Commissioner Debate Marked by Civility by Link Hoewing

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Commissioner Debate Marked by Civility by Link Hoewing November 2, 2018 A Biweekly Newspaper November 2, 2018 • Volume XIV, Number 17 Legitimacy of New Multiuse Facility Recognized at Historic Debate Between County Executive Candidates By Link Hoewing Emily King, Becky Turnbull, and Linda At a historic debate where all the Walker tended the carryout window at candidates for county executive ap- St. Mary’s. See more in Family Album peared at Poolesville Town Hall, the on page 2. three candidates acknowledged the legitimacy of the call for a new multiuse facility, including a modern high school. Robin Ficker explicitly said a new high school must be built and would be a priority for him, while the other two candidates acknowledged that the Nancy Floreen, Robin Ficker, and Marc Elrich during the historic multiuse facility has merit. Marc Elrich county executive debate held in Poolesville for the very first time. said, “You have made a very compel- ling case…I would support the idea.” The candidates were first asked by represent the interests of Upcounty Nancy Floreen said, “I think it is moderator Rande Davis, co-editor of the residents. He highlighted what he a great idea,” and in a nod to the Monocacy Monocle, why they would be called the Takoma Park Trapezoid—an Gene Kingsbury shared some memories arguments of the Fair Access for the the best candidate for the county and, area of down county he said includes with friends. Find out who and why in Western County Coalition, added, more specifically, for the Upcounty. Bethesda, Silver Spring, and Takoma Local News on page 5. “We are not making services available Robin Ficker pointed to his residency Park where the other two county to the entire county.” in Boyds in the Ag Reserve and the executive candidates reside as do a This was the highlight of a debate involvement of his family in farming majority of the county council—as evi- that included a wide range of issues (specifically his son) as one reason to dence that the Upcounty has too long of interest to Upcounty residents. consider him the best candidate to Continued on page 21. Commissioner Debate Marked by Civility By Link Hoewing Among the most important aspects of the October 25 debate at Poolesville The White House Historical Associa- Town Hall between the three candi- tion had a celebration for Poolesville’s dates for two town commissioner Abby Clouse-Radigan. Tidbits on spots was this: It was civil and even page 7 has the details. included several instances of humor. In this sense, it represented a signifi- cant departure from much of the “debate” often seen in many national and even state political races. Jim Brown, Kerri Cook, and Danny Embrey. On most of the major questions asked of the three candidates, Jim work as a leader with the PTSA. Cook started with a quote, “Be the Brown, Kerri Cook, and Danny Danny Embrey highlighted his roots change you want to see in the world.” Embrey, there were no significant as a Poolesvillian who grew up in the She has “always been a joiner” and policy differences. Instead, the most town and returned, and his ability to stepped up to lead the PTSA not too noticeable differences were in style work with people and gain their trust long after her family had moved to and the leadership background the as he has done professionally in his Poolesville. She joined a number of three candidates brought to the table. financial services business. local groups, including Poolesville Sitting Commission President Jim The debate was moderated by Green. She characterized her back- Brown emphasized his experience and Brian Hundertmark, representing the ground of active involvement in a his belief that the town has achieved Poolesville Area Chamber of wide array of volunteer groups as giv- Ali Safavieh is celebrating something significant successes during his tenure. Commerce, which sponsored the ing her a broad sense of the issues and all too rare in Poolesville. Find out Kerri Cook focused on her civic event. He first asked all the candidates what needs improvement. what in Focus on Business on page 10. activism and involvement, and in her to make an opening statement. Continued on page 18. Page 2 The Monocacy Monocle November 2, 2018 Family Album A tour bus from the Franconia Museum in Virginia stopped at our Old Town Hall Bank Museum Christine Rai conducts the first and at the home of Civil War Bill Lynch, Chip Smallwood, and Peter Florczyk welcomed all the annual HMD Ghost Tour of haunted colonel Elijah Viers White’s home, hungry guests at St. Mary’s annual ham and turkey dinner. sites in Poolesville. Stoney Castle. Kathleen and Bernie Mihm along with Gail Lee were not frightened by the zombie (Alex Markoff). PACC