
Chapter 2: to Coast Path: to Highcliffe - Natural England’s Proposals

Part 2.1: Introduction

Start Point: Winspit (grid reference: SY 9759 7609) End Point: Peveril Point (grid reference: SZ 0385 7853) Relevant Maps: 2a to 2e

Understanding the proposals and accompanying maps:

The Trail:

2.1.1 Follows the existing walked line of the throughout, including public rights of way, apart from at Durlston Cliff (see map 2e) where the proposed trail is closer to the sea.

2.1.2 Follows the coastline closely and maintains views of the sea along the entire length apart from where the route passes through woodland to the north of Durlston Head Castle (see map 2d) and below Durlston Heights (see map 2e) in .

2.1.3 Passes two disused quarries at Winspit and Seacombe (see map 2a) where the trail heads inland for a short distance.

2.1.4 There are places where the existing walked route of the South West Coast Path over this length differs slightly from the route originally approved by the Secretary of State, as the path has adapted over time to cope with coastal erosion and other processes. We propose to incorporate these changes into the England Coast Path and make additional improvements as described in paragraph 2.1.1. Assuming these proposals are approved, we intend both routes to follow the same line. As explained at part 5a of the Overview, we use a separate variation report to the Secretary of State to change the existing approved route of the national trail line to reflect the approved line of the England Coast Path wherever appropriate.

2.1.5 This part of the coast includes the following sites, designated for nature conservation or heritage preservation (See map C of the Overview):

 St Albans Head to Durlston Head Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals  to Studland Cliffs SAC

 Studland to Portland Marine SAC

 Solent and Coast proposed Special Protection Area (pSPA)

 South Dorset Coast Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (for its geological and wildlife interest)

We have assessed the potential impacts of access along the proposed route (and over the associated spreading room described below) on the features for which the affected land is designated and on any which are protected in their own right.

2.1.6 The levels and patterns of public access along this length of coast would be unlikely to change significantly as a result of our proposals and we have therefore concluded that our proposals would not be likely to have any significant impact on these features. In reaching this conclusion we noted that the British Mountaineering Council operates a voluntary code to avoid climbing in sensitive areas on this section of coast during the bird breeding season.

In relation to those nature conservation sites listed above, refer to our published Access and Sensitive Features Appraisal for more information.

See part 5b of the Overview - ‘Natural environment’ - for more information.


2.1.7 There are few artificial barriers to accessibility on the proposed route, which makes use of existing surfaced paths wherever these meet the criteria in the Coastal Access Scheme.

However, there are places where it may not be entirely suitable for people with reduced mobility because:

 The trail would follow an uneven grass or bare soil path along the cliff top.

 It is necessary to ascend/descend steps or steep sections at LCH-2-S001, LCH-2-S004, LCH- 2-S009, LCH-2-S027, LCH-2-S038 & LCH-2-S044 in order to follow the trail.

2.1.8 It is possible to avoid the steps and steep sections below Durlston Cliff (see map 2e) by following the existing South West Coast Path through the wooded area and along the pavement along Durlston Road (between sections LCH-2-S036 and LCH-2-S044). We will work with Dorset County Council and Swanage Town Council to promote this alternative but it would not form part of the designated trail. Table 2.2.2 explains the reasons for our choice.

See part 5a of the Overview - ‘Recreational issues’ - for more information.

Where we have proposed exercising our discretion:

The discretions referred to below are explained in more detail in part 3 of the Overview.

2.1.9 Landward boundary of the coastal margin: We have used our discretion on some sections of the route to map the landward extent of the coastal margin to an adjacent physical boundary such as a fence

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals line, pavement or track to make the extent of the new access rights clearer. See Table 2.2.1 below.

2.1.10 In some places, we have used our discretion to propose the inclusion of additional, more extensive landward areas within the coastal margin, either to achieve greater clarity and cohesion, or to secure or enhance public enjoyment of this part of the coast. Some of this land is existing access land. The owner of this land is content for us to propose this.

See also part 3 of the Overview - ‘Understanding the proposals and accompanying maps’, for an explanation of the default extent of the coastal margin and how we may use our discretion to adjust the margin, either to add land or to provide clarity. See also Annex C of the Overview - ‘Excepted land categories’.

2.1.11 Restrictions and/or exclusions: Access rights to the spreading room would be subject to the national restrictions on coastal access listed in Annex D of the Overview. These restrictions would not apply to public rights of way.

