ANCESTRY OF SYDENHAM CLUB AT PAPERS PAST BY FLAGON PARK ------SYDENHAM DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB 1905-1920 ------As also in the case of Sydenham & Addington United, the story of the Sydenham (District) Cricket Club is well told by Dick BRITTENDEN in his centenary history of the Sydenham Cricket Club. Sydenham Cricket Club 100 Years : Centenary 9th-12th November 1995 District Cricket 1905-1918, by Dick BRITTENDEN. mid=59 The newspaper articles further below are a vey small sample of what is available at Papers Past concerning the Sydenham club between 1905 and 1920. I haven't looked hard at this part of the history of our club at Papers Past except to discover how it was affected by district cricket and the war, or note articles encountered in a semi-random way when I was investigating other topics. Separate articles will be written about district cricket and the war. Those interested in the more intricate details of performance of club teams, draws and makeup of sides from Saturday to Saturday in the 1905-1920 period can feed their obsessive desire by checking out each week's Monday editions of the local newspapers, exactly as one does today). Regular columns by cricket writers can be sought on other days of the week. Papers Past does not have newspapers after 1920 so that anyone wishing to explore later editions will have to try the public library newspaper archives and so forth. At the AGM in 1905 the Sydenham & Addington Cricket Club disbanded and a new Sydenham District Cricket Club was immediately formed under guidelines established by the CCA. Sydenham was one of the six brand new clubs formed to take part in the CCA's new district competitions in all grades. Each new club had a geographical boundary defined by the CCA and one had to play for the club within whose boundaries one resided. This was a big break from the previous club system which since its start in 1882-83 had concentrated the best players in a very small number of clubs year after year, in fact decade after decade, making it hard for new players of ability to break into established combinations. In establishing the district format, the CCA was following the lead of successful district competitions developed in Australia and . District cricket was highly successful in Christchurch for a number of seasons but became untenable during the Great War due to the massive loss of players to the front, forcing the CCA to relax the residential requirement for membership of clubs in in 1915. East Shirley had already been allowed to become a more open club from 1911 due to boundary issues resulting from the industrialisation of its catchment area. In 1920 the CCA voted to officially abolish district cricket. Many cricketers had always disliked being unable join a club of their own choice, or the continuing tinkering with club boundaries, and in any case the district scheme was seen to have successfully completed its core task of breaking up the virtual closed shops of the pre-1905 club system. ------ Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12251, 21 July 1905, Page 6 THE CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. DISTRICT SCHEME ADOPTED. A meeting of the Canterbury Cricket Association was held last night. Present— Messrs A. E. G. Rhodes (chairman). H. C. Ridley, J. C. Clarkson, A. E. M. Young, A. Costelloe, H. Whitta, W. C. H. Wigley, R. Vincent, J. Young, R. L. Bush. W. J. Walmsley, E. Jenkins, O. Caygill, F. C. Raphael, J. H. Williams, J. N. Fowke, J. E. Todhunter, J. D. Lawrence, A. Wilson, and D. H. Thomson (hon. secretary). The balance-sheet of the Association for the year ended May 31st, 1905, was submitted. It showed receipts amounting to £1205 10s 4d, leaving a credit balance of £175 18s 4d. The following items were shown on the credit side:— By football £377 8s 8d, fireworks £6 4s 3d. cycling £109 15s, cricket £507, athletics £153 2s, swimming £25, hockey £3 10s, debenture interest £10, sundry receipts £13 10s. The balance-sheet was adopted. Mr Caygill moved that a system of district matches to take the place of Cup cricket should be inaugurated. Most of the criticism levelled against the proposal had been against the partial district scheme. He could not agree with those who asserted that was too small for district cricket; it was reasonable to suppose that the 60,000 inhabitants of Christchurch should be able to find players enough for six districts. It was a progressive scheme which had proved a success in , and would induce the public to take an added interest in the game. Mr Ridley seconded the motion, remarking that, though the prospects of the scheme did not appear to him so rosy as to the mover, he thought it well worthy of trial. Mr Vincent said he would prefer a partial scheme to the out-and-out scheme, as he thought there would be difficulty at first in the way of arranging grounds. He considered, however, that district cricket would cause more public interest to be taken in the game. The motion was then put and carried by 15 votes to 5. It was then unanimously resolved that the out-and-out district scheme be adopted. On the motion of Mr Caygill, it was decided that district clubs should be formed for St. Albans, Riccarton, Linwood, Sydenham, Christchurch East, and Christchurch West. The following rules were considered and adopted:— (1) A club shall be composed of members who have resided within the boundaries of their district not less than four months prior to the 1st October in each year. Any player changing his residence on or after 1st June shall play for the district in which he was residing on that date. Nothing in this rule shall prevent a resident or any district from becoming an honorary member of any other district club. (2) Any player arriving after 1st June may be allowed to play for the district in which he is residing upon satisfying the Competitions Committee that he intends to become a bona fide resident. (3) That all Association matches in which district or school club teams are engaged shall be played under this Association's rules for Cup matches. (4) That grounds be allocated to the various district clubs as follows: Lancaster Park: Christchurch East and Linwood; Hagley Park: Christchurch West, Riccarton, and St. Albans; Sydenham Park: Sydenham. (5) That players residing in the St. Albans district use their best endeavour to obtain suitable cricket ground within the boundaries of that district, at as early a date as possible, and that this Association gives all assistance in its power, both financially and otherwise, to further such a project, (6) That, boundaries of districts, as suggested, be subject to revision at the close of season. A sub-committee, consisting of Messrs Caygill, Raphael, and Thomson was appointed to interview the Hagley Park Ground Committee in reference to the appointment of trustees, in whom pavilions and other property should be invested. A further committee, composed of delegates from the various clubs, was set up to consider and report in regard to the fixing of boundaries.

Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12269, 12 August 1905, Page 4 THE DISTRICT CRICKET SCHEME. BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICTS. The establishment of a scheme of district cricket is now an accomplished fact in Canterbury, and hopes are entertained that under the new system marked improvement will result in local cricket. At Thursday's meeting of the Canterbury Cricket Association, the boundaries of the districts were agreed to, and below are given the details of the limits of the districts:-- SYDENHAM DISTRICT Commencing at the termination of Hills road, thence northerly along the said road to Wilson's road, along Wilson's road to Shakespeare road, along Shakespeare road to Falsgrave street, along Falsgrave street to Moorhouse avenue, along Moorhouse to Selwyn street, thence southerly along Selwyn street to Selwyn road, along Selwyn road to Milton street, along Milton street to Wilderness road, southeasterly along Wilderness road to Port Hills, including Port Hills between the lines of Wilderness road and Hills road. LINWOOD DISTRICT. Commencing at the termination of Hills road, thence northerly along the said road to Wilson's road, along Wilson's road to Shakespeare road, along Shakespeare road to Falsgrave street, along Falsgrave street to Fitzgerald avenue, and the North Avon Road to Fowke street, along Fowke street to Avon road, along Avon road to the City and Suburban tram-line, along the said tram-line to the beach, including Brighton, Sumner, and Lyttelton, and the Port Hills in a line north-east of Hills road. ST ALBANS DISTRICT. All that district to the north-west of the city and suburban tramline to its junction with the Avon road, along the Avon road to Fowke street, along Fowke street to the North Avon road, along the North Avon road to its junction with Bealey avenue, along Bealey avenue and Carlton Terrace to river Avon, along river Avon to Boundary road, along Boundary road and Strowan road in a north-westerly direction in a direct line to the Ashley river, including all that district to the east of the railway, also including Belfast, , and Rangiora. RICCARTON DISTRICT. All that district to the south-west of the northern railway to Strowan road, along Strowan road and Boundary road to river Avon, thence along the river Avon to the West belt, along the West belt to its junction with Moorhouse avenue, along Moorhouse avenue to Selwyn street, along Selwyn street to Selwyn road, along Selwyn road to Milton street, along Milton street to Wilderness road, and including all that district to the south-west of the boundary of the Sydenham district. CHRISTCHURCH EAST DISTRICT. All that district bounded on the north by Bealey avenue, on the east by Fitzgerald avenue, on the south by Moorhouse avenue, and on the west by Manchester Street. CHRISTCHURCH WEST DISTRICT. All that district bounded on the north by Bealey Avenue and the northern boundary of Hagley Park, on the east by Manchester street, on the south by Moorhouse avenue, and on the west by the western boundary of Hagley Park. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19050906.2.17&srpos=7&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 0%22christchurch+cricket%22+caygill-- Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12290, 6 September 1905, Page 5 SYDENHAM CLUB. The Sydenham Cricket Club held its annual meeting on Monday. Mr J. N. Fowke presided, and there were about thirty members present. The annual report stated that the second grade team possessed a splendid record tor last season, only losing one match, and that by only one run. The team had won the second grade cup. Mr W. C. H. Wigley's trophy had been awarded to E. R. Caygill, for the most consistent play during the season, and Mr Baldwin's bat to Mr H. Harris for fielding. The District Cricket scheme had been approved of by the club, and the new Sydenham District Club would start without any financial burden, and with a supply of material. The balance-sheet showed receipts £114 14s 9d, and expenditure £113 18s 9d, leaving a credit- balance of 16s. The assets were £226 6s, and there were no liabilities. The report and balance- sheet were adopted. A vote of thanks was accorded to the officers, and the club disbanded. A meeting was then held to form a new club, in accordance with the District Cricket scheme. It was resolved to form a new club, to be called the Sydenham Cricket Club, and the draft rules proposed by the Canterbury Cricket Association were adopted with small amendments. The colours adopted were maroon, blue and white. The rates of subscription decided upon were those recommended by the Cricket Association. No definite subscription mas fixed for honorary members, but a motion was adopted declaring that only honorary members subscribing £1 1s annually should be entitled to take part in the affairs of the club. The following officers were elected: — Patron Mr J. Hopper; president, Mr J. Baldwin; vice- presidents, Archdeacon Scott, Dr. R. W. Anderson and Messrs G. T. Booth, J. Brown, T. Kershaw, W. E. Munday and R. A. Gill; club , Mr A. Lawrence; hon, secretary, Mr W. Patrick; hon. treasurer, Mr T. Jacobs; auditors, Messrs R. A. Gray and J. R. Merrirman; delegates to the Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs J. N. Fowke, W. Robson,. S. McMurray and F. Warner; committee, Messrs S. Besley, W. Robson, W. Lawson, G. Halley, F. Rowe, F. Warner and J. N. Fowkes; senior selector. Mr J. N. Fowke; delegate to Sports' Protection Association, Mr T. Jacobs. Messrs W. Brice and Son wrote, offering to present a trophy cricket bat. The offer was accepted with thanks. Mr O. Caygill was elected a life member of the club.

[ NB: O. CAYGILL was made a life member and his son E. R. CAYGILL was awarded a trophy at the September 1905 AGM of Sydenham but the new district competiton format required both to play for the new Riccarton district club the next month, E.R. CAYGILL in 1st grade and O. CAYGILL in 3rd grade. ] bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=TS19050929.2.2.1&srpos=46&e=--1905---1906--100--1- byDA-on--0rivals+sydenham-- Star , Issue 8434, 29 September 1905, Page 1 NOTES. (By SCORING-BOARD.) In view of the opening of the cricket season to-morrow, and the inauguration of a new system of competition, a forecast of the probable strength of the various elevens will be found interesting. The old clubs are practically defunct, and the district system is in force and an amount of energy has been shown by the Canterbury Cricket Association, and a corresponding enthusiasm infused into the players, which augur well for the success of the new scheme. There now only require to be obtained the local interest of the public, and the consequent acquisition of a good ground in be northern part of the city, and the efforts of the original promoters of the scheme will have been crowned with success. Taking the teams which will be playing on Hagley Park, the Riccarton District Club, by its numerical strength, first claims notice. The Senior eleven will probably he cornposed of H. Tolan, J. H. Williams, K.S Williams, A. Anthony, H. Hammond, C. Prebble, F. Fryer, W. B. Clarkson, S. T. Callaway, F. Burton and E. R. Seager. In the team will be somewhat weak, but, if report speaks truly, there are a number of Junior players whose title to inclusion in the eleven will have to be seriously considered before the season is half over. The team's success in bowling will depend to a large extent upon Callaway, who will be supported by Williams (2), Anthony and Prebble. If. Burton can be induced to play, his -keeping will be of material assistance. Taking the team as a whole, I do not anticipate that it will occupy any one of the first three places in the competition. The West Christchurch district team will produce a much stronger Senior eleven, and will possibly be represented by J. D. Lawrence, H. E. Lawrence, H Aris, J. G. L. Vernon, H. Whitta, C. F. D. Cook, S. Wilson, J. Weston, E. H. Frankish, A. Fuller and T. D. Harman. The form displayed by Aris behind the as a Junior was such as to give of better things, so that little anxiety need be felt in that department. Most of the team are consistent batsmen, no fewer than six of the team being ex-Midlanders, while in bowling, J. D. Lawrence, Vernon, Frankish and J. Weston may be relied on to do sound service. Were F. S. Frankish certain of playing throughout the season, I should feel inclined to prophesy that this team would occupy first or second place at the close of the competition. Only one other team will have its headquarters at Hagley Park-St Albans. On paper this club makes an excellent showing, its match eleven consisting of K. M. Ollivier, T. W. Reese, H. N. Talbot, G. T. Weston, W. Pearce, J. S. Barrett, R. Vincent, W. C. H. Wigley, C. W. Garrard, A. Kinvig, and either J. A. Horner or B. B. Wood. A weakness in bowling is at first sight distinctly noticeable. There is not a first-class trundler, in the lot (unless we include Pearce, who may or may not play), although there are several players who may be counted upon to get their opponents out, at a eomewhat heavy cost. The batting strength is apparent, and, seeing that no team will probably be strong in the bowling department, I favour the chance of this team occupying a high position. The cricketers in the eastern part of the city will be compelled to play for either Linwood or East Christchurch. Each of these will be represented by a Senior eleven, which will contain players of note in Canterbury cricket, but I incline to the belief that the former team will be the stronger. Probably its eleven will be chosen from A. E. Ridley, H. C. Ridley, R. Ridley, S. A. Orchard, H. Ellis, A. Costelloe, J. Wheatley, R. Read, A. E. M. Young, E. T. Maroney, J. Danks, F. Wilding and E. O'Farrell. With two first-class wicket-keepers (though possibly Ellis's engagement as coach for the College will preclude him from playing), a fairly strong batting side, and good change bowling, the team's chances look bright. The neighbouring district will probably find that their batting is weaker than their bowling, for Fisher, Barry, Harkness, North and Hart form a sufficiently strong bowling side, especially with Boxshall to assist behind the wickets. When the team settles down the eleven will come from the following:- C. J. Atkinson, J. T. Harkness, C. Boxshall, R. W. Barry, R. L. Fisher, B. P. Hart, D. Fraser, R. L. Bush, R. B. Ward, H. A. Bishop, T. E. Saxton, P. Edmonds and A. T. Washer. Sydenham, which retains its name and more of its individuality than any other team, looks to be very weak. Few players of repute from the old clubs seem to be living in the district while the loss of Kinvig, Wigley, Reese, Frankish, Boddington, Caygill and M'Donald will be severely felt. P. Egan, L. Patterson, W. Robson, S. McMurray, J. Bennett, T. W. Jacobs, A E. Love, A. J. Patrick, W. R. Patrick, J. N. Fowke and S. Hunsley will probably be its team. The above remarks are based on the assumption that most of the older players will still be found on the field. I shall not be at all surprised if, before half the season is over, the teams are completely remodelled. If sufficient enthusiasm can be aroused in the districts, it will be manifested almost immediately by an increase in the number of cricketers, and that means that the younger players will soon obtain places in the Senior eleven, and in this way the standard of cricket will ibe improved. To make a forecast with very little to guide me, of the result of the Senior competition, I should place the teams in this order: St Albans 1, Linwood 2, West Christchurch 3, East Christchurch 4, Riccarton 5, Sydenham 6. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=TS19051007.2.66&srpos=47&e=--1905---1906--100--1- byDA-on--0rivals+sydenham-- Star , Issue 8441, 7 October 1905, Page 5 CRICKET. OPENING OF THE SEASON. The cricket season of 1905-6 was opened auspiciously to-day. The weather was summerlike and the grounds were in good order, and the hopes of a successful inauguration of the district scheme appear likely to be fulfilled. The change is very marked, of course, and a stroll through tihe different grounds this afternoon disclosed tihe fact that the players have been well shuffled for this year's deal. Former rivals may now be seen taking the field together, and last year's followers of Canterbury cricket will require a few weeks to sort out their old favourites among the new teams, Hagley Park, Sydenham Park and Lancaster Park presented a bright appearance, most of the clubs taking part in the opening club matches, while tfhe lady supporters dispensed afternoon tea. -0-- Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12319, 9 October 1905, Page 8 THE OPENING OF THE SEASON. Christchurch cricketers were favoured with an ideal day for the opening of the season on Saturday, and the various grounds had to a certain extent recovered from the effects of the recent heavy rains. A new era In the game, by the substitution of district for club cricket, was inaugurated, and all of the new combinations. had large musters of players. Afternoon tea was provided in each of the pavilions, and was partaken of by the players and spectators, the latter of whom attended in goodly numbers, which gives promise of the new scheme causing more interest to the public. Details:— ST. ALBANS DISTRICT CLUB. This club's match at Hagley Park on Saturday was between a picked eleven and the rest of the club. The latter were given first innings, and batting thirty-two men, they kept possession of the wickets till just before five o'clock, when the venture was brought to a close for 140. Stubberfield was top scorer with 25, while W. Hopkins made 15, G. Horner and Todhunter 13 each, and F. Horner 12. Greenwood, T. W. Reese, and Vincent were the most successful of the bowlers tried for the eleven, who were all disposed of just on the call of time for 58 (O'Brien 18 and Vincent 11). Thompson and Deacon bowled best for the club. WEST CHRISTCHURCH DISTRICT CLUB. The match played by this club at Hagley Park was also between a picked eleven and the remainder of the club. The latter, batting first, made only 68, although twenty-six men went to the crease. Only Wilder (11) obtained double figures, the bowling of Malone and E. H. Frankish accounting tor most of the players almost as soon as they went in. The eleven commenced to bat shortly before five o'clock, and just before time was up the last wicket fell for 54 (J. D. Lawrence 12). Weston and Lavery bowled well for the winners, who thus won by 14 runs. RICCARTON DISTRICT CLUB. The match played by this club was the First Thirteen against the rest of the club, the latter of whom numbered 32. The Rest batted first, and ran up 157, Cowper making 32, retired, Hammett 15, retired, and Ballantyne 12, retired. Maitland, Callaway and K. S. Williams shared the bowling honours. At the close of the day's play the Thirteen had made 57 for the loss of four wickets (Armstrong 21, retired, and Norman 19, retired). SYDENHAM DISTRICT CLUB. This club opened the season at Sydenham Park, when the First Eleven played the rest of the club. The latter, who batted twenty-one players, were given first innings, and they made 77, H. Gray, with 22 , being the only scorer of double figures. Bennett, McClennan, Patrick, and McMurray were the most successful bowlers. At the call of time the Eleven had made 71 for the Ices of five wickets (McClelland 19 not out, Patterson 13 retired, and Patrick 13 retired). LINWOOD DISTRICT CLUB. The season was opened by this club with a match between sides chosen by Messrs H. C. Ridley and S. Orchard. The letter's side batted first, and scored 114 (A. E. Ridley 35, Amtman 13, Crichton 22, not out, Orchard 13, Murray 13). Price, four wickets, and Read, three, were the best of the bowlers. Ridley's side responded with 138 (Wheatley 34, Read 18, O'Farrell 12, Wilding 26, J. S. Young 10, not out). R. Ridley, two for 27, and Costelloe five for 22, were the best of the bowlers. The second match of the Linwood Club was between a team captained by Bonnington, and the rest of the club, captained by Murphy. The latter batted first and made 87 (Bowling 17, Birnie 17, Bullock 15, Hayley 10). Taylor took nine wickets, performing the "hat trick." Bonnington'e side responded with 69 (Aitken 12, retired, Wilding 10, retired, Taylor 10, retired, and Carter 10). EAST CHRISTCHURCH DISTRICT CLUB. This club played a match between sides chosen by the president, Dr. Orchard, and one of the vice-presidents, Mr F. C. Raphael. The latter went in first, and scored 181. Bishop played a capital innings of 48, and Tabart made 40 (retired), West 32 not out, Raphael 32 (made in six hits). Fisher and Wells did most of the bowling. Dr Orchard's side only succeeded in scoring 94 (Saxton 11, Blunden 22 retired, Fisher 14). Tabart and Hart were the best of the bowlers. The East also played a match between sides chosen by Messrs Thompson and Green. The former's side made 57 in their first innings (Wardell 27). Green's team responded with 86 (Bennetts 17, Green 14, Haughey 13, Gibbs 12, E. Washer 10.). ------ bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19051012.2.45&srpos=8&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 0%22christchurch+cricket%22+caygill-- Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12322, 12 October 1905, Page 9 A match at Sydenham Park between the Sydenham and Leeston Clubs resulted in a win for the former by six wickets and 18 runs. For the winners W. Patrick 44, J. Gray 39, T. W. Jacobs 22 not out, E. Gasson 13 not out, were the most successful batsmen, and Robson and Gray bowled best. For Leeston Mitchell 43, Flannery 13, H. Hammond 13, E. Hammond 13, and Jones 24, batted best. The following teams will represent Riccarton in the first round of matches, commencing Saturday next:— First Grade, v Christchurch East, at Hagley -Park— Anthony, Beckett. Burton, Callaway, E. R. CAYGILL W. B. Clarkson, Francis, Maitland, Norman, Whiting, and K. S. Williams. Second Grade, v Christchurch, West, at Hagley Park— Ballantyne, K. B. Bain, jun., J. C. Clarkson, Day, Fryer, Fulton, R. Graham. Hardingham, Prebble, Sinclair, and J. H. Williams. Third Grade A, v St. Albans B, at Hagley Pa.k— K. B. Bain, sen.. Batten, Brinsden, Brooker, O. CAYGILL, J. H. Jones, Mann, Moir, Parson, Stark, and Taylor; emergency, E. McQuillan. Third