Fluoride svstem~failu irkdoctors

lic Health. - Ths analysis of Sqwnish wrtershowsthatfluoridatonis mt~conrplyingwithpvincid standads, Stevenson said whereas the recommsndtd fillaide levels me between 1 ad 1.4 mg pa litre, analysis ofthe Sqwnishwata chows a level of .45 mg per lim in July, 54 mg per litre in August ad .49 mg per lim in September. ''Ishowed these levels to one Cont'd on page 2

Mill worker critically I injured in fall

.. I 1. ..., : . .. I, .. I. .. "

With the completim of Acmdhg to highways' m- ley) set back this season's la wish to lwme yrru that paving on the MeyoLake giod dirrector Dave Cudiffe, grade construc~on signifi- funding to complete thepject Road expwtgd this s~mmer, w0dc on the Duffey Lake pro- cantly:' will be ~vahblein the 1991- officials north and south of the jcct is proceedirng well. In a Drainage smctures along *e 92 fiscal year." improved connects am hoping letter to the Squamish-Lillaoet mute have kea upgraded to Gravelling awl paving will it will come to be known as Regid District, he gave an handle a gteater flow capraCity, begin as soon as possible this another scenic section of ** and avalanche control stnoc- Ng,wifi the god of uxn- Highway 99. During the 1989-'W con- tures have been added, to p- pleting the M0yMe Road Squamish Council void its structian sason gtadework in mote saferpassagethrough this in time for next siunmer's su~portfor the Highway 99 excess of Lu) km and prelimi- frequent avalanche hazard holiday season. designation of the mute at its nary grdework to an addi- 89eB 'Cunliffe said it should be 'Jan. 22 meeting, a€texreceivhg ti0nal14 km was completed. The decision to delay am- noted that during the recent pe- a letter hm the Village of Vm-Horli~k,Low= Jof- pletion until the 1991-'92 con- hods of heavy rain, the Duffey LWoet encowagbg 9.. this ges- fie, Kane and channel Bridges . struction seasm was based oli Lake Road was the only access me. have been .completed, cunliffe a mmbiiun of factors,'Cun- to the Lower Mainland. While Lillmet's council has written said, "however the mmbina- liffe said, including the shozt- all other. rows were closed to the Ministry of Highways to tim of late spring, poor ness of suitable paving weather due. to washouts and flooding, quest that the mute have the weather and north slope con- remaining thig year and the na- the Duffey Lake Road esti- Highway 99.desiptim from struction (wet si& of sthe val- tive blockades. mateQ &counts of SOvehi- Pemberton to the Highway cles pek day. 97/Highway 12 intasectim In the meantime, maintenance immdately north of Cache mtmtoxs at either end of the Creek. Duffey Lake Road are sanding Woman and ploughing an a 2Sl-how basis to provie a safe, trouble- . freewinter. . stabbed A 33-yeassld Sq~mhhwoman was sent 'to hospital after receiving a serious stab wound to the Wsat in a domestic dispute Jan. 12. FOR APFmNWEWCALL Charges of aggravated 'assault are pendmg against her 36-yearsld husband, who attacked the woman System\ at a Bucltley Avenue rdqence. Police were called to SqusmiSh General Ho$tal plagued around 1:lS am. Jan. I2 following the inddqt. with *


A G-T FImSEX MONTHSr DR. MYRON DAmW CzTlIQcOPRAmR From page I plats needed, by&e pn.. A joint program of BC Parks and the BC Forest , are Service to shape the future of parks and wilderness 38112 2nd Ave. Squamish chased from the cist coast and systems in Bntish Columbia. are not a stock item mi have- Mon - F'd 9-6, Sat 9-12 to he maurufacturd," Payne ' Parks Minister JohnL. Savage and Forests Minister Said. Claude Richmond invite you to attend public other thnes by SPECIAL ARFUWGEMENT waiting periods for delivery and installption meant longer i information sessions. _. We'd @e to tell ou about Parks Plan 90 and the periods of the sivithout fluo- Wilderness Area raft system plan, answer your ride m the water supply. cy 892-5233 Payne said letters were sent to *.c.'i ;t questions'and hear your ideas. Have we identified. the local members of the medical nght areas to protect? Are there other areas of and dental COIILmunity m txovincid significance? A - If you wish to make a formal resentation; please- register by calling your BC Par lL district office at 898-3678. . *


Open houses only will be held from 3-9 pm at: Feb 13 Powell IMver Powell Wver Rec CmipIex, SOQb hyce h14 sgchdt Rockwood Centre, 551 1 Shomb .. Febm whlsner WRiStler Conference me, 4010 whmo w6y I DATE:


Material will main on display.at regionid lscatiom 1 f8 der the meetings. Please send your written all .. ,., comer& WQEApril 15 to: ' . Parks and Wilderness in the 90s .... Box 77 ... . * 8QOJQhonShvet .. 1 .; ' ...1. Wctona, B.C. V8V 1x5 .. For idomtion, please call the BC Parks or E Fomt SeMce office nearest you. NEW RELEASES squmish residents have gm. at &e ~tari~diHi&- two years in iwhg he cor- 8 marketing, chechg ouahevi- an opportwity to participate in lander HQ~L &WSstam ress\;races and of a hhw&- # T#E: l?'RE§W - Comedy the development of the dis- '@Mermonths of developmg fhgthm with someher- sion, establishing an employee * "HE LEMON SISTERS - Action Comedy trict's ccpnomic farture when adraft plan it's time we let the ti& , training facility d founding a the draft Squamish Economic public have a crack at it and let "he diversification strategy local economic 'think tank'. # 91/2NINJAs-MrtidArts* Development strategy Plan is US know if we're on the right sets out objectives, targets copies of the ddplan are 3c SWER TAPE VOLUME III - Wrestling held up to public rscrUtiny. sack," sslid Robat Fme, Sal to markets and sbmgia in ev- available for viewing at the CRIMINAL Thriller TRe Sea to Sky Bcwomk Sky economic develupment of- erything fitom port develop- Squunish hblic Library, * JUSTICE- Development Commission-in- fia. ment 00 to*&. Squamish Chamber of Com- 3e MASTER§ OF MENACE - Comedy vim-the pubk to amwhg on The completed strategy is to 'This plan will either directly fner~eand he sea to $@ h- thedraft plantommow at7:30 set the come over the next ot indirectly affect evqbody mecefltre, in Squamish, so the commk- sion is hoping for a good turn out," said Fine. The public will be.given a Whistler -q&k overview of the &aft plan before the meeting is opened up far comments and questions. SQUAMISH'S drama The commission's $90,500 action plan recornends at- USINESS The Whistler-based Whole as she CTQIsses the line bemeen tr~hg~v~m~~~y re- ad "'heatre Co-op will p- innocence and @hd. she busmases, cfe(iting a =- sent as its pdereproduction attains a kind'of- wisdom that ~abledab beto ssht in The Qccupation of HeaittneP wuld only be found through Rose, aplay by Wendy Lii personal struggle. The play follows the idedistic ~nthis poignant howlong ASK-TOYCE -- 892-3554 ENTRE and committed Nurse Rose as . monologue, Shannon McQuil- she ventures north to wxk on lan will share Heather's corn- an-isolated Indian Rams ing of age. . hedwith a list of solutions WPANY WFORIMflON a WEPENDENT WSINESS and heap§ of good inmtims The Qccupation of Heather I've'oeendietingfaiWy IFOFMATION RESOURCES HANDBOOK 'MTS 6FWRES > INDEPENDENT SERVlCE BUSINES she attempts to change the Rose mu Feb. 3-6 in the Em- For two weeks without 10s- ounce. What could XWrnPRBFILES a INDEPENDENT RETAIL BUSINESS negative. pttems within the press Bwllfoom of the Chateau ng an KISINESS WPORTUNITIES s INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURERS native commity. We see whistler. Far tickets or more wthepmblem? I =TAM- OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS Heather's bright-eyed mthusi- idmath, calf 932-1234 01 UBLFVENDER OPPORTUNITES s ELC MANUFACTURERS' DIRECTOR am grow into a cool cynicism 938-9083. ENTURElffT INVESTMENT a RC. REGIONAL INDEX FPORTUNITIES a00VERNMENTASSiSTAWE "elyI you have been dieting PROGRAMS: for some time, it is likely - BUSINESS START UP that you are experiencing - SMALL BUSINESS rnIS?ANcE a plateau: Plateaus amount I I to a perid of adjustment At Diet C&kr we t&ch that your body makefi to dieters the, signifiance 'of its new weight. Plateaus phteaw md-what they are very disc*& ta mean. Regular measuring people who don't under= is done throughout the stand them, but this dis- plateauperidtoshowdi- couragement isn't usually eters that they are continu- warranted, since plateaus ing to lose inches even are usually followed by though they still weigh the briskweightloss.Qneway same. If you have kome "STRIPES ARE FREE" to avoid discouragement discouraged during istomeasure ourself.You plateaus &re and possi- Till-Jan. 31 only will often fin that you are bly quit dieting, call Diet continuing toJ lose inches Centertday for a hecon- throughout the plateau. sultation and let us show Watching the inches melt away is as satisfying as watching the pounds go. L

#4 38913 Progress Way Squamish Industrial Park

I The Squamish Times Tuesday, January 29, 1991 Page 3 - * - . , , , ,.,., " ...,. ,.. . I.. . a . - . . ..-. '


tap 6e dommunity's business possible by the Carrstda Em- 1989 in pursuit of that afford- ppcbden@ wU con- mOu& this process pothid. -. plopntCeme'sjobcreatim &le house mortgage, but tinu! Rea comphaive re- will not ody in- With the latest addition made program, chatnk manger commuted to Vancower far search and cornlpile im eco- mxse her qloyability @ Wendy Magee can ensm with haemployman0 comllm job greater confidence that mer- with the Ministry of Social chants will get the type of re- Senrices until Decersrber of last vitdizationprograrn they want yeaf- 'Your Squamish andd In the next few we&s "It's good to have someone Cl;mdeaing will be collecting Red Estate go dwr-to-dwr talking to information on downtown in person. You get a businesses which will 'provide Specialist wealth of insiights with person- an ideal base to review in later to-person discussions. A lot of years the progress of the revi- people don't feel comfortable talizationprojaL' getting up and talking in large The data base will include a gKOUpS? photo file of all buildings in Doing the door hocking for the a good quality map, "For all vour real. the business community's re- assessment infoxmation, $6 viaation jnitiative, will be well BS people's opinions on estateL.2 nceds, give 8 former Couwn the area and what they wuld Clanddg. like to see'happen in the next . Dorothy a call" amhniq movd twotofi~d~e~~.~G: sqdin mmber of ~010win~*elGi&tion FIUEE MARKET EVALUATION'

ColleenChndenhgi who vdlwork with merchants be- fore and-durhgrevihliza~on. nomic profile of the ma far developing new skills but she En- Cen- will cilso get the oppostunity ta '3 t .. better understand her new *- communig. 'when vou Eve m Saumish

you don't really get to know the mmmuntiy all that well. I


The final round of scheduled mad closures will be in effect on the sesi a0 sky Highway 8 Monday through Friday. 20 TO 50% 'T run very pleased to m- nom= that this will be the fi- Many Charaddlers reduced nal mmd of scheduled do- to clear sura at Log~easCre& on tha Squamish Highwry," said Great buys on decorator D~veCurnliffe, iegionrl Birec- t0H-h ohe Miolietfy Of Tr~ns- rn~prars,ei~inrg 'fans, portation and Highways. "Our contpactor is now rear&gr selected lamps, bath to instdl the wire mesh on the bar IKes, wall and cellilng slqm at the Loggers Creek . slidedec;me last few days mounted fixtures. of cloid is needed to corn- plem that wok.'' , CO~EEARLY FOR THE cunlie &o reported that once the wire mesh is installed, * BESTBUYS rock &lhg operations will coaunence at Loggers creek. (share purchase rquired) . 8884054 a D Rock bolting operations will not require scheduled road do- 40367 Tantalus WaySZ Garlbaldl Oll$hIaRQs SufeS. I


Should any major competitor lower Overwaitea's flyer advertised price, on identical products in their news- paper advertisements, our commitment is that we will meet or beat those items as soon as we are aware of them and able to make the appropriate price adjustments.


.. ...

I. ...., . . X.. ,......

r.. 1. ' : ...: .... .I...... ,..(,, -...... -. . . (. .


,. .. .? ....

idea? In what ways would you take 11 am IC 8 pm advantage of a network of trails in the area? Ti Again . Us

, For The Very First Time!

Barb Woodard, Squamh "I Gail cnws, squmlsh: "I Mark Gardener (and guess 1would use it. I think it's think it would be great. I don't Amanda): White Rwk: "I a good idea for the fact that it's know naw to (cross-coamtry) think it's a fantastic idea. I'd going to enmuage tourists to skibut I'd learn. I think it use it to get out to the nearby use not only the downtswn would be great for the kids. lakes. I would probably use the core, but also the smundin~ I've only bezm here two yws trails for walking, biking and areas. I'd use it mainly for d'thexe's not enough to do." cross-counhy skiing. My w&ing.'l daughter lives here and1 came .upevery weekend." INVENTORY BLOW OUT SALE! WE MUST MAKE ROOM Are we ready to recycle?

