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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-24-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 03-24-1906 T. Hughes

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SCHOOL TAX . WATER QUESTION v AMERICAN PRESIDENTS NIECE THE TRADE BOOM IN LEVY Q AGAIN , NOBLE HUSBANI PACIFIC AND ORIENT Submitted to Attorney Gen- At Meeting ef Good (iwrfr JAILS HER Priehard by School ment League List Hlht eral . OWTtTRIMNa THE EACT. VAN BUREN WOULDN'T Made, aiTH Urn peat Superintendent tiadtey. Speeches - 0nTH m tbe Athwtia STVatrfD THE UNFAITHFUL- bar 4mb HNrwing mm tnumm rftSSS OFlnTHE OAY COUNT 01 te VttlfiHjm the parti eonat porta Save o SOMfrGOOD POINTS BROWP'OWf vmftLMBNARIrO, AN HE 18 grown flam tl.e9.Mu to IMPORTANT DECISION K0NDERED t wfuma. MNTENOEP TO THREE MONTHS annflanBnaBBBBBBB M&h IN WUiON ANOTHlR AMBHl VTXahbMtoa, Marrfc tl The (Tuneey. Mareh M.) (Tuaaday, Marh tt.) L &N TJinL'8 ROU0H EXPsfBW taotabta femwa of the wonderful oom- - ' Bight, Xeiger tg all eiemaKtaanataaf teat The followlaa: doclaloa iM Mil USfe. LjiWtlt WITH A TITLE, ENDS IN RVfVMtl farTafTVfgtMHIfMK MPW HfllTVaOT tSi by Attorney Oaneml Oood Uovrnmnt league wet, mUl a the Thttted ttMea hi (he growth at rmir4 aome ot in BW.T II1UAIIUN PUB I na, aa chunhebi of S Pilchard, MMnrvr to a Hum number ueM ttae the rndfte oabJt etttea ts letwr anee. Moat of tb ovealag ww TITpaS CENT, lorebjui trnttb. Hadley, "aperta-tenden- e from lrf. Hiram to discussion of year export of public Iwirructlon: a iiw WW rjrlaa: tea mat the it ion made the city by tit vVaUrr i from taw Paatne nana have alpk li 1 huve jeer Stew of id 11th Sasttlv oMMMHur to Mil tnolr pleat , ftarH, N. V., March fH -- of Inatant. eocloolog. letter from JHn Ar doubled tloaUtUH worth M440.UIN. AMWMM iUMlM, nhj the eempHiint inad ay wt Jm tney exwrtM Morrow. preeldeflt of the btMtrd of laWtf to be MOMtiwi from the etrasesTt dl Cartetmeaftrdo agawal etty ration, duration of the of rela ifceeua. eaejy Mt eveatfteiNa h has iHMMt eaRrMM is wryiRK ex 8rnt ar tive to in wwiw HMfi to tn 4nn, woore m orw of tmfaKlifWaaaa ami 4fy Mbt wwtntiti 4 aMtHbM4 ueo - to imttnaonment far twree rMbotta hg Mr ineulry l a loMowm tae , lBMH- hT Morrow's StttOtt to IHH-- Uyr pWlK, amiWK W a mhw n aa aamMNsMaa. Now Mint wo doair nettled Mj jri-- HtmAjamff tk mw w buy pmm. jMnipM ) anlntaia mmte from the vary a aVarV "wrM9e whether the Ota mHfft l be toted hw-- h by oajmioguo 8Hd nMnftMW, by heenato. - wear f kmHaR old Deteh ateeJc. Hhe meat taRM and Oar ttn at in eieetlA Ib Jtrty Mttat Mm ia- Atdeftmin nattier tutted emtly rtwaa amH Van rmren, a grand nltea with fJitaa and Jaaan baa ajntmK k, . mo liw nre ana gariwii mm w far tha Intaraau of tha Water Nupply ef the atgbth prealdeat of tbe united donl.led in a year and tripled In two rwt Wvr. M avMonwM by ih company. """aBJ Jafafl-- udgiantng in lwa at u mn per trad ot only about Mt a kmt w Statea, a dauxhter of General Tana. tar. iatM oT lttf, OlMtvtor 71; or Uwlaa tha wind up of but Ulk. aa B. Van lauren. who waa once mlntater float of dMhw. our exnoru to China year, while the real ot the world bto a. tho potMT a4 Hutborrty to lvr tn wa aaakod tha follow In quvatlon by to Japaa. and tn klnawoman of rein dttiing a period of 10 month for nar eapiu trade of Jf 7 a year, or am roRli fur aboal parsMon aad two and L. T- - Uelaney, a prom ni-- proHtity tlwaa tn 'Kb diplomat ir aerrKv all over which th raaOTd wer kept, grew time aa awn. The popaiatbaa of n- - or half mill tor tatofw la adtittloa bolder and real vuitw thta the world. tbe nat year. aUrtna the name period thla other haU ef tbe earth kf Nit :. i he ton MtlltT Ala. wlMt notle ally. iu$fly to W miliiona and the peat year to to prodeoln eeerla to Ita enpogSbaa. a It waa ;Mr while In Hlce. that or .'loci Ion la rtf4lrdT" In eaac tha city imrcnaat-- tn It mrniont The tioortt to Japan tn The chief innjiS) at tka lack of taana-porta- l - who haa a rapnta- - Thn abov i amotMHfd br m- Water Supply company a plant, Mr. tsreaed trow 1C mllllona to it mll- - loo frjjpbtoe. Bat tnore tffM-p- ar iih.r quMtlofl frwn you, m fawwa: Hanlw. what will boeom ex tn itmu t 4i mm tat km maaHgta ara eemlng a may .janaaaaHfe-1- lio iht ewaty aommlmtftaaM M mony aome two hundred of W havu . . "Tii ' TMa w It mm a rnnoh aa w aent have come at M ether part oi tfta iHiwor to laalw Uw lvy m two aiM paid th Water Vttpply company for Jgnut th ago and fourteen aorta, and rfceit ndreat win work a .hip half mil' without aay m of matara, wnicn, up to tn prni thae M.Mtbkwidt w aent to China. eehmeal btSnota atul trade lowrm. hn ttoiiVeT" time, we liar never reealradf" VfWal Ihatt of the ftttnr of oar la-b- li Sft oaMry earth la m mvokiaoly Th Uw on Uta Jct of tko lety To thla th aUfBrman ratiiled that eaaat ettriM ami the future of thl altnated to haMnt by tbe now aetH-mere- lnl f (aim tor aoaoel fewwly "he bad had that maUaf pre ONptal trade? em wttttoh h dawwlug a hi inrHtN Mr In StaMa. xiaiwi. ! m folhnra: 1W4 of tested to him before juat tnst IM WLiM MWA Multiply tbe total of tb present the United W have a mIIm. Se. tHMMy - T COPKTWaW O AT RttO. i h complM )awi ot 18T9, tk saMel Ught, but that Uta Wator oot- OHoHtnl trade by nln aad the reauK M frottUg om tha rHolfle of IMjm patty wonid loox into it, una nx it ai. will n rouajh aatlmnte o! th poten-tbtfeltr- M NRHtieal &Hl, w ohave a eowmwr-e- iirrt(rs ara auUifmn br4I Bfrtw paaaed youth, bettnj; In 4HpWlty - ha aoaoaaary rtfiM. lumgn juat now na mieuneo liar flrat then on aeemmt at the of trndea- of the Ojriental trad. To pat and 0maml (oothotd at the dte rd to ivy a tax whm her Stth year, bat aa tftbeaht waa world, In nut flr mllta oh Ik Cottar, to "fix It." tha alderman Mgiv?icti H h (nmber way Ul preeent trade of the now aejmtdrotal tRa x(dlne in year neater, R wttwetwMered her nebta iirM-Ua- e; - to mention. her teac broi ihe Hue Aain and OoMnla amounU to throe rhlllptdne. We 1tar naUonal m ny ott yaar, on th takablo prop- 1m ef yaara to a wltalde matefa. l(e onhr of iawrrmir IMrbh Van flwraa if-- ImHmm to (lie riy r tiHrtr Soma two who. aeeordlnf nt billion Italian, nil tb4r populattofl and, eangrmin rtMaT nmmia. ttacra, many af a very old Ntopleft frtmlly, 4mt waa nhhaJ herealf unon hwr beanty. white waa ilMOMnda Mid hour, we will havg. a law numareua water ttitn - la Sa,00,aoa, wliil that or all t of a rtii the oh tha atthiact m ware ttHnraaahad by repraMtttatlve KiippoHed to bw tin, at variance jo aniuioeed to raanntble mtt ot the Hh- Is mtey adeanate Havkl March 17, wfcau ta lata-- mi of the work bat 7M.00,0. auMatent and tn of the Water tply cimnaHf. witb hia reepeet from ttther aalilampn who fortHnnt Mart Antetnevtt), lint the Uada of tb rest of the wofltl faellltlaa Ik tie Pteine to ptwh aflA .atutf ameadotf tno aJbov luatlnn If they American wive. When eh wa a yo)BK giri. netm nUtglcen doUara. hold advwntam) whtah aw It proviso: tha prepoartlon that vvuio amouata tn billion the r mil Mldad to tn feUowlac pay maialUmj; water Htatf-- The couple were married the earn awe of her early vbjfc te l'Hrt ah right for the ot y So l: la eton Utet tbe Orient haa a l'royidd, that any aahool dlatrlot. laav-- they would fee ftiniMNd water at the ar at Sf. Jam' In LjH4oa, rama appeared at a 4Ma ball in h i mm a majority vote of ta laaat tax- meter rata. Probably two hulhirad over to vlait hr ittMUvwl at ttt hall-tu- y eaaraetrr of the miatraea or tewi iay'ra tarof at a nMuiarly flallad of the water near, w appRuehed, time and quejceled nort while Trianon. She haa been a farortte in lc' ion for tha pNrpoM, my Hava a atatad laat night, dug up i& a afterward. Th count ta live at Auetrlan court clrclea and waa aa - wt itir iiwwr to lavy for aoaool PMr- aiece. or a total of Itt.vija, tor the th- - Holland Houae la thbn1ty and at oorted at a garden party by the lata iioai'H not to axoaod ud fmrcbaee of hee water meter. That i ho time hi roiintnan wng laid to be King Leopold of Belgium on one MOST POPULAR MAN mm., meltMHfta tkti , mllb) tuir Br iwo Jvr am jwj " v.rv III. Thi diRrea l vatehad Mnfef wawl rhnelvbd Ibe'Metetr t Th wur iii. to be riutoaur loiiuajenwr umain On of the moa,t xtraorfltaary aa liurixiaaa." TMM WW Mtw iwmtNMty. it a Hnderatoeti. of n Siavutlat Mlere. ... I yjaiweea wmt wa afwana ever an-- 1 Jaet atood tMtU Maiam that thV Ixt fuma an er-- WbaH.Mr. Tfca Paren, tae met mil iWefirreiea trna a tiiiaWlal ex i In ipRlalalnro acath am ban meter om are unuoif nf the inuuKw, dhM, aae left ner far har aarMaaa nma aad EaTSBr JBJnnSSg N INDIANA A Hm4-- FEklf irii4 ia th tullawUii: to jmt yea. dawntrter the xreatev unit ef her well p. Hlteheaek mjM H lanan aft trn M I'rovlaM, that any arhool dla WkKi Not In two Icuia )arr? ate. Thla waa wanted m TwafteeK. Klaadlhe. wbeni tbeTeWWtf tie r K . -- a In i tot wpon a majority vote of tb le No wondajr taaaniKio aakd N. J., and waa earned to be rawed dangera and prrvaMona of fJpaurMrg v. rcatt-ralla- d StOO.iMMi rougn camp, w gal tax payor throf a by Mr. 9Why Wran from THK ('tlrNTRW HI catk;i.mbn- - at or no a mining laoae !cttoa for tb ftariMNW, the WUm vwtrd. - . On two different orcnalena the delicately bred woaaeu pHchad a tent ARCKJ. n. mtj hav th powar to lavy foraclwrt . AMeman Hanley attematen to oowataaa pnbllabed noticea tn the and ataked a elnlm outaide of TJhw-ao- purpcMKNi not to aaaaad tn mllia. i ahow that It the city bought U waiar tlnn for lot. of ailvi'iitiir. and aa a newapapera that ahe wnuM pay M Here they aold enwaea good to t b-- eK during at day the ESSSSsT'" i I'lndtax th flva mtll Itry krlte yauH, water ranea to in bohbujpwi globe troitt'r. nii-- and waa wooed by debt "exeein those ahe had the mlaem. the of rSSmnnnnBmBSi - for authortaad far anoh parpoa." tmuld be rednaed, whereaa. they ewuld the Italian noble, Count Veaelehio oontraeted.' Wheti th two mad np week, and on the aereBth held rellg r will l obaarroa that thru (at uat now heenme the water emnpany, Hirxa dl Caatelinunardo Hhe had aha eaM that the ndvert laanHmt waa lona aervloaa. I,700 Minondtwaat la la Ute hhm lanmiaga he aald, paid taxoa. annnnr nannnnnm na th ammdmaai of Itot, aieovt tea II waa ashed which would be tha mm u aubatltatod for aoraa and inoro reMoaabie; tor tha elty to re nair mllla Vrow tha ahova U will Uue tha water rates on n fefMee Hnder 1W4 ef th lnyKmettt, or tor the Water hHippty ih uw) that tln rbjM FOR ON A - lawt. a tax HVI H fir nilil company to reduce the rate G0N6RES S Ml- oul l Ik mada. T'n4ar now. etnoa the original inTeatnient, l 1UU nf tha MkUton lClWlmHlA!1SN. way Hothlng oi ,li wtrnmR Oitpaeny ? irr ra toirndlBK aald taction iM4, Hv In the interuui, waa not wwi-iHi- at mllla moro ma be adaad. Ih Oifla the mtloo now aaVod. - FORM OF PLENTY OF BABIES vrorda. mill levy prorldadfor AHieraian viiaamm naxt wax uta the tea floor, Mta aay in th law of 1m. iRclttdaa the nva iiml davotad time to mill in aaetlon Ink that "he waa analnat wunleiMl iv lilt. ownartthln. inaamaell as WJMHn. Ttiare It aaotbar provlatoa la chap-- ttolltm MAYOR BEALU ALTON, ILU ereeti in and work to the uatrt Of er 74. of tit aaatMm law of ivua. lHdllKI HAS FOB HIS MOST 00N8PI0U-OU- 8 lavy by dla- - ot the ottliusa nt mt3J.' ritxardlnc a apeeial tha U nt--.:p- ownarahlltr PUKHK ANTI.RAOE In sama wanner at agalnat irlrt loard tha man wiiheraon la naturany ngaiwtAW' tii(tievy ic mad In aactlan 1UI ot MwiHiti'l tniylng Water - li onHMtlAd ISaT. bttt the elty th aanai ha lavra of thl patty c of eoi r nmat. Y MAlftm nrovi.ion ajHdlaa to the ralalMX llarriaon then addronaed II OJuHlML paymaat of oulataad Aldaniutn HI., inontr for fha the aaaewhlaifo. He apobo of the (Kd HeaU la the wTf'WO, inic rhiMI bomaa, ate., and haa aoth and baa proven ntmeaif m iwway vraji - will known Utinneaa aim rratmy ot a :n t.. do with tha ta mill iy t"- kalameln pipe, quoting the opinion one of tbe strUMtohaat DMimMmia or vlttatl for In tha lawa of liOB of exeerta on tbe matter. Ho drew uio anti-rar- e aoteldo prtoetpm. Hta It wulii aeem,lht aaatloa 4. the wator plpea fries da are now bftowtrix htm for AI iX?4W B a oomitwrtaon between a WJamMto't 64. of tha wiMlan laws of 130S, of the Wttter Supply eoMpaiiy. whloh eangi-oa- trpon a pJntform Ht which bin hmt tbi. board of adueatloii and only a working proaaur m e oMMleaa HOoa raeo attietwa form tno tvr- - have srbool dlraetora hav noUiias pound, and wttleh K l aald ute man- - most ueumjieioua putna. wwy no m ihm- - tn da with making the lavte Mement ot tbe Water gappi. aoov a trdlrteat aapenont ef rooo aetetd la i.. iv mortal m aehool bo&de that pany will not allow to ae imiroaee told by btmaeif espeelnUy tor Th mm In acooraane with tn aw powaoe. Svealng OrUami ) wfaaaamdnrdra. iisuad tor teat ournoaee. to over trm of that at. but that thla duty and a common piece of garden noae I aw gao Wtner at o uwno lanuir conferred on th county nianufacnred tor domestic pnipueea myaetf. 1 believe that I apeak with lim&ar tha art mlerred to, only. aulharllr born of exwrleaoe when I .inni nonma aro V u i. mulx th duty of all aehool hnr th earnan mm taw manu ay tlmt alio truly happy f r IHTII tMard to aaoartala th ladabtadnaaa tacurera abaolutely guarantee that it &a 3T of their dlatrtrta aad to wan eoupoa will rennrre 400 Dounda pnaavr to No lMmo one be a real jo. tbe in!!! iHrf. ia oMllora. ate. MClton buret It The water nlaea Will not brio at watch it lamata worship. ..i i ).. . nmvldiM aBMMiK ether tand over SO noun da ordlnarKy, and tanlaai lhaee are little folks there to tblnita, that the board of oducatlon tielug in imminent danger ox ourKoia cement tha tlaa which have bound the irftarri of aohool dirctori laaulni at IIH) pound preaaurv. roe mier-en- r member tosataer. I believe taat taer .iboida under thla act aball notify the waa plain. aaouU be IHUe owes in every how county roMmiaaioBera u in auot na tbe atatftment or err or tt la muajiblo for taom to aoi itoarda of - HIIKHRICK IXKiKg TODAY. AUKTi. AM HIS PfVSJ flrat Monday in May Maivmoiir. a nine exJWIt, AMorajUHl ia naar to ntntnuiln the hlem abar- AS HB ANI UMKK1 it before lb u Amertoaa wtakoa YkUHM Add In eaah year of tha atnouat reouirau itarrimi tirrd uti tne aonaaiioei actor that over true om he evening, winning groat appmnae amy fee ajtafangawHuna; aacwm w i uay Intaraat aueb hoada ute Ind., March 2Z i .1 th thereby. mwoh mla-- ladlanaoolls. irii. that Shtrrick hail loaned aatf mA rountv noamlaakmar aaali the AWiarloan aotton. If tjo popular man In will to.mrt th. noaatiea not eome mto any man e Indiana tnveatd tl of th atate'a awaaa at time of matting (aa (or Wnllace Heaaeiden h foimo4s bo wearing garb of a ran v quarterly tha ly tf Mr. Seymour, as - waaa my toon the in and waa usable to mk hia law x tax suMctent to atamenta of Pn- k baa obeervntioa noattoatwry. UavtA K. aaylns way pea-vm- hg la the eta at biueat witb otat Ouvstaof th annual Intaraat on ttc llahed In The Bveukng Ctttiea. tjbatdt atwawa nda aocae ot MAYOR BD BSUU- - gfaerrlck, gaditot state, ta tu wer occasioned by a peraonal osvnlorta wad naoaasrtlea of foravw of Haaly dniaaadeii Merrick's banaaaV Thla of ooara. ia In they eajmavr . I M.altk iMm" lrr. aoatag a row rmmnm Wo onoa wao nave eoaae la tha of tb aheritf. MalM.tln .ijutniMnnt nf th tan utlll lvy 'Of arudae. and trie for uttlo a abnlaa hatwiwn tke two 1 SOmetalBC 100 WOUU Beta ) MK OI Haaatav Via taaaaml aaattan. a, tUmi In Water Supply com bo atoeT af la ia tha v. -- nrovtdad for favor of the to mako H Hwy nod to the with the ahUaven who are, aad to take wSZSr pany and the kalameln pip uw dsaSiilag year of the parenu. tiM tar fm .ki ina aato. lawa of IfM. and ttoZJK iSSmy com- - aotion that might educau the oarrU:k rawt a pla.-'K-. lZ xl mat uT m7 ..k.., pa or tha lima aji a nean. aiobi imh imm r believe m aiioooraaHig large aromps o. aoa evil of wtelde. m no vote of th . at Mia do what taciinataSJiXi tracSa la e. awawt require upon him thundered la paaqmis. uiaa-fa- bar to ,lhy Mo9, arrerai baadrod 1 eoaoemad. turned and wtianovor tt LT .. mXm- - to imdavwtaad what tt means to them .k..l I ra4. us prra of th dlatrtat that iMaaeiaatm-rs-a aamlaot abn- - mataAaal aa dx twtml ramalnjt Innolry "How ia it. Mr. Ileesetden. IPflP" VvtFIbt ajawewaare u Kardlg rwr loaa ago. yott ana in beeauos WMa l ao to eoMnv. If tb to on abort month or area arena tka font am atooUtma. ate. I Ware mo I esteem n . I nTtim 6a tS max. lav i bis II r . 1 tai 1.1 a ' a to nolle of were and aoul agaiaat the OP-- there um ummi foUm la Uia hatsaahold pie s'wd Urore. u..a r law la upon that teart WTlvliagos ur aiy urn w to aay that the Ht oaitloa of the city buying the vfwor awwht be boM op to the exeoratioa ot too t wuiiu howavar. rk to ao . , v ..... aaaMt. uaalv eomaanr'a Dianl. even of all tadeAlaaT people. Too at all the time aad hard ... B ravuraaia mr atatr uwk-- in iwww rtatit wa 4 ..s--- L ao far aa to deela re that at one time lam. hoieovov. tbM raaaon "or there toverywoor m laciaaa aw-rr- to ihA otabp, TMa mot mMed te h you had an option on the plant tor no 6wfMrn la oaed aa aa x , wa. kaowa aa "Dare." He wa a aooJ pwoT firy, wwiet) rMarao.1 a vo fWaa ttiUX tU tlttt bemc MININB PROM CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR AalH. Mil far itmt than tney now ana tae mta, auaw tamt la not haatdfmd by facts. NEWS teiiow ia erery eeaww tee wore. i- - nct orrfawBRf, OM OOW, aSMWe a aow aaaa I I aehool dl CASH ENTRY MINK MEET IN LOUISVILLE. aH rt tlit. alaatkm of ware aahtiae th meat are tooth and rmtVitnx Bat where had a way of winning friend aad la WMoaV serve - Mv' nlan In a . tri! Mratrlat mast .Mtnn wouia ha aafllolant. An bm- are now and aow proved New cornea from tvrrtuos toat Mew Yorw. MArah . For i keopins them. twa yaara Jnda-men- t. toenail, aad bn4 ebllavan) oaatM aad a bavoa baa fo ia Jjrsatyea la my - oa Oka ahnry uw r- - tar tlon of thla kind, would la for tha intaraots or the water amppar a araat t bHWO rtOVWf sMt aow oaaoratrator the boaoSt at the 1010" ASattlftry of Tbe dwmfng of borileb le tb Meurathtry. faWrWrk betd that It had ragulnriy called will tie reads to? ftOtlVe OO-- i a hrfWaat nntar h ranariad aa com pnay T Why thla obaaaje or aeari a monab'a nre. The ohma of pooato raaart .l.u,. u,.tll suit of poMhm, Wfeen ao Met aoasM fbe aWom of state saditora to - few iaya. con II Ua uadar tba law, In one anort month r- wbo have the Sata kawwa m ofottoaa within a tb talaateat with lag plotaro. muetc omee b waa a innapaashi lawyer ami -- ahjrt aoasbt will have bsny of Urte altar- - Bytt ute rad Ringing applnns from every Alton aa Morks Meat" aro of the eoalrator aMi imgiayj will be glvoa laaoranee aoMt at NobleevHlo. TSO, MbarrK M 4fi year old. Wama Sfty daily it "HI be kept In ball roam the bo TWO KOTISNS OPfBREB f th hall greeted thla aaliy. oharaotor who can aMord to srva their tone aad mmn the grand of aoatiiMtuM. mv atatttm of state ooet aMaood peiltlc age waa Bight sup-- a. - lv ya ha FARM aariar of tt OM nUUlO oerhaaa do not day aad if tha ora WaMorf-Aatort- On of tb ia- mm noony aa mwea a ma vw l0R OAMfBELl. mrlr UOI ehlldrea comfort, bat wblnh vtgoroaa man. Today aa ta Ve- - adjourn, which waa paOOad. ration out. Tho "Btpoay turee of th ealertaiameat will bo the aalary-t- aa The oommlaaloaeri of the La uiotlon in coaautor Ihemaelveo able to own a recently .r9 H.M Mias la w heoUhaeil ealrlt. ft and th mnetlng came to aa abrnst u ia to aaen paopm that owe tkt conceotratui baa prodjwotlon ot a clever Uttlo fraBch nnai eatery rut went ibcd owe a mtwnaad a number of mtoiac cdala aamodr. aVdr du by aari Dry Fanning w D1,r' Mr own Mr. trvlavrta v"La at."aa4 Mr. man. eaton atty. aad not Satdrtag to wry a Mnagvy tljlaa aad "'bar prtrtU Mra.- MatNi! Saeoa. Jr. ..Jv imm at land. ae eoadHavn I .v. iiuWM la , t tta ataaAaad WhHa ia paerrton oaamaao m the, Lsrtmm Sam ens, for rJatytf raaaa eetaU- - w u. Mawvlean. andof aaroeea Maaat. ooeid aat ragu ..a iaaa... lu gov-- nameball dry farm be tir a - pToaty niiitareo, I Ba.wsana oi nawr for jaVlverjr bW atago betweoa TrtoMav thai a aam aaaao eblkiaan. too optaiott that item- at of haa afrojaiell the Uvlas n "aw li One bad a-- w. avnor, roaojoo aeawt aaJaawstSe, was roa dowa by a ikJLt mlllbm -- n to in aad noa - - ta.. kiaak inao K.Vf. one) Siat woaaam akbrka oao la Mm vtelalty to upair the ur a rt.t- muj . .,, m. ' taau the tarrttorr aan be et !f5a ot ml the ma er who tlx rw ' ..7 i rMttHasa Saata V frsmt twin wbSe trytaaj rrt - ta In ir th wetem Brerea n ra waa a vtattor In the aJr, JaMrlW aMrMtiea ot mreathoM w nt It c oTEef etat oonvwettoe rfaaay waa fJaatod. to drive over a grndo eroaateg near ttMi.a ymrTerday. lo Leo, tl tavttar. ia mv mind, nana tBo near .ovaoo caattrJtttaNar awT. .... SLT&ata hral tmm maa. Th raintwti U from kee4eMMra wUl oeaxemeer. irw, taw maanar ana x'.rau Aagohw. lot woman who la koaadod bytbe po tore. aoalatv aoa. wviai anw'twin" tinM tfUva incftca. .. ' 1 " ntru hi ber intended visit te thla en rmit Dean Santa r, where he had j NOTICE. R. U BAOA. et nl Itv. nemjiNg to Masonic ioage mh- - OTO!lK0WOwaO Plaintiffs: im To Begets, WaKer Alteway, The ladles at the John A. Lease es. . Frank FILOMBKA PKRhU DX OTXRO. i WASHINGTON LETTER Circle, a. A. ft, gave a SK. PaWIsk J. J. MtWt. of cuiesge, wko same I their heirs, administrators and as- IntervenoT) serial Saturday nlgM whlah waa high- - her name time ago te engage In the Most Anything; signs, and all persons claiming In- vs. ir entertaining ami suesaasiud from prnatleej of law. has gone to the In terest or lfile to the Iron Mask and SANTIAGO ANAYA. et al, every poln of view. About IM guests dmn Tarrjlory where he will establish Blask Iron Mining Claims: Defendants. EVER parte ftasntt-alltle- a IS AS SPICY AS were present to ef the CrO&aOttHro&mO3O0Ow You ara hereby we. A delightful mu Mann, the ganeral mer- notified that Appeal tram the District Court ot the of the ladles. Charlai your tn Mask appropriate wr chant and postmns'ar of PhWIIos. Va- "Have you begun to save up tor the Iron oaunty of Hernallllo to the supreme ileal program, te ta Lode and BiacV Iron Lode, situ- eaaton, waa rendered and emeeet lesr Is. county, Is la the sKF on busi- next summer's vacation:'' the Court et Me Territory of New Max hla "Sure. Began a month ago. ated la the Las FlaeUae Mining Dis- leo by pMantena Per en do Olero, the aervad. ness gad to visit brothers, John county MandsvnI. Territory Handed Senate Proposes to Crush All Admin- hmtll Mann. "Hew mush have you get iagetherT" trict of 1 siwvviior. High P. Lnwrenee Wnlher, repreaentlag and ot Now Mexico, have expended Two It. Hanford. la In the aMy and Col. J. A. Wood of QokHn. N. M.. "Three railroad guides, two steam Charles books - Hundred uoiiarn in Mbor and Hn preve The said defendants In above today Made arrangements with Man-aae- r manasiar ot the field Hull km Mining ship and nre hotel advertise- the Facts About Supreme nt upon said lodes, as will appear eause, to-wi-t: istration Measures Mnteon of the mka' onern houee company, arrived la the eity yester menu. eels entitled Mariano Ara oaya .by aonlfloate filed October and, 1905, gen, Jnana Oandatarla, Maria Oaade tor the aneearanoe ot Mr. Hantord day aai will remain Mvorat m once said tarla, Roosevelt oompany on InUirdny buslnese. MOST ANYTHING ICS) wOITION the of the Recorder of Jose Caaddarie, Damacio Gar BenchNew Job Proposed. and here traaeaattac county, in order to bold said premises cia. Gal Mareh Slat, pmylns "Tamtnx ot K. P. Davey. Interested in beet The hottest thing ever printed. the unknown heirs of Nicolas provisions or ne-vise-d legos, In the evening, and crowing la southern Oamrado, is In under section Hit, Juan Jose Herrera y Jlmlnes. the Mrtw" t The cowboys have been playing Statutes of the United States, Felipe Herrera, prodtwlng "The Mereeaat ot veniee-a- Aitmaueraue endeavoring to secure Manuel Jaramllto. Jokes on ttlba Root, Jr., who toft oot-- being tbe amount required to bold ths Rafacia Goasales do Mason, the un the matinee In the arternsoa. Mr. to work In tho beet MeWs year OUR CONSULAR SERVICE AND OTHER COUNTRIES Mr. dnrmg coming te for a ranch In order to reaain bis same for the ending December known heirs nt Doretea Montoyn. Jose WaJher haa ben aaaorlated with the season health. cowboy 1106. years. win regular review Wlmt's n joke to a Slit, Sabedrs. Trinidad Ballejos, Manuel Hanford for flfteon There be a ot man wno And If ninety days y lota In the Perea 1, L. O. I has been aaeeuT within after this Oorrla Arngon, Jesus Gansalos de The auction snte o.' Alamo Hive No. T. nt "I'm beany In thought no notice by pubileaUon you tall or refuse down la ale antl-Ce- x speech, last fall, held by the o. O. F. at 2:M p the that Garcia, Franclsao Jaramllto, Venerea Bbemnl Oorieeiisniloaca. and Haetern addlttona hall tomorrew woman ever will run my to your proportion ot suen Mareuec, 1). March 17. then haa keen no end of apprehen oompany. iatnr-dn- jr tn Importance. Regular be able tn oMinbttto da Maria Rofugta Ortts. Jose WmWBHih). C, anrefar Investment Uustneas of prowd expenditure as r, your ift cowoera ansou the sion aa te what be might do to the nlgkt, wHen Seott Knight moatMy will be said tho mother. a later Jaramllhi. tho unknown heirs ot Atan '1'hore gantrlne ta Mia. "He's very Independent, I he?" est in said claim will become she Aaaya. loaders m s enigma a over Oam machine. Ohio republloana have with Ma leathern lnnga. Mrs, Prank Dow. mother of W. S acm Juan Anara, Fells Herrera rnMm been for for many a day of "Not so very; but he's too buy to property ot the subscribers, under said de Araads, Antoam Jose Aragon. the tVMNMl election at members rise molt In the aale of IT.4M worth Bowen, of its Broth Third street. ne Section Nft1. fear haa taheu They were native even under the AthMnerque d4H. Col. Sellera, rf the left morning for home run." Arsmm, Homum Arngon. Mar- of the house. The this her at m HNRRRjRT O. BROOKS, Aragon, deep medsttee may re-mi- lt locderehin of the late Senator Mark company, eipreeeed himself aa thor perior, Wis., a pleasant visit ef garita the unknown bers of mo that a afur Hmperor Willis m la building a 0. at. FRANK. Rowadms Aragon, Is ft democratic majority ef Manna, hut Ma eominaat personality ongtty satisfied with the reeult of a mootb with her daughter. Pans Aragon, her yacht. Sign ot peace. No country First pubWoatten, Jan. M. IMC. of Teresa Manuel representatives lu the Mtk congress. aetioHa i him rawer novel aaie h city km The U. N. M. team defeated the Al Bsea and ArawU republican Whenr?'w'T"Manna died the arbitrary math Is rich enough to support Ka king's whose real srst name Is m the plalntie There nre any number ef Last night, at Red Men's hall, the buouernue Imllaas in a hotly ooa yacht and a war at tits same time. NOTItJE OF SUIT. members who neve narrow margins ode of his rale were oontlnaed, but Maruaarte ledge. No t0. held a re tested game nt base ball on tho Trac aaknown, Trinidad Aragon. Dolor s No. 79. Am-gon- , districts who am m m by weaker men. The reetlveneea haa ception, gueeta being I Star ha, Aragon, Meters n Aragon. Nesiora in their mal- the tion park diamond Saturday aner state, bordering pat because of lifcreaied aeeordlnuly, and the grand president; ami I P. lMeehoff. noon. The score wan 9 to S. Territory ef New Maxlcs. Osunty ef Nareiso Aragop, Narcleo UallejM. murmuring vrhMi some from contents have larked only a leader secrtary, gentlemen M Kelly, Meyers Jose Ballajos, soa ot Manuel Ballejos; (be ma acting grand both arena ot the Hraest aanoevai, in the District oeun. "beak home." tu oanae the overthrow of the mealed at Denver. The loeai mono company, wholesale liquor dealers, troto Manuel Halle Jos, Jnana Uallejos a The remit ef thla alrnw to that the ehlne. They hoped nnd the maehlne members were out In force, and all left this morning on a business trip Teresa Balaznr da Apodsca, Rasa, Juan Dace. CI Audio Daca, Juan feeuso la almost cm Ua knees before feared that the leader had been the courtesies possible were shown which will carry him over the Santa i'lainiiri. Uarela, Refugla Candetarla, laea Can-delari- It he ea ttte sepals, pleading that mm of tan found w Beoretary TafL the two distinguished visitors. They Fe Central and Hock Island railroads. writ vs. Juan Pmaelseo Cant) ehula. pellUeal HaalKy s. admluletraUea'a measures whleh hlmaeif aa a retarned north to Denver this morn-in- H. Joss Apcdsea, iMt Candetarla, Domingo Candewrla. aeeeptMjc en the beaab, II. Dunbar, a prominent hotel have the support of puWi opinion ba V a seat man and capitalist of Seattle. Wash., aseV; Defendant. MkMeta Caadeiarla, the tuknowu Ob to repuhHsana will have to wax Gon-sale- oikMteii Into ww. It begins to leak as XUelU. playing Its- - To Joss Apodaes, heirs of Gregoria Candetarla de for nomlng of another man and A. alto, and it. and brother ot our townsman, B. II. If tho senate hail set out te defeat the pint, playing basso, two prominent Dunbar, the real estate man, was In uofcnnaat: Igeaelo Chaves. Vlctorlo Oiiavcs. entire administration program. the maehlae will have another lease Jesus Ohaves, Milas Chayat, tba or life. members of the Mlery band, oame In the elty for a short time Saturday hereby nnlb and republicans do ma hesitate to from Los Angeles this morning and en route to Manila, P. U where he You are notified that the Chavx, Pctra Aragon de CMave. the would mean a demo, above named plaintiff, Teresa Sahuar declare that this Niw Job tor the President will vMi their old friend. Caesar goes for the purpose of superintend unknown heirs ot Perm In Chaves, Ur eratln majority In tba next house. do Apodaaa, haa oommeaoed an ao-"o- n Chaves, Notwithstanding d Mitral Orosves-or'- a Orande here, until the band reaches In the erection of his new $W0,WO eto Juanlta Onaves. Jose Ho (ar aa there la evidence, the for absolute divorce against you, Marls. Cbavci, Santiago Chaves, Juan agitated boom, Mr. iteosevelt'a declaration here the coming Saturday, after which hotel to be built there, and which will upon Hecate been m the grounds of abandonment and Ortega he would nat eeept a thlrd-tflr- the two musicians will continue north be one of the finest hostelrles In the ito Chaves, Fells do Duniln tar the .ZJZ. Th idail company. Mc. had was desertion, and praying for further and guox, Pedro Domlngucx y Montoya. PPa.haa In a nemtnaUon la generally toeepted at with the arande Islands. Mr. Dunbar the former 8eantoM as k been leraed en- around today Intro proprietor (llbeon In ewer roller. the unknown heirs of Cipriani, Duran by one the ablest Ita faeo value, and aome of his the two musicians ot the house. you, magatlae art tele of thusiastic admirers already have ducing them to nis menus. Cincinnati. Ohio. And the said defendant, are do Candetarla, Cecilia Ortega do Gar metnbtra of the house, eontlnuea to hereby not I Bed that unless you appear picked out a Job for him rhen he re- The Athletic association of ths Don't forget to register your name om, Mariano Garcia, Maria Garcia. overshadow. Never before alaee the They you and answer the complaint in said Felix Garcia, Jose Maauel Garcia, did It more tires from the While limine. Hlxh school has ooutracted for two If wish to vote at the approaeh A WIFE BEATER. Msvernment waa founded propose him president ot Ing Is the eauie on or before the litb day ot Rafael Garcia, Teteefor Garcia. Ilojo m al to make appearances ot the IsmoHa Rooney city election. Tomorrow approaeh kulooraey. It The Hague tribunal, world's su you this April, A. D. 196. at the aourt house Garcia, Husebio aarda, Ydemo Oar Mr dtsdainfttl of the Hoys, a musical organisation, tor last day that can exercise (ha manager In county, of the president, premo court law. to "Pleree luck." said ot Bernalillo territory of New ela, Fells Garcia, Adela Garcia, Beat-ri- t pnblte of latemallonal their lyosum course. Vfce Hooney great American privilege and then - the honee, and dledatnlnl of may an the stock company. "Miss Ranting- Mexico, the said Malntier will appiy Gareia, Felix Garcia, wMen be appealed tke inter- Hoya Geueert company la well and fa cast rour vote ton child of Juan national disputes of the etvtllted Waldo, attorney and her husband have settled te the court for the relief demanded Garcia, whoso real first name is to lu thla partleomr session, the sen vorably known throughout the United II. L. chief for the their troubles and she's gone bask to In tke complaint and Judgment will be - world which do not In their very n management Is to be Santa Fe in Now Mexico, is In the plaintiffs unknown; the unknown heirs ate been in a peatman;- asvan ,... f- - - States sad the met you by has but tram Craces, preparing tor a mm." entered at default. of 1 Ken so Oarcla, China Mares du Uuieeos posttkM. It haa not Helf "'J. ' " Jut.l Co tainted upon securing anoh n city Las "Oh. she always was a great worn W. & DAMR of highit clans attraction. The Hooney number or important oases tne aania Garcia, Mfcurttn Garcia, Ouadaluista been eommitted to the enactment "iiL'.IT?:??. no one Is so well an tor revivals." Olerk of said District Court. Oallegee, nny At the poll contend that Hoys will be seen here the second Fe haa earning up In the Second dls Reyes Aragon do Gonaales, tiarttenkir A. J.. Mitchell. Goo-sale- court, wblch this morn the unknown heirs of Jesus Maria s oles to whleh the admlnhrtratkm was AronS week In April. triot convened "How did your husband like your Attorney for pWlntlff. office and American exeeuiive. he has s y SaaUlltiaM, eommitted. tht bouse has grabbed M' opera-e- ele- Ing. new spring bonaetT" Hduardo Gonaales. played a large part aa mediator for The motor that the postofflee address, Albuquerque, Perfeeto Gonsales, Heyos Gonsalcs. A drowning man gral n life pre- cease, vator lu the Harnett building corner Don't fall tn register tomorrow the "He liked It Immonselr." N. M. resulting haa the world's and in tils disinter yeur name Is prop- Cleofna Gonxales. Sablna Herrera. Ro- server. The situation ested Integrity there la undoubted Ilallrnad avenue and Second street, last day. See that "Did he enthuse over It!" enabled senate to assume thts 2 erly recorded on the list: you know "No, he never said word mans Herrera, Uernabo Herrera, Julian the confidence In all kinds. Should this sot out of order shortly before a didn't NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Herrera, Juan Herrera, tlttido toward the hoHt and the pres- o'clock this afternoon and owing to the reason "why." nnd therefore don't even ask what It cost." Mlcaela Her your bills, abnpo ambition of Mr. Iloosevelt's friends perform great oppor (Application 176.) rcra, tho unknown hoirs of Joao Marm ident: We will take be reatltet the prbolem ot what w friction, enueed a volume of smoke tn forxet to this No. them up to suit ourselvea and send tunity, ho you can vote right on Tues A QOOD SENDOFF FOR WILLARD. Department ot the Interior, Land Herrera y Jaramllto, Antonio Herrera. do with at least one pour up through the elevator shaft. Perfeeto Juan thum Imsk to you. If you aecept them, An alarm of nre was turned in nnd day, April I The little god of love haa settled Office, Santa Pe, N. M., January 26, Herrera, Herrcrs. Joao koimI. would be solved. Herrera, Herrera, Has well and good; It not. well and department quickly responded but C. llrown, who reportorlal the fate of two hearts end In the here 1006. Notice la hereby given that In Gavlno Dolor us. the John did Herrera, Paulina Herrera. Catarlno Tho iriatler la not n vital one in Qroavenor on Third Term. before their arrival th electricity had work on the News, Rt Paso, Is in the after these two hearts shall best as pursuance ot the laws of the United - Herrera, Procoplo un- In a subtly Interview, given n Ho one. Wo refer to our genial friend States, William O Tight and his co- Herrera, the Irresponsible to Peoplt. worded been shut off and the danger of fire rlty, after n stay of a few days at known out thla week, doners! Charles It. averted. rorra, tne guest of his o'J friend Mr. Wlllard Hyde, who stole a mareh tenant, Charles Ii. Hodgln, whose post- hdrs of lMltasar Jaramlllo. tbe There Is partisanship n the senate upon his ma.