Will and Fo

written by

Claudius Franz

Barnabasstr. 6, 13509 Berlin 01795207147 [email protected] Version 1, July 28th 2020 1 EXT. BIG CROSS AT CEMETERY - DAY. 1

Fo/Ferdinand (48), a hard-ass playboy-lowlife and Will/William (36), a French Catholic priest in a traditional garment are sitting on a barren wood bench surrounded by graves on the cemetery, they each have a coffee cup and a banana, which Fo is ejoying, Will just holding in his hand. In front of them reigns a giant, massive cross preaching with authority “GOTT IST LIEBE”. Will seems burdened before his demanding God, Fo is obviously not giving three holy fucks.

FO What does that even mean? "GOD IS LOVE" Really, can anyone be more vague? What the fuck, really! No wonder you're all such a bunch of pussies there. WILL Where?

FO Here... (pointing around) ...in the church. All you cross- lovers I mean... Cross- Lovers..that's funny. I've never thought of that. Cross-lover, cross-dressing, hehe, which obviously you are doing!

WILL What?! FO Yeah, with the... (pointing at his clothes) Why DO you guys wear dresses?? What's up with that?

WILL I'm not wearing a dress!!...

FO Yes, you are. Look, it's a dress. WILL It's a cassock. FO Eh. - It's funny. Cross - Lovers! You guys do come a - cross a bit like faggots. 2.

WILL I want to stop you right there! FO Yeah yeah, no, but really. It's a weird club, the church. It's kinky. No wonder the Gothic kids wear dark shit and crosses, too.

WILL That has nothing to do with anything, or the church! They worship the devil, as far as I know. FO (laughs) I guess so. Eh, they're just like you guys. Same faggots, just on the other side of the ... thing... the...you know...what is it called?? The... (he makes confusing gestures trying to show a range of things, slaps WILL to help him out find the word)

WILL I-I don't know...

FO Yeah, you know...where there's one thing and another... Some faggots here...and others over there, same thing but just a bit different...

WILL What are you trying to say?? I really don't know. And I don't like the way you talk at all at this point. FO Why? What's the matter? WILL Well because of the... (hinting at something) You know... (steering back) ... What were you trying to say? (imitating his gestures) 3.

FO — Because of what? (provoking him) I am talking about what? WILL Nothing. You wanted to know the (makes gesture) ...the Gothic kids.. are on the other side of... you know, like us, just, same faggots.... We are not...THAT, ok!!! NOONE IS ... THAT. It's a despicable term!

FO I didn't say it.

WILL Yes you did! Spectrum!! It's called a Spectrum! I don't know you, but obviously, you really think you are such a smart guy, seeing through everyone and everything. Have it all figured out. The cross. People's dresses, (Fo has to giggle) Who is a ..... or not.

FO Faggott.

WILL Stop talking like that, please! It's demeaning! - Have you ever taken a look at yourself? I regret coming here with you. For God's sake this is a cemetery.

FO (has to laugh) So?

WILL People died here.

FO What? No, they didn't. WILL Yes, they did!!! They are dead. People are coming here to mourn, to find some peace. Families have been ripped apart by tragedies, People lost their loved ones. (MORE) 4.

WILL (CONT'D) It's a place of prayer. It's as close to heaven's kingdom as it can get. There are churches and there is THIS, a graveyard!! This is where God LIVES!! And YOU, YOU, YOU!!! You made me bring a banana. (He throws in on the ground) And you sit here scratching your testicles. When DID you take the last shower? Please tell me at least BEFORE you seduced that poor woman from the cafe!

FO Hey, I just shared a good love story with you! And she was not poor.

WILL I did not ask for your...sex story!!! It's unpleasant! FO WILL (CONT'D) She was a fortunate girl, Fortunate? You told me in excuse me, woman. detail what you did to her! I didn't ask! FO (CONT'D) Yes, and if I recall, she enjoyed it so much, she screamed out Jesus' name once or twice.

WILL That's enough. (pointing his finger at him) Don't mention his name that way. FO I came in from the back and out the front came a prayer. Amen.

WILL I am done with you! Thank you for the coffee. He gets up furiously, but picks up the banana, throws it in the trash next to the bench.

FO She came three times, a holy trinity. 5.

He charges at him.

WILL (loudly) You have no respect! (he sits down awkwardly next to him, to lecture him in a pressured quiet voice) No respect! Not for yourself or God. You are a disgrace for mankind and I pray for you that when you end up here that at least ONE person will come with some flowers for your deserted grave. But as I see it, there won't, because you are rotten, a rotten fruit from the holy garden. You are the snake AND the rotten apple!! But you know what? When you lie six feet under and the worms feast on your dirty body, HE ... (he points to the godlike cross) ...will still be with you, and you will beg for his mercy, because you will need him!! Because you are rotting in hell!! You asshole!! You fucking asshole! (shocked by his own words) FO (enjoying that) Ohhh, maybe I should pray a little for YOU. (he folds his hands in a hyper-holy matter) Will punches him straight on the eye. BEAT. He can't even breathe, he is so out of his holy self. Fo, slightly offended, touches his eye and expresses some surprise and disgust; Will's hand has been affected. WILL I have... never... done... this before.... (He makes a cross on his face, looks up at the fatherly cross, folds his hands and starts reciting a sin-driven paternoster)

Fo grabs him by the hair next to his ear, which painfully scares Will out of his prayer. 6.

FO Now, you incence-reeking little earthworm, you holy pisswater- drinker, you think I don't pray to God? You think me and the old guy have no line? Behold my dear one, I will show you my prayer... He gets up in a very significant matter, slowly strides over to the huge wooden cross, never taking his vengeful eyes off unrighteous Will.

Fo stands in front of the cross, slowly opening the zipper to his pants, unbuttoning ritualistically... Will's shock reaches another level.

WILL What - are you doing - ?! He looks around frantically, doesn't know what to do.

FO Yeah, that's right. WILL Please. Stop.

FO You think I am going to hell? Well let's make sure that really happens, so YOU don't turn into a liar.

WILL Ferdinand, I beg you... FO I am saving your soul. Fo starts yanking his penis. WILL Oh no, what are you doing?! Oh God, you're doing THAT! Fo, you can't ... please, you'll go to hell... FO Ah, shut up, this is not about hell, this is you being fucking scared. Don't make this about HIM - This is about YOU. I am the lord and savior (breathing harder, aroused) (MORE) 7.

FO (CONT'D) Who will salvage your soul. Yes, I said salvage, must have read it in a bible somewhere!!! (harder) Or maybe a comic book. It doesn't fucking matter! (preacher-like) Son, I will SHOW YOU MY LOOOOVE — My dirty - human love! WILL Stop! Stop!! FO (looking up at the cross) Too bad Jay Jay is not up on this one, I'd do it just for him.

Fo is kicking in next gear, harder, determined, looking up, Mumbling things to his dirty heavens. Will can finally break his lethargy, rushes to Fo trying to rip him out of this horrific desecration, but Fo, who is drawing hell's sexual energy into his body, pushes him to the ground, obsessed. Will is down. His soul is beaten.

As Fo is climbing the stairway of lust, an innocent hunched over old lady approaches the scene with some flowers on her stroller. She can't make out what's happening around her quite at first. But the sounds of hell raise her eyes. Will rushes, in pure shame, back onto the bench. The old lady almost gets a heart-attack as Fo slips her a glance in his manic joy. Struck by the devil she runs off faster, then she has walked in a long time. Will is rocking forth and back on the bench talking to himself for distraction, but at one point he can't not look at it. He is frozen in a gaze of awe onto this eruption of sexual rawness in fron of him. He collapses into his own self. And a moment of eternity later he feels a tightening in his garment, he stares down at the growing lump in his crotch. He pushes it down in an attempt to hide this sinful crime, while he can't stop staring at Fo - who - is reaching - his-- FO (CONT'D) AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!! You fucker!!!!! AWWWWWWWW


2 TITLE 2 Organ (or choir) playing "Above the clear blue skies"

Cartoon letters drop in writing "Will FO". A cartoon priest carries in a cross, erects it in the middle, steps up on it. Three times hammering sound and a painful "aaahhhh" echoe out the music.



Will in shock. Fo closes his pants, tucks in his shirt, and walks like a cowboy back to the bench, comfortably sits down, looks at Will. He glances shortly down at him. FO You know, people don't die here. They live and they die out there. They come here as empty meatbags. There's nothing here, nothing.

Slowly, some emotion is drawn back into Will as the vacuum of fear was punctuated. Fo gets up, adjusting his crotch.

FO (CONT'D) I'm hungry. Let's get a Falafel or some other healthy shit. How about that me getting into heaven, hm? He walks off.



Fo is standing next to the gate, smoking a cigarette. Will shambles to him, feeling guilty. WILL Can I have one?

FO You don't smoke, do ya? WILL Many things I haven't done. 9.

Fo takes out his cigarette box, shakes it so a couple slide out, Will takes one. He tries to find a decent way to handle this strangly comforting tabacco stick. Fo opens a calm flame from his zippo lighter and Will puffs in his soothing demons. Coughing hard right away. Fo smiles. FO You know how I learned to inhale? ... You pull on it and then you go (he pulls in the smoke with a scare) Mom is coming!!

FO (CONT'D) Will does the same, he almost makes it, but bursts into an even harder cough. He evacuates the cigarette and keeps coughing while Fo is enjoying his.



The sound of the organ is joyfully introducing the bride. The merry husband is awaiting his soon-to-be at the altar. The priest, WILL, is waiting, too. But something is off about him. He is pale and sweaty. The groom looks at him with concern.

GROOM [SUBTITLES] Vouz-etes bien? [Are you ok?]

WILL (fighting for dignity) Oui, tres bien mon fils. [Yes, my son.] (he pushes out an assuring smile) Meanwhile the heavenly bride is aproaching the altar, shaperoned by her proud father; two gorgeously dressed little boys holding up her long veil, in front of her the cutest flower-girl. Evryone is delighted. Especially when she makes a short stop at the jolly grandmother offering her a rose- leaf to eat and nana plays along. More sweat running down Will's face, he awkwardly uses his cassock to wipe it off. The bride is joining her husband, as the last gut-wrenching chords from the organ introduce a cracking silence. All eyes on Will. 10.

He turns around for a moment to look at Jesus on the cross. He is trying to gather himself. WILL (CONT'D) [SUBS] Aujourd'hui, en ce jour [Today, on this wonderful merveilleux, nous nous day, we join here together, réunissons ici, devant notre in front of our lord...] seigneur... (fighting for composure) ... pour rejoindre ces deux [...to join these two young jeunes dans un saint mariage. people in a holy marriage. Leurs familles se sont Their families have gathered rassemblées ici, pour here, to witness...] témoigner ..

The couple starts looking concerned. WILL (CONT'D) ... ehm, pour en témoigner, [...ehm, to witness, these ces deux jeunes ici. Qui sont two young people here. Who ...... rassemblés ... ici ... have...... gathered....here... aujourd'hui ... pour ...... today....for....]

He rushes to the babtism bowl and throws up in it, once, twice. Mumbling in the crowd. The couple look at each other, the kids are laughing making "eeewww" sounds. WILL (CONT'D) Je suis vraiment désolé. [I am very sorry. Just one s'il vous moment please.] plaît. He rushes off into the back. The irritated couple left alone at the altar.

6 INT. CHURCH BATHROOM - DAY 6 The priest rushes in, scared, he faces himself in the mirror. WILL Qu'est-ce que tu fais? Ce [What are you doing? This is n'est pas le bon moment! not a good time!] A harsh knock on the door.

CHURCH SERVANT (O.S.) Est-ce que tu vas bien? [Are you alright?] 11.

WILL Juste un moment. Je pense [Just a moment. I think I avoir mangé du mauvais have eaten some bad fish...] poisson ... CHURCH SERVANT (O.S.) Ok, je vais les divertir et [Ok, i will entertain them revenir. and come back.] The priest is alone with his raging thoughts. He's trying to find an answer. Then he sees the window to the outside. He contemplates this option. He splashes water in his face, looks up to heaven and puts out a short silent prayer.


