WAIKIKI IN JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1925 By Edwin North McClellan “Surfboard paddling races, once a popular local sport, were revived at the Out­ rigger Canoe Club today, under the auspices of a committee of members which plans to make them an annual event in the future,” reported the Star-Bulletin, January 1, 1925. “The revival of the races is along new lines with a view to placing the racers entirely dependent upon their own ability and speed, and not giving them the ad­ vantage of the surf, as in the past. Today’s course was parallel to the beach. The Men’s Open Race was from Gray’s Raft to a point in the water opposite the Out­ rigger’s Clock. The other races were from a point off the Seaside Hotel to the same finish-line." George David “Dad” (Hullo Joe) Center was in charge of the affair. The “H ui Nalu’s surfboard paddlers cepted by Richards who demurs to the made a general cleanup,” explained the extent of 1,759 yards and a fraction. Advertiser. The Men’s Open was won by Anyway, Woolaway won and insists that T. G. Kiakona in four minutes twenty- his friends be notified so that there will nine and two-fifths seconds. Gay Harris be no more 'kidding’ him about his ~>as second and E. D. Cooke, third. Dor- prowess as a surfboard paddler.” As a ^Jliy Waters came in first in the Women’s result of all this, the Advertiser of Jan­ Open, paddling the short course in one uary 5, 1925, reported that Dick Rich­ minute and forty-two seconds. A. F. ards (Outrigger Club) will meet James Douse was second, and M. Morong, third. Woolaway (Hui Nalu) on Sunday, Jan­ In the relay race, the Kamaainas won uary 11, 1925. Whether they raced or from the Malihinis. On the winning team who won, I don’t know. were Vierra, Minvielle, Jr., Gillis (or D. “As a result of the New Year’s Day L. Girdler) and Harris. Surfboard Paddling Races, a new interest Russell L. Richards finished first in in the sport seems to be present at the the Race-for-Men-ovei;-Thirty; Robert As­ beach,” declared the Star-Bulletin. On kew was second, and A. R. Tulloch, Sunday, January 4, 1925, a special match third. T. G. Kiakona was victor in the surfboard paddling race was pulled off Race-for-Boys-under-Eighteen followed at Waikiki Beach. Tommie Kiakona, of in by H. Vierra and F. E. Ellis. In the the Outrigger Canoe Club, won with Boys-under-Fifteen contest Alfred Hess George Harris second and “Tough Bill” was first, Benton Wood was second, and Keawemahi, third. John Trotter, third. Miss F. Bahr was JOSEPH R. FARRINGTON, the only entry in the Race-for-Girls- PRESIDENT OF THE CLUB "\der-Fifteen. She paddled the course “The Outrigger Canoe Club directors >one. accepted the resignation of Percy G. H. The officials were: “Dad” Center Deverill, as President,” on the night of (starter) ; A. E. Minvielle, Sr. (clerk of January 8, 1925, “and elected Joseph R. the course); C. G. Benny (timer); Pat Farrington as successor,” reported the O ’Sullivan, Karratti and Cowan (judges). Star-Bulletin. New duties of Mr. Deverill “Russell Richards caused some con­ at the Bank of Hawaii made it impos­ sternation in the Hui Nalu camp some sible for him to “give the necessary time weeks ago when he defeated Jimmy to the Outrigger Canoe Club presidential Woolaway in a surfboard paddling match duties.” race,” reported the Star-Bulletin of Jan­ Joe Farrington was one of the oldest uary 3, 1925, "but Jimmy got his re­ members (of the Outrigger Canoe C lub), venge in the first lap of the relay race having belonged for many years prior between the Hui Nalus and Outrigger to his departure for the mainland and New Year’s morning.” college studies. After his return to Hono­ “I beat him (Richards) by a mile,” lulu he was exceedingly active in fur­ Jimmy Woolaway claims, published the thering the Outrigger Canoe Club in­ Star-Bulletin. "This report is not ac­ terests. (Please see Next Page)