-.-y friends and hied htm unknown heirs of Concopoion Jara- Orosvenor placed Theodore Ilmsevelt Messrs Hamvit. Illnghnm, Howell Anton Mayer Mr. llrown will prob nuico address is Aimmuerque, N. M no less In but senate m mlllo, Gencvovn than the house In nomination aa a third-ter- presi ably continue north to Lan Vegas to self to Gibsons station whero fee Is about to make application to the the unknown heirs of partisanship has this peculiar fea- and Htrousner, who left about a week threw off single put Jaramlllo, Beatrix Jaramlllo. Juan dential oandldate. He had oalled nt - blessedness and United States tor a patent to the ago on boat down the Ilto Omnde morrow mornine- - ture. It la never allowed to Interfere House assure the prest a on the double harness of matrimony "Hodgotlie" Placer Mining Claim, lo Jaramlllo, tho unknown heirs of Ores- the White to & In vicinity I.a K. W. Campbell, with the prestige of the senate. Sen- n for fur duck hunt the of the dairyman, ot The happy bride wns Miss Rva mining of enelo Jaramlllo, the unknown hoira of op may dent that he was not candidate Joya San Aenelo. have returned to Helen, in city today, Car cated In the Sandla district, ators may be republicans they a consular or any other federal ap and is the and visited ter. They will be home In their large Hernallllo county. N. M., being the N. Marcos Jaramlllo, Crecenelo Jnramlllo but first of all they the city, but they came back on the The Citizen nitlee, where he was In y be democrats, polntment. and upon leaving, sold: nnd commodious House whleh Mr W. I of the N. K. 1. Sect. XI, 10 Gallsgos, Antonio Jaramlllo, Jos They may, Hud they railroad and the boat will come along terested In the manipulation ot ths t T. are senator. "The American people reserve the Hyde owned tirerloua to his marriage n.. r. 6 K. of 11. M. P. n. and M. Jaramlllo son of Dolores Jnramlllo as xpree In a few days. They linotype mai-hlne- the big power do. dbmgree among themselves, but mailer and A very fine reception gtven - Chaves, Jose Manuel Jaramlllo, Cri right to elect a man for the third big press. gentleman will to was them The notice of location ot said Hod- lot any outside Influence attempt to presidential term If they want to do were fortunate lu bagging quits a The return by Mr. Mrs. Hiram Armstrong, at ceaeio Jaramlllo y Chavet. the tu Hot very geese, Helen tonight and gotlte claim la ot record In the office ollp the senate's wings, and they are so. All public senti ot ducks, but few and whlcU the choicest viands known heirs of Salvador Jaramllto thla talk about many throughout to- and all the of the Recorder of Hernallllo county, nil one partythe party of the senate. ment being against It la bosii, friends the rlty Col Ralph Twltchetl, assistant at delicacies were In Juan Jaramlllo, sotela Jaramlllo. J.lnJ. accord web-foote- obtalnabls served at Albuquerque, In the Territory of It day enjoyed d fowl. torney Pe In New Just now la President itoosevelt ing to my wny of thinking Hvery- - for tip Santa Mex a manner characteristic of tbe hoc-ess- . Mining rail a Landavaso. Jesus Iimlavn united. Mr. New Mexico, in Hook J, Rec amtlnt whom the senate is body says Washington stsrted the nnd Mrs. C. II. left last ico Is down from Las Veaaa attending Wlllard, may peace, plenty and ords, page llfl. Manuel landavaso. Atnada Iintlavas TTio bones doesn't count n great deal. Saturday bight for their old home court. Mr Twltehell saya that the . : . 1 sentiment against n thin) term, but prosperity be ever thine. nsrnesvllle Any all persona claiming ad Refugw Landavaso, Maria Jtl at Jamestown, K. v.. where, it la tin Northern Ntw Mexico Fair aesoolu and Iit. ,e.!!7M"..,,nw,, . ,TT. I nr as I have been able to learn, (O Mnterprisc. versely the mining ground, vein, lode. ana Jaramlllo de Martin. Juana Mars to kMklna the TVT hu ,i,i r ,k derstood, Mr. Hddy will go Into the Hon has lucid ed upon September IT S s " ih sews sssi. ""Mi ,r premises or any portion thereof, so Maria Mares, Nicolas Mares. Jesus M. as a thing of course. wM "v huh blanket manufacturing bualnesa with 18, as the "ffH!, writing. I defy anyone to show me If anl dates for their THE TWO SNAKES THAT WAITED. described, are hereby notified that un- - Mestas. twequlel Meetas, Claudia Mn Hooesvsit was a quantityJ . wh- -- the Magulres. who were respectively "resfdenl uvkhlntivo .iscliire.1 ssalnst im fall festival. Madison, Va.. March 17. Your cor- ass adverse claims are duly filed ac son. Jesus Mason, Octavlana Marquex, that had to be dealt with sjteclflcally. ira-ts- n ollcy superintendent and neslatant superin M respondent n Idea as 1 of the Mrs H. Walton and Miss Sam has submitted to number regulations Fells Chavet de Mlrabal, Leonlree Mo THiass sansa lu I liM ' - (if sWMirmJt. ' tendent of the Rio Orande Woolen cording hi law and the nation Valb of Kort Smith, Ark., mother and of local naturalleu 'be Ohiverevllle thereunder, within the time prescribed rales, Uberos Morales, the unknown administration him-ssl- mill up n ago, when ehamplona of the "Washington was speaking for f. to short time of Mr. Wl V. Walton, will story about the Intelligent snake that wres, championship resigned. from niece ar by law with the Register or the heir ot Junsa Herrera de Montaco me but their During hla term he threat they Tltey were also A I que churned the rraam and ate the butter, the measure. first rive In burner this week to be United Stales l,and OSIoe. Santa Fe. Pilar MoIIm. Sofia Molina. Jimu Ha arises from bellsf in ened to resign. In his second he said Jamestown, and have returned to tuat present at and takes pleasure In stating Mo- loyally president town. Mddy the marriage of Miss Jea that N. M., In tbe county ot Santa Fe, Ter fact Molina. Justo Molina. Luciano rather than to the be wanted no more of It. and then Will: bore. Mr. worked netto Mr. Ralph L. Hunt they announce the story Is not at all Molina, Tillman, floor manager ot the on hwentng as a reporter. Walton and rliory r New Mexico, they will be lina, Phtclda Cavetano Molina. Ksnater he declined to mn for a third. I'm The cttiaen or M Imme Improbable. Molina, M bill, goes out ot II. S. Jackson of Wlllard. aoaempa Vu(, which will occur barred by virtue ot the provisions of Catarlno Cerina Haea tie administrations rate not sur that nnv oae urned him to diately tsastsr "Tbe reason 1 don't doubt It, sub," Una, wny rocks In the direc- Hied by hla son, I.ester, left thla morn after such statute. Felleiano Molina, the unknown the to throw run anyway. In hla farewell address, Dr. said Ren Ronton, who collected rat- Matirk-l- tum Ho- - And lag for their home utter a visit two Thome Baaectt Kyes, ths tu MANUAL R. OTBRO, heirs of Francisco Ortega, of the White there Washington touched on everything of iiorculosis axpert, who oame tlers for Rarnum's elrsus In 18T9, "Is Ortlc, Miguel Is no one to BoBnusly rebuke him. weeks In this eity In attendance on here Register. Orilt, Juan Maria Otero. above the earth and under the sky, some i Inn- ago with the Intention of 'hat I knew two snakes that showed Ttburclo Padllla, Jose Padllla. Mere It Is this situation that worries the third-ter- m Mrs. Jackson, wno has been In the St but he failed to mention a establishing a tent sanitarium, has re- the some ordah of intelllgense. I had NOTICE, renclann Iadllla, Maria Peralta. Jesu house managers when they think of policy " Joseph's hospital undergoing an opera- great day next November. There proved sucorssful, turned to hts some In Chicago lis a hen that waa a layer, but one Romero, the unknown heirs of Juan oleetlon tion which entirely spring to go stole not an Dttnlavy, Is hnrbered even the fear that the being now on the high road to re did not state whether he would re she seemed To Wilbur his heirs, admin Jose Hctnero, Jose Homerr, Juan t'rist Root's Consular Troubles. and egg I began to notice president's personal popularity may ccvery. Mrs. Jackson's molhsr, Mrs. turn at a aler date and open his pro from her. take Istrators nnd assigns: osto Romero, Maria Sabedrs, Jose Sa It appeara that Secretary Ilooi'a posed or not. to find out what waa the trouble. She hereby I operate against chances of republican likely I,. M. Polk, who has also been attend- sanitarium Yon ore notified that have bodra Begtindo, Francisco Saletlra. campaign for consular reform Is Demoralised by the array nlltod cackled nil right once a day. but nary expended In labor nad improvements Sabedra, son auaoees at the polls. The foundation In ot n large ing her daughter, accompanied Mr. Juan of Justo Sabedra to result the abolition against them the "Fourth Street an egg I watched ami at Inst I found upon the fiefit go situated In the ot this fear Is upprehenslon lest number Congress has Jackson to Will lard this morning. Mrs. Ixls. and Cnndelnrla Jaramlllo whose real Mr of consulate. Knockers suooumbed to defeat at there was a snake that hid In the New Placers Mining District, County first name Is to the plaintiff unknown. voters make tip their minds that ho far cut down the appropriations for Jackson will remain here until nu Iloesevelt might receive more lalthful he hands of the "Highland High grass not fah from her nest. It would of Santa Fe. Territory of New Hoxleo, Candelarla Sabedra. AHagraola 8a the consular service that Mr. Hoot bs fully recovered from the opera cackled, siumk support for nla policies from a demo- problem tion. Knocker In a hot game c' base ball wait until the hen then for the year l0s, une Hundred bodra, unknown heirs of Conception has iHiforc him n very serious on Saturday, using or cap tut and steal the egg. (IHKi.OO Dollars, will appear by cratic onngrees. Mr. Hoosevelt alwnys In economy. amount W. 8. Puliation Is In the city from tne wonia as rauiiia ae Hatietirn, sssna HabtMira. man, household The ot High "Titan there was another snake that 38lh, 1006. has noted as a al might party for each consulate Is less than $800 a Socorro. wiocoMipsnled by his sister. tain the Knockers certificate tiled December Jose Rafael Saliedra. Trinidad Babe and there la no reason for assuming Mrs. Mr ton we skunked them 19 to 0." would watt around the cowsheds amll In the uffloe of the Recorder of sftlu dra, Jose Andres Sabedra, Zenofalu year, nnd not of this sum the consul N.elv Kutsner. Puller Syl milking was finished. Wit on It county, premises that he would wilfully do anything to nay omen rent, postage, mes ssys Seoorro Is really on the Frederixi Mirabel, brother of the In order to hold said Sabedra, Nestor Sabedra, Bllglo Babe must that vestre Mirabel, of city, heard me close ths shed door It would under provisions of Hecltnn Mil, Re hurt hla party. Uut It remains true senger service. Ugh., heat, and other boom A colony ot people front s this and dra, Kllssa Sabetlra, Delflna Snbedra. aup-pe- rt In and Sant-hes- . that lie haa accepted democratic oxpen see. reeeeHy come member at one ot the beet known rrawl through a bole the shed vised Statutes of tte united mates, Joseflta Sancbes. Seferina have into the lick un had bet.nspllt. required hold for hla poUeies, ami has seemed When It is considered that the con valUy and are buying land In n very families in Now Mexico, died at his the milk that belnz amount to the Juanlta Sanches. Antonio Sanehoey likely horn in Saturday That same snake learned the sound ot same for year ending December to K. These things are pays each year MiilnetM-IIk- e manner, new livery nun Rafael niter the Herrera. Ntcanor Snncliex, l.tip snn ?!lad (fl sul general nt Paris The Syl Mirabel, cowbells, It nicked out a lh the mlnda of voters. postage between and lmtng by C. T. Is lingering Illness. vestre tba and list. INS. dovat, JoseAia Sandoval, Antonhi Jose tor nloae floe stable built llrown gone cow followed all the w ninety days two, the full slsnlflsanee of Mr. rapidly Hearing completion, so of this cii has to nan Rafael t Jersey and her And If thla after this Serna, Juan Sorna, Josaelto Seraa. Taft and Supreme Ceurt. thai tin- Amoral nor every nay. you or re- Hoot's problem Is seen. Socorro will soon nave one of the attend ceremonies. time and miiuei it notice by publication fall Rumalda Soma, Iriaeo Torres, Jesus if leerttary of War faft goes upon Patricio Ooasals, who will publish wouldn't follow tbe common cows at fuse to contribute your proportion of Torres, Catron Herrera; being It is tttousftt at me state Depart Inrgeet and best stables In the terri- bells, your Maria the Hpreme bench to succeed Jutttce the solution of ths prob- tory. George will oharge the Ia opinion Publico, a new Span all. Finally we swHoked but such expenditure as a portion ot tho defendants In the la made upon ment that Cook have got we to the llrown ami chief Justloe lem ilea in the abolition ot n number ot the new stable. Mr. Pullerton leli paper In this city, hss arrived the snake uon on ami had Interest in said claim will become above entitled cause are hereby noti of Chief Justice Knlier, N. M. change bells every day a month. under said the retrmiHsnt of oonsuiates ot the United gtntas in ilen lee that his brother J. S. Fuller- - Irom Wan Mound, The office for property of the subscriber fied that an appeal nas been sued out his yoHth will mske it probabw that of ii w paper In we snaae, order that those whleh are absolutely ton has resignad from the captainship tlu Is tbe Garcia Then managed to hill inL Section Mil. by Fllomeaa Pare de Otero, the h will esse ill the average of service bonding n WuM rtaiirosd and it win GmORGif ALBXANDHR. supreme necessary to the country's Interests of the New Mexico mounted pollee as above named Intervunor In said cause ot chief Jemtioes. Since the msy operated. make Its first las us within a few days Marnard Ouasul has dlsnosed of bis First publication Jsn. 27, 1PM. from Judgment asnbllehed. 1TW. had be rumored, and Mated that the captain ths and decree ot the mm mat It has j It will be ruaubiioan In politics. light figures are given wncn snow insi has n-- Intention of resigning. Interests In the Roeweil electric district court in said cause dismissing nut aaMM chlet Justices, not ssmntlng tke consulates nre not Louis K' nub erg, who made a hur plant and he, with J. U. Paroon ot NOTICE. cauee Rntlwlge. whose brief tenure was American Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Downs have re from the Snsl decree In said maintained nt one-ha- lf toe scale of rted visit to St. Loula on business, nas Denver, haa also disposed ot his hold aten lemllfWl merely nominal by his turned from a visit u Denver. Mary O. Webb. Ossein White. S. C. her petition of Intervention and those of other nations. Tot Instance, you your resumed )l stated today that he lags In the Del, Rio, Texas, electric To In court If want to vote register While, N. mrumouiet, rendered the district for the In Shanghai, the American consulate I would be in a position to say positive light and Ice plant. J. j. h. Hernallllo, territory New 0M 'jwtlos Marabnll. the greateet name toSay and not star than tomor Bmtehee. George H. HnaoUoa, John- county of of Is Dsld ift.000 n year, with n few lees. row. ly, in a f w when tba new shoe Maxhw, to tba Supreme Court nt tbe ad Amortean Jurtau. seared for In de son 11. Brown, J. T. Kelly, D. R. t The getgltsb eons.' at the same place Cdptaoat nag A. W store he First National bank .. t . . , .1 ... 1 New Mexico, by thirty-fo- ur years, Taney pr elded Mrs. J. H. Mrs. Proposals Beef and Muttsn. U IkM Territory of and that nnd is uairi ftoo a venr. una in building on Second itreet will be fr Aoroosm. a. yi. mm llMn, twenty-nin- e years. It. saaiuon Lyman left last night tor a visit with mmi order or the said supreme court tHPar tho court for furnishes him with a opened and ready for business. Ufnee Chief Commissary, Denver, administrators and asaiens. and nil the his sovernment friends In m I'sso 1, time for the return day of said appeal OkM JosUoe Kuller, who baa some N guests. Colo.. March litis. Sealed proposals persons claiming Interest or title to large house. Oormany and I'm ho Ullewortk Issails, tbe attorney, has Mrs. :i n. Field and Mias In aatd court has bean extended for esuiltbsn yars to his creon. nss pays oonanl general nt Abbott ami two friends, for furnishing nnd delivering man tke Old Timer Mining uiuim average by yeara. each its returned from a business trip to ins the tatter's year ioa ninety days from and after the 19th the two Shanghai B.600 a year. Misses N how and James of Haver- beef and mutton on Mock during Ot tM aaaoclnto Justices, Justice liar-m- n - southern part of New Mexico commencing July 1, will be re You are hereby notified that we day ot January, IMS; said appeal haa Aantiitr emu Is CHSri at tka OOMHII- hill, MasK and Mies Otero of Santa 10. - has been on the bench for twenty- - W. r. switser. oraorietor of tne at omeea or have expended In labor and Improve- been taken to reverse tho judgment ate at Sonlh A tries. The bavi- i etsroen from trip to ceived here and eommis years, during period Pretoria. Oak barber shop on West Railroad 'heir 11 n, mants upon the Old ioae, sit- and decree of said District Conn dls nine and that American lepresentatlve receives tn coaet. They are reported sarles nt following posts until Timer as newcomers fifteen ot avenue. Is on the sick list today. the 11 X In New Placers Mining Dls missing the Intervening petition t has greeted, ; a year, while the flennau gets as havltiK express ml themselves well m.. standard mountain time. April uated ths ee M. It. Terri- the nrcy-uir- aaooewie Register Otero returned to IKHi. and then ooened: Forts Apache trtct, county of Usnla Fa. and said intervonor flled as an interpleader jui iio.oeo his duties la Santa Fe today after pleased with their visit to California. tory of Now Mexico. One Hundred Dot In salt! rase. which tho bench has known. The m em nnd olnrlal board nf the ami Huachuca and Whipple Harracks. Frletula Secretary declare spending Sunday wlht his family In A tare for tho year IMS. as will appear That unless you enter your appear of art Ladles ai.j poetaty of the Don roga T.. Forts Huyard and Wingnte, iv he orators the sunr 'me bench to LOCAL this dir. M. by certificate rued pmvamuer sin, anre in said eause so appealed m lb PARAGRAPHS 1 give ProtHieals will be received and presidency. Is im- - Kegulur meeting ot Mineral lHige tions dm rob will a carnation One Hundred Dollars for the Supreme Ceurt of the Territory ot the This netltter ,m Thursday night T, opened at same time for fresh beef 110; Mriwble, nor wKboat precedent. Jay. No. t. KnlHhta of Pythias umlaut, im reoaotloit at these year IttH, as will appear by certificate New Mexico, on or before ninety days In the eh ii rah parlors. All members and mutton to be delivered nt the first chief luetics, chose that po (Msndsy, Marsh 10.) portant business, 8. K. Newcomer, posts at temperature not greater than filed November lltn. iut, and une from and after tbe lath day of Janu of the itmreii and society are urged to-jvl-t; saMsvn in nrofsrenoe to all other omeea There will be n work meeting of the K. R. 8. so decrees fahrenhelt. information Hundred Dollars for the year 1908, as ary. l&Ofi, on or before the WsehlHg-ttX- M. M. Saajule, for to be strangers and vis iters by De by Within the gift of PreeMMt Ladlee' Aid society of the Coagrega division foreman cordially program furnish! on application. Hnvelopea will aii near certificate filed HHk day of April, UK, judgment declaring hv preferred it to the Tuesday afternmm nt tbe Santa Fe at Gallup, Is spending invited, A musical cember Mth. 1M, In the office of the default or aush other Judgment In said tloaal ehnrek will 1h nndaruH and refreshments containing nroposals should be mark lipsejdsncr Itself uthet men have Mrs. MeCiosKy. o. wi rsortn nrtn the ilay In the city, accompanied by ed, "Proposals for Fresh Heet nnd the Recorder of said county, in order cause as the Su pi erne Court may dcom vlt-w- , served. a llhe and have meant street. Mrs Senium. to unosrmgn to bold said premises under provision proper to render therein will be ren vot- Lieuten Olpriano Haea of the Mutton." and addressed ot you It On account ot connlctlnd dates lor Important iiueetiona before the mi ter ed or to commissary at post to be sup of Section Mil. Revised Statutes dared against and oaan ot you I, seems tw ih- - accepted view Albu'iuerqite on April ritorial niounUtl police, passed tu Mod Men's hail the meet lag of the ers of Tuesaajr, piled. II. K West. U. ooi., u. c. ti. the United States, being amount re CATRON A OORfPNwR. tftgl shsmld Secreury Tatt go on tne flood Government league called for I; ths retore, see that your name ap threngn the wty this morning an quired to bold the earns for the years Santa. Pe, N. M.. HHtna g woaid remove htm as a pros- - tonight has bean postponed subject peara on the register. mute from So sort o Jo Santa Fs. Mr, ending-- November Slat. 1901, Decem or appellants attorneys UaMstal ii isasnfl III! t but his nomltm- - Waa the woodencuck right when six Haea says that Utero Is nothing In tbe 1H1. and December list. to owl of the chairman. simply devel- ber list. In witness whereof, I have here ItBtt OU he poaatble. There Is liatfiej. weeks nad days It prophe story tlm HarlpmNt Robert Iwla had DryliiiMiraiinrHtlouA IMS . mm Professor lllrnm superln tares att op dry up tbe sssreiions, unto subscribed my hand aa clerk of no sanitlWtlBmil Inhibition against tend of public Instrvtwa. left San sled six wess mora winter weather T been hill. .: In Mexico Mr. Iewls ar dnr catarrh i tbey And If within ninety days attar this or sat H.,-of- tUcom, the District Court, tho Second Judl taMM a man from the beach to plans ma Ala Rut today is Ideal spring rived at yeatartlay from a trip wblsb sdlMfe to the mtmbtane and by publication you tall ar re- ts last Friday aneraoon far weather Mriees tfrttUn titan notice elal District of the Territory of New Htm in tns prseio Dim or sny omer will appear W. F Shclton ot Kansas City, and to the a era part of tba territory. ihw. mhIm r far wort fuse to contribute your proaortwn ot mogordo, where he before tbe catarrh. Avoid all dry-la-g Mexico, Ik and for the County of Her - W. Worthy well Col. J vNM ot Golden, aeeomps erdlnftry form ot your In- tba Otero Ooanty Teachers' awMwia- S of Ohlftaao. two tomes, smokes sad sauna such expenditure as In territory, thla 37th day known their respective Med ly l W friend, Qua Graff, ot IshaUaU, In saw claim will bosoms the nallllo. said Uessss WanTTaft Shelve. lion In aa aMrsas on "The Hatatwua Horsey of and nss that which elsaasss, soothes sail terest ot February, A. D. IMC. of the Spiritual and the Material cities, are as legal mailers Denver i in the city today on bust remedy property ot She subscriber under said It hag been free,neatly pointed out hr neos Mr. Qraff Is a very basis. By's Crssm Bsba is such a W. n. DAMR. an-- Professor Usdls expects to return to United Status Attorney W. II. U and and will catarrh or sold in lbs beMI section Jin. tfurlsw Urn nan week that the - ohm Clark of the District Ceurt. Llewellyn Is In the city from Las Cm wealthy K- tUlataeu sad is in the turn 0. ! RR00KS. - to Santa Fa Wednesday, easily and plsseentlj. A trial etee will be jMMIMfti of Mr- Tan. to tne kHipreme Dearer. He will re S, STRtOKLwR. go wag bliss Irnaa Tfteeher. ot Boston ces. sMawnwj the oraaataatlon of the bar busin.ns at maltsd for 10 senta. All oVeaaleis set! Iks W. Mrs. Prank Shumaker, Who, with i vaow nafaty awe to Urn to with Oal SW. 1W6. rJrimuHs, Secretary Mass.. is expected to arrive la city united awat aeoona watnet court tarn tioulssi tainorrow bo. slss. UvBrotbsrs. M Warren St. X.Y. First publication. Jan. her husband, rasMed In this elty some rtartlsnt 11. revenue Wood aim a shay there at a week asaer ennm ooa aa Um guest at Mtas Ksasle Bl P. mrdabar. lnlomal stwf Tbe Balm cures without mdn, doss net ago, hi again hare, returning Mii pressopnuui IrraMuiwajr. in eity Hlsju Or tarn MHiHUS to home Frank Hippo and pfd Darts, two time gnawed gad sroiniatlvs. I dridae, on feuta Mwa ooueeiar. arrrrml the last da wia. ktt Irritate or esase saeealeg. It sprsssa Hash (row Santa Ws a few imm Mrs a Denv.-- r ftfb Is wall printers, who haea bean wwkthgln in, awo highly nlwlsjgg to om TasmW has maajr frlwtsa in this wty tram funis Pe btmHsas connsoiad la .sssr Bwitlawan over an irrilsbxl ami angry settVes, rottee VhuuMmr ba many frttmA Kara, wfc be JsaaHjiiant pleased nam He and thin mi ImaMsJbvlsljr painful tbe enm posing department of The W. the re she having Hvwl haw far many years with tba ha rasrej with mm lag lbs Intawnwtwtu ratnrn 0US Cos aad jyaaeat was elty promisiMK rHinre wMh yen wvanlnK OUtantw ill nasi tow are Mnsa tn note tbe Uyn rHtkiwaN organisation in CMisb. urlor to tne death at her 11 her satna Itnn. C T. ftfsvix ot sooofro In Ink hsa Of Orsam fbtlw are armed wot. etty ver Igamst Kasal Ootanh nay Fever. will wave thts oewilhh for M to this Stnoe Tan turned things upsble two years ago. who will be glad to the eity for a short time last evening 'in i.irl and 10. IaJouUOOOOOOOOOOO?' IN HONOR OF EDUCATORS FINISH NEW YORK STYLES FOR SPRING FROM DRESSY PARIS Alkmr Broderie Aaglalie play an 1 An hauler kowifi. which la finished SAINT PATRICK ANNUAL SESSION Important part a sheer linen waist and carefully hung away awaiting (he la m FASHION that la charming for dress ooomIom. end or the peniienuw Reason, mordore brown laasdowae. Oriental The linen used in this want tau I he Green Was Many fine handkerohlof, though the aleerea. Inte, dyed to the exact tone of the ui splayed on important Matters Con LETTER I . costume, yoke and plastron la of Uie emtiroi-dory- fabrle, trims this while a KXOOOOOCXOOOOOOCXXOCCOC brown straw hat of we acme shade Many Proud Breasts sidcred-Trib- ute to De- ta blouse by mirtsso the costume. A fitnte glvea the panel New York, 17. The rogue a group of tiny tuehs at the bust, while The skirt has insets ot the I his Day. ceased Member. March Insertion. These roach to the nt the Bmpfre atylee Are having their scalloped edging la 'ed to finish the late I graceful hlfta, the latter fitting amoorh and effect upon bloueea ami there us plastron and la formed Into plain. tint quite DAY called lewplre Umw; It li cuffs. tight. It KHLiGIUUS UmKMbS UP LUDl. Rhl'KBlENfAllVES RBTURN a novelty, built upon the INs" lluoa A high stock la at the throat, while The bolero la abort and charming or mo) re ribbon la la Bundles In effect, the rlxbt aide kut haa the comfort and a deep belt white tho la offecta of th 1&W modes, la the first at the waist line. This la finished overlapping the Mi and laoe Inlrtiduood In the yoke. It again ap- (Saturday. Marsh 17.) (Ssturdsy, Marsh 170 ptiM, k la a popular Idea to make with fur email buttons formed of fit. Ifetrltii ur, tale day. and Prof. W. a. Tight and Prof. J. ft, nwnrrtre same ma rhlac atones. pears between the botera and the Its the btottte of the brilliant g of Mrth high, aaog-ftttta- girdle boe Irish or extract km ta Clark returned to thla all lae ishpi aa ilrMi, elaborately decor thataTanatauknr ianutt IbMialial Atuf MStH terial the out AlnuuHeriiKe, the Uni ed fltatee, aad, ftliru U ererviiiTf ss veaj eissaareBryu CSa en In nee, Ua seme ona A broad, round so4r rearhee ated that THE to ehoutdera and la edged with a. n iact, the world over, will do honor .e.uMMMi uoard of aNuamthHg MM fabric or handnomo trlmmittft; TIPS FOR the efcm4e tmctlnc: narrow, full rushing of allk. o their patron sIM. t TeHl aanrfcaWs JeSfBlJl Hot a quite mode ta a It will be the HOME MILLINER Is held In With each euscending year the up all bueiwetn restonlay afWMon, one mere extra blouse to wear The girdle of Louleine vm tare place by three jeweled buttooa Those of the day becomes moro and adjouraod. The memhata of j,uutMm anu too lante ot the eaiot. mru are. gold silver sloth are of topns set In dull broaae. The fad for and n of graduated neieed ot dlHttnteHlng, Oovornor Herbert J. Hnoerwaa, i STREET COSTUMES la a decided aa ever ami The bat haa brim and braid up allghtly In front thlnga do with Umo. grows more and ioatteto praeldent, iperlutswiliitt touches of It are soon on a majority width. It turns lindtey. aoeroury, bjard high In About too more laioaee. The time baa km Hiram sod of the MMN. hate and the bae. .members Prof. Luthw PMRsv. 