See part 11 of the Overview - ‘Restrictions and exclusions’ - for details.

Establishment and ongoing management of the trail:

2.1.12 Some physical establishment of the trail would be necessary, in accordance with the general approach described in part 6 the Overview. Most of this length of trail is in good condition. Some minor repairs and upgrades will be carried out to the path surface (including additional and replacement steps & scrub control) and trail furniture (replacement of stiles with pedestrian gates, improved directional signage) prior to opening.

 The position of the existing pedestrian gate at LCH-2-S009 makes it difficult to open when approaching from the east. This will be remedied as part of the establishment works described on part 6 of the Overview.

 There is a step stile at LCH-2-S015 which will be replaced as part of the establishment works described in part 6 of the Overview.

 The current surface of the trail below (section LCH-2-S030) is currently not suitable for those in mobility scooters/wheelchairs. This will be upgraded as part of the establishment works described in part 6 of the Overview.

 New steps will be provided at LCH-2-S009 and LCH-2-S013

 New gates will be provided at LCH-2-S018 and LCH-2-S019

 A new sleeper bridge will be provided at LCH-2-S011

2.1.13 Ongoing management and maintenance would be necessary in accordance with the general approach described in part 7 of the Overview. The overall need for this is likely to be greater than on some other parts of the stretch, recognising that it will be necessary for the route to roll back from time to time in response to coastal processes, as described below.

See parts 6 - ‘Physical establishment of the trail’ and 7 - ‘Maintenance of the trail’ of the Overview for more information.

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals Future Change:

2.1.14 The Durlston Head to Rame Head Shoreline Management Plan (SMP 16) identifies (in the short or medium term to 2055) a policy of ‘no active intervention’ for the stretch of coastline from Winspit to Durlston Head and of ‘managed realignment’ from Durlston Head to Peveril Point.

2.1.15 Part of the route of the trail on this length of coast would be able to change without further approval from the Secretary of State in response to coastal erosion or other geomorphological processes, or encroachment by the sea. This would happen in accordance with the criteria and procedures for ‘roll back’ set out in part 8 of the Overview. See tables 2.2.1 and 2.2.3 below for details of the sections likely to be affected in the foreseeable future.

2.1.16 At the time of preparing the report, we do not foresee any other need for future changes to the access provisions proposed for the length of coast described in this chapter.

See parts 5f - ‘Coastal processes’ and 8 - ‘Future changes’ of the Overview for more information.

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals Part 2.2: Commentary on Maps

See Part 3 of Overview for guidance on reading and understanding the tables below

2.2.1 Section Details – Map(s) 2a to 2e: Winspit to Peveril Point

Notes on table: Column 2 – an asterisk (*) against the route section number means see also table 2.2.2: Other options considered. Column 5 – ‘Yes – normal’ means roll-back approach is likely to follow the current feature (e.g. cliff edge/beach) for the foreseeable future. Column 5 – ‘Yes – see table 2.2.3’ means refer to that table below about our likely approach to roll-back on this part of the route. 1 2 3 4 5 6a 6b 7 Maps Route Current status Current Roll-back Landward Reason for Proposed section of this section surface proposed? boundary of landward exclusions or number(s) of this (See Part 8 of margin boundary restrictions section Overview) (See maps) discretion (see Part 9 of Overview) 2a LCH-2-S001 Public Steps: Yes - Steps Clarity and None footpath stone Normal cohesion LCH-2-S002 Public Stone: Yes - Track Clarity and None footpath aggregate Normal cohesion LCH-2-S003 Public Stone: Yes - Track Clarity and None footpath aggregate Normal cohesion LCH-2-S004 Public Steps: Yes - Steps Clarity and None footpath stone Normal cohesion LCH-2-S005 Public Grass Yes - Landward edge Not used None footpath Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S006 Public Stone: Yes - Fence line Clarity and None footpath bedrock Normal cohesion LCH-2-S007* Public Grass Yes - Landward edge Not used None footpath Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S008* Other existing Stone: Yes - Landward edge Not used None walked route bedrock Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S009* Other existing Steps: Yes - Steps Clarity and None walked route stone Normal cohesion LCH-2-S010* Public Stone: Yes - Landward edge Not used None footpath aggregate Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S011* Other existing Grass Yes - Landward edge Not used None walked route Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S012* Public Bare soil: Yes - Landward edge Not used None footpath compacted Normal of trail (2m) 2b LCH-2-S013 Public Grass Yes - Landward edge Not used None footpath Normal of trail (2m) 2c LCH-2-S014 Other existing Bare soil: Yes - Landward edge Not used None walked route compacted Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S015 Other existing Bare soil: Yes - Landward edge Not used None walked route compacted Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S016 Other existing Bare soil: Yes - Fence line Clarity and None walked route compacted Normal cohesion LCH-2-S017 Other existing Bare soil: Yes - Fence line Clarity and None walked route compacted Normal Cohesion LCH-2-S018 Other existing Bare soil: Yes - Landward edge Not used None walked route compacted Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S019 Public Bare soil: Yes - Landward edge Not used None footpath compacted Normal of trail (2m) 2d LCH-2-S020 Other existing Bare soil: Yes - Landward edge Not used None walked route compacted Normal of trail (2m) LCH-2-S021 Other existing Bare soil: Yes - Fence line Clarity and None walked route compacted Normal cohesion LCH-2-S022 Public Bare soil: Yes - Fence line Clarity and None footpath compacted Normal cohesion

