Ancestry of Sydenham Cricket Club at Papers Past by Flagon Park
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ANCESTRY OF SYDENHAM CRICKET CLUB AT PAPERS PAST BY FLAGON PARK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYDENHAM DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB 1905-1920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As also in the case of Sydenham & Addington United, the story of the Sydenham (District) Cricket Club is well told by Dick BRITTENDEN in his centenary history of the Sydenham Cricket Club. Sydenham Cricket Club 100 Years : Centenary 9th-12th November 1995 District Cricket 1905-1918, by Dick BRITTENDEN. mid=59 The newspaper articles further below are a vey small sample of what is available at Papers Past concerning the Sydenham club between 1905 and 1920. I haven't looked hard at this part of the history of our club at Papers Past except to discover how it was affected by district cricket and the war, or note articles encountered in a semi-random way when I was investigating other topics. Separate articles will be written about district cricket and the war. Those interested in the more intricate details of performance of club teams, draws and makeup of sides from Saturday to Saturday in the 1905-1920 period can feed their obsessive desire by checking out each week's Monday editions of the local newspapers, exactly as one does today). Regular columns by cricket writers can be sought on other days of the week. Papers Past does not have Christchurch newspapers after 1920 so that anyone wishing to explore later editions will have to try the public library newspaper archives and so forth. At the AGM in 1905 the Sydenham & Addington Cricket Club disbanded and a new Sydenham District Cricket Club was immediately formed under guidelines established by the CCA. Sydenham was one of the six brand new clubs formed to take part in the CCA's new district competitions in all grades. Each new club had a geographical boundary defined by the CCA and one had to play for the club within whose boundaries one resided. This was a big break from the previous club system which since its start in 1882-83 had concentrated the best players in a very small number of clubs year after year, in fact decade after decade, making it hard for new players of ability to break into established combinations. In establishing the district format, the CCA was following the lead of successful district competitions developed in Australia and Auckland. District cricket was highly successful in Christchurch for a number of seasons but became untenable during the Great War due to the massive loss of players to the front, forcing the CCA to relax the residential requirement for membership of clubs in in 1915. East Shirley had already been allowed to become a more open club from 1911 due to boundary issues resulting from the industrialisation of its catchment area. In 1920 the CCA voted to officially abolish district cricket. Many cricketers had always disliked being unable join a club of their own choice, or the continuing tinkering with club boundaries, and in any case the district scheme was seen to have successfully completed its core task of breaking up the virtual closed shops of the pre-1905 club system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12251, 21 July 1905, Page 6 THE CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. DISTRICT SCHEME ADOPTED. A meeting of the Canterbury Cricket Association was held last night. Present— Messrs A. E. G. Rhodes (chairman). H. C. Ridley, J. C. Clarkson, A. E. M. Young, A. Costelloe, H. Whitta, W. C. H. Wigley, R. Vincent, J. Young, R. L. Bush. W. J. Walmsley, E. Jenkins, O. Caygill, F. C. Raphael, J. H. Williams, J. N. Fowke, J. E. Todhunter, J. D. Lawrence, A. Wilson, and D. H. Thomson (hon. secretary). The balance-sheet of the Association for the year ended May 31st, 1905, was submitted. It showed receipts amounting to £1205 10s 4d, leaving a credit balance of £175 18s 4d. The following items were shown on the credit side:— By football £377 8s 8d, fireworks £6 4s 3d. cycling £109 15s, cricket £507, athletics £153 2s, swimming £25, hockey £3 10s, debenture interest £10, sundry receipts £13 10s. The balance-sheet was adopted. Mr Caygill moved that a system of district matches to take the place of Cup cricket should be inaugurated. Most of the criticism levelled against the proposal had been against the partial district scheme. He could not agree with those who asserted that New Zealand was too small for district cricket; it was reasonable to suppose that the 60,000 inhabitants of Christchurch should be able to find players enough for six districts. It was a progressive scheme which had proved a success in Sydney, and would induce the public to take an added interest in the game. Mr Ridley seconded the motion, remarking that, though the prospects of the scheme did not appear to him so rosy as to the mover, he thought it well worthy of