Planning Board DATE
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Planning Board DATE: 22nd July 2020 NOTES: 1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore we are unable to advise the time at which an item will be considered. 2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made 3. Councillors who have a query about anything on the agenda are requested to inspect the file and talk to the case officer prior to the meeting. 4. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or contact their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting. Please give a day’s notice if you wish to inspect a file if this is possible. 5. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting. 6. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report , ‘background papers’ in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Planning Board - 22nd July 2020 Item Page Application Site/Ward/Member Recommendation Case Number Officer DM01 3 2019/1671/OTS Land North And South Of , Delegate to Mr Sandys Hill Lane, Frome, Approve (see main Simon Somerset, report below) Trafford Beckington And Selwood DM02 55 2020/0158/FUL Land At Green Pits Lane, Delegate to Mr Nunney, Frome, Somerset, approve (see main James report below) U'Dell Cranmore, Doulting And Nunney DM03 82 2020/0324/FUL 2 Belle Vue, The Street, Approve Mr Josh Chilcompton, Radstock Cawsey Ashwick, Chilcompton and Stratton DM04 88 2020/1001/FUL New Estate Road , Approve Anna Cornbash, Commerce Park, Clark Frome Beckington And Selwood DM05 95 2020/0879/HSE 21 Wells Road, Wookey Approve Mr Josh Hole, Wells, Somerset, BA5 Cawsey 1DN St Cuthbert Out North 2 Agenda Item No. DM01 Case Officer Mr Simon Trafford Site Land North And South Of Sandys Hill Lane Frome Somerset Application Number 2019/1671/OTS Date Received 9th July 2019 Applicant/ Silverwood (Ditcheat) Ltd, B Parker, P Ham, J Ham And D H... Organisation Silverwood (Ditcheat) Ltd, B Parker, P Ham, J Ham and D H... Application Type Outline - Some Matters Reserved Proposal Outline planning application (all matters are reserved apart from access and the main distributor road) comprising a mixed use development at land North & South of Sandys Hill Lane, Frome, including access off Sandys Hill Lane and the demolition of existing farm buildings/farmhouse and development incorporating up to 235 dwellings, employment floorspace within Use Classes B1(a,b,c) of up to 4,050sqm (unit sizes ranging from 140sqm to 560sqm), a Drive Thru unit of up to 170sqm (Use Class A3/A5), a food retail building of approximately 1,800sqm and a non-food retail unit of approximately 1,400sqm. Ward Beckington And Selwood Parish Frome Town Council Recommendation Delegate to permit subject to completion of a section 106 agreement and following the completion of advertising the application scheme as a departure from the development plan Ward Cllrs. Cllr Shannon Brooke What3Words: Cones.listed.title Reasons for deferral: This report is an update and implications report with reference to the outline planning application considered by members at the Development Management Board on 10 June 2020. Below is the main report amended to take into account the updating comments as presented to that meeting. At the Planning Board meeting on 10 June 2020 Members agreed to defer making a decision on the application to allow the applicant an opportunity to address the following issues: 1. To look at alternative/better access arrangements for the site itself including the possibility of an additional access. 2. To look at the re-use of Keyford Farmhouse (and associated buildings) rather than knocking it down. 3. To include a wider green buffer zone between existing houses on Little Keyford Lane and the new proposed housing, in order to protect the setting and tranquillity of the listed buildings, and the amenity of existing residents (area north of Sandys Hill Lane only) 3 Scope of changes proposed by applicant to seek to redress referral reasons: The applicant has submitted the statement as attached at Appendix A to this report. Their statement clarifies that have requested for a determination of their application as it was presented at the meeting on the 10th July, although they have proposed is to amend the scope of works to Sandys Hill Lane so that it could be used by emergency vehicles (in the case of an emergency only), allowing access from Little Keyford Lane. This would be achieved by installing drop bollards instead of fixed bollards at the specified points as shown on drawing number PHL-201-revC. Summary of further consultation responses from Somerset County Council Highways Team: Following the meeting on the 10th the following comments have been received with regards to a number of matters that were raised by the members during the meeting. What scale of development do they think can safely be served by a single access point? The Highway Authority have fully reviewed the planning application and considered that the proposed access arrangements are acceptable. It should be noted that whilst there is only one connection to the existing adopted highway the proposed internal highway infrastructure shows a number of junctions off the proposed main collector/distributor road. At what point do they think a secondary access for emergency vehicles is required? SCC doesn’t have specific guidance on an emergency access is necessary, each site is judged on its own merit. In this instance if the Sandys Hill Lane pedestrian / cycle route can be used for emergency vehicles then this would be welcomed by the Highway Authority (HA). The proposed restriction Sandys Hill Lane to pedestrian/cycle movements only already requires a TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) and this would could be amended to also allow for the use by emergency vehicles. Full details would need to be submitted as a condition attached to the outline planning permission to ensure that proposed design was suitable and catered appropriately for all users. Such a scheme would also form part of the highways works to be approved through a highways legal agreement. At what point is a permanent through road required? Such a requirement again is very site specific. However, with regard to this planning application (PA) the Transport Assessment was reviewed and it was considered that the proposed access arrangement and the local highway network could accommodate the additional traffic movements associated with the development. Further comments in terms of the proposed revised arrangement to Sandys Hill Lane for use by emergency service vehicles, the following comments have been received: The attached plan Dwg No: PHL-201-revC is acceptable in principle. However, please note that the TRO associated with the proposal will need to reflect the potential in vehicular use, visibility splays will be required and the scheme will need to be undertaken under a s278 highway legal agreement which will require a Technical Audit. In terms of controlling these details through the planning process please refer to requirement (v) of condition 2 as recommended. Considerations for Members in order to complete assessment and decision making process. This section of this report sets out the relevant points for Members to consider in terms of each of three deferral reasons. 1. To look at alternative/better access arrangements for the site itself including the possibility of an additional access. Reflecting on the discussion by members that lead to this decision, the main concern was with regards to vehicular movement with a particular focus on ensuring a secondary access. Two potential links into the site were identified from points off of Handlemaker Lane which is the section of public highway 4 that serves the Marston Park/Wessex Field industrial estate. The arrangements for emergency access vehicles were also questioned. The applicant has provided information as to why further access points to the site from these locations (refer to Appendix A) are not deliverable. With regards to this matter relevant guidance in terms of determining this planning application is set out at paragraphs 108 and 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 108. In assessing sites that may be allocated for development in plans, or specific applications for development, it should be ensured that: a) appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been – taken up, given the type of development and its location; b) safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all users; and c) any significant impacts from the development on the transport network (in terms of capacity and congestion), or on highway safety, can be cost effectively mitigated to an acceptable degree. 109. Development should only be prevented or refused on highways grounds if there would be an unacceptable impact on highway safety, or the residual cumulative impacts on the road network would be severe. Policy DP9 of the adopted Local Plan reflects this guidance and requires that Development proposals make safe and satisfactory provision for access, including emergency vehicles. The scope of the access arrangements include a new link road which will follow a route through into the site and act as distributor road to provide access into the parcels of land that are covered by the planning application scheme (2 residential areas and 2 commercial zones). The new link road will run directly east of the existing McDonalds restaurant access (with its large car park) continuing the existing alignment of the carriageway and curving into and around the application site to fixed points to serve the four development areas as referred.