Spamming Botnets: Signatures and Characteristics
Spamming Botnets: Signatures and Characteristics Yinglian Xie, Fang Yu, Kannan Achan, Rina Panigrahy, Geoff Hulten+,IvanOsipkov+ Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley +Microsoft Corporation {yxie,fangyu,kachan,rina,ghulten,ivano} ABSTRACT botnet infection and their associated control process [4, 17, 6], little In this paper, we focus on characterizing spamming botnets by effort has been devoted to understanding the aggregate behaviors of leveraging both spam payload and spam server traffic properties. botnets from the perspective of large email servers that are popular Towards this goal, we developed a spam signature generation frame- targets of botnet spam attacks. work called AutoRE to detect botnet-based spam emails and botnet An important goal of this paper is to perform a large scale analy- membership. AutoRE does not require pre-classified training data sis of spamming botnet characteristics and identify trends that can or white lists. Moreover, it outputs high quality regular expression benefit future botnet detection and defense mechanisms. In our signatures that can detect botnet spam with a low false positive rate. analysis, we make use of an email dataset collected from a large Using a three-month sample of emails from Hotmail, AutoRE suc- email service provider, namely, MSN Hotmail. Our study not only cessfully identified 7,721 botnet-based spam campaigns together detects botnet membership across the Internet, but also tracks the with 340,050 unique botnet host IP addresses. sending behavior and the associated email content patterns that are Our in-depth analysis of the identified botnets revealed several directly observable from an email service provider. Information interesting findings regarding the degree of email obfuscation, prop- pertaining to botnet membership can be used to prevent future ne- erties of botnet IP addresses, sending patterns, and their correlation farious activities such as phishing and DDoS attacks.
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