The Parish Church of St John the Baptist with Our Lady and St Laurence, Thaxted


Year ending 31st December 2020 Reaching out to people both through traditional worship and Welcoming families at Engaging the innovative new important moments in Looking forward to re- community in services their lives opening soon. supporting the church Hope in Action Friend of Thaxted Worship & Mission Baptisms, Weddings Chat Café & Funerals Church The Chantry

Press Officer Pastoral Care Ladybirds Church Hall Supporting the Reaching out to our vulnerable with Supporting networks Providing a community community through contact, of parents and young hub for groups to digital and traditional communication, visiting children meet media and home communions.


• Building on the positive responses to last year’s format • Enable us to see our work more effectively in terms of; o Supporting our community o Daily life of the church • Main headlines in the report with the full information on the website • Huge thanks to everyone who helps and supports all our activities without whom the church would cease to function • Particular thanks to our Church Officers – Churchwardens, Treasurer and PCC secretary. WORSHIP & MISSION

• We celebrated the Plough Sunday service with Bishop , and Ash Wednesday Eucharist with Bishop Stephen just before he became . • Worship was much affected by Covid pandemic with the Church closed for public worship from March to July and November. • Services cancelled included Holy Week and Easter, Pentecost, Remembrance and Advent Sunday. Open Doors services were suspended. The Christmas services were held but the Crib procession had to be cancelled.  We are able to provide short online services – Hymns and Prayers – delivered through Facebook and the website each Sunday morning during closures. These were much appreciated by many.

Revd Philip Tarris PRESS OFFICER

 Our Benefice website ( has proved a huge success with over 5,000 visitors in the last 12 months with the Thaxted page being visited 4,000 times.

 Hymns & Prayers via Facebook and the website have been very popular. Many thanks to Edd Gallier for his help with the filming.

 Our Facebook page has nearly 600 followers now and we have reached 28,000 people with our posts. Our Christmas Services were seen by 3,700 people.

Paul Meader Press Officer PASTORAL CARE

 Due to the pandemic, hospital visits, home communion and services in Humphrey Lodge have been suspended.  However, a great deal of informal visiting goes on in Thaxted and all the villages when COVID rules allow. Chris, Philip and Liz devised a support network of phone calls for hopefully all the church congregation.  A ‘short term’ list of people newly in need of prayer or whose circumstances may have changed are printed weekly on the pew sheet with the longer term list updated monthly.  Chris has returned following retirement. He and Lynn have continued to provide pastoral support to many for which Philip is very grateful.

Liz Tarris Pastoral Matters Coordinator LADYBIRDS MOTHER & TODDLER GROUP

 Our Mother & Toddler Group was suspended due to the Pandemic but we look forward to returning by July 2021. Jill Smith BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS

 Due to the pandemic, we only celebrated one Baptism this year.  Joan has continued to send Anniversary cards to the early teenagers and young children.  One wedding was held in September.  The clergy conducted 14 funerals or Thanksgiving services during the year, some in church, some at the graveside and some at the crematorium

Joan Holley & Revd Philip Tarris CHAT CAFÉ

 The Chat Café team are looking forward to re-opening as soon as possible.

 Volunteers would be warmly welcomed! Please contact Dee or Diana for more information. Dee Barrington FRIENDS OF THAXTED CHURCH

 The activities of the Friends of Thaxted Church have been hard hit by the lockdown with the AGM postponed and a number of events, including hosting “Any Questions” and the Carol Service, were cancelled.

 However, the calendar sold well and netted a profit of over £1300.

 Trina Mawer and a team of volunteers set up a “Helpline for Friends” providing support for those in need.

