Combating Credential Stuffing: Protocols to Check for Compromised Credentials and Password Reuse

Mir Masood Ali University of Illinois at Chicago [email protected]

ABSTRACT 4B breached usernames and passwords, gathered from multiple Password reuse is claimed to be the most prominent cause of harm breaches [9]. on the Internet. Attackers that gain access to a user’s password C3 services are an effective solution for post-breach remedies. from a breach of one website can stuff the same credentials across Since breaches are only known to websites after a considerable multiple other services and gain access with reasonable success. amount of time has passed, an additional useful countermeasure Protecting accounts from credential stuffing is an asymmetrical would be to encourage users to set unique passwords across web- challenge: attackers have access to billions of stolen credentials, sites, thereby reducing the effectiveness of credential stuffing at- while users and identity providers find it hard to determine which tacks. accounts require remediation. Intercepting users at account creation can be effective in getting In this report, we analyze protocols that help combat creden- users to set unique passwords [10]. These services are currently tial stuffing by triggering timely, actionable alerts: two protocols available through commercial password managers [11, 12]. Wang that query a centralized breach repository to check for exposed and Reiter suggested an alternative server-side protocol to perform credentials, and one protocol that adopts a decentralized approach similar evaluation on individual websites. to prevent password reuse. This report analyzes services deployed to discourage password We provide a summary of the field in general, a critique of exist- reuse, at account creation and after data breaches. We critique ing countermeasures, and potential directions for improvement. existing implementations, evaluate solutions proposed by research in recent years, and finally summarize our recommendations for further improvement. 1 INTRODUCTION Primary Papers. The qualifier report requires that at least three Research over the years has shown that users tend to reuse their papers guide the critique of the addressed field. We list these papers passwords across multiple websites [1–6]. The scenario is further and their contributions below. complicated when a single website suffers a data breach. An ad- versary can extract credentials from the leaked dataset from one (1) Li et al. (CCS ’19) [13] provided a formalization of C3 services, site, and attempt to ‘stuff’ these credentials in other commonly discussed vulnerabilities in HIBP and GPC, and provided used websites. A practice called ‘credential stuffing’, this attack countermeasures. This report includes their contributions in continues to be heavily exploited even today. Section 3. A number of services gather reported data breaches and make (2) Thomas et al. (Usenix Security ’19) [8] introduced and pro- these compromises available to be queried. Such services democ- posed the GPC protocol. Their work also helped lay down ratize access to leaked credentials, helping users avoid reusing the design principles and threat model for C3 services, both previously breached passwords. For the remainder of the report, of which were used to guide our critique in Section 3 we refer to such services as Compromised Credential Checking (C3) (3) Wang and Reiter (NDSS ’19) [14] proposed a server-side pro- services. tocol to check for password reuse and intercept users during HaveIBeenPwned1 (HIBP) provides one of the most accessed account creation. We provide a critique of their proposal in APIs for credential breach alerting. Deployed by Troy Hunt and Section 4. using CloudFlare’s CDN for efficient access, HIBP has been available for public access since 2018. Its API is used by for its breach 2 BACKGROUND alerting service, Firefox Monitor2, and by password managers like This report assumes that the reader has prior knowledge of hash 1Password3; services that are looking to protect users from reusing functions, salting, and public-key cryptography. We expand on a compromised credentials. few additional concepts below. Google released their own C3 service, Google Password Checkup Blinding. A technique using which a message (a hashed value (GPC), in 2019 [7, 8]. Initially deployed as a Chrome extension4, in our case) can be encoded and concealed. The system allows for GPC is now available by default on Google accounts and for other two parties to exchange encoded information without revealing services via an API5. GPC provides access to a database of around the actual value of the concealed data. The blinding technique discussed in Section 3.3 uses a random- 1HaveIBeenPwned: ized value, in conjunction with Elliptic Curve Cryptography6. It’ll 2 : suffice for the reader to understand that unless randomized, hashed 31Password: 4Chrome extension: pncabnpcffmalkkjpajodfhijclecjno 5GPC API: 6ECC: 1 values can be cracked using pre-computed dictionaries. A random- ization technique like blinding in conjunction an ECC implemen- tation, makes it nearly impossible to decipher the encoded value (under the Decisional Diffie Hellman assumption). Bloom Filter. A bloom filter is a data structure used foreffi- cient lookup, to determine if an element is already part of a set. It comprises a bit vector, where each cell represents a single indexed bit7. Adding elements to a bloom filter would require hashing the value, and computing the corresponding cells to be set. This way, any new value can be hashed and queried against the filter to determine if it potentially already exists. Figure 1: A C3 service allows a client (either the user or a Owing to possibilities of collisions, a bloom filter acts as a prob- service) to check if their credential has been part of a leak. abilistic data structure. It tells the user if an element potentially The C3 server collects leaks from multiple breaches. already exists in the set, but can be used to state if the