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Image to PDF Conversion Tools IN T HIS ISS UE Week Ending April 24, 1937 M. L ANNENBERG Publisher CURTIS MITCHELL, Editorial DireC/or I I Mountain Magic Kentucky's Modern Miracle! by KEN W. PuRDY 3 The True Story of Phil Harris' "Dates" by DoROTHY SPENSLEY 8 Policeman-for a Night A Calling AU Cars StO'1/ by ARTHUR Kl:NT 12 Police Radio Log (Part II) . __ . 47 More Short,Wilve Station Clews 47 I I Virginia Rea She Wanted to be a Neighbor by JAY O'BRYON 6 Lauritz Melchior Wagnerian Tenor No.1 by JACK JAMISON 10 Ted Fio·Rito Once He Wrote 0. Slfnlphonu by CMIL PRENTISS 13 Benay Venuta The Covel' Portrait 18 Jack Peilr~ Hu LiJe StO'l/-in Pictures! .. 26 I I The Radio Week Th.e Latest Radio News. 14 Muslt of the Ma.ters by C"RLETON SMITH 16 Plum. and Prunes by EVANS PLUMMER.......... 17 Inside Stuff by MARTIN LEWIS 17 Short WavelS by ClIARI,£S A. MORRISON :20 I I Mall )'our ballol 10 the SIU of Stara E.leel;on Teller•• Radio Culde. 731 PI)'­ "'outb COUrl. Chic"IO, Winoi.. Pule il on _ penn)' po.lcard. if )'ou wl.h. We Applaud Cheers for tlte Stars! 21 Opera for the Kid' Ireene Wicker's Show in Pic~ tures! 22 Clear All Wlresl A Photo-Story oj Radio's WILL? Special Events! 24 WHO WIN. I I Stories or Near-by St3tions 18 RADIO GUIDE'S X-Word Puzzle 18 Star of Stars Standings 19 Voice of the Listener 19 AST November RADIO 'n' Andy, in tenth place Short-Wave Programs 20 GUIOE published an among comedians, drew Contests on the Air 46 L article called "The $5,000 a week-the same Final Slogan Contest Winners 46 Radio Gold Rush Is On." 3mount as FTed Allen, It told the fabulous salar­ who is in fourth place. ies paid radio stars-and But one place where I I the terrific expenses laid salaries and popularity Sunday. April J8 29 on them. This year-right seem to align this week is Monday. April 19 31 now-RADIO GUIDE is con­ in the group of classical TUelSday. April 20 34 ducting its fourth annual singers. Among them, Wednesday. April 21 36 Star of Stars Election, to Grace Moore is in fifth Thursday. April 22 39 determine by listeners' place, Lily Pons, sixth, Friday. April 23 41 own votes the greatest and Gladys Swarthout, Saturday. April 24 44 stars on the air. Interest­ seventh. For single ap­ OQicial PhotogTapher: DelaT, ing comparisons may be pearances, Miss Moore de­ Radio Cilll, New York drawn between various manded $2,500, Miss Pons. Cover Portrait bV Charles E. Rubino stars' earning capacities Ben Bernie; He', -.eve nth $2,000, and Miss Swarth­ Radio Guide is edited and published and their popularity! among dance band' In the out, only $1,000. at 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, llt. Jack Benny, who has Star of Stilrs Election! TItus salaries veer [rom u, G' " •• ,,..... lhr1l _Iot_ U... I"oL Geool. \- _ n. lIo_, H. ., -..: ~ u. won the last two polls. and the dictates of audiences I.H. 1...,.- .... Jlet;oI 1' 10L 1_ w_ . IIntO G,"'•• UI 1'1,>_ L~ 01_ ill..... is in first place this week, was receIVing -but not for long! Polls reveal stars' true .:..0 ' _ d ... _I« 01 tloo P.- ~. QoI<an. (when that story was published) a reported values. And the sponsors remember, when JlIl b. I·.......'" 11. It... _ Ad of lUn:III 1. Ill•. ' 1011,. lUI..... 8.<0:01 I· 10L All r1dIU--.L $7,500 per week, less costs of gag-men, his it comes lime to sign new contracts! ):._1... t;,a'",lIt • , ,.U -. UI l'I._b C.-t. I ". Illl""&.. 11. L. ~... agent, and Mary Livingstone. Yet Eddie Thus, if you feel some debt of gratitude ,ltoh_. of 'Ile _, 11"'-' ~. ~.. ,-_ I_I _ ~I 11._.., t......I. 1111-., \._ Cantor, who is second to Jack among com­ to a star who has given you an hour's or a I_I _ I\0Il,.1.1 D',_; M lcIl,. CI IaI... 1I_.. t:MI«1> tAlll...hl -. UI flft _. edians, and in sixth place in Ute Star of moment's true happiness-::ome to his sup­ ,~ \'..,. nl.f. """"'h'.. _. III HUb .._ Stars group, W3S said to be getting twice ' \'o.t: CIl>; lWI. II<IU.s IIUo ...._-. \:Om"",l., port in the RADIO GUIDE Star of Stars Elec­ W 1'...111< lIau.sI•. I..- too. {'.m I•• _ :u as much-$15,OOO per week, with a net tion! Vote for h,im-today! 1'_lb I·....... f~lf'&Int- IHl-..l.. 1:_1 _· ...1.... """"'" Ito _oalotl ......_ .