Afghanistan Baader-Meinhof Gang, 63 bombing of American base at Khost, 145, Baer, Robert B. 148–49, 151–53, 180–83 departure from CIA, 143 CIA use of platter charges, 64 determination to kill Hajj Radwan, 1–3, fight against Russian occupation, 64, 121, 7–9, 39–40, 290 141 FBI investigation of, ix–x, 135–36 Haqqani network, 167 marriage, 101–2 independence from Britain, 148 mother, 84–85, 87–88, 102–3, 104, Pashtuns, 145–47, 150, 154 136–37, 217, 281–83 Taliban, 146, 148, 154 police encounter in Switzerland, 189–90 tribalism and borders, 148 posting in Iraq, 126–27 U.S. drone strikes in, 163–64 thirty-fifth birthday, 251–53 U.S. intelligence gathering in, 160 threats to, 252, 259, 275–76, 284, 293–95, Algeria, 111, 114, 127–28 299–301 al-Qaeda. See also bin Laden, Osama trip to Lebanon and posting in Beirut, CIA mole in, 149–53 14–18, 21–23 followers, 121–23, 270 on writing of The Perfect Kill, 19–20 as jihadist concept, 182 Barak, Ehud, 53–54, 280–81 random violence, 121–23 Barschel, Uwe, 186–88, 191 refinement of tactics, 166, 173 Basque separatists, 247–51 U.S. drone attacks on, 161–62, 164 Behram, Noor, 164–65 Zawahiri, Ayman al-,150, 164, 182, 184 Beirut, Lebanon ambition, personal, and role in American embassy bombings, 4, 23–25, assassination, 173–74 34, 80, 213–14 Amir, Yigal, 50 Christian section, 27–28 anonymity. See invisibility and anonymity contacts and leads on Hajj Radwan, Arab Spring, xvi, 230, 233, 239 75–77, 253–59 Arafat, Yasser, 111, 253–54, 257, 275 Green Line, 28, 49, 72–75 Argentina, 206, 268, 272 Hariri’s murder, 25, 224, 226–27 Assad, Bashar al-, 225 Muslim section, 33 assassination, principles of, xix St-Georges hotel, 16–17, 25 assault rifles, 60 U.S. Marine barracks bombing, xi, 4, 15, automated intelligence gathering, 160–62, 34, 70–72, 123, 163 165–68 Bekaa Valley, Lebanon Ayn al-Hilweh Palestinian camp, 29–31 assassination of Palestinian militant in, Aziz, Tariq, 177 61–62

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Bekaa Valley, Lebanon (cont.) computer intelligence gathering, 160–62, martyrdom of Hezbollah secretary- 165–68 general, 204–5 confession USS New Jersey attacks on, 54–55 disadvantage of, 199–200, 213–14 belly charges, 272 Prisoner’s Dilemma, 204 Bhutto, Benazir, 155, 239 cooperation, 204–6 bin Laden, Osama. See also al-Qaeda Corday, Charlotte, 44–46 “arrest” order for, 7 Corsican mob, 114–18 killing of, 60, 310 Curcio, Renato, 100 U.S. hunt for, 57, 80, 142, 149–50, 163–64 bin Zeid, Sharif Ali, 180–83 Damascus, Syria boasting, 170–71, 173–74, 184–85 border crossing, 215–19 Bodenheimer, Michael, 195 Four Seasons hotel, 219–20 Bradlee, Ben, 282 Hajj Radwan’s murder in, 222–24 Brennan, John, 161, 185 Iranian embassy and attempt on Britain. See Great Britain ambassador, 176–77 Bseiso, Atef, 111–13, 118–19, 123 data analytics, 159, 160–62, 165–68 Buckley, Bill, 47–48, 274 deception, 184, 198–200, 228, 262 Buenos Aires, 206, 268, 272 de Gaulle, Charles, 207 Bulger, Whitey, 99, 199 Dlimi, Ahmed, 92–94, 184 double taps, 60 Cagol, Margherita, 100 drone assassinations Cali cartel, 120 automated intelligence gathering and Canadian Mafia, 242–46 analysis for, 159, 160–62, 165–68 Carlos the Jackal, 174 capabilities of drones, 157–59, 161 Carrero Blanco, Luis, 247–51 CIA shift in focus toward, 144 Casey, William, 72, 306–8 errors and strikes on innocent civilians, celebrity assassinations, xvi 144, 163–65, 167–68, 185 ceremony and show, 170–71, 173–74, euphemism for, 7 184–85 first successful assassination, 164 Chalabi, Ahmed, 132–33, 134–35 impersonal nature of, 144–45, 