Education and Pedagogy in Cultural Change

In a period of rapid cultural shifts, changing populations and new ideologies take hold and reshape political agendas and norms in the West. It is against this backdrop that Wolfgang Brezinka presents his controversial take on the impact these changes have had on the public education landscape. Offering his views on the historical context behind these cultural shifts, Brezinka argues for the development of moral and values education in the West and discusses the conflicting roles migration, divergent ideologies, and other fac- tors have had to play. Focusing on pedagogy and policy, Brezinka puts forth a provocative perspective on the relationship between pluralism, tradition, and the future of education.

Wolfgang Brezinka is Professor Emeritus of Educational Science at the Uni- versity of Konstanz, Germany. He is a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and holds honorary from the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, and the Catholic University of Milan, . Routledge Research in Education For a full list of titles in this series, please visit

188 Citizenship Education in America A Historical Perspective Iftikhar Ahmad

189 Transformative Learning and Teaching in Physical Education Edited by Malcolm Thorburn

190 Teaching Young Learners in a Superdiverse World Multimodal Approaches and Perspectives Edited by Heather Lotherington & Cheryl Paige

191 History, Theory and Practice of Philosophy for Children International Perspectives Edited by Saeed Naji and Rosnani Hashim

192 Teacher Professional Knowledge and Development for Reflective and Inclusive Practices Edited by Ismail Hussein Amzat and Nena P. Valdez

193 Contemplative and Artful Openings Researching Women and Teaching Susan Casey Walsh

194 Education and Pedagogy in Cultural Change Wolfgang Brezinka

Selected Books by Wolfgang Brezinka Philosophy of Educational Knowledge Basic Concepts of Educational Science Belief, Morals, and Education Socialization and Education Educational Aims, Educational Means, Educational Success Education in a Society Uncertain of Its Values Education and Pedagogy in Cultural Change

Wolfgang Brezinka Translated by James Stuart Brice First published in English 2018 by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 and by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2018 Taylor & Francis The right of Wolfgang Brezinka to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Translated by James Stuart Brice Published in German by Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, Munich, 2003 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN: 978-1-138-08714-9 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-11065-3 (ebk) Typeset in Sabon by Apex CoVantage, LLC Contents

Foreword to the English Edition ix

1 Education and Tradition 1 Man as a Traditional Being 1 Cultural Abundance, Cultural Mixing, Cultural Struggle 2 Care for Normative Orientation Goods 3

2 “Values Education” in a Society Uncertain of Its Values 9 Cultural Crisis—Valuation Crisis 10 “Values Education”: A New Name for Old and Enduring Educational Tasks 13 “Basic Values Education” as a Task of Public Schools 15 Religious-Worldview and Moral Education as the Task of Parents 17 Methods of “Values Education” 19

3 Force, State and Education 23 Force Concepts and “Force” as a Slogan 24 Strategic Use of the Theme of “Force” for Political Purposes 26 Causes of Community-Harmful Behavior 29 Means of Helping in the Domain of “Values” 31

4 Not the “End of Education” but “Courage for Good Education”! 39 Critique of the Slogan “End of Education” 39 Good and Bad Education 40 Good Education: Difficult but Necessary 41 What Does “Courage for Education” Mean? 42 vi Contents 5 Educational Aims: Constancy, Change, Future Prospects 45 Relationships Among Society, Culture and Educational Aims 45 Constancy of Educational Aims 46 Change of Educational Aims 48 On the Future of Educational Aims 50

6 Educational Aims in a Society Uncertain of Its Values 53 Crisis of Normative Culture 54 Dispute Over Educational Aims 54 Ways out of the Crisis: Enlightenment, Critique, Communities of Conviction 57

7 Moral Education in a Pluralistic Society: Cultural Conditions for Success and Limitations 61 Education in pre-modern and modern societies 62 Universal Conditions for the Creation of Virtues 63 Over-Valuing Specifically Reason-Oriented Education as a Determinant of Morality 64 Lack of Religious Preconditions and External Support by Like-Minded Persons 65 Division of Labor Between State and Non-State Providers of Education 67