••If·o4<I_ "take" of $7,500 after all expenses! Amos (See Star of Stars Standing on Page 19) .......... fOO' mU.... ,.. -. __, la tloo U~I ..01 lSI hltoorl...I I~ I'. II. ot><!! 'M.--.1· • _1...._'P1_1'00101 U.I.'IU...1._.I. ,ore,•• b._.I_,leo: ,10___bOo.........II.'" _,....__ ~I_ ......... tit _ of R.olo O"O&. t....- _ '1 ...... >tT1_', .,.... 2 , HE boy was twelve years old, "Planned listening" is the kcy~note blond, freckled, r<lgged in blue of the campaign. Thand-roe-down overalls and cap. "Anything these people hear on the He looked at me in wonderment. radio is educational to them," Sulzer "Whnt is a radio?" he asked. told me, "but we pick the best pro­ What is a radio! grams and try to see to it that they The boy meant it. He wasn't joking. listen to them. The best way is to He'd never henrd a radio, never secn bring together a group of 15 or 20, one. Radio was all news to him. have them hear a program, a political r can hear your questions. Where'd discussion, for instance, and then talk you tlnd the kid? An African jungle about it That was the way we began." trading-post? Siberia? Some head­ Results were immediate and grati­ hunters' vilLage on the upper Ama­ Cying. Word of the new miracle spread zon? An English-speaking twelve­ Cast over the mountain grapevine. Ap­ year-old who wouldn't know a radio plications for "listening centers" if you showed him one? We give up. poured into Sulzer's office. They were Where did you find tile kid? careCully sirted, checked, investigated, I found him right here in the United and as fast as money could be ob­ States. 1 found him in a creek-bottom tained, radio receivers went into the cabin in Knott County. Kentucky. His mountains. But the money wasn't easy name is Benjy RoberL<;Qn, and if you to get. Radio was moving into the don't mind difficult traveling you C<:In mounlainJl, but it was movinl( slowly. look him up yourself. He's an obliging That was the way things stood, up little Cellow who'll help hitch up a mule to a few months ago. to haul your car out oC the creek, and even tell ~'ou something about himselC HEN one day a story telling of all -i( you ask him enough que~tions, T this came to the RADIO GUlDE I asked him lots oC questions, stand­ offices. lnterested, editors looked fOI' ing in the rain beside a bogged-down the story behind the story, found it in car, standing on-or in-the muddiest the net'CI oC this most primitive of road in Kentucky, w;)lting Cor his Cn­ American people for radio communi­ ther to hitch up the little white mule cation with the world outside. RAIlIO and haul us up the hill. All the rcgu­ GUIO~;, as repl'esentative of the radio 131' que&,l.ions. Did he go to school? industry, and of radio performers and What grade was he in~ H<:d he bCL'n fans everywhere, decided to help in to town? He had answers for all of the work Mr. Sulzer and the Univel'~ those. But radio? He'd never even Jlity of Kentucky had begun, heard the word! But before active work could begin, Sit still a minute and think what one question had to be answered. It that means, You're Benjy Robertson. was the snme question that is in your You live with your Cather and .)'our mind right now: Do the Kentucky mother, brothers and sisters, in a DEEP IN THEIR BELOVED KENTUCKY mountaineers really need radio? Is creek-bottom cabin in the mountains. radio vital to them? In a way the You've always lived there. Your Ca­ question answers itself. Do 1I0U really ther has always lived there, as his HILLS, THEY LISTEN IN AMAZEMENT need radio? But that isn't enough, Calher did, and his Cather beCore him, So I went to Kentucky. With me as Car back as anyone can remember. TO A MODERN-DAY MIRACLE-RADIO! went three radio sets, gifts oC RADIO Your world is Knott Counly. A trip to GUIDE to three mountain communities, the county seat, ten miles away, is an •• • <,vent. You've never read a newspaper. EIGHT o'clock in the morning, a low, In 1931, a scant six years ago, the BY gray sky, a persistent drizzle oC cold firs! car was brought into the count.)', KEN w. PURDY rain. Th'lt was the scene a" Mr.' and the schools and stores dosed, and I drove out of Lexington, The so that everybody could see it.
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