8fel-h- f crown la a wreath of pi nk rosea with, .ime paeeed when the observance at Who eed artistically thla trim- day waa eoofined to Inhabit- - doot of tho Coilege of AgrtesJhsea sm4 biscuit-colore- d plumoa. the ming a ery elective, bat owe most ante of tho ilttie Island, whoso lor- -' etuoaiial Arts. Moetlla Partti PM. be usd la applying It, o It Is easily latberu he converted to Chrtetlantty. J- - Vert. preeWeot of Mm lormal overdo. A simple ioueh Is enough TIPS FCRTHE as In nearly very Isrge city In the i Unlveretty. at Las Vesjas PrtK. O. to give a hat character, while another Halted Stales Marsh IT has eome to1 l- IMdoot of the Mffmal may spoil It. HOME MILLINER almost a national hoiiday, andthefihoo t Wlver OHy; Prerf. W. 0. One of the simplest of the "gold rm la worn by fneuiands of uersoaa JM"' k the UHlTHrWHy m braid" decorations Is (he earboohon h Miauw biUu of having Irt.b T',.MOW MOXHM, at AISHOMUa. mm (see figure No. 3), H la easily made by Ked lu their volna. Prof. h. dark. sussrintDiuiant of cutting a olreuler ptMe of eanras, ot A walk down the street of Albu-tusrqu- the puMlc aohooM. at AlaWHierUfl. the also desired, and. starting at the The moralog sesekm wh derotikl In today disclosed the fact that study senler with the gold or allver braid. he "wearers of .he green" were in leh adoptbm of a oourso of wringing It around until tne pattern video ee on orery hand. The call for tor tbe poblt scbole tovtral ad lc eerered. Theae carbochons are reen rlbbona at the different iiry dressee were made on tho subject. pre;ty as n flnlst for the stem taoderately wire brim, had an Inch sr-"- - u"'wut"' : wLti. ii! binding of etovk of gold around the nftn-- i w edge of the brim and waa trimmed very simply wit a sort enirrnn neon. se- 1 embroidered In gold threud and With the Increasing popularity of i li,.f.?T 12SaS quins, draped about the crown of the ireland'a patron Mint. oms mueh . ' hat, with tbe fulnesa railing over me argument aa to what country gave I " brim on the left aide, where It partly olrth to aH. Patrick, the United Wales Tribute te Dsesaatd Member. concealed a mass of pale pink roae 'elng about the only country not lay-n- g The following resolution on the buds placed under the brim (seo fig- claim to this honor. death ot Peter J. ehnlder, tthteji ure 1). Almost as many countries arrogate waa drawn up by Prof. Hiram llSdfuj'. Another hat of violet raallne, tip- the honor of having been the natal superinteudeat of public Itrtisuntt. ped high on one aide to show a clus- toll of St. Patrlek. aa made similar on a motion made by (lover hot tier ter of shaded plumes, aad for Ita only claim with reepeet to Homer. 8eot itClj Ji IttUfM&Ae VfeWI nwMfc'ftttartly trimming about the crown n row of tanjl abaalauil Vmsu ihJ WvlM adopted, and ordered spfecd upon tftu dainty hoeettee. made of gold braid mt. ruraUh ts.ikr minutes Hwhoseed coplus wW bo (detail enow In cut No. J). Hu ,j u.iw niv Bf,ia. .tmmt forwaNcd to the membera of tha of' Humorous way of amdylng a touch .f study on the subject, has arrived rf2!rtf.l1w" of this tilr "gliding" wilt suggest at the ooM utlon that St. patrickwae " " nl " v" thcmeelrs milliner, and you torn In Gaul, which waa at tho time Whereas. It has pleased Divine map quite aure that, no matter how part em Protldence to remove from works to be of his birth, a ot the Roman rewgrac, quill, may numer ii u nut, with flowers, laoe. ribbon, pire. He waa therefore, a nomas em Peter J. Boaoewer,, (Brewer of a but be used for B-t- ," . T oua other purposes. feathers. anything. It will be "all sen and a pa.rlela. aa Is easily mn ulP K !Ml.'t! One pretty hat or white man cro right," If you w lllonly remember and from bis name. Ho waa born about '" . ?! .f5?w. low crown ana don't overdo it. year 372, only viiriw ita if i Knnimiiuu, in jwi. ehet laee, with round the and when sixteen by nothing years of age was off by Ttierefore, be It resolved, IhM and could be nrettlor than carried board. It place nn an tne lingerie plraUa and sold by them Into slav- That record of the trimming In front of tho bodice. hloum nortioni are tttoked or gathered uainty hats with small of lie appreciation of the yoke The tuoks at each aide pearl buckles or tbe pure white Irl ery to Ireland, where he was em- top ot tbe Empire bio. so tas to the Novelties In Buckles. ployed as a moun faithful, conscientious labors ef Peter dresny of th ba.ek closinK extend to the descent variety ounnlngty embroider' swineherd In the Schneider, during the past flfloon kept the best Ideas ot the usual lea tains of Sieamlsh, In country of J. laoe walit line and a standing collar "Art Nouvoatt" buckles arc or rlbbona. the years, also an expression of blouse: the embroidered and -- years. and the effects, yokes, affords neck completion, or a Dutch seen on many of (he mor exclusive In passing, another decided novelty Mm- Here he passed even tuckers, lace collar pattern year, Is nands, etc., alcoves are rnn ml neck may bo used. The full hata this and are a de somewhat along this line worthy and the near cided novelty: lioing of Is use ly always elbow Vetnf.hi but all ot ingth sleeves show tucka about the made eaaded of attention. This the ot haJniuiLi w WM 80 Uf-- so devoted, so re- of In with shtll, highly a finish made ltfZ' ihcso blouses end Jut tho or a doop or ahallJ w euffe as preferred, velvet tints to harmonise the halt dished, as the'fln ,. nBl, ra.,i,iu suit In color schetno At a tor stem or quill or aigrette. manners,Mhabits and customs of the r tun fullness runy bo disposed ot of the hat. little tbe a the above be placed upon the m le below Ri finished in V wide people. Hsoapltig from captivity, ho That ift aWdla ar felrfs of material Hin gathers, and sleeves In shorter length distance they oan aoarcely lie dlstln An example of thla fad is shewn In records ot this hoard; a copy be turn RUbthed oxpenslvc No. S. reached the continent of Murope after 1 nlngly arrangedae though they feVl TOTlM be finished narrow usnus. tram the band cut nh (Hi for publication; and n sort If tod I buckles, (gee No. 1 A Is In out many adrentures. After many years naturally abouttho top of the corslet l,a notarial llr enameled cut clever idea pictured ropy be forwarded to the prosliieflt mother-of-ptnr- l No. 0. ny of study Iu becamo a priest and waa sum girdle nrtt wurn wllh wllal Duckies of lu alt These buckles aru made and faculty of Ht. Mtohaers Osfiege." at wia eruah shape stsea (a styles are cutting a heavy foundation of oard selected by Pope Getestlne to convert was by - annroonatanaaa. and tw A plan formulated the board It- h aVHe a fad to bava ik lao. shown cuts Nee. 2. 3 and 4) are board In any shape dealred, and oov the Inhttbltaota of Ireland to the for the examination for five yearn net or cmlffen blouso gown, lr niatoh the A very atlraetlve ,,l1a,,1,,hown exceedingly good this setson. being erlne It with pompadour silk In pretty Christian faith After being conse- life certificates, will ell oxomln-atlon- a many i iroke and A stunning (beet eoMume Is In nd of Uio made of lace In allk Utlste. dotted used to advantage on almost any shades to match the color scheme of crated bishop by the pope he sot sail the board mav conduct when ox-K- -t In at. Of etoTn. la originally white were dyed to an llnu.l wllli nn oil ItvaiP A hat gray sown. for Ireland, where he landed on the banana The skirt snort. madeN11'' style of hat. street of the teachers make application for the Inches ground, and match of the dress material. Near which material were P"? chin atrsw with a ooupie of gray Jeweled buckles, as well as those evening of Holy Saturday. He waa SO same. throe from the iy A dark tory Kmplre or I'rlncess gown of the shirt puffed sleeves. large gold, enamel, years of ago at tho time he landed in A was paeeed. vmeawsr-In- g the front panel Is continued over lining tiajxl atat rIOSOU quills thruat through a smoked of silver and are used reeolntlou the kiss. xlvtnK the necesoary fun has one blouse of this order. Th. pearl buckle is extremely "natty. to some extent, but are not new. Ireland, and he labored In hie ehoeen Hiram Hadioy. iwrrtwtsmlsilt of aooa. The coat Is clue fitting, and To see tho number ot beautiful a the back, and a yoke in ,,B1.or. field for sixty yoara, dying at tho ngo public inetruotloH, to outline m an acalloped - slight bolt dcAnee the .waist line. waists offered at the counter. Is to outlined and a high or lis year, tie waa buried at news- foros n ptan for tho future ssausnst Thla carmcnt la collarleaa: the t. roat tempt cne to buy gremlocuouely, wo provided. The neck capes, are warn, capo ilsbues, capo SAY, VWLL YE LET jMtrtnk, and the remMna ot oulum-hil- l of county iKStltutos tor t)ts isjsjgg and ooilar boleros, la oatHaed with a narrow black braid. there so many materials, and completrd with a mdm?; boleros, deep collars, little and fit- - Bridget wore laid beside ation or teaeuera. rule mors af a are dlfferom HVe laoe, or having YOUR WIPli WEAR and the straps -- n the shoulders are by the use of which one con ring Tnrks were arranged to nlm"' jackets of embroider)' kirn. result of the laxity shows by tho box-pla- some par similarly trimmed. Double ends have many changes In nice dressing em- at the center of UHlt!!! ot Its parte the sleeves in THINGS LIKE THESE? Not only in Albuquerque, but In Institutes In tt.n pna- aad the de- tbe braid, and medium Ira itona of dull broidered erope de chine, chiffon and at each aide of the ft tlcular made of the drssi material, every Urge city, Irishmen and their termination id correct the ov'l Metal fasten the coat and decorate taffetas, batiste, linen, open work lace back with narrow tucks In grOf " allver braid. WHh this suit was worn sympathlaere will aathot around meay the aloeveu. ind embroidery; tw a wide shouldered hln waist ot SOME FIERCE STYLES IN HEAD a festal board today and toast tho and even the cheaper giv- e ewor allk, ita A stiff low crown atraw hat la machine-mad- affairs uro more beau ' rnr a amar walking cream "home omui" tucka GEAR WHICH HAVE JUST LAND- memory of the little gross Isle and DENVER ELKS DOING worn la ing the effect of Ducbeee seams. The its patron salm and tho men who died with thla ooetumv. The hat u(ul than the most expensive grades checked drnn d'ele and soasTjrgJ ED PROM PARIS. of leghorn, trimmed with ruchina-- of worn some yearn ago. stitching terminates at yoke depth and tor It In the old uaya that ore gone SOME ADVERTISING the front opens over a tab yoke or forever. dull pink ribbon, and a Mack aigrette Tt tt majority of tne new blousee are umnitti lift myttnfk nv errs b jiwm ti KIM. cream laoe. Lace mltalne cuffs nre Although bh Patrick's Day waa rl J at the left side. made with abort sleeves, but when with plaits In round length. Thejg N 1 Is tbe now Premeh sailor IN THE HOPBS OF BRirVniNO A n i Ct added to tihe short, small glace gloves, warily a religious hoi Ida 1 with the worn with jacket, many of them are are deep enough to give prettf shape. The distinctive feature are BIO v- the which show below tne snort - It now come OROWD TO THAT 01 TV DUR. supplied wl h aa they spread in warning - jjmow u ta U high crown and nor- Irish people. haa te be FOR LITTLE GIRL detachable sleevelets of bleeyea of the Jachet. Clrey also the holiday f INB JULY lace or lingerie. This Is an economy nnuenal the Irish. THE 00NVBNTI0N. compietod a atynen cosiume. ,,IWWB , wittiout respect rollKum Is ex- WAISt! mQM cf ma. to dsnom that It well to follow In lees le as pensive every woman ATHEATER Ilefore having your Hmplrr or nne, ctretehed smoothly over a wire Inatiosa. and the day honored Prom the KooubilsBM, for you such by Catholics leurer knows it la nook Prineosa dreea made must give foundation. The crown is ornamented and ProtostonU that the sleevee and your alike, fee pootilar Iihn the saint be The general commUtoe on rosslsu lilee that Milla Oral and a lilanaa some attention to corset rne wuu n band of ck.'ffo ombrohtereu of Wka, Itaa new nave ueon uevm come lately with all oiHsees is I ro which setHhtuertaws w jnlght be worn another day or poAel' models which with gold nsd silver thread aad Irrl Albany In hi otBfas ..iak. . . . gown are higher le ml mat tbe Catholic will have a the hotel Denver and " nuoiuonni pan oped for the Princess detcent sequins. Toward the front puiltsg every airing that ess to'it.the wniat. than the oorsete of several season on the left side la an "art nouvenu" good deal to da If the Musceod in be roach -- ed to brie a great back, longer over the hip velvet, keeping him exclusively for them crowd to this slty A pretty design an and nmoh buckle of shaded under uie for tbe July, dSfMg for Htnplre exact nt for the gown, back is n, large cluster selves. reunion uast is Mouse waa ileveloiMNi from haml-w- to Insure the brim at the yoeman aervicw In and the front Is a modified straight of green foliage and bud. services were held In the advortlslNf the brinderud white HurlluglMtm allk lu - Catholic In memory state Thu mess employed to Make wsejclatlon front. HooAuse of th- close fitting of In snape, rto 2 remimla one very churches today of with chlrfon and gold but- Huffy bows the mint, and while there were no the people ia different places sK up tons A lining tag Priniuos models the forcibly ot tho "iiIuk" hats our Brand many Is used In the waist, In of late have uaya or parades or speechee In this oily, tho and take uoilr are and vart which box plaits are made at each and frills so much ued fawtere wore in tne oug. On ot tha latest wriukhm do V m dJscA)cdi but thby are none ami Tvlar. too" but in NM day was avathslosa well romem side of the buck Mil front, dlnituUa lumu bs, of 'He (fssvsrsl sum- - t&e deeoraiod by beautiful fiat tamvhat model iMueU&MkJk, sored. mmHtn m The ikVL. BW4M log In line. toBBBSBBSBWt snjBxe width at the bust The laoe sjfusaiggpBrspSHnt, eenxai dosing Is trfmrntuxs of embroidered and of roeocolored chiffon mmJ m u wtro effected at the left side "la-seta.- as Um "tasWiif " appllauea sad open work tw tmtm X fain of the front, and above It tbe neck frame, tiny ruffles: those m iht WORKING HARD FOR wss to ig embroideries. crown faeltiR upward, and tm scad out m may be cut out and filled In with a pnsee on postSTB, WY A satin rib-- large HI chemisette tucker, a lancy collar One of tha newmt Ideas In neck brim outward baud of Of GOOD ROADS iii eoMspicuous pi see kmg am br the outlining It. The standing collar Is wear la tho Umpire scarf, a wide tarle of the Mks' lodges m seory chiffon wound rounif high at the back, otiffs correspond- Msrf of laee or WHAT A WELL KNOWN NEWS. sin e m the Uslon. Thsso posters ing In outline with the fancy collar, tho HMk several tlm. while a larger PAPER HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT, seem to have made a hit. t.'i same material turn back over and sleeve puffs, fin- and wider scarf of r P.Bortsohy. aoeretary of the ishing la mod to throw about the shoulders Tho National Oood Koads aosocta then in short length. The skirt tlon Is a powerful tor good, and Whs' general committee In tMs city, and corsage was ot blue chiffon cloth and head. One may now look for the tint received a letter yeetordss' from Bsc many revival of the old tonhjned Ipaiilah Its work Is accomplishing results In made with gores, the fullness an parts tne States, aaya rotary Tbomaa Boucher, of Law around the being up laoe shawl and scarf whffh made such of usld ell. Mace., waist taken with tne Morgantown it I who hss charge of the tiny tucks. a sotting off for th' face; aad luchy Ohrosicie. es Mka' iMlge gagtid In many things that will boao roosss sad clsb maws at r box-pi- la the woman who waa me of theae A I'rlncess skirt the Inverted s that place Secretary Boucher write heirlooms worn by her mother or fit the people. On of the groat I id order had an Umpire blouse scheme it has Is mind asd whisk It enthusiastically as follows: all-ov- grandmother. of eyelet embroidery with has set about to accomplish, is the "Your posters received last sow- round nook and short finished A nerfet'. erase xieta for little ing Two of them I hsteo pjMsd aleeros bdag repair asd rebuilding of tbe groat aa is wttb. tiny ruffles of fine batiste bolero Jaokets of Isr. Irleh laee tkmal rood across Maryland, Peas vbo club asd todao nssss insi HnttfbM tho favorite, and In man" case there I have pieeed Is a iinmlBist eda used eylvsals. West Virginia. Ohio aad A charming example of tho Princess are two or threw sorts ot laces IndUHM. sear 'be city hall where It w hs dress was constructed from radium In Ita coast motion That memorable road was Intended sssa by nearly the satire sopaasthts Hk In two shades of grey In pin Coat ooilrt and rutfa of lingerie are to be one of the highways kotweos of Lowell, aumbsrisg ISo.SOf ssssde stripes. The dress was made over a more elaborate than last boosou, out tbe oast asd lbs wsst. before rail I am correspoadsait tor faar asm; Nino-gore- d slip and the outer drees cut atOM tho earn, lines. Lingerie roads were built. It waa bulH at paper, aad la less than alas soars we mad with as many as fifteen enXa In regular cuff stupe go wits grsat ecpesise, costlsf tho federal after recsiviag your posters thatr which fitted perfectly over the coat eoflare, only th cuffs are tachod governmeui over )7,os6oc. aad dur contests were printed' for all of thsso Sres l , pcre, under a high crushed girdle, at the elbow lactea of at tbe wrtal log tho early dajra was a famous high' which hate a rlrcuhMass ed while at the edge of the skirt was a below which fall t.o lae frills or woy ovr which thousands traveled nearly loaou daily I hope sflksr detfi nua'a fold. The Meek was slight- sleevea or tho long gloves ate wont every week. Whs railroads caa will do s I have sS. 1 ly en to show a dainty front of laee to tamHoh them. I at oslatosjoo scad you by this mall roatss of tho j tho nulosaJ road wss papers over which the bolero fronts, tucked Moles, both fiat and round, are ex soglectod, asd today It is only a she! iwii morales on the shoulders, with curved lower tentirety worn, those made etoa of what it oar was The lxwll morning to an ad- In fine prunella sloth a stunning outline crossed In surplice style with of ea'noa, aad thrre uro muffs to ft la proposed 10 rebuild It. asd tho coatsiscd tatrestlmi asht OutaMe Sunday wear la made getd buttons for ornoments. The matoh. All aorta f fane; stocks, Natlooal Oood Hoods assrehuUm ass miring acojnt of the eaASfariaa st coal for fat fat- - child S. to Ivory whits. sleeve were In one Urge chiffon puff la, Mil osg tho skirts of tho shirt o by tho Denver cHomrttee a of It of uadertabeo bars It doss the prises ajrt It is pleated book and front, fix finished with a narrow laee ruffle. WOMl mHs. both In tho tailor aad government. Tho hMgth of the roaa such a list of far PasVlp BrtaWsl esa4Ms'MA44t s)asMML 9& ptftlea used, upper the Qiey elbow gltvee, grey shoes, a grey A theater waist bt of white fee, it fttata effoou are abort aad Is about TOO mlloa, asd It sun so are the Ptt sf aad other ara bs com hmhx netd anug w a ueti. hat trimmed with pink roses and a w worn with a white bruadelgth skirt show oboes in tan or groy or boa, deeper m Mhade than body color for less thnu $f.sMoo. That Is prise bohaf sdisd are parasol carrying out the same color and the walet has apHUnuou of tbe grey aa rue wearer wine. of hat. encircle the crows, and a about the cost of ooo good battle ship, the list daily, so tha a sspadsassatary nattw f Irlah oroehet lace list prooaaiy wltl seat about tha robe and adorn tbe boned scheme completed the costume. broadcloth Introduced l tho bolero Loco and liesorie loohors arc worn huge cluster of beautifully shaded aad wo are bulMlNf lots of them. Tbe hs sat Is a short lists, tslllas: af other soattr ro-- pleat whore the coat opoas. The little Hut all the blouses are not of Um- and m the eloerua. Tbe lace Is the br th:ao who kaudtste to adoot the rose and foliage la ptaoed diiastly eft SMrosnauoN ot test sum to max ever-popul- - will rail sleeve are also trimmed witn It. pire style and neither are all the Irian crochet, and the opon throat waist without some pro- ins 1 root a small cluster of this old road aorasa five statos would wsrds that bo give to those ws bolt kid. dresses modeled wala.eoat ia of the broadcloth. This leoiwa. Hg rdso tuchsd usdtr tho brim do as much good as average bat- tabs the irousi to scasost lar The is of soft white and after the Nmplre or the Bosie moot tageaiose it is fastened with a button of the Princess modes. For morning wear Is fancifully trimmed with narrow . OATHNItlNII MANN PAYXAMT at the back. tle ship, for sot ous such ship Is of the : yet sovissd (or asaierlal. we have the two-pie- for gold braid, and small bits of the gilt Hat No. 1 lake one back the tea will ever get Isto a fight. Then, aarortisUc UM suit and save IpaWLVMVMC MuurieoNle style nf hat. exaggerat those women, to style Is Urs the laee of tbe bolero. sstsbellum das; and to osr eyes, ac- when tbe old r oad has boon put Is boss ptawssd whom the Dusters Are PuztUd, ualqu prise far tho rsasuoa. d lu lorw, geea with this coat. Itie particularly becoming. It la beet to With this Is worn a black suit of customed to the modem stylos, It good shape to tho Mississippi river. chip a stiff quill of coming Tho roatarkablo recovery of Koaotth looks very It jMt It of fine sail a straw, bebe blue adhere to that model. Mut with theae with blue eecesirte. may be that the price of about It will am com you s cent mi try two-pte- co Mclvor of Vasooboro, Me., However, Rig la color, with a white edge. A buses costumes we will generally from the loft aide. Where the hat is Is the sub PA haa set the seal three othe rbaitlc ships will be sot Chamsorlsln's ategsseh and UaY rtgfa Jaet of much laiorest to upon It, Id-bu-ild f tea roses are In front with a solt wear a belt that la Inclined to extreme lifted cn tho a largo bow of blue tho medic: of approval and lar be It aside tho seod to tho PasMe TahhMs. sad they are eacelleat Isr whit quill poked through them. depth, giro waleted Jtbqrty Mil, ribboo lc massed on the fraternity osd a wide circle of frteods. from ua to disprove! and the short Ho stsmash troabUM sad ouMiaaa. effect, necessary baadau. stye of his ease: "Owing to sever Thla hat Is of whits straw wMh One grat-ciao- s sostinsous high,way when wear! the la flat a free sample at say drug esjtt Umpire gown, short Jacket, for nothing tostm H &m station of the throat aad a band of black abssn the sthjs th ssmilsssit would be a great with tfef and Princes of luagi, jm vlll Aae ftmusM blouse ai badly as a bit of the blonee between tho throo dootocs ea hardly say "brim," aa H hi isseoty thlmjc Masr a travetsr would eg asd Pat I there be platted gores attorns 'e wKh the piaia gavo Me up dso, when, re- iHNUh&Mce not and chlirog tor evening tho bolt and the jaehot. to sc a uurt tho at a brlw), aasg the two ot three menths gsdoa; asd omu' for tho "eurtA Pu. rlslted th local lM and elalit In all borne used. Tho sort, 1 was laduood to try Dr. King's - oar, broidery dUphagous Que etMrmlNg Is front it a baud ef greeu vutvet rfs- Isf br team, hltysls. au'swshBo, or ataUoa haday. shsshlsg up tbe local eH and flaa datsgii and ee that cm of the now platlod modoa Moor Otoesvcry aod I am hapoy to say, hsssjs hk ike attomeen. en in w gooeraily beeotuiaic wh dtrtegftsl St, vWt smltisg, the st tho bonis stherwlM. rt wsuld bs oasr for the baigiigesaaa. Mr. Walsh ht a rouig uier worn, ortt8l H agrod m Ms." Our the word with leuH Rower are pi gotlso to do a thing Mke this. east trow Los Aavaslss, whore be a fjsig mi j4Het win be from white sflk omndy to be laMtr eoilmed Iho.jeelMt which o fWMl IrWeanWl" wr HaJljB RIM iHfttrtilslg the "brim" at the bask. Os the right A MtasVoeBiUlMI VsaWnp(s t America ttaw lor pteseat use with the aver a ptnk eHn. The straight front a vott of white breiaiexh. re- Ill coded a tissivoajlsa si the wsag Mmas, soarssnssa la suis hi IwAssbsbbsb.sPtaasssl IsW WrlVHssustnt BH Bb need wl should their laee a exUmMM rr by and a "itadsT htrd. having tsv a Ust AnsriaMsn st Railway teat bar out and nktiron newed dottoaU irocery of goM and Qua runtecu at ail drug st tall a hsgo peacock oc the eimplest form and moot reaching the lower edge, and the round seek ntocos Ks'r. duator st stsfuss. im ever the firsvot Mr. Walsh Mtys that rhswtlsssash lri ie of laee. having and II 0 Trial hottWfree. emaraou is a ilgnt cream eotsr. roads, paid over IsSSeo.sM waa largoiy attesdsd tag tmpsueeled th wry viewed the mn council MMtMi et the lwb undertaking e tUMtAktoent aril tkW adjoin? to M Approves Mm mt foom at ta city nail to we- H .Ba1rdbmITtMlt news Jons stern tlw witnesses. Mr. Smith w :sam body l still at the Lewis wwi. Tha OOOOOOOOOOOOOCO 4JUr WW A MJTkM Jt'" JmH0 &tHf ML flMptW la stug beta pwaota ru as E!ec-tlonftwnu- m nt to ntainmuuoB jrom reiayvee AwJ Ckrks,FftrCQmlni I 'vaili' Jury Or WnmklX 0Bt Ik wm Tke KUary MJhtn MBa wkdek will 4unitSfttt Mat notlfYlnx them of taeindeath as atop at Aim Officer and UaMtir for - tastrtfekJMs regarding erj on Ha dered to Report on whet skoutd be mm wttk t ro eejoje aamn aere nHMn IJ. Other Ordinances. ad ladM nBit XreakYkfNKira ; VMBfJJH Thursday. THAT 1NS0RH00NT- - TWO CIRCLES FOR fHRE LIMITS aotitkeni GRAND JURIES GRINDING AWAY ABLE BARRIER PLEA muatoai ftm wr ed thto ottr letl behind It eactfc a td , Sim&MiSf (Tiw Mere M.) utntton for katrmg "mad good, from Manatee Ooala. did tk Wlery krad, the eeka of (Tueedey. Mareh 90.) INI iitttt or iwieMM vm 4 Mr. Allen MMetfceent barmoMle ar Nothing of liepertMoe tianapirfl - la letter reelvsd frotn wkoe Met atakt M tto rinltr meet- T. Bird, written whtre paaatnc fnrongk sftll tMtng In tb rs of tk neopir In tke Baoond jteuetaj illatiifi conn le Of ft ttir MWtMtl. MPt IM New Mealoo laat weR. k eaid: ekWvIng hi ront Mr iudny. Neither of tke grand Juries. Mating Jitdgae davka begem of Ik Md for Wnen tke train eroaeed tke con niary an oawav MN."T whleh work yesterday, hai aefc wans ky mayor end ta retl-- amnn report at tlaentai dMd I eontd art kip nertenoe ke kn bad tm aevenu tnpa , made aar t I o'clock thl at tying of tha wm hr tk eoeuel tke vootfemne and tiailoaaat t tk "tttfte eoaet, aad baa nteetnil ternoon, and nothing l expected f A onwiwaaa mini wing um fir toniic that baa been watd aont tke nBRftkrn rnute M.offartng the beat al her of tbm befar tomorrow ft r ohlef to wrkoms m awraKMUiUar n aa gbniftany mu niMn. whan tb United Sutea g.-n- i ltaeet tk dttteeity , ef eeec to k klgk claee , lealtgkka whf taABgbl aksej euennany Ilk Ms wwnrfg banii jnyy may make rSfcun. MUtdar MM fuMilafc m Stores. pro-- are at Ariaona and rrew Mexteo wawni The "BMery" la a kogeehoM edge Abbott was occupied "i" Mtdttag nm stariwg of a ni a MM rakWs. tke; k pfantd AM of tw Ifwort Wn BL tk. eklaf men In tn. day wkk sinwtty miaohed, cmbo up foe 'latsnaMnta." la an lean of tke Oon Mwnitji keoon so beoanap Mr wKk tM cos of Bklavlo Visit r ktu its tittra ratafee and dm pmrt an-4- 'anion,! Rcoord wblck armed a let lea MentiBflMin Son Hk tlw oranotaa ' snajnst Manwai Lopes. apuaelad (mm euewtMlws of ta rules, by omu-M- u few ay before we amraed 1 noticed I flea Am aaa fnwkinnd 'aaara never th wattae ewrt of precinct No. rota. by on of tk "aalt" eon Mo k fetjotteB, in tlw intern, tkare Tbe defegdMt kt aued for an allege.) etwttag Ute JHh MKk Tl 1 Ilia ordinance tha Ma In which ha derlbd tor, r tha hBMty WkM t Alhuqaer Trtt. Tlwe debt f m. of kumane oBtoer, aaa MlRtnf what antlaentat dWld m "an ineuraranflt (ran, none ebtnJM knetneea or tenxannnOun in Oklmtown. To wipe Tka OgBjIunlsIl Coal by nfH tan i etwalflers nwtT to ni able barrier, niatair Intended na ptMre to raterere wKk the tAwg ywgne spot of New York It sett nagtant sli kat Fe Kaliwxv JWate, togethsr wvtk tk penalty for tare to keen forever aemvet Art-aon- a. oi oamrwaty. et AL tor ntleged freight is atiendanc at tWe anperh rfam is ysajinsN to ke tk city parnhaee fmeh odana. dtltettad account of and New Mealoo." lUm that ted ky the Peratlo. tk lajad rat dlsrkjnsBKkBbt. whteta i h" tB Bvenio for rbetorter Tke jjroa anri treat Md cmsnm it lgt n park. whleh mis pavHuM The aantwiwan Satavday, Xarek U, na been adngftia meet ieaiktigBt one tf onjy two qtqam M uw unto it intro. Mr I ICkorant of tke faet that tkree tacte a ant for ATbne.twm talaM sultw a Ita KHed State etvU eora ter tta reading tHtwaanntlnentat reilwaje tk tk tlueM. ome third eraet the litae theater, wntinee and sht 1 A CHINATOWN BAUY 3 MAN ANTi WOMAN gTRRTCHMD OUT et, V set fJUm J. which will ey vmm. oonUnantal dlrtde betwen Artaoka wss - tnnnnraoui S be next MwNta'. Witness in tb n,BoPBiwB)o"'W lini nB jM dle, t BMOK1NG "HOI 1HKJK t"ONWRT, MAY OH OF CHINATOWN, jfWMWBM pitrrloes nw and khw Mlco, vK Tk BnaU ' f snsS n IMt WO WITH TONO CIIlhTFB- - ab kv kanoed for the f. rwittf ttito eonfliMW of tii IMt M MM tO MIT IN tke Boutkem PaelCe and tke 11 laW MEROKAMT OK VENICE thenwrew The soeotra on thl docket ta . X. tw xitn. at lottr iMftfe Uoehe, bm llr. ut)4r wInnh tha WVnl Bentnweatern. unon tha MUer rOW THE TBATIWKE. mi lend At Wktok the doeumeDU are (wkktk lees .kkeai JWO fAWaawn lie 1H tklMM and wcm. nw nv woumts rnajawg n aoc worn. differ in nowise fan A ' nppeal kf fell with btttlst la Musty wit age, leng he-- caieaer smii tiire kt . knkrerealllr of in NMmM Mwrea ht Ik OklMtown poSlM raids J man m kM it OruiwftMg 34t. treatise the plana other taw) we found b" Hw Whleh enrtM. ateeni: tk net lip Sri.t. Jater asther Lm in tk courts. np atoning cm Met "lV Merekawt f Vststce.' e Kiwi. BhrnliM and sa featira! hAimkU' found U nantalR Mil not. wm killed Mi UiH seMta way. of us firenm, to without the broad meM 1 a Th UftHed Btatas petit jury . estf sm to the Whs orient House eye BMMMBBda ohh rugate la out of A 1 rear-o-M I i, at to enjoy wi in Ida of tke Ban flmon nlltof into cwc Ueir ieM. ( drl Tow iee emintad to m reformer called fO.Thuretlar, March Th.j aotatk eneT fhe gVtraay anerneon. inrwn wi. nm tfce Acftoaaenin itrom mhw- - wm Inretl trcm eo tM- - poiiee. It. a reenter Httmu. wkoe AMe at tke of pro- w4 rnker Wilt ms gegesftK petit Jary hi to GfalHeahtfe. mouMMbM. wklek mm la Ute prfoftnanan. wkfeb ntewee thta Wr" MM at feur w4MLl f eMna tkat was terllorlal ordered R be N lMMt Kit fir 1y tabtt-ne- t FogMhfto IMIMM report .April 9, M a narrow!.rale. MNtty tUbnUM tipwaod found Interest ftet ameer teaTSfu 9r am ta CHIMtown. Th poMM an? JM own gsmkllnK andte depe WHW HB3 WMf in anwwg tws-me- erlmleshrtroefcet irm 10 art avwao tkeatsrgsew. Iwt tbeee Ortkm Sw ftemeeli in Mark nave rer wfBt greet prCH Tke K the Unite'. order, 10 iae xt) xiw aivio wkh k rwieni sesxened ber Jasts at the time Btates eourt WfH eaBed tomorrow VWlmf h mm ke-to- w. eri only rWt the j4y hwee when nn4 nnyette ko kn ue sne dlsejaMsred tktigktn, police kirn he no Mrotier tka that e tk mea In-- thr itn Ms m tne bettered, towtww. mortttng I. ileaeMnw tk top of dtv)de aee attnetlon of eztmorithuury or le aompanl4 by n awnHewed up by the Mtth. Parkburet of tb drstrtet. Maek Duelt at It eMeek. than west tato the Ifkn-- lawfd eneil nHetteri the -- tertMM! la arented. Qewrlee K i recogalaed Mower new wna a Tom Lee m naJted Afcv nf Is now in tk Tow nwnittng IrHi for New SuMs 'FU'. uw Jwg tk trtla svr wK, ytMh nyr Amenav new Me in' the ilMM tyawfi following down the eK MAe tke m fw4 Js one f tke rary few trrfor of Qilntfiman, mm aad GBtoatowH. wm kw ifMUen wklek alleg. brNfry. Al tr euekrealc of! ske Jled , oafafaic luaaHtoal onmpetent to make an adequate anal women, taitchta' ont ttnoonnetetM on rognged war wKk police ksmeMHisI dtatrMt cSeriM Me r follow-- vkort t twayor narrow vaie, Hiy MergiNS ?pem la s'net tke men the cIms the stake tag: te ocmirft kraad Mean, atonidne; MM nnMker artafaotorv nrodticfton of this Moor wnek, ntpe Myont at erery el-- of Mook Duek at tM Ohlneee New arrests but St IM iriale nil qnM. for V IMtwtiiK wawiat. wMa WW tmMWtg it Vow. fMatMwy; B. Vs. nn tm nreat nMr Hi ifw Mexico, ah tne kktr. Ma and trnmpksMTe of nil tM kWde YMr reetieai. A MMk Ouek ma g0L fesgn bjrkce F. Meek Will Bpringr. UtiMttaiHailr 4eM4 air taa aaMNOll. we an tha em t of tke Ban 81 bean itlnctly and sJnwat ascm- - lnr to tke orteataj heart ebonnd. drw one of tke long pwtpkj aJwnyslMtd to infers upn each other MWkl Itm toe eourt of Justice ot tl qw M war tfeeiril ftaMlmi- - fa n Htwft rslnwtty na rfM plaint iff Won rftltoy the toeewetlve wbiaked alTaly BkakespaareM. and he flJM of tkeOkntkam Mretecl by tM '1rve" of tM elan Far gala iwueou k is almost Impos- - tk JMKOfASV Se a )HffM ftM elrfta of nrrM (be train akm eeatly at a epeed of of rk few American netora whokeve deb, M. Per we etiwet; he "ttrtgtrHil fcftd Bred Into n Wm n nbkje oktttt eonrletloM. hMglBtat m for damages al wuraa: necessary OM," iwl k xe i forty mile an knr and akMMHld tke unHed wttk the tnlenta fer Bleck m refl atrL ami "Nig- OMmwm ares . turn tk nmtol tkw'rtrnf tke maee lnt n park igd kya keen done to hou.h.i Ptrat War Jwfi; B. Haas, ijhaJnV Id at IBaBAai road near the pertmysl of the great IndlTlikta ger XlWe'a." nr wJI kmwt H tb ovr ktn aMwldes runs wooM de- aoodg WbU the latter were bcins - rft ad and scAtter tke Chinamen and AbM aaoa1. AMHM- 0aaroa. wklek an aufwaiill cow Id wake role of tk classic tM hnowladg nd pottee n the kndmmni for gngs he rune, puMe fk tripgar. Jt. Tom Lee stroy tVsfy strongltoM. Matajt by tke Bfrtager Transfer OIrk: J HavftM Md H. B twenty-Av- e wtlee an kenr wttkoat an esecuUr nMIMy naceeeary for thr'r linens ay. B. W. Dobeon is attorney And at presentation on a aeala of magnlff-cen- c for. we oMsllnnU - effert tkat la tke contaneniai ft mri heitm a. m mx- vMetke lnHBrkle okttaaef e and a nttention to detail each are Mverai bkUerx tk We N, 0. 