element definitely does not exist. Homomorphic Encryption. Certain public-key cryptography protocols, like ElGamal [15], allow mathematical operations to be carried out on ciphertexts without necessarily requiring these values to be decrypted beforehand. across to the C3 server. The client does not necessarily send 푠 in Consider two plaintext messages, 푚1 and 푚2. If encrypted under plaintext, and instead an obfuscated version of it to the server. a multiplicative homomorphic encryption scheme, 푐1 = Enc(푚1) Upon receiving the request, the C3 server performs a compuation ˜ and 푐2 = Enc(푚2), multiplication of the two ciphertexts would on their database 풮, and sends a response to the client, CreateRe- result in a third ciphertext 푐3 = 푐1 × 푐2, such that Dec(푐3) = 푚1푚2. sponse(풮˜, CreateRequest(푠)). In both protocols discussed in this Adversary Models. This report also addresses two types of ad- report, the server responds with a set of obfuscated credentials for versaries in its threat model. A malicious adversary is assumed to the client to check against. They do so to avoid having to compute arbitrarily deviate from the protocol, and alter control flow deci- a search of the entire database upon receipt of each request. sions. An honest-but-curious adversary addresses a weaker adver- The client then computes a set intersection operation to deter- sary that cannot deviate from the protocol but attempts to extract mine if their credential 푠 is part of the response set returned by the information that they should otherwise be unable to access [16]. server. Bucketization. When the client sends across a hash of their 3 POST-BREACH ALERTING credential, the server responds with a set of hashed credentials This section covers protocols adopted by C3 services, helping clients back. The client then performs a private set intersection to deter- find credentials from past breaches. A number of popular services mine if their credential is part of the returned set. Both C3 services including Enzoic (previously, PasswordPing) [17], Breach Alarm described in this report use Private Set Intersection (PSI) as a method [18], and Dehashed [19] provide an API to access information from for the client to learn the presence of their credential without ex- data breaches. tracting any further information from the server. In this section we focus on two types of C3 services: password- C3 servers store a large database of credentials. HIBP has over only C3 services, like HaveIBeenPwned and username-password C3 over 500M stolen passwords, and GPC has over 4B stolen username- services, like Google’s Password Security Checkup. password pairs [8, 20]. These databases are constantly growing as new data breaches are reported. As databases grow, it becomes nec- 3.1 Overview essary to ensure that C3 services can effectively find credentials and respond to requests. Given effeciency and bandwidth constraints, Generic C3 Protocol. The set 풮 represents all credentials in the servers avoid sending an obfuscated version of the entire dataset universe. Every C3 service has a server that collects breaches in back in their response. They instead divide the credentials in their ˜ ˜ a database 풮. The database 풮 has N entries of either passwords, database 푆˜ into smaller sets, buckets. {(푤1, 푤2, ... 푤푁 )} or username-password pairs, {((푢1,푤1), (푢2,푤2), Intuitively, clients can then request the server for a bucket based ... (푢푁 ,푤푁 ))}. We use 푤 to denote passwords in order to avoid on a ‘bucket identifier’. Clients can then perform a PSI operation confusion with probability distributions discussed later. between their credential and the returned bucket. A client, who has their own credential, 푠 = (푢, 푤), 푠 ∈ 풮 wants In such a scenario, each bucket 푏 serves as an anonymity set, ˜ to determine if 푠 has been part of a prior breach, i.e., if 푠 ∈ 풮, 푏 ∈ 훽(풮), with 퐾 credentials. A large enough bucket gives the CreateRequest(푠). The client in this case can be the user themselves credential 푠 ∈ 푏 plausible deniability of their membership, known or a service checking the credential on behalf of the user. as 퐾-anonymity. Figure 1 shows an abstract version of the C3 protocol. The client For the remainder of the section, consider 풲 to be the set of all executes a computation over their credential 푠 and sends a request passwords in the universe, and 푝푤 denotes the probability distri- bution of 풲. We consider 풰 to be the set of all usernames in the 7Bloom Filter: universe, and 푝 to be the joint probability distribution over 풰 × 풲. 2 Symbol Description Threat Model. The threat model that we consider in this section 푢 / 풰 user identifier (e.g., email) / domain of users is combination of those discussed by Thomas et al. [8] and Li et 푤 / 풲 password / domain of passwords al. [13]. For our purposes we are largely attempting to protect 풮 domain of credentials credentials against: (1) a malicious client and (2) an honest-but- 풮 set of leaked credentials, | 풮˜ |= 푁 curious C3 server. 푝 distribution of username-password pairs over 풰 × 풲 (1) Malicious Client. A malicious client may have access to a 푝 distribution of password over 풲 푤 dictionary of leaked credentials, 풟 = {(푢1,푤1),...(푢푁 ,푤푁 )} 푝ˆ estimate of 푝 used by the C3 server 푠 푤 or 풟 = {(푤1),...(푤푁 )}. They may attempt to append their 푞 query budget of an attacker database by finding a new breached credential 푠 = (푢,푤) or 푞˜ parameter to FSB, an estimated query budget for the 푠 = 푤 , such that 푠 ∈ 풮 − 풟 to their existing dictionary. A attacker malicious server may, additionally, attempt to overwhelm 훽 function that maps a credential to a set of buckets the C3 server with numerous requests, resulting in a Denial- 훼 function that maps a bucket to the set of credentials it of-Service attack. contains • Responses with bounded leakage. Given a request for a Table 1: The notation used in Section 3. credential 푠, the response from the server should limit the information leaked. For any two credentials 푠1 ∈ 훼˜ (푏) and 푠2 ∈ 훼˜ (푏), ∀푏 ∈ ℬ, the response from the server should be identical.

