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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-23-1913 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-23-1913 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-23-1913." (1913). abq_mj_news/2943

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I'hat t he taxes for 1913 would be ad- - ELSIE DAY MYSTERY Ivan'cd f r.u to i ml per int. WILL WILL IS REPORTED GOES C"otge C, .star n w eat her, suncrih- - ALBUOUEROUE SSBEliiiCtHEliTS IS FULLY CLEARED UP .'ton.leiit cif tin' muthern ilii-tri- of ' l he western I. ties of ih- - Sunlit told of J Mlu lo entertain l! ' K'-- i"'": - l! lIlS i I tin- mov ciuent of etv.ty lri-l- l,lil Siiptciue f.'Cit l'!eii Jose lT M04NINI JOUHNAL IIASIO WIN!' in fa mil'. to the Pi ens valley mul of a shortage Sena, Willi Will llrtk t'l" lilMtiil OF OfJ l. s Moines, la., Nov. Si.-K!- "le DE QUIETLY ill Hint nntlnn lor n lew days I.ihI BE GIVE! OVER pee It, arrives on Tucday. TROOPS !iv, who was thought for time to 10 we a be- -' iioimsra; I'lltlllllcr. !'a.--l i lv to ma ooihimh have been murdered somewhere F. J. Shuhirt, genital freight agent lion with Santa Fe. om i Ity In lake tvvcen Spokane, Wash., and Aurora, otl-.- i of tin- - Roik Island Inn s, IcHiilicd Unit t he convention In t HI 4 nd I'.ie r 111., but was found alive In lies Moines on Inn f'oiut'iiiiy hud i lio com- to k I It l'l Santa Ke cunts lasl night, admitted tonliiht that she EDUGATQRS lb- - IS EVACUATING FIGURES PLAY plaints of rates from the territory of 10 the I'eeos val'ex and the ouni ies ti FIDIITIEl and her brother, Alfred Love, had New Mexico covered by his lines. He titary to the I i over ir Hio (iiamle til beaten their way from Spokane to n Liu argued that the existing rates ar" heh, II. 'cna d clari It has lies Moines. Their story explains the lean.. nnbio, mul rruil from rati- - sheets ('ollax, Mora Ulladallipe and l nlml Utiding of tlie clothing, book and re will' h were put into record as ex- villi It and also expects help volver In car. tho onmies . the JUAREZ BIG PART hibits. NEXT 3 DAYS from the south. i. A. Kleinii K' "f tin-I- SIGNIFICANT "I'll Ihe load somewhere, I strtnk . dull Hill lead my end of a pro- , Tuk inje of evidence for the railroad as Veas t'otomerclnl nose aiialiist the companies was ily Bii"icnded the Meadow City delegation. It will jecting Joist In the cur," said I.ove "I tfiiiorni as will be ut thiM point, unci 1 1. A. Mucphersnp, le an Interesting contest had my sister's waist In mv pocket if the Morning Journal, was Intro- that fur the president y f " iin-elatlo- n and used It to wipe off the blood. The to UK on pa and lis other officers. I'l.n. Im- revolver Is I brought with me for Mystery Sirt rounds Movements duced testify to th rutin Gathciing of Teach- to Department Attaches No oie :aiy Lawyers and Still More per. Mr. Ma.'pherson said that paper Greatest Biddable Import. Mice is nttnehe.1 protection. 1 dropped It In the car lined by was ordered these offices by the members of the nio I could not recover It." of Rebel Chief, But Troops Dis- his ciimpaiiy Ever Assembled in His- f"V portance to Movements of Weary Witnesses Show Horn Wisconsin, and that he wan com- ers association and rivalry them is The Herman reader found In the, pelled to pay a rate of H5 centH u hun-drc- d keen. Army Bor- car was one which they telnet to Arc Entraining, in Railroad tory of Southwest Opens al- Soldiers but on appointment When Enforced an against a rate of "ii cents An attendance of a thousand is pa.k vvith their other helongiiiKH and may twelve Time, paid .y Kl I'uso for paper from the Here Tomorrow, ready certain. It teach der Is Being Increased, thev had carried II with them, Yards Few at Delay Is Announced, same tcrrltoryi Other than In the hundred and evi-- more, little d.d Klsle lav traveled Hie whole dis- rt years mutter of paper, Mr. Macpherson Fall Han ('. K. llnduln dreitin few tance In her brother's clothes. They that he had no complaint to make ao when he and a few others organi- left Spokane October 27 and arrived .Mexico Kdiicational ussn-clatio- n ARE LOADED against frelgiH rated, as there was EVERY COUNTY WILL zed the New TROUBLE IS FEARED here eleven days later. TRAINS ;CME WILL MISS very lie was required at Sania Ke, thst It woeld soon The young man and Ihe young wo- llltle cine that ennnac- - to get hy freight. HAVE REPRESENTATIVES become a mighty iiKeiuy Jor FROM JUAREZ FIGHT man Were adopted by dllTelent fami- WITH AMPLE SUPPLIES THANKSGIVING AT HOME Judge Hlodsee, In a facetious vein, Iiik twentv-flv- e times the nunioer mat lies In childhood. If it wan met with him In the first convention. not seen niv sister for sev- Inquired of Mr. Macpherson prediction "I had not true that even with the handicap Kvon the most optimistic enteen veins," said "1 .visited I ft I of W i f that he had to bear he didn't Met out Dr, P, P, Claxton, United of Hiram llailby, the nestor the Apprehension in Regard lo. her lasl fall. I couldn't get work and Believed That Federal Forces fur-ninh- hardlv looked I I pence Yestcruay icr Most a letter article of new than wan New Mexico educators, we were tip aualusl It. anew renin -- to day when 1,1'i'n New Klsio Are Advancing on Border in 101 Paso. Well, we think Commissioner of Ed- - forward the Safety of Oil Property at! get along In Pes Mollies and Part Review of Figures ana States i..ic.. li'iichers would itather In the suggested we bent our way. no," was the answer. that Vic-to- ry S. of Kvening Herald, 'I1 uss earnestly ami Tuxpam Is Allayed by Js-- "Ueally we had a great lark on the City and Will Regain by Specialists J. Itlack, the ucation, to Be Distinguished prob- j Charts Rate wan In court room but wan not put iS:";';; educational Kin." said Miss lay, who Is an un- the day. Week Ago, on the stand, Judge Cowan announc Guest of Convention, lems of the suranccs of Rebel Lea ie is, usually attractive young woman. of Introduced by Railroads, evidence Would Not only the public school teachers InK that Mr. Pluck's and the mis- be substantially Identical with that of but those of the Indian PICTURE OF sion schools will convene at this ANOTHER Mr. Muophemon. lT MQSNINa IMCIL agent The rural schools, their needs and time. The state board of education JOUL U.IID KIMI any Hearing oi me J. I'. general freight 'asliim;l!on. .Nov. SJ', Kelnforce-Inien- MRS, WILSON'S SOLD'' inutile tnird their Krowth, is tile (treat theme upon will hold Its sessions and will adopt t Mir Mexico rate canon lief ore Kxam- - of the raelflc dlvlHion of the South- of the American troops on the OltOZCO IX which the host of educators and lead- Spanish readers and cramtnnrs for Un Mitcmnn r Jlin kley, of the interstate - ern Pacific railroad, comprising tne Mexican a TO I 7, course nesioes irans-lacti- frontier was development :i:c.i-- in; ji aiu ciimmiB.sion, wore on yesterday, went of Kl Paso, was the last ers In public thouuht will concentrate common school MnNIK jOilKHkU Ptt:iAt. LBAItO WINfl lines Alhu-qitemu- today relating to .Mexican prob- 'V h re discussions thin week In e other business. In other words, die it brenmu increasingly evident wllnenn before tho noon recess, t'pon their lem, but this movement of troops was New York. Nov. Two addition Mexico City, Nov. 22. tleinr-a- l by - by Htulioan, and ftreat results are expecli d all the educational activities iind by Mrs. Woodrow Wilson t the time being killed dlscttr- direct examination Mr. ii w. rU said to be riot at all alarming by of- al paintings, In command of n.OiiO lo materialize from the convention of are eoncentratun tie . .1 Li.. witnesses, exleniieil arguments by for the Southern Pacific, Mr. forces pl.i. en exhibition at an ait Chihun-liu- a attornev Mexico Kdiicational associa- 'and this week In A!bu.iiertuc. ficial statements issued in explanation. troops, I" ipoyirif from yen ana rare men sumos told oi communis en nm n the New efforts It was said at the war department gallery her,, today, due, 'Old Lyme" io attack Juttrex. now held will nvene for a Surely city may he proud of the .1. M M force a continuance of the fane, in New Mexico. There were only two tion that ii tomorrow the !thnt one of two Infantry regiments was "purchased by 1". I'h.lan, by the rebels. With him are his three days' session. and appreciates the distinction Krancls, Mr. Mm i he coming week, the annoyance towns, he said, between Kl Paso and honor Is to be ordered immediately to Kurt funnel mayor of San old lieutenants, Cenerals Snlazar, of helnit the host to New Mexico's of I!. do 111 i frctfulnesn or thoae w ho nave rm- - the Arizona bonier, iteming, win, The advance (tuard of the schooi I'llss, near Kl Paso, for tl purpose ol I'helall Is lll the till t'.iiavco ami i.'rplnal, of tlie reg- - force for advancement. 1 rid the dry lechnk alities of the population of about 4,0u0, and Lnrds- army in here. I'y twos and threes and imiKhtlest freeing one of the ca vary rcgluicnls club of Soil ram ii'eo, und the paint- ular army. - non- . bib. lit.ring iitcnmc more and more evi- burg, with a poyuinuon or no... dozens, the commissioned and now stationed lit that foil for active ing "ill be hung In ihct This announcement wan made 1 a educa- K .I l!l OK y I the; sale ;r.t. 50", In a stretch of miles. uw commissioned officers of the IV.N' duty along the hit national line In The no in eceiv from today by the war department, dis- tional arriviiiK. Hy iii hi: h. r Mm. Wil i lb" OteS fol-lo- Must of those connected with the 'road ran almost entirely throuch host have lien ri:.t iii:i:s ai iikadv Mil exeunt Ion ..!' the in ul rai ;l v law .c of paictiims. whl. lt nisi, reported that Hhl c tort in agriculture they v 111 bp cornimt by the of I 'ie I . It V I c are a long dmiance from home. country. There no The choice upon Six-no- lo the advancement X.ipala were killed In Mon- - will fall the eis of heur- - I that is In an scores and hundreds on every train lo Superintendent Jose , school, an indiisirial Institution lot' n muiy the failure to finish the around etnin. and County teenth Infantry, at the 'i .:. :, i, a bn'tle to.lav In the state of ipioted I in lit w it h very boy,-- , a ( '.a. - Stubbs the convention ever n . iu-t- lid i;irls in ar Koine, 4 Saturday nlsht will mean the rall- experimental staue. Mr. alten hiscst timer arrived last San Krancls.'ii, r the Ti ii' II t MorrloH. Introduced In Mi xico by any organiza- county. exi ptiiu id w to eat TnanksKlvlmr turkey at from a statement which he held New teacher In Tao f oil rv . i. Km t '. li.'.l.i.-i-. . now metropo- m Manay (iocs 'r u nc To all it means disappointment ;in evidence to show that the rates tion so laice that only the those from one district, and the '"""''Sail Ctiy. l'li-- 'I'mflli' r lib t Uike !. Ad it plans. iin are reasonable. lis of lie state can house it. And o f the board of directors i .inn Win hini'.toti. Ni tillV unsettled existence iivin Ti serve garrison and d fend MonftcNa jnUflNAL r.iAt, WIMI1 mo. o w. s n. even A strain all of ti" of He' !v f l.AD .uto In tho this feeling' 'ihe lust witness aner lbuiueriiie must from that district. the city ,,f l pc mail afternoon i r ii:c Jim .. Met., Nov. 2.1. Oeneral of to Us (tui Kts ad- Siipe.-iiilend- nt I'.ivid Mar- .1 to b, collie one apparent In the attitude of'H. Herry. a hardware merchant Its facilities entertain County attack from the Hie l'l 1'r.i evacu- o ar- i Ka iiet.M'o Villa Is preparing to was introiluceii equately. roomli'.K houses of INo Ariila coiiniy, , of .,.i litii.oj lo. clovis.' Mr. llerrv Hotels and tinez. Jr., to police il II I ...i the of . ft ludlciitlons, v.."un ,...... ,. .,a ...1,., luuliflnd- Itlnl!,,.- filll .... homes are Ihiiiy-tiv- e and If-- ' li '! II ate Jerez, .in all and .., n i " i and private teachers : u h ,.i,w.,. lioii.i in r. ' in iiiiiii.ini.''. rto.. ,o..i, rived with It vv.'is said II i "ho - that ' it it peeled Hint by daylight Ihero w oo- oim-- h. twenty-or.- e directors, la-i- t year this Willi of t o fel l courtesy which nave prevailed on accoiini oi tne (treiu uunnnis- eeintt uirown zation would be .1 le - - w.-- i will tod bo a trace of a rebel Soldier prog- - earwe . JUS! hiioss no- ir-'ii- d Mil- ihii i,u. o l--' .oiniiv had seventeen teachers and Va. if M e Ihe hearliiK has been in l.iKs nii'iiiim. ji iiiouii'i d .;,!, le .': nth. r In the eiiy. At 2 o'clock this inorn- - 111 e, enjoys over iovis, he and other establishiiot om o for all its reputation ,,,, dii present, miLckhii to wear away. A snapplsn. ector Hot being lis 111 Hi. Inl mt rv o.tlletly, in his.i ily were accuslomeil ,;,s a convention city and at the same County Sut erinlendent It. s. Tlp--I- I I"1 P 9 i"5 1 1 1 P Aft "'K v,',t' entraining bttul atmosphere prevailed, where itiicrehants could scarcelv f, !1 lb pl ("IV- - Al ' shipped to Karwell and t:lrle Its proverbial hospital-- . ),,, nlcjit fro Ala- - if III PlIH I LL '"iv " " trains In fl proving lasl re hud been only KooU-nature- ami Ito have Roods j,,, eame a Ii v on t hi ol. ' Farwvll to t'lo-,u- v will leave pleasant of III,. l T i I 1 1" l" 1 '"' M'xi.o Northwestern rallrnnil ndly rlvuiry. hauled by dray from that memories moKordo, reported that nianv The not t ,f t! to HI il Kurwell to with visitors. eobnty w oil,l be 11 IlLlkU HiLUli :i and this buds to the belief that IJuilse representinK state ;vis. The distance from its .tcacliers from otero in. r ase by Is Cowan, the said, is ten miles. today. All Ai.uipe.-icd- n'l Till"- - tile liicfiain fleeing towards U'lovis. he only the ne.irbv cities nnd;hcre A t .IV- ; commission, could not vi of no !c;n ti lo in a,, i i .. n. b a. part iiuralion I The largest of it i Chicago, faist-- 1 s i Dav id Meyer, of tisslstam l(lv, n ,lUt fr,,m the moiinlaiii r,iv;l ' icbct will the tain III iil his Impatience at what he r c order u Ins armv I" now within forty milesi It'eneral freinht asetit of the Santa nppKl.H ,,f Colfax mid T.ins counties, .Hon. t i I'" .slilered the useless waste of time I., their ie bo l. of I ie, i .7, on the south, but are wlth-- . 'railway, was the next witness. Mr.lf,.,,,,, ,,, expanse of Ihe IV.-o- I Sopot int. tidciit irl' i his portents. In gruff tones he frl.,;,, 'ulititv of.' wj, t.d b I'll', l'l matching distance rif Hie i !.Meycrs "Videiiee was almost vtll-y.- from the ranees of i Jrant ami Kurt, of T. I'l in C COI.IliV, is a mo ie m t. d to til ich of the evidence that Ihe Ti vis M .; N t i liw tern., The fact i tended to ., ,, , ' lid that 'of stH.istical nutiire, and ,Hiii!o"s. from th" the arrival; last liicbt lb tlnl St . i I! by railroad., freight - and i i wm mum ffind the nt! tli li- -'t of i;i Mora, iiju' y Wol'ld b. M'lll bo evacuating, glen WilO toon. ,.. rates lil;f; ami from the 'K nance c .( lb. ir I- i- le d t! men began f '"t siendily lowereil v il.1 aid' end. nee after his icompany had been wt,., valley of the San Juan by tieail all ICO be sp- 10 , t i.l imminent part in the press s Hl t! f 1 the examination He also went jwt.-- t M HISS to entrain at o'clock, when neveral many years past. h of Ke, Ii prhioil' at ,1 itnisses ycntcrday, replied to ifor )in, n. mesas Santa I'loudtit. I. ... s a I'o.H hill,. cavalrymen left for tho extensive argument as to 'he,(n(, All u- - accompanied by lhi.s t In hundred j n linto an tl.;((.,,.ra r(. pouring into Aitliur. l ,i Kl .... IU! Ouz-iiini- i, jle I'.i with studied courtesy that hut ..- - on 111,, low ... l ai.z. oi and thai Mouth, going In the direction of .9 r..t..u assi.-tanls- , came l.isl nlchl. Chaves At- - j ' n ra I. HI w I) Oll'V I'e ,f concealed a biting sarcasm. , , .. , ,. her.-- . rebel cell i. on the Northwestern, Villa could ' ' t"," si'V-,1"- "- ' countv will have t'oitv '" ri ,lv I a t u t bll.l I ney Coleman also came in with ... i ,, , . .. .'. red I'll, goil" not he seen to confirm or deny the i I I ;i n ' i i ' i i i ' i .... i...... m.,,1 u I lo, a .1 A I nnr an. as." i m ' u line uo 'o o in in he said. Olee' b e 'el!, I'lbl In butt !e. ( i fotth report. Ti'a Mid K. A. of ormi. i Va one nil heh, ,mote li!or '" ? .' ' Ilau.tld IS o n. a r and Other Entertain- to or general harmony. "" w of Ian at ci'iiii' .Id's Dinners The trains that have been ready In ,.;. m by eompary m new to al oil. lines promi! "'lit tea ibdM ho fe 1 4,1 ...i ,,tri.ev lii.ti oenditures made Ins the but ''"'nil of the Killed,., far to l!i e oil il ,i nd east of Ihe yards since early in tho y, j ...... i he. ci railroad ni.'s arose and proclaimed the recent ars. " ..o of dry lariuiug unities, 'cine the ported last night. Kl 'a so, r. ached the vv ar do- - ments in Honor of Young . y v. ril flui night, have been loaded with enough iliiiii-l-Jollai- s. Vie been it ( n. awak ,'inmr in Snperint nd, M.cs of valley in a said bad I'm: aries ol the Assistant State pa t tin. .nt, hut Kliss, win,! the Pecos in- - Mi.-- s cncial supplies to last many weeks. Mexi o, gatl here new Kv 1 rinit caused the specta- - he company, directly and ind.tectl New to ir dell'n I'.aea and tl'.i ns,n it t. at t lie same line' Couple Arc Order of Day in voire that t; them A was given credence 11 oev ispiralieti a nd lo home I'W Melioi; I'll pller of the slate department rumor that is tm look up and v.omlcr What III It!!' o. take Informed the . officials 1!inx. He also i bat will Ip to mould the d stiny of last night from by both conslll utlonalisis and ,s iUl iew Mexico since hi of education, arrived he bad diss at, bed j Social Washington, about. com- that another Slates army officers In Kl Paso to- 'stated that the onrninc,s oi tne ttle Suns bine state, Simla i,n of Hi" Third cavalry from inly JudL'e r.leilsoe. big joliy and been put into; 'iiiieriiiteni! I'll!. lie Supci Alvan N. night was to the effect that federal in'ijierturl pany had consistently State ecUof State inletident Kurt Sam Ul, S in Antonio, to iilin, retained his able bclt'ermcnts and extensions of thej struct i,.n Ah an N. wus practl- - White last ninht received a inecsaue forces were marching on Jiiare from .ul ill'.', 'l iie juiltt e was as much reinforce the shiiudron already there. IY MORNINO JOURNAL IPICIIL LtAICO W.RII thirty-thre- e na' cully the first of Ho bailers upon the from County Superintendent Callcktos, Ouiidnlupe, miles east of il y ii, lay i. ,s anybody, but 'property. With the f,elmg of apprehension Washington, Nov. 22. a day pa- .nil the Kasserifc'er round and he brought with him the Cuaihiluiio countv, saylnc that the After J wires, and Knited States border u Id wore Assistant FrelKht and of 'as to the sufotv of the nil tanks near c.iiilil nev have ti it. He Meyer, department of With county would of motoring and tennis. Miss Jessie trols reported that llrlnjr win going J. K.rinker and David 'ale education. delegation from that jTuxpam allayed by pledges from the II. May- ptnile that tbsollilely refused to 'AKcnt K. As- - sixtvt-llv- e Woodrow Wilson and I'tanels miles south of the river Loth of the Santa Ke, were recalled ,iii came Chief Clerk Rupert arrive here this rnorninK, rebel there would be no on several nie off, mi, on .several occasions. plnnd, Ihe secretary of leaders that er, who ale to be married at the In the vicinity of Cuadalupe. Thoso s'.and duriliK the latter part of, for four vrurs strontf. violation of .properly rights there, giv- iaveil tile (iav ilh i hiunoroys sally to the o White House next. Tuesday, were hern luldiliorial the New Mcxi-- Kdiicational associa county will be represented rr-- Informed on Mexican mutters It", lien il 11 tin. evening and introduced Vnion navy officials were considerably i seetlieil t tho discussion re-e- en a tonight by Associate Jus- which: tion who will probably be h cted i,.. coiinlv Superintendent II. Kr dinner tonight and this morning are rirmly lllil l.iiss r.ll (., .,', par- - icxliibits of a statistical nature lleved today. It was expected that su- litional and 0, spite his protests, for he is the, rett and sixteen teachers, vv ho will tice Hughes of the I'nited .Stales .convinced that the largest part of th I were explained in detail. jone of the two Kritish unnoted cruis- preme Hughes, Chl-- l,.it,s. (.'clock when 1. est posted man in New Mexico's pres- today. court and Mrs. at their federal column advancing from i ( was 6 .Mr. arrive fi l HarbadoiH would put in There m;.;h h smaller fnwd in the It alter ers the residence here. been successful In evad-iln- g evidence wus concluded, and ent educational status, a man who im-- I htiahua has iirt room th. in on any day sin :f tho Mover's 'an appearance at Tainplco almost Covers were laid for eighteen, and Itancherla and Macklcy adjourned the hristlca with statistics that tell the mediately, apparently It was felt tlie rebels al , t'lii'ini; due doubtless to story of Mexico's great and liesldes M,tss Mariiret Wilson, the and that they are entering-(the- - S:liu Monday mornln matvelouii New Tnnnpc New ly t ' n i t IhearitiK until mh: iKnfo to withdraw tho battleship I tii'iu. ;i turn that tin educational progress and achieve- iiicrnn president's eldest daughter, the vicinity of Juarejs from tint east. Hampshire Tuxpam, , particular- ha A few local N from guests occupy taken. . ... ,,,rr-- ments despite difficulties that to many I'JLUIIU IIIUUI u run. were from the supreme court They ure fully expected to "liliiinis ii ly as the battleship Louisiana remains in would seemed unsur-motintabl- and cabinet circles. today or tomorrow morning CUUHI JUUbtb others have in that nelMhboi liood to look after Juarez club were "J.mHSUPREME He is a bundle of energy Mr. Haver, who has been a guest at latest. " foreign Interests. With tho removal the but for the most part the NEGRO FUNERA' to whose at. the White House since Thursday, j ATTEND and contagious enthusiasm, ! rea- War strategists in Knited .States telHlanee Was n stri. ted to the at-- 1 of all misunderstanding as lo the went to Hughes home today to work, more than that of any one else, CHARGED WITH to the lariny circles here now believe that ineys, wilnesses and interested par- - sons for the visit of Kritish ships remain until Tuesday, lie is a class-mal- e is due the fact that the New Mexico It was Villa has drawn th federal from l MOKNINS JOURN trCCIAL the oil coast, fell that the lines Hughes, Jr., lIIO Wll Kdiicational association has tripled its of Charles Kvuns j and that he Is going to ''ie first wan Nov. 22. Kive mem- of protection against anarchy would Is be1 Chihuahua witness of the day Wa.shiiiKton, membership since lie its sec- at Harvard law school, who to Hi capital ! F. S supreme be strengthened materially. There has hnrrv to state and take KipTMin, the rate expert of the bers of the I'nited Slates retary. On last night's Santa Ke train one of tlie ushers at the wedding Rev. small garrison re- lab- , orporatinn White, been fear that un attempt might be advantage of the cotntnlssion, who court, including Chief Justice No. 1. arrived Assistant Superintend- THEFT John Nevln Savor, a brother of the maining there and capture the city I is re. alle.l f,,r t ho purpose of cross- - crowded into a humble little home in made to llro the great oil tanks. bridegroom to he, who Is to assist ent of Public Instruction Kiladelfo OO.naO.t which he was unable to take several iiiniiiation. .Indue Kranklin. t'oday to tlie fu- Spanlsh-speukin- g wherein are stored nearly John Washington attend Ilaca. a leader among the Rev. Sylvester W. Ilea eh of Prince- weeks ug on account of lack of am- t iiresentim? the Kl Paso - Lewis, the neKto mes- ill barrels of petroleum. N. wedding ceremony, neral of Archie teachers. With him were ton. J., at the :n railroad, munition. cntniucled the senger, who had taken, care of their the two stenographers of the depart- aiso Is a guest of III" Hughes family. advancing1 were elevated to the HIDDEN of Hy circling around the robes since they ment. The entire force is making its MEXICAN BANDIT With the arrival the bridesmaids going Into Chi- Mr. Senuierson testified prevl-i- s was serving the court Ninth Caval- am) It Is expected federal column and that bench. Lewis heaihiuarters at the Combs hotel. The Three Soldiers of ushers tomorrow. he can easily to his connection with the state when three, of them, Justices Day, IN MOUNTAIN FASTNESSES a of arrangements will take huahua from the delegations from Taos and Rio Arriba rehearsal and fortify it before ni.'iaation lieen were horn fifty-liv- e George capture the cunitnission he had Vandevanter and Lamar, counties, each strong, also ry, Including Private place on Monday. to Juarex, "micted witli different railroads; Chief Justice White and The Hons.- r fleets the ani- the fe.liials, now en route and before arrived last night. White b.n k and strengthen the mi at one time he was with the Holmes had started to school. of Washington, Said to Have faV MOMNINa JOURNAL aPKCtAI. LKABID WIN1 mation Incident to the wc.hllntr. Car can march Ke, Justice Tlie heads the state's educational present garrison, which is cstlmatou inta and aflerwurds with the outside of ar- Salt City, I'tah, Nov. 22. today completed Hie lmpro- - lexico North Institutions AlhuUer.iie peace have been to be only two or three nunureu men .vestern, Htationed at Kl night and most of twenty-- Defrauded Government, Thirtv officers vised altar in Ihe i am room, where "" WANAMAKER APPEARS AT rived last the searching today Ralph Lope., the under Hetieral Mercado. t'nder normal conditions, Mr. six county school superintendents for the wedding service Is !, be read, and .'KKerson said, about twentv-flv- e ner city hy Mexican bandit who yesterday slioi wore at work on other ' iit of will lie in the tonight. The decorators the a.dness KujnR tnlo Kl pas0 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE from ambush and killed three deputy wln-i- guests directors of city schools as well as IBT MONNINO JOURNAL FtCIAL I f ASKO WIStI parts of the house are OFFICIAL RECEPTIONS OF Ts Jobbed nt Mexi,.,,. slierlffs, up to a late hour tonight iIe als0 tated of districts will be well rep 22.--- As re- but to tirolllenade aft. r the ceremony. as far as he the rural Douglas, Ariz., Nov. a come In put knew there had been resented and will hold a convention 3.200 have been unable to contact .1(4 vhll,, ,,,UH, Itself Is full of WINTER ARE ANNOUNCED compiainta to tV MOHNINO JOURNAL PICIAL Llllin KHII lmlit f the recent theft of rounds with the corporation com r, own. he I him. pi and Mrs on Washington, Nav. 22. John Wanii-make- of their There will here alsoof ammunition from Troop ... Ninth kinsfolk and the sideiit ismoii iiceou.o IUII-P- I aflemoon he was seen by a ... 'o ill oil nor one of many of the laity from ull farts ofli'nlted states cavalry (negro) six ar- - This Wilson are pljunliiu a family dinner i the '.ck iHianu - of Philadelphia, poi-s- i ith'.ons from Mercury, cross- 'My WIRCl and the Kl IPaso & Soulh- the state interested In were It was said of for tomorrow MnRNISa JOURNAL BPftdAL in the country, reHtn made and that! ll'6 o ti'stern. best known merchants ing divide into that : A nnoiinco-n- matters, headed by the executive of more were in prospect. Ihe mountain The associate justice nd Airs. We; h.r'itton. Nov 22 f W V. Karnes, appeared late today before Attorney thirty mining earn p. He retraced tils steps assistant general depart- the state, Gov. W, C. Mclionald, who Three soldiers and three Mexicans mar expect lo entertain of the nt was made at the White House iiKeiii or t in Kl .j. x. stooth. General McKeynolds, at the upon sighting th,. posse, and now is guests on which official I""" to tell what he knows will swell the throngs discussing earn were arrested, charged with grand White Jioilse and toil. iv of the dales ""tern, was next placed on ment of Justice, lodged In the fastnesses of the moun- lit u - will b given the aland, his Philadel- estly and enthusiastically the educa larceny and conspiracy to mmuggle j the bridal parly an inf ruiu neit rec. lli., ns and dinners "i Ms of alleged failure of Is on cverv side Tuc-ituy-. - evidence consumed the greater the tional problems which growth and of war from the I'nited tains. He surrounded eon on Kividen! a ml Mrs U'hson during in of phia to pay the full duties on munitions !l by of v the morning session. Mr. house rapid changes In population have aii. is said Sheriff Smith Salt Colonel Willi;, n V. II. Il him ,.' vvint.-- season. Th. are: urnes of dollars worth of goods States Into Mexico. county. - read from rate sheets which thousands upon the commonwealth. soldiers, Sheppard Lake that he cannot holdout chief aide l'l. lib nt Wi r I s (inner lo th raM- ITP offered in ,.!,! ... .ii.i( imported over a period covering many thrust Tlie Sergeant nndl ,..i While the rural schools will furnish (ieorge Washington and VII- - longer than tomorrow. pounced to hi t ,.. "'1 Privates i - stated that years. de- Late tonight a new posse of Ii diplo- durlnif the last ten the main topic for oisoussion mul Ham Julionoii, .ilni ,Fi, charged h j the tte.ldlti January Reception to the every department had no comment fit I I ,111 onion,,.-Ibile- , 'is chiuitte in rates in the The bate, other educational subjects will having sold government ammunition, ties left Salt ily Hi I, lent. mil to tonight on the case, hut a Is a - J.exico territory had been a rel- make nut be neglected, educational heavy and it expected that battle '.lone.. K. t h. .1. urn. it v i Dinner to the dlplo- et!. n. it shall he for the an off use carrying a penalty. aide decision as to whether !will be had vlih the .Mexican In the ; soon. forces have gathered not. merely for) Tho Mexicans taken into custody' prcaidotit irv tl. r; s. "m .Mr. he-"n- e pressed, will be reached - morning. "Diamond Ktdd," .l.o ti ( Dames'" testimony It pleasure and fellowship but for sen- were Armando Hernandez, Ang ;!vy; Dr. nti.-.r- 2'1 recpllon. apparent what Davis and I. osier Wire, Salt I a I... ' the defense of the oils work and deliberation. Policies Cuadalarama and Adram Madrll, all l.toliletin 27 to Ihe Coriimi-.sloii- . r iH'-- . ntirirv Dinner ni.reme rands would be two of most rl ; 1 on the charge of Companies Condemn of importance are to be of whom drive automobiles, between the .in S. , a. i id, r. ol" liiil.-- States, , la.--i the ""iimtnatiur, - n In v.est, were par- I fllV()r of El I'uso in Chicago, Nov. 22. Condemning of formulated, sweeping recommerida- N,, gale's and Agua. Sonora. mi the in tlie V; Kieiii. it J. l.ol K. recep- - '" Prieta. r Kel ry 2 ('ongrcKHioiial in.ikiiiK of ly. All ncd heavy lailb.-- 1,1 inn rates. The witness activities of slate insurance commis- thins are to lie adopted for submission Constitutionalist officers relumed are ar with ;.v.; I .lent I' ii i' to "u i rom tm, 'rlfb-s- ' statements and tariff sioners in the. internal affairs of fra- to the next legislative session and theithe ammunition, although il had been S A! Ill 11 ' .mo uar'.' Ii Dinner lo the speaker argued that water compe-an- ternal insurance orders, was expressed path is to he broken for still further distributed among the soldiers al. Aoa 'it. K. ; . .1 1. .. i house. the greater proximity of adopted here today by ...In,.., to.o,. liro.u 1...I.... Th,.,. I....1 o..l ll... LLOYD-GEORG- V , 1,1 lasi, in resolutions E FORI SEFS Koi iii.iiv and navy re- - the gulf porlM necessitated hoard of the National Men women of fa me 1 irst troopers of Hie Nint h caval-vvi- ll iy i grant the executive and nationa( time '. Ii .( 'I of lvV,.r rates j orter to Fraternal congress. inspirational addresses and ry had .sold Iheiu ammunition, s. c. that make DEFEAT FOR SUf PHAGE I'll competition. among the speakers will be I'r. P. P., The men arrosi-- will be given .i. I" Karnes also testified !('la.xton, the highest educational offi- - hearings early next week. (am .I.ii si. I' DICK LAW CIRCULAR "ie Jobbing Kl will o business that Today jeer of the l.'iiiled States. Debate IBV MORM.N9 iouhwal arrc lL lllfttO W'R The "iocs List Rooms dif-- In Mexico, and slated that jn.i wax warm at limes and i l iiclii Sam Know Indian, I ' t e BY OFFICIAL' H doubt Poo.n'l .Mo rd, ng., Nov. ban ell, OI' UPHELD gateway to the southern repuh- - 'ferences of opinion will develop but (Ircen Kay, Wis., Nov. 22. The LI r.yi Ihilikti ioipof ' At Commercial Club tlei.rce '"' VH- - e.lnie into cnilinr litirin with iin end untold good will come as, I'nited States government do. s not vv for Hie v,- i!i,a a cell, j "l'a the trade centers. This of gathering of educators. know how to the American ol' II KIM t H IRV WORMING JOURNAL Iflf lAL O W.R1 ! la rewult this handle liiin the . Hf ', Kveryone in Albutuero,tte, -- lie tlu.iii.1,1 I,.... ip;...i ..,o hotel, I vv "i.,i!i-!;i- legality , j.m.iiiru 11IC of Hie work of the convention Hid in n. This will be the tcxl of the p i. al,-- r ft. in lo u, Nov. 22. The if ., iv k'o'o house or private resi- Part lee er rooming Rim-- - -I ii hi rates to enable the Texas j done in sections meeting j report whl, h I ir. Dixon, Pre.- I'.ri c ii V of imooicii ciri r putting 'i.ier city dence, having rooms which will he will be ill the ban oi. to compete with European spcOulizing along j special envoy to r v ' 'I he HI. k law for the f ultaueoiisly and dent Wilson's the a maj. l' lend als. available for housing the visiting - 'ii' A i h a, w t I was iil. held in to Iin. s. Ti. morrow- morning tho'dians ol Ni.rtb im hi wive to a l'c I, Hid Id Wood. I 'III ..' the militia, 'he witness teachers, here attend the New U'us'u-ji- also told of the efforts; irevise. I program wil! be printed and the exeenliv e on bis return to t III le e Iijs t t, O. P' been re !. ,,, v 'houl p. da- an opinion In Kiuadier (huerul !, '" ',1N Mexico Kdiicational association company hud made aid in it will be carried ington. Mr. .,, Knooh II. Crovvder, Judge advocate ' to convention, are requested to list is Dixon has v ited man.' tut ions ii. ni" oda to.p pel wn hoot possum, j development public to- - of New Mexico and through on thj" dot. of toe tribes, niakin:.:; a Journey of t potatoes have not genera! of the armv. made Hniull them today with the Commercial " business that the railroad1 4 3. It. I'riderneat h the surfa. e lucre is j.uoo miles and has beard the.r said Mr. I. . sending you day by Secretary Harrison, ; out club, telephone Is evident ale of the part of ke'-- for . ;i. - ' the state that al.end.v manifest a contest ri"V He will oil' r suggi-- .lions lie opinion It .. ii, u you It The circular, legality of which "lies that the number of visitors will in. Ceil linl f in. don't think the traverse. Outside of fruit, of 1,000 In the 1H14 convention. AHnni'i. nil. . as for bolt nig I heir condit ion. thorn ami ttv-an- t. i ', tl. biui over to the was challenged hy the National J,v mo exceed the es'imates worth livestock, he said, "a fowl 1 was Ke some years ag... hafi pas-- i vv I yel- - - number may reach , oOO, Santa a ni bid zoo, but tl IS shroud hi in In Guard association, holds that thefed- was fact the r- - about all came out a head.) la U1" that Judging from the large lions been promised permanert Kvallsln .Minb lo in Now York, tlie Wlshe.s h low yams." k'overnment will recognise na territory. ais., s ,, He Raid tHal' last night. If you of tiie edia a! ioaal 'iation. New N'ork. Nov. : Kvaiisto "As lo 1 fe lid,. lei ,ji .g of the The (ili tl": iciibeil ihe tional guard officers and organizations ' which arrived s Idler "oipany (!u, Vet-a- a nd Fe r 1! i regu- pi, itn treas.urv have one or more, rooms, telephone Las Santa vf sent dero, form-'- Mexica minister of hiiner i' si the 1.11 et lint ve us a "Brave ai d only when reiiilrements of the '." state in fori I it away v or- :;,i7,;.sn.u taxes 43. anil list them today. .iowri L hosts to take nance, arrived with latuilv from is to ailovv il f HI (o sta l t and that d.nt Wilson had it to Ihe lar army are complied with as to fnd any-- 1 that he had been advistd lrom tiiis ci", for 1S1I and l'Jli, Havre, today. Jh l OU11S' i' tl by nob "ly.'' Zoo. ganization, e.iiupmeiu ami discipline. TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1913.

DECISION OF WEALTHY AMERICAN Ji Members of theN. M. E. A. COURTllIEf STRIKERS . i!rr...'..S-:K,i;--y.':e- CLOSES SALOONS SHOOT UPSALO fnmiTU junHiroom n - lH (1 U nr Wrist While in the u'ty V wri k. ti't fas! i c:.'! &S'?tiS&&&r&- : ' k i, hie ! I! !:v C, . V.'. sir cUr: .', III ! - ( ' OES HOINES CRAVE GRIME have 'Th 'r:.':'::T- a !! ; tk (!,.it iil r : i iraiAO