0rcta and company v lti-ar- t kht; A. )IrMk. J. W. Mjjimio. wUI TALLMADGE, THE PRO fef lit, ONE MURE STEEL uress, a prowlasory OIrk: atgned by netnre to aepatate Arieeaa ss eMkle tke porformsnce to M sre only one. wkk eWwIll be ee-eessf- oft note for Qhr1 Hll. Ohnri Kettpjar and Mexteo rorem.- - Isfy tke modern demand for oMtpfcM-nee- s In run, Sl9. V. G. Heoeook kt attorney tor Apo Xw tke wsk I m Mt akie MAGNATE IN A MAT- - Third trdjMdKt. T. J. of enetumtog and scenery and MOTER AT SANTA to asp. However, tbere Is no deubt th9 ptalntlE. Onm, J. J. SbwWaM. MORNINQ Hnn-ford'- s FE rs. rnI Tuth. HEBD OF general exeelknce of oast. Mr. but that the read will either etisnge RIMONIAL TANGLE J. li. i3MHtb( J. 0. Itutber hftrk. H. 1. Rotnftra, K. H. Daebar. JOURNAL TEAOHINQ ImpereosatWin of nkyloek Is hands air else saffleteat Mpltal will be fjera, 4 ainrorakwory note for 139 SO. Fourth Wartl Jut!: It H. Tllon, It k been a lwf ntakt fer tke a one of tbe Rnest of this ptit Inks Its treasury to cemjitete the It. V, Medler uppesrs for the plain- Fell Dmw. Swu H.Brown. 0rk, party la tk l(eo Tllar. eMebratei setor's many achievements. Inspecjs Santa Fe Central traaks. dhM mahine It a Md nros- - STARTLING ALLEGATIONS IN 01- - tiff, T, K. Slrfney Abel. only laat wni The pkty also ttsaptkHM) !ltlea.M OJo Dftsso against the unknown I!aln, and with the eleettM prsnts VOROrx-UI-T TO BE TRIEO IN A resolution vm then InlmHead tke flrat etreak of dawn apparent In portuaHles for bis talestod trailing Enotjjjh Land In New Msxleo. heirs ef Henrietta M. de nuyter, r, and Is Trying to liy AlilerMnn M"lker protMlinf for the the eottnty et Ohaver. Thla rnar, haw-eve- y, Mkw Marie Drof nah. who sbould Purchase "I suRposo ymt are Intierestml In N,'Y3R and oil unknown claioiants uU!ng tkree new mnkola m proa pacta krtght all llx) stnteheoa klndT- - of Interest In real, descrihei in ef are evr tke character of the wise. of seme wnsmeked. New Yerk. March 11. Me estate newar catineeUfltn on lUe Mmintaln Ike e. witty, withal, coquettish. PorttA, the Property. -- T, Jse. In etMaptalnt adverse to plaintiff. Tho elflf hut ..... Qualde. another of I'Ktskurg's group mr the mMs wilts, the eltr Down In Bddy eoaaty there la a In n mew delightful manner. The iVirr..nA vera A Hitl, V ilHliUllKH 4 k., sAn r. sett Is to quiet tltto to two lota. .t-tTa- I U" ,M Vannntaa. la pay knlf oaat wWeti wohM muee POinnany fW eftstat- - llldl. a' .1 ..a.!!! W i,.i" havlne vs. te pretty amonK tk democrat, aitfteOrtlnir Ima bs earn. ym MMftntT bCns"jATm4lfja iff irailetvso martial trouble vtJskiat. wih umn t Mrv Qreentesf Hnny Wllllatim. mMnl la 1S4. ta ttmtAe In that eauaei) efcleDr aaaaan, so. I WH-- J by nih highest HAS GREAT FUTURE nv trrmMaT it rru w tL . appeals, iwij ., court. tbe.MetoVHt ing tk compiimnti. nnd tK,UUNIKl nun iiwid lra.1 at n trial nt t.u tf-tH-Justlee njkkker)MHNl pay Msg atlmlnJafered (WWtail M l..unl.i jrfVtefitefi kartng to In k is one or in lew of wnien mmi a grot kfg nrestrtwew nt' a . aw in exeaptioi nari wa rnmuuofl J"!, kin wife for Mparatlon a!lff i secure wages due htbt the eutr mir. th rMHiioa Arteeta, and nerttanktriy In ranlttng It is safe to promise grat UiUiwi In wltkeut tliraddltlon of sny kora MeQusiIds. miHiftMJre. is wee fra.n tut KH wry. a Bants. Fe eompany. gernlelfebe . ,. IMaeed tke mm oHerad emtit' oat pie hunters from tke water Sera SCfl. I "It Is tnm that I am hera MH your president the Nntkmal Powder Co.. ml town. Tkht year erra! mighty good ef Mr. Williams, who claims that the Taiimadg ami ntner large Moennouiar in tw rreeeee idea of exemption I not legally )ua A notfear rewtmkm latrodaead asl nwn hare eome ont at Arteaia, and BUFFALO BILL IS ALL RIGHT. "W " miMsis. E. OJCAR HART SAYS 'fJkr Wfieel oohtpnny, ami a nsrtner In paeeod aalhaj tor tk laatelUtkm of all the eaMwsigti Is nrttn to ke tk Won. William P. Cody. I rer tke Banl re Central tig. (HSk WAS MertereW vs. C. a suit nlaiit alaetrw Ufkti at kHevanrk Most bitter In tke history of tke mil). cmbled Italy, railway a to purehMlng . "SGOTTY" CONSPIRING T. Btewart. kM from den. witk tlew a debt of f IN. from aud TtorM aveaae, Ptm ifo matter wklek way It goes dMylng I fer anald atrt emnkfttwally tM reports ik line If now under vim-Ct- Oosl araaa, Broadway there la certain to be bad blood re- MatiauoM NBV the t the pesee eourt of Mrt and wweiy diasomiMtsd ibrmiBkoui ihalwav - o- - YORKER PASSES THROUBH tfUe r and araaoa, and Third maining after the primaries and witk ,B .uwu, FKk U. MrHtta lum- - OWI" .wtm tlmt wa krtng H. FA80 ON HIS WAY EAST and Croatwell avenaai aad tk r"f?' TL : ""'Icloaloo. event wilt CBeriM Gofttoy vs. Oeorg Crewcb, atrt . T.. . .r-- n M- r- "EOLAREB IN DEATH resutUmg from kMctaK of tb ItiTbta u fwond tk repnblioatta are praotlenlly aar kill ' wun w".v..v 06LD suit lb defeedMt pert owatw "ILr",." " rwaatt Nw Mbxtoe In tke tmr no eanrteHeed for n debt of 1181. Mret and TUrM l'ourth of (MtUMg at least a of tk eerpwsi ovwipM, would Skertiy nt Valley is rsIal stuff. aa.avanuo, and ftdtttahrtarlng a mneb mi Tkla Htatenwnt wm made yeetrdy . X. Merrok appears m attorney for atraet and Railroad Tfcird ne4e retire rrom tke bead of bis famous Qki tjawvaatalv. Mall-roa- Illate)r-Trnw- n. nwrnlng ty C U TaUmedge of waU atak a wreak. flOW atrmt aad Ttjcraa Ttnui and d cleaning. Bnvm wild Conroy. WMt akow. which la now en tour wl... wm a geat at tki Pniiwe Mrdsklps of TOA-R- u 1 ., H nMseeeumW avaau and Jobna Iraat, from Mnrope. A WATER ITEM In Colonel Cody's osMegrnm. kutel , ttant Fe. Mrtng arrired from teWnar tkrouxk tke tk mnoallRkt arbodule t all olfbt at-- wun. PROM 0ARLS8A0, .N. M. reeM to J. A. Ml ley, general Kuewuli. vis. tto automobile rout to D&k Vnltoy. n Cmmc Hart, a Mew ARE TO GIVE A MkedttU. Tke addliktnal eoat to th of the elr-- - - rssior Bnwm ft Turrnnc- uiul manca to that ait oear YOMiar Am- Ugnta The town board purchased n twett mHt who oaMta ttla fortttne to eltv th new will amount to o uow rallnwas mm huvimv DRIVING MATINEE e hore power geaoHn engtM " wm" i euaiuee iea ruutetnolataii t& or aHglrfu igare, and 9144 per yar. Aldaman Harrhrr, pnger ta the wild went akow, lal eT-- eeatk tbls week from Aneai pwrttas for Mr. TaiBMdM viaited the looal 0!vm ha has Mere fbttuMs to omm. BHWln; la farcr of tk reaehilkw. rouows: IHcae of tM Banta Ke Central Rail IbVaad W tPsm - ItM, igm tke inn. I fkrMBB this nftr- MEMBERS OF ME OA ABRICUL MBldd tkat'kia ooaMHaeuU h4 dftaOk. Italy. Mareh IS. 1M. way comnanv. an.: talkail witk kual (raMea HwHed, hoe A weft will he dag eeen feet n,Mrs 'Barnum-Unllsw- , ftb oh the State TURAL PARK ASSOCIATION bi BS West Thirty-- 1 m anrl otb.ra mtereeted In th near k west eornor mm wilai HaV Tor a. aaya tM TO ARRANGE FOR how IMtta, and tkat for ibat tuajoii tke sort of town. munn w Tent. f tkla part Mow Max WILL TRY A pnmp will put In strt. of MEETXlML, woaid Ilk to twaeed. It wae centrtftig) be ad wernnglr ef fntllac I loo. Ye.tardav afternoon, Wd flPRINS h - t)sy rerta ha left via worked out meeea ky hmmIrmnni the ot at will be nsed during tk ssm- kMHk, Md ImslnMS nnd Banta Oewtral railway 'Hart H the fMij irho rot. mer to pnmp rUrent. the F for ta 'ht theory that the "Mtlmali" of An ordlaaae ftklnn tke fjfctf of water to Irrigate tk never in in setter and Msutsaa netsneia valley, which h will hwseet Bte Mcm Agrlcuii town. Oltlsen who use tk wnte ntt T!oty's" caravan In. hm valley MttB JAMBS P. iMittK of mv wtn iw par wonui ana a ImmekM. CODY." thoroughly. As a proof of Mr Tnll- - prrfleet. bW iMml Park keeoelaUon are insKing fee of 86 IMU for ack Keen leaned. for Irrlantion wll" My for th Mttte. When tiHsatlMed In regard to tke madefe's heUer In the future of a WtWrSHi evolved. driving mat operation tbe DounUa-McOHo- ld cotmy. wrRinj gJe a nnj aalary at $U per rhe cost of the will keakeut raitWer, Mr. Iktlley MM: "I TerHturr." he said he "Vmr BfMAt mmsey. the t u the tmmrer'a twenty-lov- - Mnnot "Sunshine that - lh nwsiMM bee at a at wbkk time tto erery r boars. K. Ok- repertn permanant haadqMr- - StP are- bjng token to PPr whleh eentrol jMtaaiie ? dae &WVi fef tke eaeaiay two ftaeal Imagine how tke of Ootonei had estsbllnknd t baltl Mr. Hart. is hejied to get ait tn memoers ' nem Is ttealetlng In the work of re-I- t TeML ws IntrodHoed attd aeed by Cody's HlnsM and etmtemplatM t era at iuwwoji and expected to re ij8eolt m" tbnt he M not gather and take neiue aennite action - the engine and pump. "fJlKe TJnJ&t staMett tWe afternoon. urtuiua mii UR&nKtteus me. aner- Awerntaa wn urement erigfnateti certainty, vttere m;n is me seuwweai. li.. . ' that bid Wllnt WM eWiliN. tn regard to a spring rsclng meet. Cody's llk- - live In New Mexico," t u ta ht' VsUhMvd at nresani. Ktoteu kad eRered aa an amMtement EASY TO SECURE Is nstkinit enher in Cotonsl "I to rrtatll b rM3ta the ewapIer. that IL II. areeniee. one ot Aiuueuer n ollHWts on wogner et .U1W Ofai tk talcry t ateemM and NEEDED DENERO slate of health or th suseess of tbeltald. "rt the finest earth Mm BMaBU B. JlfulHM. HBH flue's prominent horsemen. In speaK wtkl In Burcme Road Will Be Completed to R ft well. n supreme oourt ot iBvor ke deebted. to whlek rker waa !) went ahew to warrant mi JuitaeHrr. in the Ing ef the noesmnity of a spring m ,bq aejend. le Interest! to tke tun of etich stntemmU. When be left New Conllnuing. with referenM to the Ureelilrn. tkat her husband hod b flee in the fflunnelat affair t Hi ley 'JVtgm'Jfel F srT s . Mid: eeme tio York PebrtMrv tK aa tba ttavnle. aulMkU K. Ogelml. he Mid: V'JsK: Tf"WgTrB)fg an her and left her iMmnltese. my Aiuuqu.r After dMraHt. roneeraiait A. Be&geea, prtHnoter of mmlng and say. It Is !tellef tkat ir LuAa-.I-o roniui iu ii tk hIkiiim "Ve want this line, and let me t dan millionaire and his wife separated que dees not get Into line for avpring ru, of Dan ith and wa ent'jMlMtle over ngm n-- mw or m. gw IH monies sse. wm More Mm two yagrs ana Wotaa MUlfmdP9 dlrT. . meet nnd secur irties. neitner kkt somjarelMMelre dteeoMrtw upon the tlta prospeeut ihe seaaen. Thw aewre it uie hn pingw b w MeOualde has declared kts inten Lm Vesoa. and possibly Phoenix. formed Bwining fr I - the BMthAerT . i.u m, .i a aeon ra nunmma ia A nalplla-tk- tion at flefaUsx the MS. He denies MtaUaV W Bnllding Inaneetor Wklt- aemna&y. r.u i...m..i w.i night, wHh nervousness aad Arlt., will nlso tall to get dates rr and TteHnlnx Tlila incor neee th opening bu.Mm.. the coat fields and thnee tknt be ever strueg nis wtte sea no amkT n efttdntkm wm kUiodaesd to tmUt n Mum mMher Ben of PrfomwMe at ttf tk Mart n spring meet. Horsemen do Mratton at MaraetllM. or u reeponee to .. message. Dr Wal- ekarsea tkat tke ttMkte In hi house of tkat the building ine&ector amok nsrer netcneo norm and tk aueeMs Uataur ""' "T" In McQulde's ner tn ge to the xpHw ablpiuna get togatMr ana Ms since time kM been U straight ter Vila whs et the statten when .ae hold was lRtlttti by Mr. Mrins down to tm pert ut tho etAr oommltuw from tw H W not running nor Utt Wfml allMI .."tiea tketr staek. ... nronoatl.m some OM Will sister. AmoaM other thrnn. ks sayb nn efduwnc wbWR snail m m. rvwi. i. ad tK limtted arrived, ndgav Mr. Hart oflMintry fW JMt om meet. Wc ltas it ever keen kiwn u statute MiuinirMUM ... . , I...... 1 .... I U It I . iM UML 111 ttm K MM. his slster-lH-lt- w, Msbel. broke live of In tk Are timtta Inba two narta, m might ka ,U. seek medic! nttenUAs as h,rulretl. o htv a matinee in the near as a monument of what LU -, (A i H 111 hi ribs, eirete and ah ontr circle, with miHll trflll tr. M.1U- lllA rC W '' 1IIHM in piw Han I every inei an esisrner. s future wklek we w.ll b th-H- Wm tTnltaS mkmm til- wUI .Iumd lOf tke III will agin eptrueiow Ia reply to tk wife's ekerm tkat now to -- with - msa af affair, and a deat of n of ge Bag tke membera ' Ik taw MMtslons kt mm Also, aooordlag to some wko ...... mi I work at nsst. W ullmedge. Md ned her wealthy htmbend kmi drive her l tMdesfest. gatker eUrrlng up a little enthu t w is www nrew. sni uwi Mrt tkey are creditors of Promoter "wrmw. mn mill 1WJ nfl l.i. mm ..Out kV out of tke noose and tlmt she wm end ke "Wrwed m tne outer Boggeos. as g goad steer to I..... ImmlgVutien' flMh roughing m fN k kj lot on staem in.regaed ta tk spring meet rea It served work, in - peanUees, MeQuade sold that he kad ILTZlZ i.rV. ta hla Krft-Mi- tkrewsk Vt- attcmnto at tb dlasftton of ta twtki rope lava tors. lajclMtned, 3. urn a? tka poKleu ient irMk wife Nyack eetate. real Tkr lean Mverai Wg anythingt7ZMretotare la tke wy l?ii"r nnualrr lav less mArks on Blw. KIs given km tke ke get members .r Wiesetjur and permlaelos of the kg dsbts ntmmSm imm. an th. rtaikaadla of Ten. We lu estate ta this etty wklek sks hud eold made of let to tk etty imntiSMi credit-or-t e. of Beagfe Rktsea and tonal sets nettolty rather pal skin Md shoe association together for ,i BMk of Benson is amMg tke ane4 kava hi. i Miseldsrnhl axMlience in for and had made a truet ded tM rr-eei- of koraesMMktp and hwnlsm brratered, Mrv- - sys- iM0. kvcuesUrn raotax but Tke bnWdln inepaotion ordinance Tke sm they wrald Ilk to eueb uti.MrtftkJnga Md I BMI sure taM and d nt ot bis iHcem from tk National of mttra, with Ks prfetns for fre eeeapes, is O0. Doane Merrill, mnn-ag- ar use, we wm tem waa totally diserdertnl. tar ft b sewned to meet with poor DEVBLOFINB THE If we mke Bftw et tnts snore. CsWa A Okmoalt oowmiu' so that kls wm nwesMd I rend 'wl owners, of tk amalter, I also a creditor New Mexico ta two oaoer. "Bel i ve not tM sw tmt sggg a no . HANOVER DISTRICT, settle in. Mr. MMt; wm get was reestved wut. etc.." no tkng tan betkilag taaaovtr for M.SOO. Boggsas' stenoTnpher We wan IB MM for na atd Bm ItWJMl ctarms kls wife's oo Basretary WStbtaTM. of the Owr tvemedlate snr iwu iwrima - some property Death Vol esAravjaM m wewid tk power to metruet claim tke Mnkraptsy proceedings ami tb wall w kuelMse pfopostlo after- valuable 4 htm Too,t00 n year to live. rmeiae; neeeatntw. uetivrr, owiwr hrto equip build iNga with nace agnJnat him are tu remit of aplte ruimdtagHarmining ooantry I fast be .. t Iium flaaftnad lay. Mpeoted to pes through Alhuquor comtaB one of i Vitas it enry gr esMPo, nnd was panem work. - International AntertMn. B,'in!kf-- y--M ... ever oMdttloM In "What Dr. Ne 'Cem Bask" Hre rtoe wUkln tk nxt ten day, and rampa iJTfmt. 1 ik1n itr Im tke regwlnr order of tbe auttii.orm oi inm lemuwy, "BorM?" Thl is tM first Instance In severs) la sold Chat unleaa ke on glv CONCERNING BIFFINS est oustv operations of Bert - Borax, rMlled, gold win Ad ukMt tkla ttane tko eternal the Hcnnosa tk paki and In om reason why no ke "If year of newspaper work tMt tn soma MMinuM that thle city OATtLE NEAR CARLSBAD. Capper company, say Silver City 1 pure gold. a world of and aprtag meet, will gnsstlmi bobbed ap again dome tka I sm it, tk Capital CRr today. Titer' tt wilted Ms dared to ten tne trutn arrange lor a ke wir a en nntlslng tke nbeenee of Alder-an- Jokn O. MeXeen, who wn in ekarge Independent Thl compeny Is baak wish or. in It's pure stuff. about n wedding for fear of getting not make nrrangemMta for date f l.y cap nre toaTae7 Qlilggejrster, tnguired lb rauae, of the cattle dipping rate eoutb ed, it Is understood, New York I of thin 1 kave only Men lleked. Md does so now with a. keen AlbvquerqM. Dr. Itoilets, during past few BOOD ORE FROM THE groom Is for epring and, wjm Igdjsrwed (Jut Urn water town last season. lntrtrlwd and tbe " ' BetMotn valley, Mt rellah. Tke Is nn editor and The outlook nt presMt a .t. . s . . . I a porti" away Inspector, on meatus sse purcM-i- nil tne,i iHe oon MAUD M. OLAIM. aeeoutpllaked nnd popuar lead nut very bright and un work nldirgsan kad been called Bnvsg. tbe Inst wsk. Mnny Kr ajr wttk It I not M nut mt Is to assist an stopping tk Hooding of the snklert of Wartbar .caul from TiUMHv Naan MN Hui.H ynVH I ntgar It nnO in hut famhur dla Assays from ore sntnplM taken from er of society; in fnet. h doesn't know leea acttan la tokn In the near tu the etrMt at Fourth and TIJwm. tbe east side, near Onrleb. would In Md AfMd Hanover tkat Ita onv . h aontkweet. If Mtmerlr U- - tke.Maud M, a a Ming property kt M much about it ns a ratlt Ills )Urs th oMnee ore that Albuquur which rssggpktod In tkat Mmedtata be allowed to cress tM river to l sers were able to ingnag. Tk ootn-lrelot- ! unum 1 return from my visit thaBMta F mlninc district, loenlol Mir la red and tba freckle an bis qtte lovers of tke racing game win ualghhorlnsaA a SMll Mae. witk dipped, say the Carlsbad Bun. Tbe wrest eaeeral hundred I r win ba able te tBt to In tM Bex canon of Oh Tosnau river taM crowd ek other for room. lie bare to wait until tall to witnesa tht-i- r branch rIvors kowtttg ta nl) dlrerttona. doctor examined the crossing, snd thouaoad toiler en theec propertlM. more u Uaniae about tt Uewerer, about tve mile northeast of Bkt bM sever considered that tke future favorite Mett. Taw dood wm Oinssd ky one of finding that It would mil Infringe "n It la understood that It la not tM from ht T bur. the only IkRut n Fa. show that th or in tknt ofafni (oohen very bright and promising. It ta well known fact that hora.-- Bprtngar light anrlsvc wagmw com- the range or endg"r the slock on idea of tlila eomtnuty to take out new' leaks u arteela water. I tktak this Is vnlMbt. Tk oeejys were tasB Tke bride. Judging from tke Job she are net M plMtlful in the fall as in -- young ing in oo t with tke plug st tkls siit. becsus or being close at antD or snr sow time to come, wiidana iir fca overoome wr nru by Corbet t & Collins, mining4 tms taken on her haerfs. Is a tke spring, nnd while tkey may t.o If bo-- al tke corner of fourth gtMst and Tl- - Mnd, and no cuttle running out j slmnlr to block out tbe ore. and wheal get t m. ans. In fact I aw sow of K. gamers and ssMyers of tkat elty, aid lady of more than ormtary nerve running truer to (arm in the faU than Jen arau-- . during IB eonw of tween tk vu and river, decided to tk proper Urn oms, tk ostntttMUi any rate tknt Is wMt I want to gave tke foltawlojc reettHa: II. 1 fjnylord (Km.) Seetlnel. at a spring rM meet. It afforda nnirli allow to M dipped wltt M BJeaaa- - tk meet vet tearn .. thkr trie, if t can. I aw Ik' gold Hi ton. valued ut sport to tke toyman to see largo a ruway. tirkln tb ping off tM east side cattle MtMlv of to SWITCHMEN'S UNION IR hotter it on nt once t usdertaiten by nay company in tknt formed water supply is unllmNad. oa A quarts and It etas, witk tb termlMtlon of the rare or tk kslaniniu pipe m tkotign thla side sad returned he ftM. The rook is whB SUED FOR A POLICY. Md bM mad of rblMWM. tkelr range. As tM spring works dwtrtet. I certain i ir euen is im nn, im vsi gkows some pewttte ami teBurtam. Tke ahrays ta deult until the wlnn." Afar eomc further route bttslness prawrees. cnttla will 1 cut out by tk Tbe commuiy la nt tke nreaent time ley enn t nMd very nrosutve, ore vets so tar aa eovetopad akow Bwtt wm brought In the dietrlct eontes under tk wire, then to iMpeetors sent to tke rata as ulialai. thm auut imnnuml ttuaaklHanr.l Ta Haitla BataMla VSllsy. a foaHSnet koy. bMrtsK gold. D. C. eourt nt Denver by the widow of tke small wklek usually prevail Alderman WiUtram mvd tknt tk Md -- net, a subject foal aa psewtble, tbe order anving BMk ateam hoists, on tko dlf-- l If our use MM or uw fJMrg of tbe working for tate Dwnla tMvldson, former Mllw tk faJl meet. MlMil take itfcaaa to tke !.. ln4fU IJlnnt ks ognlMt ceil of tne mayor, which wun pssa been modlned w m to Olp only tk ihhi iu.h i.. aj atturaMiii. mi aania kv naatni. ma BMUNia vwier, ef Jttdm MeioM's court. the mMgy or scabby cattle i ib i him mat th. nru in I will lie mian irvm tin. awl skeall force of isHnsw it werit doliU Switchmen a union of Nortn Atoenca. DAU8HTERS OF CONFEDERACY it.u loikar. maiaa of a vear. witk a good of wklek Mr Dnvtdaon knd bM n BLBOT 0PFICER8. LAWYER BMITH DISB devisaaitg. : FROM FNEUMBKIA. TAKINB UF LAND IN i I ewe oi aftfa worui. Hawaw mewMr. to collect tke luce of 1600 TM Daughter of the Confederacy, RIB ARRIBA COUNTY. A DKMINtt FRBBBYTERIAN tsmerH what I have RAILWAY polky which com A InaMst wa held st tha' city frm IMflW alTOPt life iMurnno tke of Hoswell, met Pridgy afternoon. Ht OHARBE Mexico, I am grMwr IN OHM unpaid K aaliAMl . over Auditor W O- - etargeeot retvrned to FA8T0R RESIBNS tkls pari of Mw TRAGIC ylalnam eborsua has been J. IB .. t. Ivl. Mil ,.r. n kail. Into atoniay aftrrnoon. the I - n., Hmm aaatnr nf MaaaMl wttM K. ana tOIBK UMS a wui tt.-t- AJI According of counsel Byron Bmlth. the Vans Hants Fa, Saturday evralnc. fr n WoMter. Okta. MM trftf to tbe claims .J'u. auiH tka foitowina- oicr tate i. Ar-rtt- ti.i taw mmmr was ta visit to kts kome nt Ml RHo, Rio tiu. rir.t MMatetariaB ahurch of akow vrnat OWVetoameai in no for Mrs. nsvldeon. on September, leM.jfor U, flnrt year: FrealdeM. Mlaa sttarney, a ho found a drrM '- ' j ooumy. Auditor wiweaat stted - i... ii.i immm.l mtm ualn.lka. HHaM tk premium on tke policy was dus first rice preaident. eo4MOB nt hla omre in that city, I er areeniee; pur-ohM- bv ton- - Mr. TalliBtatae sold k wBM Mi r. durtac tbe moratng, end MMumbed that a numbmr of settlers bnve which ha he accanted th 04 PI1 ta BeraVktr friends of, Mtf jferjooMll; second vice presl-M- from the Irri- jgagM to t mm uetsins bavtaso went to tk of tne gyggt, Sri; recording ear re- fw nttautoa nftcr hla discovery tract at load srautlao. wi.nagfii m seM oM vSmt rwiek own Mr. HI m OeJifneBM ler tks paid Aw preneiuin. tlw Mtas mtary; corressoud-beta- g gated Und sstMnM. tt oria-r-ar union md iW twj, ntamle of did Waa Uw tke repert orgMtnaUo' e. nenltms of tke Ubh grant, MbBr7 of An! M aesomt M MW oujl- seaeoted by tb aretttry, Mr X. K. Seott; Ld g aot that ke wm - kotdftng of tk ttetai Md wklek conrpnny Is new eonstruet-In- tk Mr beeJth oi gw wa. uwted in On tM fotlewtag day uror Mrs. j. A. Forswgu. The next prerkws talk w Mb III Oouid in nttawM - InveetbnatkHi SMM s reservoir and dttek systasn la Mntad M Mr. rMvkhKm dtan. 'meMleg will b kM wMk tke proel- m t lb ef Its 3. m McMakoa, train maater for tks 1 buy rood. would M dmttk. Ke eBwe to e emwlMl tke m KB Teller. AO Xlllv. of io the NKkr wm Ik claim wm de for tke deot, at tk kwn f F. Divers, on Vi tlw him ta tk -- - Denver I eklaf engtaeer af tM com- Sent Fe at Lm arrived ta ihus m were witk life beoegt of tke iseeaisd Mist at C . m . tkat ilaaSh aaSttltad frW MUte PM- compeny !. tasvMe the ttardayi4vVlrit. verdict to that effect pany and kM oMrge of tM etty yeeterdOf on Mstnsev. pymet wee rrueed by tb nt wnm ttpveW wmik ndred. aaoala. aad a returnlig to Lm vegan today. "1 un.ii ratMd." kt astd, "that there w4. WM returned by the Jury After be f

im th gift of ttftMR ka ta bring tke world's shoe by th atag used reserve r, thai mJMc any rtertd OOOrOcOsJa0t)ls Tat' rf MARKET sty heh by dmc gentleman aagfajNb that g RMt-- 4 I f"TW tg aAerneoe,, for JUs that wiM aebH Mm back. ' factory would M hdmtrdiMtii I IM, wber h i expects to r- - mm i I otla lod. a oo: ideraMe tract oa tb 1M I MiH KAHfWW fM)iK tag e MrafJid ' TRAIr)-'It- . W grt en mfil Local Happeminjgs MmcmI CMrrespondene. "ALU FROM can eeftttW tm, nr. Ui rater aggW ag MlHer, no, mill, rh wwii Gcmiwn puma Ran CMy, Mo.. Uarlm 3. J a Saata P mdlummd. mm am eompany win roioaitv. H . fffffv tflBfl MratW Ota Wrw frafTWIW-W1- ! reeatpra f aaag atlip beam Uvea at Emporia, m fa tha withtn a year with th beat ems of wor, paayat HWgrOBrOgWHMrK0OOm (Toeetmy, Matt X.) XMBticJon were the Mloaoa Tartof .ewrwructnc iwrm a ajdartf) th peat 'Weam. Killing ca bo pital hero ingertag from rarntef. nu uui- - Oa reMatsMd and fraetored wrist aad aaaaur eat aajwieam A meeting of of thw and Victorias 8aon, who yfrt Minn ateadr ew. aJt Th poloUto tb emr tha dlrobr In. uiartll Badlands. Httt the Nwtoa ImMroMeaa I kvli! was Club la ealtod (or oomnllmented fey the mnata Jto ramto at era ami buna a atghrr hat bras, iui aettwrnsmts formed by bis compaay Commercial ibis nJag to Alhtmuergiie some Hm rrom a few Colorado, sugar fggUnrbM ovenlng. mr inw twit oniwnniHipj mmtmmmr -- siockew aad feadata .gwi held eg tans faath to tb Mab Ring Jgam nays vtilnh Ik. na no - mt Uw Mwnaer ataauly driftg tke sgfert tb ftt eg, era ratbar aad Naked. t the trrtagtloh wovlw agtab-- lreyaMh ran Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Merjllllvray ..ititi1 agk w!, Sbkms nrmg d atM gpt u he ..( " ' "II the Oroat," and km Httlo moat daslrajile atalf. i., leBrart.'" sold showed remarkable ntgaisiea of mtn.t dahed Now tbe organisation, which of Kstsnria, are in the city, visiting ' dry MM got i t n .a.ij ... n.n .... ItMNd of mfnlortom aletcht of haa fSSS 14 earty tk on k1s part MKkrr waa walking has plenty of gad which Is teens. thp hae have shopping. j at to H JR week. moaef. eaaaetblag I and . tkrottgb city. atoag top g on a to oar np trith if nothtna nno bfoner nnd tlehot broker. the and aome palp fmf from iimar the of freight car ronataatiy bcaat bf HpiRJmw for ! Marry Shruog. f O. "V. Rtrong'a tttM getkya than horseradish. Aatweri., it) i Hun, (row bualnna na reonvog a inncM or mmst- - P4 ZT aoid at lt.4t shi stud train moving thirty aa boar, land thai raa be farmed, fa turning hat returned a ,;j.;r r.lli aaar Cedar PoRrt. Me Mabbad hie ita New Mealeu. And irlt, 10 Ixm Angeles. bonhtp from the Guaranteed Ticket!j V""7 " .Tl XL.. .. "VT: at ta to U N fat t old iter. attention toward wK xot-- i a pleots of vbleb was here the kmd aad yater resources Or Mill, tb dentktt. returned t BroMra' aanocwtloa Mr. RoaeaMM 3d forde from tke PaahSMdw to tf "Oh, whai tmautlfaf yon la nlao a meflHior of the Anerlwn modern noil nan la a awwt man killer at M M (o tikam'-T- unnnlr Co fmm ga ao of tb ear. He nave been developed, tke company la given your gtrtt tgtolawd i ho city this morning from a plrnsuro Work of retMdellag tb ttroag hare little trip w m Paso Traremnr Ttrket Brotter nmlaMofi today la 18,000 kcad. mar kt Is waa near ih ead as the car waaa he ready to develop tbem. tae graay on. it sounds JjWRgtl njoa-onfle- ld betiding, Railroad m Tbos. of ao anybody naymg a ticnet mm rar Wat avaa steady to lor lower eat th vsrbHM ataned to fall, nam t save hlmaeir ah tnai aasaat la land that can had It Is bo wncomatrrn vTaara dM Hlach, proprietor the d Plfth utreet. for the rwptlon of wa- houae. In Oallup, la In run no rlah, aa any mem- hind, eaceptlag cows gad team failing betwee tb car ad be brought andr caltlrattoa aad each a Hindi i. fit) aa la nrlir. i lad- erfLr hrty ber of their aaaoetatlon atasd reaoi" uuoeruiclag talwhmnt that which Are hotdlMt mst y More metng eartato death uadaa th ter than em be ooneerved for aa oa mnaer- etwrnllng Culled State court to occupy the balldlng. la well naoar Tb m making Col. W. to ntahe goud ail traaoaetlMa cattle have been egggtM during the wheeis, be kaned Himself rvr the the ktad. gentleman m pretty, len t It - tha orsmd M. Berger the Betnn real way- - It col. W. H. aroor. who at pfoamK 4 . Th" n4w firm at andertokara mat tea side of th ear. He waa bruised a thorough study of northern New 'tat agent. In the city, on busi- un dare than rmimate espeets mother retorted njonrniag In OWeago, k nullfM ariej pvrf we duiiuibb most Indicated, amrirmg tka rid-rab- l gatte badly Stid one of bla wrima waa Mevleo aad to make hie etudy It's too dear (or aarthtmt. Wher ness and boaattog tbe saVoff town. i company Dally Optic V in thl etty. that ho oxpogtp are la hp coaa-J- aroke eottat for hie did yaa bat Ht" 8 Mtofn, njerch ft4 thorp mn4s fur atag tk ormr dambera still oa Aim raliwr of Cba, RMdgfrgt MMMtr. la to he hack In the territorial motroy. it try A widaapnsad Mffni his tet 1 saw it eg a sleeping ear. olla by the Bret of next month. Coi. m ana rvwui.aireot, gJl'K! cgeet in M.e city haying s w mwerclaj Clab build rrtory yaetcrday 'III more .qew CUM- - TODAY IS THE DAY J. C. Cresgher, the a4err,htit, Oreer left bar, aome time ago. In J armj f.www y on tne and rgggtr gssrket for He Was nuhed WNR Brtah Neb., l place torkr home this mi after a n trip to Omaha, with a tb aflgt week, hut after the weather PANICS ORGANIZE REGULATING EASTER t'unmii - ta take their 'Mra. Oatgate is over hart bun l Dane trip to the eitj- brother. Ote well known actor, lot Mf,wpraB: el- - settle aad It geta so tk aouniry peo- aae-- growing old. She m csmtf to kerp Mrs, W H Hahn young the mirpoee of wltneailng the aliy ple can handle tka staff, the demand am opmpnny It imtteriug .NB PIUK THI1R PA RIM TO SO IT IS THK SFRifvo" RtlUtNOK. AMD yoaag." laughter. who wore at on formnnoo of the that tM for coaatry grade will ao doubt ad- a i fill n anmmer enaanement at Trac boat in thMw paddle. bRIMNrSS IN THR ICHRItOKV THI FIRST SUNDAY AFTBR THg 'Wore thaa t bat. bito-- Mm dy visit, have ratgrnedjo tMl vance develop as to t fl? place wont neporm nave jam city aad raptiS OF NRW MgXICO. FIRST PULL MOONAFTKR lag keep yoaag, Mr T H. Beoson? WmU H In tion Phrk. asd from that raed tia eaaMe sal semen to seeafe a aeaea--t .... . na jms on to Windy Ctty." of a awa at tk Loe Luna rolUr THIS DATE l RASTRR. tne city. the mfUa. tonal advance. AHbsmah Jeha Aleck Davto la de A FiMtk Mby tuwro Moamar. wkik tor a time (Wetmesdiy, Msreh 21.) J. H Pegu, Mr. J. M Sheep aad lambs dsoMnjid to to Me MwlWrfl serted aa an sktos to nt fntitn Monica, Oil., whor The foRowiag artIdea of lacorbora WsHflHrfeiyi Salt) aad abaat dawn arrted Inet week, moot of tk sag betag oa tkm have a filed la the ofla of Today m th spring eqadaoav, on aad oat, wa thlak no I af Mm aow tr-eooal- lr, they wtU probably remain daring M Taipayera should edit M Hi apparaiwaw wkmi raaa oa tae lamba. aa twaal. Tb Mbwr waa It.-- Territorial Stmretary X W KayaoNk). of two days la th year tha aagr aa wa aver dM. P-- nmntor. qa Mr. Frank will ir wba un-7-, that Pm Rgaag Ltr Mllla. A apark from 000 for tb week, a iaagtMa of ltM) Road Nohl cornea ay. lnoorpc.-tor- a ad Ih atgte of egnai keagtk. Join thorn. At praaant, he Is dotalned ta r aad rmbltmag, March M.-- pear correctly oa urn TbglStratKm peaalng eagle Ie to have irent tk previous aad akm a are W. Road of Trinidad, It marhg tk baglaalag l 17 A bar on a achoto. to ooanot the a eappod wk arg f what SRgfe waa kiitod ag booh. reductioM any Im- - . stretch Main go Weak eonl and etmaat Wrick dtnoatt. tantt ta lire. from rueffc wee, the Com.: Franklin Road aad Joe commonly carted th sgtrmg Judge Daniel 1L MIMWiW Of enter-tala- cd being e.Wo. la med- - aaattw M t VHMnlly Of AWMHMM, With Mr. aad Mr. Byroa K. Ivee run today wh ndr Marrtaea, Rspaaoia. Tb It n akm fb dar that rsammtsa gretytrr aadajtoakta mgrncd frmFtftifc mat g- - - ft. - the naator aad oMeml hoard RHMNWt of capital stock uj ed at Raster, stage th ftrat fall moa agtar nigat, ami- lee. tats Mesing tko- lmala Pe rftil U the Abjo4oHs o ia. Tb etreteb saahs haa n aULkm. Mr. and tketr wire, of tit Metkodlet lambs again euSerlng njeet, ihut which galtMg. gad egatimic la alwRg e th Needle. Oal. . V ir tmi ftmIc amtad lhl aotaaaoas Mto Kb tha rattssr or mm wowM Va Mptoeopal church laet ere tag, at R would seem that mmbric ardattharmd n follawa: tlaorce W. of Map, regumtee that rmsjort Ifc-- rjodorty. ownftot jMoralffg tkat ha Utaaglit he list frbead, bet K m dlaRfmd aeaa Mar Mty m n HMHioft to v mora their beautiful new borne oa loath gttlng dowa so close hi price of floM, 118.000; Praaklia Road. aat reUatou tsetrvnl. ihag for lb tMw nJ twnpaay, was ft mniy etreet. waa profa aged aheep te must IS.IM,... wag those two by Mssrgln Svrmrr tUtlnlta informaUoA ramNtHg: hi Poarth Tk hottee that further fceiinea nad Jo landro .MarUnea. A utera a iafl lamoa Mareh la. o nr MteggRhM MaaenttoetftlMni a the Caltforaia eveaiag In 1 Moeaat ae aMOtkm waw propMilhw for AJgawaiM. with tulip and daUOdlia. Tk affrt all alike. Tk raage lams a location of ta principal otaa of there wMl not b aghr HHttl the wttom JImked. tela maralnK. waa eocmi aaa prises Is gam A srretah abbmt m Ra noraml ipeat la tiivaraioaa today f to B.f,or fair to tk Ineoraoratlon la and shall b at Ith of Aatfl. th flrst adar af bt go thfgftor mag Don fait to rogietor tomorrow dainty two-ooar- ee lunefarioa waa good Magi thua a a atuff: wMbare. f.4v to U.7S; Jbspaaala. and Louie P. will get r that sgfga is IRtgbar ammtag. wkrnk a emaha awaits atran . jak uajr lor (ins grat AmoriMH pf (Wedneeda'y, Mareh 21.) served. yearlings up t H to a agent. period lUQBim ..lloge. uxpayer te eKy . ft.M; wm pnagl Tke tbta rear la the lath. kmd toostar, whrW ana an laeet Th ' rry th P. T. akmklt. recently of (own. kimJ Today, choice oees yvguld prabm for the ilkretlon of the oogtpaay m ahwaat Mil any earlmr bba should rote oa ApHI til. B. MaDeaoM aad 1fe Rre in tke j f. ' dhmvatar eR sfMy twathaw a jag. leased tke 0aataa4 Varn on KortH My brig from htVli lg Ktl miy yaara. oamct at ta ear aor- - th IM of Mar aay bttegr tha Hn johB K. M)U mhM hp Ut dt: n th ar "I wrto sMMttyk sera lavm Second etrw, known tk Ioaaea IgtMH lg tb mty, sell, eaebaafte. barter. i 1Mb of Amrll. If th laat rati Last flMsrtoak. leshhleee,"the me roaI yeatoroar. from AtamoffOHto miJ Olab Memwa. gad Se araparlRK to Oaea gaat "tt forn Go4., en a few day' STOCK SA la and incumber wool, Me, her th Mat of Mareh should Mil the now ami BMrMd to l (Truee. in wmon Wwhij w mkia K rer a llvry, aaf and boardwit MrU. onttle, horaea. and otu . swalMw It Ke-ll- ef bMe. '.arch It. aad that day obetttd be Satr Wuy eorou of the Women's Mr. SabMldt I etoftk, whole ta ttm wy R aaaalbr do. Hon. Mailt H. PiaM waa pa ataW. lire aad Ih products tbereot. mi day. than Raster could com eaak sgahalag Mb vvtp. la aU tke atabki wlUk new aaa ve- Kalian city. Mo., Meudgs to bay. aad, emaaugc, that a halloun oa Maawaaa or na- eiek P4 and oartt. trlv ee be lid of March the grt betog Stled wRh ga-- -- Tbr criminal eoekat of e VnlkMt1 MWftmir a Mfal hicle, tke of the Lonaoa lowing were some an kind R a bant H ture. ealetant ag af Oeiorsa deal la aad laeamber ai Sunday after th flrat full moon after ti- - UU4 ourt. aecond Jualefal iliatrtet Club atabl company having been okJ ORy goods. mcr far Mora To Mr. Mrs. U W. Blaek aad western ttl at Haasss of !re and iim vim of Karch. pig waa too 10 will called at Ute oaurt hovaa tn aad at private sale. carry on t little big ad or lit lij of North fllxtk street, a baby girl, thw week ehaadlee aad to operate and Rut whea tbe full moon com only minutee tb aaah Mat Alliuquarqtte. totnorraw morning. lit Prof. Hiram Hadlev. territorial geapaay, - latr aatrIK 10 weighing twelve poaade. Browsing Uve StoeR lA- a general mrcnadls bnainuss Also day or ao before the Hat, them Roe hnmt to ptorse " at o'rlook. of laatrueHoa. hold, aispos Tonight la Rv J. M. Oonaart, the popular printndat paM mar. Crw.. W pulp fd MNera, 1011 to paianass, sail or of r ia aome ilm off, aa there will rofular drill alcnt for naeeed thnmah the mtr tbla morntag, poanda, ee eapRal memfcera MkUotutl prleet la ekarg of ta neraallllo par- $!