[email protected] FADE IN:

EXT. COVEN SPOT - NIGHT The Coven Spot is dark eerie opening surrounded by tree’s. In the middle five CLOAKED MEN are standing in the shape of a pentagram. Each holding a burning torch and whispering Scottish Gaelic chants. In the middle of the pentagram stands another CLOAKED MAN holding a torch and a blade. At his feet is ROSE, a young girl in her teens with fair hair, screaming on her knees. CLOAKED MAN I summon the dark Goddess into our circle here tonight. This virgin girl is our blood sacrifice to you. To honour you so that you honour us. Under the moon’s light we raise energy, to raise the beast. The Rose looks up opened mouth at the Cloaked Man panting begging for him to her life. ROSE Please... Don’t... CLOAKED MAN I must. The Cloaked Man plunges the blade into to Roses chest causing her to scream in agony and clutching his cloak. The cloaked figure leans down to her face and licks a tear away. Rose scream dies down as he rips the blade out of her chest and lets her fall to the ground. The cloaked man then holds up his torch. CLOAKED MAN (cont’d) Awake beast in all your fury. I cast you onto the city. Look into there souls and annihilate then. Feast on their... Another cloaked man groans beside him. He looks at his hand which is beginning to turn black. CLOAKED MAN What is going on? 2.

The other men begin to cry in agony as they notice that they too are turning black. The cloaked man looks at his hand as it is already turned black and begins to burn and his flesh begins to melt. CLOAKED MAN Why is this happening?! The bloody blade falls and stands with the blade in the ground as all the men turn to dust leaving there cloaks and torches fall to the ground. FADE TO:

EXT. CATHY’S CAR - DAY The car passes a sign which says "Welcome to Shieldhill, Please drive safely." However the sign also has a spray painted pentagram in the right corner.

INT. CATHY’S CAR - DAY CATHY is a 16 year old girl with long red hair. She is sitting looking out the window while TOM, Cathy’s dad, is driving the car. TOM So when do I get to meet this boy. Cathy looks up at her father with a questioning look. CATHY When I can trust you won’t screw things up. Tom laughs uneasily. TOM Are you sure he can be trusted. CATHY Dad, I can judge someone’s character. TOM I’m just making sure. CATHY Oh well I’m just saying. Oh that’s his house just behind the white van. 3.

Tom pulls the car over at the side of the road and Cathy steps out. Tom looks at Cathy. TOM Are you sure I can’t come in for just a second and meet him? CATHY No, Just drive away like a good Dad. TOM Oh right, well I’ll pick you up tonight. CATHY (groaning) Goodbye Dad. Cathy shuts the car door and walks to the house while the car drives away. She rings the door bell and as she waits for someone to answer she takes her pentagram from under top. ALEX is Cathy Boyfriend; he is 16 with long brown hair. He opens the door. ALEX Hey Love. CATHY Hey Handsome.

INT. ALEX’S HOUSE - DAY Alex kisses Cathy on the cheek before bringing her into the house. CATHY Where are your parents? ALEX Out, some supermarket somewhere. Hopefully we will all be out before they get back. Alex leads Cathy to his bedroom by her hand. 4.

INT. ALEX’S BEDROOM - DAY Alex and Cathy enter the bedroom to see the rest of there COVEN. The bedroom is filled with different magical objects such as Alex’s wand, Chalice and Athame. On the double bed AIMEE, a 16 year old girl with short blonde hair and RYAN, a 17 year old boy with short blonde spiky hair, are talking to each other. ROBERT, the youngest at 15 years old and is quite sluggish, is shuffling a deck of Tarot cards while gazing at the posters in Alex’s room. LAURA, the oldest at 17 year old, is reading a book about witchcraft while sitting on a unit. ALEX So are we all ready to go cast some magic. AIMEE Where are we casting this time? The usual spot? ALEX I found another place I want to try. Laura looks a bit uneasy. LAURA It says in the book we should stick to the same place. You know build up an energy for the place. ALEX I know what the book says but I went dowsing last night and this place just seemed so powerful. Alex grins. RYAN Well you’re the High Priest. ALEX Dam Straight but you guys have a say. If you don’t want to try somewhere new just raise your hand. The Coven members look at each other but no one raised their hands. 5.

ALEX (cont’d) Well I guess that’s it settled. LAURA Well I guess it is then. Laura shuts her book on witchcraft. CATHY We better get moving then. CUT TO:

EXT. SHIELDHILL FOREST - DAY The Coven members are walking in a line along a grassy path carrying heavy back packs. The grass is long and un kept while bushes push out onto the path making there journey more difficult. Robert is panting heavily and sweating while everyone else seems fine. CATHY You really need to get fitter Robert. ROBERT Just keep walking. (beat) How long now? ALEX Not long, I promise. Alex walks through and bush and comes to a large opening surrounded by large trees.

EXT. COVEN SPOT - DAY The sun is splitting the trees in the small coven spot opening. Around the trees are colourful flowerbeds giving the spot a pleasant atmosphere. Alex drops his backpack disturbing the silence of the place. ALEX Well here it is. The coven are quite amazed with the spot. 6.

AIMEE Wow... It’s nice. CATHY This place... (beat) It feels... It feels so powerful... ALEX I know that’s why I think our magic will work best here. RYAN Well we better get started then. CUT TO:

EXT. COVEN SPOT - DAY In the opening there is a large circle of candles. In the north there is an alter with various fruits, herbs, a bowl of salt and a God and Goddess candle on it. In the east there is some burning incense. In the south there is a red candle and in the west a bowl of water. Alex picks up his athame (Ritual Knife) and walks into the middle of the circle. He begins to, with his the athame pointing to the ground, walk around the circle of candles. Once done this he steps into the middle of the second and points his athame to the sky then stabs it into the ground. FLASH. A Cloaked Man opening his mouth and screeching. Alex opens his eyes and jumps back and breathing loudly. CATHY Alex, are you alright? ALEX Yeah... I’m fine. CATHY Are you sure? Alex looks at his athame, still standing in the ground. ALEX Yeah... I’m sure. Alex gets up and grabs the athame. 7.

ALEX (cont’d) You may all enter the circle. The rest of the coven make there way into the circle through an opening. Laura who is last to enter puts a broom over this opening. Aimee goes over to the altar and picks up a white candle and places it in the middle of the circle. Ryan walks over next to her. RYAN Pass me your Athame Alex? ALEX No problem Ryan. Alex throws his Athame to Ryan. Ryan catches it by the blade and it cuts his finger. A drop of blood falls to the ground. The wind blows a whisper causing the tree’s to rustle and everyone looks around them. RYAN Ouch Man, I thought these things weren’t meant to be sharp. ALEX It isn’t its blunt. Alex goes over to the Athame and runs his finger down it and it doesn’t cut him, not even a scratch. CATHY That’s... Strange... LAURA Yeah, shouldn’t we maybe just bless this area today make sure it’s safe. CATHY Okay well me, Aimee, Ryan and Alex will do the blessing. Laura would you mind writing about this place in the Book of Shadows we all know you have the best handwriting. LAURA Sure. CATHY Robert could you do some divination to make sure this place has a good future? 8.

ROBERT Yeah Okay. Laura goes to get the Book of Shadows and begins to write in it. Every once and a while she will look up to see what the others are doing Alex, Aimee, Ryan and Cathy sit around the candle holding hands and chanting. Robert goes over to another part of the circle and sits down. He begins to shuffle his tarot cards and then places then on the ground. He takes 3 cards from the top and puts them separately on the ground. ROBERT Let me see the past. Robert turns the card nearest the left first to reveal The Magician Reversed (Upside down). ROBERT (CONT.D) (whispering) Hmmm... Let me see the Present. Robert turns over the middle card to reveal The Fool Reversed (Upside Down). Robert looks around the circle to see if anyone is watching. ROBERT (CONT.D) (cont’d) (whispering) Let me see the future. Robert turns over the last card to reveal The Tower Reversed (Upside down). Robert exhales slowly rubbing his teeth against his lower lip. Robert jumps as Alex puts his hand on his shoulder. ALEX Is everything okay? ROBERT Yeah... I’m fine Robert begins to pick up the cards so that Alex does not see them. ALEX Are you sure? Remember if there are any problems you can ask me or Cathy we are the High Priest and Priestess. We are here to help. 9.

ROBERT No honestly I’m fine. ALEX Well are you ready to do something a little more complicated. ROBERT Sure. CUT TO:

EXT. COVEN SPOT - NIGHT The Coven members are lying in the flower beds looking up at the night’s sky except from Laura who is studying the Book of Shadows. The sky is clear letting them view the twinkling stars. AIMEE Isn’t magic just like an orgasm? RYAN Yeah... I guess ALEX You addicted to the craft already. AIMEE It’s like a drug... feeling all that energy. LAURA Maybe we should of protected this place first. I mean before we did things that complex. ALEX I’m sure it will be fine. CATHY Laura is right. Next time we protect the whole area first. ALEX If you say so. LAURA It says here that magic raising that much energy will attract astral being’s. 10.

RYAN Isn’t that what the circle is for? To protect us from them and stop them from harming us. ALEX Yeah but Laura and Cathy do have a point, sometimes its better being extra safe. CATHY Shouldn’t we start heading home. My dad will kill me if I’m out with my mystery boyfriend much longer. ALEX You know you should just let us meet. I mean I’m sure he will like me. CATHY Yeah I’m sure he will like you but will you like him? That’s a whole different story. The coven members begin to get up and walk back home. FADE OUT:

INT. ALEX’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Alex, Ryan, Robert and Cathy are in Alex’s room. Aimee and Laura have gone home. Cathy taps her fingers waiting for her dad. ALEX He is only five minuets late. Don’t worry. CATHY Yeah I know. So what are you three going to get up to tonight? RYAN Not much it’s a school night. A horn beeps from outside and Cathy lets out a sigh of relief. ALEX Told you not to worry. 11.

CATHY What would I do without you? ALEX Die... Probably. They both laugh. Alex kisses Cathy before taking her out of the room leaving Robert and Ryan. ROBERT So how’s the cut? RYAN It’s nothing was tiny really. ROBERT Bit strange though I mean the blade is blunt. Ryan shrugs. RYAN Yeah I guess. ROBERT Do you like the new coven spot? RYAN Yeah did you not feel the energy there? ROBERT Yeah just it felt maybe just a little too powerful for us. I mean we are only teens and except from Alex, Cathy and Laura most of us have been studying for under a year. RYAN I’m sure we can handle it. Don’t you? Robert looks away. ROBERT I guess. Alex returns from showing Cathy out and sits on the edge of the bed. 12.

ALEX So what do you want to do first? CUT TO:

INT. AIMEE’S HOUSE - NIGHT Aimee walks into the house and her dad MR. WOODWORTH and MRS. WOODWORTH are sitting watching the television in the dark. Aimee tip toes in but the floor creeks and her father hears her. MR. WOODWORTH And where have you been? Aimee doesn’t make eye contact with her dad. AIMEE I told you Dad, I was out with my friends. MRS. WOODWORTH I bet you were with that boy of yours shagging senseless like the little slut you are. AIMEE Mum I was just out with friends! Mr. Woodworth gets up and walks towards Aimee. Aimee tried to walk away but he grabs her by the arm and turns her to face him. His face is nearly touching hers. MR. WOODWORTH Look at how much make-up you are wearing. You are asking to be pumped aren’t you. AIMEE Dad I was at my friend’s house, I did nothing. I’m not you and mum. MR. WOODWORTH You know we got pregnant at 16. You know how you fucked up our life. AIMEE I didn’t ask to be born! 13.