Dear Edltor, I thinlt the squamish commu- nity on a whole is ready for 3f fvll-scale recycling. It's encouraging to see the Aloem? VY A Sponsored by: amount of traffic the Kiwanis SKINCARE & COSMETICS Depot in Brackendale gets of be. For the people who pull Iampleasedtobeyour- up with carafully ssrted new BEAUTY HIGHLANDER HOTEL garbage, thm'a a sudden loaf STYLE ZONE of disappoinbnent when Sea to 8924516 898-3663 they're told the depot doesn't Sky Corridor. take the item with the recycle stamp, like milk cartons; weal Proper skincare is the HIGHLANDER GIFTSHOP boxes, frozern food boxes, fmtsteptoAVi€WN" MARY KAY COSMETICS 8984929 cracker boxes, etc. The staff at NEW YOU. 898-4805 the depot does a great job with such a cramped quartas - With Aloette, we can DONNA'S CLIPJOINT there's just ne room. make that happen. QLD DUTCH CHIPS 898-3461 The depot could attract much 822-1 027 ofthetownifitweatacgk CONTACTBEITY DASCHUKAT 892-3436 tral location like the Industrial ALLIANCE Park; with more room we could drop off everything that GARlBALBl LANES LlMOUSlNE SERVICE is recyclable, it could be bun- 8924566 932-??06 dled atld sent to the dty for re- cycling. NEW LOCATION Why not employ even more Put Your Name In Our Draw pple with our garbage, make Garibaldll money with 500 or SO bags of recycling garbage a day, rather than throwing it in our lmXill. Massage Therapy cornunity awareness will the demand for a big bt With which to deal with all the wmte that will be &OM off. Recycling should be a self- funding system once we all get used to re-usmg everything. Let's hope council can sere this problem of not being able to recycle what we w and pvide the space for a pp recycling warehouse. .Locatedin Lobby of Highlander Hotel 898=3929 Pur Macdonnld . ... ". .._,,*._ ...... d*...... *','>.',. ,:*:.'...... ctiiioia tiit ha was not awmof a~ ~s ~scourseis a bit merous doctors live there as they do in West Vm. Nu- prepstemus. Possibly not as prcpostemm as one m- mrow khess execDtiVes md other tradlitiond so- nhg for office and not subscribing to the newspaper h cpedl voters live there on the Endowment Lands (some the 8pe~Whm tb 81~between WI and fifZeen thou- of our mutual acqluaintance) d the rest of Point Grey, sand votes 00 be had. not to speak of senior academics. NO,the academics Rodney, I get conned by pros for ti living. Unaware, are not left wing. They tal& that trash in ck,then go you are not. home to three new cars in the garage. I%eyoung aca- demics, the south-paws, can't afford to live in the Point

Grey area. 1 You're not going to win by waving the Sdflag and st~ne-walling. ARTMAR ACCOUNTING Times conMbutqr From yo^ lack of any kind of fite stance on any is- sue, it's clear that you gmduated wnw cum Zu& SUPPORT frons the T~q-SscredSchool Of Political SW. 'MikeYates Everyone knows that the fddTories and the B.C. . you need help organizing puts the ball in Oke Socreds are joined at the hip (even t~ the extreme that Do Socred canddhtes' the federal Tories recently &@oed their pvinciall your bwiness records? court party to keep the faith with the Sards), but it was news to me that your political machine is so efiieat Would you like to be aware of your that you've managed to annex the NDP as we& From you Dec; 18 note in The Times: Financial Status a monthly basis? on , "We live in a gnat riding in a great pvince, and Did you a do your accounting Brim and I want to get involved to make it even mr. buy PC to ' But I do think you've been the victim of bad advice, Qur intentions are sMhr but m methods are quite and are &illdoing it xxmmdly? Conling up hem to do a locum and dancing hutto get dif€erent." elected on the strength of you Wig S&, having red Sounds to me as though it doesn't make too much dif- hair, and wearing a Chihuahi%i-tooth coat without tak- fmcewho we vote for, we wind up with the same re- How about confidential payroll ing a pssition on ldissues is not ping to get you sult. Possibly Giles might have some valence on the and year end T4'r~? elected in this part of the riding. subject. God knows (Iuse "God" hsenow that the And you might note what happened to Socrds' last war is on, "God" and/or "pray" seem required about stand in McGeer country. The wm~epinkss put it in ace every three senkmes) you haven't any valence Reasonable Rates your patsy's ear there. It was a Socdstrcmghold. Mu- toward any subject except election. c Even when ycw seem to veer dmgmusly near an COWACT 898=6446or 932416 opinion, you tun it into an oxymomn. When you we= a nominee, you said in The Times: "Canadians would ' not feel so alienated from their politics if tRe politicians consulted and listened to the public ..... Once you be- came a candidate, you said in a telephone7nterview with The Times: "My loyalty is to the party." Which is it? If you were elected, how would you establish better accountability to those who elected you to office? Monthly meetings? What? CMHCfiSCHL * If all you intend to is take orders the caucus, Helping to house canadian?3 do from who gives a damn whether you show yaw fm again to UOWPROHT HOUSING PROGRAM those who elected you? The chief attribute of your PROPOSED 1991 UNlTALLOCATION peuty is the caucus' never looking beyond its oligarchic The British Columbia Hdng Management Commission invites self-interest spoils of office and re-election. More of Non-Profitsporrsorstosubmiiproposalsforthedasign,constNction the same. and of wwfor 4ami;ieS or senior dtizenslolder singles. Thesedevekpmentsshould be limited to40 units-plus Yawn. WibnaI units for pegrle with disabilii-for family proiects, and Interesting that you should use the hackneyed Behan 1oounitsfotseniorcibienlddersi~bprojeds. literary trope in re "eunuchs" given the quality of your 1991 PROWSW ALLOCAnOUS reply: I haven't seen such no-cojones prose since I left B.C. Housing has allocated units to these geographic areas: the ivied pissoirs of academe. Lower Mainland Seniors ...... 220 It isn't, but we pretend this is a democracy. With that Vancouver Downtown* Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley comes a modicum of Worn of speech, debate, criti- Sunshine Coast, Howe Sound cism. An adversatial atmosphere until election day. Lower Mainland Familler ...... 500 Chairman Zalm"feelshe will be returned to power be- Vancouver Island Seniors ...... 100 cause he will be returned to pow&. In yer Bard's Vancouver Island Families ...... words: "I think him so because I think him so." Balance of Province (Families & Seniors) ...... 2QO If your profile gets my lower on local issues of this 7 Total 1280 corridor, the snakes crawling around at night overhead Lying west of Clarke Drive and north of Terminal qvenue- will cause you serious sleep deprivation. False Creek, including the Wesf End. (Spnsois may submit Come on, Rodnoodle, you're a bright mm full of p~opsalsfor a//, or a portion, of the units in any of these areas.) ideas and piss and vinegar. Jump in and say something. Gila had the chcter to wade in and swat me for B.C. Housing will receive SEALED PROPOSALS clearly marked "PROPOSAL CALL FOR NON-PROFIT RENTAL HOUSING stirring up the NDP cacafwonga. (FAMILY OR SENIOR CITIZEN/OLDER SINGLE), (GEO- GRAPHIC AREA)" up to 2:OO p.m. on TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1991, at one of these offices: B.C. HOUSING - B.C. HOUSING - LOWER MAINLAND VICTORIA Staff worked\hard #1701 - 4330 Kingsway ##201-3440Douglas Street Burnaby, B.C. V5H 4G7 Victoria, B.C. V8Z 3L5 Telephone: 433-171 1 Telephone: 382-6127 to protect schools B.C. HOUSING - INTERIOR REGION I 290 Nanaimo Ave., West 305-Scotia Bank Building i Penticton, B.C. 1488 4th Avenue Editor's Note: the following !etter wm addressed to V2A 1N5 Prince George, B.C. V8Z 3L5 Telephone: 493-0301 Telephone: 552-9251 Darlene Elchuk, the school disltrict's aciing cwtodial supervisor, and Lynn Wilbur, maintenaprce supervisor; B.C. HOUSING WILL NOT RECEIVE LATE SUBMISSIONS, and reserves the right to reject any or all of the submissions. B.C. both work in the Sqwmisk arm. blousing may revise the unit allocation, depending on the response I would like to express the thanks of the school bard to the proposal call. Sponsors may request a list of all the you and your staff for their extra during our proposed project locations and sponsors, after the proposal call to efforts dosing date. went cold spell. * that propose1 Call Documents are awallable at the addresses It is appreciated you and your staff had to put in listed abw, on Monday, January 28,lWl. additional horn under very cold conditions to ensure mIALHOUSING ASSISTANCE IS JOINTLY FUNDED BY that no damage to our facilities was incurd. WE FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS. I would appreciate your passing on the thanks of the bard to your staff. Nancy K. Edwards Secretarpl'reasurer

*. ~ ,e .I .. at .I L b. b - b - .) * - 4 .I b L - a ...... I ..._...... , ... e.,.... .

.. WJ bIW bUbb C3 WUG N&Ib WJ GC.bbGIIbGEbb, UIbU fj bIbG bUbb WUYGa What do you do wkniou besome little field mice come Toughie has taken over one ofthe chairs. I keep it .covered - 'et1yfram si& to side it vneam that the animal is very fat,. with 4blanketfor him, and Bambi will sleep on the ann of contented. A cat will oflen greet you with a quick little hop, too the reclinerw-Hedozes OKfalh onto the floor with. a thud lifting both its feet 08the ground and putdng them down tching and then picks herup and &es it all over again. You'd. think he would learn. When a cat is frightened he shows it in every pose of his His other fmorite spot is the bathroomwin+w, and he I body. He crouches low, body as close to the ground as he will watch the mtivity in the Blind Chamel by the bur. I cani&r brist!ing and eye? dlated. b-for wonder @ he sees the &ks who live there,' When a cat is rubbing his head or the side of his chin swans?'There have been a number against jruminVe, he is likely marking out his tem'tory. He the miceointo and up by the ~OFW mill pond these a is doing the same thing when he rubs agahst your leg or their way Up are so be&@, Saihg on the wa am, marking you with his scent ~lr-d saying you belong to . @'ass* *. Perdido likes his creature col%fortsQlud Qed #you karn t&e signals, you will tightly or curls up on the couch with wh&n cat's emotions ciptd be beiier abie to u me -\ kjdo He's the utter wimp andjakt bves it when early sokcan snuggle down and sleep as lo stay in b2d7** To get .back.@the mice, one gentleman suggested1 wait for a week or two as the mice will gobutside agoin as soon % the weather w~pmsup. He said they were field mice and :x The.Stores assure he only cme in because thqe was no way to get at the outs& food. ts are experts in commw'cating language? All YQU Weto36 is learn Any ca lover knows that when your' ver on his back, exposing his the supreme compliment and showing position he is coriipletdy vulnerable pit's ears is a sute way to &sco e cat's ears are relaxed, they point. for- listen to everything that is going on. When he de-

l BE. inches be them.

2nd floor in tbe Mountain FM Building 1892-3064 #203 - 38013 3rd Ave, I

D~~~~~I~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I)~I~~9 I Present this coupon I for P FREE VISIT I expires Feb. 28/91 I I 'I I I I .--~---o---oo------o-mo--n-J' EAGLERUNMALLESS CENTRE 898-9237 It's a New Year, 1991 Fox Fun & Fitness Join us at Eagle Kun Classes for Every Body!

Back ROWleft to right Ann, Laura, Debbie, Lois Front Row left to right Kathie, Kathy, Wendy

WELCOME HOME- Newport Hsuse, a group home for four disabled men, is onrCially opened by resident Cordon Support The with ...... pBn Pelkey, help fkom .*.*.,.,...*...... _.... I m1:o I I I LB supervisor Pam Gage. Iw w Others on hand to witness April Cancer A Denotes (Babysitting, pleaee note no weekend babysitting) the special event are 0-r) * Denotea once a month this clam willbe a ceuldio Funk Peter Robinson, Robert Please watch for times posted at centre Keele (Gordon's Campa@@ nsurmgatenfather) and CUSS DESCRIPTION Susan Fowler; W-WOaKouT-Hlgtrenergydrsa~~g~pndlowfmE#~~~~Lsonclrdiovueu- larconU~withstrotchandBtrengthoomponent.


The Squomdrlr Iymm - Tuesday, January 29,1991 - Page. 11

I- - . ,. ". ., , .. ,-,.I, . . .

It ha!J started ailmdyI " Winter lies white upon the pwdbut, in antici- &ion Q€ @k, the Fashion Writersluve bpad- lishgus just what will be worn by the "in" people as hey go about town this season. Unfortumtely, Fashion, Writers seem to be just a 24 types of ouch thin on the ground in this particular town so -- est we fall behind in the trends -- it seemed a good dea to drop in on that well-known bon vivant, tycoon Df Df gwdpste and part-time saw-mer, Anatole of virus hckenUe. Tell he, Anatole, what pmisdy is 'in' this season?" "Iam in this season. And I intend to stay then? until he temjxmture goes up about 18 more degrees. Then, A viral infkction causes ti childxen and teenagers; older ,f course, the ice in my back yard will.be in -- in the very common skin tumor people have probably devel- brm of watez. In the basement. At which time I im- called warts. They can appear oped an immunity to them. mse to spend a great deal of time out. Until it goes anywhere on the body, but es- At least 24 types of the hu- iway." papilloma cause pecially on the hands and-feet. man virus "No-no. I was asking &om 8 wardrobe standpoint. They occur most commonly in warts. The virus appears worldwide, but only in hu- mat do you predict we shall be weqing in the days mans, so we don't need to head?" blame the frogs or toads we "Oilclsth, mostly. In a tasteful buttercup yellow. The might encounter! musers will be accented by a cunning bib top ai- Nmes note different types of angement, held aloft by suspenders which cross in the warts tend to appear on differ- >a&. ent parts of the body. "The jacket, of course, will be threequarter length On the hands they often have md -0 in a daring departure -- will be cut hrn the me a rough textured surface. material and in the same colour as the trousers." Plantar warts apperpr on the "And for footwear?" feet, often et paswe points on the soles. They may look flab "Boots, I should say. Of a similar rubberized materid like a callous baause the pres- but in an off-shade. Possible olivedpab, with toecaps Squarnish Gas Co. Ltd. sure of the body's weight to match the jacket and pants. Of a size to end just be+ Application to Increase Rates causes inward growth and they low the knee. can be painful for this reason. "The more devil-maycare among us may wish to Time: TOO p.m. Date: February 11; 1991 It can .be difficult telling a wear tRe boots outsidethe mwm, depending upon the Location: Garibaldi Highlander Hotel wart 6.om a callous. If you are depth of the water within the Mng-quayterrs." in dqubt, .have your doctor Anatole, obviously, %lad been giving much thought to 40330 Tantalus Way, Gasibaldi Highlands check your foot. If it is a-.wart, Squgnish, B;C. this year's fashion'statement. He was just getting have the doctor treat it for you. warmedup. The neck and face have hore regularly-shaped war6 and "Cut'isd-im ,of course. The jaclcet should be Squamish Gas Co. Ltd. ("Squamish Gas") applied to the warts near ,the genitalia may be worn loose to facilitate movement. And there should be Commission to increase rates charged to its General Serwice rate transmitted by sexual contact, aii vents beneath thearms -- all this to pnxent be on- customers by 37.4 cents per Ccf and to increase the amount to but not always. set of perspiration likely to occur as one wrestles to be recovered from Rider 1, the Propane Purchase Deferral Account, Warts are moderately conta- unjam the @#%$#@%# sump pump." from'9.6 cents per Ccf to.32.2 cents per Ccf, both effective January \ gious. But, they spread more The obvious question, \then, was what to wear with 1,1991.The combined increases, if approved, would amount to an easily on the infected person this ensemble. approximate increase of 26 percent or 60.0 cents per Ccf over ohm to someone else. It is be- existing rates. "There, you are on your own," Anatole intoned. lieved 'transmission takes place "I once favored the white, long-slkved turtle-necked The Commission deferred approval of the increases and has set by direct skin contact, through . no rnorq?" the matter down for public hearing. microscopic breaks in the skin. sweaterg But Scratching a wart or cutting Hi shuddered, the quiver stirring his spare frame. one off by shaving are-two "Not since' Shewhs-should-haveknow-better acci. The Application will be heard commencing at 7:OO p.m. local common ways people can rein- .dentally mixed these sweaters in' my white, long time, Monday, February 11,1991 and will continue at 9:00 a.m., fect themselves. Nurises believe handled underhwers. February 12,1991 at the Garibaldi Highlander Hotel, 40330 Tantalus infected floors also spread the "Have you ever mistaken a pair of white, long-leggex Way, Garibaldi'Highlands, Squamish, B.C. ' virus, especially with plantar underdrawers for your white, turtlenecked long The Division of the Commission named to review the Application Warts. sleeved sweater while struggling in pre-daw is comprised of the following members: Over 50 per cent of all warts to dress disqpear in two years without darkness?" Mr. J. D.V. Nowlands, Deputy Chairman and He fell silent -- and it seemed kind to leave him at @il Chairman of the Division , any treatment. However, com- * point, lost his reverie of horror revisited. Mr. W. M. Swansori, Q.C.,Commissioner fort, convenience or cosmetic in reasons may prompt removal. ' Never use a sharpsorpointed The Application, supporting material and Commission Order 'instrument or razor to attempt No. G-113-90 are available for inspection at the following locatiops: wart removal and leave the Squamish Gas Co. Ltd. treatment.of plantar warts en- Mental health gets Head Off ice 1066 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. tirely to your doctor;rchp;ck District Off ice 1343 Winnipeg Street, Squamish, B.C. with your phamiacist &ut home treatments with pnipara- $18,000 boost Squamish Public Library 37955 Second Avenue, Squamish, B.C. tions such as salicylic acid .. A copy of the Application and supporting material are also available paint for warts of the hand. for inspection at the office of the British Columbia Utilities Com- If the wart persists after 12 mission, Sixth Floor, 900 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. weeks of treatment, she& with Mental health services at Squamish General Hss- your doctor. pibl will be improved with $17,992 received under There are several effective the provincial health ,ministry's Hospi- Any person wishing to file a written submission, give evidence medical treatments, Elec- 6aVCommunity Partnership Program. , or cross-examine witnesses should ensure that the written advice . trodesiccation destroys warts With these funds, a Jan, 22 ministry news release or information is received by the Commission Secretary and the by burning with 8 light electri- said, a program wili be deydoped f& chronic men= Applicant not later than Monday, February 4,1991.The submission cal current. Curettage cuts tally fiII patients W~Orequire bhgoinjp support inm should include a brief statement as to the nature of the interest away the growth with a small volving medications, general health care, social and in the proceedings. curet or removes dead tissue interpersonal skills, firmanda1 mauagement, housing after electrodesiccation, and family relatiomhips. Cryosurgery involves freezing the growth with liquid nitro- The main goal of the progrrtp is to improve the Persons intending to participate in the public hearing, who are quality of life for patients with chronic mental ill- uncertain as to the manner in which to proceed, may contact On occasion, warts change ness and to reduce their need to be re-hospitalized. Mr. R. J. Pellatt, Commission Secretary, or Mr. Philip Nakoneshny, shape, colour or texture. In that To carry this out, psychiatric nurses and social Senior Financial Analyst - Petroleum, by telephone (660-4700) or event, nurses recommend that workers will be involved in the hospital's discharge (B.C. Toll Free: 1-800-663-1385), or in writing. you check immediately with prwm to ensure that patients are connected to ap-