8 “General Education” (Allgemeinbildung): Meaning and Limits of an Ideal 71 History and Meanings of the Slogan “General Education” (Allgemeinbildung) 71 General Education (or General Personal Culture) as a Shared Basic Ideal 74 Constant and Variable Elements of Basic Ideals 74 Basic Knowledge, Basic Ability, Basic Virtues 75 Values Change and Contemporary Revisions of Basic Ideals 76 Cultural-Technical Basic Competence and Practical Orientation Knowledge for Life 77 Moral Competence 79 Group-Specific Special Ideals as Supplements 80 Contents vii 9 Liberal Arts and Education: Clarifying Their Relationships in an Individualistic Society 83 Meanings of the Word “Education” (Bildung) 83 On the Meaning of Teaching Materials for Cultural-Knowledge in the School System 86 Scientification of Liberal Arts Subjects in Secondary Schools 86 Limited Usefulness of the Liberal Arts for “Education” 88 Possible Disadvantages of Cultural Studies for “Education” 91 Crisis of Ideals, School Crisis and the Responsibility of Cultural Scholars 94

10 Rise and Crisis of Scientific Pedagogy 99 Rise: From Long Neglect to Limitless Expansion 101 Crisis: Disproportion Between Expectations and Performance 105 Expansion Instead of Consolidation of Pedagogy 106 Orientation Dispute and Identity Crisis 107 Proliferation of the Subject and Over-Specialization 109 Vulnerability to Worldview and Political Partisanship 111 Negative Consequences for Developing Young Scientific Talents 112

11 Expectations of Educators and the Imperfection of Pedagogy 117 Introduction of Pedagogy as a Useful Educational Theory for Educational Practitioners 117 Disappointed Expectations and Doubts About the Practical Usefulness of Pedagogy 118 Practical Pedagogy and Scientific Pedagogy 120 Consequences of the Scientification of Pedagogy for Training Educators 123 Rehabilitation of Practical Pedagogy 125

12 Turnaround: “From Pedagogy to Educational Science”— Experiences with an Ambiguous Program 129 On the Slogan’s Historical Development 129 On the Starting Position and My Motivation 130 On “Desired” and “Undesired Results” 132 viii Contents 13 Crisis and Future of Pedagogy as a University Subject 135 From Minor Subject to Major Subject 135 Illusions About Scientific Pedagogy 137 Crisis, Chaos, Self-Critique 138 What Sort of Pedagogy Do We Need? 144

Bibliography 151 Previous Publication Information 169 Person Index 173 Foreword to the English Edition

In the last century, most peoples’ life conditions changed greatly and at a steadily increasing rate. In this situation, they experienced progress, improvements and facilitation, but also losses and impediments. On the one side, almost everyone has more liberties, more possibilities for experience, learning and action than in the past. On the other side, it has become much more difficult to find one’s way in a now vastly expanded life space. Abun- dance and the rapid flood of ever changing impressions impede orientation and the choice of the essential. Extensive liberation from dependence on traditions and bearers of authority and the social controls of community- linked life styles also cause uprooting, isolation and insecurity. It seems inevitable that customs and life forms will continue to change, and people will be forced to abandon almost everything traditional, accus- tomed, familiar, in order—it is fashionably said—to stay “future compat- ible”. Nothing seems at all certain, permanent and trustworthy. Under the pressure of the incessant rapid change that impinges on us, most of what previously appeared worth holding to and passing on is being devalued and forgotten. Since a person’s inner security depends on relatively stable supports in his life space, it is threatened by all too rapid cultural change. This holds especially when changes occur in norm-giving cultural goods such as reli- gion, worldviews, understandings of history, morality, law, customs and art. In these domains, a high rate of change—combined with cultural diversity and competition to supersede, devaluate and reevaluate the past—leaves us uncertain and vulnerable. This burdens adults and greatly complicates the education of children and youth. Rapid cultural change, cultural mixing, cultural abundance and cultural conflicts will presumably continue to afflict us in the future. How can we best utilize the positive opportunities and negative consequences? That is the theme of this book. It offers realistic orientation aids for life-conduct, education and pedagogy, helping us to distinguish between the dispensable and the indispensable, transitory and enduring, between the requisite adap- tation and necessary resistance. x Foreword to the English Edition All cultural accomplishments live from the high valuation of a cultural community. They can be lost if they are neglected, disdained or forgotten. They can only survive if we succeed through education in convincing the younger generation of their value and winning them for their care and trans- mission to future generations. That presupposes, however, that adults them- selves will clearly understand what should be preserved, and will choose to live accordingly. The present work originally appeared in German in 2003 as Erziehung und Pädagogik im Kulturwandel (Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, Munich). A Pol- ish translation appeared in 2004 (Cracow, Wydawnictwo WAM), a Spanish translation in 2007 (Barcelona, PPU), an Italian translation in 2011 (Milan, Vita e Pensiero). This book revises and expands on ideas I earlier presented as orientation aids in my 1986 Erziehung in einer wertunsicheren Gesell- schaft (3rd revised and expanded edition, 1993). An English translation from 2016 bears the title Education in a Society Uncertain of its Values (Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing). In many regards, it is also relevant to situations in other countries, as several translations have shown, including ones in Italian (Rome 1989, Armando), Spanish (Madrid 1990, Narcea), Japanese (Tokyo 1992, Tamagawa University Press) and Korean (Seoul 1997, Seomoondang). The normative and educational philosophical foundations of the pres- ent work are also presented in my book Belief, Morals, and Education (Aldershot, GB/USA 1994, Avebury); German: Glaube, Moral und Erzie- hung (Munich/Basel, 1992, Reinhardt Verlag). This book has also appeared in Italian (Rome 1994, Armando), Czech (Prague 1996, Zvon), Japanese (Tokyo 1995, Tamagawa) and Chinese (Shanghai 2008, East China Normal University Press).

