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and women of every origin and background inspiration to many Americans, and he’ll are recognized and rewarded. be an outstanding judge. Rosario mentioned my appointments to And so I appreciate all of you all who my Government. I am proud to serve are there today. I appreciate so very much many, many exceptional Hispanic Ameri- Elizabeth and George and the many of you cans. One of my jobs is to put the best there today to bear witness to the great people in the right jobs in every branch opportunities found in this country, oppor- of Government. I’ve done so in the execu- tunities borne of freedom and equality. tive branch, and I’ll do so in the judiciary These values make us strong, and we will branch as well. Right now the Senate Judi- defend them, no matter how long it takes. ciary Committee is now considering a Gracias por su dedicacion a la excelencia. friend of mine, a guy named Mike—Miguel Gracias por demostrar que el sueno Estrada. He’s my nominee for the DC Cir- Americano es posible para todos los que cuit Court of Appeals. If confirmed, he’ll lo desean en su corazon. Y aprecio su amor be the first Hispanic ever to serve on this por esta gran nacion. important court. Y Dios los bendiga a todos, y que Dios No one can deny that he’s well-qualified. los bendiga a Los Estados Unidos. No one can deny he’s a great lawyer and that he’s highly skilled. Yet unfortunately, there are Senators who play politics with NOTE: The President spoke by satellite at Miguel Estrada’s nomination. There are 4:19 p.m. from Read-Pattillo Elementary Senators searching for any reason to defeat School in New Smyrna Beach, FL, to the him. meeting in Los Angeles, CA. In his remarks, I call upon the Senate leadership to treat he referred to Rosario Marin, U.S. Treasurer; Miguel Estrada with dignity and respect and Elizabeth Lisboa-Farrow, chair of the and to bring his nomination up for the full board of directors, and George Herrera, Senate to confirm him before they adjourn. chairman and chief executive officer, U.S. He’s an American success story. He’s an Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Remarks at Southwest State University in Springfield, Missouri October 18, 2002

Thanks for coming. Thanks for the warm our political process. I appreciate your in- welcome. I’m honored to be here at the— terest. I appreciate your willingness to take on the campus of this fine university. I’m a stand. And I am here in the State of proud to be here in southwest Missouri. Missouri to take a stand: The best person I love the values of the heartland rep- running for the is Jim resented in this part of our country, the Talent. values of faith, the values of family, the I need him in the Senate to work with love of our country. I appreciate you com- him. We’ve got some big problems facing ing out to say hello. These are the values our country. But there’s no doubt in my which make Missouri a great State and mind that we can achieve anything we put make our Nation a great nation. our mind to. There’s no doubt in my mind I want to thank you for your friendship. that no matter how high the hurdle, the I want to thank you for your prayers. I United States of America, when we put want to thank you for your concern about


