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(..:OLLEGE LIAVERFORD, f'A. HAVERFORD NEWS VOLUME 27—NUMBER 17 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1936 $2.00 A YEAR Dr. W. W. Cadbury Girls Will Squire Francis Kane, Bok Former Coach Founders Club To Will Give Library Swarthmore Men Award Winner. To It's leap year week at Swarth- Hold Dinner Here more College, and all precedent Lecture Tomorrow is being swept aside as the co- Address Liberals eds take charge. The male stu- On 12th Of March dents have yielded their accus- Doctor Fr. China To tomed rights and are now being Former U. S. Attorney Talk On 'Adventures led around by the ladies. The Annual Banquet Will Be leas fortunate are resigning Was Nominee For Held In Alumni For A New Age' themselves to the fate of the "wall-flower." No longer will Mayor In 1903 Room the men make "dates" and "foot Graduated Here In '98 the bills," for these are two of the regulations required of the Talk On The Defender young women by Miss Martha H. J. Harman To Speak "Adventures for a New Age" Dudley, chairman of their com- Francis F. Kane, prominent will be the subject of the Library mittee. Philadelphia lawyer, will speak on Definite announcement has been Lecture by Dr. William W. Cad- They Mind open doors, carry Thursday, March 5, at 7:30, in the made of the annual Founder* Club bury, '98, to be give. in Roberts books, assist their men cone Union, under the auspices of the Nall tomorrow night at 8:15 P. M. Banquet which will be held In the pantons along the slippery Liberal Club. His topic will be Cadbury Is home this year on Alumni Room of Founders Hall on Ur. walks and escort them to re- "The Defender." a furlough from Lingan Univer- freshment shops for an even- Thursday night, March 12, at 7 o'- sity, Canton, China, where for Mr. Kane is the most recent win- ing snack after the library is clock. Harvey J. Harman, popu- ever a quarter of a century he has ner of the Philadelphia Bok Award closed, according to the New been one of the leading physicians. of $10,000 which is given annually lar ex-coach of football here, and York Times. During that time he has been in to "that man or woman living in present head coach at the Univer- The feminine aggressive was Philadelphia, its suburbs or vicin- charge of all the medical work assumed on Saturday night at sity of Pennsylvania, will be the done by the University for the stu- ity who, during the preceding cal- the "co-ed" dance, and on Mon- main speaker of the evening. dents and native neighbors. For endar year, shall have performed day evening the girls were hosts several years be has been or brought to its culmination an With the purpose of the errs- the at fraternity table parties. They physician in charge of the act or contributed a service calcu- sion defined as an "all-sports even- have taken over the five men's HARVEY HARMAN Canton Hospital, which just cele- lated to advance the best and larg- ing" the other seem* apeagerli wilt fraternities temporarily, decid- est intonate of Philadelphia." Whs. will address the brated its centenary as the oldest ing their fraternal affiliation. by also be athletic mentors who have foreign hospital in China. A mem- Among previous winners of the Founder. Club Hammel, There- lot. There will be after-dinner served Haverford. James MePete, ber of Phi Beta Kappa, Dr. Cad- award which was inaugurated in day, March 12. coffee and dancing in Collection 1923 are Leopold Stokowski and former soccer coach, and present bury is the author of many studies Hall thin evening, and bums will of tropical and other diseases. Connie Mack. Dr. Rufus M. Jones coach of the Haverford Cluh soc- bring co-eds and their "dates" The lecture will be open to all is one of the committee charged to Haverford on Friday for the cer team, will address the gather- students and friends of the Col- with awarding the prize. Swarthmore-Haverford basket- Glee Club To Sing ing, as also will Roy E. Randall, A. lege, and it is hoped that a large Was District Attorney number will be able to attend. ball game. W. Haddleton, and James Gentle, A graduate of Princeton and At Home Mardi 28 who was the new soccer coach last Demonstrator at Penn Pennsylvania Law School, Mr. fall. After graduating Dr. Cadbury Kane began practicing law in Phil- umained at College for the en- Chem Conference adelphia. He was Democratic nom- Give Benefit Concert Record Turnout Expected suing two years as a graduate Ito- inee for mayor of Philadelphia in Bemuse a majority of the mem- tient in Biology. Before taking up 1903. In 