-,-.rrgrrr-^rr-.¦ ¦"^'.^,^' ' Rickard Hints gig Fight May Be Held in New York.Tilden Out of ¦¦,- I.--.-,. Title Tennis Tourney Wall Street Brokers Promoter Says Herman Net U. S, Is Not Back New Fight Club Stops 'he Champion Tennis Solans Cochran Piles'^ Jersey ln lJpper Manhatt<*n Adams in 1st; Not to Defend Set Dates for Cup Site Preliminary Rounds Up 883 Points t Favored *. lik* *° en ¦¦«. H°-îb^"W hep a Ratner Victor -. .., ^POßTLIGHTGranflandRice Indoor Crown 8. MYRICK, president ef In Cue MatcH Véét-2^ *JULIAN to to the the United States Lawn Tenais Garden Impresario Hopes «Oemps-.y.Carp.nt-e,. ñght for Former Bantam (Copyright, 19Z1, New York Tribune Inc.) the Champion Association, yesterday called a Dempsey-Carpentier heavyweight championship of Philadelphian to ! Detroiter"More Than Dou- Stage the world on Stops Reputed Slugger in Before They Hatch Expects meeting of the Devi« Cap «commit¬ Nearer July 2? So would we! With Richards in to be Bout Metropolis » Plana made 2:55 ; StoneLoset.Deeii-.ioii You may recall the perhaps misquoted statement attributed to a Mr. Play tee, held at the Vanderbilt ble» Score of Horemaro yesterday are euc- Hotel on ce«Hfu! this may be possible Shakespeare."Beware when men &peak too well of thee." Doubles; Announce Draw Friday evening, April I, at at Loses Block W- J- Macbeth (pro- Pete It which a discussion «of plans in con¬ Night; Day By ¦riding yon have the fight ticket to Herman, former batamweight ha» a meaning- Tex Bickard maintains an champion of the Fred nection with the playing of the pre¬ Wbil« get you inside the gates). A dis¬ world, knocked out Some time ago we suggested to Bill Roper, Princeton's coach, that his By Hawthorne Welker Cochran, of Detroit, nmiiH«! «Hence as to the probabli patch from Willie Adams, a newcomer from Chi¬ The draw for the annual national liminary matches in the interna¬ more than 800 last «-¦nous Albany last night an¬ football prospect for 1921 looked to be extremely roseate as to hue. tional competition points night beforo -^n» of the international heavyweight nounced that the cago, after two minutes and fifty-five men's indoor championship lawn tennis will take place. Edouard Horemans, the cham¬ between Jack Dempsey Dyckman Oral seconds of "The only trouble," he said, "is this.it looks too Notice has been Belgian ïïïiuionihip the afternoon Arena Company, of New fighting in the first round at good." singles tournament, to begin at the 7th already sent to pion, completed his block of 400, and nT-Sforces Carpcntier had York Cily, the Central Manhattan Since then Frank Murrey, one of his best kickers and one of his »tar the challenging twelve in / Now Jersey promoters mad« Sporting Club Regiment Armory, Park Avenue and nations, barely missed nosing the out ..Vt July 2, applications for papers of last has been as foreigner insi.'tent that THE sporting event incorporation end had also night. It wa8°th© first bout for backs, dethroned for a scholastic slump; a very good tackle has Sixty-sixth Street, to-morrow morn¬ number, to the tims these pre- of the lead. Coehran got hold of him-» f« will he in tho filed ap¬ Hormnn in this been tied for liminsry round matches most 5tb* decade staged plication with the New York country since his re¬ up the «ame reason, and Pixley, the Ohio State guard, has ing, was made at the officer» of W. Dick« be self after ÍToreman«* had piled up a -hhonnc state- Atlantic City, the turn from played. It will four run of 199 in one of Smith of the New Commission for a license for England, where he flattened returned to Ohio State, Bon Cunningham, 135 Broadway, yes¬ require rounds the early innings-, ÄTc'haiman to bouts in of play to bring the nation and from that time on the excellenc« EJLv SUtc Boxing Commission, is all be held in the arena at Dyckman seventeen rounds. And there are six months still left for Fate to wield the battle-ax. terday afternoon. Cunningham will act winning of the American's ever the ot land- Street, in It was a spirited coal est while it ns referee of the which into the challenge round against the cuemanship sisiplp «.eked tip prospect lTpi»er Manhattan. Offhand, however, we should say that Bill can still tournament, baffled his antagonist. Z, the «{urn. It *«vas even announced Eddie lasted. Herman did neail-- all the ese Roper worry along will also include men's doubles. United States. This defense of the Cochran gave far the best that Rickard McMahon, appointed cution. while with Keck. Lourie, Gharri and attached to A total of entries was re¬ by per¬ X#«S yesterday maker of the match¬ Adams land«il only a few ty Giiroy the main precinct. fifty-five Davis Cnp will begin on the turf formance oi the 18.2 balklin» game he Atlantic City new dub, announced desultory blows before li* was felled. ceived for the singles, with Vincent courts of the had shown since the match £5-.elected nc- that a Adams came Mr. Evers Richards, national fndoor and outdoor' West Side Tennis Clnb 3,600-point This .