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals 1 2 3 4 5 6a 6b 7 Maps Route Current status Current Roll-back Landward Reason for Proposed section of this section surface proposed? boundary of landward exclusions or number(s) of this (See Part 8 of margin boundary restrictions section Overview) (See maps) discretion (see Part 9 of Overview) 2d LCH-2-S023 Public Bare soil: Yes - Fence line Clarity and None footpath compacted Normal cohesion LCH-2-S024 Public Grass Yes - Fence line Clarity and None footpath Normal cohesion LCH-2-S025 Public Grass Yes - Path Additional None footpath Normal landward area LCH-2-S026 Public Stone: Yes - Wall Additional None footpath bedrock Normal landward area LCH-2-S027 Public Steps: Yes - Path Additional None footpath stone Normal landward area LCH-2-S028 Public Stone: Yes - Oak Posts Additional None footpath bedrock Normal landward area LCH-2-S029 Public Stone: Yes - Oak Posts Additional None footpath aggregate Normal landward area LCH-2-S030 Public Stone: Yes - Path Clarity and None footpath aggregate Normal cohesion LCH-2-S031 Public Stone: Yes - Path Clarity and None footpath aggregate Normal cohesion LCH-2-S032 Public Stone: Yes - Path Clarity and None footpath aggregate Normal cohesion LCH-2-S033 Public Tarmac Yes - Path Clarity and None footpath Normal cohesion LCH-2-S034 Public Stone: Yes - Fence line Clarity and None footpath aggregate Normal cohesion LCH-2-S035 Public Stone: Yes - Wall Clarity and None footpath aggregate Normal cohesion 2e LCH-2-S036 Public Stone: Yes - Path Clarity and None footpath aggregate Normal cohesion LCH-2-S037* Other existing Bare soil: Yes – See Fence line Clarity and None walked route compacted table 2.2.3 cohesion LCH-2-S038* Other existing Steps: Yes – See Steps Clarity and None walked route timber table 2.2.3 cohesion LCH-2-S039* Other existing Bare soil: Yes – See Landward edge Not used None walked route compacted table 2.2.3 of trail (2m) LCH-2-S040* Public Stone: Yes – See Landward edge Not used None footpath bedrock table 2.2.3 of trail (2m) LCH-2-S041* Public Stone: Yes – See Landward edge Not used None footpath bedrock table 2.2.3 of trail (2m) LCH-2-S042* Public Stone: Yes – See Landward edge Not used None footpath bedrock table 2.2.3 of trail (2m) LCH-2-S043* Public Stone: Yes – See Wall Clarity and None footpath aggregate table 2.2.3 cohesion LCH-2-S044* Public Steps: Yes – See Wall Clarity and None footpath concrete table 2.2.3 cohesion LCH-2-S045 Public footway Tarmac No Pavement edge Clarity and None (pavement) cohesion LCH-2-S046 Public Tarmac No Wall Clarity and None footpath cohesion LCH-2-S047 Public Grass Yes - Wall Additional None footpath Normal landward area LCH-2-S048 Public Bare soil: Yes - Fence Additional None footpath compacted Normal landward area LCH-2-S049 Public Grass Yes - Road Additional None footpath Normal landward area LCH-2-S050 Public Steps: Yes - Road Additional None footpath timber Normal landward area