Wolfgang Brezinka Telfes im Stubai (, ) 2017 1 Education and Tradition

Man as a Traditional Being That people are cultural and social beings, historical beings and traditional beings is well known and has frequently been scientifically confirmed.1 They are dependent on the works of their ancestors that have been handed-down, become traditional and formed a common heritage. This is obviously the case with language and knowledge, technological and artistic achievements. But it holds just as much for all other cultural domains, including the soci- etal order and personal value-orientations. Therefore, it has always been self-evident that education presupposes traditional goods and their social recognition. Just as self-evident is that educators should help children and youth understand the essential traditional goods, affirm them and through personal effort acquire the suitable and necessary knowledge and ability for meaningful life in society. Thereby it is not a matter of rigid preservation of traditions, but rather of their continuation in a productive manner in terms of their meaning and contemporary relevance, including the improvement of worthwhile parts and the elimination of outdated ones.2 For the domain of useful specialized knowledge and ability, it is still self- evident that no one can become competent who does not master handed- down knowledge and use it as a foundation for his personal thinking and action. It would obviously be unwise to start at the very beginning and try on one’s own to reinvent all the world-describing and technological knowl- edge that has accumulated from the works and experiences of preceding generations. The situation is different with world-interpretative orientation knowledge and norm-giving religious, moral, political and aesthetic cultural goods. For the last ca. 300 years, Europe has suffered from a crisis of traditions.3 This arose and continues to be fueled and exacerbated by radical critique in the name of the sciences and philosophies of religions, belief systems, world- views, and many ideologies.4 Unbridled reason that criticizes everything weakens, corrodes and dissolves belief goods. These belief goods include not only traditional religious goods, but also all world-interpreting and norm- giving cultural goods, because the validity of the latter essentially depends 2 Education and Tradition on faith and mythical justifications.5 The crisis of belief traditions is intensi- fied by the experience of worldview-moral pluralism and the widespread alienation of individual persons from social control by bearers of authority. Obviously, no tradition is eternal. Change in traditions occurs in two domains: In the world-describing empirical scientific-technological domain, change is usually the result of progress in knowledge and technology. There is no equally valid alternative to this from the viewpoint of truth. By con- trast, in the world-interpreting, meaning-giving normative domain of belief goods and customs, people experience excessively widespread and rapid change as unsettling, threatening and uprooting. They do not necessarily regard it as progress, but rather can also see it as deterioration, weakening, and breakdown. The standard of empirical truth does not apply to belief goods and customs, because their claims to validity cannot be unambigu- ously and objectively tested. It is more a matter of practical usefulness in ordering community life. Their value depends on what they contribute to people’s orientation security, sheltering, emotional tranquility and joy in life and to the solidarity and cohesion of their communities. Belief goods can only make these meaning-giving normative contributions if one’s own group reveres them, and if they are protected from trivializing ideas and radical critique. Unfortunately, today it is hard to secure these preconditions.