Our analysis considers 풮 to be the domain of credentials be- CreateResponse(풮˜, CreateRequest(푠1)) ing checked, with 푠 ∈ 풮 denoting a single entry in 풮. We con- ≈ CreateResponse(풮˜, CreateRequest(푠 )) sider 풮 = 풲 for password-only C3 services and 풮 = 풰 × 풲 for 2 username-password C3 services. 푆˜ ⊆ 풮 is a set of 푁 leaked creden- Simply stated, the response from the C3 server to creden- tials. tials with identical linkage will be compuationally indis- We take 푓 to be a cryptographic hash function {0, 1}∗ ↦→ {0, 1}푙) tinguishable. where 푙 is a parameter of the system. The set of buckets, ℬ, is • Inefficient oracle. The attacker should gain no advantage generated from the bucketization function 훽 : 풮 ↦→ 풫 (ℬ)\{∅} from in learning the presence of a credential using the C3 pro- the initial credential set. A credential can be assigned to multiple tocol over checking the same against a plaintext copy of buckets and every credential mapped to at least one bucket. the breach. Taking t(f) as the time taken to compute the We additionally consider an inverse function to 훽 : 훼 : ℬ ↦→ 풫 (풮). funciton f, and T being a time period such that: The function 훼 takes a bucket identifier as input and maps it to set t(CreateRequest(푠)) > 푇 of credentials; 훼 (푏) = {푠 ∈ 풮 | 푏 ∈ 훽(푆)}. Since 훼 (푏) represents the reverse mapping of the set of all credentials, 풮, the C3 servers An attacker with direct access to the breached dataset, in this report deal with a smaller function, 훼˜ (푏) = 훼 (푏) ∩ 풮˜. determining membership of 풮˜ can be given as: Design Principles. Thomas et al.[8] laid out design principles t(푠 ∈ 풮˜) > 푇 ′ for C3 services. While they laid these out keeping GPC in mind, we ′ use them as guiding principles to provide critiques to either types Ideally, 푇 ≥ 푇 . of C3 services. • Resistance to Denial-of-Service. The C3 server should not require significantly more computation than the request- (1) Democratized access: A C3 service should provide access ing client. Formally, it should be difficult for a malicious to any new party that wishes to query it. The protocol for client to find a sequence of credentials 푠1, 푠2, ...푠푛 such that lookup should not rely on trust or use authentication as a Õ Õ form of rate-limiting. t(CreateRequest(푠푖 )) ≪ t(CreateResponse(Req푖 )) (2) Actionable, not informational: The advice that C3 ser- 푖 푖 vices provide should be actionable, i.e., aimed at having users (2) Honest-but-curious Server. The C3 server may be com- change their password on the account that has been com- promised or, alternatively, the server itself may attempt to promised. Merely informing users about a potential breach, learn the client’s credentials from their requests. including only an email address, a phone number, or physical • Requester Credential Anonymity. A secure C3 protocol pro- address is insufficient towards getting them to take action. vides credential anonymity for every request. For every (3) Breached, not weak: The warnings displayed by C3 ser- requested credential 푠1 ∈ 푏, for a bucket 푏 ∈ 훽(풮), such vices should only deal with breached credentials, not just that, | 푏 |= 퐾. Then, ∀푠2 ∈ 푏 the result of weak passwords. CreateRequest(푠 ) ≈ CreateRequest(푠 ) (4) Near real time: C3 services discussed in this report have 1 2 been developed with the intent of interrupting users during No efficient adversary can distinguish either request apart account creation or login. Services need to be in a position any better than random guessing. to check entered passwords almost instantaneously, and C3 • Known Username Attack (KUA). A weaker assumption than services designed to serve such purposes need to complete credential anonymity is when the adversary knows the the protocol in real time. client’s username. In a KUA model, the attacker may have 3 been successful in linking usernames to queries based on 훽퐹푆퐵 (푤): 훼˜ (푏): metadata (e.g., originating IP address). The attacker may n |ℬ|.푝ˆ푠 (푤) o 퐹푆퐵 훾 ← min |ℬ|, then narrow down potential passwords and perform login 푝ˆ푠 (푤푞˜ ) /* returns {푤 ∈ 풮˜|푏 ∈ 훽(푤)} */ 푠 ← 푓 (푤) attempts on external websites. In such a scenario, Li et 퐴 ← 풲푞˜ If 푠 + 훾 < |ℬ| then al. [13] modeled their protocols to be resistant against a For 푤 ∈ 풮˜\풲 do 푟 ← [푠, 푠 + 훾 − 1] 푞˜ variable, 푞, representing the number of attempts that the If 푏 ∈ 훽 (푤) then Else 퐹푆퐵 attacker can make, called the guessing budget. 퐴 ← 퐴 ∪ {푤} 푟 ← [0, 푠 +훾 − 1 mod |ℬ|] return 퐴 3.2 Password-only C3 Services 푟 ← 푟 ∪ [푠, |ℬ| − 1] HaveIBeenPwned (HIBP) is a password-only C3 service with over Figure 2: Bucketization function 훽 that assigns - 500M passwords stored in its database. The service stores all breached 퐹푆퐵 words to buckets, and Bucket retrieving function 훼˜ that re- passwords in its dataset in its SHA-1 hashed form. The entire dataset trieves passwords assigned to a bucket in FSB. Here: 푝ˆ is the is available to download, and HIBP claims that offline attacks are 푠 password distribution, 풲 is the set of the 푞˜ most popular out of its threat model since adversaries can access these breaches 푞˜ passwords, ℬ is the set of buckets, and 푓 is the hash func- anyway8. → Z 풮˜ HIBP uses a form of bucketization called Hash-prefix-based buck- tion 푓 : 푊 |퐵 |, and is the set of password in the C3 etization (HPB). The service creates a SHA-1 hash of each of the server’s database. passwords in its database. The service assigns all credentials that share the same hash-prefix to the same bucket. The number of buckets in the database 풮˜ depend on 푙, the length of the hash