MR. WOODWORTH I should have forced your mother to get an abortion, rather than raise a little slut like you. Aimee’s eyes being to water as she frees herself from her dad’s harsh grip and heads up the stairs. Mr. Woodworth just goes back to his seat. MRS. WOODWORTH Wasn’t that a bit harsh... MR. WOODWORTH She can’t make the same mistake we did... CUT TO:

INT. AIMEE’S ROOM - NIGHT Aimee runs to her bed and slams her face into the pillow muffling her sobs. After a second she gets up and opens her bedside cabinet revealing her alter. Aimee picks up a feather in one and hand twirls it in her fingers. She also lights a white candle and holds the candle in her other hand. AIMEE Angel of Air, whistle through my home, Calm the fury of anger and stop the fighting... Please... Aimee begins to break down. AIMEE (cont’d) Stop the pain my parents inflict. Aimee turns around sharply as thunder booms outside. CUT TO:

INT. CATHY’S KITCHEN/DINNING ROOM - NIGHT Cathy and her father Tom are sitting at a small table in Cathy’s Kitchen. Cathy and Tom are both holding a cup of herbal tea in their hands. 14.

Outside rain is pelting against the window. There black cat NIGHTSHADE is drinking some water next to the table. TOM So you had fun tonight. Cathy is day dreaming looking out of the window. TOM (CONT.D) Cathy? Cathy jumps back when she notices her dad is talking to her. CATHY Yeah, sorry... was caught in a day dream. Lightning strikes outside giving their cat Nightshade a fright causing her to meow and leap. Cathy and Tom share a giggle over the event and then uneasily Cathy lifts the cup and takes a slow sip. CATHY (CONT.D) Dad... TOM Yes Cathy? CATHY Do you still think about mum? TOM Of... Of course I do. What makes you say that? CATHY I’ve just been thinking of her lately. TOM Oh really... She was a wise woman your mother. Always knew the right thing to do. CATHY Yeah... Anyway... Cathy takes another harsh sip of her tea, trying to move away from the uneasy conversation. Cathy Tomorrow if you would like Alex could come over for tea? 15.

TOM Are you sure? You not scared I will scare him off? CATHY No I’m sure. Cathy smiles. CATHY (cont’d) I’m really sure. TOM Well then, just you two come here after school then. CATHY Great, I better go get some sleep. Last day of school tomorrow and all that. TOM Goodnight CATHY Goodnight! Cathy walks up the stairs to her bedroom. She slowly stops on one stair before looking back at her dad and continuing up the rest. CUT TO:

INT. ALEX’S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT All three boys, Robert, Alex and Ryan are on the floor in sleeping bags. Alex and Ryan are sleeping however Robert is still up. He is staring at the Tower Tarot card twiddling it between his fingers. ROBERT (Whisper) Pointless Misfortune... Flashback of the drop of Ryan’s blood hitting the ground. Ryan of a sudden sits up. Robert turns around and notices that Ryan is still asleep. Ryan gets up fully and slowly begins to walk to a large glass mirror on Alex’s wall. 16.

ROBERT (CONT.D) (WHISPER) Ryan..? You up man? Ryan just stares at the mirror for a second before his eyes dart open and he slams his hand against the mirror. Blood begins to trickle down from the top of the mirror all the way down to the bottom. Robert however does not see any of this, to him Ryan is just staring at the mirror. By this time Alex has woken up and looks over to Ryan then to Robert. ALEX Is he sleepwalking? ROBERT I have no idea... In Ryan’s mind blood is now pouring down from the top of the window and running down to his palm. He takes his hand away from the mirror and looks at the blood. Suddenly Rose, covered in blood, smacks her hands against the mirror while screaming. Ryan jumps back and falls to the ground while Robert and Alex get up to make sure he is okay. ALEX Are you okay man? Ryan begins to breathe harshly as though he had just been choked. RYAN Yeah... I’m okay... Just a bad dream... Just a bad dream... Robert and Alex give each other a funny look. CUT TO:

INT. SCHOOL LUNCH HALL - DAY The Coven members minus Ryan are sitting at a table of their own in the school lunch hall. They are all clad in school uniform and are not looked amused. 17.

We enter the conversation mid way. LAURA So he just had a bad dream... ALEX If you say so. It seemed a little bit worst than a bad dream. ROBERT Yeah this has completely rattled him, apparently it was really vivid. CATHY Poor Ryan... AIMEE Do you guys think this has anything to do with witchcraft? ALEX I have no idea but maybe we should investigate into it. Any off you got a free period? AIMEE I wish, I have maths. It’s the last day before Easter and that mad teacher is making us do work! LAURA I have a free period. ALEX Would you mind going to the library and researching it a bit. LAURA No problem, if that bitch of a librarian lets me in she thinks she owns the god dam place plus it would be better than studying Chem. The bell rings and pupils begin to start getting up behind them. AIMEE Better get to maths before I am late. CUT TO: 18.

INT. MATHS CLASSROOM - DAY The TEACHER is babbling on about mathematics while Aimee has her head rested in her hand and tabbing her pencil slowly of the table. The sound of the teacher begins to fade. Aimee is watching the board but her view begins to slip around to the door where Rose is standing covered in blood. Aimee jumps backwards and falls off her seat. Everyone in the class turns around to look at Aimee and she looks towards the door. Rose is away. TEACHER Are you okay Aimee...? I hope you weren’t swinging on your sear. AIMEE No sir, I don’t feel too well could I please go to the toilet? TEACHER Oh very well, just watch you don’t fall again. The class don’t seem very amused by the teachers humour. Aimee quickly paces out the room and closes the door behind her.

INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR - DAY Aimee bits her lip as there is no one else at all in the corridor and begins to slowly walk down the corridor. The beating of her heart echoes in the silence. She inhales and exhales deeply. There is a squeak and Aimee spins around sharply but there is no one there. Above her is a light which is flickering. She pauses for a second and looks at it before moving on. CUT TO: 19.

INT. LIBRARY - DAY Laura is in the school library on one of the computers. She is on the web search and begins to search "Nightmares + Witchcraft" Laura goes onto the first website that she sees on the search. On this website it talks about visions, normal nightmares and possessions. All of a sudden Laura’s computer screen begins to jump and then goes black. She stands up and looks around the library. All computers have done the same. The LIBRARIAN is a small stern woman looks around at the computers. LIBRARIAN There must be something wrong with the network... Laura sighs harshly and looks at the librarian disgusted before picking up her bag and leaving. CUT TO:

INT. GIRLS TOILETS - DAY Aimee enters the girl’s toilets. Which is also empty she goes over to one of the sinks and begins to put her wrists under some cold water. Aimee puts her head down to splash her face with cold water and behind her is Rose covered in blood. When she puts her heads up rose is gone. CUT TO:

INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR - DAY Laura is walking along the school corridor where she bumps into Robert giving her a fright. ROBERT Sorry Laura! I didn’t mean to give you a fright. Laura pants from shock. 20.

LAURA It’s okay. I’m fine. ROBERT Why aren’t you in the library. LAURA Something weird happened all the computers just shut themselves off... Robert looks down to the ground. LAURA (CONT.D) Is everything okay? ROBERT No... I just got to tell you something. Robert leads Laura into a near by store cupboard.

INT. STORE CUPBOARD - DARK Laura turns around and looks into Robert’s eyes. LAURA Are you okay? Has got you freaked? ROBERT No, I’m not okay. Something happened... LAURA Happened? ROBERT With the cards... I had a bad reading. LAURA How bad? Robert goes into his pocket and takes out the Magician card and shows it to Laura. LAURA (cont’d) I’m not the seer, please explain? ROBERT The Magician when reversed shows trickery but the past card isn’t the important one. 21.

Robert takes the Fool card out and shows it to Laura. ROBERT (cont’d) The Fool was also reversed which shows that we are being naïve and taking risks without thinking them through. LAURA So that is the present? ROBERT Yes. LAURA So what did you see for the future? ROBERT This card. Robert goes into his pocket for a last time and shows Laura the Tower card. LAURA What card is that? ROBERT The worst card in the deck when reversed. LAURA What does it mean? ROBERT Pointless misfortune. LAURA Oh... That’s not so good... Did you tell Alex about this? ROBERT Not yet. LAURA When did you do the reading? ROBERT At the coven site. LAURA What?! Robert moves his hand to motion Laura to lower her voice. 22.

LAURA (CONT.D) Before we did the magic, you are meant to be our seer to look into the future so we can avoid danger and make sure we should work the magic. ROBERT I know I’m sorry, maybe I just read the cards wrong. LAURA Still, you should have told us. Maybe you’re the Fool as you didn’t tell us what you seen before we all leaped. ROBERT I’m really sorry... LAURA Well it’s to late now. We better tell Alex or Cathy. Laura and Robert leave the store cupboard. CUT TO:

INT. GIRLS TOILETS - DAY Aimee walks backwards into the stalls and shuts the stall door. She takes some toilet roll paper and dries her face. Suddenly outside a tap switches itself on. Aimee looks slightly confused as she opens the door then goes over to switch it off. Once switched off Aimee turns her back and then all taps suddenly switch on. Aimee opens her mouth glancing down the taps. A cloaked man with a black hand grabs her shoulder causing her to scream, turn around and fall under the sinks. No one is there. She pants slightly while picking herself up. Behind her blood begins to pour from the top of the mirror. Aimee turns around and screams at the sight of the blood. Aimee begins to hyperventilate before running out of the bathroom door and straight into Laura and Robert. 23.

INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR - DAY Aimee is hysterical with fear grabbing on to Laura to save her. Aimee can’t speak but keeps pointing into the bathroom. LAURA Aimee? What’s wrong? AIMEE Something... in the toilet... ROBERT Is she okay? LAURA Make sure she’s okay, I’m going to check the bathroom. Robert takes Aimee as Laura heads for the toilets. He rubs the back of her head and makes calming noises. Aimee begins to calm down but is still sobbing. Laura reappears from the toilets. AIMEE Did you see it? The blood? Did you see it? LAURA Aimee... The toilets were fine. There was nothing there. Aimee pushes Robert away from her and runs into the toilets. The room is perfectly fine. AIMEE But... But... It was... It... CUT TO:

EXT. SCHOOL GROUNDS The School bell rings and pupils begin to flood out the school gates. Cathy is waiting for Alex at the gate of the school grounds. She spots him but he doesn’t look too well. He keeps rubbing his head. CATHY Are you okay? 24.

ALEX Yeah I’m fine, I just feel like something bad has happened. Cathy looks over to Laura and Robert. CATHY Look there is Laura and Robert. Laura and Robert walk over to where Cathy and Alex are standing. ALEX Is everything okay? ROBERT No! Cathy and Alex are quite taken back by this. LAURA Aimee freaked out in the bathroom and got sent home early. She kept saying something about blood over the mirrors. CATHY Did she calm down? ROBERT Yeah but she was feeling a bit sick so she went home. ALEX I knew something was wrong I could just feel it. Alex takes his hand down from his head. CATHY What a way to start the holidays... ROBERT Have any off you seen Ryan today? CATHY I was in his English class but he didn’t speak at all. I was getting a really bad vibe from him. ALEX Strange, the nightmare got him that spooked. 25.