Cultural Abundance, Cultural Mixing, Cultural Struggle Modern life is burdened by an overly rich mixed or eclectic culture. It encompasses a great diversity of incompatible traditions: religious and athe- istic, achievement-oriented and pleasure-oriented, elitist and egalitarian, local and international traditions, etc. Many are contradictory, there are proponents of each, and all are changing in response to the spirit of the age. Today the spirit of the age (Zeitgeist) is individualistic and rationalistic, hedonistic, leveling and morally complacent. It permits almost everything, insofar as one does not deviate from it. Self-confidently holding to ­meaning- and norm-giving traditions that do not conform to the spirit of the age is regarded as suspect. Critics claim that authority is hostile to liberty and that the development of elites threatens democracy. Anyone who upholds the modern spirit of the age is granted legitimacy, or is at least left in peace. Those who resist are treated as heretics, and great efforts are made to deny them any influence on public life. In the domain of world-interpreting and norm-giving belief goods, there are not just many different co-existing ide- als, but also clashes of ideals. Here not only pluralism, but also cultural struggle prevails. What does this mean for education in our time? It must occur in a world characterized by cultural abundance, cultural intermixing and cultural con- flict. This makes good education difficult, as the latter presupposes that edu- cators can build on a living tradition of shared ideals and good life forms. I mean thereby a self-evident, relatively permanent basic consensus on those Education and Tradition 3 goods of the external and inner culture that one’s community regards as the most important and most valuable. Only when there is such a tradition in the shared life-space of adults and children can values education have pros- pects of success.6 Why is tradition indispensable for education? Because children and youth are learning beings who, based on the examples of their fellow human beings, naturally pick up what in their group is usual and necessary to know, to believe and to be able to do. They do not wait to be educated, but rather learn largely on their own what is self-evidently valued and what one should orient oneself to in their society. Through education, one can only supplement or occasionally correct what children have learned from personal experience with their environment. Therefore, it is a matter before and beside all education that their experiential space should be well ordered and have consistent, relatively permanent expectations. A good tradition of shared ideals and life forms is, however, not just indis- pensable so that children can acquire socially legitimate value-attitudes. It is also necessary for all members of a community, in order that once acquired, good attitudes will be maintained and reinforced. We all need external sup- ports to avoid becoming negligent and indifferent. Even the personal con- science becomes dull and apathetic if not supported from outside by social norms, institutions and sanctions. The acquisition and maintenance of moral life competence depends essentially on a situation in which there is wide- spread agreement in the surrounding community on ideals, and accepted ideals are relatively permanent. Inner support presupposes external support. Good convictions, beliefs and virtues flourish only in communities where they are customary and have a support-giving tradition.7 These anthropological insights have been well known at least since Plato and Aristotle. Given our present situation, how can we apply them to life conduct and education? I must limit myself to three points. These cannot be other than perspective-oriented. I start, in my case, from a neo-conservative viewpoint.8

Care for Normative Orientation Goods 1. Proven meaning-giving and norm-creating traditional goods are scarce and hard to replace. Therefore, they must be cared for and cultivated. The more rapidly material-technological life conditions change, the more society needs traditional goods, because they secure continuity in change. They protect individuals and groups from self-estrangement, and create bridges between the generations. Those who are concerned about the life competence and mental health of youth will try to anchor them in traditional goods and not let them become rootless. They will strengthen their sense of having a home and not alienate them. They will support good ties and not facilitate extreme emancipation, loss of values and fear of binding ties. 4 Education and Tradition This principle has the following consequences. Putting down roots, expe- riencing a sense of having a home and good ties arise from love and are maintained by love and loyalty. Love presupposes preferring the beloved, concentrating on the object of love, and being relatively detached from other possible love objects. There are infinitely more worthwhile goods in the world than any one person can love and devote himself to. The price for loving, finding roots and establishing a sense of home lies in limiting oneself to the few things that one is able to acquire, become familiar with and value. This means that cultural abundance becomes a threat to life competence and mental health, if young people are exposed to it without the protection of a classical tradition, i.e., without a tradition of orientation goods that are valid and authoritative for them.9 People need shielding from everything harmful and excessive, reflection on what is essential for them, and practice in suitable modes of experience and action,10 and educators have a duty to contribute to achieving these goals. In the cultural struggle, this means: for the supporters of proven traditions there are no good reasons to let them- selves be intimidated by opponents. Good traditions are too important to advocate only timidly and defensively.