' Suddc;vf;:s cf rC.'c.i i :s So Scrbus. Mystery Si riounas Arrest

't, NEW RESIDENTS 0. l.iraOiVctCO. Lirr Causes; Tb V :! Da.'- - Se Lc".icn of Jch'i Lce . A'.ut'-- Si;e.:. ' :d cf to' Ne.v York Erri'ecr; W. r.,1 Ti::rs New of Altuiuriue nr.J firms which are J"i Cr ,,: T!;.-!- -.t. !e . c- n ; Pclce Wl.'i Not TaiK. jt.ft Usinninif in the city sr. invitiil to carry their checking ar.J coiiimf rtial uicduiitu in this hank. i ' t'M IMfUt tlt.lS Wff) Listen woaii'Wa Brcit fo mm i Thii hank In thi UrK- -t Kink In New i l- i - ttni - '' ,i l.. . .. k- - V v. 2 2. Tf;ri'i . ITi'l..n. X' Th flrrrt i.f! Arirona nnil It xt, r.ili to dpiwit'r a sorvlcn tl Ji. . , ...... ,.., ,,.,, ", f is tile if K,l .! t s; :. ( ; '.- - t - Ji'hn I.i. vp K):ii tt, a wi;,!!hy nr,su!t-- !. in ' thirty-:- x . . : hi- o'jtgrcwth of yrars' exi.tricnic in Bcrvin n .n e;-- n N-- iv th if J s ' ; r .f f i ., i ,. . ,. n YrV. t. ,.,.ri i . " pcufile of thi ciimniunlty. "n - 'I .r yi'!".-t.- ; , i , T',- iv i;nnst-iii)- Sun- -' Gallup Stove Coal d i r ..... th .1 ih '.! K.ift -. ,ri r; i if-- ii : ,. J. x. ni on hiirv- i f .,,!,.. ..i.!...n i. r,t ' r h r tm.t; Smal! as well as are rcctivoj. 11 lare account" ' - '1 ' ii the ;.- -t K. i -- r- , ir (ii.. ,. ar ! f!.it-r,ii,- t ihi.r.i, let". j " ( .,.. '' ''"' !'. ii. .; t M. h. ;.. t.. ' .iv . r.i-i- ... The arr-- t wn mail" l.y the pniirp : ''i; ; tir.u' : 1 .'iv -- t n thr al;.; I I.? i.f rn-- i k h i who ) .' . , 1". i '( u r . . . .. RESEIJI TARIFF '.' ':. h, v i t, t j. thi hi nl this niithnrlii. 9 $G.50 per ton : d i,i .(. r . ,1 ..,.. . - it' i(. n ,.n- ; ir.. !.f:.r I j i , iti'- - " whh h ih-- v ). 'i- lard ' P - ... up. t ,..., I f.-- . hf-- '.' ,f, ,,'! :i ti, i, i f t! - m ,.n i. n l ha.l n ! two b rii . - tin- j, i ... ,.. . '..') ,s!'. ,n j i f ;, -. '. it i'f h: h: iLiUirhK-rx- ami v h., w r liv-1- Ihi- 1 . r; I -- In n I lij-- .n t.,. iii-i- w HAND if i'h h:m at lluinm-r- 1.1..1 ; j I,, i ,E t'i.x ir... '.11 ir .11, th At t .; j;.. f. r t..n- -. Iluw. Alii RUl ( ;. i SCREENED r i,. t;.,; j. f !! y , I ;n- - ' n! i v i r irh thi j hftj. rsi.jfil in I,i.r.i,.n in' ' i, I. ;i ) it,';-- t . in 2.' ", ! ir. t i .in 1:1 ; .1 1,: r...t : , k, ' (,.nr,'.i.ti"n with rul ami - ..,( s, ,h, !'h-.- n tr, if Wi.i. ,. . ;t fswt.l i I i YOU , .h. r nii.turii-- s an. f..r a timi-- GIRLS! TRY TRIS! j.ri- ,.,! j. ,: y ;,. II. Il t H. h,,l. I, ., , :n. i f whi'tn hi rnail h.- hi-e- (nrwarOi-- hirei CIS! 1ST AZTEC CO. ; -- -- FUEL ' r '.- ' '" '' '' Kn'vA .I..t,..t ii,.. from Xi w Vcrk. j r li n - . Th'- hv-..i- .n (! ' I'IIom; Mi, r,t. r erf: en tt" Has rcr-- .r th... r, .,,..,! jn !'. S i.t w h-- uihce ccr ! Th :lr!f are IT an J 19 yearn! hil(.to ( hi. Kl.'i.i tt 8i, to hp in' m.ltcd United Mates Trcas- - '"- - i. ,.!.; T. - - pmiinilv DOUBLES BEAUTY OF YOUR I r , ''- the fortus. Hi if a nil th.- i !' r 1, i.- II , i,,. mm it, it f 1 i, ari iin: th iarl as i,p in 1 1 . in t,i , r in.,! lli.iw.. rn-,..r.i.- r ,i ury to h"ur utur . I (Jt'i-rnu- n::er:t3 txa.'riirie " ' hi tnlillarv Ii flllH m:.ri-i..- n f ; -- ,u . r. I' H r :h-i-- 1 i i 't i' '" '':',i '"' afi'l h.ix thcrp ,th I r.--. h.-- huti r!i1:nir ibf j too kg cf r, t 1 Largest poiters, :'" d... iwtin ir b.iii M .r. i, I'" i Stock i)..i i ;, ni'-in- t , "I V ' it .f v p(, jt ii., ; r. ! ' ,!.. hix.ifh iraii ..r-;r- i n !" i r. . i ) : inr tinif rn Lull . r'li.t w v. . n.i i ii ZJ tt.ilS JUU llluKt..ur ,,(.,i(.,.tful ,m.,r,Jl t. (1. Hii-.- ii ftai. i t Il- - , r !), ri'l. If rii lliu f.rt wife Kixli-c- v. .i,ih.. irr.,K ri rinti lit H..,1 il... I' . . t.p. n,.,. I ,ftn W.I. - .... . 1...... A t ...... II...' . uh,p wnoi'p nair nan n 0F i, ' ...I I ..I fluffy - A dt-.- f , nil, your hair lustrous, ir .'. tn i.f in th'".H il. hi i!r ,,i,i i I', .i n 1 t v. in- - in.,' Jl In .i,, 1. i.. nil !f- -. I or fi iiiitsy, fadcil. dry, hnt; i i I i .) r -- ml who was, Kth i.i: Uhh i.i,-- i v II,.. in . ' !. I .nil i:l n S.t in t., .;; lrnp' in in i.l. "i.l !.,.( thin. hpHiitifi 11,1; t He I f - i .r St. an il i f r i, ,f a,.- t',- i i i . wart. Mum r. dhtaim and abundant. I'nr liffiii r i,. ii,i;'f f i. t.n in th Urg.rj tr. f i v . irrlv( i. i..r;t - ' a il)vi.r- - from him In l So 7. !,ml it is iMndrrlno I'lciv partii DIAMONDS " tr .in. rv Hi t ... U , iirtiiln ih. Ihi f '.i III j, Ih-.- u .1.. ,.r dandruff; rl(an"-s- iurifi-- s i '.'. , HfTf'i,...,.,l .,u atic i. I ! tri-ny-.- m.iiik h m,Ii,v..i .i.t- f r i,.mn.!. :; i ."'i (x.irn;ii. .innniiri' !l,l II II ImniPdiatp? YprI viLT.ratps ti"ali, si,.: i, f thi-- :,1 thin rnarriacc. His thir,l witi' was Crrtiin? that's thn forever !,(. Fii.n h 1 in, i l'i.t ,,,..;.. f..r a r hi nr:iiW. rt' ir,.r iH' ai .1 ii thp IN .. lin..iiin. .1. .:! "" Umra joy of It. Your hair hpcomp' Itrhinir on.l f.illintt hair, hit wh,r TOWN fir il... f.i.u-- i.ff!-- hit tu .lii..! th-.- I:, n .s .si. jr-- ;h. v.... Mil's Mnrt. - . linht. wavv. flnffv or- rde.ise you most will hp a th- - I '1, , i; t . Th.p vhara-t- ir ahiimlant and after j.'trtt n thin ,r, ! t i.f ;'f,f.t-- l...... I t h p .f the iharep h.if I'lhii in .r.' uinl in pcarg n si. ft. lustrous and beautiful weeks' t;?p when ynu mp h .i,s ., th- - v.- !.l r a d'luht in quartern nw N'o ri.-iitc- ') in Aim ruiin t.. t. ti th- - ; i rs tii.i Hf - wliat or ':. ;,. Ihh f"i' l .o"HK a i niniiei ne 4 nil- una uim iiy m yes-- S!e If run. m i ;,,!; ,. r,i. 1 1! H I I.' 'I M H N ,lf i ) to whether the eirl hviin. iiih h' luni ins: h', ,f - T thni ....r n.w.i mi Mf, r eiean.-e- . reai'y new ' - really n,i just try inis motften hnir trrowin? ail ovei " Ih H i.n tin ...,iit thi s Ou- Htn-.-- t ... . Klllotl are his ,la,hier iH(iH tjl : quality of sforie 1 . m i IUIM'sS alio, t r!o,h a little Dandorlne and If ymi cure for pretty, ;(!, K"ii Tt im nl r.. I y-'- .f N :m as the canity of the an ue,l v.iii it tx-- h 'h y - . ,. th-- c;ir' full" draw !t hfllri hair, and lots of It. .sur-i- nit 1 ( ; - The ).,,;i. n.aliitaiii sil. m e on ! h'UKh 'our "' J.n.rr.i'n ,i,!.. 11 s,,v 22 T(,,.r-e- .,s f.. havp you'll find it '''''h : ,;ikln f'n" smal! t time, rent bottle of Know Huns ian,; here. . - cas. mid Ail tin. .Iiin.,1!,! an ,!. It - ,,f ,.,.. 3..- i,...) ,rt-- the evi.l. nc at yesterday'! """l ?;,i,,llf, !n r.i. r in dust, co " - - hearinir In the lmal .o!iie cleanse the hair of dirt fmm any dnifr store or toilet '"" ' h tin- ,.... 11: h i,f ,il.,i.MITriiiii',i() th- - .:! l:.i.s ti. iiwrt wao1 - i.,i !h.;r K'.ua'.iiin mo- - try It. strme f .r n nr.- : . civ.-- behind closed doors. was fxcesnive oil. and In just a few and Just f hUmc, in ri. i(,f. lt:,,z fr:,Vr. .,. ,;,:,. L,t t )n r.; ., ... ii ri I.;.;, i It f. ( ' ! sufficiently to cause ' h" rlt l t .,(l . ,., ,v,m..i, ,.f th- - ft .' Ii ,u.,r serious our . t ii.aKii--t i ate to the In r' , i..-- remain accused prices lower. H' rhi'n.H h.. ,:)., im.t ,,,,. i.,w . h l,init th- - 1 III Mv MN III. Ill It . ... . nini i I.,..,.,, u,.,t .1. to.,., n:,,,,,, , !l n !,M ( Vl WOULD ELECT SENATORS MORE INDICTMENTS IN u.f i.rr. t.HT, ' ' 11 ...... i '""'r"r ' 'l "" f,.r 1 ...i.'.,i,-..ri- Let ,f ).,;.,-,,-- ii-- . us jiorc you. h.n ...i,:,ii., j.wi.rv m -.! ' UNDER PRESENT LAWS PLORIDA LAND C T,. . N' v. -- 1 ,,.,.. - ,'f-"- ,f - Thai wa,fi.rt i i Y'Vl-'- "r ' f... i -- n r. f A 111- -n. k ... ,C - " "i ' I'",, ri'i'i in iin- f l . ... , th., t 'n f ei- -r r It Mi r I ,, Ii 1,! ... i. , . . ,.. .,.v. ,. of ijiiii a. res l.y i v ;, i ..... of .'rounds, mid have iili' .I.M'IV. i h s I I'l" J I i f ' pi'-,- - been ilaced in chaii;" a ,. I',.-f U I,,- , I i- - rZ of lir, Kllis, 'Br MOSNIHfl JOUM.4SL 'SriiCBIMO ,,t h I1', IICIIL LIHIDHiai ipiciil ,'ii,','i''lt tri!V t.'i.'h r n w -- iounl ) J '. .. ,,. , ...... i.t'iir'.. . 1' ho was called in by the police. 9. Temooi-nr- - ,i aitiilhe l.i! of At , , ... . ' .. : The Washington. N'ov . ... . i . . . i.ffi.r 111. i i ei- - ,n, u in I n e i i r ' .1 ..r . v v, r, 11 11 . . " K:inn fit. 'i- - - 11,11 111 I ri, , , ., Illlie lll'l"! Males lnniur', ...... , ... . . Warrant tor r.lili'tt WaS na 11, :,u f..r th.. ,tir,.,l ,.l...ti,,r. ,.t u..n.. in, Ii, linentu h:i.,-i.- nu.. ,.f in.. II. ib f . r t in' lit nt it ri r a n!fi ,, ii, ...... r"!"1" l:,k,'n public ,, ,v,.rp - YANOW us .11 n.,'i. h tu.- - m'n '!"' ,.nd,,rse, today by the sen- to conduct a lottery in row,. nr.- - i , , Vr. '' ii, ti, M. ,,,.i ( ),; , w'-- asjo. Si otl.ind Yard : ,,,r. y t ; ..ii..,.i,i I., ,v of ';i., (...', ....'('. kM".. i f ,C ki !"''"""'u,"r " at" elections committee. with the Hale of lands in the F IVi-- The I rn. Klimtt of us hopii.k',lext-r- - 111 Cititml. 1 III" ...r. olllll t,,.,r t - t.,i.,.ht at bargain held f.' k ,IV of to,". f' '.' issuance, '. bill frovidins that sen- ere returned by t,. " I i ' I y i , co. r'h.. rsuanU no , , i, ji, rr,., 1, . i ,1,.. . . 1,. v...... ,1... "' " " "uiiu. mm inns atms shall bp elected under present era ml jurv here afu: .i... ..1.,.. n' it i.i.... y tins - r,e,...s.-it- i l"""r HI O.K.. re- ,le,'ve,... ',!,. ,.., I'., of servilltf the ,,WH vv-rnlll- Heleelion of re;.- - a - a n.--t th- - eiaht offi. ials s ."" ,f ,,,,,. ' ',;. to t the and 11... 1,1 11,...., m .. , . '." warrant, t.lhott pun no aitentmn tm . :...,...... ,....,.. ,,J..f n, pi..rt.b. i.v,,i. i .....i. "t i.,,,f.,,i, ' ' ' book, to . 'y.',;!. ,h" w"r,'lnc 'as arrest .il 'indict'. !"l" 'bc;r the '7),' -'- e o ' "l i' - shortly,,, r r;u.h ,',,, makinK proviHi, n who last Thursday were .in.';'":-- 1 n ,o ih'm- - ,.,ans . ,;: - 1" :n r : :vm the .onst,,,,. ;,f ,T,,:r I :v- n vm'.thv :harr, ,!:,, z i mansion j'r'r!?, (,-- r !,..,ir op, e th- - iionai aini'iin no in, ,is m k.i i,,,i i.iuu cafe ' i ( tr'i.e .mii 1 , iccoiiiiiienoe'i 121 in. i. ri., Ir, rv h , I . .. .. e. i, , r i ,, i,l i,r ...... - South fifrrH. nts inM-s-:- 1 i The hi.ini. I!ll,,il 11 I lift iiti ! w .. n si.; '. user;- i lie are J V,..,. ' -v,,.. , , i.icn.iru well-sasori- il. I h ,,! II i I;l II, i. ,i - - i.,,.,i...i . . . iu h, finest ...1,1.. In .. I...... Clean, in. that he for. I : ; th.. ... I putt pi oyer i f..o.. itfrnlar I I In-r- mis n .n Pi- - run., al'-- r . oiitroveisics ndine jiieKsonviii. ia.; A. rn: 1,1 ''MUors W.I - ,i. b t L ti nl. nice i.rnrte "t t. IM I.I he s- - or hort ordert. Chinese ( lioji '.' l'liH lined to II, it ' I -h ctii'it of from Ala- Jes-- i I,. in;.-- ', v, ., I , t V f ,1 v !,..!,-- , "inn.,! j.s tin h he had his man " the senators ni'iami; Hill. ili i o i..,.l. il '" uy and ..,f.....i, .'"i "'"''" l Noodles. Primt" booihi, ' ' I am t n have J F!a., Mat: ...... I r - . vib .1 be-p- l ted "' ' ' " ' " III ml Man lard result. and John fof purlles ! i.i l' 111,. business , 'I. : an banquet - Munitgrin ,1 i' ,.! !'-- hcioli-'l- 11 Jo-- , p iroin l Of from the link of explicit laws. Hubert J. Martin. ph II. r Ametloan stylo. li. II H poll I. ,1 l!, ' lh" h i' f s had failed to ft. I.liiunni from Olll it the ,'"" 111- -'. ' ' r- -: -- ::. i - j A. D. ol 1.,ili ,, i., . 'I y . Til...,. io tt , I' ami " i,e ,l,.,.,s - br. Froinpt servlee. niofurnt " l""l'l. be lh.. Ihmih a III I Ii, iil ... I CURRENCY LAW NDT . I in lie. ri u 0 Many landlords tenants first this city. rlM 1 hi. n ii m of jiliie.rt-- l fr.,111 at 11 oi bi. k and nil; Hot be pelinit-- and 't tipen day and n'xht ,i, the Ma tor '1 .iv w ,lil . ) I . ) i ' i is .1 ii'l met the want of j liiiiii-- nr.. r.i.y i .,,) ( . to p. o iiiiiaimiiir all throusli folumna iii.e,, I -l 1 v v, -- IN-ai- lls l,,i-- P. of 0 Mia ni to The .1 r, urn, hid-- f of ii were i:i;. ii 111 Journal. from Journal Want ii.ppi i.i ii.bami and .inn in'.iii 1. v. I rt..i I'l s I ! m:tie. lid i f,- - ' n hi!.- I ex- - an. I itci'le tin.- id lor nu.l ;, hnui, " '' he IW - e. S MIT f.i ';, h ' ' " ' . ' I' He I. .1, I, .re New York, Nov. 22-I- r. '" "" !" r' ''', !"'r II. . r. uin to EXPEGTED BEFORE ""''"I aiiet..!. "" N"d ' v x in, t, 1- ,- .' :lb ' oonooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc num. the Hilor, i,i,, ,ih ,,.,."''"" "" I'Oi r, p. b. ),. ;,t : !m ' A 'i li nn ae ')OOUUUUOOOUOUUUIjUOOUOUOOOllOUUUUOUUUOgOOOOOIjOOUl.OOi thoiit .,r iioi.-'ai- I- run down by mi H it. ,:,,,,', u,. i(,., ''" f..r 'ill as a i Tin- ren- . v bey t 00 the liofi-,- v ( Mi,,!,-.,- ,, '"' .in htatti s.ibst:ti. s fr..m flSKO'II liial O'Hl; M.i oi ii..i, ii ' ' I lain - v Mooring. lbs oi,l-h- '" r ' i.ii- I'ri'Hinliiai sii-o- Kquine Uardcii tale l. A fi ,.1,1 "' that 00 ii d ,y i f tb tir t; 'J" hal.-is- l I".. .Mo., ... I S .1- - ;is wheel of the 111,11 hii.e Ms..e. Vi the sir tiers ' ,! t H- i- L'CH'ils NEXT FEBRUARY nn 111 111, .lo.... ' I .' T. i:i,. IP.- ph, Mo.. Mrs. 1, ft wlm-- M IC N ioe'",,.,MAY 't v i Karniim', wilst, t'A HLh ,y e i'omiri( to low'i to r ii" .on . t". i;it Tuet.i, and . i riiMi.-- ami over the rlitht n of Mi (bimid-- . Hie n i 1; m.ner held , 111 I no r i f 't;ii'.!n. Karnnui, who .;s mt 111 wvi.,;;i;;;i; Ho- sii ik. is. M , i,t in. .! .. h i.'i'in roi close for winter ry he 11 uiir toibiy ami Jiired. The aetor appeaii.. in t the in. n tut. i''ir that did b e l L' , bo d r to Hi il court, H ni' oi. ruton. t i s- ; i ,. i p. iter the hliilflelir. The . and ri m hi - at in ,i. e 1. . 111 "ii , Hniiih4 !.'.-..- wiih joinder Bills Are 1rlver had fled after the , i,i ,, jour.l inc.. Lt.rfD 'l ili.n:;iil the of i.n Kin- hurt, a union nri;,iii'.i r. raid Before Senate, gg ,.y. 22. I'llllV'S tu si .1. . . . wasiinik'hl by Vlr. I".n num. M!r, ,i:eo. eie.i the to Ihei'i Th-- v Ho i,. p ;, SHI -- I. ,, e, I IH , ,,. g 111 but Many litiw a piisHim; mill. in.. I. il... ,,I 'Went iiniii,..; ..t. . to th- - l.oi thi no Obstacles Are to in tin number of mi 1. t urn to nf Will i ' kii'llIU 'mil; piaee. .i v.i.ii mines In ml :p.e'Voir '' Be Final! MIs-h- , loik. the north j en. st of Kl is p. ;, d Overcome Before 2 linutliier's cdilintr. if Hi- - Hi !l i.t (, , ,,,.e f.,I- I!,.. ,. SOUR STOMACH T'. ; ,1 ,'y. New York, Nov , -- mi'iiicii! - 22 John jt.l', Hie Hill menu III, 11, Hill, ill fo Action Is Taken, g g - fni r b 1,1- I i . . , uiuha ,e.,dor il. H. p ' .1 III. in;, y 'Ob ileriiiaiiy, inriipil hen l,,iicht on Hi ' II' poi .1 I h Killlt jli, ;j!, H,.. FLOGGING IN DELAWARE ,h, A 00 sleainiT Frrine... i,u bi,r, ih time, k. Alloc, it, K ie N.M.E.A.- X.ilh WOSHlNtt JOUSM.L 00 l'oiii,t, sse In. loiitaiit. I'.imn, U ., I, W ol.. in- - ami Moh. k GAS, INDIGESTION DISCUSSED in congress: CKCIAL Lt.tlO WIS 11 WashiiiRtoii. 22. rim led mi Tue.iihi;, In I'iiim lo .laim Ibtnk hi.i.s.s hme be.n built at Nov. The a.lmiu- - 00 - islration currency bill, HllZeil Ihlte. .Mr HablMh mln. s. bul pi, in jn . po ols with the 00 j j . proposed by Hint business affairs whah reqnii d hay b Il in. lib- to bril.l! in a I. iil:.. iioiiiiii mii.ii'i i'i'.i.i limid mail the divided 9" j !'., 11 IS 11 e l I oiii-nji- . Waul Nov. 22. senate hankiiii; - lllllneillale ion. made II in, on, la r i f men. It Rii, ix'-- . ilititof., hi hark and currency com- pospihli. f.,r him to 11 111, no 111 i'liti." that 1111I1 -- s lb,, m i), , ,, 1,,. fli.KUiiiit of ioi,i, ts in ii.'lnwaie :n- mitt.e. w'an laid before the senate o i i' -- day t I A d in th- - lno-'- d- and i,n for the wcddinu. opililti.l m r II .1 i! v till' I led i.f 'fape's Ends ileiioum today as debute the incisure will 03 l on OO pi oilni Hon Is iin I11. I, H,, ,,, j,, 1,1 1. ki iiIiiij. nii nr.'i a medieval relic " Monday. The two factions ' i h L':' in bariiari.-n- i : pr- s- -n i of oo II infill f..r profit Si 'ic's Five ,f by a e limns the committee, headed by Senator -- j - v. fi . 1. 1 ,, r,, ... of ,li. iii ma. I.i .hi- ..s ih inline his "wen and Senator Hitchcock, today fn.ii. f in, ,r H.a ' joo - i iliv-ri- ;. OOl ll J II II- .1. .Ol I' I I, I'll SMlli-e- (.llllil. il Hn l,'- - t lilltilill.'lln e. M'jtewTimo It! or i, fi ,! n i u in tioii hle, tin ir nt view s mi the ad-- ! Oo I'llH'i CI- - -- r 4 .. ,. A .. .I - li- Il"il bii ,i..,., ,o Mi in . the pi .'i!.:'- - - kuiI Atioriiey ininistiiilion miiisiiie anil the lull us.OO h. IIM,-- . Ill Ii,.- I .1 11, li ..,,1,1.- ,,., il. iI miiid, ,,f ;;oiioiat M.. i;.;. to is f. It '.passed by the house was ' 9 toll- if o nr.i-- i".il 01, ,)' coiivh'Ii .r stA Mibire.l that there made the ti e.,i-.l- j o, mi t 11M: III a bi.1.1. m- - r llexioal, m.s lira I, H i n was no action ho take. "unfinished business" f senate. till Wick's t i . f the oq, a, Mi-r- . If at.- is sou) iu " ' t.,ti:i iiia ...,ii.,i Illumine tod ay b .liiilu,. Sin-- . When .M.u m. ii. !- a man to Although 4'U!I,1.h I. Mn...inl a! the administration finally 00 Ilnl UK i.f tut... our Ii or li. ke lump - ' 1, I lltll s- -r W , a ,i,l It.., ,1 :,, Ton, . I Ii.. lno.L- - ,u e...... 1..., ...... n r l'ullll lit heatotl, III i "i ii ii - ,i ...' biiii ...... ,ii ti-- i ... rrpn v - ( r II mi. I HAM.: II, 1...... til l'i lilted, or yon boh I ' I. 111 V II , ...... ' O J. li'.M".. bllilS ..l,l,.,o,.l ol lie. "'.oil ' a n ill l , 0 ,. ... before...... th.. r. I, III,' I IIII.-- JCII-- 3 I, ike everylhidy else in AHu the manage- l ,,,., linn, ' - jticrqtic. I, '.- m ,J i ...... ! ...... t ., . ..,;, I, II, fi,wn e.i. In i"? hoti' ii ...... l , to Huclety; malice end haired toward which delay ' threaten to the measure on , liC li'll .l.iji Per ni. ,s P, a of Ibz.tnesn, .... ' it : ill the world in ins neart, are apparent, December 1 f A. v. i.i.r-.- i r?;j".::"";r' ,v., "Uh,". ',:,r)urn!'li i r. r. i. tin the. on bad taste st-'r- will . ' oi li s ll'l-- Soulier o iter il si mrst will ment anil emptiiyes nf New Mexico's greatest .ijr I Wle. "I'll"' niniiiion in In I'th h head, u you and els senate set aside the currency hill, jOO conn-e- l, Anion 'Ill he, ." l.y I nt eeinan. It heir friiil ;and airreemeiit, up hill 00 1111. r"i 11'" t Oil. en hi. oinllr take the OO ..r-i- i ,.,,1 1. - I I that his iirniinienlH wmihl be b., ii, I.,,, fiivin San I'lancisen the risrht tu a t see . 11. ,,1 t '"-- i"-- - OO have hut one idea in mind while yuu are here In Ill 1.1',1., r" , ..i.i. "" ,1 ,,r the Hetch llctchy oo lie.'. r ''' . ., I nT.W '"'" i'm ami ii hill-- ':..1" Til,.' f PTMTTI HI- - ! I vall,'y' T,, I'. S ill M V . T,; n. thai , ,,,-- , m be disposed oo tu, Mis. Ilexroat was b. lli lni s I'-'-- mui'iii ,.V( , , , ,n BuH ! R 1 I PJ 'f . hut on oo it Xcw .la to 'I poi o.. r o iil h,.n I., s, w h I i ''' December to that you enjoy every minute of your stay in hi her ,., , oo nnmeiil third husia. ml , 'l, ! r-- ed 'iufcrt tpill . I Mil1, .11. , "'" to take up Pi... fir 1','la. '.",!i WW. u m oo '.uh,e, r l wl ,i.. .. soar, inif- - . . 'vin the president authority r ii Si"i";":i or ifl'llestion ih fiyi.'i lo huiitl a Rovprniiicnt ailroad in Oo Mexico's largest city. 1 Alaska. may fa- - I' le's la pepsin" is harm-- ! H K KL This he set aaide in Oo 30000000000000000000000000000000 000 0000000000000000 00 ''- -. lik- - i v, AN :vor of the ctirren, y hill. 00 .tii.l thouifh co h Senate 00 !! di- - it and l.ri pare for ns- - era were not inclined to predict when oo For Goodness J.i.Iiebll TI il I.i the hlo-- d Is the fundi the currency bill nilk'ht he Finally act- oo j Every facility, every convenience, every foot ot I Satejf n eit, be eic it mak-- H oii co to) ed upon, hut It was said to be certain 00 O tiilii- - j that well the Willi a healthy appetite, but, YEARS its consideration would run 00 nuikc will y.,ii Is FORMER into next year, probably up' to oo three great floors is at your service. Ymi can 0w ii.ost. that about CO f i . I ' the o oii will ymir stoma, h mid first of February, OO o iiiii -- ol. you o q tuies ni.- .a and fresh, and 00 fjlipointments to meet your friends here and if you o Bjy your Harness 0 will i!,, in e.l in i, s.,n to lasatlMs or! ' oo cotisti-- ! o Oilii.r pilU for biiioiisues or , 00 o 2 Dullest Wcck One! 00 are tired of sight-seein- you use of our coin-lortaii- le where quality is ''',,!;' . in Decade s 00 can make V -- i . i i ii i e inniiv i a p- - oo o 1 ha pepsin"ii, ' o q cranks, as some people Jusl Clubfji; Eniiio Over- -; CO display: o evident in every OiwiH cull tin m, bat Jim will be en-- ! 00 rest room on the second floor. o Oi Ibuse'.stl. about this splendid toin-- i turn Less Than Ore Day's' a ii oo O you takuj A oo o set mil preparmi to... if ever hard stubborn Cold thftt oo of the most beautiful merchandise obtainable have been o 2' it for iinli'--- i '.stion, irases, hi arthurn, Business in 1909. hangs on, is broken up by oo o 0 sourness, d sia, fir any (.toinaeh oo o t il "Seventy-seven- " Humphreys' 0 Finish Hi't the nt,!y thins consider, tjume liaincs.s loul.s like ojiuiM i. CO arranged for your delight in every department nnd you o a picture mid weiii), like a tin-typ- e O I let .i.iiii. 1'i.iv, this minute, fi nd rid oo j ti'imiiH jiiiiiish oo o O yourself of st,,m:i-- h trouble and lm.ll- - 'T Oum Is In the loiifr wear d iss. .'d.,'11 I X'"' lot!;, .,i. week1 oo in o p j Hi ill In e lilll.lili s. list oo will find every employe eager to assist or advise you o jon th- - slin k cv "hai .... ,,,1 ;,, . jfl o Ilecause wi make all our own harncis an,! w know whit irors o! 00 In ery act buy o lli.n-.- r the M "f " year' 00 o and all our leather from ,. ,3lm,y hrill M,c. f t! de-te- o Same is b, appetite.,;? n'.n .'' Iradim; for; oo every possible wnv. In a word, we arc mighty proud o the best F.very ftnip is citrefuliy d th ,Uf.w' an fr f.,r g I I t I to dlUCB- - 11 '";;" oo o which it Is Ufed ond we gunraii tee The li K.V look to the -- a ''"d The l.r... longed mild sipcll natisfacHoa. i, ,,. ,. ... i l,:Tis. ibiiiv ny.i.u.. ,,f u(,,i: f ls'oo o ,, i.. ,r....,r li:. - I your 0 " '' iwliiU- lodav's tt.. hour ess, l olHn-rtiakin- have you we shall spare no effort to make o IlilhK us harness, busi.'V nnd nutn toim nml cipdiluns 1...' to i 'liitinlii nil broken and you must be prepared tolco with us, and o we 0 jt.uii rlain i,,n,., i.U.iiiiil si, 1, , are well equipped to do your work rlitht anil Tablets cre- - the o at r.iH,.ni.ih prlcta. O in piovc the d.iiestion and k's total i.lii.iiii.i. Itneet the Miidden chnntte. bv keentn 00 o MMI, DUDl.r.S o, ,iti, a h.u.iiiv hi p. tile, l'or sale by, ...... 00 your Unforgettably pleasant. .ll: l'ltOMlT AlFFNTIOV. O ,i,.,i,i- ' '" in. i mm v.. is I. -- s by far handy in vour 00 to Albii'juenjue o ait b- 0 , Ohm us.d to - , 00 o i,,,,r,l.., on k'-- ' o g --.r n,. ., to rn:',?--, '"" ' 00 o g (u.irk.'i ,,f );,i,:i, I A dose of "Seventy-seven- " D llUIILt. i""" when at the 0 o All)iuiuerquc o w. ,:. ni.tb.te,, profesidonai Pian,J:s:;n::',:,::,m.;;fjvi;';;';.. gg ,, w-- D f for.. ll 0 filler f ...... h, ,,,,,-r- P. , h e o ,, ,n s h ' ' ' "Id at onrc. 00 o Carriage, U'.u.n.ei.,,,,. from last yeai ,lUl..llM f,,,,, , ,., iht. ...,...ti,u 00 Civ iot, will be in this city ana. il for; i If you '"" im,il hones heein o ket .it this time. Iner. asi lis . of '"r 00 vijiiiiH s wotk a ,, , oo o Company in short time.',,,,,,,,... and ,,.,., --.'!" t che; till you 0 l, !' attraeiivi. heehi to cotiKh atnlloo o Kcini'lc. he does tllllille; O'K, l.I'U f l,o ,1 I,;, , h j - lar 00 o r, tope reyulatirm. ii lion - ad iustinc. .i ., ,i ... ,, , l" sneeze it may take lonir-- r. ' 00 if o repair-i,1K- , rf O cle.'iiiina, and all manner f . I, v1 i ml i nc i lobar r task holds more 00 o or. 1st & TIJcras l'ln.tie 0 i I'll.' under a v. r. lien miatanlee. Wait thiin CO The end of the wnen many i o O tin;. ! i i, . i,.i. CI for n,. e of i. ution. sit All Dm 00 671. u ,;iniii extorn l!.,e;v to y,.l ii 00 o o e ss ma t; v i lui n - i s the "street." Stores or mailed o Ik IIhtciI to your door. Wi.blie .t , , . . o a...... H.'in-- o. D Snilih s hot tainales) nml cbllc. I'lmne 1 , ,...... Me.liUne t'u. uu. ii.ii nums in nor res'ins oecause I ..ii OOOO00O0OO0O0O00O0O0O000000OOO00000 00O00000O0000O000C 152 - . - illiam Street, Xew . Vm k. tuijuuaj- reams lae journal. OO 000 00 0000 00 00 00000 000 000 0 00 C 0000 0000 00000 000 0 oooc jA'hcn. vwuogooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'- -


1913 Football Accord AWAY " ,Vv ' '. :. IN THE U BANNER FOOTBALL A.H.S. ROMPS vc,wvvjm;iuMis;tv' mi iiitM.iiiWg -' YT ofFatalitkn Totals b..-;- .I 3! WORLD f to) hp Fourtu n; 173 Hurt OF WITH SANTA GAME SCHEDULED OhiwKo, Ni'V 22 Fourteen FE: n plairs were killed and 175 were injured In fooiUiii names In the v season which V'.itually closed to- Mmt mm day. This reci.r.l 'f I IMlaltleS is -- I" I Y l FOB THURSDAY SCORE Ml RICK mum Football Scores only sliRhtlN hel.,w that il lul.'. 0 Hi', . met death I ULLUnUt UMIUILLI When f.fieen daer Harvard, 1 ; Ywle, S. and 1SS were injured only two Carlisle, n.".; Syracuse, 27. university plaveis Were killed. Navv. 4; New Yoik university, fl. Tin e li s w i re implied DDWNS BI Army, H: Springfield, a, Annual Clash Between Un- from pn ss i potts and published NfAio Substituted on Ancient ME Chicago, l!i; Wisconsin, 0. here today. The Iniuii i"d Include SERMONETTE Minnesota, 19; Illinois. !t. iversities of New Mexico and unlv those who suileied broken City Team Frookes Caus- I'hin Slate, t.; .Northwestern 0. torn ligaments. re i re Hot lltlNi: OF tllKUT I'urdi.e, 41'; Indiana. 7. Arizona Expected to Draw strains and spiaioH and Internal tic Commor.t Fiom Stands llll GREATKiCKING Christian liroilnrs, 7: Norte Ji.imc, injuries. 20. Record-Breaki- ng Crowd," (if the fourteen deaths, thir- and Teiv.poiaiily Halts Oai.c. Tin- - do, nine of thi iit i an lu vcr be oc eiir-rln- g Western 7: Hushnell, 0. teen SlICCUMib. d to injuries I le i, hi i loo I I'll II, I.I' at too JI, ,..,1 Case, 72; Kenyan, 13. "'is er. Chaiiex Sweitzcr. I, lo.lll. ' Ames, L'ti; Drake, 3. formerly a llamlme universitv A I'. Missouri, 3; Kansas, 0. Thursday afternoon. Thanksgiving phlVer.. died November 17, fit M The u.j ii. nine Inch s. h.,o foot , out, Four Field Goals by Harvard Nclnasl-H- IS; low a. 0. ouv, the stale utiiversitit k of New Men Fa til, follow inii a coiniiMi atlon of ball (earn p' t;nl l,ised the Santa Imcknell. 14; Muhlenburg, 6. ico and AriKoni will tlaih In their an- diseases rcsuituiK from Injutu'i Fe hikih sehool ilein xestei'd.iy af- T.iai ii Ibe try of iverv iiiielb.n nl in of Haverford, Id; Carnegie, 6. nual fuolliall game Mt Association Several nun, other fatulilos ternoon on A isi ii i, it ion pa I K tall, w in who has st it ti d la the oi 1,1 un-i- b Star. Result Defeat, I iies y - Lake Forest, 2.1; Ftloit, 14. pa k. resulted with tew ex. from a tedious came the r a,lelse i 11 l;m t a In is nlld h:i- e a. Blue Eleven by Fifteen to liutirers, 37; Stevens, u. It. Is expected that this game w ill fiactnred skulls, broken r.ei ks or isi oic of 41 to I'i 'i, a Mil i en of life Flo oar.u.e tile Lehigh. 7; Lafayette, u. of the hardest fought gridiron spinal Injuries. j The sulist it ut on of Slanuhtir, n In I h.Jiis whbh v oti are wiIiiiik should Five Score, Holy Cross, 70; Worcester Toly, 0. contests ever witnessed in Alhiuiucr-nue- . of dusky hue Weariii.i button pateiil I I, III ol oil. r.iMllii Kentucky State, 20; Louisville, 0. in both teams are evenly lle.nher films . i h eiit tops, ni rli:ht retina FreFhmen, 13; Cornell matched, as regards weipht, and holh half for S.mi i 'e, wlo n i aiOMUilil CI iii ibe iv ii k s l'a nk ha tut and Freshmen, 7. are anxious to he li turned the victor. iwas diMibled in the f'l-- t uuartei', i To our i'. IB MORNIN JOURNAL MCI' LIltD Wll' 40; IVnrrenshiirg, Mo, Arixoiui has now beaten New Mex- 'illlised Captain I'loniolis of A. II. S. Haskell, CHICAGO vou p,,vnr n, Cambridge, Mass., .Nov. 22. The Normal, 7. ico tw ii e in sui cession, each lime by lo plolew.1, ti mpol al llv dehlMlli; the ne while hive to eai OMS f t Harvard football teum of 1913. with Oel'aw, 26; Lnrlham, 0. a small niaiTin, and the New Mexico name, and provoki d sin h a sloini of the lime will Mirely ionic when v on i an no lout i i i II. Fullback Charles K. Brlcklcy playing Hay I or, 14; Texas A. & M., 14. boys arc anxious to turn the trick on causlio eminent from the spt latol's ai In fl-ll- r rule, u new de- Unit a It seenn d a the established Olivet, 13; Alma, 0. Iheir rivals, and ol.tain their Ioiir for moment that t - I S'oii an a, oiint m w. epoch ill Crimson gridiron history to- Wooster, 7; Ohio university, 6. sired revenue. miniature run- riot nns-h-l e in the day by iW fo.'i tlntr Vale, 15 to 6. C.eorgia, 7; Auburn, 21. Strenuous practice Is beinn Indulged nullum. It hud Peon aciiid before .Neither ti'iim succeeded In currying Ijouisinna (Statu unlvei'sity, 40; in on the lull every afternoon with Hie ii line that the ileum would not I ' tho ball across the other's goal line Tulaoe, 0. siKtuil practice at the K.vinnusiuni each plaMal and, as he was the onh avail- and all the points wire the direct or nittht. The I'niversity of New Mexico able Pal l sub in the Sunt I Fe sunad, The Citizens Bank linlirei t results of kickmiJ. .Seven Jrcn1iy.cs a deal depends on 19-- 0 the Albuqueruue were avoolinn that urent WINS bos 1 v i iiiiut-- . 1!U4 j Open I'aj Itriekley drove hall spin- the captaincy of the eleven. w inning every man on the le.'lM selllbl.lllie of rolli;h lavs and Salurdav times the Yale this triune, and t.lrtlis Per I line a ad ning and turning over the heads of That Harvard lially defeated the team is faithfully to be in in order that no sii bst it ui ion would be ten! mi Ccililicalcs sviut by a score of 1.'. to 3, Is conceded by Ir.iimnt l'piisit. the Yale players and so deadly was tonight, (the best possible shap lor the con-- i necessary In the Sa nta Fe ba kfield. li accuracy eye toe that the adherents of both elevens Nevertheless. Cartwrtulit was iiiiurcd is with and safety scored by was tit. live times the ball crossed the goal for the o'llrlen All the boys are in pood oorolillon mid, thoui;h he in,. to rem. nil in the u two point gift to the Ulue. due to lmme-'oiaiel- y Crimson points. Four times and ready for a hard Sliuffle-bnrue- r. Maroons' Decisive Victory came, Shiur liter was run In. liar for j The battle. goal kicKer, es- a inlsunderstanditiK of the rules. end, who entile A. 11. S. learn was Uucrnscy, Vale's field iplay um.snal came In the varsity' star the only once wilh lis feature up in arms and Captain Fmmotis re-- 1 sayed the same feat, hut 'the first period. Immediately follow- was sick for a eouple of weeks, is now Over Bad vis Gies Them did the leather spheroid rmss Har- I in k at practice, and with this po- minded the Santa F i.ipiain of the Hrhkley's Held goal from Con-feicnc- F.lls' ing first present to e Ill.Ule betole llll vard h goal. To the earned three'd f li irl III .vi.r.l lino Illli-msi'- sition filled, the Varsilv will Undisputed Claim UTi'l'lllrllt liailll. an 'forty-five- Tile Sallla I'e liovs olferrd lo points, there were added unearned Ikickol off from his ow n - ' rcitular lineup against Arizona and lolitilllie two, due to an unintentional safely by Is ciilil'iilel.t that when tile filial w his-- 1 Champinnsliip, Hie name with only tin mill, and in SANTA FE COUNTY Kurd l;ne in not ordunce with the rules. . I. score tile of sio h s a nielli s'-- the loial I.i It Knd O'Hi leu of Harvard. was long drlv- - the ball hit tie lows, the loiix end of the face It r and II Slaughter to be Tims, thanks to lirlckley's superior Harvard goal post about six feet will he in their fifvor. team treed to allow ROAD OVERSEER .the inn w ill com- libs! it Ut cd, and Die iJanie oil- e more kicking al'llity, did Harvard defeat back to The Thanksirh K;me IftV MOHNIN JCUSNAI. gPtnftl W III I from the ground, hoiindltiK K. tllflID years five-yar- at the end of the N. M. A. meet. resumed Its torturous ionise. IN Vale for the second time In two Harvard's d line. Had the Chicago, ,iv. J out claxsin c. RESIGNS DISGUST it Is ixpected a lame Hum-- 1 , It was purely and simply a i .ise of and win undisputed right to the east- spheroid remained there it would nave and that and out lie U imr their oppoii-elils- I them-- ; of lo- ern intercollegiate football champion- been put In play er i f Dip teachers will avail I'nlveisity of too much class on the pall the i;one to Harvard and opport the Cliaaco team, and, as a iomiH of the utter ship of the year. in the usual way. Instead, o'liricn, si Ivrs of the unity and remain stars defeated tmlay the I'nivi r- - ial over (his ontcst. ' inability of the teem from the Am lent Santa IV. X. M Nov. Una, I Spectacular as as llrii k ley's play, to make doubly sure what he con- for f it v of W isconsin eleven, l :t to u, and City cope opponents, Ovci-ii- i' M am:, e ,y hand-t'- kicking, the fact picked it. up i to with llieir the Innan to.l luith in running and sidered a toiichback, won the iindisouteil title of niiferfiiee boys did play up remains that the superior machine while the Yale players were si ill yard" EARL COOPER VICTIM ji hampioiis. Tlie Maroons wound up Central school nol hoi lesiiin.illon to ch. ,i mini A- to their usual form. In f.u t. from bi rthur Si Io nian of Do- S int i Fe t oiin-1- v Coach ll.iuehtun developed this; away and carried it back across his ...... r that A p. r. I "T r lU-'- e glory - n A O n I A IM ft rll K lo end. oil uci mint of Injuries load t'iiliii!l-- ioltel bei of lite autumn earned wiiial with the own line, where he torn hed it ibuvi:. r- StK UUS ALL UtW Sided that It lei! no doubt of then j Itn pincers mid other delays, the came dllliiuliy of ng tin tax. it was the committing a safety play, iru--h- title. lolli.t load famous drop kicker, for thus t to the w a J Lnng-fi.r- I was so stow licit tier only iil had ron m by hint concerted play and efforts of thej to the ruling of Kef ree The rout of the was a fit-- tnat train nnnl I able to even get warmed up. Saula hoard is ib to eleven men as n whole that made the IKY MOKNINC JOHNL PICIL LKf 9 Wltl lli.o, .Io.ojv to a.. e,i i,.i- mule I ul and the road termiuetl was touted as having nol been de- bring suit agi.n-- t ail delinquents. way for the situation from which j This was the only error of judgment ;atl Jose, 1'alif., Nov. JJ. Fa rl aniumn rk, for thev h ive met a;,d being i w llriiklcy scored the flfleen points that; noticeable in a hard fought clean Cooper, winner of several antoiuotiile iiow ned all rivals. The Maroons feated this year, hill, thai the That the tav. i an be olh i ted, as play Die 1 e case, it Is a cint h they don't dolllollMI' lli d "liy, When Ch.idi siand tonight ns Harvard's record game. Of fumbling there was little classics on Die I'acifii- eoasl, im Imlinn i,.iv il i steady, tii.ichine-lik- game. hiue. and the few slips that occurred were this year's Santa Mi mica load race, Noigren's long punts were important isame braiul oi looinnii Ul lue vnmiiy St liKiiian rei i" ed a i lie, I. tor t'". against the 111 to-- 1 f Din state capita) as is Indulged Die of ta In Guernsey, on the other hand, rectified by quick recoveries. There lies seriously Injured in a hospital factors. Hives into Die line by Fierce' amount load collected That temper, a n ill this nei k of the winds. the prei im I of San I'i Uro. to approach lirickley-'- feat, was Wire few exhibitions of night as Die result d accident and Cray worked wonders and a greit' failed i XI of plays opened up despite desperate character of the w bile tuning up his ar for contest eiglity-trt- o a The assortment to fact that the run of yards for toiu bewibl-!elc- due almost entirely the by local team completely d front, of him could not, struggle, and these did not reach the aualnst time tonight. Cooper's race r bv the tatti r, who had luter- - the the team In oe- - go- - Fe eleven, and to penalty point at any time. Such i .lew out a rear tire while he was a pass, was Die spec- - the Santa thev hold or drive hack the Crimson ai forwanl in (he slivit goal pass- - casional lapses were forgotten In the ing at the rate of seventy miles nil ltaeular event of Die game, jwere groping dark from Point where field kicklnR to finish, although thev seelncd to Cured in One Day ...I tn. IIIISSI line display oi individual aim icaiu hour, and raihir than attempt to The first quarter was less than fivc It.v Our nt HIikm1I N ktfiit from the imprniiaiue to i e III Die ipiar- - riii! . , r.1 ..... i i,y brilliancy. Vith but one or two ex at of race take a slight rat last St I ..... r ...... ,.,t.., for nrake the turn the head the ,,i,t when the Maroons pushed 9 irnltllr OUic nul uirtit, oie. Jinn ii"v i.v ceptions the combinations forming the track he shot straight for the outside orgrcn Iter. 'v ft,,. any ureat physical or playins,' superi over for the first touchdown, will played of high through i ,. thirlv-var- d The local high sehool team of Harvard men as indlvid- - two teams football fence. The car plunged the Ti. k k H ...jed. A orltv the standard and several of both the Yale fence, described an are in a grain field (play the Mcnaul school eleven tuvt VARICOCELE mils, but rather by the coachlnK run by Fellows stinted a rally in the to and Harvard elevens rose even above and crashed bin Ii throrrh the same first quarter that nearly put the badg- jSninrd.iy on Axsoeiution park field Hydrocele, Rupture (Hernia) methods and system of attack and si Innd plane. nee. Cooper was had,? cut, suf- decide the city preparatory N I ImA this fi ers over, the visitors carrying the ball having '! ul from tuliif or Hmi defense. ten-yar- 'championship, the teams (vxiMt-- l i played a fered several minor bone fractures to the Maroons' d line, where tAhlttHMt- u Knotty. Stated broadly, Harvard li fi In XAV l'MlM Y OVI UWIin.Ms and his back was wrenched, but at the It by holding in hue. played a to tie earlier the si .ifni i;ki itf Hi- .Ut, uilli 'i name in both offense jthey lost the i -- li tin.-- well balanced NFAV Vol IK IMVFIJSITV hospital it w.i.s said tonight that he In case A. H. S. tit feats Metlalll .ii pi tii ih rn iitul (ciin, best and Dray's npei tu ular run Was about I.i i; mid defense, in which the recover, although would be 'it is possible that they will entend the iht .M'!!' f would he of a il A ) t of the new .the most disastrous termination I'm-Hal- e :ltl'l tul hUl Hill II iil f.'t 1IU i'III most conservative parla Annapolis, Mil., Nov. l no Navy ,,, mason another week and play were successfully ms bark for Weeks forward pass that Wisconsin hud. The mi. "tru' i"H!ii''l ruhrthi' I. it mm. v. anil old football university by 4S high si Pool, t i , defeated New York ball w as on Chicago's t wenty-yar- d iii i' in niit' Iii ui ul nf a .v niisi combined. to 0 today In the final contest on the j Th" llm-.up- : !(" N.I I'.ilil. Ntl tl,HlC.,M. ,Nt) Yale game ,line. Fellows hulled the ball where I lM C opposed to this was a home grounds prior to the big inter-- i A. 11. S. Cutis. Kmnioiis ( captain won thought Ofsbe would be. Instead i that would undoubtedly have struggle wHh the Army at COLORADO DEFEATS 'he talkies, Chlfoi'tl and lllK(Mir is a tii en. service .of Ofstle it was Cray who got the ball 'iind Chavc.; liti'iM. "live yards In three downs'' m : ic.nim under the New York next Saturday. H mi ii in gn,.rtls. Turner and Fold!, I j I t - was to win 'and he sped toward the iron I. He ran ,i U y. nil If III. nl iliip.ii days; hut unassisted Die Annapolis coachrs put Fiitnoy; i enter, Wilson; ;, - The team the eighty-tw- o yards to the line, plant- Moser and im. li ,h,. i,i,ni Iri'in Hi'- the Harvard eleven of 113. composed Largely ll' u 111 t,S (( )(,v. tin at tlie start was ing the ball lack of the post nnd goal quarter. Thaikery; halves. Calkins. ucil li Arc you to The victory of the Crimson, therefore, iof subs and several of the varsity men Mann nnd llarwood: full. Camp. kip- Mi'Timii or ria: r hard a victory for the Har- Was kicked easily. u lil. Ii n.r.'N uim iii'li' i(. tl In was as much 'did not don football clothes but sat MINERS; ANNEXES In Santa Mariiner. and Vi system as it was for Die coaching bench watt hing the Touchdown number three came l.ncero; itnU'H i' vard on the the third quarter. Again a Wisconsin tackles, Carothers. and id it;: IU KM W Mm, players. I : rii fit? Crimson strtiggh nilly was stopped Hadgers1 guards. Tasi hek and laiiiiuil center, of I! ('1 in f tii t nil it m it v e. A it was a Harvard victory in ufler the halves, n, ijHisfij That i iDibson; uiuirter. MiCormbk; u' mii'i ,luu ir of had made first down three times nnd; ' t L every sense of the word, devoid AKMV SCOltKS FOFHTFFN' niinr.ininiiPiiin Likens, Cartwriglit and Slaughter; iti tr s( pini if itiu ii Norgten, liussi ii !. , II !l y i .H t tl Vi I m flukes or unquestionable features. Is POINTS OFF SlMUMU nXI) the Maroons started 'full, Drlffin. l (Ml! iif tho play- - Idrav nnd Fierce driving the Fadgi l.nMltr, itultilitf lit Mriinwlllfitiiui mi. I AV In you fi-- proved by the statistics of the i Walker; spotlalle lliilmr uoiiiiiribTiJiiir foot- - lleferee, .Iidmson: umpire. t M1!!' lllif III) nj-- l ;i loll. niiiliy 'hack in a brief series of straight run Ile-fo- re X. Y., Xov. 22. Two s, t N Inn who West Point, goal linesman, Shnfl'li burger; titnckcepci .l"t" lit oil. ;i llll lit ii lli. (in i lire liiml lo fll. "'Vlarvnrd 229 yards 14 Iball. Harris missed the from inii-iii'- In all sained touchdowns and a safety, totalling A. pit: :.:!. Nt dii cut tun i rotu iii'w, von ny S:!( If lli in. angle, Fierce had Milne and Itit rrotil lo lo !i in fi" rushes, against was army's score in its; difficult titter and first downs points the A I ti in 'crossed the line. Twice, in the last! A Surs Cure For Small Fee it tilt r hot ii iisti you thin!, be Is 11a yards and first downs game todsy with the Springfield' , Yale's ..I ,1,1,,,, .,l,,,l - lo. .rl, I'm, o, - ' ' l.osslbleI D 41 Malum uained 777 yards Training school. The cadets used Hame Featured by Superior ' ' ' ii r ri nun o only one who can III oii, rushes. Wisconsin scores. ttui llln In Hi punts to 4a2 yards In Die com- many subs, the coaches giving the, coine ai'iiiiu.l belt' mill liy oil Guernsey and regulars session. ' Playing on of Univer- U0IU ANU bined 13 punts by but a short Part LtMl fi'i T one of our new Pis k iikkIi Is. Knowles. MINNESOTA IS VICTDIl i Ill-- fl -- 4 iitii.i. (iii'll Urickley kicked five souls out of CAIU.ISI.M IMINS IW'AT sity Eleven, Golden Team Is t)i:i; ii.i.inois. U v j i"t learn somctlilng iihotit seven tries, to (luernsey's one uoal In SYU.UTSi: IV t.ltr.AT GAMK clothes lltling. four tries. Harvard players ran back Whitewashed 20 to 0. Champaign, 111., Nov. '22. SMAULDIHB WILL 5 ) b 1 H eii Yale punts 133 yards, UKiiinst 54 yards Pvraeuso. X. Y'.. Xov. 22. Carlisle won from Illinois today. HI to 9, 1 ) ITlKlUe by Kit backs. In Indians defeated Syracuse in thoi j after n desperate battle. Hoth teams thus regained the j ' today, M to 27. -- puss most freely. penalties, Yale lost thirty yards for Archhold t.r 0N1Na JoullNM. ,PIC1., w,, used the forward tackling to Har- The game was one o( he miw. Illinois, three touchdowns had Sv holiliriK nnd rotiKh ugh ,)(, Xov. 22.T,M. mivcrsity alter vn Vmr vard's tive vards for offside play. spe.tactilar seen here. All thro of rorU(j (lipU!r((1 tho Kl.Uv .been scored by the Copilots, came TRAIN TORRES In Kt alumni, game the two elevens took ; iback strong period und More than 47,000 of the the t"'s Mountain conference football eham-i- n in Die last undergraduates and adherents of the scoring. .Vldnnshlp here today, defeating the rushed their opponent off their feel, thtr IHtltiiitut4, I'rrl Iflrnip nnil two universities, were gathered from Purtn the first three minutes S(.hoo, of' Alines by a scoring one touchdown and keeping Ki'ltUl rttl totiHt tn hi ' n In niir sere by n Im ! country. The weather of 20 to 0. jthe Invaders dazzled their play ul ii'f, th all part of the away' on an rxpert ttmlirnr 1m'1 qiiuilf ii'il nitlr- - broke from the Indians j 111 rest of the time, was perfect. r.,l,-w,.- The score a dt jthe I I ...... wl Eivl,' VUl'llu flir first was in the stronger t lullotlt I I'llKO. TraditiQiis were upset and history period when for .,,lo-n- g Minnesota, plainly than Experienced Ring Generals Fy straight rush-;""- "! Huhcr, by foot- - established in several ways. The vic- the first touchdown. "l",hl'' ,"1 could not gain straight Up A were scored for Cup-Uai- n Dcn'tClve Visit Will Tell scored by' the Crim- two touchdowns '. ''"; N.l- - ihiill. Marly in the first period, Will Begin Sparring With tory was the first - In the thud period, I'V lsifp- -l since Carlisle in the first quarter, and Car- Rowe of Illinois scored a field Wo iiNd fiiro th nml hvsi son over the Ulue in tho stadium n kicked a He d goal from HM'I funis HIimmI I'dUoil, fvMn kicked both goals. Half hack hi; Shaugh-Incssy'- s DUftirw, nnd the list vic- low goal. In the second period, Local Lightweight at Gym 1 it was built in 1903, ..lso accounted for two of lino. Another HlH'tmiiilUni, Hlui rh, Np mitt lironl tory CumbridKe since tracklin . ,.,.,.. forward pass to Solon gained over Yale at ,.i t n later in Die."-- f''-ilwn- rp Captain earned the the Indians' touchdowns liy by ja touchdown for Minnesota, This Afternoon, NiTt ohmhi'hm, t ii liii u rrotit (, Hi. IHHI Wiwiiw . Wfili'Hil'lli FPU. Storcr Wis followed a touchdown i , helm; first game. In the third and early In the fourth rurtltiiT Nfrli-- K it lUmliirr unique distinction of the Walker, after which Nelson, for the 1 Toward the end of Die second quar- Cophers made two more n mi rittiirv tintfft rll tnul ml graduated jPeriods the IHm-hp- , Harvard captain to he ter Syracuse carried the hull from fourth time during the game, booted Kin tut iimiI nil irilnl Uurrthi'n university four years goal scores, principally through lorvvard if Mvtt iHiien, from the after forty-yar- d line over for n the hall through the potts. tack Torres, the Old Albuquerque mid their own 'passing. Then title of bailie I I of play without witnessing or partici- halfback, A large crowd Jammed the stands. the lightweight, certainly will Ihei l(lM UIO, All( AMI touchdown, Kingidey, right iquickly changed. have I KM-.- pating In a Harvard defeat by Yale. Iloth colleges had sent deiegntions of Ills U'iff h'l! making the last run for twenty yards. was fought on a slippery benefit of evpert training for bout tf out of tuHii, ni'Htv Urickley, bv his remarkable play- scored a hundreds of enthusiastic students to The buttle with Pierce Matthews to he staged; For the Indians, tiuyon field, the backs slipped and stuni-ilile- d ing and kicking in this and preceding period and root for their tennis. Ideal weather and Thanksgiving' day. AI Sinanliling, the INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS touchdown 1n the final but fumbling Was ln- - games, virtually assured himself of Die goal. prevailed. frequently, local middleweight, and "Lofty"1 Halfback (inflow kicked frequent. llr. IvHi A ( o. Floyd, who recently riniii-- 1, Minnesota resorted In kicking much returned from Sicotiil 'tin It Uliieli, eei'iii'r SILVER CITY-BUSINE- liuton, will be his sparring partners. Tel. its l I' inl Mi vi Ate , 1,1 ,im(. Ti n. more Illinois. I than Tin res will begin training at S' ul run, 1IJ Me-- fl Ave. The first quarter was slightly In II m In I t. 7 NEVER LEI o'clock this afternoon at the New Mitllra. in., t lo p, m. ' COLLEGE GAME IS OFF of Illinois in ground gaining by MiiiiluV'. 13 . m. I p. im. Mexico Athletic club irvm. Smanldlng lo ir 'straight football. and the shifty Floyd will spur with, During the second and third periods profe.-sor'shl- p Wiley Tlie proposed be- of-- him. The of these IT basketball game Minnesota outplayed Illinois, both 1 prove! GET GMT tween the Albuquerque Kindness col- ' "old heads'' at the game should HER Ifensively and defensively. ja big advantage to Turns, whom' HI lege and .Silver City Normal school Howe and Wilson, star performers Diummer Bowling Alley believe only incxperietii e has been postponed until a later date. I: friends that 1 P 'for Illinois, showed well In their out of A ft 5 The Normal school expressed 'jkeeps him Die champinnsliip; a i i.i w. i Iheir appearance. (h.ipmnn and Watson ' lioi.D. imii iiiiwm l,.mmw,w,.iujim;BU Her Locks Thick, desire of playing either Tuesday or ranks. IS IX OUR W1XDOW Kept Dark, played their usual strong game in tin Malthcvvs will begin (raining to-- j Wednesday, hut on account of the It M IlimklVii Mi.ii.i.uiitu tfll illnl'll night. Although less than a week has; All.lS AI Here's a Bakery Just as Clean With Sage Tea local armory being used by the schools ,'.wy itH leading Glossy, ,ini 8l,on, passed since he administered a I'd. KIT llll 1.1 KIS .oi men VIUIOIIN I'XIIIOIIM llll llliee lightH.''bplayed great football. Wagner. As Any Ital.ery You'vo Svn. that different, more attract- days of this week, it will he impos- drubbing to ItalDing Mantcll, he docs and Sulphur, of Illinois, was the hero of the fourth not believe that ho risks becoming sible to accommodate Silver City at sprint, was responsible iii:ifi; is muni) ive kind that promised quarter. His stale for his mill with Die strong uld of Silverware this date. Silver City has toui htlovvn. tjuarterbai H l lil Sll IiV 1VY you darken your hair with the local business college team a game for Illinois' Albuquerque youngster mi will Thanks- When Silkman showed his form of last year already are dream- set off your Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can for the mltldle'of December and a re- Torres' friends l'.vct lit Itreatl, Wc You'll , In passing the ball. ing Y oak nl llilnk, - tell, because it's done so uatuinll.. turn game in Hilvel City oiilo t'nu- of bringing Stanley inn. Sieve giving table most effective- mixture, An enthusiastic crowd witnessed ilo Keti bel aim light welthis hoi. bo evenly. Preparing Ibis before the last of February. game. other trou- for him If he cotiiiccls with Maltliewa' - VU ly. , though, at home la niussy and This news will he n disappointineni Here an- Cookie, nml CaKos 50 cents you can buy to local of phvsiog w ith his steamy right. blesome. For the followers this popular; As l ine at nne druir store the miuy-iu-- u indoor sport, as the ,t.nos are In SUCCESSFULLY ns tiny Unker Hakes. I l!i-r- lou;.bnuls. Hulls mitl We have all the new de- tonic, called "Wyeth's Sage and ceiieni snape lor a game just now indoor Sprint Hi ford Itpuilleit. lire t.iiii n.iir Uemedv." You and reports from Silver City state thai INTRODUCED THROUGH New York, Nov. Howard Drew, linos sponge, or soft br.ush. with been working in eipialle'd signs both in Sterling and dampen a that team has hard of Springfield, Ma:, the l it and draw this through your , anticipation of sending a winning team COLUMNS OF JOURNAL world's record In tie 130-r- run at Ami Yon-l- nol flml the taking onn small strand at a tlmo. to Kl l'aso in February to compotD in Ihe opening of local Indoor alh-leti- c SnCnI, Any ltelter Ones. best plated ware. t1e Red Indinn Ocmn iiv morninii- all crav hair disappears, the Southwestern conference meet. season at the Thirteenth Degl-iiic- ,r" Efiml and, after another application or tvyo This will also disappoint a good Just a year ago Stag smoking armory In Drooklyn tonight. to Bomtn tnd Co'ombiv. TUY TII KM I dark- 'J beautifully ' your hair becomes many of the visiting teachers, w ho! tobacco was placed on the market. It iiwniuiiie i nrong n You "ill 4 jiinnps ened, glossy and luxuriant. were hanking on the game as an Introduced to Albuquerque A lo Toiiiik llothcrs. I India, 7A IMu Land tnd dandruff is gone and of Ihe second only llinl f also discover traction conven'ion through the columns of The Journal, I t stopped tailing. big - "When my children show the I l!ft, utoppi'iR Intcrt- - hair has to the football game mi Thanks- with the result that Its sales here I though no dis- slightest symptoms of being croupy l"'K point in Kurnpe, Pioneer Bakery DODD Gray, faded hair, giving day between New Mexico anil grew enormously , An & DENHOFl: as glvo I l'em-edy- BonA grace, is a sign of old age, und Arizona. Slug Is said to be most success- them 'hamhci Iain's 'ouKli Vrf nj Afiici, bj tht III First WrA - tho 1 we all desire a youthful and at- ful ever placed on mar- and when have a cough or cold once tobacco the lungs I a tiavs Third and Central tractive, appearance, get busy at nanny Miilicr I. calling Jockey. ket, and this success Is attributed to on Ihe take it for few S. S. CLEVELAND vVyetli s Sago .Sulphur anu and nm soon rid of the cold," writes with. and London. Nov. 22. The close of the dally newspaper advertising, which From N.w York, Janunry 15, 1814(r) vBaiaSSSSESn look years younger. Kngllsh racing season today proved way to Mrs. Clay Fry, Ferguson Hta., Mo. The flat here tho itilekcst and best 93 Day-$70- 0nd finds "Danny" Mahcr, the American, everywhere So pleased first svinptom of croup Is hoarseness, up JFilENCH FEMALE if reach smokers give Cough as luchwling thort oi.uriiiri!iftn(l all nfcesxary exptfiMik again at the head of the list of win- Were s of Wilis v ith Chamberlain's the inunufact urci Al t W-.- rndlA argpggg BgnaSdtnai asaaaK ning jockeys with u total of 114 firsts. their previous advertising In The soon ns Die child becomes hoarse nnd cni Pnm PILLSUi It will prevent the nrtack, This rem- i nl. Around ll. World, Ih.otnA th His nenrent competitor is Frank Wool-te- Journal that they ure now tn our ad- rwm C mnnt and Mditorrnan trip, ninety-on- e edy contains no narcotic. For sale by nmn kmown to fail ir fe BEER who won races. The vertising columns again with an ex- Send for booklet, ttatng ennm SPECIAL w tHi fwr f PELLS sums won by owners on the average tended campaign. all dealers '..( m Will i.a tlifm tm irinl,t' )i;t by Brewing Co., Trlnldwl, Colo. HAMBURG-AMERICA- wh-- rellrMl. Htii.i-- I' rue, il vur Uuw( 4uM IH4 None Bolter, lirowed the l'ells J. H. N was small. Joel tops the list Staif was the first brand of tobacco hav thi'iH UMid f Jr t U f (Mill. tuilf-sl.- e 5 A estatrt problem purchases, CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO., with f 125, August Helmont and put up In a cent tin. lieal LINE lHIITO MTDICAt CO., HO T. WMMitu, ; Harry I'.'iyne Wiiiinev were both be ground glass humidor coiilaining one sales or trades are. easily solved by New full-siz- llOJ Ollie SI . HI. l.niiln. Mo. Or loenl sent rbone 138. Distributors. Albuquerque, Mel. Die f.'iii.OOtl In win-- I pound, and a u 10 till axo ;.Journal want mis. l'eud litem, Use llow mark llieir cent it Aibuquu r tuff' rn&bU i nines, rocciit (k'vclorjiuents. I tlieni. Do it today. "5