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals 2.2.2 Other options considered: Winspit to Peveril Point

Map(s) Section Option(s) considered Reasons for not proposing this option as the route number(s) 2a LCH-2-S007 to We considered aligning the trail ■ Although nearer the coast, the path descends over the LCH-2-S012 along the existing public footpath steep edge of Seacombe Quarry on unstable ground across the ‘mouth’ of Seacombe We concluded that overall the proposed route struck the Bottom. best balance in terms of the criteria described in chapter 4 No other options were identified of the Coastal Access Scheme for the trail in relation to this map We considered aligning the trail ■ The ‘flat route’ is further from the coast and sea views 2e LCH-2-S037 to along the existing public footpath are limited LCH-2-S044 that runs through the woodland We concluded that overall the proposed route struck the at the northern end of Durlston best balance in terms of the criteria described in chapter 4 Country Park and the roadside of the Coastal Access Scheme pavement along Durlston Road to Durlston Cliff (currently signed The South West Coast Path ‘flat route’ described here as the South West Coast Path ‘flat would not be affected by our proposals and the footpath route’) as shown on the map. and pavement which it follows will remain available for people to use.

2.2.3 Roll-back implementation – more complex situations: Winspit to Peveril Point

Map(s) Section Feature or site How we will manage roll-back in relation to this feature or site number(s) potentially affected 2e LCH-2-S037 to Private houses and If it is no longer possible to find a viable route seaward of the LCH-2-S044 blocks of flats. houses and flats, we will choose a route landward of it, following discussions with relevant interests. In this case it is likely that the path would roll back to Durlston Road and follow the current South West Coast Path ‘flat route’ described in table 2.2.2 above.

In relation to all other sections where roll-back has been proposed, the trail is likely to be adjusted to follow the current feature (e.g. cliff edge/beach) for the foreseeable future.

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals Part 2.3: Chapter 2 - Formal Proposals

 Below are our formal proposals to the Secretary of State for the length of coast shown on maps 2a to 2e.

 They should be read in conjunction with the relevant maps.

 The commentary above explains the practical effect of these proposals.

Formal Proposals – Winspit to Peveril Point

Proposed route of the trail

2.3.1 In relation to route sections LCH-2-S045 to LCH-2-S046 the route is to be at the centre of the line shown on map 1e as the proposed route of the trail.

2.3.2 In relation to route sections LCH-2-S001 to LCH-2-S044 and sections LCH-2-S047 to LCH-2-S050, the route, as initially determined at the time the report was prepared, is to be at the centre of the line shown on maps 2a-e as the proposed route of the trail.

2.3.3 If at any time any part of a route section listed in the previous paragraph needs, in Natural England’s view, to change as a result of coastal erosion or other geomorphological processes or encroachment by the sea, in order for the overall route to remain viable, the new route for the part in question will be determined by Natural England without further reference to the Secretary of State. This will be done in accordance with the criteria and procedures described under the title ‘Roll-back’ in part 8 of the Overview and section 4.10 of the Coastal Access Scheme. If this happens, the new route will become the approved route for that section for the purposes of the Order which determines where coastal access rights apply.

Landward boundary of coastal margin

2.3.4 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S001, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the steps shown as the trail on map 2a.

2.3.5 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S002, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the track shown as the trail on map 2a.

2.3.6 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S003, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the track shown as the trail on map 2a.

2.3.7 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S004, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the steps shown as the trail on map 2a.

2.3.8 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S006, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing fence line which, at the time of writing this report, is landward of the public footpath shown as the trail on map 2a.

2.3.9 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S009, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the steps shown as the trail on map 2a.

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals 2.3.10 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S016, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the fence line landward of the trail shown on map 2c.

2.3.11 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S017, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the fence line landward of the trail shown on map 2c.

2.3.12 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S021, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing fence line landward of the trail on map 2d.

2.3.13 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S022, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing fence line which, at the time of writing this report, is landward of the public footpath shown as the trail on map 2d.

2.3.14 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S023, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing fence line which, at the time of writing this report, is landward of the public footpath shown as the trail on map 2d.

2.3.15 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S024, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing fence line which, at the time of writing this report, is landward of the public footpath shown as the trail on map 2d.

