Research Articles: Development/Plasticity/Repair Basigin associates with in order to regulate perineurial glia and Drosophila nervous system morphology

Cite as: J. Neurosci 2020; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1397-19.2020 Received: 6 June 2019 Revised: 3 March 2020 Accepted: 9 March 2020

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Copyright © 2020 Hunter et al.

1 TITLE: Basigin associates with integrin in order to regulate perineurial glia and

2 Drosophila nervous system morphology


4 Authors: Amelia C Hunter1, Lindsay M Petley-Ragan1, Mriga Das1, and Vanessa J

5 Auld1


7 Affiliations: 1 Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z4


9 Corresponding Author:

10 Vanessa J Auld

11 Department of Zoology, Life Sciences Centre

12 University of British Columbia

13 2350 Health Sciences Mall

14 Vancouver, BC

15 V6T 1Z3, Canada

16 Tel: 604 822 1977

17 Email: [email protected]


19 Running Title: Basigin regulates glia-ECM interactions

20 Number of pages: 43

21 Number of figures: 10

22 Number of movies: 3

23 Number of words: Abstract (237), Introduction (650), Discussion (1498)


24 Conflicts of Interest: None

25 Acknowledgements: We thank Drs. Anne Ephrussi, Ken Prehoda, Bruce Reed, and 26 Guy Tanentzapf, for generously sharing fly lines and antibodies; Drs. Tim O’Connor and 27 Mary Gilbert for constructive comments on the manuscript. The Developmental Studies 28 Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) created by the NICHD of the NIH and maintained at The 29 University of Iowa, Department of Biology, Iowa City, IA 52242 provided monoclonal 30 antibodies used in this study. Stocks obtained from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock 31 Center (NIH P40OD018537) were used in this study. This work was supported by 32 grants from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and the Natural Sciences 33 and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). 34



36 The Drosophila nervous system is ensheathed by a layer of outer glial cells, the

37 perineurial glia, and a specialized extracellular matrix, the neural lamella. The function

38 of perineurial glial cells and how they interact with the extracellular matrix is just

39 beginning to be elucidated. Integrin-based focal adhesion complexes link the glial

40 membrane to the extracellular matrix, but little is known about integrin’s regulators in the

41 glia. The transmembrane Ig domain Basigin/CD147/EMMPRIN is highly

42 expressed in the perineurial glia surrounding the Drosophila larval nervous system.

43 Here we show that Basigin associates with integrin at the focal adhesions in order to

44 uphold the structure of the glia-extracellular matrix sheath. Knock down of Basigin in

45 perineurial glia using RNAi results in significant shortening of the ventral nerve cord,

46 compression of the glia and extracellular matrix in the peripheral nerves, and reduction

47 in larval locomotion. We determined that Basigin is expressed in close proximity to

48 integrin at the glial membrane, and that expression of the extracellular integrin-binding

49 domain of Basigin is sufficient to rescue peripheral glial compression. We also found

50 that a reduction in expression of integrin at the membrane rescues the ventral nerve

51 cord shortening, peripheral glial compression, and locomotor phenotypes, and that

52 reduction in the integrin-binding protein Talin can partially rescue glial compression.

53 These results identify Basigin as a potential negative regulator of integrin in the glia,

54 supporting proper glial and extracellular matrix ensheathment of the nervous system.




57 The glial cells and extracellular matrix play important roles in supporting and protecting

58 the nervous system, but the interactions between these components have not been well

59 characterized. Our study identified expression of a conserved Ig superfamily protein,

60 Basigin (Bsg), at the glial membrane of Drosophila where it associates with the integrin-

61 based focal adhesion complexes to ensure proper ensheathment of the central and

62 peripheral nervous systems. Loss of Bsg in the glia results in an overall compression of

63 the nervous system due to integrin dysregulation, which causes locomotor defects in the

64 animals. This underlies the importance of glia-matrix communication for structural and

65 functional support of the nervous system.




68 In the nervous system, glial cells provide structural support and protection to the

69 underlying axons, and express receptors to bind the overlying extracellular matrix

70 (ECM). The ECM regulates the size and shape of the nervous system during

71 development, and is essential for its structural integrity (Pastor-Pareja and Xu, 2011). In

72 Drosophila, ECM degradation by overexpression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)

73 causes deformation of the brain lobes and ventral nerve cord, and prevents proper glial

74 sheath formation (Xie and Auld, 2011; Meyer et al., 2014). Similarly, in vertebrate

75 neurons the ECM plays an essential role in myelination of axons by the glia (Colognato

76 and Tzvetanova, 2011).

77 Glia-ECM interactions are mediated by the integrin heterodimer in many glial

78 cells. The extracellular heads of the D and E integrin subunits bind ECM components,

79 while the intracellular domain binds a host of adaptor , including the actin-

80 binding protein Talin, forming the focal adhesion complex (Sun et al., 2016). In

81 Drosophila, glial knockdown of E-integrin expression causes central nervous system

82 (CNS) deformation and incomplete glial wrapping, similar to ECM degradation

83 phenotypes (Xie and Auld, 2011; Meyer et al., 2014). Loss of E-integrin in mice also

84 causes incomplete myelination of neurons (Feltri et al., 2002; Barros et al., 2003).

85 Intracellular binding and activation of integrin (“inside-out” signaling) promotes

86 ligand-binding and increased cell adhesion (O’Toole et al., 1991; Calderwood et al.,

87 1999; Hu and Luo, 2013). Extracellular binding of integrin to ligands results in activation

88 of intracellular signaling (“outside-in” signaling) resulting in changes to cell shape,

89 growth, and migration (Hu and Luo, 2013). The integrin dimer undergoes large-scale


90 conformational changes based on its activation state: the dimer is bent while inactive,

91 extended while activated, and the transmembrane portions of the D and E subunits are

92 separated in its high-affinity state (Li et al., 2017). Integrin binds a range of ligands via

93 its extracellular domain, including the transmembrane protein Basigin.

94 Basigin (Bsg) is an immunoglobulin superfamily glycoprotein which serves as a

95 transmembrane receptor in many different cell types. Bsg associates with many proteins

96 serving diverse functions: inducing expression and activity of MMPs (Kaushik et al.,

97 2015), binding and chaperoning monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) to the

98 membrane (Kirk et al., 2000; Wilson et al., 2002), and interacting with in both

99 vertebrates and invertebrates. In mice, Bsg and D-integrin complex to induce

100 differentiation in stem cells (Ozeki et al., 2015). Bsg and integrins also interact in human

101 retinal pigmented epithelial cells (Priglinger et al., 2013). In hepatoma cells, the

102 extracellular region of Bsg binds the extracellular head of the E-integrin subunit,

103 facilitating signaling through focal adhesion kinase (FAK) (Li et al., 2012). In Drosophila,

104 Bsg and integrin interact genetically in the embryo where they are involved in dorsal

105 closure (Reed et al., 2004), and in the retina where they affect cellular structure (Curtin

106 et al., 2005). Bsg serves additional functions in Drosophila including regulating structure

107 and function of synaptic boutons at the neuromuscular junction (Besse et al., 2007),

108 promoting glial lipid droplet formation (Liu et al., 2017), mediating photoreceptor-glia

109 interactions in the optic lamina (Curtin et al., 2007), and localizing MCTs to the salivary

110 gland membrane (Velentzas et al., 2018). However the role of Bsg in mediating

111 peripheral glia development has not been determined.


112 Here, we investigate the role of Bsg in Drosophila glia during nervous system

113 development, and in particular its interaction with integrin. At the 3rd instar larval stage,

114 the nervous system is ensheathed by the perineurial glia which interact with the

115 overlying ECM. We found that Bsg is expressed in the perineurial glial in close proximity

116 with integrin. Knockdown of Bsg in the perineurial glia results in reduced larval

117 locomotion, significant shortening of the ventral nerve cord and compression of the glia

118 and ECM in the peripheral nerves. Loss-of-function mutants of Integrin and Talin rescue

119 the Bsg knockdown phenotype. Together, our results show that Bsg and Integrin

120 interact in the glia to maintain the morphology of the nervous system.