. . , ft m hf-l- TfMtYy-- i ------unit wnrrifil Worker, tu tlx t- -i i' i ,: I 3 i Sr t i n L -- -. thiMiiri. For tiiiiklf. In xiti'l, lit- OLD fH f lfin fiOMPERS IS AGAf wan uu.r in th organiza- m mnm old; people tion of mutton than nf men. mul. i L.HU1UH -,ir- -r,xnii Y June J i;hl. incident nf th i,, faction of the I'.ro! hrhooi of irnr m COIIFIDEIICE . l LVLnTwnLncxOMTi; I r .t I Worker, nenl u 'n, f INAUGURATED BY PHESIDEJWT l.t Ihi illy tnntcht rinoiiru that lsoodforCcuhs, IDE h Innl riKrnl (tin nffi' no ;i (..unl Peruna mT i.f I I'lLi-- IuhIiIi, lie i in it nanita-rni- Colds and Catarrhal Dis in nil t ir n w rftl, I1!, . i l KM I :Mj U pftfl eases. , OF FEB OI n.mphfy Ih lank i f th utivc-- H intuitu nf lh leilcrnlioii uf lhnr. un iwhhh ti iii) to in lucn Ittfirui tike THE CONFIDENCE OF THE ntepti to hiin tin k Ini" Hie r Klllur I. ..ily if clecti c I !. PUBLIC r,; c Biicklayers' Associate Arlnnfc f Noted Labor Leader rinohitlonn iidopt.-i- V th Advanced Plan for is placed in this bank, simply 1. 1 - I i l Li y mi i in aju nuf ntiiiti ii tu inn n irin-ti- i lift rig en (tlx t I. ilul" ' under I i! (i. limit of i'iIUIh Old and Infirm Members of because the policies of Ala liiitMii ( r i i.mi'iirili to n' ! f fiw-rnnllf- Inllaln.-'- l hum Hi lis: . which it does business arc ' Organization, W:;r. H'.Xl b''fi t and dirH-lin- if .i....f "f M fraud .(mud he iilititiiifil Hi n Klili'nt and consistent with all the prin- 1 . minli It' linkl'il tu tk ndi'" l'-- t t.tniL i i.nit mi the tt sti.iiit on ! nm h l.t ikIm I"1'" ciples of sound banking. Wuh.kuil .Nov. Thf';ir domain rnl t tltiiun I'm Irnli iim 1'itltN. Jinl. .Nov. i.' An "II 1 i. ml-j- pennon and mi--i- anil tiifitiiilm w.ll Serious minded men '.I. ration nf Ijilmr i on. pain . .if fund i hi- f- " IfiftiiKuiiit.-.- t i :ru UayciV. in mI I. nicfit i - ' ufi.r if M.ti-o- I I '.V ami i.ixt.-- i tiV Mi i nationa NA t . '.'." .. women who are careful of n.l i ho, ...ini! I'lilltol. li.tiM mm the. MY AH Y )T A r Sf S I I'n ion i.f Am. a s",t,,", ; v , n. in l'OI Tin- v : . !i'. ol ItB Mil fon ml on. whl'h lean ''" ; iv - their expenditures place part MoimI.i-- . I I;. T-i- . I . ,oii ii'l'ii- on Ihr M.ti.l BYGRANDciiiLD;::rj::rr:;,,;,;;r;:,ji::v.v:;v,,u';;: J I'm i.f. I: l: 1. kali". V' - r bussed ' (,fiMT N. V., r id i. ' ,tm .i.ii.l.r, 'Ihf toi,t.oti i II of their income, week or " ;li;iin each . I'll. iiHint notiiitiK il t o tl Ml. - ith ih i',. in- r I r k , i - ' iioiii union 'i ti.i Inn-- I ' iOo.N.t i.f mo in n mlii.K l I , , - I'l I.!, S.illiti.-- oil! T .kfri.t. to ih lin'.il on, iit th.. ,..l,r -- each month, in this bank at iI.'m', luin.'i.n, fll' W Nov. 2.'. I.I If Ji'lm union., iiniioiim.inif " i' I J.iiih. mill1 .).liiion, . !" lit lhi i' i,r if (!,., i . . 1 i i I .... ihi- - tlo't Ihf Mile h favmiihlt-- ::!.,"f,i; ; ...... it 'i i III taitlLil Inl.i i.lln t i".i iiz that t lit orir .n r ,; ''! FOUR PER CENT. ! ( v t ii i.i.i no ii i, ,hiiI. rilm of xl tie at. Hllirvil "O'o "oi int.. i . i h thinj nt Ihlnl.i'f th" . I1AJ-.-- V . fint .ii jU, li. - ..f ..i - to I i.l. i.i. Ii.i.ii! A in hiiiitliiK linn a ml nn nun' ...t , mil il your k in. h tl im- "i.'l iKRli.URY Ilii. I ' of lh.- rKrti.a..t.i.ri. il.- four'- - km l.,oith,i.l...iif-Ji- tr hi ililom.iiii. i''.'" ''"" Hon t iii him, h I -- .il. J.,.-i.- V. wl nd r m..n.luiK " l"' i ii!. 1. ... jwht-n- thf? wiink. I'" lllll fllllll llo l.ilo. t u"-- b Ir...,. i. ' " I -- I Ol.l "L. .ri iil'nt fif'h h'.i.iii . moni h im II hi y :.IS FIRST SAVINGS HANK fi.iv itii I'ttynn-nt- In- - m.-ri- t j . i.i... it i..i.,.. , H. l.ti!.. .iii! in Intnl.. h . l. - - t I'lhHli.nK will itllowfil nv iniin- "JJX k i,.i' fiiih i.t- .n fol. l.t . iuih "M.n iioimm-r- I., un dm luinlinit I h.i.l il iIo. Ihm Co v AND TRUST CO. O I O." ffl K t 'I 'an. vt i..m. - I! i - j 1 U It " ' ' I.l t II. 1'irhHin, forim iii tu Imk. joui hitf. I.l iouIiI tl., kroo.l, I it . ilul Iiuh i hi no ti.ul n 1 1' i . ili ; f.-- Uiiirtt ami in isooil" M.irth Av i v. Ii Opi'ii Suturilajr Vaj Vaya hiii nl nih now." li,n Mr. i. :i I Kvriiines and twi-nt- In th toimh, . ln th union for if In- ih I.i r, - rallliiin I i ' i.l. I". ltiiKlili ril of; F.i rH;iiy Im kill i.t nj, iir. oininnit .Maw.,, wnt..- John H'hilf. llrum - " i'Hi-- lali.V liluln. t .1 n-- I lilUllilf to ol'l.llll U'.l.lllllliK llliloy- o ur vi ,i ; i I h.i 'I ' ,';iii, 1'. nil. Mm U'liikfin i.f Arm i h ii . ilittk, fminil no ili.ali of iiri rf f nn "I look .'ini now nay ' u ,i i , tl nt. I fy. urn . i.f hin iiiiiI ""V iii' who liii" hro.-- ion. in 'h'i mi- iir'iili frsink 'nf iIkIiobiiI mlli'm t I a in t mm lv .!!. I ft-- t a ;il (hi- - Hi hoot) ,., . ,i in kooii Hi.iti.iiriK (n .iih tin'! T .Int'ft. Ilflf woulil Kl '!' of ol hit ((,,. ,,f th hunt llr viinl '. ifi i.n it l y I II II II II, i younk-i- flu ran i r trrit-ttH- I nin I.. .no. inrnmi il.tti for work 'is .f ..i (.. i.l. nnil Joiiifm. n th I'otoiniif river. .tl.ti rh of I I 1H m i lili-n- t tlMtltf 'ft 111!.. t im li l.iiini.ii, tuM'ii'i.iry, or ill hilih, riot l.rniittht on illn I I'OtAfll, i.mii.w I RH U 5 l y hi r oiniiifiiil I'i t ;.l ..j i Inn.) "lo toniluit. Th r niiia o i un .inolhtr in r anil anolhi-- ' fcxrrarmrrTxiiirmirrrirrniig I ASKS THAW'S DELIVERY willow i.i ry Iko may '.'- - j In thin 1"! .'it!r wn new nun of M ill my frifii'ln, fof . of th liv.r -v J Vt'i.'i.- - Vh lain th ( ontiiaiaii. of th if ion. -J- 52 ..i.l Imll. YORK SHERIFF Wim in a l.ail haiH-- . Tl.. r w ,i r i TO NEW h In t.lhi r i f h n - John Miohi'll unit Fifth Vn wilhont' iiiirn hti-- - "I fin an oM k.o.H. r ami am .oil ti..t-- i to iio in- nitifh 1'iimI'M WMIiiiiri ri'tiri'ill . yiai-- t ohl,'' l. Hulir ...... ,V, ...I iKOOll. ( oi i.l . .. TL l.,.rl,l.. A uoo.l tonli a. t.--i Klinhfly upon l..ll!v. irii-t- iIi.-n- hut ilul not that I r ;;i(f IfrillMli1 ,,,n "f I'll (I only 'I otlnr init lh.- - i x. in I'ol Ihf .).. of thf t V II S,,v l'"'l"iHoll ,i I i fi iflorv l,,u,,r, 7 ; - if in any until innni it.m mlial. ll.- II. II I ..111! W, I I. ..JTh !. IS. 311 iihI. with . In f.- ol.l i.l. Mi "on, ii,,,... ,,f .irrv K. Tli.m Into Ih ol your loiill in plop. Wi. h.n a i; ii, any I . ii n 4 itikiriif hi'h .i. ..l. ill or Hif Int. luitloinil r.roth-- hhi-rlf- M.r i.fifi'i iiK,nni th (ii.'iioii. l t.'Ht imoni.i is from ol.l who !. ;i unduly of II. A. Iin w of i Ik hi up I haw- (.v.-.i- I'ot-- l For Sunday Patrons l hini HO.imO inl.f rs. i t.iKin hf.-- U ih. oil of mul rullwtiy turn-iini- Th union nhoiil ni. - as.i.ttt-'- l li.tilf i 'imn for Ih ml ion nf f hint- t ii i n any now for hat. I'fiuna. Thfir -. , rinihlv, hut not - ..o,.;.. .,v r t ai.' Ii.'ih math- fijl X vvV . (S.tti.i hi th nyt-- i It N. n ;. .!,.,;.! !x I::;. t.l.l mor usi t VoR-x- I i li triHonr v I'isilors and Home m mi Mil T. Wh. r, of Anii Itii, 1 an. ,aul!lit l.y I't runa, no tlify C, wn for hit toilnj', "Ih "I inn 8 vi nly-lhif- f ohl. ;t v.,!.- of U,r,u1 to M.k.X. John Tiny Ml ii ml it.nlv ."if h i urn In th form nf un iinmvi r POSTAL nt vi-- i t In i Dl.l' In vt. ll ol ft rpat In II t: ni Ii.'i f Million iiti.l riiinl 3 ACCUSED Xii nn win m an- - In riilti-.- l M;i l- I Mad nti '.i r tiny ;i.kil Xomi TinL'y Lunch - lh tllfliiit lyoiil'K hut .un f"i lo i'm ot.- un ll niil aKain, thankful . w un lookitl ltn hv lh lo th li " ill th urn, i: n hif, alii jioiiit nhiriff itilliiin tlon.- 1 t iwhat han for tiif I 'l l 1 l. of trini.Mli. i l a mi :.') a. in. to 2 p. in. hot'l.tlt :i huhi-- irH.-iii- ' ovi r Ih" oiinliy, multiliolf nl mil i'.-- , I.- for writ nf ii it. i n. o th - u.--t- llrlthh: ft dti vh hv I. IVrl Tin fiii- Viiiiiikit. p. an- to la fouml who an-- iii.- - a nidi Th:m hiiiihi (' .Vl.ilthi-- U'nll. i.f I union r.iiii'iiw, iiov-fino- r .Mr. M rz, r Mt piaif I't una. :'.i7n; Turkey Dinner - I Thin wilt wm ii.kfl for I'M" of ih.- 'hoiour ii oh KiiKniuTH union; nftr EMPLOYES ARE i'.lt Tho.-.i- i il Ilul . who oi'jiit lo ll'iui.l , hml in to New Vi'i nun I'.oail. Iahiim ill. tS .',i it . - 5 p. i.'ii.u.inioiixK Aloriinifr, I I now un- . I'ruiii to in. , th of B; "Win tl lirsi 'Molt- In you fan ioi I'liuna I li'i.-- wn,. York riiiM for iniillllon niit. ...ii ..f of Itiilt. .Moni.. ihoHfii - Tal.l.-ts- Thaw In Hon with i hiirKi-- of hail tiouhit- for foi.r ;,arn. .1. I. i', ii,. In th titiuili.tii litnlt-- i iiniJ rniinci Dishes j i oriKiirni y iliiK fidiri hin Ki l.t i.i r mmrr k. iirl a' it Y ut i 'fiiiin Mattfiiwiin un AnKUt 17. A orift-- i ni n wim tn lil limt nlht 0 ISSCHARGED I!et the markets afford. nt uhi. h It win ityrt'fil In ,at John - whit o .h fnf.uuv i ,,i, i.- -i ENGINEER OF UNITED l'RICIC 35 CKNTS .i .iin Alii- lu ll hml il. il. I hia n I j ii. o. i .l all talk of nitoititlon In htiiiiui'I STATES GEOLOGICAL National Foundry Hudson for Signs J'i.siliirx Especially Inviied nhi.-n- i i. on p. ri ..r lh hi i y. h I ih.n ol iWnt ifif to. lav watf nnanlinoiiH SURVEY FINISHES MAP,uase Afiamst former bama fe;t Mar imp fnmnanv VI to Try the 1 a ...t lli.ll William Knrer, ilt'll'Klitf Pnstoffien Hfri l5?...... w I ArrnrH of tlo- la h ill Inn of lailml, J Wall Paper to " rrol'l.-i- l ill nlllniMtloM, f nf CI.L 0lfATCH tO MONNIN tit.i.worK , Ernl)e77lement. Dismissed!; ucnerai ht-t- 1 of MYERS CAFE to- hail ilintl lit till Bit lo Volt-- IK Kalila K. X. M , Xov. 2? A. . Iftl-il'lt- l ,ron tl. wan Willi Jfi rn (iray of th I'nlifil KfuloKifal in Pnnrt BraSS Castings. I Hit I wan ii Hl. will on TiiemlHy fur hm i vy v c i k i HUDSON Fourth in.. nif Hiirvy i'i iv.vvi'-- a l- 'mrai avenue. wli-- ' I'lffit-il- , I w lh i inn-plttf- v35 - if r. w.tti , huiliiuiirlrii at r ith BABBITT METAL. t l h. r wan a i o n t it nvi r th Hi map of th liiu ilrnrul tlmiii-luu- d for Picture Street and Xa I - m .1 lli-rr- I I,, II t it I e rst I. it v on. lit- .i '. ti v, lifttiK nuiii nut nh lh .COIL OitPATCH TO MO.MINU JDUMNAt.) 1. Hi rrt-wtii- f n, i I llm Iumh fllty M - Albuquerque, New Mexico Frames Copper Ave. (.I'i i.t of I'llntihK that Ih liraml Santa I', X. , Nov, 2.'. Th ftl- i m.ttiiik! William II. Jantiton, linn-- 1 fmt of itM WHtim hy in ial l ourt thiti for. noon tlimiMn-i- th ir i n iiii nl of in nun hlm.tif, whit wan w .Mxnii an Ii miimifm irnin inili. l mnt iiKalnut riiail. J I'.n-f- . l.y Coiiiifll, Th Vot mi tu th TfX.m hounila I y, M I H. ,i,H William I'.. I'nrMonH ami Alva 'i. y. y Uray it ml nl. hi iltv wan: I'hlla'l. Iplila, will nifoinpany Mr. n(. u,.,.,., lf fmh.-zzlliu- Jl.'iuli Ti-- ,(, it ' I , w n . I'oit Wni Hi, thv ill not ri'tui to .nnln until in, iirri iii v Hhioin-.- i i.v ih v. rT',Tz7Z5rflr' w'ajIIi$l331 rif-.iil- . t t loto-i- ron- - rmi nl ti.ii.pi in th rhrlMinun, Itlonal hank of Hania I for la inlilri-i- hi if.lmtt. i.iion with nn In whhh ' jtion. In th litMt National hank of 1 I - i il no foriut-- ronvt-iitioi- i hail lau n 1 iH Mlni Ar on SlrlUo. I hi THE rt li All Ihi f th .1. him 0 ho l'.ito-l- ' autniir h:!h .i.'i,t..iit Ilonai, ! lain . Nov. L'2 Almtit l.,r,, ,, ,., ,Kh in thl. vij . ,.r,.l n.t atul II or i i m m ' thai thf lu inui in i'i", iiai (j,lU .n poHtoffl. , Vhai li K I'aiHonf niTiiiiii' foimiil woul.l iiici l In t t Ii Ih. ilixt i ii hay ntriu k, iiml rrfuw' in point of of hfinic th m . mliii-- il- - niviff rc 1 u Mohtla In ih until lliflr ohliMt of tin' nlfi.f an. I for dm O hoiioii-- t fiKni-noii- nay nan it , Thf of ih loMinif hnurH itiuilil lor an off IIV M hM position of nin- xh. ii l.y I'rrKlilfiil iliimpfif utiinif.i. to I'l'iiniii iii in i .i - tarv of th f v Stun IJLL With unit k Inn j John Mitt lu ll. Shortly lai'hllv otlnr rlivalit him I'll al Sanla I'f. r inapt- w t ml a inlopti-i- l.riiUKhl tu th I - I loiiriiiuf nt rinolullon an hifii front Itol H i halK. il hi- inoni v ill.appfal. il (iiv w.ntli uf Tnys nr li'.li'lay in lihkf lh to I BUICK niiv tl luli .iif fouiiiil Ihf fol th pollrll of f Klf I'i until i i l f i i i i r up rt-- fHpn-HMln- t Ar l.lkHy. ( ii tlraw iliillonx rfiitt-- Sfiiiiliirtf win thrown into Iht- mail car at I. amy. I ti ills w c J,rl Vf v ill I it I Vht-I- Nov. ::?. iim II at thf rt mi' nl Smiiiil ii Itoiii, Th of m'w Inn Ih i an wan .alltil this foi.- - -- will riT'tirli'- ): nl. nt John Mlli hfll, Thff vmih ni'iiatoiM whu h I'lcinli r itiolilll Iinoii hy JmlkTi- - William II. I'op. R nr tin ne nt twlul li 'luilil - iai'ti wiiifh nr mi ire thf.-iiiit- ; Mr. Mlli mil. II In il, w ill ' loim wlul luil ynt mil In lh kuii:. I n nil Slalt-- A 1 l l:i y Siimmiiu to lh p!;iloiiii mul i. Inn, k h.ilul. with Ini linlf tin- n.iini H of two rfiii mil a t m Hurkhiilt liimiil for unl inua Tlii-- i I- I p. I w v ho, If , nfiVr is mailt nierelv tn inlP ii'ine tn vmi the nmst - in sale, spa nun Mllihfll mail a far fll Hoiia llsta. tiny ar mnniliali'il. of Ihf aliMiiiif of I 'onlol t ii ntir mis fur inspection anil demnnstratinn. The i u in h f xoiit-i- l hy will tu- - lh fliM of i .ih whnli th Ih kiiiu. that IliHpfi Altol i , ill. lor Smith at Salt l.'ik. i'i ui iK'ie a n irire.l line m' I TON'S ami fan-.- to oi i". Hi . nli-- ii HOLIDAY i self-- e tin..' nun party to th miiatf. ni y I'haiii M I". I'all'on, un luiialf of .iesi superiority nver any other "SIX" ident. The reali- tin; ili-f- mlaiilH. thai Ho (I' )( )DS in llie eitv. fit-i- YflirM. Hank Wrecker Sficii wt'if not only naily, hul cuK'T for ty nf this car makes every person take more than "that sec-nn- d Af-t- . I ol I h m mul, Inrm, Nov. 'It. tiial. After s'liiK feiifliiK, an r it trial inn III ilavn, lltir Inn. onler of iliHiniMMil wan, futfifil ami look" if in a lias unlimit- Nol'il-tlfiilni'- and yon are interested car that The Ivortff, lllll llll K II k( llllfll'ir of III th homliiim n il of Willi rlfati of hank, whiih fallfil The 1 n hft-- Here Are Some the Articles -- il.'ffiiila have ed well Steady Pull of 1 .lioo.l.lio. m July Z',, POW'KK and durahility, as as everything new and finiii Ihf no I Uf . hut .t t. wan hi it 1' In i'il toiliiy In their filiiulu will woik for llnir practical in equipment, w ill Wins fol thf l you want this car. The price impliM'iiinfm WiliktllK llil-h- You Get for Mini Nothing Ilul loll. l.u tl illnappf-ar- can ll hi llf Vi that he ll Mum up fiii'iuy for "n.lny-iplalllii- ". of the iiiom v will hi- M ir.i-.- as a pi'f-If- Ina' hv hi .fikfa-llll- kl nil Uliln-- Millnr. for Mlpplantilli; I'oHlmastii John 1 ht n nl luniiiih lor I, iiili hum rflnener, who null han three yi.u Ami Hlriimmil th imiiulolln. to Hirye, with u thmoriat. SuiM-yo- t Sh illitn'l muni to Ilk my nntiu; I'ttrmi-- lifueial 1'hailfn I1'. Kaf-h-- Is ii h Grape-Nut- s Shu my illn. hlati thf ratM hiirtfil mil In hui I't'ial him. roaster, tun ev size Line a nil white enamelc lAnolhtr fiilow won th ninlil worth "5c. w are, worth $1.50 "There's a Reason" Ami hft m alt forlorn. Ill KfcniM lit' plnyi'tl Illn nf liilini MOTHER LOOK AI 1". O. Ik A!liuiUer(ue, and is the hiynest value ever offere ('poll all aillo hoi ll. ; 1'ictui' si line w orth Wooden choppinn howl. in anv car. We also have on our floor

N 75c, y VilU -f - worth fT f I CHILD'S TONGUE- cars 135.00 ui Tr ri ap.iiii sc matt mo- runs, cars ..$1335.00 I )ecoiaed tin bread can, with 5c ZNdiui'sepowcr cars ..$1150.00 If Cross, Feverish, Consti- Worth 75c. er cars T .$1050.00 IV. V: - 1 pated, Give "California indow blades 'All 5. VANN Syrup of Figs." worth cars e(uipped with Delco starting, lighting: and ignition or 35-lh- . flmir can. system and which, y the way. is acknowledged hy EVERY-OX- E, 7 worth h h.,wl. to he superior A laxative tmlay naves il Hick chili! to any manufactured. Tests of the Jeweler tomorrow, Chlhlien nimnlv will not or hardest nature prove this take the lime from play lo empty statement. their tioucls. which lieeome clnuueil up with wanto, liver iiels nliiKiilnh; Six genuine cut lasst-- nloniaiii sour. worth 'HV H' " Is, all kinds, Look at Hie tontiu, mother! If Albuquerque Buick Auto Co. Graham Sterling Silver mated, or ynur chihl Is IimIcm, croHH, worth to SI. 50 fiviiiiih, hrealh hail, iiNtltMn. iloeHii't eat heartily, full nf cohl or has iore in thiont or liny other chihlien'n ailment, Japanese and Austrian korhcr limlding, Xortli Second St. Kii'e a teiinpoonf ul of "I'aliforla Syrup' Cut ,l;i.'ss creani and sugar We have a few real bargains in second-han- d cars. of l'i(;M," then lion t Worry, hceuun china howls, worth 75c Pannekin Sets It l. p. tfeillv hiirmlfi-K- , hiiiI In n few worth $1.00 huiim nil thm itini.tipation iioisoii, .oiii' Ini ami fermentm", wnnln will Sandwich Plates nentlv move out of the howcls, hihI .vimi hair a well, playful chilil tiualn. Coffee Cups A tlioi oiiKh "liiKiiii- - clfitnninn" I.i of- - l!:hf-- t all thai In It Hhulihl I'e lh lliist treatnient Kiven In any and Saucers HifkneHtf. REDUCED RATE to Albuquerque Hew ar of rountei fi'it fiu syrupH. Ask our druuKist for a Imt- - For New Mexico Association Tea Plates tic of Vnhforinn Sirup of I'itfs," Educational which linn full ilirectlmiM for baliies, to be held November 23-2- 6 chililten of all urns ami lor ktrown-np- n Ask to see Graham's New Etrus- plaililv piinteil on th hottl. li of, and oxiMTmi iwni: i on thi: noixo tiup. In i Look caiefullv mul that It mm! hy the "California Syrup Atlcml this convention and enjoy a uplcndlrl progrum. Aildressoa can Pattern in knives, forks Company." Imiii he f.mleil! I'y Hon. P. P. I'laxtoti, Vnitcil States Commissioner of Education and other noted educutora. cui'lnt'lc In ht iilalliin. 1 1 Fare and one-fift- h trip from In New Mex- and spoons The it presiilent rcceiM-i- l a 3 West Central for the round stations has Avenue ico; also turnip weiuhiiiK live poumln. from points In Texas,, El Piiso and north, and Colorado, Trinidad tuid Th "oM-rno- i of New Vork him south. Phone 123 212 W. Central lot wa i il,-i- l a turnip w einlilnkt ITT TK Kins ) S.VI.K XOVKMBKU 21 TO 25 1XCI.I S- -I ft tell ptUUHls. Th mavor of llovton lian VI'.. liKTl UN LIMIT DFCK.MIll'H 2. a luaii Wfii;hlnK on ounce. 'V li- -u P. J. Johnson Many latnjlui ila ami tenant firut JOURNAL Want Ads Pay Sbs---- met thruMKh the, want columns of AOl'XT A. T. S. F. P.Y., AriM QlKUQI F. is? Tlio Journal, te because everybody reads the Journal ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL', SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1913. FIVE mm rr to munD pmiiiipt cnunni ml a It wih iL u imu mum u dn urn u ALDUOUEHOUE IS BE INSTALLED ftT II eoooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooo f I HINT OF RIPLEY STATE WE DO WHAT WE ADVERTISE PHIl O o O o OOOOO00OOOOOOOOO00OO0OOOOO30OOOOO00OOOO0O0OOOOC0O00O0OOOOO00000O00OOOOOOOOOO

fi:..sMoiit Says That While. Thirty Prisoners Who Can Ihihvay Will Not Do Any! Neither Read Nor Write Will irn Woik Than It Has to,! Form First Class; Jose ' Gold life lis . Co Will Do Here, Ortiz Dry Goods Sonic y Baca Teacher,

S'.inu IV Ciiilwuy will nut I'nr the first lime In the history of :,v more improvements t It ji n it !the state penitentiary, school fur roil- - tlis yi'.ir. but it will do some ii In will he hehl ihls winter, ai'eord-t- o 111 All'U'l"T'l"'." Warden John ft. Me Mantis, of This Store is a Center ofthe First Magnitude ,is tin' answer s)V n 1.1 Ml I'r, who wan 111 A lhiieiioi'eiic ii i. r. i;ii,i,-y- , president Clf yesterday. tii.i l r:iihv,i, when 'ini'K-IIi- h Preparations already liaye heen "A-lt- -t in Misses9 .is l.i the effect i .f railway's made for the opening of an Women's and Wearing Apparel hini-n- l"lii ' UMin 'lie erection class next month. Jose Onir y Mm a, ,.f S ! :. (i t OnO shop here. mail clerk at the Instil lit Ion. will he A ii im nt made recently hy thi' principal and at the start the only : hi. i V president, siiiiii that the teacher. Later, however, when the r, ."I moiiM hirsely i .ml itn- - Its ,.. school enrollment Increases, there will nv this veiir to the m.iin-- i lie mure teachers. , f tin- system ami that lit- - The iirM class will have nhoiit thir- RITB a work vi ui lil ho undertaken. ty convicts, none of whom can read i,l wonder locally tiK to whether or write. The last report shows that 1 (Mi CONVE WEEK I n il that work ml the ("holm there are convicts In the prison ,,n. f delayed. Mr. Klplcy answered who '.an neither read imr write, hut st ninht. since educufion Is not compulsory nt BlliG hunt the fillips? ' was the the Icpe of the prisoners, they, cannot i.nrSlioil Shot at .Mr. Ripley hy he forced to attend. Thirty, however, an iPtcryietter. lime siunifted a desire to master n . II, w ork on them Is Holriii on. rudimentary eefiieatlon w hile they arc that so?" said the p resnlcnt. Incarcerated. - ; l a pro i ,i! i . Then he made the statement The last Kisiature made ISe of from a Suits, ii, a while railway not do sion for the transfer Will the would ;0 Coats and Dresses Fea work that it was not forced to surplus of the prison fund to Ithniry fl (rllc-- l :,v, some work Would he clone jiuiui lor ine peniieniniry. ,,ci, purc 11, If. wis all he had to say. .McManus will hase hooks for the Mr l:iidev'8 riMiiiim last niKht was! school from this fund. 1 1 S23.9S, vp. Pel to (Velyolio out S val rallroiiilj tured at .95 and id'. The (oinmerclal linh was VITAGRAPH FEATURE I'" that he would he here, and, r. inmitteo of the villi,, whic h j DRAMA AT CRYSTAL ,1 Alhii'iucnine's share of the j 1,111 luse price of the shops site, did1 at $20 to $30. c him. None of the ".nnmeri lal i.l , will see him this morn- - ; In the spi'cial Vltaiiraidi feature ffircrs peen i, lifers he arises early. Mi. liipje lir,i,i of "The Iiivcr," to he at ',. aye at S o'clock. the (Tysla I today, the chainoion lady I sw i of the r. Kipley was ac eumpnnle d miner nnd iicrohatie diver This sale is specially arranged for visiting Mi IMl'lc v. The pre Solent's car, No. win Id dives Into the NiaKaru Kails v. 1, whic h tust alovo the falls with all of her is on tram No. iiitHoI i 7 2 i I". on, to rescue a little nirl who $W o'clock, lieiieral .Manager lolhes ,x. win, iiiitiieii ii'4.m Atnarino, is he In if carried clow m 'n a teachers, while the public in general is invited no to Trinidad, Colo., drlftinif row-hoa- t. h.:i ill iters, ' on No. 1. Train No. "Ideal, the diver, HtruKirleH for her oatnvc'l train only ; hruimht his private in r from Am- -' life in the iiowerful current nnd I!,, and he left ut oVIoek lust j ihrouKh trreat stretikth and lemarka-- to participate in this saving opportunity. Indivi- Id on No. K. .iipiatic iihility is aide to prevent Manager A. U. Wells, of, lielnir overcome hy the sweeping fore'e drownin,', ! coast lines, arrived here of the rapids and curried, rush-ii.- of Style y in duality and excelence of iy afternoon, and w ill umiiu-ii- over the falls. Her huttlr the quality are ap Mr. Uiphy west this morninK on waters within sprHy distance of Is grandly portrayed ,i a, train. the terrildc. falls I'liis is .Mr. IMpley's annual trip in all its startllimly vivid details in VHiianl swim to parent characteristics of Golden Rule Selections 4 to spend the next few months this drama. In her Ml child on hue k. A Ins winter home at Santa I'.nrhara, shore, arrying the her ev way if. lie will not return until next fiKhuiiK ery stroke of her Fpr.nj ithrotiuh the swift water that l,reak. , lover her In foamy sheets, she shows It la possil.le for a to hitifi-urail- e epiplnye? Or what swimmer Want n accomplish. hotter oracle f servants? Make Coats, Suits tic Is to theater audi-- ; and ,. of The ideal" familiar if of want columns the ences all over the world. She is a Journal. woman of chatininif personality and Venus-lik- e he.lllty. Slice is considered, Dresses for one of the most heniitifully formed women in the world. W 7 At n lawn fete, at the home of her ic w saves, i fl lid, hose little nirl she she novel, an exhlhition of her skill as a The Dresses, all slyles, include satin, messalines and all famy diver, which is shown In the new ex- , i .u ' A picture in ii tlrecian setting of attended hy he r maids treme lea'ity, wool serges in assorted sizes. - - - . ' - ( ' 7 ami kni?ihls of tte- hath. AUTO ROUTE LOGGER The Coats, select slyles in Boucles, Astrachans, Velour de Elaine LEAVES TODAY OVER PROPOSED GULF ROAD and Fancy Novelties in all leading colors and sizes. lira j Plans for lonsitiR the Alhiieiiieripie-- I The Suits, over 100 newest style suits in Storm Serges, Matlasse, road were consummated ye- sterday at a meetiiiR held in the offices of the John M. Monro Realty com-- i Brocades, etc., assorted colors and sizes. pany hetween officers of the AHni- -' iiueriUe Cood Roads local, Marcus 1 I lexis, official auto "Hlue Rook" com-Ipile- r, Your choice of these three styles sold else- nnd Seth H. Ilolman. secretary i )of the Cnmmcrcial clnhs. jof New Mexico and the Panhandle. where up to $20; On sale here for Mr. 1 mils and Mr. Holman were Kiven assurance that the route from' It's Easy AlliuiUerciie to the licrnalillo county line would he kept up. This Is the: wor.-- "t stretch of mad on the entire 'route, hut work contemplated hy the Costs Nothing forest servic e on the nation- T) al forest will Improve this. Dresses, Coats will start $ Mr. Deals and Mr. Holman 95 :at K o'clock this inorninif in H'.'icl' - in PHONE 556 car furnished hy Jones A- Mardot f. ' O They will use this car to Santa Rosa, - or call 106 North llitit nt Kstaneia, Kncino and other Suits at w for ill act and towns iiloiiK the route autoists Third street. as pilots. They will make an effort: to organize wood roads iocals in the lartff r towns. See Special Window Display Get the Same Brands SENATOR FALL FORMS "FOR LESS" CATTLE CORPORATION New Dresses in Crepe Meteor, Silk Poplins and Canton Crepe, A "Hint" to the Wise tPIClL OIFTCH TO'lelOKNINCl JOUNAL Santa Fe. N. M.. Nov. 22 United Is Sufficient States Senator Alhert 1!, 1'all today newest shades latest styles. 'incorporated the Ties ltltos Cattle and Land Co., of Three Rivers, (Hero V 3 county. Fifty shares are in his name, daugh- NtW MEXICO BEER forty-nin- e In the name of his New Coats in Mole Plush, Astrachans and Cut Velours, good ter, Mrs. Caroline I". Everhart, and and LIQUOR CO. cine Is held hy his Mahlon F. F.verhart. The capitalization i ine of colors and sizes. - - - a hundred 106 North Third Street $ 10,000, divided into sharcs. The statutory aent is Kimcne Phone 556 Montague of Three Rivera. The Suits, an excellent line in Matlasse, Serges, Bedford Cords el If Journal wants ortng results because 4 everybody reads The Journal. and Broadcloth all new shades and sizes to be had. Li; The Splendid Values in Dresses, Coats and Suits worth up to 1 ust a Few Suggestions for 3dv, reduced special tor teachers (qpo CTJ) G J) (JJft w week, choice CLi--o Q-- Your Comfort During convention fed J' the Winter Months ALL ALTERATIONS FREE Wc enrry a large line at all Heaters times, and our customers Blankets, say that both quality and Comforts price are right. Give us an opportunity to convince you. GEO. C. SCHEER FURNITURE CO. THE HOME OF RED CROSS AND QUEEN QUALITY Mi :c '' In "" 314-31- 6 SOUTH SECOND STREET



Special Cai is J. R. Mexican Commander Arrests Santa F( General ichhl Man Charred in Socorro 'I Threatened With County With Murder; Shcr- -