2.3.16 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S025, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing fence and path, as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2d.

2.3.17 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S026, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing wall, as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2d.

2.3.18 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S027, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing path, as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2d.

2.3.19 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S028, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the line of oak posts, as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2d.

2.3.20 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S029, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the line of oak posts, as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2d.

2.3.21 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S030, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the path shown as the trail on map 2d.

2.3.22 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S031, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the path shown as the trail on map 2d.

2.3.23 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S032, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the path shown as the trail on map 2d.

2.3.24 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S033, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the path shown as the trail on map 2d.

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals 2.3.25 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S034, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing fence line which, at the time of writing this report, is landward of the public footpath shown as the trail on map 2d.

2.3.26 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S035, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing wall, as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2d.

2.3.27 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S036, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the path shown as the trail on map 2e.

2.3.28 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S037, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing fence line which, at the time of writing this report, is landward of the other existing walked route shown as the trail on map 2e.

2.3.29 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S038, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the steps shown as the trail on map 2e.

2.3.30 Adjacent to route sections LCH-2-S043 and LCH-2-S044, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing wall landward of the trail on map 2e.

2.3.31 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S045, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the landward edge of the pavement shown as the trail on map 2e.

2.3.32 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S046, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing wall landward of the trail on map 2e.

2.3.33 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S047, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing boundary wall, as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2e.

2.3.34 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S048, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the existing boundary fence, as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2e.

2.3.35 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S049, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the seaward edge of the existing road (Broad Road), as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2e.

2.3.36 Adjacent to route section LCH-2-S050, the landward boundary of the coastal margin is to coincide with the seaward edge of the existing road (Broad Road), as indicated by the coastal margin landward of the trail on map 2e.

Local restrictions and exclusions

2.3.37 At the time of writing this report, there are no proposals for local restrictions or exclusions in relation to this length of coast.

Alternative routes

2.3.38 There are no proposals for alternative routes in relation to this length of coast.

England Coast Path | Kimmeridge to Highcliffe | Natural England’s Proposals Coastal Access - to Highcliffe - Natural England's Proposals Chapter 2: Winspit to Peveril Point Map 2a Winspit to Seacombe Cliff M a p

2 a

!_ LCH-2-S009 W LCH-2-S010 FP

# i #

!_!! n # s

# # p # i t


t o

LCH-2-S011 S # # e

# #

# !ê a

# c

# #

LCH-2-S012 FP o # P m 7 F 0 b S0 !_ -2- e

!` H

# #

LC C # l

i # # # P f F Seacombe Cliff f 6 0 0 -S -2 PROPOSALS H

!` LC # Trail using existing public # right of way or highway

# #

# Trail using other existing # walked route # # Trail shown on other maps P F 5 0 Coastal margin landward 0 -S of the trail -2 H Trail sections which follow existing C L public rights of way or highways are indicated by a suffix: FP - Public footpath Other information LCH-2-S004 FP !` 0 50 100 200 300 400 Existing access land

LCH-2-S002 FP ! #

! #

# N Sea below mean low water # LCH-2-S001 FP #

# Metres

# # Other access rights and routes

# # # # © Crown copyright and database right 2017. #

Winspit # All rights reserved. Public footpaths # LCH-2-S003 FP Natural England Licence No. 100022021 !! Trail infrastructure This map is intended to be printed in colour at A3 size. × !ê New sleeper bridge required ! ! New steps required Explanatory note: coastal margin Existing pedestrian gate Part 3 of the Overview to the report explains where the landward boundary !_ to be replaced of the coastal margin falls by default. Our proposals include any suggested variation of this default boundary. The purple wash on the map indicates Existing kissing gate where as a result of our proposals the coastal margin would extend !` in satisfactory condition significantly to the landward side of the proposed route of the trail. The coastal margin may include some areas where coastal access rights do not Existing pedestrian gate apply, either seaward or landward of the proposed route of the trail: the !_ in satisfactory condition Overview explains more about this. The landward boundary of the coastal margin may in due course move inland, if the trail rolls back under proposals ! Existing steps in this report to respond to coastal change. ! in satisfactory condition

P F 5 4 0 S - 2 - H C

L # Coastal Access - Kimmeridge Bay to Highcliffe - Natural England's Proposals Chapter 2: Winspit to Peveril Point Map 2b Seacombe Cliff to M a p