 The Friends continue to support a number of projects including the Lighting Project and the Chantry and are considering a new project to celebrate the links between Thaxted and Gustav Holst and the Moorcroft Pottery. Richard Till (co-chairman) on behalf of Revd Philip Tarris and Revd Christopher Brown. THE CHANTRY – HOPE IN ACTION

• The Chantry offers the opportunity to create a new meeting place after the pandemic. Social isolation needs to become social interaction. • Ideally situated in the centre of town, a refurbished Chantry could form a community hub, for use by the wider community, visitors, local businesses and the churches. • It will offer a meeting space, kitchen, office and toilets • We are engaging with the wider community in the town for their support and ideas • Plans have been prepared, permissions granted and tenders received. • We have nearly £70,000 and need to raise at least another £50,000 Fr Philip Tarris CHURCH HALL

 The COVID lockdown has resulted in a 50% reduction in income and a 20% drop in running costs.

 However, the lockdown gave the committee the opportunity to carry out some major repairs including the renovation of the floor with financial support from local charities and Uttlesford District Council.

 Special thanks go to our caretaker, Sam Rickards.

Paul Meader, Chairman, Thaxted Church Hall Trust Daniel Fox, Treasurer, Thaxted Church Hall Trust Chris Brown, Thaxted Church Hall Trust Stephen Odom, Thaxted Church Hall Trust Calling the community to Sharing food and drink as Enhancing our liturgies with worship by the ringing of our part of our faith and Making the best use of our wonderful music 8 bells fellowship buildings & Churchyard Thaxted Parish Church Bell Ringers Catering Buildings & Churchyard Choir

The Ministry Team Flower Arrangers Eco Church

Leading, preaching, teaching Inspiring us with beautiful Helping our Church to care and caring flower arrangements around for the environment and to our Church plan for the future


 2020 was a year of highs and lows musically, starting with our farewell service to Bishop Stephen for Ash Wednesday Mass, ending with a rather restricted Advent and Christmas season with not much in between!

 The major lockdown in March with churches closed curtailed all our singing, consequently missing many major Festivals including Holy Week, Easter, Corpus Christi and Patronal Festival.

 With churches reopening we were eventually able to return to singing for worship at Harvest Festival but in a restricted form, and sadly no singing for the congregation. Further lockdowns during the Autumn affected the Advent Carol Service.

 It has been a frustrating year for Christopher and Choir with regulations and restrictions to consider, but we feel where possible that we have been able to maintain the musical traditions of Thaxted Church, albeit in a slim- downed manner.

 Ann Pickhaver BELL RINGERS

 The Bell Ringers were able to meet to ring alternate bells until full lockdown when they had to stop.

 Some single bell tolling to mark special occasions was possible and they tolled to remember loved ones lost to COVID.

 The bell ringers are looking forward to beginning to ring again and hope to be able to welcome new members when restrictions are lifted.

Cathy Lowe (Tower secretary) THE LINCOLN ORGAN COMMITTEE

 A number of the committee members stood down this year so a new committee has been gathered with a focus on maintenance rather than restoration.

 The programme of events that had been planned for 2020/2021 will be rescheduled and we hope to attract specialist musicians to Thaxted to continue our contribution to this town’s rich artistic heritage.


 Despite the restrictions imposed by the lockdown, work has continued inside and outside the Church.

 The Churchyard is managed to encourage biodiversity and an arboriculturist’s report has been commissioned to inform the long term management plan for the trees in the Churchyards.

 Good progress has been made on the lighting project and a plan for the cupboard and sink in the Lady Chapel has been agreed.

 Planning permission has been granted to upgrade the entrance to the Windmill Churchyard to allow a hearse to enter. Faculty permission has been requested.

Stephen Odom THE MINISTRY TEAM  We are most grateful to our Ministry Team which in 2020 has consisted of:

 Revd Philip Tarris, Rector

 Revd Christopher Brown, Associate (until July)

 Revd Susannah Lacon, Assistant

 Adrian Wright, Lay Reader

 Charles Scott, Licensed Lay Minister

 Graham Cook, Authorised Lay Preacher

 We have received invaluable support from our retired - Revd Graham Ridgwell and Revd Hilary Davey.