(. aaf th shares of not he aaother full moon for a month. Unkind Refer to h Jaartor. th of 0oWny 0, returning to m'keadaaaHera at Santa Speculators kSI-- aay corporatloa or r- - iah, ie In tke elty today aa buaineee. from Dsaear, stock of otkr and tmeter Sunday follows that fall The tritBMat runs hhah w. the Ouardf. All mamliaw oHoroa to Pe, from, trip, Alaaaogprdo. where 1 B. to era. 110 pounds. II.N; 16 eempeay. They will also deal real moon. otiastlaa of eorpetHUeN aarpora-tto- a. port at armory at ":o o'clock, abort, P. Qurdw, aala maaaKr for tke a:tcsded very aueeeeerel and killer. r aa Hag-O-- ie ae a aag aetata and ftranaaet hualneee By oommaHN-iti- ff Ifeodteempaiiy, ta in the tiio pound, ( Jo etackers. nthr Tb" spriaa eaulnoz mark th death The thai cmfm we ar loaing for drill duty. order of - deeldedejr gtkw4aette meeting of tk - eky, bla nv- pounds. US . tagajers. sfiolfled m the articles of ineorpara- h galHg; Into officer. tnlrodueiag bfakiaat of eonoty. m of winter, c the to winter atahia at at tke wbi leaeaew aeaeolation Otero potiads, J1.JR;tl; fefdara. UN ttOH. momiy i Two rourth wara baa wy wara iooa. aaya aft over ill on that data afv way to tke longer era pajr a lax but A marrlag Uoaaea waa leaked yen Mr Hadley that schools noHBde, fl.M; 7T stockara. Mi pounds, The grahllgkt Mining cowpany. mys, ggt oa parucamr lire In rent yftHrsrty. T soet r arrested by 0 Bluer Kennedy this territory are m eseoiient eonui tegethar spring irk itt for iy lo Mary DoiaUiy MaeLarR. the 70 atSaker. TTSMumL MM. Ineor orators with tke shares (lodar). war WMl be twelve maniu oar agk month ranrnlng taallng plgaons from tbn tton. gweneon owned are: L. T. Wlleon, M rooftia IMover uquerqua,' hd AlIlMa D. Hilt. It rot.. stamfBfH, Taxa. si by each hours of day and gaagUy ta sgm with III for a JsJalbK. A raa bv nay of Roderick and Jaka The Hlgkwad drag more made Paso, M.000 Obares; Car-to- n, - Iicvy The young will be man. WU. killer, lltt pounds, fU; M killers. TXh Kit Rbmbar during tha atgbt. Mae tbe other nam all as wt.- culirlw it initial bow to tha nubile last nlaw (1. TO-l- ift 8peels 1 of Pilgrim oem- - potinds. S4.W, Oro Omads. tOJm shares; J. I Ie oaft i MSb1bmJSSm aallaarliio taken liefore Judge Crawford for trial. oourveallon I- 106 or Pernember, th rau oui and today Dr. - B. Orawford, the FWltpwlng Keaat, Bt Paao, ahares. net iw (O.l HeouL.1i Wiismwi N. mahdery. No. S, thle evening, at 8 were .soma aaU , nt Tw. ijm nox. Die nights Umb Dr w. Manet h, the tfall known tiharmaolM In cknrsa. la dolne buel lO.COo hare Iongf t. uuat-dp- Srt and D. F. Holt, Qro Qrande. ba who waa at m I'ano on ociook tor work in the uiaeK degree. new etore le weatefh sheep and lamb itnaad tk dag, bat from the list ofMnrek Aapway, - l)y order of Recorder. nea oa a larae oalrThe City thin ' shares. The. umaiint of oapltal stock It tab it bi ahelf to kohl returned to the oily this morn- looated on tha north ahla et Mast weak: t on till lag aims dale In next Sap Bill cays City Charles j. Iantry, of the Inlrj'" Is fixed at Mo,ooo, all of which haa mmeer. taft. Ins The doctor the I'aas ItatlrtMd aretme. Just east of tne ftaata Monday, March 12. pubsarlbftd. The pritielpal tua dks will be tke long. la booming ahead at a Hralr gait, u4 snart) conairueiton compnnjr, waa a ben ulaee wioi ut MtraMMHi. a stated above, No Ysllow through elty mom re rauroflu cresetng. wnen me new Thome Boee, PWrt Qplllns. Com. at uumne win o at oro uraaae, rmw Journalism Hare. from the proaent of fhlngi, vrin pajMger the this avenue Rayaolda build-Iti- 1148 pulp fetl ewes, 90 pounds, of toddy, when the dy and tb Part Soilth w on etto RHHtntaln rth leg on No, 3 an route enat. Sftst Railroad .5; Mazleo. but branch oMae will be In be a real big olty la a very few yean. train now in the souroe of eonatruotlun. 91 S yearling. 90 pounds, $6. eompaay may night win be of tka earn' length. Sundair wilk a standi eelktr an. It ot-fi- o P. C. Dewndorf, Inipeotor for th stituted wherever tka Word haa lieen reoelved at the la oampleted, ttie HlRhland drug etore Skinner ft Harding, Fort OoHlaa, waa ao ktgh,4hat a bad to gat wi a of 8uperln.fldnt of Bduoatlen federal kind office at Bauta Pe. ar deem it advisable. The officers of stamp win move aeree the street ami o Colo.. 110 lamb. 31 pound 11.70. the company wilt eoaslst of L. T. Wil- to sou aver K. lllraai Hauler, la Santa Pe, that ha rived in tke cky laet tilgbt. on bual oupy eorner it. It EMBEZZLES FUNDS Itussel Ijumto wg aa connected with tlie land offlee. tke northwoet of Ii U Pitcher. Tim mark, Colo . Mi son. Mt Paso. Tea., nresldent: KK utt tha mcanlnlit wllLailead a meeting of tka toartl alii then be a new mora, on more lambs, 88 pounds, $6.78. Oaeon, manager Baaday with a pair of pateat teeth er Agrl-oaRar- al B. A. gleyeter, the Insurance Oro Otaade, resident AND SKIPS AWAY HTrtlW'4ttiH Collejo I fir toward being eomplet, Ikan Bierns, Colo., mo sbeea aad e tost bK tb high plaoe Laa agent, left thla morning on a trip that detree Lovcland, lamb, and rat vice preeldeat; A. u PM and Mkanical Art at low, the new More balldlng adding St pounda, $8.75. in tee rcuu. CroaM. He la oxpaTrMtaaJKidnM-da- y win oarry Him to Hanta pa. ve- ward. Ml Paee, Tea., seosnd vie Ui the laat degr. W. M. Hanklns, Colo., D. R, see-- A. W. KCLLEHCR, OF LAS VEOAS, I thlak Bad KURag wiN aot stay I9lrt8aV Tti prusidiint; HeH, Oro Cbmrde, - or Thursday. rsa, Springer and aa far north as FUNDS here mag- as awar . lamb. U pounds, $e.4l;H calls, retary. and J. Kenan. M Paao, Tax, TAKES AND LSAVRS h ha his bet back Two bond laavaa, ltaldea tka.atae-Ua- a itw- - 0. A otghla bla over- - Hon. H. laat night (Thursday, March M.) mgtis. $M. treasurer, uurttose Of thm oor WITH WAITRESS. hand aad alsor wRh f a good ticket of buahtaaa man, ine oom uaoer mis anarw. n ta afraid wao will aava Um MUnraata for a lea deyrhVnwlttrlelt to iWPtaeltiao. Ja PftdfUa. tha oalemamt. W. P. Pome. OoamutSL ( pornUoa will be to nroeaect aad af tha city 71 peaads. ITS -- that iseineone wtu rag away with It. at heart, will be betor tornnt on wkar k win wok after asm lrr-ta-at M la Ute Mty attnHgKtrUt44d Stat yeafllagsv aaa rah Bar miagrai ktad or the pub Arthur W. KaUeher, the man who the pnhd, $.; dOKtaig, geMR Immre I wonder If Uaoto Tm gat hw Twaadar, April Sd. Tnareiara. a baala mttra of a prkwM J. lic aad other lands in tba tb aad the l.ulld SWndar atojblTMa nature. J. Keecraft, Monto Visia, 0oo.( territory or New Mexico, else- lage iaVOB7v Sown ocp, tier Jam etts aroaad tkai your nam appaara aofaaely oa (iWB. Praaoee Oroaa la la tb mty aad baa the th on Csmday ggd his Dr. I. Ltfaaiillu Ml lambs, at pmmda. where, and to earry oa a general min without even bidding bla former tr smoke the ragutration aoelm of the aad Mr. of from aUK P. oa riaR to pipe He wont get gut toes cat or city election. Pratwnai Mrohwrhd war - nuabter. Mra. Prntoher . Tuesday. Mareh id. ing bualneea. friead fareweH. lu eaito of the feet ta gwa for Mtie frwajbt U MIer, Vwta. Colo . The BerkwRh Mining company. In MMUprRv of were very Thing were rather qtitec ta polio hat Vta mom lag, They C. W. traveling ami Moatf that the them Comah.agala. Daokw. I wsmld o wa lambs, 67 nouiafa. $.M. corporators all of whom own 10,900 ansloue to see him be Bill oourt, thm morning, only on victim xpeei to aiiaeat aM w city r. pnesangageeh'or ke Saau Te, bff lL aais to bear from your bag agala. Mow up iMrfor VTH1 Jfw tf Hl s C. lmLogg, La A Com., 607 snare each, are: Kit Careoa, of Oro the I Vegas Optic. The proapecta Ska being lHliee Judg Craw- a as eager tor Maary-trui- m nboa. as aetUag atoag with turn toga up Meofcaylag tit W. Jt. 1UM. prealdaat of tfw f VatNbs. wMMd. nraad; Bhmabeth ttcettwitk, Kasast are that will against ford tar. torrltortfil Alba It tiJI. Arthur return aa two oowa. I gaeaa sa has tawa, kaT being a of Dog auerau Qaa. Mectrlo I.kgr and Prod aenajU at P. M. Jfaraon, La Ansmgs. Coin, B. Martin nag Laura Itsetrwkh. of gg his wlshea aad ia tha custody of aa in acholic, marmiant Warn by tblg ttfM. Power eompany, MR ewes, Paeo, Tax.; L. C. Chapmen, M B nam 4 tgs Towa" ya iMgaTtarf aa peaea arrived on Ute fly Maraa, la at,tadmg tiHbusHe la the lamba, M pounds, ti H yam so f rt tooay vaver, by S BONbda, Chapmaa aad D. P. Holt of Oro cam karg big what to Kabea Wadeii of tke rtftaenm JMTdlKri In iron aaumpId etty, having arrlvac'lrom the south fl. Keiieher from ham Mid throw hat chaw of INm Ufi h ral( Uf Mra. Illff. van Horn, Aalmaev Onto., Osaade. The Insertionstio haa x eap-it-al in St. mo.. Augvm goatptt 3 then of to ekatn aans this morntag. J. u If jo, ll. and hua waaa ho Is going for flfUNM 'rMjlor JaJla la roovrmg from .ak Tkettn II roc. bartrfra near PlrDt Si umtaaa, M.M. stock of ffflgM, all of watek ed a position aa day Clerk at the bk - dav oprtoB at M. hoankal paid in, t. Huahea' aaata. Crmat corree- . WHeaaaaa m the Morrw-Ora- y the Joak street, oh Railroad, gwau. hare Jst Wednesday, March 14. baa been Tha principal at neo ue aM larmartg jMgdeaea, (Tetm ) Mow. for anpaadkfitM. - bgelnes bi. awindttaa: aaaa ware before the grand and will probably b Installed in their ekfei half a daum X. K. Mel Hey. Bum- Oak. Raa., ItM f of 1he eempaar efaul be tbe real egtftt basla. gad jury today, twlitg- - aantnlned ae to their awe in tie moveu to 'Die aome on tne new automatic eUairsi lamb. H pounda, a.t&. " kMaead at Oro Orand aad Kit Carsoa e end of two months bo entered tka knowledge of the cue. Mertii nnd eomlag 8uBday. Got. R. S. Twrttehfll arrived from J. II. Dution. Hlghwnd. Kaa.. 7 ehall net as resldeat mabagar. The employment of fJaews H. Huattar. JARILLA MINING uray. aa will be araemhered, ure the a. it. isnu. New Maaieo agent for Us Vagaa lust nlglju harlnK some lambs, 76 pounds. W ti- purpose of the InaBrRarallsn Is that ealiectlag agg totteKlag tasaiahae two never fellowa, whom It la aUagad, tha inieruaiwnai uorreeponaene legal matter pworeine eouna ll. It. Oerpeatar, HerlngUHi, ICan., or earrymg on a general mining east aad also teaKta altar aom traaag DISTRICT TO FRONT achool of left thm mora nr Sennton. Pa.. look alter. awea, 81 16. tkma In , , awludlnd a nnmbr of inerohaata la Ing to Ml sound, real estai. on a buetnaM trip to Santa Pd Otwl Raw-enth- the city, while claiming to repreecut vegas. Mrs. P. It. Brown. f 701 T"t J. A. MeOormaak, Zoandala, Kaa., He Jea Die booh of tha NANNIE BAIRD PROPERTY A.3p an ntModatum that waa auppoead to and uts avenue, left this mnralni; for ClalnM- - 9T4 lambs, 81 pounds, f ts. furgtiarkt stare darwg odd The tnueto store of & MAYOR I1INKIC OF OTHER PRSPERTIES SHOWIKQ. to wo; king in the .utereatu of aeetir-in- g Larnnl vllle. Tea., where she will b the Thursday, Mareh 1$. aours aud uad to tae eagg Undemann, on QOJd avaaua, Is etoaed - intervhaHgeable tnltaage over guest of reiallieu ftft- a few week. Moaiaala, Mantanola, Colo.. MT CITY ROSWELL drawer phorUy a begsa wrR UP NI0ELY. today out of for Mr. 0- OF aftr eouiliern road. They auoeeadatl In raect Linda Mlw. Htsls - Bradford la la tho lamb. 77 pounds, on the buoha they oabd to wipeol- - Mnnn'a tirotlier, who tlech oaaurred city from iFuVftlOfl, Oal.. nnd will 171 The feltowmg mtoiHg gatg are aecurlng quita a lilt of money, on Mcintosh, U Animas data,, and tb cash recalpU fall oft alarm ly from Monday night. spend the. mftnttta kere, after 90 pounda, $1.11. RE0EIVES THE ENDORSEMENT got oaltod fiom tka eotomiM f ttt oro h the wholesale marahnntH I PMhf ewes. lagty. The leak eoukl be disco K. MoMonw. A. W. Dunbar. Vl - a Oraad shMweag of Aibuaueriiua. It la claimed they whisk, anji, WH mk rmtlva In Dea- Colorado-Armon- Sheep Op., Lag OF 0H0RCH SOOIETY FOR HIS red until gva weak ago, when Kwtle-a- r Tim, that th worked their game quite MtotiMlvely tor MflM and II. C. llalnea. nil of the Colo., 47 nmjmle. waa Jarflkt dtosrtet Is toajiag ahead lu United Stales Marine corpe, In Animas, ewe. STAND ON SUNDAY CLOSINR. deprived t tb jxwrer of tnrougnout and AriMsa. war Miss I real Hkjaott of t. IMls, 8 pounds. fMQ. band II any of Ih casli. Prom 8bo ontar: caiuonia tit elty laat night, nt tke Alvuratio, bk Hi m mmb. nit that Oa Mr. and Mm. j. nallaMy, aeeom la In the . itWIg at Oaaa Marltham ft Co Las Anlmag, Ooto., Mrgnc efidorseiwetK f th uctton time oa wag ao trouble with th th Nasal Raird, pemmmttoes e root san Kranewoo east. In- thr g saagaa panitHl by A. P. Kelly, who ware here irom de tiro, an esnecta to remain 418 ewee. M powada, ! 19. of J. P. Hiakla. RoawalL N boohs. Tk waa aornr sar ar wahmg; tor of gbtaatic Mra. P. B. Luohalniier left laat nlakt ' MJar of nMitor ntmiRilogs from Owenslioro, Ky., left ike other definitely. Hie WUaiaeoa U a col La Antma 171 M km Sunday eaforotag pot Urn boy aM publish for a via It with friend and rekttrr JohNa, la htr and not his dls. bjaaae wtu day on the return to their OM Ken lea friead of Mr, ad ward Otero. owe, to pound. UM. 0., icy. waa by now Mmstoa wmesuy, Mr htm a ckaao h oa f t In beaver for a few day. Prom that Pe, attorney aireu tb thttwaf a wM ttsMtr III tucky home. They came out heit lor A. J. AWbU of Santa Friday, Mareli if. ary soetety of tb trtatty Metkodlet to reform. Taara is ao way to aeoer-- F?o aaHHlrPaMn tti i tie beaent or the health of Mra. my Mr. uteMiHgw will proceed to for tk rwblo Indiana in tk mtn torrfarr. Mora jf terithi w4U be Ni Monroe, Wis., wnar she will make an mnrdea, Moat Vlats Oom . 7M aWaofI efearoh la resolutions whleh wa ta amoaai or moaar tax wots gg aaig amy, but ah did not jn to Im- tery. canid down from Santa re, mat wer wig probably iarapoytr. wktok m a extended visit. mav paeeed at th laat maatlag of the till, "nt it nmaaat to goM pwaaasr. haSar earn prove and It waa thoaaht beat Ui re- night, to Mok nrter some legal J. W. R Msjgtg Vwu (Me., tb soeietr. bbaat 1100. tha ef th turn to Oweaaboro. Dr. J. a. Kraft, the dwittet. ya tera rnflje vovernmeMt's charge. lf UwiaaiM. fSSR M aar mgee thvowgboui trday transferred to Attoraay Prank lambs. 71 noitmk, Mayor XlaMa parmiu ao basineaa Keiieher ootmetag a oasarM Work on the new Marrow bvala W. C. WarHok. reareaeHtlna th J ewee, tr. anagig ga asaacRR of tM saettoa - 0. Akarman, fifteen lota of tk Ottro-aad- o gmiHgLag ARfntaa, (Mo., to operate an Maggy eseept hotels, amount of moaey, over MO. Rr Mr. of ssaRhwgat. building on Wt- Railroad aveaue, D. Mmmoaa Furniture stor. last mat Jl7 livery Haaaer, saym setts, th plao. near tk local lumber night tor btMdneea trip tk reetaaraate aad sathlas. oa laser Tb or to gold la eharaotor, nu door to the Rkwaomlat building, a throaah Th follow. whhm b tpok with Ma whsm b Mft, wttb l prograiag rapidly, the two brink mills. The ooaaMeratioa la In the sMttmra portion of tb fcrtuxy In rolutis a Irpa baoe, aad aa aapth le gaiae, SaJKM. Rvsr-Wls- e "Whereas, we. the Howe Mmstaa-sr- eoaaMerably taagtlag up aJMre walla being up to the eoennd atory ntawboraood of th of tb firm a rspessenU. The ah erleek. tb streah of ajraaa eopgor agama. The regular moatkly meeting of tk Bora,iaert moratag Mr. Mm. gmeiigfc ssewty of TriaRy Methodist Rem b bad la charge. parse alrdy, and the croaa baama all la - thla to aad Wataoa." aajd Haami. thm ta tge af sagger UMie- am aoewtr of tb Lead srv- - North Right you ever slogged ig of copal chore, south. BI Paao, Texas, He els borrwed large aasoaataiof will cuMlaae to grow graatav place, work on the bulldla will be aor Pmnklln. of "kar tMak money with ruahed forward during the prevailing ntm Methodist rhueeh will be hUI at street a girl. Mr. Praaklia Is aa se. th aaa wRh which a n.. u aegt effacej have lenimal with pleasure of tb from Me frieads. sesmplag f0 depth. e act gmn pieaannt aa faat aa poaamle. tb eaurcfa narlora. Tbaradar. March ploys of th Albtteuer-ju- Oaa, Rtav mesevii pieaic ema. m loo take by tbe Hoa. J. P. Htable. rrom oaa ama aioaa, warns a The Naaam Baird M Is a great weather aanu, jovery Is argeg iron vi' is mayor RoeweN, N. M.. bled aseagt Mayor J. aherl-da- n, at member trie Light jt Power Jociuany. same time remala oa i mm oalmly of la afarr feasor la the Maes, waMh has Prank MeKe. J. u law Buaday t to Henry Waaterfeld, W. H. Moor, to preeeat Special sommaalaatlOB f Tom pi eajoy hiaatteif whU tir poHoe are tag the la regard to KeUaher aarchaaad a tmhat for Lo agio of about 11 jsgragg, Balow it V. nosing or Aagelee W. R. com-poeln- g Kra. o. Coverdale, tb milliner, Ixtdge. No. , A-- A-- M turning the worid gaaidi Iowa to fiad bownee, aad. aad tort Baaday erogiag oa ate vstas, tbt-t- h J iktrna and II. Bhertnaa. P. and Thurs - there at other bfor wao spent several weeks at the Hoe . "whiereas, we ctmslder the his nb No 7 Ae sea aa ddr. Huaker team- the Initiating team of the local day eveaing, at 7 0 p. Work la hiav- oaatoet awsar Is rOaoaed that . pital n- of Mgt8. went 14W safferlag from aa operation for tke and naaaur masoa e. I admitted I bad - added. servaace of our Sunday krws to be ed of bis departure ha telegraphed hi th that Ito betwaaa t ilm aerie to Vga appenuteitia, auavleatly felioarcraft ad or greatest lme hla morntag, to I nit It ul ft lodge of haa recovered By order cf W. M. J. "Ob tbe coatawry, I a)K rg aapposod iae the evils to tb apir decrlptma to variatu potato ahead Md porphyry, where R la aapecte i a to apartment a, In C the reatuer at vm pia. it la be removed to her Perger. twontofy It waa impoaatM for ngRtve fnmi Itual, aad phyalcat welfare of man and be ha received word that th that tba richest ore ever found will i. that tke Meadow City lodg the Hop building, on Oold avesjtm. Ragnlar service at Temple Albert Jaatloe to eajof Rn I always kind; therefore, he It lice in i's Aagesaa bar arreetad miad. Thla ie at a emtaao ut iu Aa yet no aennite date has Prlday 7:45. Imagined the Stgtal tun re of man 'Resolved. Thai we the Home young man who agctly answer th frogs th will atart with is or mora mmbra. upon evoalng. at Rabbi Jacob a fet sartae. re- deldd for tke driving matin M. Kaplan wtll on follow- betag sought by the i lUte was so Missionary society of Trinity Mtho rvguireau. if tb Ixm Aaaals The Man aie Baird, who Thia morning, Kugenlo Trlaaarl now fey speak th all tbu telegram km being arraaaad for tk mem- ing guatfkuu "Why Are ladlgeetloa great that it grove him o surrender icpi "rope i caurcn. eogth. convoy lice are right he will be to develoaaiaat work haa fesen perform- ceived a from brother, Mean Agricultural rtrad l'aul Yriaaarl. itatlng that the latter bers of the Park ad Marwuaaess tb Stana of Roe-- soetwr or later. Aad 1 ' 'Uhlht It to thi. Hon. J. P. Kittle, mayor of thle ctty gad prosecuted to the full ea ed will b oae tbe blagoat producers on way aaaooiation, but it is thought that a galtlag lg Sooiety?" Rverybody for a to e polir Roewcii. N M . our high tent or law u the la tbe torrttory. On-- will mlaml waa kle to title elty, wktt a upon Oood asat llk amreela the rbarg ar :k car load of freah Holatela and Dur- date will be decided ta tk dear la waiooma. ay great length f t in " ti n of bu action, and trust that he provee be will probably rectlr g tom oa each of th vein, sad tb gMsaat fvtare. - - ham eowa, whkh wer parokaaad W. B. MetmtasY who mad a trl Ifww abaara!" eacii aa Hon.- will aavt- th hrirty support aad co- in the peaRentiary. which will be out oi-- t will be to, Tb New Meilean ears: Lasrraao MeJRai "hfy dear Watson, wh do you nut operation of b. leitow cltlseaa fa tb Mi Aga wait- what la waatod. The from a well known Colorado raiaor a grocery lor faten, whohMala liquor ba Prieae. a youag graaad mtoah of milch eowa. oowa can be dokl, former clerk la Alba dealer, baa roturaed to olty. He read the daily papers T i ut. tut. donI ciiforoemeut of this law. WW trust ress at th New Optic who eaatty, and In putt log oat a .Brogue-tto- a fine The Auerqti. Is tk looMoa a tke cai. th aeen tomorrow at Trimble' red barn. 'n cltv for nau t wogptain towns aad re-ao- protest that o go. u glaaco v also that other may be leg by rived free Chicago oa IMbneary w of. aay, we tons dally. SM tea similar position. II visited having taKan Quite sporting I hn. , In the els egggtbt. to see and feel no- mar w Ocaar Oebl. formerly of thla elty, or grocery vm' a nice bill of the Bg, aad the waa anown a great deal or gvlood aad toft atminto m hut now of M faao, naaeed through tk weal stores aad orders. baa ball season you re i mm. ise Ity Mr th Mforcemeat of thla by the insurant aolleltor Mb atogaa, batofcod oat gag, ready tut peeta to seenre employment C. IT. Mataoa. Jr.. who was look af the aMtares Mid tig mar- law. wale will uglift maaklad, aad tag Ithe Mar miaieg wHh ail Albuqueniue, laat night, en roote much dimeulty. Mr. Yu wlti blm oa tba seme treia Mr opraa - week par- rlag lie aeas, you do, Mot read show to or aaag it home from a vlalt to Chicago- Wkll street, her the past visiting the bt th youth of oar lead that weet. It is the ooiaioa CbatJ tae mcuu'ee at Mr taking Poartk between TUre aad paper, you dio. nm would in gggg g Holy Sab-bal-l, aaral dowa. ha reelded. hare, Mr. Ooebel waa a Copper ents bar husband, aid the latter'? tbe u tbfr day as tbe thy aad arraagad to leave toghr. clerk at the Ooldoa Mule dry goode Hveattes, it still in a rather bnAkar. 0. A. Mataoa, Vsft last night know that Job D. Rick' MSer " aid atteh a thing aa obedience Rsdhmur wee a good laohlag yoaag uaaaaaabl roudltlaM. a a rmwlt of - A More. Wnee moving to B1 Paao be oa one of tb dobtyd west bound "Oh. I know all ab a his dtaap- to wortal taw. (Slgavd) fellow aad sporty drssser aad Moled HOUMMBIfieR f la the breakJag of a water plug the other paaseagrr tralne for Prftseu, Cal peargac,'' I laterrui" a. "But I MRS. T. ATTEMPTS SUtCIOS haa taken to Mmalf a wife, aad nigat, mat aaa J. PMNCK. a graat many. Rastoess ma of both now buyer for one of the targaet de- eattd Poartk street supposed b waa bsiu a hard time MRS B, L. DANfggS. town cHy Mr Mr Oaaa Rmrattr Jad. who Tljeraa avano to be flooded tor a ' and were stack suit partment In 81 to andfr com. MRS PIXHIA MrA JONRaV oXfcssaJma aaomfaaamo gaSaSBaaRagSggVRe I bouee doing buatnea kp - iarg amonute bp youag mast. considerable - tb Paao. dtataae la each direc- "Rabblsk,- said Holm- s galliua oat ' the 811 raoeR, aaa Mtgaaf county, at- - tion. Commtealoner Ttemey Comulu." C. Strt another pi pUL "if u would stop GOOD QUALITY OF TUft- - tern Msg sal sigs la Beaver by wi- - U Bennett, tk chairman of the promptly had a number of wagoa 4-- i-- . . . . . 1 delegation to the and tnina you won Id tag Rgiy of A0ENT OF COLONIZATION ' RUOISE FOUND In ARlaOMA. aaa a aaaautv or rsaaanam tbo committee oa aak'a loads of dirt aaaled to the spot aad your . hav- ANY national con vent ion at Denvor la July, doductton. tf John weru COM F SIRS LAN PI Turgooam ie Mtiad la Artsons, Nw wooma'a predWameot was dtorowrsd dumped around, In aa effort to fill ing diSMally la vadliu th polite, To oolobltie tho Ijw vRjaM graat, eaye every thing ta moving along up bote by Mvalag ad Colorado, aad la mmb of a uam to aar her lire. Th woman the several nod caused aatually It would cmi on10r- - to take over tb to sMMr of Dr. Joseph rv nicely, and he la eoavlaoed, from ta th- -; flooding, rarvr 4cl th otbftr moaalala state. U Marker. bat the streets have not Dr.Kinc's aMe moaey o let ue ro,. your oa from th goverr... nt, or Cg settle a t number of letter he hae dried oat yet. In brecemtod trashy te, la velalet or of the llueols Wntasa'a cot many rivd,waa at oae. Wh "0. I knew hug eokmy at siuoe potat la hmw Irregular asanas. Chemically, th big at Jaakaonvltle. 111., aad that eataW terrttoftnl to Mra. Jessie Hannert. North See-- y suib Ill whr Job D, r la this vary htatlco otiUig of dan Mlgmrl gaga-t- gtoa w pitoapbat Mr hlghb) coaaecteg WRtftlh wtll haw ik ta AftltiMrM oad atnmt, yMterday f-- Niw Diseoviry Rohfii hydrous of alum f par fg w4lmg atertled baa, aad I eoaid pJe my head Mr arojet which Clark L fever, The dalleat bla color la da Ta ttempted dalaaatlBja, Qm ta lin mra agnsmvPalg ruaeaeon, ex t catoht - wira a ig aasMer oa hlat wMhta gg hour meral igeot D K Raa CM, pre ease g aaagfi baiaar dMsrtsg b aatb 4toa Utle ally to ta oova- her gaeet. lrs. Brgr ofBeiaeh km. bt compaay, egg th of amosuM at of un tkm. FOR "Oet kin," f cvmd. it wsmld u Cbjeago oataamatwa st. mens vamiea neeat. atom wam th auaaag had been it Taylor of Saata Pa, aad Meg. 1 egfcj. grant in your oggj tfewk blf nasumay trill very glad to aaa in A. waa en--i Ry. b ec r not or aay vara. Ptak parir glvn by tk of thm Mra. Tanesr haft CF" of hogfthrinr KTTteiaoa.1' maas th i tor at rv Spaauak roaag Udta of Aiirnivnnn mi BitfM tor ran to vetsi aureus. i 'My Wataoa," bi .ka Mr. L bt city now airehip 1 bt Mom. Pever la th 'Plaager's frbMiatar cars thg Reota Pe, with laat wjWIIa'i kalt. at wkwft prd PMewff. t mmu gms ar the) ot- - ssskhsg agnm oa or more of of tbofottgair dptr m Mfg m jgMt la hntomutere at L. Jaata Cnto. was a awei mamiiei, wn rmseor jmgg m the Bggjaats OoaM bis to M the Meal yard this Maramg on Ute tor tPe yMN9 mtlod. iraabmr eajoyahle time. Tk htaaiae of md aa eompnar ssmite all th lead t Ir- - AwgghjM woahsat. bo oaHtNt the Orae Ooaeolidated ALDERMAN oomiwajr. m ew. no, oeorge W. Berber, who Is GILLENWATER, THE coftoer he In otttlr 00 I 1 " mmm lii mi ill m,i miimin H h. or tn recognised He-- BILTO LEGALLY KLL trot et ttm wrwat coaeen. I M 11 orators ot Tfte oaaitatttaUoB of brask. A few days ago, at the deeao- - ike Oraen raue INCURABL WELL-KNOW- N PISTOL TOTER oatftaakNi maw reofotetitod la tbia i II ooiHir dtnaer at Uneoin, lf., aw ia iwm.Bfs sow. and Local Hnntilftcyci- . the aentlsmaa raaaeadai! ia laut ia4M. ha eou JjW--- "The Issue Nebrastm,'' ln- - of the foJKBiiflar eofcfreratioM: Oree -- -. f la nd the LEGISLATOR, WHO It A FHVI ... - (18.- - ,affI flependent. in publishing an neeouAt OIAN, FUTS IN A BILL-- T O7itoildatd oaMr nmmo;. .. - M.aeaBBnBRS)BSaWlKaUiUI,,,, 000.000, dieted at aboat 10.) ot tfie dinner, says that Mr. Berger WESTERN IDEA OP HOW TH On Trial Before Justice Crawford mjmjM (Friday, Mareh by hla UUIe dauehler. to speech was and Evidence ma; vterm Madra Litm Born-- To g. Me- PW one ot the very beet onkc KILLINB SHOULD BE DON.K IBit aad Mr. aad Mrs. j. - aaoRa uie day. Mr. OerphMo aaya R evening. her eoatoaar. mjmjM; OreMn tutre w at jm. sew. Ltge be- Des Motaes. Iowa, Submitted Showed That He MW-Mt- eoiapaay. ?lMM,eos, aad mn imm Davis, of Anson, Texas, March 1. Ui intended Rki M work en th rallsead having gone fore leaving for home met nkrht. rersat denunelattoR ot the Ohio b arande Slofra Madfa ft t!aelft nlt.'Ji" W' fsr ovr the mountains that the Sit-ttrH- . lr..of J stated preparations were to palaleesly part Incurables fro (Miroad, H.000,eee.Ohlchtiahoa StMtJutS "P Hfht twdo for that under Murder-La- rge Crowd Present. & the time being, m going way for bringing a stilt for dam- - this world Jtea not yet deterred Mstof the BHHjntalwi inetead of Rge against member low legislature 31',Mht MeOiurO - etwrteg (o Helen, the Atchison, Tepka ot the fro left last effrfi- ft Santa company handing In Mil. lag for Loa ABBetee wber thn will. Fe Railroad for the a similar and la th (Friday, Mareh 16.) yw JURY RETURNS VERDICT death ot J. W. Fasten, hie brother. ease th author Is a physician. th witness an OKlended viek (Saturoev. Marsh - mi wt ki with rate. IM In-la- was he- R, H. The heartsg Of w. H. aitienwater. onlied far the territory. yesterday who killed reeentl Oratory, physlolsn And leg! the aWerme m present city iN BACA FATALITY "'ff. . , I. Wlemen Ltina left being struck by the limited train at mtor, want doctors of Iowa to the After th attorney for the ptelsUff . m, neei, gittnet agent nneineee 10 mm re. the front rt br tH ws inn the Mountain road crossing, while empowered legally 'Br-ura- tsemm TMri ward, charged " Maair t HMI and O0Hl Untea Ceneral Life eom. W. B. Bwen was In eltv ves to hill A BBBSBAIBd EXONERATES TlJotK Inranee the driving aarosa It. Mr. Davis vletlms ot wiui flnrrying WeHH (6R Of th WkMBM. Ad tuJ ajtkad IN OHAROK nnr, was a )ateenger north thto tnrday transaeting inenntiree business, basset paralysis, leprosy, nc hh4 uewg mm In a threatening b- - OF OAR AT TIMS tied up the affairs of the late Mr, Imbecility and certain other kinds hint to recount the happenings At the AN8KLM0 sseraing. , r. M Mrs. waiter oenRell. o ima game up una Mt BAOA WAS KILL8P. PAxtoa M thla city- - hideous diseases and deformities monltf, it RKrsK of March Hth, whoa The members ot COMinany O are or-- are guests at the Alv ffor folios Judge Crsw wrtered The ltamlag derofl to armor rado. Mr. and Mrs. C. Qranali, with The Mil provides that at least thn mm.f Oltlsea (Friday, "Marh 18.) be at the toaiU at tf daughter son. left morn wim Attorneys MeMlIlea and mnw, waa 7:00 o'oloek, for By Q, Murphy none their and thla physicians And the county roroni T, win: The eereaar'a lurr laveetlaMtliiK the drill duty. order J. has to Retanew ing on ute delayed No. 2 passenzer Kloek IN Owe. KM "What; was Mr. Glltanwater'a atti- - f wmmsndlng efllesr. 'for few day'a visit, to look over de- kllllBr of AtiAfttoio Haea. nut ikiwu tne ror IM ,wftw8, reprseenURg the e wrtwn h tiie officer" prayer H Of train tneir old home North Da fendant, Attorney w. nifH and ItHlod 1y a Traetioa oeatiMRy'a jvrwiag at at John's enure tne Heuneia valley. Hot a. nnd k. Dobson "it esoemod about sm.) u imh. tonMt at 7:30 o'clock. The rector O. T .Brows, the Beeorrs mining Tbeso oxeoiieat people were th territory cm nBtf-wJw- tfcar ear sear tha ol town hatHL restdent pest year, aad, tttbalf from mhhw er fright. I crt WMI deliver the Urlrd in of mm., naseed through the Rr thm hsre the OffHtwUN BMMBMi RWMRvr Of TM rreoaeeoav HUrttL at lif eioek. mI- - the terms while bet wort la Mr Kww, we 1 reply, tenmrea on the Frayer Book. 1 morning, en route north. Mwmod at oTaWok, roeWoar after, oranttM II very """ witness tbaa mi m Kognier servioes At Temple Albert' The Good Leagne will la the bnslnsaa snd nVRM OASe WAS MM. wi sooa to moralag, 0virmet mfl1ltr--lbe- y fW MlM tha wmieuiiMWMwr, m t0 a que lt oeoek thta at Friday evening oM Meeting at And on his wile a leert, a fine rwmMlvM or the moved iMvtr wbkh ttaie the Mhta of toaUatoay at 7:4i o'eloak. "ts Men's bll. Th Hvery iMMdn eub-.'w- Ge4d reoord behind bam eo warn rcewmetL A. Morality ConteefcwiT" will be the t atrenue. Monday night. that all witnesses in the ens he "Vw, I 1 Ationioy B. Me aneted Mr. grannie m re -- an arwed. and om orwf Jeet of Rabbi KanwA'a sermon. Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Raywood of Un br the mm end winded firm the court I mm It. Mttloii RRoeartRg for the TraottoA ety ot C. L. Cvpemnd, one of the teo;'' that MoCrrigfct b4 oeflaoaar. aad Modeeta Ortiz reore M. r. Kelly, who reereeenta the the elty. yen- - wholeeaie 1 P"en route from OnM-- truest Hoeolers in the oily, and the J. A. Hal, Hurry K. L. ofttiBK the wrrlrlaK ratatlvaa of the letter eetaMlehmont of tey. iw Dodee. (!. QMlenwaier bad hu rneet & lme genueaMta M rigbt on the w(er que Whan. F. R. S J. A. BWadk. 