LAURA Well I better head home guys. CATHY Yeah Alex and I better get to my house. Talk to you all later? ROBERT Bye. Robert and Laura head in an opposite direction from Cathy and Alex.

EXT. STREET - NIGHT Cathy and Alex are holding hands while walking down the street to Cathy’s house. ALEX Must be nice being able to walk to your house. CATHY Yeah but you get a lift everyday, that’s not too bad. ALEX Yeah I guess. I wish we lived closer together so I could just walk to your house. Alex points to a house with a "For Sale" sign in the garden. ALEX (CONT.D) Look I could move in there and we could just walk to each others houses. Cathy laughs. CATHY Yeah so try convincing your parents to move then. ALEX Yeah and there’s always the chance you would dump me once I moved. CATHY I would never break up with you! 26.

ALEX Promise... CATHY Promise Cathy smiles. CATHY(CONT.D) But anyway my dad is always happy to give me a lift. ALEX Speaking of your dad, do you think he will like me? CATHY Yeah of course, he is dieing to meet you so I’m sure he will be nice. ALEX A little bit nerve racking. Meeting your dad I mean. CATHY Please, you will do fine. You a coven and your scared to meet my dad? Alex pokes Cathy in her side playfully. ALEX You run the coven as well. Leadership is split down the middle. CATHY Well we will meet my dad together. I mean I’ve met your parents ALEX I guess you are right. Alex kisses Cathy on the lips and Cathy smiles. CATHY Here we are. Cathy walks onto her front garden and Alex inhales deeply before following her. 27.

INT. CATHY’S HOUSE - DAY Cathy and Alex walk into the house and her dad Tom is in the kitchen cooking dinner. Alex smells the scent with delight. CATHY Hey Dad, you okay? Tom sees Cathy and rushes over and hugs her. TOM Hey Cathy, I’m good just cooking dinner yourself? CATHY School was boring as usual. Tom looks over to see Alex who is looking around the kitchen avoiding Tom’s eyes. TOM And this must be Alex? CATHY Yeah this is Alex, My boyfriend. Alex’s eyes meet Tom and he uneasily shakes Tom’s hand. ALEX Hello, it’s great to finally meet you. TOM Likewise Alex, well tea is going to be a little while yet. Do you guys want to just head upstairs? CATHY Yeah, call us when it is ready. TOM Will do. Alex and Cathy go to leave. TOM (CONT.D) Oh wait and don’t get up to anything while your up there! Cathy’s begins to blush with embarrassment. 28.

CATHY Dad! Alex laughs slightly before heading up the stairs with Cathy. CUT TO:

EXT. STABLES - EVENING Laura is walking towards the stables with some hay. When she reaches the stables she throws in the hay and her horse PEPPER comes out to greet her. She rubs Pepper’s nose. LAURA How are you doing today Pepper? Laura takes a mint out of her pocket and gives it to the horse. Pepper eats the mint quickly and Laura pat’s the horses neck. LAURA Good boy, How about we go riding? CUT TO:

EXT. RIDING FIELD - EVENING Laura is riding her horse pepper in the field when it suddenly halts throwing Laura off balance. LAURA What’s wrong Pepper? Pepper neighs softly. Laura tightens her legs together trying to get Pepper to move but he doesn’t. LAURA (cont’d) Oh come on Pepper what’s wrong? Laura looks up and notices a dark crow sitting on the fence leering back at them. LAURA (cont’d) Are you honestly spooked by a big crow? The bird lets of a harsh squawk causing the horse to move backwards. In the corner of her eye Laura notices more birds landing on fence posts to the side of her. 29.

LAURA (cont’d) What is going on...? Laura hops off the horse and begins to lead the horse back to the gate however the gate is covered in crows. Laura is beginning to get spooked. LAURA (cont’d) Shoo Birds... Shoo Laura pulls the reign to move Pepper forward but Pepper moves back. He breathes harshly and neighs loudly. Laura turns to try and control the horse but it wrestles the reign out of her hand and begins to rear onto its hind legs causing Laura to fall. Laura watches the horse kick its front legs furiously and rolls out the way they crash to the ground. Laura takes her riding helmet off and watches Pepper stare at the crows. She gets up quickly and begins spinning the helmet at the birds causing them to fly away. LAURA (CONT.D) Shoo! She then returns to Pepper and leads her out of the gate and back to her stable. At her stable Laura notices two more crows on the top of Pepper’s stable. CUT TO:

INT. CATHY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Cathy’s bedroom is warm and cosy, the bed taking up most of the room. It is very personal to Cathy with pictures and her own paintings filling the walls. Cathy is cuddling into Alex tightly on there bed. They both are looking slightly tired. ALEX That was a feast! Cathy giggles and playful pokes Alex’s side. ALEX (CONT.D) Is your dad trying to fatten me up? 30.

CATHY Maybe, he doesn’t usually go all out like that. Alex lets out a sluggish grunt. ALEX Oh well it still was great. Alex kisses Cathy’s head and sniffs her hair slightly. CATHY Did you just sniff my hair? ALEX (Playfully) Yeah, you got a problem with that? CATHY (Playfully) Yeah in fact I do. ALEX Oh well then I will have to do this then. Alex grabs Cathy and begins to tickle her causing her to kick and scream. CATHY Alex! Alex’s phone begins to ring on the side table and he stops tickling her. ALEX Oh you are lucky. Alex picks up his phone and Cathy begins to sort her top and get her breath back. ALEX (cont’d) Hey Ryan, what’s up? Cathy looks at Alex. CATHY Is something wrong? ALEX Are you sure Ryan? Oh right then. Bye. 31.

Alex hangs up the phone and lets it drop to the bed. Cathy moves over closer to him. CATHY Is everything okay? ALEX No... Ryan quit the coven. CATHY (shocked) Quit?! Can he do that? ALEX He said he didn’t want to be part of it anymore and then just basically hung up. He didn’t even discuss why. CATHY This is ridiculous; you don’t think this was about his nightmare do you. ALEX Maybe, something has got him spooked. Maybe his mum threatened to get the priest again. Cathy giggles and pokes Alex’s side and Alex laughs. CATHY Do you think Aimee will leave? ALEX I doubt it, she loves magic to much. CATHY Don’t we all though. ALEX Yeah but there was always something about Ryan. He always seemed hesitant. CATHY I guess when you think about it. Alex looks at the time and then looks at Cathy. 32.

ALEX Sorry my love but I got to be home soon. CATHY Already? ALEX Yeah my mum wants me back. Probably to make sure your dad didn’t kill me or something. CATHY Funny! Do you need to phone your mum to come get you? ALEX No she is just going to come up for me. CATHY Better head downs stairs then. Cathy and Alex get up and Cathy goes for the door but Alex grabs her hand and pulled her back. She turned around and there eyes met and he kissed her softly on the lips. Cathy blushes as she led Alex by his hand down the stairs.

INT. CATHY’S HOUSE - NIGHT Tom is in the kitchen doing the dishes when Cathy and Alex come passed him. TOM Is that you away Alex? ALEX Yeah it is, Thank you for a lovely meal. I’m stuffed. TOM No problem, come back anytime. Alex looks out the window and onto the street. ALEX Well I better go, my mum is there. CATHY I’ll talk to you later? 33.

ALEX Of course. CATHY Well... Goodnight then. ALEX Sweet dreams. Cathy smiles and blushes as Alex opens the door. He smiles back at her before turning and going through the door. Tom watches Alex reach the car safely. TOM So you are smitten? CATHY Yes I am. Did you like him? TOM Yeah he seems like a great lad. CATHY He liked you. TOM (sarcastic) Of course he did. CATHY He did. TOM (playful) You better not have been up to anything in your room. CATHY Dad! And don’t think I’ve forgotten what you said earlier, I will get you back for that later. Tom flicks some of the water of the sink at Cathy causing her to sequel playfully before turning up the stairs. CUT TO: 34.

INT. RYAN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Ryan’s bedroom lacks personality. Emotional items have no place in the room. Everything is blue. Ryan is lying on his small blue bed his eyes open with bags under them. His face is white and a cold sweat sticks to his skin. Ryan’s eyes sleepily close but his eyes dart back open as soon as they shut. His eyes flutter again as he bites his lip resisting the temptation of sleep. Ryan’s eyes close slowly again and when they open Rose covered in blood is at the foot of his bed. Ryan jumps back and pushes his back against the back wall trying to push it back. Rose just stands staring at him. Rose is mute. Rose covered in blood walks to the mirror then disappears. Ryan looks around the room, his lip quivering with fear. He puts one bare foot on the carpet then brings the second leg down. Ryan forces himself up off the bed and then slowly creeps towards the mirror. Nothing is there. Ryan sighs with relief but then suddenly blood begins to trickle down from the top of the window. RYAN No... No. No. No. Ryan is growing hysterical. The mirror begins to form an image of the Shieldhill woods looking more menacing than before. Rose walks into the image and Ryan’s eyes widen. Rose drops to her knee’s and begins to dig into the dirt. She digs deeper and deeper until she looks up and smiles at Ryan. Rose puts both of her hands into the small hole she has dug and raises up a large silver axe. A malicious smile appears in her face and Rose’s grip on the axe tightens. 35.

ROSE Come... Ryan closes his eyes and is beginning to whimper. RYAN Go away... Go away... Go away... Ryan opens his eyes and he is in the Shieldhill forest.

EXT. SHIELDHILL FOREST - NIGHT Ryan looks at his hand is disbelief. He shivers from the cold and chokes on the bitter air. Rose gets to her feet and slowly walks to Ryan. She releases her white knuckle grip from the axe and hands to Ryan. ROSE Take it... Her voice croaks. Ryan, shaking, reaches for the axe. He struggles trying to grip the blade. It burns him even touching it. RYAN What do you want? Rose stares at Ryan. RYAN (CONT.D) Tell me please... ROSE Blood. Rose suddenly is covered in blood and grabs his arm. Ryan jumps backwards with a fright.

INT. RYAN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Ryan jumps up drenched in sweat in his bed gasping for air. He looked at his arm and saw the blood mark of Rose’s hand. Ryan’s breathing quickens. Ryan looks at the bottom of the bed to see the metal axe lying there on his bed. CUT TO: 36.

INT. CATHY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Cathy stretches in her purple silk pyjamas. She hears a clawing at her door. Cathy opens the door and NIGHTSHADE, her pure black cat, bursts in and jumps into the bed. CATHY Aww Nightshade, You can’t sleep there. Nightshade lies down on the bed and purrs softly. Cathy leans down on the bed and strokes the cat. CATHY (CONT.D) You’re so cute... You really should be out but I will let you stay here for one night. Cathy gets into bed and then switches of the light. She rests her head against the pillow and closes. CUT TO:

INT. ALEX’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Alex’s room is dimly light by one Candle. Alex is sitting at his table writing in his Book of Shadows with a quill. His gaze meets the candle flame and he begins to stare intently at the flickering flame. CUT TO:

INT. CATHY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Cathy is asleep on her bed. Black smoke is escaping from under the bed filling the room at floor level. Cathy is tossing and turning, seeming to be having a nightmare. Nightshade looks up at her and meow’s. Cathy kicks the sheets of her and her hands jump to above her head as through it was being held by an unknown force. Her top begins to push up revealing her stomach. At the bottom of the bed, A cloaked man rises from the smoke. You cannot see his face and his hands are black highlighting the clean blade he is clutching. 37.

