Bombers Pound Enemy Buildup
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Av«ftiffe Dally Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Biided dlear and cold tonight; low Annary w, ms zero to 10. T cm orrow fa ir; high In low 30s. Outlook for Wednes day . Increasing cloudiness, 15,630 not as cold. Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm VOL. XCI, NO. 102 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1972. (Classified Advertising on Page 16). PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Soviets Dublin Bombers Pound Arming Recalls Cubans Enemy Buildup WASHmOTON (AP) — The Envoy Soviets have started sending SAIGON (AP) — More waves moreland, the U.S. Army chief The South Vietnamese Com Cuba bigger, more heavily BELFAST, Northern Ireland of U.S. B62 bombers pounded of staff, told a Saigon news c(m- mand reported that its air force North Vietnamese troop and ference that North Vietnam is aiimed mlssile^rlng patrol' (AP) — The Irish repubUc Is destroyed three North Vietnam calling home Its ambassador to supply buildups today along a preparing for a multiphase of ese tanks Sunday just inside boats, Pentagon sources report. ‘Britain because of the shooting 2(X>-mlle stretch o f South Viet fensive next month in South the border, about 32 miles west- The first two OSA-class boats of 18 civilians in a batUe with nam’s western border, from the Vietnam Just below the demill-' northwest of K(mtum. reached Havana In mid- British troops In Londonderry demilitarized zone to the cen On the DMZ front. North January after being towed on Sunday. tral highlands. They were the Vietnamese forces bombarded across the Atlantic by a pair of The decision of the southern ' heaviest raids there in four South Vietnamese bases along Soviet tugs. Red Troops Irish was announced today aft months. the zone with m ore than 200 IJiey arrived nearly a numth er an extraordinary Cabinet Alxxit 20 of America’s biggest rockets and mortar shells, and after Cuban gunboat attacks on Inside DMZ meeting in Dublin. bombers unleashed more than four g;round clashes were re two unarmed Panamanlantreg- The m eeting follow ed a 16- 600 tons c f explosives on North ported. istered freli^ters In the Carib Vietnamese positicms inside the mlnute telephone conversaUon tarized zone and in the central The South Vietnamese com bean brought U.S. warnings of southern half of the demili between Prime Minister Jack highlands. mand claimed 54 North Viet possible air and naval counter tarized zcne, at the northern Lynch of the Irish repubUc and Westmoreland, who com namese troops were killed and action. entrance to the A Shau valley Prime Minister Sklward Heath manded U.S. forces in Vietnam said government losses were The 86-knot OSAs mount four and west and northwest of Kon- of Britain. in 1965-68, said file Communists nine killed and 22 wounded. It Styx mlssUes with high-ex tum, in the central hl^dilands, Earlier in the day, the Irish may ’ "have some temporary was the heaviest action . al(mg plosive waiheads and a range wdiich U.S. advisers say may RepuWcan Army blew up a success.” But he said, he and the DMZ since last fall. o f about 16 m iles. be (me target of the anticipated store,' a bar and an electrical top U.S. and South Vietnamese U.S. military sources said The UJS. N avy has been offensive. shop In downtown Belfast. Se officers are confident Saigon’s thousands of fresh North Viet- concerned about the Styx since The heavy air attacks came curity spokesmen expressed the forces can handle any enemy the Egyptians sank an Israeli as Gen. WUUam C . West beli^ the bombings were in re offensive. (See Page Two) destroyer with one of them In 1967. taliation for the killing of the 13 IBore recently, the Indian civilians In Londonderry. Northern Ireland is a British navy reportedly sank a Paki stani destroyer with a Soviet- province, officially known as supplied Styx. U lster. The Irish repuMic’s ambassa The new soo-ton OSA craft Backers Surprise have a greater operating range dor to London is Dr. Donald and carry twice as many mls- O’ftiUlvan. IBs withdrawal of sUe launchers as the 18 older an ambassador does not mean Komaivclaas patrol boats fur a break In relations. in Arizona Test nished to Cuba by the Hussians An Irish Ehnbassy spokesman in the 1960s. said in Lmdon "this is the By THE ASSOCIATED PRE^ Last October, Russia made stnmgest protest we can make” for farm votes, Lindsay said Mayor John V. Lindsay of deUverles of MI021 Jet fighters without a rupture in relaUona. Sunday the Arizona delegate (Herald photo by Pinto) New York won strong support to Cuba for the first time in Allies Emilio