AUG. 18, 1933 THE INDIANAPOLIS TDIES PAGE 19 distressed home owner also Is being try as a whole In the framework of weighed by HOLC officials today. an integral code rather than the The Largest U. S. MAGAZINES Radio Dial Twisters PLEAS DELUGE Handicapped as they are, heads of COAL'S HOPE IN legion of codes introduced. For the the various departments of the relief continuation of cut-throat competi- Poultry House bank stated that first loans will be tion will only render the situation FRIDAY in Indianapolis Offers organization practically hopeless —* IS P. M —7 30 F. M _* * F. M—- made by the not later and irremedi- IN (1020 WGH (730t—Wayna King's' . 1020) than Saturday. able. QUANDARY KTW —Canton orchM- KYW Fisher'* or- ON 1 HOME OWNERS' ONE CODE. IS orchestra. SATURDAY OHLY! r chestra. Mrs. Lillie 2415 North "The choice for the industry is CBS Boake Carter. —7:43 F. It— CBS—Lombardo'* Scalf. 59. of Goldberg* orchestra. between drift and chaos on the one SBC The to KYW .1020) Russell Olaves WENR 870)—Berries or- Hovey stre?t, who has been making WEAF chestra. fcnnd and order and mastery on fresh np DRY band. payments on her home for the last n SENTIMENT P. SBC te- WBBM (770( Fisher* orchestra CORPORATION EXPERTS VIEW Hams’ Re- to the other hand. the WEAF. nine years, is expected to be the first Will industry ens- Hapov Bid-n. | vue. continue to be so divided and de- EGGS c SBC Concert 'o WEAP WON <720. Jan Oarber’s WGN .720.—Wayn* King's applicant to benefit under the home Z°“/b WON 729 Palmer ensem- orchestra orchestra. structively competitive as to make ble. owners' loan act here. Printing —* of Beer Ads is WJR (INI Three Ace. F. M WJR .750)—Eddi* South’s Additional Help Will Be Salvation From Disaster Is the great refusal of entering on a BOILING O Rupp s KYW 11020) orchestra. Mrs. Scalf, at time of making her ensemble. —Globe Trotter new phase? Depending NBC Tales of the Titan* to Quartet NBC-CW. orchestra to application, that her husband on Views WJ7. Hired by Chairman stated Held in Planning for "Economic self-discipline and 870) CBS Lou Holts. Orce wmaq Robert, been paralyzed for CHICKENS WLB Fisher'* orches- Moore. Hsvton s orchestra (870) —Dance pro- 72. has tra. -2' planning is untried and new. is not 8c of Women. a hours.. the last six years. She has been —4:15 P. M ( NBO—O. 8. Navy. WSM .650 —Ole Bill. McKinney. Industry as Whole. has little of precedents to WTMJ mortgage easy, Brw**!, CBS NBC—First Nlghter to WJZ 1620(- German hand. making her payments for Bp Timrl Sprrial The Columbian*. Bu Srripr>*-J{oirnr4 Xtwpapir copy. Milk IVil Kk( JS wbbm 770 Snort review —41:15 P. M -*9:50 P. M E. Kirk McKinney, chairman of that length of time by taking. in Alliance NEW WON 720 * ■ Lighter classics "It will and Hit.l Urdu. Z: | YORK. Auk. 18—What a lot WBBM '770 —tfemn’s or- WGS f 720) Jan Garber's the Home Owners’ Loan Corpora- washings and “not eating for three WASHINGTON. Aug. 18—Coal's require groping WLS *7ol—Roger s orches- chestra orchestra. to a technique of “• of w**ary and sorely troubled maga- tra. CBS- Jane Froman. days at a time.” and is immedi- only hope of salvation from eco- struggling develop RenardV —lO P. M tion. has found it necessary to hire in FRYS —4 SO P. M orchestra. danger nomic disaster' lies in acceptance equilibrium, of balancing