History of the Organic Movement

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History of the Organic Movement Proceedings of the Workshop History of the Organic Movement held at the 88th ASHS Annual Meeting The Pennsylvania State University, University Park 24 July 1991 sponsored by the ASHS History of Horticultural Science Working Group ASHS Vegetable Crops Management Working Group published by the American Society for Horticultural Science Alexandria, VA 22314-2824 Workshop Papers and Authors Presiding: Jules Janick Introduction to the Workshop Rodale Press and Organic Gardening Jules Janick William C. Kel~v Early Roots of the Organic Movement: A Plant Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, Nutrition Perspective and the Environmental Movement Ronald F. Korcak Caula A. Bey/ Sir Albert Howard and the Indore Process The Organic Farming Movement in Europe David R. Hershey Si/viero Sansavini and Joerg Wollesen Organic Gardening and Ecosystem Alteration Miklos Faust -----------------/ W. or soil organisms to plant nutrition in soil systems. Caula A. Bey!, in "Rachel Carson, Silent Introduction to the It is also fairto say that in the real world this fact has Spring, and the Environmental Movement," pre­ Workshop been ignored in many agricultural systems where sents the background for one of the most influen­ short-term responses to inorganic fertilizers have tial books of the 20th century, awork that brought been emphasized with little attention given to other the environmental hazards inherent in pesticides consequences ofthese practices. The typical grower to public consciousness. The events leading to Jules Janick considers the choice of replacement of essential public concern over DDT, as well as the response elements to soil systems, as a consequence of to the thalidomide disaster, mark the beginnings of crop withdrawal or natural deficiency, to be a the environmental movement, a defining event in purely economic decision. The organic movement, our culture. The environmental movement, con­ on the other hand, considers synthetic chemicals ceived in fear and born in crisis, struck aresponsive he organic movement has progressed or fertilizers to be not only poisonous but also chord in the United States during the late 1960s. om asmall band of idealists to anational ritually unclean; their application is considered a The movement has proved to be a force to be nd international. fore~ with stron~ politi­ symbolic act tantamount to sin. The emotional recognized. The buzzwords "organic" and "natu­ al influence. Th1s top1c has contmued to dispute over nutrient source, i.e., the distinction ral," shamefully exploited bytheconsumer-oriented engender passion and fervor and is con­ between organic vs. nonorganic source for fertil­ food and cosmetic industries, replaced the epithets lstantly in the news. In the past, some of the izer materials, is adifference akin to distinctions of "science" and "technology." The clamor over proponents of the organic movement have scorned religious dietary Jaws and prohibitions. Conse­ pollution made agricultural technologists painfully science and technology, considering them to be quently, the dispute between the proponents of aware of the long-range implications of their ac­ the cause of our problems rather than the cure. As organic agriculture and agricultural science re­ tions. Despite aconcerted attack by the agribusiness a result, science and the organic movement have sembles a conflict of opposing values-more a complex and early widespread disinterest by the had an adversarial relationship. Today, the very religious dispute than a scientific controversy. academic community, the issue refused to go word "organic" has a visceral effect on the one "Sir Albert Howard and The Indore Process," away, especially when the achievements of agri­ side, comparable perhaps to the word "chemical" by David R. Hershey, introduces the genesis of the cultural science kept food supplies in surplus and on the other. Nevertheless, there seems Iittle doubt modern organic movement through the career of a prices of agricultural commodities depressed. that the organic movement, in the guise of its scientifically trained agriculturist who was an The effect of the organic movement on con­ various synonyms-sustainable agriculture, the iconoclast to the agricultural establishment of his temporary agriculture is underscored in Silviero green movement, organic farming, the environ­ time. Howard is best known for his advocacy of a Sansavini and Joerg Wollesen's "The Organic mental movement-will be a determinate force in composting system for the recycling of plant refuse Farming Movement in Europe," a survey demon­ horticulture in the 1990s. and organic waste materials to improve soil prop­ strating the extent of agricultural change in direct This workshop examines the roots of the erties. His advocacy of