123 Fly strains and genetics

124 The UAS-lifeact::GFP (Riedl et al., 2008), mys1 (Wright, 1960), mys11 (Wieschaus et al.,

125 1984), and rhea1 (Brown et al., 2002) lines were gifts from Dr. Guy Tanentzapf. The

126 GFP-tagged UAS-Bsg mutant constructs and Bsg1217 (Besse et al., 2007) were gifts

127 from Dr. Anne Ephrussi, and Bsg265 (Curtin et al., 2005) was a gift from Dr. Bruce Reed.

128 Bsg::cherry was generated using recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE;

129 Bateman et al., 2006) where a pseudo-exon carrying an in-frame mCherry coding

130 sequence was spliced into the Bsg using the Minos-Mediated Integration Cassette

131 (MiMIC) system (Venken et al., 2011; Nagarkar-Jaiswal et al., 2015). DNA injection into

132 BsgMI09180 flies and screening of mCherry-positive flies was done by Rainbow

133 Transgenic Flies (Camarillo, CA). The following fly strains were from the Bloomington


134 Stock Center: repo-GAL4 (Sepp et al., 2001); UAS-mCD8::GFP (Lee and Luo, 1999);

135 UAS-mCD8::RFP (Gavis, 2009); UAS-Dicer2 (Dietzl et al., 2007); Perlecan::GFP (Morin

136 et al., 2001); Viking::GFP (Morin et al., 2001); Bsg::GFP (Morin et al., 2001). 46F-GAL4

137 (Xie and Auld, 2011) was obtained from the Kyoto DGRC. Bsg-RNAi lines (GD989,

138 GD15718) were from the VDRC. Mys-RNAi (1560R-1) was from the National Institute of

139 Genetics in Japan. All RNAi experiments were conducted at 29°C with UAS-Dicer2 in

140 the background unless otherwise specified. All larval tracking experiments were carried

141 out at with larvae raised at 29°C with controls expressing UAS-Dicer2 and UAS-

142 mCD8::RFP.

143 Immunolabeling and image analysis

144 Dissection and fixation of 3rd instar larvae for immunofluorescence was performed as

145 described previously (Sepp et al., 2000). For immunolabeling, larvae were fixed in 4%

146 paraformaldehyde for 10-20 minutes. The following primary antibodies were used:

147 mouse anti-Futsch (1:1000, DSHB, Iowa City, IA), rat anti-Tubulin YL1/2 (1:100,

148 Cedarlane Laboratories, Burlington, Canada), rabbit anti-HRP (1:500, Jackson

149 ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA), anti-Bsg (1:100, gift from Dr. Anne Ephrussi),

150 rabbit anti-zipper (1:2500, gift from Dr. Ken Prehoda), rabbit anti-GFP (1:500, Life

151 Technologies, CA, USA), mouse anti-βPS (1:10, CF.6G11) (Brower et al., 1984), rabbit

152 anti-Nrv2.1 (1:1000, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), and mouse anti-acetylated Tubulin

153 (1:300, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Secondary antibodies were goat anti-mouse,

154 goat anti-rat, or goat anti-rabbit conjugated with Alexa488, Alexa568, or Alexa647

155 (1:300, Invitrogen, Toronto, Canada). Fluorescent images were taken with a DeltaVision

156 microscope (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL) using a 20X (low magnification) or 60X (high


157 magnification) oil immersion objective (NA 1.4) at 0.2μm steps. Stacks were

158 deconvolved with SoftWorx image processing software (SoftWorx, Toronto, Canada)

159 using a point spread function measured with a 0.2μm fluorescent bead (Invitrogen,

160 Toronto, Canada) in Vectashield (Vector Laboratories, Burlington, Canada). Images

161 were further processed and compiled using ImageJ (Schneider et al., 2012) or Fiji

162 (Schindelin et al., 2012) and Adobe Illustrator (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA). 3D

163 reconstructions of nerves were generated using the Fiji ClearVolume plug-in (Royer et

164 al., 2015), and videos of the reconstructions were made using QuickTime screen-

165 capture (Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA). For transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

166 analysis, larvae were fixed in 4% formaldehyde and 3% glutaraldehyde, rinsed in 0.1 M

167 PIPES, post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, embedded in 1:1 acetonitrile:Spurr resin,

168 and polymerized in Spurr resin. Thin sections (50nm) were obtained with a Leica

169 ultramicrotome and analyzed with a FEI Tecnai TEM operating at an accelerating

170 voltage of 80 kV (Bioimaging Facility, UBC).

171 Larval Tracking

172 Larval tracking was performed using an adapted multi-worm tracker and script

173 (Swierczek et al., 2011; Nussbaum-Krammer et al., 2015; Petley-Ragan et al., 2016).

174 Briefly, each tracking session involved placing 5-8 larvae on 90mm high-contrast

175 SYLGARD plates (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and tracking larval movement for 60

176 seconds using a Canon VIXIA HF R800 video camera (Canon, Tokyo, Japan). Videos

177 were processed using the FIJI wrMTrck plug-in (Nussbaum-Krammer et al., 2015) which

178 measured the average speeds of all larvae, and these values were used for analysis.


179 Data from animals that could not be accurately tracked over time by the software were

180 discounted.

181 Proximity Ligation Assay

182 The PLA assay was carried out using Duolink® In Situ reagents as described previously

183 (Wang et al., 2015; Samarasekera and Auld, 2018) with the adjustments that reaction

184 volumes of PLA probe, ligation, and amplification mixes, and the incubation times were

185 doubled and carried out in humid chambers placed on horizontal shaker at 37°C. The

186 antibody pair used was rabbit polyclonal anti-GFP and mouse monoclonal anti-EPS.

187 Negative controls were carried out with single primary antibodies alone. Larval fillets

188 were mounted in Vectashield. The PLA images were captured using consistent

189 exposure times and were analyzed in ImageJ. Mean fluorescence intensity of the PLA

190 was calculated within an ROI with a fixed area using the Measure tool. All

191 measurements were taken from the z-slice that fell in the middle of the z-stack.

192 Experimental design and statistical analysis

193 For ventral nerve cord length measurements, low-magnification images were stitched

194 together using the Fiji Pairwise Stitching plug-in (Preibisch et al., 2009) and

195 measurements were calculated using the linear measurement feature. All statistical

196 tests were performed using GraphPad Prism 6.0 software. The difference in means

197 between two groups was analyzed using a Student’s t-test. Difference in means

198 between multiple groups was analyzed using a one-way ANOVA and the Tukey post-

199 hoc test or the Dunnett’s test for multiple comparisons. All graphs show the mean and

200 the standard deviation. Values outside of two standard deviations from the mean were

201 excluded from analyses. Detailed analysis of statistical tests is included in the results.




204 Basigin is expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems

205 To determine which cell populations within the central and peripheral nervous system

206 express Basigin, we examined the expression pattern of an endogenously GFP-tagged

207 fusion protein, Bsg::GFP (Morin et al., 2001; Reed et al., 2004). In 3rd instar larvae,

208 Bsg::GFP is highly expressed at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), in the CNS

209 neuropil, in axons exiting the neuropil, and in glial cells along the surface of both the

210 CNS and PNS (Fig. 1A). Higher magnification of the peripheral nerves revealed that

211 Bsg appeared to be expressed only in peripheral glia, not axons (Fig. 1C,D). Bsg::GFP

212 fluorescence surrounding the CNS and along peripheral nerves was eliminated

213 following expression of Bsg-RNAi using the pan-glial driver repo-GAL4 (Fig. 1B).

214 However, Bsg::GFP fluorescence was retained at the NMJ, in the CNS neuropil, and in

215 axons exiting the neuropil, consistent with previous studies showing that Bsg is

216 expressed in neurons (Besse et al., 2007). There was no Bsg::GFP fluorescence seen

217 along peripheral nerves after Bsg knockdown in glia, indicating that within peripheral

218 nerves, Bsg is primarily expressed by glia (Fig. 1E,F). We further confirmed these

219 expression patterns using a second fusion protein, Bsg::cherry. Bsg::cherry was

220 generated from a Bsg [MIMC] line using Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange

221 (RMCE) (Bateman et al., 2006) to generate an independent Bsg fusion protein. Both

222 fusion proteins are homozygous viable. The expression patterns of the Bsg:GFP and

223 Bsg::cherry fusion proteins matched in both the CNS and PNS. Both proteins were

224 expressed in the neuropil, nerve roots exiting the neuropil, the glial cells ensheathing


225 the entire nervous system, and at the NMJ (Fig. 1G-K). We further verified the Bsg

226 fusion proteins using an antibody against Bsg (data not shown).

