Issue No. 3 - 2011 - 2012


Dear Colleagues and Friends in FOBISSEA schools,

We are all aware that recently there has been a huge growth in international educa- tion. Of the many new schools opening, a significant number are based on a British based curriculum, this trend is likely to continue. British education is seen by many as one of the most successful modern British exports. FOBISSEA, along with other organisations representing British international schools around the world, are talking with British government representatives about how we can develop relationships that will be mutually beneficial and ultimately support our students.

However, the main aim of FOBISSEA as a federation is to build and use relationships between our member schools directly for the benefit of students. Increasingly our staff are being given opportunities to work together too. One of the great strengths of FOBISSEA is that it remains people centered.

As we end another school year, all of our schools will say goodbye to students, parents and teachers as they move on. We are also saying goodbye to a number of head teachers, although we are delighted that some current and former heads are returning to lead FOBISSEA schools. On a similar theme we are looking at ways to increase opportunities for good staff to further their experiences and careers by moving within the federa- tion.

In the last edition of the FOBISSEAN I reported that we were about to launch our Affiliate Member option, aimed at formalizing and developing our relationship with the educational and supply organizations who we work with on a regular basis. I am delighted to report that this is now up and running, details of our Affiliate Members will be available on our website with effect from 1st July 2012.

As part of the FOBISSEA family, I wish you all a happy and safe summer break. For those moving on, I hope your experience within a FOBISSEA school has been positive and empowering. For those who are returning for the next school year, I hope you will be able to participate in the ever increasing range of FOBISSEA events.




The FOBISSEA Heads’ Business Meeting 2012 was held on Friday, 16th and Saturday, 17th March 2012 was hosted by The Regent’s School, at the Royal Orchid Shera- ton and Towers Hotel on the banks of the Chao Praya River in Bangkok, .

It was a relief that the meeting took place after the cancellation of the November 2011 Heads’ and Senior Managers’ Conference due to the serious flooding at that time. The cancellation caused a backlog of work to be covered, much of which was completed by the Executive Committee prior to the March Meeting, though the agenda on both days kept the Heads very busy!

The Heads welcomed two new schools as members into the Federation – Traill School, Bangkok and The British International School Shanghai, Puxi Campus. Matt Mills, Head of Bangkok Patana was elected as Honorary Secretary replacing Ms Valerie Thomas-Peter while Valerie Thomas-Peter elected to replace the outgoing Treasurer, Simon Mann.

An unprecedented number of Heads who were moving to other schools outside the Federation were given thanks for their contributions to the development of the Federation during their time. The highlight of the social aspect of the Meeting was a River Cruise Dinner on the Friday night. The Federation was indebted to Lawton Asia and SCI, who were the Meeting’s sponsors. - Contributed by Martin Kneath, Principal, The Regent’s School, Bangkok


The Queen's Birthday Honours 2012 Order of the British Empire - MBE Mrs Sandra Lesley WILDERSPIN Principal, The British School, Kathmandu, Nepal. For services to UK education overseas

An announcement was made on Saturday, 16-06-2012, in the London Gazette and some UK national newspapers, that one of our most respected and long standing colleague Heads, Sandj Wilderspin, Principal of The British School of Kathmandu has been bestowed by Queen Elizabeth the Second, in Her Majesty’s Jubilee Year Birthday Honours list, the award of a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) in recognition of her services to UK education overseas.

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FOBISSEA Group B U13 Games – hosted by Shanghai,

25th – 27th March 2012 saw host its first ever FOBISSEA Games. Six schools competed - Dulwich College Shanghai, Dulwich College , British School Beijing, , Seoul Foreign British School and Harrow International School Beijing.

The event commenced on the Sunday morning with 36 swimming events, in which Seoul Foreign British School was victorious. After lunch, the athletics took place in glorious sunshine at the Yuan Shen Stadium. The teams battled hard in the heat at field and track events. The event culminated with dramatic 4 X 100 metre relay events. Dulwich College Shanghai just edged ahead of the other schools to win the athletics on the day.

After some rest and recuperation, the teams were eager to enter day two of the event which was girls football and boys basketball. Whilst the competition was fierce the team camaraderie was to be admired by all the schools. They created an amazing atmosphere. After another long day in the heat Dulwich College Shanghai won the girls football whilst Seoul Foreign British School was victorious in the boys basketball. The final day saw the girls take on basketball and the boys battle it out in the football. Dulwich College Shanghai had an unbelievable day, winning both of the final day events.