162–63, 169 Churchill, Winston, 198 as instrument of statecraft, xvii CIA. See also drone assassinations kill lists, 145, 161, 167 Counterterrorism Center, 144 lack of congressional or judicial Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion, 141 oversight, 143 cultural shift away from field operatives, Dubai, 194–96 141–43, 144 first use of platter charges, 64 early strikes, 234, 240, 245, 296, 302, 303–4 misdirection as standard practice, 262 EFPs (explosively formed penetrators), nervousness and ignorance of political 63–64 violence, 264–69 ego, suppression of. See invisibility and political correctness, 142–43 anonymity publicity about assassinations, 184–85 egoism. See ceremony and show reliance on exiles, 126, 128, 132 Ehrlichman, John, 281–83 shortage of proxies, 270 Equatorial Guinea, 170 training in ambush techniques, 58–59, ETA (Basque separatists), 247–51 60–61 Executive Order 12333 ban on turn-over meetings, 109 assassination, 6, 126, 143 Clarridge, Duane, 7 Colombian drug cartels, 120 Fadlallah, Muhammad Husayn, xiii, 71–72, community survival, 13–14, 25, 154 80, 82, 306–8

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failure, opportunity in, 213–14, 277 Habib, Philip, 24–25, 38, 40, 156 Fatah habits and routines, 64–65, 96, 247–51, Hajj Radwan’s recruitment into, 265 282–83 Lebanese president-elect’s assassination, Haig, Alexander, 63 253–54 Hajj Radwan Red Prince (security chief), 86, 89, 106 American embassy bombings in Beirut, FBI 4, 25, 34, 80, 156, 213–14 investigation of Baer, ix–x, 135–36 anonymity and unpredictability, 34–36, Pan Am 103 bombing investigation, 11, 56, 65–66, 176, 190–91 206, 269, 273 background and start of career as Flanagan, Peter, 95–99, 104 militant, 7, 36–38, 89, 254, 265 France Baer’s strategy and setup for arms-for-hostage deal with Iran, 116–17 assassination of, 46–49, 284–90, arms supply to Iraq, 123 298, 301 contacts and leads on Hajj Radwan, bomb technology, 4, 214, 237, 271–72, 85–90, 109–19 281 Corsican mob, 114–18 brother-in-law, 35, 91, 179, 208, 252, 304 Hajj Radwan’s campaign against, 34 Buckley kidnapping, 47–48, 274 Henri IV’s assassination, 276–77 death, 222–24 Marat’s murder by Corday, 43–45 evasion of CIA, 35–36 French arms-for-hostage deal with Iran, Gaddafi, Muammar, 62, 283, 310 117 game theory, 204 game theory, 204, 206 Germany German networks, 64, 272–73 Allied bombardment of, 120–21 Habib attempt, 40, 156 Barschel’s assassination, 186–88 Hariri’s murder, xvi–xvii, 155, 175, Haig attempt, 63 207–8, 227–31 Hajj Radwan’s networks in, 64, 272–73 heroin business, 36, 242 Herrhausen’s assassination, 63, 64–65 independence, 101, 177–78 Hitler, 50, 51, 309 Islamic Jihad Organization, 56, 71, 213, Munich Olympics massacre, 53, 86, 303, 304 111 Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, 283 Red Army Faction, 63–64, 86 knowledge of enemy, 162 Gerstein, Erez, 279–80 Lebanese president’s assassination, 175, Gilboa Snake assault rifle, 60 237, 309 Great Britain moral certainty, 79–80, 101 bombardment of Nazi Germany, Pan Am 103 bombing and, 10, 31, 273 120–21 personal attention to detail, 65 inability to subdue Pashtuns, 147–48, power motive, 8, 40 302–3 proportionate and discriminate violence, investigation into assassination of 5–6, 123–24 Russian intelligence officer, 240 recruits, 91–92, 137, 260–61 IRA attempt on Thatcher, 201–3, 209–12 redundancy in attacks, 272, 275 mandate and Zionist attacks, relaxation of standards, 178–80, 222–23, 52–53 232–33 Palestinian attempt on ambassador in reputation, 80 Beirut, 213 Russian diplomat kidnapping, 177, 259 Special Branch, 95, 104 simplicity and economy of operations, White Russian exiles, 128 55–57 grievance and revenge, 1, 14, 40, 107, 171 as tactician, 4–5, 25, 55–56, 213–14, 272, Groves, Trudy, 201 308–9