,- BY ORDER your doctor. Otherwise, leave propriate community support services. Robert J. Pellatt thein alone, unless too uncom- The Squamish project: is one of 26 HCPP initiatives ' Commission Secretary 1 -. fortable or inconvenient. approved 80 date during the f998-'91 fscal year, for - the RegOslePed Nurses a total $1,0!)6,495* Assocktion of BC Funding of . . ,. 7.-.,,. . -11, -,. * ~ .I Y Page - Tuesday, January 2% 1991 - The Squarnhh Times ...... ,. ..-.,.. ' .'! ..

*...... ;


. , : ...... ,.j ... -.

Pumping everyone up in an- Kea, who is the bh of so give generously to the Heart vdisser who wmes to your door t.husm& of lives ...one of n~ EfemmtSagr d Signal Hill Elementary's @- and Stroke hund&m a- -- your support will help save them may be yours! ticiption far February's Hsart a in support of theeffort, dpd. Monthon FfihY Were StUht~ "he skipping bunch W~Salso Heart Mod in Squmish at Garibaldi Highlands Ele- paid a visit by clown Malcolm continues all through February, I I I I 1 I WANT AD ORDER FORM I I 1. REACH 4,000 READERS EVERY WEEK I I I I Write Your Ad below - 1 Letter to a Space I DEADLINE FRIDAY 1 PM I Mail Now to Want Ad Deet., The Squamish Times I BOX 220, Squamish BC VQN 3G0 I I I I Please run my ad for ...... weeks in the Squamish Times under ... I I Classification...... I enclose $...... in full payment I I 0VISA 0 MONEYORDER ' CASH I I ACCOUNT NO ...... EXP. DATE...... I I SIGNATURE ...... < ...... I I I I Name ...... P. bde...... Phone ...... I I Address ...... City or Town ...... I I I Heart Month coordinators Sonya Miller (1) and Karen Vanzeb join Mayor Egon I I Tobus for the campaign kick-off. I 25words I I $6.50 I

I1 Each additional ! 1 word $25 extra i I I I I


FREE R.R.S.P. SEMINAR SQUAMISM CREDIT UNION FEBRUARY 6,1991 . ,.I ...... , . . . -. ..~,-...... , -.


"We try to teach thein that yes there tire .hmh re- Pascyzi says ''dl to^ quickly @hstud~ts] kgm alities, but we d~ it h a way that is mutdy sup laam the cornlation between wm amfXct- and oil portive." pfiCeS." Unme their parents, chilcoren mn't always at the As well as learning such stock market terms 85 'bear' stage where they can logically connect the perceptions and 'bull' markets, some studentskgt~to make tidy - ClasspsQms wcomposed of desks lined like troops in formed from vivid television images with the iwlities sum hmtheir investment. '. bp deep and:five parade six or seven or diabmt. The sensed in their day-to-day lives. - hscuzzi says it got to the point some of dayiS~~tin~sectio~8rsifthehcwpw~.m~by md them where his "Studentsin this modern electronic age see and how .studentswefe actually wishing for warh otdea tQ redtp . .them, and when the tummies grumble it's as if in me the dividends. tothebimeaUoW. more hcts than other generalins but 8fe not necessar- ily hm qui@ to deal with them," giys Bmckendde -- h attempt to Mhnce saabents": perceptions and SeoondaryviceprincipalPeter Hotston. mdty with the introduction of an&q em re nh tams of kts-[Om the visual media] they believe ceivedmixd successes as sQidemts were askeBt~place what they seb. We've trained them to ieceive it at one their names on a peace/money conhuim. level," Pascuzzi says that as the war grew newer mom and But once the bell is tolled for the end of another ~nfixtuqte~yresotiice andi time cmstraints limit tire more students placed their mes clospr to ,peace,while school day, codort can quickly change to discomfort 11118s~media, often forcing them to present Wts at a othm remained just as adamant about making. money. as order turns into something less predictable than cur- very simple levelr in war, often sts simple as black and The pace/inoney continuh brings in the human rent events class every Friday at 11 am. Whit& sideof the ups and downs of the oil market, creating ti certain fodtion from which an undtxstanding of Occasionally them are fights in die khml yarb, and But if the next generation b to leah mything h'the perhaps the bus doem't~conaeos1 time to pick them up cause and effect and morality can develop, ie., making follies of its elders, they must understand that war is a money has a cost attached it. and take thm home. complex doesn't just start simple to issue that from paati- The cost of war was stressed in the classmorn in der Cars get into midents and hauses tions of good and evil; cians lie, govments change, and yeti, sometimes to counteract the glorified images of allied bomber sor- It is here where she school system comes into play, ties, stealth Canadian coumies go to war. not only teaching effect but mating fighter ds md escort missions cause and an envi- ''toprotect the'package", on television in Suddenly bombers and missiles mn't part of a game merit in which a moral fibre can develop. as seen and seen on video screens but real life encapsuled 001 &le- In a way teachers take over whee journalists have 'the newspapers. vision news. And tallies no longer represent points all the intentions of being objective con- "The media has beern bringing in the high-tech failed, with side...so Orying and bring scored for targefs hit, but dead and wounded bodisis veyers of balanced facts and truths. we've been more more to the where bombs missed. Nick ~cuzzi,a teacher in the intenn&te'l&g human side of it into the elasmom," explains Pwxzzi. their pmq, children must able rationalize the Like be to centre at Squamish Elementary, siiystea~herstry to be The subject of war and peace is brought down to the crisis in the &mian Gulf in order to deal with it on objective much possible. level at which students can tznBerstand rand rete, an emotional level. as as The complicated subject of the Persian Gulf war is "These kids school with a glorified view of "We try to fit their ~ereeptionsin with. the realities, come to pm- When students themselves syml,xdize war.,. and we try to balance it with mclre of the human involved h'aheconiflict, saering that is part of each and eveay war. countries "A littIe bit of knowledge is good for thm so they Randy Richsudssn, 'a'little guy', represents the little don't have nightmares about [the war]." cm@yof Kuwait, and is given a container of oil and Back in Se-k when the Persian Gulf Cr@ was . money as symbols of the Arab country's oil wealth. just one month old Pascuzzi helped his,shdents from ShaneLesebwe is Iraq and is also given acmtaher of oil, a couple of dollars less than'Randy. levels five to seven understand the hptanw of oil in but theconflict. Dave Stew 'the big strong guy in the class', is the aW"'t too happy with what he sea Students wem each given a thousand dollars in play but doesn't go in and just start fighting." money with which to buy oil stocks. Cont'd on page 15 Rentals, Gazebo's, Chemicals Ask about tax breaks EREE: WAllZRANALYZING 892-2065 381 13 2nd Ave. Squamish 1-800-665-518 1

When yoiu aging electric mter heater packs it in, B.C. Hydro will help you to havc it replaced by a mre energy- eficient one. Conwn to a tl2tud gas waaer heater and B.C.Hyh along with yair gas dpanywill, thrOu@ an au*orized installer, give you an immediate discount of $150. If gas is not .adable in ow area, the purchase of an energy- Here's your chance to be hr1 YW installer has the details. I

It's a move that will meyou for yean to come. rffwd b manufacrunnqurlify. Offer valid cash. lip fmnt. And on your clip the aPPmPriate reminder I on purrbwrnsde June 1.1Y89 through monthly electric bill, year after year. and tape it 10 your aging water heater June fG. 1991. x Plus, it will help slow rheptr- and when the time comes, take ad- gnrwing demand on our valuable tantage of these hot cash back deals.

- Page 14 Tuesday, 'January 29, 19911 - The Squamhh Times I -.


I .. ,.:,...... *...... I .,...... ;. , ,!. ._ ,. .i .- ...... I...... r ._ .. '1.,.*.', ...

~ .-.." .. JIQ@ 14 99 me mwg m&nB in the c@, except for Chmtt Rebagliati, link arms mmd 'Kuwait9 md 'hcf skp- Pa# ping mything hmgoing in or out of their circle. They symbolize sanctions. .. Garrett is minding his own business -- he is Israel. "And he fits brael ,just perfect because he's kind of "The people say we children are the future, so why wirey, he's tough, minds his own business md has a In their creative writing class at Sqmish Elemen- short temper: Bascuzzi says. .tary, st&n& Wewritten rdown some of their thoughts can't we makedecisions to make the world,a safer place to live? This may be off the point of w& but me war is dramatized at the hntof.* cb;yith on the braving war in the Persian Gulf.Some -appear Shemimicking jabs at Ganett, in accordance with to be journal entries, while others are letters*toThe when we're old enough we can be drafted and killed, the eflect being destroying dl our future,.So the number of militaqcstziks Iraq has thrown at Israel. Tb~sor Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. "This is really interesting here. This kind of reminds This is what the children are saying: we attacked fw a good cause, the political people say, but what is a good cause for destroying our fum me'of what happats on the school grounds. You get ture? You tell me." fights happening between mutries the meway that ll...Besides the millions ob dollars that went to the -hvid Brewster fights on the school ground start," Pascuzzi says. war, why can't the government pMt money into The lesson is that violence begets violence and that somethifig usehl like making jobs fos the people countries involved in-warare not just flags, missiles that are On welfare and make homes for the Borne- and stealth fighters but people too -- people not unlike Isas, I hope the war stops before our future k de- ourselves. stroyed." "Last night a man ftom Iraq said that they had better "We try to bring it down to theirlevel: how wodd YQU feel if it was Once students learn the --Steven Atwar, Age 11 I weapons than we do and they're winning the war. I you. issue don't believe them. I disagree about the war because they dlypick up on it," says-Pascd. people are dying ami getting hurt. I hope the war ends many students the claSsO0m'is the QI@ place soon." they feel wmfatable PVMlugh to ask qu&m and "...but now nobody can stop the wsnr, it's like the -Rachel Horbeek slum their thoughts with their peers. world's coming to an end. Teachers at Brackemkde Elmenthy are trying to People in Iraq wanted war. They were dancing up and meet the COB md qhisnns of their students with down. factual information, says Hotston. Now it's over." "I€ the war is a long war, I want it to be an air-to-air "When you get information fbm the vi& media you --lRand~gChemrt war so not as many-men and women die. Iraq has fired don't get the historical context and that's where teach- lots of missiles at Tel Aviv." ers become valuable [6ecauseJ &ids won't necessarily --Daniel Lqpn do [the research] for themselves." "...Ihope all the people in the war come home safe Hotston says schools come somewhere in between the and dive after the war is ove~." inkmation students receive from the media and that -Mojdeh Rmeshni which they receive at home. 'A couple of weds ago my &er Kate wrote a letter "SchOQlscome in between tQ sort ?hh@out". to Brian Mulroney. She told' me part of ha lettes and As a mdt, students may sometimes nx~ha bvel of she said h~ ad~ttezways handle there to war. I undemanagtkat their own parents don't havethecp 4 don't like war at all! The last time I watched the "I think thew isn't very smart because $0 numy p -f *in theit busy lives to obtain. ple die in a day. It isn't appmpriate. I heard that Cana- miis, the war wsheaded to theleft." EIe~en-ym-~ldNajOt Kang Of SQUamish Ekmm dians am fighting too. Iraqui boaps say they've blown --Vh.glnia Mshaits writes: "when will it CVQ stop? When will ttre wld up 5Oplanes. I don't think they did." ever realize war doesn't solve anything. When will -James Rothwell childtear stop losing parents because of war? And par- ents losing children?" "It will never stop unla people make it. I thought war was over on Nov. 11 Remembrance Day. Isn't it supposed to be over then?" Naja's classmate Mojdeh Rmeshni adds, "I don't believe that a war solves mything becaw dl it does is bring more problems to the world. .. I think tbat there was mother way to find a solution."

wodd like to thank everyone for all the flowers, sympathy cards & fd..We were over- whelmed with your kindness & support to us in the passfig of our Dear Son and Brother, Dean. A specid thanks to Lyle iiixuis of Hinds Fmd & Memorial, The Church Of JesusChrist of Later Day Mts,those who helped with the setting up at the civic centre, md tk wcmn whobmught food ~d organbed the tea. Ah thankyouallfors"naringyoupmemriesof Dean with us, and know that you've helped kim live on in our hearts Sinmly Dan, Marilyn


When your aging fridge finally quits, B.C.HysrO will rebate you $50 on the purchase of an energy- saving one. It's a mow htwill ?aweyou ash. Up front. And dmthe mad, with sigdkant savings on

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AND ENTER.TOWIN: 1 Night Accomodation for 2. at Chateau Whistler Resort

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For only $8.W (GS included), send a Valentine message to your girlfriend, byfriend, husband, wife, hss, or the girl next door. On Tuesday February 12/91,the classified pages will have a s+ section for Valentine greeting. Design your own special message with the Art Elements available for your chance to win one of these super prizes. The most original Loveline wins the Grand Prize, all other enhies willbe eligible for a Random Draw for prizes A to E. )25 words or less, .25 each additional word (All lovelines must be prepaid.)