production 1 zine peope would like know today KYW ate of losing her home be- to rights NBC -Lum and Abner to (1020-—Canton orches- CBS Bar X davs and tra. additional help to answer the many of one general code for the industry, and consumption, methods of ad- Is how many readers of women's WBBM 770t—Harrv Puck. WEAF cause she had only one washing a songs W’JR (7501—Detroit sym- CB&—Bel*sco' orchestra. classify the 10,000 bringing together northern, south- between the various areas phony. WENR .870)—Roger’s inquiries and ap- week, netting her 35 cents. justment magazines still are outside the WON 720' Keren's orches- or- ern and western mines union and devices for re- tra NBC -Aldo Ricci and Phan- chestra plications received at state head- McKinney ordered an immediate and of production, tom strings to WJZ N re* m Slnßer ranks of the great anti-prohlbltlon NBC Potash and Perlmut- WEAF investigation and appraisal. and nonunion ones, in the opinion storing credit standing to the in- ter to WJZ WMAO 1870.—Northern con- quarters here. Pre- FRYS Qc push. cert. Playboys. Ethel of Dr. Alexander Sachs, chief of the dustry. 1 WMAQ iC79 --Orchestra liminary investigation has been WSM 850' Snorts: ensem- wrva (110)—Spiritual sing- Waters and George Dewey More than 75,000 applications now ers. completed the NRA division of economic research "Second only to the problem of To engage or not to engage in ble. Chuck and Rav. i Washington to WJZ. are on file in all state branches at and abstract is in —8:45 P. M.— | WJR Radio t traced and planning. balancing, a resolute effort at co- the lucrative business of advertising —4:15 P. M ; r,er1750.—Scores:orchestra. process of being and exam- C. „~sfP? i Ft. Wayne. South Bend, Ham- CITY POULTRY beer still has the women's maga- WBBM <77o)—Ted Lewir or- CBS—Edwin Hill. 'WTMJ .620)—Dnce orches- by Adolph Seidensticker. coun- Dr. Sachs has present*i a de- ordinating and improving the wage WBBM .770 —Ted Lewis' or- tras. mond-Gary, Evansville, Indianapolis, ined chestra sel, tailed analysis of the levels and labor conditions of the zines in a quandary. They've made WON Rube Appleber- chestra. The loan will be granted as coat problem, MARKET 7201 ■ WGN (720. ship —10:10 P. M Terre Haute and Richmond, and they rv sketch Dream based on the hearings on the industry.” S, declsiorts pro tem , yet worry, NBC - Hill Billy WGN soon as approval is obtained from 111-113 New .leroey M. NBC Sion river to WJZ. Heart (720.—Agr w’s orches- have taxed the machinery of the they wonder, they hardly dare to Throbs to WJZ -1 tra. county officials. twenty-seven coal codes submitted Corner —the Rrl Front —7 P. M—- WSM . Freddie organization. think about it least, out loud. 6501 Rose —10:15 P. M by different groups of operators. A twenty-volume edition of the Phone Lincoln 4979 —at CRCT 'BIO —Little Forum F. M.— Possibiliity of hiring additional has been The I.arict Poultry Itnn.e la City It's a tougher teaser than It was KYW 11020' Orient*! vil- KYW . 10201 -Russell Claves’ Five million dollars loss is He concluded: flora of the Sonet Union lage orchestra CFCA ill2oi RomanelU's orchestra. men as appraisers to take ewe of up each year coun- “It seems me clear Russian botanists, and about a decade ago to determine the Irvin orchestra chalked in this to indisputably completed by CBS Cobb and Good-. KDKA 1980) Petti*' —10:30 P. M.