EOTO : Know Your Sports Fun Learning for Kids

WeeklyWeekly Children’sChildren’s Newspaper Newspaper www.robinage.comwww.robinage.com Identify these board games!

Weekly Children’s Newspaper www.robinage.com Every sport requires some basic equipment! List out the equipment used in the following sports:

A. Hockey

B. Golf

C. Swimming

D. Cricket

Weekly Children’s Newspaper www.robinage.com List the famous personalities associated with each of the following sports: 1. Swimming

2. Cricket


4. Tennis

Weekly Children’s Newspaper www.robinage.com Track and field events involve running, jumping and throwing. Identify the events shown in the image below!

Weekly Children’s Newspaper www.robinage.com Match the following tournaments to their sport!

Weekly Children’s Newspaper www.robinage.com Sports Quiz!

1. Which team won the ICC World Cup Cricket 2011?

2. Usain Bolt, the 100-metre race world record holder, is from which country?

3. Which country will host the FIFA 2022 World cup?

4. Venus Williams is a sports personality. What sport does she play?

Weekly Children’s Newspaper www.robinage.com Answers

• Scrabble, Chess, Monopoly, Backgammon

• A: Hockey stick, helmet with cage, neck guard, shoulder pads, hockey pants, shin pads, hockey socks, elbow pads; B: Golf ball, woods, putters, golf cart, shoes; C: Goggles, hair cap, swimming trunks or suit, nose plug; D: Helmet, ball guard, leg pads, elbow pads, cork ball, gloves, bat, stumps

• 1: P Neelkamal Singh, Michael Phelps, Nafisa Ali; 2: M S Dhoni, , Kevin Pieterson, , Bret Lee, Adam Gilchrist, Shane Qarne; 3: Saina Nehwal, , ; 4: , , Rafael Nadal, Maria Sharapova, Novak Djokovic, Serena Williams and many more

• A: Long jump, B: Hurdles, C: Pole vault, D: Javelin throw

• 1: c, 2: d, 3: b, 4: a

• 1: , 2: Jamaica, 3: Qatar, 4: Tennis Weekly Children’s Newspaper www.robinage.com Thank You!

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