The lovely Valenhes Me5 are donated and sponsored by Chateau Whistler Resort, La Fiesta, Squamish Jewellers, Bavarian Restaw rant, Workwear World, London Bay, Gsnribaldi HigWander Hotel & The Squaxnbh Times. ~ropofyourva2entine *essage at THE TIME§ OFFICE 38031 3RD AVENUE, SUITE 218 Pw.16- Tuesday, January 29, 191 - The SquamisJI Tiones

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-. 0 . Aaes f& farwcads 4..ness. We want btalkto you to tive pian for. bkmases to op Avenue ... &id that way parking borists corne in and examine had a0 pull our homs in a lit- brrckwd tlrrough hqfa 'tr~and miniiniZe he Bierateby mg'the-st h- will double?" asked one person the trees ad tiley found that tle," said Mdhedy. just over a decade it wcslib tiom =#or bitinto some- evitabk six-week'cansrtructisn attending themeeting. quite a few are dead or dying. Question followed question a revitalhation pgrm fa thingpositive." * 'We boked at that but al- And the healthy maples me just and by .the end of the hed- downtown Smhwill fi- Themtractforthec6mstx~~- htead, ~sh~wexe though it's g& for trac in the wrong place ((I explained btad thae was very little &a- dy get wcompIisM. tiaphase of &e &-n;ae-- fielded on .the plan itself d flow, it's not good for the last McCreedy. logue from the landom d Landowners, merchants anif v-n h alreddy on possible altmptivm that businesspenon in the right 'Why not extend the pject merchants &out how business .- . the gejleraI public were invited s&toh'to WbEc mder. might be implemented in order hand comer who gets the last one more block down to in- is going to operate when the: htW&dy night to the .And to either make it &e atrrab buck,'' explained Dave Stewart, clude the block that the R~yd construction crews tea0 up chbof ammace repre- Hudson come6 mb? It host trees, sidewalks and sweets. sktative on the committee. . seeans like an mcmplem @- s-g w. MccIeady "Are the trees on Cleveland ject," asked yet another mter- asked those in atteadance to' going to be aalren out? I think estedparty. think hut wbt the business we'll miss the trees in bloom 'With the expense and cost of community can Bo Do make tlhe Chieftain Hotel to start in- pected to' come forkad when spring comes around," such 4 project we were adverse construction phase as easy as f'odng themselves about the its recorndons on the asked another member of the to hging it into Victoria possible. statui of the project and how tract by Feb. 19 and will give . "Is it possible to hade one forum. Street m &is phase. Membeas "Maytw we'll Rave one more the effects of the constructian the go ahead to the contractor down Cleveland 'We've had professional ar- on the conmiwe felt that we meeting." by the first week of Mmh , ...... ;.,. . _..... <,,.I... .

.. ... ,. i

.. .. ; ......

.;, '. ' ......

women come forward for counselling. 'It really shows the need is there," said Carol Ward-Hall, EMW coordinator. "You know that for every one who comes, there's thirsy to forty more who ire scared to call or come.'@ , With Ward-Hall that thy was Rcnata A&& who .will be the ongoing counseUor during reg- ular sessions at the VSWC 'of- fice on Second Avenue., -a%e vexy. approachable w well trained ,in listening aizd ~vocacycomseXig" -- they won't hry to push women into a decision they're not ready to .. make, but they will pvide


breakthrough pmgrarn.

bctwsftl thrae weelts a month, Burir.g which time they

imnhg to the house ate chil- dten. ': '!Children can ,get lost in the shuffle - you'dthose peo- .to th0

5. Ward-Hall ~tdthrt in SO pa csnt of cases where a wife kphysidy dnmd,thirsati;rse will ,eventwuy turn OQtO the childra IbgrrcucSrs, she said, every child is affected by the dweof li par+ often bting a lifatime and barPing to an 'cuxgptd' cycle of abw in Mi own Me.

:horns. . I. 1dgaUy;'the Howe Sound. For information on the meetings nearest you, pleas@ Women's Centre and Emily Murphy House would like to I. *. Call 1-800-663-3354 see a trao\sitiOn house lacatcd , ,* . 1.'? hem ill Squarmish, and both are wo*i to encourage thia con- cept*

J, ,

b .1


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I 'i:W @l"ANGEL IBI: ?ME :m *WRSU~TTO AL- &MI "THEY WERE EX- 6237 813% "'DWAC1%M'S PEP4DArSI.F' ( 1945) Rob- .DAUGHTER" (19361 G!o- PlNAkGMAPTER" (1388) GIIEWS' (1345) Basil Reth- ~- ~ Mitxi Kapture, Meud bone, Nigel IBrorcs. Sherlock e~ Montgomsry, John ' ria Holden. Otto Kruner. ' With olio hdp of her siniiter Adams. A wengefui Angel Hdms and Wata0t-i br~@ FEBRUARY 3,1899 Wayne. The-bombing of JANUARY 30,1993 Pearl Hehrgiprss a fleet of mtlnmrvant, a beautiful Ba- hits the streets of Mo!ly- pAwa circumstances in ardor to restor0 an Ewaern PT hats the long-awaited vatjen, caun@ss:&&p-the . emd ekerLhersister is ab- opvfiuniq to prove their AFU3hNSON '- bhaod of English' streo- ducted by a white s!awofy heir to his rightful throne. walkers in this sequel to ring. "FEAR SS,"mE KW' WOszlu. %:W gs "%HAWING WI- "Drercufa." 1:a rn "PRWEC? r' 73) wry Ht3wman, ArnEWRIOOM CHARD" (1988) Ed Mari- (19e7) Matthew Brscdarick, Suq Kendall. Members of nara, Eileen -Davidson.. 1:W %ATHERRIME'@ tkh Hunt. A grounded Air a gang leasn a prospective 1:W "DAW OF Three women devise a plan (1975) Art Carmy, sissy Farce pilot's reassignment . member is a deepsea re- HEAVEN" .( 1978) Brooke to share the affections of Spacek. A teen-dge heires9 to a spacial training pro- covey expert and demand Adams, Richard Gtrre. Three youthful migrant . the recently divorced plas- gFm involving chimpan- ' ha pilot a hijacked bathys- tic surgeon they've all been xees forces him to examine ghere. workers see a potential dating. the ethics of using animals "THROW MOMMA gold mine when th6y seek for militafi purposes. . FROM THE TRAIN" employment at the vast IANDE - EVENING (1981) Barry. Epsrwick, 2:09 8 "INTIMATE (1987) Danny DeVito, Billy spread of a wealthy wheat Bersis Khrrmbatta. A group AGONY" (1983) Anthony Crystal. DeVito made his farmer. CONSTRUCTION 8:OO a "THE CANUNOM- of technologically superior Geary, Robert Vaughn. A feature directorial debut BALL RUN0' (1981) Bun mercenaries battles the young doctor risks his car- with this tale 00 a timid man EVENING QUALITY BUILT Reynolds, Farrah Fawcett. forces of a tiny military dic- eer to defy a conspiracy of who involwes his writing A strange mix of people oetarship. si!ence and warn the public teacher in plans to do away 6:OO Q "BRAZIL" (1985) CUSTOM HOMES compete in a coast-to 1:N "STITCHES' about a dangerous out- with his overbearing hag of Jonathan Pryce, Kim & RENQVA?IQNS coast race, doing anything (1986) Parker §tevenson, . Greist. Terry Gilliam's ac- Geoffrey Lewis. Three break of herpes in a resort a mother. (Postponed from to vrin. town. an earlier date) Iln Stereo) claimed story of an unam- , Werls08em medical students .stage. a bitious civil servant who 12:37 .."DRACULA" variety of outrageous - 2:46 gS. "THIEF OF 11 io0 B) "ISHTAR" (1987) MPthshotV6 (1931) Bela Lugosi, Helen . pranks at their medical col- HEARTS0'(1984) Steven Warren Beatty, Dustin ' escapes the tiarsh realities Chandler. The legendary of a totalitarian future with whBotkrma8 lege in a misguided effort to Bauer.____ . Barbara Williams. Hoffman. Two terminally frequent daydreams. vampire leaves his Trensyl- ' After looting an opulent untalented nightclub per- . ' vanian homeland for the force their dean into early Phone Ray at retirement. San Francisco home, a bur- formers get caught in the blood-rich shores of Eng- I I glar discovers he ps- crossfire when their agent 892-9310 *--! land in this adaptation of ZOO e #'BARBARIAN, QUEEN" (1985) Lana ; sessei the secret~diariesof books them in the war-torn . or932-n37 the Bram Stoker novel. a frustrated married Middle East. 1:OO Q1) "THE LONG Clerkson, Katt Shea. Three' medieval Amazons take on woman and impetuously 12:3O 4B "SUN CHILD" 1 WAIT" (1954) Anthony, the vyarlord who razed their sets out to fulfill her fanta- (1988) Twiggy, James Quinn, Charles Coburn. An sies. Fox. A young 'girl's heart amnesia victim discovers village and captured their men. 3:OO 8) "I, THE JURY" begins to break observing that he is accused of mu7- (1953) Biff Elliot, Preston her parents' crumbling der and robbery. Foster. Based on the novel marriage. "SAKHAROV" (1984) by . Mike 1:OO 8) "BLOOD 'SIM- Jason Robards, Glenda Hammer sets out to avenge. Jackson. Follows the Fife of PLV (1984) M. Emmet the murder of his best . Walsh, Dan Hedaya. A Andrei Sakharov, the re- friend. nowned nuclear physicist woman has an affair with from the Soviet Union who her husband's employee and sparks a fatal chain of n invented his country's hy- drogen bomb. events. 2:lO "PREDATOR" FEBRUARY 1,1991 1:lS Q "THE MISSION- (1987) Arnold Schwar- ARV" (1982) MichaBl zenegger, Carl Weathers. Palin, Maggie Smith. In Vic- While on a mission to find torian London, an Anglican missing government oper- EVENING clergyman fresh from Af- atives in Latin America, a FEBRUARY 2,1991 rica is assigned to head a military rescue team falls 7:M' PI "THROW slum mission for fallen victim to a powerful, Ln- dONIIIIO&- FROM THE women with the fiiancial I seen enemy. TRAIN (1987)Danny De- support of his amorous by 3:OO Bp "WHEELS OF Vio, Billv Cwstal. DeVio nefactress. FIRE" (1985) Gary Wat- made his-featkedirectorial EWENING "HARDCORE" kins, Laura Banks. .Three debut with this tale of a (1979) Gectrge C. Scott, adventurers in a post- timid man who involves his - 61:~ #'INDIGO AU- Peter koy~e.A concerned ammi apocalyptic arld join writing tedrin plans to TUMNO (1988) Lisa father leaves the peaceful forces to re a young do away wi@ his overbear- Schrage, Marc Singer. A surroundings of his home ing hag of a mother. town to search for his woman kidnapped by an recently widowed musician ~ evil barbarian. 800 BD "THE BIG SLEEP" finds herself attracted to an daughter, who has become JEFFCYR (1946) Humphrey Bogart, dder man. heavily involved in a big- Lauren Bacall. Private eye .8:80 0 "SON OF THE cit pornography racket. Philip Marlowe uncovers MORNING STAR0(1991) 1:d 0 "BABYCAKE§' blackmail and murder when . ( 1989) Rii Lake, Crab Appearing Wed.Jan. 30 to Sat. Feb..2 .;' (Part 1 of 2) Gary cde. Ro- he becomes invohrgd with mnna Arquette. Premiere. Mer.Frustrated in love, a wedthy wamn and her Gen. George Armstrong a londy, overweight mor- JANUARY 31,1991 uncontrollable sister. Custer raks his men tuary worker embarks on a 1O:OO 0 "FORTUNE AND against a large gathering of tireless campaign to win a MEN'S EYES' (1971) Ambrican Indians in'* young man's hsab. wendsw Burton, Michel fact-based account d the 200 "'JINXED!'' (1982) . EVE~ING' Grew. After his parents chismatic cavalry offi- Bette Midler, Rip Tom. A turn him in on a marijuana cer's fateful stand at Little singer talks an unlucky cas- 8:OO b "FIRST MONDAY charge, a young man strug- ino dealer into helping her IN OCTOBER" (198 1) Jill gles to cops with the bm- do sway with her obnox- Clayburgh, Walter Mat- ' tality and degradation of ious boyfriend. thau. Based on the play by prison lie. Charldtte Rampling. An al- Jerome Lawrence and Rob- 12:M 0 "RACING WITH coholic Boston lawyer pulls 3:09 I) "INVISIBLE ert E. Lee. A liberal Su- THE MOON" (1984) Sean himself togsther to bring an preme Court Justice Penn, Elizabeth McGovem. ENEMY0 (1938) Alan . unpopular medical mal- Marshall, Tala Birell. Inter- clashes with the first fem- In late 1942, just before practice case to trial ale member of the nation's he's scheduled to leave for against strong opposition national crook attempts to I gain control of important . . WDNESDAY NIGHTS highest court. boot camp, a teen-ager by the courts, the arch- 9:OO 0 "SERPICO' from the wrong side of the diocese and. his own British oil fields. (1973) AI Pacino, Tony tracks falls in love with the clients. 8 "ALLIGATOR SPORTS- PRIZE Roberts. Based on the true new girl in town. 0 "OVERDRAWN AT SHOES' (1981) Garry story of Frank Serpico, an 12:37 0 "SON OF DRA- THE MEMORY BANK" Bonis, Ronalda Jones. The undercover cop who sacrif- GUW' (1943) Lon Chaney . (1983) Raul Julia, Linda arrival of an attractive rela- iced his career and per- Jr., Louise Albritton. A Griffiths. A futuristic story tive precipitates a crisis in a sonal safety to expose wi- mysterious stranger named in which everyone is a num- close-knit Acadian family despread corruption in Count Alucard puts the bite ber in a computer memory living in Toronto. New York City's Police De- on plantationowners in the bank. partment. I Deep South. Valleycliffe 892-5955




News News News Mews 'I PWTYM& Dorrah~e ,H& "81uslt: M- hpd JmRiv- CEdh NWS RocMord 12;8K&n.t&i&l Cleseru. I) II son 'I Your &I The Topcardl OuruveS en Demons/ News Files