227 Glial knockdown of Basigin results in morphological defects in the CNS and PNS

228 To determine the role of Basigin in all Drosophila glia, we expressed Bsg-RNAi and a

229 fluorescently-tagged membrane marker (mCD8::GFP) using the pan-glial driver repo-

230 GAL4. The repo>Bsg-RNAi larvae survived to the 3rd instar larval stage, but died during

231 pupal stages. Compared to control larvae, we found morphological defects in both the

232 CNS and PNS. The ventral nerve cord (VNC) was condensed and there were sections

233 of peripheral nerves with aberrant glial morphology and fragmented pieces of glial

234 membrane within the interior of the nerve (Fig. 2A-D). The peripheral nerve in the 3rd

235 instar larva contains three glial layers: the innermost wrapping glia, the intermediate

236 subperineurial glia, and the outermost perineurial glia, surrounded by a specialized

237 ECM called the neural lamella. Peripheral nerves in control larvae are generally smooth

238 in appearance with compact, flat glial layers (Fig. 2A). After Bsg knockdown in glia,

239 55.8% of peripheral nerves (n=13 larvae) demonstrated a ruffle-like phenotype which

240 was absent in control nerves (n=10 larvae) (repo>mCD8::RFP, Dicer2) (Fig. 2A,B,E).

241 The location of the phenotype along the exterior of the nerve suggested that the

242 perineurial glia were being affected. Perineurial glia also surround the larval CNS which

243 is comprised of the brain lobes and VNC. In control larvae, the length of the VNC was

244 on average 762.2Pm r 97.4Pm (n=39), whereas the VNC of repo>Bsg-RNAi larvae

245 were significantly shorter (t(59)=3.427, p=0.0020, unpaired t-test) with an average

246 length of 685.4Pm r 83.6Pm (n=24) (Fig. 2F). The glial phenotype in the PNS may

247 represent condensation in the peripheral nerve, similar to the condensation of the VNC


248 in the CNS. The location of the fragmented glial membrane along the interior of the

249 peripheral nerves suggested that the wrapping glia might also be affected. Therefore,

250 we used nrv2::GFP, a fusion protein endogenously expressed in wrapping glia but not

251 the subperineurial glia or perineurial glia, to assess the morphology of the PNS

252 wrapping glia in controls and after Bsg knockdown (Fig. 2C,D). We confirmed that the

253 wrapping glia were fragmented after Bsg knockdown. We further verified our findings

254 using electron microscopy to assess the changes in the ultra-structure of the nerve. In

255 controls (w1118), the wrapping glia surrounded the axons with extensive processes

256 (n=12) (Fig. 2G). In repo>Bsg-RNAi peripheral nerves, wrapping glia did not extend

257 processes, while the subperineurial glia and axon structure was unaffected (n=8) (Fig.

258 2H). Our results suggest that Basigin plays a significant role in glia during the

259 development and maintenance of the Drosophila nervous system, and is important for

260 Drosophila survival during pupal stages.

261 Basigin functions in the perineurial glia

262 The expression of Basigin in the outer cell layers surrounding the CNS and PNS

263 suggested that it is present in the perineurial glia. To test the localization and function of

264 Basigin in the glia, we knocked down Bsg expression specifically in each glial layer

265 using RNAi and the driver lines nrv2-GAL4 (wrapping glia) (Sun et al., 1999), Gli-GAL4

266 (subperineurial glia) (Sepp and Auld, 1999), and 46F-GAL4 (perineurial glia) (Xie and

267 Auld, 2011) in the background of Bsg::GFP. Knockdown in the wrapping glia (nrv2>Bsg-

268 RNAi) or the subperineurial glial (Gli>Bsg-RNAi) did not generate any phenotypes (data

269 not shown). However, we found that similar to pan-glial knockdown, Bsg::GFP

270 expression surrounding the CNS and PNS was eliminated using 46F-GAL4 (Fig. 3A-D).


271 Bsg::GFP fluorescence remained in the neuropil, in axons exiting the neuropil, and at

272 the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) (Fig. 3A,B). We found that Bsg knockdown using

273 46F-GAL4 was sufficient to cause significant shortening of the VNC (t(56)=5.962,

274 p<0.0001, unpaired t-test) (Fig. 3G). Control larvae had an average VNC length of

275 763.7 r 100.2Pm (n=23) while 46F>Bsg-RNAi larvae had an average VNC length of

276 618.6 r 83.9Pm (n=35). Additionally, we found that knocking down Bsg in the perineurial

277 glia resulted in the same aberrant morphological defects along the peripheral nerves

278 (Fig. 3D). Thus, much of the phenotype associated with Bsg knockdown in all glia can

279 be attributed to the lack of Bsg specifically in the perineurial glia. When we repeated the

280 knockdown in the background of a heterozygous loss-of-function mutation Bsg[265], the

281 penetrance of the nerve phenotype was significantly enhanced (F(3,79)=69.23,

282 p=0.0318, ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc test) (Fig. 3H) from appearing in 46.8% of nerves

283 (n=41 larvae) in the 46F>Bsg-RNAi/+ larvae to 57.9% of nerves (n=12 larvae) in the

284 46F>Bsg-RNAi/Bsg[265]/+ larvae. We confirmed this result using a second loss-of-

285 function mutant Bsg[1217] which also significantly enhanced the phenotype to

286 appearing in 56.5% of nerves (n=17 larvae) (F(3,79)=69.23, p=0.0330, ANOVA, Tukey

287 post-hoc test). We used the Bsg-RNAi line GD989 for all subsequent knockdown

288 experiments, but to control for off-target effects we tested a second Bsg-RNAi line,

289 GD15718. This line, when driven by 46F-GAL4 with UAS-Dicer2, resulted in the

290 phenotype appearing in 44.1% of peripheral nerves (n=12 larvae), confirming that our

291 results were indeed a result of loss of Bsg expression. Finally, we wanted to determine

292 if the morphological defects of Bsg knockdown in glia affected the function of the

293 nervous system. To test this, we examined the mobility of 3rd instar larvae using an


294 adapted multi-worm tracker. We found that the average speed of larvae was

295 significantly reduced from 4.3 r 1.8mm/s (n=43) in control larvae (46F>Dicer2) to 3.1 r

296 1.1mm/s (n=47) after Bsg knockdown (46F>Dicer2, Bsg-RNAi) (F(2,218)=7.284,

297 p<0.001, ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc test) (Fig. 3I). As a control, we knocked down the

298 integrin E-subunit myospheroid (46F>mys-RNAi), which we had previously shown

299 disrupted the ability of perineurial glia to wrap the peripheral nerve (Xie and Auld, 2011).

300 Loss of integrin also disrupted larval locomotion, causing a significant reduction in

301 speed to 2.6 r 0.6mm/s (n=38) (F(2,218)=7.284, p<0.001, ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc test)

302 (Fig. 3I). Our results demonstrate that Basigin is a critical regulator of perineurial glial

303 morphology.

