LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN MODIFIED PROPOSED PLAN POLICY DOCUMENT Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018

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LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN MODIFIED PROPOSED PLAN POLICY DOCUMENT Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN MODIFIED PROPOSED PLAN POLICY DOCUMENT Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018 Councillor Harry Curran, Planning Committee Convener The Local Development Plan sets out the Policies and Proposals to guide and meet North Lanarkshire’s development needs over the next 5-10 year. We want North Lanarkshire to be a place where The Local Development Plan policies identify the Through this Plan we will seek to ensure that the right everyone is given equality of opportunity, where development sites we need for sustainable and amount of development happens in the right places, in individuals are supported, encouraged and cared for inclusive economic growth, sites we need to a way that balances supply and demand for land uses, photo at each key stage of their life. protect and enhance and has a more focussed helps places have the infrastructure they need without policy structure that sets out a clear vision for North compromising the environment that defines them and North Lanarkshire is already a successful place, Lanarkshire as a place. Our Policies ensure that the makes North Lanarkshire a distinctive and successful making a significant contribution to the economy development of sites is appropriate in scale and place where people want to live, learn, work, invest of Glasgow City Region and Scotland. Our Shared character, will benefit our communities and safeguard and visit. Ambition, delivered through this Plan and our our environment. Economic Regeneration Delivery Plan, is to make it even more successful and we will continue to work with our partners and communities to deliver this Ambition. 2 Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018 3 Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018 Des Murray, Chief Executive We Aspire - A Shared Ambition outlines the future direction for North Lanarkshire in terms of a shared ambition for inclusive growth and prosperity for all. Focussing on these principles, the North Lanarkshire To accommodate residential growth we are identifying Over 100 sites across 18 key locations for investment Local Development Plan has a key role in delivering over 1,300 hectares of development land, sufficient for in business and industry will provide significant new an environment where development is sustainable over 21,000 new homes. opportunities for employment. and inclusive, through protecting our natural and built Innovative new policies for our 22 town and large North Lanarkshire has a rich economic, cultural and assets, while providing outstanding opportunities to centres and over 50 local centres offer the opportunity sporting heritage celebrated through an excellent deliver new housing for our growing population, taking to create mixed use hubs and campuses to serve our network of museums, cultural facilities, parks and further action to enhance our Centres, embracing communities. These will be places for all to live, learn, access routes. We are encouraging people to visit and digital technology, creating a climate where businesses work, invest and visit, reflecting North Lanarkshire’s enjoy these facilities, providing further opportunities for can locate, invest and grow and where opportunities local and national role in supporting Scotland’s future work and leisure for our residents, present and future. for leisure and tourism are maximised. economic success. This Plan will enhance the role we play in enabling our residents and communities to thrive and succeed, while also setting the context for our future Development Plans to support wider long term investment and inclusive growth. 4 Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018 5 contents Introduction and Vision Plan Policies Area Strategies and Appendices 2A Strategic Business Centres 58 Area strategies 89 Introduction 10 Promoting & Protecting Policies 23 PP 2A Purpose of Place Policy 59 Ravenscraig Regeneration Area 94 How the Plan Works 11 AD 2A Amount of Development Policy 60 Airdrie Local Area Partnership 96 Supporting Documents 12 Promoting Development Locations and Infrastructure 24 2B Local Business Centres 61 Bellshill Local Area Partnership 102 PROM LOC1 Regeneration Priorities 27 PP 2B Purpose of Place Policy 62 Coatbridge Local Area Partnership 108 Vision 13 PROM LOC2 Business Development Sites 28 AD 2B Amount of Development Policy 63 Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Local Area Partnership 112 National & Regional Context 13 PROM LOC3 Housing Development Sites 29 2C Visitor Economy Areas & Locations 64 Motherwell Local Area Partnership 118 Planning Policy Context 15 PROM LOC4 Special Landscape Areas & Green Network Improvements 30 PP 2C Purpose of Place Policy 65 Northern Corridor Local Area Partnership 122 North Lanarkshire Context 19 PROM ID1 Transport Improvements 32 AD 2C Amount of Development Policy 66 Wishaw Local Area Partnership 128 Spatial Strategy 21 PROM ID2 Utilities Improvements 33 3 General Urban Area 67 Protecting Assets 36 PP 3 Purpose of Place Policy 69 Appendices 134 PROT A Natural Environment and Green Network Assets 37 AD 3 Amount of Development Policy 70 Purpose of Guidance 135 PROT B Historic Environment Assets 39 4 Green Belt 71 Housing Land Requirements 138 PROT C Mineral Resources 42 PP 4 Purpose of Place Policy 73 Housing Land Audit 2017 144 AD 4 Amount of Development Policy 74 Industrial & Business Land Survey 2017 148 Placemaking Policies 44 5 Countryside 75 Glossary 152 PP 5 Purpose of Place Policy 77 1A Strategic Town Centres 47 AD 5 Amount of Development Policy 78 PP 1A Purpose of Place Policy 48 AD 1A Amount of Development Policy 49 Contributions to Infrastructure 79 1B Town & Large Centres 50 POLICY CI Contributions to Infrastructure 80 PP 1B Purpose of Place Policy 51 AD 1B Amount of Development Policy 52 Environmental & Design Qualities 83 1C Local Centres 53 EDQ 1 POLICY Site Appraisal 84 PP 1C Purpose of Place Policy 54 EDQ 2 POLICY Specific Features for Consideration 86 AD 1C Amount of Development Policy 55 EDQ 3 POLICY Quality of Development 87 Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018 introduction & vision Introduction How the Plan Works Supporting Documents Vision photo National and Regional Context Planning Policy Context North Lanarkshire Context Spatial Strategy 8 Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018 9 Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan Policy Document 2018 How the plan works introduction The North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan is the The strategy is rooted in the Land Use Character development may affect the application site. These land use planning strategy for North Lanarkshire. A Areas that the Purpose of Place policy identifies for can be identified using thePromote and Protect strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a long- each part of North Lanarkshire. Maps and the associated policies. The Local Development Plan is comprised of a Policy Document and Map Book. The Plan is term or overall aim. The long-term aim is to increase sustainable growth and regeneration, and to improve With any application for planning permission, the accompanied by a number of supporting documents, background papers and assessments. places in support of our new Corporate Vision. The starting point is to identify if the site is an existing Plan looks to achieve this through policies used to development site and if infrastructure improvements, determine applications for planning permission. environmental assets or other constraints on This Policy Document is in four sections. The Area Strategies show what the Plan means for The Promote Map shows the locations that are the Local Area Partnership areas. identified for development and improvements to The Vision covers what the Plan is about, what its Promoting & Protecting policies PROMote Development to contribute to successful, sustainable places infrastructure. vision is, and how it works. Locations and Infrastructure The Appendices give further details on land supplies, policy guidance and contact information. The Protect Map shows the areas where there are The Policies relate to promoting development PROTecting Assets to contribute to resilient, sustainable places green network and built heritage assets. It shows and protecting assets and ensuring successful The Map Book illustrates where Policies in the Plan other development constraints, such as hazardous placemaking. The Land Use Character Area in which the application site is located should then be identified on thePromote Map, apply, consisting of two Maps for each page number. zones and air quality management areas and should following which, the relevant Placemaking Policies will be used to operate the plan’s presumption in favour of sustainable development. be read in conjunction with the Promote Map. Placemaking policies Purpose of Place to ensure the right development happens in the right places Amount of Development to achieve a balance of supply and demand for land uses Contributions to Infrastructure to help places have the infrastructure they need Environmental & Design Qualities to ensure development does not compromise the environment and achieves a form that makes a place more distinctive The Purpose of Place and Amount of Development photo policies apply to developments proposed in each of the 5 broad land use character areas (two of which are divided into 6 sub-areas). The Contributions to Infrastructure and Environmental & Design Qualities policies apply to all applications for planning permission. 10 Local
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