1913. Woodrow Wilson In Moorestown bers of Founders Club took part in his work in Canton, he studied in Here Next Spring appointed him United States At- Next Week intercollegiate smarts while .t Col- Vienna and served as interne at torney for the Eastern District of lege, many of them making large the Pennsylvania Hospital in Phil- Pennsylvania, and he served until contributions to Haverford on the Following a three week respite adelphia. Later, in the mate city Local Club To Sponsor his resignation in 1920. In 1923, athletic field, it is their interest in after the annual mons' at Buck he was Pathologist to St- Mary's he was tke American reprtsent*- this phase of College activitie Hill Falls, the Glee Club will be- Hospital, and Examining Physic- Discussion, Meeting tive on the Friends' Relief Mission which is being recognized and hon- gin a busy month of perform- ian to the Children's Bureau. At in Vienna. ored at the banquet The Found On April 18 ances with a concert at Moores- the University of Pennsylvania, he Mr. Kane has recently been ac- era Club Banquet hair been steadily town March 7. The ChM% will held the positions of Demonstrator tive in furthering the "defender" growing as an annual function on come March 28 with the Home Con- in Pharmo-Dynamics and Assistant Plans have been nearly complet- movement, the furnishing of law- the campus, being the high poin cert. Demonstrator in Pathology. ed for an intercollegiate chemistry yers to those unable to afford them of the year for that organization In the field of authorship Dr. conference to be held here on Sat- otherwise. It is with this subject Originally scheduled for th is Theodore Whittlesey, Jr„ '28, presi Cadbury's works include a trana- urday, April 18, according to A. that his talk will deal. week-end, the date of the Moores- dent, announces that a record turn Laden of a text book of Compara- W. Stokes, '36, President of the town appearance was changed be- out is expected and that the corn tive General Pathology from the Chemistry Club. cause of the conflict with the mittee in charge is planning for original by Professor Th. Kitt. In Temple. Lafayette, Gettysburg, Swarthmore basketball game and "a lively and entertaining evening.' addition to writing numerous ar- and Delaware, both men's and Prof. Snyder Outlines dance. The concert will be given On the same night at 6:30 in for the benefit of the library fund ticles on medical research, he was women's colleges, have &heady ac- the Union, R. K. Wolf, '36. secre editor for several yearn of the cepted invitations. Bucknell, Bryn Requirements In Paper of Moorestown. J. S. Puglieae, '36, tart' of the Club, will present an China Medical Journal. Mawr, Drexel, (toucher, Wilson, To Be Given Students in describing the coming program amendment to the Constitution de and Johns Hopkins are also expect- of the Club, said that in former signed to bring membership re ed to be represented. years the musical Organizations of quirements up to date. As a remit of some raisunder the College have built up a large Student. To Speak standing on the part of upperehom- following in Moorestown, with the Debate Team Opposes Tentative plans call for a morn- men concerning Major require result that that concert is one of Tigers On Territorial ing session which would begin at meets, Professor Edward D. Soy the best attended each year. 9:30 and last until 12:30. For this der, chairman of the Faculty Com- COLLEGE CALENDAR Expansion Issue Friday session, there will probably be mittee on Major Conceneration and To Sing at Wilmington some speaker outstanding in the Honors, halt written a paper clari- Through the efforts of Dr. Elliot TIIRteDAV—Meeting of the geon "Resolved that territorial ex chemical profession as well as lour fying the subject. Early in the Field, '97, plans are under way for oni.we et 7 In the News Room: fourth quarter each student will he Jayvee with Penn pension by conquest Ls an inherent student speeches, each of *bout a two concerts to be given in Wil- C. leyvee, away. right of nations today" will be the half-hour's duration. The after- given a copy of it. mington next month. W. E. Shep- WED:MBAS — Varsity wrestl- subject of a debate with Princeton noon session would extend from The paper concerns "20b" pard, II, '38, manager of the Glee ing with Princeton. away; P. at 4:00 P. H. on Friday in the tin. 1:30 to 9:30, and there would prob- courses and Faculty supervision of Club, stated that arrangements for 3I. Whitman wilt address the ion. Haverford will present ably be four more students, speak- them.