— the unexpected response to the firebugs who twenty FREE DRESSING right moment to show women the man's orchestra. orches- KYW try due to set fire to that the only solution lies in organ- is said to contain more than in WBBM 770' tra. 110201—Fishers or- clgaret advertisements. Harris' Revue KYW .1020)—Terrace or- chestra. government’s attempt to help the property. ization and planning for the indus- thousand species of plants. NBC Fred Allen Ac Orofe's CBS—Dancing orchestra to WEAP chestra. by the Sea. It's not so much a matter of prin- CBS Barlow and Columbia WGN .720i—McCoy’s orches- WON (7201 Troubadors A- avmphonv. tra. ciple as of business. But business, Lawrence Salerno NBC Meyer Davis' orches- NBC—Helen Morgan: alas, demands WJR i750 Minstrels. tra Grant's a guess as to the NBC Phi! to WEAF orchestra to WEAF. Harris’ orches- WGN .720.—Bridge moral sentiments of ' ra; Leah Club: orchestra to readers. Rav to WJZ Dream Bhlp WTMJ .6201- Dance orches- tra. NBC Vocal trio to WJZ. WJR (7501—Rupp'* orches- Delineator Takes Plunge NBC—Amos 'n' Andv to tra. —7:15 P. WENR M WDAF —ll P. M.— The Delineator has taken the CBS Vera Van. WRVA (1110) Domino play- contralto, i ers. KYW (1020—Canton orches- WBBM '770 Arnheim's or- plunge. Its Sepetmber issue con- chestra. —9:15 P. M.— i tra. 7VBBM (770)—Around the tains a bright invitation to the suds —7:30 P. M WENR n Andv .NBC. magazine is proceeding on the the- FRIDAY 5 15—Old Vienna ensemble. ory P M 5 30--Bob Newhnll. , that the only way to find out 530 Records. 545 Dog talk bv Dr. Glenn Adams STANDARD STORES tfhat their 2.000,000 readers think 5 45- Ballad Boys 6 00 -Gene Burchells dance orchestra. 6 00- Happy 6:3o—Detectives Black and Blue. beer print Woivles Bokers (OBSi. 6 about is to an advertise- 6 15—Brown Coupiy Revelers. 45—Four Pals. They 6 7:oo—Musical grocery store (NBC). ment and see what happens. 30—Bar-X Days 'CBS' 7:3o—Light opera 7 00—Irvin S Cobh CBS), revivals great persons B:oo—Lum and .NBC) sounded out a many i 15—Cera Van .CBS'. Abner CALIFORNIA APRICOTS B:3o—Castle Farm experienced the busi- —Melodv Men dance orchestra. in publishing Earl 9:oo—Cotton Queen Minstrels, with Hlnk Gordon pianolog. and Dink. ness before going thpt far—and *1 CBS*, 00—Chesterfield program 9 30—Unsolved mvsterv. they're still wondering. f 7?—iane Uroman and orchestra 'CBS! 10.00—Cotton Club orchestra 2-PRTCE 'NBCi. a B:4s—Edwin C. Hill 'CBS'. 10:30—Cone’.- Island dance The other women's magazines are 9 00—Columbia Symphony 'CBS). orchestra. yfi business 9:3o—Guy Lombardo 11 .JO—Lotus Gardens orchestra (NBC). IN SYRUP O avoiding and Roval 11:30—Rainbow Gardens (NBC). mOC OCZ the sunny side of the fence. 'CBSi. Canadi- orchestra c r ans 12 Midnight—Moon river. Cans Hi r Cans Hi McCall's. Woman’s Home Compan- 22—Leon Bclasco orchestra 'CBS'. with °7hese “apricots. W OR 36 years Standard Stores have always main- — 2No T? locked‘money Tom Gerun orchestra .CBS'.’ A. M Sa\e now! -T ion, Good Housekeeping—you can I?11:00—Bohemians.22 12:15—Walkathon orchestra. tained the same low prices in every store—not thumb them through from cover to 11:30—Sign off. 12:30—Castle Farm dance orchestra. I:oo—Sign off lower prices in any certain stores than in the others. cover without noticing that beer is back. WKBF (1400) Indianapolis (Indianaoolis Broadcasting. Inc.l Moral Issue Uncertain FRIDAY P M Su "We are uncertain that our read- 5 00- Dinner Melodies. ne 5 30—Mirth great Parade. lipton’s $1.27 ers would approve—it's not a 5 50- Radio Repor'er. DEMAND 6 00- Gang. ""J Knothole c£f matter,” moral said a man in the 6 15- Dinner dances. Cfciio*<*ai* Woman's Home Companion office. 6 45—Sportsllght 7 OO Trio Then he added hastily, ' But you'd and Vaughn Cornish. tea 25-Lb. Sack X .15 To be announced. better talk to someone else about 730 Melody Moments. aUKdI 7:45 Marvel Mevers. this.” 8 00 Dirk Harold. Iced or Hot Miss H Otis, acting editor in the 8 15- Bill Warren. 8 .30 Lum and Abner's Sociable iNBCi. absence of Gertrude Lane, said: 9:oo—Harry Bason. Over fifty years of suprem- "That matter of beer advertising 9:15 Indiana Sportsman. acv guarantee of S 9 30—Mirth Parade your JaCkSOn Finest entails policy. I wouldn’t want to 9:45 Masters Music Room unexcelled flavor. talk about it. I wouldn't be re- 10:00—Gordon Carper's orchestra. 10 30—Sign off. CREAMERY sponsible. I wouldn't take the lib- llff tOk erty. . . "But the policy is already de- WLW (700) Yeibw Vi-Lb. Prints, Lb. fined,” FRIDAY Z|.Qc BmP IMI l L I she was reminded. “It's al- P M ready been printed that you aren't ■S 00 Tarzan of the Apes. taking beer advertising." 4:ls—Walkathon orchestra. 1/4-Lb. gfl "Yes.” she conceded, “but I mightn't say the same things Miss * Lane would say about it.” Fishing the ? 1 pi|lsbury’s $•!. Editorial Brings Storm .Hr,. Best 15 Not so long ago Miss Lane wrote Oftiik an editorial advocating repeal. There Air s9' wasa a terrific hullabaloo. But what rifJUr 24-Lb. Sack X really decided the Woman's Home Turgenev’s grim tale of a Siberian lOc.Pkg. Companion against the unsanctified episode, ’ A Lear of the Steppes." will be dramatized during the Tales of the Titans Fancy beer was just "judgment, not facts.” program. Friday at 6 p. m., over WLW it was said. and NBC network. Imperial. m It was just six years ago that a NONE BETTER ’ magazine took its life in its hands The vocal firm of Luther, Duey and Parker, assisted and sometimes led by Full 3-Lb. Can s and recognized that women were Hii?emeier Joe Green's hilarious orchestra, a i. smoking. It printed a cigaret ad- offer Choicely Hop Flavored bit of everythin* on their program Fri- vertisement. showing (gracious, dear day, ovrr WFBM and the Columbia Madp by the Only I me!) the frail and perfectly mani- rhain from 6 to 8:15 p. m. Malt Syrup Manufacturer B-CII U Kettle Rendered cured hand of lady holding <9 a a light- in Indianapolis MILK ed cigaret! Fred Allen and his troupe, including the That was sensational. But today non-too-brtlliant Portland Holla and the Sold by Your Retail Store word-garbler. Rov Atwet!. will Rppear In AND you see direct appeals to women the Salad Bowl Revue. Friday at 7 p. m. smokers’ right (of all places) in over WLW and an NBC network the women's magazines. — Tomorrow, the editors say. it may HIGH SPOTS OF FRIDAY CREAM AM AC be suds. But—not till tomorrow. NIGHT'S PROGRAM -FREE- Garden—n——nFresh Fruits and Vegetables RAMr\ I Fw I 6 30--Columbia—B’.r X Days and AT ALL rt N'ghls TEXAS DESPERADO A Full Half-Pound Can of IS 7:OO—NBC . WEAF)—Fred Allen and Orofe s orchestra. STANDARD STORES ss u.. MUCH SOUGHT MAN Columbia—lrvin S. Cobb and TOMATOES 2 5c 4 Goodman's orchestra. DUFFY’S NBC .WJZ)—Phil Harris and I'nder Sentence of IfiS Years, He's orchestra. Sweet Cocoa and Milk. Malted ° Just mail this ad and a label Ears D Z C Wanted on Many Charges. 