7 INT. AN OLD SMALL-TOWN CHURCH IN FRANCE - DAY. 7 The solemnly group has gathered together. People show different emotions. The bride is getting upset.

FATHER IN LAW (comforting his girl) Ce n'est pas un bon signe. Je [This is not a good sign. I le savais depuis le début. knew it from the start.] People react to this statement. The church servant walks in. FATHER IN LAW (CONT'D) C'est quoi ce bordel? [What the fuck's going on?] CHURCH SERVANT S'il vous plait, Monsieur! [Please, Sir! Everybody, stay Tout le monde, restez calme. calm. The priest has only Le prêtre n'a mangé que du eaten some bad fish, but he mauvais poisson, mais il va is ok. I will check on him bien. Je vais le vérifier à again. Just a moment.] nouveau. Juste un moment.


8 INT. HALLWAY OF CHURCH BACKAREA - DAY 8 The church servant, full of worry, enters the bathroom where he finds an open window but no priest. Now the panic is his. CUT TO: 12.


Will and Fo are sitting at the window, facing each other, both satisfying their hunger with a falafel-bread on the hand. It looks a bit like an older brother and his younger sibling. They just eat. FO Graveyards are funny places. Dead corpses burried in the ground. What a shitty way to go. (pointing onto the fries on Will's plate) You done with those? (and he takes them; they keep eating) Fries are such a fucking genious thing, aren't they? I mean, look at them. No food has a better shape to be eaten then fries. Who ever invented those, man.... Was it McDonald's?

WILL Don't know. FO Burger King? Doesn't matter, fucking genious. And Ketchup, man. - When I die I wanna be thrown into a volcano. That's a way to go. WILL A volcano? Fo picks up his beercan with straw and takes a long look at Will. ....

Have you ever been with a man? Will has to cough, he choked on the food. FO (in disbelief) Come on...! But Will drops the rest of his Falafel on the table and his struggle becomes more blatant, fingering on his throat trying to move something. Fo becomes more aware of this and stares at him for another shamelessly long moment. FO (CONT'D) Ohhh shit. Really? 13.

He gets up and pats Will on his back a few times. That doesn't help. He's still a tiny bit more ashamed of his friend than worried. People start looking. FO (CONT'D) Ok, come on. Spit it out! He smacks harder on his back. But it's getting worse. Will panicks, begging Fo with his eyes.

FO (CONT'D) You've got to be kidding me! Ok, wait, ehm, get up! Get UP!! (Will pulls himself up) Ok, how did this thing go... Fo stands behind Will and tries to figure out like solving a puzzle how to do the Heimlich Maneuver. He pushes in his belly once, really hard, Will's eyes expand in threatened shock, he signals aversion. Fo is both, annoyed and worried, starting a second attempt on Will who doesn't know wheather to give in or fight him off. FO (CONT'D) OK. One more time. Spit it out. An older Turkish woman, completely covered in a black abaya and niqab [like burka] steps in, pushes Fo to the side. TURKISH WOMAN Shhhht!!! (waves him away)

She sits down, folds Will over her lap and slapps him on his upper back with her flat hand a few times. Nothing. She mumbles something. She does a few more. Suddenly half a falafel drops out of Will's mouth onto the floor and he takes in a life-surge of air, and another few more, then completely falls into relaxation on the Turkish woman's lap, where after a peak of relief he starts throbbing in her lap. She pets his back and butt like a baby and softly sings a Turkish tune.

He gets up, still shaken, she takes him in his arms, he burries his head in her shoulder, she mumbles something. Then she let's him go, points at him and makes a cross sign. WILL Yes. She laughs and gives him a few encouraging smacks on the cheek, walks off, gets her stuff and leaves. People start returning to their social business. 14.

Fo, who stood witness to the whole thing, bows down a little to get a look at Will's hidden face. FO Holy shit! Did that just happen? Will sits down, taking Fo's beer with straw and takes a big pull.

Fo sits down, observing him like a spectacle, has to start laughing in amazement. FO (CONT'D) Man, that's when I regret not having a phone. (he looks out the window, where the Turkish woman went, then in the room) Did anyone film that? - What? Noone?

RANDOM SKINNY GUY I did. I just put it on Insta. FO Yeah? You filmed it?? He gets up over to the guy. Will is trying to catch himself as he deviates from his sourroundings.

FO (O.S.) (CONT'D) Do you have a pen? RANDOM SKINNY GUY (O.S.) I have my phone. FO (O.S.) Write my email and send the video to me. Ok? It's [email protected], got it? Great.

Fo comes back to the table. He cherishes this moment. FO (CONT'D) So, you have not? WILL What? FO Been with a man? 15.

WILL No. FO A woman? Will just looks at him, a hint of stamina returning into his eyes.

FO (CONT'D) Just checking. He pulls out a cigarette, puts it in his mouth with the vigour of a curious reporter. He offers one to Will. VOICE FROM SERVER (O.S.) Hey, smoking is not allowed in here!!

FO (in a rush of routined anger) You shut the fuck up. Did you see what just happened?! (proud) This man just almost died here, because of your crappy Falafel. Do you want some investigation for that?! Didn't think so! Bring us two vodka asshole, and have one yourself, we're celebrating the resurrection of gay Jesus over here. He lights his cigarette, gives it to Will puts another one in his mouth, lights it, too. Will pulls, and he just coughs a little, he can actually smoke. He pulls again, deeply, inhaling the spicy stimulant into his celibate loungs. Fo smiles at him.

WILL When I was 13. ... Fo is sipping beer from his straw. The server guy brings to little vodka bottles, puts them on the table. WILL (CONT'D) Thank you.

VOICE FROM SERVER (O.S.) But only this one. 16.

FO (waving him off) Yeah, yeah. Fuck off: (fixed on Will) WILL I was an altar boy in church. There was this other boy. I was so in love with him. (he is looking into the room, trying to veil his story into the privacy of their table) He had such beautiful brown eyes. One time, after the ceremony, when everyone left, we remained in the church, to set up for the next service. I wouldn't even look at him. As I was preparing the altar, he suddenly stood behind me, and held my waist, he pushed himself against me. I was scared for my life. (he pulls from his cigarette) But I turned around. And he kissed me. I never felt anything like that. I think it was just a moment, but it lasted for eternity. FO Did he fuck you? WILL - We heard a noise, someone came in and we split. It never happened again. As a matter of fact. That night I prayed to Jesus, repenting my sin and I promised i would devote my life to him, if he would forgive me. That night I... well, I woke up... and the bed was... wet. I did not get a sign from Jesus. But I kept my promise to this day. FO Holy Fucking mother Marie. WILL Pleas don't say that. Fo slides one vodka over to Will. He opens his bottles and holds it over to Will. Will opens his and they have the drink. Will is not used to liquor. 17.

Fo throws his ciggarette into the beer can. FO I wanna show you something.

He gets up, reaching into his pocket for money. Will pushes his Cigarette into the rest of his Falafel. He reaches under his cassock. FO (CONT'D) I've got it. He goes and Will follows him. CUT TO:

10 EXT. STREET OUTSIDE OF FALAFEL PLACE - DAY 10 Fo stands on the sidewalk, waving in a taxi, as Will comes out from the Falafel place. Fo gets in the car. CUT TO:

11 INT. TAXI - DAY. 11

Fo slides on the back left, the right door still open, Will leans in. WILL Where are we going? FO (just talking to the cabdriver) St. Peter's care-center.

Will considers a moment and gets into the car. Fo opens his window and looks outside as the cab starts driving. Will looks at Fo, but then resigns to his side of the outside view. CUT TO:


Will is riding on an old bicycle down the streets out of town. CUT TO: 18.

13 EXT. ROAD/GASSTATION - DAY 13 Will rides on his bike still, the energy from his escape is burnig out. He aproaches a gas-station, where he pulls in with his bike. He takes a breather. He walks in as Markus (45), an overweight truck driver and a sloppy-looking girl are exiting. The truck driver gives Will an intense look. CUT TO:

14 INT. GASSTATION - DAY 14 Will gets a bottle of still water, goes to the cashiers. He is second in line and observes the trucker and the girl going into his truck. Again the trucker throws a look in his direction.

CASHIER [FRENCH WITH SUB] Monsieur. (Will fokused on the Truck, gives him the bottle) 1,35 Reality hits him, he searches under his garment. WILL [FRENCH WITH SUB] Escuse me, I must have forgotten my wallet. I was in... a bit of a rush. (he pulls out one Euro from somewhere underneath) That's all I have. That's not enough, is it? The cashier is annoyed yet respectful. He reaches into the tip jar that says "dicks don't tip". CASHIER It's ok. WILL Thank you very much. God bless you.


15 EXT. GASSTATION - DAY 15 He sits next to his bike and opens his water, he looks towards the truck, but then for himself.. 19.

WILL Oh god, what have i done?

He closes his eyes and nodds off. CUT TO:

16 INT. CHURCH IN THE PAST - DAY 16 During a ceremony, everyone is singing a prayer. The clothes suggest a few decades ago. The altar boys are standing next to the priest, singing along, it's the perspective of one of them. He looks at his peers, one specifically is giving him a cheeky look. Then we see the boy whose POV it was, averting his eyes away from the other one. He gazes out a misty colored church window. The singing gets louder, it becomes a distant sound. CUT TO:


Will wakes up from his nap as he hears the distant short and unaesthetic groan of the trucker. The door of the truck opens and the girl gets out, she waves to the trucker and walks over to the cafe of the gasstation, past Will. The trucker comes out, closing his zipper. Looking at Will. He strolls towards him. TRUCKER (WITH GERMAN ACCENT) English?

WILL Yes. FO Can I confess with you? WILL Ehm, my... sir. I am not sure. I... TRUCKER Please, I am off my ways and I need to talk about it. WILL I...sorry...but...normally, yes, of course, but...not today. I am sorry, I can't. Not today. 20.

TRUCKER (in passive acceptance) Ok. He walks back to his truck. The priest is looking at the truck, the commercial on it saying "Transcend Logistics - we go all the way.". WILL Sir? Excuse me? He goes after him.

TRUCKER Yes? WILL Where are you going? TRUCKER To Berlin, Germany. WILL See, I don't have any money on me, but can I offer you my bicycle for... letting me ride along. And you would help out a man in need, which... helps... The trucker gets a very innocent smile for the possibility to do sth good. TRUCKER Ehm...yes, sure, of course. CUT TO:

18 EXT. GASSTATION - DAY 18 The trucker tightens some straps on the bike behind the driver's cabin. TRUCKER My daughter needs a bike, she will love it. WILL Great. But it's a man's bike.

TRUCKER She is very tall. CUT TO: 21.

19 INT. TRUCK CABIN - DAY 19 They fasten their seat-belts, Will looks around in the cabin, a bit in disgust, the trucker starts the roaring engine.

TRUCKER Ok, let's get this patry started. WILL Can I open the window? TRUCKER Better not, it's climate control. WILL Ok. And off they go. CUT TO:

20 INT. TRUCK CABIN - DAY 20 They are on the highway. A bit uncomfortable silence between them, music from the radio.

WILL You know, I can't accept your confession, today, because, every priest... once a year, needs to refrain from that once a year, to reconnect to his divine guidance... TRUCKER Ah, I didn't know that. WILL Yes...but you can talk to me. Just human to human... TRUCKER Ah, ok, sure. (he turns the radio down a bit) ehm, I... Thank you! I reall need to confess, I mean, talk to someone. I'm not living a good life. I am married. I love my wife. I have two children with her. A boy and a girl. Jonas and Lotta. She will get the bike. (he points at a picture in front of him) (MORE) 22. TRUCKER (CONT'D) I love them a lot. But, I am away from home all the time, you know, it's hard. You never meet anyone. And you know every song on the radio after some time. And the other drivers, well I guess we're all a bit off. At least I am. I am not happy. (he gets emotional) So I do things... you know... and... it's hard... He looks over to the priest who fell asleep. He wipes his tears off and keeps on trucking. CUT TO:

21 INT. TRUCK CABIN - NIGHT 21 The engine stops. Will wakes up. He looks around, dazed. TRUCKER We're in Berlin. You slept the whole drive. Never seen anything like that. WILL Oh, I'm sorry. TRUCKER No worries. I'm happy you're not dead. I was worried for a moment. But I checked. WILL - What's your name? TRUCKER Markus. Will steps out onto the street. WILL Thank you, Markus. The trucker makes an awkward gesture folding his hands. Will nodds, closes the door and the truck drives off, leaving the priest to his journey. It's night, a big, empty road in Berlin. He starts walking. It's a bit cold. CUT TO: 23.


