Lord Williams’s Lower School

Adoption Design Brief

January 2019 CONTENTS


Revision Date Prepared By Checked By Approved By Initial Draft 08/10/2018 SF HS ID Adoption Draft 14/12/2018 SF HS ID Adoption Design Brief 22/01/2019 SF HS ID

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 2 1 Introduction This Design Brief has been developed on behalf of Lord Williams’s This Design Brief is presented as follows: School with the support of County Council to inform the redevelopment of the Lord Williams’s Lower School Site, • Section 2 summarises the results of a constraints and (hereafter ‘the Site’). opportunities assessment of the Site undertaken in partnership with a number of technical consultants; The Site is allocated in the Local Plan (via the Thame Neighbourhood Plan) and the principle of residential use, • Section 3 highlights issues in respect of funding the school’s together with community uses and public open green spaces, is relocation project, and the implications this may have for any established. future development on the Site;

The school proposes to relocate the Lower School from its site at • Section 4 sets the ‘Vision’ for the redevelopment of the Site; Road, to the Upper School Site at Oxford Road, Thame, allowing the Lower School Site to be redeveloped for housing • Section 5 is based on the finding of the constraints and in accordance with the Thame Neighbourhood Plan and South opportunities assessment and sets out the Framework for the Oxfordshire Local Plan. The sale of the Lower School Site will Site’s development, including the approach to be taken to: facilitate, and fund, the relocation project to the Upper School development areas, housing types and densities, access and Site, where improved, high-quality educational facilities for the permeability, landscape and open space, and building design; town and surrounding villages will be focussed. Oxfordshire County Council, through this project, is seeking the funding for • Section 6 explains the approach taken to community the relocation of the Lower School. engagement, and how the development Framework has responded to consultation comments received; and The purpose of this Brief is to set out a series of broad development principles for the Site, which will be used at the relevant stage, to • Section 7 presents the draft masterplan for the Site, to inform a planning application for the Site’s redevelopment. which any application for planning permission for the Site’s redevelopment should respond. The objective of this Brief is to show how the Site may be developed for residential and community uses, in response to its allocation in the adopted Thame Neighbourhood Plan, whilst respecting and responding positively to identified site specific and local opportunities and constraints.

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 4 2 Opportunities and Constraints 2.1 | THE SITE

The Site is located on the eastern side of the town of Thame. The Site is currently occupied by Lord Williams’s Lower School, however, there is the intention to consolidate the Lower School No access to B 4019 onto the Upper School site leaving the area available for residential (Howland Road) development and potential community uses. The Site is split into Main vehicular route into Thame Centre two main areas: B

• The northern area (north side of Towersey Road) is currently Towersey Road open green space and used as a sports field. The northern and eastern site boundaries are bordered by residential dwellings, Lower School Sports Towersey Drive and the western boundary is bordered by Meadowcroft care Hall to remain home. A strong hedgerow forms the southern, northern and Public green space Business park eastern boundaries. A

Potential development site: • The southern area comprises a series of educational buildings Lord Williams’s Lower School

(to the north) and playing fields (to the south). Access to Queens Road

the school is via Toweresey Road to the north and there is a Tennis and secondary access to the west, off Queens Road. Bowling Club

Main vehicular route into Thame Centre

Phoenix Trail

FIGURE 1: Aerial View of Lord Williams’s Lower School Site, from the south-west

A Lord Williams’s School Main Development Site

B Lord Williams’s Secondary Site

Site boundary

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 6 2.2 | PLANNING POLICY REQUIREMENTS

The Development Plan • To include on-site Sustainable Urban Drainage

The Development Plan for the Site comprises: • Playing pitch provision (either on-site as part of public open spaces or off-site) • The South Oxfordshire Core Strategy (2012) • A focal green space to be provided within the southern area • The Saved Policies of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (2011) Residential and community areas building areas • Thame Neighbourhood Plan (2013) • Sufficient distances to be retained between new and existing buildings Thame Neighbourhood Plan - HA 5 • Height and massing of buildings to respond to local character The Site is allocated under Policy HA 5 for redevelopment for a mix of uses (see Figure 2, right, for extract), including: • Buildings should not exceed 2 storeys

• 135 residential dwellings (to be located either within the • Assumed density of 25 dwellings per hectare (reflection of defined purple areas, shown on either Figure HA 9 or HA 10 Council’s minimum standard) of the Neighbourhood Plan to be determined through this assessment process) Core Strategy • 1.9 hectares of public open space (to be located either within the defined green areas, shown on either Figure HA 9 or HA The Core Strategy sets the strategic policies for the District and 10 of the Neighbourhood Plan to be determined through this sets the following policy requirements for the Site: assessment process) • Policy CS THA1 sets the spatial strategy for Thame which is • Community facilities (to be located within the brown area to be delivered through the adopted Neighbourhood Plan defined in Figure HA 9) Allocations and includes the provision of 775 new homes for the Town to be supported by new green and leisure infrastructure The allocation makes the following specifications for the various to be delivered through the Council’s Infrastructure Delivery elements: Plan.