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our mind to something, can cross that hur- He also will work to change the tone dle. in Washington. Listen, we’re proud Repub- shares my optimism about the licans, but we’ve got to serve something future of this country because he knows bigger than political party in these times what I know: This country is blessed with of stress on our country. It’s important to the finest people on the face of the Earth, put all this aside and focus on what’s right and that, by trusting the people and calling for the American people. And Jim Talent upon the best of America, we can achieve understands that. I’m proud to stand by anything—I mean anything—we set our his side. mind to. And we share something else in com- I appreciate Jim Talent’s values. He’s a mon: We both married above ourselves. family man. He’s got his priorities straight. [Laughter] He married Brenda. I married He’s a man who doesn’t need a focus group Laura. And by the way, the First Lady, or a poll to tell him what to think. He’s she sends her love and her greetings. She’s more than happy to stand on principle. heading down to Texas today, so you drew He’s more than happy to say, ‘‘This is what the short straw. [Laughter] She’s doing I believe, and I’m not changing.’’ And I great, though. I want to remind you that appreciate a man who’s willing to take when I married her, she was a public those values, the Missouri values, and the school librarian. [Applause] Public school sense of purpose to Washington, DC. librarians united for Laura. [Laughter] She He’s also got a record. See, he’s already didn’t care for politics when I married her. been up there once. He’s shown us what She didn’t particularly care for politicians he can do. And when he was up there, when I married her. [Laughter] Thank he wasn’t afraid to take the lead. He is goodness she said yes. one of the key authors of one of the most important pieces of social legislation in the People have got to see why I asked her last decade, and that is the welfare reform to marry me. She’s calm. She’s steady. She bill that transformed millions of lives in cares deeply about our children. She loves America, because he knows what I know, education. It’s our top priority. A lot of that dignity is found when you find work, people are still wondering why she said yes. that work is the cornerstone of any life [Laughter] But nevertheless, she’s doing that has got dignity. great. I can’t tell you how proud I am I appreciate his understanding of small of her, and I love her dearly. business. See, he is an advocate for small I want to thank the senior Senator from business in Washington, DC. We need that Missouri for being here. He’s done a fabu- kind of attitude up there. See, after all, lous job on behalf of the citizens of Mis- our economy is kind of bumping along. It’s souri. He is a man whose judgment I trust, not as strong as it’s going to be. So long whose vote I can count on. He’s a strong as we keep working on it, it’s going to ally. He’s got the right instincts. He’s got get better. a great voting record. And that is Senator But one of the things we’ve got to under- . stand is that most new jobs in America I appreciate so very much the fact that are created by small businesses. And there- your Congressman has joined us today. Roy fore, we’ve got to have somebody in the Blunt is effective. He’s smart. He can count United States Senate who understands that votes. I appreciate his support, and I appre- and is willing to work on an environment ciate his friendship. that encourages the growth of small busi- I appreciate the fact that former Con- nesses. Jim Talent’s got a record, and he’s gressman Mel Hancock is here. I want to got a good record. thank Congressman Hancock for coming.


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You’ve got yourself a hot Senate race— an environment in which small businesses State senate race. This race matters. It mat- can grow to be big businesses, in which ters a lot. You’ve got a good man running, the entrepreneur can flourish, in which a good, down-to-earth fellow who’s going anybody who’s got a dream can work hard to tell you what he thinks. He’s going to and realize that dream. Most jobs, as I do in office what he said he’s going to mentioned, are created by small businesses. do. And that’s Dan Clemens. For the sake of economic vitality, for the I’ve got a great Cabinet. I’ve asked peo- sake of job creation, we’ve got to have peo- ple from all across our country to serve ple in the Senate who understand that our Government in my Cabinet. You when a person has more money in his or trained one of the best ones in my Cabinet. her pocket, it will serve as a stimulus to Yesterday morning I met with the Attorney job growth. General. He said, ‘‘You make sure you re- You see, here’s the page of the textbook mind my folks at home that I haven’t forgot which we’ve read. It says that when a per- where I came from.’’ is doing son has more money, he or she is likely a great job for America. to demand a good or a service. And when And finally, I appreciate you letting some you demand a good or service in our econ- of my fellow Texans cross the State line. omy, somebody is likely to produce that They must have not checked these boys’ good or a service. And when somebody backgrounds before they came. [Laughter] produces the good or a service, somebody I’ve known the Gatlin Brothers for a long is more likely to find work. For the sake time, and I really appreciate the three of job creation, for the sake of making sure brothers coming. I’m—Larry is my good our people can find work, the tax relief buddy. He is a fine, fine, fine American, came at the absolute right time in Amer- and Steve and Rudy are as well. I hope ican history. you’re enjoying them as much as I’ve en- joyed knowing them. And I’m real proud But here’s why we’re still talking about their here. I want to thank the Gatlin boys it. Because of a quirk in the rules in the for coming today. United States Senate, after a 10-year pe- Now, I’ve got some things on my mind riod, the tax relief plan we passed goes that I want to share with you. I’ve got away, unless the Congress makes it perma- some issues I want to discuss with you. nent. And that’s the issue. I’ve got some reasons to be here besides The tax relief plan over the next decade just politics. I need somebody to help me for the people of Missouri, if permanent, deal with our economy. Now listen, the would mean there is $27 billion in income foundation for growth is strong. Interest tax relief and death tax relief in your pock- rates are low. Inflation is low. We’ve got ets. That’s more money for you to have the best workers in the world. Productivity to make decisions about. It’s your money is high in America. The entrepreneurial to begin with, by the way. There’s $4 bil- spirit is strong in this country. The founda- lion additional money in your pocket be- tions for growth are strong. But so long cause of the tax relief on the child credit. as somebody is looking for work can’t find There’s a $1.5 billion money in the Mis- work, I think we have a problem. And so souri people’s pockets because we’re doing therefore, we need to put people in the something about the marriage penalty. See, United States Senate who wants to think what we think is that the Tax Code ought about—when it comes to the economy— to encourage marriage. how to create jobs. It’s like the Senate giveth, and then the The role of Government is not to create Senate taketh away. [Laughter] In this case, wealth. The role of Government is to create the Senate giveth, and the Senate taketh


