UC Riverside Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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UC Riverside Electronic Theses and Dissertations UC Riverside UC Riverside Electronic Theses and Dissertations Title Adaptive/Optimal Vehicle Infrastructure Integration With Intelligent Vehicles and Environmentally-Friendly Continuous Flow Network Design Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5rp8s72j Author Kari, David Publication Date 2016 Peer reviewed|Thesis/dissertation eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE Adaptive/Optimal Vehicle Infrastructure Integration With Intelligent Vehicles and Environmentally-Friendly Continuous Flow Network Design A Dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering by David Prem Kari August 2016 Dissertation Committee: Dr. Matthew J. Barth, Chairperson Dr. Qi Zhu Dr. Kanok Boriboonsomsin Dr. David R. Cocker The Dissertation of David Prem Kari is approved: Committee Chairperson University of California, Riverside Acknowledgements The author is indebted to several individuals and organizations for their encouragement and support. First, the author would like to thank each of the members of the dissertation committee including Dr. Matthew Barth, Dr. Qi Zhu, Dr. David Cocker, and Dr. Kanok Boriboonsomsin, for their inspiration, encouragement, and interest over the past several years. In particular, the head of the dissertation committee, the author’s graduate advisor Dr. Barth, provided both employment as a member of the Transportation Systems Research group at the Bourns College of Engineering Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT) at the University of California at Riverside (UCR), as well as the inspiration for much of the material presented in the following dissertation. In addition, the author is also grateful for the countless hours of discussion and collaboration with Dr. Guoyuan Wu and Dr. Qiu (“Apple”) Jin. Dr. Wu is also thanked for his development of one of the Paramics traffic networks used in the dissertation. Finally, the author would like to note that portions of the work presented in the following dissertation were funded by projects including the “Eco-Lanes Operational Scenario” portion of the AERIS-Applications for the Environment: Real-Time Information Synthesis project supported by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Project Office (ITS JPO) at the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), and the “Using Connected Vehicle Technology for Advanced Signal Control Strategies” and “Eco-Friendly Intelligent Transportation System Technology for Freight Vehicles” iii projects funded through the National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) with the aid of the California Energy Commission (CEC). iv ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION Adaptive/Optimal Vehicle Infrastructure Integration With Intelligent Vehicles and Environmentally-Friendly Continuous Flow Network Design by David Prem Kari Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering University of California, Riverside, August 2016 Dr. Matthew J. Barth, Chairperson The American transportation system faces unprecedented challenges today and will face even more significant challenges in the near future. According to Texas A&M’s 2012 Urban Mobility Report, the combined effects of wasting 5.5 billion hours and 2.9 billion gallons of fuel annually, resulted in a total congestion cost of $121 billion in the United States. In addition, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 33,000 traffic fatalities occurred in 2014 with an additional estimated 53,000 annual deaths due to transportation-related emissions. Each of these challenges is compounded by the prospect of the U.S. population increasing 44% by 2050. The field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) can play a major role in meeting the aforementioned challenges and in creating a 21st century transportation system that is safer, more reliable, more efficient, and more sustainable than the existing transportation system, while remaining affordable. A total of three solutions are proposed in this dissertation with varying ability to improve the mobility v and environmental sustainability of traffic. The first solution is the application of Eco- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (Eco-CACC) and the associated lane-changing algorithms with Connected Vehicles (CVs) to freeway traffic systems. The second solution is the leveraging of CV technology to provide real-time adaptive signal control for arterial intersections. Finally, the third solution is the development of an eco-friendly city designed around a proposed novel continuous flow intersection. vi Table of Contents Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION ........................................................................v 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................1 2. Background ....................................................................................................................9 2.1 Connected Vehicles ............................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control .................................................................................. 10 2.3 Conventional Traffic Signal Control.................................................................................... 13 2.4 Intersection Design .............................................................................................................. 15 2.4.1 Introduction to UAIDs .................................................................................................. 15 Motivation and Rationale for New Intersection Designs ....................................... 15 Description of Performance Metrics for Intersections ........................................... 17 2.4.2 Description of Existing Intersection Designs ................................................................ 22 The Double-T Intersection ..................................................................................... 23 The Near-side Jughandle Intersection .................................................................... 24 The Far-side Jughandle Intersection ...................................................................... 25 The Median U-Turn Intersection (MUT) ............................................................... 27 The Restricted Crossing Median U-Turn Intersection (RCUT) ............................. 29 The Super-street Median Crossover Intersection (SSM) ....................................... 30 The Quadrant Roadway Intersection (QR) ............................................................ 31 The Split Intersection ............................................................................................. 32 The Bowtie Median Intersection ............................................................................ 33 The Parallel Flow Intersection (PFI) .................................................................... 34 The Displaced Left-Turn Intersection (DLT/CFI) ............................................... 37 The Double-Crossover Intersection (DXI)........................................................... 39 The Upstream Signalized Crossover Intersection (USC) ..................................... 40 The Round-about ................................................................................................. 41 The Hamburger Intersection ................................................................................ 42 2.4.3 Comparison of UAIDs .................................................................................................. 43 3. Software Design ............................................................................................................55 4. Vehicle Enhancement Techniques ..............................................................................60 vii 4.1 Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (Eco-CACC) .................................................... 60 4.1.1 Application Description ................................................................................................ 61 4.1.2 Algorithm Design .......................................................................................................... 62 4.1.3 Cooperative Maneuver Protocols .................................................................................. 70 4.1.4 Modeling Approach ...................................................................................................... 76 4.1.5 Eco-CACC Results ....................................................................................................... 77 Simulation Networks Description .......................................................................... 77 Network #1: Hypothetical Freeway Segment with Lane-Drop ....................... 77 Network #2: Hypothetical Freeway Segment with On/Off Ramps & a Dedicated Lane .............................................................................................................. 78 Network #3: California SR-91 Eastbound Freeway with Dedicated Lane ..... 79 Network 1: Hypothetical Freeway Segment with Lane-Drop
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