Hospital InnovabknComg. Factsllife U-Bwns Sport

:OO MarketPI, ROSWM Heatd Movie: Me: Movie: Am,&- Ener&W Circuit" Heatof Motorcy- Biography Nashvi#e Ngws Show Metrqpo#s Vmp sdence"JI ..-Y 9:30h an Alive coac~ NM "sea of "sea of "seaof perrence t I 'I NQM deRaclng I' Now I' Rgcall anc0" :OO National thirty- Law&&- Wil Love" Love" ViGW Hunter Topcops Dr Rac- Clara I' sprtsNite Davidhet. hPoht Newsl Arsenio 10:30 Journal something der \ TV, EconOmy 'I Bradbury iw%HRA 'I Crook Golf temuur L'HeureG MI I1 II :ooNews News News Eyeson Sigkolf Arsenio SpMsP.Sports Mhur Country Arsenii Costas " Taxi w 11:3ONewhart Nightline TonigM CTV News CTV the Prize HI U.Tonig!t Snow- Mil&- Time Hall Trialwatch Movie: Hunter -"StarTrek :OO Kate-Nlje Intothe Show 'News America News MacNeil/ -- Paidhog. DavidLet- NHL MaryWil- SignSn Geor Hews "Tousen Gen. 12:so Princess- Ne DavidLst-General Magnum, Head Lehrer Paidfbg.terman Hockey: son "& Magnum, scene'' TwiliiZ. Personelit. Costas Obat 81unt-4th Twil.Zorre TalkShow :00 Across Reming- temn Hospital P.I. Japan "WIU Moon Ris- P.I. 11 1 :3Q '* ton steele Penny" Bruins Man ing"

900 8 "SON OF WE ii:30 e ~WIACLES~ rallies his men against a 300 6 "MAE 12:30 "BLACK 'MOON MOpNING STAR" (1 99 1) (1986) Tom Conti, Teri large gathering of Ameri- (1 982) Ann Jillian, James LeeRISINO" Jones, (1Linda986) Hamihon. Tommy (pait 1 of 2) Gary Cole, Ro- mrr. It seems like dwirm in- can Indians in this fact- Brdin. A fact-based chroni- sann8 Arquette. Premiere. tervention when a surgeon, bawd account of the char- ck of the legendary sex A burgfar attempts to re- Gen. George Amstrong spirited away to Latin FEBRUARY 4,1991 ismatic cavalry officer's ' symbol's cmr and per- trieve grand jury evidence ' Custer rallies his men America by a pair of bum- fateful stand at Little Bigh- sona~life dom her days in hidden in the trunk of a fu- Ming crooks, atrives in time om. IJ vaudeville through her turistic automobile stolen 1237 0 "THE VIR- many successes on Broad- b carthkves. to save an Indian chief's 800 0 "NEVADA daughter from appendici- GINIAN" (1929)/ Gary way and in Hollywood. 12:57 0 "THE PRINCESS tis. SMITH"* (196d) Steve Mary Man. 'A COMES ACROSS" McQuesn, Ksrl Allddsn. In- w's fateful stand at Little fdlowr dre dic- (1936) Car& Lombard, * spired by MMdd Robbins' Fred MocMurray. A young * Bighorn. (In Stereo) p tes of his conscience in 130 9 "THE MIND OF ' povpl, '!The, Carpatbag- .bringing a cattle rustler to girl finds mystery and rom- 0 ~~0000MORNING, MW. SOAMES" gers." A young man sets ance aboard a luxury liner (1970) to avenge the brute1 MW. FEBRUARY 601991 VlETPUM" (1987)Robin Terence Stamp, Robert art :oo.0 WROP-~~ when she passes herself Wfflims, Forest Whitaker. Vaughn. When a man murders of his parents. a FATHER" (1982) Dick off as a Swedish rincess. 1986 Saiiis the setting emerges from a lifelong .9:W 0 "SON OF' THE Van Dyke;M&tte Her: EVENING i:w e "wiu IENW for this bct-baaed account state of suspended anima- MORNING STAR"' (1 99 1) My. A middbaged man (1968) Chsrttm Heston, of ?he exploits of brash tion, he struggles ta sur- (Pan 2 of 2) hrye, iio- leaves Ms advertising job Joan Hackett. An aging ' Amd Farces Radio Net- vive in an adult world with senna 4rquetPe. Prgmiere.. and mves to I loft apm- UQO.WIT" e wtom(1986) CIW-Alb cowboy meets a lovely w 'work dsc jockey Adrian the mind of en infant. Ggn. George Amstrong ment with his youngest Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg. pioneer and eroorns paths Cuater mMs his DRen - deufhter when the mst'of A bolt of lightning brings an with a demented preacher -aim Ilarge gathering of the lamily reMsagainst his . experimental robot de= whib eemt'!ing for work in decision. 1880~mt8n8. 2:W QBO "JOAN QF Ameiican. Indiana in this I signed fgr defense use to PARIS" (1 842) Michele fm-bsed amolmt of the 4) "AL THAT JAZZ" 2:lO 8B "EUMINATORS" Morgan, Paul Henreid. Dur- charismatic cavalry offi- (1979)Roy %bider, Ann tisbEeli,cssrnplete appetite with for an know- inss- . (1 986) Patrick Reynolds, ing World War 11, a devoted cer's fdlttpful stand at LittJe &inking. A popular ledge. Roy Dotrice, A former pilot French girl puts her life on Bighorn. (In Stereo) direcoor-chonographer's 9:80 8*"$EA 85 LOVE" seeking rewwon the evil # the line so that Briiishpilots "16 LW#S 68 UD fast life @kes a physical (lW9)Ab Pacino, El!en Rer- genius who transformed may escape from. the grip KUTHE MARIA HAN- and emotional toll as he 811- kin. A Manhattan cop bo- him into a helf-man, half- of the Gestapo. SOM STORY" (19919 tempts to stage a Brad- comes romsntically in- machine brings togsther an Cheryl Pollak, Dale Midki. way musical by day and volved with a murder unusual ' &sortment of Premiere. A fact-based ac- edit his latest movie by suspect who selects male characters. 2AO Q "MISUNDER- count of New York model night. 3:OO (b "TERMINAL STOOD" Gene victims from the personal CHOICE" (1985) Diane (1984) Marla Hanson's ordeal af- l:Qo c) "RAISINO AM- ads. (In"SEA Stereo) OF q LOVE" Hackrnan, Henry Thomas. ter a spurned admirer hired ZONB" (1987) Nicoles a Wenora, Ellen Barkin. An in- lr After the death of his wife, vestigation into the alarm- two thugs to attack her and Cage, Holly Hunter. When a ( 1389)AI Pacino, Ellen Bar- a shipping magnate based scar her face. (In Stereo) smalt-time cibok and his ing increase of a clinic's pa- 9 kin. A Manhattan cop be- tient death toll points to in Tunisia becomes more QSB "SON OF THE MORN- ex-police officer wife leem comes romantically in- and more absorbed in his ING WAR" (Pan 2 that they can't have child- foul play with the hospital's (1991) volved with a murder computer network. work leading him to neg- of 2) Gary Cob, Roaanna ren, they decide to relieve a suspect who selects male lect the needs of his young Arquette. Premiere. Gen. locd fmmHy of one of their victims from the penzonal sons. .,, ~ . George Armstrong Custer infant quints. ads. CJ ,-

Mathew Carey is the Squamish Times carrier of the LOGS month. Cmy has seen his route in the Judd Road area swell 00 73 papers in the thfee years since he began deliver- ing the Times. HEM/BAE,.FIR, CEDAR In his spare time the 13-year-old Brackendale Sec- mday School student rides dirt and mountain bikes. He also likes to get up in the mountains to do some skiing. Carey said he'll never forget delivering his papers BWNG STATION during the last cold t@l. WEST-BARR DRY LAND SORI The dedicated cmployee took it upon himself to se- FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL cure down all 72 of his papers so they wouldn't blow away in the storm. He said he was so cold he could hardly move his fingers. But Cmy said he enjoys the money idea of 886-7033 and the only having to deliver once a week rather than every (GIBSON'S)

THANK YOU w I We wish to extend our heart felt thanks and appreciation for all the kindness and support shown on the CAR recent loss O~QWhrly ldMother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother Rosie Lindsay. The support and curing Will of The Hospital Staf and her many friends was 'II POOLERS mmhclming. And although we can not nume you all Spring here you have a.very special place in out hearts. Free Ad applies to classification #20 "Car Pooling" only. begin on- ~ 3 LINES FOR 2 ISSUES PRINT YOUR MESSAGE Feb. 2? AND COMPLETE COUPON PROVIDED I For your convenience mail the coupon to: SEA TO SKY Let's hope we don't have my VimeaBox 220 sunshine on Saturday so if the Box 449 pesky pdogdpoes come Squarnish, B.C. Whistler, B.C. out he won't see his shadow. VON 3GO VON 180 since WintRS statedso early ktfall we don't want to pro- long it my mom than neces- sary, md if it iii cloudy and he Cdt Bee his &&w that will mean &ai wirpaep is over. Wewe don't have any pdophere (they are an eastem .animal) if my little animal popped its head out of a hole in this kind of weather, he should pop it right in again Name unless he's quite st~mge M I extraordinarily fmy. 1 Address At my rate he hopefully I city Postal code won't IHX his shadow and sping cm come'as early as it I Phone wants to. --ROW Tatlow The Squamish Times - Tuesday, January 29, 1991 - Page

, When a group of fiends md re~~vesgathered at the homo o€Cmle Aam an Jan. 12, thr: guests of hmw were Sham Ghyad her baby ~8n(Bm- d~n,*whows bonr to ShmR and Brim Gikoy on Dec. 24. Dmns of the Seafo~Highlandexsof Canada The co-hostess at the baby and Princess Patricia's Light hfan'ky Regi- shower was Judy Ryan. ment Band will perfom. Ticket prices e Special guests included $13 to $18 (Service chg& and GST not in- gmndmo@ers Lmaine~Orant. cluded) and are available at TicketMaster Rosemsxie Rossa and Marion outlets at 280-4444, Tixee-douar discom Gilroy. coupons are available at TickMastet outlets. Weather cooperating, etc., George and I m other pests in t.mndan= plhgto take m the concert. were: Glydia O'Neill, Heath * * * McDonald, Hecather Sidsworth, Stork st~rg-piuBBARD--A btchild, Claire Mia, Christina Mus- JQV~ hton was Guy selwhite, Leslie Connors,_ Guy born ,to and Pavinder Mhger, Susan Mariantle Hubbd in the Lim Gate Hospital Am WMch,. 6, weighing 10 lbs. on. The proud Heidi on Dec. 6 Clauses, Jeannie grandpareslts are Berr and Susan Hubbad of Melanie Luca, Swank Grant, Wendy Sqdhand hank and Elsie Mchm of Roberts, H& Dwglas, Rasld.Mr. and Mrs. Owen Rqves, also of Aha Chinapen, Denise Im- Squamish, the pleased great gtas#iparents. are bes~and WdyAc~rn. Bran- ahe new psrents express thanks to B. Gar- don also received gifts frooln don Doyle, &. Skelly and the nursmg staff at Glenda Begley, Marian SqUamishUemberal HoMtaL Pennie Gail 8 6 Payette, McNutt, * ChYiStiansen, Brenda "he students of Howe Sound Secondmy Mwinger and Holly Takacs, School and Maxwell hddBaha'i who were unable to awead. School are co-sponsoring a panel discussion on the thane "Peace Though the Eya of Youth". You are invited to attend rat the Brackadale Art @allay on Rday night at 790p~kAdmission is free and reh&mts WillbeSerVed * 9 * . Fiftieth weddiplsl atmivm wishes to MI. and MS. N &g&m otr -8 w slpecial mnilerstano. eel** with family atldMeIdBwerehezdlastw~& * * * . *e :- The Eirostyle Ma spansared by CHOIGI&S hbl and Drug Coundhq Environmiental Youth Corps savice 8tiu ha# thee sessions to go. The tQpiC8 include addictionl vahres, spirituality preparing new projects ad family. The BC&S is held eachTuesday at 7 pain CHOICES'*board mom at 38019 Third Avenue. It is not necessasy to attend all sessions, which m Ptee or charge. Par more iddmcall 892-3655. as the outdoor ReCteatinn * * * Foundation of British St& S~OQ~WERS-TU~and Sherry ColmbiI4 are contrasted to Myers are pldto announce the bixth of coordinate thepmjects. their fint child, a daughter, Sharice Daniek, .weighing 5 Ibs. 13 ozs. and born in the Ens For job application fbms 01 Gate Hospital on Dec. 30. budgrrmdmoth- further infOrnti0~please see ers are Kay Beatch of Richmond and Norma your local cmada Employ- Hellsforth of Bumaby. MIS. Anne Schnek, ment Centre OT call the Envi- also of Richmod, is a thrilled great grand- l0nment Youth corps HQtline mother. Jim and Shary express tlmiks to Drl Judith Pothagill and the Squamhh Hospital staff for all *their kindness. * * &days me Over 50s Days at the Civic cwand thee we 8 ILumbtt Qf Crctidtim get involved in, incmg carpet bowling, pl, skating, and, if anyone is intmstd badmintan irs also available. Mat you friends and mighbom at 1:30pm.'hm in= terested m awaking pr0gr;llm are asked to bc at the Civic Centre at 10 a.m. on Tlnmdap, Ah- dddod fi- is held Wh Monday d,Wedncsday 950 b 10% a.m. For more iolformstion, call Carol at 898. 3604. 4 * * w*g dvagly wishes to: M. am MS.Pierre &miin, Ib8r. and h!h. Lea Campbell, MI. and m. sandy McQ.ss, ME atad WS.Itishi, M. and Mm. Is. Bowqua MP.md b.Chuck Rattmy, MI. and Ma Terry Nichoh md Mr. and Nas. Wsnald La& UliIpe. §qls9mDsh Pmtwoeeal * * * Pasfor: Rev. ENfn Fuhrman It's still ova a away, but boys 892-3680 we& anc Morning WMip II:W am. girls aged six to 18 and heir parats me ze Evening Worship 630 p.m. minded of registration for Howe Smd M Sunday School 9:45 am. nor Ball in the Civic Centre foyer on Feb. I and7 from *6 to 8 p.m. * * Calvary Community Church SINCE 1938 Sunday services ' 1030 am. It was good to meet former resident Dit@( civic Cenlm Whon last Friday. She and Don were i~ &30 p.m. town for a few days visiting eharlorte ana: Pastw Wayne hgard Walter Clarke, The WiSm now reside is 8962325 .- .. . .. e

Basic Beef adSauce 1large onion, minced 1 garlic clov% pressed and lnimced ' QUWBed stlropnofl 2tllarpsoil 2 kingasbasicbeef d sauce 1can(100z)kfconsonrme 1tberpbUm I/2 cup dry red wine or water 1/2 cup dicpxl Biersh mush- 2 tbps wor6es- sauce rooms lfl to 1/2 cup flow 1~lhetchup&chilisauCe 1QSalt .1- 1/4to1/2~dairysOur~ 1J4 osp salt to taste 2 lbs boneless chuck, pump sitlorn tip or stewing beef Thaw Bask Beef id Sauce. Oil for Melt bum m a small saucepan salt to taste QV~Zmedium heat. Add mush- Inheavy thfee-guartsauqan .rooms and saw until limp. or slow mker saute onion and carefully Stir baef and sauce adsauce. Blend m ke&hup or gdiC h tWQ tbsps Qid &Xl- into mudxoams. Blend in chili 8auCe. Heat fo der* Add COflsBnlme, wine a Thaw basic beef and'Ip.llrr-- ketchup ar chili sauce. Heat to tanpmtm Remove water md -Worcestershi~ Carefully mix with herbs, saving mnpezature. Remove hcat.Blauiinsour sauce. Slowly bring to a sim porn, and.fi0~'Vegeub~ pan from heat. Blend m SOW once. Add salt. W mer. ~na paper bag mix m a medium saucepa Heat ctcam all at once. Add sa&., torravine gently to a simma md cook warm slowly to saving tem- bii? Cont 'd on page 34

For a limited time, your Ford and Mercury dealers are offering . FESTIVA AT $7,795: five vehicles for under $lO,osO each. The fuel-efficient Festiva L offers a choice of six individual striping TEMPO ORTOPAZ packages at no extra cost. AT $9,995: MNGER AT $9,99§.* With air and automatic, the . The stylish Ranger Custom 4x2 (with option 2-door L models (with option package 7904comes with a packages IOlA and 331A) give 2.3L EFI engine, tachometer, and your dollar a lot of pull. much more. ESCO#B AT $9,995: Consider ail this another example of The LX 2-door is distinctively styled, technologically how Ford and Mercury dealers are working sophisticated, and well powered with a 1.9L EFI engine. hard to stretch your dollar.