His hand slams over Cathy’s mouth and her eye’s dart open as she begins to scream kicking her legs. She looks at the cloaked man unable to get free. The cloaked man slowly raises the blade and plunges it into Cathy’s stomach causing her to jump up and scream. Cathy wakes up and it was only a dream. She pants heavily and looks at the sunlight forcing itself through the curtains. CATHY It was only a dream... Cathy sees Nightshade lying on the bed sleeping. She claps him softly then looks at her palm. It is soaked in blood. Cathy scream’s and looks at the door. Blocking her view of the door is Ryan holding the axe. She screams again as he swings the axe into her chest. Cathy screams and awakes in the dark room. Her father Tom runs in and tries to hold her down. TOM Its okay, Calm down, Calm down! His words do not register with the sweat drenched Cathy. Tom tries to hold her down but she kick’s him square in the chest causing him to fly into her wardrobe. As Tom hits the ground Cathy begins to clam down. She takes big deep breaths while watching the ceiling. Nightshade comes up and jumps on the bed and begins to meow. CATHY Sor.. Sorry She pushes the hair from her face while she sits up and looks up at her dad. TOM It’s okay... What got you so spooked? CATHY Just a nightmare... It was so vivid. TOM I’ll go get you some water. Tom leaves the room leaving Cathy alone. She looks around the room making sure nothing is out of place. 38.


EXT. HIGH STREET - DAY The remaining coven member’s; Alex, Cathy, Laura, Aimee and Robert are walking down the High Street. AIMEE So Ryan, Just quit with no explanation? ALEX Yeah, Just a phone call and that was it. LAURA That’s a bit strange is it not? ROBERT Isn’t there something in the initiation saying they can’t leave? CATHY Technically yes but we aren’t that strict. ALEX I’m not going to hold him in the coven against his will. I’m sure he is just going through issues. LAURA You’re his girlfriend Aimee, can’t you talk some sense into him. AIMEE I could try... ROBERT Why are we not casting today and down the town? ALEX To get some supplies of course... Alex stops outside an occult shop called "Mystique Moments" and then walks inside. 39.

INT. MYSTIQUE MOMENTS - DAY Mystique Moment’s is a cosy shop. The coven member’s intake the rich smells of the different herbs and oils. The shopkeeper CHRIS, 30ish, female is sitting in front of a large fireplace talking to another witch about the community. Laura makes her way over to the books, Reading the spines to see which book she hasn’t collected while Cathy goes over to where the wands are kept. Aimee goes over to the herbs. She picks up some sage then puts it back down. Alex goes over to the Athame’s to see what he can see while Robert goes over to the Tarot Cards. Chris looks at the coven members to see what they are wanting. Robert moves from Tarot Cards to the crystal balls. Alex spots this and moves over beside him. ALEX Do you want to try Crystal Ball gazing? ROBERT I think I’m quite good with Tarot Cards. Maybe try something a bit harder? Chris over hears them. CHRIS So is this your seer Alex? ALEX Yes it is Chris. How are you? CHRIS I’m good just been working. How’s the coven been going? ALEX Well here it is, minus one member who just quit. CHRIS Quit why? 40.

ROBERT He has been getting nightmares. Cathy turns her gaze from the others and looks at the wands biting her lip. CHRIS Oh I see. Chris makes an uneasy eye contact with Robert causing his eyes to shift. CHRIS (cont’d) Are you going to purchase the Crystal ball? ROBERT Yeah I think so... CHRIS Well... Chris goes over to where Laura is standing and looks at the books. She picks one out then moves back over to Robert. CHRIS (CONT.D) I will throw in this book for free. Just for one of Alex’s friends. Robert is curious of her generosity but smiles anyway. ROBERT Thank you very much. CHRIS Oh don’t worry about it. Let me ring this up for you then. ALEX Oh before you do Chris, Can I have this spirit board? Alex points to a spirit board he has had his eye on since he entered the shop. CHRIS You sure you are ready for a spirit board... ALEX I’ve been studying for at least 7 years now, I think I’m ready 41.

CHRIS Oh well then, I’ll ring that up too. CUT TO:

EXT. HIGH STREET - EVENING The coven members are exiting the shops with various bags all with big smiles on there faces. LAURA How do you know the shopkeeper? ALEX You mean Chris? I go in that shop all the time. After a while she just started talking to me. CATHY She seems nice. ROBERT Yeah, I got a free book. Alex grins. ALEX She must for some reason thinks you need that book. She’s a seer too. This worries Robert a bit. ROBERT Yeah anyway I can’t wait to get started on crystal ball gazing. Laura gives Robert a look and Robert just turns away. AIMEE What books did you get Laura? LAURA I got a book on Witchcraft’s connection to animals and what certain animal’s mean especially in dreams. Laura takes the book out the bag and it’s massive. 42.

AIMEE Oh well have fun reading that... Laura spots the bus station. LAURA I better go catch the bus. ROBERT I’m getting the bus to so I’ll come with you. AIMEE I need to get the bus too. I think my parents would die before giving me a lift. How are you two getting home? ALEX Cathy and I are going back to my place and we are just getting a lift. LAURA Oh well, we will see you guys later then? CATHY Yeah later! Cathy and Alex walk up the high street while Aimee, Robert and Laura walk to the bus station.

EXT. BUS STATION - EVENING Robert, Aimee and Laura are walking to there bus stop in the station when Laura suddenly turns and faces Robert. LAURA You still haven’t told him have you? AIMEE Told him what? Robert avoids the question by looking at the ground. LAURA I knew it. Why aren’t you telling him? 43.

AIMEE Telling him what? LAURA Robert got a really bad reading about the coven space with his cards. Aimee turns to face Robert. AIMEE What and you didn’t tell us? ROBERT It’s not important. Tarot is sometimes unreliable. LAURA Oh so that’s why you’re jumping onto crystal ball gazing? So you just forget about the bad reading. ROBERT No... LAURA Well, you need to tell Alex, before something bad happens. The coven has already lost members. AIMEE She’s right, the coven is an open group. You shouldn’t keep things from us. ROBERT I know... I know... I won’t do it again, I promise. They’re bus arrives. LAURA We better get on. Laura, Robert and Aimee enter the bus. CUT TO: 44.

INT. RYAN’S HOUSE - NIGHT RYAN’S MUM is sitting down with a cup of tea watching the TV laughing. Behind her Ryan walks down the stairs. His face is very pale and expressionless. Ryan’s Mum hears Ryan and turns around and looks at him. RYAN’S MUM Where are you heading Son? RYAN Out. RYAN’S MUM Maybe you shouldn’t, you’re looking a bit ill. RYAN I’m fine. Ryan just walks out the front door without his mum’s permission while she uneasily turns around takes a sip of her tea and watches the television. CUT TO:

INT. ROBERT’S HOME - NIGHT Robert walks into his house and shuts the door behind him. The house is silent and dark. ROBERT Mum? Sarah? Is anyone there? Robert creeps down the hall and into the kitchen. The floorboards creak beneath his feet. He switches on the light and spots a note left. The note reads: "Hey Robert, going away to your aunts for the weekend and took Sarah with me. Should be food in the fridge and you should have some money. - Mum" ROBERT (cont’d) Well at least she wrote a note this time. Robert walks to his bedroom. 45.

INT. ROBERT’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Robert places his newly bought items from Mystique Moments onto his bed then sits down. He takes out the book and rubs his hand down the cover before placing it on his bed. Robert then takes out his Crystal ball, quickly tearing of the wrapping reveal the clear ball. He laughs rolling it in his palm but something catches his eye. The crystal ball has an odd red tint through it. Robert places the crystal ball onto its stand and picks up the book again. He turns the page open to page with a bold heading of "The Ritual Bath" Robert Hmm’s before reading the page. CUT TO:

INT. ALEX’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Alex is sitting on the bed with his head down and Cathy is looking at him. Alex is looking slightly concerned. CATHY Are you okay? ALEX Yeah... CATHY Are you sure...? ALEX I’m just a bit worried about everyone. CATHY We are all big boys and girls, we don’t need you to protect us. Alex laughs. ALEX I know, I know, I just feel like I need to protect you guy. CATHY Well we don’t need protecting. CUT TO: 46.

INT. LAURA’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Laura is walking in her room with a glass of water. She takes the glass and places it on her bedroom table. Squawk. Laura turns around and looks out her bedroom window. The tree outside is littered by crows. Laura bites her lip before getting out her newly bought book. She picks it up and quickly flips to the page about Crows. She slowly sits herself on the window ledge. LAURA Crows... The Omen of Death. Laura turns around slowly to face the crows and all the crows take off into the sky. CUT TO:

INT. ROBERT’S BATHROOM - NIGHT Robert’s white bathroom tiles gleamed in the light. The water is running in the bath and Robert tests the water with his hand before shaking his hand then turning off the tap. He puts the book on crystal ball gazing on the black counter next the sink. It is opened at the ritual bath page. Robert picks up some sage, thyme and yarrow and goes over the bath. He watches as he slowly lets the bits of herbs slip through his fingers. ROBERT Protect and purify. Robert takes a tea spoon full of salt and drops it in the bath. He goes back over to the counter and looks at himself in the mirror and sighs. He takes his lighter and begins sparking it at the candle under the mirror. It won’t light. ROBERT (cont’d) light god sake light. Robert lights the candles but in the process burns his thumb. He lets out a sigh of pain while sucks on his thumb to sooth the burning. 47.

The Candle goes out. Robert looks down at the candle a bit confused and worried. Robert glances back to the mirror and there is Rose covered in blood. Robert gasps. ROBERT (cont’d) What the fuck... Rose launches her arms out quickly scratching Robert’s eyes out. Robert, blinded, screams with blood dripping from the sockets. One final scratch on the neck sends Robert flying back and falling into the bath and smacking his head off the other side of the bath knocking him out. He slowly slides under the water as the water slowly turns a gory red. CUT TO:

INT. ALEX’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Alex and Cathy are sitting on his cosy bed. They both seem tired. Alex looks over to the clock. ALEX Aww You are going to have to go soon. CATHY What? Cathy gets up and looks at the clock. CATHY(CONT.D) Time sure does fly when your having fun... Alex grins. ALEX It sure does. Cathy laughs before pushing Alex back. CATHY Your such a boy. 48.

ALEX You would rather I was a woman? CATHY (sarcasm) Hmmm... Cathy pauses and puts her hand on her chin as if she was thinking it over. ALEX (sarcasm) Ha-ha very funny. Cathy gets up and looks out the window. CATHY That’s my dad, I better go. Alex stands up and holds Cathy in his arms. ALEX Coven Spot Tomorrow? CATHY Wouldn’t miss it. ALEX Goodnight then. Alex gives Cathy a gentle kiss on the lips and they both smile. CATHY See you tomorrow Alex. Cathy leaves. Alex jumps on the bed smiling then rolls over and jumps to his window and watches Cathy get into her car. CUT TO:

INT. AIMEE’S BEDROOM - NIGHT It is midnight and Aimee is still up reading. She lazily gazes at the book about to drift off to sleep when suddenly the phone rings. Aimee runs downstairs. 49.

