IN T HIS ISS UE Week Ending April 24, 1937 M. L ANNENBERG Publisher CURTIS MITCHELL, Editorial DireC/or I I Mountain Magic Kentucky's Modern Miracle! by KEN W. PuRDY 3 The True Story of Phil Harris' "Dates" by DoROTHY SPENSLEY 8 Policeman-for a Night A Calling AU Cars StO'1/ by ARTHUR Kl:NT 12 Police Radio Log (Part II) . __ . 47 More Short,Wilve Station Clews 47 I I Virginia Rea She Wanted to be a Neighbor by JAY O'BRYON 6 Lauritz Melchior Wagnerian Tenor No.1 by JACK JAMISON 10 Ted Fio·Rito Once He Wrote 0. Slfnlphonu by CMIL PRENTISS 13 Benay Venuta The Covel' Portrait 18 Jack Peilr~ Hu LiJe StO'l/-in Pictures! .. 26 I I The Radio Week Th.e Latest Radio News. 14 Muslt of the Ma.ters by C"RLETON SMITH 16 Plum. and Prunes by EVANS PLUMMER...... 17 Inside Stuff by MARTIN LEWIS 17 Short WavelS by ClIARI,£S A. MORRISON :20 I I Mall )'our ballol 10 the SIU of Stara E.leel;on Teller•• Radio Culde. 731 PI)'­ "'outb COUrl. Chic"IO, Winoi.. Pule il on _ penn)' po.lcard. if )'ou wl.h. We Applaud Cheers for tlte Stars! 21 Opera for the Kid' Ireene Wicker's Show in Pic~ tures! 22 Clear All Wlresl A Photo-Story oj Radio's WILL? Special Events! 24 WHO WIN. I I Stories or Near-by St3tions 18 RADIO GUIDE'S X-Word Puzzle 18 Star of Stars Standings 19 Voice of the Listener 19 AST November RADIO 'n' Andy, in tenth place Short-Wave Programs 20 GUIOE published an among comedians, drew Contests on the Air 46 L article called "The $5,000 a week-the same Final Slogan Contest Winners 46 Radio Gold Rush Is On." 3mount as FTed Allen, It told the fabulous salar­ who is in fourth place. ies paid radio stars-and But one place where I I the terrific expenses laid salaries and popularity Sunday. April J8 29 on them. This year-right seem to align this week is Monday. April 19 31 now-RADIO GUIDE is con­ in the group of classical TUelSday. April 20 34 ducting its fourth annual singers. Among them, Wednesday. April 21 36 Star of Stars Election, to Grace Moore is in fifth Thursday. April 22 39 determine by listeners' place, Lily Pons, sixth, Friday. April 23 41 own votes the greatest and Gladys Swarthout, Saturday. April 24 44 stars on the air. Interest­ seventh. For single ap­ OQicial PhotogTapher: DelaT, ing comparisons may be pearances, Miss Moore de­ Radio Cilll, New York drawn between various manded $2,500, Miss Pons. Cover Portrait bV Charles E. Rubino stars' earning capacities Ben Bernie; He', -.eve nth $2,000, and Miss Swarth­ Radio Guide is edited and published and their popularity! among dance band' In the out, only $1,000. at 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, llt. Jack Benny, who has Star of Stilrs Election! TItus salaries veer [rom u, G' " •• ,,..... lhr1l _Iot_ U... I"oL Geool. \- _ n. lIo_, H. ., -..: ~ u. won the last two polls. and the dictates of audiences I.H. 1...,.- .... Jlet;oI 1' 10L 1_ w_ . IIntO G,"'•• UI 1'1,>_ L~ 01_ ill..... is in first place this week, was receIVing -but not for long! Polls reveal stars' true .:..0 ' _ d ... _I« 01 tloo P.- ~. QoI tAlll...hl -. UI flft _. edians, and in sixth place in Ute Star of moment's true happiness-::ome to his sup­ ,~ \'..,. nl.f. """"'h'.. _. III HUb .._ Stars group, W3S said to be getting twice ' \'o.t: CIl>; lWI. IItT1_', .,....

2 ,

HE boy was twelve years old, "Planned listening" is the kcy~note blond, freckled, rmud of it, especiully proud running-board. I hugged the side of so hard to climb, Five miles later, ing ofT,' so to speak, all theil' lives. of this house." She looked around the thc car, but passing branches tore at back in Dwarf, we left the receiving­ They're used to hardship_ They don't ordcrly "Teacherage." Smooth wall­ me, I was bumped by rocks, smeared set at the general store, to be packed get sympathy, and they don·t {'xpcct it. panels, wide window-scl1ts, the funny with mud, drenched to the skin, But 1 in on mule-back the next day. "That explains their courtesy, too, HUle stairway, "Young people come stayed on, And we came down the ••• and their helpfulnegs. They must help here now and tell us that when they mountain! There is no more striking loyalty each other, constantly, or they can·t get married, they·1I build a cabin just As we rolled off the hill Into the than the loyalty of the mountain peo­ survive,'· Sulzer's fervor mounted. He • like ours. Some of them will, too!"' little mining town of HaUlrd, I turned ple to the South, to Kentucky, and to loves these mountain people. "In spite to Kentucky's No. I Radio Missionary. their own kind. I thought of 'Ulat as of all their backwardness," hc blurted THERE are four the Cordia "You·re a nice fellow, Sulzer;' I told I sat before an open coal fire in "The out, "I sometimes think the mountain­ school-seventh, eighth, ninth and him, "and I like you-but you·re crazy. Teacherage" at Cordia, and listened eers are the most genuinely civilized tenth-and 43 pupils. "Some of them Sc.ttered throulilh the Kentucky hills are countless tiny I wouldn·t go over that mountain again to the story of four mountain children people in Kentucky." come six miles over Ule mountains to cabins like this one, precariously perched on high .tilts for five hundred dollars.·' who grew up deep in the hills, shook Cordia came suddenly around a bend school." Miss Sloane said, "and they're He answered quickly, off every tradition-rusted shackle, es- to meet us. \Ve saw the sturdy, SQuare often here at 5 o'clock in the morning, "If 1 had a set for those fellows who schoolhouse first, then, clinging to the clamoring for books to read before Roosevelt is still pres-dent. That ain't see it. There was a jarring lurch. as the pulled us out," Sulzer told me, "I'd go mountainside a couple of hundred school begins." right. and radio sets is the thing that·1I car nosed in, the motor sputtered dead, back tonight. You forget that these )'ards away, a neat stone path running Radio is going to mean something in and water poured in around our feet. people are a century behind the rest fix it!'· of the world. There's no time to lose!" down to the road, "The Teacherage." Cordin. Not only to the school children The old mountaineer sat silent for a Onc of our mountaineers flew headlong Our guides wa.ed while we hurried up -it will be invaluable to them-but into the creek. You can't argue with the man. the path, carrying the second receiv. to the grown-ups. Regularly they will moment. Mr, P, P, Estridge (left), of the Hyden, Kentucky, Community "You want to know how radio helps He got up slowly, shook the water Center, accepts a radio from Ken W, Purdy of R.dlo Guide ing-set. They stood huddled together gather in the big H\'ing-room of The out of his eyes, took a deep breath. AT HYDEN, in southeastern Kentuc- beside the car in the rain, until I Teacherage, around the blazing fire­ the mountain people," he said. "Well, young feller, you can write this down: "'y Goddie,·' he said sorrowfully, "I ky·s Leslie County, we left the third shouted back to Ulem to get in. place, to hear things they·ve never never seed thet hole!" RADIO GUIDE receiving-sd the next "The Teacherage" was an astonish­ even drenmed! Everything will be Radio is the best road out of the moun­ tains! And now I'm through talkin'," There was a house half a mile "up­ day, in charge of Mr. and Mrs, P. P. (Continued from Preceding Page) master, was waiting for the RADIO ing place, with its low, beamed ceiling, new to them. Programs you take for creek," he lold us. He'd send a mule. Estridge, who manage thc big Hyden its f!repll1ce, a spinning-wheel in the granted every day will bring strange A New York baritonc was sing­ GUIDE receiving-set that had been ing in the mountain stillness when An hour later four men came down the Community Center. Mountain-bred, only people in sight were five or six promised his community. Three miles chimney-corner, and everywhere, shelf and wonderful secrets to the mountnin creek, bright little miners' lamps bob­ "outside"-educated, they have dedi­ after shclf of books. Most surprising, people! we left The Teacherugc, earnest thnnks men sitting on the porch of the inev­ from Vest-a sudden jar as a four-foot from five brave people rin.:ing in our bing on their caps, leading a big mule. cated their lives to the hill people. s~tion apart from its size-many mountain And the mountaincers arc appl'ecia­ itable general store-sitting, quietly of Kentucky road dropped ears. The mule brushed against me as he They watched Sulzer as he proudly staring, saying nothing. A gas pump from under the wheels, slid into the cnbins have only one room-was the live. In a Clay County cross-ronds passed, stopped quickly, rose on his nailed a bright blue-and-white "Lis~ stood on lonely sentry-go in fronl, the coffee-colored creek; the rear wheels newness of the place, and the obvious store I met a work-bowed old moun­ fore feet and kicked. "He kicks with tening Center" sign to the house. last one, Sulzer explained, for some spun, the car tottered uncertainly on care that had gone into its building. taineer who told me what radio would OUR guides took to the running­ both feet," one of the men explained ''I"m glad to see that sign go up," distance. We filled the tank, turned the crumbling edge of the bank, bal­ While Sulzer set the radio in place meun to the hill people, boards again. apologetically, "but he ain't really a E.<;tridge told me. "It means--oh, more off the road, and headed for the hills. anced, settled down-stuck fast! and began the laborious business of "I b'lieve hit's the helpfulest thing ·'Hit·s pitchy-black tonight," one of mean mule." than I can say. More people coming The first scheduled stop was Vest, a attaching batteries, aerial and ground, in the mountains;' he said. " old them said, "hit shorelll is. You ain·t He was a good mule, though, When to the Center. Ten times as much in­ mountain hamlet only eight miles otT BURNING rubber drifted in blue I talked with Miss Alice Sloane- lady, now, she gets a heap of good out never goin' to get O\·cr the Big HiD the mountaineers had waded into the terest in what we·re trying to do for the highway. We never got there. smoke from the wheels as Sulzer of the radio set. She takes receipts ·fore morning," he added cheerfully. cold creek water and hitched him up, them. It means new, higher standards There's part of the answer to the raced the motor. I pushed until I was down from a lady in Lou'ville. she lis­ I answered him two miles later. I he pulled the car a quarter of a mile of li,'ing. It means-well. they say a Below: A tral" of tens to the jig-music. she hears about told him he was right. We'd been roil­ question. Do Ule mountain people breathless. The car didn't move an inch. axe" "egotiatlng a to the road. An hour later, the motor picture is worth ten thousand words. need radio? Are they reaDy cut oil Still, we were in luck. Across the a heap of things she never hcerd about ing up a creek, the water splashing dried, we started o"er the mountain. If thaI's true, a radio is worth ten Kentucky mou"tai" before, and hit takes her mind off her around the wnf'1:ls. There was no other from the world outside? Listen! De­ creek, set in a little clearing. there was creek· bottom road Our two guidCll left us. They'd had thousand pictures." spite experience, a powerful car, and a mountaineer's cabin, ancient, wob­ troubles. road_ On the left, the mountain loomed enough. They'd rather walk, they said, Twelve mountain boy. live in the my~elf. up. On the right, a wiJIow·lined high heart·breaking effort, we couldn't bly, weather-beaten. A man and two "I wouldn't part with it, I"d had enough myself, but I couldn·t rambling Community House during ~·ou bank. And dead ahead. a "pot-hole·' in pound our way past the five·mile mark boys stood on the doorstep, watched Polities, now. Up here in the hills. walk_1 dIdn't know the way. the nine months of the school year. from the road. If we couldn't get in, us fight the car until we gave up. can find men who think old Teddy the creek bottom. None of us could They are in their middle teens, alert, how c.:m the mountaineers get out? Then, calmly, unhurriedly, they ONE of them stopped me as I was eagcr, ambitious boys who have The road to Vest ran along-and walked across Ule creck, climbed the caped to the "outside"-and then came gettmg into the car. glimpsed the bright fields or knowl­ through-a little creek. Not much or a bank and looked us over. A moun· back, of their own free will and gladly, "Thet rood is awful dangerous," he edge outside their hills, and who are cre<>k, at low water, The mountaineers taineer of 40 or so, and his teen-age to teach thcir people, said. "It ain·t safe a-tall at night. You full of hopes that could not have come told us that. "Not enough willer in sons, The man stooped to peer under High on tile side of a Knott County better be mighty careful." to their fathers before them. They thet creck to drown a pussycat!" Just the car, the two boys did likewise; he hill, its barked logs blending into the One of the mule-drivers olfer('(i us want-and deserve---everything in the cno"gh to make traveling risky, un· tested the firmness of the ground with mountainside, there stands a big two~ "a place to sleep the night," but Sulzer world can give thcm. cC'rtain, uncomfortable. In places the a lusty kick; manfully, his sons fol­ story cabin, This is "The Teacher­ wouldn·t think of it. The third of our As Sulzer connected the set, they road ran lliong n high bnnk, slippery, lowed suit. age," in mountain parlance, and here RAlHo GUID~: receiving-sets was due at clustered around him in a tight little sloping clay, sludded with sharp rocks "I b'lieve you'rc stuck, Cap'n," the four mountain women spend their days the Hyden Community House in the circlc, and when the tense voice of a and tough, b~ltered old tree-stumps. mountaineer told Sulzer. "I'll fetch the and nights, cheerfully living a life al­ morning, and 011 the subject of getting Louisville news commentator cracked A nl1rrow road, rutted, treacherous, mule." most monastic in its rigor-so that their radio to the hill people, Mr. Sul<:er is into the room, they were breathless Waiting for the mule, we talked to people may have a chance to learn, not rational. Rain or no rain. moun­ with excitement. They couldn't quite FOR miles we alternated between the ;llounger of the lwo boys. His name tain 01· 110 mountain, we were going believe it. Their excitement was con­ high bank and creek bottom. I Jost was Benjy Robertson, he told us. He THE Lott Creek Community School through. tag Ius-and enviable. Thcy were en· count of the number of times the rond was twelve. He went to school "over at Cordia, It sounds prosaic, I don't want another such ride. thusiastic as only youth can be: they slid suddenly down the bank into the there a piece." He'd been to town, yes, doesn't it? It isn·t. In truth, it isn't The road climbed steeply upward_ were watching a miracle. creek, ran along the bottom, perhaps "sometimes." Hindman, the county the name of a school at all. It's the Twenty-four hours of rain had lashed I walked down a long lane to the for thirty fcet, perhaps for a quarter­ seat, is about ten miles away. Benjy name of a battle-a long, grim, hard­ it into grea~y mud. Shelf-like, it clung car with one of these boys. He had milC', then climbed the bank again on was a forlorn little figure, standing fought battle. A battle against an un­ to the mountain. a rock wall on one something to tell me. Would I like to the other side. there in the rain, his hands in his relcnting nature, against time, tradi­ side, a precipice on the other. A thrce­ know what he was going to be whcn The car slithered along in second. pockets, his head hunched down. I tion, indifferenCi!, poverty. It started foot skid meant certain death-and we he left school? I would. What was it? On wet back-country roads eight miles looked around at his little world: the when the first log for "The Teacher­ skidded! B::lek and forUl, from one "I"m goin' to be a radio-talker," he an hour is fair speed, and it's safe to gray, ramshackle cabin, the ragged age" was rolled into place in 1932, and side to the other, the wheels churning blurted out, "like that man we just run at ten in the "good·' places, but clearing, the creek, the road, mud­ it continues to this day. mud. But always Sulzer caught the heard from Lou·ville, When I get out fifteen will ditch the best big-eity clogged and ugly, the eternal moun­ Two young mountaineers brought us car on the brink, wrestled it back to of school, I'm goin' to Lou'ville and driver who ever beat a red light. tains. Here he would grow up, live out into Cordia. Just after we left the safcty, handling it with infinite skill. studY'" to be a radio-talker!" In Vest, Thomas Sutton, school- a narrow life, and die. highway to strike into the hiDs again, Deep puddles pock-marked the road- I'll bet the kid wiII do it, too. , , 4 Radio Guide. W••k bdiftq April 24, 19]7 Radio Guide. Week Endinq April 24, 1937 5 SHE WANTED TO BE A

HEY said it would never work while completing plans for their own when Virginia Rea stood up on her fieldstone house, which was to rest on Tsmall French heels and announced a wooded hill surrounded by rolling that she was leaving the city flat to acres, and miles from Stroudsburg, the establish a home in the fUStiC Poconos nearest town. of Pennsylvania. It wasn't an altogether happy Yir­ "You'll die by inches," warned ginia the greater part of that time. Jimmy Melton. "And such long inches, In fact, there were many occasions Virginia." when she secretly wished herself back "Think of all that you're giving up," in New York. Delayed mail deliver­ said Frank Munn-she was ies, not enough hot water-until now with him at the time. "You'll miss all an accepted quantity-a limited lux­ your friends up here, and think of ury, and other admittedly minor com­ your Melba toast. Br·r·r! Not for plaints, all lent edge to her loneliness. Th, Edgar SittIg. pose in Farmerette Virginia Rea maku friend. yours truly!" Virginia smiles now at her anxiety their brand-new back yardl of Neighbor Henry Voige'. dairy herd. "From what I've heard, those over getting off on the right foot with Pennsylvania Dutchmen eat colora­ the genial Pennsylvania Dutch who ladies of the church bake their cakes become so thoroughy acclimated to the tura sopranos alive;' Gus Hacnschen were soon to accept her as one ot their and with their men folk go to the wa)'s of the hills that they feel almost averred. "And even if they don't, own. But it was no fun at first. She green churchyard, where, one by one, out of place-and quite uncomlortable you'll need a compass to find your hasn't forgotten those first months each cake is placed on an improvised -when business forces them to spend way back to New York." when, on shopping bent, all e)'es tahle of planks on a couple of saw­ protracted periods in town. Their suite And Virginia knew that these and seemed turned her way. bucks. of rooms at their New York hotel her many other friends in Manhattan She soon came to realize that this Around this, in a hand-holding cir­ would appear to the average metro­ were worried about her despite their same honest curiosity would have been cle. those who have placed a dime on politan "cave-dweller" to be more than quips-that they figured this was one disclosed over a new tractor or mow­ their chances of winning parade to commodious, but not to Virginia. oC her whims that was very apt to ing machine, but at the time it was the music of SCiota's town band. When "It's not only the rooms that seem have tragic overtones--a move which tremendow;ly harassing. She could all the band stops playing, the marchers stuffy," she sighed, "but conversation she was bound to r('gret. but hear their whispers-"So great an stop marching. An appointed church­ and everything. Actually, I no sooner However, if they had known Vir­ artist, yes, but can she put up fruit?­ man spins an arrow that rests on a arrive in New York than I want to get ginia as wen as her adoring husband, Will she be happy here with us who pivot upon the table, sights down its out of the place and back home in the Edgar H. Sitlig, the cellist, they would know so little o( her world?" shimmering length and calls out the hills where Hansi and I can get up have recognized a desire ot sterner winner. in the morning and look at the creek stuff than a whim-an urge long telt IT WAS on such a shopping expedition If, on the following afternoon, the (she pronounces it "crick"), go to fires, but unrecognized which owed its crys­ that she found what she has al­ townsfolk noticed any reticence on and talk over fences about the ailments talizalion, strilngcly enough, to a ways considered a champion in ~lr. Virginia's part to [all promptly into the of Mr. Voige's calf." Pekinese pup. Tommei, the Iruit and vegetable man. spirit of things, it wasn't Though it is difficult to That'. a prlu white turkey Virginia Rea I. holdlne--It belOng. "Chin-Chin was really back of it "Mrs. Sittig," hc said in his quaintly apparent. And when picture this charming to her poultryman neighbor, Ch.rl. Hobba. The turkey'. m.dl all," said Virginia, housewifely and explosivc way, (she hfls always been someone suggested that young woman reveling in dainty in starched dimity, and re­ Mrs. Sittig to folk in Neola) "there is Virginia and hcr husband BY the indisposition of calves, markably amiable for one approached somcthing I should tell to you." separate far from each or even running to fires, while baking a chocolate cake and "Yes, Mr. Tommei," she answered, other in the circle, the it does point to something. asked for a magazine story. wondering absently just what it was he better to enhance the JAY Virginia thinks that It's was going to spring in the way ot chances of either to win proof of the age-old saw I HAD known for years," she ex- prune, pear or produce. a cake, she knew that the O'BRYON that it one wants some­ plained, "that, despite our friends "It's you," he went on, "or I should bars were down. thing enough, and con· and generally happy existence in the say your raspberry-currant jelly. You She credits that first centrates on it, it will city, there was something vitally miss­ ask me for pectin to mnke it jell. Don't "cake·walk" with breaking the ice­ always be found available. • ing-a something I couldn't s~m to lay you us(' it, Mrs. Sittig. A little apple for giving her the coveted opportunity "I can hardly picture myself doing my finger upon. It took Chin-Chin to like this-you see-and quick! It jells of becoming Mrs. Edgar Sittig, coun­ the things a year ago that are daily bring it out. so nice. Mrs. Shook and Mrs. Hobbs, try wife and neighbor. Evidence came occurrences now," she said, "but I love "We were living then at the same they don't use pectin. You see?" in the days to follow when all of Neola being able to do them. In wanting hotel on Fifth Avenue where we still study the miles of green sloping land Virginia knew that she'd miss her Virginia saw. She docsn't know to came up to the Sittigs' place, just get­ to be just a country wite and a neigh· maintain an apartment. Tallulah that engulfed her. Though the years friends in town. And, it it were to sym­ this day whether Mr. Tommei's homely ting under way in the clearing above bor, I guess I thought at first that it Bankhead, the actress, was on the same had been many since she had left there bolize those niceties ot living to which advice was meant to reach further the Creek Road, to pass the time of was something one learned to be, like floor at the time. Her Pekinese-I for­ to seek a career-years spent winning she was so well accustomed, her Melba than her raspberry-currant jelly. But day and watch the work as it pro­ -like a concert soprano or something." get its name-and Chin-Chin met one the adoration of music-lovers the toast, as Munn was to soon point out, it did. It was this as much as any­ grc~sed on the stone house with the She found it wasn't like that at all. day in the corridor. It was love at whole world over, she confided that would be missed as well. thing that she can recall that revealed sloping eaves. And Virginia was more than de­ first sight." she would have traded it all right then Her reception, once she reached the the first secret of getting along in the While Virginia plumbed her mind lighted to find that the folks in the But, as Virginia went on to point for the opportunity to sit somewhere Pocono Hills, was another uncertain hills-of being accepted as neighbor. for recipes to swap with the women, Pocono Hills got quite as much plea­ out, it was a woefully inadequate af­ by herseU in the sun and sift handfuls quantity. Would the glamor that at­ If there was anything artificial in Hans talked with the men. Charley sure out of her radio work as from her fair, affording only the bridest ot of rich warm earth through her fing­ tached itself to her name act as a Virginia Rea's make-up it was chucked Hobbs offered 600 feet of black wal­ excellent cakes. They are quite as nose-touching moments between ele­ ers. And when she had tired of that, to barrier between her and the neigh­ that same evening into the well in the nut, frll6h from his acres, for panels critical of one of her talents as the F.rm,r Henry Volge .nd VirginI. Rea ~ with the baby of the vators. A wag of the tail, a frantic visit over a wooden back fence. borly contacts with those country folk back of her in-laws' house in a mock for the recreation room. Another sug­ other, too. She discovered this very dairy herd, Another calf tries to ane.k I"to the photogr.phl strain on the leash, a couple of plain­ "The funny thing about it was," she for which she so fondly hoped?' She but meaningful ceremony attended by gested revamping the chimney design early in the game when her closest tive yelps, and it was all over till the laughed, ''that Hansi (that's her pri­ would never know until she had made only Virginia and Hans. Over a beaker to assure its drawing in all kinds of neighbor, Charley Hobbs, brought her next time. vate name for her husband) must have the move. of apple cider, they vowed to foresake we,-ther. a prize turkey for Thank~giving. It was that futile tug at the leash been feeling much the same way as I, all affectations born of cramped cit)· "Mrs. Sittig," said Neighbor Hobbs, that turned the trick. In Chin-Chin's all along." AGAINST all this she pitted her life it it killed them, to enter torth­ THE bathroom fixtures call.'>ed Vir- who. though excellent farmer and restriction, Virginia suddenly Summers spent before marriage in desire to live close to nature--and with into the mountain doings-and ginia some doubts. Gold-plated breeder of turkcys, would not be apt aware that she too was straining at the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvani.a people. A consuming desire to en­ not to spare the horses. and fearfully shiny, she feared that to be taken hy those who don't know the leash--anxious beyond all descrip­ had given him a taste for the simple joy the business of living, not as a "There's a 'cake-walk' at the church som!" might consider that they were him as a music critic. "I liked your tion for freedom to live a broader kind life, he guessed. Would it work, he prima donna, heard weekly over the tomorrow," grinned Hans. "Are )'ou putting on airs. However, opinion 'Una Voce Poco Fa' last night so much of a lite than had been her lot. wondered, if they were to build a home Columhia network in her programs game?" seemed to he that if the Sittigs wanted better than those light things. It seems Though not actually born a coun­ down there and commute to the city with Rubinoff, the violinist, but as Virginia was game. that gold-plated truck in their hath· like they'd see that it's pieces like that try girl, there had been plenty of room on week-ends for radio work? unpretentiously as anyone of her A "cake-walk," in case you don't room, it was their own affair, but that suit your style." to move about in her girlhood home in Would it work? There was the ques­ many listeners. know, is a game indulged in by good wouldn't it b~ a good idea to put it But greater e,'en than her satislac­ a small Kentucky town. A few minutes' tion. And though it did have alarm­ So off they went one morning, kit church-going people for the purpose in the vault of the Neola bank for safe­ tion in her personal triumph in mak­ ride from her own front porch and she ing proportions when they sat down to and kaboodle, down to the Pocono of raising cash for new pipes for the keeping until it was screwed into ing a dream come true, was the com­ could be on a wooded hill without a discuss it, the idea lost none at its Hills. The fint few months there they organ, coal for the furnace, rugs for place? placent feeling that came with the in­ person in sight and nothing to do but glamor for the home-makers. spent with Hans' father and sister the \'estry and other necessities. The This, to Virginia's way of thinking, formation that Munn, the tenor, and is a zestful commentary on the will· Bandmaster Haenschen had likewise ingness of the people of her commu­ moved to the great open spaces! BRIGH~ WEL~! CAl.~ nity to accept the outsider and his VG "lIA REA K"lEW TI-lf L1GWS-TOO AND E idiosyncrasies at face value. Virginia Rea may be heard Sunday. In the year that has passed since with Rublnoff Oller a CBS network at Left: VIIlI'ni. mMta a sturdy, sh'IIY f.rmho..... Right: The IE TURf! they moved into their new country 6:30 p.m. E.ST (5:30 CST; 4:30 MST; prlu white turkey Ie destined for the I'ttlp' roaetl"g-oven WAWtD PEACE home, Virginia and her husband ha\'e 3:30 PST). , 6 Radla Guld, •W..k Endln9 April 24, 1937 • Rodio Guld, •W..II EIldinq April 24, 1937 7 has a few masculint' favorites her­ my wite ha~n't got?" The answer, of story that was captioned: 'Actress selt-Ian Hunter, Clark G3blc. LcsUc course, is '·Nothing." Ralston Marries Yankee.' That was Howard. "It's a tunny thing," says Harris, "if the dirtiest· thing they could say," Beyond Bennett. the other Holly­ r hadn't gone to Australia tcn years Diffident about discussing his per­ wood dazzlers don't bother the Hoosier a"o I wouldn't have had my own sonal life, Harris, a Linton, Indiana. Harris. Phil, which i~ not short fol' band, nor would I have met Mascotte. boy who has made good, is much more Phil-anderer, thinks they arc grand Both were lucky breaks for me, and easy when talking shop-music shop, of girls, and lets it go at that. After all, onc led to the other. ::\1y band hap­ His is the analytical mind that finds The when I saw her." Good sport Ihat she he's been in the theater all his life, pened like this: One Summer r had a reasons tor things, particularly things is, his wife laughed: "Phil, she looked almost, and his Dad, Harry Harris, was call trom a booking-agent who wanted musical. He will tell you that the cur­ marvelous. I've never seen any wo­ a circus man. He knows tinsel for to send a first-class drummer, pianist, rent "swing" music is old stuff in the man look any lovelier. You have ex­ tinsel when it gleams, and how much saxophonist and cornetist to Australia. South, and when he was a kid. grow­ E TAKES the romantic "rap" GOSSIPS LINK PHil HAR­ cellent taste." glamor is worth by the bushel. And Jazz musiC was just beginning to 'catch ing up in Nashville, Tennessee, all ~he from Master Kidder Jack Benny Like most civilb;ed wives, Phil's fT'au publlcity. too, on' in Australia, and what the im­ "hot" music was "swing" ... and then Hon his fictitious "dates" with RIS WITH DOZENS OF believes in laking competition (even it Therefore, he was a little serious, presarios down there would do was to he goes off into a technical disserta­ tawny·haired Ginger Rogers and wise­ it's only in the humble-admiration unsmiling, which is rare, when the hire three or tour good American mu­ tion to prove it. cracking Carole Lombard, when a class) by the torelock, and inviting it name of Ginger Rogers entered the sicians, and with that nucleus make it Currently, Harris is pretty busy, Too Hollywood blonde with a husky voice HOllYWOOD GLAMOR to sit down to dinner, There is no conversation. Surely, we prodded, into a regular-sized orchestra by fill­ busy to carryon with the glamor girls, is the one who really makes his heart room tor secret jealousies nor envy in he'd like to be hanged tor a wolt in­ ing in With Australian talent. like the de~ert program implies, if he turn somersaults. And he's never met GIRLS. BUT JUST ONE the Harris twosome, because there are stead ot the "Philsie-Iamb" of the wanted to. When he's not rehearsing her! That's the "true story" of curly­ so few secrets. It Phil admires Con­ Benny program. He'd really like to I WAS down there a few months," with Jack Benny, he's appearing in haired Phil Harris' big "dates" •.. GIRL REAllY COUNTS! stance Bennett ("Gosh, her voice got go swinging around town, after dark, Phil relates, "and I feU in love. Paramount'S Charlic Ruggles starrer, that is, it's almost the story. mL. back when she making 'Com­ with the delectable Ginger, wouldn't I'd been in love before, plenty of times, "Turn Off the Moon," The other half has to do with a five­ mon Clay' and a lot ot other films," he? but it was never like that. I met If there's one fly in Phil's ointment fool, four-inch brunet. A gal who says Harris, like a big coVege kid), he "Sure, I like Ginger," said Phil, Mascotte on the beach at St. Kilda it is that his incomparable spouse will swims and dances and sings and han­ says so. And Marcia, 1937-model wife, lighting another cigarette, "but she's with some friends, and after that when not cook. "You can always hire one, dles the piano ivories in a way that '<1..'5 eye to eye with him. Besides, she the wife of one of myoid guitarislS, I was not rehearsing the band I was Phil." is the answer he gets from her, should put her in her husband's band. You're right. She's Mrs. Phil Harris. And has been for nine years. It takes the romantic starch Qut of the Sunday night kidding that Swingmaster Har­ ris, with the broad, beaming smile, is subjected to. But there's more to this rnmance-and-rhythm story than that. PHIL HARRIS' "DATES"

Marcia Ral.ton: She'. been Left to right: Carole Lombard, a swell girl, laY. Phil, but where's the glamor? Constance Bennett, the husky. Mr•. Phil Harrll for 9 year.! voiced blonde who waltzes by In the arm. of lIOmeo"e else. And Ginger Roger&-,llhe married one of Phl1'. old player.l

Mrs. Harris (at her contract studio, you know ..." You CQuld see that lr~'inlt to 'catch' one of the shows that But Phil doe-n't really care, because Warner Brothers, she is known as the Middle Western code ot the band­ she was playing. She did some of the his mother, ..... ith her seCQnd husband, Marcia Ralston; her real name is Mas­ master did not include "swinging it," Ruth Chatterton things down there makes her home with her only child, cotte Ralston) knows all about this not even tor publicit)·, with the wite . 'Up Pops the Devil' and 'The and Momma fixes up elegant concoc­ Hollywood blonde with the husky of one of his boys. hI pickl'd up lRw Devil's Plum-Tree.' As a matter of fact, tions like Cr four. We were on and Dad would think there was bow," Marcia said. And Phil, his She's merely a darned married at the Sydney re.111y something to thL' fitm bU~lnc~s: throat suddenly closing, looked. There nice kid, and the wife- Court House, which was So there, my flne friends, you have was Constance Bennett, the blonde they're now separatcd-of one of my the first error, of course, to the na­ the truth about Phil Harris' much­ with the husky voice, standing so close old players. It's the same way with tives. Civil marriages, unless unavoid_ publicized 'dates.' It you'd ask me, to him that he could have whirled her Gable's Carole Lombard ... a swell able. were not the thing, And then I they sC'Cm to be all in the family. off in a rhumba without reaching for girl, but, my God! where's the glamor? came dashing in, late, with my street her. T knotl.' her, suit on, and a shirt that had collar Phil Harrl. may be heard on Jack When Phil came 10, they were leav­ Anyone with hal( an eye can see the points that almost reached down to Benny'. program on Sunday over an ing the club with Mary and Jack reason for Phil's indifference to the my breast pocket. I had 'em made NBC network at 7 p.m. EDT (6 EST; Benny. "Tell me, Marcia," he mur­ glamor dispensers. Paraphrasing Mary that way, purposely. I was the 'per­ 6 COT; 5 CST; 4 MST; 3 PST), and mured. "What did she have on? How Livingstone's famous line, Phil merely sonality drummer: and I dressed the later for the We.t Coaat at 7:30 p.m, did she look? Everything went black asks himself: "What has she got that part. The papers came out with a PST (8:30 MST).

N 8 Radio Guide. W .... Endl.g April 24, 1937 RadIo Guide. W.ek Ending April 24, 1937 9 • TWO HUNDRED POUNDS OF MUSCLE But to take up that side of his life a tL'ce-top n(!nr by. A moment Inter the window was not to be resisted. He which has nothing to do with his sing~ mass of tl't.iling lianas and flaming or­ knew where the bed was. His years of STAND UP TO SING-AND PROVE ing ... We can skip the opinion of the chids still nearer him trembled almost hunting have given him a good aim. pool addicts, since they don't mean imperceptibly. Imperturbablc as he is, There were shrill feminine shrieks and anything anyhow; but lots of other it gave him a tingling sensation to the bedroom had to be baled out With THAT SINGERS AREN'T SISSIES! HE'S people wonder whnt a man who sings ren!ize that while he, Mr. Melchior, buckets! in opera does with his spare time. was hunting wild boars, an equally "MET" TENOR LAURITZ MELCHIOR! Does he spend his free hours drinking wild panther was hunting him, Mr. AND at the Opera surprise pnrty in tea and rhapsodizing over Siegfried Jl,Iclchiorl He had the choice of two New York last year the socialite with fat women in satin who carry things 10 do. He could keep his eye on audience gnsped to its diamond-stud· little dogs on their arms, or does he the panthel' and wuit for a shot ut him, ded heels-and no offense intcnded­ BY JAC I( JAMISON lead the life of an ordinary human while at any instant an infuriated boar when the curtains parted to reveal two being? might come charging out of the jungle. acrobnts in flesh-colored tights and Or he could keep his eyes open for what are impolitely lmown as G­ MELCHIOR, it must be remembered boars and let the panther sneak up and strings. The ground man was tiny Lily first of all, must travel. The fact drop 011 his back when it got overhead. Pons. Floating above her on wires, that he is the greatest living Wagner­ Deciding that it was preferable to be suspended with olle foot in the palm ian tenor means that whenever and gOl'ed than clawed, he sprawled on his of her hand, wns the enormous Mel­ wherever the Wagnerian cycle is be­ broad stomach and trained his rifle chior, beaming and blowing kisses to ing presented he must be summoned. on the gap belween two lrees. The the balcony. He sings in Covent Garden in London, only way the I>anther could get from Colossal vit:>lity, a roaring gusto, a dashes to New York, dashes south to tree to tree, he reasoned, would be to laugh that a bull might envy-that the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires....,...he jump the gap, and while it was in mid­ gets him, in a few words! One of his was on th,e Graf Zeppelin when it air he would be nble to take a shot at best friends is Peter Freuchell. the ex­ made its first trip to South America­ it. If he only wounded it, of course, plorer, the only living man who has and dashes back to the Staatsoper in it would fall practiC

TENOR o. Danes love the out-of-doors. "I don't ous or objectionable animals, and-on belleve in singers wrnpping themselves his estate at Chossiwitz in Germany­ up in woolen shawls like a lot of old only those elk and deer which are old, women," Melchior puts it, and the or malformed and therefore poor for words are a direct reflection of his breeding purposes. Europeans long ago early days, when, to try to imitate his learned the lesson of conservation accent, he "bawx-ed." He can't box which we in America are only begin­ any more these days because, after he ning to observe. had his jaw dislocated a couple of times, doctors pointed out to him that I THINK there is left little doubt that singers with their jnws around under Lau!'itz Melchior is the possessor of Big Bone-and-Muscle Man Lauritz Melchior is today's finest male interpreter of Wagnerian roles. Above: As their ears might hnve a little trouble a certain nmount of physical courage. "Siegfried," a role he has sung over a hundred times-more than twice as many times as any other singer! with their diction. But his outlook on At a rehearsal at the Met not long ago, life is still that of an nthlete. in the seene from Siegfried in which Above: WIth Mrs. MelchIor, In he forges a sword, he struck the anvil Alpine costume. Right: Rieh· HE pool-rooms of this fair land of a youngster. And he can. outwalk, Agnes was blind. (She teaches in the UNABLE to "bawx," he takes twen- 100 hard a blow with his hammel' and ;ord CrOOKS. camo companion ours orc full of pale-faced gang­ outride, outshoot, outswim and-if Royal School for the Blind in Copen­ ty-mile hikes, skis, swims, skates, a jagged piece of metnl splinlered off Tling, cigarette - devouring bravos it comes to that---outsmoke and out­ hagen now,) She used to take Lau­ climbs mountains and goes big-game nlld ripped a long gnsh in his leg. He always the cook, as Richard Crooh who guffaw at the merest mention of a drink any ten pool-hall Tarzans in ritz down under the stage of the Royal hunting, Not long ago in South Amer­ tied up the cut with a handkerchief will testify. His camp chef d'oeuvre writer, painter or singer and say-in Tufftown. They grow 'em big in Den­ Opern House, where special boxes ica, I should add, he hnd the spine­ and went on rehearsing. That is not is an ox-tail soup with brandy, which cffcct-"Sissy!" r have met smaU­ mark. were reserved for the blind, and let chilling experience of finding himself what I should call temperament must simmer steadily for two days and town business men who certainly Lauritz was born in Copenhagen. him listen to the performances with the hunted instead of the hunter. He And. speakinlr of that sword, when he nights-and the Lord have pity on should know better, but they say the His grandfather and his father were her. There he sat, clutching her hand was in the La Pinta River region sang Siegfried for the hundredth time, whoever has to carry wood to the same thing. Just what these Tarzans founders and masters of a boys' school feverishly, his face the only one in all shooting "viled picks"-wild boars, more than twice as mnny times as any­ stove! He teases his wife until he themselves have accomplished to prove there known as the Melchior School. the rows of rapt faces with eyes to see, that is to say. While the native beat­ one else has ever sung the role, the drives her to distraction. She is a their own superior masculinity is onc They had had much experience in edu­ and listened to the glorious torrents of ers skulked through the brush with opera company decided to have a very pretty Danish movie actress who oC those mysteries which will never cating boys, and their experience had song overhead. He knew the music their dogs to scare up boars, Melchior sword mnde and presented to him. fell into his back yard-actually, since be solved, but they believe that artists shown that the best way to turn a of a dozen operas by heart long before sat with characteristic stolidity under "You want a swol'd to giff me?" de­ she was dangling from a parachute­ of any description are effeminate. youngster into a happy and successful he ever saw one. And, as might have a bush nnd waited. To appreciate manded Melchiol'. "Good! I make while she was making a movie thriller, AU I can say is that 1 wish they man was to let him find his own nat­ been predicted, he decided that it was what that means you have to know one!" And he went out to a black­ and he calls her Kleine Fafnir, Fafnir could meet Lauritz Me!chiOI·, ural bent and then follow--it. From the in the opera world that he would find something about wild boars. They are smith shop on Long Island and ham­ being the hOlTible dragon of the Wag­ Melchior is a tenor. What is worse, start Lauritz wanted to sing. And his his place. He was admilted as a stu­ almost always hunted from horseback. mered out his own version of n vi­ ner operas! he is an opcra tenor. When he steps father, who did not think artists were dent at the Royal Opera School, re­ To meet them on foot is to get your king's two-edged weapon. It was An American girl who visited at the out on the stage he puts on rouge, effeminate, let him do it. served for the most gifted youngsters legs gashed by their tusks or, as has rather filting, somehow. He has a estate in Germany last Summer made powder, lipstick and eyeb,:ow pencil. in Denmark, while still in his teens. happened more than once, lose your great deal of the viking in his nature. the serious mistake of sleeping with But this samc Melchior weighs, I THE boy's mother wns dcad. The two To jump from the beginning of his me. The Danes, as Shakespeare renl­ But even more in contradiction of her windows open in good healthful should say, something in the vicinity women who were closest to him artistic history to the end, he made his ized when he wrote Hamlet, are a the traditional picture of the opera fashion. Lauritz, an inveterate tink­ of two hundred and ten pounds, and were the family's housekeeper, an ex· American debut at the Metropolitan wonderful people! tenor is his rough-and-ready sense of erer, was out ill the garden experi­ '(/S· nearly aU of it is musele. He stands traordinary woman who later offered Opera House in New York in 1925 and At any rate, Lauritz was sitting sol­ fun. He makes no attempt whatever menting with a new pumping-plant in about six feet two in his stocking feet. him her life savings when he needed he is today recognized by all critics as emnly under his bush when his eye to stand on his dignity. In camp, where the early morning, He had it con­ " . tl He was a ranking amateur boxer as money to study, and his sister Agnes. the world's le~ding Wngnerian tenor. caught a fleeting glimpse of yellow in he spends so much of his time, he is nected to a fire hose, and the open

10 Radio Guide. Week Ending April 24, 1937 R..dlo Guid•• W..k Eliding April 24, 1937 II HERE was ilO doubt that the man murmur. For by now he was sur­ was drunk. He was, in (act, tight, rounded by a small gallery of amused Tboiled, plastered, blotto and spil· and admiring citizens who were flicaled. dwelling upon his every word. But the shocking part of it was that "Gatta get oula here-pretty fast!" he wore the honored uniform of a the blue-clad gentleman munnured Denver policeman! And on top of it again. And with that. he broke into all, his right eye was closed, and black a run. For that little lurking center and blue. A blissful, silly smile twist· of his brain obviously told him that if cd his good-humored mouth. It was the radio cops wcre after him, it be­ three o'clock on a Sunday morning. hooved him to run-fast. Now, Denver is a hc·man town, and It wasn't much of a run-but it even at three o'clock of a Sunday set'ved. It served amazingly well, as morning there are he-men abroad. a matter of fact, for the luck of a Consequently, there were several who drunk enabled him to achieve some­ saw this reeling, drunken cop--and thing which seldom has been managed heard his plaintive question; by the very smartest crooks. "Sha:)', where's the corner of Twen'­ It enabled him to dodge that radio icth an' California Avenoo'.''' car and its grimly aroused officers for Since this happy man was traveling five whole minutes. in circles, and since he was only two blocks from the corner of Twentieth HOW he did it, nobody knows. His and California, the jest had a double gallery deserted when the wail of head of cream. A drunken cop-who a police siren sounded. Perhaps those didn't even know his own city! few night·going Dcnverites had no Irate taxpayers-and nowadays all more desire to be found abroad than taxpayers seem to be irate-called po­ was the teetering man in the ill·fitting lice headquarters and gave the desk police overcoat. Anyway, they van­ sergeant a "piece of their minds." ished-all except three obviously What kind of a police fox:ce was it, drunken men who remained. And they they wanted to know, that harbored cheered the fleeing one Oll with bibu­ not only sloppy drunks-but drunks lous enthusiasm. In them, the spirit so sloppy that they couldn't find their of Western sportsmanship burned too way around, let alone' direct any timid brightly to permit them to guide the old lady who might be inquiring her police correctly when that radio car way around? It was an outrage! Were ground to a stop beside them-and its the police paid to direct citizens, or occupants asked directions. were citizens obliged to direct the p0­ "Sure-he went that way-" said lice? It was fascism-it was com­ one citizen, pointing. munism-it was anarchism, and the "That way-" said a second, point­ irate taxpayers would ha....e none of it. ing in a totally contrary direction. The third man just laughed, to the intense THUS it was that the drunk with the disgust of the radio police. happy smile-and the Denver po­ Of course, they cornered the mis­ lice badge Number 273 pinned to the creant who had stolen Patrolman Phil­ coat he wore-happened to be wheel­ lips' gear. They got him as he peered ing his circuitous way past an apart­ around a corner, a block distant­ ment house, in which a late party was clutching a lamp-post in the friend­ still in progress, just at the moment liest way, to keep from falling on his someone had the inspiration to turn lace. the radio to the police band. And­ blaring somewhat loudly, it must be AND they took him to headquarters, confessed - that radio spoke clearly where, with great dignity and good and distinctly into the night, as follows: humor, the drunk gave his name as "... a prowler in the rear at that Clinton L. Emmert. addren." "Always wanned be a policeman," A pause, then: he assured. them, in the friendliest fashion. '"Like polishmen. Great fel­ "Calling Cor 5 • . . Car 5 . . . a lers. So when I saw that uniform in drunken policeman is reported annoy­ the car, I said to m'selI, 'Clint, here's ing citizens in the vicinity of Twen­ where you're a cop.' So I did it. tieth and CalifOT1lia ... This may have And-" some connection with the previous re­ "Gotta get outa here, pretty fast," he murmured again But at that point, Clinton L. Em­ port of the missing overcoat, blouse. mert's strong soul wilted. Gallant to badge and cap of Patrolman Phillips were the coat, badge, blouse and cap. that somewhere in the darkness of the end, he finalJy just had to succumb ... Calling Car 5 ... Pick up this man. to the insidious effect of the alcohol he Car 5 ..." Even in the ensuing moment of that Sunday morning there lurked a gloom, Patrolman PhilJips was happy wolf who had, no doubt, attired him­ had swallowed during that glorious And that serves to introduce a bit­ to discover that the unknown marau­ self in the sheep's clothing of a very night which had culminated in the terly wronged man. His name is Doug­ der bad failed to notice his service sheepish Denver policeman. achievement of at least the semblance las L. Phillips, and he is a highly re­ revolver, which still bul:ed the pocket o( his life's ambition. spected patrolman on the Denver city in the door of his car. AND now we return to the drunken Clinton L. Emmett passed out. police. His number-need it be said? Shocked, alarmed and outraged, Pa­ "cop" with the blissful soule and But on Monday morning, when he -is 273. trolman Phillips rushed to headquar­ the skillful of liquor. faced Municipal Judge Phillp B. Gil­ Now, sometime before the bappy­ ters. There he had an awkward and Remember that he was just outside liam, Clint had an explanation for faced drunk started to circle around decidedly unpleasant time in convinc­ that apartment house when the alann everything. Someone had given him in the night, Patrolman Phillips had ing a sarcastic sergeant that no one came over the police radio. And now, the uniform to mind--and he had put parked his car, with complete legality had managed to strip him of those it seemed, some tiny center of his it on because he was afraid he would and propriety, near the corner of Sev­ habiliments and accoutrements of of­ brain, as yet uncooked by alcohol, re­ drop it, and it would get dirty. The enteenth and Lawrence Streets. In ficialdom. A radio alarm had ensued, sponded to what he heard. black eye? Well, he could only believe the car, which was locked, Patrolman warning Denver's Best and Bravest "Get outa here!" he was heard to that someone had given him that­ Phillips left his coat, his badge, his .;orne base person who didn't like po­ blouse and his cap. He was off duty. licemen. Returning to his car, Patrolman "I'd be minding that uniform yet," Phillips was astounded and dismayed MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, HE WANTED TO said Clinton L, Emmert sadly, "if to find that someone had forced the them radio fellers hadn't found me." door of his car. And missing from it BE A COP. HE WAS-FOR A LITTLE WHILE! Which is probably true.

12 DOOR slammed down the hall my press releases. StiU, it's true. I was playing that before I even touched nice, quiet, sweet number and every­ and somebody came funning. don't plug my own songs. T drive my it, My publisher came to me. body was dancing, and there were soft A It was Ted Fio-Rita and he publishers crazy. I plug other people's "'Fio-Rito,' he said, 'do I have to lights and everything was peaceful was high. songs. They hate it. beg you to play your own song?' and swell. Suddenly I hear somebody "Hello, hello!" he said. "What are "There is a reason for that. It's "Once I wrote a symphony. Maybe yell 'Hey!' Then there is an awful you doing in this terrible place? Look like this, First there is Fio-Rito the )'ou have heard that I'm writing a crash. It sounds as if somebody had at it! We have a big, important inter­ . Then there is Fio-Rito the symphony now. Well. that is not true, dropped a tray full of dishes. I turn view and they give us the worst office musician. So Fio-Rito the composer When I was young-19-1 wrote a around, and there is Candy, laughing in the building. I don't think we'll writes a song. But Fio-Rito the com­ symphony, and some day maybe I'll at a waiter. The waiter was mad. It even stay here." He took off his hat poser can't take his song to Fio-Rito write another one. But you know how seems Candy tossed a plate at him and coat. the musician and plug it, because Fio­ it is with that sort of thing. For that when his back was turned and then "What do you want to know? My Rito the musician would give him too you have to lock yourseU up and not yelled. The waiter tried to catch the love-life, maybe? Me, a married man? much of a break. Maybe he would answer the phone or open the door. do plate, But he missed. Fio-Rito was rm in love with my wife-that's not play the song all the time. So, to avoid nothing but write a symphony, sore. the waiter was sore, the people news. Or is it? Well, I didn't think this. I play my own songs only once who were dancing were sore--every­ you wanted to know about my love­ in a while, and until they get going, I BUT my son Tito, now, I'll bet he will body was sore but Candy. Candy is life anyway. You don't look like a man don't plug them, You see~ It is all very write a symphony be10re he's 19, out on the Coast someplace now. San who would want to know about my clear, and plain, I'm teaching him piano right now, Francisco, I guess. He is a great guy, love-life. "That reminds me of a song called Probably you don't believe that. Tito but he is young. He likes to move. "So if we don't talk about love-lile 'Now That You're Gone.' I wrote that. isn't thrce years old yet. but every "We have had a lot of luck on the I'll tell you about Fio-Rita the dual and it was a hit You remember that :lay I give him a piano lesson-five Coast. Not only long runs. and things personality. That's a good slory. First, song~ Ta-dum ta da. It went like that. minutes every day. When he is a little like that, but we have had good ideas 1 will tell you about the name Fio­ Ta-dum ta da. Well. ever.rbody else older, fifteen minutes every day. on the Coast-new and different ef­ Rilo. U J don't, you'll spell it Fire­ fects and orchestrations, you know, Eater, or Rio Rita or something. things like that. That is the big thing Instead it's F-i-o-dash-R-i-t-o. Just in this business-something new all like Fio-Rito that famous bandleader. TED FIO-RITO STARTED YOUNG, MOVED FAST the time. You know that trick with the Ho ho ho. There is a man. There is trombone. The slide? Everybody does a band. How I love that band! -AND HE'S BEEN MOVING FAST EVER SINCE! that now. You go up or down with the "But about Fio-Rito the dual per­ slide-zooooo-like that. We did that sonality. Probably you first. We were the first to give viola a won't believe this story. big place in a dance band, too. It is a true story. You "You think other bands have used want to know about my ideas? You !Ihould hear what I songs I have wriUen~ think! But I don't care. I have more Sure, hundreds of songs. ideas, And Fio·Rito is still working. Well, seventy-eight, at ONCE HE WROTE least, and hits, too. And you say why don't I plug my own songs BY more. I can tell by that you have been reading CARL PRENTISS A SYMPHONY

"f do it like this: Every day-at the "But here I am talking all the time, same time every day, remember-I and you probably want to ask me say, 'Now, Tito, we'll play the piano.' questions, You want to know where I Then I say, 'Now, where is the Ted Fio - Rlto was born, maybe, things like that? Or bow-wow?' And he reaches down and maUer~ with Ion Tlto doesn't that Anyway, it was in strikes some bass notes. That is the at the plano Newark, New Jersey, on December 20, bow-wow, you see--dog, bow-wow­ 1900. I started to play piano when I that is how I make him remember. was five years old, but don't let any· Then I say, 'And where are the little body tell you I was playing Liszt then, birds?' Then he strikes some notes or Bach. First I played 'The Star high in the treble. Then I say. 'Now, Spangled Banner'-with one finger. sing doh.' So he strikes a note in the My uncle gave me lessons. Then when middle of the keyboard, any note, and 1 was sixteen I played the piano in a sings 'doh.' We do that three or four movie theater, Then when I was 18 I times, no more, then I send him off to played piano with Ross Gorman's or­ play. Five minutes is enough for a chestra in Atlantic City. When I was child a year and a halt old. You have 21, I was in Chicago, at the Edgewater to be careful that it doesn't bore them Beach hotel, with my own orchestra, so they hate to practise. and I wrote my tlrst song when I was "With Tito, by the time he is seven 21, too. That was 'Love Bird.' Maybe or eight years old, he will love the it was not such a good song, but it was piano so much that it will be like not an awful lot of song, then, to me. eating all day if he doesn't practise. Then, a little later, he will be so good SINCE then I have just been play- that he will enjoy it more than any­ ing. That's ali-and that's plenty. thing else. Hollywood, New York, New York, "After that---he'll have his name in Hollywood. Pictures. the Cocoanut lights. 'Tito Fio-Rito~' I can see it now, Grove, dance spots, hotels, radio, radio, Tito Fio-Rito is a swell name for the all the time, all up and down the lighbi. Short, and catchy. We always country. Some life, isn't it'? Boy, that's call him Tito, Hil> name is Theodore. what I think! I love it! like mine. but we never call him Jun­ "Well, I'm late. Let's see, where was ior. I wouldn't call him Junior. Tito is I going? Anyway, I'm late. Where's my much better. That's the diminutive for hat? Where did I put that hat~ Theodore, Young Theodore. "Wait a minute! There was one "Speaking of )'oung, I suppose you thing I was going to tell )·ou. There know all the boys in my band are was a story. You know, I was telling young. It would average 22 or 23. But you about Tito's piano lessons. One when they arc )'oung like that they day I was talking with Tilo's doctor. sometimes raise hob. You remember I was telling him about the boy's Candy~ Sure, everybody remembers piano lessons. Candy. He was the fellow who played "The doctor said, 'So Tito is going to bass viol and sang bass and soprano be a great pianist like his father, eh?' at the same time. He was a wild man. " 'Great,' I said, 'he's going to be a I remember one time at Cleveland we genius!' were playing at the Mayfair room or "The doctor laughed. 'Oh,' he said, someplace. Candy didn't work all the 'you mean like Eddy Duchin~' time, of course, he just did an act once "Well, I am late. Good-by!" in a while, and the rest of the time he There was a running down the hall. wandered around amusing himself, A door slammed. It was Ted Fio-Rito "One time we were pla)'ing some and he was gone.