Daddario, rififht, and Arthur Barbieri of New Haven, talk things Lynch expressed "shock and election demonstrates “an un from newly enfranchised youth more than four years. The pro reivulslon” to the killing of ci derdog like myself who is start over before Daddario’s att^k on party leadership last night. Barbieri is New ful votero to surprise analysts vision of newer and more-pow- vilians in, Londonderry’s Ro ing lade can win” the party’s Haven party chairman and reported political cohort of Mim. and culture the runner-up posi- eiftil missile boats is viewed by man CiathcUc Bogside. presidential nomination. tl(xi in Arizona’s state delegate some Pentagon officials as an ’Ihe British Home Stores was election, the first ballot-box test “We seem to have surprised other indication that the Soviet blown up by two gelignite of contenders for the Democrat a lot of people,” he added, re Union is embarked on a pro bombs in a window cleaners’ ic presidentiEil nomination. ferring to pre-election repants gram of strengthening Cuba’s van that was parked Just out (M ily Lindsay ran sec(Hid to ac that he would get a tiaind- armed forces. ‘Mim’ Shakes Party side the store in a busy shop ful of delegates. knowledged fixxit-runner Ed ping arcade. Intelligence officials told a mund S. Muskle of Maine in the When the complicated count ’Fen .persons were injured, House Foreign Affairs subcom state’s election of 600 delegates was completed Sunday, Muskie (me seriously, and dosens of mittee last September that to the Arizona Democratic con / had 189 delegates, Lindsay 118, neighboring shops and offices most of Oiba’s weapons pre vention next month. The 600 / M cGovern 102, with 86 uncom date the 1962 m issile crisis, and were damaged. will choose 26 deleg;ates to rep- mitted. Sens. Henry M. Jackson that Soviet shipments In recent With Bailey Blast L o n ^ r r y of Washington aind Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota re (See Page Five) cratlc National Conventi(m in By SOL R. COHEN w ard his estim ated $100,000 “For more than a year now,” sons killed In the ^ttoUc-Pn> ^ 1^ , j „ , y ceived two each, although they (HergU' Reporter) debt. sdld Daddario, reading from a testant warfare that h^ ra^d 86,000 voting Dem(X!rats had urged their supporters to Moire than 900 t ^ DenuKrats Ending a public silence of hl- prepared text) “I have been try- in NcHinem Ireland since Au- g^ve the Maine sen&dor 88 per back the uncommitte(^ sUte. sat in stunned disbelief last inoi^, |5. m p n ^ qai$ ,(ng~to..g6.t-SUi^oct from the of gH8t.X969. ITfty-nlne have dled_caat--of the-delegates, Lindsay Sen. Vamce Haotke of Indiana night as their candidate for'gov ficial leaders of my party, iw this year. 24 per cent and Sen. George and Rep. Shirley Chisholm of Bangladesh ernor In 1970 blasted h is party’s that the legltlmato debts of our The IRA charged that McGovern of South (Dakota 20 New York got <me each. top leadership. gubemstorlal campaign could paratroopers' fired per cent, with 17 per cent of the All the major Dem(x:ratlc He offered to align himself Campaign Looks For be satisfied ’Ihe fact is that delegates uncommitted. JOHN LINDSAY contenders had campaigned for with any cppositicn group which they have refused to help, and McGovern and Lindsay both Arizona’s delegates, but Lind feels as he does, “that the Dem Debt Payoff by their refusal have ca u ^ .a led Muskie in the two univer say cdnducted the most exten Revenge New A llies ocratic Party in Oonnectl(;ut legal action.” sity precincts in Tucson and for Lindsay and the high school sive effort with speeches must be open to a ll.” He was referring to a Superior By IRA Tempo, where the student body student uncommitted. throughout the state and broad RAWALPINDt, Pakistan It was a bitter Emilio Q. Dad the banQuet was a success “not Court lawsuit filed by Charles presidents of the University of IJndsay also showed strength cast commercials and bill (.AP) — Difriomats in Rawal dario who spoke at the end of a because of them (the leaders), Palm & Co., which did pnHno- Arizona and Arizena State both among minority giroups and boards claiming “Arizona likes pindi believe an avalanclxi of long pregram at a fund-raising but in spite of them.” endorsed Lindsay. carried Phoenix, the largest a fighter.” tional work during file Dad discriminately into a crowd of nati(ms will now recognize dinner at the Hartford Hilton. Daddario didn’t mention State Preliminary analyses in- city. He and McGovern led dario campaign. una^^ civilians, and the ^ students, Muskle’s campaign was nm Bangladesh In ^ wake of Pak Called, “A ’Tribute to Mim,” Democratic Chairman John F.