r 3 1 FILLING IN THE "LAGOON" V o l. 10 N o. 1 At a meeting o£ "the Directors of the C4 Club” (Outrigger), on January 8, 1925, they "decided to continue the work of filling in the Lagoon. The Lagoon will be filled in to the level of the rest of the grounds,” explained the Star-Bulle- tin. "There is need of this space for FORECAST locker room buildings.” Twenty days Issued by the later the same newspaper published in­ BOARD OF DIRECTORS formation that an “announcement was made today (, 1925) by W il­ E. W . STENBERG . . Editor liam Ouderkirk, director of the Out­ Bus. Phone 5-7911 Res- Phone 9-3664 rigger Canoe Club, that a contract had TED M A G ILL . Advertising . Bus. Phone 9-4806 been closed for filling the section of the Club Grounds at Waikiki now covered OUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB with water. The filling is to begin at WAIKIKI BEACH HONOLULU, HAWAII once and will be completed within three BOARD OF DIRECTORS months. LeRoy C. Bush Samuel M. Fuller "Under the contract this portion/ Ernest R. Cameron Leslie A. Hicks William C. Capp Murray Johnson the Club Grounds is to be raised to tnt Robert D. Fischer Duke P. Kahanamoku Wilford D. Godbold William J. Mullahey level of the other land. Directors of the Herbert M. Tayler Club have been seeking for several OFFICERS months to make this improvement.” WILFORD D. GODBOLD...... President WILLIAM J. MULLAHEY...... Vice President MARIECHEN WEHSELAU AND SAMUEL M. FULLER...... Secretary SAM KAHANAMOKU IN AUSTRALIA HERBERT M. TAYLOR...... Treasurer E. P. "TED " MAGILL...... Club Manager Samuel Alapai Kahanamoku left Ha­ Committees Chairmen waii December 15, 1924, to swim "down FINANCE...... Wilford D. Godbold, Ex-Officio under” as the guest of Australia and New BUILDING FUND...... Leslie A. Hicks Zealand. Mariechen Wehselau departed ADMISSIONS...... Dr. Irving Blom DISCIPLINARY...... Samuel M. Fuller for the same area early in 1925, the Star- HOUSE AND GROUNDS...... Ernest W . Stenberg Rulletin of January 12, 1925, reporting ENTERTAINMENT...... Samuel M. Fuller —“Mrs. E. Fullard-Leo is on her way to VOLLEYBALL...... Ernest H. Thomas CANOE...... W illiam C. Capp Australia and New Zealand with Ma­ BEACH ACTIVITIES...... William J. Mullahey riechen Wehselau, Outrigger Canoe Club CANOE COACHING...... Samuel M. Fuller swimmer.” Sam Kahanamoku not only ATHLETIC CO-ORDINATING won swimming races in Australia and DIRECTOR...... Robert O. Fischer EDITOR, "FORECAST"...... Ernest W . Stenberg New Zealand, he surf boarded. The Sto~ Bulletin of January 24, 1925, reproduo^ AFFILIATED CLUBS a picture from the Melbourne Sun-News Arizona Club, Phoenix, Arizona. (January 6, 1925) showing Sam doing Balboa Bay Club, Newport Harbor, California. Club Del Mar, Santa Monica, California. an exhibition stunt (by standing on his College Club of Seattle, Seattle, Washington. head on a moving surfboard) at the Country Club of Peoria, Peoria, Illinois. Davenport Club, Davenport, Iowa. North Bondi Beach Carnival. Sam Ka­ Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, California. Lake Shore Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. hanamoku and Mariechen Wehselau Multnomah Athletic Club, Portland, Oregon. (chaperoned by Mrs. E. Fullard-Leo) New York Athletic Club, New York, New York. Old Pueblo Club, Tucson, Arizona. returned from Australia on March 26, San Diego Club, San Diego, California. Santa Monica Swimming Club, Santa Monica, California. 1925, aboard the Aorangi. Sam was Hilo Yacht Club, Hilo, Hawaii, T.H. about two and a half months in Aus­ Kauai Yacht Club, Lihue, Kauai, T.H. tralia and New Zealand and Mariechen American Club, Mexico City, Mexico. Wehselau about two months. Carleton Club, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Casino De Parral, Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico. Monterrey Foreign Club, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. DUKE KAHANAMOKU IN THE "MOVIES" Pacific Club, Victoria, B. C ., Canada. South Yarra Club, Melbourne, Australia. “Duke Paoa Kahanamoku has been Tattersall's Club, Sydney, Australia. claimed by the motion pictures tempo­ Terminal City Club, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. Waikiki Club, Lima, Peru. rarily,” reported the Star-Bulletin Feb-