*"tor\* Kickard emphatically syndicate of Wall Street cap¬ here heralded nti :. terrific Report» at Forest got. ander way, v/hereas Horemans, who* **i**d "Î have I10t* ma<*e up my TT1'no* italists is uncher. He was credited with Before the junior champion; S. Howard Voshell, Hills on September 2. put up a remarkable behind the new venture nockouts forty training season they were all quietly, but firmly, crowding former indoor title* Frank T. Firet exhibition yester¬ «.*,"' said Tex. "and you cannot make and that I in sixty-four bouts, but ap¬ Johnny Evers's Cubs into the. holder; round matches, if played in day afternoon, seemed last night to that statement too strong. architect's plan« have parently the yarn never reached Her¬ second division. Anderson, Fred 0. Anderson and Arthur, this must be lose control of the balls know New b«wm drawn man, for the former But now S. Cragin as the most contend¬ country, completed on completely. «It is a comfort, to Jersey calling for an arena king of bantam.«« the Trojan dissents from th;s ranking. "I am for logical or before if The Belgian varied his style of play, «.«id receive the attraction with a seating Bailed into tho Chicagoan from the working ers for places in the final brackets. July 30; played else- but this failed to check the probably capacity of 18,000, to first the salt of the earth," he writes The "and so Just before the entries on or dazzling with own nrms. But there are other be complete going. Sportlight, kindly*keop an closed yester¬ where, before July 9; second pace of the Westerner or to help Hore- inore before May 15. Mc¬ Probably it was the eye on our smoke. The are all day Cunningham received a telegrom round manfj in i-eifa'which present, perhaps, Mahon also fearless attack boys ready to rise up and go somewhere, from William T. Tilden in¬ matches, wherever played, not stringing out a long succes¬ Shmnc inducements. I have not de- announced that the club of Herman that sent Adams to quick and if we are not in the thick 2d. present later than sion of points. the closer would bid for all defeat. Before- he could set of the fight I have missed another easy door champion, announcing that, owing August 6; third round Last o:" stag ng big fight important himself ' night's session required «ix- S-ired with boots, Willie was the gUCPS." to a heavy cold, he would be unable to not later than August 13, and teen w**,. I oxp.-ct to he able to make a special efforts directed to recipient of a hail of in the innings, the longest in the tour¬ announcement not later than the land¬ body blows that hrought down his A few blows play «ingles, but that he hoped fourth round matches not later than nament Fo far. Cochran made definite ing battle. As he It timely will make the Cubs extremely formidable, with and expected to play in the doubles,! long of next week. . Carpentier-Dempspy guard. ft his face unprotected August 20. jrqns consistently,« wber-.'a'- the the middle , Alexander, and with Richards as his îîelgian, "Naturally, 1 am very much delight««! Herman shot in'a "one-two" , and Vaughn Tyler curbing hostile bats. ¡ partner. sometimes with perfect set-ups. seemed down The fact that the world's singles1 There will be a meeting of the ¡i.¦..¦>*.!. .rth the new turn of affairs by which Went AdaniB. Vaughn and Tyler were both a trifle last season, but Evers will to get start-eiî, except once dur- on rickety champion not be able to defend his eecntive commitiee of the national it the fte principals will box a percentage Cordier believes that both will come title in the 1} evening, when he" tallied 199 I do rot believe will lose Defeats Takes Count of "Nine" southpaws upon their old-fashioned winning armory makes young Rich¬ association on 2, at points. bas**** they The this ards loom up as the most dangerous Saturday, April ¦»thing by the switch of plans. But Chicag-o boy, however, retaihed ways spring and back up Alexander over the long sprint. If they contender for the which the tournament schedule for Cochran Quits Table me moro rein in the Platt in full of his senses, for he honors, although the change* gives Fourth possession do the Cubs will at least be good to make a hard Voshell, if he has recovered 1921 will be ratified, after con- Cochran left the table in remained reclined until "nine." He enough drive for third from sufficiently any disgust «rrangementii. was the benefit of an place. his recent accident, may well walk flirts in dates have been yesterday afternoon. Horemans had Looks for Record "Gate" given unhurried off with adjusted. I amassed a run Round at count, but even then he seemed in no the title. of *250 points when the "Wherever I decide to go, yon may Squash burry to arise. Herman The Summon« Detroiter racked his cue and quit the 1 shall first have the stepped away Play Starts To-morrow scene. be sure proper Yale aftej.' the knockdown, and this probably 1 saw a golf ball »ailing Play will hegln to-morrow morning The -mar-anties. Bar interference and the Club Tide-Holder encouraged Adams to get up before at 10 Lasker and Cuban