2. In order to hold one’s own in the cultural struggle, one cannot let oneself be misled by distorted pictures widely promulgated about our mental state, still surviving cultural stocks and the very nature of man. Uprooted modernists approvingly describe our mental state as though all non-rationalistic traditions have already been discredited, and all pre-modern belief goods and life-forms have already declined or are irretrievably disappearing. Modernists are supported in this by weak, misguided conservatives who, sensing a loss of traditional stocks, have become fear-mongers who portray the present as a nihilistic wasteland. Certainly, feelings of meaninglessness, insecurity, loss of love and re- ligious faith are widespread. Yet despite great losses of religious and humanistic, national and traditional societal values, there are still many surviving stocks that, unshaken by the spirit of the times, continue to be preserved and passed on. Without these religious-worldview, moral and aesthetic self-evident truths, personal and social life would be far more chaotic than it is.

We must also fight against deception by an intellectualistic image of man. This image suggests that people are pre-programmed for limitless enlightenment. It implies that they cannot have enough information, critical examination and disenchantment of the world, profanation of the sacred, discrediting of the good and banishing of the beautiful from life. In reality, people have not only material and intellectual needs, but also emotional needs for a sense of security within a bounded horizon, for a community tied to venerable goods, for ideals that are not discredited by “challenging questions”. If they go unsatisfied for too long, these tradition-affirming needs will rise up and Education and Tradition 5 assert themselves as well against a tradition-hostile spirit of the times. If this happens, the spirit of the times will again become more open to tradi- tion. Precisely this is happening today as a reaction against the anarchistic excesses of banal cultural-revolutionaries. Ultimately, the influence of value nihilists on youth can also be limited. Even children have a sense of the good, beautiful, consoling and protec- tive in a stable life order. In the years of maturation, people naturally dis- cover their self and values, set ideals and develop a life plan. This is also an opportunity to rediscover assistance-rich traditional goods, and education can contribute to this process. In the history of culture, there have been several renaissances, renewals, and revivals that began in small circles and have exerted great influence, and this is still possible. There are also, despite justifiable concerns about the future, grounds for hope, as soon as we free ourselves from distorted pictures of our situation.11

3. It is in the interest of every community to cultivate its normative orien- tation goods and to bind the younger generation to them. An indispens- able means for this has always been the educational system, including pastoral counseling and adult education. Understandably, in our value- uncertain society, many educators are no longer sure of what they should value, promulgate and support, abandon or combat. Therefore, they tend to foolishly abdicate their role as authority figures instead of serv- ing as guides in the labyrinth of cultural abundance and cultural strug- gle. They leave the selection of orientation goods to the tastes of their immature charges and thereby to chance, the media and entertainment markets and the exploiters of youthful curiosity and inexperience. This happens in part due to misunderstandings, in part under the pretext of respecting the freedom of children and their right to self-determination. Expressive of this is the enthusiastic propaganda for “anti-pedagogy”12 and the slogan the “end of education”.13 Against this retreat of parents and teachers from educational responsibility, the slogan “courage to educate” was already promulgated some decades ago.14