prefix, while the number of credentials in each bucket HIBP has a total of 220 buckets, this attacker is now as capable as 20 depends on both, 푙 and | 풮˜ |. HIBP uses 푙 = 20 (5 hex characters) an attacker in the wild with a budget of 푞 = 10 × 2 . of the hash prefix, giving them the ability to partition 풮˜ into 220 Frequency-Smoothing Bucketization. Li et al. [13] proposed buckets. a secure password-only alternative to HIBP’s protocol. Frequency A client that wants to query the database computes a hash of Smoothing Bucketization (FSB) assigns each password to multi- their password, and only sends the 20-bit hash prefix to HIBP. The ple buckets based on its probability. They argue that assigning server sends a bucket of hashed passwords in response, using which, passwords to multiple buckets effectively reduces its conditional the client performs a set intersection to determine membership of probabilities given a bucket identifier. their password. The number of hashed passwords in the bucket Implementing FSB would require an estimate of the distribution provides 퐾-anonymity. In practice, HIBP has between 381 and 584 of human-chosen passwords, denoted in this section as 푝ˆ푠 . They passwords in each bucket [21]. also took into account 푞˜, an estimate of the query budget of the This is a weak form of 퐾-anonymity because, (a) SHA-1 is a attacker. weak hash that can be cracked faster than commonly used hash Bucketization Function (훽퐹푆퐵). FSB uses a hash function 푓 : 풲 ↦→ functions [22], and (b) an adversary can use a dictionary to perform Z|ℬ|. The bucketization function is given in Figure 2. The 푞˜ most a brute-force attack and extract other passwords in the bucket popular passwords are added to all | ℬ | buckets. Each of the re- offline. maining passwords are replicated across buckets proportional to 푡ℎ HIBP justifies this choice by stating that leaked passwords are their probability against the 푞˜ most popular password. Consid- 푡ℎ publicly available for adversaries to access and download. They ering 푤푞˜ as the 푞˜ most popular password, a new password 푤 trade privacy for simplicity and efficiency, by adopting a weaker ( ) [ |ℬ|.푝ˆ푠 (푤) ] (with probability 푝ˆ푠 푤 ) is replicated 훾 = ˆ ( ) times. Each hash and caching on Cloudflare’s CDNs. 푝푠 푤푞˜ password is assigned to buckets in the range [푓 (푤), 푓 (푤) + 훾 − 1] HIBP exposes a prefix of the user’s password to the server, nar- mod | ℬ |. rowing down the range of possible passwords to those available Bucket Retrieving Function (훼˜). The FSB solution requires a large in one bucket. It also maps each credential to single bucket. There- number of buckets, | 퐵 |≈ 푁 . It may become infeasable to store fore, the set of passwords in each bucket can be ordered by their each bucket separately. A possible solution is to then store buckets popularity, and these passwords cannot be found in a different as continuous intervals using an interval tree data structure [23], a bucket. solution that still remains expensive to store. An interval tree with Li et al. [13] showed that in the case of HIBP, an attacker that 푁 entries requires 풪(푁 log 푁 ) storage, 풪(푁 log 푁 ) time to build learns the hash prefix and has a guessing budget of 푞 is equivalent the treee, and 풪(log 푁 + |훼˜ (푏)|) time to query a credential. to an attacker with a guessing budget of 푞. | ℬ | (and no knowledge Estimating password distributions. The implementation of FSB of the hash prefix), where | ℬ | is the total number of buckets. requires that the server provide an approximate probability estimate For example, an attacker with 푞 = 10 guesses, without knowledge to each password, and also provide clients a way of doing so before of the hash prefix would guess the 10 most popular passwords. After sending their request. Pal et al. [24] used a dataset of credentials in learning the hash prefix, however, they can narrow their attempts to their password strength meter. Li et al. [13] used this dataset to, after the 10 most popular passwords in the corresponding bucket. Since trial and error, arrive at a probability distribution that combines a histogram, 푝ˆℎ (for popular passwords) and a normalized Markov- 8HIBP Passwords: model based estimation, 푝ˆ푛 (for less probable passwords) [25]. 4 푝ˆ (푤), if푤 ∈ 푆˜ ,  ℎ 푡 a username-password pair as input, and provides an actionable, not ˆ ( ) = 1−Í 푝ˆ (푤) 푝푠 푤 푤˜ ∈푆˜푡 ℎ informational alert to the user. 푝ˆ푛 (푤). Í , otherwise.  1− ∈ ˜ 푝ˆ푛 (푤)  푤˜ 푆푡 Security. Any implementation of FSB will require an estimate of 3.3 Username-password C3 Services the query budget, 푞˜, of an attacker that the protocol is protecting Google Password Checkup (GPC) is a username-password C3 ser- against. Li et al. [13] proved a theorem that stated that any adversary vice with a breach database of over 4B credentials. The service with a guessing budget lesser than the estimate, 푞 < 푞˜, gains no was released as a means to provide context-based, actionable alerts, additional advantage from learning the FSB bucket identifier. For initially made available as a browser extension, and is now included any adversary with a larger guessing budget, 푞 > 푞˜, their advantage as a default service on all Google accounts. is bounded by the difference between the estimate and the actual Similar to HIBP, GPC also bucketizes its database using their budget, 푞 − 푞˜, and the probability 푝ˆ (푤 ) of the 푞˜푡ℎ password. 