Cover: C.P.R. Training


It’s Just what We Do…

Twenty five years ago Apple launched its Apple Distinguished Educator program and I am proud to say that I one am of the many practitioners we have here that provide our students with the kind of world class learning that the use of technology in a blended learning environment can offer.

The program fosters an international community of higher-education teachers focused on innovation, excellence, and leadership in 45 countries enabling us to benefit from the experience of some of the best minds in education today. As such I would like to share with you what being an Apple Distinguished Educator means to all of us.

We believe in the power of innovation. So we lead the charge for change. We are mentors, guides and confidants. We are trusted advisors.

We believe our message must be heard. So we speak out with a credible voice. We do amazing things with technology and share our knowledge with our peers. We are authentic authors.

We believe the world is our classroom. So we nurture curiosity and imagination about people, places and possibilities. We model excellence and honour diversity. We are global ambassadors. “The greatest joy in life is to not form We believe engaging students makes a difference. students in your likeness, but to So we explore new ideas, seek new paths, empower them to become greater Professor Carl Owens and embrace new opportunities. than what they perceive they can be,” We create unique environments and accessible Apple Distinguished Educator experiences that inspire creativity, innovation and collaboration. We are passionate advocates.

We are a global community of educators committed to innovation

I am sure that when you read the statements above you will recognise many of the attributes that make up the ethos we have here in the Academy and why our unique blend of living and learning makes everyone that attend so special. have a great half term.

Best wishes

Les Hall Academy Principal A WORD FROM MR ROYLE

Food Service Update

Many thanks for your patience whilst we have worked through the installation of our new catering payment systems. I am delighted to say that the new ‘Cashless Portal’ was trialled yesterday (thank you to everyone in 7Tucana) and worked really well. Therefore we have rolled out the system to all students from today.

Any student wishing to purchase food from the canteen will need to order this food via the Cashless Portal icon on their iPad during tutor time. Students spent some time yesterday setting up their accounts. Usernames, passwords and login details for the small number of students who were not in tutor time yesterday morning, are with tutors.

One feature of the new system is that students are not allowed credit and so they can only order up to the value of the balance on their account. The programme will not let you order food for which you do not have the means to pay, and it does not automatically run a credit system. Parents and carers can top up via ParentMail in the usual way.

Those in receipt of Free School Meals will be allowed to order up to £2.20 worth of food. There are some daily meal specials available for all students:

Jacket potato with filling, flapjack and drink for £2:20 Sandwich, dessert and drink for £2:20

We are also looking at ways of opening up the canteen and the school hall as eating areas after the half term break. The challenges of doing this safely have been significant but I am pleased to say that we have a system which we believe will work as well as maintaining our zone system so as to minimise the possible risk of transmission of Covid 19. The ability to order food during tutor time at the beginning of the day via the new ‘cashless portal’ system is crucial to making lunchtimes work.

Thanks to all of the students for their continued patience and understanding with our new systems. We are trying to make life better for the Academy members, whilst maintaining safety and common sense during this pandemic.

Best wishes,

Mr S Royle Vice Principal BE INSPIRED

A huge well done to Year 7 for such a fantastic start to their MBA journey! All have been kind and caring to others whilst being resilient to change and new experiences. Have a wonderful Half Term.

Miss Walters & the Year 7 Tutor Team

Report by: Miss Walters BE INSPIRED

Throughout October, 9 Phoenix have been exploring the lives of many influential black people throughout history. With Black History Month drawing our attention the struggles and adversity faced by generations, the students have worked both independently and collaboratively to research one person in particular. This week they have created presentations to educate one another on their chosen individual by presenting to the tutor group. We have all learnt so much about people that we may not have previously recognised and been able to celebrate their achievements.

Images of work by Theo, Jayden, Rosie and Amelia



Report by: Miss Taylor BE INSPIRED



Gothic Poetry


This quadmester, Year 8 have been exploring Gothic literature. By examining themes and conventions of this genre, students have applied their understanding to analysing the work of the Graveyard poets. Inspired CREATING by this work, Year 8 have worked hard to create their own poetry in response to the title ‘An Ode to Darkness’, linking their own ideas on imagery to the fundamentals of the Gothic. Well done Year 8!

Images of work by Quinn, Rosie, Demelza, Harry and Valentine


Report by: Miss Taylor BE CURIOUS

Grow Your Own

This week in the MBA garden we have been enjoying the growth of our new Autumn and Winter seedlings in the poly tunnel. It's amazing how much warmer it is in there, which is great when it comes to extending the growing and harvesting season as we move into colder weather. It's important to make sure you thin out seedlings if too many have germinated, and also to make sure they have enough light so they don't get leggy. We have also had a lovely delivery of seeds from the Real Seed Company, a small independent company who grow all their own seeds and pack them in great paper bags using an antique seed packing machine which you can see in use on their website. Each pack of seeds also comes with instructions on how to grow your own seeds for next year! The seeds are great quality as you can see from the photos after only 3 days of growth on a warm windowsill. Unfortunately in the poly tunnel, our raised beds built by Upcycle Kernow from pallets have started to break down and needed an overhaul.