Public Open Spaces • Policy CS H3 requires 40% affordable housing subject to the viability of provision, comprising 75% social rented and 25% FIGURE 2: Site allocation policy requirements for Lord Williams’s School • To form a public park to be overlooked by building frontages intermediate housing and of a size and type to meet local site as set out in Thame Neighbourhood Plan, Policy HA 5 and sensitively screened from rear gardens and open up needs). (Figure HA 9, Figure HA 10 in inset). private (school) playing fields for community use

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 7 2.3 | LOCAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT

Housing Mix • New full size 3G pitch at the Oxford Road site to act as • Encourage use of electric vehicle charging and energy mitigation for the loss of playing fields at the Lord Williams’s efficiency measures The Oxfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment (April Lower School Site to be secured through a Section 106 2014) (SHMA) sets out local market and affordable housing needs agreement in connection with a future planning application. • Promote waste reduction and recycling methods for the current local plan period. As an alternative, there is potential to provide two grass pitches to accommodate the school’s need. The Assessment confirms a need across the wider housing market area of South Oxfordshire, Oxford, Cherwell, West Oxfordshire • Thame to Haddenham Cycle Route (through potential Section and Vale of White Horse to focus on delivering smaller, family 106 provision) houses for younger households.

More specifically and in relation to South Oxfordshire, the SHMA Green Infrastructure Connections presents a need for the following house types: The Royal Society for the Encouragements of arts, Manufacturers Market Housing and Commerce (RSA) Thame Group, an independent charity, has 1 bed: 10.7% on behalf of Thame Town Council developed a draft Green Living 2 bed: 26.7% Plan for Thame (as referred to in the adopted Neighbourhood 3 bed: 43.4% Plan). 4 bed: 24.2% The plan focuses on five areas: Affordable Housing (i) Open spaces, green routes and the natural world; 1 bed: 32.6% (ii) Water and Drainage; 2 bed: 35.5% (iii) Air and Environment; 3 bed: 29.3% (iv) Energy and Energy Efficiency; and 4 bed: 2.7% (v) Waste, Recycling and Waste Avoidance.

In order to deliver on the aspirations of the Green Infrastructure Sports and Recreational Facilities Plan, the proposed redevelopment should explore opportunities to: In addition to the on-site open green spaces allocated for the Site within the Neighbourhood Plan, the Infrastructure Delivery • Provide new, and connect with existing and proposed, green Plan for Thame (contained within the South Oxfordshire District spaces through provision of green travel routes and wildlife Council South Oxfordshire District Council Infrastructure Delivery corridors Plan Part B Report (Infrastructure Delivery Schedule) October 2017) has identified a need locally for the following provision in • Encourage sustainable drainage and water saving measures connection with the redevelopment: • Promote use of sustainable travel and encourage better traffic management

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 8 2.4 | LANDSCAPE CHARACTER AND CONTEXT

The Site is surrounded by predominantly residential properties consisting of one and two storeys (see Figures 3 and 4).

Properties to the east and south of the southern site, and those bordering the northern site, are afforded direct and uninterrupted views of the school playing fields and thus benefit from B limited overlooking or privacy loss issues.

The Site lies approximately 1km from the Town Centre. The Site has good access to both Queens Road and Towersey Road, which have good transport links to the centre of Town and A the surrounding area.

FIGURE 3: Land use in context of Lord Williams’s Lower School Care home Sports/community land use A Lord Williams’s School Main Development Site Rural/green space use Residential land use B Lord Williams’s Secondary Site Phoenix Trail Employment land use Site boundary

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 9 A Site A - Existing Lord Williams’s School

Apartments back onto road frontage and views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation B Site B - Playing fields

2-Storey detached Site area properties with large Open playing fields Medium density / gardens 2-storey detached properties Site boundary B Existing building within site boundary

Site frontage

Community hall

Existing single-storey properties

Existing 1.5-storey properties

Existing 2-storey semi-detached properties Detached and semi- detached properties with large rear gardens Lord Williams’s Lower School Existing 2-storey detached properties

Sports ground “Meadowcroft” care home block

A Views from care home

Medium density / 2-storey detached properties Boundary line - indicating areas of residential gardens Medium and High backing onto site Density / 2-storey detached, and semi- detached properties Boundary line - indicating areas of side facing properties

FIGURE 4: Constraints and Opportunities: Forms and Heights

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 10 A Site A - Existing Lord Williams’s School Care home apartments back onto road frontage and views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation Open playing fields B Site B - Open playing fields

Existing open space Existing mature trees Key frontage hedgerow to be maintained for screening along main frontage Existing hedgerow provides separation to existing where approporiate and feasible residential areas Existing hedgerow provides separation to existing residential areas B Key boundary hedgerow to be maintained for screening where approporiate and feasible

Focal point zones

Potential space for park Existing hedgerow along boundary to be maintained Existing green space

Potential green corridor to be maintained through the development site

Heavy vegatation along border edge Possible location for sustainable drainage features Gravel access bordered by hedgerow and mature trees Lord Williams’s Lower School Existing vegetation

Existing trees Properties on Towersey Drive back A onto site. Views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation Edge of open green space

Site boundary

Proporties on Cotmore Gardens/ Cotmore Close back onto site. Low gradient levels Views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation

FIGURE 5: Environmental Constraints and Opportunities

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 11 2.5 | ECOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS

Aspect Ecology has undertaken a Phase 1 Ecological Assessment • Tall ruderal vegetation – ruderal vegetation is not considered • Birds – the birds recorded at the Site are not listed as having of the Site which assesses the ecological value of the land to form an important ecological feature. The loss of any any special conservation status. The redevelopment of the Site contained within, and the main habitats and ecological features feature is not considered significant. may result in the loss of some existing bird nesting features present. albeit there is the opportunity through new tree planting to • Ponds – a single pond (P1) is located within the Site (Figure 6). provide additional habitats. The pond is not considered an important ecological feature. Ecological Designations • Invertebrates – Invertebrates are not considered an important • Amenity planting – amenity planting within the site is of no ecological feature of the Site. The Site is not subject to any statutory or non-statutory ecological more than ecological value at the site level and any loss is designations and those designations within the local area are well not considered significant. It is recommended that new separated from the Site by existing residential development. As native berry or nut baring species be provided as part of any such, it is unlikely that any such designations in the surrounding redevelopment which will provide additional opportunities area will be adversely affected by future development at the Site. for wildlife.

Habitats and Ecological Features Faunal Use of the Site

The following habitats/ecological features were identified within/ The site has been assessed for its potential for: adjacent to the Site: • Bats – buildings B1, B6, B7 and B10 (Figure 6) are considered • Amenity grassland – not considered to be of value outside to be of low bat roosting potential. Whilst no evidence of bats of a site context and does not form an important ecological was found, these buildings do contain features that could feature. support roosting bats and further assessment is required and suitable roosting features (within proposed buildings • Hedgerows – hedgerows H3-H8 and H10 (see Figure 6 overleaf) or landscaping) should be provided as part of any planning are capable of being classed as a Priority Habitat and should application. be retained and supplemented where feasible. • Badgers – no evidence of badger occupation or activity was • Treelines and trees – treelines do not qualify as Priority recorded at the Site. Badgers are not considered an important Habitats and are unlikely to qualify as ecologically important ecological feature of the Site. under the Hedgerow Regulations. However, where possible trees bordering the site should be retained. • Amphibians – a single pond is present within the Site boundary. The pond was found to be of poor potential to support Great • Dense and scattered scrub – any loss of dense scrub should Crested Newts. where possible, be replaced with native nut or berry baring species. • Reptiles – it is considered, given the Site’s current use, that it is unlikely that reptiles will be present within the Site. Further assessment is unnecessary.

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 12 Site boundary

Amenity grassland

Amenity planting

Tall ruderal vegetation

Dense scrub

Scattered scrub







Trees with low bat roost potential

Wildlife area

Brash/ log piles

Photograph location

FIGURE 6: Habitats and Ecological Features - courtesy of Aspect Ecology

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 13 2.6 | FLOOD RISK AND DRAINAGE

The Site’s susceptibility to flooding and its drainage capacity has been investigated by Clancy Consulting and is summarised below.

The Site is located within Flood Zone 1 and is therefore at a low probability (less than 1 in 1000) of river or sea flooding.

Surface water flood maps indicate that there are areas at high risk of surface water flooding (within the north and south of the southern portion of the Site). However, the flooding is shown to be site generated and can therefore be managed with on- site drainage. There is also an area at low risk of surface water flooding in the north of the northern portion of the Site which appears to flow from the rear of the properties on Putman Close. The proposed site layout will be designed with this risk in mind to ensure buildings and people are safe from flooding.

Based upon desk study information, it appears that infiltration on this Site will be poor and likely to be non-viable for most parts. There could also be issues with high groundwater levels which will also affect the viability of infiltration structures.

It is therefore proposed that an attenuated system is adopted and discharged to the 450mm diameter public surface water sewer located in Towersey Road, at an agreed rate. A gravity or pumped connection to the final outfall is yet to be considered.

FIGURE 7: Long-term surface water flood risk plan

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 14 2.7 | UTILITIES

An assessment of utility infrastructure within or close to the Drainage Power Lower School Site has been undertaken by Clancy Consulting and can be summarised as follows (also see plan shown in Figure 8 Thames Water foul water sewers are located in Towersey Drive, UKPN below ground LV cables pass through the site at the overleaf): Cotmore Close and Queens Road. The asset plans show no pipes northern boundary, there is also a HV cable that runs from Chiltern passing through the southern site or serving the existing buildings. Grove (south western boundary) to a substation in Cotmore A Thames Water pre-development enquiry will be required to Close (Southern Boundary). A UKPN substation is located near Gas determine the capacity of these networks and whether they are the northern entrance to the school within the site boundary. The sufficient to accommodate the proposed development. substation consists of a plastic hut surrounded by hedges. The A 63mm low pressure gas main enters the southern land parcel transformer’s available (spare) capacity is not known. and runs along its eastern boundary below the existing entrance Public foul water sewers are present in Queens Road but there road to the school. The gas main does not appear to serve other is no evidence of a connection to the existing site, however, it is developments within the local area. The gas main could serve possible that there will be a connection to the sewer in Queens the proposed housing development, however, an application Road into manhole 5601 which is located in front of the existing to Southern Gas Networks will need to be made to determine site entrance on the western boundary. its capacity. It should be noted that during construction a 0.5m easement will need to be left either side of the main where only There is a separate foul water sewer in the existing playing field hand excavations are permitted. to the north of the school. The foul enters the site from the southern boundary of the field and runs easterly before changing A further main is located to the northern boundary of the school, direction to run north at a depth of approximately 5.75m. The this consists of a 125mm low pressure gas main with tail pipes redevelopment of the northern site will need to take into account providing a connection to the existing school buildings. The gas the easement zones of the existing sewer (a distance of 5m main does not appear to serve other developments within the either side of the sewer will need to be left free from buildings/ local area. structures and a 3.5m easement will be needed either side of the surface water sewer). Alternatively a sewer diversion will have to be completed. Water A public surface water sewer is also present within the northern On the western boundary, there is a water main which runs site and provides a feasible method of discharge for dwellings in beneath the entrance road to the school supplying the existing this area of the site. The surface water pipe enters the site in the buildings. south eastern corner of the site before running along the eastern boundary to Brett Close at a depth of approximately 2.0m. Unlike the northern site, the southern does not have an existing connection or a sewer in close proximity. It will not be feasible to fall the proposed drainage to the northern site. Therefore a new public surface water sewer may need to be constructed in Towersey Road to the existing surface water sewer to the east of the site. This will require installing an adopted pumping station.