foreigner, with six points needed match will take care of itself. Natu¬ Qual¬ "ten." Above an ancient track. o'clock and «ontinue all after¬ to complete his block, missed on an ifies for - noon, with the courts idle.on Sunday, rally, it is the greatest heavyweight Semi Adams got up and started to back I heard a sad and Put Off easy shot, and the gallery waited ten since the Reno affair between Jack Finals; fan wailing then another all-day session will 5th Match minutes while attendants at the acad¬ *ght McKay Defeats away, but Herman fairly darted after "The old back." follow on Monday. On the following emy Johnson and Jim Jeffries. At. the pre- O'Brien him and launched another furious at¬ boy's going of paged Cochran and finally dragged it days the tournament play will begin Till Next him back. the balls wem vaiiine prices of sports, provided can tack. He again directed the bombard¬ at 1 o'clock p. m. The doubles draw Although be hei'i anywhere near New York, it A. J. Cordier, the cham¬ ment at Adams's A far, faint greeting drew me Tuesday placed just to Cochran's liking, he ap¬ defending mid-section and will be made on Monday afternoon. peared nervous after should break all records for gate re¬ pion, advanced to the semi-finals of flailed away at the body until his op¬ Across the silver dew The draw in the singles follows: having abandoned ceipts many times over." the ponent's knees to Causes hope, and the set-up served only to de¬ annual Yale Club squash tennis began sag. As some one to Second round (first round bye»).O. H. Three-Day Holiday lay the firiish a Dempsey is soon to come East to With his man about whispered me, Coster vs. T, 8. V. Brubans for few minutes. title meet ready to col¬ Edgar Appleby, Chess Masters to Post¬ Horemans won the begin active training for the champion¬ I yesterday afternoon by lapse Herman was relentless and he "There's April calling you." vs. W. T. Mallory, R. E3. Roberts v«. win- block, 400 to 237, battle. Jack i.s at ner of first round match between E. H. and extended his lead in the ship Calgary, Canada, eliminating Livingston Platt in straight drove in another half-dozen rights and Merle and Prank T. Anderson. pone for the Title total to grand w*-h 8 theatrical He had con¬ lefts to the Seven Play 577 points. Cochran started off troupe. games, 15.12, IB.9. In the only other wind. One of these caused Concerning Champions First round.E. H. Merle vs. F. T. An-! in the afternoon at tracted his services for six weeks, but match the reputed knockerout to emit a derson, L. B. Dalley Jr. vs. H. L. Bowman, top speed, scoring; th«! contested in the fourth groan. Jack Dempsey.Heavyweight S. R. MacAllister vs. W. HAVANA, March 24..The fifth 49, 88 and 49 in his first three ¡j cottir.p i-ngagemcnt in half. j round, At the same time he both hands champion.Exceptionally good. Milton H. Aydelotte ir., game inning«, ne**- basis Donald defeated to dropped Soper vs. C. B. Stewart, A. S. of the and really seemed in fine fettle until "This percentage appeals MacKay Kenneth the body, and as he did so Herman Georges Carpentier.Light heavyweight champion.Very good. Cragin vs. H. W. Shaffer, C. M. Ammer- international chess match be- to UK better than the O'Brien, over man vs. L. Horemans started on his long run. original guar¬ 15.10, 15.9. Play will be whipped a right to the "button" Johnny Jay Anderson, J. D. KeyeS vs. tween Dr. Manuel Lasker and José I. It was not that anty, o;* SC'XVftOO," Dempsey is quoted continued and down went Willie for the Wilson.Middleweight champion.Below the average. F. D. Powers, F. L. McWatty vs. F. K. the Belgian had piled in to-day and the semi-finals full Jack Berry. W. H. Ruxton vs. C. A. Andnrson, Capablanca, which was to have started up 26**4 points that disconcerted the as having said Calgary yesterday. will be count. The toll was a mere Britton.Welterweight champion.Very good. Garbe vs. B. E. disposed of to-morrow. on formality George Tyndale, G. S. has been until American, the latter's friends "This fight is bound to draw more than the part of Referee Don¬ Benny Groesbeck vs. Herbert Vail. to-night, postponed but the attested, $1.500.000, and 36 per cent of that Cordier, who lost the for Johnny Leonard.Lightweight champion.Exceptionally good. Lower half (first round).J. J. Tucker next amazing accuracy with which national title nelly, Adams was through for the vs. G. G. Moore Tuesday night. Horemans executed the would be $.:>40,ÛOO. Anyhow, I'd sooner i to P. Van S. last evening. He was carried to Johnny Kilbane.Featherweight champion.Out of date. Jr., R. N. Dana vs. Fred It is most difficult Hyde month, is ex- his corner. Damrau, J. Nlckonow vs. R. D. Sommers, ! said the postponement was ar¬ shots. Both men with the ex¬ »amble with Rick&rd. He did a lot for pected to retain the There was little difference in the Joe Lynch.Bantamweight champion.Good. A. H. Fry vs. F. C. Anderson, M. E. Mack- played roe and I'm anxious that he make some club champion- as soud vs. C. W. L. ranged owing to the