The Squamish Times - Tuesday, January 29,1991 - Page 27 , . . I . , . , ......

...... _......


"he Overwaitea-spon- sored Howe Sound Minor Hockey League Peewee team came home victori- ous &om the North Shore Winter Club's house jam- boree,-beatingmany Lower Mainland and Stiqbine Coast teams to We all know that the Canucks Although the Canuck mm- take,the gold. are having a tsmble season, agement has tried recently to even by their loi~lystandards. improve the defence, it will take far more than two new de fencemen to improve the goals against, It takes commitment from the forwards to backcheck consistently. By far the two worst.culprits on the team are the gruesome two- "he Howe Sound Minor fmal score was 6-3 for to win this game, as Howe There are hundreds of possi-' some of Dan Qykn and Trevor Hockey Association peewee Howe Sound. Sound's effort m pulling the ble reasons why the Canucks Liden These two guys act goalie for six attackers fell are so bad. But because lists tern iame home victorious The second gcume like Lemieu and Grew, but &om the North Shore Wmta iVdg saw Nswc short. With an air of contro- cnre so popular these days I play like Moe aid Curley. Club house jamboree held Jan. versy surrounding the game the ing goalie, tucking one up high thought that this format would 4. Team Identity qn nn a loss tQ Qverwaitea team hoped for an- in the b&k of the net. give me the perfect opportunity Who are these guys anyway? other crack at the North Delta ta tallied their see to tell you what I think are the They certainly can't be called team but had to settle for a 3:44 of the third on top reasom the Vancouver an offem type of team. They loss. with Howe Sound Canucks are having such a bad are not overly tough, disci- LThiSprOVedtO Year. plined, defensive minded or As NSWC had one point and be the iiit goal. any other positive attribute. I a game-on-hand (Sechelt), the A jubhant group of parents Delta getting ;he first and 1. Hands of Stone guess you could call the team Howe Sound squad advanced It seems as though the entire young and inexperienced. .?ames/izurpentaking them to a to the finals even if NSWC did received theii gold Their fist game Saturday was 2-6) lead in the smnd period. Canucks team, with the pqssi- However, to me, having lots of ag-t the Sechelt squad, who not capture the elusive two ble exception of Trevor Linden rookies on your team mem had the advantage of the A goal by NSWC at 11:48 in pointso The points were tied and Greg Ah,were born that the veterans you had the largest individual player size the second macle it 2-1, but a and goals against for How@ with hands only a carpentex yeat before must have been were already one goal with Adam Ryan by far. Sechelt stnrclr; first at goal by defenceman Jonah Sound possible be- could love. The-amount of in- pretty bad- 1001 the first but a Qaig made it 3-1. NSWC replied fewer, regardless of a win and close chances the Canucks m ht-out the Club Hdiiciay /Jason James combi- two lninum lam and then by Winter miss is astound in^. The players 5. The Ghost of Redkew nation at 9:38 soon tid it up. again in a further two minutes, quad- who best typify this poblem am Street - A little over two minutes latea to tie the game ut 3-3. A Jim Sandlack and Dsn Quinn. This is my-errpkplsrtion as to A,* Johnmursiere ad Jamie scoreless third period saw Going into the finals, the why the Vancouver Canucks Jdcombined the ,so-ahead some €hoprtmities, saves .North Delta team were the fa- 2. Dump and Chase have been so tarible for so an8 last god of the@st p'epiod! and near-goals, 1 both teams v&tes, Although they were Even on the power play the myyeclls. It 8emU 8s though had to settle for a tie. sore from collisions, the play- Canucks'continue to dump the whatever they do (aad the cur- one goal by the Squdsh opposition zone, tent managemmt haa mulo quad a tietac-toe play in Returning Sunday moming er~refused to quit. Scoring puck into the an strategy work if quite a few trades ova frontof thesecheltnet, diaw a fa an 8 am game, the opened at 1414 with a wicked Tiis can the good rlap.shot inside the post short- forwspds you have are tou& the *t thres and a half years) t team &Ort Lewis, depleted by h s;n- squad WI dead enough get they still get nowhero. It all tatre the tollpl~ersduetoone~as.side by James, fohwed by a d to Jmnes &.Haw - - ._ p~sionofbme puck is bfom the start of score to 3-1. top come3 wrist shot by This started back Lwomiere. North Delta got mw tb6 Cmmk for- the 1960-71 when the aaiinto the t3sird, Sechelt oneback going into the IcbcQII[) wads obviiudy adt &le op carmcks lost a coin toas d tallidat 953,OIIC goal behind. pniad.ThisprovadtobetRa to do. Stan Smyl ~MS 8ubsaquently, oiPadt ..-q$47 ' A sqwnbh goal by Haday decisive period I&f- been mqud th~Cmuck orga- to the Bufllrlo Sahs. This md Jonah at R56 in the third, Hunm rushed in, misted by 8hhtiOn bo lwrg now that curse not dybrings bad luck put what proved to be the win- Jalnm, to pItt a by he go&& the pk is jU8t 8 to the team, but it twns far- 2 nuinto the net party-two E- "I& was the wimz. A neat nrtrtnl.=tion evay time b medy productive players-- inb OIKb lam, secheh cllosed dvpassw-i=to touches it. rim sidlacb. withinone god to makc it 4-3. Jmea xucketcd by m umus- bthalf 1 minute latex II~W pOctine@heAnothstStUhI tbm~gdfromBfly WM &kt3 @ Feather- LqmlddLscouroierqllamcr oteme/Hmm who mght tRe {end Billy P- and w&flappine &~intothethinJpsaJod sports figur@8 nominated for Hall Of Fame

.- ... . , " I c. 'L. ... . ,.


.. .. _. .. I . .. , ". .. , ...... ' ,I:. . . .-


has seen. goaltendefs receive a The Hdckey Centre CIinic is For $25 Claire Macdonarld 30-minute intense training ~es- designed primarily to improve Byw sion during which they,try to goaltending d.sho0ting tech- ~ -. Reporter - The Ems niques. irasm& Doug beat 300 pucks. For an extra $5 'As 4, they take home a video Cole said,,@'Notepxyone wants Can en- tobe in& but they dl something af a sports media face and a shooting machine abkg them to keep a pm- that is capable of hurling the mnt of heix PS~S. . want to be the best that they celdxity in the past couple of mmrd , mFAMILY OR FRIENDS canbe." months. The exposure has been puck at the g~alieat-the fate of The cost of a lesson for a for- .) great fox business .,and the 8Omph. ward is $15. . I_ TAKE TIME OUT AND,HAVE FUN. Local- _- rinnette-w coach and hockey referee, Ross Teich- PUBLIC OR LEAGUE TIMES man, saw Cole inmtion at the Hockey Centre hi Richmond, AVAILABLE \

and invited him to Squamish to CALL FOR INFO. ~ she his :expertise with some 892-6566 of the local players. Cole is a former collegiate goaltendex and 'is the head goaltending insmtox at the Okangan Hockey School. Alth~ughthis pject is his b&y, and W O& been OF- ating cat Ml CapFity for a Sound Minor Hockey would like 00 month, Cole has barn working the folowing Businesses for their donations te the with goalies for 11 years. Re Teen Dance held on Jan. Id% Cole said he has been work- ing on the idea of a specialized training centre for a few months, idthough the notion Howe.Ssund Silk Scmening Ltd. first cam) to hian"after he and Andy Moag made "Behind the Mask", a training .video for goalies, in 1987. There is only one othex goal- tending clinic in Canada. Cole said he adapted the clicfrom one in Calgary run by Doug A Howe Sound ringette player gains valuable experience in the net during the Dadswell, the Olympic goal- Hockey Centre Clinic.





RqistraUan limited to avaiiability of coaches Bring birth certificates if this is your first registratlon. For more information plaase call: 898-5682 .i 1991 REGiSTRATlON ClViC CENTRE LOBBY FEB. 6th and 7th 6pm to 8pm


I ,* ...... - ,. ..

---_ ___ Wednesdays-life drawing from 10.. a.m. to 1% MW at Bra&- week. Par more infodon pl.ease d 892-9031. nts under$1,000 no longer reported

or 89840a. . d' Fender benders that leave youryehcle with less than was i;ltroduced in 1981. !hY $1.0 damage will no longer quire a call to the po- Squamish RCMP Sgt. Rod Deaouin said the change lice. The level at which promdamage motor vehi- will likely reduce reportable accidents to the detach- cle--- accidents----_- - musi be repBrted,has been raised to ment by 30 per cent. "I think mt's a fairly =- $l,OOO from the cupnt ledof,$400. Motmyclm will number."^ now have a $60 minimum. He st~ssedthat regardless of estimated laoperty "Given the ;colrantcosts of vehicle repah, the present damage, hit and runs, and accidents rqdthg in injury reporting level of $400 k reflective of only the 'fender or damage to public m private pperty must be re bender' type of accident," said.Solicitor Genesat Ivan po1~3. Messmer in'a Jan. 18'news release announcing the The new $I,OOO figure is consistent with a recent m- Change. elution of the Canadh Council of Motor Transport IeBC data suggests that $400 damage to a vehicle no' Adminisgators' resolution that all provinces and tem- longer @presents significmt damage. The $400 limit tories~optauniformrepotinglevel.

DOWN ' 41 Chemical Fill in the missing letters in compound the "TV words" below. 1 In shat supply : 42 Miss - 2 Soprano Frieda - 45 Piquancy 3 Deleted 50 Writer Anais - 4 Mus. abbr. 51 Rock artist 5 Rink surface Brian - 6 Lowlife ACROSS 29 Calcium symbol 7 6@giin city @ Aeries 30 'I- Peepers" 9 mtouriier4 w 1 shown, with 9 31 Use tobacco .Across, she's 34 Standpoint Jacques Audrey on 38 One of the 10 Weldor9 brat "-' "Twin Peaks" Wipkeiis 0 1 Karate champ Chuck ' NQWrearrange the % -1 g see 1 Across- 39 Exchange 12 vex 93 Shod pa!WY? 43 Port of Algeria 21 52 cards 23 Writer Bornhk 46 *I- - Blue?" . 26 Charlotte and 47- Trenton's time Norma 28 Cubist Rubik 49 Short literary 31 Beetie 32 Co-star oi 54 52 Pub round Across 53 MIT graduate 33 "-Twist'' 54 With 55 Across, 35 "Hansel and -' 36 Went the route 3? Goes in 55 See 54 Across 40 Vacillate Times I Firamel for We proximately M,(Boo cubic meters spruce 0dy. pgone 8~~9 of fir and cedar Qncl. potential QT 8!H-3763 afecr 6pm. (4ji 29) poles and piling)-_ in the Pember- ton valley: captains bsd CLW mttresseJ A request for a bid package must Wbwd whkshelves base, include: two drawers. Photographic items -Company name and principal 8 or super 8 silent projer 40" OWnerS. .. screen film sdotor and'camtrar Compensation Board RENTAL OF CONSTWUCTIQN Cd 892-9123, (81 29) -Workers For sale Brotherkc styldter number. _" EQUIPMENT daiw-whal ~htir.four wheels, -Proof of ability to obtaim drfeedfor hbb, 37K buf; Limited Liability Insurance. fer, taltes nylon or film ribbons, Your request for a bid package The Ministry of Forests invites submissions to its extra ribbons. SMO.00 obo. must be\rdved by mail or fax Equipment Rental Submission List for the 1991-92 8W2237. prior to Febuapy 6, 1991. The lowest or any bid will not fim! year. Only those units listed will be used by For sale Kaypro 11 X computer necessarily be accepted. the kirest Regions and Districts when hiring with two 400 K drives, serial, send to: constnrction and maintenan& equipment on an parallel, iiud an unbeliewabk- Canadian Pacific Fqrcst Pro- hourly basis. The following types of equipment amount of software of every ducts Limited, P.O. Box 459, description. Completely por- 702 Memorial Avenue, Qualicum may be required: skiirs;dump trucks; crawler table. Weighs 20 lbo. All Beach, B.C. VQR 2TO. Fax: tractors; scrapers; front-end loaders; graders; . &anu&. 8922237. 752-3533, Attention: Allan G. MO@. excavators and backhoes; shovels and cram; pile For sale Si93W#w, driwing equipment; lock drilling equipment; m- ' baud modem, I Completely - 10 hsonrb paction equipment; miscellaneous heavy duty Hsyes-compatible protocol. construction equipment. * Have CPM or MS DOS tdecom - EYPNOANALYSIS& BO&=to 80 With it. 892-2237. HYPNOTHERAPY . TFN Can help many human problems. Renal rates will be requested if and when the .. Stress, smoking, weight control, equipment is required. 2tc. Call for brochure of services. Robert di. Egby, DHP, MIAH. T& 898-3351 (a-5) Interested eqiripment owners are invited to list their equipment, giving th$ fdbwing information:

Electric stove. Std. 4 burner. . ''0, Make, mobel, serial number, year and Good working cond. Antique Pregnant-And distressed?? attachmerits for each machine; business . yellow. Priced to sell. $85. call Call BIRTHRIGHT address, telephone number and Workets' 898-3265, (01 29) -free pregnancy'test -emotional and practical support CompensatierP number. ' totally confidental. Call BIRTHRIGHT 892-9329. Written submissions should be forwarded before IBM compatible AT286 cow loin. Craftmans radial a&'kw. (03 26) Februaw 28,1991 to: puter, 1 mega byte ktePnat Good cond. $400. Fid$'bll memory, 4OMB harddrive, 898-9219. (01 291,::;; While eating the food u love to f Roland, .Printer with several +*<: r eat, and lose the pounds and in- Manager, Engineering Section fonts, non-glare amber monitor ches u want. Call me now Timber Harvesting Branch wiii tilt ad swivel, -all cable 583-7004, (02 11) md IXIW incl. loaded' with Soft- Ministry of Forests ware, graphics programmes, 1I Bar sinass hrsonals 1450 Government Street ~pmd~het,&Ubme, word- Victoria, British Coiurrrbia promsmr, educational game, chess, brib, etc. 2yr. warranty Personal income tax. Small V8W 3E7 still in effect. 892-2237 or F~~ de: :;iPe &wave business smialist, help with 892-3406. '(lo oven. Blectrolux vacuum GST. Call "John %tchie CMA. cleaner. Both very good cond. 898-9264. (02 05) Call 892-1598 or 898445. (01 29)' -.-3. \ . 1 38145 2nd Am. * P.O. Box 1571 * Sqwmish, B.C. * VON 3G0

i. .