푠 푞˜ hash-prefix. The service, however, creates its hashes using amore Evaluation. Li et al. [13] used a breach dataset comprising 436M secure alternative, Argon211. unique passwords previously used by Pal et al. [24]. They set up GPC secures queried credentials using 퐾-anonymity guaranteed a C3 service with a rest API on AWS Lambda9. They used a Dy- by bucketization, performs a private set intersection between the namoDb10 instance to hold each node of the FSB interval tree in a queried credential and its corresponding bucket, and relies on a separate cell. Their evaluation showed that an estimate of the pass- computationally expensive hashing function. word distribution, 푝ˆ took 8.9MB of space on their dataset. With an 푠 The hash-based prefix in question, however, is the first 4-hex estimated query budget of 푞˜ = 103, the dataset has an approximate characters (16-bits) of the resulting hash. GPC leaks fewer bits than bucket size of 6K passwords (vs. 413 for HIBP) and takes about twice HIBP does, but also includes larger buckets of passwords in its as much time as the default HIBP implementation to complete each response. password query (527ms vs. 220ms.). GPC prevents pre-computed dictionary attacks on its 16-byte Critique. Queries made to HIBP return hashed passwords, 퐻 (푝), hash output by blinding it with a 224-bit secret key 푏. It maps the which can be cracked offline using a pre-computed dicitonary -a hash to a point on the ellipic curve NID_secp224r1 and raises the threat that is exacerbated by the lack of salt. The scheme violates resulting point by the power of 푏. The resulting blinded hash of the requester credential anonymity against an honest-but-curious server, password is then stored in the corresponding bucket. and further reduce the search space for an attacker attempting to CreateRequest: The client generates a request by first hashing guess a user’s queried password. the username-password pair, and then blinding it using the same Since the response also provides access to hashes of other pass- method adopted by the server. It, however, uses its own random words in the bucket, both HIBP and FSB can be used to rebuild secret key, 푎, to blind the hash. It then sends the 2-byte prefix of the underluing password dictionary, and do not satisfy the require- the hash along with the blinded credential to the server. ments for bounded leakage. CreateResponse: Upon receiving the request, the server fetches An FSB implementation requires that the C3 service estimate the the bucket corresponding to the hash-prefix. It also manipulates probability distribution of passwords, 푝ˆ (≈8.9MB), and any new 푠 the blinded value in the request, to help the client execute a PSI client acquire 푝ˆ before querying the server. Their implementation 푠 with the returned bucket. The protocol is laid out in Figure 3. of the service does not provide democratized access to its clients Under the random oracle model [27], considering Argon2 to be and does not take into account the cost of updating their estimate modeled as a perfect hashing function, the hash-and-blind scheme of 푝ˆ with every user at regular intervals. 푠 adopted by GPC is an implementation of an Oblivious Pseudo- While FSB successfully limits the advantage that an attacker random Function (OPRF) against an honest-but-curious adversary gains from learning a regular HPB bucket identifier, it is an expen- under the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. sive protocol to implement. Li et al. [13] observed an increase in Security. Despite adopting multiple new security measures over bucket size proportional to the estimated query budget 푞˜. Their HIBP’s approach, GPC suffers from similar security vulnerabilities evaluation using the dataset from [24] rendered bucket sizes of 83 resulting from HPB. Li et al. [13] observed that with a hash prefix for 푞˜ = 1, 852 for 푞˜ = 10, 6299 for 푞˜ = 102, and 25191 for 푞˜ = 103. It length of 16 bits, an adversary under the KUA model could success- helps to know that these query budgets are orders of magnitude fully guess 59.7% of the passwords from previously uncompromised smaller than the recommended query budget required to crack accounts in fewer than 1K guesses. credentials for both online and offline attacks. Identifier-based Bucketization.(IDB) Both Li et al. [13] and Tan et al. [26] recommend protecting credentials against at least Thomas et al. [8] independently proposed a more secure albeit com- 푞 = 108 for online attacks. Taking this bare minimum as an es- putationally expensive variant to the original Hash Prefix-based timate, 푞˜ would result in buckets of > 109 passwords per bucket GPC protocol. They proposed using merely the hash prefix of the ac- passed in each query from an FSB-based C3 service. Such bandwidth count username (identifier), 푓 (푢) , instead of both, the username requirements will be infeasable for a near real time implementation. [0:푛] and password, 푓 (푢,푤) as the bucket identifier. The credentials Lastly, password-only C3 services are effective in merely inform- [0:푛] stored in the bucket can still be a hash-and-blind of the (푢,푤) pair ing users about weak passwords. If two users, 푢 and 푢 share a 1 2 combined. Changes to the original protocol are included in the password that’s been part of a breach, it limits the security advice boxed code in Figure 3. that the user receives. We therefore require a C3 service that takes