Cut-Of- f. iff Him i:3 ;CU! onla, O'.er Brines Back. V

The lif-- nf .1 I! K' .'.r.ij! v ii r i! l.eiL hi..M TO UM.HI iOU.NALl fii:ht y til i.l tin - iit I'c r,ii)"ni nrru. M , Nov. U Ihe In ;i rim- with it. ii i ri he- - anil J;iii... i.i.l iv' rit'.rrnd from K' III.) Il.l- - c.. l.laV llflcl t"ll.h. Ill" I'.i-- o with Finn ii Hill. hint"'. I Vilth r .I . i will end l..d..y ill 'lopcka. Kan.. r r. In custody. ' Kit Mr, Ki'oniz home. nHli'iiu h whether Hill h.i I..-- , n l J on .M.K, for ! I" V H A I. olltll.d Mr. Ki'oi'l i tn lie n.av ii i'li nil car. out lit. IlliO . Hi. ip. In. ,i hi ri .1 i there I v t i MeUli illl Mr. K.ioiiU. who ..! ill. .1 I'll- - fi'il" t il HHt hill HI. d ill 111 . li" jut ion i f Mm i" n I - llav llflrtl I J.H ll mill.. ill Wilms riff .Iiiiiii i. I. lit fl.'l il "THE HEART OF THE WELL COUNTRY" hear-lii;- : i h. Im,,i.- , I, .M;n kliy Hi tin rate Ii'.mi'il. Tin. federal a. rl!;. ii. , llii-l- I rr. Inn-- dlerdav mnrniiK ' a"' plaining in i..ii. .,! th..t in itrx ovi; or thi' lu sT f qi iiti u s.xiT.i:ir.Ms iv mi: sonmvi:sT. kooms i.aiu.i; aiicv and ii.i:asanti,y it kmsiii:d, and nF.Ai"rn sT,r:i:rin ronnirs, I ! l S ALL unbb nly lil. . In w.i In President Wilson fu:i tn ll.iriltIC All, Itll.I.S I llTUI' 1.1,1 .V All lit AMI TISAIM MUM IV K.HT. OI)i:i III S(i ALOW S OX (.KOL'Mt. STI'.A.M lli:.T l;l AMI OTHIU Inti i threatened lth pneumonia mhI In rTiiiitjti. tin. Mm l.i em n in. nl Ihi'v coi:mi;( i s. nut rAitru t i.aks ami ti kms ahhhi ss sistkii hi ri:uioii. sr. joslimi samtahum. aliu qi i.itgii'. x. M. i hl.i ' h.. in i.f lUlnif II w.m iiilllll ,u th liver 11:11 .i Mmriff J .. mi-.- il. .i.l. l li 1 .mi ifr him In .i .i.r altitude. 11:11, Hi ml ilnu In I nll.irniy, , N.i.;.il train wai linn'.' n. wHIi Hlf-C- n I'm a, in I'linif-- In n pi ii.iii. i !H'. wiili .Mr. Ki.iiiii?, h Sm'nini mill rlw hiin. If iii. Ar-l- i' I a I. re- - plm-ieiat- t mill nurse lli" i.nlv niii iiif nt binl i n m:i fyr hlx y - and i hi- race wai hoi:iii. H be ll'llKi- tllllli r l.'i.lKlO l.nllll. iiiiiii i II .it 2 uYliM'lt im r tin' J.'( i. n Mll t'lff Jlllin H W tit t I J ll.lfi t IllHt Y , nft.-- V - i i.l-- .IT." Mirk, lam ho ia !inl c,ii- 'I hi pei inl will moke f .i hi r time find tin-- i it i , i. nil aske I f if till' Hl- - ' - r tho ui - n n iif'i r it ihi-i- iI t. st of Hill. Tin- i. li iltli.naliHt nf- I Ii.- inl-r-- H It n. K I 2 . .i. iilii nfii i noon, it Inn no fu In were In I'Ijii Hill on train to uni t, nil th- - no. In Inn' Ho- - lirliUi- lit i.'i loi k hi -- t Frl- - IV ci In-- . lull, i.t nlhcr train would hav liny nii-hl- . Inn ln ti Hill li iiiiii il their inli i f I' ll koiiii w hat wild tin- - ' 'I I'l.niH li.' int viiliintai lly, it in r- i- Y of till' K.'l ..,rt.,. Hill In iliuri;. .1 with kllllnif Yttla" Y Ci4yv? , m " iniUMiiimim.iu n ipiiip..- - i".a Hi iti.i) l il iilmut u fJ mil mi flC'T"" BODY OF MAJOR'S nmr Sin Mari Y ...... t viar mm. ll. lift fnr tin. klllini-'- . "ftit EXHUMED; Hill in il ii IiIk nim h fifteen inileii Y FIRST WIFE wi'H nf Y IS HELD AUTOPSY Klfi'lfn ISiiia, of thin city, Attorney Y for Hill, Mid he hail Ih-- notified nf (...-..- I. fMni.KHMiirl to oN. joumi.O Ihe iirr.Hl nf IiIk client, lie will leave Y AlanmliiiHii. X. M., X..v. 22 vflT. thin morning for tn make mi Y lelUK ill the tnlnli MtH'H AlU'll fi. effort to ei Hie hn relent... on hoiid, llili, tin' IhmIv nf thi' Inti' Mr. I'luln-- i Y nun .Miunr him Ihiti exhumed in MAKE YOUR OWN LIQUORS V H'.in h of evlili ti. c iii:iiliit hT him-- j Y I ami, II H. '.Major, hn How l In Hi" AT HOME. Y (it. i.i eoiinlv- - J ul, i hari'i il with III" iniitilir of Iiim iliiiulilir, MI'K i;ii'lori Y .Ma in ( I'ltiln-- r hint. The ex- - Lv Ini- - (i , Xi.v 2.1, Hy Y 1 l.iiiiiittii.ii a ilniii' order of Clin Iniiutl, ll'll 1 n . re- - d tt ii t JuiIki. U Mi I!i r i.t the ii hew of coni'.'til rnlioti en Y. ulli Mt of the In Hie I'lnii rillioii expert distiller nf tlilx city has f f of ihf rum' Major. Mih. M tjnr, llln eil 11 colli elltlaled CXtllli t Willi V iluil lifter 11 litiKi'i imr liim Mi ninl, in wlilili miiiiiiii inn ea.illy mid iinlekly Y m i l.nin.'il, with mtiiiloiiix Hlinilnr In itiakii In their own Inline any l.iiiwur, ili.-il- thn.i' whiih l.iniiKliI iihoiit the WhlNkey nr Cnnll il at n NaVm of over j Y Are Growing Greater Excitement at Its Height nf the daimhler. .Major, whu N u fill ner cent (if the l.iilllor Mciiler'H Crowds ..- , ,.. U n i iiiim lit intuitu y of thin eltv, UlIM ,iu A r,.ti .itl.,u .I..&.U 111,, A Imlirli'il Iv the irrntul jury nf lhl reniili im iiii aliiiarnliiji nn l.ollin. mi comity n few wi ekn nun, a nil tlioiinh ek lleri.-ri- e '... t m .e ver li i l .ii i,Hkiti)f t'.r hull, II im id tiieil hy Jinh!" l..iior makina nl liornn Idea new Y buying and f il hiH In Everybody Meillir. The ile i f lilil hue heeii mid Kturtlinif In Im I'ok;; III ien, It Our Removal Sale Has captured the town, y for Janiiaiy ft, 11)14, nl whhh lirne Iiiih heen ciircfullv linchtinaled Y nil luljiiin IH'il Hi KMion of thn uni t ha hy the hiuhent a iithnrilleM mid hin Y l.e.-- called. method has Incn fmind In conform Albuquerque's greatest Furniture stock is going at prices The uuti.!"V tipnn thH Imrly nf thi' with the liiwn In every ri.uie(. Thin iY saving. wife whh cot dm It'll hv I ii. K. I!. new method Will he welcomed hy of I.l I'iihii, liirliit. of I.iih thoimaiiilH nf iende li ln In dlmrlciH !Y belief, Goods prices that sell ( i, - at hh- and riii- Hare, if MeHlllii I'nrk. where It In now even l:iiinSHil'le to that beggar description stagger i. . hi' le. l.y I'm liiil. i ll mid k nf nlilain Wiii.ikey for nn dli inal t liii illy. The Imdy win In Hen to the Anyone can Imw Hine the mule rtakiitir rniiinn of A. J. I luck In lieavy expciiMiK, hlKh lli'etiHi'H uti'l themselves. llllH i it y. Three kiim ImeriM nl the i'H'.i iii'in.i pKifitu of the million keen- l II Honiai'tl weic iken, lloueis mid it'" er mid il , r ilenlern mid can have In laklnK on., en. h, ninl the ntln r Inketi hin m any pure, iioiiri.Mh-Ini- f . home time a l.y I ir. Holinii. in uled and d li.imr at a very low cost. ?i ii I Nalli.tial In ll faf'iv tilt In Hie lift II Im indeed a ii inai kahle .iery Hum i it v w'ilh a Fpei iii Tables Lank of similar mid he h.iM inreiidv received I InniKa ihIh ' Dressing Ladies' Desks Ded Davenports n of Hi" Floiiini'll nf the ilniiKhler, of nf praise, Anyone ciin try lime letietn lY whleh wan ili poi iti'd tliere Honie a full (iiait of hii fnvniilii llinior free lafl spliiiK at Hi' lliii" lli niltoiisy hv wi'ilini; In M. W. I'll. ki ll, kltil eai-e-. The Imdy, i uim made in that I nl vei tl l'.lih' I 'Im Innali, and t 4 nearly year-- , t., V Ihontili eiilniiil'i d fur tun IIMli for hi'l liooklet, "SeerelH of M w an a liniiil (date of I'l'. i" ryal h ni, in IIIK I,iiior.s at llnine, Kent tn uny 1 II d 111 111" lime I. J.. h.l'lilK la ell elllliailni one Ki'inliiiK their nam. niMt'i iv' . i A4.. of Initial. , - - i. A .. 4, x --i Wheat liny, " klini v necr tel i Ciii.i'.uh nf: linrvc-ic- d nt ii iliiic lo; J," v...... ,i'.: THE TO SAVE Hn- - nil feed wiluo tn mrrimtli ninl ,',.ii.i TIME Hninr; ('(iiilaiil-- . nil Ihe uinlii Ikiiiu-c- ! Y I In- - liny wild i lit In loll' the seed he. Y mo liil.i" tin"; i-- ' ,l V r - cnnii' hard. I.hiiicI.v I ' '. V V.'. 1 ' i.Iihv of iin in liny, Y J v Brain ucll tlrilif . - YOUR HAIR IS NOW n hale or lid much n jin miih. Wc y t.. can diitely toll ion to nl urn il If you 0 (.tn.. II iml -- with all i are h.uer alKllcl than Y (ll 1,1 kinds, - ntlicr r - t!"' ,1 i . w . i :, Y d1 I n Newhro'n li i'pl. i.lf' Ih ll tic rem- 1212, 211 and 210 W. lead Air. Y Ihilnly, Artidlic Styles, nil l'inMii. edy nn your ill iiuKi.'t'n hIii Ivck v. hh li l ln ne Hi. 'In-hie- Tranie f i:arly i:ni;llli, (Jolden or may ulvvayn he dt pi'inli il upon. Y Hi ii ii I i fill iitnl Artilii' hri-si- nu ICi'linliir prlci S7.MI; KeiiuiMil A I ye IliHlead of .."iinpliiltilliK In your t.idilcn link, r.iid'd Maple iilo price . . .Sa.OII friendd ninl moiiriiiiii: over yimr v GALLUP WILL HAVE Y nr Maliiitanv. ruined Oak, (oveml in I'iiilierelle upon (iruunii't SI. nil; H lil.iMil Sale Ursula!' I rii'i S'1,00: Ueiiloval of hair, call Mnir Imal Y nine .Sll.aO pui'iliam' ii l.ottle nl NeWhloS BANK WITH CAPITAL iii.r.u sale price 9 ,i,.,. or Genuine 1'iitlicr, uooil Siv-lln!- e ; See our Halite, 'Hiiek," Hitpii'lde. Y aliic SI HcmiHiil Sale piii'e St.YOU; ltcmov-- H A ( til It Im remedy, OF HALF MILLION $ I .$12.01) clcliialcd make, Milil regular $ 10.0(1; the find and ollLiiial Y prj,,. Sale jii'lce to s'U''t from nt Ilcniowil Sale ;liatanlei'd In kill lln till 111 ff, nt..p Vnliic '20.IM; Hi'iiHival Slid' ItcniiiMil Sale I'llce only f2fl.H0. Collie $17..'0; Kciiiov-n- l lii hiiiM and i hock falling hair. , Tl.v llctiilar price COHMIIPONIIINtl TO MONNINU JOUBNALj A ninl mi our display of Vim can nave Ihe hair mi have ..CIL 2.".IM1; IteliioMil Silc Nile price .SH3.50 l'rlcis. liiinefl. (iallui. X, .M., .Nov, 22. A iiiioiince- - ,iiliie much eiiMi r than you can mnw new. price $17.."0 pave now. nn nl Is minle hy thu iiIIIi'IiiIh of ihe T The lime In mir hair 'Id l'lidl National hank mid M.Kinley I i 'I In- - remedy for doiim It In Ncwhni'it Jlerph l,le Coiinly hank that an iiKi'cement to these two It III lotid hllH Hi rpli'lde In r.oe and colldollduli. insl Newliro' heen reached. The conaolldal ion wlllj 11. Mil Hl'es i Mold hy all ilealord who rcKiilt hi a hank with a tapllal nnih It In do all lhat Id i lalnied. A vuaranjee diirphid 1 7 o. i u li, . 1. 1 ot If you not Hiitidfled your money nf and are over Jlod.lHiii, thetchy vrlvliiK (iallup M m Furniture, Carpets and Draperies III he l efunili il. m-- WEST CENTRAL a hank with tiBdctd of approximately 'Ihe Biiine opportunity never coined lull once. half a million dollar. f i if all the luiKinedM nf the country, Appllcatinlid li Kond harhcr Bllopd. Hfi per cent Ih traiinacled IhroiiKh the -' i HH' In Mample mid ml poKiane for liniilfu Tim l.iiKiii,... or other mil tiri.l I'lioklit to Thi' llerpnlde Co, lei. any city county can I!., iMtroil, Mich, Application!) may rodourced of nr not l.e completely developed and he ol'Ialtied Ht fiond Init'lier dhopii. x condi-jtlot- l I placed in Ihe timst prospi rmid 1'i.will I inn; 'o., Spei In AkcIiIh. wilhnul the aid of cotidervative kept mid mi'oiik hankd thai have receive hetter lialikins Servlci than AGED GRANT SETTLER pace with the pioc.redd of Ihe com- Albuquerque Foundry and CM r before. Look for the Coupon in munity, ltealizlnu the natural luisines.d nf TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Mi Kinley county mid It id expected that the Machine Works nf the cuniliined will Every Sack of rapid proKrcdM made hy the town of the two hankd when I FiiKlnccr rounders Machinist a 1ARABEE Hallup, the Klnckholdeid of the I'irst he cat t ied mi under the name of lli" SPECIALS (the ISf.r.M. DllPOCM TO MiLNldll JOlldNAl. Mckinley County hank, with V. C'astltics In Iron, R rass, Tlronze, W National and .McKinlev t'niinly hankd ) Santa Ke. X. M., Xi.v. 22.--- ird ; Aluminum, Kleetrie Motors, Oil I FLOUR MILLS hclieveil the town tdnuild have a larg- I'lnuriioy, of Alhiiquernue, president Co. ame l!ln .Medio, iiine lulled T. M. rumps mid IrriKiitlon. N Ironi Ihld T. 1'urdy, vice president; HUTCHINSON S 5TA.rfO50 KA5. Hi Ih er mul fitioiu;cr hank, and for Works Office, AlLmuueraue. , in ill ll nf Siilitu l''e. llflcl'nonll, Queheileaux. v ice president; T. I'. and Empress reason decided to i nmhlne the iiKdetn ' Hint one of the nidi st tesidctild of Ihe N, iiwist-- ! tn.ik-iiu- : Snmllliiif. fiishier; - fary, for this week HUl-ci- nf them" twu iiiMtiintioiiN therehy x li :i tl I Mil lenient had I nllllliltteil ant ciishier, and J. II. ITark, aasistant i ir'-'"vr- hy hhoollnt; hlnidill'. lie had a hank that would he u credit In 00000000000 OOOOOOOOOOO 0000 nny town In New .Mexico. The direc- ciidhler. a 0 . Placed the Mi.itk'iin in mi. h a position o Flour of h!mo feel hy The hoard has Tint yet ilecided o lint It pointed at hid heart when he tors cull hank that o BUY YOUft o roadon of the Itu'reaaed mid w hich locution It will occupy " o o laid down nn the floor, He pulled the lm-li-- milled under ,...,.l.....,.,. rnmlliplled hnnk thank !n' h.itpp nf the comhilled i o Scientific tiictjer with ii dtriru; ami uiiii ,f Lad'es' Neckwear that the cuNlnmeid of I'ach hank will Union. o Lumber, Glass, Paint O 0 Larabee's Geninm Procerus. ' o o Ladies' Handkerchiefs o o We have arranged with the CASE AGAINST LEE and Cement 0 I- - Japanese Lilies o 0 r Barnett Amusenient Com- B. CHASE CONTINUED o 0 CLOGGEO NOSTRILS OPEN AT ONCE, Hyacinth, Tulip Daf- o AT THE o pany to honor these cou- and o o K IN FEDERAL COURT!; o 0 pons at the Crystal or Pas- fodil Bulbs o SUPERIOR LUMBER 0 o o :.'V'1-- time Theaters, beginning; !.lKiriL DISPATCH IO MONNIN4 JOURNAL) Japanese and Austrian o o ,yi IS S Santa Ke, X. M., Nov. 22. The (" o & MILL CO. o now and pood until Decem- EftD MD GftTARRH M o o of the 1'nited Staled tiKairidt Kedeinl Chinaware o ber 1, 1913. Each coupon ( otnmidsloner II, Ch'iM- - of t'.IITl-'.oZ- 0 wad enlllitnud by K.dv't'al Judiie Artists' China 00000000000000000000000000 admits one. I'ope this foiennon i.n motion of the defendant, the t'nited Stated altmncy Toys in Abundance In line Minnie Your Stuffy Nn. e and iIIhsoIvch l.y the heat of Iho rinMtriln; ai'(uie,scltiK. DUKE CITY Hi nil t h 'Ill's Sneelinf mid ose pi iielratcd and hc.ild the Inflamed, The Colorado A Southern llallrciul liu taint; tease, Hull lleadiiclie swollen meml'iune which lined the in tmlay Gross, Kelly ininpany the federal courl Cleaners-Hatte- rs TRADE MACK RL'CISTtRED tiliCd. node, head and throat; i le.u'd the nil entered a pies nf vuiliy on thirtv-th- e J pisaireja; Ftopd nadty didcharwcd ami i ii l in vio- mi two cased, otic for the 220 (3 & Co. Try "I'.ly'n Creiirti Halm.'' n feelm of cleatidiiiif, miothltiK relief lation of the hour of service Fiatute, W, old Phono 41 tiet a Mii.ill Iniltle any Way, junt lo iniiied inimedliitely. the other for X'iolntln the safety lip- - The Novelty try il Ai'idy a little In the tinHtrild Inin t lay awake HtrUKKIHUt ld!iitici in t. Jlldlte l'ope iuipnsed a i lv ai d Inet.'inUy jnur cloui;cd nose and for hieath, w ith head Hluffed; lioMi f,,u, ,,f jlnrt nil each cminl,, nr a total. S PILLS Caret In 1 tn S day blow IiiK. Catarrh CHICHESTER Mopped' up air pasi'iiicd nf Hie head eluded, hawkltiK and jlr j;;,:,,hi. ill! AMI. f . S Sit Gonorrhoea anil Cleft New Mexico Market will you will breathe Ireelv, cold, with lis rnnnitis" nose, foul Ill Hie cadi f the Vnited S'h'.u s Company Contain no poison and Meat nj'c:i; be used full diMSpear. Hy inucuUK droppi'.ia Into the throat, and r. urn didtilierv. a sud for i mr tlrenRia ilullne.'N and headache nn' iiurtnii i Bl,.,lt.,l w.l fnr. A. KO.MEUO. Proprietor. hill illy H)i: incltncii! the cataiiii. cold or raw dl.MicKd Id diwttcuMng ti ferfetliil'c hecatide nf uiheed violation nl wviM with Kit'tift. Guaranteed not to tricture. Prevents contagion. tlu-l- 'l nrt wttifr. Hty V cat.illliiil Mole throat will he Koue. need less. (d the tern il revenue idatiiics, 122 West Gold .I ake of yotr WHY Fresh Meats and Sausage small Put iiff in "Klv'd court Riidtained nf tin NOT CURE YOURSELF? Kiid din h misery now1 net the oiir faith onii the demurrer At,. or parcel post , or bottlet 2.71 b bi tl i I'urtii-ulnr- . 319 S. Rt, l.olt'e nf m Cream Halm" (it any Halm" and umr cold or lilted Mated r the an,' inlet answ .r, with earh boille or mailed on request. l'lrst riione llllig BtolV. 'i'llid fWiet, fuimalit IJUllil will euivl) Uisappcur. ty the dvf.vlid.uiit, A jury wuu Waned, I r SOLO BY DRIQG1STS EVLRVKHLR TfiE tVAKS CtiEMlCAL CO ClaOantU, 0 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1913. SEVEN

n Thank!irlvlnK topic, "PlHenntent or .Siibjoct for the ninrnln nermon, O000000000000O00000O000O00000OO000000O000000000OOO00O 000 00O0000000OOO00 0O0O0O0O0O000000O00 00 0000 00 0000 000g Where to Praise; Which Is Your Life?" "Cialllude,". Topic for the ovenitiK o o Worship The church council meets on Mon- liiiur, rower of Habit." o o 'The o To-Da- y day ovoiuni;. ainl on Tuesday cvotilnR Special music by the choir at both o A Really Good Boost worvlooM. o o tho l'.llile Tinlnitii; class. In charm of Hie inortiltii; and evening o o Mis. Kracmcr. .:;n.1,iv u..o.,,l ,,t U i T. n 111 T. M. The Christmas Present Store o o (hi Th,uiUsi;lvlnK day we unite In loti :s, mipcrtntotidcnt. Tho Sunday j o o MimtonisT mpiscopal im-cni- s o iikst the service at the Central Methodist si nooi is growing, very rapuuy. o for a boy'g bank account would fin iti ir. church, come and linmt your children. o o Central Avenue Near First Street. ten-spo- o Corner una South Third. evening a prepar- Devotional mooting of the Senior o he a t. It's a good plaa Onirics (Nrur lio Uinnii, dn nervier o o Piutor. atory to the celebration of the Lord's Kpworth league at ::!( p. m. O O o Uorby,; I). Por-to- rf to Blurt Kdith A. Supper bo holy com- The .Misslimaiy society will hold C) o tho account fur the o Kupcrintciiilvnt Sunday will held, tho of tho munion "oeiiiK Celebrated on tlm fol- their regular monthly tea at the home o o youngster and let lit build It o Kfhuol; II, jjred-don- is filled to the brim with all sorts cf attrac- in Mrs. J. Tompkins, t lowing t .Mrs. X. M. 411 West o of Kpwortli Sunday mnmltiK. Cudabac, o the .LeuKuo, Missi open to nil. Luth- Koio;t avenue, Tuesday, from 3 to 5 tip himself. Some hoys take Alary MoKle, (ur services are tive goods. Early o direi'trem of choir. eran people (uid without ft p. in. There will lie n nice program gift shopping means first Measure In o PuhUe wiii.hi) 11 a. others savlpf other In ut in, mid church home, are especially invited. rendered on the subject "China and o 7:30 p. m., Par-jko- with rcaehiiii; hy i lie pas- r. choice mcrchancVse. pend:nT. It all depends how o A welcome to Hi ra liners. . Itlie thy Missions," leader, Mrs. of new o tor. .1 o Let every one he piesent ut you start them off yourself. o Tho morning snjijcot will ho imc Islarii, us days are stunt. All o , i, cm iini, the in- appropriate to the n' eon-turn- foxnr.m.xnox of N. M. E. A. cordially - Suppose you open Comer Coal and ItncidvHV. friends of the soc ciy and church nre O Members the are an account o which Im with tin lor the week: Stanley O your o Si In liev. Tims. L. Pyor, Pastor iiiusi cordially Invited. for boy lure, lio will "Thi? J'uhllc ml anil tho Common diic:-d,i- o o Keilor, Orsnnlst. U i eienliiK prayer service vited to come in and 'look" to their hearts' o School Teacher the Hope of New 7 o have guaranteed Morning I t o'clock, with at o'i lock and the Teacher Training security and o .Mexico." .Miss Mary Mcl'ie will service ut o sIiik h liev. ('. A. Foreman, class Immediately after. o content buy. get o ut this Horvloe iiml will he spe- Sermon the or to a liberal Interest, as well. there fer-mo- n The I'tiion Thanksgiving servh e o o cial mimic by KveuiiiK sermon at 7:'I0 with o the choir. 1 . In Id Thurs- - o bv the liev llmrh A. Cooper, will be at thi liiurch next 1XT1 KI At o The evening ,iei inon will hp "The ( I o T ON Vol It Vol NT STAHTS A Is extended to day ut 10.30, and liev. C. . !ei kinan ChrlKtlan Ki Union Nut Mill; Uml I. cordial Invitation o o a all In tho elty to will preach the sermon. The Las o Water Nxpetlence." lio friends mid visitors o There will services. I'giix tjlee club and orchestra will o KIGHT NOW o nn anthem by the choir Minn attend there O and Sunday Mhool at D:45 h. id., II. S. Ituinish the special rnusic for this o at dsscounc Mary .Mcl'ie will aim; V 0 ut this service. Lit liRow, superintendent. serv ice and from what we hear It o Will Hl l'OMTI Il IX Tills HANK. Miniiuy Hi O o .i iiif liool ms.siun. Christian Kiuh livor fit B;30 1. ni. v i!l be something classy. The church o 20 o The IHIile mudy olnws In tin; mod Following Is thi! program of vocal will scat tiuo and wo hope to have it o o LeaKUe room leud-li- MOCCASINS NAVAJO RUGS ut ti:l, the paster music: full at this service. o THE AMERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK o Kpwortli leumii at ti;45 p. m. o o StianucrH, MOUNINi ODD JEWELRY PILLOW TOPS o ami especially those who In V," C1IIUST1 V SOCIKTY. o are to orunn prelude, "Offcrtolre StillXt i: o "Security and Service."' o here utteml the leachem' con- lieplantay. " Christ Ian Selene services are held o o vention, mre conlially i u DRAWNWORK BEAD BAGS tfii. ' I AH Ye Faithful,", in, Club building, at o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo All item may Anthem, Come, the Woman's the that he of Interest at Novcllo. of Seventh street (iold o I his is air. jcoi'ncr and NECK CHAINS SOUVENIRS lime tlie announcement of the Solo. "Itooowdonnl" (Kipllntfl, I Avenue, every Sunday morning at 11 o union Thanksitlvlni; netvlce, to o be Thomas A. Christian. o'clock. o held in tho Central Avenue .Melhoillst C.uil- - KpiHoopal Postlude, "Crand Chorus,' Wednesday evening services are at o church, South, at ia:30 n. mu 8 o'clock. o in., day. (lice tit. '" ThaiiksKlviiivr The club KV F.NINO The public Is cordially Invited to o LUHflBE1 Cemcnt-Plnstc- the Law Vckiih Normal univer-flt- y o r ffrnn Organ prelude, "At Twilight,' jattend these services. o will render two eoloctlotiK at this Sunday school 10 o'clock. worship ami tho pfiHtor 'Stebbins. at o of this church Anthem, We Adore Thee," l'ales- - ' o Albuquerque Co, will deliver the Mormon, o John tec Clarke, Inc. Lumber trina. im.m i ti: contkition o ( Cullaerts. ui "' 423 North Firft Street ilfertury, interinezzii." III ItCII. o i i in: oi i imi x 1 1 iiio Minn: iiitsT l'KFsmTFiti v rjirncii. Hymn solo, John 1). Falkenblirg. Sodality masj at 7 a. m. o Silver and Fifth, I'ostlude, "Finnic " Franck. Second mass, 8:30 a. tn. o lliiiili A. Cooper, Piistor; 1 liauiKry A. Dish mass and sermon, 10:00. o I o A 'oicnian, Assistant Pastor, 7:u0, FI1IST HAI'TIST Clll IK H. lAcnir.g service, o i Sunday school at It: 15 a. in, 'ind Lend Ave. i m:mi:m, wlxi i: r.i; iiiki mf.!:i t. Porrter I'.roadwav o Services at 11 u. in. and 7:45 p. tn. P. V. I.oiigfellmv. Ph, P., Puslor. wants bring result because o conducted by the pastor. llible Rihool ut 0:45 a. m.. Prof, everybody rends Th Journal. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa: Read the Morning theme, "Our Public Journal Cecil M. Drake, superintendent: lr. Schools, the llulwark of the Repub- W. li. liryaii, assistant. Attetidaiu o lic" last Sunilav, ISO, on iNovembcr 9, a term Evening service, our usmciato pas- which was rally day, 25. Mrs. It. (i. it tor, liev. C. A. Foreman, him re- Sutherland, with several assistants, turned, and villi preach the sermon. will continue the work of the home A cnrdiiil InvHiitloii Is extfilded to the '.i..n,, , tim nt visiting teachers. p. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOclOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOnnnooOrvoooO Seventh Street Mission lit 2:30 OOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOUOgOOOOOUOOOUUUOOyuOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC) The following music will be ren Hupel'lnton-idell- t. ooooooooouooooooooooouooooooooon im., Sherman Carmony, 00 dei'cd by the choir: 00 JlUli.VI.Wi. Preaching at 11 n. m. and 7:l!0 p. oo Anthem, "The Splendors of Thy in. In the morning the choir rill s'lig oo tJbiry, Lord'' ( Wood ward i. Handel's anthem, "Praise (Sod, the oo Solo, "Kye Hath Nut Seen oo (Gaul), M fiver." Miss Pratt will sing. "The "Do it Electrically" oo Charles J. Andrews. King of Love." The pastor will rend H; oo 10 VK.VI NO. the words of Handel's gre; era- - 00 Anthem, selected. lorlo, "The Messiah," and III reach a t, oo Mis lieryl Kenvvorthy, oo organist; .Thanksgiving sermon. t,i nn oo Sir. Charles J. Andrews, director. In the evening,' Miss Mnttie Morris oo The public cordially invited. jwill sing, "Thou Art My Cod," by oo Cen- j FiNGE CONVENIENCE I'liion Thanksgiving service IP lllount. "Tho Friend of Sinners." oo V.. 1 : tral AI. church, Thursday 0 3 l. oo at '. will be the topic of the evening oo v 0 st. r.n:s i.v.n;i:i ical ixtii- - Young People's service at fi:3" P. oo I t lll ltt ll. in. Topic: "Juash." Mr. Vivian Aloser ELECTRICITY is the most convenient thing in the YET ITS HANDLING IS SO SIMPLE AND SAFE THAT WE oo Corner Silver Ave., nnd Sixth St. oo jV.ill lead the meeting. oo llilvvard I. Scliucler, I. I)., Pastor. Prayer service on Wednesday even- world. MAY ENTRUST IT WITH OUR CHILDREN. oo Parsonage, 3U6 South Sixth. Phone ing. Topic: "(lod's .Attitude To.vard CO 16113. Sin and Sinners." II Sam. 24 1 -- E. JUST With your finger tips control is oo Mr. 'Artnln W. Kraetnor, secretary This congregation will unite In tho THINK!!! ycu It so wonderful we scarce can realize our depend- oo of the church council. Ir. J. S. Kast-eriia- union services at the Southern Meth- - oo C. Reef- light, power, and all of their It in" It oo treasurer; Mr. Krank lodiKt church. heat and combinations. ence. seems so real its reality. takes nothing from oo er, superintendent of the Sunday 00 school. GOLD AND PKOADWAY flUItCll Magic it would seem to our forefathers of a hundred the air, gives off neither poison nor potion; yet it SURPASSES oo All services In the English lang- oo uage. OI'tllKIST. oo lleiiimn P. Williams, Minister. years ago. Today 65 per cent of the population of this IN EFFICIENCY EVERY KNOWN FUEL, POWER OR 00 The sermon themes tomorrow will llildo school at s:4.1, James Pear- oo conclude the series on "The Coming ling, superintendent. Lord's day King Last country uses it in some form or other every day of their lives. SOURCE OF' LIGHT. oo and His Kingdom." At II a. the attendance was 1211; Hibles oo in., the pastor will preach on tho Collection $2.87. oo subject, Light Last Day Taher-liiacle- ." oo "Tho of the Sermon at 11 a. m., "Tho oo Thrown on These Passing Days." This Is the first of a number 00 At 7 :.'',( the subject will he, "The of sermons that will he preached Manufactured in a generat- A woman in her home oo Jjist Judgment and lis Awards." from time to time on this subject, r2tv"pE5tl!JP it JVl fcf "1 WW ft" oo The Sunday sehooi Is maintaining oo usinrf a model of the tabernacle in ing station probably far from may toast bread, bake, cook, oo nn average in the nineties and grows the Wilderness, oo in interest. The delightful service Christian Lndcavor at 6:30 p. rn., your home or factory, it is percolate coffee, operate her oo last Scnday night was in charm' of "I lisennteiit or Praise: which is your oo the school. a oo 'life?" a Thaiilisglvitig meeting. Ps. on U' Miss (irace Albright leads the 100:1-5- . brought to your very door sewing machine, the vacuum oo ti:45 Sunday evening, with oo at Sermon at 7:30 p. 111., "Chriat as a r' oo jTeacher.'' This theme is chosen In wires, carried here, carried cleaner, the washing machine, 00 recognition of the state touchers' as- v. v.- 00 f oo Docs Your Stomach sociation, convening in this city. there, carried everywhere, in heat or cool her room at any oo .Touchers are especially invited, oo Monthly l'.llile school conf"leni your home until today, the time, curl her hair, dry her 00 Trouble You? 7:H0 p, 111., Tuesday. oo Mid-wee- k pirn or devotions oo MAVIS'S Kcmody and ELECTRICITY ycu use is Wonderful tomucli Wednesday, 7:::0 p. 111. Lesson, Mat- a hair, heat the water for her 00 Successfully t s 00 Is Tiikcn in thew 9. oo of Stomach. Liver uml In- The decennial celebration of the mere incident" in your modern bath these and dozens of oo testinal Ailiuer.ts organization of tho congregation will oo And One Pose Has Often Dispelled hold Thursday evening. The pro- life. oo be' other things she can do 00 cars of Suffering gram will begin at 5 p. in., with music oo1 and recitations. Supper at b:.'0. A YET, TODAY, THE simply by pressing button oo program of brief Hfter-dinri- speeches wit a or oo wiil follow. The members and GREATEST BLESSING WE oo -workers In the congregation are rk'. ''twitching a switch." 00 MM lie" Let oo present. esleciaily Invited to HAVE AS A NATION IS oo Wonderful it be a time for fellowship and llianks- - oo wr What a marvelous finger oo ELECTRICITY. 00 tip oo BiadttolvCJOHN'S I PISfOPAL fllrHCII. convenience electricity is, oo Ml W. By power Cor. Kourlh and Silver Ave. its we cross oo V J change Archdeacon V. II. Wnrreit. Hector. though everyone docs not real- oo viil No. IIKIH V. Tlicras Ave. oo Kesiiieiice miles and miles of country, up 00 thnf Siinduv next before Advclil. ize it until brought face to face oo Holy I Hii ha l ist, 7 11. 111. hill and down dale, run our oo Sunday school at U : 4 a. m. with facts. oo Morning service at. 11 a. m. oo Sermon text, "if I he Lifted Pp." mills, factories, vehicles, oo Mnj-r'- V) - 00 nnilfrfiil Stomach Itcmeily can Sunday school Harvest Home Festi- AND THIS GREAT SER- oo ri'iilly be tt'i'med a v.'onilerf ul reini'dy anil Ival, 7:3a p. m. household machinery, cool all; nip benefits Hint It gives In mnny of the -t- oo M MtNINti MI SIC. hat's oo most VICE IS chronic of stnjnat'h Trouble bus Thee, oh, Pear, heated atmosphere and oper- FURNISHED BY Oo Kpi'pud its famo from one end of the coun- I'rocessional "For try to Dear, Country," P. C. Kdwanls. 00 the other. No matter where, you live office appliances. YOUR ELECTRIC LIGHT COM- - Oo Vou win find people wan have suffered Venite J. Iloliinson. ate oo with Miimiich, l.iver anil Intestinal To Ileum II. llathlmrn. oo ele., and have been restored to Cilorla J. Kathbuni. oo and (iro loud In their praise of til's Jubilate II. Aldricli. Oo remedy. There J not ilav but what one a Almighty A POCK-ET-BOO- oo Volunture "Conic, Thou By its radiation we heat our street cars, our homes and PANY AT PRICE WITHIN THE RANGE OF EVERY K '"'"is of the wonderful stained (iiadutii. 00 '"on this en- - King," F. Oo remedy nnd the benefits are "Verily I Say tirely natural, as it aets on tho soureo and Offertory Huso solo, our builcVngs, cook our foods, weld our metals, melt our IT IS THE CHEAPEST CONVENIENCE KNOWN 00 foundation of these ailments, removing the T'nto Vou," (A. Hahrlng), Mr. (loorge 00 tuk-'ni- s oo poisonous caturrh end bile accretions, Kveritt. air, use this TO MAN OR WOMAN. HOW CAN YOU out the iiifhimmation from the Intestl-n:- ii Uecessional "Love Iiivinc, All Love waxes, and solids, nurifv our water and and BE WITHOUT IT 00 tract and assists in gendering the same Kxcelling," (1. F. 00 tun L'Jeun. oo sufferers nre urced to try one I I.STIVAL All SIC in IN YOUR HOME? il' ne SIM1AV SflHMH. marvelous current a thousand and cne ways. Oo winch your Han-ncr- alone should relieve Processional "Fling out the ." 00 ai,,i cnnvlnee you thnt Mii.vr's Won- - oo "eriul sEoiinieh Kemeily should restore you light which makes our night If your house is not wired for electricity consult with V of All Things,' Its light also gives us the oo IC'od llellh loo II I11 a tel lofbiv iienl Solo "Father oo the results will' bo a revelation to you aiullAliss Klizabeth Kinder. any electrical contractor, or w;th a OO '"!! Will retul'ft over vour imlclc recovery Hvinn "W th ladHome Hearts e almost day in our homes, our places of business, and even representative of the OO H II (J Otiee looiln Ifiioiv lhA' Invs of livinc Sunday school. 00 Send Come." for booklet on Stomach Ailments to Violin Solo (Selected), Master Wil- our streets. Its light protects us from thieves and thugs and Electric Light Company, and reasonable estimates of the Co H. M.lyr, Mfg. Chemist. )r,6 vi'hltlliK OO et., liam King. (.'hieagu; or belter still, obtain a buttle My to 00 o'om Vocal Solo -"- Nearer Ood, cost of installation will be quickly furnished you. You'll oo rtrOfTirtsl. makes our streets safer. be on For sale In Albuquerque by Butt't, Inc., Thee," Miss Olio Maiden. Hymn Anthem, "Hushed OO nd druggists everywher. Offertorv Powerful, silent, imperceptible, this fluid strength ex- surprised at the low cost. Oo Was the Kvenlng .Hymn," Sullivan. on Flizaheth Morrissette and Kutherine OO Warren and Sunday school. erts its influence as we direct and with unerring accuracy. FOR COMFORT'S SAKE, DO IT NOW. oo Anthem Sunday School choir, "Our o Father's God, to Thee." OOs Adult Quartette "Thoy Drought oo Rheumatism Mr. olln. o Young Children to Jesus." - o STOMACH TKOrnlKS tenor; Mrs. Forrest or, soprano; Mrs. MEMBER OF- o Hugo Meyer, s KIPNL'Y AILMIJNTS MorrisseUe, alto; Mr. As a Suggcstion-'Gift- s Electrical for Christmas hnss. SERVICE C.O Hymn "In the Vineyard of Our oo Father," Sunday school. oo Faywood Itocessional "Onward, Christian Cr5 Tilt o SOCIET FORhi s Soldiers." 11c If n o ELECTRICAL o SKVi:TII )V I)VIATI!-T- . Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. s ol Springs This congregation holds Its regular; DtVELOPMOiT 1 o jSahhath services on Saturday in tlie INC cures, you cured, Sa.b-bal- It and remain hall at 31." South Second street. h 2 we you try I s know, and you will if school. 9 ; 4 ; preachinac, 11. on oo It. jSimday night at 7:30 F.v anaellst Hurt L KFItV oo Considered the greatest Kidney Pray will preach. The subject will be' J ooo water on l"The Seven Last Plcgnes." There will West Avenue Phone o earth. IT ELECTRICALLY 502 Central 98 o Why not visit PA V WOOD HOT be lectures on Interesting I'iblC topics, 'DO you will ievory night through the we"!;.. oo oo SPItlNtis first, since oo . oo anyway? . eventually go there, KNTHAL AVUNPf: MLTIIODLST oo Qo Large, modern Perfect f 00 o hotel. OOOOOOOOOOODQ ' flllHCII. 00000000000000000000 01)0000000000 0000 00 OOOOOOOO aooo to 00 ooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooo climate. Booklet. Corner Central ami Anio. UJiJjjil'i.'i.iiewuH.. T. C. McDEnMOTT, Sjumiel K. Allison. Pastor, "The Fa vvtoixI." j Sunday school at !l:45 a. m. T. M., FAT liorris. superintendent. WOOD, N1CW JILIICO. Preaching services concluded the pustor, at 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURN A US U N IWJ0y E MJ?55??i J EIGHT ' TROQPSE MRQUTETD LABORER 0 WAY Good Cheer Aids Hill Digestion of Food Thanksgiving S HIPROCK HERE HOME HUN E l)H- - lie. 'mt Make Ik HcM of tli iuitillv llti- bjr I'Miik a as hungry to be well Dressed BY I jixallM'-liHil- e. F you are THIS MORNIHE EfJGIE The temper of the family nnd the A will Kootl (heir around the talile depenil as to be well Fed, we serve you no much c.n the ! d!;:f!!"n t Drv eeh Inillvliliihl present that the Thanksgiving Day! - - of rnime former lymeptleft until noon on Special Trains Will Stop in Jose Maria Bcltram, Enroute to who overcome their trotihle tihould and Warm he of interest to thoHe now foifTeiiiiR City Only Short Time; Gen- Mexico From Kansas, Where in tlii nay. The het ndvlie one ran Kive hut eral Scott Already on Way He Worked Last Summer, it Ik ailviie that 1h seldom heeded is to eat nlowly unci mantlate each to Navajo Country, Walks in Front of Train, mouthful carefully. However, if low' HBC fail rt iv:s Shoe qrjy;"- " -- edtinK and careful mastication f MENU Bnd he fl this xt aid i one cloe to nature, For winter, oti enn't better t any pric than Dr. A. Reed 3 ( old, Hyrup 1'epnin. Thin nTwneia Nnp Tw'i irmnH, a Joao Afaria llfltriun, yonrn lir. faldwell't Cushion S)io. We d lika you tnramm iiffttl crrlnif l y is an excellent dicentant. and Twt-lfl- t of was run nvi-- remedv Wcwant usptcinily tc ihnw rover in. ri of thi iiitid Mit' Chihuiihim, In diKeftion and see thttn. iliitur mi lire In addition to helping the i a I aoft cuthmn inaole tenia your ( ,i r- ri-- I; frclKht pnKiriP In front of the Kinta j how tic w n It i'Mul t '1'ithi'i :i iirnl thi lr mount, will Kently on liver dry nnd watai. ri4 our - I o i k of the food. hcU the M AIST1N fwt kep ihm A lliii thm inoiiiiiiK fiirimn- to station at lin - JIV.I. S, a ploamir. A bur iuiriii" - x. i i'I tne ac- lantliinir - K. looomotlvi- it ml ami imue ddinu them .,!,.. Ifatli-sr- u lom-- 'oilliiit, wlnri- Hie will ilotrain inoriilii The , naaorttm-n- t of v'.e ttiol t tro.n of wante that phmilil lonir nl- - thp k iii'in y on cur .aat-i- oxer hi hoily, Killing hlrn cumiilatson;!it hy heailH of familhH .1.. fr.ini. Sta Ua tUlUUllUW. thin yi. u'i! never (ret, mul iiniii h to ShliiriM aau tiave lieen plie4 off. It is safe,. in Km ri i"(riiiiori tn i the ulttniHt lriHtantaneoiily ready fainiliai' Willi lis inencv. X In M .Iri m ! in mir Splendid Nunit relluhlc. iileasant-ta.-tln- ami results, y ilir. uli iifl jprim amonir the In-- i lli ltiarri, with n Kpirl il io,n h of are n'w miaranieed or iiioiii ui nuiriHitiL'' . hav- - worKitm In are guaranteed. ( j, i ns tlii ri-- lnhurrrtt who hwn refunded. 1VM. HAIM IN. o'( S. Joplin, Mo., now he h KminHH. iirii(l hi re at McHi iork Ma). Martin, of rvip v"11 I nirce The firnt "tioii will nrrivc nt w Syrup l'op- - When yon rutiin - li-i- i lact Kriilny niKht. Thoir car 77, lhinkn fir. Caldweir iK o' li i It nnil tin- iiiinutin nee the :il!:i y of chevvf mints What our Cloth.. .ill entitle i HI ly moi niiiK mn HmN a i'oipm i will '.i'-- r. io only loim taken to I'axo yi'si'i'il nemeii noil in no" f takiiiK (ntli.iiH.. lJ 'inty will htrv Krl-l.i- .- o (loinliiind tablets or ..u to anywhere i'" The men Hlept the ear lu re happier life. He hn not felt ill-- -- niedl- - ' iiifiiich to nll.iW the rriun tn fharuo Jn tv.iu .atiK oIHh nnd milftr tic io K"I niL-h- t lleltnirn tot off the eoarh In M:irn hh ne nan xinee lanin ihiq docs 1 1, Kin . Thi y Bto.pnil hI Itiiton hi i . thepe, of , In Hpiti ' in. Inline ilix-- ., Hhort la fore the paitule ti'ellen inedlrine, anI '. . atito- - hour" I'Rtnrdns , tnronlln to time i...... i ii.- ...... l 'I'fer.l. arid hy li.trl I! alrt nnil wlarled HcroM the ' ard 77 years he ayn tie teem line a DII1-- IIOI ' .. ' . v. In- - i nlvi'il hel l', to wiiti r tni'I .the Ulr hioiuhh. - pri. m, it' ri A remedy for ind miitie.illv trainlnn Tin- fl.iUir of our fair In of a eiiKlnf. It la Ideal llill.-lle- fi im! thn holwu. front iasini;rr the to do tllelf oi k. Soon service of our CL.thm! yanlmatl ridiiiK on the pilot, yilled no matter how severe; howel the i.'i.ii ri-a- i to normal. Tho trooi(i vill h t;illui iir!y niipaniii'y heiame no how chronic, hilions- - restores thine orsun it at him. I'.eltiam matter mim- - n will not to try a free thin ufti'tnoon, hut iiMnl (i uc mepped in front of the ri cH headai hefi. ira on the Ftotnitcli, .'.,,lieH wifhliiK 100-mil- e liiautl-fii- eonf ' . h tu l I J't on the tnnri drowsim-H- and similar p,. hottie can oid.un . frelKht. after eatins , j i ii They 1 I v ii ., - MoiiniHln uniil Moniluy. dy wan taken to Htrons? anno am en. (IdrcssiniJ tr. - n Hill miirly nil to ! .Moriticcllo, 111. A take afternoon I r k ect a hi if tun eii i. Fyrup WiihhiiiMton St., 0000000000000000000000 - i '.rot her mull la ina Vou can ohtain Ir. fnhlweira ad- - w , to im- UK- - your iiHiim and ti iiin ith tlioir hoii A r Surv einpitnih-- ny .1 any druif store for hft.v raid with thi-l- r Iiiikk;ik', riirmn 'ep.ln at ioul l otiirnlssarlitt iiml 1;. viewed it there ize he- - drci it will ll". l.o to til fl liw.l Ki' t'raii;. cents or one dollar, the latter mi they (irolmhly will not hIiN' ail.lourne,! until tcmon'ow, wnen M. MANDELL on tomorrow and I Saturday inn their hike until (he inmiest If tn tie held. morning. The funeral will he ' In Id at At 29 Live Clothier o'clock thin morning. will he November The Ill (.11 set rnr 1 1 w I H In Karhnra cemetery. t.i:v. Simla "4 0000000000000000000000 ST. VINCENT ACADEMY (trite ien. Hillih 1.. Hcott, cornmand-Ins- t at Kort The I'ari-iu- n Musical Concoction the Hecond lavalry hrinade WELCOMES GRADUATES i O. H ? DON'T LET A COLD SIIMM. hci oiupunleil hy Lieut, il DISTRICT FORESTER Scott, hlM Hon, who Ih hia aide de lump, ON YOUR LUNGS arrived here yenterday evenink from "THE GIRL SETTLE .Nav St. Vincent academy' extend It" bp the Texii pout on IiIh wav to the Many f.f I, unit Tr' If. can county. hoMpllality during the te,ohei' con- . t hl. h ajo In San Juan ! illrnliv reervatlon vention, to all former Kraduaten now J i l, H ,t n a reaiitt. urn! hi aldr left luii ... n i ' f The general lure teiichlnn throiiKhout the ntate. who PROM MUMM'S" I Mi" A 1 li f('i Oil Iiiiik If lisve t"' ETUR S FROM at 1 0 6 o'Uoi k hint niKht on train mm will lie In Alhuiiiieriiue. Tomorrow im.iikIi nr r.iM, H h.ftl T. Will meet Meputy 1'nlted y. iml 'o. He pviTih.K, will he held In If I Ctl Hif'itn la m to-- a reception lao Hi ii ten Mnrwhnl J It. tialiiHha there j an-I- t naa The academy takes this With nrm-ft- ml In anil It" once for their honor. i.t r.'ni'.Mi! ! health day and they will nlart at the occanion to extend an invitution to ..n.i!Hlv awaiting the ar- MISS OI.IVK VAIIi Ninny ii'i hJ im Iruulilr. Navajo country, not till uradiiateH reKiding In the city of THE FIFTH r" - REO lkmutv llrad Uil cK LONG AUT0TR1P rival (if the troopK who were detailed and a select cast and Jf. .1 AlhiiiUeriiie. secrilcally and IJcetrlc-all- y I'laaaantvlll. HH his e oft. The domestic science department of t'liorus. "lionllrmott - Burin tha winter of t11 Hecond nn fKiivlroninetit of Ilcauty. roOi, M n a.'ttl(t TIiiH Ih (ieneral Scntt'a trip academy, which opened a month I f,,nirs-t- ft iffvfri1 the - Kvcry (iown d , II to Navajo to vlacate Ih pienided over hy a com- ! a French Crcatlttn i my Tli u.r the reerutloll ami, anil I lun. ! Navtijoaj l.s now tuna Iri.ul.ia. I rrry the Indlanx. In 11'H the at lielent teacher from the cant, Arrived ! an-- kept uneasy Have without rrault n and the comiition. the- They unoluii Knur heenme a very flmirlahlnK wsa A, C. RinrJand and Capt, J, B. t'ornem in 16 Musical Hits 16 ting K hunt Alir!U war department Kent t ieneral Hcott ,.itii.-w- l.ii'lio Inn eooklnir. and plain and T t't I ualnK Mi' wTom-mii-- t" rim ami t'o'iimiMfit A J He no em ort Clawa la held and DURABILITY. - t i T:,v,l,, Dn' Waahinuton. had fancy needle work. AUTOMOBILK of QUALITY it, .i lull i.. ri Tin- Hrnt .tti amini-i- of Hivetftl morning. T1IK I Hiitl llic Measles" I In l nuuiiid hiouui iiinui iu i,),,.,, with the exception every Katurday "Before to tv tin r.llff. In tan. (tulden, 1 went, army and Indian lmt and department are PRICK tieo. tun r.t mi the m,..i,liii. Sold in Prospective 600,-000,000-Fo- officer The music art THK IS $1275.00 '.,., . i.ainit nut lli" ftrl l,ntll had really he succeeded tn KetliiiK the XaaJo in a most floiiriihinK condition. The In- only (Greatest Efficiency. Electric ii " rc'iii-i- to renew oru e HKatn their alli Klance In departments is riot 'pi... ,.r i Tnnihl,. nml- i;in.l iw Contract. aim these III" V ill (II lAII'lini;t " On. m mna tin- nunna nl itiakltiai ill' to the I'nlted Stuti'H. to Kivn art enliure, hut also nn bi 0000000000000000090000 onnln frnnly. Alff u.ltilt Ilia mi'ill' tni enable the stu- That Starts. Electric Generator. Light Dimmer. I. I litlplt edu.ation, which will Starter ft in ton." mv inufill ii'fim'd 0. fur methods for If 1. I1..-.- $2.(10 rit-- I ' " dent to acquire practical flip $2,()00.(X) car. SeeniL' is believing. 75c, 00. and tnflav lull a nisn lian'il AND PERSONAL. s har- All features of a I1KO. M iia i t: A. (.". HiiiKlnnd, dlHtrlct forealer. and LOCAL teiu hlns! purposes. Claim in Seat on Sale at .Mntson's Thurs- week Colcnon-lilan- k Garage, Cen- ( Kh 1.1.1 . vl til mn nn rillat) it'itpl. JameH H. Adam, of WHBliinK-- I mony anil theory are held each New cars nn exhibition at the day, Xovcnilier 27th. t a to.. i A lm tiann fiforii tiy HHMStUnet pupils In attendance. no' . ton, '.. foicnter. returned and all music ale i l.p m ml f!i lima l. be tral Avenue at Sixth Street. many i'iit' jyiHterihiv from tin a iitomohll.i tour of The Thirty cluh him nmied Invltrt- - Should any Information desired a. i n 1 i.iiinit ami Limit Alfm Inma. men-fume- d l .i and HilKrenvoH mo dani-- to lm in repaid lo any of the tUssea IHO, Hi tint It In Am l.m. Hlnliti"!" jthe fialil, Al'ache tlotia for a ThaiikaKivliii? ho at t above. It will he most cordially I In ami 111 nl'l.ililnln llie ayi"!. ' Itioiuil foiiHlM. Thev left their car rrlven on WedneHday evenlnK nl'l . Al- - re- application. lama ini nr.miii-- pnianna r h'.it.f..rm. llolhrook. Art., anil returned to Fellows hall. Thiwe who have Kiven on Reo Auto Company Inn itnlaa f"l-- hv lllfLUii.t pliiitmiol huipieripie oy I l ain. ceived carda are antic IpntinK a Hi" K- THE' WM. FARR COMPANY mot !clinK itlililHlala Wrne The trip wiiH for the purpoae of time. PRETTY WEDDINGAT mini I.nt" ial h v. Pa. f"r Sihi.iiiiU,-ll'H- ) lilulniial ling the propoHed wile of Mrs. W. 1). Cornell, and Wholesale and Retail Dealera In telling U and 1,11111-h- Iir. and of Albuquerque tt.klet feet of tllllhef to tile Navajo to- PARSONAGE FHKSU AND SALT MIwT8 fvolninr. , their son Walter, will arrive here METHODIST A of Ohio. If 1m Siieclaltjr Tlmlier coinpaiiy, day front (iallup. Ir. Cornell, who Ph. me 24 J 2U4 Y. Gold Avenue. hansaees a thin Bale In coriBiimmaled the company miperitilendent of HchonlH for For Cattle and Hogs tha BiKgeat vt ill have to hulld n f.evi.rity-uii- l tail-ro.- Htate Market Prices Are Paid. county, will attend the S( of Water M0G0LL0N fruni lloli'iook to (he foreal. teachi-r- Cornelia Miss KiUnbeth hott, convention. The I, Cow ell Mr. liinKlaiid and Captain Adamn nkHKlvinK, vlKit- - nrc. Conn., and Mr. Walter Auto Lint will remain over Tha Butte, were quietly mar- Stage and alHo Innpeiieil the work performed, hy Mr. Cornell'H mother, Mrs. K. A. of Klephaut (lieail-to-uci-h- !iik at 4 o'clock (bo fill-ca- (iiTVlei. on 'the ii T. Tulle. ried yesterday afternoon DAILY ami alater, Mra. I'. Meliiuuist parson-aa- n T a. m. highway w il h in thene three at the bend Avenue Silver t'ity Superintendent John Milne report hv C. Mr. 4 Iit Mogollon 4 p. m. Itev. limkman. I4)4 Arrive that the i hool children reNponded l Inspector 7 a. tn, Cowell chief Riivernntcnt I.etive lnOKollori w ith more than UMtial Keneroaity to musona Klephant Butte, and well Iff Kllvnr City 4 p. m. of at Arrive. DEATHS AND FUNERALS. tits reiiucHt. of the Itenevoleiit nmiety known hero and in the state. Miss Siii--lii- l Cum nn Itequtwt. I for I h n n n ua donation toward the iSchott arrived yesterday morning , W. MarrUlt, I'nui poor of Call or Adtlrei, ThunkMiilvina- dinners for the from Wnterbury, accompanied hy Mr. htler City. N. SU Mm. lllaiK'hc t i.letiiaii. 'the city. Fruits, vegetables, jellies andl son, llobert, who came on In Cowell's IShim Coleman, S!) proviMons of all sorts were given wedding. They .topped M.a. F.dna he (lis- - to attend the Attention, - ..i.i ,.if., ,. ii, i oo,.. .lai-u- ouantitlfs. They will he for the day, leaving - at the Alvarado i hy KO- died yeMcid.iy imoi iiIiik at her home, trihuted to needy families the at mldnlKht for Klephant Butte, where BALDRIDGE :i4 Soiilli IIibv -- licet. Thev came clety anil tne rHiuiion nun) Mr. and Mrs. Cowell will mane tneir LUMBER COMPANY Itere a miKilh ituo from I. oh Armeies. future home. Ileslih-- her husband, she Is survived Irrexuliir howel movement lead to Paints, Glass, Cement, Roofing by a daughter, S years old. The body chronic constipation and a. consti- SICK PRISONER WILL BE Will to Curry, I'ellll., IpT system with im- ! be sent pated habit fills the howel Teachers former home, for burial. purities, HKltlslNK Is a xreut PRISON and Builders' Supplies vi- TAKEN TO reK tila tor. It purifies the system, Many landlords find tenant first talizes the blood and puta th dlires-tiv- o met throUKh tha want column! of oruiuis In fine vitro rutin condition, Journal wants bring results because by all druggists. It, McManus of the everybody The Journal. Tim Journal. l'rlco 6uc. Sold Warden John tends stale penitentiary, will return to San- ta Fe this afternoon, takinif with him i'.rtoii liu.'H. a coin let. who became During this week of the New Mexico Educational Associa- ili with pneumonia while working with the road nam; north vt t'hl Al- - on Pianos will be of biiiilci(Ue. Ilaca was taken to a hos- tion we will quote prices and terms that Save Half Your Fuel Expense pital hire, but now has so far re- covered that he will he aide to return interest to every teacher and member of the Association. to prison. He probably will be Get More Heat! to the hospital there. And A register has been provided at our store and we will be IF registering name and address IUim limner, with Ha tn larf KIOlMT pleased to mail each teacher ''I.-- ' Tin' pit ullar conliiKtloii of Moored healing laiirfacc, );Uc you (wii-- lis lit licit licat lis Jotl flitl set from any piece of music free. oilier line Itiirncr with the sanic niiioiiiil of fuel. a BAD TAKE SALTS Hie 'ATI I'll'i; cnalili'H you lo licat your iipHlnlts Ami i:TI! lll il While the work of the corvcntion for which your are here as well lis the lower floor with llic one Move. and the entertainment provided for you by our citizens will