The event culminated in a Gala Dinner held at The Crowne Century Plaza Hotel where all the participants enjoyed great food, great company, awards and an all-important disco. Dulwich College Shanghai is looking forward to hosting the next FOBBISEA event in November for the A2 U15 Games.

- Contributed by Ms. Lindsay Bellis, Head of Marketing, Dulwich College Shanghai

FOBISSEA Group B U13 B1 Games–hosted by , China

The Under 13 B1 Games were held at Dulwich College Suzhou between the 3rd and 5th of May and proved to be a great sporting spectacular. With 7 schools attending, it was great to have students from Thailand, China, and Malaysia playing against each other and forging new friendships. The level of competition was fierce and the students never gave up, be it in the pool or on the basketball court.

The winners of the different sports were: Swimming: Hong Kong Athletics: Dulwich College Suzhou Boys Football: St Andrews Bangkok Girls Football: Kellett School Hong Kong Boys Basketball: Kota Kinabalu International School. Girls Basketball: Kellett School Hong Kong. Dulwich College Suzhou are now looking forward to hosting the B1 U15 Games in November and welcoming back many of the schools and athletes who attended the U13 Games.

- Contributed by Iain Driscoll, Director of Sports, Dulwich College Suzhou, China

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FOBISSEA Primary Group C2 Games - hosted by Garden International School, , Bangkok

Garden International School Rayong in Thailand hosted a major international sporting even in primary - and won a record medal haul. The 2012 Primary FOBISSEA team took advantage of being on home soil and set a new school record by collecting 78 medals at this year's games, which were held from June 5- 9 at GIS, which is in eastern Thailand .

The previous record was set last year when 65 medals were won in Bangkok. At the final count, GIS won 28 Gold, 30 Silver and 20 Bronze over the competition, which included two of the three Gold medals in Year 5 and 6 Tee-Ball and two of six Gold medals in Year 4 Girls and Year 6 Boys Football.

On the individual side (not including relays or team events), there were some terrific performances. Con- gratulations to all the athletes and coaches on their outstanding efforts. We look forward to bigger and better things next year at St Stephen's.

GIS had many helpers who helped make the FOBISSEA Group C2 Primary Games such a great success. We wish to thank the staff and following sponsors who made the event possible: MBf Taylors, Fairway Thailand, PTT Global Chemical, SCI, Crathco, Advance Media, Lawton Asia, Elite Printer, Hydro-Tech, Union Sime Derby, Thunder Cranes (L) Ltd. and Ruampat Rayong Hospital and Mr. Frank & Khun Su Nichols and Mr Barry Soanes. Ruampat Hospital donated an EMS medical bag full of supplies for each school to use during the competition and in the evenings at their hotel. These proved to be extremely useful and we are very grateful for their support.

- Contributed by Mark Beales, Director of Sports, Garden International School, Rayong

FOBISSEA Primary Group B2 Games - hosted by British International School, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

British International School, Ho Chi Minh City hosted its first ever Primary FOBISSEA Games last week- end. The majority of International schools arrived on Thursday 17th May and departed on Monday 21st May. 165 children participated in sport during the 3 days of competition. On day one children travelled to Thong Nhat Athletics Stadium and then returned to British International School to take part in their swimming competition. The evening was spent at school with an open air BBQ. On Day two children participated in T-ball and then were welcomed at the Hard Rock Café for some lively entertainment! On the final day children participated in foot- ball.

The Primary FOBISSEA Games culminated with a Gala Dinner, where our BIS Tu Xuong children performed a Vietnamese Dragon Dance, Vietnamese Fan Dance and Drum Troop. There were speeches from our Director of Sport Phil Drake and Sue Hill Head of Primary Tu Xuong Campus. The best was left until last with our own student disco!

I would like to personally thank all staff and their children from , Dulwich College Shanghai, British School Manila, International School Brunei and British International School Ho Chi Minh City. A special thank you should also go to Claire Morris our Primary PE Coordinator for all her coordination during the Games. The level of sportsmanship, effort and fair play by all participants was a credit to all. This was indeed another "friendly Games”. - Phil Drake, Director of Sport, British International School – Ho Chi Minh CitY

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FOBISSEA Primary Group A Games - hosted by Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok


As we bid Personal best times and distance records were bro- farewell to ken and games were won and lost but more impor- our eight tantly 288 students from across Asia came together overseas and made new friendships. teams on Saturday Whether it was in the pool, track or on the field we 16 June at were thoroughly impressed with the standard of the gala sport, performances and sportsmanship from all dinner at schools and teams. t h e Chatrium Riverside Hotel, we were able to look Shrewsbury would like to thank all participating back and reflect on a fantastic three days of friend- schools for their great sportsmanship throughout ship, competition and achievement. the games and also to the 550 parents who trav- elled across South East Asia to support and cheer Eyes were weary and bodies ached but the on their teams. Thank you to all the Shrewsbury performances and efforts displayed by all eight staff who worked hard behind the scenes to make teams (SHB, BPS, HIS, TTS, KLASS, BISP, BISJ and these games such as success. GIS) at the Primary FOBISSEA Group A Games 2012 demonstrated the true spirit of the ‘Friendly NICK DUNN, Director of Sport and Activities, Shrews- Games’. bury International School

FOBISSEA Primary Group A Games - hosted by Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok & contributed by Alice Smith School

Congratulations to all the amazing Alice Smith School children who competed in a very successful FOBISSEA Games hosted by Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok - what a fantastic tournament!

The FOBISSEA Primary Games offers a fantastic opportunity for the children to compete at a high level of sports, make new friends, and understand the importance of teamwork when representing the Alice Smith School. The organisation of the Games was excellent. All competition days ran smoothly, with a healthy competitive edge giving rise to new friendships being made.

Day 1 – Swimming and Athletics Individual events throughout the day saw many high placed finishes, but the most commendable statistic though for our swim team was that so many of our children beat their personal best scores. This resulted in a fantastic first day of the Games as the Al- ice Smith team collected a total of 35 gold, 46 silver and 66 bronze medals.

Day 2 and 3 – T-Ball and Football These team events witnessed our strength at commitment, support of sporting peers and team spirit to bring us together as a successful working unit. Every child returned with medals in hand, having the best of times; each one telling their own story. Well done, Alice Smith!

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Just to give you a brief Primary….. introduction of what 1st - Marianne Lu - Dulwich College Beijing "The the Competition is Hyphen in Chinese-American" about. The Competition Anna-Maria Woodrow "168 started on 10th Janu- Bars" ary 2012 and ended on Koji Maehara British International School, Phuket 1st May 2012. It was "The Lonely Potato" open to FOBISSEA schools only. This is Secondary… the 2nd year running 1st - Milly Godfrey - , Singapore that Shrewsbury Inter- "Uneven" national School, Bang- Jeewon Lee British School, Manila "The Compass" kok has hosted the Bo Woo Lee Kinabalu International School "Being Short story Competi- the Hero" tion. We wish to thank our finalist judge, John Marsden,

for agreeing to be part of this year’s competition. This year’s theme was ‘LOST’ and could be inter- He was very impressed with the standard of writ- preted in any way the writer wished to pursue, al- ing. The EBook will be available for free download though they had to keep the general theme. It in the next few weeks. could have been, for example, Lost Love, A Lost Object, Lost Memories, Being Lost, Lost Some- David & The Short Story Committee, Shrewsbury where, etc. We are delighted to announce the Win- International School, Bangkok nd ners and Runner-Ups for the 2 FOBISSEA Short Story Competition 2012 - Congratulations to all: [email protected]

FOBISSEA Leadership Conference and AGM 2012 31st October – 4th November 2012, Kuala Lumpur

The annual FOBISSEA Leadership Conference and AGM 2012 will be hosted by The Alice b Smith School in Prince Hotel Kuala Lumpur from Wednesday, 31st October to Sunday, 4th November 2012. It was last held in East Malaysia, Sabah 2 years ago.

This event will gather the Head of Schools and Senior Managers to discuss, exchange ideas and share best practices on new developments from United Kingdom and strategies. A meaningful training session for Senior Leaders is also being organised, devised from the feedback that has been received by the Alice Smith School.

During the conference, delegates will be able to attend the EARCOS Conference at a discounted rate negotiated by FOBISSEA. The EARCOS conference will be held from 1st—3rd November 2012 at the Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

Accompanying spouses will have the opportunity to explore the beautiful capital city of Malaysia on a well planned two-day tour around Kuala Lumpur. Be prepared to be captivated by the sight and sound during the tour.

For more details about the conference, kindly refer to the information that was sent out on 18th June 2012 to all Heads of Schools . If you have not received the information on the Heads or Senior Leaders’ Conference, kindly contact the FOBISSEA Administrator, Ms Gurmeet at [email protected] Further details will also be available on the FOBISSEA website

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St. Stephen's International School, Bangkok invited music teachers and music professionals from all over the region when they hosted the FOBISSEA Music Teachers' Conference for 2012 which was held from 17—19 May 2012.

The delegates came together to discuss ideas, network and share best practice in a range of workshops, conferences and performances. Topics in discussion included: Music with ICT, Vocal Music Direction in the Classroom, World Music, Thai Music and Dance, Music Teaching and Resource Sharing, Curriculum Discussions, FOBISSEA Events Planning and Music and Learning Support.