Radio Gllld, • Week Ending April 24, 1937 13 BASEBALL ON THE AIR AGAIN~ NBC Symphony GUESTS, SPECIAL EVENTS & PREMIERES First Game Is THURSDAY. April 15 Finish of t~e 8oston A. A. Muathon. 230 p..... BUf·fur Fisht I,orn london. 430 p_m_ E~iT .::'. 0.30 (':'IT), :"BC (3;]0 CST). C8::- O'licial Opening 01 t~e Major Ba~ban Snson. Presents New Mary rl$tIlIJ.n, JNnna JOIce. Shltll.l. Burttl. 8 \\'~,h",t'on Senator. \'S. Pbi~lphL;l Atb p.... EST (1 (ST). 'BC. '-.llft. ~"f'-t •. leU<_ 245 p,m. EST 11:45 CST). "Be. To Be Aired titk" Menhn in HEmpfUS Jo~phiM.H 8 p_m, \lOS IC8S on al 3 p.IIl.) EST (1 CST), CBS Katt So",..", CUt"- Joe E. BrGYln in "A:ibi Ike." 9 p.m. Do. (5 "Gulliver" by Edg... Stillman.Kellty. 8 p_m, E!>' CST). CB!'-, Lux R~io Thuter ~ul. 'Gulliver' (1 CST). ,Be. Work! ,;odio pr.... '~rt bl- 1M N~tiGnal Scout Jambor" Previe.... 9:45 p.m. EST On April 19 XDe S)-mpbon)' On:h~lr. conducted 1»- Or. (8:45 C"T), :"BC. The dean of American conductors Damr""",h Spring is really here! will honor the dean of in a p"pnations lor Iht br....duit d6uiption of tht TUESDAY. April 20 The umpire's cry of "Play bam" at birthday tribute on Thursday, April tdip~. " p.m, E!>l (8 CST). '>lJ( Baseball; Now Yorlt Gianls 'S. Brooklyn Dodgers. the flrst game of tht' 1937 baseb;lll sea­ 15, when Dr. Walter Damrosch con­ Walk. O'K"'t, Hildegarde, Slurns Puis. 9 2:15 p.m. EST (145 CST). ~IBS. p.m. EST (8 CST), :'>'BC Sho-o' 8oduatt racultJ of I'olitiul Rt. Hon. Herbert Morrison. 6:15 p.m. EST (5:15 broadcast by the National Broadcast­ Kelley will be present in the studio in and Sod.l Mitner. CST), ca... Irni>re..ion. of Allleriu" ing Company alone are two opening Radio City. Both Dr. Stlllman-Kelley His MIleSly's Chapllin. the Rev. C~non A. C. baseball games, the famous Boston and Dr. Damrosch will speak briefly FRIDAY, April 16 Dune. 7,45 p,m. E~T (6,15 CST). xac­ A.A. Marathon, leading turf events, in­ on the program. Dr. Stillman-Kelley Dr. Fr~nk BI~ck. 12:30 p.m. EST (11:30 a.m. CT), ca!>. lion), Vic and Sado, 10:45 1'.111. EST (9,45 CST), NBC Track and basebnll come first on age to Lilliput." The present "Gulli­ wood Hotel ~uests. New '1>01. the NBC sports calendar. The season's ver," however, Is an entirely new Alma Turner, Bnle Stred Boys Quartet. 9 Picc,dilly Music Hall. II p.lIl. EST (10 CST). p,m, EST (8 CST). NBC, All Colored He· NaC opellel' between the Washington Sena­ symphonic composition in four move­ vu! guest<. tors and the Philadelphia Athletics. ments: "Through the Paleontoscope," Jamts Truslow Ad~ms. ",r,ter a"d loistur;.n. 10 WEDNESDAY. April 21 featuring the toss of the fll'st ball by "On a Strange Shore," "The Capture p.m. I'ST (9 CST). CBS. S,..,.ker wit~ Willialh Lyon Pholps. 11 a.m, EST (10 CST), President Roost'velt, will be reportt'd of Gulliver by the Lilliputians" and I'hiladelphia Or~hstra, CIlS, \1"~37.i"e "' l),e Air guest. by Graham McNamee and Tom Man­ "Gulliver's Rescue and Return to Eng_ Women's Senior AAU Swimming Meet. \0;45 FutYre R~co Irom J'lhai,~. 3:45 p.m. EST ning from Amcriea's capital city, land." p,m, 'EST (9,4;' CST). cas, (2,45 (ST). ,\IllS. Washington, on Monday, April 19. The symphony will have been per­ Mrs. Franklin D. RGosovelt. 7,15 p.m. EST (6:15 over the NBC-Blue Network. SATURDAY, April 17 (ST), "me "e" serie<. formed only twice before. on April 9 Webb Miller, 10:15 a.Ul. EST (9:15 CST), NBC. Her Second Husband, drama, with Ilele" ,\lellhn, On the following day, Tuesday. and 10, when it was played by the "T~e Situation ill Spain." 8:30 p.n,- EST (1:30 CST), KBe. "e" ,eri~<. April 20, the same two NBC reporters Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra under Haverford College Glee Club. 1 p,IIl, leST (12 Minstrel ShG'" with Gene Arnold. 10:30 p.lII, EST will be at Yankee Stadium, New York, the direction of Eugene Goossens. nOOn CST). CBS. (9:30 CST). "IK. to give a play-by~play description of Dr. Stillman-Kelley is noted as com­ "Citmen" with Ho.a Pon,elle. Ilene \[ai'ull a",1 the opening game or the World Cham­ poser of "New England," a symphony; otllers. 2 p.m. EST (1 CST), "ae. L..t THURSDAY, April 21 pion YankC'Cs versus the Senators. This \lOlropolitan Op<'r~ \latinee. Folk Music from Scotland, 2:15 p.m. EST (1015 "Alice in Wonderland" and "Aladdin," Billy Kyle, pianist. 7:30 p,m, EST (6,30 CST), CST). C8<; Ameriran School 01 the Ait. game will be broadcast over NBC Sta­ orchestral suites, and numerous choral CDS. Gue.t, $'clc< lUeBC. ROM B~mptGn. 10 p.m. EST (9 CST), "BC­ finish will he heard from the head­ Major John A. Warner. 12:30 p.lD EST (\IJO BUlo Crosby" flJe

Radia•• W••k hding April 24, 1937 15 A Synopsil of The Metropolitan Opera

CARMEN ••• By George Bizet April 17, 1:50 p.m. EST (12:50 CST; 11;50 a.m. MST; 10:50 PST) of the MASTERS NBC·Red Network Cumen Rou Ponsclle M,(ull Hilda Burke FrlSlIUlll Thelm.!. Vot,pk.l Mundes • Helen D:he,m a tight-rope. Stage fright she has Don JcKe • Rene MI.,r.on overcome and, during her years with Esumilo Julius Huehn us, .!'he has endeared herself to thou­ Dancaire Cehlnovsky sands by her unaffected charm. Those Remendado Ciordlno Pallriniu; who know her personally count her Zuniga louis D'AI'l~!o Marion Talley returns among their most refreshing friends. Morlles ...•.. W,lIred En",lmln to the air next year. She has learned what "eet ees Ult zee COl'lduclor; Cel'lnlro Pap, Inset: John BarblroUi, American publique wants ... and she who has been appointed \\'l1h ROY Ponsel" si I~ ,.• rOM ees geeving it to them." the ope.a "ClT1IIen.'· broadta,t f O.,-eWlcl.. permanent eonduetor of brill", the ...... "t "etr"""lilln seUOII 10 • dow the New York Philhar­ •• .... S.turda}. monic. He is English Sunday the New York Philharmonic­ .\m..... the Ihr.. or lou. "0"1 p"p"1,. open< Symphony Society concludes its nine­ of aD I;"'e. ""Carmetl" UIM 10 iu ...... -flf )"ff. ty-IUth regular season and its seventh ~il>on bul Io"'ly. Chin obollin lhe band of ~-"' Cl...---bul eun U ,he bee.. Ihe ","und 01 conductors there had been a suffi­

16 RCldio Guide. Wltltk Ending April 24, 1937 ". HICAGO.-He was riding behind made honorary Major in the U. S. AST week I told you another for children. Henry Lanier won the six white horses when he came Army Flying Corps as a result of her change is expected in the Show $1000 prize witll his "The Bravest of C-thal is, Paul Whiteman was intel·cst in aviation .. , In town last L Boat talent line-up before the the Brave" stories. Now NBC an­ when he came to this city last week. week was Leslie Curtis, the novelist, wann weather season comes around. noullce. that it will broadcast tlie ser­ And the six white horses pulled a whose "Sins o( Sally" is all set to be Since then my sleuth comes forth with ies each Sunday starting May 2 over victoria carriage, ahead of which one of the next daily serials to hit the a report that will startle a good many its red network. marched a mounted guard of honor air ... New York bound soon will be of my readers, In short, the sponsors from the 122nd Field Artillery Lanc­ Joan (Mrs. Frank Bering) Winters, of this program have acted in part on Lowell Thomas sails on the S. S. ers. It was all part of the stunt ar­ NBC radactress, to take a screen test, my suggestion made here months ago Europo. on April 28 to broadcast the ranged as a welcome to Whiteman, which was set after a recent prelimin­ which was eehoed by manr of you, to coronatiOn. While away. he'll broad­ who arrived to play his current en­ ary audition ... Prouder tllan a hen bring back some of the original cast. cast lwice from lhe boat, twice from ga~ement at the Drake Hotel is Uncle (Pat Barrelt) Ezra who, as a Thus, when the program switches to London and once from Paris en his Official City Greeter Cl.!.arJes Dewey gentleman farmer. has had but one Hollywood on or about July 1, it will regular nightly program. On other and Lorraine Ingalls. city prize­ casualty from a brood of 521 week-old have as its emcee none other than nights, NBC commentators will sub­ winning beauty. werc Paul's carriage chicks .A man's-eye SQuint at Charles Winninger. the original Cap- stitute. companions. Across Jackson to Mich­ Kathryn (News tain Henry. How­ igan Boulevard, the procession wended Through a Woman's ever, the title of Rudy Vallee will not be present for and then north to the Drake. where Eyes) Cravens on a Show Boat will be the Variety 1I0ur broadcast of April by order of Mayor Edward Kelly, visit here last week' dropped and the 29. He will be on tile high seas bOlLnd Whiteman was crowned King of l\1u~ic Fascinating. tall program will take for ;olly old London, from where he for the Chicago Civic Charter Centen­ golden blond with the form of a vari­ will do two of his programs. On the nial celebration. Present at the coro­ hair done in a back ety show. Lanny show of the 29th, Edgar Bergen and nation were his alumni and discoveries, braid and wearing Ross, whose con­ Charlie McCartlly will introduce the Tenor..Jack Fulton and the King's two silver faxes for tract ends on July celebs on the show, wl~icll promises to Jesters, the latter dressed as jesters a neckline to her I. will not be in­ be very amusing. in honor of the event . Comment: beige tailored suit. cluded in the new Paul beat two circuses, now showing . Back from a talent roster. He Mentioning Edgar Bcrgen and his in Chicago, to the draw by two days Hollywood visit is will either go to pal. Charlie. reminds me to tell you with his parade! Irna ("Guiding Hollywood to make that the ventriloquisl has another Light" and "Today's a movie or accept stooge by the name of Elmer. I saw it Speaking of tile Big Top, last Sat­ Children" author) the offer of another with my own eyes while visiting the urdall evening (ApriL 10) may be Phillips ... Smilin' radio sponsor for a night club in Chicago where Bergen PLUMS INSIDE AND STUFF PRUNES BY BY EVANS MARTIN PLUMMER LEW IS

marked down as the date of the first Ed McConnell's two thirteen-week Sum­ played an engagement. Charlie is very broadcast Coast to Coast from the how­ youngsters. Jim and mC'r program. At jealous of Elmer but he couldn't tell dah on tile back of a circus elepllant. Jane, have ended this writing Lanny you about it over the air the way he Credit tile stunt to Mutual Broadcast­ the i I' chicken-pox Is conferring with docs at the night spot unless Bergen ing System. Friday, April 16, Ilowever, seige and are. as the movie company first washed Charlie's mouth out with NBC hopes to relieve some of Ihe Jane says. now out and the radio spon­ soap and water. Anyway, Elmer is an sting of defeat by airing the annual of ·'quarrelteen." .<;Or and is expected excccdin~ly funny character and here's Fre)"no College dilapidated jeloppy to make a decision my suggestion to Bergen to introduce S-mile race, cars enlered for wliich Rl)mance Corner: in a few days as lo him to the loud"peaker eavesdroppers. mwt be older tlian ten years and Willard Waterman. just which offer he wOTth leu than $50. 1I0ung actor in will accept. The de­ There's some talk about Stuart Er­ NBC's "Girl Alone." cbion depends on win, the screen comic, pinch-hitting Ott a Live Mike: More cosmetics elc., i..s engaged to two points: The (or Jack Benny while he is vacation­ on the air! Princess Pat, who angels lIfary Anna Thel­ compensation and ing .. , With comics being all the rage, "Tale of Today," has signed a show eel!. Kenosha. Wis., the type of picture we hear that Richard Himber'S Mon­ which will break within 60 days on junior wcialite , in which he would day night show on NBC is planning to the NBC net as a Tuesda:r night fea­ June will be the Above: Bob Trout, CBS Pres;· be cast. add a popular comedian to its program. ture .,. and May 9 will see the month for Matt dentlal .. nnouncer. joined the premiere over a Mutual (MBS) East­ ("J 0 h n' sOt her Easter p... rade, Tile (Iuto moker Did you hear the mouse broadcast l\lidwest hook-up of "Your Parlor Wife") Crowley and with ... wri.t microphone! He who already hal last Sunday? In case lIou didn't, NBC Playhouse," a variety airing, for Love­ Mary L. Berry. ,. carried all hi. own equipment two .IIOWS on CBS put all a IS-minute program featuring the voices of 22 singing mice. Some lv Lady beauty aids. Les (Betty and Wed last week were Left: Alfred W ... lIenstein. who ha. left NBC alto· Bob) Tremayne and Rowena Williams Tony Koelker, Chi­ gether by taking his sanU, some didn't. Anyway, a winner became conductor for "Voice was declared and nanted America'. are two of many in the talent Ime-up NBC press agent, of Firestone" recently. Right: t h i I' d program to ,. After much deliberation. the city and Anne Courtney, Helen Gleason, eo·soloist with CBS. Although it best. Now comes the announcement council of Waukegan, Ill., Jack B(.'n­ former hostess for Joseph Schmidt, supported by was previoll.!ly an­ that Miss America will compete willi ny's home town, has set aside March Ihe same net ,., 1l01Ulced that "Uni­ Mickey, the Britisll Champion of Dav­ a 70· piece orchestr.. on the enport, England, for world Ilonors. 23 as Jack Benny Day ... Los Angele.'; Vagabond Quartet motors smyphony broadcast versal Rlll/tlnn," the Chamber of Commerce, please hiss! Ha'monizer John show with Rex We've .'leard of a lot of stTallge broad­ While visiting Chi, and befol'e return­ Jordan and Fred- Chandler. Richard casts alld about a lot of money being Ing to Hollywood, Lum 'n' Abner din Clark are w)w Mr. & Mrs. Bonelli, AI('c Templeton and tl~e Landt spent for international programs, but bought (I) a small car, (2) a billiard That aiT-commuting New York radio Trio, would switch from its Friday neuer befoTe anything Quite like this. table, (3) two new shotguns, (4) as­ man is still courtillg CM radactress NBC spot 10 a Saturda)/ NBC niche, it sorted golf clubs, and (5) a flock of Oelty Winkler. developed later that this llet could not A new show now in rehearsal is new games for their recreation rooms. clear the time. So in order to reach scheduled to hit the airlanes soon and Fibber McGee and Molly played din­ the territory he wanted, tI~e sponsor will be called, "Harlem Night Court." Now that many of you loyal Nelson ner host last week to Major Jimmy moved over to CBS. As a result, last Clarence Muse and the Hall Johnson Eddlol fans have taken me to task for Doolittle just to settle a ping-pong week there was no show. The new choir will be the featured attractions. mentioninp that Eddy Ilad a cold and challenge the Major had given them schedule on CBS starls April 17 and therefore missed several of lib brood­ ,evera} weeks previously while the will be heard each Saturday night Kiwcl/cle Chatter: "We. The Peo­ casts, read this excerpt from a story pair were in New York. The aviator thereafter. ple" will probably depart from the pit-en out bioi the allto companll for won---although he never has tried airlane. some time next month and re­ whom Eddlol will sinp April 18: "An ping-pong balls in the winl!:< of any The Kentucky Derby has a radio turn next Fall . .. "The Adventure. exactillp concert tour ., pili.! st'l'eTe plane he has flown. While in the base­ sponsor, the same one as lasl )'ear but of Captain Diamond" signs of! Ile.:ct head colds, a streptococcu.s infection of ment playroom. Jimmv noted a qUl."er­ a different network. The tobacco com­ Sunday, and the following week the the throat and ilifermitt

• Rod;lI G"ld•• Week Ending April 24. 19)7 17 UMBRELLA COURT RADIO GUIDE'S X-WORD PUZZLE


MBRELLA COURT IS ON THE on the principle that the umbrella of AIR!" community knowledge may ward off U The lively tune of "Let a Smile many a shower of community misun­ Be Your Umbrella" roars out from derstanding and misery." the organ in the KSTP studio and The court is rapped to order and the the largest audience that regularly lis­ first quaking witness comes before the tens to a Northwest program settles bench. Here, while drawing four ques­ back for a half-houf of fun-and cdu~ tions from the inverted umbrella, said cation. witness gives name and address, and When the managing editor of the if young and pretty, perhaps the tele­ Minneapolis JOUTTUl! asked the promo­ phone number. The judge waves the tion department to build a program witness to the stand and begins the that would inform the people of the interrogation. Sometimes an obviously Northwest on subjects of general in­ wrong answer will send the spectators terest, it looked like a huge task. Bob into gales of laughter and the bailiff Barclay, alias Mark Question, genial has to restore order in the court Re­ Judge of Umbrella Court, finally hit cently a witness was asked, "Who is to upon the present program. He felt that be football captain this coming season it would be not only a good idea to at the University of Minnesota?" It inform the people, but he also felt the was possible the young lady would not listeners should have a part in the know, but when she said Bernie Bier­ show, as well. The question-and-an­ man, who is nationally known as the swer routine was an obvious necessity, Minnesota coach, the roar of laughter

HORIZONTAL 11. African r;,·tr 11. Comparat;~t wffi,. 1. Capital 01 Portlllal n. Inltrnal Ilt.'tIlUt (abbr.) 12. Idol of tht a;rlants 7. Idols 73. B) ..a)' of (abbr.) 14. Vinetnt --. bandludtr B. Slips 75. G'ftk 'dltr IS. Interl..-iMndludu 53. V~ritly of dnn~mon <14. Sylvia --, IOngstrnl Solution to Punle 55. Fe'liit plain ill W. PII· 47. Virsinia --, IOnl"r.·.. Given Last Week Mt;n. (Bib.) 48. Belonpng 10 liS ;7. Lawl The Umbrella Court In .e..lonl The upside-down umbrella in the 49. 510..11 (milS.) 58. Rt·tn,oll background contains the questions; the prize-money I. waltlng! 51. Medicinal planb 59. Emploj·tr 53. Company (abbr.) 60. Ptrlaining 10 ""ni,hmn' 54. Bont 61. Joe --. comldiln but to get away from the old "bank drowned out the plaintive call of the 56. Nur th. st~n (Naill.) 62. Marsh night" pattern he decided the questions "raspberry." Incidentally, the same sa -- Ettine. IIOnlstress 64. Unmtslr would be drawn from an old inverted night a witness was asked to name 60. ~h(nificenct 66. ROrill" 69. Last lIam. of ltar in tbt 79. Eilhtr stand he prepared the mating-call of happens to be president. the audience POrtrail 81. Wbilt the wild duck, better known as the went into minor hysterics. Sometimes 70. Ptttr -_, an...... nu. 82. Spellill' (abbr.) "raspberry" or "Bronx labial bou­ the questions deal with observation, quet." Perhaps the witnesses, as the such as, "How many passenger eleva­ "qucstionees" are called, find solace in tors are there in the lobby of this the fact a first prize of ten dollars hotel?" "How many light globes are awaits the winner each court session. there on each post?" "How many coin THE COVER PORTRAIT Three other prizes of five, three, and tubes are there on the coin-changers one dollar each are given runner-ups. of the Minneapolis street car conduc­ tors?" Invariably these questions are ENAY VENUTA flutters the lids of only American girl at the Beaupre, in R. BARCLAY carefully reads the stumbling-blocks for the witnesses. Bher blue-gray eyes as she says the Geneva. M letters of application, picks wit­ Questions are asked concerning points notion that she is descended from She turned down an opportunity to nesses representing young and old age­ of interest in the Twin Cities and sur­ Benvenuto Cellini is "probably just a be presented before Their Brittanic groups and usually equal numbers rounding territory. When some un­ gag!" But then she tells of her own Majesties so she could return to Holly­ from both sexes. These witnesses re­ usual story has appeared in the news­ life-very little, if any, less intriguing wood. In 1930 she made her first radio ceive a special subpena commanding papers a question may be asked than that of the Italian goldsmith. venture in San Francisco. Then, on a them to drop all business on a certain concerning the main character. Facts Benay was born in San Francisco, hunch, she went to New York and date to appear in Umbrella Court. of general knowledge are important. and went throu,lfh her early educa­ WABC. That was the beginning of a Since early last Fall, when the pro­ tional paces in Los Altos, Palo Alto radio career that has brought her voice gram began its run, there has been HE participants' scores are kept on and Hollywood. In Hollywood High to millions of listeners. only one violation of this summons. Ta blackboard with correct an­ School, some of her classmates were Her fascination of the sea has also The KSTP studio in the Radisson swers counting twenty-five points and Karen Morley, Sally Eilers and Kath­ taught her its dangers-for. in the Hotel, Minneapolis, is packed to over­ ten points deducted for wrong answers. ryn DeMille. She broke records as We5t Indies, she onC€ knew the thrill nowing a half-hour before the program A perfect score is one hundred and captain of the high school swimming of having sharks surround a grounded begins. There are no admittance cards fifty points and in the history of the team-and put into effect the theatrical yacht on which she was-theoretically and the line of waiting fans extends court, there has been only one person ambitions she'd had since the age of -looking for sharks! Later she was far down the hallways. Following the to attain this goal. If ignorance is bliss, four. She wrote several original plays, without food or water, when a yawl theme and opening announcements, the average Umbrella Court witness and acted in school theatrics. was becalmed in the Mediterranean. Tim Ramsland, clerk of court, in­ is inclined to be somewhat blissful. Then, with the encouragement of But she also enjoys less precarious troduces the judge of community Umbrella Court boasts of being one her parents, she joined a Fanchon and diversions. She likes to paint furniture, affairs. Mark Question. Somberly clad of the original radio programs of its Marco unit at Grauman's Egyptian and take snapshots, which she later in a flowing black gown the judge type, and though lately similar set-ups Theater. in Hollywood. After three tints. Proudest of all her hobbies is begins: "Here we go--here we go. are heard over national hook-ups, the years on the stage, she was taken to her ever-growing music library. And What you !Ire is what you know-or cleverly put questions and the inform­ Europe by her grandfather, and placed listeners will affirm that she's making vice ver$ll. You stand tonight before ality of Umbrella Court make it the in a finishing school. "Very trying," the most of it. Her air appearances the bar of Umbrella Court, designed most popular show of the Northwest. she calls the days when she was the prove it!

18 Radia Gllid• • Week Ending April 24, 1937 STAR OF STARS STANDINGS VOICE OF THE LISTENER Following are t"e leaders ill the Star The "Voice of the Listener" letter. kind there is this angle: The amateur What Is of Stars ElectiollllOW in wogress. YOli forum ;s a regular feature in Radio makes good and receives an engage­ u:m find a ballot for your vote 011 Guide each week, offered to the read­ ment with a regular stipend. This nat­ page 2 of this issue. ers as a means for expressing and urally makes him a professional, and exehanglng opinions about radio. as such he will henceforth be obliged PHOTO­ STAR OF STARS Radio Guide will pay $10 for the to compete against amatcurs. Thus he best letter published each week and $5 faces an incongruous situation. C~ntor 1. JUk Benny 6. EddIe for the next best. Other letten de· And why any particular credit for 2. Nelson Eddy 7. Lulu Bt~lt the promotion of amateurism on the 3. rr~ncn ungford 8. Fred Are~ serving our readers' aUerltion also will 4. u"ny Ross ,. J~n Btl;n, be published. air? The idea certainly is neither PARADE? S. Bing Crosby 10. Rudy Vall" novel nor original. Amateur nights CHEATING PARENTS were long a feature of houses devoted MUSICAL PROGRAMS to thc lower branches of theatricals. It's the new picture section, added to ($10 Prize Letter) I refer, of course, specifically to the 1. Eddy's O~n Ho~st 6. WLS aun Dante the service features of your favorite 2. s~ow Bod ,. Vlllff'~ Vuietie~ Voice of the Lislener: Some time promotion of amateur talent for pro­ 3. Crosby's Music H.ll S. Wlyne Kin, ago I had an opportunity to obsen'e fe-s;sional profit, as contrasted with movie publication SCREEN GUIDE! 4. Hol!ywood Holel 9. Brukful Clull the night life of a typical small town pure amateurism as practised by 5. Your Hit PUlde 10. SundlY Eunln, Hr. on a Saturday evening. Boys and girls schools, clubs, community centers, etc. in their early teens and under were .. -R. C. O'Brien, New YOTk, N. Y. Startlingly eondid_ DRAMATIC PROGRAMS milling about the streets. Time hung 1. Rldio Thelter 6. Muy Mlrhn heavy upon their hands. I chanced to SILLY Honesfly fran/r- 2. One Mln'~ Flmily ,. 81thelor's Children be sitting in m)' parked car. and near 3. First Highter .. TOlby's Children VOL: This may sound silly to you, me was a group of )'oung rapscallions but it's true. Somehow or other, our 4. Blmlli 9. Holl)'WoocI Hote' whose sole idea of an evening's en­ Amusingly light-hearted_ 5. GI", Busters 10. GrInd HOlel cat likes the taste of the paint you tertainment seemed to be that of hurl­ have on the cover of your RADIO GUIDE. CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS ing lewd epithets at passers-by, plac­ ing tacks in the path of passing motor­ One day I left the GUIDE within reach 1. Sin~in, udy ,.. of the cat, and the next morning I 'feud "'.w! 'rllllo"! Fast-r.mpnd! 2. Kllten_yer's Kin. 6. Lone Rln,er ists, releasing air [rom tires ... Here, found he had licked Eddie Cantor's der,lrten 1. Horn Ind Hudut in the dim shadows of street lights, eye off. I am glad to say that no 3. Drp....n Annie S. Juk Armstron, they plotted together. Here their di­ harm came to the cat. . -Minnie 4. Popeye 9. Let's Prelend abolical plans were laid, to be hatched Dittin, New York, N. Y. 5. Co.Iu·to-Co.IU on I 10. Ditk Trlcy later. . Screen Guide Presently one young fellow whom I DANCE ORCHESTRAS knew very well as the son of one of the WOMEN'S WOES 1. Wlyne Kin, 6. Rudy VIllH town's most prominent families (and Voice of the Listener: Why aren't PHOTO·PARADE 2. Guy Lomlludo 7. Ben Bernie not a bad boy at all, at heart) glimpsed there more women in radio? Why­ 3. Shep Fields 8. Benny Goodmln me sitting in my car ... He swaggered when women are the listeners and buy­ Hollywood's "'.wl-Pldur. Ma9GII". 4. HOrlte Heidt 9. HII Kemp over to chat with me. From across ers--

N Radio Guld•• W••k Ending April 24. 1937 19 Log of Short-Wav ttationl .: p.m. -(·hild,e.-\', hour rUB DJl) Whole Programs Are Lilted 5p.m.-.Fi~e Ol'-~' by P.ul G••~ner: flJB l)JD 5:30p.m.-\lu .-nl ~riod: WIXAL (604) (1II~...~nl••• ,"'~.ud••f 1I1locnlu ...... ) 5:45 p,m.------f""'u. Wo.k-h,,1' wIX\L (6.04) CEC. C~t1. 1041 JVR. J.pan It,. 6:20 p.m. -1:1>11) Bi"e1l·. Con.d,ans' (,"8 (;SO CJRO, Cu... ',U JVN J.p" 10,11 .\I""tl~ Em~r"'n n"M.1 \b)' enOl:" II,~I JZl.·· ItU 6:30 p.m. ".\n of COCD, c.... ',13 JZJ. 11M .11 \\'1\\1. (6.04) coco. .. f'l JZX. IU' *<:6:45,.m. \1..1 "I Amfri<.n pr...,._. E\Q COCQ. '.01 KIO. H....lI 11,11 1 ~.m, .\ troa 'mi<'.I T""h 0' Ih.. Th...... of caw, 1' 1 I,M KKH. ..n DIB. 0 .._., n,I' KKP. I' OS lI.lli'.-h. 8 rt J. B..k wl\u 16041 D-'C." f,U LBU, A'''''''l.. u,n 8:15 p.m. -F~,.-i ....' for .\pril 20: DJB IUO DJD, 111"'1 llI.::I:." 1,1f 9:10 p.m.-- II, It )11, "" OUH'. 0"'., (,<;(' G"O 031.. nn LSX. If» 10 ,.m. -I', I..... T.h;.. roan EAQ, Spal. In OLB'A.C...,~ BY CHAS. A. MORRISON, president, INTERNATIONAL OX,ER'S ALLIANCE EAQI, " , ..\a I,W. EA'AH. Spa"ld, OLatA. .. IUt JI.'.e<>e IV"S OBK. Bel..'.... 10.1.1 Wednesday, April 21 T.~l'l PCJ. H.n... I,i'. Ii." Broadcasting, GSC for Corporation, FOU". 1.11 10:3O m.-Il11(' .d OSP. ISII TURRH." , en European stations continue to provide S"el1 l:"11 GSIl GSI H~S', Hun..., 1','7 TPA2. n,2t quite satisfactory reception. EAQ-2 . ifgltanistaJl will have its new 20,000­ 3 p.m.--Th. "",'i~l .dunl;"n ,y'lem: Childrtn'l HATt... 1,12 t'PA3." lUI (9.488) of Madrid, Spain, is particu­ watt short-wave trallsmittCT on the air and ,tu,i.ut'. '0'.-,., 1l\'E HBI. Swlherlud It,~3~ TPAt, 1I,7l HBL." 9,60 2ROI. ltd,. I,U~ larly noteworthy in that it is providing before tlte end of tltis tlear. 4p.m.- \'"" of ,h. '1ew< W1XAl.lll.79) HDO. n,t02 2R04." lUI consistently heard sign<',3 1I",,,e 21103 :gi'f.· VK3LR. '61 moment, is furnishing the best enter­ HRIS.! t,l2) VK311E. ',61 network consisting of WQPC, Chicago; 6 p.m.- ·1'...... '" frnm Ou,I'I",.t IlAT4 HIN. D<>mlnle... VP02, FIJI. ',64 tainment value of the Zeesen stations, WQPG, Sterling; WQPP, Pontiac; 6:15 p.m.- '-\'-'I,,"'io ,her.,I;. t.n<>r 21103 Rep~bllc 6,!~1 WIXAL. Bo.ton. II..., while GSD (11.75), with slightly WQPM, Macomb; WQPS, Springfield; 6:30 p.m.- '(;trm.n tnlet be.r. missions to North Amorica, Mondays 8 I m. ,. ,,' " DJB f)J\) 21l'o...... "" p ..... _ .f A _rico. •• ..... and Thursdays. commencing at 8 p.m. 8:20,.m. \1 " \1. t..", b:ln3" templating high-power short-wave ,..,.11,11) I reat""' follo.,.;a... p hOl· present over OLR4A (11.84). Morning 9 p.m.--fh ,bo ito: NO DJD I TIU. _ hot •• It,a; _cand GSB C"D (,"1 2,30 p.m. \.-..., of lhe n..., W1X.\L (11.79) G~U. (O~; VK3LR (9.58), Melbourne, Australia. D.. iI1-1 :55 U" G,..(;. 2.40. G"8, still being received with fair strength. VERIFICATION received by G. W. 30.m. -....I.... '...J ,ul,j""" II'IX.\L (I1,NI (;,..(;. Gs-l); 2:45. TI'A3. 4:45. TI'.\3 5 Ull·. 3:20p.m.~h,tra R..)ruond.: GSB GSli GSF 11'.-\2; 6. TI'.\L; 655. (0"., GSC. (0,,11, 7:30. A Roekwl'J1. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 4 p.m. n.-u I, DIB DlD G'~F. G.:.G. (;"U. 8. JZI. JZJ; 10:10. G-,t. C"G, VK6ME (9.59) of Perth. West Aus­ states that PJCI are the call letters of 5 p m. .\It...rl " b;.rit"n~ OJB nJIl G"U; 10JO. G:-'. G"G. G"II~ 12 ,,,,,,n, (;"B, trali(l. is now operating week-dalls the new shol'l-w;)ve station owned by 5:15 p.m. ~O\ll{' OI'ERA. "TilE BAllBER OF G"D. G"l. 12:30 I'm" TP.\l; 1:30, TI'A3; 2, from 6 to 8 a.m.. EST (5 to 7 a.m. CST). the Curacaoschc R,dio Vcreenit:'ing at fl·\{;lHHI)-- J}J8 DJO OLl13.\: 3. (;"11, (;"C t,;:-f: 3:15. 01.113-\ 4:15. Willem~tad, Curacao. Dutch West In­ 5:30 ~,m.- "A.-, n".. :>oteOOok.· ])(O,-,i, lrtland l::i\I.l: 530. MQ2. 5:40. lIi'SJ. 6. TPM. 11.\'\. dies. The formt'r fn>{Juency of 9.47 (;S]J (;"D GSF 6 IS, ( .,11: 6·30. L,\Q2; 6 :40. C"B, G"I). {;"f, F;GlNING Sundny, April 18. the 5:45 p.m.--llru.~ 8",1"~. bariton, G<,B C'l) G"r 7, Tl'Al: 710, (;"11. <;"0. (O"f; 7:15. ])JIl, mogs hfls been al:>rmdoned. on account B tnmsnlissions from the BBC Em­ of intel'ference, in fllVOr of 5.93 mcgs, 6:30 p,m.- lI..n>r<1 Crook qui.o1ct G"lJ (;"l) (;'iF llJI'. 8 l.lIX; 9, ('O('ll, 930. )),111. 1I.IIJ, pire Broadcasting Stations at Daven­ 7 p.m.- ,\Jari. Sleph,no"'a. ,on~' llJII llJn TPM. 9:40. G.,r. (;,,1). (;-,1": 9:45. {'JIIO. but a new fl'<"qlll,'IlCY on the 31-metol' 7:30 p,m. -Juan Ah'arado. 'Oll~<: Y\'5«<: eJHX: 10:30, '1'1',\4; 11:05. JZJ. tl'y will be according to the following band will be utiliz~d just as soon as a 8:15 p.m.- IItll}' 11001': ""SRe O.. ily except S"n".y~ ·5 "m" \'1\3~Il::: 6:30, revised schedule: crystal Clln be ground. The station 8:30p.m.- \'ar'Y OIlCllt::S· .6:55 ...m.·'-·'·r'IOl ..... from ('=h,,,louki.: OUI4.-\ """,.12 noon EST (8:15·11 '.m. CST). Onr GSH TIl\ G-,B GSD GSI .7 ".m.- \'.ri,,, I"'.er.m NL (21.47), GSG (11.79) ..nO GSF (IS.14): T,.. ns· HCJB. "The Voice of the Andes" 11 :30 ".m.-'Iu,i( 01 lhe W...lua hl&:.: G'iB GSD .8 ...m.--o"".",., h(,ur I". A..,tulia: JZI JI.J m'-SS.-on 4. d.-,~cttd to.....ds AI",....nd 'ht Nul' and the pioneer missionary broadcaster 1,+0 ~.m.-Sl"'ffh by Lord 1I""...d: G"B G~D 9:20 un.-St P l'.....n;"", G:,F GSC G"'l1 Easl, diily from 12:JO.3:45 p.m EST (11:30 in South America, located at Quito, 3 ,.m.-[io·, birtluiiy ..nd bi, b"orilt ""no:' , ~.m.·12:45 ,.m. (ST) onr GSI 05.26) GSO kt<~ .,:30 ~.m.-Y~ti " ('[I)' lopic,: II\'J Ecuador. at present broadcasts simul­ "h.. ..." io Iht So,it' t:oion R:>E 11:20 ...m.-\\'.lli&:, ocl,,1 G"H G"O G!-' (11751 and GSB (9511 .,,0 taw.. rds Af,"'" ~''''. ,\1 ...,,1 thO' tth....bu. DJO OJ[) .12:30p.m.-"l'OI(r"", lrom Ikbum: ORK Weil Ind,n .. nO South Amonc., ta;l1 from 4-6 taneously on 4.107 and 8.948 megs daily 4:30 p.m.-Bill) Gfrb.rdi', wnd: G!"B G"O GSF 12:«1 p.m.--lt"l.nd h...", ITJ p.m. EST (3·5 ~.m. CST). OVtr GSF (15.14). from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. EST (6:30 to 5 p.m.---Joh.. o.. S.,..,,'. pl;tJ' tM- PO""'" DJB 1 p.m.-Blltn I ('h..pel _,'i""5: GSli G~D GSl GSO (11.75) .nd GS8 (95'): Tr.. nsmiss'on 5. 7:';'5 a.m. CST), and daily except Mon­ S:30p.m.-Li't"n~", mail ba~: W1XAL 16.04) '1:30 p.m.--(·uoc...... lo, ak'an ur;"t)' OUt3A dirKted low...d, North Amtriu, d.ily 6:z{)' days [rom 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.-'·Rom~·s \hdn;"h, \'oj",". 2R03 2:3O,.m.-IR,'ot"',,"1 pe.-iod \\'IXAl lI179) 8:lC ~m. EST (5:20.7:3-il ~.m. CST). over GSr from 5 to 10 p.m. EST (12: 30 to 3: 30 6:15 p.m._Sail. *"d"$: \\'lXAl (6.04) 3,.m.-A._t of SUI;n in B.. t..rn. 1902: II Xl:: . (\5.14). GSO (11.15) .. nd GSB (9.51): Transmi,­ p.m. and f,'om 6 to 11 p.m. CST). 6:45 ~.m.--"i",plt "'''Momy wlXAl 1604) 3:15p.m.--l'.. "~r.-.f W.~o ... ol Lonlt A~o: \\'IXAL sion 6, dirtdd to.....ds Wnttrn North Amtriu. 7 p.m.-Thf "'o.1d 01 _11')" W1XAL f6.04) r11.N) d"'1 Irom 9·11 p.m. EST (8·10 p.m. CST), onr 7:45 p.m.-Gtmlan ~pu: OJB OJD 4p.m.~hildr~..·, hour: l)JB DJD GSF (15.14). GSO (11.75) ind GSC (9.5). R. B. Oxrieder, State College, Penn., 8 p.m.-Vtnt>u~1>n concert orchestr.. Y\'SRC 4:IS p.m.-.. A.-neri••,.- ...· "a,'il1~ 0,.". 11'1 XAt reports an unidentified Mexican on 8:15 p.m.-Arm)' ...n"1: DJB DJD (ll.N) 8:55 p.m._In Dublin'5 F.i. Cit): GS(' G!>I) G~r The new Davenlry super-power 11.52 megs .. XEYU (9.605), Univer­ 10 p.m.-PI'O! from Tohiti rosAA ~:3Op.m.-Who .-, I.u~h;n~ there!: DJIl l)JD transmitters are completed and tests sity of Mexico, Mexico, D. F., is oper~ 5 p.m,-"h'l~r ...tioual Friend'hip," Mr,. Lil. 10:45 p,m.-"Ne,,· Z••I.nd," Mi., B.tlti~ Swa.t: Out.. 011,11': WIXAl 111.79) will probably be in progress by the ating from 7 to 10 p.m. EST (6 to 9 1V2XAF (953) S:IS p.m.--ou. Sunday conce": OJB DJI) time this column reaches you. A new p.m. CST) XEDQ of Guadalajara, 11 p.m. ox Club: W8XK (6.14) 5:30 p.m. -The Sto.l' of I'.triot·, Ihy: II'IXAI. Daventry frequency, GST ("T for Mexico, has shifted to approximately (\ 1.79) transmitter") of 21.55 megs, will be 9.45 megs . XEBR (11.826) of Her­ 5:45 p.m.-162ml A1'i)l:I\'ERSARY 0. I'A(II. liE· brought into use this Summer, Identi­ mosillo, Mexico, hns been testing at Saturday, April 24 VEltE'S HIOL IV1XAl 01.79) 1O;30.i.m.-Vuitly pr<>l!.a,,,: GSf GSC (;,,11 fication words used in connection with 2 p.m. EST (I p.m. CST), with greatly 12noon-·Cltal><'1 or~.n: \\,2XAF (953), W2XAI) '6 p,m.-Bro• .-I....t 11'0'" Mo'ctur._: DJB fJJD follows: GSA for Aerial, GSB for Criswell, Phoenix, AI·iz. 6:30 p.m.---T"o !lou.. "ilh ('uha ('OCO 12:15 p.m.-INTERSATIO'lAL SYMI'1!O)l:\' COS O(I"~' ('ElIT WIX,u, (1179) 7 p,m.-.·olk nJB DJO 1:45p.m.-l::uru~.n 7:30 p.m.-Il,tl.. \'oulh 1'r<>o:••m: OJB DJO post box' WIXAL (ll.N) 2:30p.m.-\\·"rld "idt n~"., WIXAL (1179) 8:15 p.m.-(M.-pn' b)' T••h..ko",kl: OJ8 12:20 p.m.-Endi.h 1~t1 •• box: 2R03 117 p.m.--Cr",h",lo".l'on ...... t.'" OlR4A 3p.m.-Wo.ld )'outh <'aks: W1XAl (11.7'J) ·8:30 p.m.- 0.1'1« mu'" LRX 12:45 p.m,~Ape' NB DJO 5:45,.m. ·11 ..... G&:on:~ \.qeli IIBO IIBJ Kty to Symbol, Used: ·O.. lly: tWHk O..ys: 3:10 p.m.--oPERA. "OTELLO." Yttd. G"O GSD tS:30p.m.-S&:. 'l~Ir>d)' o«...... t..: \Y5aC 6 p,m.· \1.nloY'ru'~ tipi... o",h,. OSB G.,O G!-F *Mond..y. WtOnud.y, Frid..y: UTuuday, F.iO.. y; t3 :55 ,.m.-Srimce :".... W1XU lll.79) 9 p.m,-OX l> IlJ1.\llE 6:15 p.m.--("uwn mu,;,,: \YSRC Thu~uy. llMonday. 4,.m.-Y;",.,-.. of Iht :> ...<: wlX\I. (11.N) 12 mid.-Ib"." Call, KKII 6:30,.m. LlI~ of .\".- ..lit 0/ Pru"i.. : OJ6 NO b:>od olioo' DJB DJD 8:15 a,m. Ibrr~ rumu. or,:"n (O!-Y (:"G GSli 6 p.m.- BOC Em!"", "rrh~,..* GS8 G"D GSF 11:25' .. .m.-811(' l::m!,i'" "reh. Gsa GSD (OSI 9 p.,".--l::n~li.h h.,..r: IIJ1ABP IIJ4ABO 10:30 a.m. -"10",,. ,n f1~hur-

20 Radio Guide. Week Endin", April 24, 1931 Don Ameehel From Bobby Breen' He', Khool-d.y st.rdom .t lure to have a pro­ Wlseon,ln, he went to gram of hi. own next Chleago, loon played 'utumnl Like every the lead In "Grand little boy, Bobby want· Hotel." Then Holly· ed hi, pup to 'hare hi, wood beekoned, and bed-and when Moth· here he I, in hi, Coast er Aid no, the young home, with hi' wife 'Inger Aved hi. pen­ and little Donnie nie', got thl, bed


The Jaek Bennys! Mary Livingstone, Columnist Walter Winchell and Bandman Little Joan N.oml, and Jaek stroll aero.. Ben Bernie! They "n.lIy got tOljJether the lawn at EI Mlr.dor in C.lifornl•. for long enough to go to Hollywood and Joan Naomi haa to .klp to keep up with make a movie. Here new.hawk and Mother and Dad. Jaek'. new tlltree_year mu.icl.n pON With choru, girl.. Note: contract I, top••mong radio', big starsl Bernie .nd Winehell .ren't hlgh-klekers! OPERA- for the KI DS!


Above: "The Sing'nG Lady" and her group of talented aingers put an opera on the aIr for U. S. kiddie.! While the chorus I. a'nulng, MI. Wicker beckon' another member of the cad to the microphone

Above: MOW_mike" for the moment, Ireene Wicker, smiles, bright-eyed and eager, .a ahe liaten. to " Iree"" Wicker comes to fellow-player read hi. lines. Her amile I. the key­ a tender .cent in the note of her bro.deqb. With tier, happine. is first! .eript. An act~ to her finger-tips, MThc Singing Lady" read' hcr linea with vigorous emotion. Note her lenMe hand and her facial mobillty

The children'. eharus crowd. lIIround the microphone - unlike many other shows with big easta, "The Singinll Lady" use. only one mike. Note the young soloist, and Mi. Wicker', direetlng h"nd and eye

Charl~ Warburton, Florence M"lone and lreene Wicker gilther around the micro· phone to enact ill tense Kene. There is no false or forced emotIon here. These veterans of rildio re"Uy feel their partl!

Photos to, J. C. KEELEY TOP FAVORITES! BILLY JONES AND ERNIE MARE, ":Tbe TlllO Gillette Gentlen;en" o( ra· dio's"Community Sin~.'" "Oilly,"38kE Ernie. "what's rkh aDd .. mool.h and mel1o~­ and tastes like more?" .. Easy!" comes Lad. Ernie. "'\l3"well (louse Coffee-the best ('ofTee that ever put a grin on a mao's (ace!" It takes a blend o( the world'(Ii <'hoicest coffcc80. lept roa,;ter.(r{,l'oh, to win praise like th(lt. HERE'S A REAL THRILL! i\RE you one of the millions \'Iho prefer drip coffee to ft any other kind'! Then-.tht'rt"s a real thrill ('()min;! to ~-ou when you taste the ~e\'l Drip Grind "axwt'll Hou:-e! For here is the world's most famous hJend-a magnificenl blend of the choicest coffees grown - now ground .!-pecially for drip coffee!

Ground 80 carefully that every pound i!\ ah~ollitely lIlIi­ fonn - oc\'er ooar-se- never powdery. Always-just rl{!ht for making the riche;4 smoothe,.t. mo~t df"liciou:; drip roffet: yO" have ever la~ted. Get a can of the '\ew Drip Grind 'lax\'IeU Hoube toda)" A product of General Food:., ••• GOOD TO TUNE INI Maxwell House llour every Thure

THE LAST DROP O\f'r 'l.B.C. Coast-lo.Coast Network. c_...... (O_.'v_c.....Q? MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Above: Teletypta, operat· ing like typewrite" by remote control, provide NBC with United P.-e. and P~ Radio Bureau newa. Above: The Special Events Department of a net­ FI..he. are rushed from work funetion, like ill metropolitan newspaper. here to the new, de.k, or Hen, NBC haa jUIll received a lI..h on the reo broadcast over the mike cent Ohio II-.d---ftow the wheel' «art turning! &tanding behind the men

Above: Here are Ame of the mike. u.ed by NBC Field Men while away from the dudio. Mr. Jacobson has over 200 microphones of all types ilnd sl:tes In his department, villued at about $14,000. They're kept ready for use ilt a moment', notice­ so Special Events men can "grab 'em and go!" Left: While field men go out for "on-the­ 'pot" news broadcasts, John B. Kennedy mys re.dy to n.d ftashes. When new, breaks, hi. job Is to tell a wait­ ing world the "ews un­ til field men get to the ICene to give eye­ witne. f.ct-aocounb Above: Max Jacobson, helild of NBC's Field Division. looka over his equipme"t. Those portable transmitters (In front of him) are complete broadcasting mtlon_orth about $2,500 each. The things that look like suit­ case, are receivers­ worth $400 each. With these, two-way com­ munication I, possible

Rig h t: BrGadeallling on the move! Here i, the Interior of • mo­ bile unit, with Nel­ _n Cue (right) an­ nouncing. The mobile .utlon'a call letters, the truck', license, • clock, loudspeaker and Above: Hen i' Special Events broadeuting.-


Above: CBS covers the f100dl Engineers from Station WREC, INld­ Ing porbble short-wave tr..n'mltters In automobiles for use In emergency bl'OlldeNtlng from Arkanau' flooded areas. Two hours ~. and a h..lf after tM, pkture w.. made, the porbble SUltlon was on .. the from O-Ola, Ark..-just after the town w.. completely cut oft from telephone, telegraph and r..llway communic.,;ttionl I'L '---"~ , .... \ .--~_._-'" - . .--. ._.._----' ... ' \. - '\ "-

Above: Like the CBS map directly above It, thl, 'how. the activities of NBC during the flood. The I..rge atars show crew. In the field, and the ,mall dots are network station' recelvin" the flood broadc.,;tBts

Above: "Special Events" I. not just coverage of nature', havoc and human misery. Here I, one of radio'. "human Interest" sto­ ries: A deadly "-foot cobra, be­ ing "milked" of its venom for medicinal serum.. ..I11!; put ~n the air. Such "stunts" make radio • more interestin" for more people I _t least, it'. hoped that they dol

Above: Another "Speci..1 Event" not concerned with dis­ ..ster. This time an NBC crew hM "one to Madlaon Square Gal'den to interview breathl_ winners In an A. A. U. trac:k meet there. The porUble set being uled is called a "'bee.. mu,," tran.mitter, because of Its t.oln handles

Above: Here', an unenviable ••Ign· ment for a Sped.., Events mal'll He'. in a manhole, deaerlblng the 1936 inaugural parade .. it p.-ed oY'er him. He· gaY'CI a "worm'••eye Y'lew" of one of the year'1 "re..te.t events Above: A look through Paul White', Right: The Don Lee network like... map (upper rI"ht) would 'how this stunt, too! Ted BII-. KHJ announc­ observer atop a telephone pole In er, donI a dlY'ln" Milt equipped with Loui..,llle, Ky. HI, .hort·wave com­ • microphone to tell what II "011'1" ments went out over WHAS, which on Ilxty feet down In the lubma. aired a steady barrage of flood new. rlne gardena off Catalina I,landl OEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION THE CITY OF" NEW YORK ll,ro"" of g~ REPORT CARD 1. Th,," gener.tlon••gol Tht. dig· 2. Th. llecond generation. Loul. nlfled old m.n I. A.ron Perlm.n, Perlman came to America .nd mar· 'd><7~~"',fk~Ik". father of Loul. Perlm.n. whoae Mn rled here. Thl. rare picture of ,..,t Jacob Perlm.n you know .. Jack Jack Pearl', mother and father w.. Purl! Tht. rare old photograph w.. taken In New York City on their '-;f"'''':;:1ta~~::: taken In 1875, In W.....w. Poland wedding day, Ja"l.lary 1, 1893 ... ___._-0 '"' .,...