fact that to-day, treme care that has marked their work weights, Herman scaled 119% and This be as a Carlton Herlngr, W. Knox vs. G. in session ¡noney for himself." shiP* Hi,s Performances in the earlier Adams one-quarter might accepted fair rating of the champions who now Shafer, S. H. Voshell vs. M. E. Friday and Sunday are holidays which every since the match began, also announced rounds of the tournament indicate pound more. bold seven titles. Cavalll, J. L. Werner vs. Morris 8. Clark, are observed in the Latin but yesterday the breaks of the game Dempsey that he he will that ring A. L. Bruneau vs. P. L. Kynaston, B. C. especially had drawn the color line. He will ac¬ have no severe opposition and Ratner Defeats Stone Backe vs. Vincent countries. seemed all to be with the Belgian and his In the way of all-around and Richards, T. W. Whüall ¡ was cept no challenges from boxers. game has improved as he has Augie Ratner the ability Dempsey Leonard are well in the vs. P. P. Fallón, J. D. Ewing vs. R. A. The fourth game last night was Cochran compelled to exert him- negro worked his Harlem middle¬ lead. the Ross. drawn seit for every Th* champion makes no explanation way through the field of weight, scored an easy over Wilson, middleweight title holder, brings up the rear. Second round after the twentieth move. point. il to his entrants. Jack Stone victory Kilbane, (first round byes) lower The first three tourna¬ Even though his average chang-j of heart. At the in the semi-final. Ratner at least, used to be very good. But the first half.C. H. Marshall vs. D. Hedekin, H. A. games of the yesterday time Wills & The champion held Platt safe was far too clever good middleweight that wan¬ Levy vs. \V. Gels. ment were played but Dr. afternoon was- only 26 3-9, Cochran'« Harry scored for his rugged oppo¬ ders should ! very slowly, of 48 19-46 over Fred Fulton some months ago throughout yesterday's match, pulling nent, and the judges' decision in along knock Wilson's wreath over his left ear. It will be noticed that Lasker and his opponent last night grand average continues to away to a lead favor the fate of made thirteen moves in ue higher than that amassed Jake *)e¡np<-py announced at the ringside big whenever his op- of Ratner after ten fast rounds was a the draw has thrown the main the first half by ponent threatened to cause one. in strength hour. On his fourteenth move Dr. Las¬ Schaefer in his recent victory over that he would engage Wills or any trouble. popular The Harlem buy pun¬ The Hon. Ike one the lower half, with Vo¬ other man the MacKay also had an time ished Stone in Dorgan, of Tex Rickard's leading once Fred Richards, ker adopted a variation by advancing Horemans. The Belgian's grand av¬ public might demand easy stop- badly the closing rounds, assistants, shell, Anderson and -ßhafer in his rook erage up to the of him to meet. ping O'Brien. The winner displayed a but was unable to put ovor a knock-out wielded a wicked mashie. But being connected with Rickard's that section, while in the queen's pawn one square and opening last "I do flashy game. He was sportive the upper part on the next -move this pawn was ad¬ night's round was 60 40-46, a new nut intend to bar color, race and fast, accurate punch. merry-go-round leaves very little time for any strongest contenders appear in vanced another record. or creed," s'^d on that oc¬ steady and although O'Brien went Both boys showed a to fancy follow-through. If Frank Anderson and Arthur square. Capablanca Dempsey at a disposition it isn't one it or Cragin. studied the board for a AFTERNOON MATCH casion. along consistently fair clip, it mix from the outset, and as a thing, is ten fourteen others. considerable that result time before a He Horemans-07, 64. appeared MacKay could have won there was lots of action. Stone, a tall, Notable Entry at Pinehurst making rejoinder. 3, 0', 1.2, 264, 102.4M. New Clnb by a larger score if he had wished. A then boldly attacked on the king's Average, 40. for Brooklyn well-set-up young man, was a target Clip-let Quite aside from the entry in the side of the board, to break Cochran.49, 88, 49, Ï6. 1. 26. 16, 11.237. .John ,who used to con¬ for Ratner's , but without There's "many a men's events the trying Average, 26 3-S. duct theWeismantel, The Princeton Club he took wincing slip coming North and through, and after the seventeenth Broadway Sporting Club, championship, everything the Harlem lad 'Twixt the and South championship tournament on the move the became intri¬ EVENING MATCH has secured a license ¡which also is being decided on the Eli could put over. cup the lip courts of the position very Brooklyn, for courts, resulted in clay Pinehurst Country cate. When twenty-two moves had Horemans.IS, 0, 193. 1, 1. 61, 0. 14, **, tin* Brooklyn Arena, located at Bed¬ victories for John The bout was fairly even up to the Of the cup on the old putting green Club, at Pinehurst, N. C, been made it that Dr. Lasker 4, 47, 8. 