Thanks to a great deal from Jewson in we had a delivery of new wood on Tuesday which myself and the Year 8 gardening group put together and built one big new bed. The benefit of this is we now have a larger area for growing and because it's all one bed, watering will be a lot easier as well. We have filled the extra space with some very well rotted horse manure fresh from my compost beds at home. Over the next weeks our student teams will be filling the new bed with all our seedlings which will then provide a harvest of great food over the Autumn and Winter months.

Outside in the allotment we have continued weeding and planted two more rhubarb plants kindly donated by Mr Whiteman, and continued laying cardboard and wood chip onto the paths. Report by: Mr New BE CURIOUS

Grow Your Own

Report by: Mr New BE ADVENTUROUS

Learning CPR

In the UK, only 23% of people know how to administer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). That means a massive 77% of people don’t know how to administer this easy to learn, life-saving treatment.

What’s even scarier is that this figure increases to a massive 93% amongst young people aged 16-24 years.

So we have been learning what to do if a family member, friend, or passer-by suffers from a serious cardiac arrest. Getting the right training to make sure we are confident enough to control the situation, ensure the right action is taken, and hopefully save a life.


We Don’t Need A Studio To Dance

Report by: Miss Taylor-Hingston BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 9 Fast Track Dance

This week the Year 9 fast-track Dance students performed their ensemble piece which was inspired by the work of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. They did fantastically well to embody the stylistic features of the work such as a strong emphasis on dynamics (as seen by the flying hair in the photos!), use of breath and choreographic devices like repetition, motif development and accumulation. All of the students contributed to the choreography and worked incredible well as a team. They really have made a brilliant start to the course.

Report by: Miss Taylor-Hingston BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 9 Fast Track Catering

This week the Year 9's were set the task of creating a sweet pastry dessert, following on from my demo of making Frangipanes, which went down a storm with the class. We are now 8 weeks into the course, and I am already seeing a vast improvement in the students. They are becoming more confident with the process, and getting quicker with their organisation at the beginning of the lesson.

As you can see in one of the photos a student is using a probe to check the temperature of his sauce. The beauty of this pastry is that if it does crack you can patch it up and still make a great dessert. We had an aroma of apple pies, custard tarts, chocolate tarts and even a banoffee pie.

Well done Year 9, keep practicing your cooking skills over half term, and I look forward to seeing your dishes.

Report by: Miss Osborne BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 9 Fast Track Catering

Report by: Miss Osborne BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 7 students have been photographing and drawing their favourite places.

Here are two examples of their work. They will be attempting water colours next.

Report by: Mrs Murray- Lambrou BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 9 Fast Track Drama

This week we were creating tension in a scene by using a physical obstacle. Then using the obstacle within the shots to enhance the emotion felt by the character.

Here Malachi is filmed in Close Up and demonstrated how muffled sound and only a small gap to see through, can emphasise the focus for the audience and lends an air of panic to the scene.

Nooshka is being filmed, trapped by the locked door. She shows her emotion through her body language but her facial expressions are also caught in her reflection.

Here Ollie, filmed by Isla, is exploring using the camera as POV of a character who is being an obstacle to the character on screen.

It’s been an amazing week with full focus and great performances by all the students.

Report by: Miss Claxton BE CREATIVE BE CREATIVE

Year 9 Fast Track Drama We also worked with character’s in separate locations, where a scene must be played without looking at the other actor.

The first improvisation we used for this was from ‘The Golden Compass’. Children were separated from each other in separate cells but could talk to each other through the wall. They knew something terrible was about to happen to them but they didn’t know what.

Isla’s character is terrified and seeks Ola’s character has just been told by support from the child in the next the warden he will be taken from his cell. cell first thing tomorrow.

Malachi and Tristan play 2 lads caught by the Gobblers and separated into different cells. We film the scene in mid shots and close ups and edit them together to create whole scene.

Nooshka and Billie use the same set up but use a different improvisation. Here Nooshka’s character is lying to her friend on the phone and her friend knows it.

Report by: Miss Claxton BE COMPETITIVE

Show Jumping

On Sunday 18th October Mounts Bay Academy took part in our first fixture of the season, which is very unusual but a given for the current Covid-19 situation. Two teams of equestrians travelled to Pendarves Equestrian Centre to compete in the Western Hunt Pony Club’s school show jumping event. The weather was fantastic and the MBA teams were keen to start.