"...... ~

1Il. .... u ".""

~. Here', a real rarity! It', an 6. In 1912. Jack Purl went to a ho"est-to·goodneu aehool report photographer In Mobile, AI,bama. card, IUl.led by the Department of and had a seriea of pIcture. take" Education In New York City. vin­ In what he fondly imagined were tage 1908. and Jack took it home "dramatic pOIle.... The photo above. to hia mother and hia father in least dramatic, tl.lrned out the best. February of that year. It ahowa He wanted to iIluatrate to bookIng Jack" rea' name, Jacob Pearlman agenta hil ability to do thelle posea

7. Above: New Or­ lean .. and Jack Pearl. exactly fifteen year, and six monthl of age, Join­ ed Gus Edwards' "School Day," troupe. Edwards knew talent when he saw It. Can you find Jack? He's the boy wearing a cap. near the center

13. The year 1921, and along came love allairt-thi, time to .tay! Two yeara later. Jack Pearl w.. married - and he Is atlll married to the eame girl. Here they are in a Coney laland pho­ 12. Jack's success as a burlesque player continued. hi' star ever In the tographer's at u d i o. alCendency. Hla name In IIghta meant a full house. he was a favorite sl"ing happily be­ wherevllr the company toured. Herll hll Is In front of the old Olympic thea­ fore a painted ocean tIIr I" Buffalo, N. Y., in the Winter of 1120. The car? It'a an old Maxwell! on a painted beach 3. If you know your tJntyp~ you'll 4. A few yeal'8 later the future "Saron Muenchauaen" entered recognize thl, a, an old one. It'. a New York" Public School No. 171, a dark old building on 103rd picture of Jack Pearl taken long be­ Street. There are forty-three boys In the photo aboye, but fore any "'ray thoughb of a career you should be able to pick out Jack Pearl without any diffi­ in the world of the theater had culty_ As a hint. we'll tell you he', one of the eleyen boys in come to him. Jack w.. just fourl the front row. Give up? Wen, he'a the third from the left!

10. And here's Jack In typical 11. Yea, Jack had a IIr'" love. make-up, .. he looked to th_ And here aile Ie! Her name burlesque audlenCC:l, hi, thlek w.. Aoee Goldman, and, like most hair coyered with • "bald" wig, III'8t lov~ ahe married _me­ eye. darkened, wearing a mustache one elM, lived happily eyer after

a. Aboye: Sixteen yeal'8 old, Jack 9. The biggest thrill that eyer comea Pearl had been In ahow bu,in", to an actor--hls name In llghtsl The just six months when thl, photo wa, Empire Theater In Toledo, Ohio, taken. 'n.crlblnSl It "'To my dear w.. the _ne of this triumph, and !tWe family" and adding Individual the date w.. 1115. 8y this time, he aent It back home Jack Pearl wu a burl~ue star

14. Left: Finally Broadway beck­ 15. Another big turning­ oned, and Jack Pearl moyed Into point In Jack Pearl', life the Big_TIme. HI, friends were came when he met Billy Innumerable, and his fame wide· K. Welle, veteran writer spread. Here is a picture taken of Broadway .hOWL Billy I" 1931. Left to right: Jack, a girl and Jack put theIr head. companion of GOY. Frank Murphy together, and the result of Michigan (then Mayor of De· wa. the famous "'Baron trolt). Glady, Glad, 'howglrl, and Muenchauaen" character. Mark Hellinger, "ewapaper col· lutlon for comedian Jack. um"lst Whom 'he later married The Baron "'made" Jack CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 18. The theater and radio eonquered, Jaek Pearl moved in on Holly· wood. Sur of the stage, atar of the airways, he saw no reason why he shouldn't be a star of the movies as well--and he was! Here he is on a "Meet the Baron" set with Marie Dr_ler, Lionel Barrymore

16. And here they are! "Baron Muenehausen" hlm"lf and "Sharlie," otherwl" Cliff Hall. Radio was made to order for The Baron, and he had not been long on the air before his "Vas you dere, Sharlle?" waa famous

17. Here'a Jaek's siater (the "Til­ lie" of the autographed pieture on page 27) with her husband, Moe Brillstein, and their two ehlldren, Bernard and Sammie. Jaek's slater and her family live In his New York City apartment

, '\ 20. Left: True love triumphant! Here 21. BOlek to the beginning of thingal are Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Pearl today. Jaek Pearl reyiait. the house he was Before her marriage to The Baron, born in. at 76 Cannon Street. New Mrs. Pearl was Winifred Desborough. York. It ia also the house in whleh 'She was born in London, met Jaek at Horatio Alger liYed, and probably a dlow in the New York Winter Gar­ Jaek Pearl Is thinking that Alger den in 1921. Life together has brought never wrote a auee_ nory more them everything they eould want­ fantaatlc--or with a happier ending fame, fortune--boye all, happiness! _than the atory he himself haa lived THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMS

10 $,n"",.r" (Y.t~OT); "J,.". * NBC·THE MAGIC KEY OF 9:45 CST 8:4511IST LOG OF STATIONS Word of GOd l"cI,"..e" RCA; John B. K..nnedy; (Mo..rt); 1'1I~rlln·. ('M,,'" NBC-Brown's Ensemble: WTCN LISTED IN EDITION C-NORTHWESTERN tro", ..1'.on].." ....· (11'0"_ Symphony O.oh.. dir. Frank Sunday KFJM-Baok 10 th. !libl. norl. O'j("" ",,1 ••110'" ",til be Blaok; Milton J. Cro,". com· "lll"o"~ ftlld )l!IHICI" (ttan· menlalor; Gue.ts: KfYR KOA KFSF-Pip. Or.~an ".1), "I" I'Rradl,u"," lOll KOA·Mu,ic '" Am.ri..n Youth Call Kilo· Pow..r N.. t· lIol"' au'] "Autu",n lleJllo· WDAl' KOIL WENR WLW April 18 (NBC) l ..tte,. cycles w.tts Location w,~ rl ••" (x.,ln). KSO WTCN WEBC WMT KSOO.lI.Adv.nlists Suvi 10 ulk aud tI'e ~1I ••t 8;00 CST KFAB 770 10.000 linCOln. N.braska '"'OS '·O,'311.t "-Ill be llarlOll An· 7:00 MST NBC ..·.".; IVaed '" Muzzy, pi. KFDY 1,000 Brookings. South Dakola Loeal WDGY.Vari..'ie. I]~r ...o. Xe~ro oop.ano. T],I. NBC·Coa,t to Coa.t on a Bu.; ano duo; IVOW WDAY KOA KFJM 1110'" 1,000 Grand Forks. North Dakoll local WHI.B-Sunday ·S.r.nad. ]>ro,..rnUl laun(he" tI'e Olwn· Childe.n'. Pr~m.' KSO KfYR KFYR \\'110 (.w.15.33) KFNF§ 890 1,000 Shenandoah, Iowa Local WLS·Building BetTer Citizens in,.. or Oil or(h••'ra lOur ror WMIN-I'aoific Paradi.e lU·A. WMAQ "wLW KOIL WEBe CBS.John")' lIe,dcrd's organ KFYR 550 5,000 Bismarck. North Dakoll • CBS·Music of the Theater; (''''\5.21) mood., KRNT weco IVNAX KlPM§ 124<1 250 Minot. North Dak"l1 lOUI WNAX·New. Do.k NIJC·llarold Nagel's Orch. : WOW KSCJ '" Howard Barlo,,·. cond.: KSCJ KMBCt 950 5,000 Kan.a. Cily, Missouri m 11:45 CST 10:45 ;UST WCCO KRNT KMOX (sw· KSTP WHO (0,..·15.33) MRS-Re"i.,,;,,!!" Stand; WGN KMOX 1090 50.000 St. louis. Missouri m CBS-Salt Lake City Choir: WCCO 15,27) CBS-Sunday Morning at Aunt KSO K" 830 50.000 Denver, ColoradO T~e orl~lnal GUbert .nd Sulll· Susan.; Artells Dickson, bar.; New., WLW WTCN KOBH§ 1370 100 Rapid City. S. D. l",al KMOX-The Gold.n Dragon vall ,ueee,•• "'I"rlal '" KSTP,M",icale Childnn's Prgm.; News: KFAR-Dnder the Capitol Dome KOIl 5,000 Omaha, Nebra~ka NBC&MBS hy Jury" will 1>0.' I"e..,,'ed 126' WOGY·Gypsy Fortun.. ! loday III ll,.. eonludlnj( pro­ IVNAX KSCJ weco WBB~I KH...··l\.Fir.t<>dist Chuteh KRNT* 1320 1,000 De~ Moin.s, Iowa CB5 WIILB-News "fOm of Ih. "')Iu,lc of the KMOX (5",·2152) KLPM,l\.Mi"OI Bibl. C.nter KSCJ 1330 5,000 Si"ux City. Iowa m Theel.." .e,le•. TIl' 00101,1,. "lIabr·" the ol<.'Clric O'EI wHI> KMOX Book Review KSlt 1130 50,000 Sail lak.. City. Utah WIS Elsie Mae Em.rson "Ul'l... rtrd hY a el,0'''8. will m W~fT-Sunday Serenade ~·"·~~~~;fb..~··I~l:UIIC~· \,~!~ KOIL·Labo, U"lOn Sl"'aker KSO" 1430 2.500 Des Moines. I., NBC·B 3< MBS be )1.rj[orN, ",pro no. CoOl••, ,·ural... ot lropkol "51'1"·1'0""; Music.1 Interlud. KSOO 1110 2,500 Sioux Falls, South Dakota local WNAX.Russ &, Cliff f,\~f,l,~fft': Ih~II'lm:~ orl'(r~;~ fl.).... of 11.. Xc". "ork IVBB~t With the Cla~sics KSTP 1<6' 25,000 St. Paul. Minnesota !;'nor, lI'e Dd,,,d."t; l\" ••~ll ~g~~rl~!~~:t."k~utht'I"7.',~e~l~ \1'DGl'·~luody·. Houe 10:15 CST 9:15 MST WDGY 1180 5,000 Minneapolis·St, Paul local KFAB Legi.lalive Problems '" 15.33) KSOO-B. A. Roll,'. Orch. WMT-Sunday Comics NBC-Peerless Trio: WIlO (.",. WEBC 129' 5,000 Duluth, Minn.·Superior. Wis. NBC CBS-l\.Ch"roh oflhe Air: KSCJ II'AAW-News 15.33) WENR 870 50.000 Chicago, Illinois NBC·B KMOX WCCO KRNT KfAB WBB:\I-lIo11y,,'ood Serenade 8:15 CST 7:15 l\-IST NBC-Hendrick Will.m Van Loon; W," 720 50.000 Chicago. Illinois .OS (''''15.27) WHAS-;' Kentucky WOGY.Peari '" Ade WCAl·DOivine Servio. WDAY KFYR WTCN KSO 820 50.000 louisville. m NIlC·Radio City Mu~ic lIall: WGN·C"nc~rl WHlB 100 Virginia. Minoesota loc.1 Oroh. WOGl'·l\.luth.ran M.d. Hour Wl.\\' 1370 II'L\I' \\'ENII Wlllll,Ala', Serenade KFAB-Or~.n Moods (CBS) W", 1000 Des Moines. Iowa NBC·R WHO,.o.Bible Broadcasting 50.000 Comic Sirips: WGS WEBC WIIO·Golden Dragon KFJM li~hl ()pera WJR"j" 750 50.000 Detrnit, Michigan 'OS WIIlB Recital W," 1250 1,000 Minneapolis·St. Paul local WMAQGol/ Lessons 8;30 CST 1:30.1\181' KOBIl·Arn>ehair Joltr"..\" Abro.d II'MIN..o.Midway Tabernacle KOA·Resettlement Admin. Talk WLS 870 50,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC·B W8BM·Nows with Mu,ic l\.Ch.pel S.rvioe; WOW WOGY KOI1.lI.Ju<1~e WCW 700 500,000 Cincinnati, Ohio NBC 3< MBS Wi\'AX.Dance Band Rutherford WI}GY·Noon lIour Mu,icale WOW·Two Piano Team KFNF KSOO·ll.lutheran Hou. WMAQ 670 50,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC·R Greet;n~s KSQO.l\.l~e. WMAQ.Malinee La.ley. eunlelist KSTP-Reading the Fuon;es WMIN 1370 250 St. Paul, MinneSOIl local WMIN·Jambor"" 1:15 CST 12:15 !\1ST KSTP·l\.Lutheran Hour WBB~I·Sin~ing Canari.. W.T 600 5,000 C.R·pids·W·loo.h. NBC·B 3< MBS WMT, 01 the Mo",ent KFABMu,io of th. Thealer WDAy.l\.Gospel Uour WDGY-Melooy Gems WNAX 570 5,000 Yankton. South Dakota m WNAX.l\.S.or.<1 (CBS) WMIN·.o.Oevolional WGN-Sunday Mornin~ Concert WOI 64<1 5,000 Ames. Iowa local WOW-Union Pacific K~IOX·Front Page Patrol WNAX·.o.nelicious Service WOW·Bible AUractions WOW 590 5,000 Omaha, N.. braska NBC_R KSQU·Music Yon Remember WSMt 650 50.000 Na~hvill ... T.nnes'.... 12:15 CST 11:15 !\-1ST \1'llB~ILet". G.t Togelher 8:45 CST 7:45 iUST 10:30 CST 9:30 MST WTCN 1250 5,000 Minneap"li,·St. Paul '" CK Y.Mu,ical Interlude WGN Key Men \1·/)GYOrl·n Reveri"" NBC-J"" Rin..· Ore•• Reh..rsal WTMJt 620 5,000 Wisconsin KFJMN..w. WI10·l\.Church 01 Hollywood (Iodent) wilh Mable Albert",n '" 9:00 CST 8:00 !\1ST Fr.quencin 01 Stations Carrying Rebroadcasts; KNX. 1050; KPO."" KQBll,Sund.y Cono.rt \OIAQ·Ho"r GJ." (XBC) NBC·l\.R.dio Pulpit: WEBC '" Morlon Bowe; Mu.ieal and 680: KPRC. 920; WBAP. 800; WOAI. 1190: KFI. 640 WE8C-Singing Fi,herme" WMIN-String Ens..mble KSTP KFYR KOA (sw·15.33) Dramatic: KOIL KSTP II'MAQ WlII.B·Mo,'ie Pr.."iew \VOW-Mu.ical. KSO WMT \\'l\\' IVMAQS\\'in~ Tim. Topics llr. Holt,ll W, l!<>ekmeo will NBC-National Bro.dcasting Company SHORT WAVES 1:30 CST 12:301\IST .p••k "n "The ~·.>tgou.n • CBS·Major Bow.s· 'apltol WMT.Five Slar R~vue )(on,"' Family; Helen Alexand~r. ",p.: CBS-Columbia Broadcasting System Symbol alter a pro· WOW.oorothy Dr.,lin NBC.Thalcher Colt Mysleri.. CBS·l\.Church 0' the Air; R.v. Edward Malhews; Nieholas MBS-Mutual Broadcasting Syst..m gram, like (sw·9.53). (Soalpton. &, Pine Tar Soap): Julius F. Krolfifre. speaker: Cosentino. Charles Ma~nante: NBC·B-National Broadcasting Company mUnS that p'ogram 12:30 CST 11:30 l\IST KSTP WilD WOW WMAQ WCCO WBB~I KMOX KRNT Sam Herman'" Three Dallon Basic Blue N.. twork is broadust On short CBS-p""lic Slrin~s: KSCJ KOA (sw·15.33) KSCJ (sw.I1.83) Boys; Orch, di •. Waldo Mayo; HBC·R-National Bro.dcasting Company waves on 9.53 meg.­ weco KFAB KRl"T (s\\,· 1>IBSThe Ri~hl Job: WGN NBC·Hu..i.n Melodi... ; Alex· WCCO KFAB WNU: KSCJ Basic Red Network cycles. 15.27) CKY-Youth Counoil ander Kirilloff. cond.; WlI-IAQ KRNT KMOX (sw·21.52) CBC-Cana~ian Broadcasting Corporation NBC-Dream. 01 Long A~o: WOW KFJM-Variety Hour WlW (sw.15,21) NBC·The World h Yours. dra· t-Night Programs Only KSTP WMAQ KOA WHO (.w. KI.PM·l\.Chureh {If God l\.lutheran Hour; KLPlI-I WDAY matization; WOW WilD KFYR ·-N.. twork Only 15.33) KSOO·P..sing Show KFAB·Voice of Coopention WOA Y KOA WEBC (sw· §-O.y Programs Only NBC·Our Neighbo~; WENR II'BBM Builde.. 01 lIappin••s ~Special KFJM·S}'mphony Hour 15.33) Programs Only WoAY KFl'R \\IDGY-Vir~'s Vendors KOBII·Seourity for Farmer KOBH Pacilic Paradi... NOTICE: The programs as preSl!nled here w.... as corr..ct MBS-Smoke Dreams: KSO WMT WlllB·~Christia... Sci.nce KOll-Reading the runnies \1'BBM·Airrlow Harmonies and as accurate as the broadcasting companies and RADIO GUIDE KOIL WLW II'GN WMIN.llo11ywood Breviti.. KSOO-Organlogue WOGY.Tuning Around could make them at the time 01 going to press. Hown.. r, emer­ CKl',Gideon Bible Sooi.ty WNAX-Boh'll\ian Band WOGY.Hev. Rathke WtCN·Mu.icale g"Mies th.t arise .t Ih. studios sometimes necessillie .I"venth KFJM·Slim Thompson's Cowboys WGN-Sunday Morning C"ncert hour chanjles in program listings. time, etc. KMOX-Court of lIuman Relations 1:45 CST 12:45 IIIST WHO-W.slmini.t.r Choir 10:45 CST 9:45 lI-IST 8..11 lI. indicates religious services .nd programs. Stir. indio KOBI1-Help Thy Neighbor CBS-Cook's TravelOltue with Mal· ~pot ~ Iection~. colm La Prado &. Lew Wbitt. WLSl\.lillle Brown Church CJRM·Concert Momellls eat•• high .. KSOO·S. D. Educalion An'o WMIN·Top o' Morning If your favoril. stUion is not listed at quarter or half hour orj:an;st: WBBAI (sw.IS.:7) KFJM·lI.United Lulheran Church WBBM·Bowarhll''"' WGN C"medlan I•.'·nn. Or.rmo" agalo 1,1. Illd Ih.. oreh••tro t~llowe N.."s; KSOO CKY CKY.Nal·l Councilor Education (.",-15.33) tek.. II_toner. On en eo­ WMAQ-Sih'er Streak Review with !lory 8"lte (Ko­ CBS·Romany Trail: Em.ry eorltd 'onr beMnd Ihe ..,ene. WMIN-Band C"ncert ~.L'). llr. Warner 1. a KOBII.World Ob..,,·.r KFAB·Go"".nor Cochran of • moJor m"U"o plemre WBB~I·Eddie Hou ... organist KMOX-Sw""l M~looies·. Orch.: KSCJ KMOX ]01. l1e 1. u,lated hl' )(OT7 WMT·Trinit}" Lulheran Church l...hhy pleul.1. Ill. ""cuPUloo WNAX WCCO C••llole and e OO·ple"" Or· WTCN.lI.Wesl..y Churoh 10 ."l'erlotendelll of pollee of WOGY.Popular Concert KSOQ·Hughesr.el r], ••"o under Bo,,11 )(orroo. th~ Stu.. of S~,,· York. WCCO·Clock Time NBC·Waiberlr Bro",n Siring Eno.; CBS·Salt Lake Cily Choir: KRNT 1:()(l' CST 12:001l1ST News; WLW (sw·15.21) • NBC·lnt"! B'cast from Turin. 11:15 CST 10:15 1I-IST NBC·Hour Glass. Jerry Bran. WDGY·Happ}· Thought R.phi~hi KSCJ (sw.21.52) WAlIN.Popular Fand.. * CBS·Childr.n·$ Hour: (sw. ltalJ': Ouorino Me· KMOX·Tral'elogue Tl.. eholr oft'en "U""•••lonal" non, tnr.; Pazil G.....hman. "i­ 21.52) morial: KOIL KSO II'lS (sw. KOA-Paramount Parade (1)0 )\OfOO\; "A. Tor..,"'. olini,,; KSTP (s".15.33) (Continued on Next Page) MBS'Perolc String Quarlet; WGN 15,21 ) (NBC) '" KFAB·l\.Watellto",er Prgm. Thlo (onCerl 1,0110.. Otto 11ee' WBBM-Magic I\'"mbors pl~~1 K~·JM·Saored \\"]'0 died April ]8. sb.vteri~n &h"". )1)36, o"d ,,·u Olle of t~e II'EBc:..o.Pr.. KFNF·Gue.t Speakor ~"'OIe.t of !loly'. modcrn WG~·Sunday Morning Concert ALDEN EDKINS KOA·.o.ChriSlian Science ('{ImPO"<''', A",on~ hie worh we.o ft,.e Otl«r... he OY"" \1::10 CST 10:301l1ST KOll·The Golden Uour ],I>onlc P

• Radio G"id•• Wuk Ending April 24, 1U7 29 WIlL8 Ole Sh.tthu!1 WEBC·Porh of CIll W~;BC JO'Ollh Erkk."n, ,·oclli.1 7:00 CST 6:00 MST cae l'l~oda 01 .·Io..-er., t.! WHO·M.nison of Dreams WHLB-O"l'ln PI>t"', WDAYS,nih,,' Ed \lcConneU • NBC·DO YOU WANT TO BE CKY n'QC Sunday \\'L\\'-Slrin~ En';ClI1ble WMIN·I\Bethel Church WlILB Ceorle L.nlford An Actor? (Cha" " Sanborn): crCN"hmorlti ThaI Endure 1\'\IlNGusllvus Adolphus I'I'SAX~thern Normal Prpn. WMIN lIu.lh " Home III"e" MacQuarrie. di•. : 11'110 CJRM·llPre~b)'I~,i'n Church 1\ \IT IliChlro Wil""n, talk WDAF WEBe IVTMJ WMAO KrJM MII,inl Mlide'" "NAX \"aritty I'",m. 01;45 CST 3:015 MST 6:00 CST 5:00 Jl.IST WLW KSTP WOW WO,,"Y WGN N~ws: Joe Sanders' Oreh. April 18 CBS-Eddie lfouH, o'S.nist: HAVE YOU VOTED YET in Ih. WOW"-onh..n Nltural. KOA KFYR WSM (lw-9.53) WIiLBSunday .1 Eilhl KRNT KSCJ bit SIll' of Star••1.elion7 II • CBS·1937 EOmON 0,. TWIN WMIN NItW. 3:15 CST 2:15 ~IST CBC-Canada, 1937: CKl' CJRM not, do SO now by filling out w~ic~ Stars (National Biscuit Co.): KSTI'Gutl. WhIt! KFAS·lac:k R~nd,,11>h. bar lhe coupon appel.. On &: 8:15 CST 1:15 lUST lu~~. Viclor Moore Heltn Broder­ WOGl' Slim Jim·s RO"lhridtn KOA-School o! '1,,';c Pa" 2 of this ick; Music &: Comed); Buddy WMINFrandship 0,. WEBC Aher_ MUgel!e KSOO-Sport. R~\"irw • NUC·Jack Bonny', Jtll·O 1"0­ ROlIn' Oreh,; WIIAS W1R KFJM·S..... WHO M.,trr Sinle~ WBBM Tffllh Innin~ , ...m; Jolary U,'iut.tone; Ken­ KMBC KMOX KfAB KSCI WOGY-Eddie Job".lon ny Inr.; Don Wil""n, 8:30 CST 1:30 l\IST WLW·Carl Frrtd·s H...... onic. "'BBM KR~" WCCO WNAX • NBC·AMERICAN Of WMIS-Doly Didoft m.e.; Andy Dc,-ine; Phil KSL (sw.I1.83) ..... IIlrri.' Oreh. WOW WDA Y Familiar Music (Ba,.er Aspi.· IBIISSi"la • NBC·Cellt,,1 Motors Promen· Lu~r KSTP KOOR WEBC WHO in): Frank M"n", I"r; \nIT·American. to Ihe Rescur .... Concert: KOIL II'MT Ins Mon...... IIOP.; G"s lI~alCbtfl'. NIGHT. WTMl WS\I WLW WMAQ WfCX KSO (.w,II.87) o.eh_ 11'110 \\'EBC IHUQ 3:30 CST 2:30 l\lST WDAF 1....-9.53) (al", ICe 10 RI.-tllnl Crookl. I~"", ... wnu WOW Kn'R WDAY • NBC·Senalor Fishfaer &< Prof. p.m. CST) Erira IlIrtIo. 00"""•• 'I'll! Ilt KOA KSTP WDAF WS)l ( ..... ,,-," '>bottlt; lun DlinJllon. 5:80 CST 01;00 MST NBC·Stnuor lIenrl' Clbol Lod~, l'~'Ia. T1Mo """_u,. .-111 ..lay: T.l... fro. lbe \'I...... Sh ....·meD Quarlet; x6C-llCllholic lI"",r; Rev. I. lalk KSO KOIL WE..-R '.53) 'tcl.arnO)·, .,..aktf WOA Y W_I (SIr"II): Air I" G MI. )I...... I..... '\"ltra (ROIU' ._t IJI KI_ fOTO'Itl: l'ok>..t· ren 1I."y Win...'. '">1••­ 01... VUCH r10lll "I'ri_ Bros.); XBC-Anl.!·' Cubans: WTeN ~:.~~=~~~ .r::-a~ _. I'illbl'" lOId (;UI 11"0' J_I Ottfninst,. IlOr" tllon>dI.I. :IlIr_ ('rook, 1<1ooe.·, ""' 1.. ...lll ..loy dir.; V,ilIM Morri.. :.ndy, harmon,. lealll: .I7~~.1l.i': K~ KRXT weco KSCJ (I.' WIlQ.PlayhOlllt Jobn.....'s Oreh,: Ray KDisbt', ,CD'. lourn.l: WESR 15.21) CuckOOl: WLW WGS ...... 1 m be 1_ '" • 1..... (U.!l, KOIL WMT WLW WTCN (Jw. "-"D. dl_IO l_~ WMISCan.., Pfllm, Polly W.rd. Drlllib blo. llooe .111 . cae-Ru Battl.·, Oreh.' CfQC n...... WMT-!l.Wlln"l ::tt. Oaurdl CBC-SoUft: CKY CJfU,L CfQC 11.87) (.Iso Itt 10:15 p.m.) ,..,_.ra 'I III lu' ....'"""1 at",h•••u. 01 lb. d ...... CFCN-Th~ s.."d.)· Pla)en CFeNp••ir;' Bibla I".tilule ot IIIe ...... 1 oerl 0 .. tile WSAX-Am.ricaDs to the RtICIlr .0Id Itltyilioa,J .r, Ne...,: WHAS WDG\' ''''Ineo .-Ill 1No to tu..-lle riTt WMINSI. Thrrtla's Clft CI"b KO!L-Troub.adour KOA Melod,. M..I" WHLS·S)'mph. Hall KSL·M~lody Fashion P.rade KSO hw-ILS7) NBC·Choul Voil": KOIL KSO WNAX Frttm." Junior Colltp KSCJ·Siou" City School Hour WMIN·Don.ld No~is To boo ann""nud, WD(;Y II'MT 1:00 CST 3;00 1\lST KSOO-WPA Concert W8B\I-Cou.lCOIl. Colooel, KOIL·llih " 1IIi"es CKY·Phlllum'O'lic Orcb. KSTP.Yatitly Prm<. WGSFrtddy M.rlin·s Orch. 1:15 CST 6:15 MST WGNp.ul Whitemln's OrcA. * NBC-WE, THE PEOPLE; WIIL8-I).R.dio Vnptrs WIII.B,N~ KFAR.V.,;tly p.~m_ Phillips Lord, dir.; Mlrk W... WOGY·!l.Uttle Homelikt KFJM·Photbt Ann Qui,1 KFNf·Sun,h'ne Lady WENRAm.teur 1I0ur WJR M".icale WDGY.\'.riuy Show WLW.Jerry Cooper. "'nss now'. Orrh,; G"es": WMT WMINFor Mother &0 Dad WMT·Over Ih~ Trln""m KLPMMu$lul Stni>book WESR WLW WTCN ROIL WHO·The Air i, Vourl WGN·Henry Kin~'s Oreh. KSOO·Norlhwt1t Top Tunn WMIN-Globt Trotten WMT &hors 01 lhe Stalt WMIN,Polish Prim. WTCNFriendly N.i,hbor. KSO (.w·15,21) WNAX·llll.ligiou. Service WI:IB~1 lIow~rd Ntunullc. D•. Tbo,""'ell Jl<'ObI. p...,lde"\ W/.lT,Hallil-.n·, Demlluse 9:00 CST 8:00 !'lIST WENRGud.II Metod;" or OJj"lelbo,pe IJnhe..lly: WNAX·Amerinn Lt,pon PrIQl. 6:15 CST 5;15 MST 1:30 CST 6:30 Jl.IST • NBC·Cladys 5warthoul, sop, Il..-o I''''ln, ... 11<> n,uobtt ,o,oor tbe KFJM-Silml Alpha 1011 Ion; lIelen Troy; Jacques R.· KSTI' WTMJ WflO KOA WSlII ~" ...I, of Pbllilpi II. Lo.d KU'M·Schu",ann Club KSL·MI!!ic hl.nd WDGY-Lamplightilll Tim. nard's Orch.: KFA8 KMOX WLW (.,..,9.53) lod·1· KOIL·E, I'. Ch.~e WllBM KMBC WNAX WCCO MI •• S....rlhOut ..!J...: Oh Dry 2:15 CST 1:15 !'liST CBS,Your UnHen Friend (1'... WIlASMelody ROld NIIC-Chorll Voices: WENR KSCJ·Morninl,ide Colle,e KRNT KSCJ WJR WHAS 'I'ho•• Te... W"I nleKo); "n)~ KSOO.N~w. Cllm II Ihe ~Ilbl (11010 ..,): AIBS·Choul Echoes: WLW .o"al L.. Gue.t: KFAB 6:30 CST 5:30 ~IST (sw.11.83) (.]so sec 10 p.IO,) KMOX (sw·b.27) ~,"rl 10)(1.;1" (1\"1'1••): WBBM Cheri &. Thrtt Notes WMT·Grinneli College Trio • NBC. "BELIEVE·IT-OR·NOT" lnl.rm~..o tro", CooI_.n•. luneb· co>n' on \'oulb:' WIIAS WJR ( ....·15.27) KMBC KFAB KMOX KRNT U I ...·.IM tt~ly ne.... CKY.I).\'~.ptr The Hnblno!J 1'1O"...m. btlf!.. KR~T KFAlJ weco WSAX KSL \\'IIAS (,w-6.12) ot ... Hour llrilln.tln, 10 110111"'_ ...Iell 8:00 CST 7;00 l\IST IIIU frolll L!:>odoa. The hl.h KS.::.I.Ruth Miller, dramatic in· • CBS, Phil Baker (Gulf Oil); 80010 t~ I>t IOU by 'be u~l· polnl or bl. dl lo. of J." • HBC·WOODBURY'5 RIp· ~...... 111 lHI' l'O"y I 'III strudor I.....~ .Dd \"11"1101. Rca. Ed· Osclr Bradley. Orcb.: WHAS ..1i"1 Rhythm Rtvu~ witA no,. u 1 ..ub II 1. 11....., 01 WJR (s...·l1.8) • LoM (·..w IIIDd. Thoe 1..,1 Frank Parker. tnt.; Judy, Han~ 8o"~' coo 111 be Ibe Corou· KSOO·Siou" FIll. on Parade ~~ r:'~lo:..~~~~t~r.I':~lI...~ M• .Ior AI WIIIII,o•. I...... dler, Koo"dop. •• .Dd \Jon ~Iusieale Anni~ &: Zeke; SlIti' Uf'd Wl'l_ Won~1I 11.11 ...!II weco pl.1 "61OJoo Efel" I. bl. .ad C...I.I" ".0""•. baeter, World Act....HI Fields' Oreh.: WESR KOIL anI tllll~ o. lb• .I. btl new KFXF·llBible Orlma WHLB·llA,.. Mlr,a HOIl. • NBC-Golden Cate Park Band ~ ~:~~1I b~b]~"I~~:",:~~' WTCS WMT KSO WLW (IW­ 00..._1t...... 1..1...• Tbe WBBJ.I·Fbnal·am. WMINFI"flf O. Hjelm Conctn KSO KFYR WDAY 11.87) WEXR TuMful TO(lies 00<-.. It..,,ll~y·, ore_I.. ~..:::.. ~:ll"rn'7'~I:~~I~llb W"AX U. of S. I>akoll KOIL ( .... -15,21) wHl pla1 "JJe _l ' I. \VENR Bob Cr05b)'" Oren. F",OI; Don \'oorhtn' Orcb.: ...... 11 lhal TI••Ie .re l.. PI.U KSL-Juk " Jill Home Buildtra S6C·llXlt'l Vnpt.,: KITR ~6C·Smilin' Ed McCon"eU (Acme Alouetl~: e-Jt1!'J" <; (G ..hop.) CBCLt Qlialuor CKY KSL.-Romlllce of Tran"fl'Ort.tion .ad (;.,111..01'. ('.h lk lro. 9:30 CST 1I:3G ;nST WE:"R KSO KOIL Pllnl), Pllmer Cbrk's Oro:h CfQC-Gbd Tldinp WBB\111i5tOf")' in tile Makint; "Tbe CIIl1d...... ·• (: IDe- NBC,Rome Wa. B"ilt in I Daze, Dr_ U'lTY ll_...n r_lct " Choral Cl"Otlp: WHO WOW CJRto( Uni't Godl 1"10 VII· u Ed Sisters " Ranch Boy. WHO han., f "Ill. Klooelnluld" 1II,,_le an" Iyri by II'\IAQ KO-\ hw 9-53) (Bond B.ud), KMOX (ow. WDAl,'·l'tslerda}'s Ftont Pap WDAF WTCS WOW WMAQ (WU I .Dd C_ T_, ltlmbrr.r .1 Ibe :''d. Bllotball; ChlCa~o C"b. vs. Chi. 15.27) WDGY·l\.Belbesda Fift Ch"rc!l WLW (...-9.53) (II"" 1ft 10 AI ...I,III1 KI.., (GI.I"dI"I). ca~o WHo.Geo'1l:'t Hall's Or.h_ It I. 'h. -" ..rod",",In" While So" WGN II'BB\I MBS Wellt'5lc)- ColJege Choir: 'p.M." NBC-The Manhattan Merty.(;o. or I...... ~ Ill'" I' rtd bl K.·AB·Home pun \" ..... WLW WLW,C""rl of lIuman Relations CFC~II)mn, Roond (Dr. L)'on~); Bert I.... 111."1,,,1 yoo,,~ rlt~t_ KFSF-llSwtdi;.b St.,-ice KFAB-Golden Draa;on WMISMan Behind Ptf> CJR'I·G..... 01 Romanu Labr. comtdiln; Loi, Btttnet. OOIllPO_', Tbo> dnl WII "The KSOOBlac:k Ihtt. Roonnu KFJ~I,Co,..nanl WS~l-Ptf:ptr Uppers SWtf'lbUrl or !'Illm. Sill' MU5iral Hour KLPMProphelie Hour ""P.; Men Aboul Town; Abe III•. ·· broo,I"UI 1..1 O...~..· KSTI'Book of F...-orites KO.%-I).Rabbi Irvin~ E. Reichert IVTCNMu.ic Appreci.tion K\tBC-TuII Rlnlen L)-m.n·. Orch.; pitrrt Lt ...." Th~ plan IlIellJpll I.. WCAL I).Vtsptr Servoce Ksao-If. Hadl.y Schydt, b..... W1")IJ ,Dino" Hour KOA Garden ParlY Kreun. Inr.: KOA KSTP WOW I::~ I~:"" IIt~e "!i;:"~ WDAY·Around the World WCCO.John B. Kennedy 5:015 CST 01:015 1\IST KSL-Co..boy Sottp WDAY WHO WMAQ WE8C :: WOGY-Slim Jim W~\l ..I\Hot lbal It ..... bor","" WDAYSpellinl Bte New.: CKY KLPM WItO WDGY E..nlide' Mu.k.le WTMJ KFYR WDAF ""..... hy • TOO"~ lOu-"'rlt· WEBC·Mu.ical Interlude WOGl' -American. to the Rescue KSTP·Amll...ments; News; Sporll WAIIN-Clnlor Goldberr WOAY (sw·9.53) er 10 Ib.1 :'<~ro <'OlIld OIOl

Symbol in panentheses, such as (aw-9.S3), ap~earlng after a program Ifsting in~~catel' ~h~t thil propram may be heard by PLEASE NOTE: tu n lng In 9.53 megacycles frequency .. n your short·wave• di al,. t.W' foreign short.~.a:ie programs, please .I!.:e page 20 30 , MI ....w tU"~1 10 I"UOl(lrtll· cos Ne.... , !.ennie lIayl, ~pani.b Rnu" \las Dan'" Orch_. KSO W:\IT c; ESR-Lou Or...... ·• Oreb_ WtU~-('ommun;ly a.MI \\':\I1S-121h llou. Tempo Slin. 6 ,.m. CST (5 MST) WOW KSTP \\'OW (... 9.53) CBC uc,,1 ior G1te Sino;~n: WTCN-Calilornia Conttrt {NBCl Ut:15 CST 9:15 MST CBS Rnl )I;;'holo Orch_ KSCJ CF'QC CKY WS:'oIFranci' Crail'. Orch. 10:00 CST 9:00 l'oIST KfAO I\R:'\, \\"AX WOO'I 1'1"...: ORM cre" WIIAS 11:45 CST 10:45 lUST • CBS-EDDIE CANTOR (TEX· NBC Kinl'l J""'In-s: WEBC K"DC \\llAS KMllX enol Lof"e'" Oreh. K<::I.-I'..... KOA Seoq no) ..ilh ~Inna D"rbi.., WF"R WTCS MOS-GMr!te Duffy', Oreb. k "I Cllhftlral "a,Jdellle WE."R-Mauri. Sh~ma•.', Oreb. "..,1. Telllple Squar" Wallih~ ~B<' W;teh"'~ 8<>bbr 81ftn. JUnlDY \-"..."nt Tra"en' Oreb.: KOIL WCCO Dall.... Oreh. WMIS-Ct<:. 11,,1''' Orcb. I\STP ,,"": 110..r loa. lIe~n Troy '" JacqlltS Rt­ "OW WDAf WlW <_-9.53) CBC-T..dor S'rinoo: Quarlet: WGN P~ul White ·s On:b. \\BO\I "torS '" Wealhe' :'olall Orcb KSL (Ibo al !'IOC-Walter Windltll: WSM crQC CKY CJll\1 \\'l\~ {~an " I' . 12:C' CST 11:00 l\1"T WL"R SIan ~o",.· Oreb. 7:30 p.m.) (aho II 8:30 p.m_ CST) KMOX·S...-s W\lAQ Bob Cr ~·'. Oreh. MBSLiIl~ Jark Ln~'s Oreb.. W\IAQ 0.... Cbiesla·. Orch_ NBf.Ju

Monday April 19 Monday

KFJ\l·Art &. Dill KSCJ-S...... s C8S ~Ily Crochr; IlYIl'!IlS 01 W~IT-Plne Ridge Mu,;emakerl CBSTh" GumPt "'eleh IPehr· KLP\I·ll.~'"lionals KSl>OSin~"1 Stirs All Church...; John K, Wu· \\,OI·Ne"s; 1I0memake.. «I): W8BM WCCO KMOX MORNING ";MOX Let's Compa.rt NOln KSTP-l'oUy lilt Shopper kills (Gold Mnlal) KfAB soc ~tarl 01 Ih. I\o<.lon A, A. I(OASin!t, Seidlbot-, Sin! WCCO-Gene " Gle"n WBBM WCCO K!>lOX (ow. 10:15 CST 9:15 l\IST Marathon: K50 7:00 CST 6:00 MST KOILThe Moderni~u \\'OGY-Musie Boa 21,52) * NBC·Bachboge Wif•• Ikelth Al 11,1. lIa.. lh~ .llrl of tb~ IiBC-\lornin~ DevOlions: KFYR \Iornin~ (1)'-' L)'oo,): KSTP WMAQ 1811' ."n,1 ran"ln, IIr 'hll WOGYOuuly " You WEDC Musicale NBC-Peppe. YOUnl'l family (Ca. ~.'1·",llp rl<~ COS-MoTl\;"~ \\'~IT WOW WIIO (lw,IS,]]) ramou. wl1l ,"" Almanac; PIli! WLS·Jolly Joe's Pet Pals WGN·Good Moming ml)'): WLS KOIL l,~.rd '1'1'" 8111.h II .<"1,.-.1­ Cook. «Imnlian, Soloi,,, '" IVMI:"> JUSI About Time WHLB Wilh the I.{aslers K50 (0.. 15,21) NBC-Larry La."n, o,.a"i.l: "I.... 10 I'" 10""'''''''1 II ~.31l Olga,,: \sw21.52) WNAX-T...... ,n TttI \\,1I0-\lorni,,( ~lelodiu IIo",.OOat lhnnah: WEIlC KOIL KFYR K50 W~IT 1'_"'· """" 11:31) ('S'r: 1~:3Q Early niseI'!: WEOC KSTI' WilLS NOC'PerlOnal Column of lhe Air )t>;T: 11.30 ',11', l'i"T) 0'" \\TCN ,Pop. Cooeerl "'!.S,lIilltoppe.s ." 'iUl··II'JlI "etr,ork. Mu"cal Clock: KOIL WIIO WI.\\' KillY K«ne, Inc. CKY Da"•• Bandt (Chipso): WLW WLS (.w. NOCllappy Ja.k, KOA \\'lJij~1 15.21) 8:00 CST 7:00 MST WMT·Oddities '" the News; KFJM 1I0uoebold HOllr lIym", of All Churehe,: WEBe Ne.. s: WIlLU WLS WM! * NBC·lJrcakfnl Club: Orch. '" Wome" in the Ne"'!; Inte,lud" K'-N~'·N" ..trlman WTCN KfJM WltLU K~'AB-Time '01' Tunes S<.loiiU; N~wo: KSO WTCN WNAX·Bra.. Ua"d KFYR Xavier CIIIIl'1 Oreh. CKV·Mu.ieal. KFJ\I El'eq>tn~ts Fi~ld CKYOack,tal" lViI" KOIL WDAY KfYR WEOC WOI·Se,,·i•• neporll KI.I'M·llouoektrptr', Cbat KfNf-ll.nry KFAll Mark." .. \Vulhe. KFN.· Mi~tod Morninl Melodifl: W\!AQ YOIl. NeiebOOr KLPM·Good N.,," Prim 15.~3. NBC 110" to ~ Charmin!t, KOA-Mu,inl M.n.. WIlO WOW WEOC itw \VOl New.; Clo.. in A(Ocullur" WEBt. WMINNt'IfI·s: Oullelin NOC Vienn._e Sutrl KSO u.eub (Philipps): WMAQ WOW-Mary', Malin... N....s: WIIO WOI KFJM WOW WlIlTTim Orad}~1 ROIlodUp KOBII Wealher B"lletin WOW KSTP 11_15331 MUS John Mtlealf'. Choir: KOIL WTC" Whoopn: John'l M".ic: W"AX WCCO WNAX Rosebud Kid. KSCJ-Rou"dup N....s: KLPM WOGY WOINtws; Music Shop KSOOMarkeU; D;,ry Market.; Stock" CKY WDGY I(fYH Form'" lIome Bullonn lIall KSOO-SonrfcsI KSCJ KRNT WSAX (,w' WGS \hkc L'p " Sine "'"'s- WLS KfJ\I WLS-CUtttnl Evtnls WDAYSally Son~ Shop 17 76) WIILO Early Mornin~ R"",,"I II'l\\'·Linda", firsl Love WCAL ll.Chaporl" CKY Rnl '" While Re....e WOA YCOI\eordia Coll«e I\'EBC"",,"; Mu"nl Interluda * NBC·Story 01 Miry Marlin W!.S.Pr";rie Rall\~rs WMISGor. _keleb Kale 'keleh (hory s.op): KSTP WLW A"nl Ma..,· KMOXOurll \'amlin \\,SAX Hu •• '" Chff WIlLB ...... WHLB-Oill Wilker WOW KOA WMAQ (...--1533) \\'MT-Mu.ital Oot announred WGS WLW WIlO ...... 1 of Sprirur; WIolIN-Mid :\I'lmi"l Concert ~Ily '" Bob: KFYR WEBC 7:30 CST 6:3G MST 9:15 CST 8:15 1\lST WMTM....I( Kild."o WLW 11_ Aldrn', R_a..« WSAX-ll.Sarreel Serrice WOI-So-rrK" Rrporll WlllB IiBCCh""r, KHH WOW\\LW \\:\11" Bulletin Board l-)Iod.n Cindereb. oktl•• * CB5-Helnz Ma,:>.Z1"" ., Ille XBC-Voi« fIl upttietlce (Wu· Air; '"Troub~ llouw:' lIteldl; \\' ,\ ..\W·Cuin Markel. laSI Table CBS R>curd Mu,,~U. _1$; (Gold Medal): WBB\l wcco '" Prod"el!) \\'HO VoMAQ WOGY,,"ritl1 Pllm. KfHI "',nlecian S<-hooI of Ihe ..__•(... ·21.52) KFAB K:'oIOX (.w21.52) BA RoU.·, Oreb.. RHd K~· WEBC WOW WDAY KFYR nedy, ba." .....'1: WOO~I WOA \. M.n on the SIr",,1 ,. lIlOS Jlcob T...... i.... The Lamp- NOC-Vlu~hn de "'"Ih. SOIlp: WLW KOA KSTP ( ....-153]) WIIO 0.. Ihe Mall KF:'iF " .....;11.,. Worship KFl'R K~ WDAY KOIL "FAB \\ ,,\, KR"T K:'oIOX bc:bter: II'G" \\,'LW • NBC·Ed,,"rd MKH""h. Gos(ltl W~lI" DaDd Mu.sic KLP~I Choral Sin.,.".. ~t'IfI.: KSTP WOG\' NBC--O..:)·d<>I'1 o.r-o Ma Perkin.. weco Sincer (I>'ory Soap): KOIL K\lOX TIrk Tock Rt>lIe U.l. I· ort.! lron"'r. W\IT German Oand KFAO R..aU> Calendar: Nnn s1ttld:: WLS (_.15.21) 1-t ,\!orninc. Follr.. KFHI Pro..-r ..... Prevucs MBS Oaehr...... Child~n. "'et.b: of II III~ .. 1. CBS-D'. AI~n Ro, 0.1. \\T(S "'.',,'" UtI'" ( __I .f ,". * KOBI1 Top T"n.... 1\1""1" Scotth Tenor WGS WLW (LylOl): WOO" WCCO lI:SG CST 10:31 !lIST KSTr ...... ; Musical l"I~I"'" ;;'L!'M GU"" \\bat! Nt'IfI' KOBIi II'\AX NBC 111. O'''ril1 krlch (lVOl')' KMOX (.-..-21.52) * HBC·Nln Farm" H_e Hr.: \\' I \ 0 \I''''''al Lllill\tI WCCO A..:el, "...... uter CKY-Orcan R...·rries FloIr.,,) WLS (ow,15.21) KfAOHill '" Encorn WEOC WlW WMAQ KOA WDA \' Mlloiul (lork \\'110 "".it.1 Oo<>"e"irs iJI Son. N6C D.,·id Ibrum. 'hleb (Bab- KfHI~...., Review WDAY WIlO KnR \\OW 1\ 1)(0\ Or.,-an Melodies W!.S,ll.Morni"l Devolion' Kf"F Tree Planters D) WIIO WOW KSIP W\lAQ KfNFADd)' \Iani \VT('" C,.. 15.21) WEB(' Daily :"t'IfI_ Parade WMT·f·r...k \'""lkrr, 0tllonl I\LPM Mu.k.l Serapbook Neo.. KSOO Inn.. ",.lIpr IUn!II" lid II_~· KLPM To be .o""",neeel ., ~,.. __Ir., l.Iary W~A\Yodtlin~ CKY Or...... of Lit" WGSThe Goldrn lI""r Bobb)' " Tunon KSO· Ad Rambl" KSCJ\hrktt., \1m 01 lbe sr lp"o. _I....', W IntO "1I.iul f ...hirn\ Noln Tod KSOO~a. Diary KFSF Old Time.. H.•"""1.' lit II>t J)"I""III~nl WLSPokey '" Arkit WOGY ·lIappy Ha.m,.,y KFYR I"mn. 01 All Churchn KSOO·Ma" on the Street or .'.<1.-.11 "'I"bp t ••" "~"" 8:45 CST 7:45 MST \1"'1( KU'M-Almanae WOGY·Rhylh", and Romane. dpa 1'.1 ". 11. It. llu~· \\'\IlS JII.t Abo"l nm" WHI(; In the "" lui"... "W..hln~lolI ("011\- WSAXH"",dy Brotberl COS-O.ehelor'. Childnll (Old \VItO II) ...n. of -'II Cku...h.. KOA Mornine Varieli" \VG~'Don Pnlro '" I'iono ",~ol": ~.,,' )10.... Iloll.!lur,. '\01.\1"... Sh.-p Olllch C1eao...r): KMOX (IW' \VMINTop 0' Mom. KOIL from Radio Ro," IVltlB-\!ornin~ March Tim" -1"1r", Uu.ln~•• IUd ~dcu ... WTCS-\Inrn;nl Editino 21.52) WMT-Stotty View. the N....I K~O·I\'om.n', Rni... WNAX \larrh K'nu Yarl•. '. CKY-\Iusicaic WTC" ~'unD\' Sid. of Newl WDAY Markel; Mi.'tr), Vircinia Cla,k WOB\I KSTP KfSf ~hn:artl '" I.... "BC·JuII Plain Bill, .:':eleh (An. WGNGet Thi" to Mu";e * HBC·Girl Aillne, slteUh (Kel. KRNT KFAB KMOX (tw· M,,<;cal O""k, CKY KOIL II U'\I-Thulcr PrC";'W ac;n): WOW \\'~'AQ KSTP 1'<111.0 I\'ornu·. "<>rnin~ Revi... '''''l): WLW WMAQ (tw • 17.76) KFAB-ll.Cho~1 Mrv;ce KOA Garde" Almanac (1"'-15.33) WLWLin Slock Reportl 15_ 3) (Conlinud 011 He.1 Pagel

