THE JEFFERSON3AN PAGE SEVEN The MacoEi Telegraph Misunder- But it is a blind man, indeed, who can not Catholic as Hungary is, the was not stands the Roman Catholic see that Roman Catholicism has entered upon permitted to publish his infernal in a 'new phase. Issue. that country. Driven out of France, driven out of Portu- Strong as the Catholics are in r Germany, FIH£ lelegraph, of Macon, Georgia, is a gal, driven out of Italy, the scheming Jesuits the Italian Pope was not permitted to pub- fair sample of the Southern daily paper; are making the most insidious efforts to gain lish the Ne temere decree there. and therefore its editorial on the victory which the upper hand in Great Britain and the But in Great Britain. Canada and the the Protestants gained, in the electon to the United States. United States, it was published, and it has Legislature of Barfield over McNeil, is wor- John Redmond, the Irish Catholic, is vir- wrecked many a happy home. thy careful attention. tually the dictator of the English Govern- In Alacon itself, there was Boi feu diet, the Inasmuch as McNeil’s election had been ment, and it is through the subtle influence Catholic, lawfully married to Aliss Taylor, so of confidently predicted, the roll-up of the coun- the Jesuits that the Irish Catholics have the Baptist. try vote which swamped his city majority, refused to enlist in this European war. Roth man and wife were citizens of seems to have caused wrath and indignation The Irish Protestants are on the firing line; Georgia, subject to our laws. but among those who have always counted on the the Irish Catholics are sullenly talking They were married in strictest accordance success of the combined Catholic and barroom and acting treason, at .home. with Georgia laws. vote. In this country, the same wily plotters and But a devilish priest came along, and The Telegraph not only mourns over the incorrigible conspirators have been at work demanded, that the wife admit she had been for “injection” of the religious issue in the con- thirty years, and they have accomplished living in concubinage, and that she accept test, but says that the issue was “net of State wonders. remarriage at his hands, under the foreign or municipality”—that is, it had nothing to They have had unlimited funds, supplied law of Rome. do with the election of a member of the them by the Austrian “Leopold Foundation,” She refused, and the lawless priest broke Georgia Legislature. and other Catholic mission associations. up her home, and in doing so, no doubt. brolw Thev have used these unlimited funds in Let us see . her heart and blighted her life.' about that. , .. t ; t acquiring enormous properties, The Telegraph says: ‘ colonizing Her father was a deacon in the Baptist TiHTS Catholic immigrants in exclusively , a planter of prominence in Bibb colonies; establishing newspapers and maga- County. The men who made this republic possible were men who left home and country, rooting up their zines; publishing innumerable tracts, pamph- Does The Telegraph wonder why the coun- families to cross the ocean, so that they might lets and books; buying control of daily pa- try vote of Bibb County went so heavily escape religious prejudice, distrust, intolerance pers; buying controlling interests in corpora- against the Catholic candidate? and enmity. Aaid on them was our nation tions; controlling votes in founded. elections; buying Aliss Taylor was the granddaughter of space in Protestant papers; bringing out an Eden Taylor, who was widely known in mid- elaborate encyclopedia which falsifies almost dle Georgia, and who died only a few weeks Who were these men that left home and every page of modern history, and establish- ago. country, rooting up their families, to cross ing parochial schools in which the children of the Ihe husband in this case was the cousin ocean, so that they might escape religious the Catholics arc brough up in the incipient John prejudice? of T. Boifenillet, who was my class- treason of Romanism, instead of the robust mate at Alercer, the “catch” in my baseball Who ran away from Old the World, and Americanism of our public schools. team, and my life-long friend—now in from, what were they running? They have made secret bargains with Presi- England on a special mission for President What were the Salzburgers fleeing from, dential candidates, whereby our Wilson. when fundamental they left Austria in such a hurry, and law has been violated. The other case where the came to foreign law of Georgia? This law has been violated by the receiving Rome overrode the law of Georgia, and What were the French Protestants running of an Ambassador from the Roman Catholic broke up a Macon home, was that of Bernard from, when they fled France, and settled in Church of Italy. Brown, the Central engineer. the Railroad Carolinas? (If the Roman Church is not a foreign Whether he is a Catholic, and his wife a Why