INT. AIMEE’S HALLWAY - NIGHT She is too late Mr. Woodworth has got to the phone first. His eyes are red and angry with lack of sleep. MR. WOODWORTH Yes, Yes, Okay, I will put her on. Mr. Woodworth moves his mouth from the phone. MR. WOODWORTH (cont’d) Aimee, it’s for you. Aimee slowly walks down her stairs, watching her dad, taken back by his pleasantness. She slowly takes the phone from him. AIMEE Hello RYAN’S MUM (O.S) Hello Aimee? Its Ryan’s mum here. Have you seen Ryan today? AIMEE Erm... No I have not seen him all day. Is he okay? RYAN’S MUM (O.S) Oh Okay, he’s just not been back yet. I better go... If you see him could you please tell him to come home? AIMEE Of course I will. RYAN’S MUM (O.S) If he comes home I’ll phone you straight away. Bye Aimee. AIMEE Bye... Aimee puts down the phone then turns around to see her dad watching the phone call. MR. WOODWORTH So... who was that... Aimee is a little confused by this statement. 50.

AIMEE But you answered the phone... you know who it was. MR. WOODWORTH Are you giving me cheek girl. Aimee ponders the answer but gives in. AIMEE No dad. MR. WOODWORTH Then admit it that it was him. AIMEE He has a name dad. MR. WOODWORTH Sorry I don’t name your fuck buddies. AIMEE He’s my boyfriend dad! His name is Ryan and it wasn’t even him it was his mother. MR. WOODWORTH Don’t you learn from our mistakes, did you not see how a baby fucks up your life. Aimee is getting teary. AIMEE Well I’m so sorry I fucked up your life Dad but your fucking up mine more than any-fucking-one else. So why don’t you just fuck off you little piece of shit. Mr. Woodworth slaps Aimee across the face causing a tear to drop from her eyes. She is taken away by this due to it being the only physical abuse she has ever received. Her dad, Mr. Woodworth seems just as shocked as she is. He looks at her for a second, Aimee doesn’t move. Slowly he walks back out the room, saying nothing as though it didn’t happen. Aimee looks at the empty doorway her father just walked through before falls back against the wall and slouching to the floor. 51.


INT. CATHY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Cathy is in her bedroom holding a clear quartz crystal over a candle. CATHY (to herself) This better work. She takes the crystal from over the candle and blows out the flame out darkening the room. She takes the crystal and places it under her pillow. She gets into her cosy bed and stares at the ceiling and began to chant: CATHY (CHANT) Go away dark dreams It is not what it seems Go far away and leave my dreams sight Give me at least one good night Cathy closes her eyes slowly once and opens them quickly. She repeats this before she begins to drift off to a peaceful sleep. ROBERT Cathy... Cathy’s eyes dart open as she searches her room for Robert. ROBERT (CONT.D) Cathy... Cathy’s eyes turn to the door. She slowly gets out her bed and creeps to the door. Cathy cringes as the floor board’s squeak under her. She puts her hand on the cold handle and breathes in slowly. Quickly she opens the door to reveal nothing but her hallway.

INT. CATHY’S 2F HALLWAY - NIGHT CATHY Robert? What are you doing here? Where are you? 52.

Cathy hears running water come from the bathroom. She slowly creeps forward to the bathroom breathing loudly. She puts her hand on the door and it creaks as it swings slowly open.

INT. CATHY’S BATHROOM - NIGHT Cathy flips the light switch and jumps backwards and screams as an eyeless Robert is lying in a tub full of blood in front of her. Cathy is forcing her back against the door looking at Robert. He looks dead. She begins to whimper. CATHY Robert... Cathy’s eyes begin to get wet as she looks at the believed dead Robert when Roberts head turns and his mouth opens. ROBERT They want you.

INT. CATHY’S 2F HALLWAY - NIGHT Cathy screams while and turns to run down the stairs while Robert swings out off the bath and lands on the ground and begins to crawl. Cathy jumps down 2 or 3 stairs at a time then looks at Robert who is crawling down the top of the stairs. Cathy runs into the living room and closes the door behind her.

INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Objects look threatening in the darkness of the living room as Cathy begins to slow down. She looks around her living room no longer hearing Robert. Cathy goes to put on a lamp but its not working. When she turns around Rose covered in blood is at her the window scratching her nails down the glass. ROSE Cathy.... CATHY Fuck Off! Cathy in anger picks up the table the lamp is on sending it crashing to the ground and throws the table at the window before running into the kitchen. 53.

Suddenly her dad, Tom grabs her arm causing her to scream and scratch him in terror trying to get free. TOM Cathy! Calm down, it’s your dad! The words don’t register with Cathy as she is still struggling to get escape. Tom pushes Cathy back and she hits against the wall and slides to the ground sobbing. TOM (cont’d) Cathy what’s wrong... Cathy looks up at her dad. She is in shock and doesn’t speak for a second. CATHY Just... Just a bad dream that’s all... CUT TO:

EXT. COVEN SPOT - EVENING Alex and Cathy are sitting in the grass in the middle of the Coven Spot look at each other. Cathy looks highly distressed, her hair is not the same and she is hardly wearing any make up. ALEX Are you sure you are okay to do this? CATHY Don’t. Please just don’t talk about it. I didn’t fight with my dad to be able to come today to have you question it. ALEX It just these nightmares sound really bad. CATHY I can handle it Alex. Here comes Laura and Aimee please... Just don’t mention it. Laura and Aimee walk through the pushes and enter the Coven Spot. 54.

ALEX Hey, where’s Robert? LAURA He didn’t answer his door so we are guessing he isn’t coming. CATHY What? Cathy gives Alex a glance. AIMEE And Ryan is missing. ALEX You’re joking? AIMEE No, his mum phones last night and said he didn’t come home and they still have not found him. ALEX Ryan sure has been acting strange lately. Cathy looks at Aimee’s lip. It is bruised and slightly swollen. CATHY Aimee, what’s wrong with your lip. AIMEE Oh Aimee puts her hand over the side of her lip while trying to act all embarrassed. AIMEE(CONT.D) Right, don’t laugh but I walked in a door. The witches laugh. CATHY Klutz. LAURA So it’s only going to be us four then? 55.

ALEX I guess so, we better get started. Alex goes into his back pack and takes out 4 blue candles and 4 pens. ALEX (CONT.D) What we are going to do is create a box of protection just next to the coven spot. LAURA Why not protect the whole coven spot? CATHY Cause if we do, we wouldn’t be able to summon any spirits to communicate with or get help from. ALEX So Alex gives everyone a candle and a pen. ALEX(CONT.D) I want everyone to take a pen and carve the rune "Algiz", the protection rune, into the candle like so. Alex begins to carve the rune Algiz on his candle and the rest of the coven members begin to follow. ALEX (CONT.D) Now, hold the candle in your hands and think of your goal. Think of things which you relate to protection while saying this chant "Kechnoptou, Dominaqure, Tomo, Redo Baba Schloma" CATHY (unison) Kechnoptou, Dominaqure, Tomo, Redo Baba Schloma AIMEE (unison) Kechnoptou, Dominaqure, Tomo, Redo Baba Schloma 56.

LAURA (unison) Kechnoptou, Dominaqure, Tomo, Redo Baba Schloma ALEX Good, Now light your candle. Alex lights his candle using a lighter and the rest of the coven members light there candles. ALEX (CONT.D) Now, come with me. Alex stands up and walks through the bushes and out of the coven spot. The coven members follow him to the open area. ALEX (CONT.D) (cont’d) And Lastly, place the candles at right angles to each other to create a square. Each coven member takes there candle and places it on the ground to create a protective square. LAURA So what do we do now? CATHY We do nothing. We just leave them to burn. AIMEE This situation is a fire waiting to happen. ALEX Don’t worry, we will watch it. Aimee looks at the setting sun. AIMEE I might have to go soon. My parents want me home for tea. ALEX Don’t worry Cathy and I will watch it you two can go. LAURA Thanks I need to get home and feed the horses too. 57.

Aimee and Laura walks off and through the bushes and into the distance. CATHY Do we really need a protective square? ALEX I doubt it, but it would be something nice to have.

EXT. FOREST - EVENING Aimee and Cathy jump over a small river to cross to the other side of the forest. LAURA So you must be worried about Ryan? Aimee avoids Laura’s gaze. AIMEE Yeah, I can’t stop thinking about him. LAURA Have you been in touch since he left the coven? AIMEE To be honest, since winter we have been drifting apart but since he stayed over at Alex’s he has hardly talked to me, if at all. Aimee and Laura by this time had reached the streets of Shieldhill. LAURA That’s a shame, you two were such a cute couple. AIMEE We are not as cute as Alex and Cathy though. LAURA Yeah they are getting really close. AIMEE I think they are going to last. 58.

LAURA Yeah, there just something about them. AIMEE I just wish I could say the same about me and Ryan. CUT TO:

EXT. COVEN SPOT - EVENING/NIGHT Alex and Cathy are sitting leg-crossed in the grass across from each other. Cathy is looking down at the ground taking long pieces of grass and twisted it slowly between her fingers. ALEX Want to do some meditation? CATHY Hmmm, yeah no problem, my head could probably do a good clearing out. ALEX Okay right close your eyes Both of them close there eyes and begin to concentrate. Cathy upper lip begins to twitch. CATHY I don’t think this is going to work. Cathy opens her eyes. Alex is gone and it’s darker than before. Cathy nibbles on her bottom lip. She pushed herself up and begins looking around her. CATHY (cont’d) Alex? Are you there? There is no reply and there is no one in sight. Cathy walks forward a few steps but still no one in sight. All of sudden Cathy begins to hear screaming and chanting. The bushes rustle wildly as the 5 Cloaked Men appeal dragging Rose behind them with a sack over head. Rose’s hands are tide and she is kicking furiously to get free. Cathy freezes, they didn’t notice her and she did not want to draw attention to herself. 59.

The Cloaked Men dropped Rose in the middle of the Coven Spot and began to circle her. There torches light and raised into the sky. CLOAKED MAN You have been chosen. CLOAKED MAN 2 You have been chosen. CLOAKED MAN 3 You have been chosen. CLOAKED MAN 4 You have been chosen. CLOAKED MAN 5 You have been chosen. Cloaked Man takes the sack off Rose’s head. Tears were streaming down her bruised face. ROSE Please don’t hurt me. Rose is hysterical. CLOAKED MAN #1 Quiet. The Cloaked Man backhanded Rose’s gentle face sending her to clutch the ground. The cloaked men stopped circling her and stood still. Rose got up slowly to her knees. CLOAKED MAN #1 (cont’d) It must be done. CLOAKED MAN #2 For the power. CLOAKED MAN #3 For the blood. CLOAKED MAN #1 For the goddess. CLOASKED MAN #5 For the beast. CLOAKED MAN #1 raises his athame into the sky and Cathy screamed out. 60.