Radla Gllid•• W ••" Ending April 24, 1937 31 KSOO.fohrket.; Timely Tun.. WDAY·Feet First 3;00 CST %:00 MST * NBC-Kello~q's Singing Li.dr: CBS-Sport. Re.ume; Paul Doug. KSTp·Mu,ical. WDGY.Thi. Rhythmic Age * NBC-THE HOUR OF CHARM WLW (.w·I5.21) I..: (sw.15.27) Monday WCCO.I10Pf: Alden'. Romanee WCN-Painted Dream. (General EI«tricl; pt,~ Spital. 1'be 010r1 of \\'1"••n, Ill)'oken Cov"n"'e"t Radio School: CJRM WBBM-Truman Bradl.y, comm. Wl.S Grain Markel Summary oy', AII·Cirl En.emble; Ma,,· ond Nod will loe lold. "QC WDCY·Sun,hine & Liv."tock WLW Tcanlo.ue ine; R",aIi"e Cr..n., m.e.' NBC·AI Vierra'. lIawauan., J.ek Acmstrone:' WHO WOAf April 19 WEBC-Bun.tin Board WMIN·Song Stylisl WIlO KSTp KFYR KOA WENR WMT WMAQ KMOX WCCO KFYR WMT·Bill Brown, Movie Mall WMAQ WOW (.w·9.53) NBC·Doring Sislers: KFYR KOA News: WTCN WENR KOA WMAQ Dan Hardin('. Wif., WMAQ WEBC sketch WNAX-Mother RandaU prl.... NBC·Baseball Game: KSO CFCN-A. You Uke It WMIN Crab,hag WTeN-Col>hel Buffetin Ne"'., WNAX KSOO WMIN MBS Chaluu Frontenac Ensem· CKY.Muoical Prgm. WMT·Mark.h; Hillbillies KFNF WOI ble' KOIL K.·AB-Jack Well. W~aX·D. B. Gurn.y 1:45 CST 12;45 l\IST CKY·Cub Reporters Ne"'s: 1"01 WAAW KFJM·Unele Bill'. Club CKY·Pro£' W. T. Alli,on WOWN.....; Mu,ical. * CBS·MVRT AND MARGE, KrJM To be an""unced * KFOR.BEHINO THE MICRO· WTCN·j'opubr Concert ,ketch (Super Suds) Billy KMOXMa Perkin., sketch KFAB Chand" the Magic;an PilON E (1210 kc) ArUI', Orch.: KRNT KMOX KFJM·U. N. D. 12;45 CST 1l:45 MST KOII.,Duane '" SaUy KSL·Shopping Bulletins KFAB WBBM WCCO (,w· WCCD·LAOIES FIRST KMOX Pec,onal Colu,nn KSOO-Sports CaS·Aunt Jennie'. Rul Lir. 15.27) * KSOO·Through Hollywood Lens WBB~ WDAY·Ne"-,, Tea Time Tun., KSTP,l've Cot An Idea Slnein (Spry)' KRNT NBC· Washington \'S. Philadelphia KSTI'Spelf Me Down KFAB WCCO WNAX KMOX WOGYRough Riders IVBB'" To",.h.,,-k Trail, Alhlelic, Baseball Came; WEBC Aftcn'no" tnlerlud. WBBM·M.n on the Street WDAY.Ne",,; I" Moviel.nd (sw.15.27) Graham McNarn« & Torn Man. WCCO-Schedule; Lh'e,lock NBC·Nellie Revell: Philo.o· WF.NIt·Club Malin.. WDGY·Broadway Melodie. * ni"g: KFYR KSO WIfI.B·Stock Quotation. \\'1) \ Y·Can,p!ire Girls 1''11t\. \\·EI1(·Ne\\,'; Twilighl Revi•• ph)': KOIL KSO The "melol OI"'U~' of Ihe ID:l1 WI.W·Ch.rl.. Dameron, organi,t WDGYV.rieli.. WCNSi"gi"g lady NBC·Ju.t Plain Bill: KOA IoA..ball .euo" ot the A,,'er· WIfl.BChildren', Hour k." I .•·.J/"e will be MO<'rlb<'<1 IVJ\lT-love & Learn WJR-Melody & Rhyth", RAY NOBLE New., KSOO KLPM WDCY WIlO, & Glenn WIIO f",,,, Ol.rt to flnl.h. l'c".I· 3:15 CST 2:1S l\-IST Wl.lVBob Newhan. sports Burns & Allu Orchllr" ludu d~"t RoooHel1. .. ,,"u.l. will \1'NAXHo.ebud Kid. WMINTwilight Melodie. Mon. 7 p.m. CST (6 MST) CKY,Univ. Ledur. 10... Ihe ft"'t boll. Grol,o", MBS·Life of Mary Sothern: WOW·Creighton University KFDY-Canl. Tuberculo.i. )lr"A"'"" Aud Torn llan"l"g WLW WCN WMT Frank Voeiker, organi.t KFJM Roao hiormation "'111 toe 01 Ihe ml.r0I>"Oo., CKY·Orga" Melodies WNAX-Ceorj(' B, Cerman ()Ibec n.lworh wJII ot... 4;015 CST 3:45 MST WOI Theta Chi Frat.rnity KFYR-Musiul Prgm. corry the b""'<1....t. KFNF.Variety I'rgm. (11:30 i.m. Continued) KSCJ·Markels So Sew. NBC,Pecsonal COlumn 01 the Air KFAB·The Jangles NBC-Adventures of Dar; Dan WOW.Terry " Ted KSTP-Journal F.atur.. (Dari Rich), WIlO WOW WSM-Univ. of Tenne.... Prgm. Newo: \VAAli' KlPM (Chipso)' (sw.15.33) KFJM"'e", WDAY-N.w~; Variety Prgm. Judy" WHO KOll KSTP KMOX-Killy Keene, Inc. WMAQ WTMJ.fleinie & Hi. Grenaidier. CKV·Dance Tunes CBS Wilderne.. Road, .keteh, h~-JM·~h", WLS-Live.tock Markets WDA Y WEBC KSCJ WHLB KSooSkyride 5:45 CST 4:45 !\1ST Th"",,,..m WLWCoupie Next Door WEBe-Uni"c...l Rerue KRNT KSCJ WCCO (.w.15.27) CBS·PRETTY KITTY KELLY KFNF·L.dies Chorul . Marke'" CKY WOW * '1'l,10 o,'w dall1 '.'1.1. ''''''' h. KFDY-Pla)' A"hile WHLB-,c,Devotion.1 Services NBC·Littl. Ortlilan Ann,. (Wonder BrUd): WCCO WJR KOIL.Noon·day Varittiel fl...... ,"01 weet.•hro OJ.n WMINCocktail 1I0ur .keteh (Ovaltine): WLW (SW. KMOX KMBC KRNT KSCJ KSOO-From Studio A ioIo"le .,,,1 1)0"'" ('rud••" KFNF-Your Pets Wrl~hl, WMT-~lelody Linger On 9.53) WBBM KFAB KSL KSTP-Variety p,gm. ltr. A"d )lr.. Tom KOARand.Il's Open H<>u,e n.wl.,'wed•. The l,roKrom I>~' WNAX·M~ry Nan's R'ltime NBC·The Old lIome'lead: KFY£ NBC-Orphan Annie, sketoh (Ov. WCCO-M. Perkins. sketch KSOO,S<>ng Sh<>p ,'10".11' wSO b".,d ,we, 0 IVllGY Heahh Ba"d WMT KOA KOIL ahine): KFYR WOAY WOW WDCYlhW)' lIo11ow Gang l'I,I('AKO atollo" 0001 Ibl. New.: KFAB WOI "'or•• U. rerlnl .. 00 lllli:' WGN-Marriage License Romances 3:30 CST 2;30 MST WGN WeN-Man on Slale 51tHt KMOX·'. Com!'are Not.. NBC The E,corts & Betty, KOIl II'IILB-Stock Quotations o.'twork 1'...e"lAlIo,,_ WLS·Priscilla Pride * NBC·FOLLOW THE MOON WMAQ-Malinee Grecting. WMIN-II.waiian KSOO·Club Cabana * NBC·Lowell Thomas, com· WMIN-Rhythmic Age (Woodbury',) El'ie Hit. & WBBM·]Ioward Neumiller, piani,t WMINMargie WMT Vatiety Pc~m. mentator (Sun Oil), WLW WNAX ~'.Iooy King. Nick Da"'son' WOW WMAQ WOAY.Wom.n's Organization WMT·Joe Doakes: Aunl Fannr WNAX·llappy Jack's Old Timers KOA KSTP WHO (sw.9.53) (.w.15.21) Il:45 CST 10:45 MST WOI.New.; Accordion Band WIX;Y·LeRo)·, piani.t NBC·Flying Time, sketch: WENR WTCN·For the Ladies NBC·Johnny O·Brien'. Orch.: WEBC·fwilight n."i.w CBS-Our Gal, Sunday (Anul,,): WOW Man on I;,e Str..t WDAY WMT KSO (sw·9.53) WBB~I KilN" KFAI.l KMOX WTCN Front Page of Ihe Air 2:00 CST 1:00 !\1ST WENR-Music Cirde Little Orphan Annie' KFJM NBC-Baseb.ll KOIL CKY·Cecil & Sally W~llN·Mouth, of Babes ($w.17.76) 1:00 CST 12:00 MST KFAB·Judy & J ..,e WTCN WNAX WEae K.-;O MBS-We Are Four, sketch: NBC·To be announced: KFYR \I'TC", (sw-15.21) WMT WIlI.B NBe-pepPf:r Youn~'s Family, * KFJM·MOVIE GOSSIP CKY·News; Musie WGN KSO (~w.15.21) KFYR-New.; V.riety Pl'llm• Luncheon Music: WIILB WTeN NBC·American Education Forum: •ketch (Cam.y): WMAQ WOW NIGHT KOA·Afternoon Variety II'DAY WEBC KFYR KSTP KMOX-Hou.ebo.t Hannab CKY.Or,ana"t;•• KSTP (.w-15.33) KOIL-Variety Prgm. KSOO-Let's Swing 11 KFN~··II.waiian. CBS·"New. Thruugb A Woman's WilO KOA IVI.W (.w.15.33) WDGY.Mid·Aftemoon Mu,iul. 6;00 CST 4;00 :''''ST KSTP·Amuse",e"ts, News, Sports KLPM Mr. B. B. Curti, I::yes" (Pont;3O); Kathryn CBS,Official Ol'.min( Major IVDAF·lIIu.ical Prgm. IVEBC-Aftemoon Musicale CBS,Sullbrile Jr. Nul"Sll t·",p., WDCY,Ncw. KOl,ilI·llollywood Breviti.s rr~vens: WBB.\l WCCO KFAB le.<>:ue Season; Washi"gton WLW BeUY & Bob. .ketrh: II'BBM KrAB WCCO K$OO-Hog Markel.: Weathe' KRNT KMOX (.w.15.27) Se"alo," ".. Philadelphia WMIN.Kalfe. Klatch KMBC \\'IfAS KMOX WIlASMelody Magie K$TP.$t}'le Craft; Musical. lll"" Cro,-en. will dlscul<& wo· Athletics: KSCJ KRNT (.w· WIlO·Four Don. men I",rrorrne", 01 tl,e clrcu. 15_27) WMT·Leo Freudberg's Orch. NBC-OI,1 Tra"efers Tale" WDAF WeCO-Kill)' Keene \VOl-Short Stor)' WD,\Y WE",n (sw.9.53) WMAQ Dick St.ele, boy reporter WIII.B-Pop Con••rl ~1"""11,. ~I ..ylo at )1 ..11""" CKY·Concert lIalf 01 the Air WMIN Hearth & Home :Orh Heview CBS-five Star Revue (Karo &. KSOO·Cecil & Sally Wl.S-fiomem.kers' Prgm, KSCJMa~ic poetry; Jaek Fulton, tnc.: Linit); Motion Bowe, tn'.; WMINMu,ic Ibll II'DGY,Swing Session G)rd.n WDGY-Slim Jim KSOO-[)ramas of ure Story Carlton Kel>ey's Orch., WJR Mer; Bell, sonl$; Ray Sinatra'. WEBC·WpA Occh. WMT Ihilbilli.. WHl.B-Telephone R<e 2:15 CST 1:15 !\1ST 01;00 CST 3:00 MST WDCY-liit. of the D~y KOIL WEl\ll (5,..·15.21 ) NBC, Marlowe & Lyon. I> WLB-Musical Varieties NBC·Oxydol'. Own Ma Per· WflLIl·Ev,,,in~ Ser.nade NBC-Donald McGibeny, cOmm.: NBC-Joe While, In'.: (,,,,-15.33) WlS-Rcd .·oley; lily May; Cirl. * duo: KFYR II'DAY WEBC II'MAQ KFYR MRS-Martha &. Ilal: WGN kills, .keUh: Marjorie Hannan' WHO·Bulletin: Shop Revue Golde" We" KSTp WOW WDAY WLW CBS-Milton Charle...... g.n..l' WMAQ.Big Bill Baker News: CFQC WOW WMIN CKY·Lunch Hour WI-W-Vocational Auiculture KRNT KSCJ IVCCO WIIAS KFJM_lloJlywood Speak, WMAQ KOA WIIO WEBC WNAX Howdy BrOlhe.. II'MAQ·All Star Varieties KFYR (sw·15.33) * NBC·Story of Mary Marlin, \\'01 The Y I're.e"ts St,,-,ct, KSrJ WTCN KLPM.Noonday Varieties C~pers WMIN·Organ Interlude M. Perkin" WNAX KFJM (Ivor)' Snow): KSO WENR 1\'OW·C"rio,ity Club CFCN-Cocktail KOBIl-News WMT-Iowa Cornhuskers; Many KOIL W~'T CJRM·Market New. KSCJ.\'o;ce of the P~ple CKY-Home Folk. WSM.Jack's Cang; Pan Ameri· Happy Returns KrNF-Poultry Period CBS-S"nbrite Jr. Nurse Corps. ean Broadcut KFAB C"llen Wri~hl KSOO-Marhl5 i. Round·l)p WNAX-rr~nce Band .ketch: (ow.15.27; KFJM Weather &: Markets KSTP-New.: Organ Prgm. KMOX-Lind.'. First Lov. WTCN.~telody Garden WOW.Mother Randoll KSOO·Oanee Parade NBC·Adventures of Oari Dan WTMJ-Jack Armstrong KMBCNew.; Musical rnterlude WDGY·S,,,,,k Market Report, 1: 15 CST 12: 15 MST (Dari Rich): (.w·9.53) KMOXAir Editor \\'IlI.B-Lunehon Melodies WAAW.Se,urity Market. CBS·Ame'ican Sehool 01 the Air; WCCOMe~t the Mi..u. CKY·llou.e of Peter MaoGregor 5:15 CST 4:15 MST KOAAd,·•. 01 Ace Wimam. \\'I.S-!)innerbell PlSm. Aviation: KR~T KSCJ KMOX KFAB·llou",bo.t H.nnah KSl·Sonny " Buddy WMIN-News Review WDCY ·Mu,ical Newsette. CBS-I',tti Chapin. songs: KRNT WCCO Mana~emenl KFJM·Music of the Ma,te.. II'UBM·Da,'.y Adams, sketch WMT Ilillbilties; Wuther Master The f ••,'ln"lInK "10<1 of Ih. WGN-Home KSCJ (sw-15.27) WMT-luy on the Air: Afternoon KMOX·Josephi"e lIalpin WVt-F·K"ow Your Gov.,rn",e'" WNAX.Variety Show early .lcol(j(lu 0",1 tot" Irl· KOA-The Songfellow NB(' News ..10100, Gorn.,'. basso' IVDAY Dance 1I0ur "",ph. of I".,.. ,...le"USIO wflo Mus;c WOI lIoney I>rolludion {.,,,,ded ."d dCl'etope-d II'Ja· KSOO-Sketoh.. in Melody KSTp WOW (.w-9.53) WDG Y My,tical Ballroom 12:15 CST 11:15 MST WOI.19th Century Music NBC·Army Band, KOA IVTeN Hon "'Ul be d ..",Uhed. II'TeN·N.w< KSTP.Wo",.n'. Page 01 the Air WEBC·Rubinofi. violini,t NBC-Dan Ilarding'. Wir., .htch:. CKY·~lusical Pr~m. WBBM-Tenth Inning Ne",: IVTMJ WSM WGN·pi"to Pele'. R.nch Boy. (.,.,.1533) KFAB·Nebraska 2;30 CST 1:30 i\lST IVDG\'·lhppy Hollow G~ng Buddy & Ginger; WEBC WGN WHl.B·Movie Pre"iew CBS-Senate Judiciary Committe. KFDY-Man.gement SPf:cioli,t * NBC·Vic &. Sade, ,ketch (Cri,. WIfl.BD.A.R. Prgm. U'QC,Gcowing Up WMT·Fireside Phantasy Repor" KSCJ ($,...15.27) KFJM.Puzzle p,gm. eo): llernardi". Flyn,,: WElle WHO-W.y Down Ea.t CKY·Mu'ical l'rgm. IVNAX·Ornn M"'ic Markets: \VOl WAAW KOA.Liveslock Reports: Weath.r WIIQ KSTP WDAY WLW WLW-Toy Band; Ray Shannon KFAB-Buck Jone., ,ketch WSMSport.; Sarie & Sallie New", KOIL WNAX KFJM Club WMAQ KOA WOW KFYR WMAQTu Tim. Varieti., KFJM·Arl Tweet IVTMJ,Gyp,y Four KFAR-Man On the Street KSOO-Hit. '" Bit. (.w.15.33) WMIN·News KFVR·New.; Fred Abell 6:15 CST 5:15 MST l\FNF Farm Salu &. N..... WAAW·Grain Market. NBC-Ba.ef...n; KOIL \l'MT WNAX-Atnbassadors KMBCRadio Circus * NBC·UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO KMOX-Magie Kitchen WI:HI~1 Kitty Kee"e, Inc. (.w.15,21) \\'01 Grinnell Hour KMOX.lI Can't IlapPf:n Here Station (Alka· WOW KSOO Farm SPf:cial, WDA Y-VarielY 1'11':"'. CKY·M.tinee Club WOW·A~nt Sally KOIL-Jack Arm.tron(, ,ketch WDAF KSTP WEBC K~'YR KSTP·Capitol Spoaks WC"'·Way Do,,'n East KFAB·Securitie. '" Grain Mkt,. 4;15 CST 3:15 l\lST KSL.Words & Mu.ic WHO IVDA Y WMAQ WTMJ WDIlM Millon Chari.., or~anist WHO-Rhumba Rhythm. KFJM ll«.jue.1 P'"m_ NBC·Don Win,low of the Na"y, weco· Front Pa~e Parode (sw9,53) WCCO-Chili Deane" WLS,Vir~inia Lee & Sunbeam KGNF,Moth.r'. Forum KOA (sw·9.53) KSOO-WpA Concert CBS Ilerbert Foole's En•.,mble, II'DGY-Television Broadcast WI.W·Leun 10 Sill. KMOXB.rny.,..J Foliies CBS·Dorothy Gordon', Children', WBBM-Bitte..weel Melodie. KRNT KMBC KFAB (sw' WCN·Wife vs. Secro13ry WMAQ-To be announced (NBC) KSOO·Ne"-' Corne" KSCJ KRNT WCCO Wf)AF-Variety I'r~m. 11.83) WMIN-Barefoot Bon WMIN-Holl;-wood Happening. WCCO-~tQCks WBBM (.w-15.27) WDA\'-Buck Jones, .ketch NBC-Bu~ho",e Rhythm: WTCN WfolT·Queslion Man; Voice 01 WMT Cerman Band WDGY.Music Box I\BC-Young Hickor)·. .ketch, WDGY-Or~an Mood. KSO WENR KOiL WS~f Iowa WOW·~1illie '" Time WIILB-World Entert.ins KF\'R WDAY \I'ENR WMT WENR.Chiidren', Stories CBSMa &. Pa, sketch (Allantic 12:30 CST 11:30 l\lST 1:30 CST 12:30 l\IST WLS·llo",emake.. CKY.Many Happy Return. II'HAS-Out of the I)u,k Refini"e:l' (,,,·1 \.831 NBC-Words & Music: (sw·15.33) NBCFini'h of Ihe Boston A_ A. WNAX Warner Imig KrAB-Crossroad. of the Nation WHO-Jr. Nurse LorI>. Dinner Mu,ic: WDeY WIILB CBS Bob 1Iymn, SOllg~: KSCJ Morathon: WMAQ KFYR KSO WTCN-Baseb.lI Challer KMOX-Hooo Aldens Romance WJR·Rubinolf, viol"\ist Ct·QC.ln Ihe Ccime light (sw.15.27) "'BC-Carol Weyman, sop: KOA 2:45 CST 1:45 !\1ST KOILAsk the ladie, WLW·Paul Pierso1\'s Orch. CJIlM-Crowine: Up NnC-love & Learn, ,ketch: (s\\'15.33) * NBC·TIlE O'NEILLS, SKETCH KSTP-Movie Parad. WMAQ Don Wi"slowof the Navy CKY,Pro, " Con. KOIL KFYR Market -R.port' WHO WOI (Ivory Flakes): WHO WEBC WEBC·To be announcw WMtN-lIo11rwood nreviti". KFJM.New, NBC-John'. Other Wil.: KOA KFAB \l'OW K~'YR WOAY KSTP WHO·llou,eboat lIannah IVNAX·Clilr & Hi, Accordion KMOX H.adli". lIi.hlights MDS·.a,Midday Servic.: WC", Hope Alden's Rom.nee' WEBC WLW WJ\lAQ KOA WLW·Jack Arm.trong KOA·Ada", & E"e Variety I'r~m.: WDAY WLW WIll.B KFAB.Farm & Hom. 1I0ur WMIN·Roundup Boy. 5;30 CST 4;30 MST KSCJ·Mu,ical Mom.,nts WHO News: KFNF WAAW KSoo·I)."ce Orch, WOW.New.; Musicale NBC Clark Denni" tnc.: KSO KSl.-Ad,·entures of Jimmy AIl.n Eb & Z.b: rKY KLpM KFDY·Se,,'ice N"trilionist WCCOPop Conc.rt (CBS) 4:30 CST 3:39 MST KOll WBUM Sports Review KFAB-U. of Farm Pr~m. KFJM·First Reque,t I\'DGY Gem. of Melody CBS-Doris Kerr, song.: KSCJ CBS· Dinner Concert; News: WCCO·Taxpayers' Ass'n KFDY-Fa"n FIa,hes KOIL·Cucb Exchan.e WNAX.Russ & Cliff (sw.15.27) WIlAS KMBC KRNT KSCJ WHAS-Paul Sutton, song, KFJM· Band KSTp·aetler Prot'" WTCN ·Baseb.lI; St. Paul v•. NBC-Ja~k Armstron~, slret'h NBC·News; Three X Si,ters: WJR-Vocal Vari.ties KFNF-1I.nry Fi.ld II·BB~I·I,i"da'. (sw.9.53) WI.W Little Jack Lillle's Oreb. First Love City (Wheati.s), (."..9.$3) , 32 Radio G"ld, • Week ElIdillCJ April 24, 19]7 W~llN,Legislative Comm.ntator * NBC·'Joiu 01 Fi,..lonf; .\m..l<'u, will """0""'" th' WIIAS-Diamond Cit)· lI'e""s CBS-An,o" W..k·, Orch.: KSCJ W,\lT-lir. Sa,',,,: Interlud. Morgarel Sp.aks. sop.; Choms; l"O~""n or lhe :\"oUo"ul Wlll.llM.ical ~lixtur.. KIlNT KFAB WNAX ~""" Ja",h",,·••0 Ilv held I" Symphony Orch,; Alfrro W.I. J"I,' In \\"u'hl,,~ton. D, C. WJR.}lu,ic.1 Pr~m. I\IlC·Eddi~ Varzos' Orch,' W~IT Monday 6:30 CST 5:30 MST «>"d.; WSM KSTP CFCN-Conc.rt Oreh. WLW·Orrill Tuck.r's Orch. IO'YR IVTC;'; IVEXR (," 6_14) NBC·HORlICK'S lUM & AB. * WLW WDAF WDAY KFYII \\'llGI' Pi,no Mood. W~IlN,I>op. Melodies ~HlS-l'aul Whitc",on'. Orch,' "cr. WDIIl WlW II' nlJ. WOW WHO WEIlC N~".: WTC1'>-A,ner. Family Hobinson 1(011. KSO WGN CBS·llolli. Sh"w, KMBC W"N Quin Ryan Sporh April 19 '0"." W~lAQ (,"9.53) (al.o ,.~ II'ULB,News 10:00 CST 9:00 MST CBC-Advcnturing in Poelry: KFAB I\R:-:T KSCJ (sw· 10:30 p_m_) CFQ(; CKY 1183) NIiC-Sweel'SI lo,'~ Son<:s ENr NSC·AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP, "e",s: WEBC WOW WBBM 9:00 CST 8:00 lI1ST *sodtnt): WOW WMAQ W!)AF NBeMad.. Williams. .ongs: :lung (Phinip.); Fra"k Mu"n. WS~I WDAF WEBC * NBC·RICHARD HIMBER'S KOA (also al 6 "m.) CFCN /lou•• of 1>.le, MacGr.gor In,-, Loi.; Victor 5tud.bak.r Champions; Stu"t CJHM Eventide Echoes J'ck A'mstrong, sketch: KOA Arden's Orch_: WMT KOll NBC·OoJ> Feedi's Oroh.: K~ KMUCSpo,t. KSC Allen. Inr,: K01l. WENR WMT CBS-!'...tie MeloJi05 t 1V,,~Jey·. KMOX tl..,II"'e Highlighh KSO IVlS hw.l1.87) WTCN KSO \'1V-6.14) N."s, KO[L 1\'110 K.·YR ~I""" Gum); Franklyn MacCormack. KSTI'-Mr. Editor ",a"k .i"u ;:",Ok" ~el""'lIo", "'III he: Wllere Are W[M Y W~lT WTCl' !lrcu",", Yo,,'re ll,'co·. YoU're Poel,y; Jack Fuhon. tn,.' .... rCORom. John.on Th,·,~. Yo,,',e EI·",ywherc. Yell, ""I",·mb,·, 'n lhe Jlul". Advenl"r~,: WOW CJHM 1.1l11e Illd 1",,1>'. )1,-",,, So,,~, Carl.lOll Kel ••y'. Orch.: KSL WIIAS.School of Music )11 .. H""nHt .1,,1'" In.r a ('n'eh''')', "",e", lu the Wo,d KMllC KMOX \\'CCO Kfl\tl CFCN·Music from T.xas Ll"lc I ... "" . .\ 1,llIlo KI,,,_ 'l'ol'~'hor orr~r: for You. Yo" ('n,,'1 Tah WBB~l ;~~II~J\~~:n~;bo;~;~:: g;~~: Ct'QC-C.cil & Sally llle)' lI'a, It .hnt A,,·o)' r,o'" me. Too K, RNT WHAS (al,o at CK Y-Ta,zan. sketch I:~I". ,,,,,I )leJody tor '1''''0. )'n"'elo'" fe' Word,. Amo",· p.n>.) W~IlN D.".. Tim. KFJM·Sporh Reporte, TI,,· 0"'1,,,<1''' u"tI d,,,r,," e'e, 'floe Be.t Thfl,,," I" Ufe Th,· "I'W"I". ot th~ 1",..h.1I .ea_ Tr",' h, Mo, N.w~ •• "ole, A,. f',ee, :\"",.", lu a lJllHon """ "III ])f heralded. .ltr. ](l:45 CST 9;45 1\ISl.' K.\1BC Diamond City CFCN·Skeleh~. in ~I~l""y K.\IOX·Oiatllo,,,1 Pr.",. Yeu,,,, (lu U... """"y Shle ot ~~"~~':t~'~fUk[l':!,~I",~~?'~,;~III~~~ CBS-A"son W••k·. Orch.: K,'lIiC CFQCA'f}u"d Ih. Town th,· ;;t",et, U,-", Il,-",. ",,,I It fln"'o"al 'Tuu~j' ut Ih,_ Hu'" NBC-Ruby Newman's Orch.· KSTI'-Bchind th. Sc.n•• CJR~I ,'l".ical 1'11(;". ,",,'t ~'A\r, DOR[S KERR WBB~I·Kaj" Bri"ker & Milton * NBC·Carnation Conlented Pro­ )1 •. ~'"l1o"'~ """t<" will he WOW WEBC CBS CKY-PorlS 01 Coli "S""'''''' Xll'l"" ."d "'I"h. CIlC·Book Hevi.w, CFQC CKY CharI.. KFnl·Charl.~ Frederick Lind.ley ~ram; Oroh.. di,. Fr."k Blaok: Mon. 4:30 p.m. CST (3:30 MST) weco Hubinolf. violinist .;l·e. of 'rI.h Blue." CFCN.Tho Gai.ti., KOA Junior Varieties WMAQ \\'DAF KST!' IVTMJ NBC·Vi" Tra,'e,,' Orch.: KMO.I(·utd;c O"n.l.dt.r·s Orch. WGN-Concert Orch. KSL,News KOA IVOW WHO WSM (sw. (ow-9.53) KSTP-Orehstra WIlAS-Victo, A,den', Orch. WCAL.Lit.rary Q~arl.r Ho", 9.53) ~ta"hatlan VI~lan CBC-You1le; Blood. of Bcanr WBBM MOlher Frequencies WJR·AII.n Family WDGY-Eneore. Tile ,"0"""'" orr..... Bend; CFQC CKY WCCO.J... Cappo's Orch. \01AQ-Tolt.n on Spo,ts Dell" n'h"o .lll~l"lt Vl.1 CFCN-l(l30 WDAF·610 W"N I/:>"e R.n~cr. drama J)·.\,te from "To.~a" (I'u,'· New", IV!)AY KOIL WENR WIIOH.,·i.w of the Y~ar CHlC·6tO WDAY·940 \\·~lIN.Oining Out CJRM·~40 WI1LB·Jack P.arl dill). The I,,,noby l.ady: WNAX \\'JH KSCJo WJll-Jay Freeman'. Orch. WDCY.1l80 \\'~AX X''''s; Vari.ty Prgm. W~lI:.'·Song To~'lo"d fro'" "n.lle. ill '1'01" CKY·910 WEIIC.1290 Slyies CJRM·Earl lIill's Orch. WLWLittle Jack Littlc', O'ch. WENR.8~0 WSM-Jol", l.wi. I."d" {Herberll. Sl,,~l"lt ,'1,,· KFAB·770 II'NA:\: Ru .. & Clill lin.: l\<-ho" lto.n""Il, ,K",I.· KFYRSports; News W'fCN-Earl Sodahl'. Orch. I{FDY·780 WCN·no WTMJ-To I>e announc.d ler·lIluok). The male "uo''''I: KMOXMu,ic.1 Mom,n!, ll:UO CST 10:00 MST KFHI-l41Q WHAS·820 7:45 CST 6:45 MST Gh,~erhread 1I,ll:od,· (IHl Kin~dom KFNF·Sg.Q WHLB-1370 6:45 CST 5:45 MST I\STP-KomeU-IO WJR·7~0 to, (Philoo): \\"BB~t K~IOX: "':'eut 'r.n'l)tntlo"." (I',,· WHO.Virginia Dar. sOn's Wax) Hal Nobl.·, Orch.: K/lIBC·9~O WLlI.1250 KOA Ca"-clh \\'ells, explor.r dlllal, Cj-p'J" ;;0,,,: and I'.n· KIIOX·I09O WLS·S70 WCCO K~IBC KFAB WHAS KSl-Ea.y M •• IVLW Paul Sulhan. ne'" KOA lalso at p.m.) d,,""" of tho ,\O{Ol,I .. Iron' W~lIN_New.; KOA·830 WLW·700 WJH (s",·11.83) I\TALAlunln, N.w, "{'oprlc, If} l;'I"I'"olc" IIW,,­ Rhumba Orch. CBS-Ilorac. H.idt's Brig.( KOIL-1260 WIIAQ.670 NBC-['a"i". l'"rad. (Duart): W~ltN·,\lontmortre Orch. .~_,-.KO"Akorr) "",I. with IVMT·Ore.m So"... KNX KRHT_I:I.20 WMIH_1370 \\"ow KOA W\lAQ :\Iha n,I.,o Jol"I"" In. 'elec­ WT~1J-"'e",,; Sports Nllt Ma~Mlia BIM,om' WOAF K8CJ_1330 W'lIT.600 IVNAX,The Golde.. Oraion ,10'" lrom "Oh. KA¥'" CIUl' KSL·1l30 WNAX·5'0 )I'-BC-John Herrick. bar. & O,ch.: Your {land.. So"'",,"e to 10:15 CST 9:t5 MST WIIO WOW KSTP WS.\1 KSO·14S0 11'01.640 WEXR 8:0-) CST 7:00 MST I\'al<-Io '.her ~I~. )")·lJe. an,1 * NSC·UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO CBS-Red Nichol's O,ch.' KSCJ K800·lllO 11'1)11'.590 Hubi"off. yiolinist, KFYR WIlO * CBS·LUX RADIO THEATER; 1).0·1).0·1>0, Slatio" (Alka·S.nur): KOA IVXAX KFAB KRNT K~IIlC KSTP·H6" WS)(·&50 II'TCX KOll WOAY WNAX Guesu: II'NAX WHAS WJR CBS-W.)'n. King. Orch. (Lady NBC-Kin.·s JeM.t<:WOW \\IDAF NBC-Bob C,o,by's Orch.: KFYR WJH1M·770 WTCN.12~0 KSL WIiB.\l WCCO K~mc WeAL-IMO WTMJ.620 Variety Pr.m,· WEBC WOAF Esther): KflXT KFAB WJR CIlS-llaWY F.lton·s Orch.· \\IDAY WEBe WMAQ W"CO·810 CtTN-C.cil & Sally KF,\B KMOX KHNT (sw. K~IOX WIlB.\l KSl WCCO WNAX K~mc WHAS KSCJ MUS·Tommy Dors.y·s Orch.: CfQCCFQC·Hit. of the Past 11.83) . KMBC WIIAS (,w,.ll) KFAB II'GN KOIL FII", co",edlnn Jo. K IIro,,'" MBS F~moos Jury Trials: WGN CJIlM Campl.>cH'. Ro}'alis" will NBC, Don Ferdi', Orch" KFYR CBC-Rhythm Rebels: CI\Y CFQC a'''' In ".IIIIl; Ike." \\1.\\' CJR~l CKY·Forum NBC Good Time; Willie KOlt Ncw", CFCN WHAS CFCN,Peacock Court KFJMOrigin of Superstition Cile-Strike Up the B.nd, CFQC CBS.l'r.tty Kilty Kell}': KNX KMOXCarol lolner'. Oreh. IWAN,~hl Club Bryant's Ord,. '" Soloists: CJR~! KSt.Pla~'er. KSCJ-Thru A Hollywood Len. \\'~1T IYTC;'; KOIL WLS (sw' New", WMT KSTP II'CCO WHO KSLN.w. KSl·Orl'l,an Anni., sketch CFC;';-C1ub Cabana WS~I WBB~l To be an""unced WCCO·Gus Arnheim's O'eh 11.87) Ro"g~ H."~Is: KSTP.~lusical. ,I..I.U"I' Willie 1l'J'"nt in tl,lo CK Y.Kf}m.dy Kingdom WlllB \VEBC WCCO-Danco arch. WG:i·He"ry King', Orch, WDGY-Twilight flour u""'u,,l rel-ne "re t;U" Fir.· KFYl\-F.r"'ers U"ion CFCN TIo;, Hho-thmie A~e \VENH·lle"ry Bu...•• Orch. \VTCN-D"sty Hoad.,· Orch. WGN-Bob EI""n, .ports ".r.ld. CI',,"" U"ton, Ih. KSCJ-Club rabana KMOXRubinoff. ,ioli"ist WJR Marvin Fr.deric·, Orch. W~Il"-O'Farr.II'. Orch. \\'IlLB Hoyal. Entertain... 'nk "l",tf. 'he Ju."Ua lI"n II'BBM.Jcrry Cooper. song. KSL-I'i"to Pet~ WlW)loon fli'·.r 11:45 CST 10:4.5 MST l'h"lr ""d JUaB lJe,,,.,,c a"nouno.d W~Il:i_O·Farr.1I S~'mph. KSCJ Front Page Drama Orch. Maruret Speak<. !KIp.; NIl(' F,a"cis Craig'. arch.: WOW KOA WMIN KFAIl WNA'( weco KMOX 9:30 CST 8:30 l\IST Orch., KOA (also at 7:30 WHO WOAF IYMAQ KSTp KMOXWhen Da. I. Done IOUle WJR KSL WHAS WGN Lil'li",e Review IVIILBRichard lIilnber's Orch, ;';BC-"'a.ional Radio Forum: p.m.) WSM WlW KSl,Wre.tlin. Ma'ch•• (sw.1L83) WMT KOll WENH KFYR NBC-Ruby Nc"mon', Orch.: NBC·lou Br....•• Oreh.: WENR KSTp.N.w.: D'eam Ship ;;clo'O'llo". '0 I... pre.e"t...1 h,· WMIN·News He"iew WnB~lNews; th~r ..tu'le: W" ~wcll ot I'M. \l'DAY WDAF WOAY WHO WSM KFYH WDAY WEBC Mu,ical W.. Wuh l"p An,l Lhe. )IHtch ot 8:15 CST 7:15 MST CBS Lei Frudom Ring; "11'0- \0"'-953) CBS.Tro Fio-Hito'. Oreh.: KFAij Man th,' 'ror•. Th,'y ('A,,'t Tak. ~ F.lM-N.", ",on', & Childr.n·s Ri~hts'" * CBS.PiCk &. Pat (Dills Best) KMIlC WNAX K~IOX KR~T WENRloui. Panico'. Orch. That Awol' t,o'" lll·. The KFNf Cluo Cal>.'n. KSCJ KSl WCCO KHNT in Pi"", Smoking TIm.; Black. KSCJ WJR IYGN-Irvin~ Marlaff·. Oreh. llr~o", tlw )Ionkcy Ami ~Ic. !<..o,,~ f}r h,dl•. "0"''''''' a"d KOA Rubinol/, ,'iolini.t KFAB (,,,,6.12) face Comedy &, M"sic; Landt CBC·To an Ev.ning Star: CFQC WMAQ Eddi. Varzo'. Orch. 1'~III"h. and 11'111 Yo" Ite_ KSCJ·Lct's Dono. NBC·~I"sio lor Modern" WOW T,io. Novelty So"g.; B.nny CJllM WOW-Mu.ical Prgm. ",e",h", ttO", ")laj'lh'w," WGX,Diamond D·X Prgm. (.w-953) Kru""".r·s Oroh,: KSL (.1... MBS-Leo R.isman'. Orch.: KSO WTeN-Coronado Club NBC-F.Iic anno""cro: \\"T\U CFQC CJll~l CKY ,.,======::1-::=-=------=:------Wl)AY KFYH \\'S.'l 8:30 CST 7:30 MST "~\,ci'{m,",·. WHO Awa~ ~1BS·Rornance & Rh}'lhm: KOIL ;';BC-To l.>c a",,,"unced: IVE:iR Jack (!laro,,) Purl:Fi,,,,, WEBC Throw CIlC·Dr. Chari•• Cour!.>oi", or· WTCN (sw,I1.87) WBlJ ~ani'" CJR~1 * NBC·B"rns & Allen (Grape CFQC CKY CFCNThe Cub Reporters CFO;·Th. Concerl flour Nuts) \tilll Dick Foran &, n.y u,~. VI A· , KFDYP.T. A. Ass'n Nobl.'s Oreh.: \l'DAY WEBC """'",,"',KMnC,ErI. Smith Kt"J~l-Pr.ludc 1"S~l our erla. to E,·.nin<: KFYR I\STI' KOA (al. KO,\ Hang.r Serenade KOA Monday Mffil.),. (:iBC) so at 7 p,m. CST) Am.~inr $1 Device Dou A..ay With KSTp Hel~n 1I"l'" It ENT,RELY! Sp~ci.1 Tuninr KSTPSt. Paul Ci,'ic O)Kra NBC.Jun Soblon. son••, \l'DAF WBB~I.J.rry C<>oper. songs FUIUr. Improvu Scl.etivily, Ton. IVCAL·Jcnr,ic Skurdal"'old W~IAQ WOW (ow 9.53) WI)AF-Ca",.th Wcll., travelo;u. ~IBS·Bamber<:.r Sllll'Ll' hook Walco A.rlal 1<:1I,,,lnalO' on bock of WDGY,;';c"-s S;·mph. Orch.· WI1AS·l)a"c. Tim. r.dlo-to'l:et yard••"d j'orda ot •••Ial trouul•. WEIlCCoff~c Club \\'!.Iv KSO W~lT KOIL WlflB:}lixeC1·r\·ITY. CJIl~lll.(ina Rille, Band WMT KSO \\'~I1"_~loonan Orch. }fO MORE NUISANCE 7:15 CST 6:15 MST KFJ~l·AudillOns WTCH KFJ,\l·.\l",ical Mom.nt. W~lT-E"enin<:".d. OR DANCER KSCJ-Droma H.eordin~ Tim~rs KlI'.'l·A.),.r & liul. Jimmie II':.'AX·', Old and Coast·to·Coast ~'j' ""n".ct w ••"" WG:.'·Cliflon Utl.y WS~l.Am.rica'5 Flag Abroad .0 K"CJEb &, Z~b Network A.rlnl t.'hnlnalor la 2 ,nl'" \\'IILIi Bank I'rgm. WTC;.;-front Page uleo w[{!lout 100101 E"da WDGYVari.ty Show 11'110· Son~lell",,-s all dO"lt'" of tr.lllUh,,:. WM[N Monitor Vi.". N.w. WMIN,Vari.ties o'orma, .hort drc"IU. :-;0 9:45 CST 8:45 lIlST more cUch and nol,~ lro", 7:30 CST 6:30 l\IST WTMJ·Qu••tion B.. MBS-Pageanl of Melody: WG:i wind and ,.In. XOW you * CBS· Pick &. Pat (Dill'.; 8:45 CST 7:45 MST KSO can hook up r.dlo tn a"l Edward Roeck.r. bar.; Benny CBC.Ne"'.: CJR~I CFQC CKY room. Xo "-lr•• ,hOw. NBC· National Scoul Jambor•• CFC~' ~Iu'ic SEND NO MONEY Kruc<:.r·. Oreh., KSCJ KMOX P'e"iew, \\"MAQ WDAF KST1' w.lI.· K~lBC.Mu,ical Try It 5 Days at Our Ridtf KMBC KR",T WCCO WBBM WOW WIlO (0",.9.53) Momont. M~rely WJR KFAB WHAS (sw. Dr. Ju",•• W~,,'. Ih. u.cuU"~ WBII't Wa)"n. Van Dyne, tnr, moll tM <:<>"pon. Xo "'o",y "e.e...ary I>Qw. 11.83) (al.o .ee 10:30 p.m.) ot tl,~ IlOy ~<"(I"t. of \\'OA'-·~lu,iul l'''(lll. WI,en d.lh'tred I"'j' I""t"'on ft.lllu. fe" cent" 1'0"1_ a~e. If nol d.lI~ht."'. re'''''' It In ~ ,I"J'-.-)'o"r fl 'er"nde

EDIO TA"NER doe5 the tundul whi.t1inll' to Ihe Coast, contempl.ti,,'l' picture work. wilh Ted Weem5' oreh.stra and P.rry Como i. H. wa5 .uppl'n1~d a' the XYC nit.r~· by DUKE s . Ih. crooning boaritone. CAB CALlOIVAY has ElLl",GTO:i'S "mu" mu,ie," .h. Duke airi"g ldt the Cott"n Cluh ill New York Cily .nd i, Over WOIl loeaUy and al,o via the ~1"lual Ii,o.d· now on an cd.nsiv~ vaude,·ill. tour on hi. way casling S}'SI.",.-J, S" Ideal. S. O. "Everybody's Favorife" , Radio GuIde. W ..k Ending April 24. 1931 33 Tuesday April 20 Tuesday