St. Stephen's philosophy was 'East meets West' and the conference had a flavour of the best of western music teaching combined with eastern practice courtesy of the school's partnership with Bangkok's prestigious Mahidol University Music Department.


SEPT 14 September 2012 CPD Executive Committee Meeting SEPT 15 September 2012 CPD Leaders' Conference 2012 SEPT 20 - 22 September 2012 FOBISSEA Bursars & Business Managers' Meeting OCT 5 - 6 October 2012 Drama JAWS OCT 12 - 13 October 2012 BISJ Invitational Tennis (Invitational) NOV 4 - 6 November 2012 FOBISSEA U15 A2 Games NOV 8 - 13 November 2012 FOBISSEA Music Festival NOV 9 - 10 November 2012 BIS Phuket 7 Aside Football Tournament NOV 15 - 17 November 2012 FOBISSEA Community Service JAWS NOV 21 - 25 November 2012 FOBISSEA U15 B1 Games NOV 15 - 19 November 2012 FOBISSEA U15 C Games NOV 15 - 18 November 2012 FOBISSEA U15 (Group B2) Games NOV 21 - 25 November 2012 BPS Gymnastics (Invitational) NOV 22 - 24 November 2012 FOBISSEA U15 Games NOV 24 - 27 November 2012 FOBISSEA U15 A1 Games DEC 7 - 9 December 2012 Feeding Frenzy Swim Meet (Invitational)

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A very warm welcome to FOBISSEA’s 1st batch of Affiliate Members as named below. Please follow their company link to find out more about them or visit the FOBISSEA website to obtain more information.

Amy Kilby, Asia Sales Manager, TTS Group Ltd – Andrew Seward, Director, Warwick Mann International Ltd – Andrew Wigford, Director, TIC Recruitment Ltd – David McGahey, Chief Executive, Anthony Millard Consulting - David Tait, CEO, PPP Company Ltd – Dr Stephen Whitehead, Asia Programme Coordinator, Keele University – Eldon Pascoe, Director, Teepee Consulting – Eric Liddell, Partner, TFL Education Ltd – Gez Hayden, Senior Associate, Search Associates – Glenis Te Tamaki, Director, Integrated Education Software Ltd – Jamie Reid, Sales Director, iSAMS – Johanna Ingram, Events Manager, GL Assessment – John Moore, Sales Director, Renaissance Learning UK – Lilian Koe, General Manager, APD Singapore Pte Ltd (Malaysia) – Marco Biasin, Manager, CRS Education – International Education Specialists – Mark Ashworth, Consultant – Infinity Financial Solutions Ltd – Nicholas Chilver, Director, SCI Group Limited – Nicholas Hare, Director, Letz Live Pty Ltd – Nigel Price, Sales Director, CES – Philippa Bowden, Inter. Marketing Executive, Nelson Thornes Limited – Richard Gaskell, Director, ISC Research Ltd – Rory Hall, Director, Camps International Asia Sdn Bhd – Stephanie Chooi, Manager, University Book Store Malaysia – Stephen Holmes, Managing Director, The Knowledge Partnership Asia Ptd Ltd – Continued on next page/-

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Continued from page 8/- Steven Mark, IPC Director, Fieldwork Education – Tim Cox, Director – Investment Services, Teachers’ Wealth – Tom Arnold, Director, Compass Education Consultancy Ltd – Tracy Jardine, Marketing Executive, WCBS International –

FOBISSEA CPD CORNER—by Tania Donoghue, FOBISSEA CPD Facilitator

Meeting Season – FOBISSEA CPD

Regional Meetings took place in May where each Region had the opportunity to discuss CPD issues and opportunities. The Regions for CPD are:

Region A: Nepal, Thailand & Vietnam

Region B: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia & Brunei

Region C: China, Hong Kong, , Philippines & South Korea

The meetings are hosted by a school in the region. Thank you to the following schools for hosting the Regional CPD meetings for 2012.

Region A: British International School Phuket

Region B: St. Christopher’s International School Penang

Region C: Discovery Bay International School Hong Kong

It was also the forum to put forward bids for JAWS and other CPD within regions that can be opened up to visiting schools.

In June, the information from each region was pooled together and discussed at the CPD Executive meeting. Thank you to Bangkok Patana School for hosting this meeting.

Many new incentives were discussed, and planning is now well underway towards the September CPD Leaders’ Conference at Harrow International School in Beijing.

Please keep an eye on the FOBISSEA website for updates!

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