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away over $32 billion that would help eco- ing rates on small businesses. But he nomic expansion and growth. There’s no doesn’t believe that he ought to pay more question in my mind that Jim Talent under- taxes than he has already when he dies. stands what I’m talking about, that in order And neither do his children. to make sure our economy is strong so No, we need to make sure, for the sake people can plan, so the entrepreneurial of economic vitality, for the sake of job spirit remains strong in America, we need creation, that you elect you a United States to make the tax cuts permanent. Senator who makes sure the tax relief plan One of the worst taxes that we have on is permanent. the books that we’re trying to get rid of Jim Talent will be a Senator who’s com- and won’t get rid of unless we have a Sen- mitted to making sure we have an edu- ator and Senators who vote to make it per- cation system that we’re proud of. I signed manent, is the death tax. This death tax a great piece of education reform. It chal- hurts Missouri farmers. This death tax, it lenges the soft bigotry of low expectations. hurts small-business owners. It’s a bad tax. It holds people to a high standard. It says, Don’t take my word for it. Let me quote in return for receiving Federal money— some of citizens in your neighborhood. and we cranked up the level of Federal There’s a guy named Jim Staley. He’s money, by the way, for education spend- a fourth generation family farmer in Wil- ing—but in return for receiving Federal lard, Missouri. He wants to pass his farm money, you’ve got to show us. Just like on some day to his children. That makes you say in your State motto, ‘‘Show Me’’ sense. The guy’s working the land. He’s whether or not the money is being well got some kids. He says, ‘‘I want my kids to be able to work the land, too. I want spent. Show me whether or not our chil- the family farm to survive.’’ He remembers dren are learning to read and write and when his daddy died, he had trouble trying add and subtract. We ask that question be- to make sure the farm stayed in the family cause we want to make sure not one single and didn’t go to the Government. He re- child gets left behind in America. members those times. So he’s worried Jim Talent knows what I know, that med- about it. Here’s what he says: ‘‘It’s a shame icine has changed, and Medicare hasn’t, that Americans are taught that if you work that medicine is modern, and Medicare is hard all your life, you can pass it along stuck in the old ways. We need a Senator to your family, and they can work to make up there who can work with people in both it better. But when it comes down to it, parties to make sure that we modernize the Government ends up taking it away.’’ Medicare for the sake of our seniors. Mod- That’s what the death tax does. ernizing Medicare means that we’ve got to It’s a bad tax. It’s a bad tax. It’s a bad have a prescription drug plan for our sen- tax because it taxes assets twice. It’s a bad iors. tax because it prevents somebody who owns One of my most important responsibil- something from passing the asset on to ities is to put good people on the Federal whoever he or she chooses. bench. Our definition of good people obvi- Fellers Fixtures, right here in Spring- ously are people who are honest, who know field, Missouri, Carl Fellers, here’s what he the law, who are there to serve something thinks. First of all, he says he thinks he other than themselves, who won’t use the pays enough taxes already. See, most small bench as a legislator might use the bench businesses pay tax at the individual income from which to write new law, but to strictly tax level, because you’re a sole proprietor- interpret the Constitution of the United ship or a limited partnership. When you States. And the Senate has got a lousy reduce rates on people, you’re also reduc- record when it comes to my judges.