trial. Mr Vincent said he would prefer a partial scheme to the out-and-out scheme, as he thought there would be difficulty at first in the way of arranging grounds. He considered, however, that district cricket would cause more public interest to be taken in the game. The motion was then put and carried by 15 votes to 5. It was then unanimously resolved that the out-and-out district scheme be adopted. On the motion of Mr Caygill, it was decided that district clubs should be formed for St. Albans, Riccarton, Linwood, Sydenham, Christchurch East, and Christchurch West. The following rules were considered and adopted:— (1) A club shall be composed of members who have resided within the boundaries of their district not less than four months prior to the 1st October in each year. Any player changing his residence on or after 1st June shall play for the district in which he was residing on that date. Nothing in this rule shall prevent a resident or any district from becoming an honorary member of any other district club. (2) Any player arriving after 1st June may be allowed to play for the district in which he is residing upon satisfying the Competitions Committee that he intends to become a bona fide resident. (3) That all Association matches in which district or school club teams are engaged shall be played under this Association's rules for Cup matches. (4) That grounds be allocated to the various district clubs as follows: Lancaster Park: Christchurch East and Linwood; Hagley Park: Christchurch West, Riccarton, and St. Albans; Sydenham Park: Sydenham. (5) That players residing in the St. Albans district use their best endeavour to obtain suitable cricket ground within the boundaries of that district, at as early a date as possible, and that this Association gives all assistance in its power, both financially and otherwise, to further such a project, (6) That, boundaries of districts, as suggested, be subject to revision at the close of season. A sub-committee, consisting of Messrs Caygill, Raphael, and Thomson was appointed to interview the Hagley Park Ground Committee in reference to the appointment of trustees, in whom pavilions and other property should be invested. A further committee, composed of delegates from the various clubs, was set up to consider and report in regard to the fixing of boundaries. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12269, 12 August 1905, Page 4 THE DISTRICT CRICKET SCHEME. BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICTS. The establishment of a scheme of district cricket is now an accomplished fact in Canterbury, and hopes are entertained that under the new system marked improvement will result in local cricket. At Thursday's meeting of the Canterbury Cricket Association, the boundaries of the districts were agreed to, and below are given the details of the limits of the districts:-- SYDENHAM DISTRICT Commencing at the termination of Hills road, thence northerly along the said road to Wilson's road, along Wilson's road to Shakespeare road, along Shakespeare road to Falsgrave street, along Falsgrave street to Moorhouse avenue, along Moorhouse to Selwyn street, thence southerly along Selwyn street to Selwyn road, along Selwyn road to Milton street, along Milton street to Wilderness road, southeasterly along Wilderness road to Port Hills, including Port Hills between the lines of Wilderness road and Hills road. LINWOOD DISTRICT. Commencing at the termination of Hills road, thence northerly along the said road to Wilson's road, along Wilson's road to Shakespeare road, along Shakespeare road to Falsgrave street, along Falsgrave street to Fitzgerald avenue, and the North Avon Road to Fowke street, along Fowke street to Avon road, along Avon road to the City and Suburban tram-line, along the said tram-line to the beach, including Brighton, Sumner, and Lyttelton, and the Port Hills in a line north-east of Hills road. ST ALBANS DISTRICT. All that district to the north-west of the city and suburban tramline to its junction with the Avon road, along the Avon road to Fowke street, along Fowke street to the North Avon road, along the North Avon road to its junction with Bealey avenue, along Bealey avenue and Carlton Terrace to river Avon, along river Avon to Boundary road, along Boundary road and Strowan road in a north-westerly direction in a direct line to the Ashley river, including all that district to the east of the railway, also including Belfast, Kaiapoi, and Rangiora. RICCARTON DISTRICT. All that district to the south-west of the northern railway to Strowan road, along Strowan road and Boundary road to river Avon, thence along the river Avon to the West belt, along the West belt to its junction with Moorhouse avenue, along Moorhouse avenue to Selwyn street, along Selwyn street to Selwyn road, along Selwyn road to Milton street, along Milton street to Wilderness road, and including all that district to the south-west of the boundary of the Sydenham district.