304 Basigin knockdown in the perineurial glia affects the overlying ECM and underlying

305 septate junctions

306 In order to further characterize the ruffle-like glial phenotype, we investigated the

307 morphology of the overlying extracellular matrix in the Bsg knockdown background

308 using endogenously-tagged ECM component Perlecan::GFP. Normally, the ECM

309 appears as a smooth, continuous sheath around the exterior of the nerve (Fig. 4A). We

310 discovered that the ECM was highly convoluted in regions where the perineurial glial

311 phenotype was seen (Fig. 4B), indicating that the glial membrane and overlying ECM

312 are undergoing an inward constriction rather than membrane ruffling. We created 3D

313 reconstructions of the nerves from the image stacks to better visualize the phenotype

314 (Movie 1). The constriction phenotype became clear in the 3D-reconstructed nerves,

315 where the ECM showed infolding in the areas where the glial phenotype was seen

316 (Fig. 4B’’) in contrast to the control nerves where the ECM forms a smooth cylinder


317 around the nerve (Fig. 4A’’). Similar results were seen when visualizing another ECM

318 component, collagen IV, using Viking::GFP (data not shown). Having determined that

319 Bsg knockdown caused constriction of the perineurial glial membrane and overlying

320 ECM, we investigated whether the morphology of the underlying subperineurial glia

321 (SPG) was also affected. The SPG form septate junctions between their opposing

322 membranes, so that the junction appears as a single line running laterally along the

323 length of the nerve (Fig. 4C). We labelled the junctions using an antibody against the

324 core septate junction component Nervana 2.1 (Nrv2.1) to determine whether the

325 morphology of the junction, and therefore the subperineurial glia, was affected by the

326 perineurial glial constriction. In the regions of glial constriction, the septate junctions

327 strands have a sinuous appearance following the overlying perineurial constriction (Fig.

328 4D). The nerves were reconstructed in 3D, and the images indicate that the septate

329 junction strands do not become discontinuous (n=10 larvae) (Fig. 4D’’, Movie 2),

330 suggesting constriction of the overlying perineurial glia disrupts the morphology but not

331 the integrity of the junctions. These data indicate that the morphological deformation of

332 the perineurial glia is relayed both to the overlying extracellular matrix and to the

333 underlying subperineurial glia.

334 Glial constriction is limited to the nerve extension region

335 The glial constriction phenotype we identified in the Bsg knockdown animals had not

336 been identified previously in other genetic backgrounds, so we sought to define further

337 where the phenotype appeared within the peripheral nerve. We scored the location of

338 the areas of constriction as being either directly proximal to the VNC, within the nerve

339 extension region (NER) or within the muscle field area (MFA) (Fig. 5). We discounted


340 any regions of constriction seen directly proximal to the VNC because we occasionally

341 observed aberrant morphology of nerves in this region of control animals (1.4%, n=12

342 larvae) but constriction was never observed in the NER in controls. For the constrictions

343 generated by Bsg-RNAi, we analyzed if the phenotype occurred within a specific region

344 of the NER. Mapping of the phenotype location within the peripheral nerves revealed

345 that the regions of glial constriction were found along the NER of the abdominal nerves

346 A3-A8, but not A1-A2, without any clear pattern of distribution (Fig. 5). Therefore, while

347 A1-A2 appear to be resistant, there does not seem to be any specific area of the other

348 abdominal nerves that is more susceptible to morphological aberration.

349 Glial constriction is associated with cytoskeleton disruption

350 Bsg knockdown in the glia causes very apparent morphological changes to the glia and

351 overlying ECM. We sought to determine whether these aberrations in cell morphology

352 had an effect on the underlying cellular architecture. The ECM links to the cellular

353 cytoskeleton via the integrin-based focal adhesion complexes transmitting mechanical

354 signals between the intracellular compartment and the overlying ECM (Sun et al., 2016).

355 We hypothesized that due to the changes in glial and ECM morphology, there may also

356 be changes to cytoskeletal architecture. In order to assess whether the glial actin

357 cytoskeleton was affected by the Bsg knockdown phenotype, we drove expression of

358 filamentous actin marker lifeact::GFP with 46F-GAL4, specifically labelling filamentous

359 actin in the perineurial glia. In these cells, the actin filaments are usually seen as

360 continuous strands running laterally along the length of the nerve (Fig. 6A). We found

361 that in areas of glial constriction, there were clear discontinuities in the actin

362 cytoskeleton, indicative of filament breakage (Fig. 6B, Movie 3). These actin breakages


363 were seen in 95% of the glial compression areas (n=18 larvae). We also observed

364 accumulation of GFP-positive puncta at the tips of the constricted ruffles, suggestive of

365 broken actin filaments. To further investigate the effects of glial constriction on the

366 cytoskeleton, we analyzed the appearance of myosin in the glia when Bsg was knocked

367 down. Non-muscle myosin II is expressed in the cells of the nervous system in both

368 vertebrates and invertebrates, where it associates with actin (Hatan et al., 2011). We

369 immunolabeled for Zipper, the heavy chain of Drosophila non-muscle myosin II, in a

370 46F>lifeact::GFP background to see how myosin and actin interact in the glial

371 constriction region. We found gaps in Zipper labeling coincident with regions of glial

372 constriction (Fig. 6D) (84% compressions, n=8 larvae). Microtubules are another

373 important cytoskeletal component, and although their function has not been

374 characterized in the Drosophila glial cells, in vertebrates they play essential roles in

375 morphology and trafficking in radial glia and astrocytes (Li et al., 2003; Potokar et al.,

376 2007). We immunolabeled for tubulin in a 46F>lifeact::GFP background and found that

377 there were large gaps in tubulin labeling in the regions of glial constriction (78% of glial

378 compressions, n=6 larvae), in contrast to the continuous microtubules seen along the

379 length of the control nerve (Fig. 6E-F). The gaps in the microtubules always matched

380 the discontinuities in actin filaments (data not shown). We also labelled for acetylated

381 tubulin in this background, as acetylated microtubules are generally more stable and

382 resistant to stressors (Janke and Montagnac, 2017). The acetylated microtubules also

383 showed large gaps in glial compression regions (73% of glial compressions, n=6

384 larvae). Finally, we labelled for the core focal adhesion component E-integrin

385 (myospheroid) in the 46F>lifeact::GFP background to determine whether integrin co-


386 localized with the actin::GFP-positive puncta located in the tips of the glial constrictions.

387 In control nerves, E-integrin is distributed uniformly along the glial sheath (Fig. 6G). In

388 regions of glial compression, we found that E-integrin localized to some but not all of the

389 constriction tips similarly to actin (Fig. 6H). Collectively, these data suggest that Bsg

390 knockdown in the perineurial glia causes disruption to the glial cytoskeleton and that this

391 may be associated with the integrin-based focal adhesions.

392 Basigin and integrin bind at the surface of perineurial glia

393 Bsg has been previously demonstrated to interact with integrins in Drosophila (Reed et

394 al., 2004; Curtin et al., 2005, 2007) and vertebrate models including mouse

395 (Berditchevski et al., 1997; Ozeki et al., 2015) and human cells (Li et al., 2012;

396 Priglinger et al., 2013). Integrin knockdown in the perineurial glia results in severe

397 morphological defects including the absence of glial process extension around

398 peripheral nerves (Xie and Auld, 2011). We observed that integrin knockdown in

399 perineurial glia also resulted in decreased mobility (Fig. 3H). We also found that Bsg

400 knockdown caused defects to both the ECM and the underlying glial cytoskeleton,

401 components which are linked by the integrin-based focal adhesion complexes. We

402 therefore hypothesized that Bsg is interacting with integrin in the perineurial glia. Using

403 immunolabeling of the common integrin E-subunit, EPS/myospheroid, we found that

404 Bsg::GFP and integrin co-localize in the perineurial glia (Fig. 7A). To confirm this co-

405 localization, we performed a proximity ligation assay (PLA) that detects protein

406 interactions within 40nm in fixed tissues (Söderberg et al., 2006). We observed a

407 positive PLA reaction between Bsg::GFP and integrin using anti-GFP and anti-EPS

408 antibodies that recognized the respective epitopes on the extracellular side of the glial


409 membrane (Fig. 7B). Negative controls where one antibody was absent failed to show

410 positive PLA reactions (Fig. 7C). Positive controls using Viking::GFP with anti-GFP and

411 anti-EPS antibodies confirmed that ECM components had positive PLA reactions with

412 integrin as expected (Fig. 7D), and this reaction was abolished in the absence of the

413 anti-GFP antibody (Fig. 7E). These results were further confirmed using Perlecan::GFP

414 (Fig. 7K). Positive PLA reactions between the ECM and integrin were retained when

415 Bsg was knocked down (46F>Bsg-RNAi)(Fig. 7F) indicating that loss of Bsg does not

416 reduce the presence of integrin at the membrane and the proximity to the ECM. The

417 positive PLA reaction between the ECM and integrin was reduced when E-integrin

418 expression was knocked down in the perineurial glia (46F>mys-RNAi) (Fig. 7G, 7K).