He walks the lighted streets of Berlin. Some people are having fun, laughing, looking at him, greeting him, ignoring him. CUT TO:

23 EXT. CHURCH IN BERLIN - NIGHT 23 He looks up at the cross. He stands there for a moment, feeling forsaken.

24 EXT. CLUB ENTRANCE - NIGHT 24 He stops and takes in the people waiting for their turn of fun, some bored, others acting cool, others jolly. He talks to a gentle looking woman, Samantha (32) at the end of the line. WILL Hello. What's going on in here?

She scans him not sure what to make of him, but detecting his harmlessness. SAM It's a club. WILL What kind of music? SAM Electronic dance. WILL Techno? SAM Kind of. WILL Our church organist was into that, oddly. He played something on the organs. Not so bad. A bit monotone. SAM Yeah, that's what it's about. It's kind of spiritual, too. WILL How? 24.

SAM You take on the rhythm and just go with it, until it clicks and your mind stops, at least for a while. Unless guys keep hitting on you. But YOU don't have to worry about that. WILL Your mind stops, hm. I have never been to a club. SAM Wanna come? I was waiting for my friends, but apparently they ditched me. WILL ...OK. Why not.

SAM Really?

WILL Oh, but I don't have any money with me, sorry. SAM It's fine. Gottcha. They get to the bouncer. He gives them a questioning look. She's cool, but how to deal with a priest, he doesn't know. SAM (CONT'D) What? Like noone in there could need some blessing. He's my date. That a problem? He waves them in. BOUNCER Have fun.

WILL Thank you. CUT TO:

25 INT. ELECTRO CLUB - NIGHT 25 As they enter the scene, Will gets a stamp. He is checking it. It's a skull. 25.

SAM What's your name? Or do you you have like a title? WILL William. Or Will. SAM Will you are! Sam I am! ... Samantha. You wanna get something to drink? I'll pay. WILL Sure, water, please. SAM None of that wine? WILL Well, actually, I am really thirsty...

SAM It's ok, I get you a water, too. And a wine? WILL Red. SAM Of course! She turns toward the bar, leaves Will to observe his surroundings. The music is pushing out from further in the club. People are streaming by. He does stand out. But it's still Berlin. She turns back to him, hands him a plastic bottle with water and a wine-glass. He tries to open the water-bottle. SAM (CONT'D) I'll hold this. Come on, let's dive into the halls of sin. She dancingly leads the way. He drinks from his water following. CUT TO: 26.

26 INT. ELECTRO CLUB - NIGHT 26 Heavy dance music and people moving to it are encompassing Will, like a big whale swollowing up the shipwrecked sailor. Sam ahead, smiling, dancing. He is not tense, but unlose. She turns around to him and invites him to join her movements, which he tries fragmentedly, but can't. He sips his wine. People look at him, invite him to dance. He's in a zone he's never been before. CUT TO:

27 INT. ELECTRO CLUB - NIGHT 27 They are lounging in a chill-out area. Across them a lesbian couple making out. SAM Are you serious? That's hillarious. You just ran off? I've never heard of a priest doing that. Groom or bride, yes, like in T.V. shows, but ... I'm sorry, that is so funny. WILL ... I don't know... SAM Come one, you have to admit, it's a bit funny. WILL I hope the couple will still get married... somehow... SAM What freaked you out? WILL It's complicated.

SAM Mhm... and then you came to Berlin? When was that? WILL Tonight. SAM What?! 27.

WILL I didn't even go home. I took a ride with a trucker. I feel asleep and woke up here. I don't even have my wallet, phone, nothing. I just left. SAM Holy shit! Oh, I'm sorry! WILL It's alright. It describes it well. - I heard about a Boxer whose child died in a domestic accident. When he saw her, he just walked out the door and started walking, they picked him up a day later, somehwere.

SAM What the hell happened to you?! WILL Oh, nothing that tragic, no, just... something. My faith was shaken, I guess. But, it was like that, I just needed to go, so I left. SAM Ok, Wait. Here is some money. WILL SAM (CONT'D) No, I can't take that. Yeah, yeah, take it. It's a donation! To the church. WILL (CONT'D) Then even more, I can't take it.

SAM Gee, take it, ok! You need some money! WILL Thank you. SAM So, what's your plan? 28.

WILL I have no clue. (he is locked onto the couple, where a hand is slipping under some pants, he dares to watch a tiny moment) I really don't know. SAM You will not get around telling me why you freaked! WILL I... Well... It's ... I'm sorry. SAM You're cute. WILL What?! SAM A little weird, but cute. I bet you're a good priest. He doesn't quite know how to react, but manages a thankful smile. SAM (CONT'D) Close your eyes. WILL Why? SAM Just do it. He hesitantly does so.

She looks at him, puts his glass on the side. Then she kisses him gently on the mouth. His eyes pop open. She leans back, but still stays close. SAM (CONT'D) Made out with a deliquent priest, check. He tries to say something. SAM (CONT'D) So, are you running away from something or looking for something? 29.

WILL I am a man of God. SAM Sure. Aren't we all. -- I'll be right back. Don't freak out again! She walks away into the crowd. One of the women is winking at him. He is running for help behind his eyes. JUMP CUT TO:

28 INT. ELECTRO CLUB - NIGHT 28 -- Intermezzo -- Strong loud electronic dance music is hitting the raving masses, people are exhalted, anonymous, jerking and stomping their bodies into a trancelike state. Eyes empty, or filled with the night. The air is thick. JUMP CUT TO:

29 INT. ELECTRO CLUB - NIGHT 29 The lesbian couple is deeply toungue-tied, as Sam walks in with two shots, she stops, as she looks at the empty lounge chair, where Will was sitting.

30 EXT. STREET IN BERLIN - NIGHT 30 Will is walking fast, getting himself cooled off by the night-air. He walks onto a city bridge, where he stops without stopping, pacing back and forth, trying to gather himself. He opens his water-bottle takes a sip, then throws the water on his face.

WILL Oh, merde, merde, merde.... A car is honking driving by, some kids screaming out the window. MATCH CUT TO:

31 EXT. DRIVEWAY ST PETER'S - DAY. 31 The taxi stops, Will and Fo get out, cab drives off. They stand next to each other looking at the big sign over the entrance. It sais "St. Peter Pflegestift" 30.

Fo looks at Will then walks in, Will follows. CUT TO:

32 INT. ENTRANCE HALL ST. PETER'S - DAY. 32 Fo aproaches a woman behind a sliding glass window. FO (in bad German) Guten Tag, Ick bin hier um Frau Böttcher zu besuken. He goes in. Will wants to follow him.

LADY Guten Tag Herr Pfarrer, sind Sie hier für die letzte Salbung von Herrn Gerber? WILL (wants to follow Fo) Ehm, no, ick, ehm... English? LADY Yes, sure. WILL I am with him. (points after Fo) LADY You are not the pastor for Mr. Gerber? He is in his last moments and we are still waiting for the priest. WILL No, sorry, I, have to go... CUT TO:

33 INT. ELEVATOR ST. PETER'S - DAY 33 Will follows Fo into an elevator, where an old hunched over man is standing supported by two crutches, neatly dressed. Fo pushes for the floor. He doesn't pay any attention to the old guy in the corner. WILL Gut Tag! 31.

OLD MAN He?? WILL (louder) Gutan Tag!! The old man just laughs and waves his index finger at him as if he had made a lewd joke. Will smiles back. CUT TO:

34 INT. HALLWAY ST PETER'S - DAY. 34 They exit the elevator, where the old guy still waves his finger at Will. They walk down the hallway, doors and doors. Some are open and you see an old person lying on the bed, one watching television like in a coma. One woman is holding on to a hand railing on the wall with both hands, making ballet movements, humming to herself. Fo opens a door. CUT TO:

35 INT. MRS BÖTTCHER'S ROOM - DAY 35 They enter a rather dark room. The TV is running. In the corner sits an old dement woman, Mrs. Böttcher (76) with breath-support in a chair facing the TV, but not watching, just gazing into space.

Fo opens a window, pulls a chair next to her. Looks at her. Tucks in her shirt. Will observes. FO Sit down. Will pulls in another chair and sits. He observes as Fo takes some fruit-punch from the tray and tries to feed some to her, but she doesn't eat, she is spaced out. WILL She is your mother. 32.

FO Yes. She stopped eating. I guess she is getting ready to go where you almost went today. WILL I'm sorry about that. FO Yeah, yeah. Fuck off. At least she went all the way and didn't choke on a vegetarian meat ball half way.

WILL How old is she? FO Old enough to drive. WILL Can you ever give one normal answer? FO Can you stop being a faggot? WILL O.K. I had anough. I don't know why I came here. It's been nice, meeting you (he taps the old woman's hand) You did a very good job not teaching your son any manners, at all. In fact he is a very cynical, aggressive... excuse my language, asshole. FO'S MOTHER (mumbles, reflex-like without meaning) Arschloch. Fo gives Will a scolding look. WILL Good bye. FO You fucker... WILL No, I am done being insulted by you. Have a great day. 33.

FO (still trying to feed her) You're insulting me in front of my mother? Ahhh, fuck off! Will walks out. CUT TO:


Will closes the door behind him, stands there with the ballet lady looking at him. CUT TO:

37 EXT. UNDER BRIDGE IN BERLIN - MORNING 37 FO (O.S.) Hey!! Will wakes up, crisp sunlight blinding his sleepdried eyes, a big face hovering in front of him. FO (CONT'D) Das hier ist nicht die church, you know. We do see the heilige Geist sometimes, aber, normally, das ist... (he holds his index finger and thumb to his mouth) induced, mit ein bisschen help of Bob Marley, you know. (he laughs and starts singing) Get up, stand up, get up for your right, don't give up your fight! Will gatheres himself under this social attack, checks his surroundings. Some homeless person sleeping next to him. FO (CONT'D) Der ist bad company. How can a day start better than this, hm? Sind Sie eine real priest? WILL Oui - eh, yes, I am. 34.

FO Oh, French? Francais, oh lala, bien bien. WILL English is good. FO What the hell are you doing here? It's Sunday morning. Shouldn't you be preaching somewhere? Your sheep will be lost when the wolf is coming and their shepperd isn't there! WILL I .... I'm hungry. FO Amen! I just need to take a quick shower, then we have a coffee, I know a good cafe right over at the cemetery. Will just hears coffee. WILL The Lord shows up in uncanny ways. FO I take that as a compliment.

Fo reaches out and pulls him up. He lights a cigarette. FO (CONT'D) What's your name? WILL William. Or Will. FO God's Will, hm? I'm Fo, Ferdinand. WILL Nice to meet you... Fo. And off they go. CUT TO: 35.

38 EXT. - POND IN BERLIN - MORNING 38 Fo's head is sticking out of the water, the cigarette still in his mouth. Will is "on land", kind of turned away. FO This is the best part of the day. Getting rid of all the shit from yesterday. Ahhhhh. It's like a baptism, isn't it? I do feel like a newborn. You wanna bless me or something? WILL Are you Catholic? FO Do I piss sitting down? But I'm human. I think that qualifies. WILL I think just a bodily cleaning is enough for now. FO Why don't you come in. You must sweat like a motherfucker under that dress. He stands up, naked, soaping himself up.