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Look at the percentage that they’ve ap- to thank the for proved. It’s the worst record in modern speaking with one voice about a tyrant and history. It’s worse than how the Senate a dictator who has constantly defied the treated President Clinton, President Bush world, who refuses to disarm, who, in the 41, President Reagan. They’re holding up new reality, serves as a true and real threat the nominees. And when they put some not only to the United States but a threat of my good nominees forward, they’re not to our friends in the Middle East, a threat telling the truth about their records. to other freedom-loving countries. They’re distorting their records. They’re The world has been put on notice, Mr. playing shameless politics with the judges Saddam Hussein is now on notice. We ex- I put forward. You need to have a United pect him to disarm. We expect him to live States Senator like Jim Talent who will not up to the obligations that he has told the play shameless politics with the judges I’ve world that he would meet. We expect the put forward. No, there’s a lot of things United Nations to be the United Nations, we can do. not the League of Nations. We expect them We’re going to work together to make to join us in keeping the peace, by holding sure America is a strong country by having this dictator to account. That’s what we ex- a good economy and making sure we fulfill pect. our promises to our children and to our No, the threats are real. It’s a different seniors. I know I can work with this man. era. And this country will deal with these I also will be working with the next Con- threats in an open way and a firm way gress to protect America. We learned a sad and a resolved way, because we love our lesson on September the 11th, 2001, and freedoms. We understand the biggest obli- that is that we’re no longer immune from gation we have, at least the biggest obliga- attacks from an enemy which hates us, that tion I have, is to do everything I can to oceans no longer protect us like we used protect the homeland. There are a lot of to think they could. It’s changed the dy- good people working hard to protect the namics. The battlefield is here at home. homeland. Anytime we find a hint about People must understand that there’s still something that might be done to America, an enemy which lurks and desires to hurt. we’re moving on it. Anytime we find any They do it because of what we love. They evidence that somebody might be thinking hate what we stand for. We love freedom. about harming our country, there are a lot We love the fact that people can worship of folks on the case. We’re disrupting; we’re an almighty God any way he or she choos- denying; we’re doing everything we can in es. We love every aspect about our free- our power and within the United States doms. We love our free press, and we love Constitution to protect the homeland. the discourse and—a political discourse in And that’s why I went to the United a free society, and we hold those freedoms States Congress and asked them to create dearly. And we’re not changing. No matter a Department of Homeland Security, so I how they try to terrorize, how they try to can tell the American people and future threaten, we’re not changing. And so long Presidents can tell the American people as we don’t change, we have to do every- that we’re doing everything we can to pro- thing we can to protect America in the tect you—everything we can. You see, new realities we face. It’s a dangerous there’s over 100 agencies involved with the world, but nobody’s going to cause us to protection of our homeland. It means retreat from this world. they’re kind of scattered about. If the num- Obviously, my job is not only to deal ber one priority of America is to protect with threats that we find in these dark the homeland, it seems to make sense to caves but also to anticipate threats. I want me to put them under one agency, so we


