On the recommendation of the Special Committee on the awarding of the Elliott Cresson Medal in recognition of leading and directive work in science and the arts, nine awards were made. On the recommendation of the Sub-committee on Literature, five Edward Longstreth Medals and one Howard N. Potts Medal for papers published in the JOURNAL were awarded. A detailed list of the above awards is appended hereto. No amendments to the Regulations of the Committee were considered. The Chairman desires to express his sincere appreciation of the active and efficient co-operation of his fellow-members of the committee. Respectfully submitted, WILFRED LEWIS, PHILADELPHIA, January 8, I913. Chairman.

APPENDIX. Details o/ Awards.

THE ELLIOTT CRESSON MEDAL. Johann Friedrich Adolph Von Baeyer, Ph.D., F.M.R.S., of Munich, Germany, in recognition of the many important results of his extended researches in organic chemistry and of his discovery of synthetic processes of great industrial value. , Sc.D., Ph.D., LL.D., of Washington, D. C., in recognition of the value of his solution of the problem of the electrical transmission of articulate speech. Sir , D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., O.M., of London, Eng., in recognition of his important discoveries in inorganic and analytical chemistry and of his pioneer work on the discharge of electricity through gases. Gray National Company, of New York, N. Y., for their Telautograph. Albert A. Michelson, Sc.D., Ph.D., LL.D., of Chicago, Ill., in recognition of his original and fruitful investigations in the field of physical optics. Edward Williams Morley, Sc.D., Ph.D., LL.D., of West Hartford, Conn., in recognition of his important contributions to chemical science, and particularly of his accurate determinations of fundamental magnitudes. Alfred Noble, C.E., LL.D., of New York, in recognition of his dis- tinguished achievement in the field of civil engineering. Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe, Ph.D.,..LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., of London, England, in recognition of his extended and important researches in the domains of inorganic, physical, and industrial chemistry. Major George Owen Squier, Ph.D., of Washington, D. C., for his inventions in Multiplex Telephony. Samuel Wesley Stratton, D.Eng., Sc.D., of Washington, D. C., in reco~,nition of his distinguished and directive work in physical science and metrology, and its application in the arts and industries. Elihn Thomson, Sc.D., Ph.D., of Swampscott, Mass., in recognition of COMMITTEE ON ~CIENCE AND THE /~RTS. 187 his leading and distinguished work in the industrial applications of electricity. Walter V. Turner, of Wilmerding, Pa., for his Air Brake Inventions and Developments.

THE HOWARD N. POTTS MEDAL. T. Lyttleton Lyon, Ph.D., and James A. Bizzell, Ph.D., for their paper on " The Relation of Certain Non-Leguminous Plants to the Nitrate Con- tent of Soils" in the JOURNAL.

THE EDWARD LONGSTRETH MEDAL. Professor Charles Baskerville, Ph.D., for his paper on " The Chemistry of Anaesthetics" in the JOURNAL. Edwin M. Chance, for his paper on " The Examination and Physio-- logical Action of Pathogenic Mine Atmospheres, with Considerations Governing the Use of Breathing Apparatus," in the JOURNAL. Julian H. Granbery, for his Stadia Rod. John Prue Karns, for his Tunnelling Machine. Professor Edwin F. Northrup, Ph.D., for his paper on " An Experi- mental Study of Vortex Motions in Liquids" in the JOURNAL. Oswald Schreiner, Ph.D., and Elbert C. Lathrop, A.B., for their paper on " The Distribution of Organic Constituents in Soils" in the JOURNAL. Professor Carl C. Thomas, M.E., for his paper on " The Measurement of Gases" in the JOURNAL.

THE JOHN SCOTT LEGACY MEDAL AND PREMIUM. Awarded by the City of Philadelphia on the recommendation o/ The . Sherard Cowper-Coles, of London, England, for his Process of De- positing Metals on Metallic Surfaces and the Product Thereof. Louis W. Downes, of Providence, R. I., for his Process of and Ma- chinery for Insulating Wire with Asbestos.

COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. (Abstract o[ Proceedings of the Stated Meeting held Wednesday., January 8, I9r3,) HALL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA, January 8, I913. MR. GEO. R. HENDERSON in the Chair. The following was accepted for examination: No. 2523.--Ellis Adding Typewriter. R. B. OWENS, Secretary.