a questionable hypothesis response to the movement. Formerly, the organic organic and environmental movements and inves­ that there is adirect connection between soil health concept found a willing advocate in the home­ tigates their scientific, antiscientific, and emo­ and plant health led to ridicule by the scientific gardener but had little or no effect on commercial tional basis with emphasis on horticulture. We see community. However, his agricultural philosophy agriculture. This is no longer the case in Europe. that the organic movement is "no alien implant" was popularized by J.l. Rodale, an unconventional Part of the response may be passed off as asimple but may be considered the reappearance, in con­ publisher and promoter who single-handedly at­ reaction to a discovered market niche, but the temporary guise, of a long tradition. We hope this tacked the medical and agricultural establishment scope of the organized responses reflects afunda­ workshop will alter our way of thinking about the while establishing a successful magazine empire. mental change in attitude in growers and consum­ problem so that horticultural science and the or­ Rodale, ferociously opposed to agricultural de­ ers, an awareness of the possibility of a more ganic movement can fulfill their mission to improve pendence on fertilizers and pesticides, as well as ecological approach to agriculture. Miklos Faust, the well-being of humankind. the conventional medical establishment, was in the final article "Organic Gardening and Eco­ The first paper, "The Early Roots of the convinced that nutrition held the key to health, and system Alteration," makes the pointthatthe problem Organic Movement" by Ronald F. Korcak, reviews although many of his ideas in this area were weird, at issue is the interrelationship of biological sys­ the origins of our understanding of plant nutrition his emphasis on nutrition and exercise was pre­ tems and that an ecological approach must pro­ and, specifically, the changing perceptions of the scient. The career of this apostle of nonconformity vide the solution to the problem of sustained role of organic matter (humus) in the soil. The is reviewed by William C. Kelly in "Rodale Press agricultural productivity. science of plant nutrition is based on the demon­ and Organic Gardening." stration that plants absorb inorganic salts from the soil and C02 from the air and metabolically trans­ form them into complex organic materials. Green plants are self-nourishing (autotrophic) with re­ spect to organic compounds. This is demon­ strated by the fact that plants grown with nutrient solutions are identical to plants grown in soil. Despite the fact that plants normally do not absorb organic molecules into their roots, soils and inor­ ganic nutrient solutions are not equivalent sub­ strates, because soil is a Jiving, dynamic system. Plant nutritionists and agriculturists do not belittle or underestimate the importance of organic matter Department of Horticulture, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1165. HortTechnol?gy · Apr./June 1992 2(2) Early Roots of the and beast. But that which came from earth there is nothing more beneficial than to turn up a must return to earth and that which came crop of lupines, before they have podded, either with Organic Movement: from air to air. Death, however, does not the plough or the fork, or else to cut them and bury destroy matter but only breaks up the union them them in heaps at the roots of trees and vines." A Plant Nutrition of its elements which are then recombined Though Pliny and subsequent writers over into other forms. (Browne, 1943) the centuries extolled the benefits of manuring Perspective from a scientific viewpoint, little advance was This atomic, cyclic, and nonconvertible chain made on the reasons for these benefits. Generally, of elements through the soil-plant-animal system the Aristotelian concept of the four elements held Ronald F. Korcak was opposed by Aristotle's (384-322 sc) mutual sway into the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages, convertibility of the four elements: earth, water, generally, represent a quiescent period devoid of fire, and air. Since, according to Aristotle, the any advances in science and technology-no less · material constituents of the world were formed in the understanding of plant mineral nutrition. from unions of these four elements, plants assimi­ Some notable exceptions to this void would have Additional index words. humus theory, lated minute organic matter particles through their profound influences on the development of atheory Justus von Liebig, plant nutrition roots which were preformed miniatures (Browne, of plant nutrition near the end of the Middle Ages. 1943). This concept of "organic" nutrition of plants, evolving into the humus theory of plant nutrition,
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