48, 4, 0, 0, 3.400. Average, 25. ford and Atlantic avenues. Taylor and Harold Harvey, who will third, wtíen Ratner came near on starting appeared Cochran.23, .31, 1733. 6. II. 190. 108. 4«, This club meet toppling April 11, will be distinguished by had an excellent On the 25, 48, IS, 126, 90, 0. 2$.883. Trill have a of to-day for the title. Taylor de¬ his opponent with a hard to the the most brilliant position. 0, Aver¬ seating capacity 4,500 feated Armin W. Stone right There's many a sip entry in the wom¬ twenty-fourtH move the players ex¬ age, hi* .j-io. »ml will stage its inaugural next Riley, 15.5, 15.3, jaw. weathered the storm and en's singles and doubles that we are and it was found Grand total.Horemans, 3,200; Coch¬ and who carried honors in Brought to the changed queens that ran. Tue** day evening. In the main event Harvey, Wednesday eliminated the fourth round, but light from hip likely to see outside of the national the "armies" were on vir¬ 3,106. 'ifteen H. R. Mixsell, the present after that it was all Ratner. turf court conttjnding Grand average.Horemans, 5 38-62; Coeh¬ oí rounds Ted (Kid) Lewis will titleholder, In the locker room later, I ween. title event itself. even terms. ran. 60 66-61. box Irish trounced Jebso Hoyt, 15.4, 15.7. From the fifth on Ratner hit Stone The list will be headed tually Paddy FJynn. Bushy Graham almost at but W. P. H. by Mrs. Molla Four moves later an exchange of ¦vil! meet Joe Mooney in the ten-round will, he kept boring in Bjurstedt Mallory, holder of the na¬ rooks was made and with a semi-final. for more until the eighth when tional indoor and turf rook, Petitions to Force he tired. session, court champion¬ knight and four pawns apiece left on The two main ships, and this w-ill be the last oppor¬ each side the game was abandoned as In the last two drawbacks to golf are the "caddie cussers" and the see The Pioneer Sporting Club will pre¬ rounds Ratner cut tunity to her in action on American drawn after thirty moves had been sent two ! Stone's face with wicked lefts and "creeping pestilences." Of the two the courts before she sails twelves and a ten-rounder at Racing«o Commission rocked him caddie cussers are the worse, for England to placed on the score sheet. its week-end show with hard body punches. abominations in the compete at Wimbledon for the world's The score: to-morrow night. It appeared that Ratner would win via being sight of all sportsmen. But the creeping pes¬ title. In the twelve-rounders Frankie Ge¬ the as FOURTH GAME.QUEEN'S GAMBIT DE¬ tane, the To Issue Licenses knockout route, but Stone was on tilences, Charley Van Loan once called them, are strong Miss Marion Zinderstein, of Boston, Olympic flyweight champioji. his feet when the final sounded. runners-up. present North CLINED ¿s to nmet Phi! Franchini and gong- Separate courses should be built for those golfers who ten or and South champion and Lasker Capablanca Lasker Bobby From a Special Correspondent The weights were announced as 154 for waggle fif¬ clay court holder, will renew her Capablanca Hopper is to take on Pivii Lewis. Nick Ratner and 160% for Stone. teen minutes over every shot and then for five strug¬ WHITE BLACK WHITE BLACK Flotio will box Berman ten BALTIMORE, March 24..William I. pose minutes after the gles against Mrs. Mallory, who defeated ¡ 1 P-Q4 P.Q-t 16 Kt.Q2 P.K4 Johnny Willie Morris, of Yorkville, and Ar¬ Ftroke is her at in the 2 P-QB4 P.K3 37 B-K< BxB rounds. Norris, president of the Maryland State tie of completed. Longwood recently na- 3 Pierce, the Bronx, boxed six tional indoor tourney. The two are so Kt-.QB3 Kt-.KB318QxB QR.K Senate, said to-day that he was at work rounds to a draw in the matched that j 4 B.Kt5 B.K2 19 PxKtP PxKtP Here is the Woodhaven (Dexter Morris preliminary. "Has any of the taken in closely the result of an¬ 6 p.K3 Castle» 20 R.B7 KPxP Park) on the petition for a mandamus com- weighed 129-4. and Pierce 132%. money during the crooked World Series other meeting is hazardous to forecast. 6 Kt.B3 QKt.Q2 21 Q.B6 R.Q program for to-morrow night: ¦-.- ever been refunded?" Mrs. 7 Q.B2 P.B3 22 Krankie" Pitcher vs. pelling the racing commission to issue queries L. F. S. Not even a postage stamp. Not Mallory and Miss Zinderstein BPxP PxP Fighting Fitzpat- licenses to trainers and and are only two of a great array of fern- 8 B.Q3 PxP 23 PxP Q.B3 rick, twelve rounds; Hughie Breslin jockeys Court Gives yet.nor to-morrow.nor next year. The fact that it was all an unearned j 9 BxP Kt.Q4 24 QxQ KtxQ .¦'«. that he thought he would have the pe- Appellate inine racquet stars who will compete. 