Grade B, v St. Albans A, at Hagloy Park— Anderson, Cooper, Cox, Dawe, Doig, A. R. Graham, Hammett, G. G. Harper, A. H. Jones, Norman, and J. Smith. Fourth Grade, v Christchuroh West, at Hagley Park— A. D. Ashby, M. Ashby, Clark, B. Clarkson, E. McQuillan, Miller, Parker, C. Rix, F. H. Rix. E. H. Smith, and Tickell; emergency, P. McQuillan. It is necessary that players be on the ground not later than 2 p.m. for the purpose of electing captains. The following will represent Sydenham v Christchurch West, at Sydenham:— First Grade— Bennett, Egan, Fowke, Flannery, J. Gray, H. Gray. T. W. Jacobs, McMurray, W. Patrick, Patterson, Robson; Second Grade— Sydenham v Linwood, at Lancaster Park— Ayling, Gasson, Hamilton, Merriman, McLelland, A. Patrick, F. Rowe, Rudd, Windsor, Weston. J. Watson. Third Grade— A Sydenham v Christchurch East A, at Lancaster Park— Warner, Jacobs, sen., Dewe, G. Wilson, Baldwin, Lawson, Murray, Hobbs, Wiltshire, sen., Lafferty, J. Patterson. Third Grade— B Sydenham v Christchurch West A, at Sydenham— Carter, Dougall, Paterson. jun., Watson, H. Charters, Halley, Hayes, Burnett, Wills, Tracey. Fourth Grade v St Albans, at Sydenham — -K. Wilson, Grant, Robson, Fowke. jun, Cox, Russell, Boyd, King, Hooper, Welsh, Wiltshire, jun. The following teams will represent the West Christchurch Cricket Club on Saturday 14th, play to oommence at 2.15 p.m. sharp:— First Grade, v Sydenham, at Sydenham Park— J. Dudding, E. Frankish, A. Fuller, H- Lawrence, J. D. Lawrence. F. Malone, H. B. Whitta, S. Wilson, A. Dakin, K. Monteith, and C. Cook. Second Grade, v Riccarton, at Hagley Park — H. Bean, H. Ares, C. Louisson, J. Peoples, J. Vernon. J. Weston. H. Ziesler, J. Mullin, A. McDonald, A. McLean, and W. Ashby. Third Grade, A v Sydenham B, at Sydenham Park— F. Anderson. A. E. White, F. Labatt (captain), G. Reeves, Thodey, E. Jenkins. H. Dawe, O. Hope, W. Lavery, H. Gregory, and F. Rowe. Third Grade, B v East Christchurch B, at Lancaster Park— W. Raymond, J. Witty, J. Clark, W. Everest, G. Bridges, R. Wilder (captain), S. Jamieson, T. Killock, E. Ruddick, A. Sinclair, and W. Harrison. Fourth Grade, v Riccarton, at Hagley. Park-- Francis, G. Morgan. E. Wells. K. Janmeson, R. Thompson, C. Young (captain). R. Thompson, O. Mason, Waters, W. Munro, and J. Hadham; emergencies S. Whitta, J. Jacobs, Ogden, A. Fitzpatrick. D. Sweeney, H. Tillman, and W. Goodale. All emergencies will attend at Hagley Park, as there will be a game far all. Any member unable to play must advise the selector at once. ------ Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12323, 13 October 1905, Page 5 CRICKET. The following teams will represent East Christchurch in the first round of matches, commencing on Saturday next, starting 2 p.m.:— First Grade v Riccarton, at Hagley Park— Atkinson, Bishop, Blunden, Boxshall, Byrne, Fisher, Fraser, North, Tabart, Wells, West. Second Grade v High School, at Lancaster Park— Boulton, Bush, Edmonds, Green, Harkness, Hart, Robertson, Saxton, Ward, A. T. Washer, C. E. Willsteed. Third Grade A v Sydenham A, at Lancastar Park— Tennent, Bennett, Fuller, Samson, Wyatt, A. G. Washer, Jacomb, F. G. Haughey, Thomson, Jones, N. A. Griffin. Third Grade B v Christchurch West B, at Lancaster Park— Cameron, Sandstein, H. J. Haughey, Fitton, Hodder, Virtue, Gibbs, Day, Wardell, Morris, Richardson. Fourth Grade v College, at College— Dobbs, Gerard. O'Keefe, Twyneham, Ernest Washer, Ed. Washer, Ryde, Mathias, Horner, Myers, A. L. Willsteed. Emergencies— L. Edmonds, O'Connor, Martin, W. A. Griffin. Emergencies are expected to turn up at College grounds as it is possible all will be required. ST. ALBANS CRICKET CLUB. Seniors v Linwood, at Lancaster Park- Garrard, Kinvig, Wigley, Weston, Ollivier, Barrett, Vincent, Reese, Talbot, Smith, Greenwood. Second v' College, at College ground, Horner (3), Pritchard, Taylor, O'Brien, Jackman, Carman, Allard, Davey, Fox. Third Grade A v Riccarton, at Hagley Park— Oadle?, Clarke, Chapmaan, Colville, Noall, Thompson, Evans, Reid, Roberts, Waller, Wickes. Third Grade B v West Christchurch, at Hagley Park— Hopkins (2), Blackwell, Feldwick, Falk, Carter, Davey, Deacon, Stubberfield, Blank, Todhunter. Fourth Grade v Sydenham, at Sydenham— Hill, Treweek, Binns, Joyce, Bowen, Tucker, Tonks, Jones, Cooke, Moore, Parsonson. Teams meet at 2 p.m. to elect captains. The following players will represent the Linwood Cricket Club in its respective matches to- morrow:— First Grade team v St. Albans, at Lancaster Park— Orchard, Wheatley, Crichton Wilding, Read, Ridley (3), Costelloe, A. E. M. Young, O'Farrell. Second Grade team v Sydenham, at Lancaster Park— Brooke, Danks Redpath, Amtman, Moroney, Murray, Price, Ward, J. Young, Just, King. Third Grade A team v B team— A team: Aitken, Carter, J. Fox, E. C. Taylor, Hayley, Wilson, Dingle, G. Lawrence, Ecclesfield, Evans, Pinwill. B team: Murphy (2), Callaway, Wright, Bullock, Birnie, Bridge, Boulnois, Bowlker, Winter, Wilding; emergency, Otley. Fourth Grade team v High School, at Hagley Park— Fox, Hill, Muirson, Spanjer, Otley, Carruthers, Haynes, Young, Bowley, Winchester, Patrick; emergencies, McGie and Johnston. Any player unable to take part in games must notify the secretary at once. ------ bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19051123.2.26&srpos=1&e=--1902-----100- LT%2cCHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--2w%2e+winsor-- Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12358, 23 November 1905, Page 5 CRICKET. Fixtures for second round, commencing on Saturday next. DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP. First Grade:— Christchurch West v Riccarton, at Hagley Park; Linwood v Sydenham, at Sydenham: St. Albans v Chratchurch East, at Hagley Park. Second Grade:— College v Riccarton, at College; St. Albans v Christchurch East, at Hagley Park; High School v Linwood, at Hagley Park; Sydenham v Christchurch West, at Sydenham. Third Grade, to be played on Saturday, December 2nd:— St. Albans B v Sydenham B, at Lancaster Park; Riccarton A v Linwood B, at Lancaster Park; Linwood A v Christchurch West B, at Lancaster Park; Christchurch East B v St. Albans A, at Lancaster Park; Riccarton B v Sydenham A, at Lancaster Park; Christchurch East A v Christchurch West, A, at Lancaster Park. Fourth Grade:— College v Riccarton, at College; Christchurch East v Linwood, at Hagley Park; High School v St. Albans, at Hagley Park; Sydenham, v Christchurch West, at Sydenham. The teams are as under. Any member unable to play must notify the club secretary at once. RICCARTON CLUB. First Grade:— Anthony, K. B. Bain, junr., Beckett, Burton, Callaway, E. R. Caygill, W. B. Clarkson, Maitland, Norman, Prebble, and K. S. Williams. Second Grade:— Ballantyne, J. C. Clarkson, Day, Francis, Fryer, Fulon, R. Graham, Hardingham, Parker, Sinclair, and J. H. Williams. Third: Grade A:— K. B. Bain, senr., Batten, Brinsden, Brooker, O. Caygill, J. H. Jones, Munn, Moir, Parson, Stark, and Taylor. Third! Grade B:— Anderson, Cooper, Cox, Dawe, Doig, A. R. Graham, Hammett,G. Harper, R. P. Harper, A. H. Jones, and S. J. Smith. Fourth Grade;— A. D. Ashby, M. Ashby, Clark, E. Clarkson, E. McQuillan, P. Mc- Quillan, Miller, Norman, E. Rix, T. H. Rix, and E. H. Smith; emergency, Lodge. LINWOOD CLUB. First Grade Team:— Orchard, Ridley (3), Wheatley, A. Young, Crichton, Reed,Costelloe, O'Farrell, and Banks. Second Grade Team:— Redpath, J. Young, Moroney, Murray, Price, Ward, King, Brooke, O'Callaghan, Toomer, and Lawrence. Third Grade A Team:— Carter, Aiken, Taylor, Dingle, Amtman, Just, Boulnois, Pinwell, Fox, E. Murphy, Pender. Third Grade B Team:— Wilson, Bullock, Birnie, Wilding, Ecclesfield, Wright, Calloway, Evans, Bridge. T. A. Murphy, Winter: emergency, Winchester. Fourth Grade Team.:— Bowlker, Doill, Muirson, Barrett, Owles, Hill, Prosper, Johnston, Carruthers, Otley, junr., Graham; emergencies, Ayson and Bowley. EAST CHRISTCHURCH OLUB. First Grade:— Bishop, Blunden, Boxshall, Barry, Byrne, Fieher, Fraser, North, Tabert, Wells, West. Second Grade:— Boulton, Bush, Edmonds, Green, Hart, Robertson, Saxton, Ward, Washer, Willsteed, Atkinson. Third Grade A Team:— Bennett, Buchanan, Knight, Tennent, Fuller, Wyatt, A. G. Washer, Jacomb, Thomson, Dr. Orchard, F. Haughey. B Team:— Cameron, Dr. Sandstein, H. Haughey, Fitton, Hodder, Virtue, Day, Gibbs, Richardson, Edmonds, Morris. Fourth Grade:— Dobbs, Gerard, O'Keefe, Twyneham, Washer (2), Ryde, Mathias, Willsteed, Jones, Dwyer; emergencies, O'Connor, Martin, Laughlin, Gee, McLean. WEST CHRISTCHURCH CLUB. First Grade:— C. Cook, A. Fuller, H. Lawrence, A. Dakin, J. D. Lawrence, T. D. Harman, T. Malone, K. Montieith, H. B. Whitta, S. Wilson, J. Vernon. Second Grade:— W. Ashby, H. Aris, E. Jenkins, C. Louisson, J. Mullin, D. Mason. J Weston, A. E. White, H. Ziesler, W. Thodey, W. Raymond. Third Grade A Team:— F. Anderson, H. Gregory, O. Hope, J. Jacobs, W. Lavery. R. McDonald, J. Peoples, Arnold, Ogden, Rolland, Labatt. Third Grade B Team:— E. Ruddick, G. Bridges, H. Dawe, W. Everest, W. Goodall, Stevens, Tillman, Rogers, Killick, J. Whitty, S. Jamieson. Fourth Grade:— R. Francis. A. Fitzpatrick, W. Harrison, F. Rowe, S. Sweeney, R. Thompson, K. Jamieson, C. Young, F. Waters, J. Badham, Thompson; emergencies, G. Morgan, R, Ffitch, Wells, S. Whitta, Moorhouse. SYDENHAM CLUB First Grade:— J. N. Fowke, J. Bennett, W. Patrick, W. Black, P. Egan, H. Gray, J. Gray, Hunsley, S. McMurray, McLelland, W. Robson. Second Grade:— F. Rowe, W. Winsor, Jacobs, junr., Gasson, Watson, Weston, A. Patrick, Ayling, Hamilton, Rudd, Patterson, senr.. Third Grade A Team:— Lawson, Wilson, Patterson, junr., R. Gray, Lafferty, Warner, Baldwin, Gasson, T. Jacobs, senr., Hobbs, Dewe. Third Grade B Team:— Burnett, Charters, Carter, Hayes, Parks, Clements, Dougall Wills, G. Russell, Hudson, Tracey. Fourth Grade:— Fowke, Russell, Hill, S. Patterson, Brinkman, King, Jull, Grant, Hall, Duffy, J. Robson. ST. ALBANS. First Grade:— Allard, Barrett, Garrard, Greenwood Ollivier, Reese, Smith, Talbot, Vincent, Weston, and Wigley. Second Grade:— Carman, Clarke, Davey, Fox, Horner (3), Jackman, O'Brien, Pritchard, and Taylor. Third Grade A:— Cadle, Chapman, Colville, Evans, Ford, Noall, Reid, Thompson, Hamber. Waller, amd Wickes. Third Grade B:— Garrard, Blank, Carter, Davey, Desoon, Feldwrick. Hopkins (2), Stubberfield, Harris, and Todhunter. Fourth Grade: — Binnes, Bowen, Cooke, Joyce, Hill, Simpson, Moore, Parsonson, Stubberfield, Tucker, and Treweek. ------ 0-- Star , Issue 8480, 24 November 1905, Page 1 CRICKET NOTES. (By SCORING-BOARD.) After an interval of three weeks local matches were resumed on Saturday last in fine weather and on fairly fast wickets. Linwood and Riccarton gained a three points' victory, West Christchurch, by winning on the first innings, placed two points to their credit. At Lancaster Park Linwood secured a meritorious win over St Albans, though the former club was 33 runs short on the first innings. This result was mainly due to a fine performance with the bat by O'Farrell and R. Ridley. Starting very badly (for Ollivier, Reese and Barrett added but 10 runs between them) the northern team was in a very bad position after a quarter of an hour's play. Vincent, however, played with confidence, and seemed set for a good score, when he had the misfortune to only half stop a ball from Read, which rolled on to his wicket and dislodged the bails. Weston made 13 before an error of judgment in running sent him back to the pavilion. Garrard's innings was the best on his side, as he stayed in at a critical stage, and assisted to put 75 runs on the board, of wJiich he claimed 42. After starting very streakily and putting a couple of dangerous balls close to fieldsmen in the slips, he settled down and made several fine off drives which reached the boundary. Smith also played well for 16 not out, included in which were a couple of good strokes to forward cover. With a little more defence he should develop into a good batsman. Of the bowlers tried R. Ridley was most successful; but no one had any special sting, the strong wind perhaps militating against accuracy of length in deliveries from the southern end. Orchard and A. E. Ridley started with confidence, but the latter was bowled in trying to pull a straight ball, and Orchard was well caught by Vincent after an aggressive innings of 24. The top scorer was R. Ridley with 54, made in first-class style. He gave no chance, and has seldom played better cricket. His innings included two sixes and six fours. O'Farrell and Young each batted well. The former, though somewhat weak in defence, has placed two fine performances to his credit in this match. He is, and always has been, a much underrated batsman, and will very often obtain runs when opposed to anything but first- class bowling. A weakness. on the leg side is apparent, but his strokes on the off are powerful. Young also deserves credit for adopting steady tactics when his partner was making the runs. The weakness of the St Albans bowling was early noticeable. Ollivier was punished very severely in his first two overs, but afterwards secured a couple of wickets at a small cost. Wigley created somewhat of a sensation by clean-bowling four men in his first five overs, but he tired perceptibly, and the later batsmen found little difficulty in playing him. Smith bowled steadily, but obtained little " nip " from the pitch, while Greenwood had no command over the ball. The fielding on both sides was keen, that of Linwood ostensibly being better than that of their opponents. At Sydenham Park a very exciting afternoon's cricket was witnessed by a good number of spectators. The West Christchurch team made 149 for nine wickets before the innings was declared closed. Towards this total H. B. Whitta was again top scorer with 39. His innings was a repetition of his first attempt. He again showed an inclination to adopt vigorous measures, and only two singles were in his score. Most of his runs were obtained by hard forward drives and neat strokes to leg; his defensive strokes also were very sound. Cook, of last year's United team, obtained 32 in a very careful style, his innings being in marked contrast to that of Whitta. Three good strokes to the boundary were credited to him, but he might play with more power. Dakin hit hard for 22, while H. Lawrence and Malone each obtained 16 before the innings was declared closed. Pattrick got three wickets for 28 runs, and kept a fair length without being particularly troublesome to the batsmen. M'Murray bowled steadily, but Bennett, whose one wicket cost him 48 runs, has apparently not yet got into anything like his form of last season. The Sydenham fielding was bright and clean, Fowke doing good work behind the wickets. Sydenham required 173 to win, but they made little attempt to force the pace, and the first few batsmen were lacking in defence. Pattrick and Robson each obtained double figures, while Bennett hit hard for 14, but the others made a poor attempt against the bowling of Frankish and Malone. With nine wickets down for 58 and some forty minutes to play, the match seemed over, but the veteran Fowke, assisted by M'Clelland, played out time. The former was very careful at first, but afterwards, made some fine leg strokes, and played the bowling with the utmost confidence. M'Clelland obtained 17 runs as the result, chiefly, of steady play. Of the winners' bowlers, Frankish secured the best average, but Malone was more difficult to play, and is rapidly regaining that form which made him some years ago one of our very best slow bowlers. J. D. Lawrence should have been tried more, especially towards the end of the game. At Hagley Park Riccarton triumphed over East Christchurch, a result principally due to an excellent bowling performance by Callaway. The ground was somewhat on the slow side, and the scoring was low in consequence. Starting on Saturday with three wickets down for six runs in their second innings, East Christchurch were all dismissed for the poor score of 65 runs. At one time there were seven wickets down for 28, but the later batsmen did a little better than their predecessors. Fraser was top scorer, with 15 not out, and showed the best form on his side. His innings included two fine strokes to the on boundary, and he was the only batsman who seemed able to defend his wicket against Callaway. Tabart and Boxshall hit hard for 12 and 10 respectively, while North also obtained double figures by steady play. Much praise is due to Callaway for a very fine bowling performance, as he secured all of his opponents' wickets at a cost of less than three runs apiece. The East Christchurch team is certainly not a strong batting side, but it includes several of last year's senior players, and will possibly do better when opposed by less accurate bowling. Williams and Maitland bowled at the other end from Callaway, but neither troubled the batsmen to any extent. The Riccarton fielding was good, Burton behind the wickets doing fine work at times. Riccarton obtained the required 73 runs for the loss of five wickets, but, as in both the other first-grade matches, it was the two last men who made nearly all the runs required. Five wickets were down for 35, when Williams joined Norman, and no further disaster resulted. The former hit hard for 20 not cut, made in seven hits. Norman played the best innings of the match, and was particularly strong on the offside. He is weak on the leg, and plays too far back at times, but with practice and experience should make a most useful batsman. Fisher bowled very steadily at first, securing three wickets for 16 runs, but towards the close he lost his length, and was punished. West, Tabart, Wells and Blunden were also tried, the first two obtaining a wicket each. Kinvig was unable to assist his side on Saturday last, as he was detained on business. His absence meant a great deal to his team, which was only beaten within twenty minutes of time. It is doubtful whether he will be able to play again this season, and with Garrard absent in the next fixture, and possibly T. W. Reese, the northern team will be somewhat weak. I was pleased to see F. Burton playing again on Saturday last. Traces of his former brilliancy behind the wicket were noticeable at times, and, though undoubtedly out of form, a few games will cause him to be of material assistance to his side. Wigley bowled with success on Saturday last, disposing of such batsmen as A. E. Ridley, H. C. Ridley, J. Wheatley and Danks in his first few overs. His bowling was merely fast and straight, but early in the season batsmen have a tendency to make a cross stroke, and to this Wigley owes his good average. He, however., got rid of H. C. Ridley by a "brainy" yorker, which surprised the batsman. As Lancaster Park will be engaged next Saturday for the annual Public Schools sports, cricketers will perforce play on Hagley and Sydenham Parks. The players, it is to be hoped, will fall in with the arrangements of the Competitions Committee, whose work in providing grounds for the increased number of matches is by no means light. There is still a lack of interest manifested by the residents of the various districts in the doings of the local clubs, and the latter are to blame for it. Little or no effort is being made to interest the residents, and half the season will go by before anything is done. At the northern end of the city another ground must be obtained, if district cricket is to be a success. Again I have to speak of the want of uniformity in colours. The Linwood players certainly had a dark cap to distinguish them, but St Albans were chiefly noticeable by a heterogeneous collection of colours, prominent among which was the representative red and black. Now that Carnival Week is over, and there is at least a prospect of fine weather, the Association should bestir itself, and continue the work of fostering district cricket with that enthusiasm which characterised its policy at the inauguration of the new scheme. The caretaker's house at Hagley Park is in course of erection, and good progress is being made. It is to be hoped that the work will be finished by the New Year, as both West Christchurch and St Albans could do with more room in the old United pavilion. Whitta's double performance with the bat in the First Grade match at Sydenham stamps him as one of our coming representative players. Up till this season his play was very slow, his only powerful stroke being an off-push. This year, however, he is more aggressive, and in his two innings has scored well all round the wicket. I was pleased to see A. E. Ridley make a few runs on Saturday last. He adopted his old style of going for the bowling, and made some fine forward strokes. It is to be hoped that he gets into good form, as a batsman and fieldsman of his calibre is of great assistance to the province. Smith, of the St Albans First Grade team, has the makings of a good bowler. He has a fairly long run, an easy action, and a left arm delivery. On Saturday last he bowled a good length, and was little punished. He has not yet that command over the ball which enables a bowler to put in an extra good one at times, but practice and experience will give him confidence, and I confidently anticipate that he will make a most useful club, and possibly interprovincial, bowler in the future...... byDA-on--2%22suburban+competition%22 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12366, 4 December 1905, Page 4 SATURDAY'S MATCHES. Christchurch cricketers were favoured with beautifully fine weather for Saturday's matches, and as hardly any rain had fallen during the week, the various grounds were in good run-getting order, and the scoring consequently was well up to the average. In the first grade, East Christchurch, Linwood, and Riccarton won their respective games, though in the latter contest West Christchurch made a plucky fight of it. Details:— FIRST GRADE MATCHES...... LINWOOD v. SYDENHAM. Linwood and Sydenham concluded their match at Sydenham Park on Saturday afternoon, when the former won on the first innings by 79 runs. Sydenham's first innings had closed for 170 and Linwood had three wickets down for 94 runs when time was called on the previous Saturday. H. C. Ridley and R. Ridley, the not out men, continued their innings, and when H. C. Ridley had added 4 to his score, he fell a victim to Bennett. Danks partnered R. Ridley till the score reached 125, when Bennett took Ridley's wicket, he having added 10 to his previous score. Crichton filled the breach, and Danks continued to bat in good style till he was bowled by Black at 35. Reid followed, and compiled 66, which included eleven boundary hits. Costelloe, the last man, put on 19, and Crichton carried his bat out for 14. Patrick and McClelland were the first to bat for Sydenham, but when 21 was reached McClelland lifted one to Young, who accepted it. Thirty-six was added for the next two wickets, Robson being caught at 15. Bennett was the next to leave, after adding 10 to the score. Patrick was caught when the score reached 77, he having compiled 27. McMurray was the next to make a stand, and knocked up 15, and Fowke carried his bat out for 11. Before time was called Linwood started their second innings, and complied 27 for the loss of one wicket. LINWOOD. First Innings. S. Orchard, b Bennett 8 A. E. Ridley, c Patrick, b Bennett 33 J. Wheatley, b Egan 14 H. C. Ridley, b Bennett 26 R. Ridley b Bennett 23 J. Danks, b W. Black 35 C. Reid. c Gray, b Robson 66 E. O'Farrell, Ibw, b Black 1 A. E. M. Young, c Forwke, b Robson 5 A. Costelloe. c Egan, b Bennett 19 J. H. Crichton, not out14 Extras 5 Totall 249 Bowling Analysis: Bennett, 23.2 overs, 2 mdns, 92 runs, 5 wkts McMurray, 12 overs, 2 mdns, 92 runs Patrick, 4 overs, 1 mdn, 8 runs Egan, 5 overs, 31 runs, 1 wkt Robson, 9 overs, 1 mdn, 30 runs, 1 wide, 2 wkts Black, 5 overs, 33 runs, 2 wkts. SYDENHAM. First Innings 170. Second Innings. W. Patrick, c Young, b Costelloe 27 H. M. McClelland, c Young, b Costelloe 12 J. Gray, c A. Kidley, b O'Farrell 7 W. Robson, c A. Ridley, b R. Ridley 15 J. Bennett, c R. Ridley, b Reid 10 H. Gray, b Reid 12 S. Hunsley, c Orchard, b Costelloe 12 P. Egan, c Young, b Costelloe 7 S. McMurray, c Danks, b Costelloe 9 W. Black, run out 15 J. Fowke, not out 14 Extras 7 Total 147 Bowling Analysis: Reid, 18 overs, 3 mdns, 60 runs, 2 wkts Ridley, 7 overs, 1 mdn, 26 runs, 1 wkt O'Farroll, 4 overs, 1 mdn, 6 runs, 1 wkt Costelloe, 12 overs, 3 mdns, 36 runs, 5 wkts S. Orchard, 2 overs, 12 runs. LINWOOD. Second Innings. A. Costelloe, b Bennett 6 A. E. Young, not out 20 J. H. Crichton, not out 2 Total for one wicket 27 bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19060215.2.75.3&srpos=59&e=------100--1-byDA--- 2sydenham+cricket+club Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12428, 15 February 1906, Page 9 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB First Grade— Bennett, H. Gray, J. Gray, Robson, Patrick, Jones, Hunsley, Gasson, Fowke, Manson, McMurray. Second Grade— Rowe, Ayling, Patrick, A. Rudd, McClelland, Jacobs, Patterson, Wilson, Hamilton, Love, Savage. Third Grade A— Lawson, Dewe, Hobbs, Warner, Merriman, Murray, Weston, Baldwin. Patterson, J. Wiltshire, Way. Third Grade B— Burnett, Carter, Hudson, Weston, Clemens, A. Hayes, Grant, Tracey, Wills. Charters, E. Joll. Fourth Grade— Fowke, King, Watson, Hill, Wiltshire, Wilson, H. Russell, A. Russell, G. Robson, Boyd, Cross.