419 When the PLA fluorescence was quantified (Fig. 7K), all integrin-ECM interactions were

420 significantly greater than controls lacking the anti-EPS antibody except when EPS was

421 reduced using RNAi (F(5,143)=4.337, p=0.0011, ANOVA, Dunnett post-hoc test).

422 The positive PLA reactions indicated that Bsg and integrin are located within close

423 proximity and may associate on the surface of perineurial glia. Crystal structure analysis

424 of vertebrate Bsg indicated the extracellular membrane-proximal domain of Bsg binds

425 integrin in trans conformation (Li et al., 2012). However, as Bsg serves a wide range of

426 functions in multiple different tissues, we sought to determine which domains within the

427 Bsg structure are responsible for interacting with integrin in the Drosophila glial cells. To

428 answer this, we expressed a range of mutant Bsg constructs tagged with GFP (Besse et

429 al., 2007) (Fig. 8A) using 46F-GAL4 and performed PLA using anti-GFP and anti-EPS

430 antibodies. The control construct UAS-Bsg::GFP, when expressed in the perineurial

431 glia, had a positive PLA reaction with E-integrin (Fig. 8B). Specific residues (KRR) in the


432 intracellular membrane-proximal domain of Bsg have been demonstrated to be

433 important for NMJ structure in Drosophila (Besse et al., 2007), however we found that

434 when these residues were mutated to NGG (Bsg::GFP-NGG), there was still a positive

435 PLA reaction between integrin and Bsg (Fig. 8C). The transmembrane domain of Bsg

436 contains a highly conserved charged glutamate residue which has been shown to be

437 critical for its binding to some transmembrane proteins such as monocarboxylate

438 transporters in COS cells and Xenopus ooctyes (Manoharan et al., 2006). The

439 Bsg::GFP-CD2 mutant, a chimeric Bsg construct composed of two Ig domains of Bsg

440 fused to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of rat CD2, still had a positive

441 PLA with integrin (Fig. 8D). Finally, we determined that removing the short C-terminal

442 intracellular domain of Bsg (Bsg::GFP-'intra) did not affect the PLA interaction with

443 integrin (Fig. 8E). When the fluorescence intensity of the PLA reactions was quantified,

444 there was a significant PLA reaction with each of the Bsg::GFP constructs compared to

445 the antibody-absent control (F(4,109)=12.19, p<0.0001, ANOVA, Dunnett post-hoc test)

446 (Fig. 8F). Together, these findings demonstrate that the extracellular portion of Bsg

447 contains the domains necessary for interactions with integrin.

448 To further test whether the interaction between Bsg and integrin at the membrane

449 may underlie the glial constriction phenotype, we used the mutant Bsg constructs to

450 attempt to rescue the compression phenotype. We knocked down Bsg::cherry in the

451 perineurial glial using cherry-RNAi in a Bsg[265]/+ background, in order to increase the

452 effectiveness of the Bsg knockdown in the absence of UAS-Dicer2. To test the ability of

453 the Bsg transgenes to rescue, we co-expressed the GFP-tagged mutant Bsg constructs

454 UAS-Bsg::GFP-NGG and UAS-Bsg::GFP-CD2, with the full length UAS-Bsg::GFP as a


455 control (Fig. 8G). We also expressed UAS-mCD8::GFP to control for the number of

456 UAS transgenes. Knockdown of Bsg::cherry using cherry-RNAi resulted in glial

457 compression in 40.2% of nerves (Bsg[265],Bsg::cherry,46F>cherry-RNAi) (n=4 larvae).

458 However, expression of the control (Bsg::GFP) and mutant (Bsg::GFP-NGG and

459 Bsg::GFP-CD2) constructs in this background completely rescued the phenotype

460 (F(4,27)=49.25, p<0.0001, ANOVA, Dunnett post-hoc test) (Fig. 8G). These results

461 indicate that the extracellular domain, but not the transmembrane or intracellular

462 domains, are necessary for maintenance of glia-ECM integrity.


464 Bsg knockdown in an integrin mutant background rescues constriction phenotype

465 The ECM and glial cytoskeletal phenotypes seen in the Bsg knockdown led us to

466 hypothesize that the glial constriction phenotype may be mediated by the integrin-based

467 focal adhesions. The focal adhesions link the ECM to the underlying cytoskeleton via

468 the transmembrane integrin dimer and associated proteins including Talin (Sun et al.,

469 2016). We hypothesized that the glial constriction phenotype is a result of an increase in

470 integrin-based adhesion between the glial membrane and the overlying ECM, causing

471 both the glia and ECM to constrict inwards. To test this hypothesis, we knocked down

472 Bsg in a heterozygous integrin mutant background using the loss-of-function E-integrin

473 mutant mys11. We did not see any glial compression when Bsg was knocked down in

474 the mys11/+ heterozygous background (mys11/+;46F>Bsg-RNAi, n=11 larvae), in

475 contrast to the 46F>Bsg-RNAi animals (n=20 larvae) where compression was seen

476 throughout the nerves (Fig. 9D,E,H). The VNC compression phenotype was also

477 rescued in the mys11/+;46F>Bsg-RNAi animals (Fig. 9G). The average length of the


478 VNC in the control (mys11/+) larvae was 794.1 r 106.9Pm (n=30 larvae) compared to

479 648.7 r 93.13Pm (n=21 larvae) in the 46F>Bsg-RNAi animals (F(3,77)=8.869,

480 p<0.0001, ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc test). The average VNC length in the

481 mys11/+;46F>Bsg-RNAi larvae was rescued to 764.7 r 101.7Pm (n=19 larvae)

482 (F(3,77)=8.869, p=0.003, ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc test). We also investigated whether

483 larval locomotion was rescued in the mys11/+ background. The average speed of the

484 larvae was reduced from 4.9 r 2.3mm/s (n=30) in controls (46F>Dicer2) to 3.9 r

485 2.2mm/s (n=28) in 46F>Bsg-RNAi animals (F(3,139)=5.292, p=0.027, ANOVA, Tukey

486 post-hoc test). The average speed of the mys11/+;46F>Bsg-RNAi larvae was rescued to

487 4.4 r 1.5mm/s (n=47) (F(3,139)=5.292, p=0.037, ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc test) (Fig. 9I).

488 We also tested another loss-of-function mutant, mys1, and found that the peripheral glial

489 compression phenotype was completely rescued in all samples (n=8 larvae). This

490 suggests that reducing the amount of integrin within the glia rescues both the perineurial

491 glial compression and the VNC compression phenotypes, as well as the locomotor

492 defects, and that these phenotypes arise as a result of integrin dysregulation. To

493 determine whether the integrin-Bsg interaction was dependent on other focal adhesion

494 complex components, we tested whether a loss-of-function mutant of Talin, rhea1,

495 would rescue the Bsg knockdown phenotype. Talin is an actin-binding protein which

496 associates with the focal adhesions via direct or indirect binding to integrin (Sun et al.,

497 2016). Bsg knockdown in a heterozygous rhea1 background partially rescued the

498 compression phenotype (Fig. 9F,H), with a significant reduction in the penetrance of

499 glial compression (F(3,56)=91.92, p<0.0001, ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc test) (n=8 larvae).

500 The VNC length in the 46F>Bsg-RNAi;rhea1/+ was also increased compared to the


501 46F>Bsg-RNAi animals, with an average length of 737.7 r 101.5Pm (n=11 larvae) (Fig.

502 9G), but this change was not statistically significant (F(3,77)=8.869, p=0.095, ANOVA,

503 Tukey post-hoc test). Together, these results indicate that Bsg is interacting with

504 integrin to maintain glial morphology, and this is mediated in part by integrin-based focal

505 adhesion complexes.