7:30-NBC (WJZ)—Phil Baker. RICH IN GREEN CORN WellJiue? |L Duffy's 12 from 4 t nitnl I'rn Pure Malt Syrup Pm m B:oo—Columbia—Lou Holtz. Grace with your and “ DALLAS. Aug. 18.—Ray- Moore and Hayton's orches- name address on Tex.. tra. it to— mond Hamilton. West Dallas des- NBC . WJZ'—The First Nighter QUALITY ’££■ perado who already is under sen- drama. PEACHES 4 23c tence of 263 years in the Texas NBC .WEAF'— DEXTORA COMPANY Navy band. penitentiary for charges ranging INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA .WEAF)—Lum ‘ auto theft to murder, is a 8 30— NBC and Ab- “ u from ner s Friday Night Sociable Only one can free to a family. much-sought man. Columbia—Jane Froman and Crystal William Snow White When Governor H. Mur- Queens. FAT content SOAR ray was out of Oklahoma, the act- 5 ing Governor of that state signed Vera Van. blond "young contralto who a . out west to BEANS came GREEN 4 of the nation-wide 19c for Hamilton be ir "" a requisition to radio acclaim, will call up visions of out- taken to Atoka. Okla., where of-doors romance when she sings "My Jr *ilr 10 27c Gvpsv Rhapsody. ’ with a special Inter- charges of murder are pending polation of Dark Eves." during her pro- -j- against gram over WFBM and the Columbia chain SOFT- him. CABBAGE 3 --10. Friday, from 7:15 7 30. His release to Oklahoma author- to however, is doubtful due a ities. to The terrors and blood curdling experi- Tomaloes *■“" 2 19c statute forbidding a prisoner whose ences AS- -75SU, through which the aristocrats ORANGES 2 is under consideration of went 27. sentence during the first days of the Rus- revolution the criminal courts of appeal fronj sian wilt be dramatized In - —ln Our 89 Meat Dept. Stores— leaving the state. the First Nighter presentation, "The \ ”-i Pineapple 15c | Exiles.” Friday at 8 p. m.. over WENR a SILK Lb and an NRC network. HILGEMEIER’S early CANDLE BOYCOTT FOR 15c pMIS O 1 v / \ cans iyc Two famous waltzes sung bv Grace i ' . center slices, lb., a9o reaS JUNE eL UTILITIES ENVISIONED Moore- Gounod's familiar watz from CAKE FLOUR Romeo and Juliet'' and the favorite J Lb "Villa from The Merrv Widow'—are SLICED BACON s'.'."-. -19c pire 1-1* Method of Forcing Hand outstanding offerings on the variety pro- 0 on NRA featuring Di.ocofu

the Songs You Like. DOG SOAP . _ drunkenness when the car in which DI £ 1 COOKED RATION DOG FOOD p •" ° " 0 Listen for Special ■ i law j. - sure ii B tt they were riding is alleged to have A Uerto 25c crashed into an auto at Washington GIFT OFFER street and White river boulevard Cans Thursday night. yetluMfUf apple. 4$ 445 Shinola !h “*' bottte 8c Police held Darrell Eikenberry. 29. CHERRY or 1 fir. 1 of 332 South Taft street, and Ed- EVANS’ RASPBERRY I ward Talbert, 26, of 1116 North J Capitol avenue, a passenger in RICE ||] One-Half Pound of Goodness g mA Eikenberrya car. KRISPIES jj^ Walter Droll. 24. of 1340 Silver pies avenue, driver of the damaged car, c Mid ha had stopped for the mter- Assorted Flavors c •oection when the accident occurred. nw?rensuwwoml