10 BxB QxB 215 Kt.B3 / Johnny Miiinari, ten rounds; tition finished increment is, of course, a mere detail. * Boston will send Mrs. M. Kt.Q4 Krankio Be!! vs. about Monday. Mr. Nor- Friar Rock to Madden George Wight- j 11 Castles KtxKt 26 R.Kt P.B3 «-ounds. Johnny Powers, ten ris did not nay in what court the peti- man in the doubles; Miss Leslie Ban- ISFxKt P.QKt3 27 K.B R.B2 lion would he filed. The Appellate Division yesterday croft, Miss Edith Mrs. Ben- 12 B.Q*. P.Kt3 28 KR.R, QR.Q2 sustained the action of the Sigourney, 14 P.QR4 B.Kt2 29 RxR RxR If are instituted Supreme Wins Feature jamin E. Cole and Mrs. Frank H. God- j The Freeport Auditorium Mondav legal proceedings Court, in appointing a receiver for the Perhaps Athletics while New 15 P.Ro P.QB4 SOP.Kt3 Drawn. the racing commission will be pre¬ Compulsory frey, York will be repre- ..... night will present " $250,000 stallion Friar Rock, in the *> thirty-six round's sented by the Attorney General. Sev¬ Race at Havana Track se.nted, among others, by Miss Florence boxing, as follows : Frankie Car¬ suit brought by John E. Madden, of At Uiiiv. of Rallin, Mrs. Fullerton penter vs. eral days ago the commission asked the HAVANA, March Michigan Spencer Weaver, Rice Wins Cue Match Dave Rosenberg, ten General for a on sev¬ Hamburg Place, Ky., against John E. 24..Perhaps, three- DETROIT, March 24..James O. Mrs. De Forest Candee and Miss rounds; Kid Locke vs. Attorney ruling of Santa Rosa, son Kid Brown and eral one of them, up at Rosseter, Calif., who year-old of Luke McLuke.Miss Murfin, president of the Martha Bayard. .lonnny Gannon vs. points, brought has the famous on his University of The For Freddy De Meyer, the instance of Commissioner Timanus, throroughbred Georgia, defeated a high-class f3eld of Michigan-, announced that entries- in men's and women's | Poggenburgthe Trophy eight rounds each; Young Doland'vs! whether of licenses farm. The two men are part owner-* to-day out¬ events do not'close until April 10. Playing best brand of 18.^ bil¬ Wouble Time" six being tbe^-issuing in Fiiar Rock and Madden three-year-olds in the third race at door athletics will be for liards displayed since the tournament Wftick Madden, rounds: to trai3-iers and jockeys is not manda- that Rosseter complained Oriental Park compulsory for the Eirman vs. Young Clinton, four torv the commission violated an agre-sment to-day, leading to the every student. Hereafter no student Poggenburg Cup began, James rounds. upon under which Rosseter was to return finish Natural, and Princeton Tennis Team Rice defeated C. J. Stembugler, 176 to ¦íhe Attorney General had begun to Friar Rock to Whippet three will be permitted to graduate without 36, at the Rational «lictatc his on the questions Madden, who was to others. of Recreation Acad¬ Herman to Box at opinion keep him for two years. Perhaps quickly disposed having taken the courses prescribed Holds Indoor Practice emy, Brooklyn, last night. Rice, who Pioneer involved when a communication arrived Gratian, then drew but tired to had a run Pete Herman will box Willie from the racing commission withdraw¬ Madden sued to recover possession away, turn hint out a3 nearly physically PRINCETON, March 24..The Prince¬ high of 36, played with rare m the fina! Spencer the of the stallion. Justice Ford appointed suddenly in the last sixteenth and won perfect as possible, he said. ton tennis team is having daily indoor judgment throughout, and at no time hftcen-round of the Pioneer ing queries. .,..-_;. Franklin a as and did his have a to sporting Club's show Commissioner Brooks, lawyer, receiver, by a head. Natural was three lengths The on practice, to-day announced a list I opponent chance win. next Wednesday Racing Kennedy gave with instructions to go to Santa Rosa, regents decided this in view of teams with which matches will The winner 10 6-10. night. Jimmy >«. the retort courteous, to Senator Norris in front of The of of prob- averaged Joe Carroll, protege of take Friar Rock and deliver him to Whippet. surprise the lessons of the war, which showed ably be played. These are j In the other two matches Lynch, is to box Johnnv in to-day by plainly indicating that Mr. the race was the of that both men Harvard, played the ten-round Lundy Noms attacked the commission be¬ Madden at his Kentucky farm. Ros- poor performance Americans, and women, Yale, M. I. T., Lafayette, Rutgers, ! James Langdon eliminated George semi-ni>al. seter appealed from this decision. the even-money favorite, Gratian. The are not properly developed physically. Stevens, Swarthmore, West Side -Spear, 125 to 112, and S. defeated cause the racing body would not do *- Courses in Tennis Boyd Two Mr. Norris desired. » filly displayed early speed, but playground instruction and Club of New York, 7th Regiment team, Charles Sloane, 125 to 59. tweive-round bouts will feature what quit coaching will be given so that gradu¬ Sea Bright Club, Penn and Columbia. next Tuesday night's show at the Star Erie, Pa., Bowler Takes badly. ates may introduce playground work Captain Werner, Brawner, »Porting Ciub. In one, favored and and coach teams in their own communi¬ Dickinson, the East Side Jimmy Kane, New York Yacht Club Osgood, by light weight ties. Herndon, Kaltenbach and Shipway, of featherweight, will en¬ Second Place in a in the last are all on ' gage Jimmy in the Singles good ride, scored fourth event, year's team, hand again Blute; other, Sammy Awnounces Race Dates BUFFALO, March 24..Scoring a ran a this