N-W. For deTan& IBM Compatible Garibaldi Highlands is the computer. 1000HX. Colour location of 'this totall! Monitor. Triple-ModeOTandy remodelled bi-level home, NLQ printer. Educational and Features updated carpets, new Applications software. All SEA m SXY pellet woodstove83 full baths. cables, manuals, and master DIAPER SERVICE The bo'nus is a bright 1 disks. Priced very msonably. -inexpensive bedroom nanny suite. Call Bill 892-2237. warmnty in effect. -contoured no folding to view. dhpm, *- (10 urn -waterproof jhts with velcr~ KALWANT S. closures(no pins Don'; Let This One Get Away naxwy) (BILL) BUN On a .scale of "1-1W this i Rainy Nwts! Tired of driving in -environmentally friendly R.I. (B.s.) m-328 bedroomLocation -mobile "10" provides, these du;k & rainy Mts? Break -baby wipe^ ' throw in Qhting technology, -soap buddie Cleanliness - "10" the only auxillary lights -*along : I . Landscaping - "10" specifically made for west coast Gift certlffcates available Room to roam - '"IO" wet weather driving. Contact CALL All this plus wdstove in Wire Mind Mobile Auto Electric 898-5738 family room. Beautifull) decorated updated kitchen, Super buy at a super price. 1-657-8145. For safety sakes. Coll Miyg.

(02 12) . I Lot on Vim Place MARC Desirable property on Hospital Hill quiel ' CANDY 2 Wanted to Buy, neighbaurhood, mostly 898-5282 . cleared vendor is willing tc IS YOUR GARBAGE ER(BdBY7 trade or build to suit Call We will rent it from you in Maureen for more details. Squmish or Whistler. Rec$red €or household goods, furniture, etc, Call 932-3265. (02 05)

7 Tenders . CALL US FOR .. CREE Canadian Pacific Forest 'Fro- PROFESSIONA 1 ducts Limited requests prcposals from Pemberton - Squamish log- MAUREEN ADVOCE ging contractors to harvirst ap- B~UNSDEW 8W5752 -yc The Squatnhh Times - Tuesday, January 29, 1991, - Page 31

? . ., . istry sf TranspaWon and Hlg HowSolJnd pMrid* .- g ks Hired Equipma i,.kit' and all pekons or companies, ' wishirag to hawe tkdr reitabkl equi excavattsrs, graders, rslstw,dcm icontact the BO$tricP Office at 169 Phone: 987-936 1. .-, nreas.. Previously Ilstd qulpment must 'be mrqlstered. New registr

.I are available at the District Office in North Vanc i3EFERENCE: Ql-7014 Cumnt policy will not permit the hiring of equip the Ministry. This Ministry will be hiring local eq d:t CLOSING BATE: 28 Fob. 91 pro]ects in the area. Dadline for reljlstratlon In the Dlstdct b March 15,1991. Details available from office of B.C. Hydro Purchasing Officer, 1265-HoweSt., Applicatilons received after this date will be added to the bottom of Hirbg priority ' lists, and consequently may not meive a share, of the available work; ' Suite 200, Vancouver, V6Z 2G8; 662 B.C. ?.M. FOnyth I

2577 or ,663-2560. Sealed tenders clearly , QIstrdctHlghwayrManagar . with reference number will be #owe Sound DMct

received in Room 226, address as above, Dated at North Vancouver, B.C. ' ntil 11 :OO AM on above closing dates. I.Ohis 21 st day of January, 1991.

35 Per:W333S Pager: .". *.'

. .. , . .-... . .a,. .. .. _,. , ._ . . .. ._..,_., , . ..%_.,.~ ".....%". ....-. L...... ~ ..'.' ...... c

.,...... , 53 Truck8

'72 Ford I250 custom black OR black 351.d.AT., PS, PB, new bop end rebuild. Reslene paint. New carpet, battery, tires, i985 Sumki bmk- Samurai, ing system, gas shocks, AM/W Adopt a pound dag-take home a 4x4 convertible audio VOX cassette, rear slider. friend for life. $98-541 1. 1978 Rabbit 4 door tune up and much 1979 Rabbit diesel 4 dwr Fresh more. (06 I2Tm $4508. Call 198429. (if N/A please leave message). (02 05) I avdablc for ' All cars thoroughly checked, Law Office Conveyancer am WESTPARK Am. 20 Car Pooling General Housekeeping DUks service and repaired. Spacious 1 bdrm W., 2 Conveyancer required for our %98-H12 '86 Chevy Sprint. Excel. cond. bdrm -- ~ ~ Resonable Rates Whistler office commencing 66,OOO km. No nkt. AM/FM $575., and lrg 3 bdrm $655 Working in Whistler must be Call 898-4011 DL 7186 suites, Includes beat, hot water, March 1, 1W1. Experience with (ol 29) (10 16TFN) cassette. Great on gas. One there by 7 am and leave Whistler Word Perfect preferred. Please owner only. $4700. Call quiet location, close to schools, between 3:00 and,3:30. Willing 892-35 1 5. (01 29) 38861 Buckley Ave., no ped, call send resume byFeb. 6, 1991 to: John Roper COnstI'UCtiOQ '83 NiGm Centra wagon, 5 spd., to pay. Call 898-3240. (01 29) Paul and Company, Box 1850, resident manager at 892-3616. Home improvements, repva- new tires, one owner $3260. (10-27M) Squamish B.C. VON 3GO. Attn: tions, framing, finishing. OBO. Call 892-2345. (01 29) Dan E. MWII. F~x892-5461. '82 Honha Prelude, top cond. re- * No job too small. 30 Music '86 Fiero, with grey interior, cent paint and motor. S4500. SQVAMISH WANTED Call 898-5255 ,: red 2 & 3 apts. from $500. stereo cassette, 5 spd. OBO. Call 898-3168. (02 05) bdrm. Part-time clinical .counsellor re- (01 29) sunroof, Sauna, satellite dish and pol. Piano Lessons quired for local community ser- 60,OOO km. Excellent condition, Call 892-3020. - In Dentville area; by teacher with vices agency. The sumssfui a- offers to S5300. Call $92-5433 or University background in piano. didate will possess (a) Masters 892-3223. (01 29) (11 rn 52 TraMan 81Campsrs I can teach bcgMng to advance degree in counselling or the 3 apt. Placc Apts. experience '87Voyager Van, V-6, 7 bdrm. Park students. S9/hr. *Call Mrs. Y. equivalent in and L.E. privately owned. Avail. 1st. all access. Excel. csnd. Dec. Barton at 892-Sm. (01 22TFN) education, (b) proven record or pass., 17 ft, BGfoot trailer deluxe, fully Rent negotiable. 8B-9605 expertise in counselliag children Call 898-5780. (01 29j. catl equip. 4 burner stove, oven, hot evenings. (11 m and/or chid sexual abuse vic- water, shower, awning, etc. Call tims, (c) ability to work with '78 4 cyl. 2 dr. 4 spd. Mustang in 898-3245. 0s) (02 2 & 3 bdrm. 2 bath apt. at Park . families, groups and community good cond. Comes with summer Place in Sqdsh: Pod, health and (d) ability to work in- Reliable daycaae, my '"@me and winter radial tires, Myin '81 Ford F2u) Camjm special, club 922-0048 or m-3540. dependently. etc. IBrackCnae area, huge f&xd good cond. $1200. OW. Call loaded, A.C., canopy, etc. (12 1m Hours of &ce will bc flexible bac*d, playroom, craft&b, 898-3920 after 5 pm. (02 05) 54ooO. Call 898-3245. (02 05) for lcase or salc/or use your and up to 8.5 horn per week, smch provided. Refs. if 'ed. 1 bdnn. basement suite avail. OW. Call Al892-9357. (01-29) with additional hours available 898-37M. (01 29) 5;' '77 Thunderbird, interior 460 sq. ft. 2 wrm. trailer. Feb. 1. $425./M. incl. util., 2 up to March 31, 1991 to assist and ex- Cruisefine ~pcniae~now'hir- terior still god, needs some Fridgc/stove. Sl4,SW. Call share washcr/dryer, plus damage ing, cxc. salaries gtl~free travel. with PrQgram dmeloPmenl and work. Asking SlOOO. OM. 1-251-m. (Q2 12) deposit. call 892-2305. (01 29) Call now 613- 8. (02 11) implementation. '79 Suzuki 4 wheel drive. Gd Pay will commensurate with skill for parts $Im.OBO. ahd education level up to S33.00 (01 a) B.F. Goodrich all terrain tires Bus Driver - fd'tixne temporary pr hour. lesser qualified people position available. Appbcants 16% rims $225. OBO. cia will be paid at a lower rate. 892-91 10. (01 29) must have either Class I1 with air Blase send resume to: or Class IV license, have at least Lois Wynne, Executive Director two. years comiercial asdent '76 Toyota Celica GT. 5 spd. In Squmish Community Services '82 Honda Civic, 5spd~~'new free driving. Should be able to Society Box877 good cond. New brakes, arb. work with people and be able to transmisbn, no rust, gd. writ, etc. Must $1600. Squamish, B.C. new brake. Must see. Asking see. Asking think for themselves. Must pro- VON 3G0 (01 2m OW. Call 892-3326 anytime, vide two personal references, be $32QO.OBO. Call 898-3266. ask for Gord. (01 29) Whiski Jack Resorts Whistler are (12 11TFN) of good health.'Long days are currently accepting applications par0 of this podtion. Apply in for mature individuals looking writing to: P.O. Box 2014, '72 Merdes 280 SEL $.$It. 1 '87 Hsnda Accord LX. 85,000 for part time work two or three owner driver, V8, air condi No km. New clutch, Just serviced. Squdsh, B.C. VON3GO. Ap- times a week. S9:hour after one plications should be sent out no trades. Call Vauc. 736-6205'lcave Excel. cond. No GST. $9500. month. Contact .Lloyd at rl 15. message. (01-29) (XI898-3700. (02 05) later than Feb. 932-6W. .. , I. CHIBFTAIN HOTRE Garibddi HigMmhs, B.C. V8N 17'0 on or before Match 5, 1991 Cahm, ' comfortable rooms, pi.ivate baths, phone, color "W9 after which date the le#ecutrix by week or month. .-@all will distribute the. mid mate among the parties entitied . . 4. 892-5222. (18-24TFN) thereto havin8 regard only ts the