r 4 1 rum\ 1, 1925. "H e is playing die role ol a Hawaiian bodyguard to Pauline Starke, heroine ol Jack London's Adven­ Special maids turn down ture now being produced by Paramount. In one scene lie lias an underwater battle beds nightly... another example with another swimmer to save her lile. Tom Moore, Wallace Beery, Raymond of superior service Hatton and Walter McGrail are other members ol the east." FROM 6.00 “DAD" CENTER BUSY AS USUAL-HELPING 'Plans lor a Sports Program, that will be memorable, are being made in prepa­ ration lor the arrival here (in Hawaii) ol the American Fleet next April,” re­ ported the S!

VOLLEYBALL AT OUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB A Yollevball Tournament started 011 Compliments of the Outrigger Canoe Club's courts 011 Februarv 17, 1925. Four teams a 11- 'lounced in the Advertiser ol February BEVERLY MANAGEMENT j 1925. were as follows: Tearn One: i/ad (kilter (captain) , Chase, Farring­ CORP. ton, Hartman. May, Mackenzie and Pi 11/. 'ream Two: Harold Harvey (captain) , Bryson Apartment-Hotel ("in California Hills, Lindley, Lyman, Morgan, Ram- stay with us"); Roxbury East and West sav and Singlehui st. Team Three: Sam Apartments; Culver Hotel (rates $2.50 Fuller (captain), Hilleger, Horner, How­ and up); California Country Club (guest ell, McGuire, Makinncy and Tom Muir- cards on request of O.C.C. for members); head. Tearn hOuv: Roy Jacobson (cap­ Westside Tennis Club, et al, projects of tain) , Deverill, Gillis, Haller, Heminger, the Beverly Management Corporation, McGill and Thurston. Bo Chr. Roos, President. "D ad” Center's No. One team won 400 No. Camden Drive the Club Series 011 , 1925, by defeating Team No. Three, (>-15, 15-3 Beverly Hills, California and 15-1. Members ol the winning team were: George David (Dad) Center, E. T. Chase, Joe R. Farrington, “Scowie” Do Chr. Roos, President CR 1-5611 (Continued on Page 1 .">)

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NEWS FROM FAR EAST WAIKIKI JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1925 (Continued from Page 5) Our good contributor Edwin North Hartman, Bob Mackenzie, Gordon May McClellan is travelling in the Far East and G. C. Piltz. as a war correspondent. Below is a note Nineteen hundred and twenty-five was from him which should interest his many the year I made by fourth visit to H a­ friends. In another part of the Forecast waii. W ith my family I arrived on July is another of his many historical and in- 14, 1925, and lived in Hawaii for over "lesting tales of Hawaii and Waikiki. two years. I hope, in a future issue, to USS PRINCETON tell you about the Club of those years. Somewhere in V « of Japan east of North Korea Saturday- 16-Dccember-1950 Dear Ernie: DISILLUSIONMENT 1 was very pleasantly surprised to find that it In early childhood we were told is not as CO LD up here as we expected it to be. To save each precious dime. Ranges between 35 and -15 degrees. Sea has been That they’d increase a hundredfold unusually calm—very pleasing to a LOVER-of- And make us rich in lime. SERENE Japan Sea. I soon will have te start It s plain that we have been deceived moving on my itinerary as it is not very short. By this well meant advice This allair near us should soon be over AND And that more might have been achieved THEN WHAT—what will happen SOUTH of W ith just a pair of dice. the B O R D E R (the 38th Parallel)? A dollar banked and left to stay Best to everylxjdy, I hate to mention names For 50 years or so tor I want to tell everyliody in Hawaii that they Would multiply. The sum today are lucky to be there. It is the finest piece of Might make a pretty show. real estate in the world—and I ’ll be back there Hut that’s where the deception lies. some dav. However, aloha to you and your fam­ Thru perverse fate or luck ily, to led, to Duke, to Dad, to the Admiral, Today that added money buys and to all mv friends who are vour friends. No more than that first buck. McC.LEI.LAN —Engelagus

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