WILL No, thank you. FO So, why is a French priest sleeping under a bridge in Berlin? Had too much of Jesus' blood? Did they kick you out? Can they do that? WILL I don't want to talk about it. FO Ohh, a priest having a secret! Just imagine I am your God, you can tell me anything. Even a servant of heaven needs to confess sometimes. And who better than to a godless man!

He spits out the cigarette. 36.

FO (CONT'D) In the name of the father... Takes a dive. Comes out of the water. Will turns away. Fo steps on land, turns around and pees in the water freehanded while stretching.

WILL Maybe I should get going. FO Come on! The Lord gives it, the Lord takes it. Let's have that coffee. It's good. And they always have fresh bananas. WILL One more thing I might regret... FO What's that? WILL Sounds good. I could use a banana. CUT TO:

39 INT. HALLWAY ST PETER'S - DAY 39 Will looks around, wonders into the back area, where he hears some noises. As he goes talking and weaping is getting louder.

40 INT. ROOM OF MR GERBER - DAY 40 He comes to a room, where some people are gathered around a bed, some holding each other, soft weaping. He looks at the sign. It sais "Gerber". He stares into the room. One middle aged woman sees him standing there and quickly comes toward him. WOMAN [SUB] Oh, da sind Sie ja Herr [There you are, father! We Pfarrer. Wir hatten schon feared you wouldn't make it gedacht sie schaffen es nicht on time. It's very close.] mehr rechtzeitig. Es ist schon bald soweit.

Like in a trance, he follows her into the room to the dying Mr Gerber and his beloved ones. Next to Mr Gerber stands an old man, holding his hand, caressing it. 37.

Will cannot do anything else, but take his cross, start praying, blessing the dying man, standing comfort for the family, the man next to Mr Gerber constantly whispering love messages onto him, gently holding the dying man's face, kissing him on his lips, as just a moment later, the dying man takes his last breath. The room turns silent for a moment. Only an old analog watch is ticking. As Will blesses them all he slowly backs out of the room. CUT TO:

41 INT. HALLWAY ST PETER'S - DAY: 41 Will leans against the wall next to the room. An old emotion is taking over his body as he looks up into the ceiling of the hallway. CUT TO:

42 INT. MRS BÖTTCHER'S ROOM - DAY. 42 Fo is standing at the slightly open window, smoking a cigarette, blowing the smoke outside, watching his mother.

Will comes in. WILL I'm sorry. FO For what? WILL Everything. FO That's a lot. Will walks over to Fo, takes the cigarette out of his hand and takes a deep pull. FO (CONT'D) It becomes a habit fast. Will pulls once again and hands it back to Fo.

Then he sits down in front of Fo's mother. He strokes her hair. 38.

WILL You have a wonderful son. WILL (CONT'D) That son of a ... FO Hey! WILL That horrible man you gave birth to. He... well, he brought me here. Why DID you bring my here? FO I hate coming here - She is leaving. - I just met her again two months ago, when I came back to Germany. Haven't seen her for over thirty years, didn't want to, but now, I'm not ready to be alone, yet. WILL You're not alone.

FO Only I am. And it's ok. So, fuck off. Just saying... WILL I mean, noone needs to be alone. FO Shut up now. WILL Hey,... FO Yeah, yeah, no, no. WILL You're not alone. FO Fuck offf.

FO'S MOTHER Arschloch. FO See! 39.

And then Fo almost starts crying, Will aproaches him but he doesn't accept. He gathers himself, lights another cigarette.

The door opens and a nurse comes in. NURSE Mr. Böttcher, you're not allowed to smoke in here, I told you this before. Your poor mother. She checks her, opens another window. Fo throws his cigarette out. FO She smoked two packs a day. NURSE And where did that get her? Fo kisses his mother goodbye and leaves. WILL I told him not to smoke in here.

He leaves, too. CUT TO:

43 EXT. DRIVEWAY ST. PETER'S - DAY 43 Fo stands there. Will joins him. A priest with a bag, rushes past them into the building as he and Will exchange a glance of clerical acknowledgment. WILL I stink, do I? FO I'm going home now. Nice to meet you priest. He lights a cigarette and starts walking. WILL Wait, Fo.

FO What? WILL Can I come along? I have no place to go. 40.

FO How about a church? WILL Can I just wash my clothes at your house? FO (laughs) So, you really don't have a place? WILL I do, in North France. FO Makes sense. You're a fucking mess. WILL I am. FO ... I know a place you can wash your shit.


44 INT. LAUNDROMAT - DAY 44 Will and Fo enter. Chito (31), an African guy, is sitting there in a camping chair, relaxing, as the machines tumble. FO What up, what up! CHITO Hey, me man Fo! What's cookin? How are you? FO Good, good. This is Will, Chito. WILL Hello.

CHITO Will my man. You really a priest or what? Or is that a raver thing? WILL Pardon? 41.

CHITO You know, like the crazy Gabba people, with the pants and the hair, you know! And the electro dance music? WILL Ehm... FO No, man, he a real priest. From France. CHITO France, ey? Bounjour monsieur! WILL Ah, Bonjour aussi. Mais, vous etes droites. Hier je suis ete dans un club du musique electronique. CHITO Wha?? WILL Oh, I was just saying, that actually, yesterday I have been to an electro club. Fo gives him a look. CHITO So you are a raver? WILL No, sorry, I was just... never mind. CHITO (to Fo) He high? FO No, but he stinks. We need to wash. CHITO Yeah, take the ten. FO Great, thanks, man. (to Will) Ok, let's go, the ten. 42.

WILL What? FO Your clothes, in the ten. WILL Oh, ok. Well I thought I could wash my underwear, too, but. FO Yeah, you can. Put it all in. WILL But then I'm naked. FO So, who gives a fuck? Chito just shakes is head, smiling. Will looks at an older woman waiting for her clothes to wash. FO (CONT'D) She will be happy to see some young flesh. Pure flesh. CHITO He shy, man! Yo, check out number 24, some yuppie student been drying there, take whatever. Fo goes in the back to the dryers. Will stands before Chito. WILL .... Is Chito a nickname? CHITO Yeah. For get naked motherfucker. Will hesitantly takes off his robe. He stands in shorts, shirt, shoes, as Fo comes back with some clothes. FO Those should look good on you. He gives him some stuff. Will goes into the back behind some washer and undresses. He watches Fo give Chito some money who gives him a small package. As he is completely naked, holding the underwear in his hands, a young handsome Asian guy, Alec (29), walks in past Will. ALEC Oh, sorry. (he has to laugh a bit) 43.

Will covers up what he can. Alec goes to the 24 and puts his clothes in a bag. He keeps sneaking looks at Will, who is shamefully putting on the shorts. ALEC (CONT'D) Hey, is das meine Unterhose?! WILL What? YOUNG GUY My underwear! Are those my clothes?? He aproaches him now directly, wich makes Will even more self-aware, he holds the stuff in front of his chest. WILL Oh, no, no. YOUNG GUY Yeah, they are. Did you take them? Will looks over to Fo, who has gone outside with Chito to chill. WILL No, well, yes, he told me to. YOUNG GUY Who? WILL Chito. I'm sorry, just give me a moment, I'll give them back to you. He starts shamefully pulling down his shorts again, turning away from the guy. YOUNG GUY Wait, wait, wait. Leave it on! (he becomes softer) Do you need clothes? WILL Well, no, but, kind of. I'm sorry, this must look weird... I just had a strang day. YOUNG GUY Not judging. What you got there? Ah, It's ok... keep it. (MORE) 44. YOUNG GUY (CONT'D) (he becomes really friendly) Do you like need some money, too? WILL (touched by that) No, thank you, I am fine. You're very kind. YOUNG GUY Sure. Well. What's your name? WILL Will. YOUNG GUY I'm Alec. WILL Nice to meet you, Alec. ALEC Come on, put on some clothes. WILL Oh, yes. (he puts the stuff on)

ALEC I gotta go, but...ehm... (he takes out a flyer writes his nr on it and gives it to Will) There's a party tonight. If you wanna come, I'll be there. In case you need anything. WILL Thank you. ALEC Ok, bye. Take care. WILL Yes, bye, and thank you. Alec walks out and gives Will one more very friendly look. FO (shouting) Are you wanking off back there? Whats taking so long? 45.

WILL (hiding the flyer) Which machine was it? FO The ten! WILL Ok, thanks. He takes his stuff and puts it in. He looks at the flyer. CUT TO:

45 EXT. SIDEWALK FRONT OF LAUNDROMAT - DAY 45 Will comes out in some weird looking outfit, pink shorts, a v-neck shirt and hiss priest shoes. Fo and Chito are smoking one out. CHITO Ey, man, looking good! Fo has to laugh. CHITO (CONT'D) You want some? WILL I'm cool, thanks. FO He just learned cigarettes today and he's already a cool cat. CHITO Oh, but those are bad man! Have some of that, it's good for you. You look tense, man. Relax. No more rave party, you know. WILL So, what do we do now? FO We wait. WILL Ok. CHITO (starts singing some undefined tune) (MORE) 46. CHITO (CONT'D) I been waiting... all my life man... I been waiiiiiting!! WILL Well... this will take a bit, so... I will go for a little walk... ok? FO Suuuure. CHITO Papa said you can goooo....and IIII bee waiiting...yeah yeah Will turns around and slowly creeps away. CUT TO:

46 EXT. BERLIN STREETS - DAY 46 Will walks past some shops. He sees one with internet computers. He goes in.


47 INT. INTERNET CAFE - DAY 47 He sits at a computer. Checks his mails, one sais "What's going on? Where are you?" He starts typing in something. CUT TO:

48 EXT. BERLIN STREET CORNER - DAY 48 He stands at a street corner, taking it all in, looking stupid in his new outfit. A begger woman aproaches him. BEGGER Hallo, ich will Sie nicht stören, aber wenn Sie mir vielleicht mit einer Kleinigkeit aushelfen können wäre ich Ihnen sehr dankbar. He pulls out the money Sam gave him and gives her some. BEGGER (CONT'D) Vielen Dank. Gott segne Sie! 47.

He got that. It moved him. CUT TO:

49 EXT. PARK/STREET - DAY 49 Will and Fo are walking on the street, then into a park. Will's got a plastic bag with his priest clothes. WILL Can I ask you something? FO That's never good. WILL You don't believe in God at all? FO You and your big guy. Didn't your daddy beat up enough? You need him up there? WILL No seriously, you believe in nothing? I'm just asking, because, I mean, I'm having some doubts and so many questions. FO We all have questions man. WILL Who do you go to when you have any? FO My mom, cause she don't care and she ain't asking stupid questions back. And Chito. WILL Chito, really? FO He's a wise man. - I'm not askin HIM, I go and get some. (He waves around the joint he is still smoking) You ask the holy smoke a question and he will always answer. By making you forget your question. - Hm... maybe he's a she... (he looks at his spliff) (MORE) 48. FO (CONT'D) Yeah I think, Miss Ganja is a girl, a sexy uncomplicated slut. (He talks to the spliff) Hey Missy, i got some problems! You know I'm all depressed like Will over here and he's getting on my nerves with his whining. What should I do? (he holds it to his ear and listens. Will kind of leans in, too) What? I should lick you? I already did that. What? You want me to fuck you now? Yeah, sweety peety! Let's do it. (he pulls on her lustfully) Mhmmm, what was my problem again? I don't remember. My little pussy made me forget it. WILL Do you have any kind of job?

FO Holy Mother Theresa, I will ditch you as soon as your faggott priest dress is dry. Actually you know what. (he stops right there) FO (CONT'D) WILL Maybe we're good, we can No, no, I'm sorry, I won't split right here. You go find bother you any more with this your God, I go that way. stuff, please let me stay with you. Fo keps walking Will follows him CUT TO:

50 EXT. FO'S BUSH IN PARK - DAY 50 They walk in a park, Will behind Fo. Fo stops before a big bush, turns to Will. FO Now, my bigott friend. You will enter my kingdom. (Will looks at the bush and around) This is a sacred space. Your church are the halls of despair compared to my humble home. 49.