Li I 11 Backache Is Sifin You, Moore's Base Burner Says allow you but brief time for diversion from the regular pro- t J I IV v Have Been Eattn Too ' gram, we hope to be favored with a few minutes of your All parts me surface prmind ami surrounded hy hot metal, which Much Meat fit H air IIkIiI. Mba doors makes uu extra large hentiHK surface. aether time. ( II arc fitted with and Joints unusual tn extremes ca re. Tlie stove is under perfect, con- - The heal is forced the a way as to in- When vou wake up with backache H'ol nml tliere is of thu bases In such at all times nioiuieo ami unrestricted flow of and dull misery in the kidney r.'icion At you will see pianos that please no of fuel. sure a free you been cur store and hear wite All sases are carried hack into it irenerally means have air. every eatim? too much meat, says a well- - The ftrepot Is sirainht and nffords I he combustion chamber, hi that known authority. Meat forms uric j musicians and teachers. Our special prices and terms to a larwe file surface on the anile. The parllcle of heat Value is utilized and kidneys In! J.'l .!. i, i ' wusu prevented. acid which overworks the iiin, .tiioiit't .iitiltiii all their effort to niter It trnm thej - will blood and they become sort of liar- teachers interest you. . alysed and loRiry. When your kid- - neya Ket siuKKish and cloir you must relieve them, like you relieve your We are furnishing the pianos in the opera house and in Handsomest and Handiest! bowels; removinn all the body's ur- - imius waste, else yon have back- - j ache, sick headache, dizzy spells; the armory free of expense to your association and will as-- ( voiir stomach sours, tongue is couteJ, l 111 Base j l I appearance of any home, no oth found Moore's Hunter weather Is bad you The nick' I i.i is f Moore's I' trie the arid when the sist the people of the city in every way possible to make" Hurners arc apeclalij tie. ted b matter hw expcuniMiy It may be exclusively. have rheumatic twinces. The iirino h Id tlu-i- r furiiijdiYii; sediment, channels j ' the Moore process and ! many Is cloudy, full of Call and us explain tha sore, water sea Ida and you Annual Convention so satisfactory that you"; lustre lndcfiiiltcly. of Moore's Base often Ret your Second A-- lt t'arilcr, which other adv.intanes obliged lo seek relief two or; Tlie I'nlcnt We allow you how are The larue, deep refleilurs are as to drop the utiles di- Burner, inn times during the niKht. sh.-- both uabies jnii it actually pay for itself in a three will return to Albuquerque, Conven- luminous as mirrors and rectly cellar, and the l'orl-ahl- e will consult a Rood, reliable and your association the from into the few use. Costs nothliiK to Kither tiM lit and retleded tlMt the Ncii Atlacliment, which often months physician at once, or from your: ini limed surface. saves you the trouble of htiltdiiiji Invet-tiKate- . pharmacist about four ounces of Jad tion City. Moore's Base liurner will add to a tne in the kitchen rahKe, ar Salts; lake a tublespootiful in a ftlass of viator before break!. rst for a tew I says it limit Here wlutl line man ilicm: vcrv liuijt and set ere we kept days and your kidneys will then act; I IIH-.I- - I. IWI'J and as the winter was a Mimic lliliucr fill th'tohcr was only line. famous salts Is made -l tlutl my luil tiill This ..iii-laoi- lv ni April, months, ami lor all time li tioinu nn lulu II"' vi fiillv from the acid of rrapes nd lemon, i v ca-.ll- iiiaiiaaed and n quired t ry car'.' 1 round the to lie Ut' iuice, with llthla, and has: been used for Kem nUloriM to Clean nd stimulate aliiKKish kidneys, also to nentrali'e acids in the urine so IMUI"S it no longer irritates, thus endiiiK Co. l.lndiler weakness j regular! Learnard'Lindemann STOVI.S Jad salts is a life saver for is Inexpensive, can-- , AIAVAH S imeat eaters. H not injure, and maken a delightful.! The Square Music Dealers ri.KAsi: fUHNITUSE (flerveacent lithm water drink. Many iandioras and tenants first 206 West Gold Avenue Albuquerque, N. M. met through the want columns of 218-22- 6 Avenue East Central The Journal.

l'.csulti frotu Journal Want Ad.-i- . mm 'nnum1) im.iainiM.mijm mff m-n- t m timm" .uiiiwiiiiiiiiiii Wim mum iMf X '"ffl""' inni m.mmT r .mi THfmwrrnwfitfiwwi iim mm'-mm- ....I., ''.imr yjm"' warn-- an winm- - i r

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if HA X Xff f. Jfe Extend a Cordial and Pressing Invitation for the Ladiunx r V V ,X a f I. ""-- who will be with m Ihfc iverk In van Teachers ' ? Gentleman iXi wm mm ra m wmtu t-- m jum. m i r"t. " !., ! 1 " X i VA" 3 i s;i!c, 'I U tMii;i..n-- 'i iv' X v ' It i.' - Wlicre the trrcatest liarijiiiiis ever oftnX tin: mutIi;im'iik nllir arc en r 'whU 5 yt;i LAST WEEK OF THE CHEAT MOVEne? OLAUGHTi:R OAU x: i U tY f - t ., .,- -! I. Ml - t t- tli-n- i 1.. ir- - Ii. $ visitor.--; ami lioiiic people XmM j,..f w i! "pp"i itni'l y 'lip Iy ilii i n i. - r " " r TO and famous w. o, confirm ' ' ' Muh ;i )! 2D M t I ih-- !.;. ail Ii ;i i' !l" nt l'l::l' MAT i the k-s- corset today offered to the l,u!X, iim irrrif's fir iy !X '!. !' "' " ""' X ' ' k to I ! I I I I ' ! '. ( . ( V f )l I' ( .1 . .. ; Ihc-- v v n u r; f'i: VT (Ml !.!' III' '.'( .ilc twir o ii 1 BasiuV THEIWODEL GOPiPANY3.uTSic Homo of the W. B, Corset." X JOURNAL, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23, TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING 1913.

nurrjii t. Kenneth FnldihU C. II. I 'i.n n Popular jt.ilk on the l'' Yrisarri Bridge Parties Teacher Engaged Inti-n-.-- t II I ill, V I '..Mil. I, W, S inir d. niutiiirritloiiH. AmiKHS tlTSOll, A. I!. ' !" J. T. M I.. tncnih.'-- of Jjtn wire : VIUSAHiaiiiii'neTfX . thronyliiiut the Ht.'Hf t. Till-- i:rvw.n CV-- -. f Miami, At,.., ,l,' th.- Hi i iip (.f w- Ti:a r j wiis T-- h. r Hi: ii v i.tiii-- frli'tiil nml pill nut .. . ;77 is "7 C .lolly, M,tl..i i.s t The fniiip !'lri ,1... - i.n.l f kill 1.... l.l vv. Til u.llllt :l nr. s. will In Ini.'M-Hti-i- l in T Wail.-- I!.- -, i i. ... i.n Thnriilav iiftirnooti nml .'otiil W('l"K. - " :( I'll iin.iMi.iy o II'.' Ill tin i of . II 1'.' In hi nili'lilnuii 1. '. ',i of anti'inn. nniit tin' Ijiliiim for tin- mini fit tn h.-- ilau'-i'- 2 !1; t(, Harry i. it. in, i:..h IJ. Ylivirrl, fr., and u tllMfWlH'tlt of M i.1.1 May !;..h. In 1 r, "A I'UtlllJ, I I , j, U. !im the first Tiionlny Mini Klnisa, Inint, (7 of tho ? i'W M"M. n . al hp w.T.i ht.tfS."8 irat.iiii nwuiili'il. 1. ;.n t.iaty jwliort honor lu ails will r K. nt. K. A. i'. - 'n (li'linhtfnl l.ii.U'e. Th.-i- i y Ml-- 1 . ition, rirti-h- f. u 't w w .1 ty.- ('.in'' ... ,. p. n . .1, nml of th.. Ail tiuriif omen hn nt s.l t ii. t u- - N--'- ty wi re M. im.'s N. 8. Ki swi. k, , f . 1 X' liniv il nro In riune H K. W. 1. .I.e. .ii, ' P. IM'i inl iluwn town Stntf son, J. Leo Cliirkf, u j tin? V. W. ('. A. tn nil tlio muni i;i J, J'i. .i. i Whip, !: s 'I'MMl. tn H'. IJiiffi, Jr., II. McDunul.l. It. I. 'n,, S.' I' i 1 Kifts ll PaymumI Stum i. K i. M' ;i:n. hour. ritiKltiir tlnir I'hriiltu.i.i Kiiiii.-nl- i K. A. YiiiiL-hy-, h. i(' K. I V.. J in intiUinK. Th.-- will fiml It rn I'nvid l.n II.', ld !..!. thf Kent, (i. -, lironKH, 1). ll,,.i,nwa-- AI-.- T, '. i tt, Jnynlilp niul priifitnlili! tu Join the ' liny !: t. - 'rin r. T. l'.nrth, Arno Jltinliiir, It. A. I .1 .1..I.H i kitiir' ihRarirtrn in tia John' uu. W. n, li au'v IiristtniiM work rlnh. ,. IX II. M. n""TT:n:r .. A. Caiiis, H,,,,, I l .. A I, (I. I;. of Hip Y. W. r. Wili.,n. ti. a .i, i't of it. r. II. Coiim.r, 1. A. 'ntifi..l,l. 11 I .1, truli'.i tmlay l'r. f t, W Uloii: J. K. '.'ii n. will iiii'.'t' all I!a.-;t- . 1). ; K. l'litney, J. Milne, f. j,,, .;. . . ;. 'or- - ami tnmormw nml wi!l iii.'i.are'l , uu t. i'. ;...i.iii,i.'. a lain r. If (low-tin- A. c,. y II- (li.iiiiil in! not ioli li ml tn I. nifh, J It. rml ii. Sol I. una, i:. K. to mai;e mil An.-tii-s- : r llnriison, of I.o J. '.,rr.' Inyalls I ii ll.; r. 'I'..m Uu A. A. K".n. Klvo ni'iTWiitv lnfurmat;un tn urrlv-im- Elsie Evelyn ilnile, !. Ilf.M, . N. M.i mm, v I K. Gay 'Brilliant Weefain !.(-- Mil. Wll.t.', i.iitor nf tlio N. M. A. Thoy and it ,..f i t. . ... - K.itit. Mnitz, i). K. i jn; . lilpntifU'.l Y. W. C. A. r r.n,i, Sillillll. KilV f ".. h n il. i: yi'iriiMii. will he ly 1". M,.," , - In ir, r.Hil.T, J. .tfhi.h.nn. M. .1 A. SkiinuT. i'.'i 'i Whit.-- A. F. l.a.K'. wlil.h they will wear cn- Society in Honor Teachers 1 I.T, Ilrown, Wnols.y, .,,a Ilf,., 1. X'ai-- An- i ii III v. of M..1 rii. tt... J. iiir, llf .. It- I O. Kl"e, I!. Polio.'k, n uu-ii- i!. 1 A Tlie ni"'iili.Tslil on I.I. mi tin. have W. all il, da lutlti.r, cntitrst i'lii.'i hi'l, II. Connelly. (J 11. A1 .1 . i l i,1. ." Momlay In I ii'cytiil'.T. Miss Thomai f..r lh.- r 'i t'i Ji.lui Milr.". K m!. Mill. I. Iho first "I" I n I t il V. X. : : I M.'Cl.llnn, F. Wilkin.,,,' l '. V K ' " f Imi'i.i hiii." in Int. p 1.1 I li.' t mi'!.-- a III.'' ml to! 1,. .1 i; M in- it"t lili Khl.T, i lilt li tint ii, will In' Kl.ul 1" '". V tin I! ii'"-- . our A. kerniiin, Ilriinsnn. I'. W..y. j' 4 .. III ! t'i" ftiiiiiMTunry of y. j v fn i.i I" . i" V Al"l !''. JoH'j.h Aiia rt (im r.'. "iy.' m.iiihi'rihip I'ltliiT iiorsomilly hi it :'. k w hi. h - .I a- riuimr-i.- i iii'tn. Yt'lx.'irrl, Jr., Misses A r'mii in'-- H" I l.;r..',t r.i' l.ol'.l.iv I'i..ik l.i.ilu.v.- att. mli 1. y hy It i hop. il. and Hi" h and .i" William l:..y Stioni", ni 'or mini. tn I.f fnr the i .f .,il ii HO i I i; I'.lii". jn, llnrr.-ul.- ile. lla.-- l M,il,,v . -' ... N i.i..- - tlii.M ii. - ;.n. Ii" flail !. Hi" in I'f i' Cnirt' T. :i h. i.- i' mi In i.i, in. ', it I'.l.lIH, l'f-.- l I.i Arthur Kiilai'i, A. tienffit whl.'h wmlil I'f rnjnytd !.v ' f n nt i otlo-- ht.-ii- .MiK.t Cnsl.Tfi, Miis ( M Hf I I. ill- lll.ll .'I i " ' f j.i ii. iiiii in .M,-- - lal-'ir- , Yrisarri niul h..r M. j I. .. ilm :.iii. mil ll i' ii. IK till' It" K. Walk, r, nr.. I h ail.- V' Ii.' ftitirc I'uinmiiliity, thiit tho ,1,.. ii... I I i ii i ' ti. I .1 t t II l 1.11 ' lit i. n Xi iv iil'i' ioi i. .ii, in liiotii.T were nssisten in i n.' nf l.i i "I .ill IIH'-- ! !" ll" III! ill "f ii.n.. t, Anna N.'W Imll. iniri-.- l niitiilii r niny 1.' enroll. d. t'i.' l 11 I .1 tiiTtlll'lo Willi ( I t . t I. III! I li .1 li ot .1 il'.i t'f lljn Ll" ,'ltl(l I't iiiUltlt Hi., lal l.v Miss lister, Miss lir.ioe urra- - ;i!t,.ir i v. r n in l.olti.r i.,' ,!, I i'vvhall. I Ii. uiz, A'h i" Chonil t hiii. Mnnil.iy eviiiimrs n f .1 "tin -' ii! I.i I. li i i I daile ami Miss Yrisarri ( itv. i.i"l i' I'l'.'DH- ii i .Mi rii nt. K H i;,. ..nailail", tinilor .lirt-- Inn of Mrs. Pr tn" ilopi, nt ":". the Y -- . . I 1: . Tn.-xila- Yesterday afternoon Man ... In.. I Mil "fi ui ' " "li" i or ii .TV li..ur .ill I" HI l.illl of III.. !il! H.ll, Milll" Silo llulion, 'a Ii"il" ",'ui-il- elass, rissar! ' . I, I.i ii i f i.. 'I lii .i ..pi., A i i 1. l' inh-Ihli- n ' ' " ml Ms Mill I"' i'. Mi i. l hi ,!i.". of ik r'iH. 8, t home Mrs. ' """ " Hr hull' I'll. iilihcl '.ll in "f ii'.l l.nV. i.'.', Maiy Ariin: I.otlit' la Ml-- S IriRs fit the of ,"". - . M V . ; l I . ... ll tin- .IMI.I'.K III' lit I'V.-t- 1)SS. "'"", h,.;. lllil II t!i ii ti in. I'll. tl.l n i lli.- l tn I" I'll ..Hut In of I'o.sHil.l. !'". A Illii" Ht. i ii .!..-- Mary Iliald. rli Thiirs.liiy .ninr-- In-- - ner, t r. i w ill t ni.'l hl.'l t l lit i.f tin ir KH.iii for llii- fust r. I.i. Ah.i.'-- i, y. v. C. A. Kciener, jirtrini,. 'It... in, inm'tice iim ;ioti for lh" "n f.'i Mii'i". Viola ii.ii. nr. 1 '. 11. invs at 7:30, at the . y . . VcKa. tn ll. rman Cotiw. Stell.i 'ml.- ('. Mi wile "f i i ( v- !' N.i i ff l r i i I. 1. a il Walker. ,r,nj Mr li.'li il'l. In it im f t! " ih'i :' ' 'tt !.. lin, .Iiiha K i' Ni' holi, Iiip'rin In I ,V N I'll-;.- . tnr matin inatl.'S at the J.i, Ii. Wilk y, Wllley. 11. i ;., Mi !v Mi i .il l: r ! I li r in-- - It. New. .1 mi.1 Mi '..nil nl. In. h ..ii. ii. hi In tl.i ii. ill" n to IJiiuif Tr.iit, I., i i n M. Mil. n. t'ath- 1'niy.inity I UK" of Kansns. Anderson. A. M. .f Mllllll I'. It.' I'f Milt' t (" 1.1 I roinl-lim- - V. j. I '"Hy Afternoon Tea Kmst and int. Th.' lin:"'t i.tol III"! 'i"'. Mil nt (.I.i nrn il In lit t" .Tim- Mil", of hit.i, Kan.. Miss linns Is a of New . Iiii-- .n - I t tra.tiiiite the K. Sjiltz, T. l'anahy m; it.jt .it ..f ul. II.' timi, ii- I liy s I.iitliV, Marn.u'.-- ; nnii t "." If ,t if'K t. ii'h.T tli. ',.!llitl t'i Kivti tin- Wolli.ltl lillli mi. M.'.'l. Han, Ki t. ;' M xii o Normal university, of the M.. Ml, tt. 4 I - and tea tn he iilven hy and liiiyniond Stnmm. Alii It. it lll-'- n. I.i'tv..-- n ii ii. ti, on Ttifs- ni i Ki l. In r. afternoon liii. til.' 1'illl l ii.ii. lit" lioin i of K"h h.T, Kutf. liu.-- i son ('oll. i;e ( Huh TJIK r I t.f irat file The il. Inns tioth J I.I. nt i.f III.' iMtv "f N' .1 11 II I H I.. I 1, Malny r. ladi.-- nf Ht. John's lillild. at rural fur nffain v tiio :: ii. t th M,, iiifl.'. i: ll'i.tlll.' Ill 1'. ll llil.' I'll Ion. hi. n, Ai ". !:,, Jlail for several yeais In th.' Not- - M in-- Hi' 1. I A. Keen, were yellow and white M.vii... 11k .l.iliil w.f' '.f I I..- 1. in ul .if- - W i i ... the home nf Mrs. A. 1"1 hrvi,nth. in. i.i.. f..r (hi. fi n'l Ion til J nnii nlii. ir.l am Mim i.i. inal . pro- - n .. I", I .i'tii I univirsity,; ut in nt .mums, of nM'i Hid ml. til i'f In. All'U'iiii i ., ii lie ii M West Tiieras on and a rolur filr, i .1." tin. mil itu.i-- nr.. i I" ti iii'. i; liotn will Mr, liny ;.! uinl ri limn fi'Mi.r of Is a aientie. ; M hit Knulish ihert he I i in. Mm A. II. M ilh ii. i:i. nil ''t tin- - . .1 ii .ii. ii ml Mol'l'l N. w X. ;it ll... promises! tn he a V ry micci'ssrii nml uimi wiino was .uni in in all the i it r ( n it.ilil" in i. to. of well if cl..,! off. tun, I'latforin roaili r uf imte, having read i f lh.- Ii.mii.1 ..f ini.ii, Mi". t .Mi-.- . ,M. I.. en joyn hie Mrs. Kh.ik and nppoliitinelits of the parties. I nil. I otlHT .,i i ..r ii.. in In. Iihlim; W. C. Iiot.nlil. II ll'l M iM.'K nil l.oru affair. M .1 M. I) Moo r', Ifl in many plaies around !otoli ami ii, A. M:.l..v. Mm , Mr- - I - . As i.Mrs. will ponr and the cliis ini. Mr. Ml... A i X Winn-- Mil '. i;i nil'.. Hi. I'l P l,l.ti.n, lilHIT- i.o iiti.i i:.ii' i. l.uthv stri'kl.T S'. M uiym of liiiilm; filled many ima in Jh.K.v, Mr. W. ii. V'.iiit.- ii n.i i: 'I'w it. n.-r.- ' 'of St. nor M il.l, Alvnii N. I'ol. I.;i!.li ll.'ll. Soiltllf mi i Irnl.ii' the nuiithw."!, i - Harvest Festival I tin- nf iihii ,in has s.'iie- I t:;;::;11!',- Iniiiili nf tmiiiil nil.'". i) ( Winn, J. K. h .in !, J. A. (' IciTvliiK. hn -,::! .1 l i on X. w .Mi xl' tli" tary triasni-.- l.-- V. K.-- An llln.iltiit. tut" If (oloii'l luili lull. '.Male and of the oratorical s AY. Mih. J. I'.tli, tit of tin ' M S Mniitiil.-- Sirs. K. Warren, 11 11 fur M.iini.iy "fiin llotlKtn nml H.l'l inn years. Miss i of St. U AV.mi iti'n . lull. Mi". I'. II. ! nt, fn 'I li. t'.. r:nKii ion, ii for three i.lnhn Milne, Mrs. W. Y. Walt n ;TliK Juveiill hoir John's I a- -- i I'v I'iiIi'iiii; Km i .f 1'.i ri v, I.i f. lioss is a etivc t. ai her and tn he heard t"n!"ht In eoiin"i'tl.,n M. .' j ! i Ii ii t i.f tli.- Won. ..n'H iliil.; Th iiiui lnil i nt. i t.ciini.nt tlio the tifi Mis. Newhall. Mrs. Amadn Chaves I 'I I ' the harve-.i- Mih. J. W. W.Ihi.ii. i:;i.' I:i1ii:iiiii i.f III r Ti i "..i, I'vonim; iiih Will liil." tit th" Klli.s' th.iit.T. Physical Culture Club and Mrs. Mi l.atmhlin will preside at with festival ktm,.- fhn she highest In sirv-i- . 1li.- - l'i ,1. i ii .ii. hi.lii t j. ,il rntit",-- Ih (n has the regard of all apron elmlr was heard the rimiil in if. W. .In. iil iv iiin.:. tli" inl.ri-- uli' oi ito t . the home rnokitiK tahle and the 'in r- niin.-eti'- p t .Mi-- . i ' t ly with the si hind, nt this hiirih and ereate,! a pro. V. I. .If, t'i' ii' 'f ll. I.I ht Hi.. to. iii.i'. At on M. tiill:.', fi"'' 111 It r"P ilt of an ii.t. iit tahle will he In chiirM" of Mr. Jenks . (.' is a lh.-i- s.- I H in i' Villi .1 - ASnw'.tk.-- tin- M'l. U i t Si- Mr. Krinluate of the found impression, and on.l tlio I'jiM win. r.iti t V, ill I'.' fll'l'l ti ll." i'i i'tii th. nt' r, j.i III- ia of and Mrs. Ilarl , lilt" "i At;ri. Is at j . .. xi H I, Mr- - .1. A. Mill-T- Mi..r.l - ... i ml hv. i. i ll , In win. h Kansas ultural and appearaiHe Is haileil with r. iti. .ii, .f I II 111! t fn- th.' t. hi hi iiltnre nt-I- '. Iii f. Ii lie. ii n n present an instrn. tor at the I'niverslty prnfrnm they will rentier is givnn wiii.1 I'. ik j . Mrs. .1. S. rdiiy s 'The of the in 1. I 111 Iti!-i,i.'- p in V.T fi Dip f.n .t lu- i:.f!. Kan.--.-is- . - .M..nv till"!" i'l inn la uaiiip He was a on - t , 11. II1 1111. WOltl- - of hero the font Farewell Party in the chiireh notices. IIBH.I I.I loll .l J.OU'l f, I'l.l'- I 11 ai tlve liiflil.'ti".-- illllLr th. I 'nl-- in i:t y of .N' W M i 'i ii i. ami till' Mt.iily of Arizona, ll of K. S. A. ('., was) of I 111' 'Jin .III V ihlli ll Will I." ;tw."n en ek j d t'i. ms. hi s lull team the and ."llt ii M. i noon, this n:i. I .1.1 IV- iii. niul. iv l . . w eua.ii of the fnothall team of the Ihiii' il ii v h ml ii n" .I" IV. Into a phv-jeu- itut" Iiih, hi. h is T'I IK ladles of the Woodmen's Circle IniCrm2l ICS A an il hv tin- w. or iii.-m- New Ui r m il' Ir .I",' Hnn fully .linim r r vliltiiiK I.o of Mrs. linversity of for - ' .V liiii.K in if 1'i'Wl In th" off tn under th" (iii.cti'iu , - ,' I " ..... i, ... tt v y i " I.I H i h ii .in ni. ti. t u i . a. ol r, rtijovalili- - iik f..r the I Of til" mil uu mil i.i iii I iy t h in. t r t n of Miss lat. hairman of the party nt Odd l ellows hull ., u In i..nll." int.Ttl nnd liiiaV j RH. T. S. WOOI-SKY- , ntpr- - I. i y In ii i.i. i, a il Was - I on sump Jli., I'lil.l" nff.iir, ul it ai ii. th" i illlioi,i llel.-- Ilupe. Ml-- lop., has received ommittee i.thletles for time. iiifternoon Mrs. arl w ho , f t. H'TPm. M a very en- - i 1.1 II .1 f,w a t vvmilil oiifl Will oilu r f I Ho many who will lin.l friends 'Iii i tin iti.-r- i.f tin- i In iiiiaiiL-.- ii lini" that imt it ill. ph Ji a tl liliiliK In has friends here h aves tomorrow nlk'ht ( alifnrnl:.. Pteniatl" In- for J(l,.ali,( ,a , i I h.-- r to of his Kood for- ,nfrml), fm ursilar Mm. A 'In I'niir-!.i- !'. '.i ilim.-T- m Motiiiy ii in', nl In! Ahatailn, Aiiiii-le?:- Is iutr p.i vices hear 'Cards dancing were inversions iitf litUi.f. Tin' ho'.lniaiit'i and and the afternoon. The ir nests at this j i' I... if nr. of the tune in winning Fitch a lovely yuiinn Mth. Wiilt.r kitmhk, l'r. ii..i!ii!'. tn it l'h a". nit free In the (i'lli. the motive of the tifternoun, after which the were Mrs. II. I'.. Jiiiiiisi.n, .1..-i- .i . m woman for hU future wife. It Is u.-- nffair n t r Ik III, ('iinfi.iil. t 1, I. . n ut-t- . h,,t l.'t n. tin II Mr I't'inl In nil th.- ut. II" taii.tin tit.i tl n r i ;t ti ti f.ri:iiiilatiuii inir each ladles repaired tu the of in a.l.liion el-'- he. of Alluiiiiierolie, Miss Cnlton, I IV 1. rni.til-Ti-i- ii t presumed that the WeddiiKf Is, to i.i Iuiih; I'iativ.', i l l.iiiiii'.i In tu pass on one the where a splendid luncheon C-- Mr. of ami oih.r .n..n- nil I'Miimi foe wai Washington. ! . (lovernor HeorRe ' ; ilmiiin an of the summer, as hi i cointiiitti Mm. - i . . kniwl.-iU:i- ' Fhe forming an nltair ...minir served. repast,. Bi.lliitliiK iiv.iiliuii li.iiiii'M in tin- i itv for fi Ill Tl at th. ilin ational nain thus At the tlnse of the II. Coltnn. t.f 1'urtn Hleo. and Mr. lnn I. ; M. Hi e Miss itms has eolilid.'d to her friends )'iiiil It. Hoy mtiwi. Mm Cr. I i I ii I li - Tie tlle.i ILL'S tn i.Mrs. N. J, StritiiKinist, Jr., in a few in. r of nl rioiiM Willi will In.' In A ii endless rh'ibi. . till!', in. lii'tnll. i Silver City. . . ii t n r tl mil-- in ii. oi.-- t voe r. Johnsnn, of t ft. linn nil. i;,nli ha Itinii Ii he held at th" li .!'. jiui' '"''ll, ...... o jriu ill 'well rhosen words, on hehalf of tho I., i. i i ...... 1 H"M.'t., l.y i. of id. unto. ii ii". il hii-.- Momlay ill. ni'ions, m'iiii.ii in !....!.oiiii-i- - II... II nn lll. . roi.M A loom i I.I I." li'. ah at Hi" Ci niral Iinol, win re lliiht on and Th ins. iioi'i'ini: in. a AH tin: lonil h. of Hi" .iihli" fit ("itoiil. T T W a plas lu rry howl as a I UCSCiay UUD ri fl I'f It ti ti'i will I." Utl "i I" in nfi.r beautiful rut m li." .In winl tin. iinU.i'Hily vill i.siijit Y. W. C. A. PJotes rememiirancp nml a niarK or tne mun t r Vk t 1. ii wa in-- i n 'm cm-its- n r In ii ...I ii. ItiK timl luokim; nfi.r tin- A t'.'.v il oin.' ltd Aln of whom liavo 'esteem in which fhe is held hy ; mi m hers of the Tuesday rkit, l 'i n a Vedncsday Sewing Club hr THI-- I t III . inly il li'"1' ir with fii.ii'l.'i. or ut ii. mi liot.'li. eo-w- oi jior-l.olrini- ? ". Hint of til" !ilnl.1 II alf iitiiM mi nt" next Thursday evening irieiius and Kers. .nrs. a very pleasant mectitiE W'lVH. (lain In I. III. tin:; li. '.ri- Vl ni th.- ii'Miil'.T now liinHii to I.i- cmn-'- i:itv I expressed her nppreeiation in this week nt the home of Mrs. t'risty, i - ,f th- - Wi lli i'l. Snv- - w meml'.Ts nl .as AmiKas will 'I'll., Pi 'li o i I i l'.lll. tin- I'.H'.V I'" fiitni i!iff. nut of the ftaii- n In IK lad!"! - II lilith ot .ii. it ;i. un.l.T llli! f.if '.' - in fittlnt- speech. She is a prominent on Mrs. J. f v. l- Y. W. C. A. to ,1 North Walter street. ilin.-llo- t . hi- h oliiii. y lit total. , itiK hu h fur the enter iit huitie nt the . 1h" of Ml"i J.iitii" I.. T 1... iiiiiiil iiuiil in liul t s .i' I v.. no.- - v.nn... t .1 I tw. iiiemner or mo uo.imen m ie. Wroth liave an able and well tiius.ii t i V Hi ii eon f IN nn mli (.llt'.i tint' of tn i" in ln I' in Ii, viiieru m r.' t. discussion of current events. Mrs I Salur.l.iy, awav own homes, or w ho Will fntiilMh Hi- - I.'lli'.l" '.llililli tin eh. UL'. d i! s in ...tin.; il.iv tn from their oth.-rwis-- - (I, .vi"Uiri-,- 111 I'lHIl U1C nun in- - H.111.1 read an interi'sHnf I im- th- - eliih are m situated that moil lluninsr f rit In, nr. I'ti.ti mnr Minmul otihi'i-- i thoiirh h" na of remains yi u s, Thf niti-- e Added wiiuld find it etihiyiihle tn spend a ioul'p iiuiiiiir tne past inirieen paper on "Fra 'I.lppl I.ippi." r it it.-- ; st ih itpi'. aian." nucha tiL'i il. si ..tit a erv dchr.htful recret-ted- . mil iitiiji.iiii lh" i'iii.ti . Patrons' Afternoon ; nnd departure is greatly story "Sprinir," TO i w a fill , t her of llottlcelli's I t .. tn Illi r. i'a rms Itt'.tl '.'tl'! nl iy nt h" Im in" ot Jnlly with the eiuh. tin- ?..i nnii hour. ii n ii iinnil.i't" in .ifleriluun Fifty-fiv- e guests vveru present. P.. anil tin t 1 ;i - read by Mrs. A. MeMillen. ... ;,.lli-- nl I.i!, K nn nt t l.i'oiii'hi lit h" ooms of (Mrs. W. W. I kins, North Wal- hav e hi en made for a very delightful vill l.v Mi fun, .v. .! r- - the nun irt I iL' In- ' e class study of Italian paintincs of I"- - Ml!" lis ilu ) ..lir iiii.iij indu Tin: and v re pint inf.uiiiaiiy. enitiL'. 'Iho H' ll.'tti.' Ii In V. lh.H v.- I Tim hum inlnr .lit.-ly- "V..-II- I struct. in u.-- pr.-- early period was . ! In- p hits w is h On Thursday eveninir, regular Penalssance iiinl whit.-- Tw.iit Iii'h ii !n ml .?" ! pan ithe l'.l.ts Wi.lki j hn; ilv tl elr the For Miss Grimmer d v Ih. mei-tlni- l.v Mrs liavmond II. Stunim. II helwcen I'nir. . i i;, made linnii' was held. Miss uu. I mil vii wit y lillli will nc. All think will eiue.e tin troul.l.. in dies. An li :.!ile liimil ntirsinit f n k . o f..r the 11. III In i. s us "i ate tun iy m I! I". tn the m etimr. r.erth.'i Keeker nave an instrintive tl.llL-ht-f .'1 111.' illV, till 11 of III" lafi. in. i' tli" Vl.Xio. 'a of pay and til M A .I Willi t." ASKIilKS N C. , niul I'll Inl. ti In ii. nl.i.i i .1 . were Riven this week fnr Craftyclub Meets in ,1 .in. hue. mi, mi ii.',. - il W. 11." i e p. .mo the lady. Mill' .itli.ti, tin- In'. Hi tn I." I'ti'M. tit. i ' Miss (iraee Criinmer, whase wedding I !ll' f in In- I'h'.i'ld. a; y.i i " V"l it is im.; " l.l.c - It not tn n full Mum nli.iir, in - will le one of the lirilliant social In 1. " Match, .iuir.i M.i P. (lil- Ritis lieloiiKinir the i'i-r- - In In- manual than mi THF nwiinr In tin' l.Kt l V I, eyeiita of the week. enjoyed a very Jolly I ll'-ni- ah ll"'.l,l, ll tl .11 in." s a i e a ..utid Ml fllllv Hp. til'' .1 11 ( On Wednesday evoiiini;, Mrs. K. L. Tuesday. olisnn, ( Ii Si. In. I'll si (leiu- - on Willi Miss Sadie r I''- out thy ni-- , o! a iiu Orim-m.-- IIH I. lilt ollli-- I'Ui'-I- Will in a' ui.ii.iil V" tii.i.-- ririidoird entertained for Miss r pretty on . . i a - Smitz. at her home Forester (( I ilt IH li y .ti I" ii.ii ii ml Society Not JU'lli to eollll! tn III.' I. ptl i Santa Fe with a nhtiwcr. II.T nnd hnn.lkercliief In to a ll il l li III II. 'op'i.'ii f th" Ilu me and ndditlon cntitiiiiious I ill.H lain i. iy ha ml. niiic le.llv (mm tile tin of the Ithe S.'lmol. ii.'. mh nt W. iru.sis were tho of the A happy luixz of conversation, a nam.:., hut ,!,. .ie, S'iui A. z.:-.:.z:,,l- ,j Q H.tlnlis. fair tiPniif Cairl-iii- tfan Neil Tempo eiuh, to which Miss (Jrimmer amount of actual work al. . 1, is a th. y i.utll 'I'm in, is which ' nte.l ntir-ut-iv- I 'i . tu d C 1. has hehuiKed. The hnstess jifest was accomplichcd, chiefly on .1. v. n a iifi..i, ni hy liev. .1, l d ill- - !i,'it'"d cut uv fi. at inly Hut ll inn have A. liiii.l-- int. tailli rested and and Point times hride-tn-l'- P Ta i l. ma n. the with an eX'iul.sito little little Christmas sifts. A dclliiht-fu- l Musical at St. Vincent's i in cozy r. in ,,f in it. I' ins that ul ii al dailies. The diiiini; room is in hnnd-pninot- d - truth l.ndie-i- M'r,uially Tiiciiay lilunll hnuklet with tile Inserip- lunch was to re, so I i iilltl'-hil'- (iiiar'. tie, "Thr Ni Han scried her t lie early ll u ; of he the enrils, in lienor ..f Mis. William its new fiirijishiiiLS and tinted walls, w Tli.m.-.iii-.l I'lv.-i- i I. I ( tlon, "I.est 0 tn hich each hy Jljss Oleson. (V. ( f ' A a inn 'III': Hum 'horiil i. Iv St. ' u .; A ' s Will Si 'I u hat ul. and Ti ini, lad. ("olu., who and tn he an Ideal place fur - il . Masmi Hi.pp, of Ktie.-- t Avrote a verso or ja 1 iiiIi-iii- M p.-r- tut ot inner- I lill IN. 'Mil I. Mrs : w uu cut in eel Ih" The nil I. llu.iifli ' t Ill, li., In en Vi'itititr Mis. 1. II. :i r. of su as ell n.i t nn vei sa t ions "Pur ,1.1, I ; i - has wise fidvice for the Ruest of honor M 'e. re f mu- v liny Ma.ii, ni, Mis. Illl.T- 1I1..1." feast of la, pat was ci a nil hn h to .i.'ii that I 'a lace nviiiiie. Kri.iL'e was the i;ame very even- - Girl Scouts ll M i s, .1, W. iii A pleasant feature of tho fie. Iii tin y a ;v d. .hi. d a eonpl.-- nil :i''i'oiriiit iciK nn.! aiu!1 of Ihe ufteirf.-ol- i nnd was much 'ery nearly liundrcd ling was the musical prnuram Riven Inusi. ill lil.-iui- on . w a The ration's lnnv tu the Schools tiin-'u-- mid pr..i;rani. What woman In imt d h'"i the in I'd enthusiasts. wail.e.l and on the splendid by Miss Mario llii:i;ins. Miss Frances Albuiiueriitie troop of (iir! t 1 I im ii n h I Mis. Aiit.'i Wilds Si rn ui. lost. Till-- Thiiisi.n ilie illicitly ...... iii'ui so i.l.tinly in tli. t 111 a (lellytitl'ni floor th, it has always hcen faniuus in C.rimm-- r formed a most ileliidit-fu- l I ! ii'-- il I.ate l'tt jStrnme and Miss tirnce at has re mil.. mildly uil.i.-i- In .Hil- i l. di hy Ail.iiiicy J. . (I Sa i' Many stim-- v t. '. mid that he Hi awe ol Ini Su. In.".' lunch, mi v fi the lllllitil! nlii dance annal.s. (jrlm-ime- r. and admirable plan for the cel- ly hv Wil: . n. ll - tho piano, and Miss Knthryn iipliliiiidcil. The liiilnl'.T Klveu say, one i i nlii'-- when he call.. I. jV. A il'.'i.--s it ii it u t int. d Hi- iiowns minid first ap- ebration day. In the thai ' ( ; t'liiiiii, ff Miss Hnrtenso Swltxer. Miss of ThnnksKlvinu i nl- - (.inaltelte do t n n the orchestra was ml apet in Ps on of In a V.'H k has) et. as the pearance and w re commented - you Rive, but nn imiiilsi. iad, i"i" 'id l..,wl leu yes In T Mnilirn t'mliev nnii Miss Mnllde Wat- thought of "not what t ti tn- of III. St I n- 111 Mild ntz, lilt 111 v .1 hy Cer- - tai lea! th" lie .' his luittiiiili.ile nml I p'-- c Willi 11' ll it d m hy and admired the onlookers. what yon they have lot ('he- - -r ill ir Son, in charmimr vocal numbers. Mrs. shire," It,, Ii II t ..111) . IMliler, r Mill- ih mi In If d'-n- in h guest.:. tniiiiy the yuutii nnd lieauty of the idea of inviting tn their ! the turd also read n very interest!!)"; the i f- 11 The Need ul (lie. r rin.iii'-la- lis ti.. a ki s r t rose." town Were there en imisso. on Cirl nf tho Golden individtinl homes some gill, tin' w 'in no' nwl-.- Kai k uu; fur ' Si In Hun. M. I article "The Aniiinif then who took patt .The I'Sll wan iiu-.'-- hat 'iir The liunr cut uu it tee, which was from own home, or one win Hi, k.-y- West," written by .Nellie StronK Stev- her the lolluw itm Millie Itiilllelu, M. w ai illy ma ui pail. Then In-- Thimble Party the manimin committee as well, did would imt a Iril'I'V I Il l. l enson, a prominent musical critic, oth.rwise have I'.aliilU-- t ay Vi.u I 1 'is. d y Attorney t'e.eii Murphy, rial. I.e. III iiiul start !! Iho J much tow, ud lnakini,' the dance al were served day, to dine with them, or of Kiiin-so- is.-- lielicioiis refreshments I. Illi in i 1. M Mild. happy com- Still Annuo, llonr tliimhles ell! ir. fist us Mieccss. Those on the ami girls had n very jolly time. other pleasure to mime lunch' M I I,,, lie, l". Ik THAT 1. tho SptiiiwiT, ali1 net Mcl'aiilln, I'att Why. where me ; IIK '.'" hi' 'in Iii h Smi was pr !l We Im sday mittee Avere S. M c lihluui, K. II. ( A n Those present in ndditlon to the club lue lilhl. ins, I'.alliiiK, HI it r I' 1.' lOakloV. Man-on- Ale- - tiselii i.'.l MH I'l is iifteriioon, when "die liilletl kiniik Imembers, Avere Mrs. ('. Cams, Sel.., tin il. ( s- - . if. Thumps. ni, Anita l:.. all" 111 I t tti rdi i, orchi t l II. Muitliun, V. T. liiumly, tlaflu, Aflel oi he illcl fnuii i 111 "TTll II II few f the uuni;,T t'ane. Ii. A. Miss Louise n ASith, tl.l. 1 Mrs. Martin. I'rnncs Muiphv. tin trout .(nor. tit ln-- enzv n. w holm on Sa nl ,t IV James low aril Safford, T. SILVER This pi v, !,. ).i y, and Miss Norino Nwitzer. Thanksgiving With, llrlii'i'.'il Cas.UIS, lln.el llicks. ill en al the v v.-- c I N. Kspe, A. Kishop, S. Mm-le- a nue. 'lit" ys ti means of ('ail C. j The vluliulsts were Nellie I'iks.' tli, i.'i- id v. iii open nl 2 - y, Chri. tmiiK Kd'ls was lh most iinpor- Alf.'. rt clan, ami John JOrvlen. A very Jnlly was Kiven t i University Motes In. I; pi A a I. u ilie.--.-i little affair Mali,', .li u I'lisaus, i lu f ;,fl i. a 11 taut topic of the ill Alicr last Friday l II e session W I. id III i ifor Miss Crimtmr li.'iia lili;. ni liuppe, li. - the lose of the : I.s i.ld.7. ail- - htisv hour's sei! Iiu'. tie- li adjourned nt ve I'lli. the pi .i: i .i .. In Clubdom by Mrs. James Horner, 'onip!ln't liuhlc, l.Uarinr 'I'lli. in. sunt of this i v, A a r.eiiiuil, Maiuaret I , V. In tin- (lliiin,; ii.iii, In tii.y fn'.iud p,. til" V. M. A ami t . i" on Flevenlh street. J.i in h. ed m a uuiii iiu ni" should l,e f mure her home North to the W. ('. A., P.. v ell ml delicious relic, hni. nts waitini; them. Mrs. In nth 'illt'U. :,n tu ft,,. - S;tt ill day Itridtre. met Horner entertained the teachers . .." 'iliee ', .':. cluh Teachers nn . im; i I last umlav Till'- of Presbyterian Sunday school ut id iii.. t',,s 'plll.lle Ulan tl,: n, prepaied with Mrs. S. C. Cartwriuht. tho tinrlns Town Talcs a. . d l. r.aii.-n- (lelmhtfiil Wo offer hit. li.d. lialph In- Ilt" ,tif. in nui. not Mr. Vierra's rdew Picture The liuiltl nf the Chiir.ii of Holy a scwiiiK parly, the ladies VI the a. k t: tri vim! the lilHVi I. Itv, Tl e M c tin- this of the Ml p,u iv of the pi 1'iiilli held lis Id Tiiont lily meetiii"; at knotlinK dainty comfort for the Than 'll III a s .1,1.1, , ,.s hv ,l- - a (Ior-w'oo- d sli'ii"1 Y'lf KNOW, the shorte tin liilooil iln i ail all a ll hiulL'h 11 i r i ; brid. tho cover of pretty Aveck a inn;, lily a A HI. OS Vlicli li. leiticr MIC-- l Ihe resilience of .Mis. II. S, Kaune. DoCV( ul sion dnw II utroet ill All. ii- - ti.l liev ( iet.l ';. S. Iv Im k, paUern in pink. uf I" lu l l. r pnui'ii in, Imiii mm., and C (iitilit In; his l'i ilit. It lians for the Chrisl mas sale, to ho iliscoiuit im Is tu .pule of this and l,t work was completed, ifi. likiiv iimi. sfeaker illy, e, ei, line.'.. ifUUili" Ml.. UUt l,e ot more its- (Til- held Tuesday In When their per ivnt mi o-i- , is a view of tin rmm.,1 of the first liecctulicr, sees a pi i ni . were exchanged a'ol leieahm;. lltllsl ur am Tin is im Pol lain e to t y thai) H t pleff needles and thimbles in l'"r . he uiiiinunlt in t ill, th use Wild Wel t.m tl. fa-i- ji t i I i ;n chenilza, Ytic nnd the must it inK utid lillexpeiled Itihs w ill in iiii-- til in. I servini; of delicious refresh- Klc the esta hi incut ,,f a I. mi. ll!IV recep- - Tho Monday Auction '.ridge for the Wit't'hrs, t I.. . slrmia Seen it oil Ahilil in the club store. thlllL's in this ipiit little tnvvtt. A" is nnd lure Will he a hy Mr I ' ments. Those wtio enjoyed the after- twieii the I'tu pi. it. st f n t. us in of was elilcrtained liy Mrs. W. II. SiU Willi, sk uiauhiis who pi ulliennd- - T, A tmtl room at the I'a'a the noon with Mrs. Horner were Mrs. Jewelry, liumian. "Ul- lialineal III, tn.luv. the home nnd ni.irv.-le- Monday aft.-- i Upsides tho av.-nue- . inn's, have its luatity. 'noon. cluh CJlass, 'd nn in deepest The ri i'.iilar Will he III 1, Cooper, Mrs. Mrs. Mann, Cut t'.iittil 'the nl nnd it is tin- (osleiiiia of he iiiemhert', present were Mrs. C. Foreman, 1. -- lilfnltllllllt.iy, it will not in Santa those in.. ii inn. ski) ts cut in the lashn.iia hie l li'll at tile Utlh el ny oil Mutlllii In Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Arnot, Mrs. Klwood, N'nvclH'''' (this that is Ihe nun of this I'V lumr, for It. is . tor the M. Wells, Mrs. M, A. (.Hero and Mrs. Clocks. licii I'll t at d slit, leiealinu what did vile tliiis" l.iiii Wish tn tin su th. np- - Mrs. Stroup. Mrs. MeMillen, Mrs. ex- - .'iiiioitH .if,. lis. It is tn he hopul i hulltliiu,' San W. 11. i'arker. evorvlhlni: they 11 It t ' iiiif.itniri the liiet'o rei.nK' Sackc.i.lli and nsli.s. as pnl tu llisp. he llul k. " 'that u proper npiue. latloii of tins Mis, S. (i. Small was to Grimmer and Miss Grace Grimmer. ecpt Ii;tmonds, - ... I. I and will mil Kail on its hostess tho It wall tin- In it Ii silaj V Will i lose V. v.t', Tin III" lihll ol k H III he I idem ed hi' Hie pres- on : - w:tv there. Thirteen cluh, Saturday afternoon. Avhlch, rent, till- Week, jn I ll II t Hie illsllUc . Mis Jean Arnot nave miscellan- olll.i i.f a la rye i nee ent!! posed The A ill society a ("r M ine of the Medhndist count of may fn to iiil.ii.l the N. ll f eous shoAvcr fui Miss Grimmer to a fis' mi only i.f tea. hut iliizell'i church met in the church parlors A hii.rv is iiioiiiul eon. ernlmr A, t am) to ei ate I h. yesterday after-tiiii- profit helns s. k.iiiik tines ill Kiil.'lal ..f A Muieiicl .ile. Wed nest lay afternoon. few Intimate friends, luie of our linn w hn T'I i, U 1; i bride-elec- t, we ran suuiii: tot! leaders iue h'.lid avs iilicMMtid. Tho supper Riven liy the Epwnrth Tho itifts to the small. it en h i a iij. an u.l.u nmeiit on his h I'. ol X M w ill he I . - Iltei 5 l"'r i pi. I ie full- tu he leamip Fri- were numerous. Th" hours were pivo but intct'-coli.'- Hubbs-Skinn- er Varmis .lanes of the Methodist church. l.pp.r ll Hi imt collie, at ll i o u tl Coffee spent a Ni'-- ' it ale aim Tllli nmst pupul ir c eiits of the w day evening, was a success both finan- Informally and the party was cent off. to put II puS-ll- di ItuiH - .. I kind ', test t" I." held h li- iliitilli; th" r .season cially most happv affair. r , ll-- - 'ti in Santa from and socially. until !., Ill i .1. hits pulltl- ti .nn Cliyelili. 1. '1 I led .!' !', our renin" till th im tai.!. affairs of .IIS ess i t t ; on,: til" til. Hill. Sllel of the dunce The Aid society f the rreshyterian prices: iew s ll .In Cot r lack ami his II .1, i ii ml.-- a nuim,' s... i. ty Was Ihe Miss Grimmer was nt home infor- a ii A IV 'nst iiit:nt. Tills wis th.. fust ,,f a church met with Mrs. Thnmns Doran, rUled int.t y,o It no he UtlenlM ami u It y nr.- hop.ut ' im i III? w lu. h Ml a Silver i mi nt Jean l i. s of ten tlaiic.-- h will lie after-iinn- mally to number of friends on tin-h- i at the Montezuma hutol, Friday 1'iirks ii In dinner lh ml Him;, Ins nil ll ml Hint of M i Knives and lul.lis and c Ihi't Skimio AVer.' hy the lie v lananement Final iirranKementH were Thumlny afternoon. i tu llltil illi!e frankly I I' Itv, t out,' out the s ni SS'es! $i.2.1 set. tho Huhhs liiime on in the lu hall mom on t In first floor made fur the Thanksiiiving bazaar. the "1 l. u , r. a We.lni-sd- v a V, like yuiir p(, ileal us f a.i in en on ft plan till Hopers M ;: of the hotel. The tn the The meeting of the music class of Progressing Ilu- t Hps ita e iiei-- wan t, I',. i "Pinafore" l). i.iir: Mi: Hill. lis and Mrs. Skintn-- tak-- . v. ( Hit, Weeks. Knives and Forkl 11 dances place the Woman's cluh, which was held in fa it lit u!!y a n,l . nt h Icn Ill III" . hi, .1 lain. In Inuior of Mrs. Harry and already enfuKe!: n s Hi helm; tho Palace of ttovernurs, Thurs- $3.75 the set. . i i.Ti an- t so 1. the "Pinafore," pi t. in ,.f the nniiiliefi they of house nuest ol made ml day was RE11KAIISALS fnr the ISli i for the lie... din which afternoon one of the rare Rogers 1: ii ll on a of r- -t opera Riven 9, tn the pi or lii lh" Mrs her. ami Miss tleoii-t- Shi Will ur (ml we. mem- December St tl' run th. treats of tho season. Tho clul) C'onsrcsa-tioii- nl Goods, $0.00 the '. meet, n past i tinder the uuspices of the 1 3 e.lilca' ml fill ul. w Im is IsitiiiK h. r He, . n will .In mm a .,, . ,c n mi Th. is bers themselves were surprised and church, are Knins on busily. set. .ta h'.-- m i; ', A In pr. ilui . !'. tier I'.Udi.thtctl to etc much .!'" oild fwi' to.; k.di.o Plain hf;!:'!!' that their music All t'll : ilietlt of pink I'.iinwn as a win r nnd shown niem- - 'i'fuul iiiinil Vtii' t l, 1 will! talent wis in the club last week, to le th, I. it lili d W , I held lave creater prac Knive' ar hlle la endar and add nn M'v t, i the tni! ia! life of t tie bet s of the music class especially. handle ,1 I I'll. tice in the dance steps pnd all ill'. (i. nil. in 1. s choruses, $".5 Aftracfivc ehlUtl i made the ohl'St capita Thi- hiimlretl and Mi.-- Conrad presided at the meeting Ihey doini; splentlidly and Forks, 'lillll'M nin at I, I are with the i ink am a. tive. tl the lil'ty Iiivitati. ns AMI" Mid nut in which was Kiven over to tho m-- the set. SiU'.S-'- t e, c W !tll the life and Wi'irk. The men also Pitt i.i iii ; "1 ( 1 the ot at inns AVer.' state and pot only Santa Tn composition of two of greatest ;S(lfl I1(i - Clise of M:-.rv- u UU e. tho ,,KS n yvnrklnir fnthnslns-tie- eels Tin- lin .la I eiiL'.-ily- S.-- ui he lea liy art uns-i'- spniiil Put nut-of- -- ml inn inn compuscrs, and a,,v Knives, Furkf, 1, al! team - In P ;,iv th on tlu,,r miwi a ut pnn u llpied S v. . T,,r a frilit net tow n pal tit in Criei;. Mrs. W. II. 1'opp cave a A' h c! Itv ol' frtu'tlt short will he some fine male quartettes and Ten and Tiil-k- h. il tu '.Ml lill! ". I oil!' iled hy i o joy tl da in e. Alhu- - Syn-Idiu- r, lii.-iii- t - Santa tu account of the life of Christian in ui The !IU! t ici-..- choruses in the production. The Spoons complete ami siiinv yi.ii the iii ca ml (Uer.iie nml I. as evas, l.i'iny nnd which amis followed by various tl put!. UK In I: principals include Mr. John . ami Ik-'- am-- - ale ti li .' 111. w It fl.llll t V.iTC 11 poet-H- e , tho set is.iy it's V? li I;. - t lis lied lpll wi repi Milted and illustrations of his Htromt mid Imi-K- I.I anil II Hiill . Mr. lii?o Meyi r. Mr. - tih" r th; ii. d apai!c:-.- w I. ker firs-- t Charles up to $;?o.oo. Ol'lli!- II!!.! l.lM.ti.vtl fnl-w.- promised come a: mi. Ki tiins. The Avas two selec Th. luukillK v J. Andrews. Mr. T. A. Miss the f..m.. (lisln-- a inn-if- , fnrni.-h- e I christian. i,.!s. into with. The y the T'.iks' tions by Mrs. Stune, ( m- , St?t l.y hi.i'lcd iiic!.tt,,i . I., ii. .(him: h si. a swci'inip; ii Course II. Van Knthrvn '.ri to -r All T...... 1-- T. Carvinir !' I'll of litlii n h liti s. iir.dei- c of a $:l.." orchestra, th" u'eetinn Mr. "HobKoblin and "Serenade." then ,T,.(1.f A,r i',;,.t," ....,,... and up. iiinety is IVspol.lloi S. c. b .... .l.,o I... AU,o I . ."Cl,.-,- i . "' J. '"..I'll iieiiuei.-u.- t" sith the ' Facial Bierr.ishss .'Mil . .. ', ..;. ,. ; --Mrs. Kvcrythinh' ln , . !... Charles Hnhn is accompa nist. la- ., ""'"'" " !!' Itil! UUiS t I. t opeiiiiu: w !',"u !..ek, ' U, I 11 L 1 U IV in iviui; hue .li:. nl ami if tlllll .M.l ItilV, U j Jew- Yoiincj-Shcllbiir- n I - ft I'latnonds, Htmavid Wcddinq iv Mi.-- s Hul e Me s Mu i ma fi. Mi s t hi- d w n il al imt com " su lit,' these soiii; (hat has beeo'iie a national air. - , h !' M I, s. wo lid j elry, Wablies. I) i s a to and Mis II.T. Mies iiii'ic.iii-s- vi ral hull' n Miss Pish..,, rend the life of that AUCllOn ESnClgG col " r ions, H-- .1 I; Tain. Id.., was .w III d i.iii's- tl.l llU HS iiiucn-inve- n Pracelets, klc-i- in C.U.U1 Clip.. the N'rc.lvl of lit laiiiuus ami in F . f'c v Uv. ,1 h. w I inbrud-l.iv.-r- . I " leer lill t'fei k 'i loine, Syvei t Initio. i. milled. The jnmihern uiusie. Griea'. which l1V.1i: p. ii. ,,f 1123 Weft Hine3. t.m, tl.trk sf rt'..k " nl. i sisk, ,:i SI'.e c l ri d ir w ,tU. s were iai her a n. tliitmle - v.m follow d by Grit-- S Sonata in E Tiieras. enterta ine.l very onjoy- - ! hi' Peek, iti'!li,' t t y. led in VhU.e .i!!' s. it h"W ei a r. as t tie v iiiny pro-- j Minor, by Mrs. Charles Poll. Mrs. amy it h bridge .i.,.k-li.;.,.;- 'u! yesterday i ill Nov ell I'm. .11 lock-- in t,.i ttiii.'.l. for tile ItlllK.. ml tin- latest i then reatl an tlescrip-lli- " afterno. The followinir ladies were m- u ."Vv-- urn, T ,. pe tl:ii.-ers- . l.'s, iv., at ailed or. tie hine. ih trim-- talltin mu'-i- itlisoli'l'il jtion of Peer Gynt's cottiiKo and tho the invited Kue.sts: Mesdnmos Ilust. corrox ir;.-- Ill, u l.n Ml uu-- . I s f . kaW!if; m '. e! hi' it :a of silt, r Since ihe i.i m;.. is a vi'i.i.' lehi.-l- jwienl hohb r pctiple, wh.. were like Ackermnn, Sal-loo- receive , Arho HuniiiH. Carth, rresent this couiion and d tl, ,t I'll' Al c.-- n was oi sip er iv p. n w .i h a nml may anv of ill- -; t h;id tl. inner mortals th.i they cow's Taylor, Connor, Mcl-auri- 10 per cent off on every tasli i...i.,.,el.ue If ii1'-- tlllll ll 111 f rill: .ni no ss.iline.'hi il s!t ps, Santa 1 'e a. I. Inl her tails, and of the trolls and gnomes Keim, VaiiRhy. Canfieltl, Stortz. Hor- purchase. PJJ ARINELLjH! kc th.-i- fiiui. j M iss iimi .iir i"'if-rr- ; own 'fitlv-si-At-- n Viiri.-- li' ." The who came t.v visit Peer Gynt at his ner. Putney, Crooks, skinner, Harry i" W hit" ('!'.!'! am u m.i. Mrs, s.ipri-m- P. in h i!liil, I'm cluh crawl cottnee. Mi-- s I'Tstier santr the Sun-.shin- o Mitehnr-r- , of McF'.lwain. Nov. 21 v. 30. . P. 111 ! ... Iienver, ir-t- S 11 O l Mini Tiiki ii Ills hi Mclielll. M i. hm r appc.'i In rt hu Tld !..! Ihe Villain llt. ih Sa ma from the Peer Gynt suit. Heninur. Ileid, Hope, 2(15 Avemie. ; i - 1, . Hardeman, EYERITT. Central M i ' .. ;.!! il e, i i n e a r w In!.- m t. r s . inili-- a.",j 1 1..' t t It ia wa Ik .. r iiii inl w.i .Miss P.ishop Glicu's Sailor Snntr, Clainey. Arnot. Mt ITurkeii anil Ar- I ! ii 1! w i,;i:t in nn-.- ii'W t I S W ,, ( h IV U! - n I, I.ri'l f el ii en ir sa he .' i. Mill to th iiiiiiiiliat. d iaml Miss P.rtstnw a veoul thur; Miss Huhhs. Miss Sherman, of II,' l'-- I, lie I.I !, a, ,s. I . Mrs. M. PEDEX heel O'll iilM , nn. 'nl ..'...! II: t ii in::. mlv suppet ".TTtmr Suit",. M ts. 11. S. Cowman St. Paul, li,-- ii.-.- and Miss F.l'jnr. The Sisk t ie, d :mi hi .I'd l in- in s a. !. M m a s. I Ho- .1! r.. 111 . i EVERITT, it that I've. nn ill lilt", cntiti tided til y inl. r. stilt; homo was attractively decorat'-- i.i 1883 I! I ("hn ml'.-- n s' ; W ! ITiipi us in Ki... k. c. hi, -! I'iCtI ii. I' i. '"ll. Here tram with ! w "Jen 2(." Central Avenue. l the autumn odors. A delightful 11(1 S. lets. I r y nil ih !!"rs. Ai. t It u At La-b- rimiit' I'mirth file li.ui, J. I'. U if !. j uiu? interrui it lis Ilu l.'i'. h." luncheon was served. THE DIAMOND PALACE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL', SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1913. THREE