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can make that the number one priority that rules in the case of a national emergency, everybody involved with homeland security in the Agriculture Department, but not for must meet. the Homeland Security.’’ And that’s not And we’re having a big debate up there right. about it. Sometimes in our Nation’s Capital, Jim Talent understands what I’m talking they talk to much—[laughter]—and do too about. You put him in the Senate; we’ll little. Sometimes they do too much when get us a good homeland security bill, which they should be talking. [Laughter] will make it easier for Presidents to protect The House passed a good homeland se- America. curity bill. The House heard my call to I need to be able to put the right people have a bipartisan approach to protecting the at the right place at the right time, and homeland. The House heard the call to put that’s what the Senate must hear, loud and aside politics and not let interests—be in- clear. And one way they can hear it is, terested in special interests but to focus they can hear it from the people. You can on the American people, not only today express yourselves, right in the ballot box. but down the road. And the House passed That’s the way you can send a message a bill. They’re stuck in the Senate. The loud and clear about the importance of hav- Senate can’t get it done right now. It’s ing a Homeland Security Department that stuck. will work today, that will work tomorrow, And here’s the issue. The Senate is say- and will work for decades to come, because ing, ‘‘Sure, Mr. President, you can have this threat, folks, is real for a while. a homeland security bill, but there’s going And that’s why the best way to protect to be a price.’’ And here’s the price. They the American homeland is not to hope want to roll back an important authority these fellows change their mind, not to that every President since John F. Kennedy hope that they go get therapy to make has had, and that authority is this: For 40 them think different, but it’s to hunt them years, a President has had the capacity to down one by one and bring them to jus- suspend labor rules in every Department tice—what America is going to do. of Government when the national security We are in a different kind of war, and is at stake. The President has had the ca- we’re still at war. We’re in a war unlike pacity to be able to change rules in order the past. See, the past you used to say, to protect America. ‘‘Well, we’re making progress because One example of what I’m talking about, we’ve blown up a couple of tanks or we just so you’ll know clearly, is that customs sunk a ship or their Air Force isn’t as agents, we thought, ought to be wearing strong anymore.’’ These people hide in radiological detection devices, just in case caves and send youngsters to their suicidal somebody tried to smuggle a weapon of deaths. See, they don’t appreciate the value mass destruction into America. We thought of life like we do. In America, we believe that made sense for them to wear these. every life is precious; everybody has worth. The head of the union said, ‘‘Uh-uh, that These people don’t value life, and they hi- must be voluntary. You can’t make anybody jack a great religion and murder in the do that, and therefore, let’s have a collec- name of that religion. tive bargaining session over it,’’ which They just did that recently in Indonesia, might have taken a year’s time. and we’ll be joining our friends in Australia See, we don’t have time for that kind in a day of mourning for the terrible trag- of thing. The Senate wants to roll back edy that took place. We lost lives. They my authority. The Senate wants to say, lost a lot of lives. Listen, these are killers, ‘‘You can have that authority, Mr. Presi- nothing but coldblooded killers, and we’re dent, to suspend workers’ rights or workers’ going to treat them that way, and we’re


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going to hunt them down, one person at I can’t imagine what was going through a time. the mind of the enemy. They must have And we’re making progress, thanks to a thought that America was so selfish, so ma- great United States military, and thanks to terialistic, so self-absorbed that after 9/11/ friends and allies. We’re making progress. 2001, we might have filed a lawsuit or two. One reason we’re making progress is be- [Laughter] That’s not us. cause of the doctrine that says, ‘‘Either I want you to know that out of the evil you’re with us, or you’re with them,’’ still done to America can come some incredible stands. It’s still relevant. Our coalition is good, that that’s what we believe as a na- still rounding people up. It’s a different tion. And one of the—what’s going to hap- kind of war. Sometimes you’ll see progress, pen, I believe, by being strong and firm and sometimes you won’t. The other day, and being clear in our resolve, is that we a guy named bin al-Shibh, he popped his can achieve peace. It’s my dream, is to head up. He’s no longer a problem. He achieve peace. I want there to be peace was significant because he was to have been for the American people. Since we value the twentieth hijacker. And he was still every life, and everybody counts, no matter plotting, and he was still planning. I bet where they live, we want there to be peace you we’ve captured over a couple of thou- in parts of the region that have quit on sand of them, maybe up to nearly 3,000 peace. I believe it can happen. I do. I by now. Like number, they weren’t as believe by being strong and resolved and lucky. We’re going to deny them sanctuary. standing on principle and understanding We’re going to find them. We’re going to freedom belongs to everybody, not just a put them on the run. few, that we can have a peaceful and more It doesn’t matter how long it takes, my hopeful world. fellow Americans, when it comes to our And here at home, the evil done to freedom, it doesn’t matter how many years America can help us deal with a serious it takes, the United States of America will problem. There are people in our country stay the course, because we will defend who hurt. There is loneliness and despair. America, no matter the cost. Amidst our plenty, there are pockets of ad- I’m going to sign a defense bill next diction; there are people who aren’t loved; week. The Congress has gotten it to my there are people who wonder whether the desk, and I appreciate that. That is the American experience is meant for them. So largest increase in defense spending since long as any of us hurt, we all hurt. We Ronald Reagan was the President, for two must step back from our materialism and reasons. I want to—I asked for that re- ask the question, what can I do to help quest, one, anytime we put our troops into America? And the best way that you can harm’s way, they deserve the best training, help America is by loving a neighbor like the best possible pay, and the best equip- you’d like to be loved yourself. ment. We owe that to our troops, and we No, the enemy hit us. Today—the enemy owe it to their loved ones. And the other hit us, but today we’re a stronger nation message is, the other message to friend and because we refuse to back down, but also foe alike is that we take our responsibilities because we’ve redefined patriotism as seriously, that we love our freedoms. We somebody who does more than put their love our country, and we’re not quitting. hand over their heart. A patriot is some- There’s not a calendar that says, well, gosh, body who is willing to put their arm around it must be time to haul in; it must be somebody who hurts, somebody in need— time to shut her down. That’s just not the somebody who says, ‘‘I love you.’’ I want way I think, and that’s not the way America you to be one of those people. One of thinks. us can’t do everything in society, but one