The Open Team, consisting of Eve, Jenna and Phoebe, were first to compete in the 85/90cm category. All riders and ponies jumped to the best of their ability and the team finished in second place, including a second place for Best Presented Team. Eve gained individual placings of fifth and sixth with both her ponies. The team were a pleasure to organise and manage. Well done.

The Novice Team, consisting of Alana, Olivia, Tia and Tasha, were competing in the 70/75cm category. Again all riders and ponies jumped fantastically, looked very smart and were really excited to be representing the Academy in their sport. As a team they only received a final score of four faults which meant they took third place in the team competition. They also finished in second place for the Best Presented Team.

A massive ‘thank you’ to the students for their enthusiasm to compete, parents/carers for getting the students to the venue and WHPC for organising and running the competition.

Report by: Mrs Trevail BE COMPETITIVE

Milton Keynes 5k Rocket Run

I decided to do the Milton Keynes Marathon Weekend Rocket 5k when I found out that my dad was going to run the Marathon. This all changed when the Covid lockdown happened and the original date was cancelled.

My dad and I carried on running through lockdown and I was finally able to do the run virtually at Penrose on the parkrun course.

I completed the run in 28 mins 35 secs.

Report by: Mrs Trevail BE COMPETITIVE

PE Kit - Important Update

After half term, students should no longer wear PE kit to school on PE days. Instead, they will be expected to bring their kit with them and change before their lesson.

As the weather gets colder, we would still like to be able to offer outdoor sports lessons as a safer alternative to indoor lessons. This means students may get cold and wet, so having their dry uniform to change into will be better for them, especially as classrooms are colder than usual at the moment because we need to keep windows open for ventilation.

We also hope this change will result in less additional cost to families. We are aware that some parents may need to buy extra PE clothing items that keep students warm all day but also meet our uniform standards. As temperatures drop, we think this change will mean fewer additional warmer items are needed, because the kit will only be worn during exercise.

We have identified a number of private spaces around the school which will be used for changing, along with our usual PE changing rooms. This will mean that all students are able to change in a safe and clean area that is either in their daily zone or has been fully sanitised before use.

Students who have PE for the final lesson of the day will be able to leave school in their PE kit.

Can we remind parents that all kit should be labelled.

Please refer to the list below for the kit items which are allowed:

PE Kit YES and NO


Black socks, shorts/skort and MBA PE top. Branded jumpers

Fleece or rain jacket. Hoodies.

skins’ under armour, plain black. Outdoor / casual coats.

Hair tied back. Jewellery

Plain black tracksuit bottoms/ no /minimal logos Coloured/ highly visible branding.

Plain black leggings/ no logos. White socks

Trainers Tight fitting short shorts ie Nike pros BE ENVIRONMENTAL

Because it’s our planet Eco Group will be starting up again after half term. In the first instance we will be meeting online on Mondays at 4.30pm via TEAMS.

We currently have a Seesaw group where we are starting to organise ourselves again after lockdown and making sure issues relating to Climate Change are firmly on the table.

Theo has begun work on issue 2 of MBA’s Eco magazine, Homo Sapien. Here’s a sneak preview of the front cover, photographed and designed by Theo.

One thing which has changed in school is now, unless we are exempt, we all need a mask! Some of our Eco Group have been designing and making their own. If however your sewing skills are not fully up to speed yet, click on this link for a half term project.

We would also like to announce somewhat belatedly, that the winner of the DeTox Upcycle challenge 2020 was Carys Heartford. Carys worked with her Dad to design and build a brilliant body board made from pallets. Her prize is a copy of ‘Wilding’ by Isabella Tree, a must read for our times, exploring the power of nature. It’s available in paperback from Edge of the World Bookshop in town.

Anyone wanting to join the group please email [email protected]

Enjoy being outdoors this half term.

Take only photos, leave only footprints. Eco Team

Report by: Miss Claxton BE A WINNER

This Week’s House Points Totals


Student Points (all with 100+) Top 5 Tutor Groups


Gavruto Alexandra Year 10 192 Seaton Hannah Year 10 136 Hill-Dann Alfie Year 07 128 Salmon Curn Kayden Year 11 125 Wood Emilia Year 10 122 Westley Luke Year 10 120 Strick Poppy Year 09 111 Long Keira Year 10 104 Banks Malda Year 07 102 Smith Rosie Year 07 102 Sykes Harlyn Year 07 100

PAVO CHAMAELEON DELPHINUS DRACO PEGASUS PHOENIX TUCANA The results are in for this weeks Timetable rockstar Tournament - Congratulations to all who took part, certificates are on their way to the top 3 performing students.