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Hajj Radwan (cont.) status and power in Lebanon, xvi, 227, TWA 847 hijacking, 4, 258 238 value in death of, 302, 303–4 Hitler, Adolf, 50, 51, 309 worldwide cells, 272 Hussein, Saddam Haqqani network, 167 Baer’s hunt for and Tikrit plan against, Hariri, Rafic ix–x, 128–38 assassination of, xii, 207–8, 224, 226–27, invasion of Iran, 177 228 knowledge of Iraq and Iraqis, 138 attacks on family of, 155 pointless murder of, 310 calculations and skill in murder of, U.S. attempts on, 57, 62, 80 xvi–xvii, 162, 175, 199, 208, 228 U.S. interest in eliminating, 113, 125, 126 Lebanese conspiracy theory on murder Hutu tribe, 66–68 of, 78–79 power and influence in Lebanon, 155, innocent victims 224–25, 238 caution for, 50, 51, 52, 120, 173 threat to Hezbollah, xvi, 25, 124, 155, drone strikes on, 144, 163–65, 167–68, 227, 229, 238 185 tribal loyalty and leadership, 225–26 murder of, as show of power, 120–21 Hariri Tribunal intelligence gathering, automated, 160–62, Baer’s involvement in, xi–xiv, 215–20 165–68 indictments, xii, 78 invisibility and anonymity informant in, 220–22 basic rules of conduct, 191–94, 200 lack of cooperation with, 155, 180, 221, concealment of strength and intentions, 231 26, 186 Lebanese investigation, 206, 229–30 living one’s cover, 176, 195 murders intended to derail, 206, 231–32 suppression of ego, 163, 174 Hassan II, King of Morocco, 92–94, 184 as survival strategy, 28, 49, 56 Henri IV, King of France, 276–77 IRA (Irish Republican Army), 95–99, 101, Herrhausen, Alfred, 63, 64–65 203, 209–12 Hezbollah. See also Hajj Radwan Iran anonymity of military leaders, 33, 35, 56, American arrest of Iranian intelligence 205 officers in Iraq, 5 assassination in Israeli security strip in attempt on Iraqi foreign minister, 177 Lebanon, 280–81 Chain Murders of dissident intellectuals, Hariri’s murder, xii–xiii, 162, 223 239 Hariri’s threat to, xvi, 25, 124, 155, 227, embassy in Damascus and attempt on 229, 238 ambassador, 176–77 Lebanese president’s murder, 175 French arms-for-hostage deal, 116–17 martyrdom of leaders, xiv, 204–5, 223 Hajj Radwan’s relations with, 7, 177–79 murder of third in line of command, Pan Am 103 bombing, 200, 206, 269 303 release of Western hostages, 178 Nasrallah, xi–xiii, 162, 205, 232–33 rivalry with Lebanon’s ayatollah, 71–72 origins, 33, 176 Iran-Contra affair, 117, 267 platter charge technology, 64 Iraq. See also Hussein, Saddam power structure, 205 attempt on Iranian ambassador, 176–77 recruit selection, 90–91 Baer’s posting in, 125–27 refugee camp base, 29 CIA reliance on exiles from, 126, 132 secretary-general’s assassination by French supply of arms to, 123 Israel, 204–6, 268 impediments to American operations in, silence concerning Hajj Radwan’s 137–38 murder, 223 Kurds, 125–26, 129, 137, 138