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of us can do something to help somebody we can achieve a lot. We can achieve who needs a hand, somebody who needs peace, and we can make sure the light love, somebody—somebody who knows or shines brightly, the light of hope, in every somebody who cares about them. corner on this great land. I say that with Today we’ve got Erin Bryant, who goes confidence because this is the greatest na- right here—to school here. She’s an active tion, full of the finest people, on the face member of the Student Community Action of the Earth. Team at Southwest Missouri State. She May God bless you all, and may God spends time volunteering to make some- bless America. body’s life better. She’s involved with peo- ple who want to feed those who are hungry and house those who are homeless. Be a Boy Scout leader. Be a Girl Scout NOTE: The President spoke at 9:48 a.m. in leader. Do something. And it’s the gath- the Hammons Student Center. In his re- ering momentum of the millions of acts marks, he referred to Brenda Talent, wife of kindness and decency which will allow of candidate Jim Talent; entertainers Larry, this great land to stand squarely in the face Steve, and Rudy Gatlin; Carl A. Fellers, of evil. No, the enemy hit us. They didn’t president, Fellers Fixtures, Inc.; President know who they were hitting. They hit the Saddam Hussein of Iraq; and Ramzi bin al- greatest nation on the face of the Earth. Shibh, an Al Qaida operative suspected of And we will show the world why. helping to plan the September 11, 2001, ter- There’s no question in my mind that rorist attacks, who was captured in Karachi, even though there’s hurdles ahead of us, Pakistan.

Remarks at Rochester Community and Technical College in Rochester, Minnesota October 18, 2002

Thank you all for coming. Yes, kind of the ticket, and there’s no question in my sounds like the Metrodome in here. I ap- mind that you need to have Tim Pawlenty preciate so many good folks coming to say as the next Governor for Minnesota. hello. You know, I’m aware of Rochester. I want to thank you all for your concern After all, I still listen to my mother. about our country. I want to thank you [Laughter] She’s a proud member of the for your participation in the process. Thank board of Mayo Clinic. you for taking your time to look the can- I thank you for coming today. I’m here didates over. Thank you for understanding to talk about some of the challenges we that being a part of America is the obliga- meet as a nation. I want you to know that tion to participate in our process. I want I’m incredibly optimistic about this Nation’s to thank you for what you have done for future. And I’m here to support a man America. I want to thank you for what for the United States Senate who shares you’re going to do. And that is, man the my optimism about America. There’s no phones; go to your coffee shops; go to your doubt in my mind that what is best for houses of worship; remind the people of Minnesota and what is best for America our community, whether they be Repub- is that Norm Coleman become the next licans or Democrats or couldn’t care less— United States Senator. I’m here to support [laughter]—that when you find a good one,


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