4 r. Mjr Oo. returned nee. Dm ark tat wiiaaaa bronchi him a Motorman kn in from a suceeeefnl trln 10 the northern WHllam Bryee. fereniMt of th Al- - witnesses for the dalntlffs, wore then VnPB Ot WIS DIM. TM( limit, sehrader. wu - Inrarmatwn baa 'been reeeireii la wom VHiau charge 1. down town. btMseraue fonndry. and wife, are rev- and 9 rderfd from ttt court e at of Oar N. that rue (Mmg mty ef MleMe Mirer Fos room wiHmwatar aa he handed the the auu. waa the first wltnese on the J. 0. Mureky, father of Mrs. R. 1 in the baby smites ot a sen. iml tc the of jMpe to MeOtttsht, akl iww Uiat HtHt .left thla morala tor .arrived tr, the originator of the Hoffman U. IMdr. b reporter swtna. lie teetined that he waa run- - M9 for The lllMwater bad a pletoi ta tila Mr. Mrs- - B. 004 Ito brand of ofgdrs, near New band. RlDj? at netehes," 12 where he win a fw da iak. sad J. MeManns. SO, CttJtw, who was miles away that he. the did "nine or about Ing ivui North street, York City. ilAvfsg bouaht a wfcee The Hvening wltaeea. miles an hour, when he noticed a over the country, with a view to Fourth are the sroud OiUtefi mm, whoa t star to ihh) any mora. The m roceiiBg. raeeaeoie e a aewiy trorn uaugaier, or rweeer tumng and etaered tbo sjaa the took pte, waa nettaed WltaeM wan UnndaJ man reeling along by the tracks. He en cottage, al- affrr ... the . Mid." tn B. F. mieh ami K. 'whleh arrtved Thurcday maht. turned in his stsmmer taking whe?epon fl.. . I . . . . " stated that he ran the iranr and that u Mmu the lawyers 9V.rsN(ai uor niiienwtr boil Milt. verttae. ara is the xn.i bmn. ' J. H. BfnrraB. DrscMent ef Ut Hw ter a hearty dinner with friend and r&-.- e;t the man. before he was wrack, irr ts. -- game ;ar ute hwm arcs? anl taw W bla Hitot The wltaesa M ant Jut ing uraaaa Mills, yes-b-y of card till 2 'eteck next - shown the sights metropefle woolen eturaea w m- erM-xamt- ai staggered upon the traak. He said he of the also ascinded. !y the aUoraeya for the well Waftaee I frow n brief btulae trio to morning, ho retired f his eetta, Attorney Dobsoa. fc: reversed tne power and applied the known ooBtrattor. th, .rrltery. mennstiRe. iae territory then reeled Hejnelden. 1 Texas in the Utterest of hie hum. attached the tubing to fhe gaa jet and brake, but that he was ao close to - -- 12 ',U.'W, "V" wltnaaaea for the delettae warw There will be n regnfar meeting of ' A srrlage- Hetnse was lewis tMs innaied tan tumes iww Kit lungs, TTTTW IK the man he eould not aton the ear aw Klin IN II QUV.IB'"lBullfJIl. i Ml WHS Br h ML A'AlrMu Harmony lodge No. 1. ladonondent ' onilng to Maria Caadelarla msd wnion wwted in deaor. tic left a nd thwefiwe ahoald bo allowed to re--1 W. :( Springer, in time to prevent struct? tne man. memorandifM shewing tltac of the 8Driszr Ula Stat omenta were order of Odd Fellows, wtik work in Balarto Mspinesa. both ot Albeqner lift wealth ww in tw eoMit rooaa. but the at-- 1 Tranafer comtmay, eorrbWated hr gne. amounted to Stll.OOd. health Is vni the firrt mi we conductor, cnambers. Jose Apo- - Ute second degree, tonight at I ij'eJook B4 DR. R. H. OltBOORY .'l8i'8fl " Mir wltneea oalled for the defense. in unu All grand juror that have been supposed, tn have been tier csnse of 1S$..!2W to l"lya wit. I Mr .. 1-- - daeg or old town and n Mrs. Murphy renowa' nail. tne tragedy. anar at Inrlnw k.. mso - Rsgalar sjcctlsg of the (sdles df sammened will bo expected to appear thall unanimously aareo udob Lfaa at Hftw for the defeoae, whereufKm lie MUIhb were examined yesterday alter- aaa laslde of hl offlee at hla dek. DUOO. thb O. A. R.. John Circle. No. at the court botw at 0 o'oloek Motw oessliy tor the legalised murder Igan OltCAGO then "Brt,8a'r MoCrelsht (Mler inia menting tne jury returned a 1. tomorrow (Saturday) night at the an morninK. CrrfiTAUTS V?HT In proposed. The patient hlmseif, I part of the argulnc In The Hvenlng of- - f. O. P. II. jgporleder of. Las Vegas, was- - n ilefeaae,itujTZwaa Cltlten verdict to the effect that deceased O. kali, at 7 o'clock, aharo. C GXANT oe an nuuit or sound mind. aB attetnot to wetefit flco. fes. . . C0UW7 MINES ai,. oame to his death threes betas Ily onlsr of wreeldont. a vtsitar In the msMoaolw. yestet' unit m the request, tm jtust aleoJtf by J. K. Kiner, iitetriot manager m the day, en route home frosa Tuosoai nearest kin. la the ease of chlldrJto struck na AlbaeuertiHO Traetioa eWNO DAY ALBUQfiVrteKtE. company ear, but exonerating those In Colorado Tefemeae company, ten Mt Arlrk. where he ha bee on bust Hi bhe pareat or guardian must ronseai 88,1 night for Denver, where be aotw to nee. wniUK KM ROUTE TO Trtgift A worn Brewer a MaWL, iTJ;TkilI K"rt""Te teatlled charge of the ear at the tine he was Mi reeert. a br th iwrikai aaw hleC.nUnht u, w- i- .uim truck. an eno n meeting; or tee gtetrtct mwa Mr. aad Mrs. Row Lyoa of thm rfOMES AT CHfCAQO. pants, shall be made to the secretan I aawra comnaay. city In Meat aaw,. Mesv where vTh Ji!f? .rKHl8R In The of that . of the state board of health. An trZu. Mr. buei-ne- es the arribwt of tram in. 0ww A setentrftc Wonder. A. J. utttev W. w. Ryan and If. F. Lmss is tooking arte some poteen abvsieg the prlvlleaea ofere The euros stand to lis credit untie ot Denver, tewetner I., w. rev the Amerwaa. Lamoer eom 02 o'oloek thin morning, uwtit the or that with uenartare or wo. at 2 o'cmcK Oda deparUag from the strict lettei maVe Becklee'a Arnica Balre a aelen- - OaRea, will eetatBsh In thw t .TvKIL ,w mmi irWo. but eaaaod maeh eftees asxtsajinns. AlbedtBiw waa heat: to thervoft wl sabject himseV to tin hy tine wonder. It cured X. R. Mnlferd. ArmiM liuiidiag, and reoreeent lo rrMrs. L. A. Bond amb ohtbOwa. who peaaltle regumriy Mac aalted. II aui .uL . . aoeetaiom tne directors and r HM nrescrlbed for ft.. "wr road It In the lectMrer for the Patrons of KtHfcaadry, cally a wen gnowB fe InauraneeH'hAve bexa la the elty tho nateeu of awsoMers degree mttrder. ftadat Mikwi .1 iko in.IFf," company. ur. and Mm. r. B. Komers tor some birto MeunlAln Cottoer eemnaay.ww. Rvealag tioR abokt 1 warnesDere, ra, ot a tustressiag ease ing eperailng o'oloekon iK of piles. It heals worst bams. Yesterday If wao Inadvertently and Br the Burro ifftras afUwtteeit of March 14th. reTKhinXiHi. the CKV- - and bNu Bores, bolls, nfcers, cuts, chil- stated that floral- - deeorAtteas for tmetoe n BHtasieta. . Ula? ffReea mllss ireen Silver publlahlaK -- wounds, the party NEW FRENCH PREMIER for rtlalea S "J blains and Mlt rheum. Only tne wasbburn eanao rrom Cali II. B. Vox, formerly in the btwelry Im the wertr at 8. gheuwrnf 0uw taw oaper.M ""l rjl,!" 2c at pty wtCe, Sw&eny ACfrtxf to wtiion deretidant had hv rii 1 1 .Z Z fornia. Only a part ot did, the taaslneee in. thla olty. JaK altcht and J. and wife. eteepUon; - "Sow,aler ,nifl th) offl0'' all drug stores. them left ka that witnee attemot- r?al being Parnwfewi by 11. lor ixia Aagftiw and Dolata in wash- - : Ado rrtcunn F. and wives, to hTra. 0 remainder II. A', Iriotd. M. Sanies, hna mnomtrato with where- - nilS.f';l,e.J,r, iRSton AHii Oregon, vteU of and E. Nauibaunti itntf wife, alPol Jean who imi ew iven, tne noni. attfe a - upont defendant jr-- formed a new cabinet Pr&m- haj abuilTo and ..01i,nwter iM' ARTICLE OF INTEREST Thu Oood Leeguo will soveral day- - AlbuqitoriHio. uruoflgo; Tuey weres traveling in- si ia threatening, & Um U OovortHsient la been a power to poll, that hj aabed tlefendant tonight In armory w. 11. ana K. Van privanroar. and bail Ueea on a vlalt French ice foi ""L1 meet Cowpairy U uendlo u dove. - waa M!0",nt nr fifteen years. hoti- it he armed, and that defendant LbB$JT p." FROjMAPITAL CITY r.t 8 o'clock, for th purpotw of dis- of this cltx l& company' with Jin-gl- to thiff' ITw Mexico mining property. The last time Topiioa; 1 am, 1 W graiui omco was iu 1S9, when "tea. and camu overl ' '. uihh cussing the comlnir oleetlon. Atl Mc4iis of the lltdiex oa&off, Natnan r . Leopold, pTOSidntt of mo nt the re to ue The roat Wtt.u"-- Bprlnser toatlfled that ho had po- MOitsKam Quest of hla friend, Drlsson, be, If of tha wit. ARE NEITHER "SPECIAL DIS mvmbers and otheris mtemted In bavo left Albuttuerquo to aeeopt trarro contianeoBcaay. aso wit nm teaUmoiiy waa nraotleallv the n01' out wrraod hla opinion on account good tha1 Ihut. apokesawn ot party, rnfd: seme reluctance, teescntcd to aeimpi same PATCH EB" OR "SPECIAL government are requanted to bo sitions os oast orul or tho the a thla papefa account of the ?f ver"' which ho had aeon fa) Mr. Mrs. C-- Crania, uoa- - wo wer iBst out Iboftmg at our rao Dorllous ooat of minister or na BUT SCIS- vtteadanco. , and their Ue affair, publlshcf In laauec. Ile w mining property, brought at the time of the Dreyfus con pwioue lto tM'lw.1 SORED FROM THE NEW MEX- Work on the new Matron, bnelaess and daughter, Mr. and Mr. and our IVIlneaa then went on to y that ho .T . OM'water waa on the outalde house on West Itallroad. avenue Rotd, and ttwslr sob, Ouy Oranls, left wlvos wimtr. Vo aner osm dny Itrl ireversy. as aucft be instituted tha - ICAN. is Buwi uwennant a ooward. na thu lat-- 1 u,lcu a" o- fast under way, and will bo rushed today for BanborB, 3. I)., after mine Silver City and three davit fa eamp at waa Orelght raised nUco nlno or br ier backlns out of the front door, r of sal (Friday, March IS.) , to eompletlun na fast am It to poa-slU- months in' ttU' city for healtb. wne- - the mlnoat It rained thweaftcrBoon we wMermon iiiuenwator pulled blue wnm nuier jniirument, in a for tbo workmen do so. When sons. staged W fvom Silver City to ssnsamfial manner. Jn the matter of the petition far to thel rjaaaaaananraBnBH "WOfOfi revovlver from hla pooket When asked br AttoraMr an appeal and writ of supersedeas finished it will add much- - to the ap- Luther Koston, oresldeafc of Mia mines, asfl we bad somv exciting ex Dobscn whether aillenwater came out In thw ease of Anastoelo aonsale, pearance of that part of Hallroaul avo-nt- H. Agricultural Ctiilaa at nlvmlU Pnrk, peneneee' maKiag camp over the slip- mj Kin res; thai wltneea then atop- - of the oOiou fust or alow, he Mid that recently removed from the office ot was in the ely last evenings return. pery mowntabs road lit a dath Mil a. I Qlllenwater came pretty t of th door with oteoe at out fast and assessor or Benin Pa county, upon Tha iollowlne real ejtatai traiuferfl ing frev) ma re. wnere ito Ba nca whlH overtook vet- - Tad IJdiM rnlpe, handed him by an employe! w hacking out, and walked up the charges ot Ineempetenuy and Ineffl. Fwere recorded in the eounw elek.'a boon attending the meeting: of the were frigtfttmed eeme, JiMMjwrfTWo ! Hreolns CI t lien itafr, wher-- l street twoards hla offloe. Mr. Spring-HBo- a clency, by Judge MePle. the court, office ynturday: Uoyu HuMakec to board otfedueatlaa. at our ile4UMfMl Krt P. ei-ec- n defendant runinpiki th uiuini ialer'a testimony, from the fact tlutt he at 4 o'oloek yesterday nttemoea, af Antonlei Uuiuob. let 2, block 0, In the Kev. I- - W. MeKean. a divine of d VSmt wetlg. Thw weather fehet. and hurriedly started for stated that he er-U- d hat waa ter due argument, denied tho peti Lewla Hlghlaad addition. II. IX IlianoH, Pa., ha arrived in Bant. tfrne,! eOTtte the next day. and tbo A)m M- In the Moateeuma TrHntl !K oh Ir The UUsen offlee. while tion, and hence Oonsalee la out of Reeves to Amanda - Freelove attd IV and will mto that city hbt head. mialnder- - of the trio waa deUght U dutag; vpgM sowtwar'a bulldlntr. sittitT at his desk Inside of hht office. offlM. Distiiet Attorney ht C Ab- her husband, lot 19 block V In qnartera while mlae'owwy :t .Upon eroes.oxamklatlon br at--1 aootit nMety-itv- feet away, sua at an bott and R. M. Haaaa anoeared: for Rortlim aOdeUan. In New Mexico tor te Aatoiawin wtta. HtTaM. aawMKak the Buero Mountain --totflej for the defeoa. wMneea wal ale of ever sereBty-flv-e demwes. the terrMory and Reneban and WV I), Motaoer left thm morning: on, day gchurf l'nmw. Oopeer coavpany ia all rigBt Weimve 4Hm t tiiany qtteeuoRa that apiMMtr-- 1 ntasea mwa swernaaent ame the Thompsoa lor Oeneales. on an mmtneattd uin to th Banrtia. Three ear leMsm at mm Sift men atiwork now. taWngr out and eti frretentnt to the matter tn hand. I seeetaiors. moimtaw town, to iJesTereen Ba treating about 20 tona of ore dAlly. that ltreatfaed numb eommeat rmosk! Or the oonelHelew of atariBKor'iT sea BROTHER AUOUSTINC. AN & Hakin. v MMMted h rml! bostdes data a large amoont of the June wiMber cf Moeotatora ores' I tlmoay, the eowrt aebed the attorn AQEu INSTRUOTOR, DhUa TbM is MB. 1MMMTB lURt HI) AC, A Ntw ttr TfShisJif efl rout to UHr work. VYs araageite (! Ht,- - one upeetBlop remarking in on I or both able whether the teetlmony Old resldema ot Baata Vn will be Uraveetna; man. Mi M h eMHtlenc KPnaHtik Wfr Uhw will be aw Hog wKh tatf work being 'din.' MMtblfl vetoe. "I never would hare I introduced would ne seeeoted tm CO sorry to learn oe the deatli eJC itbai be wU retam with a namber offalgiWHl to an lnflmiry reglmont. MlteveH a lawyer of MeMI ton's I defendant enneealeii Brother AuguMlne, T years, let intee orders nrr ajooaa. that the aerrvfe a DOES NOT SEEM prtwHmoo ootild aik so many irrele-- 1 deadly weapon, and the defenmn the OfemaMan BK'Oshera" eoMesmi at Kowiitm, an cauiord a naoduotma St. Louis, Saturday. Lorn II tMrkajr'KJsliert - roaec fm yRt t)HftOfi." use or iho qaea--i asreed tbat It would. Umr aaUnx Oil- - last ot "Dora Thome." time- uit siaht. en hnme TO CARE ABOUI SETTLING Auguiaino waa or M- - Clay n t wmeh oaeeed much raerrlMat. J letiwater guilty of the offense of cttr-- brother BKHMr a aramatisathm Mertba r. frem Imnia m where he bad HQBi Tenneaaea, Mr. teacher la St MwhmaiU eeUefw, rnoua novel, la the typo of play that is attending thl raoeWag of tM boanlibn veui; "Are from ryiBK a ooneealeii weooen. rv, lhttH to which the witness As The HvenlBR CKIaen Koea to xanm naving, orwsea i& nmine pornai. ilia vxy bvu seen, on tne roC eduoation'.. DOES NOT! ANSWER W4RES SENT -- early AiswWbIibp Is. egipbaUealiy replied: ko, ctr: prose, argiimenm are being on the daxa with road. It a lave story, awe and at II. BIslmnB .manager aVthe RH IN lioard whom Laaiy HIM BY IMPRISONED. SON M SAHRinN 13 OOIOCK, an adjournment the complaint handftag deadly ltmy. aftor Unottoa simple and at the same time, amus Mlmbrea B7KatSnt company, and" Itr JBAN At ai of a He-- THIS CITY. waa taken until 8 n'olock. wen In threatening: was named. ' tatxht la tha okl ing anil interesting. It teaches, a enargo of aiat company's mining the hearlns; twin a manner. eollogo about years, wholei(no supremo co witness, MoOrelght, still Captain Qllienwater, tfie-- for foar lint ataaea; it bad prenerUee ittllitf THlIsboro dnitrlefc.U Ir.wlM appeal to teooeedlnKS in the with the defendant. HU LiatU, tmureeiiloas,. abiding M., Conrad seat a flask quashing fire of from waa not upon to tes- later returned t wheiM but rather an fn the city torn Loke VallSy. N. thlsLitnornlng, ror . In the of 1nuer placed the stand for tbo past, thirty yeass he Ima been pleasure bemitit Insplrm, papa" in SL Louis, beln lite numerous attorneys representing tify in hla own Mohair. At tbo after- that and a trot at th Afarswlo. ilnnolal aid. cuttraa ul an occu- first trial and In tbo exaptaln noon engaged In tho ixltiwutmial work t ami rest thcieo wba (Kin hw and bnar Tnt flr Km wli sold at lb"U1g been, broniibt baek tn Franen to atanrl Irla the defense. session of the court, Thomas K. It. Few Dlayi at. pant! of ther eity prison. II baa The court room woe packed, when D. Maddlson waa aa the bis order. better will In seen anetion Has dfmntoon, In the sttiroi Is. lasttloj for several .anew at Ttonaefl. snbstltated K. Ijuw4m, tho-- present tho Klltal confined the CS, hearing commenced, probably a Henojtrapher for the territory. In Rrother di ThoaUa. to morreer. nMtt, room In tbe First National bank days, Oia charge ot? theft, pre- -j He Is man ot a lawyer, born the rector Mlohaol'o colleKc, vlca-Drotbo- r during Uta nroaeat season. building, oh spectators holng p?ace Ml Ha ot St. wrh a terner lot WttH2 tho pawn of a middle class provincial family larger number of of Nellie Tlrewer, owlntr -- 111. - fermi by ft. O. KosenffediL Ju-U- m Dotmpn, ilecesiied. roaelvoL Tomoarow tbo- day ol. UK present than ever witnessed a to the number of awear words that the TtreKer. and during the war with Qermanu ua nona AUignteianrii In In city. In pre-W- of Uro&er deatkv auction sale ot residence lata the sold to II.. Y. Kllnqre for $30. Theg won tho Croat or the Legion by gal court trial this appeared In the teettmony. yesterday. oom HHStern years. The' utter whleh and I'ersa. addltlwa. tu. lie sale also axlvetelaed to latgln agalts ttt recent, waa Mtllert. by the w&, tantry under fire aa a captain of Mc afternoon, the munleated tho sad. faet alan mertr held in tU' veumnt atoro room Im tho thta rnlng at 7 o'clock ant, eon. ut hllec. He haa reuresenterf hla nstlvi! At 2 o'oloek, thla tloned that Urotber UismlUaa, wU NAtlooal burnt caused Oonetable Jaraa smith reeusaed, W. T. Mo-nmt- HE GREENE CANANEA First bulldtnc. Th tlane nntHf all she lets are soldi wire Mr. lnsin: in Mttr-- dlalrlet of the Baone et Iolre without oast) waa with wa a (I Ire ot of St. MIobacrtH sale wllL Im from 2 to 4 ftcloak. In the aeaier the BBBln no the wltnees stand. or the Train N& I wa oeurs tt kouri why ho wmt under Hrreatk. Interruption, for nearly thirty year CONSOLIDATED TOPPER CO. college pravlot Brocaor ffvnuli&w the afteutooow 7 to 10 .u'elook. Its tttB-reett- Jo low fffrrv Dodsoa aa4 hla father, ft. ! tbt and day, aa otJttetat heavy and and whets Meennt wa aeeesftry tft In the chamber of deputies. is teaching eaHeiH at tuu the 1 iming- rjdison. were examined, and both ), etui la having (Mmbib with tit maUl ea&l nettle tu uuovdliHi. Tne- - ameunt Mh Louts. Rlthouglt Yrr cia. Thf asBuee Unit of the UothM-hou- which I0M.A dmwl&r trul In on effoei) Mr. Irwiw. LIFE INSURANCE BUSINESS that ttiev saw Olllenwater null AND OTHER INTERESTS HELD BY ot LncomnilvwFiremen wit .taktiepiAas. awi dentiy tiwr a bad oa BMBttag It looked like a pistol the rear at tbatbraln, iisdead ofiottUw for he Mitd to nnswer the iw4HSv IN NEW MEXICO THE NOW FAMOUS MILLION- OOVERNOR RETURNS. TO HIS at tm nKKw bah thw evening. The' front. e It uauaMy tMh no Reports made to the territorial in trW his lilp poeket. Tbey did sot see OUXiES, on. soj-- doet and at a, late hour afternoon, AIRE COWBOY MINER. AT SANTA FE. eoniniittee arraagemeiiu line Max Ik. Flfestu aoneral manaaar ter response teKaynm iturance commissioner at Santa F MaQretteBt on the outside with the aevornor i- - - te this ttmrninirs Hecbert J. liaaerman sored law namuUloa from Iah Aa- the Boothweaaajra and. Caal appeeraoce. ) from th different Ufa Insurance com mm of ga plP. hut both deolared turned to Banta ife. wedneedav. gelee. and. all. theao actiipajing. hi Lt4 lad ptd' k An A company., mra-iago- j some remark The great Oreene Consolidated ownee ot nietenv in ut are all being transmitted panlea doing business In New Mexlt-- (hat aillMWAter made evening, from IteswelL where he bad the grand March will reeelvM oaa. Oabaiio la tranMetlng - provide some Cootior company, owner of the great r maaatalns. "COLLKrOT to "pap,- he will, most rather interesting fActM im be imioii them. Harry Codson ueea. on a short vtseL The govet-ao- The WeoilRMrft orekeatra will furnish report said: "If Onnane oonper mines, oaoHalised at very btudnee in tho city. havia& arned robAMy, wire mcic very soon, to at The are as follows: deJUral that aitteRwiuer said that he had a Btentmat the nmsic. from tho MMCa thta morning., on tne New MeCreMfht, and wslng as llOMaoo mom. and worth in tha paMbsnlaste-- en aomaaja awry east cot oat the tetegraph btisiOesa. The Mutual Llfo of York lii be (weaning trip, and eaioyed The of ttt nv KoBtor early train. m waHing, $1.4It,2S In policies; lapsaUonti itwfHt word), doesn't haowwbat market 60.W goW, and controlled bmhh Mtildiag, corner Coomw Conrad meantime. sued eiine inn vit tne futi'Kwtuw line at th at aa J- - H-- g Claoa. saperlsitend.e of th 1717.000; KM nald, 187.400. Is, him " The ny w. e. Oreene, bee token a to- - MoiMvetl joiI aaaoa la near- - ateohooter I'll show Torianee and retnra. ue tu ntreet. faet Lively-- - j, Intereet In Bterrc, Mad re Albuejaerfuw pebllc leshooia,, rMucaed A Tuesls. The- State Lire ot lndianaDolla. etoaa etawilnatkia did not in the least the ohaiaoterised thta mewed of tra- - lag rjgfaiuo, and will nooa he ready bMt aight faow wiHW? with bhflt old fmeW of 1 Uimber company, which uccuiwieey. baUdlng. Sens Fe. he the Mee, sued IM4!1S in policies, with tg&.sdl cbae tfceik testimony. land and portatlon aa a seiMrbabto depamire for The will be a baa bee aUmtdln the meeeiBaa of often ewd in attpendOeKls. oaltod teettfied owns 100.080 of the best Umber In the o eavayane and eooUe ctwilt to Ua owaer whoa ftHMhad and Mueed aad losses natd none. J. x. Boat waa and line the board at eduoaebm of the Mrri- - To aweid nil serlo trouble wHB atom-aeh- t. innda In tbia state, and extending of nwnagemtn. will u as a his Th Mew York Ufe. of New York! to QlUea water comlRg to The OHIson highly the Governor used rHaositoo. for tory. of which he was reasBtly an-- Mrrer and boss, take Dr. King's wroee m laps! kwb, over Into Bonore, This Is the mean- nati. wan not m-IttS- vehtHti bwwnaaa. SttMlS poies, with omee, and when rsrom u ne na a iiaawmaa inere poiuiod' a member. Near Life Pills. They perfectly reg-ulna- e one, ing of the activity ot la etgntfleaaee m nta II. A, n the Hon ot USM. and tosses paid the sideMMR aald: "Tea. I have the Oreene the trip let MKee baa take nobett eily. the dsMnUar atH- - these without pain or f - nag - ftOAemV ejnwMa U org, fss,iis. ajaf Will nee K." Me gne his tereata tn mis auto tne 00m- staadurd ot th Fraternal Brewer deat, wbe baa been fflliag; ttt pulpH drag, stores. bulMIng ot fifty "Of course, report bond aaaun. wr yenm at ui dlsaemfort. 3t at all The Kiuital le Ufe of New Yor menoemeat of the the that. niter Baptiet durTng ab-se- nc , slmi)l nlMht. at the ehareh the Issued In policies. Sltfi.oeO; lapeef we MCOretgnt a uiuenweiw-- two HlKmetors ot raiiroag rrom Tern W. C Held is to bo tbo next Ufe, and last, last for of the regular paster, wBt noon t up poiiews. 9178.610; losses paid, 17.2?: letter uewg vnet 10 uute ooaohle. the western terminus of the aUornoy general ts true," h natd, Lna ween to help wtlM tne leavw COLD NIGHTS untos. to resam hn stnti. PREVAIL The Missouri St Lou I and have it out, whleh OhBtuahnn and Faelfte road to Bon "bnt at present we have an setnrney todne at that nlan. Mr. MaKee has lea. lattrtho dlvlnRy aohoel of the mate lite ot tbo rwuhi declined to aeoeirt. He Pedro Springe on the Oreene landa. goneral, and until a vaoaner xtet U bin eredH the mlliatioas ot the Las Chleago Unlvaeeity. MOUNTAINS wrote in new Mexico in the paiB tut Vegan lodges, H ZUN! year, In policies. Mowe l&UU MoOrelght addressed the where the groat saw mllla are to e k It Idle t speoulate upon who will and natoa whleh were warranty pro- stTMIT that ' yenm A deed filed wHb the htpsed policies equalling an attital. 4ien the alderman enteree:. looated. occupy the niaee. ontaMted about five ng. bate clerk today, conveys lota 12. 14 ?il,.2 11 no- - 3,000 tone of voice. He related Judge A. B. Fall of let Paso, mana Regarding the county assoseor Derntty Baerirr Hey bas been mojHieM AND SNOW FALLS ABOUT EVERY iiatd in tosses. te a mIM (eteamim 04 IS. In bleek B, bustneasi Wv iiilbJaiwnter milled his am. and ger of the Oreene interests In thw shin taagie. Oovernur Magermna WBed by thats the John. aad resldsa addUiu. en KorUt OTHER DAY, SAYS JAMES. The Union Central of Clnnlnnat Unriiiiuhi (KtlliBir bbH a eoward. state, and Uc. Felipe Setas. of said: mtwre arreetedi at aocuieja, street, BOYCE ACTIVITY IN LUMBER wrote SfwLOOO during the year, wit' Jur largernaaaiitwanted aX-- Fourth from rerdlaand VaJesv 167,881 11,000 The wttnewi eoubj not testify that ft, were here thla week In conneetten "I waa Brprted at th aeUon oft of being the for tine and w'fe to Barak Jane Bmlth; INDU&TftY. lapsed "sd In losst! of county ooasmuMionem oene m tuts nicy a, paid. Meteignt bad r poker In his hand, with Mr. Oreette's Intereew. Judge the board imei rrooned consi',-'st;a- lt.000. as alleged, but waa peeUlve In state fall said: "Mr. Oreen baa given in in appointing Mdward Andrews, af- and near by; towns, ba proved aa. Jamea Boyoe. the weal known boiler The Conservative Ufe of Loa At - attpointed Oei was neoeesAtlly The management t the Arcade e now ment that ne aaw urhuiw uuw- atnicthma to be ready to turn out ter I had ateavtlle A. alibi. ,nd therefore loon report maker, ha returned from a trip to getej, Aueofieded by the ParlA Ottt- - tins. The law Involved, K aeema to reteaiied. The BherKCa department and reetaurant to the vuulor atKnHlu In tha tree. ilMt 600,000 teet of lumber dally within six police one A. Bmlth, Ketaer. In the Stunt mountain, wfeere Oonstirvattve Ufe, Issued la policle ot me. plain. I haa not decided what netkm wiM that B who van 1127.1102 etde The Oltttea emee, with a rm menUis. or when the railroad ts Rn la eulte know that it it A be has been doing some boiler work lasatlons, 810.070 an gives appointing power. in matter. switchman In the tonal yards, baa 11,500. bhte steeL Rd large ealthw. held In tshed. We have saws mills out me the It take th left th city, owmg on tb engines of the Fajnt Mountain losses paid pet&UBfcV at will only queatte n Mesars. Rawland aad Clifford offer the restaerant or eeth bands, and dtrootly there, and with one at Nuevaa Casas be a of short people large slaed board bllL The railroad. Mr. Itoyee states Uwt ac The Mutual Ilenefit Life Nv Mr, their new produetmn, "Dora Theme." N. iiollt-le- s MoOrelaat. having oapatotty ot 200.-00- 0 time, at the most. I thmk. when tivity In op ark, J., wrote $127,002 ia OrandeM. a or opera House, police are trying to locate the fel- the lumber business and J. A. HtoaOln waa the next wiiaess, feet dally. We ttave 800 tons ot Collins will be pftoed in ofihrgo at tint mhr toeMrrew erations are going steadily forward, witn tiT.izi lapsed ana no losses paid stating the assessor omco. Shan have night l said to be a motodrama low. ami reiniftd what be knew, steel raits on the read here now and He h hM Riehlu left today to nseompany and that Mr. Bciksap, of the Ameri- of-i- m It It terrHery to of and one Is a IHtle Torture bv when OUlen water entered e 111 It, takes the whole hiu deTee, that eemueny. Savaess. sMtii begin grading from ws - (it wary. hm wife to Katamasoo, Mlah. Mrs. ca Lumber Is tne right be was eordlally greeted by right away. hope to have give it to him. because it is rtgat- out the ord Tne ptay is man ia the right place, working "Speaking or the torture to watch sachlc We fully law. These who dramatisation of Bertha M. Clay's fa- rUehl ha been In bad health for from some er savage and that Qllienwater anowed Tome-- his under the th flv t, in morning 9 the tribes tn the Phil few the railroad nnished from Are opposing Mr. Collins In hla ef mous novel of the same Rme. It la last or six months, aad Is owock the until Ipptnes subject captives, mm wetteMtta, as it was a eaoMhi months. taking o'clock night. their remindij say to the milts in six forts to secure possession of this a mean, wholOsome play, whleh bids a change of climete on thn at me or the Intense suffering I endureil mtnHtae before he could what "W have two turpentine sims e Advice of her phyeleJaha. Mr. "The nights are excedlBgy cold up art 11mi be alRlmed bad offended hlta. omoe are netls exactly oentrary to fair to live) as long aa "Mast Lyase." tor rare montna rrom innammatioti of tnrnlng oet 290 gallons oaoh or nau Arthur Shaw baa retwrned this Rlehle will return la about two mere," said Mr. Boyo. "the icv says Tie tokt Of QliteMwater aekowledglRg way states. tne nest inuireets the ettisena weeka. being something ot the kidneys," W. M Bher gun oame over to per hour, on the from the tax payers ot teat re county. I morning from Anson, where he tloa ever 9J00 feet. mm ot Cushlng. Me. "Nothing helped that bo had a aad vm. T., Mrs. John R. Berg, daughter ot Mrs. sRews every day. mow H i w in unr .rarw. seleotlBa Mr. Oolites for this rdaee, accom panted the body ef J. W Patton, and it about other me untlj 1 Meotrtc the offiM to nse it. ue wta eni turpentine business.' Mark mi Otero, sister, Mrs. I on big tried miters, aire! ofltoe, laa trots tor the I endeavor! to secure a man who the yxiing man run dewn and killed aad dee, understand that work the IMMUes completely me beeked out of the (fMrei W. Harrison, ts government of whleh cured olnttng It at Me The land of the Blerra would make a just assessment of tne here last week, by the California and Fred J. Otero, dam la the mountains will Cures liver emptalnt, dyspepsia, blood urn uaiUd hu bmr. company here from D. 0., and will be commenced aarlng. did not see any pleoe Madra Land and Lmber proMMy ot the oeuRty wtiaeot per llmhi. Mr. 8haw waa aecowpealed wsablnat, this alebouth dleordeva aad malaria , And rsstoroil Cretgbt. He Bfttd full." Thla Onrols tlality remain a few weeks. Th lady haa I get up as aa on of sas tdae In MeOfjMtt'a Hands un have been in and wKaowt nreindloe, I be en bi retMr, trip by Uge Davw, a dMnt far th dam t weak and nervous to robust health const over 2, Hmthr-lnm- w many friends her who her as myuip." til QUbMtwater bed willed Ws gtm tract embrnoM derabu lieve that Is the sort ot a was both of the deceased, who kw OtMranteOd by all drugtieu. Prlcti er 2,000400 Mis Dolores Otero, aad tttay will sag When cemeefntwg tough He that OWleR-wat- mjm Hsre of ttw entire riles and peemo generally wtre ts here fir Ute purpose ef eteeMf up asked th and had left mWi sore asearibalnlaK to It that her M wry and mwieaMe t that districi. was larHed 1 take off hk g treet. eXtmonaa: for. I think Mr. stn'e Hwes and sisf prMt aM is-elln- T1m Mr. Boyoe (bymot ed Bteem. Madra Land and Lnm UtO nafet m pikM the ot hm latiee, responded that he was Otbson ot Al and have It et, bHt lb - fr tin eiranheee dtl. BprMts)n4ei the etaftrtNMBy bfr m- ana ne sun mv Hsery manager for Uit Mr. ant' Mrs. Otto Bener. estal ter tne imttresetOH wai a rasn oouut buuHHng djyttte t the Bant F and at mmm JlrrM pBR4e well f oMea. MtUlRic trhw Mre mm ang r. strew iaiiituuy r soeurng Rlea MOfeflslfio eemjMiBy, ki In lent ot AlbuHsreus. are tad tronbtc (here ay time be looked returned ie ike west kwt utgkl aftf ha m m thersTp. As te reports ror McCrelght oallad'Hlm it eiwfl fOtatM a ktrg IblOrest msc Ity freiflUe gat eft Uwa, aOMnt nisaseg mr Iroot taetr nta it. everat say aere. IEALTHFUL WORK Ttltil MMaSUtttM kil .Inn an - - - w mm,wm i tavntteftUm tain the tyettfRfoa? of the ALBERT FABER HAS Mm interesting INSANE ITALIAN II- - LIKEWISE finny i ... i 'mor RiijwrHBBwit at wmr n, mm Accidents FORMAL OPENING ie TtMMtelM w MfAaln at. -a - DEMING ITEMS IK WS7,luui ANOTHE MAFIA this city, or Weditanday, but no mi- - Will Happen ordering Close on Labor m impenauee wm trail MrtN Inrnw Use Store Excels All Competition - tha I arm nf W ! n Gathered by Our Special Cor Says ml but Good For the " ' v i Vninftnl.lmfviii in Dread Secret Society ml i wlver city, who baa Iwmi a Hmber For Elegance and Vast-nes- s Hi Laborless. et uw board nsot its!, respondent and Here- Is After tlim to Mi I Will (toon OXDlra. ilir will U k vi. of Stock. loaaey. whlab win w minj iu aal. with Produced. Ml dim. ngrmn. it i kailey. that BOWLING Mr- - pwnw win Mf- ENTHUSIASTS ARE himK. PLACE HANDSOMfcLY DECORATED be I forSDrains.RnrifPc MANY I SETTLEHS ARE ARRIVING 'CREATES &XfirEMENT EXCHANGES COMMENT ON AT NRWrOM Gathered in Louisville t Attend "CITY WATER" Sore Muscles, Cuts (Saturday, Mareh 17.) pa artlele on "Itew the People GILLKNWATER ot Bpeclat CcrreaacHdsaiBs. the AllMMitiarttiH) feminity hai witnax, the Peeoa Valla ntriadi-aiad- i (Saturday, Marab American BcwiinJ Burns & $rs!f!c Mkflkk. " ' ' . . . J .t u .... . Meeeagtt Deaala. M. af.. haMk ta u M THIS THIN-SKINNE- catoa to ln Work cm ALDERMAN toIBM asa BroWH. Of lk Ermni Haal HI HELD UP frogrirtv career, where article o( ' tHtch." It t in btaeet lie iwCOT'triir Congress. TO SOORN OF l paay, hi wHk 1 . 