508 Previous research on Bsg has focused on its role in cancer metastasis leaving the

509 normal biological functions of Bsg underappreciated (Xiong et al., 2014). Bsg is

510 expressed in the vertebrate glia where it is associated with photoreceptor function as

511 well as glioma progression (Philp et al., 2003; Miranda-Gonçalves et al., 2013; Tian et

512 al., 2013). We found that Bsg is co-expressed with E-integrin in the perineurial glia: the

513 cells that form the outermost glial layer surrounding the Drosophila nervous system,

514 analogous to perineurial cells in vertebrates (Clark et al., 2014). Bsg knockdown caused

515 significant shortening of the ventral nerve cord, as well as apparent constriction of the

516 glia and ECM ensheathing the peripheral nerves. The effects of Bsg knockdown were

517 rescued by loss-of-function E-integrin and Talin mutants. These findings indicate that

518 Bsg interacts with the focal adhesions, likely serving as a negative regulator of integrin

519 in order to maintain glial morphology.

520 We found that knockdown of Bsg in the perineurial glia caused an apparent

521 constriction of the glial membrane in the peripheral nerves, affecting the overlying ECM

522 and the underlying septate junctions. Although the glia and ECM appeared to be

523 mechanically compressed, we hypothesized that the convolutions could also be a result


524 of glial overproliferation. However, phospho-Histone3 staining for mitotic cells showed

525 no difference from controls (data not shown). The glial phenotype also resembles the

526 waves of membrane-cortex infolding seen in migrating cells as a result of oscillating

527 compression and dilation (Kapustina et al., 2013), suggesting that the glia-ECM

528 phenotype is a result of membrane compression. The phenotype in the peripheral

529 nerves was limited to the nerve extension region (NER) of the abdominal nerves A3-A8

530 and was distributed randomly within the NER. During larval locomotion, the nerves are

531 subject to significant stretching and compressing forces as the body wall muscles

532 contract in peristaltic waves (Sun et al., 1999; Vaadia et al., 2019). We hypothesized

533 that the cell-cell junctions between neighbouring glial cells may be a “weak” spot which

534 would be more vulnerable to disruption, but the distribution of the phenotype suggests

535 instead that the glial sheath is equally susceptible to stress along the nerve. The lack of

536 a phenotype in the muscle field area (MFA), and in the shorter abdominal nerves A1-A2,

537 may be because the nerves are tethered more tightly to the muscles they innervate and

538 therefore less susceptible to mechanical stressors. The perineurial glia-ECM sheath is

539 necessary to support peripheral nerve function, integrity and facilitate locomotion

540 (Petley-Ragan et al., 2016). Thus the glial compressions and compression of the ventral

541 nerve cord may reflect both a morphological and functional disruption. Along these

542 lines, we observed a decrease in speed of larval locomotion when Bsg was knocked

543 down in the perineurial glia, indicating that glial compression in the ventral nerve cord

544 and peripheral nerves affects overall function of the nervous system.

545 We found that the constriction of the glial cells affects the integrity of the glial

546 cytoskeleton. In regions of glial constriction, there are breakages in the actin


547 cytoskeleton, and fragments of actin filaments appear to localize to the tips of the

548 constricted regions. Similarly, there were overlapping gaps in the myosin motors at

549 these regions, and the glial microtubules appear to be completely ruptured. Computer-

550 generated simulations of actin filaments under mechanical stress have shown that

551 compressive forces applied to actin cause the bonds between filament subunits to

552 rupture, and that bending at a curvature of ~300nm will cause filament breakage

553 (Murrell and Gardel, 2012; De La Cruz et al., 2015). Similarly, microfluidic analysis of

554 microtubules show that they soften under mechanical stress and become more

555 susceptible to breakage (Schaedel et al., 2015). Therefore, it is likely that glial

556 constriction confers mechanical stress upon the cytoskeleton, which causes rupturing of

557 the cytoskeletal components. This effect could be mediated through the integrin-based

558 focal adhesion complex. For instance, preventing Bsg-integrin interactions in hepatoma

559 cells blocks the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) pathway resulting in rearrangement of the

560 cellular cytoskeleton (Li et al., 2012). Thus, the effects of Bsg loss could be mediated

561 through changes to focal adhesion complex signalling.

562 The phenotypes we observed in glial Bsg knockdown, namely a shortening of the

563 ventral nerve cord and the constriction of the peripheral glia and ECM, are the converse

564 of what is seen in glial integrin knockdown. Knockdown of E-integrin in the perineurial

565 glia prevents the adhesion between the glia and ECM necessary for ensheathment of

566 the nerve, and results in an incomplete glial sheath (Xie and Auld, 2011). Furthermore,

567 degradation of the ECM or knockdown of E-integrin in all glial cells causes significant

568 lengthening of the ventral nerve cord, suggesting that the glia-ECM interaction is

569 necessary to shape the entire nervous system (Xie and Auld, 2011; Meyer et al., 2014).


570 Taken together, these results suggest that Bsg plays a role in facilitating the integrity

571 and function of the glia-ECM sheath.

572 We favour a model where Bsg function is mediated through interactions with

573 integrins in the perineurial glia such that in the absence of Bsg, integrin is dysregulated

574 causing the glial cells to become excessively adherent to the ECM, leading to

575 constriction of the glial-ECM sheath (Fig. 10). In Drosophila, Bsg interacts genetically

576 and co-localizes with integrin (Reed et al., 2004; Curtin et al., 2005), and our PLA

577 results demonstrate that Bsg and E-integrin are in close proximity in the perineurial glia.

578 We found that reducing the gene dosage of E-integrin or Talin by 50% was sufficient to

579 rescue the Bsg knockdown phenotype. Although we have evidence for an interaction

580 between Bsg and E-integrin in the glia, the exact function and mechanisms underlying

581 this interaction is still unknown. Our PLA results show that Bsg and integrin are co-

582 expressed at the glial membrane, but it is unknown if they directly bind in Drosophila

583 glia. Bsg and E-integrin bind in hepatoma cells via the membrane-proximal

584 of Bsg and the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS)

585 motif of E-integrin (Li et al., 2012). Bsg and E-integrin are also clustered together on the

586 surface of human retinal cells mediated by the cell-surface protein galectin-3 (Priglinger

587 et al., 2013). Thus it is possible that Bsg and integrins directly interact in the perineurial

588 glia and that the loss of Bsg leads to a change in glial-ECM interactions. However, we

589 cannot rule out cell non-autonomous actions of integrin coming from the subperineurial

590 glia, the only cell type which contacts the perineurial glia, as integrin signaling has been

591 shown to have non-autonomous effects through adjacent cells (Long et al., 2016; Scully

592 et al., 2016). Previous research has shown that integrins are expressed in the


593 subperineurial glia but their function in these cells has not been fully elucidated (Xie and

594 Auld, 2011).

595 We hypothesize that in the absence of Bsg, integrin activation is increased leading

596 to a subsequent increase in membrane-ECM adhesion. Increasing integrin activation

597 leads to changes in cell-ECM adhesion: in cultured cells, activation of E1-integrin

598 increases cell traction forces, which results in spreading of cells along the culture matrix

599 (Lin et al., 2013). Overexpression of integrins at the cell membrane causes an increase

600 in cell-matrix adhesion in vitro (Nakada et al., 2013; Hayashido et al., 2014). How the

601 absence of Bsg might lead to integrin activation is still an open question and could occur

602 through intracellular or extracellular mechanisms. Extracellularly, ECM proteins cause

603 integrin dimers to cluster and become stabilized in their high-affinity (“open”) state,

604 recruiting intracellular effectors to facilitate downstream signalling (Hu and Luo, 2013).

605 The function of Bsg may be to attenuate this activation through an extracellular

606 interaction as we found that expression of the extracellular domain of Bsg was sufficient

607 to rescue the knockdown phenotype. These data suggest that the presence of the

608 extracellular domain of Bsg prevents excess activation of integrin via an interaction with

609 the extracellular head of E-integrin. Intracellularly, binding of adaptor proteins like Talin

610 to the integrin tail can also induce conformational changes resulting in integrin activation

611 (Calderwood, 2004). However, we find that this model is less likely to fit our data due to

612 the fact that a 50% decrease in the gene dose of Talin did not fully rescue the

613 phenotype. Given loss of Talin or blocking Talin-integrin binding reduces integrin

614 activation (Tadokoro et al., 2003; Tanentzapf and Brown, 2006) it is likely that reduction

615 in Talin can partially rescue the Bsg knockdown phenotype due to a reduction in integrin


616 activation. It is also possible that Bsg is acting on integrin through an intermediate

617 factor, as Bsg is highly pleiotropic with a wide variety of binding partners (Muramatsu,

618 2016) which would make it difficult to identify potential intermediate interactions.