Year 7

Year 8

Report by: Mr Williams

@ BE INFORMED Revised Bus Services From Monday 2 November the M6 service will run two separate buses - one for Mounts Bay and one for Humphry Davy.

The new times for the bus are as follows:

07:55- The Old Coastguard Hotel 08:00- , Red Lion 08:03- Newlyn Bridge 08:07- Alverton, The Ropewalk 08:20- Mounts Bay Academy

The bus times for the MB-01 will be changing after half term. MB-01 Amendment to stop times from 2nd November 2020

Newtown Bus Stop 8 00 Lower opp Coach & Horses Inn 8 01 Kenneggy Downs 8 03 Rosudgeon, Falmouth Packet Inn 8 05 Rosudgeon,Trebarvah Lane 8 07 Cemetery Bus Stop 8 10 Marazion Square 8 12 Marazion Feliskirk Bus Stop 8 13 Mounts Bay Academy 8 25

Mounts Bay Academy 14 45 Marazion Feliskirk Bus Stop 14 57 Marazion Square 15 00 Marazion Cemetery Bus Stop 15 03 Rosudgeon,Trebarvah Lane 15 07 Rosudgeon, Falmouth Packet Inn 15 10 Kenneggy Downs 15 12 New Town Bus Stop 15 15 Lower Kenneggy opp Coach & Horses Inn 15 17 @ BE INFORMED Half Term Activities

If you are able to get out and about this half term, there are a few creatives that have worked out ways to entertain us and feed our souls and cultural needs, whilst still socially distancing.

Check out Rogue Theatre's wild night of halloween revelry in Tehiddy Woods

Or 'Tin Coat Walking Tours’ @ BE INFORMED

Half Term Drama @ BE INFORMED Health and wellbeing at Mounts Bay At Mounts Bay School we take health matters extremely seriously and have looked at how we can ensure that all issues are being dealt with, to ensure that the wellbeing of our students is at the forefront of what we do.

From September Mr Hall appointed a medical coordinator, Mr Raggett, to oversee all these issues whether they be physical or mental. With lockdown putting lots of pressures on us all it is vital that we not only ensure that everybody’s physical needs are catered for but that mental health is also at the forefront of our care.

Within curriculum time First Aid is now a statutory requirement in all schools in the country. Students are expected to leave school with a knowledge of basic life support and CPR and this is covered in 3 hours. We have been able to a step further with this and offer the Year 7 students a 10 week First Aid course in line with the Emergency First Aid at Work. This is being delivered through the Creative Industries programme. This is now in its second year having started this last year and Years 7, 8 and 9 will all have had first aid training. In addition to this course the students in Year 8 are looking at mental health first aid. Again this is being delivered through the creative industries programme.

Mental health is an integral and essential component of health. The World Health Organisation constitution states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." An important implication of this definition is that mental health is more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities. Year 8s have 7 weeks of Mental Health First Aid and a 3 week physical first aid refresher. It is hoped that we can offer these refresher courses to each year group to keep their skills current. In addition to the curriculum time content that we are offering we have also ensured that a range of services will be provided to further support the students in their time at school, regardless of their medical needs.

We are working with St. Clare’s surgery and their nursing team again who are facilitating a clinic in school every Tuesday. Natalie Care and her colleagues will be in school from 2 - 4 pm to offer support to students on all health matters. Based in a neutral zone in school, appointments can be made through the Learning Support Mentors during lesson times and a drop in clinic is available after school. Please see the poster in this edition of the newsletter for more details. The school nurse service will also be working with us to provide student support through the year.

We also have the facilities to deliver a whole range of first aid courses on site including Emergency First Aid at Work 1 day courses and full 3 day courses in Paediatric and Sport First Aid. We will also be running a First Aid for Mental Health course very soon.

If you wish to discuss any medical provision in school for your child please do contact Mr Raggett via email at [email protected]. There are many children who have health care plans and we are always working with parents to manage the needs of these students. If your child has any needs then please do get in touch. Please also do let the Academy know if there are any changes to your child’s needs the we should need to know and update.


Appointments during lesson 4 and drop in after school

The nurses from St Clare / Alverton YOU CAN TEXT NATALIE Surgery will be in school every Tuesday AND THE TEAM ON from 2pm until 4pm. They will be in Room 19a next to the climbing wall. 07395 132295 There is an opportunity to see the nurse during lesson 3 by appointment through your LSM. • CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Please speak to them for more details. ALL HEALTH ISSUES From 2:45pm until 4pm there is a drop • in session



Mounts Bay Academy

Boscathnoe Lane, Heamoor, Penzance, TR18 3JT E: [email protected] T: 01736 363240 | F: 01736 352326