Taft Proposes ‘2 Or 3’ Public Hearing

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Taft Proposes ‘2 Or 3’ Public Hearing S V V -* - * /• V j i TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1952 PiGEJt>URtEEN A 4 % « 6 Daily Net Preoa Run Tha Waathar M anrlirrirr Cnrafno Wieralh MW tka Weak EnaMI Pereeaot e( b . M. Weather : Nov. 18, lilt ■■rf'i II Cleadjr tealght. Bala WharaAMf About Town Heads Zoners Educators Mull Revision's R e*E lected Zoners Grant *10,782 atteraoea er eveaUag. Net qalta aa Member e( Umi Audit eeel tealght. Bwreaui eC 'CtKoUtlaas TIm Infant of Prague Mothen Mancht$ter—^A City of.-Vittage Charm ClMda will HMct WodneadayNaifht In Keeney SK School Plans 21 Out of 33 at ■ o’cloclc at the home o f^ r s . LurloB L^ierre, 117 l>nox itr^t. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1952 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES-t-lN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE fIVE C im The Board of Education lBst.f the latest in fire tesistant materi­ Board o f Appeals Denies ;VOL. L X X n, NO. 43 (LWeMiiei Advartialag aa Page M ) night studied a preliminary plan als and protection devices. H m MaachMter Oreen Parent Hultine pointed out that if the 11 Following Public Vtaeben Aaaociation will hold a of the proposed new school on school Is Insured, for 80 per cent Hearing, Tables One poUuck at tha achool tomorrow Keeney street and made recom­ of its value, the prcfaihlm rates will Bight at g;SO. Any parenta of mendations for possible changes in be-lower than if It is insured for Oraea School children who would Eleven .of' 33 applications pre­ Probe Told the layout of facilities. a leaser amount. If the'eoverage is sented to the Zoning Board of Ap­ Uka to attend thla aupper and The board Instructed Arthur H. for only's small part of the achoola Boss to haaa not been <mntacted by the peals last night were denied in an Illing, superintendent of schools, value, premiums will be based on executive session following the ooaaailttca ahould call Mrs. Robert to confer with Arnold Lawrence, a flat rate, Hultine said. He said O f‘Dummy’ Taft Proposes ‘2 or 3’ public hearing. One other applica­ ICarrlaon, >07 Parker atreet. TTie a Manchester architect who has the board might, In' thaS rase pay angram for the evening will be tion was tabled and, the remaining been engaged to draw the plans, 30 per cent leas prenrilum for 60 21 were granted. haM at S o'clock foUow’ing the aup* about the changes which ^clude per cent leas coverage. s on , General Outdoor Advertising Stock Deals gar. Paroata will attend a typical possible relocetion of the lunch Pierce's Eatlmatea day’’achool program as demon* Company submitted 14 applica­ room ,,»nd auditorium and altera­ Douglas Pierce, business manr tions for extension of pertnisston to atrated by each teacher In the varl- tion’ in a pas.senger and freight ager of the Board of Education, retain, advertising signs at vari­ : ".•;>^Wa8hington, Nov. 19— (/P)i' New York, Nov. 19—<iP)— eue claaeraoma. loading porch provided in the plan. had submitted eatimates of 8648,- SUte crime probers were told The building as now planned will ous locations within the town. One Two Opinions on Korea Prisonjers 900 as the amount fqr which the sign, a three-panel sign approx­ AUTOMATIC DELIVERY SERVICE '• )t5r- Price Stabilizer Tighe j f be "L” shaped. It will contain aix building ahould hi*" insured snd said today he'ia ready |- today that Supreme CJourt Maaehaster Lodge No. 73, A.F. imately 400 feet south of Hilliard JUST TELL US TOJKBEP YOUR TANK FILLED and A.M., will hold a special com- claasrooms and a kindergarten. 840,000 as the, ampunt for the spend price ceilings on all referee Aaron J. Levy used Claserooms could be added at the street on the New State'road,-Was aauaicatlan at the UaMnlc Tem- equipment. His estimates were denied and the remaining signs dummies” to handle finan­ end of each wing. based on comparison with the ling. Blo. tonight at 7:30. The Master were granted for a period of two s also told Congress: cial securities for him. Consensus among the board, coverage of Verplanck School.. L. T. WOOD CO. Witnesses also testified, that SlakMi degree will be exemplIBed members was that the building la yeani each. The Signs, arf located ,rHe is suspending ceilings on Helpful for the last time by the present George Marlow The town's insurance committee Charles S. House on West Center street. New Bolton when Levy Was a Supreme Court acceptable functionally, but some has asked the board to decide on TEL. 4496 ''Urinks. (A formal suspension e, Use up of officers. Worshipful Uas- rosd, Tolland turnpike, Deming ' was announced at 2 p. m.) Judge, his son-in-law, David /A re, Truman