WILL You live in the bush, who would have thought. FO Hold your hand up. Up! Will raises his hand. FO (CONT'D) Yeah, like that! The other one to your heart. (will drops his bag, and puts his other hand on his heart) I Will - WILL I Will - FO Solemnly swear -

WILL Solemnly swear - FO That I will - WILL That I will - FO Honor this home by not being a motherfucker or a pain in the ass. WILL Honor this home by not being a ... mother-hmhm FO Motherfucker!! WILL Motherfucker... or a pain in the ass. FO And I swear on my stupid God. WILL And I swear on MY GOD. 50.

FO That I will never tell anyone about this place, or I will be reborn as a cowtitty. WILL I will never tell anyone about this... place... or I will be reborn as a cow-titty? FO That's right! Fo turns around and makes his way into the bush where he disappears completely, swallowed up by the green. Will picks up his bag and follows him. CUT TO:

51 INT./EXT. FO'S PLACE - DAY 51 As Will emerges from the leafs, he enters a tentlike housing structure, wonderous in style, surprisingly luxurious and comfortbale. There is some sitting area, a cooking place, even some furniture. Natural day light shimmers through colorful fabrics above them. FO Welcome to my humble abode. WILL Holy crap! (he covers his mouth shortly) This is amazing. You live here? FO I do do. WILL Wow, you have... taste?? FO Tea? WILL Sure. Will is checking out the place, he picks up a book, peeks around. 51.

WILL (CONT'D) Where did you get all this stuff? FO Ahh, here and there you know... Will discovers an old master's voice turntable. WILL Can I turn this on? FO Yeah, if you manage... It's technology! Will winds it up the little torch on the side, flips a switch, the record starts to turn, he carefully puts the needle on it. And music appears, something special.

Will is amazed, he sits down in one of the comfy chairs and relaxes, a big smile on his face. Fo hands him a cup of tea. WILL Thanx FO Cheers Fo sits down, too. They enjoy their tea as the music embraces them. WILL Ferdinand. You have... figured it out, hm... (he joyfully sips his tea) FO If you need to take a shit... next bush.

WILL Thanx.- But, I could need that shower of yours. FO The lake? Sure... we go there... In a moment... 52.

They relax. Their content minds wonder up through the colorful sheets into the soft blue skies, where wonderful music is ringing their hearts. MATCH CUT TO:

52 EXT. POND IN BERLIN - DAY 52 Wills mind descends down from heaven as he stares into the water. WILL Wow, the water... it sparkles. (he grins up to both ears) This place is amazing! Fo, you're a magician... (he shouts it out as he opens his arm) You have it aaalllll figure out!! Fo stands behind him with a beer can, smiling. WILL (CONT'D) (he takes a deep deep breath of fresh air, as he takes off all his clothes) I'm gonna swim now in this beautiful holy lake! You know, sometimes I have some doubts about God, but... he's right there... in the water...there he is... (he walks gracefully into the water) Oh my, this water, I can feel everything. (he dives under, jumps back out screaming) Hahhaaaa, Foooo, you're a priest, what did you do to me??? FO You just had some tea my friend. WILL Good tea. (he dives around) FO (for himself) Yes, good tea, with a little special Hawaiian woodrose. 53.

He also undresses and goes in the water. CUT TO:

53 EXT. POND IN BERLIN - EVENING 53 Both their heads sticking out of the water, facing each other. Will spits a bit of water on Fo. Fo laughs, he spits some on Will. There is no sound around them, just space. WILL (IN A QUIET VOICE) You know what Fo? FO What? WILL No, you can't know it, because I haven't told you, yet. But I know it. Because I did it. FO Mh. WILL You wanna know what happened, why I ran away from the Church, in France? FO I'd be delighted to hear it. WILL One evening after a wonderful choire concert, I stayed to close the Church. When everyone was gone I was just hanging out in the Church you know? FO No. WILL Yeah. And when I was standing there, I looked up to Jesus on the cross. We have a big marvellous Jesus above the altar, he is beautiful. So daaaamn sexy! I looked at him... and suddenly I saw something else... 54.

Images of Will from that night accompany his story.

I saw his beautiful, tormented body, his strength, although he is bound to die up there on the big cross, he is so gorgeous! I got so horny. I had an erection in my pants... I pulled them down and started masturbating to him. He was so beautiful. Oh my God. It felt so good... I pushed my seed onto the altar. I remembered the little boy from my youth. It was all so ... (he sheds some tears of joy) loving. Can you believe that? FO I've done it in a Church. WILL Yes, but not like that. But then I realised what I did and the bad conscience came and the shame and the fear. I couldn't sleep at all that night. I was a mess the next day. And I had this wedding. I couldn't do it. I felt like a liar, a fake, a sinner. I threw up in the baptism bowl and ran off like a scared duck. FO William, I'm starting to like you. WILL But now everything is fucked up. I don't know what to believe or do. It's so hard... FO That's what she said. WILL Who? FO You'll be fine. Or you'll go to hell. Who knows. WILL Don't say that!! 55.

FO You're just gay, that's all. WILL I'm just gay, that's all? FO Yes. WILL Hm. - You know what? - Today in the washerplace, some guy flirted with me, I think, he was really nice, he gave me the clothes you gave me. And he invited me to a party tonight. FO A party? WILL You think I should go and say hi? FO Hell yeah, we're going to a party! He takes a deep breath and dives under. WILL Heeeelll yeahhh. (He smiles) I shouldn't say that. Will dives under, too. [We do ,too, underwater images, darkness]


54 EXT. BERLIN STREETS - LATE EVENING 54 Will and Fo are lookin good, walking down the sidewalk. Fo a beer can with a funny straw in his hand, Will in some clothes that are not his, but looking actually decent. He's a bit frantic, but not too obvious. WILL Why do you always drink your beer with a straw? I never saw anyone do that before? My grandmother drank her wine like that, because at some point, she was done putting in her fake teeth, she hated them! (MORE) 56. WILL (CONT'D) They were always sitting on the kitchen counter in a glass of water; for years, I think! Dude, I look great (checks himself out in some window) Thanks. I never felt so good in a long time. FO Yeah - Berlin - does that to you. WILL No it does not!! Actually it does, yeah. (he shouts out at people around him) Berlin, you are my new church. Yeah everybody, let's pray!! Let's live life. We deserve it. And I am as gay as the day is long. No, I'm much gayer, I'm as gay as Jesus was full of love, yes, that's who I am. Gay Jesus. (he covers his mouth) Did a I just say that? FO Yep, loud and clear, for the whole world to hear. WILL I just came out. Oh Lord in heaven. This is the big moment.... That's not so bad... (he looks around at people walking by) Nothing bad happened. Feels good to be out of the closet. FO Wait till you tell your family and friends and the fucking Church people. WILL Ohhhhh! That's bad. Oh no, I can't do that. Bad Church people, not a good idea. I will stay in THAT closet, but here in Berlin, I'm OUT! 57.

FO With the show you're making, you might be on youtube already. WILL Shit. FO (in a funny scary way) Everyone will know!!

WILL Oohhh, well, let's not think about that now. We're going to a party. FO This is it. Will stands there in amazement. Fo goes straight in. WILL The party!! CUT TO:

55 EXT. PARTY LOCATION - NIGHT 55 They enter this great party, where houses are connected in twisted ways, people are streaming in and out, music comes from different floors and doors, people are colorful and are having a blast. Fo observes this as Will walks up to him throwing his arm on his shoulders like a little boss. WILL The place to be, hm. Fo shakes his head. FO (to a random girl) Hey sweety, how are ya! -

(to Will) You good? WILL Yes, I am. 58.

FO Great, I will check out the areas in the back a little. You just do your thing, ok? WILL We're not going together? FO We'll meet up. He walks away. WILL Alright. He is a bit dumbstruck but in an unstoppable good mood. He starts walking around, smiling idiotically, nodding at people. Imitating Fo's "How are ya!". Out of the crowd Alec appears. ALEC WILL (CONT'D) Hey there, you came. Aleeec!! WILL (CONT'D) Yeah, sure. Wouldn't miss it for the world. It's great. ALEC You got some clothes, too. WILL Yep, my friend helped me out. And you know what, I just came out. Of the closet. On the street. Alec is slightly irritated about Will's vibes but in a favorable mood. ALEC Oh, really? You mean out of the... WILL Yip, I'm gay. ALEC I had a feeling. WILL Really?? That's so cool. You're, too, right? 59.

ALEC (smiles gently) Yes. Well... congrats! WILL Yaaayyy. ALEC Come on, I want you to meet my friends. And then let's get you a drink. WILL Red wine! Will follows Alec. CUT TO:

56 EXT. PARTY LOCATION - NIGHT 56 Alec and Will join the group. ALEC Hey, everybody, that's -Will- SANDRA Hi Will, nice to meet you. I'm Sandra. WILL Hi. TOBI Hey, Tobi. You're the laundromat stripper? WILL Yes, that's me. Alec was so kind to give me some off his clothes, but I guess you know already. (to Alec) Thanks again! ALEC Sure, no biggy. You obviously needed some. Why DID you end up there with - no clothes - ? SANDRA Ooh - I love a good no clothes story! 60.

TOBI Yeah, Will, tell us. WILL Well, that's a long story, actually. And dramatic. Well, not that dramatic, but...

SANDRA TOBI Ooohh, drama, I like! Oh, come on, let's hear it! TOBI (CONT'D) Or, wait, let's guess first and see who get's it right! ALEC SANDRA Ahh, come on you guys... Yeah, let's do that. ALEC (CONT'D) Give the man some space. I'm sure he has a good story, when he feels like telling it.. WILL No, it's fine, That sounds fun. I don't know if I you wanna tell you my whole story, I'm being misterious! And it's happy-night!! But a guessing game sounds fun. I start!! Everyone laughs. WILL (CONT'D) Well... obviously I won't tell you what really happened, you'll have to figure that out, but... if I would have seen myself today, naked in the laundromat place, I would have thought... that... that man - me - has just robbed a bank and to disguise himself, he ran into the laundromat, where he had put some clothes in the dryer before the robbery. Everyone laughs. SANDRA Oh, my god, that makes no sense at all.. 61.

TOBI So you went to the laundromat to wash your stuff, before you went to the robbery??? WILL Yeah, yeah, because the bank is right around the corner. And when Alec suddenly talked to me, I acted like I was in need of some clothes... ALEC I so hope that's not true! SANDRA Wait, but why did you get completely naked? That wasn't necessary. WILL ...DNA traces!! They all laugh. TOBI Cheers to that! Criminal genious.

Sandra passes Will a bottle of wine. WILL Red wine! So whose turn is it now? Alec? ALEC I don't know... I actually saw you there and, well, I thought, that you were maybe a homeless person? WILL What? ALEC I don't wanna offend you. Are you?? WILL No! Come on offend me! ALEC That's it, I thought you were homeless, maybe just since recently, because, well, you looked normal. 62.

WILL Thank you! ALEC You know what I mean. You looked to neat... handsome. SANDRA Oooh. ALEC And you looked shy and scared. But you seem to be much better now. WILL I really was scared. And you helped me a lot, really. ALEC I did regret giving you my pink shorts. I might want them back. WILL Then you must get them. He gives Alec a long look. Alec returns that in a way.

SANDRA Ok, you two love birds, my turn! I think, that you are actually a priest in disguise, but you had to run away, because you organized orgies in the Church at night. WILL Holy shit. SANDRA Am I right?! I am right? WILL Yes. 100 % Sandra triumphs, they think it was all a joke. ALEC That's not funny!

SANDRA Oh, right, sorry, I forgot. ALEC You a priest? Right! Preaching about Jesus and sin? (MORE) 63. ALEC (CONT'D) Believe me I would not have invited you tonight, if you were a priest.

WILL Yeah, but how would you know? I was just a naked guy in the washerplace? ALEC I have a second radar for that kind of stuff.

