Mick Gray,Patrick Gleason | 160 pages | 17 Jun 2014 | DC Comics | 9781401246174 | English | New York, United States Batman and Robin: Death of the Family Volume 3 PDF Book

Add to Wishlist. Batman by Neal Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. A character like Batman, of course, will have several series running at the same time. In a somewhat unfortunate turn of events, the book is interrupted mid-way through by the Death of the Family arc, which in my opinion is much better read outside of the individual trades. The last issue is an extended dream sequence. Another good instalment of this series, but a little hampered by also being the crossover issues of the Death of the Family stuff from the flagship Batman series. Cancel Update. Tomasi Writer ,. If you are a Robin fan then you may find this one enjoyable. It serves to show you just how Damian does in a one-on-one with the and further cements the relationship with his dad. The first story is a thing of beauty. Man this series remains one of the best New52 comics that I completely missed years ago. If you have, you'll probably do what I did Teams Batman and Robin. Ill give another volume a go. returns to test Batman and the extended Bat-family but when he, After having his face sliced off one year ago, the Joker makes his horrifying return to ! It's sweet, and I'll admit I got sucked into the sappy storyline. Aw, man. They also tend to read more than one series. I really enjoyed the first story arc, where Damian sends Bruce on a round the world wild-goose chase after some family memories, which seems very sweet, and it actually I would probably lean towards 3. Part Two This is what happens when the Joker gets hold of Damien. See, Damian isn't an asshole anymore. This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? While the opening 'Batman Impossible' is a pleasant scavenger hunt-themed short story courtesy of Damian, the three remaining sections are kind of brutishly dark. Damian's scavenger hunt was very thoughtful. Got it. Hardcover , pages. This is a series that unlocks the potential of comic book storytelling, especially the kind that features superheroes. Readers also enjoyed. Stupid little ten year old, working his way into my heart But that's not the best material in the collection. Tomasi revealing a softer side to Bruce while giving Alfred more of a story presence was great, like reuniting Alf with the English stage and his ex-fiance - you want to make me a happy Batman reader, write Alfred well, and Tomasi does. Batman and Robin: Death of the Family Volume 3 Writer

After a year of silence, the mad laughter of the Joker can be heard echoing through Gotham's streets once again. Get A Copy. View Product. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Blah-blah-blah, blah blah-blah-blah. Aug 24, Sam Quixote rated it really liked it. It made me smile, all was well, then that dastardly tie-in to the Death of the Family story from Batman. Error rating book. Collecting : Batman and Robin , Annual 1; Batman This was really short. Got it. It's a decent story. Maybe skip over DOTF if you've already read it elsewhere. If you haven't read death of the family arc in Main batman line I'd recommend reading that first. Batman by Neal Batman: War Games Book 2. So I was excited to get Damien's story on it. Average rating 4. Unlike a lot of prior interactive endeavors, it's actually worth watching all the "Death in the Family" permutations to see the wide variations. Joker at the dinner table story. I really loved the Death of the Family on the Batman side. It becomes the very definition of must- read. Float Left Float Right. Alfred's return to a prominent role is the icing on the cake for this outstanding issue. Original Title. It's cute, adorable, and real father and son loving. The Joker sets his twisted sights on the members of the Bat-Family and attacks them all, Batman's son Robin must prove to his father-as well as his previous mantle-holders-that he's worthy of being the newest Boy Wonder. Joker is a creepy presence, as he is in this incarnation, and Gleason keeps him creepy indeed. Because I know what is going to eventually happen to Robin, right? Details if other :. Very strange volume picking up on too many different angles: Okay, since it's called "Death of the family", I knew this was coming, the same story from Batman, Volume 3: Death of the Family.. Disable this feature for this session. Batman and Robin: Death of the Family Volume 3 Reviews