1 la lows a party of W. near Vegaa hrx hm u.tii Um TOwiuk-- PEOPLE, ifBHMi ua aaetuinee-- aiMy taat naa etrea h 'SOtthara InvaaiavNi . aaJ wlut aan IiMi,-"n na III ur. EarIS. have oa dhiplae-- but as opening' tW aad there bftre been eome whop-o-f . aiiiiaiuiau IHM raMUaiai TlVr bra ba in Demlag am Mrroundliig etfua-- 1 l4MlvllIa. Kr i ...... a baalaeea bettee 1m atar eecumd Th. ntonr la Itlttmlaaiad wl& the to be suffCfiaT Uu. it tij.. w nor w wawnrw try. Mr. Jt n wlthla tb eity'a gala to eompare!M7 pin urea of eowboyii. eoaaara, Brewa'a bame buatara bava tbaTmiWiL tiraY uJL)L2 Wit that f "bat cave, already taken up oyer SMft acnm of , are after hla lire At NwwUs, Albert PatH. ih. cartwt etc JTka fallow that wrote -Kaa and furaltur tlMalar, what km inat arucie is --finer th "biggest liar" n lia.Mia. who Iml m atlea of frrtgatlag ami farmiag tba tbara. created a great deal beam settled la the now Maab build- same. fMMe LoulavlBa will ,w mnaiag a tareaieuiug at ing, and la this St. Patrick Day ten- wrtttag to Mm pac aad does act care meat at the Santa PV depot Jaat af wk hi Tho Leopold brother and party ter be --tepped owned .ad r by w hiSST, dering the public formal greeting. what ba up m ho can work R off off the train Tel theW.r cm7 It la not aa latrodnr'orT affair, ot tba Sunday edition rnna oaicagn pas ad through Doming evenlag. by ruebmg Into tba dewet V for editor Be that In aanaln) nn a--. . t. Albert Faber ""Mr. thai nar auu aun. ,aj . baa been datog business 2 cratMpad mmdad City tiii.u. al h..tory of ihta SttTrSrAJili: 27 ltaiwsUrt m Albufl.uera.tte Blnee 19M, in a store- Jwjay adltor ought to bare known and tlrsace by private eamvayano inoat deia4tatilag ii, Baying aflarwSMai - -i to ibartr Booaaaa copper mtoaa waa angry Uowiini- rouMu .... ." " eeec- mat taw . . room chucked full of gaoda in the better Roawell Record. la the that b iHraauM b bmS officially ' Raton to Kolaom Orant huildlBg, directly acres the named, a3 ?! "m to cra the paay haa lavoetad over a sherlfl" owing to ih "' J"th lMty of on i street from Ms preeeat location It Affllsttd With Rhsumatlam. fourth of a emee. Wbn aeataT ba unprtevtmi? ,H,ln,fl. the central mM, Mllltnn .ayua, . i. . bouee-warmia- g la thnlr nnJ Ik. aumlw ot aatrta. tor the kmT I1? aM t"l The I a affair, at wiiioa "I waa aad am yet atstotea wRh l.JR with In- - oompaayPl lwta rheumatism.- - Wrnlhg out thirty to forty ion of hlgn the pVoae boa lag eonteet. will prebaWy WalaHit PMmly narderoui will bpwh about cm the the host Is showing bt Visitors, old say Mr. J. 0. Barge, and wouldfebab le?.; Improtewieuts customers editor fourtWB days. . , and plaoc the lytteni and proepeetlve new one, t the Herald. Addlngtea. at obam-berlala'- tho smelter from feu to per not an officer Nevfr before la the hlatory ot rrlterll libel law. In flrtt claee ooadHioa. Tale what doubtlee they had net axpected Territory, "but thanks to a ft ;?tvl. When tb JL wl 11 toMamouaUag aver dally car hla tiatiau last ,8Mn e h paay IkUe store, magnKieent great-nee- e, Pain Balm to aa Sashed atar ihn bowline la the Uslted States hat tkera Wi,B,m Marted a orer a year aao a la ita am able osce oataut IMM fltled wltii goods more etogeat more to attesid to bw4ne. It Is the af upen hi kaee and beggeat to bit tafcM The owners are greatly ptraaa wlta to mm wacre eaowiia a natioaai bow I bb toaraameat " ""P'r m worKinx or-- wan o moRi sanguine eeum pos- beat of MslmeaU." If troubled with at amm tm V-tawra- ... by working of the mine aad are get him. The oHI tha eata trf th ted rldleak or erltleUm dr, and areiiiwputtlex la raore a faat sibly anticipate, no otaboralo and rheumatism give Pain IUlm a trial te ter aeeommeikiStl ImMtoveaaiMta la tba wav blm. bai-tlt- e Hit of orftee Ji far than Vr ?. M(.,st It oat In hta pipe aad they on o laatalled. It u owned compteie haa Mr. Faber selected his and yea are certain to he more than aad he wa kept in the cily oVerri lhe t B4 operated oxeJatlvely by stocks. Pleased wltb the prompt at insreasod mill capacity, etc. until tlm foHowmg day. wwoa, and Aggregate WW ThU .Uke fanaen relief it af. uarr, d wotater prUo if!,,! States, or any other Ibk along the line, with the exeep. On entering the store, thoae wbo fords. Oae application relieves the ifloma mauler of qulot. he ws allowed to trs-ee- llitmeaai that between wb r the F at Demlag. W. upon way and 3W of mH ' premlnenee "oa of gae W two hoMera llv- - attended Mr. Faber's reeeptlon today, psln. For sale by all druggists. Saaia ind v. hi to Log Ai&m, alen tTti 5n t0 Mtract wapaperwwtaotloe Raton. Thhl cSmpaay la an Wnllla of thla nllv. are luM Miiua4lntr WhOTB Um aaltl hn hmd rnlatlvna lia. ch wl UUke the Dtwhen "J passed Between two windows la which m L . a maR ,al(M aad atarta out to IndepeBdent eowpaay and haa no eon-- were R sn colpax Bounty their new mldeaoe on Copper avn-au- waa well dreeted, the Newton, fiean.) letits. i8Z suites ot furniture that made eight-roo- will be in mnarttar ttafJ . hualnea, withla It. he beoerae. a vita. ta Colorado Telephone them green with envy. In window CITIZEN DEAD IN BOSTON The eouaee nut tin HeoHiiiiaau aaya, BB(j dad abpt 1199 the by I - ly a largo clt In aoaatrV - m H heart, and hla notion wjrMiofM ua Own ayatem. oa the south waa a Hlnlng room suit J0ht Ltte. the first ttmbalA Inrtiani1 Mr. Wain more or lee of a de- wi Wa yareoa. He was put aboara f the thiti- Mr parturc from Ho. 1 not retireaeatedihy i A r " ooaaemned by every right,""""" ""' oi inaeoieaneae. of d Bngllsh style, complete even to aseer of Colfax county. the general atyle of rae Wedneeday. the train from I tfiiBKing man. tlteptsce. V New Maxleo, died hi brother's renting house ia town. It 1 a frame which he Jumped near Vena nn To cecommodaia ttm iiw.i.t the green. Axmtnsisr at generou U xroa!cetaBta iiirai " - seamles earpet, an Inch thick, cov- home la Beaton, MceMehuset s. John house with poreke. a gab inursuaa'. itriun GOOD RANGE fit roof an aa a haTe bcm In Why W'6 th Eelllerf ered the floor, and curtains of the Loe waa the locator ot the L, B. Max aat attic ntted ua When captured Rear La Vet, af- ronitrueted the Armory L story. New ter hla wild building, where the tournament will Fm Trlnldud Adirertkw. AND same shade of green draped the well lode near anlsabethtawn. aad ncoad cement idaewah Jump from tbo faai mov- I FINE STOCK rp Kt.A. Ob 1 11. Ilia. Tn 1. k u. t Ik. double doorway leading from the elork of Colfax county from I8t to OR 0W avonue and also ing train. e waa plaeed m euetody " ...... I - Mill- -. . I...... 7 . mi Swmwi atrani Mawara' ana, hrink aa me Mb... dhikmi hc or- - scene. 18M iHClualve. It kwuUitit a. fHtnar. The ennduetor of the train and Mar Lrae Milwaukee .(Hiraam,tl uninwir, ine market building, whleh ha been Mbal Ward, La lait year waa. the proeeat 01 Cltlaw.. la Alba- - W. M. TABER PUROHASED In the north window was a scene ran. during U B. Maxwell's time and Jvet of Vega, want to the jaraeat T" 1,M rnwpteteg aag sup-i'-r nrpaaea averv ta aad aaaoaaeed ha waa very different, more elegant IU beloaged to a cavalry com paay eta opened whr a run man eoil to Interview bast, altar it la rauut. iwi 1ert. that PLIttOY ANIMALS LAND VAL- but la cAoto vegwiaWet, I of ntaatK, etc., be up. number of teaiea aa well aa l"er to rhoot the editor. He - simplicity, which la the style of the ttoned there up to 1M6 In lb north-ae- t bad been locked When fatty la the iro- UES ARE INOREASINS) FAST. would be a credit to a city of amount of prtae. fefetrlea fron polati a aaa or laraje aiatoafHosa M day. This scene portrayed a bed- part of town. From there he much arrived at tbo cell tbo found the eaorBKHla oallbar. wfalnmlair it atif n? room drowsy. went te Mileabethtown, mrgor pretention. Italian on hla band and hnaeg an the wm weai aa a rraaataee hat suit, that made oae The where be HallaaUnrf rrnan ir - IB 'Thn aunnlir t aum cell e iteeti made and the eaet will be ua bla poehet with a Seurkk. Bjt the Walter M. Taker, maaaim- of tha faralture was solid mahogany, in worked the mines aad conduatnat a Soar aad black and blue In - run. Af mamma 3to re. water furnished by the Doming City from Mraagutatton. having iuaually well represented. New York. edltoi- illtlnt- " " . wMnli.. u.a v. Qlorleta Mereaatlle aad Live Steak Napoleon stylet every piece eomplete. hardware In polltiee John Lee " wlal wn waicr company m stimulating an or two broken aupender uia not isKe part in any a, i Qtiinawater eouated on blm euwpany, returaed sataraay from a The rag that covered the floor of this uoifuwrsi, m religion a devote lira tournament feewoa!j bav8 benu the natural the yUlt to Cuervo nalase Morpheus wa Royal Wil uautoiie and tae beat and truest our heat oltlxeax to patroalito the wa- around his neck, and attempted Iwuirn alnee im, will and the section of 8aa of of ter eomoanv and manv nf thnm arn hang by about fifteen team. I Pr0Per tn,E for an editor to have Miguel oounty where he has just pur ton aualitiea conventional triend of tne native population In Col himself to the bar, the tux tle. fax county. planting fruit and shade trees, gar- - pendera breaklBg. Iiowover, BTfte largeat delegation la from Ohl- - u.on8 under the circumstance, butou cbssed J.EflO sheep for his wompany. Oriental draperies hung from the under hb. Tho chapel uens. soruDBery lawns, taking ad- weight, before strangled sunt nas I ul"nr no neuea The price paid for tho sheep walls. nice at Cimarron and and he had woicn entered not lea than "uu a email haa not vantage of clently oauee forty five club tearaa. ot Kaa pipe aad playfully twirl-no- been dlsolcied, but On passing through the double the modem rMlflrn ftt flnrlnaar ara the liberal water rate to to death. The strain ( Loulavllle comI,leo It is said It Is Improve nomes. e John Lee's pop- - and beautify were taken away from him. with twenty-fiv- Phlla-i- 6 ia tronl of tbe enraged above $4.50 per iirs, one was greeted by a monuments. Salasar'a tbelr teama; " , raan'a animal. t French wnt-n- will .amy Doming with her fine water ytom. It appears that Osgllant Is, or Im- tieipnia ana Detroit wltli fifteen each: I laev to mo saioniaiimsnt of The sheen hn ahnm n.i uuj am mirror, directly In front ot tho iii uuholx counijr is largely uuo I nna-a- iigni system, agine himself to tmrintMl iUllwaukoo with onlr very of.0. Including tha editor h.m where they now aro and vn wav Thn anatin nn tha In ua w man ana tm man's death eiecinc piaut, teiepnono ba hv th sevm! lcari will tuen bo street sprinkler pave- land Iluffalo are also repreaentMl bvliclr. Oillenwater, with ill platol in sent lo the range of tho nomnanv in tarlnr wa nnh In innoill In .hn natrl deprive M. M. Silnisr of his first and cement dread Mails, r Dlaok Hand" secret. IMven toarai eaoh. Ileiidee thealn,a hind, fled up the street, llko Santa Ko oounty. They aro highly otic prldo of the son or daughter ot and kind friend John Loo. Peoeo to ments Is fast becoming on Ideal homo Italian organtsatlen, whleh haa IUW11, brought vhero are acorea of eitl nmi I whipped our. Kiauou Bnu win snear aoaut eight lirln, nope of green crepe paper ma asnes terror to many IltJUn hearts,, mni Now POUndS W. C. Tldmara haa Inat mirnluiaml whleh. ho aava, aro after him beemiaoj which have aent from one to flvol It waan't the caa pipe that this aorlnr. The nurohaaa waa nung m graoeiui sweeps from one Always e Kteps a block of ground on refuses nay Peam. Among them are PUtaburff, I frightened the would-b- murderer, but msdo from Alfred Long, son of Judge Chandelier In another thn lenrth of ChambsrJaln'a Cough Silver avenue he to them blood monav. Rtmiriii In Mia Um... and ia nuttine a elaaa iivnrv I ppnver. Bt. Paul, Wahlagion, D. counted on ahootlng the n. V. Long of Us Vegsa. whose ranoh the room. Tha balconies on elthor tin first Whether tho Maila really after tfit cJ? n . "Wo would not bo without Chamber- - stable. Tho tnoreaied demand caused man, and as a resist has driven him Mlaneapolla, Newara, Itor the back, and when he found is aiiuaiou annul fwnniv.nun sine or tno room in which wero Cough ha couldn't rtn that. Jin lain' Hemedy. It Is kept oa uy uia mnux or nomo Broker and (o the vera of insanity or whether1 aMempnit, Naihvllle. Now Orleans, that wniillii'l soutiieast of Cuervo and about U0 carpets on one tide and pieces hand oontlnuMly jMoh. hoot him at all. miiea or Vegas. in our home." says settler Justine the venture. Over be Is merely insano and imag(gM Atlanta, uttia Mobile. Mont Las of furniture on the other, wero bor W. W. Kearney, 2.000 acre thaan n, gomery, IMrmlngbam, JackMavllle, Uhv anv nnn ahmiM taalrn tn rn. Mr. Tabor reports the range green In undulating puffs. editor of the Inde bavn hum tskan tin hv thlnna tuia ni Uah .. 3 ..a . ... and dered with Lowry Mo...... I - pendent, City. That Is permanent settler this week. decided by the medleal men who hnv savannah. Seattle. Omnhn litrnm.. iruin ibis worm, oeiore nia ap- amen ib ijibi section oi aan Ml Between these borders of green had juBt wnat every piaiveaton manv potaiea or newa- - RUel OOUntv anil In Dm anrf in been family should da urming ia quite lively In a soeial examined tbu Italian at Las Vagaa, and oth.r eitiM in time, tiie editor a fi...i nrraneed a lattlee work of When kept at Way. ton: bui aectiOBs country. paper, la mora than we ean under-- aluiie counties In fine white. Rope of band ready for Instant dturah fnatlvak ainl uar. That a Is laeane, there U no degbt. of the condition. Orase smllax had been IMC. OOld .t a mav ha nhMbftil a it, nut. Him uetng very Oagllani ib-- pree-eutlon- c Th nrrABimnaiita fnr Iho etand. Of course, If a peraon haa a ua me range is plentiful and new wound around the pillars In the cen- ivs picnic frequent but contead the luni. grievance gras set and cured In much less time than of the meml-ar- of Um Mnfla Inent are aa eomplete and perfeet aa at a newananer. ha oueht is waning. The water supply ter of the room, from floor to celling. na hey could lo I,av tk Ulerty to trounee alter it Become settled In the drove him Insane, and that (her are-stll- l be made under th at rcum the Oa nn exalted pedestal in the center yetem. This remedy Is also without itancea aad great credit I dtte lltor and black his eye, hut to wnnuiim aim a arge in WBB a ata.tua.or hrnnas hntillnv jlnnf SKELETON OF MAN after him. to lie lnereaie a Deer for enran in ablldrnn. anJ villi The la of the local league. &r mov ,llm ehtlreiy from thl world at Jamba this spring la expected. In a cluster of grecu lights. MSa a aeret oraAnlaaltnn prevent h tin flrar in nalloaal troubla anil nam. ami land him tvllb. that section Mr. the attack whan given aa soon FOUND NEAR DELTA of Italy, whlr-- Is ubhhhmI to remove iiui..Mnni. Taber la of the opin- it would be ueiee to attempt to bb ih oniiu oecome evew wura will be allowed to roll tbrefe ,n the portals of the "Pearly Oates" ion that rhe range i not f!anr1.u tha aa an. n tMtK, o. an ita enemies from the land wf the- overstocked wud. after eroupy - a - the cough appear, wbtoh llrlna. aonolatiaa- tnanttun-- at lla na vtnr in two daya. thereby eatalllBg Is treau tne gmaet. street witb an- touHd on thie floor, as space win not only AND flHM-V- a can be dona when the raaniv ia SUPPOSED TO BE Claty tO t detention from buiiRtuw of gei. aerora barlHK served the a lot- - iBSat at . .ArMVA null- - . MUM BOrmlt itiatr ami ufarda THAT OP aorform iaia teak, uurh ua iIa auiv v u nii. n num- enHmaratlnn. kept at band. by aH druK-.- - OfV. llAVB) tilUU. For ale i MAN FORMERLY OP the anarcblat. Many Mraterneua hrt days for pyers within Molted time In thl cold, cruel and ua- ber llOmMailB In are Inadequate to describe them. It V COLFAX MtlAS. mk a . I BttmtldtllaiaLM uMt-t-.l U. S.ahM iL tA QOUNTV. .Li. the- .iieet alx montka .aj would be a task for a real word ar- murder, crime of different Mad, ikuM.. RVim and pel oe ii iuhi. run vis worn nmM at nfiiltl M,vnlv mflH --u4pirtiwa. steadera are puehlag weetwari. The tist, so complete and goregou were RATON CITIZEN ON Mtraaws. wnlch the lee tha Utt I Proaioti - wrgnr cltlea have been l, doutilea; th foltowitiK morarofc th,a thoRht ooerrwJ to oniM Iieek Land grant upon whleh they, COLORADO WRECKED TRAIN FrtHH Sarinuor MtoaHnuin- ttaabfe to llllil MltawlAaa aa I itlM laaJSl -- hlU aIt tttaa idA.AA. tn.n a WBlftr lit v annittAaltw have been laid at the door of uawfaiva is nnvi fnitni . a cats wm wiiimga in located and whica Broad aisle, with a tkvui nfUahta W. 1 WUlliC Doea BHiMuu. in rvdir.. K1rt llAlla. tf 1 l.M -- ItaaJ A aiiktikuK I ia. nmn- -n i.i SlX vnalnnla me i4aa. wmitn n lis tru L U vRTSK I vears nail raa rmralaaand for ua from both u- - Mam sccrnt society. IHTO HI front and hack, enable a from Denver wharn hn a William AUDtandnr.: hnu cent aa nern and whlati ulM . finA tflaulatr t utvffalner nn tfcta Dlnnj. iui aucti maa Hviua-' - 'th1! LAS VEGAS AND RATON ITEMS a u. day oa boelneaa . him t.w a in iiu Kaiema, Tetlsr, Salt Rheum. Itah. Si at S1.S0 per acre Is now being the customer may choose to examine. II. mttr Inoe ISM? wna WlmnlnlntliWTS'SSi I Wattl. wlln ia Vlen tirnatilaul 'aa.l He mtBooed ta hav Ring Wcrm, Htrpw, Barbers' M.. negotiated at fE per aero, Mr. On w- -r Taber the second floor the receptloaee vnviai HHtnaKer or tne Utah uon wm-- mat year rrom Delta. (Jem Iteh. ho paat against rolling long after CLIPPINGS SCISSORED PROM ( me opinion that Is eon was greeted with green dec- - there a the same Struetlon eomB&nvg at flalt- I nin and the dbwovenr of a aheletoa near AN Of theB illlUUttna arn allnu.lixl nldntght COLUMNS AND CREDITS AHE StRJIt laorsaaa In lnn.l mtuu in ..... OratlllBB hail hnan annltiui nn tha say ot.j.w, mi.vilM naa brought that thO Ilaton lianvn i'ona thn isnuin. "--a hv Intaatn llahln V wklaSi la nluiw m. Tito new armory building is an ideal I aivEr.. ern New Mexico. lower floor, Interlaced string ot ,l.n ,..1 "21"" with .wv.?'- - yvM on tho train on yuimiin Huinoruie. I lie follow slantly relieved y applying 0hambe tor holding such a tournament red Incandescent lights, and a forest me iwo ina letter rMA .nl ,t.u n.ut. ... Iain's salva, fell Mil illnir in Inraa oitmiat, .n. OptlC! uranao wnioh was wrecked planatory. and by Ha eonUntieJl use " l0 PRITCHARD'S of furniture, with so equal In the i uayMgni mornina And If th hunind .u ta a permanent aurti may bo fimmniiBt -- T. The ladies of tho Haatern Star LARGE OUthwnnt. In thla naanrlmnnl at nround or anyone eJeaill. nn... in foree Wedneeday nlht( vln Adobe. Mix mllea nnat nf i?ii knowing him. will iioa. In faat. cured manv miu that hleh will thron Urn hail dav ?attiored o-- all 7r-ll- O of home furnishings one could find . In call at the Stockman nfflee. nasty i .". . meet n. M nn la Millar nrnnri PLACER po whleh about IS persons were a had resisted other trcqtraent. Price urguaauui.". me.t" tournament ana V DEAL iron, miBir can o prouablv ThJm.fttr0I order In Now Mexico, twining, a Kindergarten ahslr anii sw wore injured. Hie ttleared Hn: cent per box. For tale by all wommodatkMiB are ofAl' to $150 .mi IJltn I'jiln- ..(. rub II f OiYaf viinr ..,; a leather upholster! setter. wouwiea wero UKen lo Pueblo. Mr "i aaBvra (guv, druggists. Uley, are in .he very beet Mr. naw mn ur.nll ha o To lhe Mayr of Springer. N. M.. edition ,7JE.K - inn ATTORNEY OBNenat nn Fliara Wattis osoajwd a did all In tha Pull ind every facility will bo offered to compliment to a city many times the man. The Dear Mir Pardon na fnr idiL.,.,.1. in nHltnatanla In Ihn (Aiirnii. im"'":"-"""" "7 " "..,"flmisi. .SELLS ACRES IN wreck was a head end col lnir Vmir liuat-- .1...... ROSWELL DAM SITE MAY nu IVV- - local members, taerapllfjca ",.. UIHTKIUT. slxe of Albuquerque, When the lights iisiofi, alleged to have been iiu. a imm JT" r;r!."iI7r are on tonight, piaeo caused dlSOOVSrv nf a aliAlalno U...... n 8 turned tho will by tho fact that tho operator HAVE TO - iVi".: t unwritten work nm. he at Adobe Ceradedge. hn brought up EE CHANGED- noor work wero bottnt Colonel OeorarA W present a brilliant scene. wa asleep when the train pa seed an okl ' 8'ven and a ... rnh..i. .u..r. . u unak.. i n. Although Mr his StOry of tha illaaiinnaranul .. 52 JTi.i-- T-TO- repast was served. .tfabar rnnalvcl vlult. crows en- - IT? 1.: lurnwi jo anta re tram tho Jlcarlliaa oh too turee namid Wlllam TO ! 6" Ora all ilitv nt 7. n'alnnl int..m'bi ounn.- wore Aloxander. formerly. PENAS0O ROOK IF LATTE I vrann country, vmu- Biaes glued except one fireman. w tleys only occupy about cue eighth n K. Adanw. kn i.onn ruo whor hn lag, an oroheetrn will discourse It la thought believe, a resident of the ectten ' ruUHU TO BE MOR I 1 m ' . . . i.... . " . ...i. . . nnm. musle tho explosion of plntseh ' ht Iho" Tl. kail .OPo. .. l a "mi wnx an in mat near your city. ir " wn ii. irewrw 10 uia unuertaHing men mi.i.. for the reoeptlon. and refr ahmentn gas whleh at once set AUVAHTAOEOUS, tohbr 1 from New Vork. He reports fire to all the William AltUBllw - ...... lrrommodatlon for mora than 10.000 iitaUbllefcmeat in Ua Vegas, left with will be served. Pouvenlra will be ehair eare, was raaponaibla na minlug for many nve 11. tan SalaaA at. Irfiranna Ihif. .... ,.' activity in about feet elghL - . .11 Bill.-r mmHmtLMa iiii.i.i.. t i ,0frwe the given each caller mere deaUw a pleasant fel- l - "r ey w wtxb gra waaagnSfngtad fig ...... u . . . i ...... I ...... company than would otherwise w. v.tin luurtiauimii. AKIHffl, HIS uiairtou a whleh mteen year ago waa about reemmatton wvlotj tor thla dfa-Irte- t, uusicts IWiay mh, B8. lie Will pSOK nOHSO recefitly liought 11,069 bar resulted. 4 nyears te honor nf St Pnlrlnfc'o dav trlahlhtilii fMnitlriia hla oaro at .1 tfLsncuteil about acre to It old. Ho wa in parlner- - arrived In the eity, yaadtHdag of placer from him aaweJ-t- SHIH aaan ZZ. are givn the prmdefiee. TholHapHeniallA nna w.ll return to La and hla UNIVERSITY NOTES GAME WARDEN OTERO hero with a uiuj moralag. from OarlBiaui uu t. im sow engaged In making JelnUy owning remto lAtMbum u wan iiavit lurniwi iu vmwtr 01 lPier--l April lain. aa tjKHrOUBh a RE0EIVES a ranoh on Orand to usui nMi Jie lect f Ihn ntan. .11- -. i.. COMPLIMENT meea. m, st all day and thousands visited the) elded to make hi AI-ce- About June mi, Alexander future home at that locality. An ex pen Praaldeni rrtahf la uuuui... . Tho Amerlcaa FieW, a aportman's of the tournament during the bueuerdue, uad will open uadertaktag ba baan put aaaer iiuUllabaJ in mm. Mn ba been a wnatrM- - la charaa of tttm .iratiau. Lhrae day la Santa Ma. nn .niunaai. tm. ki. vl??Jm!La. ainan :""", yr I almi-n-r rnraMinna Bvm a lari oarloni tlutm arl hla ik. ..i.i. vri w,nj two waniwineaa Wfr "rum of that na illvnMatnnnif a iam rlum view determining month contain the mm- - mam' hv la hit r?.rf A.I (m tha aftAMaonaiatuu.laa.l nvmn.l of whether tile dirt g. Mentation baa occurreil ovr what tb Kl Pn Ana. of tJame vnardea Pago to nan him 1 ... the placer can be handled aueaeea-full- y Otero tba af it i w a view - anuaj mMtfaur bmu titw. laMNty, ia of th w proprietor with pMMat A now anna kali "- ,.an u of thn Nnltnnal n.n.n ibat Fwutt killed him. It la mat that tbo Santa. Pw . Durins week touniaiaeai the of the facUltl. If tbe xi- ffm and rn the of th. t ve. preeent iiiwtM Mltl out rnnaniln na Uu. nam mat aad Flail Wanlnna' aaannlatian -i. tha dleeovarv at k u.. w.. i National Bowiara' lauua of lofl l Trtnldad, haa b4m unuu ..ia.- - coaynoed CMUy inovad Ito track frog r Ar. other dredge of will north of tho afmnaetum t. January H to in St. Paul. rorrv-- d tb old atory. you on- - Mae to lwt4o ca will hold U. annual maatlag hwo l!iMiH.1 lo similar character and ran. -- ft Will a point now dietn away. ""Tflf. . wm , unneMMa. Ta paper ws en of daSlVOr. if BOi- - Ioa- a.u.LXn an thai, '751, Mimmnim oa ine ground, otber-wl- a ri1-- 'p baa been iravtMng the 1 - auk. UHUM, ... tha latlar nn I.. lad the politlclaiia aaaoag the bowler ?L ,eff uvai rwa umm tan aaanirtatinn f, liua tm . $!L In Jail for keeping dredgac coaMructwl upon dlf-tere- .a.Miiniiy on me new neftl in pfgaara-Un- n a the att for the ira.,i miinB in ih a goee Into ilelalLi r.iia v "fTT.J'0r l,Pf mho nwntlon dlverntowal dani. ntereet thSlr arladala will ha irina i for the gam wftfc the AlbwaiMr-sn- a iw. v. inn iai, mmi kT milHUn A KM lAm Hall of tdaatea aid eltle. itoB of the oSto gam anner 1 m&m. JS" wS"y uaui ine right oae I IMtaaa thh) aftriMK)ti. If u of wantoa. the caasa shnMnnn. ... powlbtllty t l. generally believed that Oiartoa g"5 JiilJJS5' "ia - mm- m- tbOTB jAjlWa with "tfZS! &"a!aE' eeeuretf. The now oomnanv hctauui that tb new suit will ntrrv to a round m tb durtag tba pmn lewteen yeara r aopw UjgS-- wkvb i. Kbbetu of Broehrya will he the taatui "i"" M tnrmmt -- tbeniT. "Lnm hu of fuatli bahlBd it uut n i next week. wmwrT r new BXlntl. tan r it win ttm a irnety mattor here if Pmmco K ext national preatdmt. It I ooa- - W .S?""1--i,f.Sl.. S" Ply serves, atrwunx aah raniiMtn. you bt'aSS mt ' wllf maae na vaMuro a can learn aonaaniiBn ahnt u i lldered practically settled that the f0S foV iTflteSr -- reaehliig hiwLmg reeorts In the wme wcoee. Minara have frniad for more "The Mlrug" entiorc ar wtuk and tba few wbtoh Panaeeo Hock waa tho atto ortgta luirnamant n.irt Mar will iu. tinid I' iiiv r game - ywa fWUmm than a half ccatury that tha Jicarilla tko inrblicatloa of volume No 2, Qntte . J, , niing or and Uw ?!.r."",-- Bommnnsg aaowt taw ally cbeean tor tb dam, bwi a tb Philadelphia The Chleaiw bowler Percy V. Megargei . 1. Ka IMIRX VIT.MK. BtUWlail In .ifen. inmHte, at K ...... 1 . .. and. a oonM of tmv, appearaj nwroa,! ton rlnan tun...... A.. j .... V!5r'""J V sold and NUHty atfttte with -- na .. "i ""win i tmf aulull...!..anninnwiBti will KTHVH m OH 7 IB 1BO mora thoaaaad of dollara have aktMshee and eartflaaa a ci.tlaaa in. bw ot TMuah$ sugcaaUoB ttoabto. At thai in. .Hjncernlng the presidency"' but U I ling In their touring ear. Ree Moun been taken wwen Mr. mora wHh -- e toraett. May 1 I aba . t Um made regard to iNvwPmmo Rock won dwddad npou BMtflmlt'rif rwvl fhat ihnv am nulallv - ' MintlntilnBr nn . aimplaet mlalag Rr tb- If SHr - tbm. appaaranco dr - tHHMarratkMi of gamo and wild an? . at- - ' . 'um' - rw auu. nrvn ft". mum pgr ng New York, method.'"' Por liHtaaee, great quantl-tle- a of ta annual. u. tmunimm ike daw thair plan to aecure the toura. by the way of Itatoa. .a o oji aoris. am mmme win but leter Lmurbargiouowaa salagtod ...... 1. ..1 .1 I. 1UA 1 I. I.A.I'P.biM.J V... 1. 1 .... .u of gold have been retuorad from "rrnpaunr. and the dirt by making Tha foHowInx oonlaalantR tifyttil glrmc mHimUm 4rprovst wn enpreaaed. IrlevKd that they will And many sup- - have Imhw waMiag snow. aad tteJag have tm. LAS VEGAS TO TRY wmmm. tmrnL Tiargr mmmt wiam Ibbbu S"fHl for four days la .ran I ... I . u...... THE IneJga4rn i nssainry," . . nt .V.ul llbla m n n Aai H -- . . - '' " tered for tho oratorical oMant m aitf inriara v., I all.c v ia. is raiuas. in DRY FARMING PLAN, it wil be hlgMy an-- ,r'. uimma. v'' VMiun other oi oomni-'aiDrgUr- entwkarma, CWf amrtnear Hall, vaianiav "aa, . who Will P. iMtoftco. water haa bean haul-- d (ana roe uurmg noeomMnv them aa fnr an to The OcHnmerclal club of Las Veauut what can b done, gsrvafi - the icoallty for twelve or mora wak: Kirk Bml, Hugh HryuL Al- at SUim ATlfiWC I AWlI)fl.1fr- W. Catron had an aceldeat has taken up the matter dry farm- under way nc nniin on way mile for the same purpose. No lan Keller and ntm Taechr. of MOST ANYTHING. aw from Lsajf u vi unuu nis to tni city, which caused ing by lhe Onmpbell aystom, and WU1 Ivivmiivjiij I the delay. Oae of the gasoline tank amount of gold baa bees It Av taken from the by WwidlBjw Nleoes' is Siv a thorough teat. Tbara are "What a tovelV now mitoa. and ikwae wUl mmr Hm PROM OF P lo wheo din tha dry vraabar "Mr. a alar 'hundred boanet nhaiuraa In thn rlvnv Wn rOMMITTEE BOARD Booes. A few yeara aan iWu .1 to bo kIvch br tbs HhtreliH of Unmannd of aeres of bavoT If a Barfaet " ' ulna. rrlebarii. Dr. Padea secloty 1c the near future. ltim meaa lands In thla vicinity, where "Se aaad yna Mb hdr.'' tab Mvaataa at wbalirmr MAKE INVESTIGATIONS Or """ rette the tank exploded and aasoeiateu. therh rainfall m feurtoea year BbBBata hit anmufra 1 grouna. laoba a "ItVl tt haaatv aaul COMPANIES and almoet burnad up ttm machine. ' .VI m lBB averag. umi "If pvopl a depth of too Prof. CHB ta al wnrlr an the The ex pertmeal will vmiavj. HtOfcT lb all vniar it tbeer feat aecarad a uV, hHi .hn wrom ity RATON. Sow of water, pumping of that mlvotcii be made on a scale largo enoegb and All my UW It auaa t ... iwj-iwi- of tftg baak to Pan ly the water pia. L I BUW . wiirTt.i.lln.1 ihe Territorial Board of -Phanaaay. . lwx, tborouah It Lnlln. i ... i westa a caia linnb..... : w nave Stoena to Oasusuar." Th Miawia. aoKll ia ilaiiinaalmla ay aa I waa looklag at a put as wt ii bi . iay a yiet4 of f fruit titan, Xh (.fvii4jR nuv i sHSHtflt i rri.av a . ... wif aolat tba btbnr it nrnfl uiluc .bHhl. j "-- aro gaHOMa per la Uia east: whether tram can be arowa ber muad wy now rwok bad made. w minute, ami abauta without Imgalton. jMund that wUl otnerM-la- . b left out evtMt greater Wr . . . . K nw a Sow caa be nbarlaa Merlow rk Bryan M-ani- II aeeuraa A China on ... vro H utaj a grant roefc um ...... YeaMK - -- was . rwn-nji- ay. Marhnw I'rof. Cbaain . nwnftw miu. Ihk druaa. a oommlttea. awSrhh T n' 'W' n. nnr'll tbo UM Of b4KBB wrMlnn...... Jntt out into tin rivor wkro tU gntoa TL Thla laauaaai atautv Maatlaaa Ital.,,. W tAi --- -- I t Tannh. WwUbl ha. oaptam IJ. Ktippe of Albuquerque. i !S8nt maa wbo- wbtna vaaU nnn. auinn nui aui tba plaoart. Much Um (hat Ranieaatle H. M Albatawt - asbail waa a blank for IT president of board, aad A. J. I of wator OUIAMatKti rfble Mmereto work.- - the at nut na the ImIWUiZ M brought to surface iwny MimpRia Jo year, way. may war Weak Fischer, aecretarv. havlaa beaa a- - ti2 the caa be Bcatlf of course. , upon nns vwt to both Lnwmburg aa, orar and over again, tho a fiMlgw ad JerewMiy. . . JfUH atlas; Jwrk Hang fMlH waet. fgH n n. wmtm m aMvavNeHBSCWM to It la uadawtood that Ootoaai itrua. Albright tJBfe UhB atin n tkn aWaa nana. In. Mat. bvr-- tha of the wwtfc on bnalaoM ard iwallaaa cell a aaadaeeae Mmmbw. taajMny art the t- and Baa Juan oohmjos Save b vta- - ih rI!SaJ nmt nyiMB tKy.i latin. Mint, jj tbeMuiBM - latiog the wltt moaajr from tMa proMity. It ta a Digaory Taonesiienttcba. wjH bo at beanaat ml pen law, ami aatkHt aj dMJ&Tklt good JJ 5 tb - awoetCv. aaui that u ; Ely's Si'hii BS) K h. jSI Crii The New York pall have wtMthar nr In- tt at Anmn In.. gold at tier t Make piaear mlalag m Bielii 1m aad phtmni V a plot to kill Dr. awUfcat for ta work wtH b bM al purc4Md faMBW-r- IBS) frMMtret. Ho i2L im. im thieet far magy year to eowe. Mr. Hwdcaatte mib Utcao IA. 'K a an early ant. MBSSWar BLnaBanWBSBBh 151 oat an anawar 10 tb tadgaBSar1 .rr'riSi t. ,,ww,,. PpeTP")! dig 2 K-- !wr.. 4infYVBSESMr aivea fall aoir TKZZtuZu T r2KH ...... nay l ii 2 a j. Leahy, Usttad tato Mtta W-f- m "Tvwr, ifom tne ibwi Laat FrMaar eventaf KiS NlaMbe mjmi VVtokloll waa struck oa tk bead unS - BvXaXBBBI lUtaUlaXaaaUiaaP PLaa BaU P BJ I aa I1D A M aBSt a at " a. " jvtal,e4 waa a SBWBIIFSBI aaj- 4u ll,. It the kMwked BSByswrtcas. TtnawB a THE "SIMESr LIAR take aawiawbare. If Haau , L ZV:l T. ianBnBl mHtee ba found Toaitara in ex-- IS UP u u.l aa Maea Mkaa uuuuv ... da. d bar ttulay wttb the AAN illent condllkM. to put u m)&TFt, la aba mat ateaaW anUtkM oJ . M4 a metallic toll una grand Jury kH. 1 LUM ltomiino aanears a half HWMllni , HllmnmM Tik ,-- Tho he wa ant struak an biaT JhrbyHT dATwfwS