,lAr ART NEEDLE WORK ILXMATCIIAIILE VALUE ItlUqno II. miiI. Hint lis u Silk I'Iiisn Curly W lir mid Mov. m i: WINDOW DIMM.W. euilics. Arms Hint lire jolnlcl at tin' (2.1) huh Mucin- - Itody poll, with R I thing carry In pepiirtinent. All 'nilr of sample of the unions wo our Art ihlor, Log lliiil arc J l ill l at hips ami V V M. C. ((ITKINS. All kind ol' (.MS-ll.l.- A kinds of l. Hot HIT 1'I"H)S. ami Mocking. tnr (imtIiiI prlco lor Ibis 1 1111,1 l IIVIUM) (lio bniteil ltU iiiiili-rMitii- i lllltl l. l.ol.D TllltlUis i Hollnr. 'I hat oii iiia v Jnt I J Slvl IN MI.KS at - l.llue this 1st) 111 Malt- (hut Hunt dol- - vl ill 111 Inchcn These are wonderful 40c per dozen Tin: womwm ntoki: ion imv .hois a i i : i t i j aitahi i, o The valuable and constant patronage extended to this store by New Mexico's School Teachers makes it particularly pleasurable to welcome you to 2 rp jrr f O 1 GClCllCVS) C ICOniC Albuquerque and to Albuquerque's only exclusive Women's Store the entire establishment devoted wholly to Dry Goods, Millinery and Ready-to-We- ar 2 where the many conveniences provided for its patrons and the public generally will be found a desirable help toward a comfortable enjoyment of the hours bctecn the sessions of your convention. Permit us to check your baggage, parcels and extra wraps. Make this your down-tow- n home. It is not necessary that you have even a thought of making purchases. YOU ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME.

He Offer This Week Extraordinary Values in tf& Now Coats. Suits and Beautiful New Blouses Dresses welcoeT7 Embracing actual $6.00, $6.50 and Vldlilonnl new nrrluiU rovhcd dui'liur Hi.' haw replenished the Coal "Mk "ii'll'l-The new uriiiaN arc, beyond liuhl, tin' jireiito--t $7.50 Values at $U)S value Hint wo have t oHered this season N. $13.50 and $15 Coats at $9.98 tint :iu nui rui NT stym:s is Tin: i.or ni: iit i .'rri i ll i iiw Tin: ouii u. medium long, . I Hundreds of them to select from; M. Here are i ti IhI effects In Imported Crepes, In chin- three-quarte- r, cutaway nixl sport models, . Voiles, Chiffons and Nets. AH hut-to- n chillas, zibolllies, Imui'li'K ami two-toii- e stripes; the newest stle Ideas are Included In this gather- to Hi., nock stylos, kimono sleeves ami side le- ing every color juu could ask for; special l.0H lift good and vers; all sizes ami colors; coats that tux !,H I13.5D ami 115. Oil valine; at.' L Special No. 2 $17.50 and $19.50 Coats at $IU8 WAISTS -- hand tailored; Homo plain al u large variety , noun; of the styles at thiH ored, others hand embroidered; Wonderfully beautiful are thU we.'k i fabric cloths, rough t'ie-vlot- select from at special prices for price; all the new pile follows: ami zlbollnes; every new moilel chinchillas $ii.llO value on sale at 111. UK In Ioiik three-quarle- r cutaway styhls, medium, and $5.IUI values on sale at M. 1.1 In druping and fastening, with nilk frogs mm effective $4 50 on sale at tS.BH nil sizes and color V values or buttons; at..M.4H prominent $:t.(HI values on Bale nt II. OH ill? $22.50 and $25 Coats at $17.48 Special No. 3 Coal of wool clour, woven stripe houcln rurled 'i mil und VOMI'.YS Sll-l- SIIIUTS Made of washable c.pongo, cut chinchillas, zlbollnies, seal plush ol II-- plain contrasting stripes 1 rich color Kuaranleed llabutal Silks ill colors and Arabian lamb, lined with regular prion $4 ml; 2 draped or plalin, Some elaborately Millinery Reduced on white or colors; Hal hcautlfully in; Fine 1 sale nrliee M.2.1 O trimmed. others plain; coats that you rarely nee at thin season of the year at lelss than :'0 or $i!5; on I7.IH VOMi:'S KIIIUTS Made of SolHette, Madras utd 1'Iannels In n big range of styles sale at and colors; also Included In this lot Is a big line of Halkan Hlousea made of (Ulatcu, Millinery Items Khaki a nd 1'epperell Tvlll In long or 4 slei ves; regular values to $l.&0; $25 and $27.50 Coats at $19.98 Halo price .' $1.19 All new model!", sport, three-quarte- r "r seven-eighth- s, Mean Great Savings lengths, Rome all lined with guaranteed That satin; newest models, showing every new feature, Trimmed Street and Haw In black ami colors.. This lot Women's Silk Hosiery Sale repros ; lres druplnis and lines; every new fabric Is "itcd of Hats wis originally priced at H7..MI ami H.M); for beautiful, lustrous pile fabrics, rough (warmth ( ooM'iilioii Vcck( rctlnccit lo Thread Silk Ssockings for $1.00 without weight) materials and smoother cloths; v morn than extraordinary collection of JL'l and $"0 Very , full fashlorrd stockings, medium heavy weight, doiiblo Isle fpllt cats at sole, high spliced heel and deep lisle garter top, sizes It li to 10; black. White and all the new wanted shades; sale price 11.011 $30.00 and $35. 00 Coats at $21.98 HiKh-elas- s ilislinctivo models In coats of tlie very latest style thoUKht; coatH of $5.00 " iluvetyne, as matdasse, epoiiK'e and boucli in shades of taupe, mahogany, new blue, t)llicr Trlmnicd fodcU that were regular $10.01) values; Con- Specials in Our Silk and Dress Goods Well as navy black; evening wear und lined and coals adaptej to street, motor or vention Week price with heavy guaranteed satin of richest coloring;; $:!0 und $:!5 values 2I.H Department

SUITS'-$14.98'SU- ITS 25 riFCI'S DKl'SS f .(( is; consisting of plain cloths, (hecks nnd mixtures such n Wo hav.i about 35 soils to select from, and hardly any two nre alike. Made of serges, Scotch sailings, diagonals, shepherd checks, In every color ImiiKlnuble, widths H'TKCS, 11 O 40 to 50 Il.'x: cheviots, mixuires, ImuicIc .nil' stripes. All sizes fro!:i Miss SO. from inches, values to $1.50 per yard, special hair line 41, bust. Colors arc black, brow n navv. nvthoirany stripes and mixtures. Ketttilur .50-- .Xnotlicr lot of handsome IfaU, selling; rcgnlaily up lo SI.VOO, 1 t 11 .NOVIJrV CI,OAKI(;s This ucaaon'M latest goods; a K'"d range to select value i aic $17.50 and Mil. 00. Sulo juMco . .$1 I. US CoiiM iitloii Week lirh-- from;, reKular values to $L'.50 yard, special $ I.B.I

SUIT8-$-19. 50-S- UITS YA o have just III suits made of rnch noil,,rials as broadcloth, nmtelasse. hiiK'ords. basket cloth, poplin, etc., In all the new jmd leadinti shades, such as black, terra Silk Specials cotta, green, tan, wine, shades ol! blue, etc. Values in this lot ai'e regular t.',50 and '3.00. Special , $ll)..'0 $10.00 The new plaid Silks are here In endless variety. IS, 20 and L'4 Inchon wide, selling-usuall-y from $!.U(I to $1.5(1 per yard, spi lal, per yard K"c Head your latest number of Vogue concerning Hie high favor Afternoon Evening Dresses of hcatitilul plumes. Our latest mix ices from 1'aiis tell us, and iiilllliiiery AH the new things in culling ir evening Gowns. .Made of crepe de hlno, crepe also, that plumes now lead In adornment. , Ileau-tlfull- y I'luiucs; Ivarletlcs, meteor, chartreuse, ('anion ere ,,-- silk piiplin. In all the new leading shades. See our large slock of liluek all $1.00 and $1.25 Fancy Silks and draped, with and without; the slit. A large assortment to select from. Trices All shapes small, medium ami large; our entire (his range up from $15.(10. Sizes fttmi 1 i misses up to 42 and 4 bust measure. stock K"es on sale Convention Week nt Chiffon Taffelas 85c Wool Dresses We have selected from our regular Block of high (lass Silks, HOO yards of plain chif- Our nssortnx nt never was better. Made up of corduroy, eponge, serKes, brocades 20 off Regular Price fon taffelas ami fancy silks, such as striped mesNalines and taffetas, fancy ines'ia-llne- s, foulards, warp prints anil Imported every color. and wool crepe. Sizes 14 rrd.sses to 4 4 bust. l'llced from . .$(!.."() to :17..V brocaded messalllnes in wanted 7;he economist THt ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST nr white carnations, white chrysanthe- laundry pad, Hrown, sick, I'ifty-fiv- e unlmnry girl in case this partii ;tiiar ever, it is not worn quite in Its old by an Instructive paper by Mrs. Mabel iHutcfvns-Hawkin- s Wedding and Mrs. the trlbuted among the eloH mums in is .nipiiKsibl.e. to carry out. dace, 'out in trout. The couturiers Stevens llimoe, accompanied by the and ferns. The ladles the ronsolatlon prize, ft bonbon l A guests were In attendance InH receiving line were also handsomely Lindberg. teeital, under, f he have found that to achieve the fash- following interpretations: wedding, game was also arranged for those ' Hut. jand becomingly gowned In white, u'srires of the tflrl Scouts, ori (jlrjh'Jly ionable Hotticelli figure, most women Fugue, D Major ll'ach). Miss Louise THH playing Is to be one of the most carrying bouquets of w hite carnations not cards, the prize In Ibis ADDITIONAL SOCIETY ned for Thursday evening, fits! have t.i have a small bustle on tho Nichols. events of the week in contest being awarded to Mrs. Gus n postponed "Oh, Sleep! Why Dost Leave notable sooietv and ferns, and the same color note of inlll some tlu ,e eiirl.v diaphnagm. Thou Is of Intel est to Wolf. Jt was a picture of the .M- On Page Six ( I'rescott, Arizona. green and w hile was followed In the $ icr the first of the year. s "Women have been schooled to hold jMo'."' from Somele, Handel l, Airs. wed- adonna. many people in (his city. The delicious two-cours- e luncheon. After the game, refreshments oeen a mistaken impression U".at (heir C laphragms in for a long time Ada Pierce Winn. Ill's ding ill occur on Thanksgiving eve. A delightful feature of the occasion were served In the banquet hall. The Of Course Not. recital was not to tie given, ,ut t now," West Knd dressmaker j Allegro,' C Major Simla (Mozart). nsis ia smart Tile luido-to-b- Miss Mils Hawkins, was Mrs. Wilson, decorations were large, yellow chry- Men are so unreasonable." been merely del erred, ow' g t,, xplatns, "because fashion demanded Introduction, Allegro, Adagio, from the music. John tlie Is the dauRhler of Judge Hawkins, of jMrs. A. L. liehrlnger Miss santhemums tied with the coloin of expects me to impossibility of Mr. Lini)'l)t",,.B'H rneet-in- g straight And, of course, Sonata I'athetique ( Heethoven), Miss and Grace "My husband always the front. I'rescott, a young woman well known 'Grimmer, In piano selections, and Miss the order, black, red and while, '.hir- an . the post Louise Nichols. know where he left Ills old pipe. Do encasement her Ilt (his time they ciU'inot suddenly assume Boclcty In (his state as well as In ing the social hour pleasing music iH i - I lin Katluyn Grimmer, .Mrs. S, It. Miller pow- iiuso of other CD- or-raii- goo! with the Hotticelli diallings. Selections from the Fifth Symphony I ever ask him where I put my .ageinentM that Arizona, and a great favorite, Mr. and Mis. F. L. llradford In a number was rendered by tho Dlinoud orches- for him in lm, ,..ltit ,y hiK "To make the gowns dialled up In Heeth.iveil. tra. The were dls- - der puff?" I( ), Robert J. Hutchlils, the man she is songs, to flowers afterward manager. In ordf aril loin: well, it is absolutely nec- Aria from "Die Freischutz" (Web-jer- of beautiful added miliij the r (l, t.mooi front to marry, is chief engineer of the pleasure of the guests. All the musi- till this gap, an cp u.,.f,innient' w.ll e essary thii there should be a forward Miss Nichols, Mrs. lllmoe. Copper company, at Mogollon. Wiven by the a sudden slump or vviumung liurro cians were personal friends of Dr. scof (s on tn0 pvernig ol lift, and then Grant county. Cartwrlght and gave voluntarily of Deecmber 12. beinK falling-i- n folds of tho gown, Ks hat die liosu slch biklagt ,h(, ,.gni,n of the lovely as a of spe- Partly exhibitir ct-- .. a woman doesn't hold her- (Franz), Mrs. Winn. their talent mark lt and when cial to her. '"'I Part v b . , ,.,l,.nt. self with diaphragm advanced or The Two (Irenadiers (Schuman). Armory Dance honor It will h - ef- I'low-- Mrs. Sower and Mrs. Martin were be . i., ,1... l.'irj, ,'1,'snV- thrust out enough to attain this Tho Art Like I'nto a Lovely Sickness is a ',. .... assisted in entertaining by Mrs. J. W. till. ill eliiir ,rl.. ...( l...,!i fect we Introduce n small pad at the er (Wilson U. Smith), r. T. A. Hegl-Krida- y en lie miim TlIK dance given it the First Wilson, Mrs. N. .1. Slrumqiiist, Jr., m to waist line." Christian. 1 armory on evening, hell' Vll' in uia v in ment Mrs. Charles Hewitt nnd Mrs. George i J he Trio, Moskowskiana f Monkowskl), ft' ,.,.,..,u,.c citV. by Company First Infantry, N. 11. Miller. Dr. Kvclyn 1'iisble Mrs. mil ,. be- - Mrs. Henderson, Mrs, lllmoe, Mr. and fo ihi. eniertainmen arc of N. M., was a very successful and Thomas poured, and ing Hlakemore ami Miss Result ( Bridge Parties (Joebel. 'er ,e;i muter the direction enjoyable affair. The music, by the re.l Mr. Christian's numbers were re- Kathryn Grimmer, Miss Lucy Haca, chief Rooster orchestra, was tine, and tic; Miss Mar-joii- e IC seems to have been the ceived with especial pleasure. lie Ruth Thompkins and Miss ollf., wlio is temporarily stopplnj; BUIHti dance was well attended by members S!owcll assisted in the dining in ill ,, of diversion in highest favor graciously responded to n hearty en- so is Health ,.j,v- - of the company and a number of among society affairs of the week. On core with "The Kedouin Love Song." room, over one hundred guests worcl Airs. It. A. Italph their friends. entertained. Tuesday afternoon rrost, Mrs. Frederic Winn and Mrs. An opportunity Is knocking at your Albuquerque Choral Society f nil Co,, I avenue, was hostess ti) Henderson formed the committee In There were numberless expressions about a dozen guests at an Informal charge of th$ arrangement of the Rummage Sale of regret at tho corning departure of! door whereby you (an regain your meeting of the Choral bridge that was very enjoyaoie. program. Dr. Cartwrlght. Her going Is a loss health through a scientific method ASl'LK.VDID Tuesday IS In brilliance of technique nnd charm to Albuquerque, not only to the circle w:in held on HDI'SKWIVKS of the city are based on common sense, and proven 1300 West most 1 of her friends, among whom is night at the high school. The Mrs. (i. S. MoLanilro.Sf, of of expression, it was one of the to forget rum-ooih.,- she Central mus- - the greatly loved und sincerely admired, facts. rri!B bora wtrked enthusiastically and Central avenue, gme iu Informal pcii'ciUy rendered and exquisite nnln t,, !. Ciidik t ,1 In Decern energetically made every minute bridge on Thursday afternoon to a lioal programs ever offered by the her by Y. W. C. A., but to save but to the cominunty at large. She your stomach ia aid the has been prominent social, If count. Tho is fine for some few friends. A very pleasant time (Woman's club, and they are to be for all cas(-of- f in club and not in perfect condi- ooitooif suc the sale articles that MAKE YOU11 MOTTO: lare pleasures, in the line of music for was enjoyed by her guests. congratulated upon the immense could be used by those less fortunate. Philanthropic activities. tion, your spine Is sim- winter and e cess of the afternoon. rugs, lamps, to one niniaiiH nine during the company very House furnishings, such as ilar the shown spring Atusic lovers win c" " For Miss Miles The Star 1'lano lias dishes, curtains and pieces of old Schoolmasters' Dinner above. Hy a scientific to Hie of the first kindly given a piano to the club for furniture will be most acceptable. "Now or Never" adjustment i will re- learn that date a cour- i unnniinrpn their use during the winter, public concert will cu MILKS, of Men's, women's and children's cloth- of the move the pressure thus next KATHKKIXK tesy which is greatly appreciated. ing is desired, attractive social features to inn week, MISS Kansas, who is visiting of all sorts also and of the N. M. K. A. meeting Is restoring health boxes old trimmings and bits of the tomorrow may be too late. organ or part affected. friends in this city, has been the re- of 8 o'clock dinner to be given at the very happy Jewelry will also gladly lie received. Alvarado on Monday by Card Party cipient of a number of Engagemejit m evening the anD - social afaflrs given in her honor. On Schoolmasters' club to Dr. . 1. (iax-lon- , CHlItOfltACTIC is u direct aid to nature, giving positive results. yesterday afternoon, the Misses Mar- - Thursday afternoon, Mrs. lOrnma Sower-Marti- n Reception chief speaker of the convention. of the Woman's Q ON Shipley", pa- THK members irurunl , n A (,'nunrit.i Velnher ffaVC of North Third street, The organization was formed a When nerves are. pinched, pressed upon, f.r injured, certain Order of Foresters hold a very but system Wednesday very enjoyable jiarty for Miss Miles. entertained a few intimate friends, year ago nnd Is purely social, having thological conditions occur. The nerves arc a telegraph that enjoyable social affair on proven purpose of the occasion being to yTJKATHKIt which seemed especially for its purpose binds tho body into an Intelligent whole. Without the massive ner- evening, hall. A bus- it was a Kensington, and a the ordered for the occasion, for tho chief the entertaining at Odd Fellows' very delightful affair. make formal announcement of the " of prominent school men from outside vous system, we would have no man. iness meeting nt 7:30, at which there M'ss day could not have been more ideally social Miss Gertrude Walker Is entertain- engagement of her daughter, who are present at tho annual meet- Let mo pressure on your nerves nnd Nature will rs- - was an initiation, preceded the Shipley, to Mr. F. Hlue- - charming, adib'd a note of pleasure to ings remove the Following this, ing several friends at an Informal Carol Oscar Hie delightful on of the association. The dinner store you ti , t. Part of the evening. to of city. The wedding is to reception held will be of health. 4 library, dinner this evening, in compliment her, this Thursday 3 (I an informal nature und cards were enjoyed In the early In December. This pleas- afternoon from to as to How Why I am able to obtain indulged Miss Miles. occur o'clock, by Mrs. D. there will be no previous arrange- Further Information and while those who preferred, ant news is of wide Interest, as both Hdwin Sower and ment of toasts, Mich wonderful results' after every other method has fa lie 1 may in In assembly hall. It Mrs, Frank A. Martin, at the Sower the members merely dancing the Miss Shipley and Mr. Hlueher belong spending the time In social intercourse be obtaincsl by a persona.1 Interview. was a veiv pleasant and successful Womajfs families of Albuquerque bungalow on Coal avenue. The enter-- j Improving meetings are to prominent tainmerit was given In compliment to and the rare opportunity Consultation nnd Spinal Analysis at office. affair. These social ami both are extremely popular in of meeting one of the most prominent free held every month by the ladies and members of the Woman's chili ,ur. Margaret i artwiight, who Is soon S"';U"y" Cart-wrig- educators of the I'nited Stutes. are alwavs verv enjoyable occasions. THK a large number of their to leave for Mexico, and Dr. friends enjoyed a delightful open was in the receiving line with The Bustle Appears musical meeting on Friday afternoon, Highland Bridge Club Mrs. Sower in Mrs. Martin. at the club rooms on (lold avenue. The affair might be said to have A bril- was in was .suggested, a few very Interesting program was JOHN' MIIA'K hostess to been also the nature' of a "house TH LSDAY afternoon the ladles of C. M. JONES, Graduate Chiropractor it MRS. JS ridge a warming." It being W1F.N ago, the bustle, con- liantly rendered. Highland club and the first time Mrs. the AiaccancCM or no World en that The afternoon opened with the few extra guests, yesterday afternoon, Sower has entertained guests in her signed to oblivion for so many years, tertained their friends at a curd party. Law Library Hiiildlng. I'hone Od. Albuquerque, New Mexico. was favor, the news rondo from the Sonata in E Major nl her home on South High street. new home. The pretty bungalow, .Progressive high five was the game. to be restored to Hen- cozy Itself; home-lik- was greeted with incredulous smiles. (Heethoven), played by Mrs. After the games, a refreshing lunch- In so so beauti Mrs. II. K, Kogers won the first prize, A ; A I appo by phone. Hut London speaks of It derson, violin; Mrs. lllmoe, piano; eon was served. very enjoyable fully arranged ami so handsomely lot tiilun (Tin ,le,,,v, i ,.l!l.,t.,. Sj Arrange for intmetit conservative cello. wag followed was spent. furnished, so softly lighted, presented l.Sam now as a simple fact of fashion. How Mr. Ootbel, This afternoon Livingston, Becond prize, a pretty l'MitF(t''i ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL'. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1913. FOUR