Another friend of them breaks the circle. MARKUS Hey, everybody! Guess what I found? TOBI Where have you been? MARKUS Who's he? WILL Hi, I'm Will. MARKUS Oh, laundryplace stripper? MARKUS (CONT'D) Ok, so you're not a cop! WILL No, I'm a bankrobber! MARKUS Ok... I have found snow in the desert. (he pulls out a package for a second) TOBI/SANDRA ALEC Oh, cool/nice.. Ah, come on you guys! MARKUS Shut up Alec! Go have a tea! I just ran into this guy and he had all the goodies on him. ALEC Ah shit, if you go do that, I'm out! (he gets up) 64.

SANDRA Come on Alec, It'll be fun. Will? WILL I don't know, what? Snow? ALEC Forget about it, let's go. TOBI Yeah, let him go with his naked lover buddy. ALEC Fuck off! I'm out. You coming, Will? WILL Ok, nice to meet you guys. Have fun! SANDRA Bye Will, don't take Alec to one of your occult orgies, he's a good one, he couldn't take it. CUT TO:

57 EXT. PARTY LOCATION - NIGHT 57 Will and Alec walk through the location. WILL You're friends are nice. ALEC Eh. WILL What do we do now? I feel a bit weird, so many people. ALEC (who thinks Will is flirting with him) Yeah, it's crazy. I know a more quiet place, wanna go? WILL Yes, let's go! Alec smiles at him, hooks onto Will's arm. 65.

ALEC This way. CUT TO:

58 EXT. PARTY LOCATION - NIGHT 58 They come to a back area, Alec pulls Will by his hand. CUT TO:

59 EXT. PARTY LOCATION - NIGHT 59 Alec and Will turn into an unfrequented corner, partysounds in the background. WILL Is this the chill-out area? ALEC It's the relaxing zone. Alec maneuvers him against the wall. WILL This is VERY exciting. ALEC Yes, I think so, too. WILL Not so relaxing... They look at each other, it's this first moment alone. ALEC So, you really just came out? WILL Not really, or do strangers count? ALEC A little. ALEC (CONT'D) But you have been with a man before? WILL Of course. Lots and lots of men! Bad bluff. Alec takes a moment to consider. 66.

ALEC You're not really a priest? WILL Of course not. - But what did Sandra mean? ALEC With what? WILL She apologized for making that joke. ALEC Oh, yeah, she just knows my story. WILL So you had like some issues with religions?

ALEC I don't wanna talk about it now. I have other things on my mind... Alec slowly goes in for a kiss, which is a big deal for Will. Alec backs off a little to see, Will stares at him for a moment and passionatelly returns the kiss. WILL Oh dear God, this feels too good. I can't believe I've never done that. ALEC So you really haven't... (he smiles) Will shakes his head. ALEC slowly goes down on Will, Will's face lights up as Alec opens his pants and brings him to a tender, magnificent orgasm. [All just on Will's face] Alec comes back up to kiss him again. [or cut sooner]

60 EXT. PARTY LOCATION - NIGHT 60 Alec and Will come out of the secluded area. Some blue lights are shimmering through, people are moving in that direction. ALEC What's going on? 67.

WILL I don't care. Let the world burn to ashes. I have lived. (he is happy and satisfied) ALEC You are so cute. (He kisses him again) WILL Again. (Alec does so) WILL (CONT'D) Again. ALEC Let's keep some for later. (he looks at him straight) You know - I really like you...

WILL I like you, too. A lot. - (jokingly) Hey, imagine Sandra was actually right and I told you now I was a priest! ALEC That's not funny. WILL Bad joke, sorry. (he kisses him) ALEC Come on, let's check out the drama. (he pulls Will along)

WILL No, not more drama please. CUT TO:

61 EXT. PARTY LOCATION - NIGHT 61 A big crowd started to form. Alec and Will are pushing through, as they meet Alec's friend Sandra. SANDRA There you guys are, I was looking for you! 68.

WILL Hey Sandra!! ALEC (checks out her pupils) Are you high? SANDRA No, I felt bad, I wanted to party with you. WILL I feel high. SANDRA Yeah? ALEC No, he's just... (they move closer to each other) SANDRA Ah, I see... Good stuff! ALEC What's going on? SANDRA Don't know, it's police AND ambulance. Must be SOMETHING. They try to get a short look. Sandra jumps up to see. SANDRA (CONT'D) Some girl is being wheeled off on a stretcher, probably drugs. They break further throug the crowd, which is held back by police. ALEC Ok, guys, this isn't our business... WILL Oh no! Will wants to rush through, but a police-officer is holding him back. POLICE Back off, everyone! 69.

Fo lies on the ground, being reanimated by the paramedics. WILL That's my friend. I know him!! POLICE Sorry, can't let you trough, not now! WILL What happend to him? POLICE Sorry, I don't know. PARAMEDIC Let's get him in the ambulance! Let's go!! As they keep reviving him they move him into the ambulance and they take off. ALEC You know them? WILL No, just him. We came together. SANDRA Shit, really? I'll find out where they take him. (she goes off) WILL What the hell happened? ALEC Sorry, are you ok?

WILL Yes. I just... I need to get out of here. ALEC Whatever you need. WILL I'm sorry, I don't want to be a burdain or... ALEC No, stop it, please. 70.

SANDRA (returning) They bring him to Charite. ALEC Thanks, I will go with Will. SANDRA Sure! Take care. She kisses him goodbye. SANDRA (CONT'D) Bye Will. Nice to meet you, I hope your friend will be ok. WILL Thank you. Bye. ALEC Come on, let's get a cab to the hospital. I come with you. CUT TO:

62 INT. CHARITE - NIGHT 62 There sits a drunk Irish guy with a horribly broken nose, blood all over his shirt. IRISH GUY (singing for himself) Only one, George Kennedy, he puts the ball in the netty... Will rests on Alecs Lab, sleeping, Alec stroking his hair.

IRISH GUY (CONT'D) He's Portuguese he scores with ease, walking in a Celtic wonderland! (to Alec) Hey Mate, how bad do I look? ALEC Can't even tell something happened. IRISH GUY Haha, liar! - What a night! A nurse comes in. 71.

NURSE Mr. McColley! Let's take a look at you. Will wakes up. IRISH GUY Damn right Missy, let's take a good look at you, too! (he goes in the examination room) WILL (gets up quickly) Miss, excuse me, please, do you know anything about my friend? Noone tells me anything. He came in 2 hours ago, he was being reanimated. NURSE Are you family? WILL No, but... NURSE WILL (CONT'D) Then I can't tell you Please, I beg you! anything, I'm sorry. NURSE (CONT'D) Well... he didn't die. But he's not stable as far as I know. Come back tomorrow, then you can visit him. WILL Thank you so much! The nurse leaves, Alec takes Will in his arms. WILL (CONT'D) He's ok. ALEC That's great. You wanna stay at my place? - There's nothing we can do now. WILL I have to tell you something. ALEC You're gay? I know by now. 72.

WILL No - I mean yes, but - I really am a priest. Sandra was right. ALEC What? WILL Not about the orgies, but the priest thing. ALEC Are you fucking with me? WILL No. Alec takes some distance. WILL (CONT'D) I have a small congregation in Northern France. I came to Berlin yesterday to take some time away. ALEC Yesterday? So how do you know this guy? WILL I met him this morning, on the street. ALEC You're jokin! WILL No, but he is really my friend. ALEC After half a day? WILL Yes, I know it's strange, but.. ALEC No, wait! So, you were not kidding before when you said what if I was priest..? WILL I asked you, why you were upset, but you didn't want to tell me. 73.

ALEC Well, I didn't expect you to really fucking being a priest. WILL I was scared to tell you. ALEC And this is like a little adventure for you? WILL No, I really like you. ALEC I thought I liked you, too. - And he is just some random guy who did too much drugs?! WILL I didn't know about the drugs. Well today at the washer place, I saw him get something, but... I don't know anything about that stuff. ALEC He was there with you? WILL He gave me your clothes, I mean Chito did. ALEC Ok, sorry, but, this is... I'm happy your buddy is alive, but... all of this doesn't feel so good anymore, I'm sorry! WILL Why? Because I'm a priest? ALEC For example, yeah! And you lied to me. - I'm sorry, maybe I am being too harsh, but, I have some history.

WILL What happened? Please, tell me. ALEC No! I can't, cause you're a stranger. 74.

WILL Alec... (he moves closer) ALEC - My dad is a priest and he was horrible to me. WILL But I am not your dad!

ALEC You lied to me! WILL There's so much is happening in my life... ALEC Good for you! You still have your coming-out ahead of you! Make sure you celebrate it. Maybe with your congregation. - Sorry, Will, I can't do this. - Fuckin Berlin, everyone's such a mess. He walks off. WILL Alec! He stands there alone in the fluorescent light. CUT TO:

63 INT. FO'S PLACE - NIGHT 63 Will sits in a chair covered with a blanket. He stares in front of him. Birds start chirping. CUT TO:

64 INT. FO'S PLACE - MORNING 64 Music from the vinyl-player is playing. Will is half dressed, it's getting brighter outside. Water is boiling. He checks the teas. One says "Hawaiian special", he puts it down and picks up a peppermint. He puts on his cassock, sipps from the tea and looks at himself in the mirror. 75.

He sees Alec's pink shorts, smells them, shakes his head for doing that; he admires them shortly, then puts them under his cassock. CUT TO:

65 EXT. PARK - MORNING 65 Will awkwardly comes crawling out of the bush. He spits out some spider web, he freaks because of a spider on him, brushes himself off. CUT TO:

66 EXT. CHARITE - DAY 66 Will walks towards the entrance. CUT TO:

67 INT. CHARITE - DAY 67 Will is asking a nurse. WILL Excuse me I am looking for Ferdinand Böttcher. He's a friend... NURSE Mr. Böttcher? - Check the roof terrasse. I personally wouldn't mind if you threw him off the roof. CUT TO:

68 EXT. CHARITE ROOF TERRASSE - DAY 68 Will comes steps out onto the terrasse. FO (O.S.) Back in black! WILL Ferdinand! Fo sits on the ledge in his hospital garment having a smoke.

WILL (CONT'D) How are you? 76.

He ist just puffing his ciggi. WILL (CONT'D) Back to your normal self again, apparently. - So what happened? Did you take drugs?! FO The girl died. WILL Oh, I'm so sorry. Did you know her? FO Nah, just met her yesterday. Apparently, she was already full of something and I... I just gave her the rest. Will doesn't know what to respond. FO (CONT'D) We had an intense fuck just before, that almost killed ME. THAT was ok for her!! But then a tiny snort of speed pushed her overboard! WILL And you, too.

FO Well, I miscalculated. Was good stuff! WILL How can you live like that? FO He's back in the priest robe! WILL You just abbandonned me there. FO Gee, do you hear me complaining?! We went to a party to have some fun. Didn't come very far, did ya! WILL I don't know what to say.

FO Nothing to preach? Then shut up. 77.

WILL You almost killed yourself, you left me, you killed a woman! FO Hey!! (he gets up) I did not kill anyone! She made a choice, as did I. She had a heart condition. The doctors said, she could have been out any moment without anything. I could not have fucking known that. WILL But you don't seem to care! FO I have no time to care. WILL You're a heartless man. FO And you're a dried up horny hypocrat. WILL I'm so disapointed in you. FO Dito!! WILL You care about nothing, not even yourself? FO I care like fucking hell, but not like your superficial Jesus shit! WILL Leave him out of this! FO Jesus deserved to rott on his cross, for the bullshit he started. Will is enraged.

FO (CONT'D) Wanna hit me again! Go ahead. Come on! - Ahh, you're scared off your own shadow. At least I live! (MORE) 78. FO (CONT'D) I might end up in a hospital, but I know what got me here. A fucking good time. How are you doing with that?

WILL Actually I had a great time. FO Really? Did you have a lemonade? WILL I had wine! FO Do you trust your God? WILL What? FO Do you trust him? You make it ALL about him, so do you trust him? WILL Yes! Alec steps onto the ledge. There is quite a wind going. ALEC Let's see which way he blows. He almost loses his balance for a second. WILL You're insane. ALEC Damn right I am. Will pulls himself together and steps onto the ledge. He has to catch his breath for a moment. WILL I trust my God. I'm just scared of people. ALEC We are the people, man! He turns towards the abyss and opens his arms. 79.