CATHY Stop it! They all turn and state even Rose looks at her, looking to sinister to be a victim. They all began to advance towards her and Cathy begins to run for her life. As Cathy ran, you could see the shadow of 5 men on the ground from the Skies until she runs into the shadow of the forest. Cathy quickly takes shelter behind a tree. She gasps for air but is worried in case they can hear her. All of a sudden Ryan grabs her hand and Cathy screams. She struggles hard to get free but he won’t let go. CATHY Ryan let go of me! Ryan just grins as he squeezes Cathy’s wrists but she falls back and both of them fall to the ground and begin to roll down the hill until it reached the end and the drop to the ground below. Cathy quickly grabs a branch to stop her from falling but Ryan falls to the ground. Cathy groans as she tries to pull her self up the hill. Then all of a sudden Roses bloody hand grabs hers and pulls her halfway up. Cathy screams seeing Rose’s eyes stare into her eyes. ROSE Help me... Cathy begins to struggle, screaming and slapping at Rose. She uses her feet to push her away from her and Rose’s nail scratch deep into Cathy’s arm. Then, Rose lets go, Cathy is thrown back, time seems to move slower as Cathy plummets to the ground. This is when she woke. Cathy began screaming and slapping at anything in site. Alex tried to grab her and calm her down but she kicks him back. ALEX Cathy, what’s wrong, what did you see? CATHY I saw... Cloaked men... and a girl... and Ryan... They want to kill us.... They want our blood... 61.

ALEX Cathy you’re not making any sense! CATHY There going to kill us Alex... There going to use Ryan to kill us! CUT TO:

INT. AIMEE’S HOME - NIGHT Aimee pushed the front door of her house open and entered slowly. It was dark and silent. AIMEE Mum you there? There is no reply. Aimee inhales deeply while she walks over to a small table in the hall. She places her keys gently onto the small table next to a large vase. Aimee looked through her dirty blonde fringe to see her reflection. She focuses on the bruised lip from her previous physical abuse. She closed her eyes producing a tear. RYAN Aimee. Aimee’s eyes dart open with shock. See sees Ryan’s reflection in the mirror but doesn’t turn around. AIMEE Wh.. What are you doing here? RYAN I need to talk to you. Ryan’s eyes are dark and his face wet with sweat. AIMEE Your mum called, I think you need to phone home. Aimee’s hands begin to slip along the table and up the vase. RYAN Aimee... I don’t need to phone home. Aimee clutches the vase tightly in her grasp. 62.

AIMEE Oh... Then what do you need? RYAN Blood. Ryan quickly raises his axe but Aimee spins around and smashes the vase over his head. She runs up the hallway then turns back to see Ryan. Ryan swings his axe to the left but it misses Aimee. He swings the axe back to the right and she trips over her own feet and falls to the ground. Ryan raises the axe into the air and brings it swiftly down to the ground. Aimee quickly does a backwards role and avoids the sharp edge of the axe. The axe is stuck in the floor. Ryan grunts and moans as he begins to try and free the axe. Aimee jumps up to her feet and runs into her kitchen. She looks around to see where to run to next and spots the cupboards and then runs into the large cupboard in the kitchen. The cupboard is dark and covered in shelves housing different cooking utensils as well as spices and herbs. Aimee tries her hardest to control her breathing to not be heard by Ryan. Ryan pulls the axe out of the floor and walks into the kitchen and begins to look around to see where Aimee has gone. Aimee walks back but her foot hits against something. She turns around to see her parents dead and covered in their own blood. She covers her mouth so she does not scream. The smell is disgusting. She jumps backwards and knocks a jar of sage onto the ground and it smashes. Ryan’s head jerks as he looks towards the cupboard door. He slowly creeps towards the door. Holding his axe in one hand he pushes the handle of the door down and quickly opens the door. Aimee however surprises Ryan and throws a jar of salt into his face. The salt stings Ryan’s eyes causing him to moan in agony. He swings the axe recklessly missing Aimee and she nudges past him. 63.

She runs to her left and towards the back door. The door is half glass but is made so you can’t see through it. Aimee begins to push the handle down furiously trying to get free. She smacks her hands against the glass. AIMEE (screaming) Somebody help me please! Please! Why is no one fucking there? CUT TO:

INT. NEIGHBOURS HOUSE - NIGHT JEFF, 40, the neighbour of Aimee is drinking beer and watching TV. In the background you can see out his backdoor and through the glass you can see the peachy shadow of Aimee banging against the glass of her door. The TV is too loud for Jeff to hear her. CUT TO:

INT. AIMEE’S HOME - NIGHT Aimee bangs on the door, breaking down into a sob while Ryan is on his knees rubbing his red eyes. Aimee looks around her and sees a knife holder filled with knives. She grabs a knife out and then looks to her left to an open room divided from the kitchen by an arch way. It is filled with a washing machine, dishwasher, dryer and counters line the wall. In the kitchen Ryan gets to his feet. His eyes are red and sore. He lifts the axe up slowly as if it had suddenly gained weight. He creeps slowly round to the backdoor and there is no Aimee. Ryan shifts his eyes, slightly confused to where Aimee has gone. He walks forward and looks into the laundry room and no one is in there too. Ryan enters the laundry room and hiding behind the wall standing on the counter is Aimee. Aimee jumps, knife raised, on Ryan but he swings his axe up and it lodges into the wall and holds her up in the air with her leaning on the pole of the axe. 64.

Aimee takes the knife and stabs it deep into Ryan’s arm and she falls to the ground and gets back up but Ryan swings his axe. It scrapes her back causing her to yelp and sending her to turn and her back of the wall then fall back to the ground leaving a bloody print on the white wall. AIMEE Why are you doing this Ryan?! Tears began to drip from Aimee’s face. Ryan just stares at her until he raises the axe ready to bring it down onto Aimee. AIMEE (cont’d) Please Ryan... I loved you. Ryan just stares at Aimee. Aimee turns around and stabs the knife into his thigh. Ryan screams out and his axe clunks on the floor. Aimee begins to crawl out the laundry room and back into the kitchen. Ryan pulls the bloody knife out of his thigh and tosses it to the ground and picks up the axe again. Aimee uses the kitchen counter to pull herself back to her feet she turns around and Ryan just grins. He quickly swings the axe and slashes it deep into Aimee neck causing blood to spray onto the window of the back door. Aimee hits the ground, her eyes still open but lifeless. Ryan walks over and stands over her body. The blood slowly drips from his axe before he takes her hand and drags her along the kitchen floor, leaving a blood trail. CUT TO:

INT. LAURA’S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Laura is sitting on her own in her living room. She is reading a book on witchcraft. The room is silent except the ticking of a clock in the background. Laura begins to hear birds outside squawking. She gets up to go investigate. Laura walks through her Living Room to the Kitchen which looks outside. There is nothing there. Suddenly a black crow smacks into the window causing Laura to jump back and knock over a pan. 65.

LAURA Shit! Shit! Laura begins to clean up the pots and pans and puts them back on the kitchen unit. She slowly moves towards the door and opens it cautiously and walks outside. Outside is a bird lying down with a broken neck. Laura hands cover her mouth as there is more squawking above her. Quickly she jumps back inside. Once inside Laura locks the door and looks out into the window. There is silence. Laura leans over the window slowly to try and get a better look outside. Her face touches the glass when... The silence is interrupted by the door bell. Laura looks up and puts the book onto the table and proceeds to the door. She opens the door to reveal Cathy and Alex looking distraught. LAURA (cont’d) Cathy...? Alex? Cathy and Alex walk into the house uninvited. CATHY (hysterical) We need to do something Laura, something bad is happening... really bad! Laura looks to Alex. LAURA Is Cathy okay? ALEX She’s been suffering from nightmares. Cathy turns to Alex in shock. CATHY Nightmares? (beat) Is that what you call what I’ve been having... ALEX Cathy please, try and calm down. 66.

CATHY I am being calm considering! Cathy is getting frustrated. LAURA She is right... ever since we started practicing at the new spot... ALEX There is nothing wrong with the coven spot. CATHY How else do you explain everything that’s happening?! ALEX I don’t know... but the energy... LAURA The energy is negative not positive. Even Robert was getting bad Tarot readings from it. CATHY He was what? LAURA He didn’t want to tell you guys, I only just found out and was waiting for him to tell you. CATHY We need to stop using that spot... Alex face drops slightly. ALEX But... we can’t... CATHY But... we can. I’m High Priestess and if I’m not wrong I outrank you. Laura is a bit taken back by this. CATHY (CONT.D) We will stop using that spot. 67.

ALEX Fine... but we can’t just stop using that spot... we need to do a ritual to close the place of... like disconnect ourselves from the place. CATHY Right... well we will do that now then. LAURA Will we need Aimee... ALEX Really we should have every member of the coven there... CATHY Well Ryan has went crazy and Robert isn’t returning our calls. Aimee will just have to do. ALEX Right well we need supplies... I’ll go home and get them and you and Laura should go get Aimee, we will meet at the Coven Spot? CATHY That sounds good. LAURA Yeah sounds fine. Laura goes into a cupboard and grabs a baseball bat and a golf club. Laura returns and throws the club to Cathy. CATHY What’s this...? LAURA Better being safe than sorry... do you want something Alex? ALEX Nah, I can take care of myself besides I have my athame. Alex goes to leave Laura’s Home before Cathy goes to stop him 68.

CATHY I’m sorry Alex, I know you love this place but its not meant to be... I love you... Alex smiles and cuddles Cathy. ALEX I love you so much... anything which makes you happy makes me happy. CATHY Thanks... Alex kisses Cathy softly before leaving the house. LAURA you ready? CATHY Yeah lets go. CUT TO:

EXT. STREETS OF SHIELDHILL - NIGHT Alex is walking home quickly to the streets of Shieldhill. He seems confident in his walk however we get the feel that someone is watching him. There is a funny noise causing Alex to turn and face the opposite direction. ALEX Hello? Silence. Alex continues walking spotting his home in the distance but then there is another noise causing him to freeze in his tracks and spin around quickly. ALEX(CONT.D) Hello...? Squawk. Alex jumps and turns but then laughs at himself for being so stupid. He continues and walks into his home. 69.

INT. ALEX’S HOME - NIGHT Alex walks into his home and passes a mirror on the way. In the mirror stands Rose covered in blood smiling sinisterly at Alex. Alex reaches his bedroom and takes a bag out of his cupboard and moves to his alter. He recklessly grabs items of his alter and pours them into the back. There is a creak in the floor board causing Alex to turn around quickly and spots something off screen. His mouth is open slightly with shock. CUT TO:

INT. AIMEE’S HOME - NIGHT Laura knocks on the front door of Aimee’s home and it just opens. Laura and Cathy give each other a look before proceeding into the home. CATHY Aimee... are you in? LAURA Doesn’t seem like anyone’s here... CATHY Maybe they’ve been robbed. Laura ponders this. LAURA I’ll check the kitchen. CATHY Okay Laura goes to the kitchen while Cathy stays at the door way to the living room. Something spots Cathy’s eye and she proceeds into the room. The south wall is covered in blood, with a bloody message; "We Thirst for Blood". Cathy looks at this, her face cringing with confusion, she cannot comprehend what’s happening. Behind her is Ryan with an axe slowly stalking towards her. 70.

