th March 8 , 2020 nd 2 Sunday of Lent

PASTOR - Fr. Kendrick Beler Box 10 , SK 306-238-2006 Fax: 306-238-2076 [email protected] ST BONIFACE- Goodsoil ST. ANTONINUS – SACRED HEART – Loon Lake DEACON – Allan Hinger 306-819-0077 [email protected] SECRETARY – Carmen Stremick 306-238-7400 [email protected] (Email info SACRAMENTS – Baptism: Instruction required. for the bulletin before NOON Thursday) Marriage: Contact office 6 months before intended date Pierceland –[email protected] Loon Lake - Barb 306-837-4431 Marg 306-837-2373

Mar. 9th – 15th MASS SCHEDULE Mon. 9th Goodsoil 1:00 pm Mike Urlacher Funeral Tues. 10th Chapel 9:00 am +Fritz/Franziska Weber Rudy/Isabelle Weber Pierceland 7:00 pm Bishop’s Intention Wed. 11th Chapel 9:00 am +Florian Schewalje Florian Schewalje Family Thur. 12th Heritage 9:00 am Special Intention Anonymous Fri. 13th Chapel 9:00 am +Isabella Schewalje Florian Schewalje Family Sat. 14th Pierceland 2:00 pm Frank Muehlbauer Funeral Loon Lake 7:00 pm +Stan Neufeld Brian/Cecile Hemingson Sun. 15th Goodsoil 9:00 am For All Parishioners 3rd Sun. of Lent Pierceland 11:00am For Vocations th ST. BONIFACE MINISTERS- March 15 ST. ANTONINUS Commentator: Gloria F. Extraordinary Ministers Readers: Nadyne G. Regina F. Body: Trisha Extraordinary Ministers Precious Blood: Marla Sharon Body: Lorraine D. Readers: Andrea Pam Precious Blood: Al H. Barb N. Music: Anita Greeters: Ray / Lauri C. Mono: Shannon Gifts: Ed / Linda H. Gifts: Knights of Columbus Servers: Rhea M. Nathan L. Servers: Kenzie Abby Stations: Barb N. Greeter: Susan

A BIG THANK YOU to all who participated in this year's World Day of Prayer Thank you for being an important part in this wonderful celebration. A job well done!! St. Boniface CWL FR. KENNY, OUR YOUTH , MUSIC MINISTRY, RELIGION STUDENTS & RELIGION TEACHERS $610.10 was collected for the Women's Inter-Church Council of . SEARCH is a weekend experience for youth age 15-18 to gather to form an intense, joy-filled Christian community. All denominations are welcome to attend, although SEARCH follows the teachings of the Catholic Church. SEARCH is not a means for conversion to Catholicism but rather an opportunity to encounter Christ, and a build a community of believers. SEARCH weekend provides an environment where a youth’s search for meaning and purpose in life is explored through prayer, talks and fun activities. SEARCH will be held from April 24-26, 2020 Assumption School, Cold Lake. Registration forms are available at the entrance of the church. Doors open Friday evening at 7:15 pm and the weekend concludes Sunday afternoon with a celebration of Sunday Eucharist. The Lakeland SEARCH weekend is co-sponsored by schools and parishes. For more information: Registration Questions: Angie Seguin 780-594-4050, 780-815- 1697, [email protected] or Rebecca Sakowich 780-996-9167 or [email protected]. Mark your Calendar Mar 13th /14th - Men’s Enrichment Weekend - Cathedral of the Holy Family, Sat. Mar 21st – Deanery 5/6 Meeting Edam Community Hall Sat. April 4th – Chrism Mass Prince Albert @11:00 Sacred Heart Cathedral. We would like to encourage those in our parishes who are farmers/gardeners to participate as the parish representatives. Anyone willing to represent and receive the newly blessed oils from the Bishop at the Chrism Mass please contact Fr. Kendrick. Mileage will be reimbursed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GOODSOIL ANNOUNCEMENTS Annual Year End Reports – Year end reports were attached to last weeks THANKS FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT! March 1st bulletin, extra reports are available at the back of the church Envelopes: $864 Loose: $11 Cleaners for March – Tony/Joanne S; Nick/Kristie S; Ed/Irene S; Sylvia J; Marie K. *Washrooms/garbage need to be cleaned weekly* Check the NEW list of duties at the back of church PIERCELAND ANNOUNCEMENTS Cleaners for March – Pam Johnson 839-2167 Shannon Wilton, Wilma Nault, Colleen Nault, Angie

