MINUTES of the Wood & Trench Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 8th November 2011 at the Parish Council Centre, Church Road, at 7pm.

PRESENT: Cllr’s. C.F. Smith – Chair, L.T. Brayne – Vice Chair, K. Hanmer, M. Hanmer, D. Plant, Shirley Reynolds, Stephen Reynolds, J. Thompson, K. R. Watkins and S.A. Watkins.

IN ATTENDANCE: Andrew Careless – & Wrekin Council, Mr. Gaut, Wrockwardine Wood Bowling Club and Four members of the public.

11/2166 APOLOGIES RESOLVED - to accept apologies from Cllr. H Smith (illness).


There were no declarations of interest in any item specified in the agenda.


The Chair presented a grant to Mr. Gaut from the Bowling Club. Mr. Gaut thanked the Council for the grant and informed members that the new green has been sewn and there are slabs to be laid, floodlights erected and a shelter and seating to be installed before it is finished. As there was no one in attendance from No Panic and Wellington Cottage Care It was AGREED to post their cheques.


Cllr. Brayne said that he has received complaints from residents that the right of way footpath off Moss Road is becoming inaccessible as the path is very narrow. Andrew said that old maps show that the path should be at least 2.5m wide. The path is obstructed by a fence, garden and garage and is behind a wooden gate. Andrew said that if the path was reinstated to its full width it would mean taking down the garage and fence and the landowners would be responsible for the cost. Cllr. Brayne pointed out that the landowners would not be able to finance this work. Andrew said that the cost would be approximately £3000 and he would not expect taxpayers to bear the cost. Andrew suggested that as an alternative TWC could clear vegetation to make the path more accessible, although it would not be perfect. It was noted that the property is up for sale and any purchaser should buy the property with the full knowledge that there is a right of way there. Cllr. Stephen Reynolds said that the owner should be made aware in writing and made aware as to where the boundary is. It was AGREED to Andrew’s suggestion to have the area cleared as much as possible and see what it is like from there. Cllr. Brayne said that the speed humps on the road leading to the right of way footpath leave insufficient room for pedestrians. Andrew said that they could probably have them removed if they are a hazard. Cllr. Brayne said that the gate leading to the right of way path should also be removed.

11/2170 PUBLIC SESSION There were no issues raised by any member of the public present.

At 7.20pm. The Chair presented a grant to Mrs. Brain of Wellington Cottage Care who had just entered the meeting.


11/2171 The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 11th October 2011 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


a) Telford & Wrekin Council – Briefing note regarding Housing Related Support Services. The notes inform members of medium term savings proposals for housing related support services. b) Telford & Wrekin Council – Email from Simon Wiley regarding Grit Bins. Simon suggests that the grit bin for Cockshutt Road could be sited on the bend opposite a property called Cylmor and the bin for Pickering Road could be sited on a space just off the footpath on Church Road opposite Pickering Road junction at the bottom of the slope. Simon said that with regard to the bin on Plough Road, he has checked the last 7 years of grit bin records and there is no record of a bin at this location and as Plough Road is included in the gritting routes it would be treated in any case and they would not install a bin at roads that are routinely treated. It was AGREED to site the two bins at the locations suggested by Mr. Wiley. c) Telford & Wrekin Council – Notice of Telford & Wrekin Open Art Exhibition – Tuesday 10th January to Saturday 18th February 2012. The exhibition is open to anyone over the age of 18 to enter and there are three cash prizes. d) West Mercia Police – Copy of an Email from PC John Walters to the Infant School regarding the Youth Club. PC Walters says in the email that he has spoken to team leaders regarding incidents of young people riding bikes on the car park and climbing on the school roof and made a few suggestions to address health and safety issues. PC Walters said that feedback from the school suggests that the club has responded well to these concerns since reopening after the summer break. e) West Mercia Police – Letter from Assistant Chief Constable Simon Edens regarding the new 101 police non-emergency number. This number will be available from 8 th November to report less urgent crime of disorder and for general police enquiries. Examples of use include having your car stolen, damage to property, suspected drug use or dealing, reporting minor traffic collisions and to give the police important information about crime. Calls to this number cost 15p, no matter how long the call is and the number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. f) Residents Letter – to receive a letter from a resident regarding problems at the new playground at Trench Community Centre Playing Field. The resident says that the contractors spread some left over stone along the pathway and local youths have been throwing the stones, hitting houses and cars and on one occasion a young man was hit on the head. Clare Turner from TWC has agreed to have the loose stone removed. An email has been received from the resident today informing us that TWC have cleared most of the stones from the field and have also removed the large amount of stone from the pathway and rolled it down and hopefully this will now solve this problem. The resident said that TWS have today marked out 2 junior football pitches on the field and expressed concerns about the amount of dog mess, stones and broken glass. The resident said that when the football fields were operated by the Trench Community Association they used to open the gate to the field to allow parents to be able to park on the side of the pitches. If this was not done access to the properties at the end of Gibbons Road and access to houses and businesses off the Trench Road became impossible at times. The resident asks that when the pitches are brought into use can there be some arrangements made to ensure that local residents can access their properties either by way of signage or the gates being opened as there is not adequate parking in the area. The Clerk was instructed to report these issues to Telford & Wrekin Council as a matter of urgency.

CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AFTER PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA: Telford & Wrekin Council - Letter from Cllr. Shaun Davies and Cllr. Bill McClements regarding TWC Budget Strategy. Telford & Wrekin Council – Letter from Aaron regarding TW Volunteering Scheme Group requesting details of locally based groups that we think may benefit or welcome volunteers from employees of Telford & Wrekin Council 2 Telford & Wrekin Council – Letter from Cllr. Kuldip Sahota entitled ‘London 2012 Olympic Flame comes to Telford & Wrekin’ The letter says that the Olympic Flame will come to Ironbridge, Telford Town Centre and Newport on the afternoon of Wednesday 30th May. Cllr. Sahota says that TWC will keep us informed of plans to ensure that as many people as possible see the torch as it travels through the Borough.


Telford & Wrekin Council – Press Release re. ‘Share your story of achievement and be ‘A Games and Me Ambassador’ - TWC Are looking for Ambassadors from all walks of life to help them promote Telford & Wrekin’s own celebration of London 2012. Telford & Wrekin Council for Voluntary Service – Grab a Grant Sessions in 2012. Department of Health – ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ Lung Cancer Campaign Communications Toolkit. The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust – Newsletter October 2011. Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine. Leaflets & Brochures.

11/2173 PAYMENTS TO BE ISSUED Each Member received a list of the expenditure transactions for November 2011. RESOLVED – that the expenditure transactions for November 2011 totalling £8.699.46 be approved. (Copy list attached to office Minutes)

11/2174 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE A STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR OCTOBER A Statement of Accounts for October 2011 was tabled (copy attached to office Minutes). RESOLVED – to approve and accept the Statement of Accounts for October 2011.

11/2175 REVIEW OF PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCIES RESOLVED – to write to the Boundary Commission for England to object to their proposals and point out that Telford should be represented by one MP and the town should not be split in two. It was commented that Donnington and Hadley should be moved into the urban area and Shifnal and Albrighton should be in the rural constituency. It was pointed out that similar communities should be kept together. Residents were invited to comment on the proposals. One resident said that they have no comment except that they agree with the Parish Council’s views.

11/2176 ANY ITEMS OF INFORMATION OR ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA a) Cllr. Brayne asked if there is any news on obtaining ‘Resident Only’ parking signs for the car parks at Johnstone Close. The Clerk said that this matter is being dealt with by Telford & Wrekin Legal Department and she will contact them for an update on this item. b) Cllr. K. Hanmer expressed concern about residents parking on footpaths in Church Road causing problems to pushchair and wheelchair users. The Clerk was instructed to inform the local police team. This matter can also be discussed at the next PACT meeting.

11/2177 DATE & VENUE OF THE NEXT MEETING The next Full Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th December 2011 in the School Hall at 7pm.

Signed………………………………………………… Date…………………………………. Chairman 3