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murder of Americans in Karbala, 5, 137 knowledge of enemy, 154, 162, 302–3, suffering after Hussein’s demise, 138–39 309–10 xenophobia, 137 Irish Republican Army (IRA), 95–99, 101, Lao assassins, 13–14, 154, 184 203, 209–12 Lebanon. See also Beirut, Lebanon Islamic Jihad Organization, 56, 71, 213, attempt on Lebanon’s ayatollah, xiii, 303, 304 71–72, 80, 82, 306–8 Israel Ayn al-Hilweh Palestinian camp, Caesarea ultrasecret Mossad unit, 196 29–31 Dubai assassination operation, 194–96 civil war death toll, 234 Fatah’s Red Prince’s assassination, 86, 106 Fatah, 85–86, 89, 254 Gilboa Snake assault rifle, 60 Hariri’s power in, 155, 224–26, 238 Hamas bomb maker’s assassination, Hezbollah’s power in, xvi, 227, 238 107–9 historical invaders of, 26–27 Hezbollah’s secretary-general’s incomprehensibility of, 302 assassination, 204–6, 268 investigation into Hariri’s murder, invasion of Lebanon, 15, 27, 260–61 229–30 knowledge of enemy, 309 Israeli assassinations of in, Lebanon security strip, 278–80 53–54, 61–62 Lehi model of assassination, 53–54 Israeli-held security strip, 278–81 miscalculations and botched operations, Israeli invasion of, 15, 27, 260–61 111, 196–98 Israeli withdrawal from, xiv, 29, 280–81, misunderstanding of Hezbollah’s power 283 structure, 205 Khomeini’s revolution in, 176 multiple and systematic assassinations, martyrdom of Hezbollah leaders, xviii, 275–76 204–5 Munich Olympics massacre, 53, 86, 111 peace treaty talks with Israel, 24–25 Palestinian refugee camp assassination president-elect’s assassination, 18–19, operation, 197–98 175, 253–54 peace treaty talks with Lebanon, 24–25 president’s election and assassination, precision and efficiency in murder, 109, 175, 234–37, 309 121, 123 Red Prince, 86, 89, 106 Rabin’s assassination, xvi, 50 restraint in celebration of violence, suppression of Palestinian uprising, 50 174–75 targeted killings of Palestinians, 197–98 reverse redundancy defense strategy, 64 withdrawal from Lebanon, xiv, 29, summary of recent history, 15 280–81, 283 tribalism and continuous negotiation of Italian Red Brigades, 100 power, 19, 174, 309 USS New Jersey attacks on, 54–55 Lehi Zionist organization, 51–54 al-Qaeda mole, 149–53 lies and misdirection, 184, 198–200, 228, bombing of Amman hotels, 182 262 corrupt intelligence chief, 183 Litvinenko, Alexander, 240 Mossad attempt on Hamas leader in, 197 peaceable nature of Jordanians, 182–83 Mafia, 241–46 Magee, Patrick, 203, 209–10, 260 Kawkaba, Lebanon, 278–80 Marat, Jean-Paul, 44–46 Khmer Rouge, 120, 123 Marchiani, Jean-Charles, 116–18 Khost, Afghanistan, 145, 148–49, 151–53, Marine barracks bombing in Beirut 180–83 Hajj Radwan’s connection to, 34 kill lists, 145, 161, 167 impact on American policy, 4, 15

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Marine barracks bombing in Beirut (cont.) bombing of American base at Khost, loss of life, xi, 4 Afghanistan, 149–53 proportionate violence in, 123 bomb technology, 64, 271–72 revenge for, 70–72 Israeli Lehi-style assassinations of, use of suicide bombers, 163 53–54 mass killings, 8, 28, 62, 67, 120–24, 124, 172 Israeli suppression of Palestinian Matthews, Jennifer, 140–41, 145, 149, resistance, 50, 275 151–53 Israeli targeted killings of, 197–98 Medellín cartel, 120 Lebanese president-elect’s assassination, misdirection, 184, 198–200, 228, 262 253–54 Mitnick, Kevin, 167–68 political naiveté and mindless violence, moral certainty, 79–82, 100–101 123 moral hazard of political murder, 145, 159 Red Prince, 86, 89, 106 Muhammad, Khalid Sheikh, 122–23 refugee camps, 29–31, 33, 197–98 Munich Olympics massacre, 53, 86, 111 willingness to betray confederates, 112–13 Nasrallah, Hassan, xi–xiv, 162, 205, 232–33 Pan Am 103 bombing National Security Agency (NSA), 159, as attempt on American ambassador to 160–61 Lebanon, 10–11 Navy SEALs CIA operatives killed in, 1 automated intelligence gathering, 305 FBI investigation of, 11, 206, 269, 273 bin Laden’s assassination, 6–7, 60 Hajj Radwan’s possible involvement in, training for quicker