KSTPThr D~ilr WMIN· or Many Land, CBS,Elnnor lIow.', "· KOBII·lloItJwood Br~viti.s I'~~ ~r, l.~~=t K~TP ~l~tr~ WCCO-Anl, nkIm 1I0ur 21.52, ~".hls: S'ocIi:s: CKY WOGY KF"-f And)' "'r1in K<;f')() " ..rk.t>: ("ceil & S.lly KOA Strotli"c Soaolrr II OB\I ".n on lho ~1'Kt s... , KSCJ WOI KFJ\I-Hou~h<>ld II..... 11:00 lI-lST KF:"f-Si"c,,,~ K5O·Li~"lork T.ado 12:00 CST WcrOb,"",da. Not .. CliY,\lusinl Pre",. G..-dcHn ~BC-S:rl ALLIE LOWE MILES \fOT'nin~ KSOO-~I.n 01\ 1M SI.Ht ..i. Oark, _ologi.l: WOGY ~..w Jim "Hwsblnlls Ina: W;yn" liFAO R•••ries KFYR-l'iratbe.; Au"t sa_J KFJ\I .Q.Dt:yotioa.1s \-I'DA \ "odel Mu.ieaLe (1....1533) WFUC Car."ul Tun. 7 p.m. CST (6 M5T) KLp61-SftJl Ar(H,l"d Towa CB::; Jack BeTch .. hi. Boy.; KOA-W~I1s WDGY Rh)·t..... & R_ao.. WIiLB h.ban \lu';. liF>;F IIl"'" Sloti... of llusic M.rk W.rnow's Ordo. (FeU KLP~l Thrater Pr i.. \\ IILB "orJl,,,( \lu>iuk 11'110(;,,1 In • ",lli<>n K5O-£arlJ Liynlort Tracie Xaptila ::;O.p); WCCO I\\IOX liOAGardn. Aln'lIIac: WC.\L-ll.Chaprl Sani... \\ 110 ~a" \lrlod.... WLS !'I~I \\ >;,\X 8oh~, .,." B:md (0..-15.17) \l'I.W ~.t"-e C,l". hip KSOD Stars WDA Y -Coo>cordia Collq:. MBS-Diet Sl.bil.'s Orch,: WGS MORNING Ii",ppolly thr Shoppn­ WG:" Th~ Cqupl. Sut 000. WOW ,,).Ic-ry Chrl W\lI:" O..all IOlu"'dr III(:" " "'iJlC Se'.lIade 1'..... KOBII \\\I1\: \\)!r f.:Drnll ..sI<~... MlOI' H."", WCt:O-Gn. " GLtIlO WIILBS..., CKY-Lunch lI....r \\fIG\' Popula. \lu. 1\FYR Sun * NBC·Girl Alone, ..kelch (K!>rJ • ..hoppinl \\"110 WBD\! \\:"AX B.~ , U~nd NBC I).rid lIarum, .krtc" 1\IILB I .. t~ru.... l..... ,~ ., dl...... M.. •_ or '·II~~f1 ,~ N~••" KR:'IiT KSO W\lT WlllB WO\\ Parly Lioe p~U Cii. \. Musiulr WDGY,Slorl<. l_ WLS Dinn••brlI PI'I"', 7:IS CST 6:15 :\IST 1533) W\lT-UillbiUies CK.""\. '1usiral P,-,;ro, C8S·B~lty ~ht<1I (P~t :11S(>lkiberl [,."-,,,1>1. \\ [8<" * Ie Bob. CBS.M.ry I.I'l Ta)lo. :'olilk) , KFSF Wuthu: ".rkrts; S..., V.ri~I)· Pr~ KFAB K\lOX WCCO WBBJoI Knit \Ii.bts: Pol ..r Bullrlin. W>;\X .... KFABNd>•••ta Sew, /lie-., WilD KFHl WOW WSAX \\'BB" KFAB KR..-T K)IOX WOI-\lu,i.alr KFDY R....lIlm>tnl Admin. \\'eco (0,,-2152) CBS-Caplinlor" (... 21.521 KLP)I W~n !>chuh " Orch, NBC-"", I\·iq:. of lho Cabba« KOBII llou~k~per·. Chat lZ:15 CST 1l:1S lI-lST KFJM Puulr 1"1"'. Farm & Home Bulletin: KfYR MBSG.I Thio 10 )Iu,ic: WC1'l KO"Ii~..tort; Produec WOAY Patch. uMch (Old En(lioh Women'. R~,·i....: KSCJ WIILB KOILllouscboat lIanoall CBSSaRla Judiriary llrarin(.: Wn): WOW W)IAQ KSTP KSCJ M. P••kin...bld, KSCJ C.... -15.17) Wnth•• 7:30 CST 6:30 MST CKY-)lusiul Prl"', KOIL 1I,,,,,mukrn Oub (lw-15.33) TIDI~" KSOO F...... Siudio A NBC-Dan Uardiol" Wif.: (a.... NBC·ClI«r;o: KFYR wow wtW KFSF·OId KSOO lIil. & Bit. N",,: \\"AAIV KOll :>ac·Ti", llral)', com",enlator: XF\'R 1I)",n. 01 All Chu.ches KSJ!>lIousehold Foru... 15.33) (1..-15.21) WDAY Mid Mo.ninl !olrlodin ltarkeU: WOI WAAW WAA\\"-Gra,n Msrkd. eliY-AMornin,!: MtJ<>i.ou: N CKY·Drs.o Reyerin KSOO Ith)lh... rohk... 1l:3t CST 10:30 MST WEBC· R.porl.r WMT Bill Browo, Moyie Irbll Grnr " Gla',,,: WIlO WOW KFJ\ISounlli/"l ill $oll( WAAIV·Gnin Martel. CBS R_anc. 01 1I.lon T••nt, WLW -lar;"l,- TUlIr WS,\XlhWY Jack'. Old TIDIer. KF:"FTr« PlanlC.. G<.M~. Ne.... ' KMOX KOA \-ICCQ-Ju" Abbay .k.lCh (Edno Wall... lIop­ WMAQ-D.n U.rdi..... Wile IITlS Bulkl;" CK\'-Nn-DGYl:lrauly " Y"" K.\tOX (,..,17,76) \\ MT.Markel.: lIil1iM.Uies CBS-MVRT " MARGE. WDAY·FflI. Church W_.n * KFSr\'.rior'() PnUJl_ WMISTun.. of the limes COS\tuilll Low. EIlsnabl.: WSAX·O. B. GUI nay .hlth (Super S06l); Billy KU'ME'-rrybody'. H....r \\OGY\lusic 8o:r \nrr-A Word 10 lho WiyOl WOW.N ...s; Mu""" ArlU'S Oreh.· KR~' KMOX KOBII Tr...... ~y WEBC-\Iusic in th. Air WSAX.,I. 1', DcPqtrr .SO WICNPopula. CoIIcer'l KFAB WBB~ weco (ow. WIlUlDr. R, p. p...... D * NBC·Nat'1 Farm" Home H•.: KSOOMusiral Clock 10:30 CST 9:30 i\IST KHR I\-EOC WDAY WlIAQ 12:45 CST 11 :45 MST 15.m KSTl'-Good Mornin~ llou. 1\"110 Hr...n, of All Churdles * CBS·BUi SISTER. SKETCH WIIO WLW KOA WO\\ I\-ICS SBC-TuM KFYR 'i"OC-Penooal Columll of the WOGY-ll.Christ,... """,,,roce PrpI, W"IST.,. 0' "'...-nln~ (RinlO): KFAB WBBM KOIL Air (Ch,pso) (sw-1533) Ihth.w~y f." 15.21) I\IILB Thl"ft Ts II'MT-Lou,w KR..-T WCCO W~AX K"IOX !W,-.....,. W.ll 1Il ...... CBS Aunt J..,ny'. Rul Life Judy" Jan.- WIIO KOIL KSTp II'IS-Ouo'. No~e~. WTCSDi....tory ~0... -21.52) _AI O••..., .~I"\ lta..1 sll, 5toriPl (Spo-J-): WBO)! KR:'\"T WDAY WEBC WIILB K::iCJ WLWH)...,,, of .11 Chu.dll.:< 9:30 CST &:30 lI-lST * NBC·Vic .. Sade, p..1(11 ..u_: II It_ Ilpr.·nation KrAB ModrtJli.t. :;BCp_ Yconl(. F....ily KOUII.GHrc. SiPdrIar. piani,t KSOf) Pacilir Ech..... KSTP.,Ioumal Fratur... W\lAQ "a"ha 1I01",es Kn\! s ....., IC~m.y): WIS WMT KOIL KSCJ-C~il & Sally KSTP·On t~ Sttn. WDAY-Xew.; V.ridy Pl"IJIl. W\l1S Rhumb1 Rllylh... K"OX Ozark Varirtin K<;Q (1..-15.21) KSOO-5on(fesl weco"a PrlIr.inl, sbld. II'Eac-Bul~tin Board \\\IT V.rialy Prr;",. KOA W.h Up 1I""....t.oat IIl11nah: WERe KSTl'-Sih'er s".macle WDGl' lI.ppy Ilollo..- GlltC \I'Ll" Coupta Sut 000. WOI\' l:lridre Lasson. WDG\-6e ar,"lif"l WIlLB WESC 6ett.r"'n F~mily II'GX \lan on Stale Strert W\lAQ \hlin« Gl"ftli"ls \-I'llS Foo lbe Win WHO S...S of !;pri,,, CKY D.nce Bonch we:", -C.Clu. Kat. WIILBSlort QuolatK-n. WMIN~brgie 2:" CST 1:00 l\IST WLSJuli." Br-nllay, n..... KFJ" PhMbr Ann Quist WIILB!oIoroing ~••ch lime W\lIS Rh)'thmi!: AI. WMT-Joe Ooa~ ... ; Au~l Fa"n NUC P~PPC' Youn,', F.m,l, WLW-Hopr Ald~n', Ro nce KF\'F Sursr,)·m.n WHOP.rty Lina \\:",\\ Ru»" Oill WOIN~".; Anim.1 lIusband..,. ~htch l(ama))' II'HO IH.W II'MIS Bullrtin Board KF\-R '1.Iol: CBSlli,lurd Max"ell, J'''~k', I. '0 I.. Inl~.~i~.. "" Kn,F&Otrh T.nor WGS ".'Illd Turn.r, pilni.t Si"IU (Ivory Soap): WMT CK Y ,0000~n.nlie. KSCJ KRST KFAB 0" .. I·". ~10"~... 1>7 I\J./'" Gu~. Wh.lT 1-1'1111 Helly 01. Bob KSO KOIL WLS WLW (IW' KFNF-lI.",.iian. CBS-S~:<. R~li~1 Spaak..-: (ow 2.· ..1.1 Ilill w.ll'l'l, KOA Ilrukfasl Club <",'UC) WI.W_We Li,t All'ain 15.21) KLPM Hom.m.k.r', Ch.t 15.27) NUC \hrin~ B.",.: liOIL , 34 R..dio Guld•• W ..k EndinlJ April 24, 19]7 MBS·,'lolly of Ih~ 'lov;n: WGN 3:30 CST 2:10 MST KSOO-Club C.ban. • CBS·PRETTY KITTY KELLV, 6:30 CST 5:30 l\IST CK\'·On Ih. \lat! * NBC·fOLlOW THE MOO~ WBB\l·T~nth I"n;ng skttch (Wonder Bread): * NBC·HORlICK'S LUM 'N' K,MIPouitry Shop Talkl (Woodbury's); El.i. lIil' & WDGYI..ROI· Pi."o KM6C KSCJ KFAB WSB'I Abner: WE~R WLW Tuesday KFJ.\1 World BMkman Nid, O."' WEBC KSO NBC The E r"rts &: Bolly: KOIL WHO IV\lT \\ IJG \ "orman Mn.halD wrXR IIDAY Inn NBC F1)'in. Time: WEXR Sports, WDAf KFJ\\ WillS Our l.ibrary \IBS \".n~IY I'ntm. KOll Lule (),I'h.n Anni.. sketcb: Jark Ar-·strong, .kelch: KOA WL~ lIomcmab..· Prrm. CKY·C..,'I &: Sally NIGHT· ': K.·HI wJ:'l.r I\"AX WTCN KSL \nllX .\l",i. lIall KFAll Judv &: Jan. InlT \\IlLO KSO Ruhinoff, "iolini.l: WTMJ W!j\l W\!T·Hillbilli., • KrJM.MOVIE GOSSIP 5:00 CST 4:0a :\IST CKY :-<~"'.; Muoio WOI\' 1\'''AX· Ii.fHI Se... \'ar.." ...... C8SPatti Ch.pi,. ...n(' KSCJ KOA Aftemoon Varieliea crCX·Arm Chai, Rambin WOI·X... K'IOX ll" H.nn.h KRST WCCO K.\lOX (0'" KSOOLtt'. g.. inC II CFQC-Ceeil & Sally I\'TC:': Public ForulD weco Ait Slar \"ari~tin 15.17) KSTP A"'u_~nu; News: 5!>orU ORM·Th. r;bild,.n'. Albu.. t:J5 CST 1:15 MST VIII(, \ I;e,n. 01 ",.locI) NBC-~ien.. in the S..",; Gu...' WOAF Let'. Go 10 lht \lo"i" CKY.Tarun, .bt.b • HBC·Oxydors O..n M.I P.r_ \\LW B.lly '" Bob, dra...a Speak.. : KflR WOAF WEXR WDG\' X.-.n KfYR Xnrs, Vari.I, ki...... Ich: WEBC WOW 11'\11\ Kalin> Klaleh WDAY KSTP (1 ,953) WIlA .. \\.kwIy 'I, .i~ KLP\I Hieh School \'ar. Prpa. KFYH WDAV KSll' WlW 11'01 ,,. .rine Rack XBC·\Ieredlih I\Lll Or~h.: WIIO·C...nie Sof~na.dt KSCJ·Unllt Jorry \\MAQ KO,-\ WHO h.·1533) 3:45 t;ST 2:45 !\1ST W)lAQ WllT \\'IAQ Dirk ~tn>lo. boy rt'pOr1~r KSTP Slylo. lor \I,." XB(' \lariM Band: W\lT h" SBC Th. Guidill. Liothl, shtd. MOS·Th. Johnson family: WlW WMIX Hurth " lIomt WEBCDi.mond Cil)' X_. AMOS 'N' ANOV 15.21) (\\"bil~ S.pth.), \\'110 wow WGX 11''')1 Dan« Oreh. WGX Bob EI..,.., opo,t. Tun, 10 ,.m, CST (9 MST) lola P.rkin...... Icb: WNJ.X \\"DAY "<"'P WEBC "F\'R )IBS·S.ll)' Jo Xehon, SOlll:S: WIlLB Diamond Cit) Xews KFJl>l WLW W\lAQ KOA (...-·9.53) KSO 6:00 CST 5:" lllST \\)IAQTotl~n 0<1 Sports X..... : WTeX weco (Kl' Hullh Talk C' lime * NBC·AMOS N ANOV IPEP. W)IIXDini.. Out KSCJ Eb " Z.b \1n>1 Ih. \h...." WBB\! wcco K FA B .\b l'ertUlI OH)I-Coo••rl c..n. Sl4tnt); \\110 K:>'P WLW WXAXX.....; Yanoly Prpl. WDCr Vanely S"- CKYI.. tho CriD Pr-cm. CKY·H"",.follr.. froli~ <0... 953) (oj... .- 10 p.OI.) 'CST 5 4.5 JUST WlB B«tho.~n Son.I. "f"F PoulT.., Pf1:_ K'IOS All Sur ,'.nel;" KfAB·l-ni,·. of Xolor. Pl'JlIL CBS lIerberl F""t~ I [n_blt, _·SC:4~. n .... ' (0 ) "\lIS.',. F,., KFJ...,·Olrlh of tho X,...·. JIC"AB " ·~aU&III: ~.r ~'ft : ""'D_0."_" K.\I0X Linda's fi"'l LoT. WCCOU~11o PtIU T ,,~ot' Dan.. Pa.MI. Woel' Sontfest KMBC·S"n>1 S"iIlpltrl NBC Don.ld \lcGihony, ...... """'. WOW \\,)IAQ KOA 1:~~S~ASLT J'L5"','" KOIL .--1. ".'Q"O "r,' XBC·Dori. Har.. romtdienn., ,',','w WAAW·5«urit, )Iar"'t. WGX Th_ Grx" ...d Piano KSL.\\-::.:i. " \ 1110<': '" "A "'" R WE.XR WTCX (R,nso-Lil.buoy); P...kyakar. WDCY \Iu.ic. 1'0"'"1'011101 WIILB Tolop/lone R~"I C~t'...u~ M~1ocI>n (\\r.ocJoy'•• cas do.k C.rtn t kus, ~Ja>.; Ma11ha Ray~, WGN 11_ M'II~' WXAXSat'l Yout'" AdID. kSOO..(ourt 01 l1um ... R.lation, Gum) Frallkl)" Maceon","rk. t I . \PI'~ ) \\cCoe"::;'B~ _tri~ '",.u; \~orto, WOIPlpo Orta.. 4:00 CST :S:OO MST WBB\lH"",a.d :">nlmilltr pno-Iry; Jxk full..... I.... ; -:'F":.B K'iiac'WHAS K\lOX Youn('. (An. HlIbinotf, ,....linist: WMT KS'J1> K\lBC WBBM K"AB Is.... (CriKo): WOW K,VR WlW KSO KOIL WIlLB \'an.l)' P....m. Kin) W\lT KOll KSO WEXR CfCN..(..,il & Sally 11.83) WllO KSn> 11'0.1.'0' WEBC • NBC·Ntllir Rovell Intorview$: ,",:':";'Jgf:::-.'~ ~~~,::,r~ W\IAQ KOA (5... ·15.33) KHR WEBC WOAY {tw. WIIO,Bullolill; Shop Rnue \\.MJ (5"'.11.87) ORM·Fray " B,awotti A"I WJR·S'e>'.nson S~"'. Nnos: CFQC I\'OW WHAS KSOO CFQC·SuperstitiollI 1O",lon 01 nor ...... : --110,· 01 CBS·Stor}· of a Semi' KSCJ 9.53) ~_IS' KHXT (,,.-.15.27) CBSDorI Ca.ino. sonp: KSCJ WMIX·Xew.; Tutim. Tldbill WTCN KSCI CKy,a.nd Box 111..... Al .1.. ,,'Ill .Iu ~ WXAXDick S.unders ("Fn <;Irin. Orrh. KFJM Dinner Daneinc ~~~e':::". :~".. t7"~"";I'I~}! •·...t.ffll ••ll_, Ill &dltb \\("CO (." 15.27) KFYR~ar'.th W~1I1 \'••10'7. ""I IHI Eu.u CKV·House 01 P~I~' MnGrqor WOI,Th. "o.h· .nd Eicht OR\! \Ia...., X,,,.. )11 •• lI.,e ...'ll !I..', h 1_..·,·.t1ol.1. 10 bo,llo..., WOW·\lr. Dool~)'" Curiosity Club ("K\' Donald "O"i. KOIL ch"lra H."u. lbe \\"ord fO, loo II.... MBS·Happ)· F.lton'. Orch.: KfAB Ilou••boat Ifalln.h WS\l·Gf(>re~ ~wJ>O""tl ~., KfJ" \,... ReI...... 11 ..11'. Oreh; P.n. KfJM Wealh... &: M.....U KSCJ2.."1.' Tu"n 01 Ih. W...k 141 (If "I! 80.· ..' WG"· Americ." Broade»t K\lBC,X~...s: Muoiul Interlud. KSL..., ...,an Annie ::::.:::: .~.I~g~.~'••'·' .IHI X..." K,X, KSOO KMOX.Jowphin~ lIalpin KOA Th. So;,n_ '·110.. IV.CS )Iclody G.rd~n K\lOX Air Edilio" I\DAFEa.·'H'bc~ • NBC_Wayne Kin,'s Orth. (La. CKY·\lali,'ft Club WTIoIJ·Jaok Arm.Ir"",••k"" K'L).... d WDAY·. yOU)' dE' KFAB·Socu,ili" & Grain 1.1ku. KSOO Sh:chu III Melod.1 I y .lra • v.-F-Be Va.i••y 8ill y .In...), WOW WMAQ KfJ\I R.-qu••1 Pr.m KSTI' Wom~n'. p.~~ 01 .h. Air 5:15 CST 4:15 lUST WBBMO ' Adam. WGN X~ ... Dixie D~moos KFYII !.\IDAY WEBC WIIO KMOX Ba.n)·ard Follin WOOY nappy iloilo.. KBC-Three X Sister<, harmony WCCO Eu)' Acos WIILBOrg.n KSTP WTMJ WOAF 1\'5\1 (Ilou.~. WBB\l·F1.nagfam. l'dlUl G~'fOPl Si,,(~rs trio: KSTP KOA WOW (I"" WOAF Radio Quost;on Bo. WIlO.Rhllhm \lakcrs • NBC·1t C.n Bt Don. WHO·W.y Do..'" £ut 9.53) WDAYDlnCt Hour WlWLitll~ Jack Liltl.·s Orch. hold fin."c.); Dram. of Suc· WecO·SIOCk. CBS-"Iml'r~.oio". S'ori~.; WoeY·Ario" BIi",1 Band WLWl.arry & Sut of Amtric.," IVDGY·My.lio.1 Ball,...... W"'AX.Tucson Ted cos. Ed!(a. A, Guul; WIILB· World Daocn WMAQT.. Tune Var;etiea RI. lion. lIerocrl Morri.on: WEllC·f:hambtr of Comm.rct WS\lfr.nci. Crai", Orch. F.uklt M••,~,,' Orch, , KOIL WLS-IIom.m.h... WMI" N.wl KSa KtlXT K,AB KSL (..... WGN I'into I'~I~" Ranrh 80yl WTMJ.Tunt Furni.h.... WMT KSO WI.S WLw (.w. WNAX-War,,~r lmi. \\'~'AX An,b. • '1>rI,'.~I.",.,. ~:45 CST 1:45 l\tST WO\\,·A"nl SaUy 4:15 CST 3:15 MST CKV \lusio.1 1'1"ll0\' COllcert lin'. Circumsta"tial Evid~"o,; I"'t 18 ",II~. h, 1~1JJj"lh, .NBC·THEO'NEILLS, SKETCH KFJM Fi ...,;dc Sillger Phil Ducy. bu.; Fr.nces Ad,;r, CFCN·lj",ou.ine Lady (Ivory fllku): WIlO WDAV NBC·Youn( Hickory, sketch: SOllg~; \lor~an'. WEN It K,YH WEBC IVDAY KFYn.N,w.; "red Abell 6:15 CST 5:15i\1ST Ilu•• Oreh,; CFQCVaricticl I\'EBC \\'011' KSTl' WLW KMBC·Hadio Cirru. Jtllers, lrio; gu..t: KSTP WEBe WS\! CJHJ\1 Oi""er O~"c~ Mu'ic IH1t\Q KO,\ KfYR \'oMT CBS,Sfi~"ce S~nice Seri~s: KMOX \!uoic.l ne"ut KSO WMT KOll. \\·E..·n (sw. WMIIQ KFYR WLW \\'11(0 CKYCoonlry Chur(h of 1I01ly_ NBCIl~H You Hurdl: KOIL KS("J \\'CCO hw15,27) "Oil Jark A.mmon. ,k4'''~ 11,87) WTMJ WDAY \\'0.1." WOW "OOdf> WMl"'So~. • WHLB·BEHINO THE MlCftO. Wt;\.Ann.h.i, \Idoditl CBS Wond..1 of Ihe lIuvtnl: KFAO WJR h .. ,11.83) Slyl.. Ka".a. Cit)' WIIAS·OuI of tho Ou_k Kn\! KSCJ A'~:I~I I~:~r;;'. ~'~I~,I:~ .:,~ 7:45 CST 6:45 lllST 3:00 CST 2:00 i\lST PHONE WllO Ilou Rh)"lhm \l'linn> WJR\I~lody & Rh}thm Ul'X \lu..r frOM Tn.. r.:; ~:':'·"j.':I~ OR\I Colontl Qu~ry CBS·Sin. & S"ioe .. ilh Carlto" WlW·11le Emp"ro.. CfQC·Mu,inCS • J,,,,·k•. {'bl,'"o opr"" CKY'",in" (COC) K.I.<")·. R f_ 1521) :':B( Dorin~ <;;" , Kn'R KOA \\'.\I\Q wnux.....,; IJ ... S.",Ie...' Orrh. N"",' KSOO W"\X 1\0'.\11:.' Pi~\"r~ CBS St Low_ Sy..topIIt....., • 30 CST 4 30 l\IST ".\llK 111,". \'ou Stu.;. 11.87) \\\IlN Slot')' Behi..d KFXF ..: : K\10X Fr."" laUlf, .portl CBC·Sllad. 01 tho E.,niD(: 6:011 CST 7:00 lllST CKY-Cub R...... le... K:;(J <0..·15.27) NBC·Xno,;Tolt,R"."Il,,,,,,p: '-·O,~,-.T.,·., CK'· CFQC "SC'" ("." 'h ) ItBC·KtIlO'l~' Sioti", lady: KSOKOll " ..... " ...... "0",., . OJ( FOP """,e .n KFHIl·. X, D. * K~l·J""io. R~tl~r K\lOX \I. p••kin•. 'keith \\L\\ (... ·15.21) CBS-Oinlter Danc.; S.....: KR'" erCX,COII.ert Muter rondo b, l'a.kI Johnson '" 101 W~·h· .. ,Ir 1><. o( BC T 111 W80\l <;po..< R,,·i,...' KFHI·Pr~lude 10 Euninc 1\'.11.(. Buu~rworth: WMAQ KOtLOu.,.. '" S.ll, tI :.:oq,,...... 0 ..1 ".ul ;,. -...... 0lII ...... Nr.. wCCO I'.i", I'andt KOA·J..... Hornik'. Orcb. 11'110 WOW WDA" KOA I••. KSTl' x,....; \luoioralo _.Ie_, 11',.\1 WDn' WDAY Pi"IO Peto WGX lorn. Oick '" Harry 9.53) \\8B\I Ba...b;tll: PlIt bu.el> Pir· XB(" AI \~"lTa·. lla....;;."., CB!j·Spo.." H..u".~; Paul Doul u' ,· _. G' u·LB·C·_~,·n.' • 'BC BB.• 'II ." la" ("".15.27) , ... fee. 00<0 .. - ...~~ • ~n ,rnle .. "'~ .1... ". Cub< WEXH Go"mmenl RodM> School: CfQC WIIAS[arly E"nioe R.y". WlUX·PopuLar ....oritn Lad. (Kn>h,,"') G....I WLS * WCCO-LAOIES fiRST MBS·Jn. Kin.puriek, "*P: OR)I WJR P.Ulled Dream. W".-\X-Sm '!h Sailint KSTP \\'OAl \\T\jJ KOIL WDAY X,....; Tn nme Twta 1\0lL Jac. Arra,I.-..• KfYR \\\11\ Letislaliu C_",entato. 7:15 CST 6:15 lIlST WEBC "SO WMT 1\'~\1 WLW IIOCY 5I< .... n'nl Orcl> X... K~WAAW W'dAQ K'\IOX WDAF I\CCO W,,'d Rh}Utm " R",,,an~ RlIbiDoff, ,;.-,lin.t WGX WHLO Kfl'H ( .. 11,87) "FRr \fto.,,,.,,,, Inten.... CKY·Tn Tun. TUDeS WHO W1'('''Ilhrll Seh"'" Run KLl'\ISlorybt>d WG:"> 'Wa)' Do"" Ea.t KfAB Cha,,,lu lise \I. ;ri.... WIILOSlock Qu"taliona .. ~ HI Bad< to .h~ B.tM ~tw<' KO-\ WTCN WE.'i"H 1~"r-n~'~':':::"~m~'~':'~"~====:::K~O~'~.:IK: ~.~n=:H:OO:'=V:~=.:.=====(~C:':":":":~:'=_=:':':"=F:':":)=; \\110 e-n;e 11.11'. Onh, K\IOX P..-_.l Column erc... AI You l.ih It .• KFAO·Juk w.Us WLWCarl Freod's IlarmOllica K~Tf' \anC)' " Bob ...., \\(('0 Schedlllt; Livnlodl. KFJ\Il:1lt1o 8d1's Oirthda, O"b Use the \\ 1);\Y FaI'1:llr(. Prt-. KlIB(' \laric "land NEW! With the Dual COnnection KSCJ·X.....; Dinn.. 0"".. ~:15 CST !:15 l\1ST WIILO Child.....•• 110'" 'no IIL\L CO""ECTIOS.• - feat... .--..,...... " ...,.. 41.._ onoI_"I~~. &ll_rI< tadt.. '001.'-'1. $ 00 X8C."... o. til. Wn' WM\Q WI10 l1~iIo PORY KSl·S-boppinl Bullotin. Tltl' -noJ ...... 1...'oJ'o-d .-1,__ lIT _ 1.1 a .'-1.', ,... KSOO-Spom ~ rUM 1aol,... 1«11_ ...... __.-. ~..naI .....bll&l_...... ,. WHA~ Ih.ok K....,.'. Radio G... ~ KF:">F\'arietl' Pf1:m. CBS Wildt..n.... Road, .hleh: !.~=~~ IOIOXKitly Kn>n•• ln~. KSCJ KRXT weco (...-15.27) WLW80b x~...han.•ports _ ..!rz Q,n.!. t..oy.!.a.!:. Q.U!. Distance and Volume KSO O,i" 1\'ebb'l Or.h. ~BC littlt Orphan Anni~, skel.h W)IIX T"ilie:hl \Idodi" o 1"""- 4J>d U" I.,. _ttl< "alaL _14.1 National Laboratories KSOO·Sk)'rid. 10nltin.)· IVLIV (....,9.53) WMT·F••nk \"01 "'Iallis' If _ ,,1 ...0<1 alii "'.111 ortor 5 duo I.,. rel.... I In:BC·Lnh·...... 1 Rnue !"OC Clf(> Brown. piani.l: \Vila W"AX G,""r~ B. G man o e- - II _1- _ P. P.. C. O. 0" II." I Dept. 0 .. FalTo, No. Oak. WlllB DoD.rotion.1 s.-fvi.fl WMAQ Kn'R KSTP WOIVT~.. ry &: Ted 01.'1_....". _t So C.O,D: Conada. ;0:01 I. __rl_. !III' 'oll.1l..t".....~ eMn WIlO,Federalion Women'l Oub'! Ne"\' KFAB 1"01 WnlJ lI.inio ~; Hi. Gren.idio... Jl"a_ .. " I l-...t _,III .u. _,... 01_ t",I. ".. WMIN·Cocklail Hou. KPHt.Jun;or H;(h Pl.ytrs 5:45 CST 4:45 llIST AM,... .." •• ,., •••• ,.,.,.,." .••••• , •••• ", I ~~::.I::' I:",:I""::-;,I""ot,f..\;'::": :~...:::;, \\.\lrTonic Tunn KMOX lei'S C"mp... Noln NOCOrphan Anni~ (o.'.ltind' CIl , ••••••••.• , "' ,...... ,.ll. ror ,al.. O~ll.... A~""" ..I .... WNAX·\lini.tuf' EnltlQblt KFl-IU·Do\lorninl[ Dorvolion.l WOW WDAY KF\"R WGN

Radio Guide. W ..k Ettdia9 April 24. 1937 35 !>.ariron.. ; l'~~~y lIer"ler. Il,. 10:lJO CST" 9;00 illST WOW·Stanley Davies K::iTl'·Oreh.,tr. April 20 ,·".r." d,a'a",,'r "'''"•. II'SM New.; Sports I)a"e. Orch. • ,,~ ,,,.-t"""a. Tho OlT,·.I,,~ 10 * NBC·AMOS 'N' i\NDY. wcco Tuesday I" WTCN Wrestling WE:'>'11 H."ry Bu •••'. Oreh. tlw ".Iu... of a e.llforola (Pepsodenll: WOW IYDi\F ('o,,,,,,,,,,lty ~I,,~. KOA WMAQ WSM (also at 6 10;:l~ CST 9:30 MST WJR ,\Ia"'i" Frederic's Oreh, CBeNal'l Si"~So,,g; CKY CFQC p.m.) * CBS·AL JOlSON'S SHOW WLW-.\Ioon lIiHr * NBC·PACKARD HOUR WITH CFCX-Th. Gaietie. WMAQllob Crosby'. Orch. Fred Astaire; Chu. Butter· CIlSPoeti( Melodi... (\\',ieley·. (Rinlo·Liftbuoy); .Parkyakar. worth, «Imedian; Trudy Wood, CJRM-Farm Prg"l' Gum); Frank!)'n, kus; Manha Ila)"., eceentr;c WMIN·New,; Rbumba Oreh. v""ali,t; Johnny Gr...n·. O••h.; \1'I.WFolli•• II')etry; Jack F"llon. t"r,; si"ur; Victor Younit'a Oreh.: WOW·Music Box WMIN-New, WTCr; -ferris WIt...1 C"nrad Thibault, bar.; Francia Carlton Kelsoy'a Orch.; KRNT KSl (al,o at 7:30 p.m.) While, sop.: WDi\f WIIO WTCXSt. Paul Opera KMBC WBBM WCCO K"AB * NBC.JOHNNY PRESENTS II'TMJ -D."ce Mu,ic KSl K~10X WIIAS (also at (Philip Morris); RU$\ Morgan's 11;15 CST 10:15 MST KOA WHIJ KFYR WMi\Q 9;15 CST 8:15 MST KSTp WEUC WDi\Y WOW 6 p.m.) Orch.· 1'01'. (al"" at 7 p,m,) CFCN·Koram WS'l (5I\',9.S3) CFC'I',Stri,,~ Orrh. ]'roK'."" A Ga"le.. III the NBC-Rudolf Friml Jr.'$ Orch.: CJRM Easy Chair WMIN O'Farrell Orch. Ilal'" Th ..~ O-cIOo'k h, the \\'DAF (.w-9.53) l\"tlN\\"<}rth, who," I>o,,,r 10.. )lor"I,,~, ,·oto. d,'o FI<'uro, K\IOX Red Nichol.' Orch. (CBS) I~·,·o",o a M,""'a for nil hI' KOIl-Sinfon;etta 1'", ralll"", In 1"'<0 wllh NBC pi«.dill) Mu,ic H.n: WS" KOA·Co"'munity Prgm. '·nrlo". an~ ••""rt.'ll kin. will 1<"""..,.,., fro'" ""."ehty Kn'R WDAY WMAQ WIlAS-Danc. Band I"."~,,ra'r • "(lei R'd of 9:30 CST 8:311 MST CllS·,\n$on We.k1· Oreh.· KSCJ H,·loth-o'" w..ok, w),II.. A.· )Iarl"tt.·': I" 1.0<" 1f",l",ll WMlN-\loonan'. Oreh. NBC-~Ianucl &: Williamson Ha",. a. I"""" back~ro\",d, II'.,s It WNAX KFAB WHAS KliNT ,.,.., ol,,~, "","" from hi' 1101" ! WTCN,Phil Ohman'. Oreh. NICK DAWSON fort)",,,mh'~ "'W"ll ",,,oloal. lichord E"••mble: WE:'I1I NBC I.e. Brown's Orch.: (aw. MRS Fr..ldy Martin's Orch.; (NBC) "Follow the Moon" "1'-1oall We lJalln')" KFYR \I'EBC WDAY K~O WGN KOll \VMT l'mCTo be announced; WE:'IR 9_53) 1l:30 CST 10:30 MST Tue~. 3:30 p.m. CST (2:30 MST) CBS-.\fusical Americana; l.ith CBe-Airs G.i., Ai... Tendre: WS~I KOll KSO «;wl1.87) NllC-l'iecadil!y Music lIaU; NBC-Frank nailey's Orch.; Stev."s· Oreh.; Clyde Barri.., CKY CFQC I\OA WOA Y KFYII WEEK CBS-Jack Oakie's College Ruhy EI~)' & Yi"ia" Collier wn'ktld,.. CFCN True Tale. NllC-\laurie Sher",a,,'. Oreh.; K~IBC KMOX WCCO WNAX ."HU." KSTI'-Theater or the Ai' Ie". lIarri" hUIMn chatt..• "Crkkel'. l."ll.hy" a"d CFQCFarmer Fiddlers \\'110 WENR WDAf WOW KSCJ WJR KFAB WBBM "Cry.t,,1 Ca,"'r,," (01. pre· WCCOllollie Jobn""o bo,,; Larry M."h's Orch." CJR~I Earl Hill', O'ch. KSTI' (lw·)1.83) ",I~r., b, Fr<'ddle Ilkh; 010'0 WHO Dorothy & H.rold Norem WeBM KMBC KSCJ WHAS CBC,Pietur~ in Black & White; ~,... '·adatlo". 0" "I GOI CKY lleaut)· Resl 1I0ur CaS·Alexander Woollcott (Gran!,:, I\IINT KMOX K5L Jlll."tto"," I(;""."e G."hwlol. KFYR.Sportl; New. WlW·Lilll. Jack Liul.'. Orch. er Pipe Tobacco) "Towll weco CFQC CKY II'MAQFootlight Frolics WNAX IYJIl KFAR (sw. ,FCN Music Box NBC·Jimmy Fidler'a Hollywood WEBC.News; Mu,ical Inlerlude C.ier": KSL Go"i" ( KOA WDAf W~llN·Oall" Ol"(h. CBC-A. E",be.. Glow: CFQC 1\.83) CJR'I-Your Govt. Speak. WHO-Palm Gard." of the Air WTMJ.last Word in Sports (;u...'_ will l>e lIlll Terry, mOno 11'110 WOW WlW WMAQ WlW·l'aul Sullivan, n.w. CJRM CKY .~N or 1I,t .s.-,.. \'ork KFJM·Slim Thomp""n WTMJ KSTP WS\l (1w.9.53) \IGS Carve:h Well. WMIN-New.; Rhumba Orch, 10:45 CST 9:45 MST MUS-l1enry Ki"lf' Oreh.· WGN (;1",,10, ood llu,lelKh Gel",.... CUS-l'hillip. Poly Follie.; KRNT CBS·An""" W.eks' Orcb.: KMBC WMT K~O ,,,"uUKer of lh. Brookly" WHlB·Paul LePe.e, 1)ar. 1V.\lT Electric Park B'u1t ]lo,kN" Nick 1."0".' ,,'Ill Wl\\' \lelodrama KSCJ KfAB WBHM WCCO \\'S~I lI.rpsicho,d En1emble \1'llllM WJR CfCN·P...cock Court _InK; "Wo. It 11010," .,,<.1 KMOX WNAX II'TCN llaselnll Seore. CfCN-Thi. llhythmic A~. WCCO Gu. A",'s Orch. "My Illo. II• .,.."." O'd...· W'lIN·"onitor New. MBS·P",,'s Tal.1: KSO KMOX.Dunstedte's Swing Band WLW·Orrin Tucker'. Orch. ~wln.ln· WMT llandwagon II'TMJ-News; Rich.,d lIimbc'" no 0" lhe Sw."ee CBC·A Canadia" Look. .1 C.n. KSTP·Oa"ce Ooch. W,\MQ Gray Gordon'1 Oreh. Slo"..... """II",. of 01."., \\,TCN·Concert 1I0u. Oreh. S"',..., so," • .,d 1',. I'ouod A ada; CKY CFQC CJII,\1 WHB~I Manhauan Moth~r W.\f1NO'Farrell's Oreh. 10:15 CST 9:15 illST .sew 11,,1»'. 8:45 CST 7:45 !\1ST CFCN-Cub WCCOJoe C.!'po·s Orch. H:45 CST to:45 MST CBe Cor(>ll.tion Leg."ds: CFqc KMBC-Erle Smilh NBC,Martin•• Bro•. : WDAF Wl::llC-pioudilly Mu,ic Hall CFCN.Garden of Melody CKY CFCN-Pl'Ople'. League KSl-E"enin~ Harmonie. (,,,.9.S3) WIIO-A",.ric.n l.gion KSI.Nrws CFeliMan About Town KSlRubinoll, violinist WGN.Th. Northerners CBS-Pretty Kitty Kelly; KNX W\lT.FrHldy Martin'. Orell. WlW·Ace Brigod.'a Oreh. CJ RMO,"ce 11m. WGN New.; Quin Ryan, sport. WJR'''u1ical Prgm. CBS Tommy Dorsey'. Oreh.; WOW Musical Prgm. WMlN-12th 1I0ur Temoo WCCO-"••y Ace. WIll.BNew. WMIN.Moon.n's Oreh, WNAX KSCJ K\IBC KFAB WTC:,>' ~Ionl,,,artre O'ch. 12:00 CST 1i:00 MST WGN·Paul Whiteman's Orch. W,nN·Enning Stars WTCN·Front Page NBC·I'iecadilly Mu'ic lIan; WTMJ ·Da"ce Orrh. MBSTed FioRito'. Orch_· KSO IlIlUl IYPA Orch. WEllC KFYR H:OO CST 10:00 l\IST WlW WTeN·llo.pit.1 A"'1l 9:00 CST 8:00 l\IST 9:45 CST 8:45 MST MBS-Slring Eosemble: KOil NBC-Emery D.ut!ch's O..h.: CBC·Jea" de Rim.noc., Trio; 8;15 CST 1;15 MST NBC-Chamber Music Socitly; NBC-Yick & S.d. (1.'01')" Snow): WLW WHO WDAF KSTP CJR~I CFQC eFeS.Thread. 01 Tradition WENR ('11',6.14) WlW WOW WIIO (''''·9.53) N~W'5' KSTp WHO WMT WCCO CBS Red Nichol.'; KMBC Newa; KOA \\'MIN CJflM let's Sing Again Thr .Prond In ••.,Ie. of thrre K~IOX ol,am!><-11o CFCN-Conc.rt Oreh. CKY·Old Tim. Frolic NBC.Pltil Ohman's Oreh,' WDAV KSL-White Fires, drama WGN-Joe Sander.' Orch. ~pro~,,~ /·001le KMBC·New Tun•• for Old KMOXJohnny Davi.' Orch, KOA KFYR WSM WEBC (sw. KSTP.New.; Drum ~h,p WIIl.B·Ma.ter. of Mu,ic I.... '~ ""der .'..1'1 ..... of the KOA.M.redith \\'illson'. Orch. KOA·Men 01 the Wesl 5,\4) WBB~I.News; Musical W••ther ('I,.",!><-, llu.1e ot WMIN-Friendship Club .\m~rioa. KSl.Rubi"oll, "iolini.t KSl lIu~hesreels CaS,\\'atcb the Fun Go By; KNX Man WTCN,Oick lOllfs Oreh, MBS-Sin~ Tim. with Ed Lowry; KSTP·Jack (Baron) Pea.1 WBllMMelodie Tin1. MBSCarl Holf's Oreh.: KSO \VENR.lou;s Panico'. Orch 8:30 CST 7;30 l\IST WGN 1'011, KSO WMT WDAF·Mioed Quartet WDA Y-~nate Murd.r \lyst.ry W~!T \I'G'" KOll WGN ~..,ddy Martin'. Oroh. HAVE YOU VOTED YET in the t~1 I",,,,.y ...r...... ",..t~r of WJR·Th. G'eat l'lagu. WGNKay K)''''''1 Oreh. CIIC·Ju.t S"1101in'; CKY CfQC WMAQ-Eddie Ya ..o's Oreh. blq Star ~I St~r$ eleOn, WT\lJ-Bar",torlllinl Badger \\'~IIN.I'..,"onality lIunt KSI.·Mu'ical Revue End of Tuesd~y Programs

