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2018 : Marissa Olson Augustana College, Rock Island Illinois

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Augustana Digital Commons Citation Olson, Marissa. "Canada: Obesity" (2018). Global Public Health.

This Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Public Health at Augustana Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Global Public Health by an authorized administrator of Augustana Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Obesity in Canada Some of Canada’s major struggles are mental illness, especially among Background: teens, waits for medical care, their Canada is located in the relation with the United States regarding northernmost part of North America the new President, and the increase of above the United States. The Atlantic obesity in the population. Ocean borders Canada to the East, the

Pacific Ocean borders it to the West, and Public Health Issue: the Arctic Overall, Canada is a Ocean borders it fairly healthy country to the North. with no major disease Canada’s outbreaks or scarcity population is problems; however, around 36.8 obesity has risen in million, and the the population median age is throughout the years 40.7 years old. (Gorber & Tremblay, The ethnic 2010). Obesity can origins of the lead to diabetes, heart population are problems, and other medical problems European (77%), Asian (14%), (Jing et al., 2007). The figure to the left Aboriginal (4%), Black (3%), Latin depicts the obesity severity in each American (1%), and multi-racial (0.5%). province with green being least at risk Of this population, the religious beliefs and orange being most. are Christian (77%), no religion (16.5%), Basic Epidemiology: In 2014, and Muslim (2%) (Central Intelligence collected data Agency, 2017). regarding the obesity of its citizens. Canada’s political structure is a Obesity is categorized as having a BMI federal parliamentary democracy and a of over 30. The data collected regarded constitutional monarchy. Queen adults, people over 18 years old. In their Elizabeth II is the head of state, Julie data, they saw that men hat a higher Payette is the Governor General, Justin prevalence of obesity than women, Trudeau is the Prime Minister, and 26.1% to 23.4%. Obesity has risen 17.9% Richard Wagner is the Chief Justice. for men and 16.8% for women since Canada also has a House of Commons 2003 (Statistics Canada, 2015). (Central Intelligence Agency, 2017). The data collected showed that as age increased obesity also increased. By: Marissa Olson People over the to older populations having age of 35 have a a higher chance of greater chance of becoming obese. This becoming obese intervention is beneficial than those below for children, but the the age of 35. The interventions for adults are prevalence of lacking. people who are New Method: A new obese over the possible intervention is that age of 35 is Canada could implement roughly 30% and health counseling programs people below the to help those who are age of 35 is roughly 15%. Childhood obese. They could also place healthy obesity has also increased in Canada vending machines at places to try and from about 5% in 1978 to about 13% in prevent junk food consumption which is 2013 (Navaneelan & Janz, 2014). Both a cause to obesity. These approaches are the age and gender difference regarding more social and could benefit the entire obesity is demonstrated in the figure on population, allowing for possible overall the right. better health in Canada. Interventions: Medical interventions in relation to obesity are bariatric, or weight loss, surgery, which References Central Intelligence Agency. (2017). Canada. The World includes different techniques such as Factbook. Retrieved from bypass surgery. Another medical factbook/geos/ca.html. intervention is anti-obesity, or weight Gorber, S. C. & Tremblay, M. S. (2010). The bias in self-reported obesity from 1976 to 2005: a Canada-US comparison. loss, drugs (Kirkey, 2017). These Obesity, 18(2), 354-361. DOI: 10.1038/oby.2009.206 Jiang, Y., Chen, Y., Manuel, D., Morrison, H., Mao, Y., & Obesity interventions are useful for those people Working Group (2007). Quantifying the impact of who have obesity that can afford and obesity category on major chronic diseases in Canada. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, 7, 1211-122. have coverage for them, but this is a DOI:10.1100/tsw.2007.216 Kirkey, S. (2017, April 25). On the thin gruel of obesity costs. small percentage of people with obesity, National Post (Canada). Retrieved from and they are not helpful interventions. Navaneelan, T., & Janz, T. (2014). Adjusting the scales: Obesity Another intervention that Canada in the Canadian population after correcting for respondent bias. Health at a Glance, (82-624-X). has tried is healthier school lunches Retrieved from x/2014001/article/11922-eng.pdf which affects children rather than adults. Statistics Canada. (2015, November 27). and obese This intervention helps people when they adults (self-reported), 2014. Retrieved from are younger, but similar meal restrictions x/2015001/article/14185-eng.htm are not in place in adulthood which leads By: Marissa Olson