How WUND MOTEL 64 J:, DM~~XOSFor Rant claims or which the Exath 1: 1: .. then has notice. for rent: Warm and quiet L' ' Rooms Helen Margaret Magee CEN"EWLY LOCATED rooms, dl kitchen units, color $750 I month S@&nvi 3 bdrm. plus, den, TV, laundromat, working pcbple Executrix WELL WAGED .Call Phil at sw&ck, balcony, ,f/p, stove, by HERB W, CHAMBERS PROJECT . welcome. Weekly, monthly, SUNCOAST REALTY fridgk,. w to w, laundry, ~ble. Under $loO,ooO. 3 reasonable rates. Call 892-!%00. No GST. Barrister and Solicitor Sauna, Satellite, pool Quiet street. $65O/M. Call bdrm. house in Vallkycliffe. (02 11) 3 bdm.-$570. (02 11) 922-1111. (11 mm) Handy to Whistler and North 2bdml.-s525. . Shore. In em. cond. Call Brackendale quiet cul de sac end 1 tXh.-s495. 1 deluxe duplex-avail. now. 5 92&1443., (02 11) Call scotty $92-w. 62 Houses for Rent of Birken Rd. 2 bdm. up, 18 app:;' 295 baths, built-in vac. (12 11m baths, lg. rec room. No pets. cIcbier, electronic garage, 3 S75O./M. Call 898:9003. (02 05) Id&. .ref. required. dogs 4 bdrm. home in Brackendale. No Tourism' ,Top floor ~cw,2 bdrm. apt., 892-2246. (1 1 27TFN) SWIM. Phone Nanci at NRS Highlands, bright spadous 4 pool, ~ymi$499.1~. Call Realty. 892-3571. with basement rec room, 2 I EWxutive duplex, upper and * 421-81M. 3 [Ol 29) (12 18TFN) bdrm. ideas baths, lg..back yard, 5 appl., sun lower avail. immed. Brackendale ' porch,%new carpets, painted, arc&' 1600 sq.ft. 3 bdrm. 5 appl. Large 3 bdrm. condo with 3 bdrm. ensuite apt. swimming close to school and park. Avail radihnt propane heat. Phone come balcony overlooking green belt. 'pool, exercise rm. sauna, fully immed. S900./M. Call 892-2290. 898-4681 after 6pm. 1% baths, plus in building Iaun- finished bsmt. appl. $550./M. all (01 22TFN) (01' 29) - 3 Wrm. house 011 quiet stW in dry. Complex has pool, saGa, Squamish. 4 bdrm. house avail. Valleydiff e UP and gym. $SSO./M. avail. imm- Jib 1 $800./M.Squamish. Call In'Oaribaldi Estates, 5 bdrm. 3 Avail. hxned. new SxS duplex, 3 -Verydean-newpaint &carpets Call 929-3977 after 6 pm. or 929-3687 eves. and wk.end. ed. up, 2 down, lg. yard, dble. car- bdm. 5 appl. f/p, central loca; - yard - la basement 1-734-421 1 between 9-5. (02 05) (01 -29) port, rec. room, stove, fridge, tion. $750/M. Call after 6pm. - Great starter w r&mrnt home Tourism must be actively woodstove. Avail. im- 898-5530. (01 08TFN) Plice: u19,500 promoted to attract more peo- Bachelor apt. Quiet, mature, $950./M. med. Ref. Call 898-3901. (01 29) open to off 818 ple to the Sqwunish area, the N/S adult; Fridge/stove, drapes, 1912 Diamond very lg. B2-1 8B8-4345 rnurnicipal-chamber lights, heat and cable. $355./M. Rd. Please call or joint FOR RE3T Avail. March 1,3 bdrm. 2 f/p, 4 townhome, very clean, 3 bdrm. tourism committee says. Nopets. Ref. req'd. 1090 Wilson 1 % baths, carport $625./M. Cres. Call 892-3903. (01 29) appl. nice landscaped fenced An inventoxy of the attrac- 3 bdm. Ranch Style yard, very clean inside and out. 1354 Judd Rd. 3 bdrm. carport, we have to offer to f/p, full unfinished bsmt. very . In Brackendale 2 yr. old 1300 tions 1 bdnn. suite, incl. fridgehtove, home i~ the downtown $850./M. Call 892-9252 or sq. ft, rancher on quiet cul de tomists shou!d be compiled, 932-3611. (Two1 22) clean $725./M. upil. $4oo./M. No pets please. area $6W.per month 41551 Rod Rd. 3 bdm. carport,. sac near schools. 3 bdm. 2 the committee suggested at its call 892i3357. 1 (01 29) CallJim -per at woodstove, very dean $725./M. baths, double carport, fenced meeting lest week. Slmcoslrt Redly Avail. immed. 5 bdrm. house in Call Russ 929-0317 (02-05) and landscaped yard. Asking One suggestion was that we 1 bdm. basement Furnished Vdeycliffe. 5 appl. 2 baths, 2 $145,W. Call 8984812. to capitalize the 'k'p suite. Cooking facil. upstairs. 892-5961 should try on f/p. $850./M.-or $650./M.plus Hdf duplex, 3 bdrm. 2 baths, (02 OS) number of eagles we have in $425./M. Lights, heat and cable minor renovation work. vaulted ceilings, 5 appl. architec- W. Call 892-3855. (01 29) the district, making an effort to ig. Exec. 4 bdrm. house, G.E. Materials supplied. Cail tural design. Avail. immed. Call $4 Mobile Homes attract people to Squamish to 892-5750 or 922-9262. (01 29) 929-687 1. (01 29) SQUAMISHCONDO . avail. immed. exc. location Ray for Sale view them, In m okarea in Park Place Apts. offer conve- quality home. Looking for gd. the Lower Mainland are they nient and great 3 tennants. Call Steve Howard location value; Avail, March 1, 1400 sq. ft. 25ft. Terry travel trailer. so arccesaiblc. bdrms. 1% baths. Bright, quiet 892-5924 (Black Tusk) (01-29) bright 2 bdrm. 1 bath, complete- ' Xt was also suggested that we top unit with view. Present- Fridge/stovei oven, microwave, floor 'ly renovated. 5 apple lg. yard, double sinks, full bathroom in prepare a "built in Squamish" ly rented. Financing available at family room off kitchen. Cat Offib for Rent. 2nd Ave. 12 percent. Mid $609. To view Sentry excel. cond. Easy tow on Tanden cxlmmuniv plan regding welcome. SSOOJM. incl. heat. Sqpamish, Whether you need a axles. Asking $6000. Call ail? BERMS CHARPENTIER, W Bohna 645-9663 pager or tourism. Mini Storage little & '$u need a lot. Tdk'to 898-5841. (02 05) Mmbm of the community 240-8747 CELL.988-1175 OFF. 987-1085 home. (02 03) me Mike 892-3870 (01 05M) (02 05) Heatedstarage - wm urged to make a "wish various sizes 85 6urlnestss tor Sals list", with &personbringing StOreFrOntSpace - Avail. March 1, Large 4 Mrm. m suggestions on what he or 61 Rooms for Ran? home above store. 2 bath, large Available Janitorial business for sale. she would like to see come to kitchen, family/dining room, liv- Ex- fruition regarding tourisrnxp 3rd Ave. & V~uvtsSL ing room, sun deck, woodstove, cellent family opportunity. Room avail. with cooking , p&. . Sqwnhh ffidgdstove. Ref. S8N./M. Call Established 10 yrs. Grossing facilities. Phone 898-3142 aftq 6 B.C. $18O,ooO per annum. Located in 892-2Q30. ' (01 29) Rv-g s- P* (0205) ' 892-5947 a.8984681 .. Whistler. 898-5058. (02 05) ...... Call Council, Ad Tom Bmgd repow on k recent m&hg ~ with the GVRD regarding 86 Building Lots tourism attractions far the en- for Sale tire Lower Mainland area. "he metropolitan area is looking Corner lot in new Eagle Run sub- mwds the upper FnW Vd- division. Call 898-4365 after 6 ley and the Sen to Sky aha for 38150 SECOND AVE., Lncoast Pm. (02 12) expan8ion of dondop- poxtunitits, he raid P.0. BOX a80 Sqldsh and the entire sea I to Sky amidor is already a va- cation meationmecca ~~ - and for 56 acre hobby farm in W. the Lower Mainland and this Kootenays for sale or trade for couldbe expanded, Bruusgaard property in lower mainland. Call Said 898-5058, (02 05) Basic 156 UvsSttock * (-- prhrate-.&l. &- knmediebdy. With 4 mthome. Land- Vacancy - Little Filly's Ibadroomu, a family room ed and on a auiet strset. 64' x 121' Id bdcsonto Equestrian supplies. Lg. box ylcca large yard. it's perfect shawswell.~rroundedby erownlend,3badmm stalls attached paddocks, tack recipe for your family. $1 18,800. gerlc land. $139,900. CAU m room. $118,0. eU lockers, lg. lighted ring, lunging CALL MNA TWAYl PHIL TWAYS 682-5881. JIM .at 802-8961. ring, 2 acre turnout, grooming From page 27 882-5961. vacuum system, friendly at- 1 tsp salt and pepper. Cut meat .. mosphere, quality accomda- tiod. Call 8924067 leave into bite sized pieces, dry on masage. 051 psrf~ptowels. Heat oil in small (a deqcs saucepan over medim heat. -When oil is hot, shake meat cubs in flour mix in pa- per bag. Shake off exam flour .I and drop ifuQ oil. Stir meat oc- casionally to brown on all NOTICE TQ CREDFTOIgs sides. slotted qmn re- AND OTHERS With RE: WALTER DAVID move meat to hot broth. Cook MAGEE, llumsed 4-5 hours till meat is tender. Formerly of Upper Qmlnrish, Do not boil. Remove from P.Q. Box 80, Squsdsb B.C. heat, skim excess fat caol, Bi- NOTlICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN vide in four parts. Put m con- that creditors and others having tainers, label and freeze, 1 claims a@wt the estate of the This can be wed to make fow above deceased are hereby re- me& Beef stew, quick beef quired to send particulars thereof stroganoff, beef cuny and to the Executrix named hereunder at 38141 Second Hungarian llopllaah Recipes Avenue, P.8. ]BOX 858, for these willbe coming up in

... ,^. .:. future,, w&.I L r ..A , the USSR.- Kuwait was occupied for three months, dagin a world-wide multi-million dsllar war. There rue . complar pditrcal and religiom motives for the ac- tiom of war lupdl aggraion in the Middle Ea& however the Gulf crisis is ultimately related to 'SHNESS.(24 Hrs) VAN. DI€?ECR Kuwait's rich crude oil resource& In contra& the firee world does BQ~need to get in- volved in the Baltic cfak The Bdtk States need'to * pray harder tbaa Kuwait bemuse theb res~~~w are not in demand and it lodrs'liirt anothw 45ym term is comingop. AndrOsKUrauAa: B#Wbndacc

Amm- Phone: 898-3248 pagec 1-977-8579 e program

helps break BRXAMa- bariers of Phone: 898-5240 discrimination

andip-i re j udice ... ,. ;-.*' .?& . ,. .... k ......

4 i -. . ..


', '


'' . ... .'>

.... I, . # .? ./. .. i i ...I 1', &ea 40 chil&m md 30 local seniors ptxticipded in the Golden &e - Peewee tour- nament at Oaribddi hesthis WfACeIld A miox and a child were paired off as a doubles team and bowled against each other. The event was a great opportunity for the pmgsters Canada's to play with a p-er who might hGi been bowling for over 30 years. Everyone had a great time. 1 future The to the local seniors bowling club for your partici- A nan-partisan citizens' forum on issues of impor- pation. @me to Canada will be held at the Civic Centre on ?he winners were: (over team Wednesday, Feb, 13* average in brackets) Sponsored by the Squamish and Howe Sound Jets - Boy and Partner Chamber of Commerce and Mountain FM, the fo- hathon Pollock & Grace rum will invite input on issues pertaining ta Koch (+262) Canada's future, Jets - Girl and Partner Some of &e topis for dbcmim indude: mJor b- Allie Metder & Hazel Arm- sues facing Canada in the 1990s' aborighl issues, shrong (+116) Bantams - Boy and Partner cultural and ethnic diversity, regional economic dim John Spargo & Esther hh The& Golden Agers and-their Peewee counterparts claimed the top spots in the versity, md, in general, ways we make Canada can (+1m . weekend's popular tournament, better, fairer and more praperous. Bantams - Glrl and Partner A panel of elected ofid& and a corastitutioml ex- Chantelle Columbus & Anne pert will be assembled at the forum, which will corm(+85) Thechildren who participated team, and first and second in MensTems hosted by Mountain FM news director Steve Jack- Junior - Boy and Partner aU received crests far their the mens' division form two ht §on* Am2kuner & Grace Koch shirts, while the when re- tesms. These thpee teams now Class I Roy Eliasen 572 Input gathered at the forum, which begins at 7 (+143) ~&dtrophies and champion advmke t~ the me finals in Cluss 2 Don Schulthes 698 . ms~.'Fhe seniars the win- March, a win will caray Class 3 Petruk 719 pm,,will become part of a national CO~~~IISUSbeing Junior - Girl and Partner on where Glen Kella TQW~IIK~& Jo Reeve hg received either a gift them on to the re@o& in Clms4 Chuck Vm&grift770 prepared by the federally-appointed Keith Spicer certificate from the HigMm&r A@# Class 5 Banie Wright 794 Commission on Canada's Future. (+XlO) High Game Seniors Hotel ot Vera CNZ, or a use The =e finals Consist of a For more Momation, contact chamber manager Ladies: Esther hkin263 efmEes h.SL! Vdc. five game event with the win- Second Wendy Wgee at 892-9244 Mens: Ed htosh255 I In other bowling news, over ning tearri decided on total pin- Clars I NQ~Gratton $48 High Game Kids 80 adult league bowlerr took fall. The teams are as follows: Clms 2 Don John 675 Bryan Mann 116 part in the local qualifier of the CIuss 3 Paul Marlatt 614 EauraMetzler 129 National Classified Champi- LadiesTeam: Clem4 Kevin Hutchinson 765 Dominica Bortolotto 127 onships. Clms 1 bm Mazur 513 CZuss 5 Ken Schneider 752 Jake Kaufhann 122 All competitors wem classed CJws 2 Dot Gullack 529 Tyrone Verigio 150 by their league averages from Clars 3 modi Ladeur 696 Ladies high single of the Krystle zimmer 140 December 1990. The winners Class 4 Sherry Mundy 770 tomarnent was rolled by ThcresaColumbus 145 * fiom each classification in the Clars5ComrieWestley552 Rhoda Mur with a 301. Mens high single was a 299 by Bee--- Wrinht . . --w-- ,...... *.-...... - ,. . , I .,

, ' BLANKET CLASSIFIED, AD;VERTlSlNG ThessAdsaopearhmorethan100NenrpapersoftheB.C.andYulunr~NewaoePenrAssociatisn

FOR SALE YlSC MIscuW+EouS .. update ... TtflEd&dHDH fuel prices? 4X4'~,~cel>s,lT~EXBc Learn how to make yourtown GawmmenlFaentals. 4ounHs. guahd. F&pIanssend$lOand aeM-addmwd stamped en- l-. l-. LakeCityFord. bp lo: R&C Mechanical, Box 212. Rvadt, AB, TOH 3AO. -BUS)(IEBSOPPORTUN~ES From page 28 ..... START YOUR OWN IMPBFV" EXPORT !wdness, evBn spare Wednesday Hospital HU (as time. Nomoneyorelrpe~nce. TAKE THE SHORTCUT TO of Jm. 16): since 1946. Fmkochure: SUCCESS. EMdlhtheBclT Mugw~~$4, GBSER'S Wade War# Trcrde, do Cdn. - - plporam. calm 85; "hWIdt~bkd~ 42; ]Don smail Buehege m.,Dept. w1, (604)432-8632. - 18 skgwry Ave., Torpnto, On- CWbegineueyWeek and OW - 86; Headpins - 87; rub, M1M3Vl. Hi@ ROUMS - 38; Bundys - 66. Unique opo1orlun#v. New high- wry mdom for sale with year Wednesday Nlght Prime' e#ml-dWJflkrOVnY tralers. B.C.,Ala,Sask,Man. The(as of Jin. 16): Full benetits. Call Phil or Msose Odd Balls; Kick Start; Mean A FREE HUNTING, FISHIFKI, Machine; Spare Pam; "Alley CAMPING CATALOC3 ($6 vakre). sgndpUfeXphdhUltingOf* 'SheOops''; Resews. Selects; Red Doors; ing kefm (WWYaoc8p1- &le) md S.1.R WPII mail you Wf AmUd spartsman cadakg FfEE Lfdies High Single: Christine (384 pfgps 9ww 6,500 item) Eckersley - 26(BB Ladies High pius all Sale Fliers tor one year. Triple - Christine kkersley - S.1.R Mail Or&, hpt312,1385 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, ManC 63$; Mens High Single: . ORDER YOUR "LOVE §TUFF toba, fl3G 3N1. Offer expires Patrick Sullivan - 286; Mens BY. FROM OUR NEW March31,lBl. High Triple: hing Alexander LOWER'S LANE CATALOG1 Join tbmW d satisfied am - 646; Team High Single: tomem. euy Wig8 at whokw TipkSpare Parts Kick - start 1270; - 3373. Team High -8. From$36).95. S cataky~lleandsawe.ForF Ebi $loS/DAY. How to stay hQme ~atah~eCALL TOLL-FREE9 1- and mb $lOOJday. Call m265-rn5. (4094554i034 tor amazing m- Golden Age (as 0%Jan. 16): oordedmessa@. OddBdls - 8; Chiefs - 7; Dh- PETER'S 8ROS. PAVINO AND Western Canada's largest pia galings - 6; cut-ups - 5; INLAND CONTRACTING am WUCOMETOVICTORIA.Busy DU~~IIS- 4; BUSY BW - 3; dmng'dapQloximately 150 Wnis looking for energetic, vicmia wlcling suppsy centro surpksra pieces d major equip. motivated people for prolit shar- requimsapemexperiedin Champs - 2; Five C's - 1 ment. Trucks, Loaders, Trailers, ing, managerialpositions. Exoel- Ladies High Single: Jom ~agport~for~wanl- pis-hanging interiw and exterfslr Paving Equipmen!, Belly Dumps, doom. Related experience is Hutchinson 292; Ponys, HW,Ambulances, bow hg rspore than just a salary, Must an - Ladies High be willing to relocate. Send res- asset. We offw Canada'$ warn Triple: Joan Hutchinson - 672; Beds, Excavators, Dtxws,Truck est dimate and a very attsacttve scales, Graden and Cnrshing ume to: Panagagouh Pizza, compensationpackage. Cali Pe- Mens High Smgle: Bob Sil- Equipment. Call \pic Kampe #201,34314 Marshdl Road, Ab terNmythet (504)479-7151. - 277; Mens High Triple; (6041493-6791. bdsfd, B.C., V2S lL9. Bob Silak- 698. -c ~ .,. .< ...... - .-. .--.-. -.... ---.- ....

...... -

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