2 b

S e a c o !- - m b

!ê e

¥ ! C ! ! _ l ! i

!_ !_ f f

!_ t o


# # #

-S013 F D CH-2 P # L a n

Dancing Ledge c i n

!_ g #

# L e

d #


# Trail using existing public #

right of way or highway # #

# # # Trail shown on other maps Coastal margin landward of the trail Seacombe Cliff Trail sections which follow existing public rights of way or highways are indicated by a suffix: 0 50 100 200 300 400 FP - Public footpath

N Other information Metres Existing access land © Crown copyright and database right 2017. All rights reserved. Sea below mean low water Natural England Licence No. 100022021 Other access rights and routes This map is intended to be printed in colour at A3 size. × Public footpaths Trail infrastructure Explanatory note: coastal margin ! ! New steps required Part 3 of the Overview to the report explains where the landward boundary Existing boardwalk of the coastal margin falls by default. Our proposals include any suggested ¥ variation of this default boundary. The purple wash on the map indicates ! in satisfactory condition where as a result of our proposals the coastal margin would extend - - Existing gateway with no gate significantly to the landward side of the proposed route of the trail. The ! in satisfactory condition coastal margin may include some areas where coastal access rights do not Existing pedestrian gate apply, either seaward or landward of the proposed route of the trail: the Overview explains more about this. The landward boundary of the coastal !_ in satisfactory condition margin may in due course move inland, if the trail rolls back under proposals Existing sleeper bridge in this report to respond to coastal change. !ê in satisfactory condition Coastal Access - Kimmeridge Bay to Highcliffe - Natural England's Proposals Chapter 2: Winspit to Peveril Point Map 2c Dancing Ledge to Durlston National Nature Reserve M a p

2 c

D a n c i n g

L e d g e

t o

Durlston National D u

Nature Reserve r

Dancing !_ l s t

Ledge LCH-2-S015 !_ o LCH n


# 2-S

# # 0 N

# LCH-2-S014 LC 19 FP #

# H- 8 #

2-S LCH-2-S017 1 a #

0 0 # # #

# # 1 S

6 -2- # t #

# H #

# C #

# L i


o # #

# n a


* N # Trail using existing public ! # !_ !` a

right of way or highway t u # Trail using other existing r # e

walked route R # # Trail shown on other maps e s

e # Coastal margin landward

of the trail which is r v

existing access land e 0 50 100 200 300 400 Trail sections which follow existing public rights of way or highways N are indicated by a suffix: Metres FP - Public footpath © Crown copyright and database right 2017. All rights reserved. Other information Natural England Licence No. 100022021 Existing access land This map is intended to be printed in colour at A3 size. × Sea below mean low water Other access rights and routes Explanatory note: coastal margin Public footpaths Part 3 of the Overview to the report explains where the landward boundary of the coastal margin falls by default. Our proposals include any suggested Trail infrastructure variation of this default boundary. The purple wash on the map indicates where as a result of our proposals the coastal margin would extend New pedestrian gate required significantly to the landward side of the proposed route of the trail. The !_ coastal margin may include some areas where coastal access rights do not Existing kissing gate apply, either seaward or landward of the proposed route of the trail: the !` to be replaced Overview explains more about this. The landward boundary of the coastal margin may in due course move inland, if the trail rolls back under proposals * Existing step stile in this report to respond to coastal change. ! to be replaced Existing pedestrian gate !_ in satisfactory condition Coastal Access - Kimmeridge Bay to Highcliffe - Natural England's Proposals # Chapter 2: Winspit to Peveril Point

Map 2d Durlston National Nature Reserve to Durlston Road #

# M a p



D #

Trail using existing public d U

# Durlston



right of way or highway D


T Road C

O u # Trail using other existing

N H # r

R -

l walked route 2 O

s - #

A S t #


Trail shown on other maps 0

o 3 n

Coastal margin landward 0 50 100 200 300 400 5


of the trail which is P

N a

# existing access land # Metres t # i Trail sections which follow existing o © Crown copyright and database right 2017. public rights of way or highways n

All rights reserved. a

are indicated by a suffix: l

Natural England Licence No. 100022021 FP - Public footpath N a

This map is intended to be printed in colour at A3 size. t Other information × u r e Existing access land L C R H