In the kitchen Laura looks around and sees the trail of blood into the living room. She looks horrified, tears filling her eyes. She returns to see Cathy At this time Ryan is very close to Cathy, One swing and it would slice right through her. Laura enters the living room and Screams. Cathy spins around swinging her golf club cracking it against Ryan’s weak ribs. He moans in agony. Laura advances and then smacks the bat over the head of Ryan with all her might he falls to the floor the axe falling out his seemingly lifeless hands. LAURA Ryan... He killed them didn’t he! CATHY It doesn’t matter now we got to get to the coven spot. LAURA We need to phone the police! CATHY If we do we will raise suspicion to ourselves. We need to destroy the coven spot so that we aren’t next. LAURA But Ryan’s knocked out... CATHY He was just a puppet... if we don’t destroy the spot someone else will come after us. LAURA How can you be so sure? CATHY I’m not sure... (beat) It’s just a feeling... (beat) Just something I know... Now lets go... Cathy grabs Laura’s arm and begins to lead her out of the room and out of the house. CUT TO: 71.

EXT. COVEN SPOT - NIGHT Alex is standing in the coven spot with his eyes close, he’s breathing deeply trying to raise energy when Laura and Cathy come in. Alex’s eyes open widely and he turns to meet them. The girls are slightly hysterical... more so Laura. LAURA Ryan! (beat) He killed Aimee! This seems like a big blow to Alex. ALEX What...? Your kidding... CATHY No she’s not and it was these people who made him do it! ALEX These people? LAURA The man... Witches most likely but not very nice ones... ALEX (interrupted) I still feel... CATHY We are destroying this place Alex. People are dead. ALEX Okay... Okay... I know. (beat) Right we need some wild flowers and herbs from the surrounding Area... Who wants to do that. CATHY I’ll go. Give me the Boline. Alex goes into his bag and takes out a white handled knife and puts it on the ground before Cathy. ALEX Never pass a knife. Alex and Cathy smiles. 72.

CATHY I love you. ALEX I love you too. LAURA That’s very nice people but we have work to do! CATHY Right... I will be back soon. Cathy leaves out the bushes and through the trees. Laura takes out some books she brought with her out a bag and scatters them around the place. LAURA So what do we need. ALEX Right... Alex takes out a pot and puts it into the centre of the Coven Spot. He takes out some herbs such as Sage, Yellow Yarrow, some black candles, his wand, his athame, A feather, salt, scissors, red wine, pumpkin seeds in orange liquid. LAURA Can you fit anything else in that bag? ALEX Very funny... Laura set up the candles in a circle around the bowl, Put a circle of Yarrow and Sage around the bowl. And put a spoon full of salt in the bowl. LAURA What’s the red wine for? ALEX I thought we could have a little drink. LAURA Really? ALEX Know, it will go into the bowl with the pumpkin seeds, the salt and the other herbs Cathy gets. 73.

LAURA Oh right... Sorry... I’m allowed blonde moments too. Alex picks up his Athame. ALEX Use my wand to raise and draw energy down into the bowl. I’m going to set up a circle. LAURA Done and Done. CUT TO:

EXT. SHIELDHILL FOREST - NIGHT Cathy is wandering around the Shieldhill forest cutting some plans and herbs with a boline but asking permission to do so before hand. Out the corner of her eye she sees a woman. Someone she does not recognise and it is not Rose. Cathy looks at the woman and the woman looks back at her. The woman smiles at Cathy and Cathy smiles back at her, it’s not a fake smile but a warm one. It is in fact her mother looking back at her. Cathy moves forward when suddenly, Ryan wielding an axe, jumps at her. Cathy swings the knife widely and plunges it into Ryan’s left arm. Ryan lands on top of Cathy knocking them both over a steep hill, similar to the meditation sequence. Cathy and Ryan roll in different directions and Cathy screams out as she smacks her back into a tree. Ryan cannot be seen. CUT TO:

EXT. COVEN SPOT - NIGHT Alex head jumps up into the direction of Cathy’s scream as he begins to run forward and through the bushes to her aid. Laura is a bit bewildered. 74.

LAURA (screaming) Alex wait! Silence. Laura looks to her left then to her right just realising she is alone. CUT TO:

EXT. SHIELDHILL FOREST - NIGHT Cathy is trying to quiet her breathing looking around herself looking for Ryan but there is no one there. She slowly pushes herself against the bark of the tree propping herself up. Her head is grazed and slightly bleeding. Cathy slowly walks across to open landscape keeping her eyes open for the slightest movement. She cringes at crunches of grass and leaves beneath her feet. CUT TO:

EXT. SHEILDHILL FOREST - NIGHT Laura has wondered from the Coven spot looking for Alex and Cathy. LAURA Cathy...? (beat) Alex...? Laura is uneasily worried; her hand is jittering at her side. She is trying to be confident but inside is terrified. A squawk causes Laura to jump. She looks around to see where the noise came from but there are no birds in sight. She bits her lip when a noose goes over her head and pulls her backwards into the dirt. An invisible force drags Laura who’s kicking and screaming through thorn bushes and grass. Laura screams out but she is being choked by the rope. Laura is dragged to the coven spot. 75.

EXT. COVEN SPOT - NIGHT Once at the Coven Spot Laura is freed. She very quickly grabs the rope and pulls it over her head and throws it into the open area. The flower beds which once filled the coven spot are now very dark and beginning to rot. Laura rubs her neck gasping for breath, taking a moment to collect herself but then remembers what just happens. She jumps upwards and then hurries to the protective square the coven made earlier. She begins to calm, but tears flow freely down her cheeks. Laura hears a rustle behind her and turns around quickly to see Rose, covered in blood with a huge knife in her hand. Laura screams out and Rose swings the knife down. Laura jumps back and it slightly cuts her chest and she falls to the ground Laura turns to begin to crawl away but turns around and there is no Rose. Laura gets back to the Coven Spot and begins to spin around looking for anything, help or danger. LAURA (screams) Somebody Help Me! Laura stops screaming and looks around her. She is surrounded by the Cloaked Men. Her face turns white, she doesn’t smile or frown. Laura backs away from the Cloaked Men she faces unaware of the ones behind her. LAURA (CONT.D) What do you want...? Silence, Laura begins to sob hysterically when a Man approaches her behind her. The man grabs her body from behind preventing her from moving and Laura screams out for help. In one swift movement the Cloaked man slits Laura’s throat and Laura lets out one last scream. Birds fill the skies. Silence. Laura’s lifeless body falls to its knees before falling to the ground. CUT TO: 76.

EXT. SHIELDHILL FOREST - NIGHT Cathy hears the scream of Laura and covered her own mouth to stop herself from screaming. When the noise begins to settle, Cathy begins to walk over to a small cliff looking around for any dangers. All of a sudden Ryan’s hand appears and grabs Cathy’s leg and pulls her to the ground below the small cliff. Ending One - Cathy falls to the ground hard with a scream. Ryan grabs his axe, blood shot eyes and in a fury swings it towards Cathy. She rolls dodging the, what would be fatal blow. Cathy looks up and spots the blood covered boline, recently pulled out of Ryan’s Arm. She crawls over to get it but Ryan grabs her hair and pulls her up. Cathy squirms and screams as Ryan raises his axe. Cathy quickly kicks Ryan in the groin causing him to fall backwards. Cathy looks to go for the boline again but its gone. Cathy scrunches her face in confusion before again rolling out the way of Ryan’s Axe. Cathy crawls backwards away from Ryan who is advancing towards her slowly with the axe in hand. Cathy hits a tree there is no further back she can go. CATHY Ryan... Please... Don’t do this! Ryan raises his axe to finish Cathy off when Alex pushes the Boline deep into his back. Ryan tightens his grip on the axe before slowly letting it drop to the ground and his body shortly follows. Alex drops the Boline. CATHY (cont’d) Alex... Cathy hops over Ryan and hugs Alex, squeezing him tighly. CATHY (cont’d) I love you so much! ALEX I love you too... CATHY Laura! 77.

ALEX I’m sorry... I think she’s... Cathy holds onto an inner strength to stop herself from crying. CATHY We... better... Cathy and Alex can’t look each other in the eye. ALEX Yeah... Lets... As this is said Ryan begins to rise again he raises his axe and Alex pushes Cathy out the way too safety. Alex turns around and grabs Ryan’s axe before he gets a chance to bring it done on Alex. The two boys wrestle, trying to get control of the Axe. Cathy looks up and screams CATHY Alex! Cathy looks and spots the boline. She scurries towards it grabbing it in both her palms and brings it down into the calf of Ryan. Ryan moans in agony bringing on hand of the axe to back hand Cathy in the face. This gives Alex the advantage as he swings Ryan around and kicks him in the middle of the chest. This Causes Ryan still clutching to the axe to fall backwards and fall into the Shieldhill Burn. The water is shallow and Ryan’s head smacks against the rocks hard. Cathy jumps up and grabs the side of Alex as the watch as the flow of water rises above Ryan’s nose and mouth drowning him. Alex turns to Cathy. ALEX You were right... I’m sorry for not doing this sooner. CATHY Its not your fault Alex... You just wanted what’s best for your coven. 78.

ALEX Well now my Coven is dead... CATHY It’s not your fault! It’s theirs... now let’s go finish this. CUT TO:

EXT. COVEN SPOT - NIGHT Cathy and Alex come back to the Coven Spot where Laura’s body is gone. Cathy has a bunch of wild flowers and leaves in her hand. Cathy looks like she’s been beat. CATHY I cannot believe tonight... this week even... Its just so.. ALEX I know but we need to get through this... for us... for everything... CATHY Alex... I love you... ALEX I know Cathy... I love you too... CATHY But I really love you Alex... you’re the only person I truly love... or truly trust. Alex gets up and hugs Cathy. ALEX I love you so much and I’ll show you how much I love you after we get this finished. Both Cathy and Alex smile. CATHY So what do we do? ALEX Right... Alex takes Cathy to the centre of the Coven Spot and sits her opposite him. 79.

ALEX (CONT.D) Light the black candles. Cathy goes to light the black candles takes the sage and yarrow and creates two circles around the bowl. Cathy finishes lighting the candles. CATHY Are you sure this will work? ALEX It better... Now put a spoon full of salt in the bowl. Cathy puts a spoonful of the salt in the bowl and Alex puts in the pumpkin seeds. CATHY Right... what next? ALEX Take this feather in your right hand. Alex hands Cathy the feather and Cathy takes the feather. CATHY Okay. Cathy begins to twirl the feather in her fingers and Alex picks up the bottle of red wine and takes out the cork. He is about to pour the wine into the bowl when both of them look up. The Five Cloaked Men carrying flaming torches are surrounding them in the shape of a pentagram. Cathy’s lip begins to quiver as Alex looks her steadily in her mind. FIVE MEN (unison) What are you doing? ALEX We are putting an end to you, to the power we put in you. The men laugh. CLOAKED MAN #1 1 And you think it will be that easy. 80.

