Upgrade ArcSDE on KGISCCTDDBS1 (preferred method)

Test upgrade to 10.3.1 on existing Oracle 11g instance “sdetest2”, an exact duplicate of the production “kgissde” instance. This should help determine if this is a feasible process for final upgrade to Oracle 12c/SDE 10.3.1 as there are two ways to achieve the final goal: 1) upgrade in place, export and import into 12c, or 2) Import database into 12c then upgrade.

1. Shutdown ArcGIS Server Windows services on kgiscctdags1 and kgiscctdags2. 2. Upgrade sdetest to 10.3.1 using ArcCatalog 10.3.1. 3. Confirm database is accessible by ArcGIS 10.2.2 desktop with Oracle 11g client. 4. Start ArcGIS Server Windows services on kgiscctdags1 and kgiscctdags2. 5. Test map services and web applications on test2.kgis.org. 6. City to configure Accela test environment to access services from test2.kgis.org and verify functionality. 7. Thoroughly test ArcGIS 10.2.2 desktop/Oracle 11g client: a. Version management i. Create version ii. Switching versions iii. Editing iv. Reconcile & Post v. Archiving & client access of archive features b. KGIS Add‐ins: i. Locate tools ii. Update Border tool (for Parcel Plot) iii. Owner Card iv. Addressing tools (entire workflow to be tested) v. Subdivision tools (entire workflow to be tested) vi. Sidwell Integration (Situs address update/parcel sq. ft. update) c. Address locators: i. Test usage of locators directly from SDE in ArcMap 10.2.2 ii. Test locator services from ArcGIS Server (test2.kgis.org) in ArcMap 10.2.2 iii. Rebuild locators using ArcCatalog 10.3.1 d. Data Editing Workflows: i. Addressing (including Attribute Editor) ii. Subdivisions iii. City Storm (including Attribute Editor) iv. Parcels/Sidwell e. Creation of features classes using ArcCatalog 10.2.2 and 10.3.1 (ST_GEOMETRY). 8. Data Pump version 10.3.1 sdetest2 instance, import into Oracle 12c instance. Repeat all testing outlined in step 7. 9. After testing the sdetest2 database will be restored to ArcSDE 10.

Upgrade ArcSDE on New Oracle 12c Database

In this scenario the “kgissde” Oracle 11g database will be imported as‐is into a fresh install of Oracle 12c on a new server. ArcSDE will then be upgraded to 10.3.1.

1. Import from Data Pump kgissde instance on Oracle 12c database server. 2. Define ST_GEOMETERY database using ArcCatalog 10.3.1. 3. Upgrade ArcSDE 10 to ArcSDE 10.3.1 using ArcCatalog 10.3.1. 4. Confirm 12c database is accessible by ArcGIS 10.2.2 desktop with Oracle 11g client. 5. Configure test2.kgis.org ArcGIS Servers to access 12c test database via TNSNAMES using Oracle 11g client. 6. Test map services and web applications on test2.kgis.org. 7. City to configure Accela test environment to access services from test2.kgis.org and verify functionality. 8. Thoroughly test ArcGIS 10.2.2 desktop/Oracle 11g client: a. Version management i. Create version ii. Switching versions iii. Editing iv. Reconcile & Post v. Archiving & client access of archive features vi. Replication from sdetest2 (ArcSDE 10) to 10.3.1 database. b. KGIS Add‐ins: i. Locate tools ii. Update Border tool (for Parcel Plot) iii. Owner Card iv. Addressing tools (entire workflow to be tested) v. Subdivision tools (entire workflow to be tested) vi. Sidwell Integration (Situs address update/parcel sq. ft. update) c. Address locators: i. Test usage of locators directly from SDE in ArcMap 10.2.2 ii. Test locator services from ArcGIS Server (test2.kgis.org) in ArcMap 10.2.2 iii. Rebuild locators using ArcCatalog 10.3.1 d. Data Editing Workflows: i. Addressing (including Attribute Editor) ii. Subdivisions iii. City Storm (including Attribute Editor) iv. Parcels/Sidwell e. Creation of features classes using ArcCatalog 10.2.2 and 10.3.1 (ST_GEOMETRY).