Star , Issue 8592, 6 April 1906, Page 1 CRICKET. NOTES. (By SCORING-BOARD.) After an interval of a week, consequent upon the Melbourne Cricket Club v New Zealand match, cricket was resumed, in fine but dull weather. The wickets were in good order, but somewhat on the slow side. Only two First games were played, those between St Albans and Linwood, and Riccarton and Sydenham. Both of these were commenced in January, but continuation was postponed till Saturday last. In the former game Linwood gained a good victory over their opponent by 29 runs in the first innings, while at Sydenham Park the local eleven won outright from Riccarton by seven wickets. The points in the competition areas follow:— West Christchurch 13, Riccarton 13, Linwood 11, Sydenham 10, East Christchurch 7, St Albans nil. Sydenham and West Christchurch have an unfinished game to complete, which will probably be decided on Saturday next. Sydenham deserve every credit for their win over Riccarton. As the result of the first day's play the former had made 100 for six wickets, while their opponents had made but 94. Continuing on Saturday, Sydenham added 32 runs to their previous score, which gave them a lead of 38. This in itself was not a commanding advantage, had the wicket on Saturday been on the fast side, and had time been of no consequence. As events turned out, the former factor was an important one, for the wicket gave much assistance to the bowlers, and in all only 115 were scored as the result of the afternoon's play. Of the later players on the Sydenham side, Robson was showing good form, and had made 13 when he was unfortunately run out. Black increased his score to 18, while Mason obtained 16 in good style, and was unbeaten at the finish. Callaway, Williams and Maitland obtained the wickets, the first-named bowling best. The second innings of Riccarton was a very poor one. None of the batsmen seemed at all at home to the bowling, and only one, Burton, obtained double figures. Bennett and Pattrick bowled with much success, the former securing five for 24 and the latter, who went on late, to relieve M'Murray, got three for 13. Only 22 runs were required by Sydenham, and these were obtained for the loss of three wickets. Robson, Patrick and J. Gray were soon dismissed, but Bennett and Gasson knocked off the runs, the Sydenham trundler making 11 not out...... The wisdom of the Canterbury Cricket Association in postponing the completion of a game for some two months is very doubtful. Spectators have lost their interest in the game, players do not care to roll up to finish a game which they have forgotten about, and, above all, the condition of wicket and outfield alters materially in a couple of months...... West Christchurch and Riccarton are now even for the championship with 13 points each, but, were the Association to close the season now, the former team should rightly be considered as moral winners. They have won six matches, while Riccarton have won but five, the points, of course, coming out equal because of the difference in points between a full win and a win on the first innings. West Christchurch have to finish a match with Sydenham, and this will probably be played next Saturday; but if the latter win, a possible but remote contingency in the present state of the weather and wickets, three teams will then be level..... 100-AMBPA%2cAG%2cEG%2cCHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--0%22scoringZz-board%22-- Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12474, 9 April 1906, Page 5 CRICKET. THE CLOSE OF THE SEASON. The cricket season of 1905-6 was brought to a close on Saturday, when the First Grade match between West Christchurch and Sydenham was brought to a conclusion, the former winning by 39 runs. The win gives the Westerners the championship with 15 points, Riccarton being second with 13 points. Linwood follow with 11 points, and then come Sydenham 10 points, East Christchurch 7, and St. Albans nil. The Second and Third Grade Competitions were won by Riccarton, and West Christchurch annexed the Fourth Grade. FIRST GRADE MATCH. WEST CHRISTCHURCH v. SYDENHAM. This match, which was commenced on February 3rd, but was not concluded on the following Saturday, was finished on Saturday at Hagley Park, when the weather was fine and the wicket in good order. On the opening day West Christchurch had completed their first innings for 212, and Sydenham had lost two wickets for 42 runs, Robson being not out 8, and Jones not out 2. On resuming, the not outs carried the total to 60 before Robson was run out. Jones soon followed his confrere to the pavilion, and as Gasson failed to score, the telegraph board showed five wickets down for 72. J. Gray and Bennett then made a good stand, and the total was taken to 145 before the latter, in attempting a "pull" stroke, was bowled by Frankish, who disposed of Fowke and Mason in the same over, eight wickets being down for 145. Gray and Hunsley made a short stand for the ninth wicket, before the former was bowled for a well played 40, with the total at 164, and 9 runs later the innings came to a close for 173 by Hunsley being caught. Frankish was by far the most successful of the bowlers tried, and the fielding was good. With no possible chance of playing the game out, West started their second innings, and at the call of time they had made 75 for the loss of six wickets, Sims contributing a well-played 27, which included six boundary hits. Patrick bowled well for Sydenham, who lost the match by 39 runs on the first innings. Messrs Hardy and Hart were umpires. Scores: WEST CHRISTCHURCH. First Innings 212 Second Innings. A. Sims, b Patrick 27 J. Dudding, c H. Gray, b Patrick 1 A. Fuller, b Bennett 9 E. H. Frankish, b Bennett 0 C. F. D. Cook, c J. Gray, b Patrick 1 J. G. L. Vernon, b Patrick 11 J. D. Lawrence, not out 6 T. Ma!one, not out 13 Extras 7 Total for six wickets 75 Bowling Analysis:- Bennett. 12 overs, 6 maidens. 28 runs, 2 wickets Patriok, 12 overs, 1 maiden, 40 runs, 4 wickets. SYDENHAM. First Innings. W. Patrick, st Fuller, b Frankish 22 H. B. Gray, st Fuller, b Malone 5 W. Robson, run, out 13 A. Jones, b Vernon 13 J. H. Bennett, b Frankish 46 C. Gasson, b Malone 0 J. Gray, b Frankish 45 . J.N. Fowke, c Malone, b Frankish 0 T. Mason, b Frankish 0 S. Hunsley, H. Lawrence, b Frankish 8 S. McMurray, not out 6 Extras 15 Total 173 Bowling Analysis:- Malone, 32 overs, 5 maidens, 76 runs, 2 wickets. Vernon, 18 overs, 5 maidens, 34 runs, 1 wicket. Frankish, 12 overs, 1 maiden, 30 runs, 6 wickets. J. D. Lawrence. 4 overs, 1 maiden, 7 runs. Whitta, 2 overs, 12 runs. THE AVERAGES. The batting averages for the season in First Grade matches are headed by A. Sims (West Christchurch), who scored 592 runs in 10 innings (2 not outs), giving him an average of 74 runs per innings. J. D Lawrence, (West Christchurch) comes next, with 313 runs and an average of 44.71, And H. E. Lawronce. (West Christchurch) is third, with 281 runs and an average of 40.14 per innings. K. M. Ollivier (St. Albans) has an average of 35.5 per innings, H. B. Whitta (West Christchurch) 35, H. A. Bishop (East Ohristchurch) 32, A. Ridley (Linwood) 31.04, H. C. Ridley (Linwood) 30, Anthony (Riccarton) 31.92, A. Dakin (West Christchurch) 31.88, C. Callaway (Riccarton), 31.2, and R. Vincent (St. Albans) 29.6. In the bowling, Bennett has taken 60 wickets at a cost of 11.28 runs each, while Malone captured 49 wickets, Callaway 47, R. Ridley 39, Read 36, and Tabart 33. 101-byDA-on--2%22sydenham+rivals%22-- Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12592, 7 September 1906, Page 7 The annual meeting of the Sydenham District Cricket Club has been postponed till September 13th, in the Footballers' Hall, Sydenham. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19060917.2.10.3&srpos=71&e=--1906---1906--100--1- byDA-on--0sydenham+cricket+meeting-- Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12600, 17 September 1906, Page 5 SYDENHAM CLUB. The annual meeting of the Sydenham District Cricket Club was well attended. The chair was occupied by Mr A. J. Lawrence. The report and balance-sheet showed that the club had had a fairly good season, and the young players promised a successful season to come. Mr Robson's bat for the most improved player was won by J. L. Patterson. Mr Brice's bat for the best fielder by J. Grey, Mr Reay's pair of cricket trousers for fielding in the Fourth Grade by H. Wilson, and Mr McKay's bat for highest score in the club G. Wilson. The receipts for the year, including last year's balance, amounted to £121 7s 6d, and the expenditure was about the same. The club's assets amounted to £226, and there was due for ground rent £12. The report and balance- sheet were accepted. The following officers were elected:— Patron, Mr John Hopper; president, Mr J. Baldwin; vice-presidents, Archdeacon Scott, Dr. R. W. Anderson, Messrs G. T. Booth, J. Brown, J. Kershaw, W. E. Munday, and R. A. Gill; club captain, Mr A. J. Lawrence; hon. secretary. Mr F. Warner; hon. treasurer, Mr T. Jacobs; assistant treasurer, Mr T. W. Jacobs; auditors, Messrs T. Wilshire and J. R. Merriman; committee, Messrs A. H. Nield, W. Robson, J. N. Fowke, A. Jones, D. Thompson. J. Bennett, and J. Young; delegates to tho Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs Fowke, Young, Robson. and Nield; delegate to the Sports Protection Association, Mr T. Jacobs; delegates to the Thursday Association, Messrs H. Rowe. A. Lawrence, and J. N. Fowke. Eight honorary and three acting members were elected. It was decided to open the season on September 29th. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=TS19060927.2.6&srpos=411&e=------100--401-byDA-on-- 0%22sydenham+and+addington%22+meeting-- Star , Issue 8738, 27 September 1906, Page 1 1906 16th AGM Canterbury Athletic Clubs' Protection Association "Owing to the inauguration of the district cricket scheme, the Sydenham and Addington United, Midland, St Mary's and Sydenham Rivals cricket clubs withdrew from the Association, while the following new clubs were affiliated: — The East Christchurch, West Christchurch, St Albans, Linwood, Sydenham, Riccarton and Sumner cricket clubs..." 1-byDA-on--2%22sydenham+cricket+club%22-- Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12610, 28 September 1906, Page 5 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. The following are the players in tomorrow's matches (opening day), commencing at 2.15: No. 1 Match— J. Fowke (captain), T. Mason, J Gray, W. Robson, W. Patrick, C. Ayling. T W Jacobs, L. Patterson, C. Rudd, Allardyce, C. Ward, W. Winsor, and Hamilton, v. A. Neild (captain). J. Bennett, A. Jones, H. Gray, S. Hunsley, E. Gasson, G. Wilson, L. Patterson, junr., J. Young, B. Rudd. A. Patrick, H. McClelland, and A. Love. No. 2 Match— Dr. Thomas, W. Lawson, H. Rowe, T. Jacobs, F. Baldwin, S. Besley, F. Warner. G. Murray, G. Russell, R. Wiltshire, C. Hayes, H. Wilson, P. Hooper, W. Robson, junr., and E. Fowke v. A. Hobbs. J Merriman. T. Wiltshire, T. Charters, G. Halley, A. Russell, L. Boyd, H. Watson, D. Wills, R. Burnett, P. Hill, S. Patterson, H. James, Tracey and Welsh. All players not mentioned and desiring a game are requested to attend. Both new and honorary members are cordially invited to attend. There will be a net practice for all who desire it. ------ 100-AMBPA%2cAG%2cEG%2cCHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--0%22scoringZz-board%22-- Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12761, 25 March 1907, Page 8 The following are the results of the various competitions:— Petersen District Championship Shield.— Sydenham 153.5 points Riccarton 151 West Christchurch 147 St. Albans 112 Linwood 122 East Christchurch 89. Senior Cup (first grade).— West Christchurch 18 Riccarton 14 St. Albans 13 Sydenham 8 Linwood 4 East Christchurch 2. Junior Cup (second grade).— West Christchurch 19 East Christchurch 15 Sydenham 13 Linwood 11 St. Albans 10 Riccarton 10 High School 7 College 5 President's Cup (third grade).— St. Albans A 21 Sydenham A 18 Linwood A 17 Riccarton B 16 Sydenham B 15 Linwood B 15 Riccarton A 12 St. Albans B 9 West Christchurch A 9 East Christchurch 8 West Christchurch B nil High School nil The unfinished matches in the sixth round, viz.. West Christchurch A v. St. Albans A, West Christchurch B v. Riccarton A, East Christchurch v. Sydenham A, St. Albans B v. Linwood B, and Linwood A v Riccarton B will all be continued at Hgley Park on Saturday next. Vice-President's Cup (fourth grade). — East Christchurch 40 Sydenham 33 College 24 Linwood 10 Riccarton 18 High School 17 .....PRIMARY SCHOOLS COMPETITION. The concluding game in the above competition was held at Sydenham Park between Waltham and Sydenham, and was won by the former by 151 runs, who thus won the competition. Scores: — Sydenham 22 (Watt batted well); Waltham. 173 (Boyd 99, Fryer 32, and Grant 13). For Waltham, Boyd and Fryer howled well, Fryer taking five wickets for seven runs, performing the "hat trick." For Sydenham, Harris and Watt bowled well, and Brumby's fielding was very good. ------ bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=TS19070328.2.56.1&srpos=123&e=--1903-----100- AMBPA%2cAG%2cEG%2cCHP%2cTS-101-byDA-on--0%22scoringZz-board%22-- Star , Issue 8890, 28 March 1907, Page 4 NOTES. (By SCORING-BOARD.) .....As I anticipated at the commencement of the season, West Christchurch were again successful in taking premier position. They were undoubtedly the best allround team in the competition, and though they were a bit lucky in averting defeat on two occasions, they at the finish had a good margin to spare. Their chief weakness was their catching, in which department they fell far short of Senior form. Riccarton had a very even team, and if some failed others always came to the rescue of their side in a splendid manner. Nine of their team averaged over 20 runs per innings. The efforts of their fast bowlers were greatly nullified by the absence of a capable slip. Such a fieldsman would have saved them hundreds of runs. They also needed a more experienced skipper. St Albans have an improving team, but a large tail was often evident. They put in some good work in the field. Sydenham had good bowlers, but lacked batsmen of a calibre to make runs, and so put them in a winning position. Linwood were a great disappointment. Little interest seemed to be taken in the team, which on several occasions played shorthanded. East Christchurch were weak front the start, Sims only being available on two occasions. Their batting often showed evidence of want of practice. In consequence of the dry season and hard wickets batting averages are higher than usual. Lusk, who put up some fine performances with the bat early in the season, easily heads the list with the splendid average of 84.28. Ollivier batted well, and maintains the place he has held on the list for the last three or four seasons. Anthony put up some meritorious performances, and has raised his place from seventh to third. Reese batted very consistently, and was the mainstay of his side on most occasions. He passed the century three times. Harper showed great improvement, but his magnificent performance of 182 is chiefly responsible for his high position in the averages. Cook batted steadily, and was a lot of use to his side. Bain also showed that he could play steadily as well as hit, but I think he would do better to keep to the latter it is his game. J. D. Lawrence, though not so successful in grade matches, more than made up for this by his meritorious displays in representative fixtures. Last year he was second with an average of 44.8. Among those who showed a great falling-off were H. E. Lawrence, who descended from an average of 40.1 to 12.8; Vincent, from 29.6 to the bottom with 3.16; Vernon. from 24 to 8.8; and Bishop, who last year was seventh with 32, has dropped about 10 runs per innings. The bowling averages, in consequence of little assistance from the wickets and the great number of catches missed, as could only be expected, are higher than last season. Johnston, who heads the list, put up some remarkably fine performances early in the season. Luck got very good figures on two or three occasions, and is a good second. Bennett did a hard season's work for Sydenham, and kept by far the best length in the competition. Last season he took sixty wickets at a cost of 11.2, with which his work this season compares very favourably. Maloney, who was ninth last season with 14.9, i.e. now fourth. Though his length was not so good this year, batsmen were seldom comfortable in playing him, and his bowling was rarely collared to any great extent. Wood got seven wickets at a cost of 12.5 apiece, but as he bowled fewer than one hundred balls one cannot consider his place seriously. Against Linwood, when he got five of his wickets, the game was only a farce. Callaway, who dropped from 12.5 to 17.3, played but seldom, and not enough to get into good form. He in consequence lacked the nip which makes his bowling so deadly. H. A. Smith at times bowled well, but tried too many tactics and generally lost his length. Mason and Ridley both bowled very steadily and with varying success, Playing for weak clubs they necessarily had the best batsmen opposed to them, and may be congratulated on their season's work. Clarke early in the season bowled well, but was punished latterly. Ferguson bore the brunt of the attack for East Christchurch, and was not often well supported by the field. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=TS19070515.2.3&srpos=128&e=--1903-----100- AMBPA%2cAG%2cEG%2cCHP%2cTS-101-byDA-on--0%22scoringZz-board%22-- Star , Issue 8929, 15 May 1907, Page 1 CRICKET NOTES. (By SCORING-BOARD.) .....Pattrick, the Canterbury representative cricketer, who has taken up his residence in , intends playing tor Midland when the season comes round. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19070913.2.46&srpos=64&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12908, 13 September 1907, Page 8 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB The annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held last evening in the Sydenham Football Clubs room, Mr J. Baldwin presiding over an attendance of about forty. The annual report staged that the club had the honour of first winning the Petersen District Championship Shield, owing chiefly to the efforts of the junior teams. The finances of the club were not in a flourishing state, the expenditure on material during the past season being exceptionally heavy. To meet the deficiency it was proposed to hold an amateur boxing competition at an early date. Special reference was made to the long and valuable services of Mr T. Jacobs, the honorary treasurer. The election of officers resulted as follows:— Patron, Mr J. Hopper; president, Mr J. Baldwin vice-presidents, Dr. R. W. Anderson, Messrs J. T. Brown, G. T. Booth, W. E. Munday, the Rev. P. J. Cocks, G. Mayne, W. Skelton, C. R. Clark and Dr. J. Thomas: club captain, Mr A. J. Lawrence; hon. secretary, Mr R. J. Young; hon. treasurer, Mr T. Jacobs; assistant hon. treasurer, Mr T. V. Jacobs; hon. auditors, Messrs T. Wiltshire and J. R. Merriman; committee, Messrs W. Robson, D. H. Thomson. J. Young, J. N. Fowke, A. H. Neild, A. Jones, M. Moorhouse; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs J. N. Fowke, J. Young, A. H. Nield and W. Robson; delegate to Sports' Protection Association, Mr T. Jacobs; delegates to Thursday Cricket Association, Messrs A. J. Lawrence and T. Voyce; senior selector, Mr J. N. Fowke; selectors for junior teams, Mr J. N. Fowke and the captain of each team. It was decided that the season be opened on the 28th inst. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr F. Warner, last season's secretary.