- In m Hi-ii- dim ! from Hum hi and the IXifi- it . II (nrt fall En h newfai'ER. nt ii 'Jlu! ui. ..finpnnAP IITTrn rrtn , , L' U I L U mI Impe ..f curly aMn I'f capital ui.e. For a will:.', however. I II Ii i,Jl LIIUI III 'w.-aihc- .. (Ilia el. ili n 'II hi. ""' I v, u. nf tlin ar.l doubtful mlu-- reird- - llliliri M HI r H for whi.h - While . I ... hr "'iv Worth it !.! !, Mil hillg, Ml ''""!1ULUIIUL .III U I I Lll fi.rthi'.misiijc ati i reli.-.- l i.w.'ini- feci demands kept the traJe tn a The Man u-- i MI, h tlii-ii- iiiui h. Mi find ni.i r priii' linml ".. tllll. ii I merely reflected (i.'irne of In in:. mi lid winkniit fori is nt tinllM 'at the morning journal With the cuii Hurt of action .f Much of wan vi!" ridiiicd. i avy fh.mntH (inn. the tune demand Is the Man Si w XliAii", in whhh llip corporation t n i ri y .Ni-- Imlii b attcrliiK. I th SELLS MIIIE n tn nrk iitd trmlf u.'ii4 tr th-i;- I'liyioniH In prui (.hurt invered, luit i i.iiiiiiiliin seem t be takim; IE iiiiii.irtinn. puMiii'iiin f.ilii'd Islon. influeiwe nf price hon JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. Ho suite will lit im distant day In uliinv ftiHtiHiun f.f iinliiii't" nndi'T the lower for th(. in'w t.uirf. J tn i (iin;itii nf iut n handicap mi irice. Offering Worth Money I.Jil)" 0IK P.I III!" ! H ill a Texan. "rl Hi tin- rri.p ri'MiJli'd fimn tin? of lerd hy :i loading packer were o : t pleiit.ful a 1 SO. W T i: iiili I . . . . Mai FOR S125.0D0 ntiiri'H. to le niiieuhat tmt always ut rdnety-nln- o tm'" out of a l.unJtf.l that's W I : Ml . . . I 'i i Tinl In iiiiiiihuod 10 InlV Miilanf i; AI I I It 111 . M il. hf M" l''d mniiey. H x 1 Ml - li ttik. mentality to M I. ri 1 li d uk. mi anil ihiH innn- money ! Will Ii KM 1 llllll kit sav t! llrprr.ewliltll. if tuff wi.iki.Y hank i!l of money his mentality A nry tlerr, lug ni:m lurri-nr- stti:mi:t. The man who take on!v a liltle the I J Ml MKV lir lb fin li.r. Ann miliu m to thi on! Ask li-- I.ii-- i will it, will Ret Untitling. hli.fn, III. , h'.ii-he- d i.f immortality, I." hill Its fiiuil fiirm flill ;2- nlatc-me- his ability ha earned for nml favo hUr.i.'l ilii iim in Re-re- nt unrirlam New York, Nov. - The One of Largest Deals .. v.-n- r ol.lei' Vuti. Ask him how much I'm. till on K.i!uK "when a w il' I' mid Uk di fiiiilmn di l.i"d. of the actual condition nf h ,nn i.n than Tin- - u t n n proved , Cent a for th, , liiiuiivi; h.i- i.i l, re RaVlnir so a tell C'tf rim 111 AM, lili-k- r.e-"I'l- hmme hank and trust companies rets l.ttla l M I'll II. Ml II ll Up till' Ik kings iuiil llif Years Consummated in liiid of tha-- most f.u totit In alriady week Khown that they hold 111 111 how !(: lie thinks himself M N'k Nf lorfc. t - In f..r the last ten vear. Ask niliih H. UK i.f inn- cease; p'i. v ii tin linn nunted, e weri.-'- -- lieen I'lnnim; 'll' Il2,3;l"i.55i renerve In cji'i-- nf i.f f. Uov-nic- who havo aved regularly durlns - Pinos Altos District; New I men nf affairs think Dj.iMrr at th Iniii.nn f rn iri I up. ';ill tin- tt.iln A ma It'.i m.i d Copper i i doereajie ri.iKi 4 ri"Ulr nieni. Thi a nf l.i.'!t years. A ini-ri- the ten H iif-- ' all Atrn iiniiml I li.ti.'iti.J'n) frntii week. tn le- h i.f pittj. im jmii i' Hint make Corporation Buyer, last The your In a nafe Institution ;,(! .r it i. Jersey Anii-rl'iii- Beet Suxar Th,. moral? SAVE! Pennsit savin 1,1 follow: K'.lii ." , nient n Lank. And to save NOW! ,!) NM JuMIVAI. I 1 " " American ' an Loan, 1,927,23S.OOO; Increase, neh this abova all l.Kin I AiniM'Ky rii'ii-- nn niy-i-- A I J K l I' HI IMS I'AI'KK .r MC j it ini ii' all 'mi pfd 21 1.744,00U. I ') . t y c p S' IT'i'l'1 'IK I'l'ls. im-nt- A man In nut kwiu k. Ilc i.ffr-IAl- OltPArrM TO MOBM'NC Aun lean I'ar Foundry Specie. 1 33 4,452,000: de reuse, i a i rim i ,i i s 1 :ik t!i:i-- pi.p'av r i. Hi l r Citv, 11., No. - ;irin.'f Cotton 37 !! in, n f"i I lit Id hi l.'ili .nn ,. 'American nil 'a I372.1HH'. 'I i vi (Mi i M M i H' .i Tin: thorn. liiti'iri iti-r- - 1 h '' r k II l thi- Pinim-Alto- mm' niiiii. Ami in an lee Securities :n) $77,505,000; tie I V. 1 HK.T ii Ii n I a our Lenal tender, I 111 i.l AS lit f Hh.'. Al'h Ihu urilvi mi', hf nt ufti r norm- - two or r inoiith.i of A rneiii un I.lnn.-i-- )' ' " thn crca.e, ISOa.tilill. BANK jln i i '.1 ' th m.n hln of Ihn 'Xiiiiidinu i.i if t ... loiiM, h u Hold hi miir niiiii' Aimiiian I.iaomotivo .,, 2 Net deponit. ll,7S,057,('00; in STATE NATIONAL n limn ' 1'nioK-Ali- dii-irii- Ami-r- . Snn-ltiii- f n . . l.m T r.r' ..tnll .rif i.lfir f.r lal.or lioiii iii," I. ri in tho nJnn iniliii K I:, K $2 1,4 4 . nt thirif in'iiiii creane, 4.niO. x. m. In M.!.-..- TM rm!'r In from S.lii-- Cilv, for f ; ri.imli, riiih. Amor. Smelt itiK & Lef ni; pf'l . !! of Qri:nQir, i In tl. Ifi.iiMr, Hi f.o I, a nt (julf fix"! In Circulation, $44,683,000; Increase i.. iv.rji il.y jmr. :ri Hu- l i f w ATenne. I.i h.'mpirii Zinr omp'iny Nt Ami'liiaii Sunar IterimiiK .. .107 J7.IIUII. Corner Seooud Street and Central I .i ' ii r r I , - I iii-v- thi ino ntn of hi th" y. 'I (li iil 1h- laiK-"- ! & '! II Vltl Hl ! ' hf m oiui of American Tel. Tel rc.-cr- KanU Fe Hallway Ieporltorf I. mri ' .11'. I'.ariks' rash in vault, J347, tnltcd Stateg Deposlforr lll.H 111'. tiipli illi'U of hi noiil iind llio In- - conHiiininiili-i- l In thl ilinlrht In Aiiierlmn Tnhacoo A 3 3 552.000. im-ry- . i n Thi Kri.pirn i'nmimiv mn '. li. la Milling Co. . ... i i 11 K: i' i hh opiiiiii'.ii of nun h Tn r. TrtiHt cnmpanle' ca.--h fef-rv- In snip's nml I now workiiiK Va I ua Mi; An hlnon . ... t 2 r. 1 I.. J i i. ,1. wrlllnit tlml u IN. ( ( Sim rxi.-- t w tn-- inii vault, ii4, 4U5.0UO. Fiiir tti.n ilr'ii. ill to . . . , . ! i. h .1 ! iiiltn-- I'fd . .... , 1,. .mi-tfr- ir i r i r I.i nm zini' iifir Jliinovir. rem-rvc- $111,657,-OO- i n, - Wiili-- i IIiiii,' Awi;rei;nt canh r. In il l.i iiiiy' n l"p Atlantic Count Line - Ill- I im turn l'i .! i.:.l ..Mti-- from the Ihirhlll find I .in ,...11 . num.- Hr I BBBa..Mi..!tir-- the Winn It full upiirt, I" A tiimiiH Im l tmvi-1- t i n all ihin .... .1 tin" al oillon ril tioim KxccKs $12,33S.C50; '1 hi-- M ti r tr hirhi-- clr . lawful reserve, hi-r- he Il.thlehetil Steel ... n l!i! "I .i iiit ni in r tiiluii) thi' ImiiKu of Cod tn a nn'ii rei d l.ut lli not counted dei reane, $,0li'),3u(i. riillll L'o.u . Haphl . . . Mi - ni.-ii- Iironklvn TrariNit .... r I h Ami-iimt- i t. I't mlc.,1 lit.lll-- i i TriiHt riimpnnU'i' renerve with ptir .ud.inr. f.'lvm hllll,i,o.' ii;. ... ii J'liclflt: I - r ! i i, ni '1 n 'In I mini "mm mn vm trie? tior- ....22 l'i t: Ini! (In. num.. lie 1'3 tle.iriliK hnunti inemhers carrylnit Did you ever . ,., ..p,,,,, n.-- . Central Leather .... tvii'l w,.t to i. f,,r Ac f,.-,- per cent canh renerve, $4'J.22K,iinO. lii-r- s Ohio urid Iho llml l.y Willi h lie ; All SilM-- City hi Inn. I .... i V . . It Iho Ion Summary nf hank ami trunt f .MiVl:Mi:l lai Chii fiKO Creat Wenlern .... 11 u ntiite Ik tin ic no inure tn H In. in I' fl thi fli I iinoti for A ll.iitiiiriii to companle In New Vmk, not - Chuvii.i, Mil. & St. . Hreater iilii-n- tin- hlK hi i lii.n.i I'ai'l ... I hnl? I (nnvi nlloi 1 !''i1 V Included In cliiirini; hnu(i Matetnent: than If (lute nn inure tlnn - & (ireat 1 - v hli h inii-- thin- Mondav. Th Chiian Weatirtl ...... t TO THINK im: , $553,H'J3,tiOU; decreime, STOP I Imns, I e ir d y ln-r- Col, i Find . -- Kill' me il ri Intlfii', ? m hool i mid nxi-- Ihe countrv tad. Iron 7'4 I l , , l r- - 'oiiohdated Lis a 'player, l.y the of our: who kIvi-i- i a wii k'n vinitllon tn pi $349,-90- 1h. i 1. i.iii.c hi' h Aihii'nii riUi-t- letli ire Corn Product !i Specie $00,956,200; l"Vid, hy a drip plritiiiil Pun.;ir,K j rnit Ihn te.n hem tn ultend. Dili Ni W Mi i) lMil II- - lieliiwure & lludnfin SI. ll lal I reane, iini-hiiil- d In the very (i'pth of otll 1 pal tendisrs, $8,179,700; del i,i!i"M r .i r- - l!in Hrande that the excess price t!..O.I nn in im mi $ 9U.0HU. w I leaver K liin I i.fd . . . V.hoi'--.- i.alure tii h iiollnriK tint Pciit.ili irand - represent t U U i Post-lmpriHsio- m ilntllli-rij- 1 tlepimits. $60S,OCC,000; de- pay of does not f .in i: HiitillK. It ..... ofCHU 8 I Securltie Total Tiiti fur a case Eastern lieer ii.ii lf hi Id Millnfy? ). n I. d of K'il'l- - Lrle 2tl creane, $593, Ouu. superiority of quality. TIlB I Knod' 4 I iv i . i.f olld 'oiiii thilik' - line 11 pfd 0 tn n ;,i hi' pi Y( It only represents the price you pay for freight on tho water ."pill! till) iroiiklntf ,.f the in li:l KV il!K - I'leopnim dolmr t"'t Lrle "ni pfd 32 MAV VOHk MONLY'M UKLT. infer ii I" i f n i ii n ml nun n hu. In " ' - . - ,e.. ,.., in .!...... mn n , in,- i ni-- i ii s i ii- - 139 contain. Hi u iiiiii'IIi hi (iiinral Klci'trle l t jiiiid It la r day ly day H (!,. M- U i' n iii In a'nie Ihiil tin ki""i tmv enpii runiiiiii; amin k; the Hit iii pfd l'J 2 Vi New Y'ork, Nov. 22. Money on upon which phfitildrm Northern We use chemically IT UK AHTKSIAN WATKii there I , Jiif-,- ' I'CMt 'mill put their tn the wheel ill Hall; 31 1111 ill I'll lit, the In oui turkey trot Tammany Thai c.reat Northern lire Ctf call, nominal; loan. Time loan, is no freight t o pay, then jiind uomen hi t their Inn in it.d haiul . in the cloak mid milt .uniin h. lliirn.i. Crural 1ii!, nteaily, tiO tlayn, R per cent; !M) day? u lion. - t I'll il.idi Iphla A village In Irni I horouKh-.Me- t 1.1 4 per tn nt i iv i r i f cry Inn and month, cent. I II,.- - iI the city I" the the of human ..i ii it three iiii troiii r; i inliroidereil inoitue; J:i IntorlmrotiKh-Mc- t pfd f.H1, Prime mercantile paper, & WHY PAY FREIGHT? iln-p- .K.,1 II mid In every qii.iriir. jr nil oi iim. t l ri th of the ediii nloi. Kroiii; a ro. etween Fifth ave. Inter , 1H 5 4 per cent. W Harctcr II whell "life" l nil", ere. Inilely tn iiiiw Henry Vtin Inter-Marin- e pf,y $4 80 vi, I lln pi hie of li'l l ii HU III niir and lijke; t'cepinu J34 Commercial hill. '' out Into the dark, tn run iiiiiiliit the Tom l.limlfoliled. Ititernatiiinal Paper 7 ' Hilver, 57 G10RIETA Can Be Had the Saving t. I In in every ihly mid tu in liar Beer at hipil - A lei Hire l.y I'e.iry on th" I'liinp 4 "a 45c. ii li k wall of Nirvana, tn heeome iamtori liitcrtiatlonal Mexican (hillarn, I In in t cry In y for Ihu North pole; Hiertach on Hie minor City Suiithern 14 (Joverrimciit hoinl, Meady; railroad 57 and 5S. nnthiiii; mid nlliily tn coime, why rilONKS t ni.. i y of Iheir Inlior. prophet; Hneiix, Clhert lluhha rd, lias , ni bond., cany. were put on, Mirth? All clue wn n In I I 'hrl.Hl ia n Science, Valley Ai Hi" ha. Inn,' I'.t V of New Mexico, ni' "the hi eiil"; 14.r'.i With II Hiiliy ie.-l- y and cimenicH ilK' UHed I.oiiini ilia r Nanhvilh) Li') & Ice Co. Aihn-r- in ki lily lillve tn the created lllllpoHl man to m:v Yoitii Mi:rii mm: ki ts. Southwestern Brewery .iie i At M 1 l l,y lothini; H"ie minion; "Sweet Mum.. SI. I'. Suult St. . e the Hole ryi i ptlon? ir life i inl, love, d. poll- i!iiy thai rctH upon In r In Aih'line'' played on a parlor oiKin. M inHnurl, Kati-- a &t Tet.m 19 cor- - New York, Nov. 22 The metal - i .1 - Ion, iiiiml end, nml who that Im ( i - M T". N. tin- i i.l r t in nt of in n r in d ' 'alk rie think iim flat l'aclfii; ., ALI.l Ql V.QIV,, M. ! '. '. market were dull and piaoticall for iiiitfiiiKh of (he (laclishunil.'i ; National I'.incuit .,, . 1 1 x 4 I the heer; fa in rhi ateti U In roed and nominal. ike cupper, nominal' ln. Ulldel W ear. Na t iiinnl Lead 4 3' - from he ha loved I" Jin tfer 15.12 And ,i- - lln- le: liiiK city In New Mi n on.) that electrolytic. $14.87 ili i irli-aiit- A creoln 1'iii'inen Nal'l Hy. nf Mexico 2nd pfd 12 Iwilhin; for oiui moment tn admit the New i'anliiii, $14 (i2 It 14. 75. A l iie f. U thai fin' Flionld ellilit Hhrillip HUIIihn Under tlialln-li.- l i vv York Central nnii-- i xi.iteiu e of Inve Iron, Hie harmed. .,!, ,.. ii ihu inn in lit i "11 veht ion eternal the that II lei ll'le II t pnet ihim lllli nil New York, (int. Western I I n U I In it r 'I term nf year levee; iiiiihIc, Norfolk Wcitem III, f'.I ell HI I11Z.I l"ll of the llllln.rt hi'inim the Iiiiinnhl'lit and ....103 ST. l.OVIS M KI'LLTLIt. t ii ni, North American . . 70 I,i:.l i A he- pint of hlm? "lirlnn forward jour hi. e of Mil one. Aim. ll.iei hi iiix-fn- nine Chicai-'i- i A frenhinan In Northern Pacific ....Kil'd 11! tin- In I in oof." trli the cinic mid deml-vieiK- smok-iH- St. LmiiM, Nov. 22. Lead, firmer, ll. M s that the P in AllI look need of a hazii'K; a e Pinifii! Mail .... 23'j $ 4. 1 0 fJ t nuiuiKtli', ulrUiiikt tu take fnun n niir l'ennnylvanlii, 4.17 Hpelter, dull, $'y -r mutter III tie fame linht. Nut her firet clarette; a Khilllni; .101'', " ,1 - the Ai "t 1." w;' u 11 In I'lttnhiiriHi, O. ('. St. Louis . H2' 5.15. liUKi-f- III j hope nml our faith, nml have al Hlim ker ii it a chink. xj'r dlly in thin the city the ' Itiiliiiiinre "Jiixic" with varialioivi I t.s r k 1 dial . ISV4I I out i' chei rles mid "The Mate, H lilcn the looi't celitfall) piirpoeh Steel . 24 1. 1 VI. STOCK tu-- fniiiii'd hy fifty on he l'riHn.d Car Till; MAllKLTS. . Imily weliih im nun h after It linn loialill, the lll"lt in tileatned tral.H and t hh ken Pullman Palace i'ur ., .152 d tu a II w he-- .lr.K7; Kan-ii- n Jr.. iii ell point nml the one h'."', n aci hrcittln.. elched i a J:i .pir.vliind. iihncnixeH. f"nt Kirap-e- r City l.lvn.tock. fc Steel . ( ko- - u fole. Then foie, iiolhlrii? hint K"H(' and i nhmial limine front; dia- Keimhlii: Iron IS' i Karma Citv. Nov. 22. iitlie f'liiippi d In I'.i rv way In hulnlle Kl ht-- In ho e Hi pill. lie Iron Steel pfd .. 59 Ireipu JiiH; Meady. fi'U jfoith from II; no inuil h.i , winded Itn mond lidded and Hoi market Prime car, n of thin t. of a cathedral. Hock Inland Co 1314 Ktr.(.r, $S.25'n 9.0"; dn nsed heefnteers w ii y coming out H In miotlii r niherij tn wail f ir P.01 k Inland Co. pfd 21 I.i I fie II n 111 onliMlllion of the IT. j v ill. le yptitlerinK In $7.1111,1 k.25: wentern nleern, $i' Tin re i no miki-nip- St. & San Fran, 2d pfd $5.25 '. 7.5o; Ni Mi van :i until jour arrival. Iniivili; the lain; an millliaml in a Imis 8.25; ho lit hern Ktccm, Si , , Ik je'.v-cir- ahoard Air Linn ,5,i $1.25 '11 ii.73; 5.25'n 1 I illicit, me mi aiiKiln; Imiiuntality ileserti d limit hall; Inutatinn oms, heifers. )n In a .1 ll he klioV II pel ll'il ly H' Air Line pfd I It 43? K.75; utockeiH and feeder. $5.5il'ii il cell', ii'll. hut a 1'leaninn fiction. Virtue Sinn Sheffield Steel & Iron the All' liple A tiKelex-Liter- ary iirophylaxiH; 2! Lull, $5.00'u ,75; calvea, $6.00 i w l.o ;".5; ii urn not happy kfi '11 1 reward. If mi AnHiony t'om"oi k n inoviiii; the Southern I'ai'llio i a. OH. MW.SrirCi Southern Hallway i A i:i. i in I.. lure, tin ic'h nullum; hitler lien after; neien veil from Salmne; od"i hV ;,,7V Hims Heciipt 2,000; market Jl mrttt r win nil ii in Southern Hallway pfd ,,,. fifti SO '(i n Villi l InllK vm Hit! lower. P.ulk, $7. 7.53: make the luM ull of the and niim cleaner. vni-e- 'I cum Cupper Vol- l miihlli'-aKc- d "'' t7 7llr',,7 and A lli.aiee i,ii(,-i- '' J our lili'hmoiid little 13 !i H I'l nf of the it'" 'a inc. Texan Pacific ,. $ 7 ; r. i liKhtn, '. the I female I meinher of the n.outhern butcher. f 7.75; $7.50 -- v. Ii ohHtinacy I'nloii Pacific ,, .1491.' i l, lull IllVl Ml iii .Hon helPK held Tn hh a man, with a i'ikioi i in v ritihinu nlmit nn a motni- - 7.70; ptK, $'i.2.ri 'ir 7.25. ' ?..!.... 11....;,,., .r.l .. 81 a; I y or Inn Htcinlf.iHt lln iirahle, repeat piitendiiiif t" Sheep Heceipt 1.000; market hi ', i ii till! I'l, ite jiiti ni and "I uihi'inkiim' viniet ,.,, Stat,' ileal. ,. 63 wm tcm y. 11 7.33 ; ycar-- i srcrnrcuivTr' I Meady. Lambn, $6.50 1 iv. C II IH li IK of warm-- 1 know, kimw, and none can take he mi nr. hid ,. 53 I 111 ni the ... I'niti'd State Hulhor .... $5.0(1 '11 5.75 ; $4.25$ LiVi ni'i.ii'i m. i .' I linun, wethers, ;. w I Sun Fia linn riiti-- ,. l'i-- I r .i f..r the l ln r.'i tie milliner from me hat know. The harden State Steel r,5'; 5.UU; $3.75 'n 4.50. anene lioiiri nml leal entate I I 11 I farmei. 'lilted State Steel pfd ., ..104 hi, Il It ha proMi-- 111. il thi! effort nf pl'oof ymi, tn Mniw that la In a In aueiits oi'i-nlii- Californiii ret 47'., I'tah Copper Livestock. to I III e f nor.ilile freight latin am the product if a oiimimI chemical private ilitiintr rnnni; tmiriHtH from the Virginia Carol mil Cheiifleul ,, Clilfiiiio j Ue-- 0 - Ii a cast; dolce far from anythliiK. g.? Chlpnifo, Nov. 22. CatUo N the 1 nple of New Mexico. reaction horn urope for lltt'e Wabanh ft Cnmfnrt In ioelpts 45041; intnket slow. I'.ecven, $fi.6a 111 II did Point I'athinii UahiiHll pfd 1 1 '1 - While Hiiilh n, hlind iiiici'italiity : it i vi I,.' I', ml IIIIII ColllpOHllls! till' com- milk and hem runoeu tlown vel- '11 ll.liO; Texas Meel', $ti. 50 ll 7.ti5 . 'L. M J V - iii Wo.itcrn Alaryluiul iri,I 5 T 1,..-- .. and Hull perl It. K'linl- un, , , i liii'..-Io- have nl. out (hi mutter tn hh thoiinh vet ntralneil Iioiiey and iiiiienlraiued Wentern ,, .. 62 esi e ll, a. ,' !, c v , ri n Ill lllioll 'i heif- ef-r- , tin--- pontal feeders, $4.8H 'a 7.50; cows and III U llliiloll :lily h usim "Hike, mid lien and truth ami beauty and hmie iniimin; noiivenir card; Wendtiiihiiiise LUctria , . C3 4 X. $fi. 5(1 If to bed. late breakfantn. & , . ers, $3. 25 IPC calves, 10.00. '1 In y if linen with perlnha l.le." early HheeliiiK Lake Lrle 4'ii li'ii nl in. nun hiun Hums Heoclpts 1 0,000 ; market loin;! Total sales for the day 51,100 the i ;eie po;v ll'lc mid they Thone that We have "InVeil bharea. weak, 5 to lOo under yesterday's have h fl in tliiiur tiinlniii' tn m. ike mip e and hmt awhile" are the aimwerj average. Hulk. $7.50 'n 7. Sn ; lights, 'ii 7.S 5 ; pms, a- - OF DULLNESS $7. 20 'n 7.75; mixed. '$7.35 out I ha I cam. If the th i hdini chiuilil to the doubt that nhake us. The j UOSTON CLOSING MINING, lEn $5,001.1 fi. 90; heavy, $7.30 C(t 7.85; I i we h i' loll l ' tn til in of the nt.ile nuiiince that ive due lint come $7.30 'ii 7.45. Alloiic 3 roiiKh, I! W ill tallily not I fault of from ll'lc and alembic, m n i.i Ih l'i Heceipt 1,500; thf trui A Copper Sheep market malnaiiiated ...... 11' $ 'a, ; 1.1 laiicetn, steady. Native, 3.90 5.05 wcMern, the potation .mini Inn. Not only and iiiinmel and balani e.', Amer. Zinc Ar Sin lad lti'ij $ 5.1 5 ii C.25 ; Inlnu-loi- l IN IS $3. 90 'd 5.05; yearlincrn. h.iK lln- t b K.'il been or any di we can apply mi' MARKET Al izon.i I'ommercial 4 ',4 Available talent lambs, native, $5,851(7.40; wentern, - Hu- Hide tin-- j At Cop. A; Sil. Mb. 50 n. 111 d h.lPilii- the cane Hum thi of the thicNhold of the Ho. Curb .... 7.35. Calumet & Arizona 1 $5.H01i (til eVi ry illni uvct'i-- cnuiitry. from New .lelco inl pnitit. but It nine c Calumet licclit ..400 ItPinody Ulsi'iine. Inemlier of the I otllllllMilol ban lilvcii the other Hide of dentil and from be l'i iileimliil 12',; hh Iliul us tho of February I con- Inn pern J niid the live that 111 r yet h i Ml Copper Uungo Con. Co. 34 'Tin the seventh hi lime iiiiil bet mil effort. it IT no ...... a severe cold followed by a u 'Fast I'.llttc Coll. Minn 'Jvi tracted roc Hull tl viih ic e In pien-nte- (Von the licti'iy iiiui the human; Una I tried llankliu 3 couKh and loss nf voice. - I'liillllli-lr- comiui- - mo tin- lot' 'tale (Iranliy Cimnnlldated C S '3 many remedies none nf which did any good. I went to my family THE 111 conviiii Iiik , 29 thin Ill till niot malincr lilcini! Canam-- my v nj w tvr-- r' - , 16 doctor and he swabbed throat vW' vlhle oi- Col-0- 1 Koyalle (Cupjier) Av.i;i nn: noiii .l ritii: Saturday's Trading Was 4 live or six times with some abomin- ll believe Kerr Lake The Journal mn nut that Lake Cupper 5N able stuff. 1 think it was beneficial BreviT;asxer I on Preceding Ses- 11s tin, shipper wll loni' in thin (anc, Thu Nobel prize for literature lias less as ,1.11 Salle Copper 3 l,i but the remedy was as bad the disease. At lunt the thought struck II. 'I' line It hi III' ve that they nhutild been izivtn for the Hint time to 11 nnn- - Miami ('upper 21 X and Price Changes i-- w sions me why nut try Chamberlain's Couh i-a Dki-hiI- I1.11,.. - I Mohawk 39i; "fil Tin- matter unite- or lean Cam imlMii, In th,. peinmi of the Hindu Hemody. 1 so morning I if Ciinnolidatcd 14 did and this t m 1. d d in Active Trivial, Is Kradu-all- y ati ami pienculH many talln'poet, Hahindi a iiath TaKore. Stocks Niplsniiii; Mine 7 my voice is fairly good nnd C. v hah ale lint it t y 11111I1T nlooil by North Hullo 22 grow-In- better," writes II. The bentowal nf tlienp Cnveled Clay, Hcporter, I N.iiTh Lake, 1 publisher of The lliu lay iniliii, but then' ciiniiKh In avMird HliiftiiitcR thu III WOttNINa JOUftNAL PttCIAl. llllflO Wtftll (Mil 1 iniiiiiiiiin 4S Itapld City, Manitoba. For sale by The Meyers Company Inc., Distributors 01 hli m e which ha been proj-etitei- l the nf the tit title of the Swedl.Ml New York, Nov. 22. Thi' Mock (is, cola , 72 till dealers. In Tipii' tn Hie moM lletcl-minc- AUICQLKIIQIK. NEW JIEXI4TO All inim convince- Aeailemy In Stockholm, which market of today bronuht to 11 chine n c.niiiuy 54 In n 6'.4 Roynl llalanci'il Katloii Mixed I'll' al that all lllijllit bllldell who Mm 11 be the recipient" of ;Week of lllllllien which for thi 'Shannon In 'Superior 21 ( kiTi I 1111 I'gir piiMltiifi'. Venn: l ot ne hy the mcii-han- nf New of the year. nhnimt unparalleled. 'i bli l'ttil It the literary prize, lit llial they con- M 2 - Toilay'H trading wart a colorlesH an Superior & I!ostri In, ...... contain all the parts to make cuss. Vii-i- Mi to the inliaiilare of other ciun- i ferred the Pu nitive In it r upon ion the pieccdim; scnnuuiN, and price Tamarack 2fl When fill to In 11 heim tlicy are II. Hint l'i. I'elhap lint all of tin. of the Flinch acadi my; I'liaiiues nmoim the nlncks were I'. S. Sin. Hef. Mill u forx'iil to 1m proiliicllve. I'eetl a sack - V. S. & Sill, 4(i'X; will of the Male col puratioii cutu- In 11102 they nave ll In M 'trivial. The ainmint nf buninen. was .fin, Hef. pfd to your fowl. It do the work or miuimi'ii, the 7- New Mexico 50.11110 Consolidated your money M Will he .'l II ll ted, hut (! Ill'P jmilv ubout nhares. ;l't?ih hack. (Icvnuin; the follounm year It went tn tn be Imper- I'tah Copper Co 47'i 1',. V. I'LL, ' ' The market appeared 1 ' lit fii'iii nhovlni; nlrcady 1 the PJiiiTnnoii, the Norwigian. In 1901 vious to the Influence of adverse fac- W'lliiimi , 212 to Jill W. I .end Ave. III. lil.. that IIP' inlelnlalii colllllllnv loll Mmlral for France, and Ki'lnuaray, toid. London influence In thi mar Wolverine 4U',i Pliono lit. Fire Brick Company, I - Will y apt relief lll.lil foi' Spain, dlvlib-- the award, In 190.", ket wan neutral, owing tn the Irreuu- In ( tin-.- ; cotplitii.nH, r course of American Min k abroad iiic.(.o iioaimi or TKAIir. Journal wants bring results because Sli tiklcw Ii . wa Mi;iially Imunr- - GALLUP, thud iand nn account of the forclun trad- - everybody reads Tho Journal. N.M. 'J pep ; he fail tn the force i'il nitn e tln-- the winner In niicccn-- ! intf here. A diMurblii feature wan ChlcaRti, Nov. 22 Liberal export 11! ;, ' ' of Hi" luiii nt maih) b the nlon hiivp been Ciiidiiccl, for Italy: jthe acute weakness nf vaiTnU ntnckH sale nt New York and fear of black , Manufacturers of cf-- , l (if wan runt In ArKcntiiui a bullish loinlii that the In favol 11 for Kmtlanil and on,, inirlit which Mexican Petroleum had MONEY IN WHEAT moHt conspicuous. Within a few 111I11- -i feet tuday 011 the buyers of wheat. id VM Pa in juvt Ificd by water ci'in-.11- nay Aiii.i.i-Sao- jalttio.'d for the race iiti'H after the opeiilm; thi Mock The market after shuwinK weakness $10.00 Huys Put or Calls on 10,000 t ll 1.1 I 'am bushels pi loll. l'ht distance It. Kinlolf Lm ken, for ilermany; Sclnm broke 2 to within a fraction nf H early, (limed firm at a ranv;c vuryuiK of wheat. No Further Itlsk. A High Grade Fire Brick ' , I Si'liii-imn.t- ty movement of 5c from price gives you ti r j, j,,!,.. I r!..f, i.f di n; l'.iu! ll,;.-.- thr l.i.v reenl'd II from ..i riii'ht (ieore to chance to take $.'10(1.011; 4c J40u.ini, lmiK an that from Albinpn liple to the Herman; Maeterlinck, (or pclciiim, The nppaietit Indifference nf the Corn tiiiished to Brick, market In these Influence wan up, oat tincliainrcd to a siiade lili:h- - 3c $300.00, etc. Write for particulars Staple and Fancy Face and Building he.i, Thi-l- in lm bii'.lcal rciinou why end lint year Anatoli! of France, the to the Mobility Which It tle-- I r, and prnvinlmis IrreKuhir, strung !THE CFATIl , STOCK till MX CO, wat. r rati , civn VA Panii any French academy. rived from the nhort interest built up out from 5c decline to a rise of 2 Park P.bli,'., t icvclaiid. O. All Colors. h'il lit a ) ml va ill line over thin city, The ttcnpp of the award and the recently. Alllinunti there was little '11 5 cents. evidence of up ii"- - Many un- And ho far an the pi in y nf ftinlcrintf athnlli'ily of tlinti ihullnti nn eilort tn force wheat traders who were NO VS TO 1TIX tlnlr tiii.innn. stocks improved fractionally certain at the outset, changed later to CONTHACT TOO LAKGE Oil TOO SMALL FOR J 'k w ill! I CIMl-iM- KOTICli TO At TOMOBUJi Id ti.nh. Mexico lllipitrallon cf univeinality of if the the throUKhnut the entire list. sell-In- the opinion that within six months lll'YEKS. l'HOMlTLY. 1)1 il, the fame r. eXinln for appeal of that fmui (if the line art of Head'.ni; and I'nton Pacific Importing nation would require In- An exhibition of the wonderful Eor prices, quotations and estimates address f IV 'll I!)' Alhll'piel Thi t it y i whose priiiluctlonn ai'P niont cniluiiiiM. hrmiKht about u reserve movement, creasingly large shipments from pro- 1914 Model Heo, tho Fifth, will be no nhnwed Un to make prompt delivery. ciii y 2 0 mil. from i he Mexican ( Mir civ ilflzntion Tint tint precisely lioweicr, that tho tlose ducers aide shown In Albuquerque within a definite tendency. Kusnia, it was pointed Vm. ami freight upon Canada and few days. Don't buy a car until JohriSOtly Sales Manager,' lir, "Hh o'luitai'h1 the of bonk learning. dinap-pointim- ;. W fnundatloii The hank statement was out. were soon to be locked In by Ice you have seen these cars. The last J. J ilti n It lliiKlit W ell be il f. 'I iiihlahlc hut upon the iicciimnlatlon of human Alih.mish a nubMaiil lal cash and oilier winter conditions for at word In As good automobile art. M, compel il f Fl I'.imi in the Mexican knowledge, whli h twnncr or later liiid gain had been lnilicated by known least live mouths. Icttitijf the burden as a $2,000 car. The price In only P. O. Box 283. Albuquerque, X. iitov emeiitrt of i iirrency. there was of supply descend heavily on the $1,175 11, ai ketn. it way intii print, and wlilili I with electric starter. For an actual lo of $1.21 7,uoo. Lnann 1'nlled States. Argentina and Australi- catalogue upplv Office and Salesroom, 2(1$ Gold avenue, Albuquerque, wliero 11 In 1 to West Thoie is l'i is.. tu that the even in thouiiht-- 1 7 nincerc and tin reane. J 2 4 4,(nni. which a,.- JOHN HAUoX BTRG, Agent. samples can lie seen and Inquiries answered. i.'ium. of H e lli-- II 111 11 j t ill tini-- lb lion mid In the higher order of li t'iccted Hi" luiaiiclmf of Iti.rn.irio despatches tellinkT of a 204 W. Cold Ave tieeJ'CI' lltiW a. The of TiKas and loiuantlc luietiy. The llindii poet the week and Hie net result wan In Jump In wheat prices there nnd $n.000.-(Ili- s cut daw 11 Hie surplus by over to chances of damage ii il ia'tiM h 1V1" been liilivP xv r 11 cm not In ciimmtinlc.Tle serious order tn from black rust acted as more than lllitl In di uiitnillnK of the facts, l.ut in order tn enkindle I'tnulinn The Week' Muck market ilonling n off set for curly reports that tl a nnl'ol tai ion coinp a nhn nil Hint in hp in the Hubert ISiun of hi coun- were the smallest at thin season of the weather was favorable for year a (ItlC to the people I.f the Mate. That try, phi 11 strum; infusion of religious for duade. Price changes growth. Lstimates were also current were giilar and a 11 whole uiiim-- ; the amount of wheat held by Mate ha hi n accum-- of lilealinin. 1 Hit lit mvnticii'in and Orietnal pnrtant Money winked easier, but farmers In the liakotas and Minntsu- - and unjiint In lln attitude In- even thoiitih the iidvaiii ciiieiit nf application for iipital were confined ta. w: only 3i,tiiiu,ni)0 bushel., as Nervousness ward lailieailn, but It in to be not' i! learning in not hi Pint aim, at least to nee ssllles The quick 1 4ii,u00,ouu bushels a year success of a lm uds d ago. thai nil of the hi Colnpaliie and hi xs lit ii) s havn been a direct 4' sale of Kuarnntt and Backache due to disorders by the Pi niisv Ivatilii and New Haven Corn prices on account of one Mill (bllill? btlsi- - npiiultiin to men nf ttfr.itrn ami of hardened innny liuit: lire Indicated a tendency toward Improve- receipts being liKht and because of oi Kidney liti-- ia Tvxan, und pi tstiinahly dolus j iieUon, 11 a well ua to brother lioets, A ilriuntsij tv) bull- - andJBIaddeiv ment lu the lavtetmiiit murket, at Uvvrpuul due the , . BEIT'S, Inc. . ha