 We have welcomed visiting clergy including Rt Revd John Perumbalath, Bishop of Bradwell and Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of .

 Revd Claire Robertson joined us on placement for a few weeks in the autumn. Revd Philip Tarris FLOWER ARRANGERS

 Despite the Church being closed for most of the year, the Flower Arrangers were able to maintain a display in the niche to brighten people’s days.

 Temporary lifting of the restrictions allowed the team to provide the usual amazing Christmas displays.

 Even with a restricted budget, the Easter flower arrangements were, as always, fantastic.

 If you would like to be part of the Flower Arranging Team, please contact Janet Moore on 01371 830184.

Janet Moore ECO CHURCH

 In February 2020, the voted to be Carbon Neutral by 2030. This will be a significant challenge for all Parishes.

 We are part of the Parish Buying Energy Basket, which seeks out the best energy deals to provide 100% green electricity and good deals for gas.

 Our paper usage has decreased dramatically during the lockdown and while this was not planned, we welcome this and hope it will continue and develop.

 We are working on draught insulation around the doors and will form a sewing group to add curtains and blinds.

 We are exploring options for the installation of solar panels on the roof.

 “Eco Church Signposts” have appeared on the pewsheets since October 2020 and ideas for future signposts would be most welcome.

Lynn Brown Enabling our church to serve A full annual report on our plans Our church membership through our financial support and progress

Electoral Roll Regular Giving Financial Report

Parochial Church Council The Churchwardens Deanery Synod

Supporting the work and mission Taking responsibility for our Playing our part in the wider of the Church church building and supporting church family our Rector in the parish


 The Church Electoral Roll was fully revised for the APCM 2019, when the roll was 87 names.

 The revision of the current roll began on Sunday 11th April 2021 and ended on Saturday 24th April 2021.

 At that date the Church Electoral Roll has 86 (88 in 2020) of which 71 (71) are resident in Thaxted and 15 (17) are non-resident.

 Four names have been added since the revision in 2020 and six removed - two deceased and four have left Thaxted.

 Please will any one who is not on the roll and wishes to be included on the roll, contact the Church Electoral Roll Officer

Daniel Fox Church Electoral Roll Officer REGULAR GIVING

 Since 2018 we have encouraged those who wish to give to Thaxted Parish Church regularly to join the Parish Giving Scheme or to set up a regular Standing Order. This allows us to plan our finances more effectively.

 Please speak to Daniel Fox if:

 you would like to give regularly through the Parish Giving Scheme or with a Standing Order

 you are a taxpayer and would like Thaxted PCC to reclaim tax you have already paid on your donations.

 Gift Aid enables Thaxted Parish Church to increase the value of all your gifts at no cost to you – an extra £25.00 for every £100.00 donated. This applies to all donations including any extra donations you make for specific projects such as church flowers, music or restoration.


 In an extraordinary year, we have managed to meet 3 times since the last APCM by moving our meetings to Zoom.  We continue to work on ways to keep in touch with members of our community through technology and social media and how to ensure that those without internet access or who are less confident with technology do not feel left behind.

Maryanne Fleming Secretary to Thaxted Parochial Church Council THE CHURCHWARDENS

 This year has seen a significant loss of income due to cancellations of weddings and other events such as the Christmas Fair.  We have been please to be able to continue with Hymns & Prayers online, providing continuity.  Our thanks go to the maintenance group led by Glyn Pritchard for their work in around the building and Church grounds.  We have also much appreciated the help from those who offered their support during lockdown to allow the Church to open for private prayer, including the Friends of Thaxted Church.  Our thanks also go to Stephen Odom who has led the work to clean and sanitise the Church that meant that services could be held regularly. Ann Pickhaver & Paul Meader DEANERY SYNOD

 As for so many of activities, the Deanery Synod’s activity was very limited this year.

 We look forward to returning as soon as the lifting of restrictions permit.

Margaret Caton, Maggie Catterall & Dee Barrington