Wednesday April 21 Wednesday

8:45 CST 7:45 illST 9:15 CST 8:15 MST WDAYRound Table KFNF·Old Tim... KSCJ·Ceeil & SaUy Church~ KSOO-Songfnt MORNING CBS-B.chelor'. Children (Old * NBC·Oxydol's Own Ma Per· WDGY·H.pp)· Harm""y KfYRlI}'m". 01 All Dutch Cl••nser), KMOX (sw· kins; II'lS (sw-15.21) WGN.Harold Turner, pianist Kl'pMToday'. Almanac WDAY·A Word to Ihe Gardener 21.S2) WHO Helty & Il"b KOA Mornin<; Varietie. WGN·Cactus Kate 7;00 CST 6:00 l\-IST CBS·Modern Cinderella, sketch WHO-I'.,ty line CKY.,\lulical Prgm. (Gold Medal); WCCO WBBM WI.\\'W. U.'. A<;ain KUIl·N..w. Iro,," H.d,o Ro" 1'1lL-MOI,'illg Oevotio".; KFYE KFAB Ru" Chuck I•• 11'\11:'1 \\'oma,,', Outlook KSOO·~hrket. &: N.w. \\·LIV·To be a"no"nced CllS,Mornine AI",anac; Phil KFAB KMOX (1w.21.52) KFJ\f 6Devolion.l. NBC-Vaughn de Leath, .ongs; W"T~farria<;-e Clinic WDAY-Market; Mixing Spoon WMI"'·MidMorning Concert Cook. eom.dian; Soloists &: KFNF·\largar.t &: Int! W:>iAX Larr)' l ...·• Oreh. WDt;;YMid-Morning Musicale WOI·S.r,,;ce lIeports O,~an; (sw-21.S2) KSO WDAY KOll KFYR WEBC,WoIl\Jn's Itour KU'M·Theater Preview NllC,John's Oth.r lVile. sketch II·OI·S.nice Repo.ts 9:~5 Early lli'ers: KSTP WE8C KOA-G.rden Almanac 10:45 CST illS," (Louis Phillippe), WMAQ \l'TCN-l'arty line WlW·liw,t""k llel>orlS NBC·Voice of Experi.llce (W••; WMT KRNT II'IILB KOIL-Choir Loft 9:45 CST 8:45 MST \I'MIN·News .\lusical Clock: KOIl WBB~1 KSCJ-New. WOW KSTP (,w.IS33) \l'MT Pine Ridge Musicmake., uy Produrt'): \VIIO WERl' MBSlla.helor'. Childr.o: WGN * NBC·Tod.y·s Children, sht_h KFYR WOW KSTP 1V\IAQ WHO KSOO·Sin~ing \l'OI-"'ews: The lIomemakers Stars Wl.W (Pillsbury): WMAQ KSTp WDAY WLIV KOA (,w.IS33) 7:15 CST 6;15 MST KSTI'-Polly the Shopper Scotty Views the New.: WMT WEll(' \\OIV IVIIO (sw·b.H, 10:15 CST 9:15 MST AII~n NBC-P.rson.1 Column of the i\ir * CSS·Or. R01 Dafoe NllCGood Morning Melodies: WCCO Gene & Gienn KRNT NBC-Kitchen C.valcade (C. F. (I.)·sol); WBB~I WCCO KMOX WEHC WDGY-l'opular Conc.rt CKY-Organ Rever;es Muell., Co.); (sw-1S.21) (Chil>'5o): II'LS WlW ($"'. (sw·2152) ~;.w" WHO KFJM WOl WOW WEBC-Morni"g M".icale KFJM·$o"venir. in Song Mali(ic Kitch... , WMT KR",T IS.21) D,. Pofoe Sl",ako on cblld dis· WNAX WCCO WGNGood Mo.ning KFNF-Tree Planters CKY-\Iusic; Mark.t; Mining NUC·Larry la"on,; dl'll"e, Varon & Home Bulletin; KFYR WOW-Party Lin. Kll'M-Musical Scrapbook KFNF_Singi"g KSO KFYR KOIL \l'MT * NBC·Edward MacHugh, goS' IVDAY WTCN Ilappy Bob KOBII· KFYR-W.ather; Market. * NBC-Backstage Wile. sketth pel ,i"e.' (I.,ocy S"'I') K';O 7:30 CST 6:30 illST WHlBII'ith the Masters KSCJ-Want i\d Rambl~ 1\ LI'~I·Sten Around Town (Dr. l.yons); WOW WMAQ II'MT KOIl WlS «w-1S.21) NUCCh..erio; KFYR \\"011' II'I.W 9;00 CST 8:00 l\-IST IVCAI.-.!).Divine Serv,ce KOA-Wells of Music I\STI' 1\ 110 (sw·IS.3oiJ CKY~lusical Pr<;-m. Mu'ical CI",,~; IVCCO WDA Y ~ CBS.Belly &: Bob, sketch WDGY·Varieties KSCJ -Early Livellock T.ade CKY.Ralmar KFAll·AlI Star V.detin IHIT KMOX (Gold ~Iedal): WCCO WBBM IVUtC Music in the Air KSOO-Co"cert Hall KfJM-N.w. KFJM-N.w. ll,Mo.ning Devotions: KFNF KFAB KMOX (.w-21.52) WHO·II)'",ns 01 all Chu.che. WCAL·.c,Chapel S.,,·ice XVNF,He"ry Field KFSF-And)' )Iartin CKY NnC~I... lVi~~. of the Cabba<;-. Wi\fl~-Top 0' Ihe Morn 11'1),\Y·Co"co'dia Coll.g. Kl.l'M Crimclight II.SCJ-livest""k Trade I'ateh, .ketclt (Old En",li.h W:>iAX Ncw. \\,DGY-Stock M.rket Report, KSCJ-\I.mori... That Endure KSOO-\f", on the Str...' 7:45 CST 8:45 !liST KSOO Rhythm Mak." W])GYRbylhm & Romanc. KFNF KSOO Wad; \VOW WMAQ KSTp WTCN.Funn,· Side 01 N.",. WGN·COUI,I.. I'ext Door "0... (,w-IS.33) WHlB·Ncw. II'CAl-Women'. Hour WGN.Don Pedro & Piano CKY-\Iusical Clock \VIMY·Memory Lane 11'lIlB \lomi"g M.rch Tim. KF,\ll·Time 'II' Tunes NBC-Tim H.aly, eomme"tator; 9:30 CST 8:30 MST 1\'lS-S.,,'s and Market. (sw-IS.21) NllC P.pper Young's F.mily WlW-GO'I",1 Sin~er WOGYBeauty & YO\l WNAX lSok",i." ll'nd 8:00 CST 7 :00 MST 1'.... KOIl WMT KFNF $keteh (Camay); WMT WLS WNAX,6s•.,ed Senic. WMIN-Tune. of tb. T,m.' WTCN-~I}'ndall Cain * NBC·Sreakfast Club: Oreh. CKY.Toddl. Tale. KSO KOll (8w.IS.21) 10:01 CST 9:00 MST 10:30 CST 9:30 illST It;oo CST Hl:OlJ l\lST &: Soloisl; Ne,,-s, WDAY KSO KfJ,\I-Salon Silhou.ttes CBS-Betty Crocker; Hymn, 01 NBC-David Harum, .ketch (Bah. * CBS·BIG SISTER, SKETCH * NBC·Girl Alone, sketch (Kel. KOIl KFYR WEllC WTC'" h.fYR·New1; Varl.'y Prgm. 0). Pe<;-<;-y ,\lIc"by, WHO WOW (llin.o); KFAB WBB" KH'I'T lo.!:e); WlW WMAQ (sw. (.",-IS.21) all Chureh...; John K. Wat· KU'\IGood New. kin•. new. (Gold Meda\): WMAQ KSTp (sw.1533) WBB~I WCCO W:'>'AX KMOX 15.m CBS \I",ic i" the _Ii" (.",-2I.S2) KOi\ \lu,ic.1 KfAB WBB~I WCCO KMOX * CBS-HeinZ M.gazin. 01 tht (.,.·2152) CBS,Th. Gumps. 'ketch (Peb· Gen.. &: Gl."n: WIIO WOW KOllll Wealher Uull.tin (ow-2I.S2) Air; II. A. Rolle'. Oren.; He"; NBC·Vic & Sade, .ketch .col: \\"BB~I \\"CCO l\MOX; KMOX KOA * KSCI.Round,,!, NBC-J".t Plain Bill.•ketch Kennedy, bar_; "Trouble (, KOIL WMT KSO (.w-17.76) 8:15 CST 7:15111ST KSOD Markets; Dear Diary (Anacin); WOW WMAQ KSTP 1I0u,e." sketch; Guest; KFAB WlS (s,.·IS.21) NBC tlal'Pl" Jack: KOA &: Lor.tta (Kirkm.n'. 1\'1).1) ",,"cy & l-'bil (sw-1S33) \\"llll~t KRNT WCCO I\'NAX NBC Ilow to U. Charmin~, 'htch Hymn, or All Churche!; WEBC So.p); (.w2152) \II~GV Ch.rI.. Sen';r Ho"...ooat H~nnah; WlllB K'IOX (,w 2152) (Phillips); WMAQ KSTP WOW 11'lIlB I'BC·SlreamlL,,",.: WOW Willi"", 1.."0" I'h.ll'o. l"al~ Is" 15.33) CKY-llacksug. Wife WEBC·News; Musical Interlude WEBC Ma,,,a l"of~..,(", wJII loe 8:30 CST 7:30 lI1ST WG~ I.~n Sal\"o. organi.t CK Y-Dallce Band. K"""' 'I>csker of the )Jag•. New,; KLPM WDGY KFAll '\'c.ther & ,\farkets (as-The Wile S."er; Allen II'Hlll Hural Rhthms KfJ\I·llou••hold Hour ~I,,". Your 110m. & Mi".: WEBC KFJ\f·Big Ole Show PreCJ -Ma P.rk,,,•.•htcll , 36 Ro-dio Guide. Week Ending April 24, 1937 ""flO F.t:ll Sl"~,,, ~ WCCO-fhili Ru"e" 1:30 CST 12:30 !lIST 2:45 CST 1:45 i\lS1.' KSiP Iloul\; U<>" GolJ- WtWBelty & &h. dr.mlt WLS·""rninl Il"m,'mabrs 1"01 Mid...... 1 MarhlS KF,\O man·s Or~h_ K"eJ wcco W:\t1\1-KaIfH Klatch 1'.'\11"" "t\'<; Band "u~" 12:30 CST 11:30 l\IST H_ A!rp,,1 rueben· Council W\!T An'!'I~r R.'·ue I"BC\\'ord_ & \lusic; Rllth L,· WEBC "BC-Ink Spol<, ",ulrtd KOIL WO, r..•u., ~ W\lAX I)all« ~~d on, «,,1533) ",...<_ Kn\F W.\.\W WTC'" ...... '" COS~e KfOY-Co..nly 1I,..e Aet'lll KFAB·Farm '" Home Hour 3:45 CST 2:45 !lIST WOJ """" Re--tor. Fnod TaD< KFnl-R..:ru~ .....01\ \Iar, B~ke~', Malin... (Phillips Soup_): {.,,15.27) IP....m. KSOO-Pu""", Court Olnee "BC.The Guid''''t tilht. skeTCIl WTC" W~ J·III1·~ \Iusi" NBC,Iohn·. Other Wife: KO .... KOIL-Curb Each. u WOB'1 ["1(0111 Dope (While "apth.) KO.\ WlW KSTP\lIl< W:\IAQ WOAY KF\'R (lw. (lu,., Sln.t Cigartltn); \·ariel)· Pn:m.: wo .... r KSTP WOAY fHt F..'T W"A" \·odel Bobb, '" Tuc<). nul,1 "tAli ,\]a I'crk,nl I'·GN \\'LW \\'1"l'" """her Mul1etin P'rl'ln ."d ""rt l·"h,adoll'. KMOX.J..., K..n.... l,ilni.1 Frequencies WBB\I T'ullla" Br.dley. e Alde,,'1 1:45 CST 12:45 !\1ST Ctoldit B"tler, organ;!t "'~Il" ){FDY·180 WON·no WMAQOa" t1arJi"I', Wife KfAll 1I'1I3M KRNT \\'CCO .rd·. Y,""lIl"r "H.. 4:1)(1 CST 3:00 !\1ST KFJ/lI-lUO WHAS-U' KSCJ etcil '" Sally IV;\l1;.1C..bbl! (.".15.27) ~ r 0 "t· ~ .. , 'r'"-h"lk,,,,·,~.,··. NBC·Marlo"e &. Lyon, piano KFNF_831l WHLB·1370 WDAY-~hn on Iht Slr,..,1 WMT M~rkeu; IIillbil~" 1'>BC-Per10nal Col"mn of the Air ·'('r.,H~ >'<>"1(·: II"ob",""I,,· duo: KF\'I{ II'I)A\, KFYR·~M1 WhO·IOOO WDC\" VarielY I'.-.;n,. ~~/ ':":~l:.~\:~,.I',,~.II~;,I~::··::~ KLPN-1240 WJll--7G' IVNA.\O. B Gor,,1P)' (Chip",,); (,,, 15.33) CBS·AI Trace'l Oreh.: KRNT KIIIBC-9~O WLB·IU~ WIlO-On tile M.1l 1<,,1t~ WOW-Ne\lo,; Mu.icale Judy & lIne: 1\'110 KOIL KSTP llrauD_ Tl,,· 1<10 ,,11',..., KSCJ WCCO KNOX·IOBO WLS·870 \I';\U"" Band Mo.i" IYTCS·I'op Con"ert WEBC WDAY K5CJ IVHLB r•• Two 1"I"l1no .",1 l'IUlo tn NOC·Ad'·enlure. nf Dari O.n KO"·S30 WLW·.oo wwr Genna" lJ~nd 12 :45 CST II :45 l\IST Markel<: WOW CK\· ~;kl~I.ID"r. 01'''' ,I \lJo..kow· (Oari Rich), (.w-9,53) KOII.-I2GG WIIlAQ·6'lO rtin~ lClUfT·131lO W.Ul.l3'1G 1'.'01 Con •• Orth. COS Auol JennY'1 Real Life K~·OY·lfome \l~kinl I"OC""at"t CO"l~ of Paren" &. CBS-Sunbrite Jr. Nuroe Corps. IliC" u."li"e Ladi.,. KSc.J·1330 WNT·GOO Slorie...... e1ell (Spry) WBOll KF~F)'""r Pets Teachers: KflR WTCS KSO .kelth: (1.... 15.27) K8I.-1I30 WllAX·b71 11:30 CST 10:30 MST KR"T KFAO WCCO WNAX KOA·()pm HOIIH WENR • NBC-Story 01 M.ry Marlin KliO·I43Q WOI·MeI • NBC·N~t'1 farm & Home K~IOX «...-15.27) KSOO-Son~ Shop '-The Eft".-r_ of r ...Url..,...... (h'nry S._): K~ \\'MT KliOO·1I10 WOW-OM lI.,...r KFYR WEBC WOW T~1k Cbn,,·~ WE~;R KSTP-l460 Wi.·.... SBC.Ju<1 Pbin Bill: KOA WDCY Heahll .... G"""'b:' • t.,t KOIL Is" 15,21) WBBN·1" WTClf·lU4I WI)Ar \\'110 IHI\- W:\lAQ * NBC·Nellit Revell, philosophy: WG\I·"'~rri~ tirenH Ro-.ancn br lJarlb. 1I_ gu.t. ,\,,1... CK\· of Peler :\l>cG.qor wc.u..UMI WTNJ·. KO,\ WTC" (,,,-1521) \\LS-Pri"'ilb Pride ~~. f"l;t·I),~";!l:t"t:'be~n. KFAO-II""'IepI>ine H.lpin C.Il.Ilf'. lta\O',~", :'0", c. WftO "ortll"'nl Terrilor)' KFNF KOAThe SonJfellow T~nl, KSOO·lbcry Sd,)'de, ""'loll! CBS·Rmnn... of H.1o-n CK\"-l:nj"er'iIY 1.«tllre W:\IAQ Marilla lIo1mtt CKYCub Rlf\lGrteri KSOO-Skelcha in Melod, KSTP·llotlieullu,~1 KSTP·W_·~ Sot..,11 $kdeb ([dna lI'albCll' lIop­ "Hr\' Far... Rlly",,,, W,nX-II.",aiian FaJlu,itt KFJ\!-VNO Pf"!t"'. Pace 01 Ihe Ai, W,uW-Netn R~.d W~lT\'ariety I·~. p.l:r) WBB\l KR:'. KFAB KFBI Inlor....lion K.\IOXMa Perkin.. okelcll I\'IlGi".HaPPJ lIo11ow <;.'" WCCO-Scbedule; Li~eolodl KMOX C.... -17,76) KFYR \Iu";cal PTt'" WNAX-II.ppy hek'l Old TLflIen KOIL.O".JIe 4: S.lly \\'EBC-lleou.ci1 01 Choreh'" u'~lork WOAYCharHe " Cedric CKY·Oa"et TOlin K'>CJ 1 nde WTCS Aortoru" I"BC) KSTP-"eto"$; \Iu,)·), \\'LW KOA • WCCO·LADIES fiRST WMAQ.Tea Tune Varietiu W\lT Freshe<1 Thin~ in Town KOIL·Soon·d., Ylrktin WLW.(:""ple Xnl Door WOW 1'.'110 KFYR KSTP WOAY-Xe"·,, Tn Time TUIlfl WMI\I.S""s IVNAX Jl~bud r;"8C-OO Yuu Wa"t to WriTe!; WGNBa>tb.lI; (ubs '·S. Pitts· WOW Aunt Sally NBClJttie Orphan A"nirge neu!>crler'l O..h.: KfAll·Poullry Shop Tallo..,'h)' (:.",lu1l I.h_ hot Clevel~nd NBC-Adventores of O.ri Dan CBS·Our Gal. SU1lday, .kdeh • NBC-Music Guild: KfNF Ki"'he" KI.Ue. IOn~,: \VOW W,\lAQ KOA r;;~':~>(1:\;t.·:::'11U?"~A~;. II""'" (D.d Rirh): WIIO WMAQ (A"aei,,) WIlH:\1 KRNT Or~h.; Artur,k~ cond.: KMOX-Inquidnl Reporler KSTP (..... -9_53) ",BC-You"l!; Hickory, .kelch: WOW K:\IOX KFAII (." 17.76) KSTP W\IAQ h",15.33) KSOO-llonlC Folks Slory MBS·Life of .\bry Solbun;WI.W WDAY II'TCN WMT WENfl New~: KrAB WOI \IUS·We Are four WGN CBS-N...... ThroU(h • Wornan's IrOD\1 Radio Co"ip Clubs CKY·Ot'!tan Melodiea KOII. KFHt KMOXLel's Compa,e Notel Sews: WMT KSCJ Eyn (Pontin): KFAB WBBM WCCOMlrk.ts; Pollet KFAB·The J.ncltt CKY-:\hny lIappy Rtlurnl KSOO-Club Cabanl CKY·Or~ananliu WCCO KR\lT KMOX Od B.....'iun KSO WLS-Itomtmal:eu' PlI"', KSOO·S.yridt WHO,Hoo.seboal Hann.1I WEBCTtriH(ilt R...;'" KSOO 11«; M"hu ROOnfT Up Opo:n !loo.: WHO WOW \\')IIS·l1U1i" H.lI K$TPKi.p of S"'''-I WLW.J.d: A...,lrung Cr~II; WD,KMu,ic Circle KSTP·Slyle MII.lule CK\,S,...-.; \lnusn WllT lIi1lhil\in I\EOC Un..e...1 Ifuoe W\lIS floundup 110)" W>\II:'o" MoullI$ of Babel WCCOKitty Kce"e KFO\· 0""," Con«11 1'.'01 N."... 1\·IILB·ll.o.-..OIior>al Suviea WOW-News: Odd Facts 11'<;\1 \I"",; Geo. lIaO·1 Or.B. WHLB Pop Coa«rl WHO·T~lks KFJ)l·Il.1 of the 0., Wtt.X )Ialin.. )leluditt 10 Teachers 4:30 CST 3:30 l\IST WTCNTunn of the Oa:r WIS· \Iubls .nd Xeors ""\FGrab Bac 2:15 CST 1:15 lI-lST \OIl\ llour • NBC-Kel~G" SIn,ln, lAd,: W\lIX Lef~ T~lk It (Wer KOA \Ie... • HBC-o",lIol', Own Ma 'e.- \\\ITT...,if: Tu.- WLW ( ....15_21) • 1\'01 Policc BIlu.,llnl KOBH A"wl O'Io....n·1 Or~Io. kin.. skelch: V;n:i.ia PIt'1\It W\lAX\luy X...•• Raltime TW .'orr .t 'l"fo TIltH WTCX·Lllnd._ \l1I"C KOIL-Golde" II..,. 3~iet NBC~J'::r-·~r':.s::Th'-I~~tlcll NIGHT KSCJ-Gn.... ef \lelody WO\\ won WEBe Kf'YIl. CST 2:30 "1ST ..... KSOO-{:«il " Sally KSTPKOA c....WIIO-15.JJ)WLW WMAQ • ",.ro"ow.... T., MOO' ""eDutleS.): ,,t.·,). 5:" CST 4:00 MST AFTERNOON IVDCY Sli", Jiln NBC-COIItiaenul Varielie.: (W....Our1"); [4;. HIli .. CBS-Four Sian, ",1I.rlet: KSa I\BC-Sair LH. contralto: Hltt')' WEBCCuninl KOIL ~id: Oa..·... : W:toIAQ WOW (",'-15.27) Ko«n'. Orch.: WMT WHLB-S.....-eni.n Musi" Ma Pe.kil>S: WNAX KFJM KOA KSTP WIIO (1",9_53) "BC-DoriDl Sisters KFYR CBS-Dd Casino, IOflp: (I.' 1!:OO CST 11:00 l\IST WLBTB Prem, CKY II...... , folkl NBC·Club \htmee: \\"J'CX KSO WMAQ WEBC 15.27) NBC-Dick Fidler'. Orcll.: (tw. WL5·\'ar..,t)· Pr~m. Kf..F I'oult... Pr~",_ WESR WOA\, (0",,15.21) NBC-AI \·*,"..'1 1I .....i;an$: NBC·Our Amenun Schools: 15_33) IVLW Problem. of Smion KMOX Lind.'. Fit'!t Love CKY-Ce--il '" Sally WE:"R WTCS I\'OAF KfYR WENR WOAY CBS Five St.r Revue (Ka.o & W:\llS Orcan Interlode KSOOI)I".e KFAB.Judy & Jant CKY.Tn Time Tunet KOA <0....9.5)) Linit); Mwlon Bowe. Inr.; IV\lT 10""1 Cornhuskers; "'.n, 1100' :\b~if:ian S,,,atr.'~ IVAA\\'.s..tu,ity MarblS KFJ:\I Mu!'c App.-e--iation KFAB·Chando the CBS-Sunbrite Jr. NurH Cor .... Meli Bell. SOACI; RI1' lIappy Retornl WBB'1 :\1,..,1 the Mi"ul KF\'R Ne....l; Variety Pr~m. KfJM-Mu.iule _k."h· \\IRH"I K~'AB I,Mac Oreh. & DiU Johllllone: I\'BBM WNAX D~n<:e lSand WCCO MHI Ihe Mi.::" t~';l.~ "-':;'.~:" :~="~- '" l!Mlt. reno! \"'11" X~. Review KOAC A. C. Prem. KOA «w,15.JJ) =~~.~~: NOT NEW-VALUE ALREADY PROVED 1\ .\IT Ceda, \'~Lley Hillbilli", K01L-II"me;naken Cluh I"BC,CO"linen!a1 \'arietin_I\'TCN Eutb' _ ...... «.1 IIr 011 -.1:.. G•• n&>"O. I",an ,.." n I. I', ...... '_'p ""aX '"arltt, Prim K"OO lIil1 " Bilt CKY:\latince Ollh ...... ,-- •• ",,'aJ ..., = a::=t~~"'':~'=\":,~~~='t::.:= WOI<;tale Dept_ of Atricoltu.... KSTP Bettrnon F:unh,: KFA8·S«u.ltin '" CraiB Mkts. =.~,:, ,me.! _ atllMi lJI...... _looo. (",...._tct-...n.-.8 Ol...... '- I...=. lGo_nod' I 12:15 CST II:J5 MST WAA\\-Grain :\b,kelo "FJ'I-llequest Pre_ .lI._...... -.. .-I.__'- 1\8('-0... Jludinr'. \\1fe: (I.' WOB\1 Kitt,- Keene. I..c.. KF:'o"f ~ l.-dv t. If " 5 DAYS TRIAL ~ll-::'':':::-':;":.~"'~''i/:':'..:~; 1533) WO_\\" \-arlel)' P...",. KMOX Ban!J".rd Folhet ="..t.~..:.:. ..t1.-...... w1t ...... -.:..r='r".ltu.III""...:::1__.too.. CBS SeIl.le Judi.ciary CClll\lDittH WG" w.} 0 ...... Ea'T ""(Iill Se-on P~nde __ ...... _ --- -11111' IU.IL TKI8 C01l'01l"- --- ~ 1IU lIun, c< KSCJ ( ... 15.27) WIiOtil"l Op.u Fa.,onln WBOli flan...... ~. WUAT USERS SAY 1J"__.•K•....., It ._IeIa(-,t,....t-eri.,....I...Dept."'"10$,__l'AJ'c·····u .....1 'lcW'S: KFHI KOIL W\lAX WLB 'I" ;ell_ ~.~~-~:~ ~t':~::-A~iJ'~:::'='::I=.'i:·,~.::,:;."lfr:e..~o"':~ ~:-W:,~I "tAB "Ion", tk Slreel WL~ \'ir~Lnia .... & Slinbeam Boa == 1'."11:" lI"ll)...-ood Ila1l\101li1\l1 WHLB World EnTnulnt ._11_110-u,0liDc KiteheTI WMTGer"lan Oalld ~};f/t::;"~~~~,...... ,lIe c.n \.be ...:.:.;...... KSOO-Farm S~iall 11'01 \'oealiQnal A'rio"ltunl 5«. Or,,'s arch.: KFYR ~e...,; I"ariely P'im. 11'00\' E"core, WM[N_Cec_ I[ursl", Orch_ "Hil WDAY II'DAF WSM Wednesday April 21 K~lB(" DiarnOlld ("ily ~tws \\'111.8 h)-Ihm & Omance WXAX-Y.nkion Colle~e l'rlm. fs,,9.53) - KMOX-T..m Bake.·s Ensemblt WI-BElur falsl~ff 9:15 CS1' 8:15 lI-lST * CBS.Krn Murray. comedian KSTPBeh",d lhe Sc.nts WAlI!'Il'a.tor Johannes lIoifJl'Id :'\'RC of Ihe Soulh ~as: (Campbell Soup); "o,..ald"'; wnIJ lIeinic & iii' G,ulidiers; Sport. W88'1 Ka)e 8rinker & Milton 7:45 CST 6:"5 lI-lST WE'iR II'TCS KSO I...d Glu,ki,,'s Orch_: KSL Charlt. O"CX-\'Iricty Pr~m. CfCS~lri,," Orrh, (al"" It 7:30 p_m,) 5:45 CST ":45 lIlST WCCO Rubinolf. ,iolini,t fFQC The Dra,na of Sound CKY-\'i'lline MicrophOfle CBS Red ~ici~lion. R~"dbox ~)mphony (Wond.r Bred): KRXT KSL WD,\F·Bar Spkr. CK\' R..-u.. hO[I.-0'"aha Ci"ic KR'iT KSCJ K.·AB WXAX 1II.lIHl K\lII( KFAB WCCO WGSC..ncert Orrh. KOA-J ..k fR"ron) Pu.1 KSCJ ·s...... n~ders MB~ KIY K) ...r·, Orch. WeN IIJR·Allen Family )\SCJ K\lOX WJR K!iL Ea y Aces \nIlSO· Orch. KOll. \nIT NH, Lillle O'j'lIan -\nni. «(hoal \nlAQ-Tollen on Sports \\CALMulie..1 P!"II:m. \HITBand Wag.... CBC-Wood"ind Duo: CKY CFOC tine), WOW WDAY KFYR \\'\11\ Dini''1 Out WIlI_B Oald",o Roderigo 9:30 CST 8:30 lII"T "'...." I\'OW K"OX WEDC WC~ \\' _\_,\X-Se... ; \"aricly P!"II:m. W'lI.\·C....""unil\· Edllor COS·Rabe RUlh Baseball Com' WBBM WOW·)luo.ical P~m. 8:~J CST 7;00 !lIST m~1\I' &: Inte"·;.,v,s (Si"clairl: Cff\ Je.1') Fullr", Orch. • NBC.Loweli Thomas. Commen­ W~"-Coldton C8~·(Ht:ST(RffELO lalor (Sun Oil): WUV (s.... Or.".... • PRO· KfAB WBB\l K'IOX KR\T CJR\lE"enlide Echoes 15_21) \\T)lJ Dian,.,',d l) X I'orantot> WH. 1 p.m. CST (6 MST) Orl>hu An .....: WEBC KSO KFJ\l I\"TCS WSA)!; \nlT WJR ( ...-11.83) KC;l WI/AS (...,11.83) A' Ia" III<' ",."y U-. ,..1· WE'iR Edd.e hno', OrclL ll,_ l'u•• 01",.. .\ "'" 01 ... ~ "'rlrll of .bo :'\"1'(" IIIILB K..;o !'iBC-Vic & s.o.. sblob (Wbilt )fl...,,...l* bri..", 1>10, k _ II", \1'1/0 Dian"ho-'" f.- "n.1I (';rl aid•. lIilt, l. k. 11111 Tko_p- W\I \Q Jimmy J01", Orrh. !IIBSThe Johll_ family: WCS KSOO kl·. Sooinl II _. lIanold I·••..,. aDd ~""IJ" Ii.STPA",u_enl; "'ews; Sports line JolI"...... IOP- WEXR r"". I·.' ("tn_I; .\lI. \nllX D""te Orc"'. WLW NBC-To be a""""n.,"" WOW r..ra ~ t,,1 1" ••1... f..- " • .-. rllIOrll_. aDOl Al WIIAS 'lelod)· \la~c Rubinolf. viollniOl KFYR WIlO - " .... 11 W. tla", -· t tM \\JR CFQC ConfCTt Hour pi, la'~ .f luI e lG.r· Slto,t-. _Ir•. 11110 F.... r Dons WTe.\ \\'D.\\' KOll \\ \AX C8(" \,1"';1 Courl. CKY CfQC CJR\I-C...,rtrl Gfln. ~,. •...t." n~ :Yan .... 'be CBCUo)d flunlle) 's Oreh.: CKY \\'\IAQDi~k Steele. boy report•• CFn: Cecil &: K~IOX D"n,ledter', S..i,,~ B..nd CKY·llomtfolks frolic CJ R\I Three HInch..... :~-':~ l:;~~""'k:·R~=~~ CFQC CJRM W"IS lIurth &: H.....~ Reporl.~ K'IT!' Dance Oreh. KFJ'II!Jrth of the SfW'I CFQ(" Red &, White lI ue 0"( S Th. Cub WOI.carriloa "npers • HBC·fRED ALLEH'S TOWN K~IBC-Erle WBO\! " .. nhaU.n ' KOIL-Sport. Revit-w CKY·Lalf Parade HkJl Tonight (sal H.patica): Smilb KSCJ Jr. Col,":c of Chcrok... W:'~I To be lllo....nm v.G_\·f1rnidc Theater 1\ ("CO Cec,1 !lurs!", Orch, KFJM Or;";n of Supe..tilioo Portland Hoffa; Pele. V.. D~'Khon's KSL·"'""•. Hunl 8;00 CS'I 5:00 l\IST W)IlS-)loon~n', Orcb. W£8("Trump Orch. KOA Invi'ible Trails SIftod~lrs WDG\ lIito of tllc>n••porta N8CSlrin~ C;,'mp/tony: Frank WIlOBuUtlio; Shop Ru'" ~Iry: J~k in' WDAF KOA KFYR WOol. Y • HBC·fREt' ALLeH'S TDWH fulton, tnr.: W\IT PalOlde 81~ck. c.."d_; KOil W\lT WLS WM,\Q Bioi: Bill elker, dO ( .... 11.87) W~_\I 8 p_m_ CST) W\n·c",}" CWllen (.... 11.83) WS~ISouvcni~ y,,"U~ WOW <0... 9,53) In .\ ml_. IRacb· IVS~I W:\AX IlolOd)' Ihothcn • HBC,Easy Acn. skekh: J~ne WnlJKilowall Orch. 1Il•• ~1: I.I~""....I Goldon· Rul:>inofl, ,i..lini,1 K"DC WIlAS NBC Il.nry Bu....•• Orch_ II'O"".,iul. At. KSO KOIL WMT WTMJ 7:00 CST 6:00 MST 1.,,1...... I;r, tl_I): 0.. CBCX~, CJR\! (FQC CR:Y KSTP Kn-Il WDAY WElIC WOW -Curi"';ty Club WESR (1...1187) l.;~b..a(t._ """' II (lI.,,'. KfBI D~kola Ibmbltrs W"AX R,inoo,," Trio NOell••ry K<>!len', Orch.: KOA-Adv., ..f ,\ce William. F.",lIJ". Whll~ CUll' Inl..· WlIUI World Re"iew wnlJ -Spellin~ Bee l)ance Oreh \\"DlJ WOIV WTeN (..... 15,21) KS("J Sports .Iewl C.....n. l.,'k 1001 CI.,,· '111011'1/ ;.IC\\" Rni..... 10:00 CST 9:00 lI-IST Ne"" CFCN CJIlM WHAS Nt'" 11'$\[ WTMJ KSL-Sonny & Buddy dl. .It ou'"lelo'. ,U"·".. ln,, ,,\lOX.('arul Lo[ner'. Orch. urlou. n,llo I~r..."alllh.... WTC:\'Dk~ LOllg" Orch. * NBC·AMOS 'H' ANDY (PEP. Budd)' & Gin~cr; WEDC W(iN WB[nl Da"ey Adams Ihe}" I.... hl-. e....,. ,,-111 1101 8:15 CST 7:15 MST s l'OP1>IP, K~10X D.....)"'s O..h. (CBS) KSL-Sh..ppi"C Sug~e'lion. WTOISport. Review comedienn.; Al Rickty·. Oreb.: Illoom A!:'.ln: I\""erle (\'1"",· KSI.-Son~, \\'C Renwnbet • CBS·PALMOLIVE BEAUTY lempI U blrk"",,,,,d to. KSOO Rh)·tho, Review 6:15 CST 5:15 l\-IST WLS WMT KOIL KSO (s",. WlIAS D."ce H,,,d W1UI~1 Bo. Thuter. with Jes,ira Dra· 1_"" l·"u·.... tht '1"01"; All lIeno I'ejlty • HBC·UNCLE EZRA'S RADiO 11.87) gonetle. lOp.; AI. Goodman', TI,,,,,,~h 1tw :'\"l~hl: 1I0ml"'" WliOll.nry Busse'. Orch.(SBC) WCCO Front l'aKe Puad. Stllion (Alh·Sellzer): WOW CBC·T"'ilichl £ehOt'S: CFQC 0 ..10,; Chule< Kullmann. Inr.: In ~. 'Tt-halkowlOI'U', WITS Hob·, Orch. K'ard ..I ...rin: KSTP WFYR \nlAQDon WiMIo... of Ihe Na.., n... ..olio ..rt... dortn~ Ran~r KOA Opery H""... CJRM·Eari Hill's O..h. WGS The Lone KSCJ \fusic & Rowers 1\ FBl wow wnO\F WTfo'lJ WMISHollywood Bruilies ... blrb .h....111 elrt lotlmalt WIILB-P~lhs of Mem..ry CKY Marl Kenn)··s Oreh. W~\1 nt. nd Irtl ",orico WGN ·Joe SlInde~' Orch. B~be WD.\Y W"AQ WHO I\.\.\X Clilh Accnn:li.... ""m..... K\IDC RUlh '"(:~ "'~hl·alhrlll· ....I-halHl ._. lbe m...r • WMIS-p"""lar Favoritt 1\111.8 Hautala Band pa....d. .... , I,••lr_·· l.. ~len KSTPKornedl' Ki'oedom ~.. )J._ .mI )1 ..... WOI of Vic ....rl 111 Romolian Club WEBC-News. MUII...1 Inlerludt lI... IUnklr .IId lbo-Ir orl~· 5:30 CST ":10 MST 7:1;' CST 6:15 lUST p.rU...... l>t­ ~nnil, lUI Ibltt...... h 11 WT('" B• ....b.ll faa Silt WGX-llenry Kin~'s Orch. Inll or ... hh·h I'BC-Cbek Inr.: KSO .... 1tI~ 100 0.1:1".1 .1Hl I"'" 10 of )fra. ll_uW. P...... t. N....·.: KSI. WMIS WIIO.\'ir-e:inia Dare KOIL fro", Ibi••'Om_.rlil broad­ 8:015 CST 7:"5 MST .11 .....1. of dtrT uI'IWnloc<_ • KABR,BEHIHD THE MICRO· WMIS-SC\\-.; Rhumba Orch. ~Iaid. CB:. !)porls R...ume; Paul Doue' ....1 ..Ill be IlIrIItd ,,'e. oil. PHONE 11420 kcl KSCJ Danet Oreh. CB(' & Middies: CJRM ,....lIr t. ~urllr. WGS~...... Quia RyiLD.. sports \\)fT-Dr...... So<>t:s !>, (5w,15_27) KFJ)1 Rubino£f. ";olini,1 crQC SBC ~ ; Cappy Barra & hi. CBS·lferbert FooI.·s Enstmble: \\'IIlB Sews WTCXBa~U Sc<>res MEIS Paul \\hileman', Oreh.: KR~T KSO K)lDC KfAD WDGY \"aritl)' Sb_ S"in~ Ibr""",ius (1.·9.53) 7:30 CST 6:31 "1ST \nll\ W...l End Boooter 10:15 CST 9:15 lI-l:'T WGS KSO KOIL School: CJRM Cf"('~·s SO"e1I)' Orch. 9:00 CST 8:00 MST NBC·UNClE EZRA'S RAOIO CR'i S. ""I'1<",'s Orch, CF'QC \huu ...... adc:ra • HBC·HER SECOHD HUS· * crQC s...... bud. dram.. (Bayers Asp'rin): • NBC.LUCKY STRIKE HlT SUlion (Alk.. ·Sellze,):, KOA CKY \1",,"101 to Ihe North: CJR" Din""r Danee "UoK SBC-K;,,~'s .hek Maultone. sketdl; KFYR 11M )ltnbn: W\lT KOIL Patade & S'nepttu"j Abc Jesltn Oreh WOW KSl S ...... WD_~F Kf\IJ-~...... K\lOX weco W)lAQ KSO WLS (lw.ll.87) L)lIIln', Orch.; Buddy a..rk WDAF (1... -9.53) WCCOGus Arnhe;",', Orch.. K)(OX Hcadiin.. Hi.,hli!:hts Ja~k \\HO lIel~a l.l...k.... t11~ c-rleb"lfd " Sonc.... ilb. Qulrlel; Edilb CBS-Benn)' Goodman'. Orch.: WLW LlIle Lillle's Oreb. 1'...... WESR \l,TCS KOA KOAAdam & Eve ••'1_.•ppra.. for lbe ..... Di~k. vouli.l; C"tsl: WDAF KSCJ I\S.\X KfAB \\ \lIXO Flr...n·, Orch. CFCSA. y.... Like II KSL·Ad'-enlures 01 Ji",,,,,. AlIm 0-1 11_ I. II<'r _ ... d U \\"TC'" On_I)' Ro:ades' Orcb. ....,al ..-M,·b t. p..-.led t. \\'1I11 W)lAQ KOA KSfI' NBC Emil ("okman's o..b.: CK\- _\luOfld Cily e-edy KF\'R WDAY WLW WT\lJ Kn'R WEBC 11:"5 CST 10:45 !'IST WBB\! Sports Re,·i... pl••••f .~ _-"'" ~rt... bJ" KFABJack Wells Elbtl flarrTIII...... WEDC WOII' WS\l (,10-953) CBS-Prelly Killy Kelly, KSX I'B(" \lauric Sl>·. o..b., weco DWnond Premo KFnIU",,1e Bdl's Oub * CBS·K.n's Show ue_ :Y.,_. >1""'1'0111." Op- MBS \lart Kenne)'s Orelo. KOll WE\R IV\lT KOll WTCS • KfOR·BEHINO THE MICRO· WDCY ·Dinne' Dlnee Music (Cmtpbell Soup); ald'- ; ~ .. I~....r. II •. \...... m. I'.' CBS Larry lee', Oreb_: WCCD "Oslo radr·· ,._1 10.iXkl, li.....' WIIO WCCO KRNT PHONE (1210 ke) II'HAS-Paul Sulton, W~IT CfCSOId Tune Oreb. Sbirle,· Ross, "ocal;"l; Marlyn NBC\'i~ &, Sade. SkelCh' K01L K\lBC-c..... Ibll's Oreh. (CBS) IllIlB True &: False Coalnt Sluart; Lud G1~.J[in·, Orch.: Danee Oreh.· WIIAS I\TMJ KS!. Sport< Summary KSL "toIody )linules WJR.J.rry Cooper. SOft," InlT WTCS KSO WEXR (I... 1'...... : Sports, KSfP W5.\1 \\".\II\(ec lIurst's Orch. "RBM KSCJ 1>\18(" KFAB 614) KSOOSporu IV\!IX Comm.nlal<>r KR~, WNAX KMOX WJR CFCS ·Conce" Oroh. 12:60 CST 11:00 "1ST KSTp lIncle Tom', CrukerboJ: 6:30 CST 5:30 l\IST WHAS (,w-ll.83) (II... • CBS,Ganq (Pllmolivr KMOX Rubinnff. 'iolini'l \lBS D..nee Orch WLW KSO wcco Sh... Crum); Crime Drama WBB.\I Tomah~"'; • NBC-HORLlCK'S LUM " ..... 1030 p.m.) KSlRh,-thm X..I.... N....s: KOA I\".\IIS K~IBC WOAY·Ntw.; In Movielud Aooetc \\"lW WE~R b) Philfips Lord K\lOX WJR WBB)[ Ifone)· Dean; Jerry Coo· CJRM.J ie Mcleod • NBC·Wayne King's Ordl. KRXT KSI. KMBC WI/AS IH.lGYBrwb Newhall••ports KSL Skelch.. in \1.lody 10Il'!_ aUtlM! II><: mooer. WLW.~I.ty Pall..n & Orch. Man crex ,.181 ..,kel lJ"t>t of e.l",e W.\IIN T...lilht Melodies News: KOll WOol. Y WTCN CfQC-Around the To...n .nd ... b<> I. kllO"-" ., lbe WMAQ·Bachelor Prill" W\UQ Eddie Varao', Oreh, 1'.·.\1T-Frank Volke•• orlani.1 WIlO WMT CJR~I-Queen Cily Re'·i..... hlh~r or ....rflre. WMiN·" WGS l"'in~ Abn:rllfs Orch. WSAX G",,"C. B. C.rm~n CfCN "usic fr..m Tnu CKY·PinlO Pele CrCI'This Rh,thmio AC' WTCN.Decp South WMAQ Phil Ltvlnl', O

8:45 CST 1:45 MST NBC, Kitchen Cav31cade (C. F. • NBC·Edward MacHugh. Gospel MORNING CBS-Bachelor's Children (Old Mlleller Co.); (sw-\5.21) Sin~er (Ivory Soap)· WMT Outch C1uuser): KMOX (.w­ MllS,~i"gin~ Slri,,~s: KOIL KSO KOJI. WLW WLS (ow. AFTERNOON 21.52) ~brhls: KFYH II·DGY 15.21) 1:00 CST 6:00 MST MUS·Stauly forum: KOIL CKY·Mu",c; M"kels; Mining My,te.y Chef; WEBC WOW 12:03 CST 11:00 MST CBS-M"rnjn~ Almanac; Joe Cook, CKY·),lusical Prgm. KFHI HQu"hold lIour KFHI Birlh of lhe New. NBC·Oick Fidl.r'. (sw· cOme,h",; Soloists & Orga": KFA13-MQrning Heveries KF~'F·~in~in~ Gardeners KFNF_Andy Martin 15.33) (,,,,,·21.52) "fJM lJ,Oe"Qti,,,,al, KLI'~I·Seen Around Town KFnt-l!eport"r CBS,Jack nerch '" lIis Bo}.; NBC-Moening Devotions KFVR KFNF.Hymn Stories KOA-WelJ. Qf Mu,ie KLPM·Your Hom. (Fel. Naplha Soap); WCCO Early Ris<:": WEBC KSTP KLPM Theater Previe", KSCJ-Early Live.t~ck Trade KOA-Too Young tQ Vale K~IOX (sw-15.27) Musical Clock: ROIL WOW WIlO KOA-G.rden Almanac KSOO Co",erl Bait KSCJ-l.;ve.tock Trade New.: KOBlI WMI:-I WeaM KSCJ·New, IVCAL·lJ,Oevotional KSOO·M.n an the St.eet CKY·l.llnch Hour News: KSO WMT KRNT WHLB KSOO,Sln~in~ Sta~ IV])A Y-CQncordia Con~~ WDGY-llhylhm & RQmance KFABRubinoff, violinist 1:15 CST 6:15 l\lS'l' KSTP-Polly the Shopper WGN·Coupl~ Nut Door WGN PettieQ.t PhilQsopher KFHI.Hollywood Speaks NBC·Leilx:rl· En,embl.: WEBC WCCO·Gene & Glenn WIILIl·Ne,,·s WIILa·Morning March Time KLPM-N\>Onday Varietie. JACK MILLER News; WHO KFJM WOll WMAX IV[)GY-I'o!>'Jlar CO'leer: Wl.SNews; Markets WIlO-B"UY Moore KOIL.Peggy Tudor Klle Smith's Orchestra leader WOW weco lVEBC.Mornin~ Mu.icale WLW\I'ife Saver (NDC) \1·I.B.),tu,ic Appreeiation KSCJ.voice of lhe PC(lple Thurs. 7 p.m. CST (6 MST) Farm & IIome Bulletin: KLl'M WIlLB-With the Masters WMT·M.gte Kilclien II'NAX Bohemi.n Band KSOO·Mukels '" Round Up KFYIl WDAY WIfO·~lorning Mclo,lies WNAX,lJ,Sacred Service KSTP·Organ Prgm. 11:00 CST lU:OO 1'II8T WAAW·Grain Markels KMOX·Pappy Cheshire', Band WLS-Morning Minslrels 10:03 CST 9:00 MST NBC·Girl Alone. sketch (Ket. WBB~I-C.rolyn Pryce, shQpping KSTP·Spotlite; Musicale Wl.W_Kitty Keene, Inc. * IYDGY -Stock Market Reporls WBB~I·Truman Bradley, CQmm, NBC-David Harum, sketch (Bab· lo~~); Belly Winkler: WLW WCCO·Hope Aiden'. Homanee WDGY·Musical !',gm. WMT·WMlen in lhe News 0) : WIIO WOW KSTP WMAQ WMAQ (sw.15.33) WGN·Silver Serenade WGN.Wake Up & Sing WNAX·Brass Band WIlLU·Sidewalk Reporter W])GY-Sunshine '" liveslock (5w.1533) CBS·The "umps, $ketch (Pebe· WEBe-Dulletin lJ~ard 7:30 CST 6:30 !\1ST WOI-Service Reports CES-Mary L~e Taylor (Pet WLS-'Dinnerben Prgm. NBC-Ch~rjQ: co.); WIJB.\I WCCO KMOX WGN-lJ,Midday Se.v;ce; Mkls. KFYR WOW WLW WOW.Party Line Milk); KFAD WJlB~1 KRNT (.w-17.76) W~IT-Ne",s; Ilillbilliu; Weather Mu,ical Clock: weco WDA Y 9:00 CST 8:00 MST Masler WMAQ-Dan Harding's Wife KMOX NBC-Happy Jack, songs; KOA Twin. Good Morning: KFJM KOA * CBS·Betty '" Bob (GQld CBS·Captivators; (sw-21.52) Hyn,n, of All Churches' WEBC WNAX·Musical Prgm. CKY-~Morn. ~l.dilaljon. WBB~1 WMT ~hrke,"; lIillbillift Med.I); WCCO KMOX NBC-TIle O'Neill., skelch (IvQry WIlLIJ WOI.Wiledlife School of the Air KFAll·Sports Ac..,.s lh. Break· KfAll (.w·21.52) 12:15 CST 11:15 MST W:-IAX-D. B. Gurney Flake.); WLS (sw.15.21) Wealher: Market.; News: KFAB WOW.New.; Mu.icalE; fast Table NBC-Tim Hear. commentalQ" Wom~n'. Heview: KSCJ WEBC KFNF NBC·Oan lIa.ding'. Wile; (sw· KFJM Norwegian School 01 the WLS (5w-15. 1) 15.33) WTCN.Popular Concert WIIll!. CKY-lladio Special 12:45 CST 11:45 l\fST Ai. NBC-~lrs. Wiggs 01 the Cabbage CKY-Raymar KFJ.\j·Big Ole ShQ.. CBS-Senate Judiriary Hearings: KFNF-,a,Morning Devotions Palrh, sketch (Old Engli'h KSCJ (sw-15.27) CBS-Aunt lennie's Real Life KFNF-Old Time.. KFYH.MarkelS; Police Bullelins WBB~I 1\ LI'~I·Ch?,"1 Singers Wax); WOW WMAQ KSTP News: WNAX KOIL 1\FJM Slories (Spry); KRNT KFnt-Hymll$ Qf All Chureheo KLP),I.Weu Schuh'" Orch. KFAB WXAX WCCO KMOX KMQX Tick Tock Revue (sw.15.33) KLPM·Today's Almanac KOIJII-Housekeeller's Chal KFAB·Man Qn the Street KOBII Mill's Top Tun•• New.; KOIL W),IT KFNF K"N~'-Farm Sales .nd News (sw.15.27) KOA-Morning Varictie. KOII..lfouseboat Hannah NBC,Glenn Darwin, bar.; KOIL. KOIL-New.: Musical Clock CKY·Toodle Tales KOIL-New. from llad,o Row KSCJ·Ma Perkin., .kelch KLPM-Musical Almanac KSTP.News; Musical Interlude KFJM-Salon Silhouettes K~IOX·Magic Kilcllen KSO KFYR KSOO·Markets '" Ne"'s KSOOFrom Sludio A NBC·Ju't PIa,n Bill; KOA WAAW-News KFYR.News; Variety Prgm. WCCO·Oritan Melodie. KSTP-Hou.ehold Forum KSTP-The Capitol Speaks WDGY-Or~an Sew.; KLPM KSOO WDGY Melodies KU'M·Good News Prgm. WDAY-Marht; Mixing Spoon WOAYMid'\[Qrning Melodies WBBM.Quarter Hour of Ilomance WEBC.Dally New, Parade KUA-Musical Menu WCCO·One Girl in a Million WIIO WDGY·MidMorning Musicale WOGY·Chade. Sen~ir CKY·.o.Univ. Lecture WGN·Golden Hour KOBH·Wealher Bullelin WGN·Get Thin to Music WGN-Len Salvo, Qrganist WDGY·Televi,ion BrQadca.t WHO-Music,1 F,.hion Nnt.. KSCJ-All Slar Varieties WGN.W;fe v,. Secretary KFDY.Little Thealer of the Air WLW.Betly ),Ioore WHO-KiIlY Keene K~JM Ho.d Information WLS·The lIilltoppers KSOO·Markets '" Oiary WMIN-News WI.S·Moming Homemake.., WHLB.Luncheon Melodies WMIN.New,; Ju.t About Time WtJAY Nancy'" Phil WLB·Univ. Gallery KSCJ-Farm Flash WMT·Pi"e Ridge Muslemake., WMIN.New,; Band Music KSTp·Minnupoli, JQurnal Fea· WNAX·llowdy Brothers WDGY 1J0llywood Breveties WNAX-H.ppy Jack'. Old Timers WMT.The Marriage Clinic WMIN·Barefoot Boys WOIMusie Shop WEBC,News; Musical Interlude WMT-QuestiQn M'n; VQice 01 turu WOI·News; The Homcmakers WNAX·Oancc Band WI)!>F -Lind.', First L<>ve WTCN·Morninr Edition WGN.Len Salvo, organist 10:45 WOW·Mary Baker's MalinH Iowa 7:45 CST 6:45 MST WIILB-Rural Rhylhm WOI-Ser"ice Rep<>rls WLS·l.i,·estQck Markets CBS-QualilY Twin.; Ed E3~t '" 11:15 CST 10:15 l\lST WLW·Coul)le Next Door New", KSOO KFNF WLW·Linda'. Firsl Love Ralph Oumke (KI\QX Gela· 12:30 CST 11:30 MST CKY·Mu,iul Clock * NBC·Story 01 Mary Marlin, W~lAQMalin... Gr"'fings,pe[ Singer I\'BB~[ NBC·WQ.d. & Mus;c: (sw.15.33) KFAB-Time 'n' Tunu tine); KMOX (sw' .ketch (IvQry 5<>ap); KSTP WMIN-Margie WNAX,Huss '" Cliff 21.52) CBS Georg. neelor, Food Talks KFJM-Art & Bill WOI.News; MQuntain Pass WOW WMAQ KOA (.w.15.33) (Phillips 5<>up): (s",-15.27) WMT·Joe D.kes; Aunl Fann, Kl.PM·lJ,Morning Devotiona!1 WTCN-Amund Town CBS·Cheri McKay '" Thrp.e * C8S-YOUR NEWS PARADE WO[·:-.'e",s; Farm Crops NQte" KSCJ KHNT (Lucky Strike Cigarettes): NBC·L<>ve '" Learn, sketch' WOW·Man Qn the Street KMOX,Magic Hour • 9:15 CST 8:15 MST KOll. KFYI! !{OA-Si,,~, NBC-Personal Column 01 the Air WTCN ".ont P3J:e of tI,e Air Neighbor, Sing NBC·JQhn's Olhe. Wife, sketch Edwin C. Hill, commenlalor: NBC.John's Other Wife: KOA KSTP Newspaper 01 the AIr (Chipso): WLIV WLS (.w· KFAB WCCO KMOX WBUM 1:00 CST 12:00 MST (Louis Philipt>d; WMAQ WOW 15.21) Eh '" Zeb: CKY KLpM WDGYBeauty & You KSTP (5w-I5.33) KSCJ KliNT WNAX (.w. CBS·Milton CharI.... org.nisl: NBC·Backslage WHe, sketch Variety Prgm.: WHO WOAY Wl.S.Jolly Joe's Pet Pals CBS-~Iodern CindNella, sketd. * 17.76) W!.W CKY KSCJ KHl'iT KFAB WMIN.Just About lime (GQld Medal); WCCO WBUM (Dr. L)'ons): WOW WMAQ Belly '" Bob' KFYR WEBC NLlCMu,ic Guild: KSTP (ow. KSTp WHO (sw.1533) \\IHLB KFAB·U. of Neb. Farm Prg-m. WNAX-Tucso" Ted KFAB KMOX (sw21.52) KFDY·Question Box 15.33) News; KFJM WTCN KOIL.Women in the News NBC-~len WhQ Made Ameriea, WTCN·I'Q!,ular Concert NBC·Vaught> de Leath, song", CKY Queslion Man KFJM-Roisums Band 8:00 CST 7:00 l\IST \l'OAY KSO KFYR KOIL KFNF.Poultry Prgm. drama: Wl.W KSO KFAB-tlilde Kt'NF-Henry Field TO'I.)-·. dramatlzatlQn l>.~..nta CBS-Greenfield Villa"e Chapel NBC·Ox}·dQI's Own Ma Perkin" WAAW·Grain Markets KSCJ-Din~bat KFNF.Henry Field WOAY·1I-Ian on the Street Quartet "Prop],et Wllhoul 1l000or.·· (s.-21.52; WI.S (sw·15.21) KSOOlli·Hil"ities CQmedy the oto.y of Tho",u I'alne. N8C·8rukl.tst Club; Orch. MDSB.chelor's Children; WGN KFYI! One Girl in a Milli"n \\IOGY.Variety Prgm. * KLl'M-Music &< Flowers WGN ·Paint Parade KSTP·Safety Council; Musicat" (Continued on Next hge) & 5<>loi't; New,; KFYI! KSO II'LW KOA-S~hool QI the Air WOA Y WEBC WTCN KOIL NeilS; KOBH WNAX WHOOn the Mall (.w_15.21) KOIL-AII-Slar Varietieo WLB,Child Welfare CKY-Organ Reveries KSOO-Dance Ilour Gene'" Gtenn, WIlO WOW KFJM-Souvenirs in Song WLW-Ruhino!f, "iQlinist New,: K,\10X KOA KFNF·Tree pta"te.. WAAW-Grain Markets WMIN-B.nd Music For¥ourWife KLPMMu.ical Scrapbook WCCO-llugh A,pinwall WMT-German Band CKY·New. '" Wealher W[)A y M~",ory Lane KFJM,Top Q' the MQrning KSCJ,Waul Ad Rambles Wl)GY·Bea"ty ~ YQU 11:30 CST 10:30 MST KFN~·.Variely Prgm. W[)GY·Music Box * NBC·Nat'l farm'" Home Hr.: Kl.PMEverjbody's Hour WMIN-Tunes WEBC·Music in Ihe Air WMT-Hinl, 10 the Wive. WEBC KFYll WOAY WMAQ KOBll·Trade3way WIll.B-Dr. R. P. Pearsall WlIO KOA WOW (sw-15.21) KSOO-Muskal CI,'ck WHO· Hymns of All Churches WNAX·J. P. DeP....ter "'I "I>o.t ."d 1I0",~.,,"ad ... Q<' KSTP-Good Morn"'" Hour WMIN.TQP Q' lhe MQrning 10:30 CST 9:30 MST d,~.t .. ; ·'~·.r", .nd ITo,,"" W~tT-Louise Hathaway * C8S-8IG SISTER, SKETCH 11".le.'· "'Ill' Jo1,n"y WQlt WOGY·Mornine Mu.iule (Rinsol: Kt"AB WRBM KRN'l .",1 U."'·e Kamman: Hulh \\HLB-Thr... T. WTCN ,DirectQry ran ])e'''.'', "The It~".ehold WLS·OttQ" Novelodeon, 9:30 CST 8:30 MST IVNAX WCCO KMOX (sw. (""I."dar_ ,. 21.52) WLW·llymns of all Churehes NBC-Just Plain Bill, skelrh CBS·Hnmance of Helen Trent (Anacin); WOW WMAQ KSTP * NBC·Vic '" Sade, sketch (Ed"a Wallace Hopper); Vir. WMAQ-Your Neiehbor W~lT WMIN.News: Bulletin (swI5.33) (Crisw): KOIL KSO ginia Clark: WBBM KRNT RO\lndu~ CBS-Betty Crocker (Gold Med, WLS (sw.15,21) KFAIJ K1I-IOX (,w.17_76) IVMT·Tim Brady's Moo.~. IVNAX·llosebud l'id. al); H)'mns of All Cllurch.. NBC·Belly Lew WhIle. Nell.; KU'M WAAW KSCJ IVOI-New.; Musie Shop John K. Walkins, new", KMOX o~anist 'Benjamin Moor" &­ CKY-Danc" Tunes WBB.\I WCCO KFAa (sw· Co.): WOW KSTP WMAQ KFJM-Slim ThQm'Qn 8:15 CST 1:15 lUST WEBC WOAY KFYR (sw. CBS·Jack '" LQretla (Kirkland's 21.511 KfNF·Ladies' Chorus Soap): (,w-21.52) NBC Pepper Young's Famill. 15.33) KO[L·~oo,,-day Varielies NBC·Streamline.s: WOW sketch (Camay); WMT WLS News: KI.PM WDGY KSOO-Xavier Cu~at's Orch. KOIL KSO ('''',15.21) CK Y-Richard,on'. En""mble KSTP·1m'l l"slitute IU'JM New! Houseboat Hannah; WEBC KFJM·Or~an Serenade WCCO-.\Ia Perki"s. sketch KMOX,Ou.k Varieties WHW KFNF·Ji", '" Andy WDGY-Ilappy HQllow Gang KOA-lVah Up CKY.Dance Bands KOA-Sih·er Serenade WGN·Man On SlUe Street KOBH-Geor~e IVOGYBe Beauliful KFBI-Ph<>ebe Ann Quist Sindelar, pianist WHl.BSlock QuotUion. IVII0Ne"·s of Spr;.~g Kt"NF-Nurser)'man KSCJ-Cecil '" Sally WL\\'·l.i""tock, Muket Heporls KSOO-Son~fe'I IVLS-Julian Benlley, new. KfYll-Melodeers WMIN.Hllythmic Age IVLW.llope Alden's Romance KL1'M·lIousekeeper's Chat WGN-Cactu. Kate WNAX-Melody Kin!:s WIILB·llili Walker WMINBulietin Board KOA Radio He'·ue CANTON PAJAl\1A SUIT WIIO·I'arly Lin~ Jl :45 CST 10:45 MST 8:30 CST 1:30 MST KSCJ·A_ A. U. W. Prgm_ CBS-Om Gal, Su"day. sketclt SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY I'RICE CBS·A, You Like It; News: KSOO·.\brkets; Conee.t Hall II'L\\'·To l.>l' announced WMIN-MidMorning Concert (Anacin): WBB),I KRNT KRNT (s",·21.52) WAAW,Grain Markets KFAB KMOX (sw·17.76) -- '"tat....11k",,"PO"'""",.I'ajama0."., WOIService Reporls ~ult. are t~e .ma.I~.t 01 $2 News: WOGY WCCO W])AY-One Girl in a MilliQn CKY-Organanlics I 95 \,"TCN·Far", lIour JIi ..-a""e"to---lo. ]oo"..-h,g. Post W])GY-l'iano Moods KFNF-llawaiia,,~ ilIi KFAB·Calendar '" New! -::lI:1"o aleepl"/: and Blrthdny KFJM·Pr<>l(ram Prevu.. WGN-.\1cadQw's Beauty Forum 10:45 CST 9:45 l\IST KLPM-Success SIOTy ~ Gilts. All ],."d etnbrotd, Paid KFNF SCQteh Tenor CBS-Eleanor Ilowe'. "lIomemak· KOIJH-Ilollywood Br",'iti.. ~ ••ed]" "It~ fiord de.II". 8oU. ,.g.l./l. WIIO lJelly '" Bob, sketch ~" KLPM Guess What t WL\I',We Live Aeain Exchan.e·· (Ice Indust.y): KSCJ·Farm FI.,h :-.'ell·, "'11 tn ~ ta.d".Un" putel for ... IS.DO W("("O KWI/T WRBM KrAll "had"", red O. g....". Caltar, ol~ev.. KOA·lJreakb.t Club (NBC) WMIN-Woman's Outlook KSOO·From Studio A ."d cull'a rlCl,ly trlmmed In .... mo COlO'•. KSTP-The ])aily II'NAX·Hal Gra},.on', Orch. KMOX (sw.21.52) KSTI'SIyle Craft: Musi.ale )11"_ Ilo",~ 10·11, how to make l;ta" ,I:,': large. medium or omalt. WGN-Good Morning Prgm_ \VOl-Service Heports old·fa.hlo""'l "rawher.y WCCO-hilly Keene BEND NO KONEY , .. BhlPPed C. O. 0., WHO Mu.ical Clock WTCN·l'artv Line .ho.,,-ake, WGN-We Are Four /ii¥ or .e"d check.•tamps Qr mQ"ey order on WLS·lJ,Morn;ng- Devolions 9;45 CST 8:45 MST * NBC-Wife SaVer, Allen Pres· WIILll PO]) CQncert my "'0"~1-bac~ "".ranl«. WLWlfelio Peggy * NBC·Today's Childr~n, $k~tcl, cott. lalk (~Ia"haltan Soap); WLS·Markels and News DOROTHY BOYD ART STUDIO WMT·Day Drnmer (1'~I,bury): WMAQ WEBC W\lAQ (sw-15.33) WI.W·Nat'l Fum'" Ilome Hour 63 Kin"a Avenue. Ban Fr",nobe<>, Caltf. lVN'AXYodelin~ llobb)' '" Tnc.on KSTP WOW WHO (ow 1o:BC·AI Shorl's Orch.; WDAY (NBC) ::;':''::: ~~~~:;": ..r.I.':"=~ '::."'$sr T., 15.m KSTl' W~nNTake It Easy

