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I I I I (C) $36 I I Your friends will see your Please enclose {Jayment with your msertion, and mail to: I greeting in our next issue, I The Jewish Observer I 84 William Street I our Rosh Hashonah edition New York, New York 10038 I lam pleased to learn that my "Shana Tova" wishes in I ... and you will derive satis­ your columns will help The Jewish Observer greet the I New Year with a reduced deficit. faction that you helped us in Name _____________ Address _____________ our effort to bring the Torah City, State, Zip __________. message to the English Payment Endwd D $100 D $50 D $36 D $25 speaking public... D Charge my credit card: 0 MasterCard 0 Visa Account No. DODDDDDDODDDDDDD Expiration date 00 (month) DO {year) and ... Thanks! Signature We are sorry, but due tu high bank charges, all payments must be made in US dollars, drawn on a US bank. Eleven years ago the ArtScroll Library had only 1 book. Now we have 177. 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'Opl )Dt <· (nffJ) ,,, ;nN .:- ,,'O'D' ::llp)tn ·=· l!Jj TIN'OD <· 'PY' ;i.:u ·=·'PY' J'lj,::l .;. l"'O'Ol"!l il'OD '::l., Please write for our current catalogue: ~a£...)~ fit[, / 1969 Coney Island Avenue I Brooklyn, N.Y. 11223 I (718) 339-1700 THE JEWISH OBSERVER {ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly ex­ ceptJuly and August, by the Agudath Israel of America, 84 William Street, New York. NY 10038. Second class postage paid at New York. NY Subscrip­ tion $18.00peryear: two years. $30.00: three years, $40.00. Outside of the 6 United States (US funds only) $10 sur­ charge per year. Single copy: $2.50; The Sweet Golus foreign: $3.00. Send address changes Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller to The Jewish Observer, 84 William St., N.Y.• N.Y. 10038. TuL (212) 797-9000. Printed in the U.S.A. 13 An Open Response to Professor Twerski RABBI NISSON WOLPIN. Edftoc Dr. Norman Lamm Editorial Board DR. ERNST BODENHEIMER 17 Chairman A Rejoinder RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Prof Aaron 1lverski JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN RABBI MOSHE SHERER 30 "Mamme Loshon" Is Precious, Management Board NAFTOLI HIRSCH But Is It Talking Tu Us? ISAAC KIRZNER Rabbi Yaakov Bender RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN 39 RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING Fire and Ice: Another Wartime Story Business Manager Rabbi Avi Shafran THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume responsibility for the Kashrus 43 of any product or service advertised in its pages. Books in Review New ltanslations of Basic Seforim ©Copyright I988 Halachic Manuals The World of Pamphlets TAMMUZ 5748 I JUNE 1988 VOL. XX!, NO. 5 51 Letters to the Editor The Three Weeks, climaxed by Tisha B'Av, are an experience in mourning for our alienation from G-d, reminding us of what should be obvious-that the Jew is in Golus. In keeping with this period, THE JEWISH OBSERVER invites the readers to increase their Golus awareness with the following essay by Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller THE SWEET HISTORY LESSONS he who does not learn from history descendants. It also provides us FOR FUTURE CONDUCT will have to relive history. When we with a formula for coping with our speak of the Jewish people. we must present-day golus among Eisav's nfortunately-or perhaps paraphrase that statement: The Jew children. If we fail to learn from it, fortunately-we must stress will relive history and therefore he we will have to relive that Parshas Uthat which should be ob­ must learn from history. The Ram­ Hagalus at very great risk. vious; that the Jew is in Golus. For ban in his commentary lo Parshas Even in actions where our Sages what maybe obvious to the Jew who Lech Lec/w teaches us. Maasei were critical of the Avos' conduct. went through the Churban in Eu­ avos siman lebanim. Thal which they nonetheless followed their ex­ rope may not be obvious to the happened lo our Patriarchs-Avra­ ample: The Midrash tells us that American-born Jew, not even the ham, Yitzchak and Yaakov--is a because Yaakov Avinu referred to American-born ben Torah. He was portent of what will happen lo their Eisav eight times as "Adoni-my born here, he feels comfortable here. children. the Jewish People. master," eight kings arose from the Indeed, G-d has been good to us The Avos Hakedoshim in their children of Eisav before Yaakov's here.
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