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 15 Existing underground telecoms

Existing 3-Phase electric



POTENTIAL CONNECTION Existing Thames Water foul water drainage POINT TO FOUL SEWER NETWORK AT MANHOLE 5601 ON QUEENS ROAD Existing Thames Water surface water drainage

Existing Thames Water potable water supply

Existing overground telecoms


FIGURE 8: Compiled plan of utilies in and surrounding the Lower School Site

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 16 2.8 | GROUND CONDITIONS

A Phase 1 Ground Investigation of the Site has been undertaken There are no BGS recorded mineral sites within 500m of the Site. by Clancy Consulting and the analysis is clarified in the chart in Figure 9 (opposite). The superficial soils underlying the Site are classified asa Secondary A Aquifer. The underlying solid strata in the south of Historical OS maps dating back to 1881 indicate the Site was the Site are classified as Unproductive Strata with the solid strata predominantly unoccupied with the exception of allotment in the north of the Site classified as a Secondary A Aquifer. gardens with unspecified buildings and a well in the north west until the early 1970s when the buildings, well and allotments are The Site is not located within a groundwater Source Protection replaced by a school with associated facilities. Since then, the Zone (SPZ) and there are no water abstraction points within school has slowly expanded to its present layout. 500m of the Site. The nearest surface water feature is a drain approximately 61m north. The surrounding area has been a mix of undeveloped, residential and industrial land uses.

In respect of Unexploded Ordnance a review of publicly available bomb riskmapping from Zetica (accessed August 2018) indicates that the site is within a ‘low’ bomb risk zone.

In addition, the historical mapping for the area does not show any significant building damage or demolition which would likely be associated with bomb damage.

In respect of Geology, superficial deposits are indicated to be absent in the north and north-west of the Site with deposits in the south and central-east indicated to comprise superficial River Terrace Deposits of sand and gravel. Solid strata are indicated to comprise limestone and calcareous sandstone of the Portland Group in the north of the Site and mudstone of the Gault Formation in the south of the Site. These lithologies are indicated to be split by a fault which runs east to west through the centre of the Site. An area of Made Ground is indicated 300m to the south west with an area of landscaped ground 400m to the south east.

The Site is not located within an area affected by historic coal mining and no ground stability hazards are anticipated on the Site with the exception of the potential for shrinking or swelling clay, where the hazard potential is moderate.

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 17 Lord William’s Lower School, Towersey Road, Thame 10/1178/001 Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Desk Study Report September 2018

Sources of Further Action Pathways Receptors Severity Probability Risk Justification Contamination Required

If contamination associated with Made Ground is present underlying the site it is likely to comprise construction / demolition materials associated with the construction of the school buildings and the demolition of the former buildings in the north west. Therefore, significant levels of contamination are not anticipated. In the location of the well, deeper Made Ground soils may be present and it is currently Medium unknown as to the composition of any backfill material. If contamination associated with Future site users Long term risk to human Low Likelihood Moderate/Low its backfill is present, it is likely to be localized. health Where allotments were historically present on site, there is potential for localised Inhalation and dermal contact of concentrations including heavy metals to be present. It is however unlikely that significant On site: Possible Made volumes of contaminants are present. Ground associated with soil demolition of historic Given the proposed presence of private gardens, there is potential for the end users of buildings and potential infill the site to come into direct contact with any shallow contamination in these areas, though of historic well. it is still of low likelihood that significant volumes of Made Ground are present. Possible contamination If contamination associated with Made Ground is present underlying the site it is unlikely associated with historic Minor that it will be present in such quantities that it would cause harm to construction workers. allotments on site. Construction workers during Low Likelihood Very low development Non-permanent human Construction workers are expected to undertake good working practices including Possible Made Ground health effects regular hand washing and other hygiene techniques which would reduce the likelihood Intrusive investigation to be associated with of long-term exposure to any contamination. undertaken with chemical construction of the school. testing of shallow soils to confirm whether Minor If contamination associated with Made Ground is present underlying the site it is unlikely Acidic ground conditions that it will be present in such quantities that it would cause significant damage to the contamination is present Building infrastructure Low Likelihood Low affecting future site buildings Minor damage to proposed buildings, however foundations for the buildings could come into contact with within shallow soils buildings contamination if present. underlying the site. Targeted investigation and The site is underlain by a superficial and bedrock aquifers and there are several inland chemical testing in the areas rivers within 500m of the site. However, based on the findings of the desk study, of the historic well and Underlying superficial and Medium significant levels of contamination are not anticipated at the site. As the anticipated buildings in the north west Vertical and lateral migration bedrock aquifers along with superficial deposits are to comprise granular soils and areas of landscaped and garden Pollution of sensitive Low Likelihood Moderate/Low along with adjacent to the water course 61m to north east. controlled watercourses areas are to form part of the proposed development, there is potential for any electricity sub-station to the contamination where present to become mobilised and migrate into underlying south. groundwaters.