Gelowitz, Jeanette Riebel, Leona Regnier, Susy Hetlinger, Anita Kajner A Vocation View: The Lord called Abram to go forth to a new land and begin a new nation. There's no telling what we can become by responding to the Lord's invitation to us. Prayer: For all our priests, who bring us to the mountain of Christ at every Mass and feed us with His transforming love in the sacraments, we pray to the Lord. Action: “IT IS REALLY GOD HIMSELF, the ‘LORD of the harvest’, who chooses his laborers. His call is always undeserved and unexpected. We are called to cooperate with his providence, and to use the powerful tool which he has placed in our hands: prayer. Jesus said ‘Pray the LORD of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest!’” If you wish, I will make three tents. (Matthew 17:4) “Three tents? There he goes again,” we might think. “It’s just Peter making another rash statement and getting it wrong.” But did Peter get it wrong? Not really. Remember that Jesus himself brought Peter to the mountaintop with James and John. Now there they were, watching Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus, who was bathed in his Father’s glory. It might not have made perfect sense to Peter, but he knew it was something good. He was so delighted that of course he wanted to pitch some tents and stay. This “mountaintop” experience must have shored up Peter’ faith. He saw the glory of God! He heard God say that Jesus is his beloved Son and that he is worth listening to. All of these things were very good. Did Peter need to go back down the mountain and continue to follow Jesus to the cross? Yes, but that didn’t take away his need to be on that mountain—his need to be strengthened and filled. Jesus is calling you to come away with him to a high mountain too. He is asking you to make time for him every day. Pray. Go to Mass. Ponder his word. Sit in his presence, and be filled with awe and wonder at who he is. But don’t stop there. God has a message for you today. He wants to touch your heart and speak to you. Just as Peter heard, “This is my beloved Son” (Matthew 17:5), you can listen for the Holy Spirit to say, “Behold the Lamb of God” when you receive Jesus in Communion. Or “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord” when it’s time to come down from the mountain. Remember, it’s not selfish to set aside time to be with Jesus. You’re not running away from problems when you take time to pray. It’s always good to come away with him—as long as you are willing to follow him out into the world as well. “Lord, I love you and want to make time for you every day!” + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + To all the faithful of the diocese of Prince Albert, Greetings to you as spring is on the horizon, bringing us new life and hope! We have come to the end of another programme series for aspirants to the Permanent Diaconate and five candidates have been presented to the diocese. They are Ron Johnson from St. Agatha in Shellbrook, Harry Lafond from Our Lady of Guadalupe in Muskeg Lake First Nation, Richard Lukas from the Shrine of St. Theresa in Wakaw, William Thibeault from Our Lady of Peace in Meadow Lake and Paul Joy from St. Joseph Parish in Prince Albert. These men will be ordained to the minor orders of Acolyte and Lector on March 7 at the 5:00 p.m. Mass in Shellbrook. As well, on April 4, 2020, they will express their candidacy for the Order of Permanent Diaconate during the Chrism Mass and, upon final approval, will be ordained at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Prince Albert on June 19, 2020, the feast of the Sacred Heart which is the feast of the diocese. As you keep these dates in mind, pray for Ron, Harry, Richard, William, and Paul, and if possible, come and join us on these special occasions in support of them and the diocese. Sincerely yours in Christ, + Albert Thévenot, M. Afr. Bishop of Prince Albert