The article below gives the results of a poll of cricketers taken by the canterbury Cricket Association. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=TS19070819.2.11.2&srpos=15&e=--1907---1908--100--1- byDA-on--0rivals+sydenham-- Star , Issue 9011, 19 August 1907, Page 1 CRICKET .....THE DISTRICT SYSTEM. A FAVOURABLE POLL. The following is the result of the poll taken on the question of the continuance of district cricket-— Club, For, Against, Informal. St Albans, 32, 10, -- Sydenham, 53, 2, -- Riccarton, 48, 6, -- West Christchnrch, 36, 11, -- East Christchurch, 38, 6, -- Linwood, 55, 5, 1 Totals 262, 40, 2. Summarised as on the basis of the old clubs, the members have voted as follows:-- Club, For, Against. United, 21, 9 Midland, 30, 15 Lancaster Park, 36, 2 Sydenham, 17, 1 Rivals, 5, -- High School, 5, -- College, 3, 1 New members, 125, 12 Totals 262, 40. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19080401.2.61&srpos=67&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13079, 1 April 1908, Page 8 PRESENTATION TO MR J. H. BENNETT. The Sydenham Cricket Club held an enjoyable social evening in the Sydenham Football rooms last evening when there was a good attendance, including representatives from the various district clubs in Christchurch. During the evening Mr A. Lawrence, president of the club, presented Mr J. H. Bennett (who is leaving for England tomorrow, in order to try and obtain a position as a professional cricketer in one of the first-class Counties) with a handsome gold watch and albert, the former being suitably inscribed. Mr Lawrence spoke of Mr Bennett's sterling qualities on and off the field, and on behalf of the club wished him every success in his new undertaking. Mr F. H. Labatt, acting for the Canterbury Cricket Association, then handed the departing cricketer a purse of sovereigns, which had resulted from the final match for the Senior Championship between Sydenham and West Christchurch, the takings at the gate being for Bennett's benefit, together with subscriptions from enthusiasts towards the testimonial. Mr O. Caygill, one of the founders of the Sydenham Club, also spoke in eulogistic terms of Bennett's sterling performances on the field, both for his club and Canterbury. Mr Bennett suitably responded. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19080113.2.34.2&srpos=3&e=--1906---1910--100--1- byDA-on--2%22addington+united%22-- Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13011, 13 January 1908, Page 8 FIRST GRADE. SYDENHAM v. LINWOOD The above match was commenced at Sydenham Park, when the home team had first use of the wicket. Bennett and Patrick opened the innings. The pair put on 102 before the former was by Young off Orchard In his score, in which he gave no chance, were included 10 fours. Patrick, on reaching his half-century, was bowled by Reid. The other batsmen did not contribute largely to the total, with the exception of Ackroyd 36 and McClelland 25, who played well for their runs. Of the Linwood bowlers tried, Ridley and Orchard were the most successful. Bishop and Kinvig opened Linwood's innings to the bowling of Bennett and Bruges. When play ceased for the day the score stood at 49 for four wickets. Score:— SYDENHAM. First Innings. J. H. Bennett, st. Young, b Orchard 62 W. Patrick, b Read 60 E. Gasson, b Howell 1 M. Moorhouse, st. Young, b Orchard 19 J. Ackroyd, c Howell, b Ridley 36 Bruges, lbw b Ridley o E. Jones, c Orchard, b Ridley 2 Robson, c Ridley, b Read 12 Gray, c and b Ridley 19 McClelland, not out ..25 Fowke, c Bishop, b Orchard 13 Extras 6 Total 245 Bowling analysis— Howell, 11 overs, 1 maiden, 33 runs, 1 wicket; Ellis, 10 overs, 1 maiden, 28 runs; Kinvig, 11 overs, 3 maidens, 35 runs; Orchard, 11 overs, 1 maiden, 57 runs, 3 wickets; Read, 8 overs, 4 maidens, 18 runs, 2 wickets; R. Ridley, 21 overs, 5 maidens, 68 runs, 4 wickets. LINWOOD. First Innings. H. A. Bishop, c Moorhouse, b Bruges.. 2 G. Kinvig, b Bruges 7 R. Read, b Bennett 0 Ellis, c Fowke, b Bennett ..17 S. A. Orchard, not out 15 R. Ridley, not out 8 Total for four wickets 49 SECOND GRADE In the match Sydenham v. Linwood, commenced at Lancaster Park, Sydenham in their first innings scored 337 (Wilson 90 not out, Patterson 78, Hudson 45, Jacobs 44, Windsor 22, Watson 17, Anderson 11). Linwood lost one wicket for 8. Ward and Robinson were the most successful bowlers for Linwood. THIRD GRADE. Sydenham B v. Linwood A— Sydenham B made 119 (Love 28, O'Shea 42, Head 14, Ryder 15) and 4 for 44 (Head 17). Linwood A scored 145 in their innings. FOURTH GRADE. Sydenham defeated Boys' High School by an innings and 160 runs. Scores:— Sydenham 213 Russell (not out) 113, Stephens 35. Matthews 18, Purves 11, and Rudd 11. Boys' High School 43 (Clark 15) and 10. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19080908.2.44&srpos=69&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13215, 8 September 1908, Page 8 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CLUB'S ANNUAL MEETING. There was a very large attendance last night at the annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club, Mr J. Young presiding. The annual report stated that the season had been most successful. The club had retained the Petersen Shield with 72 1/2 points. The balance-sheet showed that the club had started with a debit balance of £20, and had completed the year with a credit balance of £5 14s 7d. The assets were £227, and the liabilities nil. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. The following officers were elected:— Patron, Mr J. Hopper; president, Dr. R. W. Anderson; vice-presidents,-Dr. R. J. Thomas, Rev. P. J. Cocks; Messrs G. T. Booth, J. Brown, C. R. Clark. J. Main, W. E. Mundy, arid W. Skelton; club captain, Mr. A. J. Lawrence; secretary and treasurer, Mr T. W. Jacobs; auditors, Messrs T. Wiltshire arid J. R. Merriman; committee Messrs Fowke, Jones, Fairclough, Nield, Young, Patrick, and Robson; selectors, Messrs J. N. Fowke and W. Patrick, with the captains of the various teams. The opening day was fixed for September 19th, provided the ground was in proper condition. In recognition of the valuable services he had rendered to sport generally, Mr W. Robson was unanimously elected a life member of the club. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19080917.2.57&srpos=70&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13223, 17 September 1908, Page 8 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB On opening day, Saturday, September 19th, 1903, two matches will he played as follows, commencing at 2 p.m. sharp:— No 1 game, J. N.. Fowke's team — W. Allardyce, Anderson, Dew, Fowke (captain), Hamley, Hayes, Janus, T. Jacobs, McClelland, A. Newton, P. O'Shea, Purvis, Patrick, Thompson, Watson, and Watters versus W. Robson's team — Bellamy, Brown, Rev. Hudson, Head, Hunsley, Hobbs, Jones, Mathews, Nield, Robson (captain), Stevens, Tracey, Webb, Waterman, Wood, and Young; No. 2 game, T. W. Jacobs's team — Ackroyd, Ornold, Bruges, Champless, Earnshaw, Fryer, Graham, Hilt, Jacobs (captain), Lafferty, Merriman, H. Newton, J. O'Shea, Pottinger, Rowe, and Winsor versus D. H. Thomson's team— Allardyce junr., Blyth, Borland, Dean, Gray, Hudson, Halliday, Lawson, Lawrence, McMurray, Parker, Patterson, A. R. Ryder, R. A. Ryder, Smith, and Thomson (captain). Any player inadvertently omitted, and all intending new members, cordially invited to take part. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19080929.2.60&srpos=79&e=------100-CHP%2cTS-1- byDA-on--2sydenham+cricket-- Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13233, 29 September 1908, Page 8 MUNICIPAL SPORTS GROUNDS. THE RENTALS CHARGED Some information relating to the rentals charged for the use of sports grounds on the municipal parks was presented to the City Council last might in a report from the Reserves Committee. The committee reported that the Tennis Club should be authorised to l;ay down four new asphalt courts near the south-west corner of the Sydenham Park, they to have the ground rent free for twelve months from the 30th instant, and after that date the rent be at the rate of ten guineas per annum. The rent paid by the Sydenham Cricket Club was £30 per annum, and the Council maintained the ground for that sum. For the other clubs the rent was to be £10 per annum, for which the ground would be mown and rolled once a week. The committee had been in communication with the Linwood Cricket Club in respect of bringing Linwood Park into a condition fit for cricket, and the committee recommended that the cricket ground, already levelled in the park, be let to the Linwood Cricket Club from year to year, any work required on the ground to be done by and at the expense of the club, on the understanding that if the ground was fit for first-class cricket next season, payment of the rent for the current season would be remitted, provided the ground was not played upon during the current season; the club to be at liberty to erect a pavilion in the park to a design to be subject to the Council's approval. The committee recommended the Council to accept the Sydenham Bowling club's offer to pay £50 per annum for the maintenance of the ground for the current season in lieu of £35 paid hitherto. The report was adopted. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19090907.2.39.2&srpos=76&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13521, 7 September 1909, Page 8 SYDENHAM CLUB'S ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held last evening. Mr A. J. Lawrence presided, and there was a good attendance. The annual report stated that the success achieved by the various teams last season was unique in the annals of the club. Four out of five of the Canterbury Cricket Association's competitions were won by the club, while the fifth — the Senior competition— was almost within the grasp of the first grade team. The success of the club was attributable to the manner in which the members attended practice. The club was represented in interprovincial matches by Messrs Patrick, Bennett, and Bruges. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £3 2s 3d. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. The following officers were elected:- Patron, Mr J. Hopper; president, Dr. R. W. Anderson; vice-presidents, Dr. J. R. Thomas, the Rev. P. J. Cocks, Messrs G. T. Booth, J. Brown, C. R. Clark, W. E. Munday, W. Skelton and J. Mayne; club captain, Mr A.. J. Lawrence; hon. secretary, Mr F. W. Jacobs; hon. treasurer, Mr T. Jacobs; auditors, Messrs J. R. Merriman and T. Wiltshire; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs J. Young J. N. Fowke, A. H. Nield, and D. H. Thomson; delegate to Sports' Protection Association, Mr T. Jacobs; delegates to Thursday Association, Messrs G. Petrie and C. Lafferty; committee, Messrs J. S. Bruges, W. Patrick, J. N. Fowke, A. H. Nield, W. Windsor, J. Young, and D. H. Thomson; selection committee, Messrs Fowke and Windsor, and the captains of the various teams. The fixing of the opening day was left in the hands of the committee. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19090917.2.18.2&srpos=118&e=--1898-----100- CHP%2cTS-101-byDA-on--0sinclair++templeton-- Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13530, 17 September 1909, Page 5 CANTERBURY CRICKET ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Canterbury Cricket Association was held on Tuesday night...... The various competitions had resullted as follows:— First grade championship, Linwood Club; district championship (Petersen Shield), Sydenham Club; second grade (Junior Cup ), Sydenham Club; third grade (President's Cup), Sydenham Club; fourth grade (Vice-presidents' Cup), Sydenham Club; School Flag, West Christchurch school. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19091007.2.53&srpos=80&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13547, 7 October 1909, Page 9 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. Teams for October 9th, 1909, at 2.15 sharp:— First Grade.--v. St. Albans at Hagley Park -Bennett, Bruges, Fowke, Gray, Hayes, Jones, McClelland, Neild, Patrick, Watson, Moore. Second Grade A.— v. East Christchurch at Sydenham— H. Graham, Thompson, Winsor, A. Hobbs, Ayling, Hudson, McMurray, Wood, Wiltshire, Wilson, Jacobs. Second Grade B.— v. St. Albans at Sydenham— Forrester, Bellamy, Taylor, Merriman, Conrady, Arnold, H. Hobbs, Hoad, King, Ferguson, Newton. Third Grade A.— v. College at College— Brown, O'Malley, Elder, Fryer, Lawson, Blythe, O'Shea, Goring, Cox, Parker, Shand. Third Grade B.— v. St. Albans at Sydenham— Dewe, Champness, Clements, Forbes, Hutchings, James, Mathews, Stevens, Waters, McQuinn, K. Wilson. Thursday Junior team.— v. Sunnyside Mental Hospital at Sunnyside, at 2.15 p.m. sharp Thursday. 7th, 1909-K. Barratt, A. J. Barritt, Good, Ratray, Besley, Odgier, Baker, Finnis, Ritchie, Butterfield, Robson, S. Wilson, W. Wilson, Jennings...... The tollowing will represent Sydenham A against Hardware at Sydenham Park today at 2- 15:— Fairclough. Lafferty, Patterson, Alpe, Bissett, Petrie, Paull, Arnold, Mora, Hinckman, A. Lawrence. [NB: the above paragraph must refer to Thursday cricket] bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19100912.2.35&srpos=88&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13835, 12 September 1910, Page 7 SYDENHAM CLUB. The annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held in the pavilion on September 5th, about forty members being present. The president, Dr. R. W. Anderson, was in the chair. The report, which was adopted, stated that the financial position was less satisfactory than in previous years, but this was chiefly owing to several unforeseen expenses in connection with the ground. The election of officers resulted as follows:— Patron, Mr J. Hopper; president, Dr. R. W. Anderson; vice-presidents, Messrs G. T. Booth, J. Brown, C. R Clarke, J. Mayne, W. Munday, W. Skelton, Dr. J. R. Thomas, and the Rev. P. J. Cocks; club captain, Mr A. J. Lawrence; honorary secretary, Mr F. W. Jacobs; honorary treasurer, Mr T. Jacobs; general committee, Messrs Patrick, Fowke, Winsor, Campbell, Gray, Ayling, and Taylor; auditors, Messrs J. Merriman and T. Wiltshire; delegates to Canterbury Association, Messrs Fowke, Patrick, Winsor and Young; delegate to Sports Protection Association, Mr T. Jacobs; delegates to Thursday Association, Messrs Nield and Lafferty; selectors for Saturday players, Messrs Fowke, A. Ayling, and the captains of teams; selectors for Thursday players, Messrs Fairclough and Alpe. Mr T. Jacobs was elected a life member. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19110119.2.27.7&srpos=38&e=------100-CHP%2cTS-1- byDA-on--0%22school+at+sydenham%22-- Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 13954, 19 January 1911, Page 7 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. First Grade v East Christchurch, at Sydenham Park— Bennett, Bruges, Gray, Fowke, Patrick, Woods, Paterasn, Watson, Hayes, Wilson, Taylor. Second Grade A v High School, at Sydenham Park— Arnold, McClelland, Young, Hobbs. Fryer, Elder. McLeod, James, Hutchings, Forrester. O'Malley. Second Grade B v West Christchurch, at Hagley Park— Graham, Blythe, Hudson, Fraser. Bellamy, McClelland, W. Graham, Gray, Head, Jacobs, and another. Third Grade A v West Christchurch, at Hagley Park— Skelton, Lawson, McQtinn, Mathews (2). Cox, Hodge, Hayes, Baker, Newton. Patrick. Third Grade B v St. Albans B, at Sydenham Park— Nicholson, Clements, Dougall, Baldwin, Robson, Brown, Telchard, Colombus, Stevens, King, Fleete. Fourth Grade— Elliott. Hayes, Gabb, Shrimpton, Bennett, Anstiss, Paterson, Wilson, Young, Maher, and another. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19110223.2.33&srpos=113&e=------100-CHP%2cTS- 101-byDA-on--2sydenham+cricket-- Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 13975, 23 February 1911, Page 7 SYDENHAM PICTURES. A large audience attended the Sydenham Empire last night, being the benefit night of the Sydenham Cricket Club. A new series of pictures were presented, the best being the dramatic films, "Two Little Waifs," "A Boarding School Romance," and "Nellie's Farm-" The scenic portion was very interesting, and the humorous subject were exceedingly good. The same programme will be presented tonight. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19110302.2.49&srpos=18&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 0%22christchurch+cricket%22+caygill-- Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 13981, 2 March 1911, Page 9 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. First Grade, v West Christchurch, at Hagley Park— Bennett, Bruges, Gray, Fowke, Paterson, Patrick, Woods, Wat son. Wilson, Taylor, Hayes. Second Grade A. v. Riccarton A., at Sydenham Park-Arnold, Allardyce, McClelland, Fryer. Forrester, McLeod, Young, Hobbs, O'Malley, Lawrence, James Hutchings. Second Grade B. v. High School, at Hagley Park— Bellamy, Blyth, Fraser, Graham(2), Hudson, Jacobs, McClelland, Winsor, Skelton, Gray. Third Grade A. v. West Christchurch B., at Sydenham Park — Baldwin, Colombus, Clements, Dougall. Nicholson, Fleete, Stevens, Telchard, Jacobs, Brown. Robon. Third Grade B. v. East Christchurch A., at Sydenham— Matthews (2), Patrick, Hayes, Newton, McQuinn, Cox, Hodge, Lawson, Baker, Clemens. Fourth Grade- v. School, at Lancaster Park — Gabb. Fitzsimmons (2). Paterson, Hayes, Elliott?, Anstiss. Young, Shrimpton, Wilson, Mather, Bennett. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19110325.2.20&srpos=53&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 0%22l+paterson%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 14001, 25 March 1911, Page 5 CRICKET. FINALS OF GRADE CHAMPIONSHIPS. The final of the Canterbury Cricket Association's first grade Championship will be commenced at Lancaster Park this afternoon between the St. Albans and Sydenham teams. A first-class wicket has been prepared. The following are the teams:-- St. Albans: Allard, Barrett, Bishop (captain). Brunton, Crawshaw, Muff, Ollivier, Dr. C. O'Brien, Reese, Sandman. and Spicer. Sydenham: Patrick (captain), Fowke, Wilson, H. Watson, L. Paterson. J. Taylor, J. Gray, J. Bennett, Bruges, W. Hayes, and F. Woods. Messrs O. Caygill and W. Carlton will act as umpires. The final second grade matches will also be played on the same ground between Riccarton A (16 points) and Sydenham B (20 points) and Sydenham A (19 points) and High School (20 points). The Board of Control has decided to reserve the Old Pavilion for the holders of ground members' tickets and their lady friends. Afternoon tea will be provided by Mrs F. C. Raphael. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19110912.2.96.1&srpos=108&e=------100--101-byDA- on--2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 14146, 12 September 1911, Page 10 SYDENHAM CLUB. At the annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club, the annual report showed that the number of playing members during the year was 90, while the number of honorary members was 21. The season was started with a debit balance of £31, but concluded with a credit balance. The report was adopted unanimously. The election or officers resulted as follows:— Patron, Mr J. Hopper; president, Dr. R. W. Anderson; vice-presidents, Messrs T. Booth, J. Brown, C. R. Clark, VV. E. Munday. W. Skelton. Dr. R. J. Thomas, :and. the.Rev. P. J. Cocks; club captain. Mr A. J. Lawrence; honorary secretary, Mr C Ayling; honorary treasurer, Mr T Winsor; auditors, Messrs J. Merriman and T. Wiltshire; Delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association, Meesrs J. Young, J. N. Fowke, W. Winsor and A..W. Patrick; delegate to Sports Protection Association, Mr T. Jacobs; to Thursday Association, Messrs C. Lafferty and P. Campbell; selectors, Messrs Winsor and Fowke. Messrs S. McMurray and. J. N. Fowke were elected life members. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19110928.2.66.4&srpos=109&e=------100--101-byDA- on--2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 14160, 28 September 1911, Page 8 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. The Sydenham Cricket Club will open the season on on Saturday, September 30th, with two matches, for which the following teams have been chosen No. 1 match— Patrick, Bennett, Woods,, Gray, Wilson, Hayes, Watson, Patterson, Bruges, H. McLelland and Fowke v, Gray, T. McClelland, Bellamy, Fraser, Ayling, Hudson, Young, James, Forrester, Wiltshire, O'Malley, Arnold, Fryer and ? Hutchings. No. 2 match— Fleet, Nicholson, Dougall, Murray, Newton, Hodge, Baker, Lawson, A. Hayes, Wilson, Patterson, Davis and Elder v. Stephens, Baldwin, Robson, Columbus, Jacobs, Skelton, Mathews (2), McQuin, Patrick, Shrimpton, Dewe and Clark. Any members who have not been chosen and all intending members are invited to be present. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19111130.2.13.6&srpos=110&e=------10--181---- 0st+stephens+school-- Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 14214, 30 November 1911, Page 4 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. First Grade t. Linwood, at Sydenham— Patrick, Hayes, Bennett, Woods, Watson, Wilson, Winsor, Fowke, Bruges, Paterson, Arnold. Second A v.High School, at Hagley Park - Young, Hutchings, Nicholson, Rudd, Hobbs, O'Malley, Allardyce, Forrester, King, Skelton, James. Second B v. Riccarton A, at Sydenham- Fraser (2), Gray (2), Ayling, Blyth, Graham, Bellamy, Hudson, Wiltshire, O Shea. Third A v. West Christchurch A, at Lancaster Park - Robson, Clements, Dougall, Stephens, Baldwin, Wilson, Sharpe, Clark, E. Hutchings, Turner, Columbus. Third B v. St. Albans B. at Sydenham— Rowe, McQuinn, Newton, Patrick, Hayes. Young, Head, Tonkin, Pedler, Newman, Matthews. Fourth Grade v. Linwood, at St. Albans Park - Mathers, Young, Patrick, Davies, Fogo, Wilson, Eloy, Allen, Paterson, Griffiths, O'Loughlin. byDA-on--2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 14173, 13 October 1911, Page 4 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. The following are the teams for Saturday, October 14th: First GRADE v. West Christchurch, at Sydenham— W. Patrick, W. Hayes, Bennett, Woods, Gray, Watson, Wilson, Fowke, Arnold, Bruges and J. L. Patterson. Second Grade A. team v. Linwood, at Sydenham— J. Young, Hutchings, Hobbs, Forrester, W. King, James, O'Malley, Skelton, Rudd, Tonkin, and Allardyce. Second Grade B. team v. College, at College ground— Ayling, Fraser, Bellamy, Winsor, Gray, Hudson, Wiltshire, Nicholson, Graham, Blyth and O'Shea. Third Grade A. team v. Linwood C, at Lancaster Paik— Elder, Sharp, Clements, Dougall, Robson, Stephens, Baldwin, Colombus, Lawsom, Fleete and K? Wilson Third Grade B. team v. High School at Sydenham— Rowe, Baker, Hodge, McQuinn, Newton, Rex, Young, Reid, Pedler, Newman, Matthews, Patrick and A. Hayes. Fourth Grade— Young, Mathers, Clark, Elvy, L. Wilson, Paterson, Griffiths, Mallard, Allan, Davies and Loughlin. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19120910.2.55&srpos=121&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14456, 10 September 1912, Page 7 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CLUB. The annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held last evening, Mr J. N. Fowke presiding over a large attendance of members. The annual report congratulated the club on its success, and stated that, although the players were not clever enough to win a grade championship outright, the club's teams tied on points in both the first and fourth competitions and were runners-up in the second grade. The club was easily the most flourishing as regards finance in Christchurch. The committee drew the attention of the delegates to the necessity for considerable alteration in the rules affecting cricket management in Christchurch. The Thursday team, it was stated, had also been fairly successful. The chairman said that, on account of the Association's action in awarding the senior cup to Riccarton, the club had considered the advisability of withdrawing, but wiser counsels had prevailed. The annual report and balance-sheet were adopted. Office-bearers were elected as follows :— Patron, Mr John Hopper; president, Dr. R. W. Anderson; vice-presidents, Messrs G. Booth, J. Brown, W. E. Murray, W. Skelton, the Rev. P. J. Cocks, Dr. Thomas, and Mrs A. Townend; club captain, Mr A. J. Lawrence; hon. secretary, Mr C. Ayling; treasurer, Mr W. Winsor; auditors. Messrs T. Wiltshire and J. Merriman; delegates to the Canterbury Association, Messrs Fowke, Winsor, Patrick, and Murray; delegates to the Sports Protection Association, Mr T. Jacob, senr. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19121003.2.98.9&srpos=62&e=------100--1-byDA-on-- 0%22l+paterson%22+cricket-- Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14476, 3 October 1912, Page 10 SYDENHAM CLUB. The Sydenham Cricket Club will open the season on Saturday next, October 5th, at Sydenham Park, when the following teams will play: A Team v. B Team — Bennett, Wilson, J. L. Paterson, Bruges, Fowke, Hayes, Gray, D. Fraser. Jacobs, Hunsley, O'Malley, Wiltshire, Forrester, Bellamy, Young. B Team v. A Team— Watson, Patrick, McLelland, Hobbs, Winsor, Woods, Ayling, S. Paterson, Booth, E. Fraser, Arnold, Rev. Cocks, Rudd, Nicholson, Gasson. C Team v. D Team— Turner, Rowe, Harry, J. Patrick, Firth, Sharp, Baldwin, Clements, Clark, G. Patrick, Rowan, J. Paterson, Pedler. D Team v. C Team— Dougall, Stephens, Head, Mathers, Robson, Goring, Foys, Davies, McQuin, Pritchard, Keller, Tonkin, Elvy. Any member whose name has been omitted and all intending members are invited to attend. Play commences at 2.15 sharp.

------ bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19121009.2.83.3&srpos=123&e=------100--101-byDA- on--2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14481, 9 October 1912, Page 11 CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. Tho following is the draw for the first five rounds of the Canterbury Cricket Association's, competitions, which commence on Saturday.— First Grade— First round: Sydenham v Riccarton, ot Lancaster Park; West v. East, at Hagley Park; St. Albans v. Linwood, at Hagley Park. Second round: Sydenham v. West, at Lancaster Park; Riccarton v. St. Albans, at Hagley Park; East v. Linwood, at Hagley Park. Third round: Sydenham v. East, at Sydenham; Riccarton v. Linwood, at Lancaster Park St. Albans v. West, at Hagley Perk. Fourth round: Sydenham v. St. Albans, at Lancaster Park: Eiccarton v. East, at Hagley Park: West v. Linwood, at Hagley Park Fifth round: Sydenham v. Linwood. at Sydenham; Riccarton v. West, at Hagley Park; East v. Albans, at Lancaster Park. Second Grade— First round: Sydenham B v West, at Sydenham;- Riccarton A v. y_enham A, at East v. College, at College; Riccarton B v. School at Hag ey Park- Linwood v, St. Albans, at Hagloy Park.' Second round: Sydenham B v. East, at Lancaster Park; Kiccarton A v. Riccarton B, at Hagley Park; Sydenham A v. bt. Albans, at Sydenham; Linwood y. College, at College; West v. School, at Hagley iarK. Third round: Sydenham B v. Riccarton B, at Sydenham; Riccarton A v. St. Albans, at. Hagley Park; East v. Weet, at Haglej Park; Sydenham A v. College, at College, Linwood v. School, at Lancaster I ark. Fourth round: Sydenham By. Sydenham A, at Sydenham;- Riccarton A. v. College at College; East v. Linwood, at Lancaster Park; Riccarton B v. West, at Hagley Park; St Albans v. School, at Hagley Park. Fifth round: Sydenham B v. Linwood, at Sydenham; Riccarton A v. West, at Hagley Park; East v. St. Albans, at Lancaster Park; Riccarton By. College, at College; Sydenham A v. School, at Hagley Park. Third Grade— First round: v. West B, at Hagley Park; Riccarton v East, at Hagley Park; School v. West A. at Haglev Park; Sydenham A v. St. Albans A, at Sydenham; Linwood A v. Linwood B, at Lancaster Park; College v St. Albans B, nt College. Second round: Sydenham v. Riccarton, at Sydenham; East v. Sydenham A, ot Sydenham School v. W«rt B, at Hagley Park; West A v. Linwood A, at Lancaster Park; St. Albans A v. College, at College; Linwood B v. St. Albans B, at Hagley Park. Third round: Sydenham B v. East, at Sydenham; West B v. West A, at Hagley Park; Riccarton v. St. Albans A, at Hagley Park; School v. Linwood B, at Lancaster Park; Sydenham A v. College, at College- Linwood A v. St. Albans B, at, -Hagley 'Park., Fourth round: Sydenham B v School, at Sydenham: .West"'B v. "Linwood A, at. Lancaster Park; Riccarton v." Sydenham --A/at Sydenham; East v. College, at College; West, A v. Tanwood B, at Hagley PaTk; St. Albans A v. St. Albans B, at Hagley Park. Fifth round: Sydenham By. Sydenham A, at Sydenham; West B v. Riccarton, at Hagley Park: East v. St. Albans A, at Lancaster. Park. School v. Linwood A, at Hagley Park; West A v. St. Albans B, at Hagley Park; Linwood 3. v. College, at College. Fourth Grade. (one-day matches)— First round: Sydenham v. Linwood B, at. Lancaster Park; School v. College, at College; East v. St. Albans, at Lancaster Park; Riccarton v. Linwood A, at Lancaster Park; West a bye. Second round: Sydenham v. School, at Lancaster Park; Linwood B v. College, at College; East v. Linwood A, at feancaster Park; St. Albans v. West, at Lancaster Park; Riccarton a bye. Third round: Sydenham v. College, at College; Linwood B v. Linwood A, at Lancaster Park School v. Riccarton, at Lancaster Park; East v. West, at Lancaster Park; St. Albans a bye. Fourth round: Sydenham v. East, at Lancaster Park; Linwood B v. West, at Lancaster Park School v. St. Albans, at Lancaster Park; College v. Riccarton, at College; Linwood A a bye. Fifth round: Sydenham v. St. Albans, at Lancaster Park; Linwood B v. Riccarton, at Lancaster Park; School v. Linwood A, at Lancaster PaTk; College v. West, at College; East a bye. SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. Thursday Seniors v. Sunnyside at Sunnyside, at 1.45 sharp:— Bartlett, Brodziak, Burton, Brookes, Cullen, Clark, Fairclough, Felton, Hincksman, McKeen, and Wilson. ------ bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19130220.2.13.2&srpos=43&e=------100-CHP%2cTS-1- byDA-on--0%22school+at+sydenham%22-- Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14595, 20 February 1913, Page 4 SYDENHAM CLUB. First Grade v. East Christchurch, at Lancaster Park— Bennett, Fowke, Fraser, Gasson, Harry, Hayes, Patrick, Paterson, H. Watson, Wilson, and Woods. Second Grade A v. East Christchurch, at Sydenham Park— Arnold, Dougall, Hobbs, Jacobs, Matthews, Murray, McLelland, Nicholson, O'Malley, Rudd, and Stephens. Second Grade B v. College, at College Ground- -Ayling, Bellamy, Booth, Conradi, Fraser, Gray, Paterson, Turner, Watt, Wiltshire, and Winsor. Third Grade v.High School, at Sydenham Park— Clark, Clements, Fogo, Forrester, Goring, Mathers, Robson, Rowe, Sharp, Skelton, and Thornton. Fourth Grade v. West Christchurch, at Sydenham Park — Hayes, Keller, Paterson (2), Patrick (2). Lindsay, Rowan, Matthews,Purdom, and Pritchard. Emergency: Witbrock. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19130416.2.25&srpos=3&e=------100- AMBPA%2cAG%2cEG%2cCHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--2peterson+shield-- Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14641, 16 April 1913, Page 4 SYDENHAM CLUB. The Sydenham Cricket Club intend to celebrate their success by holding a smoke concert in the Sydenham Football Club's rooms on Friday evening next. During the season just closed they have put up a unique record, for they have won all the competitions— Peterson Shield, Senior Championship, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade competitions. At the social on Friday evening the members of the first eleven will be presented with gold medals, given by the club captain, Mr A. J. Lawrence, in honour of the club's first win of the Senior Championship. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19130909.2.22&srpos=141&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14766, 9 September 1913, Page 4 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CLUB. The annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held last evening, when Mr J. N. Fowke presided over a large attendance of members. In presenting the annual report, the committee stated that they did so with pardonable pride, for such a record as theirs, they claimed, was unrivalled in the annals of the sport in New Zealand. Their teams were winners of all the grade competitions, also of the Thursday Junior Cup and the Peterson Shield, the last-named trophy for the seventh consecutive year. The record was more remarkable in that last season the club did not win a single cup outright. The membership had also decreased by fourteen on the previous year being now sixty-two. In interprovincial cricket the club was well represented by Messrs Patrick, Hayes, Paterson, Bennett and Woods, and it was largely due to their performances that the province was only once defeated. The balance-sheet showed receipts £200 0s 11d. including a balance brought forward of £10 19s 1d, and expenditure £197 11s 8d, leaving a credit balance of £2 8s 3d. Assets were estimated at £283 3s 3d and liabilities nil. In moving the adoption of the annual report and balance-sheet, which were adopted, the Chairman congratulated the club on the unique position attained, of which record, he stated, no one was more proud than himself. He referred to the prospects of the club as being particularly promising, in that they had such promising young players. He also paid a tribute to the excellent work of the hon. secretary,Mr C. H. Ayling. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:— Patron. Mr J. Hopper; president, Dr. R. W. Anderson; vice-presidents, Messrs G. T. Booth, W. E. Munday. M. Dixon, R. T. Leatham, W. Skelton. the Rev. P. J. Cocks, and Dr. J. R. Thomas; club captain, Mr A. J. Lawrence; hon. secretary, Mr C. H. Ayling; hon, treasurer, Mr W. H. Winsor; committee, Messrs J. N. Fowke, F. Woods, J. Gray, N. Conradi, E. Fraser and W. Patrick; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association. Messrs W. H. Winsor, W. Patrick, J. N. Fowke and F. L. Murray; selectors, Messrs C. H. Ayling. J. Gray and captains of elevens; auditors, Messrs Wiltshire and Merriman; delegate to Sports' Protection Association. Mr T. Jacobs; custodian. Mr J. Holmes. September 27th was recommended as the date for the opening day. Mr R. Wiltshire was unanimously elected a life member of the club. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19140219.2.71.12&srpos=1&e=--1914-----100- CHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--0hickenbottom+%22sydenham+cricket%22-- Press, Volume L, Issue 14905, 19 February 1914, Page 8 SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB. The following are the teams for the next round of matches: Second Grade A v. Boys' High School, at Sydenham Park— Arnold, Ayling, Bellamy, Booth, Dougall, Hobbs, Martin, Matthews, Skelton, Turner, and Winsor. Second Grade B v. St. Albans A, at Sydenham Park — Forrester, Gray, Jacobs, McLelland, Nicholson, Stephens, Watt, Wiltshire, Robson, Woods, and Watson. Third Grade A v. Riccarton A, at Sydenham Park— Brooker, Clements, Fogo, O'Malley, King, Lindsay, Irving, Rowe, Thornton, Ferguson, and Wilson. Third Grade B v. Linwood A, at Linwood Park — Clark, Crompton, Findlay, Hayes, Mehrtens, Goring, Mathers, Patrick (2), Robson, and Davies. Fourth Grade v. St. Bede's, at Linwood Park— Arnold, Pritchard, Rowan, Peek, Hickenbottom, Purdan, Boniface, Young, Jory, Watts, and Dougall. Emergency, Skinner. 1914--100-EG%2cCHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--0riccarton+cricket-- Press, Volume L, Issue 14929, 30 March 1914, Page 9 SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. WON BY SYDENHAM Sydenham's victory on Saturday gives them the Championship for the season, and the following table shows the positions of the various teams:-- Played. Won. Lost. Pts. Sydenham 7 0 0 18 Riccarton 7 4 3 9 Linwood 7 3 4 0 St. Albans 7 3 4 8 East Christchurch 7 2 5 5 West Christchurch 7 2 6 5 SYDENHAM v. RICCARTON The final for the championship between Sydenham— last year's holder— and Riccarton, was played on Saturday, Sydenham winning by seven wickets. Scores:— RICCARTON. First Innings 141 Second Innings. H. B. Whitta, b Watson 73 E. R. Caygill, b Wilson 50 A Norman, c Conradi. b Watson 32 A. C. Fuller, c O'Malley, b Wilson 7 J. Bain, lbw, b Watson 6 L. A. Caygill, b Wilson 5 R Taylor, c Taylor, b Wilson 2 E. T. Harper, c Woode, b Wilson S. J. Smith, not out 27 A. H. Guiney, lbw, b Wilson 6 E. Boulton, run out 0 Extras 22 Total 237 Bowling Analysis.— - H. Watson, 28 overs, 5 maidens, 70 runs, 8 wickets G. C. L. Wilson, 27 overs, 2 maidens, 80 runs, 6 wickets H. McLelland, 7 overs, 33 runs W. Hayes, 9 overs, 5 runs J. L. Patterson, 13 overs, 19 runs W. R. Patrick, 4 overs, 1 maiden, 8 runs SYDENHAM First Innings 304 Second Innings. N. Conradi, b Boullton 11 J. Taylor, b Whitta 30 J. L. Patterson, c L. Caygill, b Norman 20 F. Woods, not out 3 W. Hayes, not out 4 Extras 5 Total for three wickets 75 Bowling Analysis:- Boulon, 3 overs, 14 runss, 1 wicket; Bain, 4 overs, 16 runs Whitta, 3 overs, 1 maiden, 12 runs, 1 wicket Guiney, 2 overs, 24 runs Norman, 0.2 overs, 4 runs, 1 wicket. THE SEASON'S AVERAGES With the close of the Senior Championship matches we are enabled to give the batting and bowling averages for the season. Whitta, who heads the batting figures, has put up a unique performance in averaging over a hundred runs per innings for the season, for this is the first time it has been done since grade matches were instituted. He has been quite the batsman of the season, so far as grade matches are concerned, and the fact that in only one inninge— when he made 31 — has he failed to pass his half century, shows how remarkably consistent he has been. Woods, who is a good second, also has remarkably good figures, and he has certainly been one of the best and most stylish batsmen of the season. Wilson, who heads the bowling averages, has remarkably good figures, and the fact that he has also captured no less than forty-five wickets in representative matches stamps him as easily the best bowler of the season. As he also headed the bowling averages last season with fifty-seven wickets, at an average cost of 11.96 runs per wicket, it will be recognised that his performance this year is no patch one, but has been earned by steady and consistent bowling throughout. BATTING. Batsman, Innings, Not Out, Total, Highest Score, Average. H. B Whitta (Ric.) 8 1 737 207 105.23 F. Woods (Syd.) 10 3 598 170* 85.42 D. Reese (West) 8 1 450 180 64.28 R. G. Hickmott (St. A.) 6 0 309 149 51 50 H. A. Bishop (St. A.) 11 0 462 124 42.00 P. Greenlees (East) 9 5 165 49 41.25 A. W. Thomas (Lin.) 12 4 326 131* 40.75 A. Norman (Ric.) 9 1 358 76 39.77 W. Hayes (Syd.) 10 1 316 80 38.44 C. E. Beal (East) 11 2 337 75* 37.44 D. Sandman (St. A.) 6 0 219 102 36.50 E. R. Caygill (Ric.) 9 0 325 73 36.11 Rev. Bryan-Brown (W) 9 0 294 107 32.65 A. T. Donnelly (West) 13 0 413 101 31.76 W. R. . Patrick (Syd.) 4 0 127 53 31.76 J. H. Bennett (Syd.) 5 3 62 21* 31.00 T. Carlton (East) 6 0 184 103 30.66 A. H. North lEast) 5 1 121 46* 30.25 S. J. Smith (Ric.) 8 5 87 31* 29.00 F. Smith (Lin.) 9 1 230 92 28.75 J. L. Paterson (Syd) 9 0 249 62 27.66 E. Perrin (Lin.) 10 2 217 50 27.12 C. Young (West) 6 1 128 60* 25.60 L. R. Brunton (St. A.) 10 0 238 71 23.80 H. Watson (Syd.) 9 0 212 49 23.55 H. Waters (West) 10 2 184 54 23 00 J. Taylor {Syd.) 8 0 181 60 22.60 B. Hincksman (St. A.) 10 1 199 78* 22.11 J. Jones (Lin.) 6 2 87 53 21.75 G. C. L. Wilson (Syd) 7 2 103 48 20.62 M. O'Malley (Syd.) 9 1 160 55* 20.00 A. E. Doell (Lin.) 8 0 154 39 19.25 D. McGregor (Lin.) 6 0 107 45 17.83 B. Matthews (West.) 6 0 106 54 17.66 C. T. Moor (West) 7 2 86 40 17.20 A. Grant (Lin.} 13 1 205 58 17.08 H. Bradmore (St. A.) 4 1 61 27* 17.00 E. Fraser (Syd.) 9 0 151 83 16.77 E. Taylor (Lin.) 10 1 143 52 16.11 E. T. Harper (Ric.) 4 0 64 34 16.00 R. Taylor (Ric.) 5 0 80 54 16.00 A. H. Guiney (Ric.) 8 2 94 26* 15.66 N. Jones (East) 8 0 123 29 15.37 E. E. Crawshaw (West) 9 2 106 39* 15.14 W. P. Guiney (Ric.) 6 0 90 31 15.00 A. Arnold Syd.) 4 1 43 23 14.33 A. Murkie (West) 7 1 83 34 13.83 J. Bain (Ric.) 8 0 106 26 13.35 N. Conradi (Syd.) 8 0 100 32 12.59 H. M. Taylor (Lin.) 4 1 37 17 12.33 A. C. Fuller (Ric.) 9 1 109 34 12.11 F. C. Atkinson (St. A.) 11 1 120 32 12.00 B. A. Miles (St. A.) 10 4 70 24 11.66 J. W. Crichton (East) 10 1 90 35 11.00 G. T. Weston (West) 8 2 66 18* 11.00 H. Bannehr (West) 9 2 76 45 10.83 K. M. Ollivier (West) 4 0 42 20 10.50 A. R. Blank (East) ..10 0 38 17 9.80 J. S. Barrett (St. A.) 12 2 97 35 9.70 S. A. Orchard Lin.) 6 0 58 17 9.66 H. V. Strange (St. A.) 4 0 35 18 8.75 N. Tate (Lin.) 4 0 35 25 8.75 T. W. Reese (St. A.) 11 1 81 19 8.10 A. E. Ward (East) 11 0 84 19 7.65 R. Ridley (Lin.) 5 1 30 23 7.50 A. Shand East) 4 0 30 12 7.50 R. Read (Lin.) 7 0 51 19 7.28 D. Lamb (St. A.) 10 1 58 21 6.44 A. Hobbs (Syd.) 6 1 32 16 6.40 E. Willsteed (East) 5 1 25 11 6.25 L. Gordon (St. A.) 8 1 42 14 6.0 E.? Haughey (East) 6 0 35 24 5.83 C. Boxshall (East) 5 1 23 8 5.75 E. Bartlett (Lin.) 5 1 17 12 4.25 Rev. H. Monaghan (E.) 8 0 23 14 3.83 H. Arris (Lin.) 6 1 16 8 3.20 E. Boulton (Bic.) 6 0 17 7 2.83 The following batted less than four times:- For East Christchurch — C. A. Armstrong, 0 0; P. Dwyer, 6, 8, 22; C. Corbett 1*, 21. For Linwood— G. Russell, 0, 0, 4; E. Weston, 14; G. Otley, 21*; P. Mansell, 1, 10*; A. Russell, 15, 12. For Riccarton— J. G. Firth, 34*, 4; K. S. Williams, 0, 4, 13; D. Faulkner, 12; L. A. Caygill. 10. 5, 5. For St. Albans— Dr. O'Brien, 0; G. Ford, 6 0, 13; van Asch, 13, 3; C. W. Allard, 4, 4; H. Hatch, 14, 1. For Sydenham— L. C. Watson, 0; H. McClelland." 33*, ? For West Christchurch— Sir Cecil Moon, 0, 6; W. B. Thomas, 0, 7: B. J. Loudon, 0, 32; A. G. Cameron, 4*, 17; R. Leeming, 1, 4; H. Fuller, 4, 0*; ?. Jennings, 8, 0; C. Hammond, 10, 17*, 0; J. Bowden, 5. * Signifies not out. BOWLING. Batsman, Overs, Maidens, Runs, Wickets, Average. G. Wilson (Syd.) 203 32 510 53 9.62 H. Watson (Syd.) 142 37 352 28 12.57 C. E. Beal (East) 83 17 283 22 12.86 A. W. Thomas (Lin.) 152 25 447 30 14.90 J. G. Firth (Ric,) 41 7 98 6 16.33 J. Jones (Lin.) 43 9 196 12 16.33 J. H. Bennett (Syd.) 67 24 163 10 16.59 E. E. Crawshaw (W.) 125 23 478 28 17.07 S. A. Orchard (Lin.) 51 5 173 10 17.30 R. J. Loudon (West) 21 7 53 3 17.66 _ Read (Lin.) 89 19 321 17 18.88 H. B. Whitta (Ric.) 42 2 210 11 19.00 D. Reese (West) 102 23 329 17 19.35 L. Gordon (St. A.) 104 18 389 20 19.45 D. Sandman (St. A.) 84 15 321 17 ???? A. Miles (St. A.) 52 3 197 9 21.88 Rev. Bryan-Brown (W.) 88 18 273 12 22.75 E. Haughey (East) 20 4 92 4 23.00 T. Carlton (East) 140 27 516 22 23.43 D. Lamb (St. A.) 157 34 552 23 24.00 K. S. Williams (Ric.) 66 6 223 9 24.77 S. J. Smith (Ric.) 55 4 226 9 25.11 Rev. H. Monaghan (E) 164 32 640 25 25.60 E. Boulton (Ric.) 160 15 642 23 25.68 R. G. Hickmott (St. A.) 50 7 233 25.88 K. M. Ollivier (West) 27 1 136 5 27.20 A. H. Guiney (Ric.) 162 11 490 18 27.88 J. L. Paterson (Syd.) 70 9 234 8 29.23 A. T. Donnelly (West) 71 5 363 12 30.41 W. Hayes (Syd.) 16 8 93 3 31.00 J. Bain (Ric.) 84 7 347 11 31.54 A. F. Ward (East) 102 14 439 13 33.76 A. Mackie (West) 59 9 252 6 42.00 A. Grant (Lin.) 86 17 346 6 57.66 E. Perrin (Lin.) 38 6 185 2 92.50 G.Ford(St.A.)210950-- The following bowled less than 20 overs:- For East Christchurch— N. Jones, 1 over, 0 maidens, 6 runs, 0 wickets: E. Willsteed, 4 0 26 0; C A. Armstrong, 6 0 34 0; C. Boxshall, 9, ,0, 61, 2; R. H. North, 10, 0, 82, 5. For Linwood-A. E. Doell, 2, 0, 8, 0; R. Ridley, 8, 2, 22, 2; G. Russell, 1, 0, 1, 0; E. Taylor, 4, 0, 24, 0; N. Tate, 5, 1, 20, 1; D. McGregor, 2, 1, 7, 0; A. Russell, 6, 0, 31 , 1. For Riccarton-A. Norman. 13, 0, 95, 3: W. P. Guiney, 9, 0, 47, 1; R. Taylor, 3, 0, 15, 0. For St. Albans— S. Hincksman, 1, 0, 12, 0; Dr. O'Brian, 2, 0, 10, 0; C. W. Allard, 14, 2, 54, 1; T. W. Reese. 11, 1, 38. 0; F. C. Atkinson, 9, 1, 69, 0; H. A. Bishop, 10, 0, 50. 2; J. S. Barrett, 3, 0, 19, 0; L. Brunton,16, 0, 75, 3. For Sydenham-M. O'Malley, 3, 0, 34. 0; W. R. Patrick, 11, 1, 39, 1; E. Fraser, 3, 0, 20, 1; H. McLelland, 13, 0, 61, 1. For West Christchurch— C. Young, 14, 2, 60, 2; A. G. Cameron, 3, 0, 7, 0; J. Bowden, 4, 0, 19, 0; H. Fuller, 2, 0, 13, 0. 1914--100--1-byDA-on--0sydenham+cricket+meeting-- Press, Volume L, Issue 15067, 8 September 1914, Page 10 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CLUB. The annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held last evening. Mr W. ROBSON presiding over a good attendance. The report stated that the club had annexed the first and second grade competitions, the second grade A team being runners up to the B team. The third grade team had tied with Riccarton, and the fourth grade team were runners-up in that grade. The Petersen Shield still remained in the club's possession. The membership had been 60 and 15 Thursday players. Reference was made to the death of Mr John Hopper, patron, and Mr T. Jacobs, late treasurer. Six teams were entered for Saturday cricket, and one for Thursday cricket. The outstanding performances of Woods and Wilson with the bat and ball respectively were dealt with in detail, and also the performances ot the junior grade team. The club was represented in the New Zealand team in Australia by Patrick and Bennett, and by Patrick, Bennett, and Wilson against Sims's team in New Zealand. Interprovincial representatives were Patrick, Bennett, Hayes, Watson, Paterson, Woods, and Wilson. Regret was expressed at the approaching resignations of the secretary, Mr C. Ayling, and the treasurer, Mr W. H. Winsor. The report was adopted. The balance-sheet, showing receipt.- £169? 9s 3d, cash balance £1 9s 8d, assets £281? 0s 8d and liabilities nil, was approved. The following officers were elected:-- Patron. Dr. R. W. Anderson; president, Mr G T Booth; vice-presidents, Messrs W. F. Munday, J. T. Brown, W. Skelton, R. T. Leatham, C. R. Clark, S. F. Wilson, H. N. Bates, and Dr. J. R. Thomas; club captain, Mr W. Robson; hon. secretary, Mr J. Robson; hon. treasurer. Mr F. Woods; general committee, Messrs W. R. Patrick, C. Ayling, J. Gray, N. Conradi, W. H. Winsor, and G. C. Wilson; selection committee, Messrs C. Ayling and J. Gray; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association. Messrs W. H. Winsor, W R. Patrick, J. N. Fowke, and C. Ayling; auditors, Messrs Wiltshire and Merriman: delegates to Sports Protection Association, Mr J. Robson. Mr A. J. Lawrence was elected a life member. It was decided to open the season on Saturday, October 3rd. CHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--0%22boys+cricket+league%22-- Press, Volume L, Issue 15091, 6 October 1914, Page 4 CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION'S COMPETITIONS. FIRST ROUND FIXTURES. The following is the draw for the first round of the Canterbury Cricket Association's matches, commencing nest Saturday, October 10th:— First Grade— Kaiapoi v. Linwood, at Lancaster Park; West Christchurcb v. East Christchurch, at Hagley Park; Sydenham A. v. Riccarton. at Hagley Park; St. Albans v. Sydenham B., at Sydenham Park. Second Grade— Boys' High School v. West Christchurch, at Hagley Park; East Christchurch A. v. East Christchurch B., at L.ancaster Park; Christ's College v. Sydenham, at College Ground; Linwood A. v. Riccarton, at Hagley Park; St. Albans v. Linwood b., at Lancaster Park. Third Grade— West Christchurch A. v. St. Albans A., at Hagley Park; Linwood A. v. Riccarton A. at Lancaster Park; Linwood B. v. Riccarton B., at Lancaster Park; Sydenham v. Boys High School, at Sydenham Park; East Christchurch v. Kaiapoi, at Kaiapoi; Christ's College v. St. Bedes College, at Christ's College Ground; St. Albans B. v. West Christchurch B., at Hagley Park. Fourth Grade— First day: West Christchurch v. Christ's College, at College Ground; East Christchurch v. Linwood, at Lancaster Park; Sydenham v. Boys High School, at Sydenham Park; Riccarton a bye. Second day: Christ's College v. East Christchurch, at College Ground; Linwood v. Sydenham, at Sydenham Park; Boys' High School v. Riccarton, at Lancaster Park; West Christchurch a bye.