Potential Made Ground associated with the construction of buildings in the surrounding area including electricity sub-stations could be considered potential sources of mobile inorganic and organic contaminants. Off site: Possible mobile Medium The site is indicated to be underlain by granular superficial deposits through which contamination associated Future site users Long term risk to human Low likelihood Moderate/Low potential contaminants may migrate. As the proposed development is to include for with Made Ground from health development of the area private gardens, there is potential for future site users to come into direct contact with around the site and areas of Lateral migration onto site with any potential contamination though it is still of low likelihood that significant infilled ground. subsequent dermal contact of contamination would be present. soils Potential hydrocarbon contamination from If contamination associated with off site sources is present underlying the site, it is unlikely that it will be present in such quantities that it would cause harm to construction electricity sub-stations Minor adjacent to site. Construction workers during workers. Non-permanent human Unlikely Very Low development Construction workers are expected to undertake good working practices including health effects regular hand washing and other hygiene techniques which would reduce the likelihood of long-term exposure to any contamination.

Several potential sources of hazardous ground gas have been identified on site including Medium Made Ground associated with the demolition of historic buildings in the north west and Intrusive investigation to Future site users Long term risk to human Unlikely Very Low potential infill of a historic well along with the development of the school. Any Made include the installation of gas Ground Gas: Possible health Ground soils that are present may contain putrescible material (e.g. organic materials or monitoring wells and a ground gas associated with timbers) however are anticipated to be shallow in nature (with the exception of the well) program of monitoring in line potential Made Ground from Migration of ground gas into with a ‘low’ gas generation potential (according to Figure 6 of BS 8576: 2013 ‘Guidance with guidance provided in nearby developments. proposed new structures on site on investigations for ground gases’). Given the age of the historic well’s backfill / CIRIA Report C665 only if Possible ground gas decommission, there is potential for the backfill material to have a ‘low’ to ‘high’ gas areas of deep Made Ground associated with nearby Mild generation potential depending on its composition. or putrescible materials infilled ground. Building Infrastructure Significant damage to Unlikely Very Low buildings (explosion) Areas of infilled land have also been identified in the areas surrounding the site though encountered during intrusive given their distance from site (>300m), it is unlikely that significant quantities of ground investigations. gases would migrate to site. Summary of potential pollutant linkages and perceived risks for this site (Clancy Consulting) FIGURE 9:

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 18

Page 8 Clancy Consulting Ltd. 2.9 | LOCAL TRANSPORT AND HERITAGE

Transport Heritage Lord Williams’s Lower Conservation area School Site The trip generation created by the existing Lower School has been The majority of Thame Town Centre is covered by a conservation calculated utilising all appropriate secondary school surveys and area. There are more than 200 listed buildings within Thame. The Key bus routes 20-minute walking zone estimated trip rates from the Trics database. Based upon current majority of Thame’s listed buildings are within the conservation student numbers the Site is likely to experience 229 trips in the area. The Site area does not affect the conservation area or any morning peak (0800-0900) and 59 trips in the evening peak listed buildings. A Road B Road (1700-1800).

This has been compared to the potential trips that could be created by a residential scheme of 135 dwellings (assuming a worst-case scenario of tenure and housing mix) of 55 trips in the am peak and 57 in the pm peak.

The above information suggests no requirement for any improvements to local highway infrastructure to support the proposed development and the potential for the development to result in a significant reduction in vehicles on the network during peak periods to the benefit of highway safety.

The southern land parcel is currently accessed via an in-out arrangement from Towersey Road. The Site is of sufficient width to achieve a single point of access into and out of the Site with appropriate visibility, or alternatively an in-out arrangement may be retained.

There is the potential, subject to further investigation, to provide a further pedestrian only access via Chiltern Grove, subject to agreement from the landowners (Thame Sports Club). The opportunity to provide a third vehicular access point has been discounted following the public engagement exercise (see Section 6 of this Brief).