9AWS Lambda: 11GPC uses the following parameters for Argon2 hashing: single thread, 256 MB or 10DynamoDb: memory and time cost of three. 5 CreateDatabase: near real time execution of the protocol as is evident from a median Let 풮˜ = {(푢1,푤1), ..., (푢푁 ,푤푁 )}, of 8.5s observed by the deployment from Thomas et al. [8]. 푏 ← Z, and 푛 = 2 GPC does not, however, provide democratized access as they For (푢푖,푤푖 ) ∈ 풮˜ do claim in their paper. The current implementation provides an API 퐻 ← 푓 (푢푖,푤푖 ) to users who register with Google’s Cloud Services, a paid service 퐻푏 ← 퐹 (퐻,푏) that requires authentication and billing information. 퐻 ← 푓 (푢푖 ) To their credit, Thomas et al. [8] independently proposed the IDB variant before Li et al. [13] did in the same year. While they ( 푏 ) 훽퐺푃퐶 퐻 [0:푛], 퐻 recognized the security advantage of the implementation, their CreateRequest: API documentation does not currently include instructions for this ← Let 푎 Z variant, indicating that relevant code has not been included in their ← ( ) 퐻 푓 푢,푤 deployment. 푎 ← ( ) 퐻 퐹 퐻, 푎 The current GPC implementation, is however, a secure method 퐻 ← 푓 (푢) of querying C3 services, especially advantageous to users with a 푎 return Request(퐻 [0:푛], 퐻 ) Google account who use Chrome’s inbuilt . CreateResponse: 퐻푎푏 ← 퐹 (퐻푎,푏) 4 PRE-BREACH ALERTING 퐴 ← 훼˜퐺푃퐶 (퐻 [0:푛]) C3 services help inform users after their credentials have been return Response(퐻푎푏, 퐴) compromised in a data breach. While this is an important service Verdict: to provide, we need additional steps to limit the effectiveness of 퐻푏 ← 퐹˜(퐻푎푏, 푎) credential stuffing by preventing users from reusing passwords return 퐻푏 ∈ 퐴 in the first place. Compromise of password databases often go undetected for long periods of time (as of 2017, 15 months on Figure 3: Algorithms for GPC. Here 풮˜ is the set of leaked cre- average), leaving C3 servers out of sync [29]. dentials with the C3 server, 푓 is the hash function 푓 : 푊 → Services designed to restrict users from reusing passwords can ˜ be effective in increasing the possibility that they take action before Z|퐵 |, 퐹 is a blinding function while 퐹 is an inverse function used to unblind values, 푎 and 푏 are secrets used by the client a breach. Towards this end, this section provides an insight into and server respectively. Operations in boxes are additional efforts to combat password reuse. steps included in the IDB variant. 4.1 Server-side Reuse Checks Wang and Reiter [14] proposed a server-side protocol to check for As a compromise, clients will have to compute an additional reused passwords during account creation. They did so “to question computationally expensive hash, but will, however, not have to the zeitgeist in the computer security community that password reuse expose any of their password bits while engaging with the protocol. cannot be addressed by technical means without imposing unduly on Critque. GPC addresses and resolves multiple issues that were user security or privacy.” observed with HIBP. They blind their hashed credentials, making it They proposed that websites register with a centralized directory difficult for an adversary to infer any new information onthebasis that maintains a list of services that a user has an account with. of the bucket returned from the server (bounded leakage). Any new service that the user wishes to register with will then The implementation of both GPC and its IDB variant involves contact all other websites via the directory, to ensure that the new an inefficient oracle. The client engaging in the protocol performs password that the user is trying to set hasn’t been previously used. multiple hashes, blinds and unblinds values, and performs a PSI Their paper claims that the proposed framework does not require operation. The server, on the other hand, only performs a blinding unversal adoption. The top 20 websites on the Internet have >3.5B 12 operation for each request before fetching the corresponding user accounts13. If only these top 20 sites were to participate in the bucket. Their solution also makes it difficult for an adversary to proposed protocol, users would then be forced to remember at least launch a Denial-of-service attack on the C3 server. 4-5 passwords which is “the maximum for unrelated, unregulated GPC provides greater requester credential anonymity to its clients passwords that users can be expected to cope with” [30]. in comparison to HIBP, but is still vulnerable as was shown by Li et Security and Privacy Goals. The proposal took two primary goals al. [13]. Their claim to have satisfied this threat model does not hold into consideration. in the light of new information. With the IDB variation, however, (1) account location privacy: Querying websites do not learn GPC can potentially at least satisfy the KUA model, compromis- the presence of user accounts on other participating web- ing bits of the username while sharing no information about the sites. password. (2) account security: While improving the security of pass- Of the design principles, GPC successfully achieves: (a) action- words of a user accounts created on a given website, the able, not informational alerts with usernames included for context; (b) breached, not weak passwords, reducing warning fatigue [28]; (c) 13Statistics from: 12A blinding operation is less expensive to compute in comparison to a hash function. ranked-by-number-of-users/ 6 ˜ ′ 푅푒푞(푎,푤, 푙, ⟨푓푖 ⟩푖 ∈[푘 ]) 푅푒푠푝({풮(푎 )}푎′ ∈퐴)

r1. ⟨푝푘, 푠푘⟩ ← Gen(1풦) Ð r2. 퐽푅푒푞 ← {푓(푤)} 푖 ∈{푘 } ( Enc푝푘 ($(G)), if 푗 ∈ 퐽푅푒푞 r3. ∀푗 ∈ [푙] : 푐 푗 ← Enc푝푘 (1G), if 푗 ∉ 퐽푅푒푞

푎,푝푘,⟨푓푖 ⟩푖∈[푘 ],⟨푐 푗 ⟩푗∈[푙 ] m1. −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Figure 5: A password reuse detection framework based on the PMT protocol.