members were all smiles, even at the scary Markoff’s Haunted Forest. All great community dinners at St. Mary’s begin with a great crew of cooks. Friends gathered to share a meal at the St. Mary’s dinner. November 2, 2018 The Monocacy Monocle Page 3 Page 4 The Monocacy Monocle November 2, 2018 speeders, that they would cause long Commentary lines at peak traffic times, or that School News annoyed drivers would retaliate with loud takeoffs, or other outrages. Simi- I Got Flashed in Boyds larly, not everyone in Boyds wanted PHS Students lights, and there was frustration over By John Clayton the state moving ahead without Commended in Right in the middle of Old Boyds— waiting for more input from the com- The National Merit twice, in fact—it’s true! munity. The march of modernity is Boyds now has two brand-spank- fraught with discord. I heard many Scholarship Program ing-new sets of traffic signals, and they people say, to my shock and horror, By Rande Davis are right in the old section of Boyds— that riots broke out in Barnesville over Forty-two PHS students have been not that new section of Boyds that these stop signs. I have no actual proof named as being commended in the Foo, Devin Hoover, Amand Hu, pretends to be Germantown. I might of this, but you know how that works. 2019 National Merit Scholarship Pro- Varsha Iver, William Jameson, Alex also add, not to be too competitive, Another event of local interest is the gram. A letter of commendation was Jin, Minjee Jung, Grace Kim, Dominic that Boyds, the old section, now has upcoming election just a few days given at a ceremony at the school on Lanasa, Miranda Liu, Zachary two sets of traffic signals as compared away. For once, we Montgomery October 16. Luckabaugh, Justin Ma, Benjamin to, let’s see, how many in Poolesville? County voters have a competitive race A spokesperson for the National Molnar, Herschel Nambiar, Marshal None, I believe. I further have it on for county executive. To recap, Marc Merit Scholarship Corporation noted Nambiar, Manni Pabba, Emily Pham, good authority that they will soon be Elrich won a closely-competed prima- that the “men and women being turned on to their full green, amber, ry for the Democratic nomination, and Rachel Robin, Varshini Selvadurai, named Commended Students have red, and back-to-green glory, if they Nancy Floreen subsequently decided Alessandra Sena, Ishana Shastri, demonstrated outstanding academic have not already been. It’s easily the to run as an independent specifically Grace Tang, Nina Tang, Ashwini potential for success.” biggest thing to happen in Old Boyds to oppose him. Both of these candi- Thirukkonda, Cathryn Trelevin, The PHS students are: Luckshika A. since the last time the train jumped dates presently serve on the county Sourabh Vellalla, Justin Vidas, Angela Arudchandran, Edward Bian, Kevin the tracks. council and are prevented from Wang, Kaitlyn Yang, Ashley Yim, Chen, Peiqi Chen, Marilyn Cherfan, If that one burst of urbanity isn’t running for another term thanks to a Melody Zhang, Michelle Zheng, Eric Vincent Chim, Daniel Fong, Bryan enough, consider that Barnesville now recent term limit ballot initiative hon- Zong, Samuel Zhou, and Amy Zhu. has two sets of all-way stop signs on its choed by local attorney, perennial can- main road. The signs are on the state- didate, and retired sports heckler Rob- owned portion of Barnesville Road in in Ficker. The Republican nominee for the heart of downtown Barnesville county executive, who ran unopposed and are, as reported in the Monocle a in the primary, is that same Robin few months ago, an attempt to slow Ficker. He is the only candidate that traffic. I have no proof that the signs actually lives in the Upcounty, just Congratulations! have succeeded in slowing traffic but it south of Barnesville in what the postal would do well to remember that, in service considers Boyds. The election this modern age, there is no proof of could be exciting. Can Floreen pull Contributing Writers anything, and anything could very enough voters off the straight Demo- Dominique Agnew well be true. The stop-sign poles have cratic ticket to craft an upset? Can El- [email protected] cool flashing lights atop them which I rich hold on to the party faithful for a Kerri Cook [email protected] assume are to aid in visibility, and not win? Will those two split the vote Published and Edited by Andie Devynck just an aesthetic touch which someone enough for Ficker to break the Demo- John Clayton and Rande Davis [email protected] added. Barnesville is home to many cratic lock on the county executive’s Link Hoewing highly-artistic people who could have office? This is fun, and you can play, John Clayton [email protected] done such a thing, and while there is too.
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