619 In summary, we have identified a role for Bsg in the maintenance of the glia-ECM

620 sheath of the Drosophila nervous system. Bsg is expressed at the glial membrane

621 where it associates extracellularly with integrin, and via negative regulation of integrins

622 in the focal adhesion complexes upholds the structure of the glia-ECM sheath. Further

623 studies into the interaction between Bsg and the focal adhesions may reveal the exact

624 mechanism of the Bsg-integrin interaction.



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835 Figure Legends 836 837 Figure 1: Bsg is expressed in the axons of the central nervous system, in the glia

838 ensheathing the peripheral nerve, and at the neuromuscular junction. (A) Brain lobes

839 and ventral nerve cord (VNC) of wild type 3rd instar Drosophila larvae expressing

840 endogenously tagged Bsg::GFP (green) with all glial cells labelled using repo-GAL4

841 driving expression of membrane marker mCD8::RFP (magenta). Bsg is expressed in

842 the neuropil (asterisk) and the nerve roots of the VNC as well as the glial cells

843 ensheathing the nervous system (arrowheads). Scale bar = 50Pm. (B) Pan-glial

844 knockdown of Bsg using RNAi with repo-GAL4 results in loss of Bsg expression in the

845 peripheral nerves and the glia ensheathing the brain lobes and VNC (arrowheads), but

846 not in the VNC neuropil (asterisk). Scale bar = 50Pm. (C-D) Peripheral nerve showing

847 expression of Bsg in the glial cells of the peripheral nerves. Scale bar = 15Pm. (E-F)

848 Bsg::GFP expression is lost in the peripheral nerve following pan-glial knockdown of

849 Bsg. Scale bar = 15Pm. (G) Expression of fusion proteins Bsg::GFP and Bsg::cherry in

850 the VNC (asterisk). Bsg::cherry was created from Bsg::GFP using Recombinase

851 Medicated Cassette Exchange (RMCE). Both lines are homozygous viable. Scale bar =

852 50Pm. (H-J) Expression of Bsg::GFP and Bsg::cherry in the glia (arrowhead)

853 ensheathing the peripheral nerves. Scale bar = 15Pm. (K) Expression of Bsg::GFP and

854 Bsg::cherry at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Bsg is highly expressed in the

855 synaptic boutons (arrowhead). Scale bar = 15Pm.


857 Figure 2: Pan-glial knockdown of Bsg causes morphological defects and VNC

858 shortening. (A) Peripheral nerve of 3rd instar Drosophila larvae with all glial cells labelled


859 using the pan-glial driver repo-GAL4 driving expression of membrane marker

860 mCD8::RFP (green). (B) Knockdown of Bsg expression in all glial layers results in gross

861 morphological defects (asterisk) to the peripheral nerve. (C) Peripheral nerve with

862 wrapping glia labelled by Nrv2::GFP (green) and axons labelled using anti-HRP

863 (magenta). (D) Pan-glial Bsg knockdown results in fragmentation (arrowheads) of the

864 wrapping glia (green). Scale bars = 15Pm. (E) Pan-glial Bsg knockdown using repo-

865 GAL4 results in morphological defects seen in 55.8% of nerves, which were never

866 observed in control nerves (repo-GAL4) (p<0.0001). (F) Pan-glial Bsg knockdown

867 results in a significant shortening of the VNC (p=0.0022). (G) Transmission electron

868 microscopy (TEM) image showing cross-section through a wild type peripheral nerve.

869 Wrapping glia (false-coloured magenta) fully ensheath and fasciculate the axons (blue).

870 They are further ensheathed by the subperineurial glia (orange), perineurial glia (green),

871 and the neural lamella (red). (H) Cross-section through repo>Bsg-RNAi nerve shows

872 that the axons (blue) are no longer ensheathed by the wrapping glia (magenta). Scale

873 bars = 500Pm.


875 Figure 3: Perineurial glia-specific knockdown of Bsg causes VNC shortening, peripheral

876 glial abnormalities, and reduced larval locomotion. (A-B) The VNC of 3rd instar

877 Drosophila larvae expressing endogenously tagged Bsg::GFP (green) and 46F-GAL4

878 driving expression of mCD8::RFP (magenta). Knockdown of Bsg in the perineurial glia

879 using Bsg-RNAi results in shortening of the VNC (B) compared to controls (A) and a

880 loss of Bsg expression in the glia ensheathing the CNS and PNS while expression is

881 retained in the neuropil (asterisks) and the neuromuscular junctions (arrowheads).


882 Scale bar = 50Pm. (C-F) Peripheral nerve of 3rd instar 46F>mCD8::RFP (green) larvae

883 with axons labelled using anti-Futsch/22C10 (magenta). Bsg knockdown results in

884 compression of the glia (D, asterisk), and knockdown in a heterozygous Bsg mutant

885 (Bsg[265]) exacerbates the phenotype (F, asterisk). All scale bars = 15Pm. (G) Bsg

886 knockdown results in significant shortening of the VNC (p<0.0001) compared to control

887 (46F-GAL4). (H) Penetrance of glial compression was significantly increased in the

888 background heterozygous for Bsg[265] (p=0.0088) compared to control (46F-GAL4) and

889 Bsg-RNAi alone. (I) Knockdown of Bsg (magenta) and the integrin E-subunit

890 myospheroid (mys) (orange) significantly reduced larval locomotion (p<0.001) compared

891 to control 46F>Dicer2 (green).


893 Figure 4: Perineurial glial constriction causes constriction of both the overlying ECM

894 and underlying septate junctions. (A-B) Peripheral nerves of 3rd instar larvae expressing

895 endogenously tagged ECM component Perlecan::GFP (green) and 46F-GAL4 driving

896 expression of mCD8::RFP (blue) with axons labelled using anti-Futsch/22C10 (red). Bsg

897 knockdown in the perineurial glia results in compression of the ECM in regions of glial

898 constriction (arrowhead). Projections of 3D-reconstructed nerves (B’’) show convoluted

899 infolding of the ECM in 46F>Bsg-RNAi animals compared to the smooth sheath seen in

900 control nerves (A’’). (C-D) Peripheral nerves from 46F>mCD8::RFP larvae labelled

901 using an antibody against core septate junction component Nervana 2.1 (nrv2.1, green).

902 Septate junctions run laterally along the length of the nerve between the opposing

903 membrane of the subperineurial glia in control animals (C’, arrowhead). In regions of

904 glial compression, the septate junction strands appear convoluted (D’, arrowhead) but


905 3D reconstruction shows that the strands remain continuous (D’’). All scale bars =

906 15Pm.


908 Figure 5: Schematic showing random distribution of glial constrictions throughout the

909 nerve extension region. Regions of glial constriction were scored for their approximate

910 location on the abdominal nerves A1-A8. All glial constrictions were found within the

911 nerve extension region (NER) and none were found in the muscle field area (MFA) of

912 any nerve. Constrictions were found mainly on the longer nerves (A4-A8) without any

913 clear pattern of distribution.


915 Figure 6: Glial compression is associated with discontinuities in cytoskeleton

916 components. (A-B) Peripheral nerves of 3rd instar larvae expressing filamentous actin

917 marker lifeact::GFP (green) driven by 46F-GAL4, with axons labelled using anti-

918 Futsch/22C10 (magenta). Actin filaments show discontinuities in the regions of glial

919 compression (B, arrowhead), and lifeact::GFP-positive puncta are accumulated at the

920 tips of the compressions (asterisks). (C-D) Nerves labelled with anti-Futsch (magenta)

921 and an antibody against non-muscle myosin II (zipper, green) to show distribution of

922 myosin motors. Regions of glial compression were associated with gaps in labelling of

923 myosin (D, arrowhead). (E-F) Nerves labelled with anti-Futsch (magenta) and anti-

924 tubulin to show morphology of microtubules (green). In regions of glial compression,

925 microtubules appear fragmented (F, arrowhead). (G-H) Nerves expressing lifeact::GFP

926 (green) and labelled with an antibody against the E-subunit of the integrin heterodimer

927 (magenta). Integrin is localized to the focal adhesion complexes which are distributed


928 uniformly along the length of the glial sheath. In regions of glial compression E-integrin

929 is found within the compressed glial cells and at the tips of some the compressions

930 alongside broken actin filaments (H, arrowheads). Side panels represent 2X digital

931 magnifications of the indicated regions in the corresponding panels. All scale bars =

932 15Pm.