Explanatory note: coastal margin - e 2 Sea below mean low water - s Part 3 of the Overview to the report explains where the landward boundary S e 0

of the coastal margin falls by default. Our proposals include any suggested r 3

Other access rights and routes v variation of this default boundary. The purple wash on the map indicates 4

F e Public bridleway where as a result of our proposals the coastal margin would extend P

significantly to the landward side of the proposed route of the trail. The t Public footpaths ! o

coastal margin may include some areas where coastal access rights do not ! Trail infrastructure apply, either seaward or landward of the proposed route of the trail: the ¿ D Overview explains more about this. The landward boundary of the coastal ! u r

New pedestrian gate required margin may in due course move inland, if the trail rolls back under proposals l !_ in this report to respond to coastal change. s

- S t

H-2 032

C FP o # Existing kissing gate # L

LCH-2-S033 FP n

# #

# !` in satisfactory condition #


¿ Existing ramp o

! in satisfactory condition a Existing steps d

! #

# # # ! in satisfactory condition # #

FP 0 03 -S LCH-2-S031 FP -2 H LC Durlston National LCH-2-S027 FP Nature Reserve LCH-2-S028 FP


# # #

# #


# # #

# # ` LCH-2-S021 # ! -S023 FP LCH S022 FP LCH-2 -2-S024 FP !_ -2- #


# #

# #

# #

# # # # LCH-2-S029 FP #

# !

LCH-2-S020 # ! #

# LCH-

# 2-S0 #

# 25 FP


LCH-2-S026 FP Coastal Access - to Highcliffe - Natural England's Proposals Chapter 2: Winspit to Peveril Point

Map 2e Durlston Road to Peveril Poin#t

# # #

M # a p

# 2 PROPOSALS # # e

# D # Trail using existing public #

right of way or highway u # r

# l # Trail using other existing


# # t

walked route #

# o


# # # #

# # n # # #

Trail shown on other maps # #

# # # # # #

R Coastal margin landward #

o #

# # # #

of the trail a

Trail sections which follow existing # d



# t

# ## public rights of way or highways # Peveril Point o

are indicated by a suffix: P LCH-2-S050 FP ! ! e

FP - Public footpath P v F - Public footway (Pavement) 49 e FW r S0 - i

-2 l H

Other information P LC Sea below mean low water o i n

Other access rights and routes t Public bridleway

Public footpaths #

LCH-2-S048 FP #

South West Coast Path #

￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿

￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ (where it varies from the # proposed trail) LCH-2-S047 FP # #

LCH-2-S046 FP

# Trail infrastructure #


# # ú Existing footbridge LCH-2-S045 FW # \!

! in satisfactory condition


￿￿ Durlston Cliff # # ￿￿

Existing field gate ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿

￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ # # #

\! in satisfactory condition ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ # 0 50 100 200 300 400 ￿￿


￿￿ # !

￿￿ LCH-2-S044 FP #

Existing pedestrian gate ￿￿ # _ # # ! ! ￿￿

LCH-2-￿￿S043 FP # N

￿￿ # !_ #

in satisfactory condition ￿￿ LCH-2-S041 FP

# Metres ￿￿

# ￿￿ #

LCH-3-S042 FP #

Existing steps ￿￿ # #

! ￿￿ # LCH-2-S040 FP © Crown copyright and database right 2017. ￿￿ ú ! in satisfactory condition ￿￿ ! LCH-2-S039 All rights reserved.

￿￿ ￿￿ !ú ￿￿ Natural England Licence No. 100022021

￿￿ !

￿￿ LCH-2-S038

# ￿￿ #


￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ !

￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿

￿￿ ￿￿ # ￿￿ ￿￿ ￿￿ This map is intended to be printed in colour at A3 size.

￿￿ LCH-2-S037 × #

# # D LCH-2-S036 FP Explanatory note: coastal margin U

R Part 3 of the Overview to the report explains where the landward boundary


S of the coastal margin falls by default. Our proposals include any suggested

T O Durlston variation of this default boundary. The purple wash on the map indicates N

where as a result of our proposals the coastal margin would extend R O Road significantly to the landward side of the proposed route of the trail. The A D coastal margin may include some areas where coastal access rights do not apply, either seaward or landward of the proposed route of the trail: the Overview explains more about this. The landward boundary of the coastal

margin may in due course move inland, if the trail rolls back under proposals # in this report to respond to coastal change.

# #