spring. «erne, a will con¬ of 686 and, incidentally, very fast mile tusions withlightweight, try The New York Yacht Club last night total pins, Frank Snyder, of Erie, and fifty yards. He stepped the dis¬ O'Neill Breaks Record Patsy Broderick. announced its pre-war schedule of Pa., to-day rolled into second place of tance in 1:42 3-5. Darnley, the favor¬ of the individual event in the American was lu Skipper Resolute Joe Gorman, tho Coast racing dates for the coming summer. Congress, the ite, second, with Byrne third. Winning Cue Match »no showed to sensation, It was also announced that the Brenton Bowling Pennsylvania Foul Weather, making his second ap¬ John O'Neill up a new To Sail in such fine advantage and the bowler accounting for games of 236, 248 of the made when hung high-run Ocean Race «gainst Ear! liaird is to box Reef cup Cape May challenge and 202. pearance year, good record of 88 points last night in the Christen Christensen, the j recently, now in the of the . ne led home a field of Norwegian ! rrankie Edwards in the cup possession Two errors in the¡ and large juveniles amateur skipper who was fifteen-round N Y. A. are offered for competition eighth ninth in the first race. His margin at the English billiard tournament Resolute's sailing anal at the Club in C, frames of the third cost him a now in at master when she defended the Broadway Brook- to yachts enrolled in the club, thus game end was very small. He defeated Lot- progress Doyle's academy ica's Amer- .yn,, Monday night. A victory for the two ejhancc to top the' high score of 702 pins, ta G. a with Califa a O'Neill beat William Waldron, 200 ta Cup from Sir Thomas Lipton's Son would insuring the return of the big held Fred Smith, of Detroit. Two by head, length 167, The Shamrock IV last *)at;v*>front place him in the ocean races. by back. Foul Weather was the favorite. previous high-run mark was summer, returned to rank of the feathers, for Edwards triples gave him the "36 count in the The summaries: 85 points, which had stood for ter this country yesterday on the H»3 shown his The schedule follows: and in the second he from Bergens- class against such men for the Glen Cove opening game, First race (purse $700: year.***. fjord, Norway. «s Johnny Tune. 31"- races cups, up six strikes. two-year-old In the Christensen Murray, Johnnv Reisler. Joe nff Glen rovo: July 9, th« aiinual regatta, ihung straight maidens; i furlongs).l'riu! Weather, 3 ! 4 pocket billiard tournament Captain expects to sail Leonard, Collins tho New Tork Ymuht Club cour»« __-»- K-'lsay), 6 t" 5, 2 tn r> an«! 3 to B. «von, being conducted at under tht one of the- American entries in the »nd Benny Coster, Marty including :: Doyle'.*; Harvey Bright. cup», off Glen Cove. "Frankie Fields Knocked Out ¡,otta Q.. 33 (Goodwine), to 3, even and auspices of the American Amateur Bil transatlantic yacht race next summer I Date« former 3 to 37, second; Califa. '3 17 (Rodriguez), Hard Association, Edward for the cup that has been offered The Cruise Dave Rosenburg, amateur : tu 3. I to 'l and . to :>. third. Time, Kirby de by New York State Boxing Com¬ îu.y 26 remleavous at Olen Cove; July champion, last night knocked out 0:48 1-5. Oste'.le, Margaret Nash, Hyeres. feated Oscar Spengler, of Jersey City King Albert of Belgium. Captain Chris- mission yesterday issued ninety-five "7 Glen C'ovo to .New Waven; July -38. New Frankie Fields in the sixth round in Bitter Biting, Navlsco, Bounce ami King in the opening game of the final round tensen's home is in Brooklyn. licenses. Sixty-four boxers, seventeen Haven to New T.on.lon; July 29, New Lon¬ the National Sporting Club in Brook¬ B. also ran. The score was 75 to 31. -« ) seconds, don to BtacS Island: July 30. Black Island Second race (purse $700: three year-olds Amateurs in eight managers, two judges, to Newport: July 31. at Newport; August lyn. and 6 Clay Bird Shoot two a _ upward: claiming; furlongs).Double Haardt Wins The j club referees, timekeeper and one 1 A*rtor cups race«, off Newport; August Î. ¦»-;- Eve, 110 (Lancaster), 6 to 1, 2 to 1 and Cue Match eleventh annual amateur clay received papers. KlnK'H Cup, off Newport; «September 8, Au- even, won; Frivolity, 103 7 to 2, Georges Haardt and Tom bird « Victory Hall, off Glen Cov-a. (Kelsay). Bresnahai trap shooting championship of ! Johnson City, N. Y., was the club tumn Cup, Havana Entries « to 6 and 8 to £. second; Drapery. 3 07 advanced in the round robin thre« Long Island Sound will begin on Tues- that was licensed. Bill the First racu (three-year-olds and upward; (Plclcens). r> to 2, even and 1 to 2, third. cushion billiard tournamen day, 1-, at the Manhasset Fischer, old Coa-ches Runners claiming; purs- $700; six furlongs).Scin¬ Time. 1:34 4-5. Jack Dawson. Royat. handicap April Bay Rational League catcher, is one of the Nightingale tillate. 93; Dixie Flyer, 107; Oolden Red, Scotch Kiss. Nob3c-mair, Loys and Orderly being played at Kline's Billiard Acad Yacht Club traps at Port Washington. spirits of this club. MÓRGANTOWN, W. Va.. March 24.. 