Hold George Marlow, secretary of th^ Improvement could be made in its the amount. Charles S. House began his ninth Frankenstein, spent most of his ter Walter 8. BroadWell has an- appearance. street; the New State j ’oadr ikid- [e expects to lift ceilings on Zoning Boitfd of Appeals the past The resignations of Mrs. Amelia consecutive year as chairman of die turnpike west and Maln-itreet. time m the justice's chambers and Bounesd that the only other degree W’brk L’nilnlahed Farr'Blanchard, Grade H, Lincoln t wholesale. drork scheduled before the annual two years, last night was elected the Board of Eklucatlon last night tried to* influence court decisions. to serve as chairman of the group. The board last night failed to School, is effective Jan. 1. Mrs. Stanley and Josephine Tomkiel :e may suspend an order Legislation moeting is the entered apprentice when he was re-elected to that' were denied permission to enclose Levy retired from the bench in He succeeds William Stuck. Mar­ act to accept the Waddell School Julia Savlski, Grade II, Manches­ post by board members. g the amount that slaugh- 1950, and became a referee. Chilly Conference d^yee on Dec. 3. At the conclusion low'is a prominent Main street from the contractor after Illing ter Green School, was granted a a porch at 91 CVestwood drive. i S may pay for live cattle, dC the degree, there will be a social House became a member of the Other' applicatlnna .denied were The testimony came, as New businessman and is. president of report^ that a number of small leave of absence for the rest of the board in 193T. ‘ despite these prospective York's State , (5rime commission Talk Topics heeir and refreshments. the Manchester Retail Merchants items in', the school have not been current year. Raymond Korbu- as follows: Leo Johnson, to erect' _ lOns, Woods told the Sen- Washington, Nov. 19—(/T) .William E. Buckley, a teacher a garage at 208 Hilliard street; Winter Special moved into^ the final phase of its Bureau. completed and Some others' re­ aieskl, high school teacher, was pf biatory in Hartford High 'N-S. iise Committee on Defense hearings here on political prac­ — Preflident-elect Eisenhower Ilias Osrole Whitcher, Manches. Former chairman James Mr- quired adjustm<'ut. Illing was in­ called to military duty yesterday. Gulf Oil Co., to erect .lighted ro^ .on Hist he does not be- New Jet Ace ter'a tobswco queen, is on the School, began his 25th year as a sign as 476 ^ortford r6ad; Stuart tices and links between politicians kept the road open today for New York, Nov. 19— Velgh was elected to eucceed Mar­ structed to report to the board Miss Anne Becehler. of Man­ member. ! new Republican adminl- and the undemoMd. favors eommittea for the annual when the work is completed. chester was appointed to replace Carlson, to convert two-family swift changes in Truman ad­ Sen. Robert A. Tnft said tb^ low ad secretary. Other membera Other officers elected in last Ttme Engine • • should or will want to Lurhi^ Misatag agow ban for the valley queens of of the*hoard include Raymond Goa­ General Manager Richard Mar­ Mra. Mildred Early as a high dwelling to fdjir-familjr dwelling at price control^ next April ministration policies when l>e day after n “very harmbnlous night's organizational meeting 637 South Main street; John Pon- e Meanwhile, U. S. M a r s h a i s the Ogar Harvest Festival to be lee, oldest member in continuous tin had requerted that the board school teacher. She will begin were Janet S. Smith, secretary, controls law will expire takes over the presidency Jan. meeting” with Preaidaat- halg Dee. I t at the Hotel Bond in service, and Clarence Lupien, fe- teaching here Dec. 1. ticelli, to erect .storage building searched for Thomas (tM-ee-finger inspect the school and indicate and Arthur H. Illing, treasurer, IneiudoD dton and adjust plu9 s. ehoek gonarator Congress extends it. Brown) Luchese, wealthy garment elect Dwight D. Eisenhowtr Maitferd. cently named to the ZBA by the whether it wan ready to accept it. Mias EatheiP Marcovski of Col- used in masonary business on East 20. The carefully-worded joint cheater will replace Mrs. Ruth both to succeed themselves. side of Congress streat^ John F. a n d ro 9 ulatar, chock and adjust carburotar, chock >rts on Program manufacturer and ex-Mnvict de- statement issued by Eisen­ that he had submitted'raetnn* Board of Directors. In other actions Ifuit night, the The appointment of committees was making his first ap- A diiriithoiia toxoid and vaccina- Hubbard Stanley at Barnard Howard, to erect addition to gas scri))ed at toe hearing as a rackets hower and President Truman mendatione for “two or Ixjaxd -voUd.
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