SAN MIGUEL COUNTY HEW DEVELOPMEN T SCHOOL REPORT NOT VERY ENCOURAGING Classified Columns PROMISED INTAX The Journal '"".ClAl. COftRItPONOINCt TO MOHNINO JOURNAL) Snntii Fe, X. M., Nov. 22. Sun county's pulille school report as IF YOU HAVE A WANT TELL IT THROUGH THE JOURNAL Kb eu io the ntat department cf cdu-eatio- is rather discouraging, in' seven- mem ty-five M'iool houses in the coiiiity t w cntv-thr- e are rented. ftur iuo STORAGE. loaned, duly ten are described as good hy lit, the county superintend, SAVOY HOT E L Half-Acr- e A'ANTKl 1'lanoH, household (toodi, FOR SALE twenty-si- x Lot merely hh fair and forty etc., stolid safely st rcaoril)le Attorney Charles A, Spiess of l lie tlx D ior. orrosiTi: saxta it, depot rates. Advances tnado 640. Thf - roc m brick, modern, av- I'honi w Tile annual salary paid teachers . uh lai i:c lot and . Kuropcan 'lan. line. Hwurltv Wiitelnuiso Improvement erages only 02, that, ' i. : Three blocks fiom car Las Vegas to Intervene in $27 the lowest I' Co. lUhn l'o.. 117 iS Foul tit ward, although .' Ih" om: Col . l,BO0.0O far reported I; any county, R ATI'S MV. ?h $1.00 Central Ave. near in Supreme the two men far hetter, re- Fine, lich land Cash, Cono-- with fim view Court Suit of teachers Jstoain-- I Icatnl Koojih lots ceiving $.144.72 a year. The average Sunny, Outsi.lo, on car line, sidewalk, Chaves Comity, school term Ih 5. : .uonths an ! 'Muil.l $600, or terms, cast front, IVioa Addi- lie lower Htill were It not that cue tion r.nn.o,) ' district has ten mom lis, ten have n re I ,ol' adjoiniiur "I una Place,' houtli months, while, the est gl'a.L; down Gold Avenue good view, cheap. r.tra OtTCM o M. Co, front, jnuNi) to one month, ,n fact, cue dist! ; I lias John Moore Realty p.i Snntii Fe, N. M Nov. 22.-- ; A new FOR SALR How About This run at. had no M hod at all ,'i room f l a me, m ar in. com mill Important factor will bo Injected Jl'.Tino room briik, modern, large llstah, IssS, Inc. I'.iu:!. if fifty-fou- r only . $20.00 t In- - the teachers, have I Property pbtcls furnished In 111 hasiiu out, corner t, lliKhUiinls. V. Chaves county tax Kiilt the third grade certificates, rev, utcon I'lione 10. 211 (.old. brick, nicely etute. supremo court next week, close In tur when have second grade, eleven first r.rndc, One? d, hlKhlands . 21. K0 (hull A. Spicsa nf ,hh Vegas, $4.tinn modern huuKalovv, liislu will two have live-yea- r ami two life i lixi client loc ilioii for fui nl- - Intcrvvne on behalf of taxpayers and Just lieiuir finbhed. In e.ood location, AT YOUR PRICE Sun Miguel is one of tnc l ore store, ceiil i ally In . . ... MUm officials of Santa Fe, Kim Miguel, Col- furnace, flrcpla.e, floors, men i : i ;'.y 'Kilily few ciumtles with more lhan in every way; easy terms. iNsriiAM'i:; to fax, Morn, Taos, Chaves and forty-seve- n women teachers, being I l.OAN. counties. 11,500 4 4 of n"ii land, M,.i'o :n a'h, sleeping' male and forty-on- e female, line dis- FOR SALE Mr. fploss, who ii n president of the mostly In alfalfa, some fruit, Rood house, with sink In kitchen, . h, p. hide :i bl.M Us of trict has ten rooms, six have two rooms, A left poi onstltutlnnnl Is prosum-iil'l- y inside toilet, eorncr lot, on i ar line, few lots in tho Fourth Realty Co. convention, sixty-si- x only room. ndobe house, close In, near saw mill. Union and have one xv a I'd, postoffice: will sell furnished or itn authority on tlu Intent of ihi Seventy school houses built of 12,300 cement Mock, mod- ITIce only $l,2in. ('an you beat it'.' are 1 10 old St. Phone COD. Constitution makers, has gathered u adobe, tour are frame, four are stone ern, S. Kdith St., close in. t rli k, one Mm k of car unf u.i nl.died. Make nn offer. formidable muss of statistics and ::nd one ii g. 1 1,900 4 frame, line, he bought like pajlliil unit will oppose vigorously room roMax. bath, tall The report Includes the town of electric lights, sleeping porch, lot rent. the blanket raises nuuii' ly tlu state Las Vegas, hut not the city of KuV board of eqnali-aitlo- n. and which have 110x134, 4th ward. Many Iui'imIih in all parts of tho Veins. 4 (IN V S amused such u storm of opposition $1,(500 framo and bath. W. city. Dure Realty Co. GET MORE M throughout Thin menus a Lead avenue, close In. i(. the stale. PORTEKFIELD CO. ( t legal battle loyal for the South LEGAL $2,350 modern, 4th See the I OANS AM) lSl It i:. 'I IMC makes NOTICES. brtck. In lay. l'-- Springs peti- ward, near cur line. EGGS NOW lis emtio Land t'o.. the V. Ate, In the case, will lie represented J2.000 frame, modern, eleep . FIRE INSURANCE LOANS J. M.Sollie Realty Co. rhono IS. 211 tiolil Us use ymi can tioner notici:. eggs to sell now when eggs liy two former attorneys general and 10. L. Medler, M. Wllkcrsiin, ln porch, 4th ward, m ar car line. have Thomas 216 West Cold I'lione 422 l. S. Stttiiul high. Puts Whole flock in it Ih well known company is Kxceii-trl- x Money to lxiinHr(i ale that the I'laintiff, vs. Carrie ehilder, likiirane. good condition. I' ;c once a day In oiilrolled, if not owned liy of lOstutc of W. 11. Childcrs, feed. . illslai buy results or money llerliert J. llngerinan. 1 leceascd, I A. FLEISCHER lefelidant. bai k. 2..e, .'.lie and $i.0U packages. J "i '1 against them will ho Attor- 1 1 1 South l oin (Ii Street. SALE In p. ills $ I Oil and $3.00. ney (ietierul Frank V. Clancy Hnd his Notice Is hereby given the un- I'lione (17 I. Next to rosliifflce SpCCial Miscellaneous. buy Meycle that Extra If you want to a or moo- assistants. The attorney general dersigned, M. K. llickey. heretofore for sue, .ing, conghlm: or 1'i'K SAl.i: I' 'ertllizer. Tel. 1 54 2W. any repairs, call on J. A. nisi, ii member of the hoard of e. polli- appointed receiver in the aliove en- tnmli in, bungalow. In need ing fowls use COMil'.V'S ItOt I' IO - Ml 11V. A rem- nation, whose netlon Ih attacked, and titled cause, will fell the law library Ihe host liel:;hboi hood, und onlv Z Kelt MAI Two sli. w heap, Nudeau, 113 South lint. Cull lit fieveiitivo and s vigorously Moos,. edy. Put In drinking water, fowls prepared to defend the of the late W. II. ehllders at private NEWLAN PARCEL blocks of posioll'i.'e. It is seldom that Apply Cluli. save you money. close-in- , own medicine. Keep oil nuthority of the hoard to make the sale up to dale of sale, and at pub- a small, property comes on S. I ily sile" take their .tilt save your flock. 2T.C, Title J'alse. lic auction on Thursday, the 1Mb day DELIVERY the market and can be bought right. I'lione UV.IW. hand and In the meanwhile, tax collections of December, 1913, 10 o'clock In This Is your $1 and $1.00 at Haggnge and Messenger Pflrvlce. opportunity. 'inn i'roli KAI.IO Ladles' good nre halted and there seems to he no forenoon, at street cash will 111, Mill it, ha e (i per beilo, live polll- - the the Fourth Phono 404. lam ut eonditieii 21 a S', The pcrmum-n- euro for the state's finan- of the postofflec of Albuquerque, cent. see uh today. Sloer. t r y su p p I y door Mrs. Ct. V, Newlan, Proprietress. Pctter SAVE fOWlS cial ilia except an adequate tax ami New Mexico. il. 10. lllt'KKY, K.K SALIO Sound, geiille family d e a e r sells sorry. 109. assessment Htatutp passed cither at a Receiver, horse, hiuI Phone I'uK SALIO About live acre Im- ( 'onkcv s. Ask xpcclal legislative session, or a year f (Mt SALIO A new, Ktandard upright proved land adjoining iAickhiirt Conk : Thaxton & Co. for lieneo at the regular session. Norm-- ion pnsi.icvimv gold, n oak, In- Henry Lock-hur- t, f ROM ROUP Department l". 21 1 w. Schiifltr piano. rtiinch. at a liamatn. free Poiliir of the Interior, f. (;i,i Phone Ii.'i7 quire Meyer Co. phone 103H l'ook, Land Office JV, N. .M., at Santa i - y.Vi . io) bit n AZTEC ASKS BRIDGE Nov. 20, 191.1, i:mpi.ymii;t acjuxcv. i' 1 SALi:Set of bcillooin f urn mi good loot for sale hy K. W, 1'ee, 212 to . $2.ri0. Notice is hereby given that F.lmer HO V. Silver. Phone 8J4. FOR RENT Rooms. lure. Call between li and N, Hlglilands, near car line. 2 HI W. Lead Ave. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM P.. 1'liss, of AlbiKiuernue, New Mex- Wanted laborers, $1.75, $2 and oil :t W. Coal. Terms. J. A. Hammond, JuJ S. Wal- $2.50 KUU inod-en- ; ico, who, on January 2, Ilia,, made day; carpenters, $3.25 per day; KliNTt'ur nulled rooms; l'Oi; SALIO healing stove and ter. MAIL ORDER experienced . no Apply HOUSES Homestead Kntry lis OHO, No. l4f.:i, waitress. sick. E08H W. lug assortment of hooks, cheap. 714 I'OK SALIO Ml acres sandy loam, ex- for SIC V,, Section 20, Township 10 WAXTKI) Kxpericnced advertising fr'LMt H10NT I'liniislied romTmTa" V. Kent. I'lione '.Cm. cellent for fruit or garden truck, 8 liange 4 Kast, N. M. P. Meri- 10. (Iranile" PROFESSIONAL CARDS ItrinAL COHRKaPONDCNCC TO MORNINa JOURNAL North, solicitor, reiiuirmg part of time erm j;io hotel. W. Cent. SALIO miles of Albuquerque. P. O. to Jil i'Oit I'lideiwood typewriter, south Aztec, X. M., Nov. 22. In dian, has filed notice of intention W. 1'ee. i''OIl HUNT 1'ui iilsheir rooms' good $21 fi'.O, phone K.42.1. the five year proof, to establish for order, 1:0, if tiikri oon. Ilox or make housekeeping. 21 S. Walter. Tel. 2U2. W. Cold, l to raise money for a new river claim to the land Hbove described, (lOVKil.N.M 10 NT positions are easy to hone 144. To TKAI'IO ieiicrlor Albmiuerque ATTORNEYS. uid.'e at Cedar Hill, the Axtec Ccrn-ineni- 11. Ii. Whiting, I'. S. Commission- get. My free booklet tells I I KNIS.'I I'.D i;i ji; N. 7th. Al IdMOP.Il.l.S I buy hiiU Hell hlnlu 111' loivn Villi UOItll $ Attorney-at-U- (Iiib to er, Mexico, on how. AViite today .NOW, Kali 1 lop-kin- cuts. J. C. 401 n J f 1I..SON wrote several larse at Albii(iieriue, New KOK II ION T Nice front Men m Pteron, $'.(1011 to trade f,.r small house ml ,',th Washington, C. oolll, 7M1. Honmi 16-- 1 1 S. Cromwell ItldR. mail order houses to see if they would the day of January, 1914. I. heat. 4:;i S. 3rd. N I'lrxt St. Phone choice In 150S W. lots Denver? Phone Hf',JliJ.h ' n ''"2W; Phono lioiiate toward the bridge. Today a Claimant names as witnesses: IVANTKH Local representative. No Ki Mt SAI.i; - New I n, I. i wo.., H p... 'LJ Ph' J17I V. Austin, l'OH KIOXT Large room and sleep noon hour. telegram was received from one of J. VanCleave, Ihmiol canvassi.ig or soliciting required. writer, very i lieap for ni: h. M2S JOHN V. MOWIS Attorney-at-la- the ins" porch. SI2 K, i -- Mrs. 1,. K. l!rown-IJipi- tt and Mrs. Sl.ver. ft ltSA LI 0 -l- re New Mexico ii firms saying a $100 I ecu Good Income assured. Address Nation- X. Kb:htlSt. Suite 2, law Library Mid. diaft for had Anna K. all of Allui-(liniu- e, IUO KLONI' rooms, rigated farm, where alfalfa is al- al Pealty Co., 4, tuiiiiftied for will find a c line of Office Phone 614; Phone lG9tW. mailed. No Wold has yet been had N. M. housekeepifig. .24 W. Vol' mpb'te ums $20 per toil oil the place and lie. Mnjrden bld;,'., Washington. II. C. Central. millinery and Ibiek-W- . from the others. Aztec merchants and . town. All products 1'KANCISCO DKI.C.Alx 1( li liKNT 3 iilllllM.ed m for tmj retails $tn in atest liberally Hegisler. IWANTLIi Live men and women to loo ram frames at Allaiitic. Plume hlghist wi prices. Pri- DENTISTS. citizens have donated for this light 1 stern market s housekeeping. 4a4 N. S 720. l'ridge people act as local ag.-nt- In AlbiuiUerque, .end. Ida l'ovle. vate water right on abundant moun and the Cedar Hill have I5I.K l' NOTICH fOlt PI Ai'lON. iPernnlillo, Sandoval and Valencia Oit KION'T lushed rooms for P'U! SALIO - I'm iiilure poioli. "The W. V. Mome, Silver lilt. J. kllAFT Mihscrlbcd all the labor necessary to thp U. P. tain stream. tl. li Department of Interior, counties, for good iiioney-makin- light h'usekei piny.. 724 S. Second. l.a'ili.':.' friend," will tmlivli furni- N M. l uild approaches and put up the steel Land Office Sunt Ve, N. Al.. Oct. Ilental Burron. at proposition, deferences required. Ad-- ; KOK LION'T-- or 3 nicely furnished ture, pianos, ,i nti a and floora Ilooms Harnett HIiIk. Thone 744, Work. The bridge will be completed 30. 1313. ( dress P. I. l!ox 4a:,, Ciy. rVoms with board if preferred. 421 ev. Phone li.vV. Appointment Madrt by Mall. Notice is hereby Riven that An- Jlike FOR SALE Houses. before Christmas, if the present mild West Copper. KOU SALIO Home giouii shade and Vi tonio linen, of San Antonio, llcrnalllli, jl.lOAKN iiutomoliilo n pairing, driving eather contiiu es. i countv. New Mexico, who. jn .March on cars; electrical, civil KoU P.KNT Throe rooms, i'ui ni'.iied fruit tiees. Call Sunday foienoon I' oil SALIO Mv modern 6 room resi- 1 111. Cniiidnui Maddux celebrated ' ii i lii-- i cheap, lor B, 1913, mnde Homestead applleatlen engineering, surveying; methods most for li'.'ht housekeeping, modern, no or afier o', e niugs, or address dence in ' nils, and .Jb'.Ul.JjiJ' anniversary Tuesday by N'-'- . NK'-- w slck..r.iri S. W'all.r. me and I will call. A. Pohle, 112 S. lit tci am io suit. I'lione 1201. .M. - - No. 01S029, for SW'i, practical; room and board hile A. U. SltoHll.i; J. givirr- n dinner to about fifty friend.). ',4 nigh. iSKUNVVU. nn.l 8 NK'i NW',4 learning; positions secured; sntlsfac I'oli i;i:.T Ktirnish, d i'ooiiim. will. foil S 1.I0 itta :.e. $1550; Practico Limited to Tuberculosis. Mrs. Maddux was born in Indiana In (List No. Section 12, Town ition guaranteed; catalog free. Natlon- - or without i.ourd. ;ios ,S. Aruo St. SALIO An nut i .mobile, 1SH2 brick, f I Vuo i. in, $22'.0. Hours: 10 to 12. I'lione 1177 and remembers perfectly the ship 10 N, Range 6 E, N. M. P. Meri- al School of Kugineering, 2110 W. 7tll. Phoiie li 4. model overland, run k.iiiio miles In W, II. McMllllon, 2 5 W. tl old. 224 M W. Central Av. filed of to Los leaving must A many events of the period before and dian, has notice Intention Anreles. Mi It KIO.NT .vewly furnished l'o his.'. all. owner town, benee SALIO A nice home, furnished, Ibuqnerqne Sanitarium. Phono Mt live-ye- proof, to establish tinn ia .....i, in l.,.e ii it c.1,.,-- Foil during the war of the rebellion. She make light si 1" p - ir. ...mi ii.ii $2. cash, for $50 a be- for housekeeping, with 000, half rents DILS. Tl I.I, & HAKIOS claim to land aliove described, 1; l.'.i'., was living- at X.iuvoo, 111., when the the HELP WANTED Female. ing porch and bath. r. 1 K. Coal. at once. Answer Morning Jour month. A 20 per cent Investment. fore II. It. Whiting, r. S. Commission- or pneue Specialists 10ye, Fur, None, rtiroaL agitation was on which ended in Poll lilONT Newly furnished, nal iiii. Owner, niri' Jouriial: Stalu National Pank Jildg. er, st Albuiiucniue, N. M., on Ice. I sicaiu expulsion WANTKI I l ;,i for general hollse-7t- h con- mod- the of the Mormons. Her 9. 1913. heated room, outside lights; FOR SALE Livestock, Poultry. Foil SALIO Houses. Phone !t!9 work in small fa mi ly. St. veniences. West hotel, 211! N. 2nd. bungalow, new. good neighbor- maiden name was Kmmet, and she is Claimant names ns witnesses: IIIS '3 ern SOI.O.MOV K 111 ItTON. M. 1). Na-jtar- -- like rent. a direct descendant of Hubert Km Sals, Pederieo (iallegos, l'Oit U10NT Housekeeping rooms i m: SALIO one cow. hood. $10il down, balance Physician llilarlo WANTIOI) lOxperleneed Hiiles- - f .his. Heilly Co.. 204 W. and Surgeon, Mad-ile- x Lopez and Ksplnoza, lnqulro John Karon llui' met, the Irish patriot, Crandmu llonifaclo ladies, at the Keonomlst. and furn'rhed cottagei. Ilv '"J-'-- L N''i!"J' rhone B17. lturnettl niil. N. M. 61 W. Coal. Hold Ave. , U hale and hearty, doing all her all of Albunuerque, I ; SALIO i fciis, heap. Phone 1 !L DKl.OAPO, 1 4 bungalows UH. M. KOI!. STAPP own housework, and bids fair to FUANCISCO WAN Kl At once, live bright, ca- Kllll HI0NT--- 2 iste fur - Ad Iross 'I'liliieenih and fruit. folt SU.K and ttoelsior. w ill f urnlsh lot and build to pbvsp Ian mid Surgeon. reach the 100th milestone. pable ladies to travel, demonstrate nlshed rooms, Crant bldg., S.i.lO - Pigs, and big, dead or W. Apply 20. ifo: lillle lOasy payments. Call and see Ol floe and Kcsideiice, Six ars of cattle and four cars and sell dealers. $27 to $50 per week, Central. room S!i. 10.1 still. cf or alive. Phone Mdiuire, W." general contrac- SI2'-.- W. Central Avenue. were loaded out from the HOTELS. Kuili'oad fare paid. Goodrich Druts FOR illOXT Three modern house- old town. John Mei.iiiaile, heal Co., Omaha. Neb. tor, 104 S. Hrouilwuy. Plumes: lies., III!, IIII. (.INS stockyards Tuesday by A. H. Webster, keeping rooms; also sleeping rooms. SALIO Voimg thoroughbred YOU a good room, go to the VVAXTIOD Lady flit! l.ol.'.W; ol'lice. f..i". tienilo-l'rlnar- y and Skin Dlsenseil. a Monte Vista, Colo., stock buyer. The ill'" want agents und collec- Apply 115 West Cold. ('real Dane, excellent watch (lost. liellevue Hotel, 313 S. First, oppo- tors in cities and towns in Xew Kalvars.iii (OOfi) AdiiilnlHtore'l. no d j:;n mild winter far haw been favorable depot. IQvervtblng modern. Mexico, must best foil H KNT Three modern, furnisli-c- sTMni. Stern P.ldg. Albuquerque, N. M. site furnish of refer- iianl.M-i- ys. BUSINESS CHANCES for (attic mill sheep. The winter KOPc7l1TAN HOTIOL Newly ences with application, for particulars housekeeping rooms wilh sleep- Foil SALIO i ing liul.c range is MET ing porch, clean very ihsirnhlo. fat and line. Al Pi nee s v agon bett.;r than If the freezing newly ; new man-- I write T. II. McKay, Klepliaiit Unite, and. i.l and lodging papered, furnished Va JIM) X. ProMilway. I'oi; Cestaiirant weather come, X. .M. tiL'oJVSixlh nl. II ". had as gentle rains agement: transient trade solicited. ho . 10. Nil rl. S. First. bree-yei- r- Practice Limited I LIONT SALK two t i - have promoted growth of the grass LA 'I I0S 'l'o make shields at home. Foil furnished rooms tor l''oi and SALIO OK TKAI'IO Highly Hu- j housekeeping; fil and $7 per mouth. o!d I'.amlioiiletlii Win. Mcin- Gcnito this jear long after the customary D- $20.uo per lna. ordinary plain sew- ras. proved 10 i's. Fully Irrigali ll, ii Urinary Diseases and WAJTE- Mrs. .Mariey, 4 LI Melnlosh. N. M. ut time. ing. Can make four an hour. .Material S. LroaiJw.i.v. tosh, b ,1,11110 orchard. S lock 1 r, 1 n r. acres alfalfa, mod- Phone I' II - Discascs of the Skin. IICSINIOSS C lON'I'LIO.M AN wants furnished. Work sent prepaid. Send Oit SALK Oood ii nn. m tlolse, men li.a ml ise or iliugs. l!ox 47:i, Ar- 4 house, stamped addressed (uivi lope par- KIONT Three nice large airy Mound ( Ilea p. e0; W. Ha- - A tight tceling In the chest aecom-t'anie- d ern to furnished for folt anil gi ntle; tesia, X. M. The Wiissermann and NoKiichl Teata. permanent. Must be first- - ticulars, paragon Supply Co., 10:131, rooms for light housekeeping, un- by a short, dry cough. Indi- close in, y.i Idine. "SAl'.lO Tii ' I, slore ami stage Halvarsan "tioti" adinlnistered. Myrtle Ave., ( Mo. conveniences, light, Foil ' cates an Inflamed condition In class and furnished in Kansas ilv. furnished, all in Fo. No com Citizens Hank Culldlnir the Address, phone bath, ideal neighborhood. FOlt SALIO i 'a tic. linn to 400 head line on nil. in Santa lungs. To relieve it buv the dollar manner. Pest references. and 1). petition; makes g. ..I money the year Alluiqiici quo ' New Mellii HJ0-- care II HI W. of mixed catlle. Inquire of I!. niie with full particulars, Call Coal. Par-car- o PALLAP.D'S HoAlillofNT) WANTED Salesmen. Cox or II. K. Dyers, Helen. a on 11. 1. Price $12,0011.00. For I N.M. SVLl'P; you get wilh eaeli bottle a Journal. II KI0XT--- I'm nisheil rooms, 11' u hi (', H. L., of oJ NG ! N FolTsALi; Two bisl bred Collie rs, address GE EER S. flee lll'.RLK'K'S ltlOI) PKPPKK SALIOSAI KN u ,ay introduc- large sleep: !!; pun Ii, use of kileti-- : JVIIjl WANTED Positions. puppies ill the stale. Nicely markid. Journal. Poltol'S PLASTIOIt for the chest. ing the gnatist cigar stimu- LI)lt.-lTilliA- N trade en, bath, cletlrh lights, telephone, 1 iiSTAI'Li.'-- pnditabl Jl Tim syrup A ild rem M. '. Welch, M. !., Pena peimaiient. relaxes tho tightness and lator. Healers eager to install. lOvery Ad-car- e larg :o. by experienced fuel for cooking a month. Diunea, N.M. business of your own. World's i;.(.ii:i:i;iMi -, Ihe plaster draws out the Inflamma- WANT10D Position demonstration a sale. Act quick. Mining 1111,1 I reeling 10o,:tner- Hood all dress Kungiilovv, Journal. Vim rst maiuilaetun r. Kx lusiv e reprcscil tion, H is an ideal combination for cattle ranch foreman. N'ovoity Co., lianvllle, 111. THIOV LAV, they win.tliey pay. ri- hy ; to si,... Hi I'eri required. Am Concentration of ores Flotation, cm-ins- references. I lues fold,, settled In the lungs. Sold around man. Can furnish WANTKI) Foil IK XT lionnis for light house- four Lists, one at state Albcrt Mills Designed, Krected and Op- I'y 191, Albuquerque, N. M. Salesmen. Ked hot line seconds, can O. M Co., 252 Clark St., all druggists. P. O. Hox of novelties, bank supplies, calen- keeping for the aeeomniodatioii of fair, J011; six firsts, two erated. Aline Kxumlnatlon and large and small families. Modern In 1012; live, lirsts, four seconds and Lea, Minn. dars, leather and cloth goods, yard . Management. every way und lit Cm-- McDonald cup, 1 0 :t. 11. C. 11. L sticks, pencils, t,tc. Novelty advertis- reasonable rales. Ideas want- .Send us samples of your orea for teat. 4 S. ('. Wanted Inventions ing every Sup- - Call at 40 N. Second St., Mrs. Mafy Iteiis, Mottled Aneonas, Whlto Itooiii 7, Law Llhriiry Hide. for business. Hunkers' K. ed by ninnul'iiolurerij and prices offer- ply Co., Iowa City, la. I'.aeheehl, Orpinglons, Huff oi plngtoriH tind I. Phone lit in. I. O. Hoi SMI (lucks. Cocks. lieijM, ivickciels and ed for inventions, our four books WANTIOI) spe- 10 Salesman. Callable 'III ATLANTIC. L. 10. or Fen Well Millets for sale. Tliomas, P. O. sent free. Patent Secured ""dressmaking cially man for New Mexico. Vacan- furnished und well ventilated 717 Victor J. lOvuns & Co., Wash- cy - ooms First-clas- s ':.' Ili.'.ehlln. now. Attractive commission con- with bath. home !i'"Li"' 1 1. 'I A ! 10 S- - ington. a. ) i tract. Staplo line on new and excep cooked meals. One block Horn the FOlt SALIO oil f..'i Nl one WANTIOI Dressmaking at homo or Visitors year-ol- k To Our weekly ex- railroad .shops, eight blocks from the blai .lack, named Seotile, by the day. Mis. 10. H FreU, 110 tional terms. $;;0.00 for $20"; one 0 ye. r- o'd, extra large MONEY TO LOAN. penses. .Miles P. Co., 191-4- 5 city, on car lie, Single meals Sr.e, V. Slate Ave. liixler gray jack named Luke, $100; one Oarlin bldg., Cleveland, o. weekly arid monthly rates. Mrs. Carry Iron WANTIOD esMiiaking, " blin k Jack, sired by Jum- MONIOV TO LOAN Money advanced In tailored WANT 10H Salesitiia n for" Tin TiTnTeof Tiompson, proprietress, 820 S. Third mid evening gowns. M. St bo, $500; woe black Jack, to railway find other employes on suits Mr. year Phone 1728. TO. VV. Silver. 172S. and 111H, expel ieneed In any oxl ra. fine, sired by Jumbo, $750; one salaries or household goods, without Horton. .IIS Phone line, to sell general trade in New large lack, T'nlon Loan Co., over First Mexico, FOR' RENT Dwellings. extra Mammoth named removal. field for in- fnexcelied specialty proposi Paymaster, S jears old, $1,000; one Natloiiftl Hank. MISCELLANEOUS. AIJ'iKRS ADDITION' offers you a profitable tion. Commission contract, $3"i.00 F ' KENT house, n ruin to black registered I'ercberon stallion, 4 be- weekly expenses. 'II ( V You will, while here, for Continental 909 years old, Jl,auu; two muck regis LOST. HOMI S FOlt IIII. Dill vestment in Albuquerque property. 277-- 4 7 Fourth ward school. Phon Jewelry Co., Continental HIdg., tered Pereheron stallions, 2 years old. Children Ink n cure of by day, week Cleveland, ( Ihlo. Foil IllOXT Five-roo- modern fur- X05 eve of largely increas- sell one or more of I and or moiitli. N. I'.ightii. come convinced that this city is on the nished house. Inquire 416 N. Sixth. $500 each. Will LOST lei weell First street "WANTIOI Capable salesmen for our the above nnliimls, or exchange one TIJeras Canyon, heavy gold ing her real .estate prut It KNT Classy bunga- SO( ing lier population, and consequently that Cash Credit System which simple or mere for breeding ewes at with initials II. L. II. lleturn to M (.l) VIIOX OKKO A f TO The bristles with merit. $300 a month and low, wst side; $25. Portorfield Co. (market price. Also for mile or ex- Metropolitan hotid. Heward. 1,1 MO. in the very near future. upwards being sales- - lUON'f-3-ro- - values will also increase largely paid our trained Foil oin furnished cot- change, 1)0 head of extra large I'er- nt AHDAI.IOXA 10 iiieil. .'ii I Ul.lli foi ."h.ui ol !,u.!.. p. !. .1 ,.i,,l la (o.e c.n are sure to tage, sleeping porch. i2tu s. Limn. isi... ioo pjio.s i .. ) new Santa Fe shops, to cost at least $1,500,000, "dead ones." Live, Intelligent sales- 1 to 4 years old. Phone dillon. Placlla li.--i men or business men with retail ex- ll Co.. Los Alamos. X. M. (SOCOltltO i''in ( I 10 add 5,0(30 to Albuquerque's population. perience preferable. Join our train- Foil KIONT A modern, ti WILL ION 'I A Xi i A Premo camera l ure One Way, SX.V). ing house, G rooms nicely furnished, and outfit for printing; and develop school December 1st. The Ingle WANTED Miscellaneous. .Special or System Co., Dayton, Ohio, klosti in. Apply 115 W. Hold. Ing, for a few chickens, Phone LHillW. rates for round trips for is only a block from the court -- ALBKRS ADDITION" KIOXT 4, 5, nil-U- K parlies. Trips made for two or tnoro WANTKD Sa l smnn! (Ml7er FOK modern WANTKD Wo buy old and cent any city. fold passengers. line, and lias city conveniences. 'Ihe profit. Kixid income for life. Hoods cottages, almost part of vi'f (ewolrv Henri' tt's. R 2nd. PERSONAL. house, on the street car W II. McMllllon, 215 W. Hold. We drive oVIOLLAND OAKS anil give undersell anything similar by more I HI V hand c lies and fur-:- t. lots are 50x142 feet, $100 and up, and are sold on easy terms, than half. Sells to stores, by parcel Foil IllOXT modern brick nitui'i in 5 i. Fi!.t Plioii(ili(;2. LLK'TKIO.L corpoi ion will give lie bst service in thin country to any-wher- e. post. Kverybody h prospective cus- house, gas, electric light, bath, largo thorough course ill ele' llical ngi- - pay- cakpht'T'lioaxin';, furnitiiro and quail-sale- s $5 a month, without interest on deferred tomer. Twenty-yea- r yard. 2IS W. Ave. Apply young w ho .V down and $5 Kxelusivo territory. llazeldlne stove repairing. W. . HolT. neeriiig free to ini'ii maciiim; APK) constputtkky 30!) VV. SO S. Phone If de- contract. Must carry small stock. Hold of Third St. 5 CM. fy; developing larger force; COMPANY. until deed and abstract are nu-lal- ments. Owner pays taxes P.laekstono Ink Co., Inc., San Fran- FOK KION'T house, merely curious, do not ntiswei. furnished WAXTKI nialii I direct from 410. Magdalona, N. M. C, Hrovvn, Mgr. cisco. $:'i!.80. unfur-nltilio- dress Dept., File 20. Kooin livered." modern, owners coiu i ruing sale modern in II .1 Hlilg., Si. Louis, Mo. paid, gas four-roo- WANTED Agents modern, $20, water biingahny. Address P. O. ItOSU MAIIj i.ixk. while you and coal rung's. A. Fleischer, 111 S. brix js, City. Dally passenger Rervtce leavlnr llos. Do not fail to investigate this proposition TYPEWRITERS. well a. m. AtHONTS (let particulars of one of Fourth street and Carrl.ozo at 8:00 a' "TOR "REN T--A p arliTTM tsT West Hound. Fast Hound. are in the city, as it may prove to be "lucky strike" for you. the best paying propositions ever foil K i;XT house, 10 and ALL KINDS!, both new and second- gas Arrive. Arrive. put on market. Something no one ranges, two Pre places, two iCTvoiivyr-- . the ItiOXT - Furnished hand, boughl, sold, rented and re . . . . 4 4 5 p. m. Make $4,000 yearly. Send porchi s, cellar, one block Fui: Ttoswell else sells. screened loodern, wilh gas range. W. paired. Albuquerque Typewriter . The following agents will be pleased to take you over the 10. II. 11:00 a, rn. Plcilclll) .. 1:40 p.m. po'-tii- today for particulars. M. from Central. 'iirnll lire for sa le. VV. 32 1 W. Hold. 215 Hold. cliangn. Phono 144. 11:30 a. m. . . Tinulo . . . 1 : 1 5 p. m. I'ci'.man, Sales Mgr., hOMfj fivcamore Krewor- - Pi roc Insurance Agencv, ' ' addition with plats and prices: I0XT - f urn'ished 5 . . . p. and supply 'you SL. O. 2 17 V Central Ave. FO!i: 11:5 a. rn llond ,12:50 m. Cincinnati. ' :: Albuquerque 1 apai close in, rooms und 1 .no p. ni. . Lincoln . . . 1 :30 a. in. 110 ilOS, Trunk 'rin''i','-rr-n "tijTTi IHOI.I IA 4'OTTAf glass sleeping porch, 7nli W. Lead, 2:00 p. m., Ft. .10:30 a. m. JOHN" T. KK1.LY, Albers l!uilding, on the grounds. FOR ROOmS With BOarCI rooms with bath complete, Factory Stanton Three !'( 'K 'llKNT'-Tvv- o" furiilshed'lliTTs, 4 ii 35 p. in. . . .. Oapltan . . 10:00 a. m. S. 2d. St K. 211 W. Gold Ave. rooniH each, porches, all modern 200 3:.'! 5 p. m...... Nog.'il . . . 9:00 a.m. C1IAS. M1CUAKL ItiOXT LOOMS wTtTiiToXkd', jdoiilde plumbing, nev, perfectly sani- - 423 'Foil com eeleiu es, ground floor. par Phono 4 : 4 5 p. ni. . . . Carrlzozo . . . LIOSIDKN'OK Hl'ILI'lNO n arv 1r."t V HI, one ?M For TIIKUX REALTY CO., 10r V. Central Ave., .Slurges ''.;,Tj - iilnrw phone Hie ow ner, i, K(i, Trunks. Hand, Through fan OH" way $tO.M Ci 'l"l'Ai WITH Pi H' 'I KS, 'A - Chs-e- , I ! I 1," bags, Hult Intermediate points .... IOc m.'.lo I b.lel I'.ldg.. K I AH 10 FOlt (il'IOSTS. Ml I.K.I WANTED Boarders. KION'I' Nicely i.rnished 2 kt S light etc., innde, 50 lljs, Haggat.e. free Kxcess carried iCIUOAM. Hl'TTIOK 1'KO.M OCIt OWN' . und roorn aparlmenla for repaired first-clas- s houKokeeplntt. IOnglew ood," and liOSWIOLl, AITO CO., JIOKSKYS. , LOCK Al IT HANOI I, WAXTKI J Ta bio boarders, "The exchanged. 'PUONli 1039. MUS. W. II. ItEEU.I lutuls, horny cookins. 314 N. tlb strong block, Second and Coi'por. Owuers nml Oreriilors I'lione J8I SUMbAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1913. SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, 00000000000000000000000000 Congregational ihurch li:t HtranKed o k the oei ond minilu r if u wet leu of like llic Hardware Co. 0 free entertainment Klven under their ou iiri ilirilily don't Crescent 'O SOCIETY aupplceH, a leelurn on the i'linamu n o Y any more than FiirnUhlnjf (J Cnllery, Tool, Iron lip o Viinal, I'v Mr. C. (i. Cnity, 11 'man who wurti ciassy Btovr, I Ilonae ohI, I lance, Smart has Hpent the ji.iMt lilne year In the ...... l.... 1.-- I'1I1 t Copper p C do; mil Miiinii'Mv nv. Yaltca and lining, Muinblng, Heating, Tin and Work. AND MHS. U. II. OOWTKIt, muni none, In the employ of the W. CFXTItAL AVE. TFI.Fl'HOXK III o hii lire noun to leave AHui'liier- - Iniled tateH Knvernilielit, 1 In work! find one tliat comes so near to IIS O ijuo for tlirlr future home In Culifor-11I1- Iiiix lu eii aui h tin to take til 111 lulu of a 0 a describing tlic apiiearancc O Stationery have liecn the recipients of every town of site In the zone, and o number of happy mi'lal affair Klven he In than well in quainletl with the man in o In their honor. On the evenlnK of ( ciuntry and with the history of the That Delicious MILK and CREAM o 14lh, trnil Mm. Connor en- ImlldltiK of the canal. The lecture o your the Ir. o Your loiter arei uncut tertained very pleasantly t cards a ml will he llluxtratcd hy ttovernniciit Hart Schaffner o they roprewiil )ni; tliey upoak ilunilnK for the Cowpcra. Their views and plrturea taken by Mr. C'arty MATTHEW'S o fur you. )! )uu have ymir Kucata were Mr. and Mrs. Cowpcr. hliMHilf. A muMliiil proKrnm will o Mr. n ml MrH. I. 1!. Morrin, Mr. ami ptei edo the lerture. A cordial Invl- - & Marx o nk'inl aliiibhlly nr rnrrli--l- Phone 420 o Mra. George Taylor, Mr. ami Mm. It. latlon l extended to the general puh- - o ilri ill? Hardly. It Isn't mo F.. Curry, Mr. ami Mm. II. O. Strops; lie and Htrank'rra are requested to clothes, as that word if you lo iimi kimmI Matloiiory. anil Mr. fnaan Parka. make thetnxelven known, that the go- - on Saturday evenlnK. the momhefs elety may aid In milking their Htuy in wrmt to know what we mean o Tuesday .SewInK eluli. with City pleanant. The o of the the entertainment look at our illustration. o their husbands, gave a iharmlnK din- will he Klven at the church, on i'ri-da- Charles Ilfcld Company o HURD'S LINEN LAWN ner at Tuft hall, the Alviirmln, to Mr. the !! lith, at 7:3". men styles; o anil Mim, Cowper. The dinner waa Serial young o lieau-tifull- y nerved In couroen 11 ml wiih ideas; of Everything o T.e per Ilox elxhl If in Doubt hie, new, different Wholesalers o iippolnteil. The iliioratlotm o were white rhryMiitilheinuin.H and the full of smart fashion. Styles - in War Rosa o favors Amerlran lleautv mneH. Kol- A,miCIKTy article the Aurora, all Las Vegas Albuquerque Santa Home-Ihlm- ? oliler men; sizes for ,0 IowIiik illnner, 11 n evi nliiK at iiinlH enntaina far the n o LAWN FINISH enjoyed Davlil-o- n lioine. that may he taken n 11 mikkch-llo- shape. o CRANE'S wiih at the men of any on North Fourth afreet. The (iiiinfH of value to home pi opcr h e o rquu hostcHB or to Home one Inrliiiled Mr. Mrs. I. K Morrl". $-- o h:v per I in and nig suit values at 5; o Mr. rind Mtm. H. K. Cuiiv. Mr. and who hiiM "nothing to wear" to the N. M. A. kii.v.m: o Mm. I.. J. Miller. Mr. and Mm J. 1. nwell reception. It and other prices from , o V. The lioateaa wan prettily decorated n Strong Brothers !0 Ouvldwin, Mr. and Mm. C. Hum- up. id y, Minn and Mr. 1'. t la autumn leaves. ' $1S Try I o BOND Anna Trexler i liulcrlaker mill .inlmbiiora. o OLD HAMPSHIRE Sliellhait. 1'rompt mtI ilny or nlt'lit. o L. B. P. i liHtl. Telephone 7.V IlcllleiC, o S.V, 60c, tide per llol Mn.nK lilk., Coimt anil his'oml. o Informal Dinners Simon Stern, Inc. CANNED GREEN o o A N WINN CHILI o M"M MltS. KUKIiKltlC I o IMMEDIATE ATTENTION nleilaliied at a Very happy lit Horse Auction This store is the home of Hart I o tle Informal dinner on last .Sunday o It wiih 14 "forest" affair & Marx clothes o eveninif. Schaffner o TO MAIL ORDERS Their KuiHtM were Mr. A. S. 1'ei k. Mr. Arthur Kinularid, Mr. Hon I'. John- - o On Tuesday, the 21th Instant, All by H tmt W(, IhiM' It from &. wr P o Omon. of Silver City, Mr. John l. Goods Sent Free O start'.nif at 2 p. in., at Ciiamils t o (liiihrie of the Apache national foreat, X n i o Men. City, Stables, 114 avn-tin- e, I Cofylljht l!stt & V!r T 9 (limit ill II YAltD. oliind I'oreornn, of Silver West Silver til tUS rUolni X Inliilil 11.00 I'I I o on wuy I H Count mill we. 1 o oiwho una atoppinK here her I will sell at public unction: I enat. o Strong's Hook Store 1 bay horse, 7 years old, weight NEW B N DIInmflfAV Dun C f H o b a nuy vjivii.Arn m Money Hack Yo dou- uiumiiiui o "Your If Mra. n. I,. Ilrooks end rtained at l,"ll( lbs.; drives slnu'le or ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo w ii I : I i m Infilling. 1 ,0 f Col. 1 8;m at Commercial Club o Want It." dinner on Thursday cvenlm;. ir ble, bay mare, years tM, Nul 4 ! it Flake lull I lake In OppoMlm I'nKKifriie. B o H. A. Jaatro, of liakerafleld, Calif. weluht 1,400 lbs., works hIiikIo IIIHlll' fl'illl Wlll'ltl. II waa 11 moat enloyuhle affair. 00000000000000000000000000 1 bay iih- - i'i ii rut; or double. horse weight ItlMI t AMII H 3, If!! iilso, 1 net of double CRYSTAL TODAY Ortiz-O'Bann- Wedding MUM in irnin ill dance nt Odil Fellowa' hall last iilrht. harnesa almost new. Can he seen 'TIM', OlVI'lf i.Mi'i.itoii fancy Ahout twenty couplea partlclpafed in A l.ahlc Tii-I!it- I "A I'ltOINVSH, ritosi iifii of week Monday afleruoop. Auction on Hcniai (ItM l S alTalr, ami had a royal i;ood time. I'UHTTY weddliiK the 1 'cat lire. OliOKY" - the ut 2.lii p. 114 II io- i- ic I A vaa that of Mr. Kamoii Ortiz Tuesday, in. nt Is Ihe Fourth Story of II. Tim Nallonal hank yealerday ii This i; i atol Mlna Kvn o'llannon. which oc- West Silver avenue. ri,AMi; i:kts" Who Will .Marry Mary." ii.oitiox .ki hut t) Icil anlt aauliiMt yiiieent Jtoiiiero. Felipe dn A Mirlli rroKiUinic Comedy, m. i:cii. linking for $i;i5. Itomero curred lit the Chuch of San ltuiiny Photographs JiulKiiient Neil, al o'clock on Monday morn-lni- . With John n.OlilllA OltAMil.S Kiive the hank u promlsslory note for Mini Juicy On evening of Hie wedding, ED FRANK oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa Tin xuii'tiKt moat 1 4. I HI.', according to the 00 Oecemlier In honor of the oriiniic lit hi' Imil t lilt early In the com nlii Int. a dance waa fttven III!' M'HHllll, bridal couple at Society hall, Old and Mra. W. K. I'rovincH have Auctioneer . Bill' mill lllli- - Or. All uu'icriiue, which was a very pretty lelurned from a five weeks' aojotirn TODAY ( II Will HUMioi:.S make ni'mt acceplahle Chrlalnia glfta. and happy affair. Mr. Ortiz la the PASTIME ., at Camp Wliltcomh, and will remain of Old 2 il-- ar.c. Walton Kuaranteea the heat lit Inweat Hon of Attorney Modesto Orlir, nlioiit Ihrep weeka Infore nolns Alluiiueriue, and the bride la the touav U Icea. San Antonio, HoUHtoli and Galveaton, fl llm. Kneel Pol lit last fur S.V 'niece of Mr. and Mra. Louis o'l'.an-no- ('S "ON CI I IVIN A TIMK" Tex., " aoelid the Winter. ihnw-ire- d "TIIF WW (.HAI'I) .11 K I Armour' or Their many friends have LET US SEND A MAN llroiu lio Jtcliunco Wcloli'a, a.v per ot. 1 i(alri. 31.1 2 . Central Ave County Clerk A. K. Walker yester- them with Kood wishes for a day Issued license to marry to lonif and happy married life. They To Itcplare That llroken Window Itamon Zunl and Marcellna Jojoln, jure to make their home in old Town. (.lass. ( ir.MTi.H of ins i .inr' IIFIT. (ilUI TIV AM) N17TA hoth of laleta; Jeans (ianla and e ALnrQCEityeK LrsmEH Majestic i'lio Coniaiiclic Amelia, I'erea, holh of Alameda: will plotis you. Zamoru, hoth Arrivals tx);nAXY WARD'S lafcifii flarclii and Flora 421. 42S N. First. STORE of Ooa liricwoa; Waller Cornell, of Phone ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo LOCAL ITEMS i:icdiant Unite, anil Kllxahcth Sennit, ItS. AI.VAN W1IITK, of Santa Fe. Marble Ave. I'lionc 2 MS, 20V M til r of WalerhuiK, Conn. i H. WAIU), OF IJVTE-REs- of public instruction, arrived In the ooooooooooooooooooooooooc o Mar. An miialciil nt the l'reH-- j 1 I: Informal city Friday evening and la aloppim. Stove hylerlan anmitoi luni will he ulvcii! at the Combs hotel. STRONG'S LIVERY. Orrlllon Lnmi MAMNfOAl ftO ltnti:(AST. thU rveulntf hy Mra. lllmoe, pianist; j nll kmn Ccrrillog Stove violinist, and Mlsai For rnoxE ii. Mrs. lleiicleraon, Mra. Mary C. C. Itradford nrrlves FinST-CT.AS- tyaahlilKlnn, Nov. 22. New Mexico: (li lminer, aoloist. The Her- - S HIGS AND AXTIIKACITE, AMi SIZF.S, STI.AM COAL. Ciilharlne this mornlriK Irom Oenver and will Sv 11)1.1 : Fair Sunday and Monday, vice follows the dinner hour at i IIOKSKS. Coke, Mill WckkI, Fa:tory Wood, Cord Wood, Xatlvo Kindling, Fire slop at the Alvarado while In the I'lionc 7.")2. 70S S. Sconil. o'clock mid laala about thirty iniuulea. illy N. M. E. A., at Ilrlck, Clay, Santa Fe Hrlck. Common Ilrlck, Flmc. SHUFFLEBARGEKS 111 atlendiiiK the lire vi:ATiii:it roitT. lsllora are Welcome. which she ih to be one of the most 30000000000000000000000000 Juan A. Creel, president or the prominent speakers. TllAM i:il MM! For twenty-fou- r ending FUnoii, Trunk lloiiacliolil tiiMida the hours llancn Mlnero do Chihuahua, and a ami fit 5 p. m. yeslerday. Knrl-tii- e of Chihuahua, WALLACE HESSELDEN 8MM'lal Altenllon. brother of former Ambassador Mr. Juan A. Creel, fUen Maximum lem perntm e fi 4 di'ifieea, yea- a city, at Ihe Mill & rilONRH 84;l 071 11ISJ Creel, arrived In Albuiiieriiio Mexico. Is visitor In Ihe Ct;r.:ractorn. Chicago Lumber Co. iiimliiium tetupei il ill e 'IT; rant;" I 1. lerday and will upend several days home of Mrs N. T. Armljo, 11211 West General T lllpelatllle lit fl p. III. Vestelday here. Today he will be the uticst of Copper avenue. Mr, Creel la Iireal-de- HOTEL Flffurea and worKmanBhlp count i t wIimIh; partly cloudy. Mrs. N. T. Armtlo, of f.L'.'l Went Copper of Ihe llanco Mlnern, of Chlhua- - Grand Central We guarantee more for your money General Planing Mill. avenue. Mr. Creel declined to hi in- - a of Anibasaador than any contracting firm in hna. and brother 1 41 atcain licatcil outside other Candy tcrvlewed on the Mexican Hlluallou. i;nrlitie C Creel, wtm was formerly w, Albuquerque. Office at Fee'a Hloni. ItlMilllS. Italh. 8 PHONE 596 Or. .'Ichwciillier, Tel. 717. I!, governor of the state. LA XING MILL 3d and Marquette Phone For an o.stcopalh. Hew I.ansim? ltloom yesterday ftfh1., ."., $1.00 a (bi,v. BcrEiuort r Or. I'roi Iih a, eye, car, now and w n a notified by telegram that Albu-iileri- t riione S77. actomoiiii.i: HKRVirn decided on for a tTm la KeaHonalile Hatla- - Ihroiit apei'lulial, will he In lif. Wood'11 had been Departures Weekly and Monthly Rates and ( In frii e, Irani lUdit., for 11 f v weeks. theoliiKlcnl Hcmlnary. 'J'lie idea one I J a. m. 2 K p, fostered by Mr. Iiloom, who Is now SCHWKNT-KFl- 501-50- iiicm-iircts- . 501-50- 2. BAMBROoFs Hums la In to in. ANO MltS. F. ill, t riione 2 for We haul It. Flumes LIVERY Phono 21. leKhllnn hero with his family. Already luive left for Koswell, where Wll-lar- are ready Mr. arid Mrs. .1. I f. lvrrln, of several prospective aludeiitM thev will apetld a week with friends. lo enroll. It in expected that In a few arrived last iilk'ht for a short an Vlsll. , .learn the seminary will become Mr. and Mrs. Carl llopplnu and w w w important Institution. William llus , of l'.oHton, will daimhter. Clara, leave tomorrow iiinht liver a ma In r i aiblrcss tonight for Callfornhi. wliero they expect to T ut 7:4'i In tin Noilh Fourth Htrect LIST YOUR ROOMS. remain Indefinitely. y JOHNHERBOTH Kospi-- ball. ( of CoIik t Ion ill Mr. and Mrs. C. II. llawka have I'AIMI X(j AMI HI Oltll(. The ladles the rea accommo- y hll.SS chilli h are busy inakint; I'lans for All rooms available for left for a monlh'a trip throuuh their chrlid man baaar to bo held dation of delcKiifcn aitendiiiR the New and Wiislilni?lon. They will also iih y l'lioim IU15.J, SOI I,cilia Ave. llecember a nnd II. Mexico lOdui'al ional association next on up Into British Columbia before Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and returning home, To the Women Teachers of y The ladles of llm Central Avenue yealerday Wednesday, ahould ho listed nt once M.tlo.disl church rcall.ed with the secretary of the Com- home-coo- l, In:; sale cnu-il.- either Mrs. W. II. Johnson has rented her j;a from tin ir mercial club, telephone 4H, or the lo- y I hit .Model Mm e. home, on the corner of Tljeras and led ut N. M. K. A., tele- t cal aecretiirv of the Hhortly I'll nl A. F, Waller, secret iry of (he Ninth alreets, and will leave phone 1&H2J. after the first of the month for F.I Mexico T of Archaeology, and New School American to Y ; also a illrccii.r, is here from Santi I'iiso. She will later California, w spend win-- ! I'n lo attend the slate Icacllclii' inu- - TURKEYS FOR SALE. here she expects to the 11 .. tor. i ii. 1 in v your turkeys for 1S cents f. o. MlH. Jlld.-au- i Slllilll, II Icacher al h. AlluMiiii'Ue. Nice line onca, liny A NY of will tell iiIl-Ii- t WOMAN in Albuquerque here to Coming taste llm on. nriiveil lat WeiKht. from S lo 2 pounds. Events V X the convention of the New Mex- TIIAKV TIIAlsr, ico lolucal lona ai'socialion (o be held KS. T. J. Wl.i'iti:V , of liuii West you that this store is one of the real show places y lu re this week. St. Vraiu, N. M. M" Silver loenue, lias Issued Itnila- - It. 1122 I u r,.r rrn,,wiliiv it t'l eriioon to nil af- - y Mr. nnd Mrs. Castillo, of . of the city C. II. M. II.. I). O. ,. h(.r i i h. Wat- - a place that never fails to delight the inorn-lii!- ; f ,,f ;,,.. South Thud street, leave Ibis (Mcopnlliic Spclall-t- . .. y for Helen, when- they no lo at- f i..,,.!,!,, Colorudo. who Is her of Mr. 1 treat ml curable Ulseusos. : lice ihiuw nest V feminine eye because of it's ever-changi- ng presentation tend the weihlltm tomorrow Itafi 325. I'a.stllloH brother, Antonio Castillo. Slum llldi:. riioiin nnd ty t The weibliiie' of Miss (Irace Orim- y A Jolly crowd of people d of all that is and souun II. M. WILLIAMS nnd Mr. lOhlrod AnspaKh. ol newest daintiest and most worth mi unusually i halloing little iner v Oculist. Metcalf. Arizona, Is to be one of the r.ooms 1 and a. Whitlnx nullding, inlerestlim society events of the week. while in women's wear and novelties. Corner Second and tlold. It will be a very ipiict wediliii, only I' No. 6H4. the relatives nnd a few Intimate t friends bay in been Invited. v SPRINGER WAXTI'.ll Fiiriilture of every I N ANTICIPATION of your coming and in order I Kuoil description for cash. Fdivnrd l'rank, The Misses I'.aca arrived last even-Itii,- " v y TRANSFER CO. iiiilonccr, 122 W. Silver. Mimic 013. from Santa I'c to spend the week to do our part in making pleasant your stay here of the weihliiii; as house Kiic."ls at the y N As DRAYMEN, We're IT Saddlo horses. Ttimblo'a, 112 N. 2nd. (itiminer home. we have arranged a Special Advance Display of Christ- Th O. A. It. will meet on next mas Goods which feel will Saturday afternoon at the home of we sure delight any woman who can t Mrs. I. II. Cams. (J07 West field y avenue. appreciate genuine distinctiveness of styles, beauty of fabrics and exclusiveness in novelties. yT Tlic season's most up I Church Notes y licadear for L A D E TT HIS 1" WO pleasant social events Were DISPLAY has been arranged especially for you; we're Men and lioys is now on enjoyed by the members of the St. I'U.ASF XOTK 1' Till". It FA sox TO-H.V- Paul church and their friends duriiiK rather proud of it, and we want you to it. display iiK'hiilin the ce- past Wednesday see Come in as why yov MIOl 1,1) 111' V the week. On after- often f lebrated noon nnd evenlm,'. !h holies held their as you can, and stay as long as you like, Make this store y monthly coffee nt tho home of Mr. place, and Mrs. A. Mcl.ay, nt Fifth and f your meeting as the Albuquerque women do and don't y KNOX, STKTSOX Marble. About fifty were entertained, y think for y Includlnu about a doeon men who a minute that you will be asked or expected to buy. M AI.I.ORV RESIDENT BRAND came In to take supper. On Friday, T y you people spent We want you to feel as free and comfortable the iik of tho church here as you would y IIR.WDS ColTec,Teas,SpiccsandExlracts a social evening at the home of Mr. J in your home town; and you will find and Mrs. Anton Anson, on North ? our salespeople enthusias- Fifth, the affair beinK I" chance, of tic their efforts assist o, . olhlim III our factory. Is touched by Ionian hand, ci crylhliin' in to you in finding all t the social committee of the F.ndeaver ? that Albuquerque y K bamllcil hi Ic hliici v. IIiiih 4.1 II VN I'I I A N(i 'l' Hiiloinaf iiuu the society. has to offer in the of sight-seein- g A4.MNST any I M I'I Ki ll FS. ? way and amusements. The First Cuimrcuational church, V t $2.50 to $8.00 corner of Coal and liroinlway. has y Mom: to Ftu.Low. announced a special ThanksKlvliu; V y musical service for this mornins. A V the hat full choir will render the "Adesla y Fidelia" in FtiKlish, and Mr. T. A. V y Christian will siiim "A Sunn of Thanks-viviim- " The public anil V visitors in the i Itv are cordially In- - V vlted to the service, which bctina ut o'clock. X i -- Bill It will pay yon to t the LYRIC THEATER V X on next Thursday evonlnn the Gold clo'liin Iioii-- c in y laic-- t TODAY'S PROGRAM and I'roadvvay Church of Christ will V celebrate its tenth birthday anniver- y the sonthv. t. - V I Mil f sary. The members of the congreKat- 7 y "FIRES OF FATE" ;tion will enjoy a musical program y bftMtfiiirftl J" from Ti to which will he followed y Feature (Rex) liy a dinner. Al tloi end of the din- y ner, program of Phone 283 313-31- y an interest inif y . . . 5 West Central "AN ELEPHANT ON HIS HANDS" (Nestor) speeches will bp heard, after which jj.Olfls!iluiniCa the evening will he spent In laform.'il. y "BILLY'S TROUBLES" (Gem) ' dlveralong. ' ' j I Tho Young 1'voplc'a society of the

. ir-- '