Radio Guide. Week Ending April 24, 1937 39 *CBS·MVRT & MARGC, CKY-Cub Re[ * NBC·Kell09g's Singing Lady CBS·Sporl. He'ume, Paul D<>ug­ KMOX·f"rance L.ux, 'port, 1ketch (Super Sud1): Myrtle KFJM,I;"i". N. D.k. IVL\\' (.w.15.21) la,: (.w.15,27) KOA·Piano Twin, Thursday Vail; Bill)' Arlofs Oreb.: KMOX Ma Perkin,.•ketch "j.o'H"U '1'11"'" ..... the lie"" Go"e",me,,1 School: CFQC CJnM KSL.Junior lIer",rter 1'O""IIe"'oto< ."d "d'·Ollll",·r. WBBM KMOX KRNT WCCO KO[LOuane &: Sail)' 1'111' SIll>:lne l.od)" ••"hJe,·t. Jack Arm.lron~. sketch: KF\'R WBB~[ Sporls Re"ie" KFAB (sw.15.27) KSTP-Tim. 10 nelax l\'BC-AI Vierra's Hawaii",,: WMAQ KMOX II'DAF WCCO \\"CCO Mu.ica[ !'r~m. April 22 NllC·!'e"on.1 Colu:"" KF'\B·Jack lI'.n, Abner: WLW WENR WJR KFNF·I'.t Deparlmenl WG!'\'Wa}" Down East KSOO,Through HolJrwood !.en, KFJ,\lU"de aill', Club CB!:i·A[.xander WOO][C01l. "'lown * KGLO·MOVIE GOSSIP II'HLBSloek Quolalions KSTI'School forum * KfOR·BE~IND THE MICRO, Crier" (G"n2er): WIlIl~l KSOODrirling & Dreamin, WtlOLi~hl Opera F3\or;tes WAAW-New. PHONE n200 ke.) KFAB WCCO KMBC KMOX W~IT·Lo,·e WDGYS"i". Se-s,ion &: Learn I\CCO-Schedule: Lin'toek KMllCMa~ic I.GY-Slim Jim KSOO·Culberlson on WDAY WMT (1w.15.21) WJH (.w.] 1.83) WBBlIIRadio Gossip Club WOGY.LeRoy, pianist * NBC-Lowell Thomas. com- WEBCCarnival Dr. K"II,loll ~;II'''''''". ",ono",· WEBC·Twilight R,,'iew me"talor (Sun Oil): WLW NBC·Moo"rlow Melodies: WMAQ WCCO Markets; I'olice; New' In", director. will hrOlld"'.1 WGN·Concert Orch. WENR.Musk Cirde (.w.15,21) WIILB_Scandinavian Music WOGY.Norman Meacham 0" om",ol 011 bl>l,.lf ot Ihe KO' WGN.Mol1y of Ihe Movies lIallo"wlde e.rl.,· dlo",1Iool. WMIN·Moulh, 01 NBC·FI;·ing Tim.: WENR NBC·The !XIulhernaires: WTCN 1I'1I0·Girl in • Million eOlnlllll"". 'file III Ie ",HI be. NBC·E'corl. &: Belty: KOIL CJHM WE:>IR IVtlLB-Our Library l.(",~ WLB·Die Gotterdammerunll "/low Wlli It Take!" Litt[e Orphan Annie: KFJM I\'BC·Mill>lones '" Mileslones Eu· WLS·C~ri.tin. WLS·llom.makers Prgm. CBS·Army Band: KSCJ KRNT WTCN WEBC WNAX WM! gen Boissevain, comm,: WOW WMIN·Mu1ic Hall (5w-15.27) NIGHT WMAQ·Varietie, WIILB KSO KITR WMIN.Lisowsky Trio WMT.lIillbilli.. CKY·Organ Melodie, WNAX-The Serenaders CKY·New.; Music MBS·Pleuant Valley Frolie., II'MT..Curnhushrs; Many IbPl') KFAij·Judy '" Jane S:OO CST 4:00 !'lIST KOA·Stock Reports; Newl WLW WGN WOI.Ne",. KFHI·Cenlral II. S. Prgm. Ret,,",. NBC,lfarty Kogeo', Oreh.: KSOO-Lel', Swing II Rubinolf. violini.l: WIlO KSTP IVNAX·Oanct Band 2:15 CST 1:15 MST KFY R·New.: Variety Pt\[001 of lhe Air 01(... on WOI·Public Allain CFCN·Walta Time 1I".,o.1Ional broodeut from sic: KOIL WMT "'>AF.Ea.y Aoel Sr"'I'I">IIF pT<>&,ram of orl&,l"ol 3:45 CST 2:45 !'lIST CJnM·Concert 6:00 CST 5:00 l\IST GI ..""",. S«>lIand, ".lIb ""ml_lllo,," by "",,Ion Ind * HBC·AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP. WDAY·Who & What in Radio lI<'<'IlI,1o folk oon~. OUOl< b.r NBC·The Guiding Li~hl (White CKY·Homelolb Frolie WDGY.T",ilight 1I0ur 'fll"mp~o. &,ro,h'Ole .tudellla of Coml"'­ )fAr)' Sell For_ 0111011 n.~artu'.nl br Ihe Napth.): WHO WOW Wl\lAQ KfAB·Univ. 01 Nehr. Prg.., sodent): WHO KSTP WLW (sw·9.53) (al,o see 10 p.m.) WESC·Variely Bill :f~::;'1 aC~~I;,I"TII~;::I~II-'::' ';'\~i 1I0d,oOl'" ('hIe O,,·beolro. KSTP WEBC WDAY KFVR KFJM·New Relea1" WilLa-Organ Musing. Dr. Uowerd LIon.... COllduct­ CBS-Herbert Foole', Conc.rt be a Illeral"re 1••llOn for Ill. WLW KOA (sw.9.53) KMBC·Sw",,1 Swing.ler, WIlO Geor.e 1I011)l\d·. Oreh. lern,,~..1I01.. on "Jol,on.r Ap· III". NaC-Club Maline., WDAY WMT KMOX·SeUy Moore, 1pkr. En",mb[e: KFAB pl • ...... t.·' Ma Perkins, ,ketcb: WNAX (Wri~ley', WMIN·Pining Out (.w·15.21) KOIL·Spo.11 Review CBS·P""tk Melod'es WO\'AX Tucwn Ted NBC·Musie Guild: WTCN Kt'JM KSOO·OffICIAl DETECTIVE Gum): Frank[yn MacCormack. Meet the Missus: II'BBM WCCO CKY·.\Iu.iu[ Prgm. * WTMJ·Tune Furni,h." CKY-Homewun Harmony KFAB·Ma Perkin,. skdcb STORIES R••der; Jack Fullon. Inr.: KFAB.Nebraska New, CKY-In Ihe Crimelighl KSTP-Qrpileum on Ihe Air Carlton Kelsey', Orch.: WJR 7:00 CST 6:00 MST KHWPou[try Help, KMOX All SU, "arietie, HAVE YOU VOTED VET in the KFDY·Farm F!a.hes WCCO·H.lIo Peggy WaBM·Howard Neumiller (1w.I1.83) (also 1e-e 10 p.m.) KFJM-I'uule Prgm. KMOX·Linda's First Love WOGY.Rubinoff, vio[ini.t • NilC·E~sy Aces, skelch (Alia· big Star 01 Sta" e[eClion7 If KSOO·D.nce Parade WHLB·Te[ephone KO,\·Farm QueSlion Box WHAS-Und~r Elher ei,,) with Jane Ace KO[L not, do '0 now by lilling out WAAW·Se.urity Markets IVNAX Russ &: Cliff ~PPUl'S KOlLliomemakers Cluh 4:00 CST 3:00 MST WHLB E"ening Serenade WENR KSO WMT WThfJ (ur· the coupon which on KSOO·llits & Bit, IVD(.Y Mu.ita. New",tI.. 11.87) Page 2 of thi, issue. WGN-Home Managemenl NBC·Club Malin.e: WSM WIIOBullelin; Shop WAAW,Groin Market, WJR-News NBC·Donald McGibeny, comm.: .. NBC·RUD'!' VALLEE'S VARI· WOI-Club Women's Hour CaS·Currenl Questions Before fRoy~[ WBBM-Killj' Keene. Tne. WLB,Mu.ic.1 Varieties KOA WMAQ \\'DAF KF\'H et1 Hour Gelatin); WGN,Wa)' Down EaSI WTCN.News lhe Senate: KRXT II'CCO (sw. Edward 3e«;.n. ventriloqui,t; 2:30 CST 1:30 !'lIST 15.27) WMIN.News; Tealime Tidbits News: CFCQ WOW WH,\S KSOO 1I'1l0 New Tune. WNAX.Oick Saunders Sp<>rts: KSCJ WTCN Gue"", WTMJ WDAF KOA WLS·Otto·s Novelodeon1 * NBC·Vie &: S~de, sketch NBC·Arch.r Gib.on. organist: KSTP WMAQ WDAY K~'Yll (Crisco); Bernardine Flynn: KFYR WDAY (5",·9.53) \\'Ol·!'iano Reeital CFCNSlring Orch. WMAQ.J.ek Baker. Inr, WOW·Mr. Dooley's Curiosily Club ClRM·Markel New, WI.W 1'1110 WOW WEBC W~l[N.lloll)'wood KFfR WIIO WOW WLW KOA NBC·Story of Mary Mu[in WS~l lIappening, * WSM.Pon·American BroadeaSI CKY·Strange A,h'~nlur., (,w.9.53) W~IT-German IVMJlQ KSTP WEBC WDAY (h'ory Snow): WMT KSO NBC·Bostoll Symph. Oreh.; Band IVE~R \\TCN'[b. Tentli Inning KFJM·Sbopp;ng Tour * (,w.1533) KOIL (sw.15.21) Ser~e 11'011" ·Social Security KFO\'F·Penteco.u[ Sin~e.. Dr. Kou'""'ilZk)', eond.: CBS-Do You Remember!: KSCJ Edueational Program.' II'IILB WTMJ·Jack Ar",stronl 1:30 CST 12:30 l\1ST KMBC·New.; Musical Interlude KOIL (sw-I1.87) NBC·It·, a Woman's World; KRNT (,w-15.27) WEBC 5:15 CST 4:15 MST * CBS·A & P Band Wagon: CKY·Matinee Club CKY·llouse 01 Peler McGregor CBS·Clyde BaTTie. bar,; Orch.: KMOX·,\ir Edilio" Orch. &: Soloi.l5; Guesl Spkr.: KSL'~'usic.1 Slarrino: Kate Smith; Jack KFAB·Securilie. &: Grain Mkt,. KFAB·llouseOOal lIannah KSCJ KRNT KSL KfAB Postscripts KO,\ WMAQ (.w-15.H) WBH.\I·D.v.y Adam, Miller'. Oreh.; Choir; Guesls: l\FJM·Re<\uesl Prgm KMOX-Josephin. Halpin (1,,·21.52) K~IOX K~',\B NBC-General F.d. 01 Women'. WlCO·Ea.), A(eI \\'JR WIIAS Ch,bs: KSO I'.F'IF Ilelen Fiseher KOA·Tbe Songlellow NBC-Tu." the Cloek Back; Alice KllNT W8B\1 KMBC WCCO KMOXB.myard Follies KSOO-Skelch.. in Melody Remsen. eontralto; Geor<:e WOAY-Dance 1I0ut ('o"llnnl"" lI,' di""u,"loll of WOGY.My,lie Ballroom (s\\'·11.83) "0<'0110"01 <'dll,'allon for woo KSOO·Ncws Parade KSTI>,Woman's Page 01 lhe Mr Griffin. bar,: KSTP WOW CaC-~lu,ie &: You; Allred Wal· 1II~". tl,~ WIILB·Mo,'ie Pre,·i.w 101'1<- lolln)' will be lI'aB~1 Flanao:ra",s WOGYllappy Hollow Ganr KOA (.w-9.53) ...·ore"r.'· olld l;do,·.II"n fM WEBe,S",!uin Si'lers [e,,,lei,,', Orch. &, !XI[ohts' 1.1\·ln"." ~J,", Jolo" I., WIIlle­ WCCO-Sloeks WHO-Way Down East NBC·llarry KOIteo's Oreh.' CFQC CKV ao~ WLW-Mar;' Aloot! WTCN (sw-15.21) WGN-!'into Pele', Ranch BOY1 bu"l. ell,lr,".n, nel'!. of IVDGY·Music WMIN,Ne,,-s; Grier's Orch. MBS·Armand Toby,"n. Inr.: .~1o"'0110" of Ih,' Cl"l>o. o"d \\'m,'-Time 10 nelax WM,\Q,Tea Time Varietie, C1'QC·Growin. Up W~lT KSO F .\, ~Ik<>. ('1,lef .·orener, KFJM·llllth rursteneau. 10ng, WNAXOr~an Melodies ~,·"·I ~. WilLa· World Dance, WMIN Ne"" LeI" Dance: KSCJ KSL For"l ..., t:. Dept. KFYn,N~,,'s; WS~l·Rubjnorf. "iolini,t of .\"rl<-"l1"ro_ WNAX.Warner I",i. II':l.llon,' WHO WOl ~:45 CST 1:45 lUST WOW -Aunt Sally KMOX.Music.1 R.,'ue NBC·Voeal Variell.. (Tum,); CJll'I-Boost.~ Pr~m. KFAB WOW * NBC·THE O'NEILLS, SKETCH 4:15 CST 3:15 MST XOH.-Jack Arm.lrnne.•ketell lhe Smoolhi..; D. Vore Si,. KFJ_\II',.lud. 10 Evenin~ Hope Aide,,'. Romanc.: WHLB (Ivory F[akes): KFYH KSTP NBC-Don Winslow of the Navy: KSOO,llhythm neview lcr.; Male Oclet; William WDGY-"ew. WEBC \\'DAY WHO WOW IVLW KOA KOA hI< 9.53) WCCO·Front I'ag. I'arad~ Sloe,,' Ord,.: WOW WIiO WGN-T"m. Dick ~ Harry Kror ~hrjorie Man.on. piani,t \HIAQ WEBC CBS-All Hand. on ".ck: KSCJ \\,llll\l·II·omen in the Ilead[in.. KSTI' \I'Ll" WM,\Q (.w·9,53) \'/LB Wahhe• P[ilznet. oianiSI I{FJ~l Hellue.. '>'.m KFAB-Far", &: Home 1I0ur KRXT WCCO (.",-15,21) WDAF_Variely Pr~n,. CBS·Norlhwestern Univ. Book \\'1.S l'he Old J"d~e KF"F Iowa Doill~' KSOO,Peaeoek Court Dauet I\'B("·Youne Hick"". 'Kelch: WDA Y-Tr~asure Cro,-e Shelf: KR"'T KSCJ WMIN-Popular Favorites KF\·R·IIa

40 Radio Guld•• Week Ending April 24, 1937 KSCJ-Sku~b~ of M~lody KOA Ev.n"'t Var;'t1u KSCJ·Le:fs Dan.e IVE~R King'. J""te...• Or.h. CBS-Gar..ood Van's Or.h.: KsL In the "uloi<: Library WGXFredd)" M..lin'l Or.b. KSO-Jambor... (XBC) 11.... )< ".d.')· _\Iarun' 0..11. K\IBC wJ)(a- Enco,n \'IMI)II-'Ionilor N'ewl WMIN'll-River Lake Tabefll:>cle IVJR·.\fummen IoIBS-Bonny Goodman', Oreh.: Thursday WIIL8 Slov!"'...... ~hlSk WTCS·l\.Chureh Ft1lowship "'1"(''' Jan,hor... (NBC) W!.\\"Los Am~ Pmn. KSO WG" \nlT KOIL WLB Slti,,~ qua'tel 8:45 CST 1:45 MST W.\fAQ,Gokkn Oraa;on CBe-Hacienda: CfQC CKY \n..sThe Cit)· O"b FOt\1.lII lO:CO CST 9:00 l'l1'iT W.\fISRhu",ba Or.h. Nt>n: CJR.\I CFCN WIIAS Cn:S-Conettl Oreh. *HBC·AMOS 'H' AHOY. April 22 \nllX Pu« Fo",,'" WGNS",": Quin Ry:m, sport, WTCSCoronado 0rclI. I\MOXCa",1 lolner's Oreh. \\~_-':\ Happy la.k's Old T""tn tPtPSOd.nll: WMAQ "OW W'DU-Dan.. Orcb. K';L-lluehe lIl1m,. frOll' "'0,'1<' ot that ".",e: (al,o at 7 p.m.) It :15 CST 10:15 lUST .nm~dian; ~v'! F,>, Th,·.. (1'",,".,,) U 1><"'''' NIlCEddie V.rlO,' Orch,: WDAY * NBC·LANNY P:OSS' MAX· Jimmy Oo.. hll"k1T KSTI' WEBe KFVR IYMAQ WDAF KSTI' IVTMJ KOA .,>0"'" n.tlMI .. ]>0<"0 KSL·\'ariety 1''1lm. BERNAROINE FLYNN WIlO WlW \YOAY WDAF WS_\I (sw-9.53) b.ek,,,,u,,,,: Won",·tf,,1 U_. NUCEddi. \....0.. Orch.: WESR II'HAS-D'Do.a CBS-Alexander Woolkott. The CJRIf·UO WDGY-IiSO CaC,I,; Paris: KOIL CFQC CKY 9:15 CST 8:151\IST CJR\! Eilrl lIi11'. Oreh. "'.lBC·!'por:ull T_n Crier (Gra.nler): KSL CXY·.IO W£BC·I_ Cla't KSCJ-In tho Crirnel~bl K~IBC-Erle Samh K!'>TP Mr. Editor "aCPhil II..-n,· Or.h.. WS.\l KFAB·710 WERB.I'1'O CFC~ WG"-Paul Whiteman's Or.h. KSTPRh'I"Ody in Rh)-thm wn 0 Roll ... Jobn~n BFIlY·11O WGs·m \Ian About T'lom I'''OW ",DAY WrlAF "","P KFJIf·IUO WHAS---UO KFBI Ted B..,man WMINO'Farrell Or.h. WEBe MuBCMartinu Bros.: WOAF WFlI\S·Dan.e Band 1l:45 CST 10:45 lUST WCA-L-1260 WTJU.f20 WG,,·ni~n,ond D·X PrllD. CBC-Quit WHliams' Or.h.: CKY WOW (...,9.53) WIlORhlhm \hken CFC~ C. C. Snowdoll WCGO.fIO WlilBllou... Parly CFQC CBS-Prttty Kitty Kelly: KNX \\'JIl-1 ham Jon",,' Or.h. (CBS) KSL Sl'W'!I WMI" Friend'hip crob CFCN·Cub Roporten MOS-Little Ja.k little's Oreb.: W!.\\'l.a.rry Funk', Or.b. WE"R Maurie Shuman's Or.b. KMOX \\'ben D~)" Is Done W~lT-Boh_i~ns CJR~I-Board of Tr:ode KOll WO\\'-Mu,iul f't!m. \nu"Whoot>tt John KSL,Ra~- lIerbecl'l Or.h. WTC" Di~k l.onJ;'s Oreb, KSCJ-Le:I'a Dance N",": WIIO WMT WCCO KRNT \\"T("" \Iontmanrt Orch_ WTCN Bob Cbesler's Or.h. KSTI' Xe... ; Dreaoo Ship 8:3!t CST 7:311 l\JST WGS-Henry Webt:r'a CoI>«r1 X,.,.s; St--t.· KSTP WS.\1 Il:" CST 1':00 l\IST 12:00 CST 11:00 l\IST IrBB\1 "cws; Wotber * NBC·A.mtric~n Town Mtetin,: Re"u. CITS ()Iof Time Music NBC lltory au.....a Oreh.' \lBS-Bob \loCr_', Or.h.: "SO WMT \\'E.'~R KSO C...-I1.87) WMI'J-Moonan', Oreh. WENR om CBC·",....·" CFQC C1R~1 CKY WBB'I Melodie Time WDAF WOW WOA Y KSTP CFCNKoram KFJMD~niel &. tht Lion TIlJn... CFCN·Salon Or.h. WDAY·Melodrama KF\R WSM WEBC KMBC·)lidniJ,hl Headlines End 01 Thurid~y Progr~ml

Friday April 23 Friday

* NBC·Brtaklut Club; Ort".: WNAXYoddin( Bobby &. Tu.son WOI-News; Rulh Galvin WOIServi.. ROVOrts WOA Y.Marktt: Mixio( Spoon MORNING So)oi...; News: KITR WTCN To' WTCN.Anuod Town ',\'TCNParty lin. WOGy.\tid-Morning Musicale WDAY KSO KOIL WE"" 8:45 CST 7:45 l\IST 9:15 CST 8:15 lIlST 9:45 CST 8:45 MST WE8C,Wornan', llour (s...\S.21) CBS Ba.h.lor·s Childrtn (Old NBC·lohn's Oth.r Wife. sbteh It NBC·Tod~y·s Children. shkh WIILB IV_an's Mornin!!: Review '%:00 CST 6:00 MST G•..., " Gl.lln: WIlO WOW Dut.b Clea"...r): KMOX (a•• (Loui. Philippe): WMAQ (Pillsbury): WltIAQ WEBC WLW·li,.1 Siook Reporll NBeMofllint; 0....000"": KFYR News: ""'OX KOA 2152) WMIS-~...n ~Iorni WOW KSTP ( ....IS33) KSTP "OW WllO (a.1S33) CBS ..; Joe Cook, CKY·News " Weather NBC'Christine. lOP.: KFYR CRS.\lodefll Cinderella, shl.h CBS·Mu$icallnlerlude (GoW Mtd· WMY-Pine Ridg. Ma".muer. e-edian ; SoIoi.., '" Orin : KFJM.Top 0' the UOt'Ilm. WDAY KSQ ll;t 1(1~ht w">orlbl~ loOn! WLW-Betty Crocker WCCO Gene Gl.nn CKY·Organ Reveties KOA-WeUs of Music ~I.l-or If l.omlon, Alderman N.i~hbor WOGY.Popular P"Im. KOIl. KSO IHIT Tl,um.~ WMAQ·\'our KFNr Ttee Planter. KOIL-Choir Loft \\"Tt:~ fllr (l .... rl:e Urood· WMIN-Bullelin Board WEllC-Mornillt Mu"icale New< KFJM bTI~l:~. ,lrt,.'~e. ovrr 1hl. KI.I'~'-,\I"sieal S.rapbook KSCJ·EaTly livesto.k. Trade; CKY-Qlle.tion Man " r ° I: r. "' coll""rlUor.tlnr WMT.Tim Brady's Roundup WliLIlWilh the Maslers KSCJ Want Ad Ramble. News ~l1'.".I~·orr·. blrtb".l. WNAX·Roseb"d Kid. WIIO·Mor"inc Mdo('.k~r. .n~ tI'elr :0])1c, KSQO.l).ar Diary WCAL·l\.Chal>e1 Servlee KFYIl·One Girl in a Million WOI-News; ~Iusje Shop WLS·To bo Innou.,otd WOGYVari.ty PrJm. WDA Y·Con.ordia Colle~e "'\11 "" 1I",h W"I>OI". "The WlW-Kitly Ke.o., Inc. KlI'\t,Crime)i,ht In'''>ortii .lJ..IUort:· and !II. 8:15 CST '%:15 lUST WEBC·Musi. in the Air WGNCoupl. SUI Door KSCJ -Garden 01 Melody I,'.....d ""rnlOu, lII.h.."t'1>I WlIlTWomen in the News WHO· Bolly C,ork.r WIILB-News 1)••",._.. CBS-Jade & Loretla (Kirkman'. WNAX·Bra" Band KSOO·Dan.e IIour ~Iusical Clook: WOAY WMT WMI'i" Top (y Morn. IVLS-N ....·s; Mark.t, WAAWGrain Market, Soap): (5•.2152) WOIMarkets '" Nnrs IVLW.GospeI Sineer News: WIIO WOI KFJ~I WOW /'iBC-Streamliners: wow W\tTScolly Vi.... the N.,.s WD,\Y\lcmory Lane WOWPuly Une \\'TeS lIu....".ous N-. WMT-Macic Kit.hen I\"I;,\X WCCO CKYRed " Whit. Revu. \\'1"('S lIaPPl Rot> WOCYBeauty " You Farm" Home Bullolin.: KF\'R I\FAB.J:>ck Well 9:30 CST 8:3G 1IlST WXAX·l\.Saued Se"'ice \HIlN Tunes of the TLm•• "!.PM KFHI News 9:00 CST 8:00 MST 1'11l(:,Ju.1 Plain Bill. sket.b: 10:03 CST 9:10 l\IST 10:30 CST 9:30 MST KMOX-Ourk Varitlics NBC-Mrs. Wips 01 the Cabbap (An:>cin): WOW WMAQ KSTP * NBC·THE O'NElllS. SKETCH N'BC·How to Bo (harminl, 7:30 CST 6:30 MST FI~kts): • NBC,Chttrio: KfYR WOW KOA-Wake l'p P~t.b. sket.b fOld Endish h..-IS33) (Ivory IVLS (s.· '-"el.h (Phillips): W\IAQ WLW WCA ...l\ Stt..icn War): .....OW \\"MAQ KSTP CBS Belly Crocker. cookinll; u, IS.21 ) wow KSTP (.,...IS.33) s,....s KOIL WAAW WOGY-Bo Buutil..l h..-I5'.33) perl (Gold Medal): KfAB * (BS·Heinz Magazi.... 01 tht * CBS·BIG SISTER, SKETCH Good \lnrninl' KFJ:\I KOA WGN·Good Morninc CBS·B.tty " Bob, sketch WBB\! WCCO K\tOX (I"" Air; "T"'ublt 1I0u...." sketeb: (R,n$l): \\'CCO \\"NAX KRNT * B, A. Rolfe's Or.h,; R~ Ken. CKY-l\.\Iorn. Meditations WHO·"""'s of Spri", (Gold Mtdall: WBBM KFAB 2152) KFAB WDB\I K\IOX (0... ~>orU WI.5.Julian BontltY. n-. WCCO K.'dOX (5...-21.52) NBC-Ptpptr Yoono:·. F~mily nedl'. bar_; Gunt: KFAB 21.52) KFAll A.ross the Break. K~IOX fa,t Table WLW-lIo~ Alden's Romanco Ne",: KOll \\MT KFNF (Camay~: WLS WMT KOIL \\'"AX KR"T WBBM * NBC·VIc " Side. sketch (Cri., NBC-Tim·, .ommentalor: KSO (.w.15.21) wcco (sw-2152) co): KOll IV\IT KSO WLS '%:45 CST 6:45 lIlST )1 ••, f{Il'I:'Il. n'o",an·. "",ltor 8:30 CST '%:30 MST WLS (.w IS_Zl) lIou.rboat llannah: WEBC WlIl.B (IW lS.21) ".,,'.: K~ KFNF KSTP ot th. Llttrlr, Illl'HI• ..-111 NBC-Breakfast Club: KOA CKY,Toddle Tal.. CKY-Oanee Bands "'>elk Oil "Womrll and Your Home and Mine: WE(lC MII' CI""k, WKY WDAF CBS Wife; AII.n Prescotl KFJM-Co-OI'N,th'e Tout KFJMColby Ann Quist 1'''0''1<" J~h." WlIW KFAIl·T"'ne 'n' Tunes (Sweetheart Soap): WCCO KFYH New.: Variety Prglll. KFNt" Nur

or ~Il(" (,,"t••l m~t.jO" .•• CBS-Aunt Jcnn)-'I Rul Ufe I'OCRadio Guild. dr"",": KOIL WIlI.B-ll.p.,.."ti<>nal SCrv ..." N~".., KFAD \VOl tb. Inl "I>0"...-lib • talt Stori.. (SPf}'): WBB~f KfAB WTCS (.w,15.21) \\MIS-Cockt,il lIour IOIOX-lAt's Compare Notn 011 ,"'·,10••"" tb. ,ue· ""'h'~~l... r~an e Ca~na Friday lilt .1>0....; .1.. KRST W."AX WCCO KMOX ••" ,pect.t WMT·Odd facts: Tonic Tun" KSOO·CIub .t dr."'allc IU , tJ>~_ ..lIou ot ("( nlln I", ~t (~" -15.21) WNAX·\lary Nan', Raglime KSTP-O,."heum Thul.t PlI_ "' Sa..•• rO'· l: ."" W.II•• BI••t •• • CBS-Cillt:innati Symphony Or. aad lI_'...d.... U'C'it"Ck Marktts: W!.S KSCJ eh..tra; Eu(.,.. Go<> ...ns. con· • NBC·FOLLOW THE MOON WDGY-I.f:Roy. piani.t CBS Romance of H.1m Trnlt, CKY-\l...ical Pl"JU'. ducto.: KOll WTC~ (>w (WoocIwry',): I'lck 00_ WEBC.Twilidlt Re..'.... skttrh fEd,," W..ttacc Hopper): KfDY.Weekly Xe..-. Review 15.21) " Elsie I1ita, WOW WMAQ WE'\R-'1u,ic Cir.1. WBB\1 KRXT I\fAB KllOX KfJ\1 Road Information )IBS-\l,,1I,. of Ih. Movift, WGN KOA KSTP WIIO (,... 9.53) WMIN,;\louths of Sabn (,w-17_76) Kn'R-\fuslclle CKY.Cooeert lIan of lbe Air CBS-A.....,.,C Our So...llitl: KSCI "cors: KI.P\I WAAW KOA KSTP,JOOIrnal Futures KfAB.P....ltry Shop Talkl KRST (,....15.21) I\·OAY·N~; Noon-4a, Prem. f'rPddl. Ri.·' old b· CKYDance Tu,," KfHI·World Borokman ~orl'~ _nl.~Iodl... NIGHT -iew, To"I"b1.'· WOIS...... I; Home Gardner WDCr Rrcollrchon, K\lBC WHAS K\!OX KSTP-.\IuIST W\lIN lIIu,ic Han • KFJM·MOVIE GOSSIP NBC·E;atty KOI.n'. Orc".: WMT SO"KE CARTER WIILB-Stock Quotltion. WMT-l!jUbilli.. KF\-'l Se"-. " !'run News Commtnu.lor • NBC·Music Appreciation Hr.: WENR W;o.IIN-Rhythmic Ar. Dr. W~lter DanlFolch, dir.: WOIN.".; I'ipe Orc~n KMOX.Houseboal Hannlh Fri. 6:~5 p.m. CST (5:45 MSTl 1IIBS-Th. Johnson ramily: WlW WNAX~f.lodl Kin~s KSO WDA Y KSTP WMAQ 2:15 CST 1:15 i\IST WOA Y.P.csettl.III.'" Admin. WGN Ch~t WOI.Book WLW KOA KfYl\ (s",,15.33­ • NBC·Oxydol', Own MI Per· WDC\'·Mid·ltft.rnoon MUlicale N.",.: WJR W~lIN 15.21) ~·arnum' 1I'IlO_'lVay Do"'n F.ast (10:30 '.m. Continued) 1l:45 CST 10:45 l\1ST kins. ,ketch; Willard (FCN·Walt. Time CDS-Our G.l, Su"d.;-, ~kctclt CBS·Ne"'s Throurh " Woma,,', KFYR WOW KSTI' WlIIAQ WLIV.B.lly & BQb, drama CFQC·Tea Time Tunes WOI Sc-rv;(t Rep.or" Old En~1i,h Floor Wax): KfAB E),cs (Pontiac): Kathry" Cu. WI.W KOA WDAY WEBC WJ\llN-Kalfce Kl.t~h CJRM-SymphOIl)' 1I0u. WM[N Mid·Morning Conttrl WOll~1 KnNT K,\IOX (.,... HnS: KFAR WaRM WCCO WHO (5",.15.33) WOI·March of Sci.nce CKY.Homefoikl froli~ WTeN Traffic Courl 17.76) KRNT KMOX (s",·15,27) Ma P.rki"" \\INAX KrJM 3:45 CST 2:45 J\>IST KfJM·B,rth of I'" N.,," lO:~5 f]ST 9:45 MST MBSW. Arc four, WGN Open 1I0use: 11'110 WOW Meel Ihe \li 'u. WCCO WBB~1 CBS-Salvation Army StIff Band: KOIL-SPOrts R.view * N8C·EdwHd MItHugh. Gospel N..... ~' WMT KSCI CKY.N.",',; CKY-Hom. ~·olkl KSCJ KR~T <0... -15.27) KSCJ-Play. in Miniature Sin~tr (hor)' So.Cacil " SaIlJ WGN-Hom. KrAB-Ma I'erkon...... 1... WIlO-Bull.tin; Shop Revue 0<. II.f...... 111 1>0 t"'POrll"t KSOO Marbrs; R....nd Up WDCY·Slidl JiJlI W\l.Tluy on the A.r: Jimmie KfJM-l!niv. 01 X Dak. WMAQ-BiJ Bill Boker ...1..,.. I. to "allb. KSTP Mu Int.rlud. WEBCollJ': Orch., (,w-15.27) KFJMXewt R",w.. AFTERNPON WOI·Moeller'. Accordion Bind Budd)" " Gin~er, WEBC WGS KFSFAndy Marlin KSCJ KRl " Cutrent Eunts: Voc:ational ~lkt NBC·Slory of Mal")' Mlrlin (IvOl"" StrHt Mi"ion Linit); MOflOn Bowe, tnr.; KfAB-Sccuritie, " Graill ... KfYR-S.",,; fred Abell. piano Guidlnce: KSCI KR1'o, KMOX KrJl\IRequC'it PrIm. Snow): W~IT KOIL WESR KSOO-HOC Markets; Wuthu M.d Bell. IOnJt.: Ra, Sinatra'. (ow-15.27) KSO (.w·15.21) KMBC·Radio Cireul WGSDon Pedro" Pbno John~lone: KfNr·f!o"er Lady OrIST WIIAS·Hank K••ne's Ganr WB8111·Kitty K"n•. Inc. WIlO·Way Down East Belly Crocker: WEBC WIILB KSTP·New.; Ors;ln PI"JI\l. • NBC-THE O'NEILLS. SKETCH WlB-Organ Co"e.n WHLB.Ev."inl Ser.nade ""uther, Markets &. News: KFAB WOGY·Stock Market>rb • WCCO·LAOIES FIRST (Ivory Flakes): WHO KSTP \'IIlO-J•. Nurse Corp WGN.WIY DO"'n £151 WLW·To)' lland KfNf WHLB·Lunehe-on M.lodin WOW WOAY WEBC WMAQ WMAQTca Tune Varieties WJR-Rubinoff. violini.t CKY Icetiu & Oddities WLS-Dinn.rbell Prpn. WIlO Honeymooners WLW KOA KFYR WLW-Carl freed & Harmonica WLD-Sonlla R«ital WMIN New, KHMBiC Ole Show WMT·Hillbillin KfAB·farm " 1I01ll1 Hour WLS·\'il"Kinia Lee " Sunbeam WXAX Amllas~adors ...,. KfYR.Pollce Bulleti",; Market, WNAX.Variet)' Prvil. KSOO·l'ncock CoIIrt Dance WOI,Medical Soci.t)' IV,\IAQ-Oon Winslow of Ih. Nav,. KLPM Wen Schuh & Orcll. WOI.Poultry Problem. WMIN-U01l)...ood Hlppcninp WBB~IOu.O'1l Oopc \VMIN-HoUywood Brevitie. WlIIT.c.etmln Bind WOW-Aunt Sall)' KOBlIllou~H'per', Cbat 1%:15 CST 11:15 l\lST WCCO-Dr. W. A. O·Bri.n \','NAX-Cliff " lIil Accordion KOIL,.HOOIseboat Uannlh WOIV·1>lulic Appnciatioll HOII. WOC\-Ccmlof \i.lotIy 4:13 CST 3:15 MST WOI-Slat. Medinl Sociely NBC.DIIl Ifardinr" Wile: (0.... (NBC) KSCl·Ma Perkin.. Ioketdt 1533) WGS.Du~oon Int."·,..., * NBC-K.llou·s Singing Lady, Musical Plays: WEBC KfYR WSM-Ne-'s KSOO-f...... Studio A CBS·Senlt. Judiciary ComIlIit~ 1:30 CST 1%:3t 1I1ST WSAX Yodclin. Bobb)- " Tunon WTCX llarry Kog...•• Oreh. KSTP-U<>uHhold FOnlm Market Report: WIIO KUB WOA Y KOIL WMT KSTP Uearin,,: KSCJ (,....15.27) Tol KSO WGS (lw-15.21) \VnU.Sew'S; Iwtles " Oddities y, D,\ Y \lid\IOf1lin, Melodies N~: WOI WrtSB2wball; St. 1'1111 .... Mil. WNAX KOIL KFJ311 Tloc Slal • NBC-TEA TIME AT MOR· NBC-Robert Gately, ba•.: KOIL W!.S-H~akers· ~. KSTP·n.. Capitol Speab KFDYXora M. 1I0U rells; Yuiet,. Show. lutu•• n~ Corner: KSCJ I\RXT (I.... WMIS S~: Band Music KfJ:'>IRequ..1 Prp.. I'a.~ 15.27) CBS·Sports R..ume; Paul Doug· WAAW-Grain Market, Gale cootr.; Charles las: (.w.15.27) W.\IT ,\11 Stu Varieties WBB\I·Milton ClIarlQ,. orpnist KOIL·Curb El!challKe Scan, tnr.; Roy Shield's NBC·Don-\\"insiow of the Nav,.: WNAX-Dance Band KSQO.Eb " Z.b Oreb.; 000 McS.;]!. m.e.: W.\IAQ KOA " ...-9.53) Gov't Radio School: CfQC CJR\I WCCO On. G,rl in I Million Jack Armslrollf:. sketcl> WIIO WOI Ne...... Organ Rto:HaI WDeY-T.levi,ion Broadcast KSTP-lIIl1sic: " Art in Scbool. WHO KSTP IVMAQ KOA (ow. CKY-!tlany HIPJI), R.turns WBB~I-Linda', first Love Kl'AB-CrostoadJ of the Nllion WMAQ K,\IOX WDAf WCCD WOW-)!ar,. Baker'1 Matin" WGN·lI'if. VI. Secretary 9.53) KHB WTCS Whoopee Jobn', Music WMINBarcloot BoYI WOAY.f••t First CBS Cincinnati Sl'mphon.l. Orrh.: KMOX-Hopt Alden', Rom~nc. \VDGYThis Rh)'lhmie Ale KSCJ KRST ( .... 15.27) \\'ENR-Doroth)' Adam.. interior WTCN WEXR KOA 11:15 CST 10:15 MST WMTQuestion Man; Voic. of efCN-As You Like It • CBS·VOUR NEWS PARADE towa WGN.Painted Drums ~BC-Club \I.hne.., In:SR (s..-· d.rts K~JM·Uni",,·hlil. ,port, KFJM-RoiSlims Batld KSOJ Rid.rl WlIflN·T,..i1~ht KfSf-Poohl')' Pf1:m. WEBC-Stock.: Aft. Interluda KFAB-Chlndu Ihe Mackian Re,·eries KfNfHenry fidel CKY·Market R.port WMT·r....~ \·oelk.r, o~lJli.t KOIL Eddie BUller, 0'1ani.t KSCJ-D,n~bat WIILB-Stock. K!>fOX-P.rsonal Column Quart.t KFDY.HousckHpcr.' O>at, WSAX Georg. B_ German KSCJ l:....i1 " ~II, KSOO· Tuna KfNf·Y....r Pel, WLW-Harry Richman; rreddi. KSfX).WPA Concert WAAW,G.ain Markets Rieb's Oreh. WAAW·~e-'S WOW-T.rry " Ted KSTP·lt', Fu.. to KHP KSQO.Sonc Sh"" WS\IOance Orrh_ WOA \' -)lan on the Str"t 1\'BB\lTnI",an Bradley, eOmID. WBB\l Kilt)' Keetl., Inc. \nIT.Lon " Leam WDCY·\'a";.ti.. WDCY Variety Pt-r:m. WCCOllope Alden', Romance WDe\' Ilulth Talk WOI :>i...... Ma".rwork WEXR-,\1 \'ie,,"', III"a;;an, WTMJ·Heinie " Ihl Grenadiers; '1110 On the MaU WDAY.Noonda,. Variet,. Prpo. WGN-Marriace License Roanneeo WOW.f~ Puadc WHLBO>ildrcn', H....r Soort. I~MI~ Band WDCY·Su"""n. " Livestock WLS.Priscilla Pride 3:J5 CST %:15 !'liST P~'IJ' 5:45 CST 4:45 Jl.1"T \nlT.c.erman aand WEBC-Sidewalk Reponer WMIN·Ha...aiian fantasies MBSLile 01 Mary Sothern: WLW-Story nJllt! • CBS-PRETTY KITTY KELLY WTCX Lc:odin~ Udin WMAQ Dan lIan1in(', W'lfe WMT.Vlricty J>rt-. WLW WNAXRORbud Kid, (Wond.r Bru.): WBB\! WJR 11:30 CST 10:~ lIlST W.\IINGnb hal \\NAX·Hlppy Jld', Old Tllllcrs CKY ·On;an Melodies WOW-Creio:hIOQ Uni,·.,.,it,. KR~' KSCJ KfAIl I\M!J.l • NBC·NIl·1 Farm" Home Hr.: WMTMarkcf,; lIillbillin WTCN·for tile Ladia KfAB·The Jall<s 4:45 CST 3:-t5 i\rsT WCCO Kr.IOX KSL KfYR WEBC WHO WLW WNAX D. B. Gllrney 2:00 CST 1;10 MST NBC-nThe Old lI...... tead' KOA • NBC·lowell comm.n· WDA \. WOW WMAQ WTCN WOW.News; Mu.icale NBC-Pepper YOIInl(, Family, Kf1"f-Variety H....r 1\011. WMT Kf\'R tator (Sun Oil): WLW (IW­ (~ ..d5_21) WTCN Popular Coourt IkctTO- riSC-Orphan A~n.. 'tl,.nine), •MI".. totlon Mana.... KOIL KSO 15.33) WEBC·Universal Revue (Ovaltin.): WLW (.w·9.53) WGN WOW WDAY KFYR

42 R.di" Guide. Weill ElIding April 24. 1937 NBC-The F:uorls '" Belty: KOIL 6:45 CST 5;45 l'!IST crCN-Flowu. " MUlic * CBS-Cin'em. :.:aC-Jun Diy RtpOl'lU CBC·(lb.I1«..... CJR\l aDOIoru~ WTt':"'-Jt'Odtntl: WHO KFJ\I D. \1_ Woodm .... ,' CKY~uy & F..nk WTCS-Ba.ebaU Sco>rta KSTP WLW ( ...,9.5) (abo KOAln,i,ible T'ails K<;LE••y Acn KSCJ-In Ihe Cr;m~!i(ht \vn.!J~c...; Sports .... 10 p.m.) KSCJ'Th", /lolll'wood Un• KSL-Orph.n Ann;' W\II:"-\lnntmarttt WMINO·F~r...lI Ort:h. CBS·PUN;C "dod;..., (Wrio:l.ys WS)lll.\I01h. Epi'cop"l Church WTCN \loonli~ht Sonltl 10:15 CST 9:15 MST Gum). Fl'llnkl)-n MacCormack, KSTP-Sp<>IJile; Your llealth * NBC·UNClE EZR... ,S RADIO J~(k WDGYT"ilichl 1I0ur 8:00 CST 7:00 II11'T 9:30 CST 8:W lIIST St.o.tion C"'lka-Sellzer): KOA ANNE JAMISON ruder: Fullon, Inr.. ; "Hollywood HOlel" Soprano Carlton Kdtry', Orch.: WJR \-'lESe- V.roely bin NBC·... LL- COLORED REVUE NBC·PonliIC V..-sily Show; NBC-Jean $3blon, IOnu: WOW (",11.83) WESR-Jerry Cooptr. song. (Floi5(hmann): l.ouis Arm· John lIeld, Jr., m.c,; Uniy. o. WDAf (." 9.53) F'i. 8 p.m. CST (7 MST) NIK \lary Small. "'"'ts: KOIL WGS·Bob El,oo••!>Otl. 51rono:'s Orch,; Edolie Grttlt & Oklahoma, "uc'" KO,\ WOW CBS-Ouie Nelson', Orch.: KSCJ KSO KFYR WENR WHU1-E,,~ene Kelly G.e J.me5. comedi.ns; GuoSIS: WEBC Kn'R KSTl' WUIJ KFAll W:,\AX NBC-Donald McGj~ny. 01 'b,~b"; KRNT WCCO WUB)! KFAll News: WHO WCCO WMT KRNT (FeN Cocktail Capors (Weith Grape Jlllu): KOIL .nd 1I.,I.m muolc. plo. Ih. K\lOX-Rubinoff, violini't CBC·Continental V.ri~tits: CKY CJI\\I·\hrket Sew. WMT WLS KSO WS)! (.w· rlh·llo-klln" hUllto. or n..l.m KSl (s,,··6_12) crCS.Club C.!.>.an. CFQC rom I)' .....rlUtn by ocu NBC-Whitney En.tmble, ;1151"'. News; CJRM CFCN WIIAS CKY.\lu,iul Moocb 11.87) ru. '~IOY ('ollu I. pre"".. t"": m~ntal Stoup: KOIL WS\I K:\IBC-Babe RUlh P,(m. KFAB Cullen II'richt '·)I.rrIUt 10 U.....n... by r.m~ KOIL·Am~ri K\lOX·C.rol Lofne", Orch. At<'h U"ol.r. I. Il>t lItlt of NBC-Alit lvm.d·S Wah' WMT (5..--15.21) ..n \Yukly KFJ\' Wuthe. '" Market. Ih~ KSL-Melody Tr.tin 10.. IEhl·1 1,I.y, }lla Ilkb "". (PhilJi",,): Funk Munn. Int.; CBC_I Cour WUer Froot: K!;L·Home Harmome' WBB\ISuUy Club K.\IBC-Xews: ~h'sical Inldlude ~.Jty }I.rtl... a yo"...... w. \bry Eastman, "'P.: WMAQ CFQC CJR:\1 CKY KS"JP-Ne..... ; Sponl c~.t«·. "".10_ "'OI>",n w"",, "". bHolI R~porl«1 WCCO-Bob "'IOX·\;. Edition WOW WDAF WIIO (...·9.53) crC:'-.Cub WBB\I :\I.ry EI5tm.n; Buddy Bu.~'1 KO,\ .\dn. o. Au Willilllll' Irtlll, 10 h"l""' 'bP tol~. o.l_~ WESR-HeDry o..eb. .... 1< I.. ~",,,,,,· IOWD_ lIl...:a01"'0I will '"YOd KMBC.E.1c Smillo C1••k "SL-',oMy &0 Budd,­ 1I..~ TJlbll lit Ih·orr· .D(! IYDA\··M~kxIram. WJR-)lltVi" Frtdtrie's o..b. * NBC CITIES SERVICE COH­ ,"'III. )1 •. lIIlD"...II.... I.. llt Dtm.,..,· F"~hll WEBe,To be ~nnounctd \\'l\\'-1o!""" Rinr WBB)I·DnQ" Mn" luciU~ ~ll,,,,I.«" een; sop.; ~:~';~, ~;; .•~:~':. ~4.lil':t.';; \\-G"i-Il..hi"d th~ LI..n WGSK.y KYHi, Ort:h. W)IISN_s; Rbumloa ~""m. .Dr Pnn« 11:15 CST 1.:15 l'IlST InILB\lo>yi~ Prn'iew 11·,"m. I;Uoll. t'Tbomloi• w.ltl(. I..dr...... TIll CBS-To be ou, rcd: weco W)IIN-Gaittin C.BS-Guy L.>m1>ardo'. Onh.: l.o.~·. ~nl._ \\'~MTnclt~r', WMI!< ~""'; Gral.....'. lOX KSL WMT \Iii- NBC-Eha Su f.otl. fbt plc- Great Plalue NBC-Chicago Symphonic IIour: K~-YR KSTI' WDAY WoAf NBC·The Slainles. Show futuro 00>1): o.<.r Shaw, bar.: C~,· 1"... WMIN·D,llinr Lake Taberr.ocJe WDA\" WEBC WIlO WOW WMAQ in~ ~'ord Bond, na"'lor; Mar,o melll Ponstlle. men....op.; CBC'\!u,ic fdr Mu.ic', Sake: WMTllandwa(on CllSAnson W«kt' O«h.: KSCJ WNAXS"in~ MllS-I."" lI,,;sman's Orch.: KSO Colti. bar.; Jo...f Stop.k·s Eli..1xlh lenno". eonit.; Vito CFQC CKY \lclow .nd Then 10:00 CST 9:00 MST NBC-True Slory Court of lIum.n CBC-Freshmen & Fruhdln: K50 (lw-lI.87) WBIn! KliNT KMllC KFAB CJRM-Drama; Dlnn Mu,ic *NBC.AMOS 'N' ... NOY. R~lalion.: KOA (~Iso U 8:30 Corinn~ eFQC CJRM CBS·M~ & P~• .ketth (,w·ll.83) WCCO WJR KMOX IYIIAS KFJM·E.thtr Gorder 5ketch (Pep'Oll,nt): WOW p.m.) crCNGilber( &: Sullivan CH/(' \lu,i~al Pr;m h,,·1I.81) KOADinne' Conc~rt KOA WDAF WMAQ WSM MBS F'edies (Wri~~'" N",", WOW WEBC II'SB)I ""!.Ull. J ~ n ..onD WJR·\INitalioo' K~J W,C:"-D;,k lonl'l .boo-n~·. nd P CBC-Acadi~Jl CJR.\! WG:"..I.... Sander.' 6 p. ) WCOO-R..11it JobotOD CFQC WDGY-DiJlo« 0 « Nusi~ CKY CFQC W:\IIX-!olallet'. ~Iuellty's rid b)' Ro}' CBS-Eddy Duchin'l O'' III G KSTP D,"ce Orch~t'.. New" KOA WMIN CBSHolli. Shaw....op: KSCJ NBC-Sin~in' S.m. Ihe Bnwsol To be ~nnounctd, KFYR WSlI ~M'''ft~r t~~r 1~~~~,~.:1.f,;:;: WBB\t Manhattan MOlher KMBC,)!idnighl Ih.dline. KFAB KR\"T K'lllC (sw. M... : KOIL WLS WMT KSO WEBC ''''" ("rllo" lO,nllh. Hotllo WCAL-llCh.ptl Strvi•• KMOX,When D~y Is Done 11.83) ,.w.Jl,87) CFCN.Th~ RN! Head. GuIdo'. mualo "rlllt ...d .... 'le~ll. !to 11.,<1" " ...11M! CIlS.Red Nichols' Orch.: KMIlC Diamond City News: WEBC WLB,Connie at CoJle~e "'1I\~1t. WOW·!>!u.icale Wlllll WeS·Kay K)·.e.·. Or.h. Ihl. work '1,,,1,, ... KSCJ KRNT KrAll WNAX WM1NMo>nitof New, KHI.B-Hhylllln & Rom.nee nllmh~, of h""'1 '!to..I, O,t WTCNCoro".do .by', Orch.: WMAQ Sports lIeview: WMIN KFJM 7:30 CST 6:30 l\IST WTC:".Clyd~ Lu ...' orts Ih~ N.tional Sroadu.lin, Compa.nY'1 lin 01 lta- 10lOX Diamond Pl"!tm. <0..·11.83) WTCS·Du,ly ROllin' ~I"" •. WJR "'U~n Family ·'ft .... W....··: S~ID"" 6.14) UniveX guaranteed cameras \\\!AQTolten on Sports r..,el.. ".\11 .1 11_": .Id * NBC-Camp.n..·s Fi"t Hl.tller, ...... blr. ··Jgh..,. (lDt- :"Ofo_" (rom SOc up. At all dealers. \nllSD,ni...- Oul IU"'''. Don \'~~ Dlys. drama W:"'AX S",,; \'ariety Prsm. Am",he " S.rbar~ Luddy: WOW \lu ical Prem. (Born) KOIL WMl' KSO wnu WLW WM"Q WHO WS\I J ...k Purl &: Tommy Dor· IYLS WLW ( ....-11.871 WOW Wf)AF WEB(' WDA Y K)'~ "Tb., ".,'k TnlD r...... P.".· Orch, ...i"f-· !. Une olIO­ KOA KSTP KFl"R WS\! (sw­ WT\IJ QuntlOn 8ft llI.hl·. d..... 9.53) , Radio Guld•• W.... Endillg: .... prll 14, 1937 41 Saturday April 24 Saturday