ALEC (CONT'D) (screams out) We are the people!!!

He leans forward looking down. WILL What are you doing? ALEC (he grins, says to himself) I am so ready! WILL Don't you dare do anything stupid! ALEC Fuck you Will. Will grabs his hand. WILL Which ever side you go, I will go with you! ALEC (looks slowly over to him) You're so fucking annoying. Suddenly a huge wind blow comes, which startles them both off the ledge. CUT TO:

69 EXT. CHARITE ROOF TERRASSE - DAY 69 It's not sure which side they fell, but then, they both sit there. Will is shaken, makes a cross! Fo relatively composed, lights a cigarette. FO I guess God is on our side today. Will takes the cigarette out of Fos mouth and smokes it. FO (CONT'D) Hey there!... ok. He gets out another one, then Will gives him his back. FO (CONT'D) No no, you keep it. 80.

WILL I'm dizzy.

FO From the cigarette? WILL Or from the almost-suicice. FO Ah, shmee shmoo. Just a practice run. WILL I'm going back to France. FO Of course you are. WILL No, not of course I am. I just... I'm not made for all these crazy things.

FO I agree. WILL It's true, what they say, I just saw my life run by. There were so many wonderful moments. Happiness. So much to be grateful for. Flo slowly gets up. FO Hey look, I could be a preacher, too, with this (robe). Follow me. I will save you! WILL I don't know if I should thank you or really really hate you. FO Let me help you. Go back to your little pissy Church in France and calm down your sheep - I hope I will never see you again! He flips his cigarette over the ledge and walks off. 81.

Will gets up and looks over the city, the wind is blowing. Sky. MATCH CUT TO:

70 EXT. SMALL-TOWN CHURCH IN FRANCE - DAY 70 Sky. Will walks into the Church. The servant passes him. WILL Bonjour. CHURCH SERVANT Bon matin, pere! CUT TO:

71 INT. CHURCH BACKROOM - DAY 71 Will is getting ready for work, dressing up, putting his sermons in order. A small children choir is singing. CUT TO:

72 INT. SMALL-TOWN CHURCH IN FRANCE - DAY 72 (STILL THE CHILDREN CHOIR singing) Impressions of Will at work. He is on the podium speaking. He is giving the Holy Communion. He holds the book, singing with the choir, looks up to Jesus on the cross. CUT TO:

73 EXT. WILL'S HOUSE - EVENING 73 Will walks sporty with walking sticks. We just see his upper body, on his shirt is a little cross and the name of his Church. He slows down and enters the gate of his garden. NEIGHBOUR WOMAN [SUBTITLES] Bonjour monsieu pasteur, se [Good day father! Are you sentir mieux à nouveau? J'ai feeling better? I heard about entendu parler de l'incident the bad fish.] du poisson! 82.

WILL Oui, oui, c'etait mal. [Yes, that was not good.] NEIGHBOUR WOMAN Mon défunt mari l'a eu une [My late husband had it once, fois, horrible! horrible!] WILL Oui, oui. [Yes, yes.] NEIGHBOUR WOMAN (she looks down on him awkwardly) - Alors, bien que vous vous [Good your feeling better.] sentez mieux. WILL Merci. [Thank you.] NEIGHBOUR WOMAN Dieu vous bénisse. [God bless you.]

He walks in the house. She looks after him. CUT TO:

74 INT. WILL'S HOUSE - EVENING 74 He falls into a big lazy chair. He is wearing Alec's pink shorts. He looks unhappy. He pulls the T-Shirt over his head. CUT TO:

75 INT. SMALL-TOWN CHURCH IN FRANCE - DAY 75 Just Will's face staring at something. Two holding hands. Then the whole scene. It's a baptism. WOMAN HOLDING BABY Monsieur pasteur? [Father?]

He snaps out of his daydream. WILL Oui. [Yes.]

He looks around, holding the pitcher for the baptism in his hand. The Church is full. The parent's of the baby are a happy gay female couple. Some people are not amused. Will's neighbour is shaking her head in grim refusal. 83.

WILL (CONT'D) Je m'escuse, je peux pas [I'm sorry I can't do this.] faire ca. NEIGHBOUR WOMAN Dieu merci! [Thank God!] A murmur goes through the Church. The Church servant gets big eyes again.

PARENT 1 Qu’est-ce qui se passe ? [What's going on?]

WILL No,je pense que c'est [No, I think this is great! I merveilleux! Mais je dois... just have to...] (to the whole Church) Je dois vous dire une chose [I have to get something off encore que j'ai sur le coeur. my chest first. -- -- I'm gay --- Je suis gay, homosexuel. - homosexual.] (to the couple) Benissez-vous deux. Je ne [Bless you two. I can't hide peux plus me cacher. Et je ne any longer. And I cannot do peux pas faire CECI a THIS unless my conscience is moinsque ma conscience ne clean.] soit propre. (he loses stamina for a moment)

The Church servant sneaks close. CHURCH SERVANT Monsieur, vous etes bien? [Monsieur, are you feeling well?] WILL Oui, je me sens bien, car je [Yes, I feel great, because I suis enfin libre. Je suis gay am finally free. I am as gay comme un clown de cirque! as a circus clown!]

The gay couple hold each other closely, touched by this moment. One of them gives Will a thumbs up. Will mouthing a "Merci" to her.

WILL (CONT'D) Je suis désolé de devoir [I'm sorry I have to disturb déranger votre jour et dire your day and say this now, ceci maintenant, mais c'est but it's the truth. And la vérité. Et devant mon before my God I need to be Dieu, j'ai besoin d'être free. I am not a sinner, but libre. Je ne suis pas un a lover, of men.] pécheur, mais un amoureux, des hommes. 84.

Will's neighbour gets dizzy. WILL (CONT'D) Et une fois je me suis [And once I masturbated in masturbé devant notre beau front of our beautiful Jésus. Jesus.] Big murmor goes through the Church. The Church servant's jaw droppes, the neighbour lady faints. The couple's amused. WILL (CONT'D) Et maintenant, est-ce que [And now, does anyone have a quelqu'un a un problème avec problem with that? Or with me ça? Ou avec moi baptisant ce baptising this beautiful beau jeune enfant? - Non? young child? - No? Good. Bien. Alors ... je suis So... I'm sorry, what's his désolé, quel est son nom name again?] encore?

GAY PARENT Alexandre. [Alexandre.] WILL Je te baptise, Alexandre, au [I baptize you, Alexandre, in nom du père, du fils et du the name of the father the Saint-Esprit. son and the holy ghost.]

He pours water over the baby's head. CUT TO:

76 INT. CHURCH BACKROOM - DAY 76 Will rushes into his chamber followed by the Church servant, who is very excited and after a moment of suspense it breaks out of him... CHURCH SERVANT Je vous remercie!! [Thank you!!] So much love in his face. Will walks up to him.

WILL Vraiment? Je ne savais pas! [Really? I didn't know!]

CHURCH SERVANT Oui. [Yes.] Will grabs his face and gives him a kiss on the lips. He then gets ready to leave, taking off his robe, packing his stuff. 85.

CHURCH SERVANT (CONT'D) Où allez-vous? La réception [Where are you going? The ... reception...]

WILL Je dois partir. Je dois aller [I have to leave. I need to quelque part. go somewhere.]

The Church servant looks at him with pride.

CHURCH SERVANT Je leur dirai que vous aviez [I'll tell them you had a bad du mauvais poisson. fish.]

Will smiles, grabs his bag and leaves.



Will stands at the platform, in normal clothes, waiting for his train. He calls Alec, who doesn't pick up. Will leaves a message.

WILL Hey Alec. I am sorry, that I called so many times, but I really need to see you. I am coming to Berlin. Can we please meet? Call me back. CUT TO:


Will sits and has tea. Countryside is flying by.

79 EXT. BERLIN TRAINSTATION - DAY 79 The train arrives, Will steps out. Back in town.



Will walks towards Fo's place. He is checking his phone, nothing.

CUT TO: 86.


Will enters the bush into Fo's place. CUT TO:

82 INT. FO'S PLACE - DAY 82 Will pushes through the leaves. Chito is sitting there with headphones on and eyes closed. WILL Chito. Chito!

He touches his knee which startles Chito, but he sees it's Will, takes off the headphones.

CHITO Will, man, you scared the crap out of me! What are you doing here?

WILL I came to see Fo, is he around?

CHITO Hey man, have a seat. WILL Ok. WILL (CONT'D) What's going on?

CHITO Fo's dead.

WILL What?

CHITO Yeah, man. He went two days ago. WILL What did he do? CHITO The question is what didn't he do. Man, he had a bad liver apparently. Gave up on him. I think he saw it coming.

WILL Why, did he say something? 87.

CHITO Nah, just, you know, I sensed it. Will takes a look around the place.

CHITO (CONT'D) Sorry, man. WILL - So you live her now? CHITO Yeah. It's a lovely place, man.

WILL Yes, it is.

CHITO Dude, you want some tea? Fo has some crazy shit there, that takes you places! WILL (he remembers) Oh... Thanks. - When is the funeral? CHITO Tomorrow. Here at the cemetery. WILL (smiles) Of course. Thanks Chito, I see you around. CHITO What are you up to? WILL I don't know, I just have to... CHITO Yeah, alright.

Will takes a look at the record player. He nodds to Chito, who nodds back, puts his headphones on. He leaves.

CUT TO: 88.

83 EXT. PARK - DAY 83 Will comes out of the bush. He stands there for a second, checks his phone again, then walks off.


84 EXT. PARK CAFE - DAY 84 Will is in the cafe he and Fo went to to get bananas. He has a seat. He reminisces for a second.

WAITRESS Hey, what can I get you?

WILL Ehm, a tea and a banana please.

WAITRESS Sure. No red wine? WILL No, it's a bit... Samantha! Hi! SAMANTHA (kind of jokingly) You fucking priest, you ditched me! WILL Oh, yes, I'm sorry. I..

SAMANTHA Yeah yeah, it's fine. You were scared to death, weren't you?

WILL I was.

SAMANTHA Did you confess about it?

WILL Not yet. SAMANTHA Oohhh. - Hey, my shift's over, mind if I join you? WILL No, of course! CUT TO: 89.

85 EXT. PARK CAFE - DAY 85 Sam sits with him.

SAM I really really enjoyed our kiss.

WILL Yes, it was... well, I'm gay, actually.

SAM Don't say!

WILL Yep. SAM Such a stereotype, A gay priest. - So, what have you been up to? You haven't been in Berlin all the time??

WILL No, I was home for a bit, but...

SAM Freaked out again? WILL In a good way. SAM You have to tell me this time. WILL Well, I just came out. Of the closet. That's what it was all about I guess. SAM Congrats. WILL Yes, and I met someone here.

SAM Really??

WILL But he doesn't want to see me. SAM Oh no, already in trouble! 90.

WILL I guess. - And there is this other guy.

SAM Two guys?! WILL No, not like that. I met him the morning after we met. Crazy guy. He lives over there in a bush. Well, ...

SAM Ferdinand?

WILL Yes. SAM You met Ferdinand? WILL Yes. You know him?

SAM Do I?!

WILL Right...the waitress! You did some praying together. SAM That's what he called it?

WILL He said, you called out the Lords name.

SAM Oh... - You know...

WILL I know, Chito just told me. SAM So, YOU and FO?? WILL I know! So crazy. I think he gave me drugs... 91.

SAM Definatelly! Did you have tea? (Will nodds) - Hey, I'm going to visit his mom now, wanna come?

WILL Of course. Yes.

SAM Great! - Mm, I have to show you something!