' .inV t', u u ral Mteaer in Provldnce. Mr. Wkeal- - Why Buy EXTRACTED PROM tot- - Weekly Citizen Wavtdf. IKnif h a NPld la the general Albuquerque joka ftittM bi JAPAN WORKS WHILE A atandlne Ut NEW MEXICO wbera be wM wgeat'vf k mmt fArbiftMptlen RaW. tkdp have an imeieti tkmi PRESS or wra inaarnwee byrOf ompitc OHtaea, per year .fnM imply baeaaae they WatBr bnlnneii operation xtaaf Vef Mutt tka arttele will ever be f eftkrt.jnKkaaB titer It baa Tnraa, New tfexto and Old Xfleo, ITiittillWiiiii y .. SAM pr beeN bmwhu MvldaMtt the willar of tkla city What Former New Mexican and be trhveled cxtenalveiy and waa UNCLE SLEEPS tka enam optaton of man. for It aeww aeaaes ta tell wall known In tkat part of tk eeon ka try. 1 ah tkat tka water pkmt ta a grant bargain, and tkat tka Is Doini to Beautify Mr- - rktot JkiHi.ip.l ghould not fall to bay it. beeatma m prma m a oar- - Wiwir TheTttmoraineUiiifMitmn that the reason Washington elti ratio m 117. ttmafkae! PHmjhk) mnt Vlit at ' M offer a, kan sock DM MnuM is iwimm the othcisis ooonter California. fee " JAPAN'S ACTIVITY. T i. BtH why doe rlty want to owk preeaat wnter Ilk. government oT tkat eHy nre appointed y the president, not elected the tm a rear he left to tnt WieWPam WBJ Tka Japanese la pbtwtT To water, to ready But ne "" 8V. I In aubsldte- - t by people. U wky people of American uM " in AlbMamenme. uooeaafat Jem engaged sctrtely T tk lku Mh tke AlBWUtorfeUtg asnrty every principal to cltwe oaaaot ess ad Boad m tke setocttoa S be m hta dkoavn work m lis T Jttdauwt Cllf PROSPECTS tkat wkeu opportunity offered ka wadf dustry In the Island. Money 3" of tketr odtotato m tke praatdeitt Ma ewclse tor tfcetn. 'iStlibr tko Water Sarnlr cowpwi mm it mm mmm eeteetod by tke rTorthweexerei eraa ta plenty The government Is 1 The answer of the morning paper to its question is JSrafclm0 pan for aeaeral axeaey la rapidly refaadlag war lean Y ob oaMpaky to ooHtmaa faratoktoc tke water, for tk oest the 9nm its peach, a darttstc aad daisy lanje a ner aSSSL Whuia Ar nn a. Tka otty. tkaa, not deal re to own kvera Hep Ortwtnl ts draoa. lie baa kmt tmm' W at After etathhg that On stadaata of political tkirtom year. ftm nee In the msunMiew bttsTnsam, n Mat tor muauem of ' tawwr tkayaf nra oboap a bar auf ftoaxtac have MM tJdy1ag A i sjasettesi for a tout time, tke tka water worka ettkar heeaaae lancU, Fwlurc QtieeN (of In tbe hmaraae world I kswwa f X Japamee wars to visit all t morning paper aura "toe ucsjtimous vcrdtet li because gain eoaater offer or la order to aat water. one of tke beet laforutd ma on to parte of the world to drum for OMfar owner power m go solely ttM fKuess of Tk raoafor AlbaaaeiwtM mmitolpal the HUIm. sarance eubtoet In ta ffouairj", Hf g red. tba asssatotfcif tinted br wo plain, apart from to endowed, A akJw ef tke preeant or any other tor tea, aar W tk ftsMrtntee, wkfle at popular emetic tk people - tk of the wlablBc to htp tk water rompaay ity of the kJftrset- etaer. sM pa twsi allow 4l)MMMi4 to aaeoHH. oxatted over polltiegl MM dPM tiro to etty mar have obeaper water aea ntepkeu W Diwsey and admlalstrattoa of tka affair of wfcJeh kare no ptae wfcaiorar ta a local campaign, and mtloM. tkat tk Washlsgtoa, March J0.- -A few bar it more abaMdaatiy Can tkla be Roared If tbr aVetaMsafttlllfCPS nf9 OWawTM Qrf fKaWatVIMI Northwetni eoMaaur la Praaideaae tkaa mm tor smtteJt bananas he l on the republic betgstta are ke showed aaasnai Akfitty. The. Otrnv K eompaay take over tk water pleat at Mot leer tkaa ana ntopplag at no ra - " tbtiwt, Br far AM he to on the democratic. in ma King rt one nf mm mom rado to saws ua mser rmpor- mw bae Hi and aa maeb mora aa tk aeeialtlea of tke cur BSkikMiij ma in tsm coaatag atruggte." ror wttfcraY; aay regard for tka fttaaaa or worth of too mm !M0. deakmble home to ot bonu-tlf- ut tfwt that 0 bp, an tmttK? plas all some-oandldat- a dinar jm. plant mar demandf oatttornia. Tkes-- are havIur tbe be waa oftMMrn ffaan torg list off trae or tae onent. unless - t to aoura, tka Journal wrttar ttrnwa. and vraaaotr If oa will think for a mom ant be eeanot inn m miles of new atresu graded aad to kska- tke neattkak to gaM done nS at onee tke Of coatro- - mNv tslhMtsT to bi parent prise of tka three thousand mm mm ksfore h waa bora, 'tka uiumfmone verdict Imprewmd by tk feet tkat la tkla whole water opto. parkNi and shiewaJked. among substauttoJ mm. versr tk advoeat of tka porobaee of tk prwent plant them beuig famous Ontaga Orov Mr. Wwemeou it m rettrs oid," ssasiminmw ooimr iraa ot cina ana of tke students of porfcloal economy who have ao long the to will go great rlcw growing industry wtttek kav avoided tkla one aad only eaavMlai pout: can the aveaue, which la a, bou- - rled. aad kaa four children. Pot soma Asiatic tad to our aad the kNt stwdyWe; tkla question, aad who ar divided tato maj'liat maay tint he baa been- Hrlng at ! fhd- - Mxnmwrle! rival, Japeo. Is cnwvktg lato active oowpethWcn a- - eHy. at tkle price, and wttk thin plant. Mmleb more levaM IK feet wkM. There are diMsseat sokeote. M ar tko student of all otkar will fas avenue. lie ka leased tke nous waaator u s. ovarnma. nt North with tke fields of Texas aad tke pans. aw beuer fir ptotetttom, and eharte the people other wMe bouierAoaa and tkey OarottiM, BaHWHita ot saeculatlv tkOTOfct. Vat lot that A wtr, otw-t- er nt UM Ptnauyrraiikt avenue, wkar aa n Member of th senate southeast. Hecently th Japan toon pre-M- b aruetieaiiyparHeu aleatf tke otvwtk kJM of wrttar la devoted to sumwlatlves. Should mMMlally' for tk of tk water than tk i be wit) make bis now. committee on taaauiaatar, mi gevemmnt deldd to wipe out the - bmath. Tkousenda of M wltk tk aM plant t their entire ooHrpctltion awak ka a btaek sat to tbe kMk yard, ka woeW Mpa4- dowf tree are notae; fanae Uhmk streets n bill to appoint a commis- between varteos maKb m'M not, It Ita opinion on sion, way (Mieattta-la- g aw tvutr U) omut Umt yard wm fall of ktaek ata, and Tk Oltla tkmka and baaaa ana tke thirty, naiteaom awl maastv BUSTER BROWN" IS to study and meaas .W r factories, which It did by ike Jelm mit forth by tka Water Hpfdy oampany and atone sotnmn Umt may be seen at oovriia; aad Mrmwait AaMftoaa thetu into a trust undr federal m telmWd wW give tka wm number. vn to tka foreign supenrtoton totwavar, IHUa M omaiu Tke MOUtonr baa Um Md ttwa again, tk aatMccaa to tk tfaat ar going to IN BAD HEALTH eommerce la territories, and aad control. rjuaffcw. st eat Buh aMMtafMloa, dee m tk prJmt ptent to kM4ip.H aad tkat tbe be suMMunted by araatlrMitKl group chiefly m the tor east. Tk MH. A representative at tk gru-- HtHi. tka mtfaWrfylng kakH of tatad ka tkat us to Oknewrv cannot mak tk nioaaaary tmteaetoa even at of sipctrie lights La Vegas Mew nowavsr. .mad ne ptonsees. pat oa eaek beak' beard awa ia he understood. PAITHPUL DOa, OWNED BY Tht dpartmHt o. ce.nmercM and of directors, and If tke tk prtoM ohtraeH. On thl b rmpaNy MIGUEL A. OTERO, ksk mm jfat look little at tkla "universal verdict." It k prnt bec Prr-nehle-c JR. ORIEVS toher to reedvinj; reeorta from our be dots Its work properly . Ha deuMnd tkat tk frnkekto be xtended to tke year After divers. la tk ka tint of a otty that neaotated offMdto ara kattar Uwh WJjaa a tree to planted outside tke HIMSELF ILL AT ABSENCE OF eo&auto In Japan which In their for- - government to It tkat It ka Mat wouM not tka aata aafdjr to ataia oMaktla, and at tke preeent prtoa to tummmnm. one beeowie MASTER. of a cammsraial war are calcu ptoaty of fund. all a. to city curb )Ht it at tk oOfHiMloa tanMory H true tkat Alderman Ilanwy BNya that tk nreMtty of city. Tke elty kfta lated to alarm. Par a number of years tke mikado md WimM mh tka of tka ka kaHtr tke nccoMNt UtM ena do tkaa lb hue aad make K part bat wkan on tke sleet rte light llriaelnR oh of th absence Already tke Japan Rovemmejit ka glvva a ll'eral subsidy ta tk tkjM tm frafamkia ta MalahoodT Wtqr, tkaa. wftk raniou fraeklsas to of kto young master, the, fine Btogltok "ftlMwiiwi varilet" of t aatttteal aannonur oenaWett tlmt tke bnd for tk tmjm Mtwt b aold, compakir. the tetodhoa oompany ami owns or cohtrato a large par oast of Jiteaaese merchant marla. With thto mnlaaot eom- -' hail Mffier owned kr Miguel A. oteru, Teyo I oa-ta- tkat lMefMt on bond maet be met, that there one to any old fairways ana directly eoatrou fmiertng help tk Ktoa Kalska ajHtfUK down ite akOHdWK, Vm trfl!M puiw ta tk wia krnnt other Jr.. beenme III oa tka very day ef ui id upon mttet be a atnMne fund tot their attlmale wtleetioH. patty tkat as :t, atw in ta vatu tk lelegmph aad telepkoae Urea. nas grown to ce one ot ine uominae & acsknalr lor atatokoetl, kkatM ita annMiaHt presaaUd lite departure ef Governor Otero aad eait works, monoa-- Only and tkat no on any Idea of how mueh. In addition Able fmnchles. ta tka son. Miguel, Kurope, th tke tobacco lag itas of tke Pacific. tk tka telMkUttr of tka HW)tl katkK akfc) to aim tkalr oommtRlea without aoet te them, t for and In now In ojy. nd tk pradactlon ot camphor. other day. It appear, tkla Hue mad to tk $M4W9, maet at one be expended for Mtenetoaa. s a vary as raaulf OWN ettz m Ita iiheniBty whu vtm peopm-- critical condltkte the it sandueu a nriutinr baraau (wltk a bid tor tbe pejrekaee of practically MiM! ami now great tk yearly drain will be from annually of eanine dintempar. Jl waa MM type , Tkaa, too, oa what tnon4, U not political, wooM tka - prttmrif. give tkaa eorporntloHS foundry aad paper mill), a mint, all tke American Pacific atoemsajg-Itaes- rowing; deHUMda for other 8$turtonewb on oon- hjgncke cat, trim, ar dkuefy placed Hndar u care of J. M. a arsenal, a conning InventtgatiDu yraallwit or atttar vmwHiUsc iwar, aakwt oWoirlaT la cart to bateker vetertttary ewrgeon, while woolen factory, and showed tael. fm-dita- K. aeema ajaennan aad Japan-sa- c fact, kow la tka nrawktottt kimaalf ykMMMl In power? tlr akiens air tneae inmaa, irwtn inat totgfbr deetroy nby tree tkat even la Da!t, works, clotklag making, swrreytag tkla move waa bached by the kto in a very serious condltkm the sur map tka "aHaatwoaa Terdlct of ataaaata of polltiefti fJanktr waa too enthaalaette In eatlmate. a wasd atortn. aares to eo mucn as geon and drawiag. snlpbuiiding and government. people ot 1t aay one doubts has hope of pulling bltu docking, does not believe that what la aaace for. tka If tkm. tbe eity oaaaot do better for the touch wires. If tarougn engine nnd powder work, foottamr, this, let him right now, look at that steel, railway machinery electric Japan would ?! aooaa to aaoca for tka aaadar. It la onljr the aimaar of Albuquerque with the prwent plaat 'kan tke Water sjaustac Brown," by which asms tbe and thi' hare the United company to plant, why bur- magnJftcpni tree at the corner of apparatus. al Supply dotne: wftk 4k name dog thmugliout ertr ataetloai wWek akevld to Keataaky aveuo Third street, is kaowa Sanu p. many years gnvernmen in den tke city wttk thta $800,000 of debt, fort at thto time, aad wklek oam he wou For the the coming cuaamewitol war wttk Tka troukla vritk oorraotton la ottr Itaa botchered and and owner and under has m been Indutsry m onment when tk water matter oam p on a K la tor tblrteet. rutad the maay prises, fancy dog to behind th silk ail the ahlpa her tioseeasloii. &U mmmgmt will the morn straight up" when ke pro-tests- at shows, aaaaar tkaa ilaaaat lkw told to " y. Mftttng mny, wklek ran-n- ot one of tke Attest MttsisU In tka tar-rttor- Imc aaaar wrttar to MMtrata. Tka troakia ta that ettkar year. and other mattm ar lvtk too at the trees along go on now? to cheep, WMto kto utsater wa to fk itaiak or Joaaa aboaM net ke altowad on aWtar tick aa fkey ar Bpma It jd tke fSHHli side of tke public sckool bat-okat- dky they asaawd. sisitot bjttwWa sm ta aaotkar story for tomorraw. tay tke wnter oraan. bullB. Hwtehered, butokred. that not band lifted to pro- and th derotton of MrtaT 6 tka BALL and a boy was atHrwn by kto ASE LEADERS ON YEAR 1906 t tect, Roa well JleeorH-TrtbUH- e. itmM. fl City Govrnagiwt lowtng ctoeety upon tlie latter'a FHcKatrd to ResiaCn Bdl Qallup' Immediate Preapeets. GnralTK tifew .MKhMk U ratlably taformM ttmt AttortHtr Are city MayarHmtttiU bad beauiMe Ike atii(Htea Knowing eity Osllun wHI soon bav tke nttaekmnnt tkat kad daiuinit Omkkm . Irtakanl hae ottarati to tandar Gov tor tifliae pdrty mernlng 3f tkto The of kto run u Hnt? The baper men who will reareaeat tour for met! between her son and fine araw Magamaa tka raalatiaUua of tft& uflloa ka mow OHly nMiiWi to elaht terrier, Mrs. Otere to putting forth Hr nt tknt tk eae, but betetw wartf f the town. Thsee ohjkt men MUBs, OoIshU Ma ak vnr-dt- et evwry effort to save tke tie;, knowing te lake affaot June lt uext. PriekarA baa nrflrwattoN by tk aeeerttott that tti ttnanlmotM will nasume tke goveramaat In May. tMts poattkiH ftftoea moatlui rind btut mada a vary of MtHlenw of pelUhMl aaoneffiy, who been n raantU away. UMtt sorrow bm dantk would cause bait the bar only ft llitie over boy on hta rrauIBS' and sHtWurtory reourrf to all ewi earned, to twiytflg tkto ueatleti n long to tkla to new Iioul tke return. "Dueter" has for timu, tlmt Wen th city boanl take also made a great maay otttsr irtead tka ospmmwakltii, ta tka laaf Ktataiwt ef tka territory. lkVM. ot kh nlfsirs of the eity tkey will The In Beam P. who are exaeedlngur and to kimaalf. Cwnl Prlakara, la wnklNK tkw wtdar, tth due nnott.y to Maaer. SwlMt and Jonea. wbo. have bualnoss from tke start. nnxtous bknt Dr. Deaara win be - ale baa ao In erita- to noaommodate xad ahabla tka aeaordlag argtiftitmt paper, am town to on tbe verge ot tk beginning dam to the ef tka morning town owns to aar him. fjovanwr of th tkrrttkry to nktaa la tkta very Important party tlcjm or or wortn. of nn Industrial boom; tke Dencon of hm tk raaardieaa ma an arteston well may tkmuak When Tr. took ekanse UM and at Mea a hiwyar wko wouUl ka iHHaonallr agreeable to the Tk CMaeH worm ttf knew hew SMKk sad Jonea can-gra- s. tka Merrier Bundny evening, the ae tk sped work of tk delegate to g Maaatlve, akkowtlt k la gamrailr eoaaodod tkat tka at get npsH their reapMUr ttekaut Tke ooutentlON of tract, valwable b?nd mars wnipaanwre was ios egress A large of incrMring After an UMmar aaitaral la tka eervaw of the people tu a wkola, eh Jounwl la they were put there by Mkaatlaa; He Mueb and still hoar's that whlvk aeros tke Puereo. surgeon In tka obOgRtloM of tkat otftee to be fkithfallr oarrMd pemlMaMa who have cheetMHls they want pulled out of aroarrsrtly of tk town hard work tke auseaedad ad of the future rauwelHC It by abowt aa of th- - hands ot eight men three degree oat are prkaaa of mack latareat to the trritory tke fire. In other word, baring ita magnifying giaaae will ke in tbe and alievlatimt tk palk. Jfow Mactoo h lher ara to the executive adjusted, the paper see the political boa firmly aetrld wbo will ! aldermen after May la, County Repukllrnn. Tka nttUade of Oonarat Prtckard In this matter every party ticket. Tkat such la otttt the eaae, especi OFFICIAL MATTERS however, oonmi en(table, and showa an appreciation of ally in large citlee, le undoubtedly true; dot tkat tbe Why Money VVae Paid. good will, proper be ooa aceom-pantme- at which la the spirit aad akould been la an integral, eeaeuttol or even universal The people or St. I.oula wbo hav datrtve to hamoojr and nwd fealisjt, Jtad tka New Men of party tickets, to like tke "universal verdict' been paitog at the rate of $3 v . i ui iwi uviu, vn diitw vnea.l - loll of hma kopaa hUt offer will bo ao received, otherwise ooa- claim it lacks In truth tke fun equivalent of Its xag-g- e par teams member the territorial b'orl an for ia h freight and It for ev troverataa enaua wktab Mlakt ant radotMd la tka ratIon. crosaicE the Oould bridge reflect pharmacy. hM iwtlfled Oovernor Ha nar art germnn will resign, U. S buwtlH or pkMaare of all ontoaraad. Tka Mow Mexican But, It la true, be ing d i'ply, not to say hotly, tlmt the tkat ke and wherever whether tke instances Moore, of Roewei), ba beua aelrcinl By Harry Pufttant, nU cpar latin have baito strength ta Hi of karmony and aood will wHkln the rapub- - many few, Is It? mono waat to meet count bomb e faror or wboae fault Tk answer to tkto by tke governor lo fill ibe vacnc Thu ball outlook for m pustlcutorlr ae weaker Ibma party, aad kopaa that tkla will be tka eaae. New question toys bar the root to tke whole evil. It is tke travasanc and debauchery la !aiis. ba !.. By jadieioua traaiag of pwy Tkey blah that thsv are entitled to n. E. Tvyl ahfrll Appointed O stain. onlaios. Juatlfle the predinion Xaxtoaik fault of tke peat. The stay away frees tk primaries. The folio wlaa appointment wss an h'a, .rwUl km IB rr fr- - bridge across the Miastoslppl b. Lkc Ita - Tke let those hxeMk ettatauta which need pRlnng nut a leatstday atorning l. (lav- - game. country proa and the pros- on nafsj prlnclplea, and the poiat nouaced ot tbe The is or of tke fire, pfc wltk their teste, (i ernor J. Hagerman. which prroua. was never ou a w i tct iv thM vmr racs will be one aHaJflto eict argument gets not wocn Harbtt the tamo - to their red waa or - j;:uU) flnlsh. dalegmua KVHkm, aad aemlpat filea Id tke ' Bo Territorial footing in th matter of prole !lnr..- A Local Cxiirl to tkaa tke they riKUf up that they have been ter llAKftfT C. PULLIAM. Wbjr did tka atty omwU apatid ao MMioh mokajr to Uekr wkmk t ksawea kjr aeleoted mid wklek after dbvIdz to n fool' Secretary J, Wl KayanM: tton and aoverameat. aad the Inter ahaut S.000.M bur Vegas, waa ppaa wUk President Mstloaal League. an ajepart's oatttloa prafMrad on tka ooadltloa of tka electMm wilt k aubserrleut U) tke purpoesc for wtrtck toh a pinchbeck trtl R. H Twrteaell. of Ua eat la Ike glSe te keeping kra American erl aHpoittted squad country. projfjfw water Vtent wten their own body wait adwnaa (key were plaead in o!Bee. JTsre lies the whole evil, and worn y little, cigarette satoKtaa, eaatnio in tk Kimt th profTeas of the a ron eavairr, National auarue of g uiamue, By Nan Jelinserw m HMiifiberaiiin mt stHl uNattawarakl a wator, aa to of tk people Ilea monkrwKeed rarlalau rounder wltk of penning of tne mwwi kr of bl Juet It tk fault so tke reweuj' New Mexico, tfatsd Merck hop upon my ( pliUaa, Akkjpt wlpa, the mosuli of the alums Wklt itanmisston wa kate muck to base our la f WlfM, iwmp aad may other ktadc of mput wttk wm. The naimtntHMrat was nwd a T)ia year iiwb iveagp tetnss bare never ao kaY ad- - 'Higkjok. it. fir baaaer seaao. hen at Atdarmaa Haalar liaa tiroven kimaalf to Tlw TiM kaw ean tkto evil be remedied br allowing tk 0k ... 'buktHOSd for championship i -l. nu vacntwy o me flnnacvfllr. was best National well a Qt ine creaieu resat tke th drM of tkat gontlawaa, laat nlbt. akowad liif tMf belfoSAine ahsjslHHt puller to let lint unp ktket Seine Eataneia Item. natlnu of Onntttn J. A. MeWawia. Leaaui. has enjoyed tor years. At lh Nee tto they are rnto year. Th whom ahi-arW- ii two, kirlug a be ao near to, ajMaikg tka jmys moiiay tor atpart apuuoii. at thus the people no ekcos at the On MciMkvy March 18, there The raalgaama V wnar csiran, ot conclusion of the season tk atom Blabs sew to HaHley lHfqrntad nlakt. Cemnnny II, from etiHnpkmalilp standpoint i ymt net only able anj wall anil (took whateyerf was in maetlnc of ail Interested of Haewell, captain of plon cluii of tk National lagu a wfrtfjiif lm( baa lafanjiry. .Mexico NaUonai Its malni ta the me among them will be one ofrl to give wok opinion. actually ws jKaparad m th- - o H o. Hoper for tke Pint New establtokad atofe town accepted by Oovernor by winning aev, contested In the history of II 4 tlS It without money and without nrteaT purport) if maklag definite arrange Ouard, hes supeiiority the ureal the oxpert - Herbert J. BagcrtHan, to take effect honor or the worm a cuamiiKHMnip base bait: flThs CHUzn pta avaat ooefidanoa in the "trtn- 'RifiHt OpiniGn ment tor pffmoeettng for artenlan general way of (kHMHek. waa March 16. in r. most decisive manner. Tka ra In a nil of the clubakf a M AtdarwAH llu)ay. nor la tkla aoafidanae Injarod Hanley aalltfl at The Oltlien oniae, twe water nt Hraryon wc of bdett strenntheneil I look for'il Aldrtaan Bfwne Comnany B Aaalailsd U ReswelL anlt of tlie iMeaso8 series bare D(i 1sAt by the fKot tkat Mr. llftNtafa axpart oplHtmi new aoa- - te and ntve a lift. proepertHis year In base ball If they morning, havlnif two gri (ranees, in tke Item Mr. Mrs. of Smnnmnwiu MtA'sean oomptoud great benerit to organ!! ubm nau a waa at fust tkat Uie water plant waa worth 9MMfO tm Oslestlno Ortlt Nutlonnl us. i adralnf bin address before the lMtaa. Ik other even- earn down algkt to wnrky Omuany 11L ilrat regiment as a whole ne well aa to the weather eoaiittkm favor Jtobt tW&t now i dirt Tkki ba 8ua N laat . etruggie world's c'aawii it kap at ,tM09, ny ing, The Cittaen'a raport MM that "Aldarmsii took vat nropwiy tkey of tnfaairi-- Haw afnaice Nnttounl League through the prestige ofitalnea The for the on U Haalr tke have plonshlp full, while It did notd mmintaa for ntbt tkat tho pakulUir aharaeter of urked eftrnoetly for tk Imprests of (lie laiiplr Miralftd Tkey expect to Ouard. atattonikt at Ilaewell, will be by tbe success of Its represanuMive last Mjiatfifl ivlite 1 mora ktr )at her. teem, to prestige of wind up exactly aa tbe Americana in tkat the oMar It la the valuable it ooraiwiiy." Itantay aarH-U- y ejrect a block sohUi of assigned to the New juexlao military in nddltian tbe goma Mr. stnttnl tkt k had ben ala Just cuy. 1966 In pos- have preferred ltd M. waoka luira otapaad lnce AlJeHnan N-- Institute, atoo of tkat The tartlng th campaign of lmgu wlaht vajij solicited by tke League to address yietn, aad tkat tne prtnt ahop nnu awo nuim good taste propoiad to tka otty cotMClt to buy plant for m pany at present to not in the best of session of the world's championship, would. In any event left a tka ke was not speaking it) tk Interest of the water eom- - a riiiaaa tne near ruiar. In base halt eathu It. Of aonraa. than, ha K. oHHiitiM), but pMua nave eeti forma the old league will offer an additional tke media of tke th natit onaht to worth paay but waa giving result of bis study and kv B Kerry arrive rM cHoraao taste, tor was splsndidly played too, Oi the wees. tated to Imarove It as faet as noeslblc sttruetion to its pairom m in lorm It a mora w titan it waa tkaa. Tkax. tka vlewi of owner city. rmg, tne nrst or mat axottlHg I foraMtttott for tke benefit of those who favor tbe liiouajlt oasa Two oeers of the InatHut. Captain of a mar Intereeting aad series ot gam. kktajMOh at that Uiue wera m demkt oliared. Ilka tka Me two of - I ship of tke wnter ptoat by the oKy. cblnt-ry- . fd, - C. I). IHarson. eommaHdant of eaaets, chansrnomiklp rac than the pressed- 0. n. J01IN80N. Heme and goods, imme- ' vtoH of ajcpart aMarmon aanaraUy. "mtkjaet to omtm ajao H. A, Lohman. Instructor, who tug year. reason tarn te President American Ieague. Mr. Haniey oaned ftuU to tke faet tkat dlatfh MP uatoagjsM the horses. nod aa The tor taai Tke Cttiaen, in tpeakt8K editortoU- - ot tk folly of bar r away will he made Srst Iteutanaal. with N. two Wew not aaa nave an - ing paid a tore price for expert opinion when tk alder bean tiaara from sanae. Mr. iierrr A. Smith, tke former aseand ttautaa- -- cewipany, who will MACHINISTS I ANTI8ALQ0N LEAGUE man kimaalf waa prepared to ao It without moner aad stor a Ptward of twenty-flv- e deltora aat of tke retain WANT TRAINED Kacpori - Hi. that poaitton aad will he In charge FOR NAVY DEPARTMENT. OROANIZEO AT ruuaUN. Fbrury a quo- tor ratarn of asm. i wttaoui price, piaow aiier taw kidm iiuotauoa Atl-Saloo- A etfatalnalni lento re tke inervaa la oar eaporte. R u taper, the grocer, left Tkurs under tke new awTaagemeat. Washington, D. C , March to. The n Iaaux now hi tloa mark instead of a period. Tke editor looked through A. IHwtnc yHWary tk bXal vntue of domeetlo prodoota day f.,r Inmota. where ke ana gone Aocordtag to Adjutant General P Secretary Bonaparte has approved th H foot bold In Tuoaoa. Tke othor eveu- his aete basket and was fortunate snough to flad tke guard wnn u kipped waa au laereaaa of H4.-M.ftO- O to tirih "lik family to tk "Land ot Tarktagton, natlonsl aatoirs plan for fumiaaiag snips oi war m. the Metkodlst church, in akraad H,T00, original copy which contained no Interrogation mark but per- - aame mat year, aays Henry Clewa. SupKhm Mia bust nee ka grown are In good condition throughout the enilated men who shall remain rfcy, K pjiaatlng waa held and a brum ovr tk matk the proper and penon. This he snowed to air. territory, company A, miMLcntlv lit the enalnc room force, r eeantnliiatlaa wa formed. Tk gain waa ehterly breMHm aad coUoa. which orthoses steailiiv sjftee opealag the first A nrst re.i the oueattoe was a Infantry Loa-OfUS- to re dlWeulty encountered . A oboeen president M Hanlsr sad axnlained tkat tke mark to pleased meat of at Ureal has bem k. Alton was k0wed an toereaa of aboot ifAo.ooe eaek. la tb ,r. aad b well with servo lypogrwpktoal error, aad not. as Mr. Hahtoy kad thought, his w musa, He has aiao begun tke ported ready for isaeotiam. Oonv heretofore in getting mta to iu n(i John MeBrlde was named seer was gate tt.SOOHX) Tke retnraa tkna - percentage tker it of an Insinuation tkat kto opinion ka1 been paid tor Tke impr. of hta kousekold wett uaaice B and f of taw Pkrsc- real tkat capacity, and tke of Mrr The meeting was fairly well ftooM more atrtkliig and eaooumr .amk In has been by far for tke yar are editor also called tke alderman 'a attention to the fact of u,n. He will return about tke ment at Albuquerque and the baBd desertions toe branch attended and waa presided over gtnee exports of domeelic produce Kb) reeasaapit I Under tne new pmn w, mf, Albuquerque, sli iaa July tat oar total bad been purpose of the or- - first r April. tnacla of tbe First connlderable. Havera of an tooreaee (lM,0o,oou that if the inalauatloB the Nw. condition and awalttK Insr:lset lew by thers will be established at NorroiK perlntenaent of the magna fur Ari-- a kmt reaohad t,ttt,00. of punctuation poiaMMOOordiMg- - to newspaper usage, partoa. of tkla gain fendlaf aa oMcer of tk rajrutar fmy, detail- - school for naval machinist as a .om uui New Mexioo. mttm tkat About WMVAH It would have been enclosed between two parentheata system training the , ktaadataffa. ta prevlakm there waa an inoreaa JiiSSK M. WHEEtOCK d tor thai purpose, company r, nart of the of wa. ,i.1i,.d to hold nnothei lc marks. fore, the or ftMpUst A I to ootum of M0,0,000. The Pirat regtmeat of Infantry, In Santa enlisted suprlutndnt HIMtiRK al the church. f Pl.le and u inoraa Tke Clttoes byino meaas impugnod the motives or prepartus-- laspectwa. which is Near Admiral M. Timtaas, tkla meeting plum were talked ovc4 la than uauat owing to tk Pe. Is for fajeTtMl Ik br4ttafn larcer would limit tbe efforts of any eonneintlous sdvocal of hk auaarittDS the late Oliver laat nlakt elected and men wuo nave servwn nu rmm for ih. nraannutioii and it was ua ago waa much reduced, but ooutmlhr New-- 1 I faet tkmft a yr tktr total musieipnl ownership, being willing to accord to nil dan WILLIAMS A NKnAI. ASIKT noo oommlasloaad oSMers, a w4l as nerlod at the naval Station at whu teea would be takes Ui la worthy of OOMPANY AT DENVER. permitted to select their Br-a- M organ their r otrkry to aarkui! ronditlona notle Interested partma the honesty which it ctoiws OP LIFE enrolled additional new member. port will be tlie membersklp of the j Tk link of esaorU over im porta la February waa offioluton UMty. wnettier on tne oeoii or in ; tiMtion aad to make it a power II t31.tO0.0M eompated wttk only M.TOOOO laat year, aad Th.- - rmrar Republican or ytr-- DEATH OF MRS. O'KEEFE eaain or tire rooms. inwee iTueenn la,-oou.0- a VBOAWV, cnoee ue nuwe xm th eioeea of etgfct mmttha of tke ttocal year waa 0 day ruDtaaat a aair-io- ot jessc m. AT LAS tk lauer win Whcf a promiHat sat men here VaipM, paaaers. which la perhaps tbe moat ARTE8IA RANCH agatamt pmmm la tke aame period of lxl. Aldremsn Hnnley sm tkat the pipe of tke water loct. Mrs. 1. C. O'Keefe, of Las of tht-- days of town, and m y- - nnpopntor of all branches naval BROUGHT PRICE. reoaut nrto of wkejkt and tke tow pries company's is If ke knows tkaa la Maw the who death occurred In tkat elty 0000 Tke break at plant worth njm. tkat. oonni'i ion wttk the cut. ka kto to ot went. They win serve on mat wore company tkto ton atthjuiat mrportv to lower nrobably aaly town who la so watt la- - terday aftertvcoti from tke raptkra Tke A1tft Lad of rot will and rortlnue he la tke una la say m. nt ana: vanaaj bfsiK, to far some months and become thor to J. S. Bums, Orion, ec voters, we , blood oa tka aa construction week sold of tke price ot excitt. formed. Tk vast msaNttr tk outate "JfHKM if .Wkeeroek kag Weaa ap ot Cmarto OtoT, of oughly familiar wkk tke III., tka drakam farm, two miles1 n HHOt sunt this ey liUDKera, we coai Watar Snpnty ookpHr--T- If tkay know tU poiui. i damaral agent of tk Kortn Til optic, amom a of tke wnr south ot town, tor tbe sum of ITS aute-aw- in its stored, all pertains to Ko one la inollned to) throw dlaoredlt on tbe now many laat ef pipe tke ptaai pnw has la aoftla. la west, rn ilatual Life Insuraaa cow sua. ssjrs: aad learn tkat per sere, there 1ml sg 10 acres of it em plumfeera onuee tke to w nauy r atnwaukee. as successor of toe kandltng of fuel. Later they wlU of of tke elty tknt tbe of what streets or all it batCM. how maak of it furnace, and at nnd a kali Interest in aa artesian well, of plpee flooding of of to of kinds, what tke dinar Williams. Mr. Wkacl La shovel coal Into the Artesla Advocate. It a freauent broakaire water and tke kntnMtein aad bow muck It other aad l!. a young girl, cam to vJg th and of three years, those wbo iit ssvi the etreeta la not In the city ptpea but In the connect ton of are, wkat ar tbe else of pip employed ock ii tdk okarg of the owe oa Oaauo, l. T., accompanying ner formerly the homestead of M. II. u4to tkaa kinds aad l nave passed tke anamina Ann i el. and wttb'a a few week was and bought only tew tkoae'ptpea with adjacent property. The plumber are and where sack site ta located. These tbtrgs are Known Mm. Tkomaa Otoe. Bk a tion, will be sent to th new senooi and Mr. otaaaw it a will oa tbb future policy lived in Ye up tke months aaio for tw ner acre. Tbui fntly abt to teatlfy on tbl ooiut, becaua tbe conneeUoaa to few, If aay, of tk people wbo are to rote oa tke prop iitmWr reorganise nar aad La to at Norfolk, aad come out as machin- and ar not ke will Two doubly ed $1 per acre on land and kgtre been tbelr own work. , bp aUskt aeonrate time of kar death. mates, second which put ke made th oattloa; nor ar tkat aar sad tk otto fare. Mr. Wklock ha Chrnee ists' eta, same new purau auok Inform Ban, way k by October, auMsren, sad 0kts. them oa the for rapid promo- at tk time tk la detail, kr which aasair4 bee uin Denver since last are left to face the world afcme. aa-- ro4 gats a bargain. There I a ale. change of on part some of the otty the voter. What tka water aoMpany akould a and u a, western mas, having lived tion. younx ptoce Tke front the of years iIi(m the slater. Mrs. Chtr. a Sister. ' orokard cat tk and with quest km buying the required to provide to a blue aslmtK other profile map. In th, wat tor over fifteen in Baa Mr- - large ot alfalfa to al plumkra refereac to the ot nomas to - Mrs. Mtoa Anderson, live WIRELESS TELBBRAPH eereeae tkat water plant, baa produced some pleasant banter on the giving thoroughly aad ejorreeUM WHa- - "Mi wsmektck the Ra- cial. another sister. Mrs. Lota Nernea PAR APHPRN ALIA SOLD. ready nromtoinc Ms Svs crop th UMBJjij. erul .iKHaer of Northwestern from streets. However, the solution of tbe aeema to out auok informst Ion, to buy ik likm at taoa. tbe itvss in Waatkertord. Ohbv, aad two Colorado Springs, Ool.. March JJ season. At tk prascat market prlc cbaam H I where be was tke In Pnni oe, It c. J. Hall aa Hor-sc- e a equipment of Nikola Tee- - tkto will mean Mt or par sci be tkat views of aoue plumbers, Ilk? their bill, are sub would be a grab bag ipecutotM dead aad truth. sen,.!., aaaat of ths. company for brothers, th Bar. costly Hall, lire In tklakoM. Mr. As experiment tat to, located here raraaa wtthto m next atontkaJ ject to revision. Rhui.. iiasast aad southeastern Mas Si g ta demon wHI com up uwaostmf.' but ft years ago, wkan Taato wag plna-nln- if tble to nea aattbaa Irrlaatad lai held tkat position tels-graph- y. tarhuM.arBa to doubtful If aay ether msiansia ot great things In wlretoaa at a bacawla, taare wil you go ls sMarajM eosji operators only reruns Is now. uaiaajpfand lsjraplilr commuaien with !ha aauttuauy for nine year. Tk nave not Tier of rue the fnmilv mm attend the fUhsr! vHI ka aold kr tkto altar, and itr Thar.. Had complete charge at nay aad ry asaeaaalnn naked by their oparatlvss. but Uoa between Londaa aM Mottokd, fJarmaay's under i4 Mrs. O'Ktefs waa aa estimable coon by tk skerik to aattoty a Jnjl-me- coal, grouad ayatem 1$T0 Fmnca followed suit terrn.i y, tan of the beat tkat tke kindly antttre, fur Mil iu tevor of J. 0. to aarrtod. they have already emvanoed the ptlo of steam data from H4, aad so suoeeeaful was womsH nt Ksnerous. tvt. wna In aa result great tkat Isolated IHirta coniu,r deep piety strong KentsJity. Baa nor He assarted ke kad been tkto BMraHhS. "mm which selling at They now ftwaatid tm, tke ofa. starat 1 i and tlM, be 1,., tk eempauy reaaiiy uemeea tor two years rod oa a pass wue raaa with cesasjahy of frequtriu material sAvanae. It to In 176. Up to dale her system ka cost JMO.OOO.OOU upon succeeaor to Mr. wu jl devoted mother and muok ayM uiorrd a oareUker JfrrtotonJ and iilnt 'M the Vegans tor Her TeaU's return to New York Paso, to Ksnro. Kaw Melo thua amjwtrant upon th very face of tblags tkat they hut to believed to have more tkaa paid for Itself. Lines Willi. for tke Color tu, pooHwn. path; will be felt by La mil jdejBJH WM obtained by default. of the Baata To. ar determined te oaaipel a sttlk lor their own benedt- - eoastrucuad la taM nt still In Um sendttjow. "Prior haaWaao of tke aa tile tvo caunran so saw? wmi jfto .ma i ha