112; Arthur .Middleton, 113; Cockle. 112; also ran. emy by registering victories The event is open to members jading Leon C. for tho West in the yesterda; of all ¦«Arden, of this city, was licensed a More than 100 candidates Shasta, 11-; Konstantine, 115; ütsego, 135. Third race (purse $800; three-year-olds; afternoon and evening matches recognized clubs on Long Island, Long t-imek-jep-**-; Edward Trimble, of New Virginia University track team re¬ Second race -ye&r-ol«ia and up¬ 6 furlongs).Perhaps, 104 (Dan-son), 7 to 2, Haardt defeated J. B. Wise, f>0 to 4[ Island Sound and the waters thereof. STETSON N. Cart- ward; claiming;; purse $700; flvo and a « to 5 und 3 to 2, won; Natural, 102 in the HATS York, und to the call of Coach afternoon session, and Bresna The rfiateh will be at 100 Harry Pierce, Syracuse, ref¬ sponded )«Hlf .Cigale. 84; .Just (Smith), 5 to 3. S to E and 4 to 5, second; targets, six- ¦.**,l,,l~.''"i*"'''"^-'-'«-'««''--««««-'-'-««-«-««^ eree», and Albert F. mell for the initial season. furlong*! Fancy, . han eliminated Sam 50 t teen and will start at Dutch, of Buffalo, practice ««7- 'Fickle Fancy. 9S; *lna Wood, 99; Whippet, ¡04 (Kennedy). 3 to 1, even and in the Garfunkle, yards, 12 o'clock. .rod Sidney Seharlin, of New York, as The coach was assisted in training dis¬ .«illpperv Silver. 301; Orleans Oirl. 107, 2 to 5, third. Time. 1:13 1-5. Plus Ultra, 29, evening game. Entries close April 11. Judges. tance runners by Gordon Nightingale, San ¿lego, 107; MIhs Wright. IOS; Jill, 10S; Cratlan and Vic Munoz also ran. Spring Stetson carries with it the former New two-milcr, who .»resumption, 110; Nor», 110; Frascuelo. Fourth race (purse $800: three-year-olds distinction of r..--*¦ Hampshire 111. 1 being well hatted for Eastev is now u graduate student in the uni¬ and upward; claiming; mile and 50 ANEW Third race (three-year-olds: claiming; yards).Osgood, 97 (Porretto). 2 to 1. 7 to moming and for the season to versity. six 30 and 3 to 3, won; Darnley. 312 (Dryer), follow. We Bouts Hereabouts _ purso «$700; furlongs).'Roseate, 9a; have a wide .Pansy 98? "Aunt D-eda, 103; »Jacobean, 8 to 5, 1 to 2 and 1 to 4, second; Byrne, M ANHATTAN SHIRTS variety of them in both our stores, in TO-NIGHT P-enn Stete Athlete« Go South 104; Black Top, 3 05; »Perhaps, 107; Mol¬ 100 (Fields). 4 to 1, fi t" 5 and 3 to 6. third. stiff and soft to March 24.. inero, 108. Trrno, 1:42 3-5. Cuban Ita. The Pirate and hats, choose from. 13th Regiment STATE COLLÈGE, Pa., Mess Kit also ran. Amateur Armory, Harlem- Coach Martin and his track team of Fourth race (three-year-olds and up¬ *3.00 to *5-00 boots, finals. State Colle«** ward; claiming: handicap; purse »900; one Fifth raes i purse 5700; three-year-olds fourteen Pennsylvania rn.lo and a sixteenth).Sans Peur 11, 99; and upward; claiming; 1 and l-16th miles) SATURDAY men left here to-day for their South¬ Harlock, 104; Sea Prince, 106; Smart .Sol Ollsev. 109 (Dryer). 5 to 2. even and 1 Home, 109 ), The new will to those Pioneer S. C..Phi! Franchini re. ern trip. The first meet, that with Mouey, 107; Pastoreau. 11Î* Walnut Hail. to 2. wo»; Fly («VMahor.y Spring prices appeal familiar rrankle Genar», 12 Institute, will be 113. 10 to 1. 4 to 1 and 2 to 1. second; Timothy M?CueBrosäDrümhonD rounds; to to with the Lewis va. Philip Virginia Polytechnic .1. Bogan. 101 (f-cheffel). 7 1. T« 2 and quality standard of Manhattan Shirts. Bobby Hopper, Ï2 round»; at Va., Saturday. Fifth race (four-year-olds and upward; «3 to 5, third. Tim«-. 3:47 2-5. Miss Hilar¬ .Mtk held Blacksburg, $700; one mile and a six- High Grade Hats ONLY Florio vs. Johney Berman, 10 m clü'lniing; purse ity, "Felix M Beveii Sea«, Human and Jose rounds. teenth).»Incinerator, 9«; 'Punctual. 98;; ¡ ¦'.¦' V «les also ran. to Horemans 10): 'White "Duke Cutler Play .Hush, Haven, 306; Brxth race (purse $700; three-year-olds I3Û Broadway 1442 Coramoiiw-falth S. C..Jack Reeve« Horemans, of wUl P.uff, 103! Bucknall. 113. . Broadway .ml K. O. Kdouard Belgium, ami upward: claiming. 1 and l-lrith mil«*) Near PI. Eet. 40 & Johnny Smith. 12 rounds: play Albert Cutler next week in an 18.1 Sixth race (three-year-olds and upward; ¦.WhlppoorwUl, 109 (Donunlck). 4 to 1, Bxch-ange 41 «St». Ridgewood Grove S. C.-Paddy halkl.ne handicap match ftt the Strand claiming, purse $700; one mile and fifty 7 to 5 and 7 to 3 0, won; Leñera P.. Ps rlynn vs. Phil 15 will yards« .Havana. 85; 'Talent, 95: «Second (Porretto), 10 to 1, 4 to 1 and 2 to 1, Bloom. round«. Billiard Academy. Horemans play Cousin. 97; -bounding Through, 100; .'War i!-»cond; George C. Jr., 9; (Smith), 7 to 2, Madison Ave. & 46th St Woodlutven 8. C..Danny Farrell 2 400 points to 1,800 for Cutler. It la¬ Tax, 103; Muy Roa«;, 105; Ford. 107;. 'La S to 5 and 3- to 6. third. Tima. 3 47 1-5. »ft. Neil Alexander, 10 rounds. the first 18.1 handicap staged here for Balafre. 107; ¿Discord. 108; War Loan, Ava R.. AU Sujoke, Rhymer and Bierm»B ¡t»nyeara, 110* »Plaavardie, ¿10; Waterford, «110, also rat*-.