FIVE MEN (unison) The Sacrifice was too Strong. CLOAKED MAN #1 1 The curse of blood will never be broken. CATHY Let’s see. Cathy looks forward, past the men and sees the previous female figure in the woods. She smiles at her, her mother, past the cloaked men. Rose appears but this time not covered in blood and stands next to Cathy’s mother. Cathy tips the bottle of red wine and it begins to spew into the bowl. The Men throw their torches into the bushes which instantly catch fire. Cathy looks steadily at Alex who looks steadily at Cathy. The men laugh, the flames surrounding the group get higher and higher. CLOAKED MAN #1 1 Is that it? Alex quickly takes his Athame out and slices his finger then takes Cathy’s finger and slices it too. CLOAKED MAN #1 (CONT.D) But... an Athame is blunt? What are you doing. Alex looks up to the men and smiles. Blood drips from both Alex’s and Cathy’s fingers into the bowl and they begin to mutter chants under their breath. When the blood hits the bowl you see a flash of Rose screaming. The fire roars in the background but Alex and Cathy just look at each other saying their chant. The Cloaked men scream out and Cathy and Alex jump up and knock over the bowl and it pours to the ground. Cathy and Alex begin to get light headed. 81.

CATHY Alex... Cathy’s vision becomes blurred as she slowly falls to the ground. FADE OUT:

EXT. SHIELDHILL FOREST - MORNING Cathy can hear something the back of her mind... a whisper... men talking but it is the singing of birds which wake her up. She opens her eyes slowly, the light is too bright for them and she groans and she tries to lift herself up. MEDIC 1 Miss. Please stay on the ground. CATHY What happened...? Cathy tries to get up once more. MEDIC Please miss, stay on the ground until I’m finished your check up. CATHY But... But... Cathy is getting a bit hysterical. MEDIC 1 Just stay calm until we can get you to the ambulance. I don’t want you going into shock now. The Medic smiles. CATHY But... But where’s Alex...? MEDIC 1 He’s at the hospital. Cathy gets lifted onto a stretcher and looks to the side. Most of the forest has burnt down in the night. There are lots of police officers surrounding the area. Cathy looks to the medic. 82.

CATHY Please... Tell me what happened... The medic looks at Cathy feeling sympathetic with her. MEDIC 1 A fire broke out in the forest; there have been a few murders in town and around the forest and the police think the lead suspect is dead. You seem to have been caught in the middle of it. Cathy’s memory begins to flood back to her as she remembers the horrors of the previous night. CATHY It wasn’t his fault... (beat) it wasn’t his fault. A tear runs down Cathy’s cheek as she clutches her pentagram as she gets carried away. FADE TO BLACK: Ending Two - Cathy falls to the ground hard with a scream. Ryan grabs his axe, blood shot eyes, and in a fury swings it towards Cathy. She rolls dodging the, what would be fatal blow. Cathy looks up and spots the blood covered boline, recently pulled out of Ryan’s Arm. She crawls over to get it but Ryan grabs her hair and pulls her up. Cathy squirms and screams as Ryan raises his axe. Cathy quickly kicks Ryan in the groin then kicks his leg causing him to fall backwards. Cathy looks to go for the boline again but its gone. Cathy scrunches her face in confusion before again rolling out the way of Ryan’s Axe. Cathy crawls backwards away from Ryan who is advancing towards her slowly with the axe in hand. Cathy hits a tree there is no further back she can go. CATHY (cont’d) Ryan... Please... Don’t do this! Ryan raises his axe to finish Cathy off when Alex pushes the Boline deep into his back. Ryan tightens his grip on the axe before slowly letting it drop to the ground and his body shortly follows. Alex drops the Boline. 83.

CATHY (cont’d) Alex... He’s went insane... Cathy hops over Ryan and hugs Alex, squeezing him tighly. CATHY (cont’d) I love you... ALEX I love you too so much... CATHY What about Laura...? ALEX I’m sorry... I think she’s... Cathy holds onto an inner strength to stop herself from crying. CATHY We... better... Cathy and Alex can’t look each other in the eye. ALEX Yeah... Lets... As this is said Ryan begins to rise again he raises his axe and Alex pushes Cathy out the way too safety. Alex turns but Ryan quickly swing the axe backwards and hits him over the head with the blunt side. Alex falls to the ground his head is bleeding. He puts his hands on his head feeling a bit dizzy from the blow. Cathy gets up and screams as she looks at Alex. CATHY Alex! Alex get up! Please Get up! Ryan’s dark eyes come into contact with Cathy’s. She looks at him furiously and screams. CATHY (CONT.D) You fucking bastard! Ryan raises his axe to bring it down on Cathy but Alex grabs Ryan’s Axe stopping him from bring it down on Cathy. Cathy quickly rolls out of the way and grabs the boline knife. 84.

Ryan manages to wrestle the Axe away from Alex’s grip and is about to bring it down on Alex. Cathy screams out and jumps in front of the axe and it lodges deep into her back. Ryan takes the axe from Cathy’s back and she falls to the ground. Alex’s life shatters before his eyes. His eyes fill with warm salty water as Cathy lies on the ground motionless. Ryan lunges forward and Alex grabs the axe. Alex swings Ryan forward and kicks him in the middle of the chest. This Causes Ryan still clutching to the axe to fall backwards and fall into the Shieldhill Burn. The water is shallow and Ryan’s head smacks against the rocks hard knocking him out. The flow of water rises above Ryan’s nose and mouth drowning him. Alex falls to his knees next to Cathy’s dead body. He picks her up and turns her over and being to cry. CUT TO:

EXT. COVEN SPOT - DAWN Alex is carrying Cathy’s dead back to the Coven Spot. He gets to the centre and places her down. Laura’s body is beside her. Alex stands back up and tear flows from his eye. ALEX It’s done. The Five Cloaked Men are standing in the shape of a pentagram around Alex. CLOAKED MAN #1 You did very well Alex... Very well. Alex looks down at Cathy’s pale motionless body. Her eyes are closed. He tries to force a smile but cant. FADE TO BLACK: Ending Three - Cathy falls to the ground hard with a scream. Ryan grabs his axe, blood shot eyes, and in a fury swings it towards Cathy. She rolls dodging the, what would be fatal blow. 85.

Cathy looks up and spots the blood covered boline, recently pulled out of Ryan’s Arm. She crawls over to get it but Ryan grabs her hair and pulls her up. Cathy squirms and screams as Ryan raises his axe. Cathy quickly kicks Ryan in the groin then kicks his leg causing him to fall backwards. Cathy looks to go for the boline again but its gone. Cathy scrunches her face in confusion before again rolling out the way of Ryan’s Axe. Cathy crawls backwards away from Ryan who is advancing towards her slowly with the axe in hand. Cathy hits a tree there is no further back she can go. CATHY Ryan... Please... Don’t do this! Ryan raises his axe to finish Cathy off when Alex pushes the Boline deep into his back. Ryan tightens his grip on the axe before slowly letting it drop to the ground and his body shortly follows. Alex drops the Boline. CATHY (cont’d) Alex... He’s went insane... Cathy hops over Ryan and hugs Alex, squeezing him tighly. CATHY (cont’d) I love you... ALEX I love you too so much... CATHY What about Laura...? ALEX I’m sorry... I think she’s... Cathy holds onto an inner strength to stop herself from crying. CATHY We... better... Cathy and Alex can’t look each other in the eye. ALEX Yeah... Lets... 86.

As this is said Ryan begins to rise again he raises his axe and Alex pushes Cathy out the way too safety Alex turns around and grabs Ryan’s axe before he gets a chance to bring it done on Alex. The two boys wrestle, trying to get control of the Axe. Cathy looks up and screams CATHY Alex! Cathy looks and spots the boline. She scurries towards it grabbing it in both her palms and brings it down into the calf of Ryan. Ryan moans in agony bringing on hand of the axe to back hand Cathy in the face. This gives Alex the advantage as he swings Ryan around and kicks him in the middle of the chest. This Causes Ryan still clutching to the axe to fall backwards and fall into the Shieldhill Burn. The water is shallow and Ryan’s head smacks against the rocks hard. Cathy jumps up and grabs the side of Alex as the watch as the flow of water rises above Ryan’s nose and mouth drowning him. Alex turns to Cathy. ALEX You were right... I’m sorry for not doing this sooner. CATHY Its not your fault Alex... You just wanted what’s best for your coven. ALEX Well now my Coven is dead... CATHY It’s not your fault! It’s theirs... now let’s go finish this. CUT TO: 87.

EXT. COVEN SPOT - NIGHT Cathy and Alex come back to the Coven Spot where Laura’s body is gone. Cathy has a bunch of wild flowers and leaves in her hand. Cathy looks like she’s been beat. CATHY I cannot believe tonight... this week even... Its just so.. ALEX I know but we need to get through this... for us... for everything... CATHY Alex... I love you... ALEX I know Cathy... I love you too... CATHY But I really love you Alex... you’re the only person I truly love... or truly trust. Alex gets up and hugs Cathy. ALEX I love you so much and I’ll show you how much I love you after we get this finished. Both Cathy and Alex smile. CATHY So what do we do? ALEX Right... Alex takes Cathy to the centre of the Coven Spot and sits her opposite him. ALEX (CONT.D) Light the black candles. Cathy goes to light the black candles takes the sage and yarrow and creates two circles around the bowl. Cathy finishes lighting the candles. CATHY Are you sure this will work? 88.

ALEX It better... Now put a spoon full of salt in the bowl. Cathy puts a spoonful of the salt in the bowl and Alex puts in the pumpkin seeds. CATHY Right... what next? ALEX Take this feather in your right hand. Alex hands Cathy the feather and Cathy takes the feather. CATHY Okay. Cathy begins to twirl the feather in her fingers and Alex picks up the bottle of red wine and takes out the cork. He is about to pour the wine into the bowl when both of them look up. The Five Cloaked Men carrying flaming torches are surrounding them in the shape of a pentagram. Cathy’s lip begins to quiver as Alex looks her steadily in her mind. FIVE MEN (unison) What are you doing? ALEX We are putting an end to you, to the power we put in you. The men laugh. CLOAKED MAN #1 1 And you think it will be that easy. FIVE MEN (unison) The Sacrifice was too Strong. CLOAKED MAN #1 1 The curse of blood will never be broken. 89.

CATHY Let’s see. Alex Stands up. CATHY (CONT.D) Alex... What are you doing...? ALEX I’m sorry... CLOAKED MAN #1 Alex... The CLOAKED MAN #1 throws a large knife to the ground and Alex goes down and grabs the knife. CATHY What... Alex what are you doing... CLOAKED MAN #1 Finish the sacrifice... Cathy looks around her she looks into the distance and sees the familiar figure of her mother and Rose, who is no longer covered in blood in the background. Cathy’s eyes swell up with tears. CATHY (softly) Mum. Alex raises the dagger up to Cathy and she looks at him in the eye. CATHY(CONT.D) You said you loved me... I loved you... Alex looks away he is beginning to break down. ALEX I love you too... Alex looks towards the Cloaked Men. CLOAKED MAN 1 You not got it in you son. This is what you want... you always wanted... that’s why you created the coven... that’s why you tricked her into loving you. 90.

ALEX I love her... CLOAKED MAN #1 You love us. You took the oath... you know the consequences now kill her. CLOAKED MEN (unison) Make the sacrifice of blood. Cathy looks up at Alex. CATHY Alex... Please... Alex don’t... I loved you! ALEX I’m Sorry. Alex closes his eyes tightly, raises the dagger up but in a loose grip as if to drop it, and then closes his eyes. CUT TO BLACK: END 90