Batman: War Games Book One. Nov 11, Matt rated it it was amazing. In that case, we can't Aug 22, Ivy rated it it was amazing Shelves: i-own , dc-comics , superheroes , published-in , batman-bat-family. Hardcover , pages. It's a solid ending that lends itself a little more to this trade as view spoiler [Damian is the first person Bruce runs to once they're freed hide spoiler ]. View 1 comment. Scott Snyder Goodreads Author Writer ,. It opens with Damian tricking Bruce into touring Europe where he finds little pieces of his parents' lives together before and shortly after Bruce is born. Go to Link Unlink Change. He wanted to uphold the family legacy and I love him for that. Death of the Family goes on and on here and is far less interesting than in its full version by Snyder and Capullo. Didn't think it was quite as good as the two previous volumes, but still a great read. So I was excited to get Damien's story on it. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Friend Reviews. It's ok, but nothing awesome. Damian doesn't want to change who is to meet Bruce's standards, and as the series has progressed we see them coming to understand one another and meet in the middle. Animation delivers with "Batman: Death in the Family," which, with the Robert Pattinson movie delayed , might be the only version of Batman fans see for a while. May 26, Kyle rated it really liked it Shelves: dcu. Anyway, Damian is sweet and he did something really nice for his father and for Alfred. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Maybe skip over DOTF if you've already read it elsewhere. Get this review and more at Hmm, well, too bad this awkward volume exists Batman by Neal

Batman and Robin: Death of the Family Volume 3 Read Online

About the Author Peter J. Float Left Float Right. Aw, man. The Merciless: a warrior who wears the helmet of Ares. The first couple issues feature a story where Damian wants to play Batman while Bruce is away, yet gave some heartfelt reasons to lure Bruce away. The first story features Damian sending Bruce on a scavenger hunt across Europe while he goes out on patrol by himself and wearing, interestingly, a crude version of his future costume. Scott Snyder Goodreads Author Writer ,. More reviews on my blog: Novel Nerd Faction If you are more of a Batman fan than a Robin fan then I would skip this volume and stick to the Batman Death of the Family trade paperback. The Joker returns to test Batman and the extended Bat-family but when he squares off against Batman's son Damian aka Robin! Batman Vol. It makes his monologues all the more captivating as it's difficult to tear your eyes away from his unsettling viasge. Three out of the five issues in the collection are tie-ins to the title event from Snyder's series, in which the Joker returns to torment Batman into rejecting the concept of having close allies, calling them burdens more than assets in the selfish hope of monopolizing the Dark Knight's attention. May 26, Kyle rated it really liked it Shelves: dcu. I expected Bruce to punish Damian in some way for patrolling alone while he was gone, but instead he says he trusts him. I then love when Joker meets Damien and they go head to head. He makes many points that ought to make Batman uncomfortable. But something binds this Dynamic Duo together that runs deeper even than the blood in their veins: trust. More Details Rock, Adam Strange and the Phantom Stranger. We also get a two part arc at the start of Damien setting up little reminders for his father so his dad has to go on a hunt. It's the final word in whether this Robin is truly worthy of the mantle of the Bat! However, Damian not so secretly stays in Gotham and fills in as the Dark Knight! This volume was middle of the road for me. They're not always strictly coordinated in their storytelling. You need to read the first volume of this series, and then the second, and then you'll be begging to read the fourth. NOOK Book. I really hope this series continuing being as good as it is. Told in a few parts. Grant Morrison's Batman Incorporated was coming to an end, too, at that time, and Morrison had a big surprise waiting. It's an even more bittersweet story arc when you know what is coming for the Waynes. Open Preview See a Problem? Joker at the dinner table story. I think this should've been called Volume 3: Nightmare!!! Rows: Columns:. There is brilliance in his ramblings. Jul 12, RG rated it liked it. Joker was such a chatty Cathy that I ended up skimming that issue because of the mind-numbing dialog. I really loved the Death of the Family on the Batman side. Damian's scavenger hunt was very thoughtful. But Tomasi understands that in order for anyone to come to enjoy Damian as a character, he needs to grow in an emotional story.