Sightings 2016 Welcome to the Hertfordshire & Middlesex Branch sightings page for butterfly and moth news from around the area Latest news, notices and reports page Mobile phone sightings page Join us on Facebook Branch first sightings page for 2016! Archive Index Photo House Index page Email:
[email protected] and pass on your news When sending in news from a site for the first time, a grid reference or post code would be appreciated. We endeavour to enter all records on the branch data base if sufficient location detail is given. Photos will only be posted in exceptional circumstances, please either use the branch facebook page or provide an online link (please check your links are correct before sending) - thank you If you are using the i-Record app to submit butterfly records please tell me when submitting news - thanks If you do not see your news listed or have had an email bounce back - please resend using
[email protected] December 2016 Thursday 22nd December 2016 Saw a red admiral in Bencroft Wood on 22nd December - Steve Kiln Tuesday 19th December 2016 One red admiral spotted today Dec 19th on the upper section of the Amwell Loop just downstream of tumbling bay weir NGR TL 36419 14162 - Phil Belfield Wednesday 14th December 2016 One Red Admiral seen at Westway Shopping, Greenford - Shailesh Patel A male Brimstone stood out like a beacon on some dead vegetation in the sunshine on the northern edge of Burleigh Meadow at around 1:30 pm. As I was about to take a photo it flew off but returned to the same area within a few minutes.