s1. abort if ∃푗 ∈ [푙] : 푐 푗 ∉ 퐶푝푘 Ð Ð ′ s2.퐽푅푒푠푝 ← {푓푖 (푤 )} ′ ∈풮˜ ( ) 푖 ∈[푘 ] 푤 푎 ← × ∈ $ and public-key 푝푘, produces 푐 푐1 푝푘 푐2 where 푐 s3. 푧 ←− Z∗ ! ! 퐶푝푘 (푚1푚2). Î s4. 휌 ← exp푝푘 푐 푗 , 푧 The protocol is shown in Figure 4. The requester takes as input 푗 ∈[푙 ]\퐽푅푒푠푝 the account identifier, 푎, and the new password 푤. The requester 휌 m2. ←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 푅푒푞 creates a bloom filter of length 푙, computes 푘 hash functions r4. abort if 휌 ∉ 퐶푝푘 푓 , and records the set of corresponding indices, 퐽푅푒푞. The 푅푒푞 then r5. 푚 ← Dec푠푘 (휌) encrypts the entries in the bloom filter with a random value for all ? indices 푗 ∈ 퐽푅푒푞, and the identity of the cyclic group for all other r6. return (푚 = 1G) values. The responder 푅푒푠푝 computes own hashes on its set of pass- Figure 4: PMT protocol. 푅푒푞 returns true if the password 푤 is words 푃 (푎), and records the indices corresponding to the entries similar to a password with registered with 푅푒푠푝, i.e.,푤 ∈ 풮˜(푎). in the bloom filter, 퐽푅푒푠푝 . It then returns a value to 푅푒푞 indicat- Here, 푓 is a hash function, 푓 : 풲 → Z, 푙 is the length of the ing [푙]\퐽푅푒푠푝 ⊆ [푙]\퐽푅푒푞, where “\” indicates set difference. 푅푒푠푝 bloom filter, 퐽푅푒푞 and 퐽푅푒푠푝 are sets of occupied indices of the performs a multiplicative operation on the ciphertext of indices bloom filter. from [푙]\퐽푅푒푠푝 . If the resulting product holds the identity 1G, the password 푤 has a similar value in 푃 (푎). Malicious requester. The paper suggests that if the responder cor- protocol does not qualitatively degrade security in a differ- rectly performs the protocol, a malicious requester learns nothing ent aspect. more than the existence of a password similar to the one queried. A requesting site with the user’s password performs a private A malicious requester can possibly generate multiple requests set-membership-test (PMT) protocol with every other website that and learn which passwords are still in use. The paper addresses rec- the user has an account with. We lay out the details of the protocol ommends that the directory trigger an email to the user to confirm below. each request, thereby reducing the scale of the attack. It’ll be useful Private Set-Membership-Test. (PMT) Participants in the pro- for the reader to know that email is considered an insecure and ex- tocol include a requester, 푅푒푞, who inquires with a responder, 푅푒푠푝, ploitable mode of authentication [31, 32]. Besides, given that users as to whether a password, 푤, chosen by a user with account identi- already verify access to their account after the creating a password, fier, 푎, at 푅푒푞 is already in use with 푅푒푠푝.The responder has a set of notification fatigue can make the suggested remedy ineffective [28]. ˜ passwords, 풮(푎), similar to the passwords that 푎 has set with 푅푒푠푝. Finally, a malicious requester may be able to infer the identity The PMT protocol uses a multiplicatively homomorphic encryp- of websites that the user has an account with, thereby using the tion scheme, Elgamal, 휖 = (Gen, Enc, Dec, ×[.]). The protocol uses protocol as a fingerprinting vector. The paper suggests that the $ 푧 ←− Z to denote random selection from set Z. directory randomize the order of responses, making it hard to infer the websites that have been queried. While useful in the context • Gen is a randomized encryption algorithm with a public- of a larger list of websites, the paper acknowledged the difficulty key/private-key pair, ⟨푝푘, 푠푘⟩ ← Gen(1풦) from a multi- of getting numerous websites to participate in the protocol. If only plicative cyclic group ⟨G, × ⟩. G the 20 most popular websites participate, a malicious requester • Enc is a randomized encryption algorithm that using public- can effectively narrow down vulnerable sites, reducing their online key 푝푘 and plaintext message 푚 ∈ G. 퐶푝푘 (푚) denotes the set Ð query budget, 푞˜, and weakening account location privacy. of all ciphertexts generated by Enc푝푘 (푚).퐶푝푘 = 퐶푝푘 (푚) 푚∈G Malicious Directory. The paper suggests that the directory, be- is the ciphertext space under the public key 푝푘. ing a third-party entity can either be trusted or untrusted. If the • Dec is a deterministic algorithm that uses private-key 푠푘 third-party directory is considered a trusted entity, websites reg- and ciphertext 푐 ∈ 퐶푝푘 (푚), and produces 푚 ← Dec푠푘 (푐). If ister regular public URLs with it. Websites can, however, register 푐 ∉ 퐶푝푘 , then ⊥← Dec푠푘 (푐). pseudo addresses for each entry to an untrusted directory, and di- •× [.] is a randomized multipliative algorithm that on re- rect all incoming traffic through Tor. Besides the narrowing down ceiving two ciphertexts 푐1 ∈ 퐶푝푘 (푚1) and 푐2 ∈ 퐶푝푘 (푚2) of possible values to Pr[1/20] for a service with 20 participating 7 websites, hidden addresses can be deanonymized by an untrusted across replicas exist [35, 36], and will be required in any deployment directory [33]. of the PMT service, but cost of such overhead needs evaluation. Since directories have access to the implementation of the con- We finally argue against the requirement of a server-side check sent mechanism, they can bypass such requirements and behave in for password reuse. The paper repeatedly refers to the benefits of a manner similar to a malicious requester, a threat vector that the using a password manager to generate strong, randomized pass- paper did not address. words, but does not address additional services that these password Malicious Responder. A malicious responder may attempt a denial- managers provide. In the section that follows we address existing of-service attack by always returning 휌 ∈ 퐶푝푘 (1G) for any request. alternatives and expand on their benefits. Such a response would make it impossible for the user to create an account with the requester. 