She pulls out a letter. SAM (CONT'D) He wrote a letter to me. - Dear pussypie... that would be me ... my time in this hellhole is up. What a ride it was. I guess I could have saved the rain forrest, but gotta leave somthing for the other bums to do. I'll wait for you up here ... in brackets: or down there... join me soon. Kidding, take your time! Hope you don't mind if I screw some demon-chick in the meantime! And you know what, God sent me a representative, someone to prepare me for the last ride. So, I'm all set, don't worry... he means you, right?... I left Chito some money for the funeral and for you. Visit my mom you lazy bitch! I love you! Ferdi out!


SAM He never told me he loved me. - Hey, The funeral is tomorrow, can you maybe say something there?

Will doesn't respond. SAM (CONT'D) Can you maybe say something now? WILL No.

SAM Oh, ok. 92.

WILL No, I mean. There will not be a funeral! Not like that...

SAM No? WILL (takes out his phone) Please google Transcend Logistics, it's a trucking company, call them and ask for Markus's contact. SAM What?

WILL (he calls Alec again) Just do it! - Hey Alec, it's me again. I'm in Berlin and I need your help with something! It's really important, please call me back. It's not about us. Or just come to St. Peter's care center, room of Mrs. Böttcher. In one hour! Please, Alec, come,please. (hangs up) - Ok, you call Markus, tell him to meet us at St. Peter's! I will go get Chito.

He get's up. SAM What the hell? WILL Be right back!

He runs off. CUT TO:


Sam, Chito, Will and the old guy from the beginning are standing in the elevator. The old guy is intensly looking at Chito.

CHITO I don't know man. I don't like old people places. Feels like a death trap, man. (MORE) 93.

CHITO (CONT'D) (to the old man) Guten Tag, how's it goin?

OLD GUY Do you have drugs? CHITO Hey, just because I'm black, doesn't mean I'm a stereotype!

OLD GUY I'm sorry. They exit the elevator.

CHITO Just kidding, I'll catch you later.

The old man smiles and gives him the index finger. CUT TO:

87 INT. MRS BÖTTCHER'S ROOM - DAY 87 Markus sits uncomfortably next to Mrs. Böttcher, Will peaks in, then all three enter. MARKUS Hello! WILL Hello Markus, thank you for coming! This is Samantha, SAM Hi.

WILL And Chito.

CHITO What's wrong with her? She on somethin?

SAM She has dementia dickface. WILL Has any one else shown up? MARKUS No... What's going on? 94.

WILL Let's wait a few minutes.


88 INT. MRS BÖTTCHER'S ROOM - DAY 88 Sam is petting Mrs. Böttcher's hand. Chito is smoking a blunt at the window. MARKUS I really tried to better myself, but, I am too weak. WILL Don't worry. I have a plan and when you help us with that, you will be forgiven many times over. - I guess he's not coming.

CHITO Who? Come on man spit it out! WILL Well, I wanted to meet here, because it's symbolic place. Poor Mrs. Böttcher outlived her son Ferdinand. The door opens and Alec hesitantly comes in. Will gets up.

WILL (CONT'D) Alec, Hi. ALEC Hey, what's going on? WILL Have a seat. -

WILL (CONT'D) Thank you so much everybody that you came here. - Like I said, her son, Ferdinand died two days ago. (to Alec) The one from the hospital. - He was very dear to me, because he helped me change my life. (trying to crack a joke) Although until this day, I don't even know if he liked me at all. 95.

CHITO He didn't. Fo liked nobody. WILL Yes, but still he was our friend in his own way. When we last saw each other he told me how he wanted to be burried. And I want to fullfill him this wish. He wanted to be thrown in a volcano. And I will make that happen. And for that I need your help!

CHITO Did you say vulcano?

Sam has to laugh. ALEC And the crazy continues. (he gets up) WILL Alec, please, hear me out. I know you think I'm a mess, but I'm not! I fell in love with you. Please help me with this and you will see who I really am. Stay. - Markus, you can help us with transportation, Chito, you were his friend, you were! You're much better at illegal things than me. And we have to disguise -a package, you know how to do that. Alec!

ALEC Which vulcano? WILL The Stromboli in Italy! We steal his body and drive it there. Come on guys. That's what he wanted. It's a little crazy, but, all you guys mean so much to me, let's go on this trip together and have some fun. Chito, Fo would love it, wouldn't he? Sam?

A short moment of silence, then Chito starts laughing so hard.

ALEC Will, it was - nice to see you again. I wish you all the best! 96.

WILL Alec...

CHITO Alright, everybody, this was fun, good bye old lady.

He walks out still laughing. WILL Alec (he holds Alec's arm) ) You felt it, too, didn't you?! ALEC What? WILL Between us.

ALEC - - bye Will. (he goes)

Markus guiltfully walks out, too.

MARKUS I'm sorry, but, I have a family. I can't afford to get in trouble.

He looks at Sam, who still holds Mrs. Böttcher's hand. SAM I'm in. - Let's steal dead Fo and have some fun. If I won't make it tomorrow, Mrs. Bättcher, it's because I'm in jail or Italy.

MRS BÖTTCHER Ferdinand? (she looks around) Mein Junge... Will and Sam look at each other. Will gets teary eyed.


89 INT. HALLWAY ST PETER'S - DAY 89 Will and Sam come out Mrs. Böttcher's room, Markus stands there. Holding a piece of paper. 97.

MARKUS I want to help, I just can't...

WILL It's ok. And... don't worry, he still loves you. (Will does a cross in front of him)

MARKUS (gives him the paper) These are the codes to the truck park and the key-box. We have smaller trucks, too. Best time is five in the morning. WILL Thank you. Markus walks off. Will looks at Sam and smiles slightly.

WILL (CONT'D) Just the two of us?

SAM Let's go to my place and think about this... (she holds his face) It's a fantastic idea, he would have loved it. CUT TO:


Sam and Will exit and there is Alec, going towards Will. ALEC Are you fucking out of your mind?

WILL I know...

ALEC No you don't! Let's steal a dead body of some drug asshole and drive to Italy. Oh, and by the way, I love you? You can't just throw that at me like this.

WILL But I do. 98.

ALEC Do you really? Or are you just on your little I'm-out-parade? SAM I'll give you some space... WILL I know it's all a bit much, but what can I do? ALEC Not come back to Berlin. Not tell me you love me! Not freakin steal a dead guy! - Fuck you! What's the matter with you? - Say something!

WILL At 5 o clock I will be at Transcendence Logistics, stealing a truck to steal my friend's body, Please come. Alec looks at him intensly for a moment, then shakes his head and rushes off. SAM Let's go to my place and figure this out. WILL I need to go somewhere. I'll meet you at the morgue at 5:30. Can you figure out a way to get in? SAM Are you a crazy priest? WILL See you tomorrow!


91 EXT. CHURCH IN BERLIN - NIGHT 91 Will walks up to the Church looks up at it. He walks to the side of it to the priest's residence. He rings the bell. A light goes on and a tired priest in sleepy clothes opens the door.

PRIEST Kann ich Ihnen helfen? [Can I help you?] 99.

WILL I need to talk to you.


92 INT. PRIEST'S HOME - NIGHT. 92 Dimm light, the two priests opposite each other. The priest just staring at Will, puzzled.

PRIEST You... what? - and you are a priest? (He stands up) Get out of my house. "Sympathie for the devil" (or else) is playing.



Will walks away from the Church, with a smile on his face. CUT TO:

94 EXT. BERLIN - NIGHT 94 (Still music) Expressions of Will walking through the street, confident, determined. He takes someones drink out of someone's hand, sips it, and throws it away -- He exits a kiosk with a bottle of wine. He stands on the ledge of a bridge, arms wide open -- He is in a male strip booth, his mouth wide open -- He eats a Falafel and smokes a cigarette - -



Will at the gate of the truck park, glitter in his face, a base-cap on backwards, a cigarette in his mouth, humming something, entering the code to the gate, it opens. He looks at his watch. 5:11. He looks around, then throws the cigarette and goes in. CUT TO: 100.

96 INT. OFFICE TRUCK PARK - NIGHT 96 Dark office, Will finds the keybox opens it and checks some keys. MARKUS Take this one.

Scared Will turns around, there is Markus grabbing a key. WILL Fuck you scared me! - What are you doing here? MARKUS For once I wanted to do the right thing. WILL You sure this is it?! MARKUS No. But I want to help you. WILL Let's go.


97 INT./EXT. SMALL TRUCK - EARLY MORNING 97 Markus drives the truck, Will next to him. They pull up to the cemetery gate, behind which Sam, Alec and Chito are handling a big package. Will and Markus get out of the car. SAM (with a coffee to-go in her hand; through the gate) Good morning! Hey Markus!

In the background Chito and Alec are ducktaping a big package. Chito headphones on, singing quietly.

WILL You made it??! SAM Of course. With a little help. WILL Hey you guys! 101.

ALEC I will not talk to you now!!

WILL How did you get them to...

SAM Drugs changed Chito's mind. And him, I guess he does have a thing for you.

Alec rushes up to the gate. ALEC She talked me into this! I don't know how she did it, I think she is a witch! but I have not changed my mind about you Mr. Priest! WILL Thank you.

CHITO Some help!

They lift Fo over the gate, he drops on the other side. CUT TO:

98 INT./EXT. SMALL TRUCK - MORNING 98 Markus and Chito sit in the front. Will back in the middle with Sam and Alec, who's not looking at him. WILL Are you guys ready for this?

CHITO I was born ready!

WILL Alec?

ALEC I'm sorry, maybe this is not... Will grabs his face and kisses him hard.

ALEC (CONT'D) ...Ok... 102.

Markus starts the truck proudly, Chito turns music on, some crazy hip-hop tune. Sam screams out. They drive off. CUT TO BLACK.

99 EXT. ROADTRIP TO ITALY - DAY/NIGHT 99 From here on only phone videos, road-trip style, filmed by them, some with music in the background, different moments, not yet defined, on the road, arguing, sleeping, at the border-control, Alec and Will fighting, Alec and Will making out, Italy, Ice-cream, sleeping under some old blankets, On the ferry to the island. THE VULCANO IN FRONT, PULLING UP THE PACKAGE ON A SMALL WAGON



Still in mobile-phone-mode, filmed by Chito. They climb the last meters to the crater.

CHITO (secretly, on himself, while smoking one) This is like the eye of the duck. I heard some crazy guy talk about this. You know when you look at a duck. The beaker is like all orange and smooth. And the feet are something else, crazy feet, and the big body with the feathers. And then... there's the EYE. It's like a jewel on the duck. It's in the perfect place. If it was on the beaker, that would be weird. If it was on the body somewhere you couldn't see it. But up there on the curve of the head, it's at the perfect place, you know.

He films the crater. CHITO (CONT'D) The eye of the duck!

They all stand at the edge of the volcano. Looking in. Sam and Alec bring the package to an upright position. 103.

WILL We have all gathered here today, on this wonderful day, to honor the last wish of Ferdinand Böttcher, a man one of a kind. Raised in hell sent from heaven, the most disrespectful asshole I ever had the honor to meet. Dear Stromboli, dear God, we give you this body to take him on his last journey. In the fire of this earth may he find his peace. Or maybe a good party, I'm not sure. Thank you for everything dear brother!

The wind is blowing. Will opens a small vodka bottle, pours it into the crater and a second one which he drinks himself. He looks at Sam and Alec, they let Ferdinand fall into the hole. He disappears behind the edge.

CHITO (O.S.) Oh, shiit. That's crazy.

Will takes out his priest cassock from a bag, holds in front of him and also throws it. Alec and Sam come close to him. Markus spontaneously, proudly, slowly and deeply sings the "Steigerlied". MARKUS Hat’s angezünd’t, das gibt ein’ Schein. Und damit, so fahren wir bei der Nacht, und damit so fahren wir bei der Nacht, ins Bergwerk ein, ins Bergwerk ein.

They give him an acknowledging look.

CHITO Let me see if I get a shot of this .... Oh, fuck...

The phone falls into the volcano, video turns black. CUT TO:

101 INT. MRS BÖTTCHER'S ROOM - DAY 101 Old Mrs. Böttcher is still lost in her world. Then something enters her mind, she looks up slowly and smiles. 104.



A Church organ plays "Accept our works, O sweet Lord."