage.

Low-lying coastal areas experience sporadic flooding if there is heavy rain or storm surge due to large and localized weather events.

Economic Concerns

Intellectual property theft is a concern. Mauritius views Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as civil matters, so criminal enforcement is not robust. Counterfeit goods and the unlicensed sale of name-brand products manufactured in Mauritius are often available in markets, especially in Port Louis; authorities make little effort to stop their sale. The sale of counterfeit clothing items, jewelry, watches, and software in violation of IPR laws is common.

5 Mauritian economic success over the last several decades has come from the establishment of offshore banking and financial services sectors. Mauritius is a low-tax, high “ease of doing business” jurisdiction that markets itself as a platform for investment in Africa. While relatively regulated, there are some concerns that terrorists and transnational criminal organizations could use the financial sector to launder money as more traditional illicit routings come under tighter control.

Personal Identity Concerns

While the law does not specifically criminalize consensual same-sex sexual activity, LGBTI+ individuals may face societal discrimination, harassment, and abuse by families, neighbors, and police. Sodomy is a criminal offense among both same-sex and heterosexual couples, with penalties up to five years of imprisonment. LGBTI+ rights are generally ambiguous, and same-sex couples have no legal recognition. Discrimination against the LGBTI+ community is prevalent, though open hostility is not common. One major incident in June 2018 occurred when around 200 Muslims interrupted a scheduled LGBTI+ march, the organizers of which received numerous death threats. In 2019 the LGBTI+ community hosted another march that concluded without incident and received a great deal of community support. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for LGBTI+ travelers.

Mauritius’s infrastructure does not meet ADA access and accommodation standards. Access to transportation, lodging, and public buildings is limited. There are few sidewalks and most buildings lack functioning elevators. Review the State Department’s webpage on security for travelers with disabilities.

Review the State Department’s webpage on security for female travelers.

The government recognizes six groups as religions: Hindus, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Anglicans, Presbyterians, and Seventh-day Adventists. Other groups must register as associations. Review OSAC’s report, Freedom to Practice, and the State Department’s webpage on security for faith-based travelers.

Drug-related Crimes

The police have a limited capacity to secure the borders due to the expansive coastline and proliferation of small watercraft that move without impediment. Cannabis is the most widely used drug in Mauritius. Heroin is the second-most widely used drug, and has become heavily trafficked since small amounts can provide significant cash flow. Synthetic drugs made by combining commonly available chemicals have also commanded the attention of police, political leaders, and the media due to some high-profile cases. However, it is difficult to measure the extent of synthetic drug use. Penalties for simple possession of drug amounts consistent with personal consumption range from fines to short-term prison sentences. Mauritian laws are very strict for drug trafficking and possession of large amounts; prison sentences of up to 45 years are possible if convicted.

Prostitution and drug activity are prevalent in downtown Port Louis and in tourist areas after dark.

Kidnapping Threat

There is minimal threat from kidnapping in Mauritius. Review OSAC’s report, Kidnapping: The Basics

6 Other Issues

It is illegal to bring into Mauritius: drugs, including cannabis and cannabis oil, and drug paraphernalia; spear fishing equipment; plants and fruits; pepper spray, mace, and similar substances; and guns. Read the State Department’s webpage on customs and import restrictions for information on what you cannot take into or out of other countries.

Police Response

The emergency line in Mauritius is 999. Report crimes by calling 148, and make administrative inquiries at +230-208-1212. The Mauritius Police Force (MPF) is a well-trained, professional, and generally responsive national police force by regional standards. MPF has provided excellent protection to the U.S. Embassy, and responds positively to the needs of the U.S. community. Foreigners can expect courtesy. Petty corruption does not plague the public’s daily interaction with police as it does in other African countries, though it does exist. Most police officers speak English reasonably well. An MPF Tourist Police unit patrols resort hotels and tourist areas.

A heads the police and has authority over all police and other security forces, including the Coast Guard and Special Mobile Forces (a paramilitary unit that shares responsibility with police for internal security). The national police report to the Ministry of Defense. The Coast Guard and police handle external security, reporting to the Ministry of Defense.

Medical Emergencies

The medical emergency lines in Mauritius are 114 and 118. Response time is inconsistent. Medical attention is adequate at major hospitals, and private clinics staffed by foreign-trained doctors exist. Find contact information for available medical services and available air ambulance services on the U.S. Embassy Medical Assistance page.

Drink only filtered, bottled water. Storms can stir up the freshwater reservoirs significantly enough that the government issues a boil notice for drinking water that often remains in place for a few days. Review OSAC’s report, I’m Drinking What in My Water?

Drugs such as tranquillizers, hypnotics, narcotics and strong pain killers require prior authorization prior to importation, even with prescriptions. Review OSAC’s report, Traveling with Medication.

The U.S. Department of State strongly recommends purchasing international health insurance before traveling internationally. Review the State Department’s webpage on insurance overseas.

Authorities require a yellow fever vaccination certificate (yellow card) for travelers coming from infected areas.

Authorities note visitors from malaria-stricken areas upon entry and may test them via local mobile health officials. Authorities may quarantine passengers traveling from plague-infected countries during seasonal plague outbreaks.

Hepatitis A and Typhoid are prevalent. HIV/AIDS prevalence is increasing among the population, especially tied to intravenous drug use. The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for Mauritius.

7 Review OSAC’s reports, The Healthy Way, Shaken: The Don’ts of Alcohol Abroad, Health 101: How to Prepare for Travel, and Fire Safety Abroad.

OSAC Country Council Information

The Country Council in Port Louis meets annually. Interested private-sector security managers should contact OSAC’s Africa team with any questions or to join.

U.S. Embassy Contact Information

The U.S. Embassy in Port Louis is located on the fourth floor of Rogers House, President John Kennedy Blvd. Working hours: 0730-1630 Monday-Thursday, 0730-1200 Friday

The U.S. Embassy main phone line during working hours is +230-202-4400. For emergencies outside of normal working hours, call +230-5253-3641 to reach the U.S. Embassy Duty Officer.

Website: http://mu.usembassy.gov/

Helpful Information

Before you travel, consider the following resources:

 OSAC Risk Matrix  OSAC Travelers Toolkit  State Department Traveler’s Checklist  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  Mauritius Country Information Sheet