In the article below, note that Sydenham has TWO senior sides. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19141221.2.13&srpos=1&e=------100-CHP%2cTS-1- byDA-on--0%22boys+cricket+league%22-- Press, Volume L, Issue 15156, 21 December 1914, Page 3 CRICKET. SATURDAY'S MATCHES. The fifth round of grade matches was brought to a conclusion on Saturday in beautiful weather and on first-class wickets. East Christchurch beat Sydenham B with a big margin, whilst St. Albans got home against West, and Linwood against Sydenham A, and Riccarton easily accounted for Kaiapoi. SYDENHAM A v. LINWOOD. Scores:— SYDENHAM A. First innings 103 Second Innings. F. Woods, l.b.w., b Thomas 44 W. Hayes, c Grant, b Thomas 23 J. Taylor, c Thomas, b Head 4 L. Watson, c Thomas, b Read 13 R. H. Booth, c Read, b Thomas 1 J. Gray, b Read 1 J. H. Bennett, b Read 30 W. P. Guiney, c Ridley, b Thomas 59 J. Martin, c Otley, b Thomas 41 D. Nicholson, not out 0 M. O'. Malley b. Thomas 0 Extras 7 Total 223 Bowling Analysis.— R. Read, 21 overs, 1 maiden, 113 runs, 4 wickets; A W. Thomas, 23.4 overs, 2 maidens, 96 runs, 6 wickets; A. Grant, 3 overs, 1 maiden, 7 runs. LINWOOD. First innings 137 Second Innings. E. Perrin, b Bennett 33 A. Grant, c Gray, b Guinev 62 A. E. Doell, b Guiney 40 A. W. Thomas, c Nicholson, b Bennett 1 R. Read, b Bennett 1 E. Taylor, c Watson, b Bennett 1 R. Ridley, not out 26 C?/G? Tate, lbw, b Bennett 4 H. Taylor, not, out 7 Extras 12 Total for 7 wickets 187 Bowling Analysis.— J. Bennett, 20 overs, 8 maidens, 30 runs, 5 wickets; D. Nicholson, 4 overs, 7 runs; W. P. Guiney, 11 overs. 1 maiden, 43 runs, 2 wickets; J. Martin, 8 overs, 37 runs; W. Hayes 7 overs, 1 maiden, 37 runs; J. Gray, 6 overs, 21 runs. ----- SYDENHAM B. v. EAST CHRISTCHURCH. Scores:- EAST CHRISTCHURCH. First innings [205? 265?] SYDENHAM B. First Innings. W. Skelton, b McLachlan 7 A. Norman, b McLachlan 0 A. Conradi, b McLachlan 18 W. R. Patrick, b Carlton 11 C. Ayling. b Carlton 3 G. C. Wilson, c Williams, b McLachlan 2 B. Hincksman. b McLachlan 4 S. McClelland, b McLachlan 1 D. McBeth, b Carlton 1 A. Aris, not out 0 E. Gasson, b McLachlan 1 Total 48 Bowling Analysis.— T. Carlton, 9 overs, 2 maidens, 15 runs 3 wickets; McLachlan, 5.2 overs, 2 maidens, 33 runs, 7 wickets. Second Innings. A. Norman, b Carlton 0 N. Conradi, b Carlton 19 W. Patrick, b Carlton 29 W. Skelton, stumped Boxshall, b McLachlan 21 E. Gasson, b McLachlan 0 C. Ayling, hit wicket, b. McLachlan 0 G. Wilson, c Crichton. b McLachlan 0 D. McBeth, lbw, b McLachlan 5. H. McLelland, b McLachlan 10 H. Aris, c and b Carlton 1 S. Hincksman, not out 0 Extras 4 Total 108 [ NB: definitely says 108 in the article but both batting and bowling add up to 89 ] Bowling Analysis: T. Carlton, 17.4 overs. 7 maidens, 34 runs, 4 wickets; D. McLachlan,17 overs, 5 maidens. 51 runs, 6 wickets. --- SECOND GRADE. ----- Boys' High School (197) and Sydenham continued their match at Sydenham Park. Sydenham made 209 (Woods ?4, Forrester 59, Winsor 30, Robson 15. King 18). School declared with 181 for no wicket (Taylor not out 85, Nixon not out 66, Milliken 19). Sydenham lost eight wickets for 112. Sydenham won on the first innings. THIRD GRADE. Sydenham (281) dismissed West Christchurch B tor 175 (Crawley 62, Varton 34, Strachey 13,- Fuller 16, Reese 10, Cameron not out 11) and 122 (A. Cameron 48, Donaldson 13). Sydenham made the required runs without loss, and won by ten wickets. --- FOURTH GRADE. In the game between East Christchurch and Sydenham A, the former went in first and made 174 (Murfitt 55, Brosnahan 32, Cuningham 13, Hislop 19, MLachlan 14). Sydenham replied with 39 for 4 wickets (Pritchard 14, Hickenbottom 10). Boys' High School opened their match against Sydenham B and made 150 runs (Francis, minor 22, Francis 15, Bellhouse 28, Page 22, Walker 13). Sydenham replied with 106 (Merriman 34, Marton 23, Belshaw 9 not out). --- . CANTERBURY v. OTAGO. Otago will make an attack on the Plunket Shield, the match starting on Christmas Day at 2 o'clock. The southerners will have the assistance of J. N. Crawford, one of the world's best all-round players, and their team includes a number of young players who have been specially coached by Crawford. The Canterbury selectors, Messrs Patrick, D. Reese, and Whitta chose the Canterbury team on Saturday evening, as follows:— J. H. Bennett (Sydenham). C. Boxshall (East Chrisfcchurcb), H. A. Bishop (St. Albars). C. E. Beal (East Christchurch). T. Carlton (East Christchurch). R. G. Hickmott (St. Albans). W. R. Patrick (Sydenham). D. Reese (West Christchurch). D. Sandman (St. Albans). F. Woods (Sydenham). H. B. Whitta (Riccarton). For the Northern tour, which commences next week, McLaughlan (East Christchurch) will replace Reese, who is unable to go North, and A. W. Thomas is 12th man, and F. Butler (West Christchurch) is first emergency batsman. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19150322.2.4.1&srpos=50&e=--1913-----100- LT%2cCHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--0%22east+christchurch%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LI, Issue 15233, 22 March 1915, Page 2 CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY SYDENHAM A. The Canterbury Cricket grade matches were continued on Saturday, chief interest centreing in the final of the Senior Championship, which was won by Sydenham A. Results: LINWOOD SYDENHAM A. The play on the two previous Saturday's had left Sydenham in a strong position, for Linwood had lost six wickets in their second innings and were only 94 runs on. K. Taylor, the Linwood not out man was joined by A. Gurnsey on Saturday, the total being 166. Bennett and Gray had charge of the bowling. Runs came steadily, and at 194 Martin relieved Gray. The second century went up. but then Bennett bowled Taylor off his pads. 202— 7— 15. F. Gurnsey joined his brother, but the latter was caught at the wicket with only a single added. 202— 8 — 19. Tate was bowled by Bennett without scoring, and with Taylor the last man in, Guiney bowled in place of Martin. Then Gray took a turn, and bowled Gurnsey with a slow yorker, the innings closing for 226. Requiring 100 to win, Hayes and Taylor opened Sydenham's second innings to the bowling of Thomas and Read. Hayes was missed behind the wickets in Read's second over, and Taylor was clean bowled in Thomas's next over. Booth was out Ibw to Read with one run added. Guiney joined Hayes, who soon after was bowled by Thomas. Woods, the incomer, was almost immediately thrown out by Perrin. The game became very exciting, four wickets being down for 30. Bennett joined Guiney, and scored very freely until he was caught off Read after contributing a very useful 27. Watson came next, and after a few singles Read gave way to Grant, who clean bowled Guiney in his second over. The retiring batsman had played a very forceful and useful innings. Watson was beaten next over by Grant. Excitement ran high with 7 wickets down for 97. At 110 Forrester was given out caught at the wickets from a ball which evidently hit his pads. Martin was clean bowled first ball. Gray got going, and with Nicholson, the last man, the score went up amidst tremendous excitement, Gray hitting out in great style, nearly every shot touching the fence. Three runs were required when Nicholson faced Thomas, who brought his field in close. The first ball Nicholson square cut hard to the fence, and the match was won amidst great excitement and encoring. Scores:-- SYDENHAM A. First innings 195 Second Innings. J. Taylor, b Thomas W. Hayes, b Thomas 11 R. Booth, lbw, b Read 0 W. P. Guiney, b Grant 51 F. Woods, run out 0 J. Bennett, c E. 'Taylor,' b Read 27 L. Watson, b Grant 8 J. Forrester, c H. Taylor, b Read 9 J Gray, not out 44 J. Martin, b Read 0 D Nicholson, not out Extras 1 Total for nine wickets 156 Bowling Analysis— A. W. Thomas, 21.1 overs, 10 maidens, 18 runs, 2 wickets; R. Read, 21 overs, 5 maidens, 78 runs, 4 wickets; A. Grant, 8 overs, 29 runs, 2 wickets. LINWOOD. First innings 123 Second Innings. E. G. Perrin, b Gray 70 A. Grant, b Hayes 17 R. Ridley, b Hayes 1 A. E. Doell, c and b Nicholson 16 R. Read, b Bennett 34 A. W. Thomas, c Gray, b Bennett 6 E. Taylor, b Bennett 15 A. Gurnsey, c Hayes, b Bennett 19 F. Gurnsey, b Gray 15 G. Tate, b Bennett 0 H. Taylor, not out 8 Extras 25 Total 226 Bowling Analysis— J. H. Bennett, 28 overs, 8 maidens, 60 runs, 5 wickets; J. Martin, 9. overs, 2 maidens, 22 runs; W. Hayes. 13 overs, 3 maidens, 29 runs, 2 wickets; J. Gray. 15.4 overs, 3 maidens, 36 run, 2 wickets; W. P. Guiney. 12 over, 3 maidens, 39 runs; Nicholson, 5 overs, 10 runs, 1 wicket. SYDENHAM B v. EAST CHRISTCHURCH. Sydenham B went under to East Christchurch by 8 runs. Scores:— EAST CHRISTCHURCH. First innings 347 Second innings 107 SYDENHAM. 1st Innings 251 Second Innings. A. Norman, run out 26 N. Conradi, b McLachlan 27 S. Hincksmann, c McLachlan, b Carlton 6 G. C. L. Wilson, Ibw b McLachlan 1 H. Watson, b Carlton 16 W. Patrick, c McLachlan, b Carlton 12 C. Ayling, b McClelland 25 W. Skelton, not out 33 E. A. Gasson, b McLachlan 13 I. A!lardyce. run out 4 H. Arres, run out 11 Extras 22 Total 195 Bowling Analysis— D. McLachlan, 16.4 overs, 1 maiden, 72 runs, 3 wickets; T. Carlton, 23 overs, 2 maidens, 86 runs, 3 wickets; T. McClelland; 7 overs, 18 runs, 1 wicket. RICCARTON V. KAIAPOI The match between the Riccarton and Kaiapoi Clubs resulted in a win for Riccarton by an innings and 22 runs. Scores: KAIAPOI. First innings 149 Second Innings. Dr Cawshaw, c Ashby, b Whitta 29 J Black, c D. Nixon, b Whitta 0 F Smith, c Whitta, b Evans 23 G. Green, b Whitta 0 A. Rollinson, c Luttroll. b Evans 0 J. Rollinson, c R. Nixon, b Evans 0 D. McGregor, not out 18 H. Trustrum, b R. Nixon 18 J. Brown, c Clarkson, b Evans 2 A. Howarth, absent 0 H. Blackwell, absent 0 Extras 11 Total 106 Bowling Analysis— B. Whitta 8 overs. 1 maiden. 28 runs, 3 wickets; Evans, 9.4 overs, 52 runs, 4 wickets; R. Nixon, 2 overs, 1 maiden, 5 runs, 1 wicket. RICCARTON. First Innings. E. R. Caygill. c Howarth, b Black 105 E. C. Luttrell, b McGregor 13 C. E. Evans, c Green, b McGregor 20 H. D. Whitta, c sub 42 W. B. Clarkson, c Black, b Howarth 15 M. Ashby, st Green, b McGregor 0 R. Nixon, run out 3. D. Nixon, not out 88 G. Robertson, b Black 21 A. Fuller, b McGregor 4 Extras 17 Total 277 Bowling Analysis— J. Black, 23 overs, 2 maidens, 75 runs, 2 wickets: A. Rollinson, 15 overs, 3 maidens, 42 runs; H. Blackwell, 3 overs, 21 runs; A. Howarth, 6 overs, 18 runs, 1 wicket; G. McGregor, 21.5 overs, 3 maidens, 90 runs, 5 wickets; F. Smith, 2 overs, 14 runs. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19150619.2.35.11&srpos=160&e=------100-CHP%2cTS- 101-byDA-on--2sydenham+cricket-- Press, Volume LI, Issue 15309, 19 June 1915, Page 7 PRIVATE A. E. FRASER. Private Alfred Ernest Fraser (Canterbury Infantry Battalion, killed) was a son of Mr J. Fraser, 41 Richardson street, Opawa, for many years engineer to the Christchurch Fire Brigade. Private Fraser was born in Christchurch 28 years ago, and educated at the East Christchurch School. He was employed in .Messrs Boon and Co.'s works, and at the time he enlisted with the Third Reinforcements was employed by a Leeston firm. Private Fraser was a prominent footballer and cricketer. He played five-eighth for the Sydenham Football Club's senior team for several years, and represented the province on the football field. He was also a member of the Sydenham Cricket Club's senior team. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19150910.2.17&srpos=148&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LI, Issue 15380, 10 September 1915, Page 4 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CLUB. The annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held last night, Mr W. Robson presiding over a good attendance. The report stated that the membership was 71 active and 13 honorary. The Club's records for the past season were set out and commented upon. Six teams were entered in the competitions. The record was: First Grade, won: Second Grade, second (equal); Third Grade, second (equal; Fourth Grade, second: Petersen Shield, won. The Club's sympathy was extended to the relatives of E. Fraser, killed at the Dardanelles, and also to Mr J. Gray, in his recent bereavement. In last year's report it was recorded that C. J. Mather, E. Fitzsimmons, and H. Davies had enlisted; to these had to be added the names of D. McBeath, J. H. Bennett. E. Fraser, H. Stephens, H. Compton, W. P. Guiney, M. O'Malley, E. Watt, W. Skelton, O. Hodgson; A. Hayes and J. Patrick, who learned their cricket in the Club, also enlisted. The balance-sheet showed a small balance to credit, and assets exceeded liabilities by £226 16s 9d. The report and balance- sheet were adopted. Officers for the year were elected as follows:— Patron, Dr R. W. Anderson; president. Mr Geo. T. Booth; vice-presidents, Messrs W. E. Munday, J. Brown, J. W. T. Grigsby, H. G. Ell, M.P., W. Skelton, H. N. Bates, S. Wilson, C. R. Clarke, J. Savage, G. E. Good, A. Peppler, and Dr. J. R. Thomas; club captain, Mr W. Kobson; hon. secretary, Mr E. Skelton; hon, treasurer, Mr C. H. Ayling; committee, Messrs Booth, Forrester, Patrick, Wilson, Hincksman, Robson, and Conradi; selectors, Messrs W. Robson and Patrick; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs Hincksman, W. Robson, W. H Winsor, and W. R.. Patrick; delegate to Sports Protection Association, Mr E. Skelton; auditors, Messrs T. Wiltshire and J. R. Merriman; custodian, Mr G. Holmes. It was decided to open the season on October 2nd. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19151204.2.51&srpos=152&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LI, Issue 15453, 4 December 1915, Page 11 NOT WANTED. SHIRKERS IN CRICKETERS' RANKS SYDENHAM CLUB TAKES ACTION. A meeting of members of the Sydenham Cricket Club, convened by Mr W. Robson, was held last evening. Mr Robson stated that he had called the meeting owing to having received the following letter from Mr W. H. Winsor:— "Considering the present state of recruiting in Christchurch, and recognising the duty of every loyal citizen to do his utmost to help the cause along, I would respectfully ask you to convene a meeting of the club or committee to discuss the matter. Personally, I must refuse to take part in matches with players of military age eligible for enlistinent, who have not yet volunteered for active service, I am sure you will be with me, Sir, in considering, firstly, the duty we owe our country, and, secondly, the duty we owe the good name and fame of the Sydenham Cricket Club. I am not out to point the way for other clubs, and will resent their interference with us, as I believe this is a matter for each club to work out its own salvation." Mr Robson stated that he was entirely in agreement with the tone of the letter, and was very glad it had come up. He had heard that another club intended to move in the matter. Mr Winsor said that the matter had been running in his mind for some time, and he considered it was time for the Sydenham Club to set their house in order. He would resent any criticism of the Sydenham Club by an outside body, which was not cognisant of any extenuating circumstances. It was a fact that Sydenham had certain players eligible for enlistment playing in two of their teams. He would refuse to play with them any longer unless they showed sufficient reasons for not doing their very obvious duty. He strongly urged any eligible men present to enlist for the sake of themselves and their country. He was sure that the stuff in these men was as good as in any that had yet enlisted. It was meet that the premier club in Canterbury should be the first to take up a stand and refuse to play eligible single men. Mr Patrick stated that he had seen several members of the committee, and was very pleased that action had been taken from inside the club. He heartily endorsed the chairman's remarks. Mr Gray said that several single members of his team were debarred for several reasons from joining the colours, but in his opinion they should be called upon to declare those reasons, or be prevented from playing in competition matches. Mr Wilson agreed that action should be taken at once. After several other members had spoken, Mr Ayling moved: "That any member of eligible age for enlistment and single, shall be left out of any team, unless he gives sufficient reasons for not enlisting." The motion was seconded by Mr F. Woods, and carried unanimously. A list of single members of military age disclosed fourteen names, and of these there were only five who had not either enlisted, or had good reasons for not joining immediately. Mr Winsor congratulated the club on taking such a drastic step. He referred to the necessity of keeping the game going, and quoted Dr. McNab's recruiting speech, in which he stated that. "The discipline gained on the cricket and football fields greatly aided in the turning out of an efficient soldier.'' --- Mr J. S. Barrett, of St. Albans Club, stated last night that in view of the very proper action taken by the Sydenham Club, his club would play the match with Sydenham set down for this afternoon.

------ bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19151207.2.53&srpos=159&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LI, Issue 15455, 7 December 1915, Page 8 CRICKET AND WAR. SYDENHAM'S STAND. DISCUSSION BY CRICKET ASSOCIATION. MEETING OF DELEGATES TO BE CALLED. The attitude of the Sydenham Cricket Club respecting those eligible for military service playing in grade cricket matches was discussed at last night's meeting of the Canterbury Cricket Association. The chairman (Mr A. Cant) in introducing the matter, said that all were aware of the stand taken by Sydenham last week. He understood that St. Albans took up a similar stand. He did not know if the St. Albans Club's stand was as drastic as that of Sydenham. It seemed to him that the matter having gone so far, the question arose as to the position of the other clubs, and the stand they were going to take. At the annual meeting of the Association, as Mr Barrett had pointed out, it was moved that no competition matches should be played this year. This motion had been defeated, and the opinion was generally expressed that the question of players eligible for military service playing cricket was largely a matter for the conscience of each player. It was further considered that the fact of the competitions going on would not be an incentive to cricketers to take part in them to the detriment of recruiting. Mr Barrett's opinion now was the expectations expressed at the Annual meeting had not been fulfilled, he thought, and apparently thought strongly, that there were a lot of players taking part in grade cricket who ought to be serving their country. He (the chairman) mentioned the matter because the clubs naturally expected a lead from the Association as to what should be done. It appeared to him that the alternative was that they should submit the whole question to the clubs at a general meeting, or suggest to the clubs that they should take up the same attitude that. Sydenham had taken. Mr W. Simpson said St. Albans had not taken altogether the same steps. The chairman said he understood St. Albans had excluded certain members from its first eleven, and that the composition of its team on Saturday was satisfactory to Sydenham. Mr Simpson: They were not excluded. Two players stood down voluntarily owing to the attitude taken by Sydenham. It was feared that owing to that drastic attitude there might be. some "throwing off." The committee of the St Albans Club has not dealt with these players— probably it will later on. The chairman said he was glad he was corrected on the point. It meant that Sydenham was the only club that had taken the steps referred to. Mr W. H Winsor said that the Sydenham Club, in its action, did not consider it from the point of view of the duties of other clubs. If St. Albans had played any men it thought fit, Sydenham would not have objected, because Sydenham considered it is a matter for each club to decide for itself. Other clubs might not be in the same position as Sydenham, which was not fossicking about to find out how matters stood with other clubs. Sydenham was setting its own house in order, and the attitude of other clubs did not enter into the matter at all in the slightest. Personally, he thought it was a matter for the clubs: each club knew much better than the members of the committee of the Association could possibly know the circumstances of its individual members. Men that they as a committee might think should be in a different position, might have good excuses which they would give to their club members, but not to anyone else. Consequently, an outside body could not deal with them fairly and justly. The chairman asked for expressions of opinion as to the advisableness of taking action in the matter. Mr Simpson said he agreed with Mr Winsor that the matter was one for the clubs. Personally, he did not like taking up the position as acting as the conscience for any man— and that is what it amounted to. If the attitude taken up by Sydenham had been taken up generally some months ago players now playing would be at the front or going to the front; probably in a month's time the men ordered to stand down last week would be going. One of the St. Albans club's members who voluntarily stood down intended going to the front, but it was for that member to say when he should go. He (the member referred to) was quite prepared to go, and would go when he felt it absolutely necessary for him to go. He (the speaker) would not like to say that such a man should be debarred from his cricket in the meantime. Mr Winsor said that, personally, he would not debar a man even if he declared that he did not intend to go to the front, even if he were eligible. A man might say: I haven't the phvsical courage to go to the front. But he might have the courage to say that, and it took a lot of pluck to say that at a time like the present, and he honoured a man for saying it. It was those who said, "So-and-so is not there, why should I go?" that they should "shake up" and not the man who expressed his honest convictions. They did not get their honest convictions from a lot of fellows. Mr Simpson said that they must agree that cricketers and "sports" generally had answered to the call splendidly and he was still optimistic that more cricketers who were eligible would be going. The man they wanted to get at was the man who sat on the bank. It was not for them to deal with that class, but the Government. Mr Winsor: Hear. hear. In the meantime are we to sit still while the Government, does nothing? Mr Simpson: We should do everything to induce them to go. At the present time, I think we should allow the clubs to deal with their own members. The chairman said that at present cricket was under a certain amount of odium. Saturday after Saturday people saw a lot of young fellows playing the game who were, apparently, eligible for military service. He knew that certain players who, to the casual onlooker, seemed fit for the front, had, to his own knowledge, been turned down. What was lacking was something to distinguish those who had been turned down from those who had not. Mr Simpson: The non-eligibles will have to wear a badge. Mr D. Redpath: How many fellows who have been turned down would like to do so? They don't like to advertise. Mr R. B. Ward: I think we must leave it to the clubs — we cannot earmark any man. Mr Redpath thought that no harm would be done by calling a general meeting of delegates. They would thus get the pulse of the clubs. Mr Wilsteed asked what Sydenham's position was. Mr Winsor said he did not know what the committee had done, but he understood that if a player could give a reasonable answer to the question as to why he did not enlist — if, for instance, he had dependents— it was accepted. Personally, he would be prepared to accept a man's statement that he did not intend going. The chairman said he understood that any player who was, apparently, eligible, was excluded from the club's teams unless he gave sufficient reason. . Mr Redpath asked if this principle had beun applied to all teams. Mr Winsor said that it had been left to the selectors. Mr Simpson said that it was a pure coincidence that Mr Barrett's letter was published on the morning that the committee of the Sydenham Club dealt with the matter, but the committee had dealt with it without being influenced by the letter. The chairman said it was just as well that that had been made clear. Naturally, people who were not aware of the coincidence would imagine that the club's action had been prompted by the letter. Mr Simpson said that to a certain extent the St. Albans Club had been blamed for the letter, but Mr Barrett was not an officer of the club— Mr Winsor: But they are not ashamed of it? Mr Simpson: We don't agree with the method adopted in bringing up the matter. Mr Ward: Why not come to the Association and all work in concert? The chairman: Isuppose the position Mr Simpson wants made clear is that Mr Barrett is not the accredited representative of the St. Albans Club. Mr Winsor: I am in the same position in respect to the Sydenham Club - I am not an officer, simply a delegate. On the motion of Mr Redpath, seconded by Mr Wilsteed. it was decided to call a general meeting of delegates for next Monday night. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19160720.2.68&srpos=9&e=--1914-----100-CHP%2cTS- 1-byDA-on--0%22sydenham+school%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LII, Issue 15647, 20 July 1916, Page 9 James Stewart Patrick (wounded) is the fifth son of Mr Robert Patrick, of Sydenham. He was educated at the Sydenham School, and was well known in football and cricket circles. He is a brother of W. Patrick, the Canterbury cricket and hockey representative. His younger brother, Gordon, is leaving with the15th Reinforcements. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19160930.2.88&srpos=12&e=--1914-----100-CHP%2cTS- 1-byDA-on--0%22sydenham+school%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LII, Issue 15709, 30 September 1916, Page 13 THE FALLEN AND WOUNDED. PERSONAL NOTES..... Rifleman I. D. Allardyce (wounded in chest) is the second son of Mr W. M. Allardyce of the binding department of the Christchurch Press Company, Limited. He was educated at the Sydenham school, where he won a scholarship. He proceeded to the Boys' High School, where he won the Junior Challenge Cup. He was a good cricketer, being in the first eleven. At the time of enlistment he was farming in the King Country. His older brother, Corporal A. R. Allardyce, left with the Main Body, in the Mounted Field Ambulance, and was invalided to England in December. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19161009.2.69&srpos=15&e=--1914-----100-CHP%2cTS- 1-byDA-on--0%22sydenham+school%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LII, Issue 15716, 9 October 1916, Page 9 --- Private Harold Hayes (wounded) is the second son of Mr J. Hayes, Sea View road, New Brighton. He is 24 years of age, and was educated at the Sydenham School, where he took a prominent part in athletic games. On leaving school he joined the Sydenham Football and Cricket Clubs. He obtained a situation at the Tramway Board's power-house, and remained in that employment up till the time of his enlistment in the 13th Infantry Reinforcements. He had made one or two previous attempts to get away. Private Hayes has a brother at the front, Rifleman Arnold Hayes, who left New Zealand with the first batch of the Earl of Liverpool's Own, so that he has had a lengthy spell on the Western front. Another brother is W. Hayes, the well-known representative cricketer. --- Private Jackson A. Blyth (wounded in France on September 2th) is the second son of Mr and Mrs D. Blyth, Leitch street, Spreydon. He enlisted in the Main Body with the 5th Taranakis, from Te Aroha. Sunstroke on Gallipoli necessitated his removal to England, from where he was drafted to France. While in Christchurch he belonged to the Sydenham Cricket Club, and was educated at the Sydenham School and West Christchurch High School. Lance-Corporal L. M. Blyth, brother of the above, has also been reported wounded on September 23rd. He was employed in farming pursuits in Waipukurau, from where he enlisted, joining the 4th Battalion of the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. Two other brothers have also enlisted, one being in camp with the 21st Reinforcements, the other joining the 23rd. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19161017.2.65&srpos=9&e=--1916-----100-CHP%2cTS- 1-byDA-on--0%22sydenham+school%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LII, Issue 15723, 17 October 1916, Page 9 THE FALLEN AND WOUNDED. PERSONAL IsOTES. Mr L. Isitt. M.P., has received a cable message from Sir Joseph Ward, stating that his son. Sergeant L. M. Isitt, who was wounded on the 15th inst., is convalescent. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19161113.2.12&srpos=111&e=--1902-----100- LT%2cCHP%2cTS-101-byDA-on--2w%2e+h%2e+winsor-- Press, Volume LII, Issue 15746, 13 November 1916, Page 3 CRICKET. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. The Canterbury Crickct Association's competitions were continued on Saturdav, under very favourable conditions. Results.-- FIRST GRADE. Christ's College made 109 (H. W. Lane 16. A. F. Hindmarsh 10, R. ___? 11, T. C. Lowry 10 and K. D. Ma_____?), Linwood hitting up 130? in response (E. Perrin 46, R. Read 15, W. King 16 and W. Forsyth 26). Read and Tate tor Linwood, and Blunt and Matson for College bowled best. Boys' High School made 96 (D. Reese 31 and Q. A. Wright 20) and Sydenham 135 (W. H. Winsor 31, W R. Patrick 46. and R. Sherratt 22 not out). McBeth bowled best for Sydenham, and Broockhurst? and Woods for School. Riccarton made 340 (H B. Whitta 120. E. T. Taylor 18, A. E. Byrne 30, E. E. Luttrell 68 and R. H. North 100, and St. Albans two for 12. Andrews and Nightingale bowled best for St. Albans. West Christchurch made 223 (C. Hammond 34, H. Butters 18, D. Redpath 48, C Boxshall 43, Dr. Foster 18, J. A. Nelson 23, Rolland 29) arnd East Christchurch three for 73 (A. R. Blank 14, G. Connal 44 not out). Howell howled best for East Christchurch. SECOND GRADE. Riccarton, playing with four men. made 95 (Evans 45, Unwin 21). Pengelly, two wickets, bowled best for East Christchurch, who replied with 162 (Cunningham 15, Smith 32?, Sinclair 53 not out, Spaan 22. Unwin, and Evan? bowled best for Ricearton. West Christchurch batted first against St. Albans B, and made 158 (Chambers 36, Zimmerman 36, Marshall 44, Donaldson 15). Johnstone, five for 66, bowled best for St. Albans, who replied with 78 (Jackman 10, Stringer 15. Strange 33). Chambers and Zimmerman bowled best for West. St. Albans A made 97 (Webster 62, Revell 11) against Boys' High School, who mado 96 (Bowes 37, Dally 27). THIRD GRADE. Boys' High School B batted first against the A team, and mad 66 (Sinclair I8, Williams 13, Mann 14). Lightband bowled best for the A's, who made 107 for seven wickets (Gillespie 16, Pitcaithly 31 not out, Hobbs 11, Carter 21). Moore bowled best for the B team. Christ's A made 179 against Technical College (Dalgety 55, Fox 38, Maitland 17, Macfarlane 16, Clarkson 16 not out. Wilson 14). Cooke and Yates bowled best for Technical, who replied with 110 for one wicket (Wilson 51, Hearfield 13 not out, Taylor 18 not out). St. Bede's had first strike against Christ's College B, and made 83 (Christie 37, Barrett 10). Hargreaves, 7 for 30, bowled best for College, who made 90 for nine wickets (Lewis 20, Williams 23). West Christchurch made 160 for two wickets and declared (Orchard 107 retired, Wiseman 18, Thompson 21); Sydenham made 55 (Batey 11, Holmes 14) and 75 (Drury 18, King 18, Doreen 18). West Christchurch won by an innings and 30 runs. West Christchurch made 49 against Riccarton (J. Cadenhead 28). Riccarton replied with 82 (J. Hannafin 31, Nicholson 21, McKenzie 11, Hanham 10) bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19161115.2.56&srpos=10&e=--1916-----100-CHP%2cTS- 1-byDA-on--0%22sydenham+school%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LII, Issue 15748, 15 November 1916, Page 8 THE ROLL OF HONOUR. Mr L. M. Isitt, M.P., received advice yesterday afternoon that his younger son, Private Willard Isitt, had died of wounds received in action in France. Private Isitt, who was about 23 years of age, was educated at the Christchurch Boys' High School, and subsequently was employed in his father's business. He was very keen to go to the front, and after being rejected two or three times, succeeded in enlisting with the 12th Reinforcements. His elder brother, Corporal L. M. Isitt. who left with an earlier Reinforcement, was wounded in the Battle of the Somme. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19170830.2.26&srpos=168&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15993, 30 August 1917, Page 5 SYDENHAM CLUB. The 12th annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held on Monday, Mr J. N. Fowke presiding over a fair attendance of members. The annual report showed that the financial position was very bad, the revenue having dropped from £169 in 1914 to £32 in 1917, and the new season would be opened up with a debit of £30. The most of this debt had been incurred in 1916, and the committee had had a bad time last year, but certain members had come to the rescue, and the club's outside liabilities were very small. The assets were £240 in excess of the liabilities. At the beginning of the 1914-15 season the club had 73 playing members, but at the end of the 1916-17 season only 13 of these members were actively participating in the game. Of the others 37 had answered their country's call, and the other 23 members had resigned from the club or left the district. At present the club had about 40 members, 3 of whom were unfit First Division men, 9 came under the Second Division, and the balance were youths under age. or men over age. The club had had no success in any of the competitions last season, and the only outstanding features were the batting of W. Patrick and the bowling of D. McBeth and J. McEwen, in the First Grade. As both Patrick and McBeth had removed to , the club's chances for the coming season were not very rosy, but the committee hoped for much heartier support and attention to the game than in the past season. The chairman, in moving the adoption of the report, suggested that particular mention be made in the minutes of the fine record of the club in its enlistments, and that the club place on record its intense pride and admiration at the individual sacrifices of these members. The election of officers resulted as follows: — Patron. Dr. R. W. Anderson; president, Mr G. T Booth; vice-presidents, Messrs J. Brown, W. C. Munday, C. R. Clark, S. Wilson, W. F. T. Grigsby, J. Savage, H. N. Bates, A. Peppler, F. Cowper, H. Papprill, F. Freeman, Dr. J. R. Thomas and Dr. Thacker; club captain, Mr J. N. Fowke; hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr W. H Winsor; committee, Messrs Gray, Merriman, Forrester, Brooker, McEwin, Young, A. Coomber; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs Winsor, Merriman, Brooker, and Fowke; delegate to Sports Protection Association. Mr W. H Winsor; auditors, Messrs Merriman and Wiltshire; selectors, Mr J. N. Fowke and captains of teams. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19171126.2.19&srpos=13&e=------100-CHP%2cTS-1- byDA-on--0%22i+allardyce%22-- Press, Volume LIII, Issue 16068, 26 November 1917, Page 5 EAST CHRISTCHURCH v. SYDENHAM. East Christchurch with three wickets down for 131 made a valiant attempt to overhaul Sydenham's first innings total of 280. The second century went up with only five wickets down but the tail-enders did not make good, and when the last wicket fell they were still 43 short. Sydenham's second innings produced 241, including a well-played century by Allardyce, and they won on the first innings. Scores:-- SYDENHAM. First Innings 280 Second Innings. J. Clarkson, c sub b Howell 8 N. Young, b Watson 4 J. Martin, c and b Blank 11 J. McEwin, b Howell 0 R. Booth, b Lawrence ~45 I. Allardyce, not out 101 J. Forrester, c and b Connal 1 G. Herriman, lbw, b Howell 12 J. Coomber, b Howell 0 J. Gray, a Watson, b Blank 35 W. H. Winsor, not out 6 Extras 18 Total for nine wickets 211 Bowling Analysis. — W. Howell, 17 overs, 3 maidens, 62 runs, 4 wickets; H. Watson, 15 overs. 2 maidens, 60 runs, 1 wicket; A. R. Blank, 8 overs, 2 maidens, 39 runs, 2 wickets; S. Smith, 2 overs, 9 runs; E. Williams, 5 overs, 14 runs; G. A. Connal, 5 overs, 10 runs, 1 wickot; H. E. Lawrence, 4 overs, 29 runs, 1 wicket. t EAST CHRISTCHURCH.. First Innings. G. A.Connal, c Gray, b McEwin 2? G H. Trustrum, c and b Martin 1? L. Smith, stpd. Clarkson, b Gray 53 H. E. Lawrence, lbw, b Gray ..4? A. R. Blank, b Martin ..10 W. Howell, ocForrester, b Martin 3 H. Watson, c Booth, b Martin 4? E. Williams, b Gray 3 S. Smith, b Gray 10 E. J. Pegg, b Gray ? R. B. Ward, not out ? Extras 1? Total 237 Bowling analysis— J. McEwin, 17 overs, 83 runs, 1 wicket; J. Martin, 23 overs, 5 maidens, 73 runs, 4 wickets; G. Merriman, 5 overs, 18 runs; J. Gray, 14.4 overs, 4 maidens, 40 runs, 5 wickets; R. Booth, 1 over, 5 runs. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19171231.2.61&srpos=153&e=--1902-----100- LT%2cCHP%2cTS-101-byDA-on--2w%2e+h%2e+winsor-- Press, Volume LIII, Issue 16097, 31 December 1917, Page 8 THE FALLEN AND WOUNDED. PERSONAL NOTES. Still another name has been added to cricket's roll of honour by the death in action, on December 14th, of Private George C. L. Wilson, Sydenham, Canterbury, and New Zealand representative player. George Wilson was about 30 years of ago, and was a. son of Mrs S. Wilson, of Milton street, Sydenham. He was educated at the Sydenham school, and even in those days showed great promise as a cricketer. Sydenham at that time had strong cricket eleven, and amongst the stars were Wilson, W. R. Patrick, W. Hayes, H. Watson, and many others who were to make names for themselves in the cricketing world. On leaving school, Wilson decided for the building trade, and was for several years employed by Mr W. H. Winsor, who has for a great number of years been a prominent member of the Sydenham Club, and who still knocks up good scores for its first eleven. Later, Wilson was employed as a joiner by C. S. McCully and Co., and he was always regarded by his employers as a man of sterling character and a first-class tradesman. He went away from New Zealand with the 25th Reinforcements. On leaving school, Wilson joined the Sydenham Cricket Club, and, mainly owing to his steady batting, eventually worked his way into the senior eleven. He then developed into a good slow bowler, with a break from either side, and ultimately blossomed into a steady trundler of the "googly" class. He gained his provincial representative cap against Otago four years ago, and did so well with both bat and ball that he gained a place in the New Zealand team against the team which Mr Arthur Sims brought across from Australia. That season Wilson headed the bowling averages in both club and provincial cricket, taking 53 wickets at 9.62 runs each for his club, and 45 at 17.48 for Canterbury. By his death Canterbury cricket has lost a first-class player and a thorough sportsman. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19180501.2.60.4&srpos=20&e=--1916-----100- CHP%2cTS-1-byDA-on--0%22sydenham+school%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16200, 1 May 1918, Page 8 THE FALLEN AND WOUNDED. PERSONAL NOTES Advice has been received that Private V. Watts has been wounded in the face, arms, and legs. Before enlisting, Private Watts, who is 22 years of ago, was employed at Parsons's monumental works, where he learned his trade. He was a member of the Sydenham Cricket Club, and of the Spreydon Club. He left with the 9th Reinforcements, and until he was wounded on April 22nd had come unscathed through the battles at Messines, Flanders, etc. Private Watts was educated at the West Christchurch school. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19180509.2.55&srpos=3&e=--1914-----100-CHP%2cTS- 1-byDA-on--0%22the+fallen+and+wounded%22++%22sydenham+cricket%22-- Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16207, 9 May 1918, Page 6 Word has been received of the death in action, on March 31st, of David Nicolson. who was well-known as a member of the Sydenham Cricket Club. He was 22 years of age, and left with the 20th Reinforcements. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19180905.2.53&srpos=175&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16309, 5 September 1918, Page 7 THE FALLEN AND THE WOUNDED PERSONAL NOTES .....A passage in the annual report of the Sydenham Cricket Club runs as follows:— "At our tenth annual meeting the great war had just burst upon us in all its blighting fury. At our present meeting it is still with us, made more ghastly by the irreplacable gaps it has made in the ranks of our members. Some time in August, 1915, we had to report the loss of our first club mate — Ernie Fraser, killed in action at the first landing in Gallipoli. Since then club members have been still proceeding to the front, and during the past year we have had to record the loss of several of our most promising players, namely, Sergeant Bruce Hickenbottom, and Privates G. C. L. Wilson, D. Nicholson, and B. Harry. The deepest sympathies of the club have already been extended to the relatives of these club mates. We have, however, to welcome back to our midst wounded, but still hearty, several members in I. Allardyce, James Patrick, Gordon Patrick, Frank O'Malley, and R. Wiltshire, who we hope will all be taking a part in our endeavours for Sydenham this season. We had also to deplore the loss last year of an old member, the son of one of our most respected life-members, L. A. Caygill (killed in action)." bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19180905.2.63&srpos=176&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16309, 5 September 1918, Page 8 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CLUB. At the annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club, Mr J. N. Fowke was in the chair. The 13th annual report stated that of last year's players Mr J. Forrester was in uniform, and Mr J. Martin was under orders to proceed to camp. Several others would be called up in the near future. The club could be thoroughly proud of its performances last year, both as regards accountancy and resourcefulness on the field of play. A debit balance of £21 had been turned into a credit balance of £30. The report went on to review at some length the club's fortunes during the past season, and concluded with an exhortation to the younger members to keenly support the game. Mr Fowke moved the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, and warmly congratulated the club on its success. Mr Merriman seconded the motion, which was carried. The election of officers resulted as follows: — Patron, Dr. R. W. Anderson; president, Mr G. T. Booth: vice-presidents, Messrs Brown, Munday, Grimsby, Clark, Savage Peppler, Cowper, Papprill, McMurray, Wiltshire and Dr. Thomas; club captain, Mr J. N. Fowke; hon. secretary- treasurer, Mr W. H. Winsor; committee, Messrs J. Merriman, Gray, Patrick, Firth, Irving, McEwin, and O'Malley; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs Winsor, Patrick, Merriman, and Gray; delegate to Sports Protection Association, Mr Winsor; auditors, Messrs T. Wiltshire and J. Merriman; selectors, Messrs W. Patrick, Winsor, and Captains. Six new members were elected. It was decided to further the efforts of the Sydenham Copper Trail Committee. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19181119.2.8&srpos=177&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16373, 19 November 1918, Page 2 OBITUARY Mr WILLIAM ROBSON, The funeral of the late Mr William Robson took place at the Addington Cemetery on Saturday last. Mr Robson was well known throughout the county districts as a wool and skin buyer, and was a frequent attendant at country sales. He was born at Christchurch in 1884, and had resided in the vicinity over since. He was connected with cricket, hockey, tennis, and other forms of sport, and was a well-known figure in athletic circles. He was one of the original members of the Sydenham Cricket Club, and played regularly for it until about two years ago, when failing health caused him to give up all athletic pursuits. Some six weeks ago he suffered an attack of pleurisy, and this, combined with heart trouble, caused his death. He leaves a widow and five children. At the funeral, members of the Sydenham Cricket Club acted as pall- bearers, and the numerous floral tributes received showed the great respect in which the deceased was held. Canterbury v Wellington - several Sydenham players involved:-W. R. PATRICK (cap), J. GRAY, McBEATH, for Canty and I. D. ALLARDYCE for Wellington. -0Tropski-- Press , Issue 16390, 9 December 1918, Page 5 CCA Grade Competitions . SCC unbeaten after 3 rounds. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19190904.2.80&srpos=179&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LV, Issue 16619, 4 September 1919, Page 8 CRICKET. SYDENHAM CLUB. The annual meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held last evening. Mr J. Merriman occupied the chair, and there was a fair attendance of members. The annual report recorded the following names on the clubs' roll of honour:— E. Fraser, B. Hickenbotham, D. Nicolson, G. C. L. Wilson, B. Harry, A. Hayes (killed in action); A. J. (Jum) Blyth, F. O'Malley (died of disease); Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Anderson; Ivan Allardyce, P. G. Wiltshire, C. J. Mather, H. Davies, O. Hayes, R. Matthews, H. Lindsay, J. Patrick, G. Patrick, H. S. Stephens, E. Skelton, A. Sharp, E. S. Watt, V. Watt (wounded); J. H. Bennett, H. Compton, E. Fitzsimmons, G. Fairbairn, W. Guiney, W. Hayes, W. Graham, F. King, D. McBeth, M. O'Malley, W. Skelton, W. Teague, B. White. A welcome home was extended to Lieutenants Fitzsimmons and W. Skelton, and Private M. O'Malley, H. Davies, C. J. Mather, W, Guiney, H. Crompton, F. King, H. S. Stephens, A. Sharp, and E. S. Watt, and the patron, Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. Anderson, N.Z.M.C. During the past season the club had won the Peterson Shield again, making eleven occasions on which the club had been the holders out of the thirteen times it had been competed for. The grade team had won its competition, a win which was chiefly owing to the splendid form evinced by W. R. Patrick, his aggregate of 826 runs being the highest ever made for the club. Special mention was also made of the splendid bowling of McBeth and McEwin. Patrick, McBeth, and McEwin had played in all the representative matches last season with success. The statement of receipts and expenditure showed a small debit balance, and the assets were estimated at £290. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. A letter was received from the Canterbury Cricket Association, covering resolutions concerning district cricket, and proposals set forth by the City and Suburban Association. In the opinion of the delegates of the Cricket Association, it was stated, it was desirable that the residential qualification in connexion with district cricket should be abolished. The City and Suburban Association's proposal concerned the entry of a senior and junior team in the Canterbury Association's competitions. Mr W. Skelton was of opinion that, the club's delegates should be instructed to vote against any interference as far as district cricket was concerned. He moved to that effect. Mr W. R. Patrick seconded the motion. The chairman said he did not think they should tie their delegates up too much on the question. Mr Patrick pointed out that the idea was that they must support district cricket. Mr W. H. Winsor said that it would not be wise to continue with district cricket as at present in existence, as it was a farce. The committee had thought it would be better to recommend to the annual meeting a different method for the future. Let them go back to the inception of district cricket about thirteen years ago, and discover how many of the then members of the club were still playing cricket in Christchurch. They had not got a district system that was quite fair— old players playing long before district cricket came in must be considered, and so should some of the first few who had played district cricket. The adoption of straightout district cricket would mean great changes. Mr Winsor stated that at a committee meeting it had been decided to strongly oppose any movement towards the reinstatement of club cricket, but that true district cricket should be inaugurated with some system of preferential treatment to original members; original members to be those players who had played for their district during the first three years inception of district cricket. What they were offering was something in the way of constructive criticism. After further discussion, Messrs Skelton and Patrick agreed to withdraw their motion, and a recommendation on the lines of the committee's proposal quoted by Mr Winsor was adopted, the period being altered to read:— "The first five years,' instead of "three." The motion concerning the City and Suburban Association's proposal was left to the delegates of the club. The election of officers resulted as follows:-Patron, Dr. R. W. Anderson; president, Mr G. T. Booth; vice-presidents, Messrs J. Brown, W. Munday, C. R. Clark, W. Grigsby, J. Savage, A. Peppler, E. Cowper, H. A. Papprill, S. McMurray, T. Wiltshire, and A. Atkins, and Drs J. R. Thomas and D. E. Currie; ; club captain, Mr W. R. Patrick: honorary secretary, Mr W. Skelton; honorary treasurer, Mr W. H. Winsor; committee, Messrs J. Gray, D. Frith, J. M. O'Malley, J. Merriman, P. Irving, and N. Conradi; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs W. H. Gray. J. Merriman, and W. R. Patrick; Sports Protection Association, Mr W. Skelton; auditors, Messrs J. Merriman .and T. Wiltshire; selectors, Messrs W. Patrick, J. Gray, and W. Skelton, and the captains of the teams. The question of the opening day was left in the hands of the committee. Mr Patrick brought up the question of the expenditure that would be entailed during the ensuing season owing to the increasing cost of material, and it was resolved that the consideration of the best means of raising funds should be referred to the incoming committee. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19190904.2.63&srpos=178&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LV, Issue 16619, 4 September 1919, Page 7 Sincere regret was expressed in the annual report of the Sydenham Cricket Club last evening, at the death, during the influenza epidemic in November, of Mr Frank O'Malley, one of the club's committee men. Mr O'Malley had contracted the disease while suffering from wounds received in France. Another victim of the same disease was Sergeant A. J. Blyth, who died up amongst the mountains of Persia. He was one of a gallant band of volunteers who, under General Dunsterville, were given a most perilous undertaking, which was to get into communication with and hold in check against German influence the wild tribes of the Trans-Caspian. The party actually got to Baku, on the Caspian Sea, but were only partially successful in their mission. On the way back, at Hamadan, "Jum" Blyth fell a victim to pneumonic influenza. He left New Zealand with the Main Body, and died on October 1818. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19191014.2.21&srpos=234&e=--1902-----100- LT%2cCHP%2cTS-201-byDA-on--2w%2e+h%2e+winsor-- Press, Volume LV, Issue 16653, 14 October 1919, Page 5 CRICKET. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION...... COMING COMPETITIONS. Entries for the Canterbury Association's competitions have been received for the coming season as follows: First Grade— Sydenham, Riccarton, Linwood, East Christchurch, West Christchurch, St. Albans. Second Grade— Sydenham, Riccarton, Linwood, Christ's College, Boys' High School, Technical College, East Christchurch (2), West Christchurch, St. Albans (2). Third Grade— Sydenham, Riccarton, Linwood, Christ's College (2), Boys' High School, Technical College, Kaiapoi, East Christchurch (2), West Christchurch, St. Albans. Fourth Grade--Sydenham, Riccarton (2) Christ's College, Boys' High School (2), Technical College. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19191027.2.106&srpos=2&e=------100-CHP%2cTS-1- byDA-on--0%22canterbury+association%27s+competitions%22++%22first+round%22-- Press, Volume LV, Issue 16664, 27 October 1919, Page 12 CRICKET. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION'S COMPETITIONS. Beautiful weather prevailed for the conclusion of the first round of grade matches on Saturday. There was a large attendance of onlookers, and two of the three matches produced close finishes..... EAST CHRISTCHURCH v. SYDENHAM. Although East Christchurch made a better showing in their second innings than in the first, they failed to avert an innings defeat. Scores:- EAST CHRISTCHURCH. First Innings 44 Second Innings. B. B. Wood, not out (absent) 16 W. Ditchfield, c Bruges, b Watson 16 A. R. Blank, c Conradi, b McEwin 47 G. Tate, b Watson 1 W. Howell, b Watson 0 T. P. Flood, b Watson 4 T. W. McClelland, b McEwin 6 B. Arris, b McEwin 0 F. Williams, b Watson 3 P. Neale, stpd. Bellamy, b McEwin 2 H. Haughey, not out 2 Extras 5 Total 103 Bowling analysis— J. H. Bennett, 3 overs, 1 maiden, 4 runs, 0 wickets; J. McEwin, 11 overs, 2 maidens, 58 runs, 4 wickets; H. Watson, 8.4 overs, 1 maiden, 35 runs, 5 wickets. SYDENHAM. First Innings 164 SECOND GRADE. Technical College defeated Sydenham A by ten wickets. The latter made 123 (Sherrifs 76, Firth 22), and 138 (Sherrifs 31, R. Irving 29, Harris 22). For Technical Yates got three wickets for 17 and Dobbs three for 42. In their first innings Technical made 244 runs (Dobbs 98, Armitage 89), and in their second 17 for no wickets (Stevens 5 not out, Richards 12 not out). Sydenham B, who made 77 in their first innings against East Christchurch A, knocked up 130 in their second strike (Clarkson 66, Martin 24, Fraser 10). East Christchurch, who made 126 in their first innings, and required 88 to win, responded with 76 (Wright 24, Smith 14). THIRD GRADE. Sydenham, who in their first innings against College A made 25, followed on, and scored 157 (Gordon 52, French 11, Drury 11, Cunningham 21, Bennett not out 13, Purdham 14). College made 373. Thomas, for College, took five wickets for 42. College got a three-point win. FOURTH GRADE. Technical College against Sydenham made 96 (Hitchen 18, Sullivan 16, Munday 11, Hokino? 10). Sydenham made 192 (Fenton 42, Oliver 40, Davidson 16, Egan 13, Merriman 32 [82?]). Press, Volume LV, Issue 16688, 24 November 1919, Page 5 CRICKET. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION'S COMPETITIONS. There was beautiful weather for the commencement of the third round of grade matches on Saturday. The meeting of two of the unbeaten teams, St. Albans and Sydenham, was watched with the keenest interest. The former gained a substantial lead, whilst the other unbeaten team, Riccarton, have all the best of their game with East Christchurch. ST. ALBANS v. SYDENHAM. St. Albans made a very good showing against Svdenham at Sydenham Park, putting up 216, of which Brunton claimed 63 by very bright batting. Sydenham only totalled 112, leaving St. Albans a first innings lead of 104. Scores:-- ST. ALBANS. First Innings. L. A. Gordon, b Bennett 30 C. Watson. b McEwin 23 B. Miles, b Bennett 4 D. Sandman, b Watson 33 L. R Brunton, b Bennett 62 Dr. Wallis, b Bennett 2 D. W. Reese, c and b Bennett 18 E. T. Taylor, not out 23 S. W. Hickmott, b Bennett 0 J. Tikao, c and b Gray 5 H. G. Stringer, b Bennett 5 Byes 11 Total 216 Bowling analysis.— J. H. Bennett, 19.4 overs, 85 runs, 7 wiclcts; J. McEwin, 4 overs. 52 rurs, 1 wicket; H. Watson, 7 overs. 49 runs, 1 wicket ; J. Gray, 7 overs, 1 maiden, 19 runs, 1 wicket. Second Innings L. A. Gordon, b Gray 2 E. T. Tay!or, not out 4 D. W. Reese, pot out 2 Leg-bye 1 Total for one wicket 9 SYDENHAM. First Innings. J. S. Bruges, b Wallis 23 J. Young, c Stringer, Wallis 10 H. Watson, b Wallis 27 W. Skelton, lbw, b Wallis 16 M. O'Malley, lbw, b Wallis 11 S. Hincksman, run out 1 J. Gray lbw, b Sandman 10 J. McEwin, b Wallis 1 J. H. Bennett, b Wallis 6 C. Bellamy, not out 0 W. R. Patrick, absent 0 Byes 2 Total 112 Bowling analysis.— D. Sandman, 12 overs, 1 maiden, 45 runs, 1 wicket; Dr. Wallis, 11.2 overs, 1 maiden, 64 runs, 7 wickets. SECOND GRADE..... Sydenham B beat West Christchurch by an innings and 4 runs. Scores:— Sydenham B 178 (Martin 65, Woods 20, Stephens 10, James 17, Mather 23), West Christchurch 51 (Talbot 20, Beard 12) and 58 (Talbot 25). Ellis, 5 wickets, bowled best for West, whilst Martin got 11 wickets arid Marshall 9 for Sydenham..... bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19200322.2.70&srpos=227&e=--1913-----100- LT%2cCHP%2cTS-201-byDA-on--0%22east+christchurch%22+cricket-- Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16789, 22 March 1920, Page 8 ASSOCIATION SMOKE CONCERT. A highly successful smoke concert was held by the Canterbury Cricket Association in the Masonic Hall on Saturday night, the president (Mr Wilding, K.C.) presiding over a good attendance. The proceedings opened with the toast of "The King" and a silent toast to the fallen. The toast of the "Returned Soldier Cricketers" was proposed by Mr J. .S. Barrett, who, after paying a glowing tribute to the men who went to the front, spoke of the hard time cricket had experienced during their absence. That the game was now progressing towards the old standard was the reward of those who had been unable to go the front, but had endeavoured to keep the game going in the meantime. In responding, Mr G. T. Weston said that the appreciation of those who had to remain at home was sufficient reward for the men who had gone away. They were greatly indebted to those enthusiasts who had "kept the nest warm," and made Lancaster Park safe. Lancaster Park was now in the process of re-making, but would soon again be the most beautiful ground in the Dominion. In conclusion, he urged the younger players to show all enthusiasm in the interests of cricket, and to do their best on the management side also, as fine old enthusiasts like Mr Wilding and Mr Dan Reese had done, and were still doing. Mr Wilding heartily congratulated the Canterbury Association on the work it had done during the hard times of the war, paying a tribute to the service of Mr E. E. Luttrell (the secretary), Mr R. B. Ward (treasurer), Mr D. Redpath (chairman), Mr W. Simpson, and others. Mr Wilding briefly referred to "the temporary residence of the Plunket Shield in Auckland," and at his call three cheers were given for the successful Auckland eleven. It was, he thought, a good thing for cricket that the Shield should not find its permanent home in Christchurch. Mr Wilding then presented the trophies won during the season just concluded as follows:— Senior Cup, Riccarton first eleven: Junior Cup, Sydenham B team: Third Grade Cup, Kaiapoi Club; Fourth Grade, Boys' High School Club. A mounted ball was presented by the Association to D. McBeth (Sydenham) for his performance of nine wickets for 56 runs against Auckland; a bat to J. Young (Sydenham) for his score of 238 not out against Hawke's Bay; a cricket bag to R. C. Blunt (West Christchurch) for all-round excellence,, and a bat to J. Martin (Sydenham) for his performances in the Second Grade. Mr W. Simpson proposed the toast of the "Commercial Travellers and Warehousemen's Association, and in doing so paid a glowing tribute to the work of the travellers in saving Lancaster Park. He eulogised the "enthusiasm and wonderful organisation" of the secretary, Mr H. B. Gould, and remarked that the raising of a sum of £12,500 with expenses under £300 passed his understanding. The city owed a debt of gratitude to Mr Gould and the members of the Association. Mr Gould, briefly responded to the toast, and remarked that, after everything had been paid, there would be something over £1100 left for the general fund of the Lancaster Park Board of Control. Mr S. C. Thompson proposed the toast of "The President," and paid a very high tribute to Mr Wilding's great services to cricket. Mr Wilding briefly returned thanks, incidentally remarking that the foundation of Lancaster Park was due to the late Mr A. M. Ollivier. The Park now, he thought, was going to prove a greater boon to sport in Christchurch than mast people imagined. During the evening an extremely good programme of musical and other items was given, those contributing being Messrs Charles Smythe, Herbert Wood, F. C. Raphael, A. W. Soames, L. Cookson, H. McD Vincent, C. Joll, and Dr. P. S. Foster. Mr A. J. Bunz played the accompaniments. 161--on--2%22nelmes%22-ARTICLE- Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16854, 7 June 1920, Page 6 CRICKET. DISTRICT SCHEME ABOLISHED. REVERSION TO THE CLUB SYSTEM A specially summoned meeting of the Canterbury District Cricket Association on Saturday night, decided by 12 votes to 6, to abolish the district system and revert to club cricket. Mr W. Simpson presided. Mr J. S. Barrett moved a motion providing for the abolition of district cricket. In moving his motion Mr Barrett said there was no new argument to be brought forward on behalf of the suggestion to revert to club cricket. The whole matter had been gone into many times, and nothing but the loyalty of those members who had supported the scheme despite their personal belief in its futility had enabled district cricket to last so long. Now the heroic labours of the sub-committee which was appointed to consider the question of revising boundaries showed that it was impossible to continue on the past lines without creating residential conditions which bounded on the absurd. The clubs had had an opportunity of discussing the motion, and delegates were now in a better position to consider all the points at issue. He felt sure delegates would vote according to their convictions, and he had no doubt, whichever system was decided upon, that they would all loyally support it in the interests of the game which they all had at heart. Mr E. S. Luttrell seconded the motion. Mr W. H. Winsor rose to a point of order. The whole business was out of order, he contended. The sub-committee appointed had been instructed to bring down a report in the interests of district cricket, not the abolition of it, and the previous meeting of the Association had been convened for that purpose. The chairman upheld a point of order raised by Mr Barrett, that the meeting had no right to over-ride the decision of the chairman of the previous meeting. Mr Winsor contended that Mr Barrett's motion could not be proceeded with until the meeting had disposed of the business previously before the Association. The chairman said he understood they were there in the interests of cricket, not points of order. The only way to discuss all the proposals, viz., straightout district cricket, partial district cricket, or abolition of district cricket, was to throw out Mr Barrett's motion. Mr E. H. Taylor said the Linwood Club supported the abolition of district cricket. Mr W. L. King qualified this by stating that the Linwood Club desired to have the Boundaries Committee's report first discussed fully. He moved as an amendment: "That cricket be carried on as formerly before the sub-committee brought forward their proposals for the alterations of boundaries." Mr S. F. Wilson said he thought it would be better to settle Mr Barrett's motion one way or the other. His club (West Christchurch) thought it better to have club cricket with district names. District cricket would mean the losing possibly of 75 per cent of the Boys' League players. The City and Suburban Cricket Association had, he believed, largely come into existence through cricketers not desiring to play under a district scheme. District cricket had come into existence 25 or 30 years before its time. The boundaries suggested by the Boundaries Committee were not acceptable to his club. Mr Winsor seconded the amendment. Mr R. B. Ward said had district cricket continued in regard to his club (East Christchurch), it would have gone to the wall, but since being an open club it had become very strong, and he thought other clubs would benefit equally if they were made open ones. Under a district scheme neither East Christchurch nor West Christchurch could continue. Mr Winsor said district cricket had proved a great success before the war. Mr J. Reid said that during the best year of district cricket there were 132 more players than during the best year of the old club days. Club cricket would lead to the Riccarton Club being flooded with players, while clubs like East and West Christchurch would have their membership depleted, and, sooner or later, go to the wall. Then conditions would revert to those of 1905, when district cricket was introduced to remedy the position. He would not support Mr Barrett's motion. There were not more than three members of the St Albans Club to whom the idea of club cricket was not repugnant. Speaking in reply, Mr Barrett said there was a fairly strong feeling against the district system. Things could not be quite right when they had to alter the boundaries every year. He did not wish to be a gramophone, and though his club (St Albans) had expressed itself in favour of the district system, he intended to have freedom of choice, and therefore to vote in favour of his motion. Mr Taylor favoured postponing the matter till the new cricket season, thus giving members of clubs an opportunity of fully considering the matter. The amendment was lost by 9 votes to 8, and tho motion carried by 12 votes to 0. "What is the position now?" asked Mr Wilson of the chairman. "It means the rules will be so altered that district cricket will be abolished," announced the chairman. Mr Winsor said those supporting the club system that night would regret it in years to come. It was a very retrograde step, going back to the days of Noah and the ark. The chairman gave notice to move that no new clubs be admitted into the Association unless they had 75 per cent of new players. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19200908.2.10&srpos=183&e=------100--101-byDA-on-- 2sydenham+cricket+club-- Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16934, 8 September 1920, Page 3 SYDENHAM CLUB. The meeting of the Sydenham Cricket Club was held on Monday, Mr J. Merrirman being in chair. The annual report disclosed an unsatisfactory financial position owing to many members failing to recognise their responsibilities. In moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, the chairman said that if all members worked together loyally the club would have an assured future. Mr Skelton, the secretary, and Mr W. H. Windsor, treasurer, had performed yeoman service for the club. The thanks of members were due to the caretaker, Mr J. Holmes. Officers were elected as follows:— Patron, Dr. R. W. Anderson; president, Mr G. T. Booth; vice- presidents, Messrs J. Brown, W. Munday, C. R. Clark, J. Savage, A. Peppler, R. T. Cowper. H. Papprill, S. McMurrray, T. Wiltshire, and A. Atkins, and Dr. Currie; club captain, Mr M. O'Malley; secretary, Mr W. Skelton; treasurer, Mr W. H. Winsor; committee, Messrs J. Gray, J. McEwin, J. Taylor, J. Clarkson, P. Irving, A. E. Roud, and H. S. Stephens; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association. Messrs W. H. Winsor, W. Skelton, M. O'Malley, and J. Gray; delegate to Sports Protection Association. Mr W. Skelton; auditors, Messrs T. Wiltshire and J. Merriman; selectors, Mr J. Gray and captains of teams. Upon the motion of Mr W. R. Patrick, the senior subscription was raised to £2 5s, reducible to £2, and junior subscriptions were raised by 2s 6d all round. A motion of appreciation of the services of Mr J. Jacobs, scorer for the senior team, who has left Christchurch was carried. Northern Advocate , 4 April 1921, Page 5 CHRISTCHURCH CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY SYDENHAM CHRSTCHURCH, This Day. The cricket season closed on Saturday. Sydenham and West Christchurch tied with 16 points, but the former having lost a match less than the latter secures the championship. St. Albans was third with 13 points. — Press Assn. bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=CHP19201025.2.8&srpos=3&e=------100-CHP%2cTS-1-byDA- on--0%22canterbury+association%27s+competitions%22++%22first+round%22-- Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16947, 25 October 1920, Page 3 CRICKET. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION'S COMPETITIONS. The first round of grade matches was concluded at Hagley Park in fine weather, and there was a big attendance of onlookers. The wickets were much faster than on the previous Saturday, though they were somewhat treacherous...... ST. ALBANS v. SYDENHAM. St. Albans improved on their first innings lead by getting a three-point win just on call of time. Scores:- SYDENHAM. First Innings 150 Second Innings. T. Young, b Sandman 5 M. O'Malley, b Sandman 0 F. Woods, c Sandman, b Reese 19 C. Gasson, b Stringer 2 W. R. Patrick, lbw b Stringer 42 J. McEwin, c Brunton, b Reese 0 __ Coomber, c Gordon, b Sandman 35 J. Gray, c Martin, b Reese 8 W. Skelton, b Stringer 5 W. Guiney, not out 0 Extras 9 Total 125 Bow'ing Analysis— D. Sandman, 13.6 overs. 5 maidens, 28 runs, 3 wickets; H. G. Stringer, 15 overs, 3 maidens, 40 runs, 3 wickets; D. W. Reese, 6 overs, 22 runs, 3 wickets; L. A. Gordon, 3 overs, 20 runs: C. W. Allard, 3 overs, 1 maiden, 6 runs. ST. ALBANS. G. W. Bottle, b McEwin 18 S. Watson, lbw, b Gray 0 C. W. Allard, b McEwin 4 L. R. Brunton, c and b McEwin 33 L. A. Gordon, c Guiney b Gray 1 D. Sandman, b Patrick 26 P. Martin, not out 43 C. G. Crawford, b Patrick 2 H. G. Stringer, b McEwin 5 S. W. Hickmott, st. Bellamy, b Gray 25 D. W. Reese, c Gasson, b McEwin 22 Extras 13 Total 192 Bowling Analysis— J. Gray, 14overs, 1 maiden. 68 runs, 3 wickets; J. McEwin, 15 overs, 78 runs, 5 wickets; W. R. Patrick, 7 overs, 1 maiden, 33 runs, 2 wickets. Second Inning. C. W. Allard, not out 26 D. W. Reese, c Woods, b Patrick 25 L. R. Brunton, not out 33 Byes 4 Total for one wicket 88 Bowling Analysis— J. McEwin, 4 overs, 23 runs; J. Gray, 3 overs, 26 runs; W. R. Patrick, 3 overs, 16 runs, 1 wicket; C. Gasson, 1.5 overs, 14 runs. DRAW FOR NEXT ROUND. The following is the draw and grounds for the next round in the Association'scompetitions:— First Grade:— Riccarton v. Sydenham, Hagley Park. 2: West Christchurch v. St. Albans, Hagley Park No. 1; East Christchurch v. Linwood, Lancaster Park No.1. Second Grade:— Technical v. East Christchurch A, Lancaster Park No. 3; West Christchurch v. Linwood. Lancaster Park No 2; Christ's College v. East Christchurch C, College Ground: Kaiapoi v. Sydenham, Sydenham; Boys' High School v. Riccarton A, Hagley Park No. 5: Riccarton B v. St. Albans A, Hagley Park No. 3; East Christchurch B v. St. Albans B, Lancaster Park No. 4. Third Grade:— Riccarton v. West Christchurch, Hagley Park No. 6; Linwood A v. College A, Lancaster Park No. 5; Sydenham v. Linwood B, Sydenham; East Christchurch v. Technical B, Technical; St. Albans v. College B, College Ground; Boys' High School v. Technical A, Technical. Fourth Grade:— First Day--Riccarton v. Sydenham, Sydenham; Technical v. College, College; Boys' High School B v. Boys' High School A, Hagley Park No. 4. Second day — Riccarton v. Bovs' High School B, Hagley Park No. 4; College v. Boys' High School A, College; Technical v, Sydenham, Sydenham. Fourth Grade catches only will be played on Cup Day, November 6th. NZ Truth , Issue 1061, 25 March 1926, Page 15 CHRISTCHURCH SEASON ENDS St; Albans Suffer Their Only Defeat (From "Truth's" Special Christchurch Representative.) Saturday saw the end of the cricket season in Christchurch. It was not an exciting finish so far as the senior competition was concerned, for St. Albans were assured of the championship at the end of the eighth round. ST. ALBANS suffered their first defeat on Saturday, and curiously enough it was at the hands of Linwood, who came last this year. Linwood won by 28 runs on the first innings. This was only the second win that Linwood have had this season. In the first round they had a victory over East Christchurch. St. Albans were a strong batting side this year and during the season they made several good scores. Their two opening batsmen (probably the best m Christchurch),--Frank Woods and C. G. Crawford— frequently gave them a good start and this, of course, helped a lot. In bowling St. Albans were not so strong, the two veterans, D. Sandman and A. W. Thomas, being the mainstay of the attack. Thomas was very consistent with the ball throughout the season. Sandman was more expensive, but on the whole he bowled well. West Christchurch are lucky to be in the position of runners-up. They had two narrow, victories right at the start of the season. In the first round they beat Riccarton by four runs on the first innings and in the second they beat Linwood by three runs on the first innings. Blunt has been a tower of strength to West, both in bowling and batting. On Saturday there was an exciting struggle for victory in the game be tween Riccarton and Sydenham at Hagley Park. On the first day Riccarton made 157 and Sydenham replied with 89 for the loss of six wickets. On Saturday Sydenham carried their total to within three of Riccarton's score before the final wicket fell. It was exciting whilst it lasted. As a result of their win Riccarton finished up the season in third place, whilst Sydenham are fourth — equal with East Christchurch. Sydenham won the championship last year. This season they were weakened by the loss of two of their best bowlers, J. McEwin and D. J. McBeath, and for a part of the season were without the services of W. R. Patrick, C. Oliver and W. Cunningham, who went to Australia with the New Zealand team. The team, therefore, was somewhat disorganized during the season, but giving this in, their standard of play did not seem to be up to that of last season. In the senior competition St. Albans finished up the season with 17 points, West Christchurch 11, Riccarton 9, Sydenham and East Christchurch 8 each, and Linwood 5. In their second innings against. Albans on Saturday Linwood made the big score of 286 for the loss of seven wickets.Bad fielding on the part of St. Albans materially assisted towards this total. The number of dropped catches was woefully large and one could only come to the conclusion that the St. Albans players were not taking the game very seriously. Top score for Linwood was made by R. Read with 92. He was unlucky not to reach his century, but on the other hand He was lucky to get as far as he did.