reaction time, 82, 10, 31, 273 306 implication of Iran in, 200, 206, 269 vetting of recruits, 105 Pashtuns, 145–47, 150, 154, 185 New York Times, 185 Pentagon, targeted killings by, 143, 154, 163 Norney, Paul, 96–99 Philby, Kim, 17 North, Oliver, 7–8 platter charges, 63–64 NSA (National Security Agency), 159, PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), 160–61 111–12 Prisoner’s Dilemma, 204 obscurity. See invisibility and anonymity proportionate violence, 5–6, 172–73 O’Callaghan, Sean, 95–101, 104 proxies opportunity in failure, 213–14, 277 exiles, 126, 128, 132 Ostrovsky, Victor, 188 “lily-whites,” 196, 260, 261 selection and testing of, 90–92, 105–6, Pakistan 133–34 Bhutto family assassinations, 155, 239 U.S. failure with, 82, 126, 128, 270 British and American ignorance of enemy in, 302–3 Qaeda, al-. See al-Qaeda fight against Russians in Afghanistan, 141 Pashtuns, 145–47, 150, 154, 185 Rabin, Yitzhak, xvi, 50 U.S. drone strikes in, 144, 164–65, 185 RAF (German Red Army Faction), 63–65 U.S. intelligence gathering in, 160 random and widespread violence, 8, 28, 62, Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 67, 120–24, 124, 172 111–12 Reagan, Ronald, 6, 15, 24, 54–55, 266, 267 Palestine mandate, 52–53 Red Brigades, Italian, 100 Palestinians Red Prince (Fatah security chief), 86, 89, armed refugees in Lebanon, 19 106 attempt on Israeli ambassador to redundancy in attacks, 59–60, 64 London, 15 Rizzuto, Leo, 243–45

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Rizzuto, Vito, 242–46 attack on specific individual, 25, 28, 38, Rwanda, 66–68 121, 124, 154, 173 proportionate violence, 5–6, 172–73 Sadat, Anwar al-, 18–19 versus random and widespread violence, Saddam Hussein. See Hussein, Saddam 28, 62, 67, 120–24, 124, 172 Shamir, Yitzhak, 53 sparing of innocent civilians, 50, 51, 52, shaped charges 120, 173 Hajj Radwan’s adoption of, 214, 237, 272, victim’s deserving of murder, 11, 95–96, 281 121, 212, 229 in Lebanese president’s assassination, Thatcher, Margaret, 202–3, 209–12 236 Thompson, Hunter S., xx platter charges, 63–64 timing of strike, 234, 240, 245, 296, 302, Shiite tribal solidarity, 37–38 303–4 Shimomura, Tsutomu, 167–68 Triple Agent, The (Warrick), 181 Shining Path, 123 Tutsi tribe, 66–68 simplicity and economy in attack, 50–51, TWA 847 hijacking, 4, 258 52, 54, 55–57, 172 Stauffenberg, Claus von, 50, 51, 309 United States. See also CIA; drone Stern Gang, 51–54 assassinations Sun Tzu, 139 ambassadors’ roles, 156 survival of community, 13–14, 25, 154 euphemisms for “assassination,” 6–7, SWAT teams, 60 62 Switzerland, 186–90 Executive Order 12333 ban on Syria assassination, 6, 126, 143 Assad presidency, 225 failure with proxies, 82, 126, 128, 270 border crossing into, 215–19 misunderstanding of enemy and political decline as police state, 219, 223 murder, 305, 310 in election and death of Lebanese president, 234–35, 237 Veil (Woodward), 72, 306 Hajj Radwan’s murder in, 222–24 Hajj Radwan’s operations in, 179, 229, Walters, Vernon, 93 254 Warrick, Joby, 181 Hariri as threat to, 227, 237 Washington Post, 144, 165 Iranian embassy and attempt on Westermeyer, Joseph, 12–14 ambassador in, 176–77 Woodward, Bob, 72, 306 withdrawal from Lebanon, 229, 230 Syrian Social Nationalist Party, 19, 254 Yousef, Ramzi, 122–23

Taliban, 146, 148, 154 Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 158 targeted killings. See also drone Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 150, 164, 182, 184 assassinations Zionists, 51–54

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