8:45 CST 1:45 MST WNAX·ll.Saered Servi~e WOGY·Charlts Sengir NBC·Our Barn, ehildren's prgm.: KV'liF Your Pets KFilB-.\Iorniug ReHries \VOW·Utll" Slory Bae WGN.Melody Time IHCN KOIL W~lilQ Kn'R KMOXSt, Louis Medical Society KFJ M_.o.Devolional. 10:00 CST 9:00 l\IST \\'HLBTarm & 1I0me Prgm. (sw-15,21 ) KsOU Drjft,u~ & [)rn",,,,e KFNF-Langvands NBC-Our American School.: WLS·Morning Homemakers; Mar· ("KY_M".ical Prgm, II'BB~I-Dr. Goor."e F. Donovan KLp~l TIl..ter Preview KFYR WIfO WOW WMAQ tha Crane and Ifelen Joyce KFAB·Fffleral Land Bank WDCY-Mildred Johnson KOil-Garden Alma"ae KSTP (sw.15.33) WMIN-Ne"'.; Band Music KFDY-Voeuion.1 I'roDltO\, WUI \·eolly lhe Sohpptr 01 Music: KSCJ KR~T KFAIJ WOI-News KFNF!!ent)· Field WMIN-Brownies WCCO-Gene & Glenn KMOX \VBB~I (''''-21.52) WOW·Mary Baker's MatinN KLPM-hrm Se".. WMT-Ahernoo" Mu,ic II"DGY,Popular Con~ert NBC.)hdge Marley, sop.: KSO WTCN.Whoopee John's Music KOil-RandaU's Open Hou.e 2:00 CST 1:00 MST WEQC-Mornin~ Musirale MBS-Cet Thin to Musie: WG~ 11:15 CST 10:15 l\IST KSOO-Timely Tun.. NBC·Teddy lIin·s Orch.· WOAY WIILB·Wlth lhe Ma.ters CKY·lladio Train NBC·Three Mo"hall.. trio: I\STP-M",ical T"terl',dt: Ne"" KSO KOIL WTCN KFYR 1V1l0,~lorning Melodie. l\FNF-Old Timers KFYR WD,\ Y WTCN II'BBM Truman Bradley, (Omm. WEBC II'MT (sw.15.21) WLS Morning Minstrels KLPM-Tvda)"S Almanac CBS·Orientale, KSCJ WCCO IVCCO-Livutoek: Markd. l:IJ:'·Uown bi lIem,a.. ·s KSl:.I ANN LEAF WLIV-Syn.gogue on lhe Air KOA·O"ee Upon a TIme WBBM KFAB (sw-15.27) WDAY-Noondav variety "rllm. KRNT WCCO KMOX (ow· Organist W~IT-Frank KOIL.New, from Ra.l;o Row ~;30 Voelker, oruni.t; NBC·Chasins' Mu>ic Series: WOGY-:-.'oon Hour Mu.icale 15,27> Sit. p.m. CST (2:30 MST) Women in the New.; M.rket KSOD Markets &. Nt....s WHO WEBC·Bullelin Board NBC·Walter lOgan's MU$iule, HinlS WCCO·Organ Melodies KF'\"F Poultry I'r_"m \1'GN·l\.Mid-day Servi~e Or~h & VocalislS: WOW WIIO WXAX-Fluss &. Cliff WDAY·Unde Ken's Kiddi. Klub KMOX Junior RadIo Parade WHO-Earl E. May Prgm. I\'MAQ KSTI' KOil (swI5.33) WOl·News &< Matkets WEBC.Woman's Hour KSTp·Mu.icale WLS·CI",lng Crain Mark<:J CK\·Junior Syml>houy MORNING 9:00 CST 8:00 l\-IST WIILB Mornin" March TIme WilAW·Grain Mathh Wl.W-D, A. R, Hour KFAB.Poultry Shop T.lks NBC-ChariOleerS: KSTI' WOW WLSPrlscilia Pride WI)(;)'-Pi."o Mood. WMIN·Twang Twin. KFJM World Bookman 7:00 CST 6:00 MST 11'110 \\'~IAQ (sw.15.33) II'LW·Li,·e Slock Reporh WEBC·Ne"'s; Musical Interlude 1V1I1T.Matktts; Hillbimts KfNF·Kitchen Klatt., NBC-D.Chur.h in the World CBS·Your Home & Mint: KFAB WMIN.Ne",s WG:-I·Home Mlnagement WNAX·D. R. Gurney KSOO·Brown Kiddie, Today; "The Power 01 Great KSCJ KR!'iT (.w·21.52) W~!T-Pine Ridge Musi~mahrs IVLW-Rubino/f. violiniSl \\'01'1 New.: Musicalt WBBM·Mil1on Charlts Ideals." Dr. Alfrffl Grant NBC-Breen & de Rost:I\'L\V \'INAX-Su. Mornin'l' Frolic WMlN-Band 12:45 CST 1l:45 MST WDGY-Nonnan Mearham W.lton: KFYR News: KOIL WMT KFNF WOI.Ne"'s; Parenl.Te..her's \\'MT lou Webb. or~lnist News: WIIO WDGY 1'101 KSOO WGN-Concert Oteh, CBS·Morning Alma" ••; Joe Cook, CKY Bird Lad)· 10:15 CST 9:15 l\IST WOI.E,luoational Forum KLPM KOA WHLB·CI.ud l.undmark comedian; Soloist. & organ: KFJM·Allan Gillespie. songs NBC-Home Town, sketch, WOW WOIVMarkets CKY.Market Report \\'I.B Fal.taff (01'1-21.52) KFYR-News: Variety Prghl WIlO KSTP WMAQ KOA (sw. 11 :30 CST 10:30 MST l\FAB.Marht, & New, WLS·Homemaktro Eacly Ri~rs: WEBC KSTP KU'\I-Good News Prgm, 15.33) * NBC·Farmtrs Union Prgm.: KFDY·Soil Seienct WMINMu,ie Hall New", WMT KRNT WHlB KMOX·Carolyn Pryce CBS,Cincinnati Conservatory of WHO WLW KOA WTCN KFJM·Road Infnrmation WNAX.Mary Nan R.gtime B.~d Clock: KOIL WBB)I KOA-~Iusieal Menu Musie: WCCO WOW KITR WDA Y WEBC KSTP-JQurnal Featutts 2:.15 CST 1:15 MST WIIO WOW KOBH.Weather Bulletin NBC-Minute Men: KOIL KS11' WMilQ (sw-15.21) WBBMChica"o Park Di.tri~t KFJM Tu Time Tidings 7:15 CST 6:15 MST KSOO·Marhts &. Diary WLW (ow.15.21) CBS-Coorge HaIrs Oreh.: KSCJ WCCO-Fint Edition KFNF.Poultry Period NBC·Good Morllinlf M.lodies: II'BB~I-lVomen in the Headlines News: KFJM WTCN KRNT (.w-15.27) WDAY.News; Variety Pf"Jm. KSOO·Oan~e Parade KFYR WEBC WCCO·llugh A,pinwall KFNF-Henry Field News: WAAW KLPM Wf.S·!.ive,lock MarkelS WAilW·Seeurity Markets Musical CI«k: WDA Y WMT 1\[JAY·Nancy &< Phil KFYIl,Dnt Girl in a Million CKY-Oanee Tunts WLW-Buster Loch WBBM-Meet the Missu. News: WHO \VOl WOW KFJM \\"DGY.lloll.vwood Brevities * KLPM·MOVIE GOSSIP KFAU-Childrcn's Thute' WJ\llN.Maf"Jie WCCOMeet the Missus KSOD-Rhylhm Makers Fann~ WDGY-h1usi~al WNAX weco WEBC·~e,,'s; Musieal Interlude KFJM·Slim Thom,on WMT-Aunt N,wsell" 7:30 CST 6:30 !\1ST WCN.Len Salvo, organist WAilW-Marhts KFNF·lne. Molison WOW-Man On the Street \\'G~ .Margot Rebeil & Ltn Salvo II'IILB-Rural Rhythm WOGY·Bnuty &< Vou Varitti" WTCN-Front Page WHLB·World Dances NRC·eh"",i,,: KFYR wow WLW WHLB.Morn;"g Musiule News: \\'AAIV KOIL WLS-Junior Stars I'rgm, KSO·Or"an Redtal 1:00 CST 12:00 l\-IST WI.5·Merrl'·Go- Round CKY.~Morn. W~I1N·Gospel Singer WLS-Arkie, songl KSOO·Paeilie Echoe, NBC· Word, & Mu.ic: KSO KFYR 2:30 CST 1:30 MST Meditation. W~nN·Tunes 01 tht Timn KFAB·S"",'15 Aeros1 the Break. IVNAX.Brus Band KSTP.House 01 Dream, WDAY WTCN (.w-15.21) ""BC·Ricardo & his Caballeros: WOl.Ne",s; Ruth Galvin WMT·llinlO to the WBBM-American Dental Ass·u CBS-~lilton Ch.r1es. organist: WD,\Y WEBC KSO KOIl. fast Table WNAX.J. P. OeP3j(ter Kr~~ ~~Tnin!t D·6~~5n~IST WTCN Around To",n WCCO·Saf.ty Talk KRNT KSCJ KFAB WTCN K~-YR (sw.15.21) 9:15 CST 8:15 MST 10:30 CST 9:30 MST WDGY·Happy Hollow Gang NBC·Your H",t I. Buffalo: Ed· CBS·Dept, 0' Commtrce Series: NBC-Vas. Family: \\'MAQ WOW NBC.Bromley House, bar.: WHO II'GN ~lan on State Strtet win Cu~kman·s Orch.: TtiQ; KSCJ \\'CCO KR1\T (.w. NBC_Organ RhapsOOY: WTCN KSTP WMAQ ~.w.: KSOO KFNF KSTP (.w.21.52) WIILB.Pop Concert Quartet &. Soloists: WOW KOA 15.27) Mu.i••l Clock: CKY KOIL CBS-Riehard Maxwell. ""n~s: I'BC-Magie of Spe«h: WEBC WMIN·Rhythmie Age IVMAQ KSTI' (sw,15.33) :-.'BC·Weekend Re'·u.; Harold KFAB·Time 'n' Tunes KR:"IT KSCJ KFAB WCCO KSO WMT-German Bind rBS·M.di.on Ensemble: ("v_ Le,·y". Or~h. & SoloislS: WOW ~·BCMySle" 1..._15331 II'~AX-Ho",dy KFJ,\I.Art & Bill (sw-21.52) ntf Brothe.. 15.27) WHO KSTP lI'~tAQ KOA (.w_ KLI'M·.(l.Mt'.ning Devotion,,], NBC-liaising Your Farents: MBS-Army Band: WMT 11:45 CST 10:45 MST MBS·Sylvia Cyde, sop.; llaoul 15.33) Ne\\"s: KLpM WDGY KMOXMagic Hqur KOIL KFYR WMT WDAY CBS·Goorge Hall's Orch.: KMOX Nadeau. bar & Orch.: WGN ~IBS-1.eo Freudberg's Orch.: WLIV CKY·Drama. of Life WCCO WMT Wi\lT KOASins-. Neighbor, Sing KfJM-Big Ole Show KSTP.New,pa""r of the Air CKY.2 10 6 Birlhday Club MBS·Howard Lanin's Oteh.: KSO To be annoUnCffl: IVLW WCCO KFABl1iu &< Encores WDGYBuuly & You KFJM-Salon Silhouettes l\FSF J,m '" And) CK \" ,~Iu,iral Prgm, ("KY-:-.'e,,·s & Mes.a'l'es KfJi\l-l!eque't Pr'l'm. P~ls KF~F.Tree !'Iante.. KFYR·4·H Club "rgm, KF/<.'F·Hawaiian, KFDV·Chimes COI,eert HI'''F Flower Lad" WLS-Jony Joe's Pet KOA-Seniee Meeli"" WNAX Tucoon Tffl KMOX·Mu,ieal Re,'ue KOBH-HolI)"woo Interlude K500Ho" Market.; Round Up "n·F Grab Bal KSUO N,'''s Parade l\OII.DuaH & Sally KSTP-Mu,ieal Interlude KMOX-Karn.. & Cameton ~'anagtan,S * NBC·Brta~fast Club; News: KSOO-Dear Diary WBBM KSOO-Sonllf""t \\l.lGY-Mu.i~ Bo~ WDAY KDIL KSD II'EBC WBBM-Saturday Shoppers' Re- WBBM-Miiton Charles, organist KOIL-Goltfeu lIour view WDA Y·Farm &< 1I0me Bulletins WGN·Dan Bacal, organist KSOD fecil '" Sall~ WLSMor"'-GoRound KFYR WTCN WUI' (.".15.21) WGN-Betty Croehr CUSRay Block, pianist: (sw. II'DGY -V.rielin WLS·Markcu and News WBBM-Man On the Street WNAX Warner lmi" WEBC-~l",i~ in the Ail WHLB·Virginia Mountainee.. W~1T-New. \ITI(;Y Slim Jim WTCN-Oa.eball Chatter 21.52) 11'I.S·Thc Bergstrom. II·GN~lorning ~Ielodi .. WMIN-Take It Easy WEBC-Carnival 2:45 CST t :45 l\1ST Gent &< Glenn: WHO IVOW WLW-Arademy or ~Iew-15.33) 10:45 CST 9:45 MST 12:00 CST U:OO MST 1:15 CST 12:15 i\lST WDGYCems of Melody KSTP-Coo.-l Morning Hou. CBS-Let's Pretend: KSCJ KFAB NBC-Cene Arnold &< Ranch CBS-Moravian College Glee Club: CRS,Daneepator", KRNT KSCJ WG~-Du~"ut Inter,·ie"'. \\lacy -ll.Christian S<:ienct Prgm. (.,,-21.52) Boy. (F. W. Fil~h): 1'11.1'1 KSCJ (>w,15.27) KMOX (sw-1527) WMT-Tune Time. Fit~erald WHLB Three T's MBS-Ed & Co.: WGN WMAQ CKY-Luueh 1I0ur CK Y Musical I.ibr.r)' W:-.'AX "",le1ing Bobby & Tu",on WI.SL"I" Bene and SeoUl' Dramatization: WEBC WIILB NBCDj~ie Debs: KOA (sw. :-.'ew. W1IIll' KOBlI KFAB-Nebra.ka News To< WMAQFa. organist: WG:" K~-J'\]·llon)"ood Sptaks KFJM-!'u..l. l'l"'!m, waukee WMT·"f;m Brady', Round·Up KF"'F-Nurs.ryma" CKYMusiral Prgm. KLP~I·~oonday Varieties KOIL·Home",akers Club 3:00 CST 2:00 MST WNAX-Bohemian B~nd KLPM llou,ekeeper'. Chat KFNF-Andy Martin K~IOXMagic Kitchen KSoo Malinee Dance Party ~mC-Club Matinee; Harry Ko· WOIIl"adlines; Music Shop KMOX-LeC, Compare Notes KFYH-Ui,marck S<:hool Prgm. KSCJ-Voice 01 the Poople WBBM Herberl Foote 'l'en's Orch. & Soloists: WMT 8:15 CST 7:15 MST KOA-Radio Revue KLPM-Your Home KSOO-Farm STlC<:ia1s WGN_Concerl Orch. KFYR KOIL WEBt WOAY CHS-Oleallders Quartet (s"· KSOO-i\larkel5 & Children'! KSCJ-Livestock TraM; Want Ad KSTP,News; Organ Prgm, WHO-Rhylhm & Romance WE:-.'R KSO (,\\"-15.21) 2152) 1I0ur Rambles IVAAW·Gra", Matkets WLS-llomemake..' Prgm. Ne"·s: KSOO WNAX WMIN NBC·Stteamliners; !'ie"s: WOW II"AA\\'·Grain Markets KSOD Man on the Street WOB\IGirl Seouls WMIN.lloll}'wood Happening. KFNF WDAF WCCO-Organ Melodies KSTI'-Ch"r~" Review WCCOChili Beaners WOl Ca",pus Varielies BaX KO,\-II'.ke Up WMAQ-Morning Greetings of the Golde" West 11'i\'AX-:"oon Da)· Parade NBC-Gold.n Melodies: Oroh. & WCCO·Baseball Game WDGYBe Beautilul W~llN Woman's Outlook WTCN-St. Paul 1'lal"'I'round. \\'01 EXle"sio" Hour Vocali,t" KOA WOW W~lAQ WIJGY·Sbrni"v.. Orcb WHO-Ne"s of Spring II"",'AX Ile"ry Ki",,·s Orrh. 11:00 CST 10:00 MST 12:15 CST 11:15 MST KSTp II'HO (swI533) WI.B Olltra Pr~", WLS-Jullan Benlley. news WOI \larket New. * NBC·Chasins' Musio Series: NaC·lVhitney Ensemble: (SIV. ~IBS-I,,1'1 Hou KFlH" ,4 II Club l'N(m CKY-Orun ~lelodie. KRNT (sw.21.52) IVEBC WMAQ KOIL NBC-Call to Youth: WLW News: KOIL KFJM WNAX KFJM ReQue.t Prgm_ KFHI Ne,,' Ne"s: WEBC WDGY WCCO Ma~ic Kitchen: KR"'T WMT \I'EBC KFAB-'lau on the Street KOIL-Curb Exchange KFNF-Variety lIour CKY-Musieal Pr<:m. CK\'.~tusic; Market; Mining Governor Krasehd: WMT WIIO KFNF Farm Sale. & Ntws WBO,\] Daneepate.. (CBS) KSOOSkvride Kt-,\B-lladio Calendat: News KFJM-Art Tweel CKY-Musical Prgm. II'BB.\t ("hiea~o Board 01 Ileahh WCCO-Salety Drama WMIN-Corklail Hour KFJM_Pr"m. Pre'·ues KFNF,Si,,~in~ Gardeners KFAB-Weather; Markets WCCO-O"e Girl in a Million WDGY-The Gaiori.. WNAX-Matinee KFNF-Seo"h Tenot KFYR-Markets KFHI-Sta.. of Tomorrow WOGY Tele,"i,io" Broade",t II'ERC·CCC l'rgm. 3:30 CST 2:30 l\(~T KLPM·Gue.. What I KI.pM-Seen Around Town KFNF Markets; Ne\\", WGN-Harold Turner, pianist IVIILB-I Hear America Singing CBS.Ann Lur. organi,t: KSCJ KOABreakf..t Club (XBC) K~IOX-Travelogue KF\'R-Markeb; Poli~e Runetins IVLS4 II Club Prgm. WMI~ -Geraldine Schroeder KIlNT KMOX KFAB (sw· KSTI'The Doily KOA II'elis 01 Kf.PM.Wen S<:huh & Orch. WMIN llardoot Boys WMTBill Rrown. the ",ovie man 15_27) WGN·Good Morning WtAL-.o.Chapel Se",iee KOBtI-Househeper·s Chat WMT.Question Man; Voice 0' WNAX Happy', Old Time" :-.'BC.Spel\in~ Uee: WOw WHO \1'110 .\I',,'ul CIO<"k WCCO·F. II. A. Prgm. KOIL Kid's Koutt lo",a IVOI Fraternity Visit \\'MAQ KSTP KOA (.w.1533) WLS·ll.Morning Sunday School \\'\)C\'-M'rl-Morni"g Musieah KSOO From Studio A 12:30 CST 11:30 MST 1:45 CST 12:451\1ST MBS Ho"'ard Laniu', Oreh.: WMT.Daydreamer WHLB ~ews KSTP Household Forum CBS-Eddie Elkin's Or~h.· KSCJ ~BC·Bob Crosby·s Oreh., WEBC WMT WNAX-Yodelin" Bobby & Tur.on 11'IIO-.\lanhatte.. (NBC) \\'BIJ~11l1. Fed. of Women's (''''15.27) KSO KOIL CK YCe(il &. Sally T., WLS.Julian Bentl•.v. new, Club< NlIC-Cau'llu. Capers; Oroh. & CBS-Tou" i" Tone: WCCO KFJM·Goraldine lIannah, senl' II'OJ.Matket New, WLW·Ohio ftfl. of Clubl WDAY)lidMorning '\loIodie. V""ali,ts: WMAQ (.w.15.33) KFAR KR~T KSCJ WBBM IYDGY-Dorothy Oorum , 44 Radio Guide. W••k Ending April 24. 1937 WHlB-Mail Ba~ KSOO-llhythm Ilevi..w 6:30 CST 5:30 MST WHlBTiny Specha' Orch. 9:30 CST 8:30 ]\1ST WMIN-Kaffu Klat~h WBB\I-l.... Fran~i., organi.t NBC·Uncle Jim's Question Bee WlB·lla~hm."inofl Rhapsody NBC·CiTCU' School Commence. 3:45 C~T 2:45 MST II PG\ (\Broadwa}' Tempi. (G_ II'a' y ...... folk.· -"Ore )".".! April 24 WHlB·Telephone R«IuM1 \IIJRMelody '" Rh~'lhm Richard Bonelli. bar.; Alex ~t"l' Tl~ht "I' on,1 ~e", the 7:45 CST 6:45 J\oIST lll~ "I'"'" """''''"ut'e'''e"l. WNAX Ru," & Clilf WMtN-Hollywood Brevilies T~mplelo", blind pianisl; Landt CFCN·Bruce Robinson Eletlric 1')'e )!onlto""",, I'''''olto''ol WOW.News \\MT Parade of Featur", Trio & Curly Mabr; Rex CJRM-Mu.i~al Prgm. ~dlOOl. ot )Ionllo,,"o,'. WI •. , 4:\tO CST 3:Q{1 MST WNAX·Cliff & Hi. Aecordion Chander', Orch.; Gu ..l" IVJR CK Y·t-un Fest otarle,1 a•• f,ee 0"10001 to. Du~hin's ehlld..." by • tOT"''' a'ar CBS-Eddy Drch.: KSCJ WOw -Chamber of Commerce (s,,··11.83) (al.o .ee 10:45 KFJM·Si"iin' Joe o,>,..,hall<' "low", W. G. KRNT KFAB (swI5.27) WSMl\.Sunday School Le,son p.m. CST) KSCJ-Lel'. Dan~e Ikl",h•.••,,<1. many at 11. NIIC-Charles Stenro.s' Ord,.: WTCS :>"ickelodeo" (SBC) CBS-To be announced: KMBC KSf.Melooy IInue .ra,l"o,~. 10 ,,'o,k "nder ttoe W£XR KSO II'£BC KFYR WDIJ·New. WllAS WCCO WBB\I KFAB Ill/( 'r0l', .1 "peelol l"O~rO"'. W\llN_l.isowsky Trio l"dUlll"lt '"".le by a b"nd of KOll WDAY (sw.15.21) 5:30 CST 4:30 MST K\IOX KSl. WSM·Jack', Mountain...." :!O ]>Ie,,·•. I,,," b,.." ""0""..1 KFJ \I llron~o Buster. NBC-N~ws: Alma Kilchell, contr.: Ne", KOil WDAY WHO WTCN ·Erne.l Bjorklund's Or~h. 10 de.erll", Ihlo """.".1 ,,-1'001". It,"dj,ollon Her.I..,. KMOX·Joscphine lIalpin, organ WOW WDAF KSTP (sw.9.53) KFYR WTCN WNAX 8:00 CST 7:00 lUST KSOO-Sketche. in Melooy * NBC·N~,,> H ,me Symphont: Sports: WDAF KSCJ KFJM CBC,Geo. Sim.' Orch_: CFQC Erne'l 1.0 Prode. c"nd_' KFYR Or~h. * CBS·NASH PRESENTS CJRM CKY WDGYlIapp. Hollow Ganl CFCN-Hc",ch's "o"elty Grace Moore; Vincent tope,' II'HLB.Baron~ Sisters WDA Y KOIL WD'R KSO CFQC·C..cil & Sally CFCN·Cub Reporlers arch.: K\IOX KFAB IIBllM KOll-To be announced WlB 11;.d" Quarl..1 CBS-New.: Ben Feld'. Orch.· CJR\1Bert Pearl WJR WCCO WIIAS KRNT WMAQ-To be announced KliNT KMBC KFAB KSCJ CKY.Tarzan, .ketch WI.5-lIometown Memori.. KSl KMBC (.w·l1.83) WMI~.Mo<>"all" Or~h. WMIN-New. WBB:'>l KSTP.Vari~ty Premo VINCENT LOPEZ WNAX-Amba,sador, MBS,Enoch light's Orch.: WGN WEBC·ChambeT of Commerce * NBC·ALKA·SUTZER NAT'L WS.~1 Delmore Brothers; Deford Grace Moore'$ Orche$tra Ludor Barn Dan~e; Lulu Belle; 1100' Bail~y; 4:15 CST 3:15 MST WMT WENIl-Happy Joek, song~ Ed Poplin's Band Sat. 8 p.m. CST (7 MST) & NBC-Kin~'~ Jc,te,,: WE:'! the Cht,'ago hm· WI.W (also at 8 p,m.) KMBC New~, WDGY IVHAS WNAX Tuc.o" Ted phon)' .nd llano I,"oge wm MBS·Dick Stabile'. Orch.: WGN * KFJM·RADIO GUIDE'S HITS WTCN.Around the World NBC·Jimmy Joy's Or~h.: WMAQ OF A YEAR AGO CJRM·l(oss ;.t~Rae', Orcb. co"d"et. Tile p,..,.r"", I.: KSO WMT WT\IJ-Carvtlh Well. O,·o""r.. 10 "MI."on" WHO WOW WDAF KOA (sw· KMOX.Cominl Ev..nh Kt"JM-Birth of lhe News (Tho",..); ~1",pl,,,n.. :-;". ~ 9.53) CBC-Claude Turner', Orch.: KOA·Con~erl Hall 01 the Air KSOO·Let's Swing II 7:00 CST 6:00 MST t) )lloor. op". ll·~ (llYOTAk): NBC,Frank Dailey'. Oreh.: WMT CFQC CKY KSTP.Amusemenl: New.; Sporls roneerlO faT t·i"te ."d Strln" KSOO-WPA Conc..rt * CBS· PROF. QUIZ (KELVIN_ CBC·Norlhern Messengers: CFQ(: News: CJR\1 eFCN WHAS WLIV 10 Orch."lr" II )loJo<, OPUI 27 WDA Y·Charlie '" Cedric WDAF tet's Go Ihe MOVie. ator); with Arthur Godfrey: (J~.herlnl) wW, n"te obbl!· KMOX·CaroJ Lofner'. Orch. CJRM CKY Lon~'. WOGy.varielies WCCO·Uncle Jim KliNT KMBC KFAB WJR New", KOll \\IJR WCCO-Dick Orr· 11'01\' Oan~e Or~h. WNAX·lloscbud Kids KFJM-Ne",. WMIN.New.; Rhumb. arch. hees' Orch,; Niela Goodelle, KMOX·Con~ert WSM-Curt Poulton '" Delmore 4:45 CST 3:45 MST WMIN-Hearlh '" Home lIall WSM.Dixie liners; Uncle Dave NBC·Bert Block'. Orch.: WMT WMTGuy M. Gillelle sop" guc.l: WDA Y KFYR KSeJ·Sket~hes in Melodies Brothers: Crook Brothers KOI L \\'E8C K5T1' II TMJ Maeo,,; Crook Bros: Band KOA WENR (sw.15.21) WNAXS"ine Melodies WMIN.Frlend.hip Club WTCN.Baseball Score. Band; Deford Bailey WTCN.Hom.. S)·mph. (NBC) WLS KSO WMT (.w-ll.87) WTCN.Ferri. Wheel CBS·Sinein..- Wailer.: KSCJ WTCN-Voices of Methooi,,,, 10:15 CST 9:15 1I1ST KRNT K\lOX (ow·15.27) 6:00 CST 5:00 MST NBC-Salurday Nighi Parly (Seal. 8;30 CST 7:301\lST WTMJ.Danre Music Tll1 12:30 m.~.; CBS· Benny Goodman'. Orch.: New", KFAB WOI CBS·Saturday Night Swine Club; I.,n; Jam., Melton, CBS·$aturday Night Serenade KMllC KSCJ KFAB WNAX a.m. CKY-News'" Road Report Bunny Berrigan & Guests: Tom Howard '" Geo_ Shelton, (Pel Milk) Mary Eutman, WBB.\! WJII WHAS 11:15 CST 10:15 l\IST KSOO-Club Cabana weco KFAB KSCJ KSL (sw· comedla,,~; Don.ld Di~kson, sop.: Bill Perry, Inr.; Gus CBS·Te, Ru~,ian CST) NBC-I'hil lIarrl.' Orch.: WEBC WB13,\I-To",my Do"neV. Orch. \1'I.B·Dr. John W'alker Powell WCCO.Carveth Wells, lravelogu~ Or~h.: Piano :,>Iu.ic: KSCJ KRNT W~l1~'.I'opular NBr-Emil Cole,nan'. KOll. WDA Y KFYR WTCN WDAF.Jack Dempsey's Fights Favorlies WIlLB-5al. Nij(ht Parly WD,W KOA (.w·9.53) CBS·Horry Owen.' arch.: WNAX Ki\1aC WaB:,>1 WCCO (sw· 1\1),\\·[lanoe ]jon, WNAX-Smoolh Sailing WlB.Piano Conrerlo 15.27) C6S-An.on We.ks' Orch.: KFAB K\IBC KSCJ KFAB KllNT WDGY,Morlen.on & Hanley WS\I·Franci. Craig'. Orch. WMIN ·Con~ert Master KliNT KSCJ \I'NAX WJR WBBM WJR KMOX The COllcerl IInll.•1arllnJl to' WTCN Di~k lonl'. Oroh. dny. I""."nt, lho not ...1 IVElIC·Fed. Trade.,nbly \VNAX-Tunine Around NBC-lIuby Newn13tl'. Ornh.: IiBtArlhur Ravel's Orch.: WOW I'Tend, 1'1~"I", .~. n"h..t W,,:-; I'into Pcte', Ranch Boys 7:15 CST 6:15 MST WSM·Dixie line.,; Curl Paul· WTCN WDM· KSTP ""h",U•. I" a ..,rj.,o ot len WIIAS·l.ouisvilie Eooe",ble Ru~inoff, violini.l: WGN WliLB Ion: Ja~k's Mounlaineers lI""ekll' ,,,,,It"l. of lho "lono MBS,Freddy Martin'. Orch.: MBS·P.ul Whlleman'. Orch.: "lL"k "t !l".,I." '''''nllO.''.... 1\'IIU1·Di"ncr Mu,ic KFJ\t .\Iary [.oo:an, song. 8:45 CST 7:45 MST KOIL WMT KSO WGN WGN KSO MBS-AI Close of Day: WGN WHO·Grealer Iowa Comml~sion WOGY. V.ricty Show KSI.,Tommy Tucker's Or~h. News: WOW K\IOX WBB~I CBC·Spon W....k: CFQC CJRM KSO W\!T IVI.W lI"ili Orne', Or(h. W\JlN·\lonitor News \\ICCO Gus Arnheim'. Orch. I)ance Or~h.: \\",\111' Wlb\S CFCN-Jerry Fuller'. Orch. Ne"s: WMIN WDAF WJR WMIN·New.: Granon'. Orch. 11'5\1 lIilllop Harmonizers WDGY-I(uhinoff, "iohnist CFC"'·llou~ of Peter 'la~Gr..gor KOA Eddie FiI711a1ri~k's Orch. lu~as' CFCN·Waltz Time W\tT Iowa Spea~, WTC~,Voice 01 M~lhodi'm WTCN-Cll'de Orch. KMBCSporls Revie.. KSl.!'I~w. CJ101Pop Coneert WNAX-Organ Melooi.. 7:30 CST 6:30 I\1ST 9:00 CST 8:00 lUST KSTP Nal'l Barn Dann (NBC) IVCCO Gu. Arnheim'. Orch.: KFAllUn;v. of Nebr. Prgm. IVSM ",ow,; Sports * CBS·JOHNNY PRESENTS * C8S·LUCI(Y STRIKE HIT WCCO-Rollie Johnson WMAQ-Lnu Breo,..'. Orch. KFJMYooelin~ I.u WTeN ·Sports Revi~w Parad.. & Sweepslake.; Mark WI.S·llilhoppers: Chri.tine II'M1N.O'Farrell Orch. (Philip Morris): Phil Duel', Di~k K~IOXPiano Retital WTMJIVPA Premo bar,: Mixed En.emble; Charles Warnow'. Orch.; ulith, WHO-Durolhj" & Harold Norem W\IT-Xile Communily Sin~ KSl·Educalion Prgm. 6:15 CST 5:15 !'lIST ~hrlin's "Circum.Unlial Evi· " Buddy Clark, vo-<:ali'l1; \\'\IAQ lI~nry Bu«e'. Orch. \1·S\IS.", '" Kirk McGee; G"ny Cary Grant. ~u ..t: KSl WJR KSOO-In the Crime Lilht NBC· Hampton In't. Sinler,; de"ce Thrills": R"" Mor,!"an's \\'S\1 Binkle\' Brolhers; lakeland Juml.... ; Binkley Brothe.. KSTP·Movie Parade IBIAQ WS~1 KOA IVnfJ Orch.: KFAB WBBM KRNT KllNT K\lOX KMllC WCCO Si,ter.; Robter l.unn; Fruil 11:45 CST 10:45 MST \\'DGYlIiu of t:,. Da, WIlO KFYR WOW WJR WCCO K\10X K\1BC KfAB WaB\1 KSCJ WNAX Jar Drinke.. CBS·Harry Owen.' Orch., KMOX WFIlCT"'ili¢ht Rev,,,,,, Erhoe~ \\IIIAS «w6_12) rFC"·E"cnli~ 10:45 CST 9:45 l\IST KSl \\'IIAS (·a,,· Gran,. tn,,"'''' ",oll"n Or~h: Or~h.: WHAS-Out of the Du.k rFQC,f)reame.. 10,30 p.m. CST) lMt"", .<'1or, will al'l*a, •• CBSA",on Weeks' WBBM NBC.l'hii HarriS' WEBC WlllB-HYll'" Sin~~rs CJll\I-Dinner Dallce NB' \Iere.'ews KSO WTC:-I WI.W IVDAY ~BC-To be annoUFlced: WTCN N1~C,Emil Coleman's Orch.: WOW CJIl" CFQC WSM Rhylhn, Makers; Pan K\lOX-France Laux, sports KFYR KO.\ W\1T KOll KOll WIIO WHO·Arlhur Ravel's Orch. American Broad~ut KMBC-Swin~ Club (CBS) CBr-La Pelite Symphony: CKY * MBS·Chicago Symphony Orch.: CFrS·The G"ielie' (SBC) WTCX The T""lh In"inK KSOO Ilubinolf, "iolini<1 CFQC WG", W\IT KSO KMOX uldie Du",tedler', arch. WLW·I.inle J.rk I.ittle·s Orch. WBIJ-Be Kind to Animal Week WBll\1 To be announ~ed Dan~e Orch_: WTMJ WGN CBC-To be announ~ed: CKY lIT\!. (..lChapel ~ecvtce IHIAQ Maurie Sherm~n'. Orch. 5:15 CST 4:15 1'I1ST WDA Y·Police lIeadquarlers CFeN-Limou,ine Lady CFQC CJR~1 WCCO Rhylhm Kin~. W\II"'·"oonan's Orch. NBC·Top Hailers' Orch.: WDAF WDGY-Dinner Dance Mu.le CJl1\1-0rean Tru,ure. WLB-Bulho"en Fifth Symph. WLS-Do,..n al Grandpa's J2:00 CST lI;Q{1 M3T KSTP WEBC-Planment Se"'ice KFJ\1 :>.'ite CI"b 0 flhe Air WL<;·Barnj"ard Jamooree WMAQ·Clem and Harry, s<>n~s WESR-5Ian Norri.' Orch. 'F"QC.Growin~ Up WJIISwing Club KStJ·Home Folks W\lIN·C"". lIurst Orch. Jl :00 CST 10:00 IIIST WGN_Slerlin~ Youn~'1 Orch. KFAllRhythm & Roma"ce IVlW-Univ. of Cincinnati KSl·Xc\\·· WS\ISarle & Sallle; lakeland NBC·Jerr)· Bhine'. O"h.: KOA WLW·Orrin Tucker's Or~h. hFJ\1 Cateh the Annou~eer W"AQ-Tolleo on Sp<)rls KSTP·Cone.rl Modern Si,le..; Possum Hunle.. WDAF \\110 KSTP 1I'\IAQ-l(X) Meiers Down K\IOX,I.eei,lation W;.tIN Gra,·.,m'. arch. WDGY·Encores 9:15 CST 8:15 l\IST CBS R..-l Nichols' Ouh Kf'AB KSl-B01' Scouls Prim. WTCN Three Siring, WEBC·To be announced WM1N-0'Farrell Or~b, KRNT WNAX KSCJ WBBM End of Saturday Pr09ram,

Radia Guide. W••k Ending April 24, 1937 45 Released Today·.- FINAL SLOGAN CONTEST WINNERS THE CONTESTANT'S Following RADIO GUlDr.'s established policy or printing the names o[ ALL winners in its contests, we present this week the ftnal list or winners in RADIO 11<." ../1:,.!."~"J~.:l.l.l_II I,••~~ """"". ..,~ SCRAPBOOK ...,...... ' .....' D.W """~_,·. T ...... GUIDE'S recent Slogan contest: ·'...... 'r·""""".lId .."'_ ,..

EXTRA LOW CUT_RATE SpRINC PRICES! 39 BOUCLESILK $1 CONTESTS ON THE AIR (All Colon) LB. yARNSttd•. I' ~t•• ,\T wo.. ""ellnd•• .... (TT·IUTf: l'ltl('t;.. ~ rll£r."u,plel·.r. ." • "J 10:30 un. EST (9:30 ,"-.m. CST) lnd 3 p.m. $250, lnd "eekly pr;"" of $25, for besl "True _. "'0.. .w.•_"".• _,...... $$$CONTEST MONEY$$$ EST (2 p.m. CST). sac networl<, "lond~r Ad.en'ur...·· .t....r co..t,ibuted by lill.nen and Ihrough Friday. Peppe, y .... o~'. r;.mil)': 15 uled on prosram. e"",pl.'e Automobile Tui..... OuII,IO .nd 300 ...~ FRIDAY ~ .""rded For ~t enlr;"'" of 15 w....dl Or le0"" . 7;30 ,.m. EST (6:30 p.m. CST). SBC ....t ..,..rk. be in b)' Thuud.)·'!" broadull. W. pol" lol. lol. $:ltI; I. S ..·..Ito .~" I". ..•..,pHo••I 110. efOp" .Iep,h,.· p, e..7"o-fol .. )Ionday th, o;h. Frida). lum .nd Abne,. Broad· .....1 .f IU'..e'Io... SATURDAY I'"'toltt! ....'.b ! m~ tree not for W , II 11,15 pm. EST (10,15 p,m. 1~,·Iu "0_ I•• &.... II ..e to "0". 11 :45 ••m. EST (10:45 I.m. CST). SBC ne'· __ 1..11. If 7""r ...11.,. I....k "rlt. I CST) Mond.y throu~h Frid.)·••xcep. Thu,sd.,. Qeod lllitebl•. We ...... ,.·.11 ft.... ,<01.,. ,,'ork, Fitch Roma"e,",_ Wri$' w"teh.1 o<...kl)" for "-_~" ....L u,e . Aulomobile .nd 400 m.jor pt'i",," for <, ,'n.!", 11,0", leo b.....·...... Wrl'e ...... _ , 'urunr_... ••.•_ .""rded 001 Ietle., of 200 WOrdl or Ie,", lelling tlte true 'ad'1 fE...b. 1!I08!. hnl nUn.. 'ub",iued lor lunebroom. C..nlest roman« "Dr)' of )'(1<1' liFe...... UNITED__ .....MDSRROOM_.U. eCO.• ..- e"-' April 25. 1937. I p.m. EST (7 p.m. CST). CBS ne,wo.k. Pro· DEAFNESS IS MISERY 10 p.m. EST (9 p.m. CST). SOC n"l"orl<. f Qui.. 6 priUI of S25 uch 'l"l"en "'",,101) Riehud Himbu's Studebaker;on. Auto· f bes. b~" of 5 qu,,"tion" and an$WUS .0 be ~::J=.:~~e-... f':.~.-:,:..~i::.~..",~ mobile ri"ell ,,"cit w""k lor e...r""ll)' namin,; the uled on prO!:r.m. Abo 83 '·alu.ble mueb.nd,,,, 0..«1< ...... Ihd.., ...... '''''' ... "Mo..d'r )"Iod)'" pla)ed on prO!C'.m. 'ce""'· .nd 950 ....11. p,iul lor filling i.. mi"'n~ .....d. ')3Old LegTrouble ~ 1.-..d IftOn,bl. [or 1<.,1< p.nied 1»' .1O!t.n. of 25 word. or I..... for tlte 0."." .. on offi,i.l enlry hI.nk. Thil eonl..t dooeo June 1:0.., II .'" "1_ H_ ,\.1..-. H..IO ..... " bl. 1'••, M•••r iu,n. ne'" 1937•. Con..,t. dOlt 00 Mond.y 6. 1937...... I.. _ n.'" bY I u..., ;n 1:0, ."",,1, , of " ••,. 1..llowing bro.dc.... 8 p.m. EST (7 p.m CST). NBC n.I"orlt Ed ..rl_ ''''I.....WOI .... 10 loJ",I.. N. WO"'. bm"' "".., p . or no ...., ror ItI.1 If " f.lI, 10 .- ~ Tho, ." pon ,,,. f... WEDNESDAY \\t)'nn, comedian. B, for Welt II 12 m,d .....1.. In It .,". 1...... 1... 'b. rou'. ""'\1" ",d r" ou, , ..f DRlJM 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 p.m. CST). CBS nd· EST (II p.m, CST). 205 cllh pri.... I... qU.I· '" .....'' OIl••"• I'llt;!': flooK. hl,'in~ e~l.rtainm.ot ... i ,.., wt.> ..; If i ..d ., ,100 .... "'0,10. \\'edn• .dl\' .nd Frio,o 8... CbI"",o. m. A. 0, UOlWlll, I..... ha,286. 10 $111 , .... III'I¥1'" ban. ~i.e" a$ I,r;••• for forecal!in~ w';nner of Thursd.y following bro.dull.

46 RGdio Gllid•• W..k Endlnq April 24, 19]7 • POLICE RADIO STATION LOC PLUMS AND SAGGING Stomach

The first part of the Police Radio Log appeared last issue. BOlek eopies are PRUNES A Danger Signal available at ten cents a copy. Asterisk indicates that station so marked has been authorized by construction permit, but may not be on the air. (Continued from Puge 17) ~~ MUNICIPAL POLlCE Locatien Call Kiln•• LOCAtion Call lHlo•. flEW, EASY WAY 1;1~ ~l:;(l Hollywood Flicks: Barn Dance M.e. ToReduce Waistline )\..,Ilol'(', ll"••. ,"1'110; Hld",lO"~. ,".. Wl'llI' STATIONS-PART )1<''''1,1,1 •. 'l\'m,. wn,{" ~u;o !to,"""k", 1'". \\"..,~'\; ~l~,() Joe Kelly and Mikeman Jack Holdrn " Mh""1. ~'11I_' I\" .n. II' ~ll~ 1:0...1"'0'<"'. :>. , WI'lllt ~~~~ have sold a two-Teel S/H~Tt, "Lest We Feel, Look Better! (r"F,; Location Call Kilo•. ~'i< ~H~ \\'1',:]) ~·l~>ll llb.."I. •. WI"'Z ne,'klll..I, [II. Many men past 35 suffer [rom SoUlnK ~l:,(l ~l~~ Forget:' based on a wartime scene. FHchb"'", Mao•. WI'II., ~Hi6 llll"'",,k~... WI•. WI'!!], Sa"'.""'IL!" )';.'\111' "slQmach sag' due to weakening S'omach ~·111I1. 111..1,. 1I'l'1W ~ 16~ 111"""1,,. X. , Wl'''~ ~mo .~""I",,,,·. liidi. II"n:~ ~ll~ witn Jack U1ld Joe narrating. The re­ 1'1.1."'''10'0010, Mh,"CHI....II' I\"I'H 21:1<1 ~l. ('IHh'''''lUe, O. \\'.\1'1. ~·I;\(l lease date wilt be during Memorial of the abdominal muscular wall. n, II·.IK\I ~,,~ .111","'.I.... n~ Km'l~ ~1"O ~l. 1.<),,1. ""['e 1,1);) When this occurs internal organs I ",. "",Uh. ;111': 2101' ll"bllc, .11 •. II'I'''\\' 2:'S~ St.l·aul In']),, 21:\1> Day week Another mikeman, sag-frequcntly causing, back. rn H. W".H'e.I"d. \\'UlJ~. ~1'1O llo"e""c". I'". W\1~'~' 21S2 ""Ie">. 'Ire. K,;Zlt 211~ NBC's Charlie Lyons, and his wife aches, constipation. a dull, ~'ro,,>Uorl. 111<1. W.\I'''' 2HlO M"'H"""lh. :" . ., 11".11'(; 23Hti !iall"... K""•. "''>;''1' 212~ have returned from a Hollywood visit sluggish "ali-ill" feeling. (See fre_DO. (""I. I\n~,"1 2111 .111. Vo",o". "alt I... k,· \'l1j' I\';['W ~ lOll two top pictures.) (;ol"e.,-Ille. rI". W(WOJ 21"" 11"000.. K,>;"[ 211~ 800 Her"..dl"o. where they saw Don Ameche making (',,1. Ill~ '-'"h·e,lon. Tex. KltI·W 1112 .1I,,"d,·.·I,"I. \\'1'1'1' ~H2 I\liBe his new picture with Loretta Young RELIEF FOR THOUSANDS ~tikvfl:j. 11"".10" tHj·. M".k"~"". MId>. Wl'~"l' 2112 ~"" II"e"""e"tur". , , Milton Berle's new radio contract K""". I\:\~'II 2H~ ll",kogel·.Okl". K:\(I'I' 21:00 (·al. I\A("'>; ~II·I Thou"'lIlds <>I men hav" found quick K~;ZI) 2~flQ reaches J with a rumored sliding (;,."" H"lO ld•. 1\-.11"0.:"'. II. WJ'lIll ~ 122 ~"" lIt~~D. Cal. to 939 relief from '"st"maclJ .ag" through Mkh. 11'1'lm 2112 :\0'" ".-..Jr"rd. ~"" fr"n,.!."" K\.JI·lI 21"" salary increase from S2,500 to $5,000 a Director Sysl;IJII 23S2 ll",o. WI'":''' 1112 li"n Jo.e K(;]'ll 24')(1 snow, . .Marlyn ("Mama!") Stllart, as Oi== Bdt has .ccomplished lhe S."d",k)·. O. W.IKI 211~ (;ro,.e ['ol"'e. :"'ew e••tI,·. I'". W!'G'r HS2 well as Ken and Oswald, wilL appear most happy ","ull8- II Is d""l/tne; 2111 :$all'" ern,. c"l. ture, "Broadway Jamboree:' strength.nd hold the internal organs 1lI~1I1"1I(1 I'k .. I>"w I.olldo". ~O"I" ~'e K(;I'f' 2111 l·o"". \\'.\Kll 2·1(;6 1';e"ttl,· 1\(;1'.1 2-111 in TIO<"mal p<>s.Ilion. (See tw" I"wcr llkh. Wll0 2-114 \I'I'I':K p>Ctureo.) Iloll"hli". '1'. 1712- .'I:ew I'rk,",. 2·1;10 se",I"ol". Okla. "AI:H 21~O "'11'0 WI'~·.\ Dr. Stork Dialers: Mrs. Dorothy 11"'1111"",. W",II.' K,II'I. 2114 1\ewI"u. ll,,"". 1712 81",,,,,,.l'''. W'!f'U 2182 MailcouponlOday " WI'I':~: 2l.'.o .-I~lll ' 11"".10". T"•. KIITl' 1,12 1'ew r"rk >lhell»'.O. \I" 21,1 Shiedler (Jane of "Betty and Bob") in FREE TRIAL " for FTU B""klol. I>e'" Y",k WI'f;1I 2-\;;(1 ["d. II'.\K.I U!lO 1';)''''''''''I",rl, La. K:""a' 2-1:\0 September ,. Maestro Nat BrusHoff, 1)(;;I""or" F"lIo 8"",erdlJ,·. 11'I'Ell lil2 Ill> 10 IS inch"., regained youlhful 111I".hl"""". !'o'f;.~. K:"'(;:'" ~Ioo """III ne'''1. Illd. 11"1'":''' 2·100 two of Henry Busse's men, Trav Woos­ K.-II·.; ~K.o ~l)Qkall'·. K(;IIS vigH"""'''.:'''. L ~ ~~~~t'3:~'E"R Joh"""" (;lty. OhmI".., Ukl". K.II·.' 2-1:00 '1'''''0'''0, W""h. K~JZ:'" 2111 Next Door," starring Olan Soule and Il""kl<. II"H.h. K.IO: 2111 ·j"""I'·. ~·I". WI'II); 2166 Donna Creade as Mr. and Mrs. Tom K.I.m.zoo. (J",,,I>,, KlH'l ~·W6 '1'01".10. ". WUllQ 2·,171 Wright, is a new MBS daily serial •I Nam11 '1'"1,,•. U~)". K(;['O 21~.o Lynn in "Modern Cinderella." Lynn 0,..,. K"ZII 21·12 1·.lm llea"h WI'D;: 21~~ Ur',,,,,a. [II .• II'M'lt 21[.8 K'lOHlile. Tell". WI'''O 24a 1'.)0 .Ille. C"l. KGllK 161~ Ullell, X. Y. WI'(;J ~114 plays "Ike." Bess Johnson as Cyn· l\ukoJno. h,d. 11'1'1)'1' 2100 !'"rk,·..IJUrg "all"J". e .. l. KG!'U 2-122 thia Spencer in "The Guiding Light" I..f'yett,.. 1".1. WQ.'(j 2112 W. I'". WI'II\) 21!lO W'e. K{IZU ,~OO l'OTt Ih".O", Tex. K(;ZI 21~8 LIlli" Itoek • .-I!"k. 1.:(;JlZ 211)(; ~[kl,. 1I'1~;1l 2l6{\ 11·llk".·Il.,....,. etc.) is taking time out to convalesce IMII. 1;.1. K:"'t:Y 2411 l'o,tl"n'l. )Ie. \I'I'FEJ ~1~':1 I'". wQnl 2112 from an appendectomy. [.<)"..-'·1" .... KA(;U 1112 l'o'IlHlId.O... K'lI'l' 2112 Woo"",,·ket. It.!. WI'E)[ 21(;6 1"," .-1,,;;,'1"".1'"".e"l. K(;I·!. 1012 l'ort"",,,,,'II. 0. Wl'GI 21:10 Wor"".'N. 1..,0 ,I"",~I,'" t·,,!. KX(;X 1712 I"~.""I' .•1,.1 •. K'>;IlH 21:1O )I.,". II'!'(IX 2W6 Walter Blaufuss, the NBC batoneer, 1.0"1.,·111~. K)'. I\'I'\)I': 2H~ 1',.o,'I,I"n,'". II. ,. wn;1 1112 l""kl",•. 1I'0.h. I\:\'IU 2111 once played the piano at a reception IJllhh",·k. Tex, K~IZW 21',ll I'''o''jd'''we wI',a' 171~ Yo"k",•. X. ,. II'I'FY ~112 given by King George VI when he was I.j'''d,I,,''.... IHWIl 21;;0 II,,!,I'I \'Itl·. li. KX(il[ 21:.' ,"ork. I'll. \\'.\1'1' ~·112 ll.""". ~I •. W\lFII 2111 1;'·,,,11" .... I'•. " 11'1'''': 2112 1'0'111",.10"'''. O. WI'I)" 21',~ the Duke of York. ll""o",·I,I. O." \\,{wy 21H l(~I1". Sev. 1\<:1111 ~nl Z,u,,,,,,lIle. tl. 11'1'110 ~I;I()


AFRICA J.p.". X.. lion"l Anlhem. Kimi;.)"o. do«••ll ZTJ (6.0975 megs.), AI,.i"sl Office Bldg., INFLUENCE NOT NEEDED ld.. 1". O. Box 777. N.irobi, Keoya Col"ny. .\laeao. Macan. Seldom he."I in U. S. Mo.t !J<>verDment uamina,i"n. include MenIal Tun. T,.y your.ell. An.wer Ihe following urili.h Ea,t AI,.i.,. Interval Signal: Hoac "f a CEYLON (6,067-r.I')·5 Vl'1I), lIadio Colomoo, problem. and mall at once Que examiDers will COH"Ct your work, .nd rtturn i!. :rhe euult .hould 'ell y"u 'he oo••ibllity of a high eating 00 the U. S. Covernment E",..m,,,ao,on. lion. Silnaturt: "G....l Save Ih. King." Broadoao. EAJ4 (10.37 "),,gs.), Hadi" Club de T."",il". Ceylo". Signalur,,: "COIl Sa"e lhe Ki,,~." Alvarez d. Lugo 1, Sa"l. Cruz ,I" T.n",.;I". AUSTRALASIA MENTAL TEST Can..y Isbn.... II .. oolh m." al,,1 ,,"oma" .,,­ F08AA (7.\), S, .\1 Hcnd."oJl. H"dio Cl"b. (I) Th Ge~rd I. eIY'D officII by, (I) Con..,..... (I) Tb. Ciyll Soryl.. Comml..lou. n""ncee. I'rO(ram. mo,tly Spa"i,h w.r new, J'.pe"l", Tal,il;' ]>rogram op.n. ",ihl dock ,Irik (3) Tb" Preaid••t witb tbe adyi....d eOD"Dt "f tb" S"not". (Fea""o ,'...ion). A ol""k strille. the hours. ing si~ .nd pl.ying of "Mars"ill.i,,,." );ali," CR6AA (9.66 "'"g•. ). E,taca" H.di" Dilusora Oiv" numb.r of "", an,wor ,. "',,'ic i. fcat"r",!. A''''''o'lC''mellt. ",.d. ill t2) A train moh. 3/5 of Ita trip 10 U mi.ut... ID bow mony mlDut ill It ko tb" uti.. trip! CH6AA. Cai". 1'",tal 1\8, Lobilo, I'orlu.gue,,, Fr,,"oh .nd T.hili",- SigMlurt: "Aloha Oe." We51 Afric.. I'o'ltlgue.. i, IPolle" ge"eeally VK2ME (9,59), "The Voice 01 ALl.I'ali.... A",wor. .. u •• bill 1""'ltJe'\! Engli.h .nnouno"m.nt. are Amalgalllated Wit'el.., l.tJ (19.02 a"d 9.35 "ltgs.), Po

1 Through Ihp. National Broadcasting Com· • pany,one of the HCA family, RCAcreale~ and broadcasts the majority of network progrllma. 2 The actual broadcasting of many pw· • grams is rlone with ItC\ equipment. More than half tl'e broadcast power on tho air is ileA installed. 3 From practical cx!,crience in radio com· o lnllllicalion "jlh 47 foreign countrieS8nd ships {'On all seas, HCA knows how to build superb short wave broadcastingami receiving .equil,menl. 4 RCA is the only company Ihal does every' • thing in radio - from original research 10 broadcasting. 5 RCA is the only company that m(lkt'! • eL'erythi"8 in radio- from microphone 10 receiving set. Thi~ ur:malchcd ('x!wriencecrcalcs radiothat's Rr.A ALL TilE WAY. You get this eAlra value when you buy RCA Viclor.

(fflumaled at right) Model9K.3-SuperO lell(!er of RCA Victor's Magic VOlee Radios. l\lagie Mrain, Magic Ere, 1\1 "lal Tubes. SI?9.95·

Only RCAVictor gives you the benefit of#~Ic~-createdby the men who build Broadcast Stations

The one way to enjoy the benefit of the at RCA. Into rrc.\ Yiclor instruments ANOTHER RCA VICTOR FIIlST world's greatest radio expericnce is to goes 20 years of short wave experience, THE MAGIC VOICE choose an RCA Victor. In each RCA Victor Hear thesc ncw sels at your RCA Victor S..aled into the uni'l"e tone model the skill of the men who build dealer's. Note how completely their lovely chamb.. rofc\'ery H.C-\ \ il't"r broadcast stations, and make everything cabinets match their modern qualities. Ask Magic Yoke 113<1;0 are five Tone .Control pipes. Their in radio, is back of every feature. (See yourdealer loprove illdetail that RCAAU, speeinl5ize nnd arrangement pancl above for proof.) THE \";'AY means morc for your money. croates thc Magic Voice. L n_ Have the music )'ou want wlwn yO'l seen, trouble·free, scientific, want :t, with au RCA YiCl1)1 1l",,1)1'l1 RCA experience crcatcs fcatures offercd RCA f!rtll'lllstll/'''Jlo.'}k Ktj'of RCA"SlIll(/(lY Player. Converts your AC radio into the Magic Voio:-e ends boom only by RCA Victor. The Magic Voice­ 2 to J P..1f.. E.S.T. over NBC Bille Nelo..:ur«. fal~e a phonograph. Walnut, ....hit.., r..d or anJ noises. It gives ,-a· black finish, Shown above, $18,50* foremost achievement in tonefullness­ dio ncw beuuty--new tntlh. grew out of 37 years devoted to every You can buy HC,,- Victor Hadios 011 c.I.T. CO"'= P\l1 n,w Iif, inlo kind of sound reproduction. Thorough Ea~y Payment Plan! Any radio is bctter with all your pc.unl rodio H.CA Antenna System. *All knowledge ofthe complicated l'rohkms of -uo' fomo"" RCA ~ ,- pricesf,o.b,Camden,N.J.,~ub. radio reception gives the l\lagic Brain per­ Rodio T",boot ~~ jed to change without nOlice. ception that rivals the human mimI. Thc~e are hut two of a weahh of RCA feu[ures designcd to provide radio that malchcs Enjoy this new RCA Vielor ",,~ie the fidelity of modern broadcastinp:. Voioe Radio ill your car. This auto· In all radio you see the value of RCA mobile modcl67l\t·2 has an 8-inch speaker. Volume ell'u!5 Ihat of ALL THE WAY. Short wave, forcxamplc. many lO·tul)O' home r..l1.95* i3 oftcn thought of as rather new. Not A SERVICE OF THE RADIO COHPORATION OF AMEHICA This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at

Please help in the preservation of old time radio by supporting legitimate organizations who strive to preserve and restore the programs and related information.