was it that. ’w the original law of church, why does its Ambassador come from Protestant, I do not know; but my informa- Georgia, no Rom-a, .dholic was allowed to Italy ?) tion is that he was a lawfully married man, settle in the colony? Our fundamental law has been violated in under the laws of Georgia, and that devil- Why it that, the was the penalty of death was the matter of Roman Catholic chaplains, who, ish priest broke up his home by enforcing the prescribed for any priest caught in New Eng- as officers (made so by act of Congress two Italian Pope's foreign law. land ? years ago), compel non-Catholics to attend How can The Telegraph say that such Why was it that the Virginia Colonists at Catholic worship, thus denying to non-Cath- doings as these do not concern the State ? Jamestown utterly refused to permit Lord olic soldiers and sailors liberty of worship. IS TREASON NO CONCERN OF THE Baltimore and his colonists to land there? But I will bring this violation of our laws STATE? The Telegraph knows why. home to Macon, itself; and will ask The For any man to enforce a foreign authority, The Telegraph knows the bloody and dam- Telegraph what it can say in defense of the or a foreign law, in this country, is treason. nable record of Roman Catholic persecution outrage. Our law of treason is not broad enough in. of Protestants in the Old World. By the law of the Roman Catholic Church, words to embrace such covert acts; but we The Telegraph knows that a vile old crim- all outside her pale are no mar- can. and we will, amend it. inal of a Pope, Alexander VI., had taken riages at all. AVe will make it a felony for any priest, or jurisdiction of the entire New World {which Under that infamous law, no Protestant any Knight of Columbus, or Hibernian. to John and Sebastian Cabot discovered}, and has a legal wife. put himself in- an attitude of treasonous alle- had divided it between the two Catholic Under the infamous law of Rome, no Pro- giance to a foreign potentate, OR TO EN- countries of Spain and Portugal. testant has a- legitimate child. FORCE IN THIS STATE A FOREIGN The Telegraph knows that the Catholic That is the law of the Roman Catholic LA IF, of any kind whatever. powers of Europe declared that no “accursed Church, and has been so ever since the Coun- England, in self-defense, used to have a heretics” should settle in America. cil of Trent, 350 years ago. law of that kind, as all lawyers know. In pursuance of this murderous but truly Pope Pius IX., who was the Pope when Persuaded by the priests that Rome’s leop- popish policy, the Catholic Spanish King had I was a Mercer boy, in 1872, not only said ard had changed its spots, England repealed every Protestant of the Coligny Colony, near officially that all marriages outside the her laws of pre man ire. Augustine, ruthlessly St. massacred. Roman Catholic Church were unlawful, but We need a similar law, and we mean to Not until the Protestants of England had he officially denounced them as “filthy con- have it. smashed the Catholic “Invincible Armada,” cubinage. and challenged Rome’s monopoly of IFr don't intend to have, two sets of laws boldly This immoral old Italian, whose bastard in Georgia. America, was there anything on this con- daughters were reigning belles in Rome, tinent, save the enslavement and extermina- re-proclaimed every hoary dogma of mediae- THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY' LAW, MUST tier \jf Indians by the Spanish Catholics. val , which, as Mr. Gladstone said, the GEORGIA GET OUT. From Cuba to St. Augustine, and from St. world had supposed would never be heard of Those priests who enforce a foreign law, Augustine to California and Arizona, the again. and compel Catholic husbands to desert story is the same —the barbarous enslavement According to the Syllabus of 1864 and the Protestant wives and children, are traitors of Indians, and the devilish torture and burn- utterances of the “infallible” Pope, and criminals, and we mean to treat them as such. ing of “heretics.” Pius IX., every Protestant in Macon is living American historians have played the soft in “filthyconcubinage” with the dear woman What can The Telegraph say on the other pedal on this era of Roman Catholic devasta- who, according to the laws of Georgia, is his side ? tion and crime, because we had reached the wife. period when it seemed that Roman Catholic- Several years ago, . published Life and Speeches of Thos. E. Watson will ism in America was going to be patriotic and his infernal Ne temere decree, ordering his encourage every ambitious young man who American; and, therefore, everybody tried to priests to break up all mixed marriages, where has to struggle for success. Price 50c. The forget the horrors of popish intolerance in the Protestant party refused to accept re-mar- Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson the past. riage at the hands of a priest. Ga.