4.2 Client-side Reuse Checks The paper suggests that the directory randomly generate test Applications, extensions, and built-in password managers provide password queries, filling the bloom filter 퐽 with 푐 ∈ 퐶 \ 푅푒푞 푗 푝푘 client-side checks for password reuse across websites. ’s 퐶 (1 ). If the responder returns an incorrect 휌 ∈ 퐶 (1 ), the 푝푘 G 푝푘 G Watchtower [11], LastPass security checks [12], Firefox’s Lockwise directory can block it from receiving future queries. Performing Monitor [37], and Chrome/Google’s built-in password checks [38] audits is an effective solution, but would require creating a bypass of are examples of services that evaluate all user passwords registered user consent while generating requests, thereby creating a backdoor with them. to launch scalable attacks. Password manager implementations have user passwords de- Security for password storage. The proposed PMT protocol will crypted locally on the user’s device or browser, using keys derived require each responder to generate and store 풮˜(푎) for each account from a master password. The mechanism restricts servers from - a function that would require access to the user’s passwords in accessing password vaults without user consent. plaintext for each request. With the plaintext and hashed versions of passwords available An alternative solution suggested that each responder preemp- locally, applications can perform simple equality checks across 풮˜( ) tively compute the hashes of passwords for 푎 and discard these all registered passwords, and return a warning to users without passwords. The hashing function used would need to be different creating network requests to other websites. These services are not from the one used to store passwords for user identification (usu- vulnerable to attacks on the PMT protocol described in the previous ally PBKDF2), and would need to be computationally expensive to section. make it difficult to crack in the event of a compromise. This solution Since these services combine reuse checks with strength meters did not, however, address that hashes require randomization to be and requests to C3 services, they generate warnings and alerts from secure against offline dictionary attacks. a single source. Golla et al. [39] recommended an evaluation of the The paper finally suggests that responders salt these hashes, effectiveness of such centralized notifications (vs. those generated and all responders share the same salt. Such synchronization adds by individual websites), and MacGregor [40] performed a user study, communication overhead, and reduces the effectiveness of random- providing evidence of comprehension of password reuse in a cross- ization in the event of a data breach at any participating website - site context. factors that were not addressed. The effectiveness of client-side reuse checks boils down to adop- Critique. Following the critiques already included in the discus- tion by users and the assumption that users actively register all sion of protocol security above, we provide a higher-level overview account credentials with their password manager. Adoption of pass- of our concerns with the proposed protocol, its practicality, effi- word managers, however, remains a concern, with users demon- ciency, and need in this subsection. strating trouble in understanding their working and the additional Wang and Reiter attempted “to question the zeitgist” - an attempt security benefits that they provide [41, 42]. that should be commended and encouraged. Such papers have, in the past, managed to generate discussion and have offered fresh perspective [34]. 5 DISCUSSION The problem addressed in the paper, however, is the absence Despite multiple services deploying solutions to warn users against of server-side protocols to combat password reuse. The proposed password reuse, the practice fails to demostrate a tangible impact on PMT protocol introduces new exploits of user account passwords, user actions. Individual websites deploying their own notification and is expensive to set up and maintain. mechanism are ineffective in translating warnings into action, and The PMT protocol slows down the process of account creation, add to notification fatigue [28, 39]. taking an approximate of 5s with a trusted directory (8s for un- Both HIBP and GPC provide access to a large breach dataset and trusted) for a single query, not taking into account additional user receive queries from multiple websites, password managers, and consent requirements. end users. These services, however, lack democratized access, and The deployment of the system would require multiple services are yet to adopt recommendations made by security researchers agreeing to collaborate in the creation and maintenance of an ex- (including their own [8]). pensive centralized directory. 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