FIGURE 10: Local transport and heritage constraints and opportunities Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 19 3 School Relocation Funding and Viability At the time of producing this Development Brief a key objective There are a number of ways in which to bridge this shortfall: of the project, is for the funds generated through the sale of the Lower School Site to be held in the public purse and used to fund • Increasing the number of houses built on the land (above and the relocation of the Lower School to the Upper School Site at beyond the allocated 135) Oxford Road. This section of the Development Brief identifies the issues relating to this scenario. • Reducing the percentage of affordable housing provision on the site The sale of the Lower School Site will generate a land value. The land value will be the difference between the Gross Development From discussions with the Town Council, and through the public Value associated with the proposed dwellings (i.e. the value of engagement exercise, it is clear that there is little appetite to the properties that will be sold on the market) and the costs increase the number and density of dwellings on the Site. The associated with building that development. more palatable option appears to be a reduction in the level of affordable homes in a future development in order to deliver a Such costs will relate to: sufficient land value.

• Construction costs The Development Brief seeks some flexibility in the number of affordable homes that will be required within the development, • Utilities and infrastructure provision justified on the basis that this is being sought to facilitate the relocation of the school. Notwithstanding, the specific reduction • Community Infrastructure Levy in affordable housing requirement will need to be dealt with at the planning application stage, and through a full and detailed • Section 106 Contribution (e.g. replacement sports pitches) viability assessment.

At the time of writing, the school has undertaken high-level viability assessment work, which shows that development of the Site for 135 dwellings with a 40% social housing contribution and in accordance with all other requirements of the Thame Neighbourhood Plan Policy HA 5, will not deliver a land value that will generate sufficient receipts to fund the school relocation project.

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 21 4 The Vision “The redevelopment of the Lord Williams’s Lower School Site will facilitate the school’s relocation to a single site. This will ensure the delivery of a consolidated, high-quality educational facility for the town and surrounding villages at the Oxford Road Upper School Site. The Lower School Site will be redeveloped to create a sustainable residential community that will respond positively to local needs and the area’s residential character. The new residential community will be supported by usable and beneficial green spaces that facilitate healthy living and social inclusion, and are well- related to, and integrated within, a wider network of green infrastructure and walkable neighbourhoods. There is a clear public benefit arising from this proposal through the relocation, upgrade, and consolidation of a school facility, and the delivery of a range and mix of new homes for the town.”

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 23 5 The Development Framework 5.1 | DEVELOPMENT AREAS, TYPES AND DENSITY STRATEGY Zone 1 Zone 2

The following section sets out the draft development framework for the Site based upon the results of the Site assessments.

Zone 2

Zone 1 B

Zone 3

Zone 1 will back onto a medium density area consisting Zone 2 will form part of the northern site. The open green of larger detached residential properties. The intention is area could be kept at the east or west, leaving the other to maintain a medium density layout with the possibility section reserved for development. This area should be of low scale apartment units towards the inner part of the medium density to reflect the neighbouring properties. site. This area is partly bordered by existing vegetation. The area is highly visible, and design should reflect the local character of the area. Consideration needs to be given to the presence of below-ground utility infrastructure. Zone 4 Zone 3 Zone 4


FIGURE 11: Development Proposals - Key Zones Zone 3 will form the central part of the Site with the Zone 4 will reflect the building density of the surrounding potential to provide higher density areas. The road area. The general form will be based on a back to back A Lord Williams’s School South Development Site frontage should be marked with strong focal buildings. approach and be sensitive to the building heights around. Heavy vegetation along the border edge will provide a natural screen to the existing properties. B Lord Williams’s North Development Site

Site Boundary Areas of prominent frontage/high-quality Higher density zones, i.e. apartments design in keeping with surrounding area

Lower density zones to match surrounding character, i.e. semi-detached/detached housing Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 25 5.2 | ACCESS AND PERMEABILITY STRATEGY

1. Development may use the existing entrance on Towersey Road. Good pedestrian access should be 3 encouraged from this point.

B 1 2. The existing access from Queens Road may be 2 used as a secondary access, with access to existing residential properties being retained.

3. Access to the northern site is to be via Towersey Road. The precise location is dependent upon where residential propoerties are sited. Good pedestrian access is to be provided from both the open green A area and Towersey Road. 4

5 4. Good vehicular and pedestrian links are to be provided within the development site. The layout will ensure strong visual zones and road layout to promote slow driving. Pedestrian links to enhance routes through site and open up views to surrounding areas.

5. Potential new pedestrian-only access to Chiltern Grove to be assessed.

FIGURE 12: Constraints Analysis regarding Access and Permeability

A Lord Williams’s School South Development Site

B Lord Williams’s North Development Site

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 26 5.3 | LANDSCAPE, AND OPEN SPACE PROVISION STRATEGY 1. 1.9ha part of the existing playing field to be retained as “green space”/public space. New trees to be 1 planted along frontage. Existing hedgerow bordering playing field to be retained where practicable.

2 B 2. Existing trees along Towersey road to be retained as much as possible. New trees to be planted along main access road to provide more of a “boulevard” feel.