934 Figure 7: Integrin is in close proximity to the extracellular domain of Bsg and the ECM

935 in the perineurial glia.

936 (A) Peripheral nerve of Bsg::GFP larvae with integrin E-subunit labeled using anti-EPS

937 (magenta). Bsg and integrin are co-expressed in the perineurial glia (arrowheads).

938 (B-J) Proximity Ligation Assays (PLA, magenta) with GFP tagged proteins (green) and

939 the EPS integrin subunit. (B) Proximity ligation assay (PLA) using anti-GFP and anti-

940 EPS antibodies shows that Bsg::GFP and integrin are found in close proximity (<40nm)

941 in the perineurial glia. (C) Negative control of PLA experiment where anti-GFP antibody

942 was absent shows no PLA. (D) Positive control of PLA experiments showing

943 extracellular matrix (ECM) component collagen-IV (Viking::GFP) is found in close

944 proximity to integrin. (E) Negative control where the anti-GFP antibody was absent

945 shows no PLA. (F) Positive PLA between collagen-IV (Viking::GFP) and integrin occurs

946 in knockdown of Bsg in the perineurial glia (46F>Bsg-RNAi). (G) Control where β-

947 integrin was knocked down in the perineurial glia (46F>mys-RNAi) shows reduced PLA

948 with Viking::GFP. All scale bars = 15Pm.

949 (H) Quantification of the PLA reaction fluorescence intensity between the EPS integrin

950 subunit and ECM components Viking and Perlecan tagged with GFP. Fluorescence


951 intensity was significantly higher for all reactions compared to control (Viking::GFP

952 minus the anti-βPS antibody) with the exception of when β-integrin (mys-RNAi) was

953 knocked down. From left to right – Viking::GFP+EPS p=0.0208, Perlecan::GFP+EPS

954 p=0.0023, Viking::GFP+EPS, Bsg-RNAi p<0.0001, Perlecan::GFP+EPS, Bsg-RNAi

955 p=0.0130, Perlecan::GFP+EPS, mys-RNAi p=0.7835.


957 Figure 8: The extracellular domain of Bsg is sufficient for close proximity to integrins.

958 (A) Control and mutant Bsg constructs used in rescue experiments. Each transgene is

959 labeled with extracellular GFP. Adapted from Besse et al. (2007).

960 (B-D) Proximity Ligation Assays testing the association of the different Bsg transgenes

961 and the EPS integrin (mys) subunit using the perineurial glial 46F-GAL4 driver. All scale

962 bars = 15Pm. Positive PLA (magenta) was observed between Bsg::GFP and integrin in

963 nerves expressing: UAS-Bsg::GFP (B); UAS-Bsg-NGG::GFP where conserved

964 transmembrane residues KRR have been mutated to NGG (C); UAS-Bsg-CD2::GFP

965 where the transmembrane and intracellular domains of Bsg have been replaced by

966 those of rat CD2 (D); UAS-Bsg'intra::GFP construct where Bsg is lacking its

967 intracellular domain (E).

968 (F) Fluorescence of PLA reactions in all UAS-Bsg::GFP constructs was significantly

969 higher than in control lacking anti-GFP antibody, indicating that mutations to

970 transmembrane and intracellular domains of Bsg do not affect the Bsg-integrin

971 interaction in the perineurial glia.

972 (G) Rescue of the Bsg knockdown phenotype using Bsg constructs. Knockdown of

973 Bsg::cherry in the perineurial glia using 46F-GAL4 driving expression of cherry-RNAi


974 and UAS-mCD8::GFP resulted in glial compression in 40.2% of nerves. This phenotype

975 was completely rescued by co-expression of normal and mutant UAS-Bsg::GFP

976 constructs (p<0.0001).


978 Figure 9: Reduction of focal adhesion components rescues the Bsg knockdown

979 phenotypes. (A) Peripheral nerve of control (46F>Dicer2) 3rd instar larvae. Perineurial

980 glia are labelled using 46F-GAL4 driving expression of mCD8::RFP (green) and axons

981 are labelled using anti-22C10/Futsch (magenta). (B-C) Peripheral nerve of 3rd instar

982 larvae with heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in E-integrin (mys11, B) and Talin

983 (rhea1, C) show normal glial morphology. (D) Knockdown of Bsg in the perineurial glia

984 results in compression of the glial cells (arrowheads). (E) Knockdown of Bsg in the

985 perineurial glia in the background of heterozygous mys11 mutant rescues the glial

986 compression phenotype. (F) Knockdown of Bsg in the perineurial glia in the background

987 of heterozygous rhea 1 mutant partially rescues the glial phenotype but some

988 compressions remain (arrowhead). All scale bars = 15Pm. (G) Length of VNC in

989 perineurial glial Bsg knockdown (46F>Bsg-RNAi) animals is significantly shorter than in

990 control (mys11/+ or rhea1/+) animals (p>0.0001). The VNC compression was rescued in

991 mys11; 46F>Bsg-RNAi animals (p=0.003) but not in the 46F>Bsg-RNAi; rhea1 animals.

992 (H) Knockdown of Bsg in the perineurial glia in the background of integrin mutant mys11

993 completely rescues peripheral glial compression, while the Talin mutant rhea 1

994 significantly reduces the penetrance (p<0.0001). (I) Knockdown of Bsg in the perineurial

995 glia resulted in a significant reduction of larval locomotion, which was rescued by the

996 heterozygous mys11 mutant (p=0.0017).



998 Figure 10: Model of increased integrin activation in Bsg knockdown in the perineurial

999 glia. In controls, Bsg associates with the E-subunit of the integrin heterodimer, which

1000 binds the extracellular matrix via the head domain and the intracellular focal adhesion

1001 components including ILK, Pax, and Talin via its intracellular tail. The focal adhesion

1002 also associates with the glial actin cytoskeleton. In Bsg knockdown, there is an increase

1003 in integrin activation which results in excessive adhesion between the ECM and the glial

1004 membrane and physical deformation of the membrane and ECM. This excess adhesion

1005 also results in breakage of the glial actin filaments under stress. It is also possible that

1006 Bsg interacts with integrin through an intermediate protein, but we favour a model of

1007 direct interaction.



1009 Multimedia Legends 1010

1011 Movie 1: 3D reconstruction of extracellular matrix (ECM) sheath shows accordion-like

1012 constriction. A peripheral nerve from a 3rd instar larvae expressing endogenously-

1013 tagged ECM component Perlecan::GFP and 46F-GAL4 driving expression of Bsg-RNAi

1014 in the perineurial glia was reconstructed in 3D from a z-stack. In the region of glial

1015 compression, the ECM sheath appears highly convoluted and shows deep infolding

1016 compared to adjacent regions of the nerve where the sheath is smooth.


1018 Movie 2: 3D reconstruction of the septate junction strands shows convolution but no

1019 discontinuities in regions of glial compression. A peripheral nerve from a 3rd instar

1020 larvae expressing 46F-GAL4 driving Bsg-RNAi in the perineurial glia with the septate

1021 junctions (SJs) labelled using an antibody against core SJ component Nervana 2.1 was

1022 reconstructed in 3D from a z-stack. The SJs between opposing membranes of the

1023 subperineurial glia appear convoluted in regions of glial compression, but the strands

1024 remain continuous.


1026 Movie 3: 3D reconstruction of the perineurial glial actin cytoskeleton shows breakage of

1027 actin filaments in regions of glial compression. A peripheral nerve from a 3rd instar

1028 larvae expressing 46F-GAL4 driving expression of fluorescent actin marker lifeact::GFP

1029 and Bsg-RNAi in the perineurial glia was reconstructed in 3D from a z-stack. In regions

1030 of glial compression, the actin filaments appear discontinuous, and GFP-positive puncta

1031 accumulate in the tips of the compressions.