“Courage to educate” means “courage to educate well”.15 What this involves varies depending on the tasks of the bearers of education, of parents, state and confessing communities with moral commitments. Each must, however, draw support from traditional goods and ensure that they become personal guiding principles. The state as a bearer of the public school system is above all responsible for securing the recognition of “basic values”. This refers to those orien- tation goods that all citizens should share, because a nation’s orderly co- existence, coherence and continuity depend on them. Given the widespread societal value-pluralism, teachers are obligated to display neutrality, impar- tiality and tolerance in religious-worldview questions. This does not hold, however, when it is a matter of basic duties toward fellow citizens, of virtues 6 Education and Tradition for pupils, such as diligence, love of order, punctuality, obedience, and basic consensus on the central cultural goods that school syllabuses prescribe for all students. Teachers must defend and try to win their pupils for them.16 In our individualistic democracy, however, the more the value-pluralism, individualization, lifestyles and permissiveness of norm-violators spread, the more pressure increases on schools to be open to all possible orienta- tion goods, but no longer to set any as obligatory. Information should be provided about everything, but nothing should be unequivocally validated and sanctioned. The study of religion has replaced religious education, and ethical instruction on moral-philosophical abstractions has replaced moral education. It is a matter of dispute whether a valid ideal of general educa- tion including its moral elements is still possible today and can be prescribed by the state. If schools yield to this pressure, then instead of institutions for preserving shared orientation goods, they will become co-responsible for dismantling them. We must recognize these dangers for public school education and as much as possible eliminate them. In addition, we must also take into account the limits of values education in secular, pluralistic mass institutions. Already over a century ago, Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster (1869–1966) drew attention to this. As a pioneer of a liberal-enlightened moral education, he taught ethics courses for boys and girls of school age in Zurich between 1897 and 1913. His experiences soon led him, however, to “insight into the absolute pedagogical inadequacy of all irreligious youth education”.17 Due to his experiences, for the rest of his life he was convinced “that true char- acter education . . . could only be expected from the religious school and not from a neutral school that is only an expression of modern rootlessness . . ., an inevitably impermanent phenomenon”.18 Even those who view this conclusion with skepticism will admit: today there is a conflict between the schools’ responsibility to provide values edu- cation and the dismantling of preconditions for this task. There is no way around the old insight that good families are irreplaceable for the good of adults and for the good education of children. Parents are free from the rela- tivistic and minimalist limitations on faith-based life-conduct and behavior that the secularized state must uphold in its schools. In their families they can preserve old traditions and find new ones that in many areas make pos- sible spiritual rooting and finding a cultural home: in activities ranging from play, work and manners to singing and reading to prayers and celebrations. To be sure, if left to their own resources small contemporary families can- not accomplish this alone. They need protection, strengthening and encour- agement by a larger community of like-minded persons.19 Where religious faith is still vital, that can be a religious community. If community mem- bers have lost their faith, there are still many other community-promoting goods, interests and tasks. Meaning-giving traditional goods are not limited to religious faith goods. Enlightened conservatism should not look down on the “'small' answers to questions of sense or meaning”20 if the large, Education and Tradition 7 comprehensive or transcendental ones have become unachievable. A wise withdrawal of claims on God and the world is part of moderate enlighten- ment as a central element of the Western tradition.

Notes 1 Landmann 1969, 185 ff.; basic Shils 1981. 2 Cf. e.g. Schleiermacher 1959, 61 ff. 3 Cf. Hazard 1939, 1949. 4 Cf. Tepe 1988. 5 Cf. Kolakowski 1984, 2001; Brezinka 1992, 45–98; 1994b, 46-95. 6 On the closed group as the location of character formation, cf. Brezinka 1971, 251 ff. 7 Cf. Brezinka: Der lernbedürftige Mensch und die Institutionen. (Learning- needful man and the institutions) In: Brezinka 1995, 85–120. 8 For a clarification of this attitude, cf. Lübbe 1987. 9 Cf. Brezinka 1992, 134 ff.; 1994b, 105, 134 ff. 10 On the habitualization of norm-relevant experiential and behavioral modes as necessary condition for mastering life cf. Brezinka 1987, 71 ff. 11 Cf. Brezinka 1993, 14, 25 ff., 55 ff., 103 ff., 220 ff. 12 “Antipädagogik”. Cf. Schoenebeck 1985. 13 “Ende der Erziehung” Giesecke 1985. 14 “Mut zum Erziehen” Meves 1970. Cf. also: Mut zur Erziehung. Beiträge zu einem Forum am 9./10. Januar 1978 im Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn-Bad Godes- berg. Stuttgart 1979 (Klett-Cotta). (Courage for education. Contributions to a forum held on January 9/10, 1978 in the Bonn-Bad Godesberg Science Center). This forum was held at the initiative of Wilhelm Hahn (1909–1996), who at the time was the minister of education in Baden-Württemberg and included Christa Meves in his circle of pedagogical advisors. The “Declaration” (163–165) agreed on at that time stems essentially from the Zurich Philosophy Professor Hermann Lübbe. 15 “Mut zu guter Erziehung”. Cf. in this book, p. 42 ff. 16 Cf. in this book, p. 15 ff. 17 Foerster 1915, second foreword of 1907, X ff. 18 Foerster 1960, 377 (emphasis in original). 19 Cf. Brezinka 1993, 55 ff. 20 Marquard 1987, 48; English: 1991, 44. References Acham, Karl : Philosophie der Sozialwissenschaften. Freiburg 1983 (Alber). Adam, Konrad : Wohlgeplantes Chaos: Wie die Pädagogik der Schule die eigene Ratlosigkeit aufdrängt. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 9.3.1984. 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