3. Key focal points within the Site to be landscaped. Green corridor throughout the Site to follow pedestrian and road links. 3 A


4. Inclusion of attenuation basin and potential pumping station to deal with surface water drainage


5. Park areas to act as key focal areas with additional landscaping and playground facilities to be located within easy walking distance for future residents. FIGURE 13: Constraints Analysis regarding Landscape and Open Space

A Lord Williams’s School Main Development Site

B Lord Williams’s Secondary Site

Site boundary Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 27 6 Initial Design Response for Consultation 6.1 | PUBLIC CONSULTATION

In compliance with the Thame Neighbourhood Plan, this Design • There is a need for housing for young families / people locally the event. A copy of the presentation material and feedback form Brief has been developed through an iterative process of site – the redevelopment should seek to address this need. was uploaded to the school’s website for people to view and assessment, design development, consultation, and design comment upon following the exhibition. refinement. • The open space to the north of the Site should be set out as a formal public park – this area should be no less than 1.9ha. The development options consulted on and presented at the Lord Williams’s School, and Oxfordshire County Council (as public exhibition are shown in Figures 17 and 18 (pages 33 and landowner of the Lower School Site) have engaged (via their • The Town Council would find it difficult to support a Design Brief 34). consultant team) with Thame Town Council, local residents and that did not accord fully with the adopted Neighbourhood Plan businesses, together with pupils and parents of the Lower School – an increase in the number of dwellings beyond 135, through The exhibition was attended by 178 people. Of these, 44 provided in developing the Brief. an increased density or a reduction in affordable housing if comments on the day and a further 13 sets of comments were suggested necessary to deliver the school’s relocation, would received after the event by post or email. The methods of engagement and the feedback received, are set need to be carefully considered, if to be justified. out as follows: A summary of the feedback obtained from members of the public • Any development scheme that significantly departs from the is provided on page 35. Neighbourhood Plan may be best addressed and assessed Thame Town Council through the new Neighbourhood Plan Review process. Residents Association Lanpro presented the results of the site assessments, the • Lanpro also presented the ‘Adoption Draft Design Brief’ to opportunities and constraints to developing the Site and initial representatives of the Town Council on 18 December 2018. The Residents Association Committee summarised their ‘position’ concept masterplan options to representatives of Thame Town on the draft Design Brief in their November 2018 Newsletter Council on 17 October 2018. where they stated, along with some specific points on adhering Public Exhibition to the housing numbers, densities and design principles of Policy The feedback received included: HA 5 of the Neighbourhood Plan, that: The draft Design Brief was presented at a public exhibition held • Members welcomed the opportunity to become involved by Lanpro, on behalf of Lord Williams’s School (as supported by • Marginal adjustments to the number of houses specified in the Design Brief’s development and the process, i.e. to Oxford County Council), on the evening of 15 November 2018 within the Neighbourhood Plan may be justified where develop and seek adoption of a Design Brief ahead of making between 4.30pm and 7.30pm. Leaflets (Figure 15) advertising the required by proven need. a planning application for the Site’s redevelopment. exhibition were issued to all pupils, parents and staff of the Lower School together with residents and businesses located within a • Any proposal must conform to the spirit and letter of policy • A desire to see all hedgerows of value retained as part of the specific distance of the Lower School Site. The leaflet distribution HA 5 of the Neighbourhood Plan except where marginal redevelopment. area was pre-agreed with Thame Council and is shown at Figure adjustments are justified. 14. The event, held on the Lower School Site was attended by • Questions over the feasibility of obtaining a third point of representatives of the School and their consultant team. • The need to generate funds to relocate the Lower School vehicular access / pedestrian access into the Site via Chiltern to the Upper School Site should not be at the expense of a Grove, given third party ownership and the narrow width of The draft Design Brief was presented on a series of display boards substantial departure from policy HA 5 and to the detriment the roadway. (Figure 16), and the school and their consultants were on hand of the residents of East Thame. to explain the proposals and to answer any questions posed by • Questions over the amount and location of community uses attendees. Attendees were invited to record their comments on that could be retained on the site. a feedback form or to email their comments to Lanpro following

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 29 Lord Williams’s Lower School – Design Brief 4 Lord Williams’s Lower School – Design Brief 1

Apartments back onto road frontage and views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation

Existing hedgerow separating Proposed, and residential development site Existing public park Lord Williams’s Lower School – Design Brief 2 Existing mature trees along main frontage B Existing hedgerow separating Open playing fields Proposed, and residential Planning Context development site

Thame Neighbourhood Plan (adopted 2013) – Policy HA5

The site is allocated under Policy HA5 for redevelopment for a mix of uses, including:

• 135 residential dwellings (to be located either within the defined area shown on either Figure HA9 or HA10 of the Neighbourhood Lord Williams’s Lower School – Design Brief 3 Plan, to be determined through this assessment process) Existing hedgerow along boundary to be maintained • 1.9 hectares of public open space (to be located either within the defined area shown on either Figure HA9 or HA10 of the Neighbourhood Plan, to be determined through this assessment process) A

• Community facilities (to be located within the area defined in No access to B 4019 Howland Road Figure HA9) Lord Williams’s School Main vehicular route Sports Pitches The allocation makes the following specifications for the various into Thame Centre Heavy vegatation elements: along border edge B Gravel access bordered Public Open Spaces by hedgerow and mature trees Existing Lord Williams’s School • To form a public park that is overlooked by building frontages Towersey Road and sensitively screened from rear gardens, and to open up private (school) playing fields for community use

• To include on-site Sustainable Urban Drainage Existing community Towersey Drive Properties on Towersey Drive back facility to remain onto site. Views are filtered by • Playing pitch provision (either on-site as part of public open boundary fencing and vegetation spaces or off-site) Public green space Business Park • A focal green space to be provided within the southern area A

Residential and Community Areas Potential development site: • Sufficient distances to be retained between new and existing Lord Williams’s School buildings Queen’s Road Proporties on Horton Avenue • Height and massing of buildings to respond to local character Low gradient levels Tennis and back onto site. Views are Bowling Club filtered by boundary fencing • Buildings should not exceed 2 storeys and vegetation

• Assumed density of 25 dwellings per hectare (reflection of Council’s minimum)

The South Oxfordshire Core Strategy (adopted 2012) sets the strategic policies for the district. Policy CSTHA1 sets the spatial strategy for Thame which is to be delivered through the adopted Landscape and open space constraints and opportunities at the Lower School Site Neighbourhood Plan Allocations. This includes the provision of Site A - Existing Lord Williams’s School 775 new homes for the Town, to be supported by new green A Key frontage - hedgerow to be maintained and leisure infrastructure, to be delivered through the Council’s Main vehicular route Existing public park Primary vehicular entrance points Existing trees into Thame Centre for screening Lord InfrastructureWilliams’s Lower Delivery School Plan. Site, Towersey Road Figure HA9 - HA10 (in inset) - relating to Policy HA5, taken from the Thame Neighbourhood Plan Site B - Open playing fields Potential green corridor to be maintained B Focal point zones through the development site Possible location for attenuation basin Edge of open green space Policy CSH3 requires 40% affordable housing subject to the viability of provision, comprising 75% social rented and 25% intermediate housing and of a size and type to meet local needs. Existing community facility to be retained Potential space for park Potential key pedestrian links Existing vegetation Site boundary Landscaped public open Principal vehicular route Building frontage Community facilities Welcome space (indicative location) overlooking space / street Phoenix Trail The allocation of the site in the Neighbourhood Plan means that the Existing views into open space Lord Williams’s School, in conjunction with Oxfordshire principle of redeveloping the site is established, and any planning Public open space forming Pedestrian link County Council, invite you to view and comment on a draft application would be approved if it accords with the principles Extent of residential focal point (indicative size Allocation boundary development area (indicative location) Design Brief for the development of their Lower School Site, above (although a planning application could be approved which and location) Development Constraints and Opportunities Towersey Road, Thame. didn’t necessarily comply with these principles). Landscape, Open Space and Ecology The school proposes to relocate the Lower School from its site scenario of tenure and housing mix) of 55 trips in the am peak Flood Risk and Ground Conditions and 57 in the pm peak. at Towersey Road, to the Upper School Site at Oxford Road, Large areas of the site are occupied by playing fields which if to The site is located within Flood Zone 1 and is therefore at a low Thame, allowing the Lower School Site to be redeveloped be developed, will need to be replaced off-site. for housing in accordance with the Thame Neighbourhood The above information suggests no requirement for any probability (less than 1 in 1000) of river or sea flooding. improvements to local highway infrastructure to support the Plan and South Oxfordshire Local Plan. The sale of the Lower These areas are, however, considered to be of limited ecological proposed development, and there is clear potential for the Surface water flood maps indicate there are areas of high long- School Site will facilitate, and potentially fund, the relocation value comprising well-maintained utility lawn and sports pitches. development to result in a significant reduction in vehicles on the term risk of surface water flooding in the north and south of the project to the Upper School site, where improved, high-quality There are however, a number of mature hedgerows and trees network during peak periods to the benefit of highway safety. lower part of the site. There is also an area at low long-term risk educational facilities for the town and surrounding villages along the boundaries of the site which should be retained where of surface water flooding in the north of the upper site, which will be focussed. Oxfordshire County Council, through this possible. appears to flow from the rear of the properties on Putman Close. project, is seeking the funding for the relocation of the Lower Local Needs Utilities and Services The proposed site layout will be designed with this risk in mind to School. These open areas currently offer good levels of amenity to ensure buildings and people are safe from flooding. residents living on Towersey Drive and Horton Avenue (for the Housing Mix Sports and Recreational Facilities Green Infrastructure Connections The site is well served by power and communication infrastructure. Oxfordshire County Council, who owns the land, has southern site), and Meadowcroft, Putman Close, and Griffin Road Public foul water sewers are present in Queen’s Road where there It appears that infiltration on this site will be poor. It is therefore commissioned consultants to develop a Design Brief that (for the northern site). Consideration will need to be given to how The Oxfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment (April 2014) In addition to the on-site open green spaces allocated for the site The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and is assumed to be an existing point of connection from the site. proposed that surface water be stored on site by way of a drainage will guide the future development of the site, and we would amenity levels can be preserved through site layout. welcome your views on the initial plans. (SHMA) sets out local market and affordable housing needs for the within the Neighbourhood Plan, the Infrastructure Delivery Plan Commerce (RSA) ThameDevelopment Group is an independent charity Constraints which, on and basin system and discharged to the public surface water sewer current local plan period. for Thame (contained within the District Council Infrastructure behalf of Thame Town Council, has developed a draft Green Living Further enquiries will be made with Thames Water as part of any located in Towersey Road, at an agreed rate with the local water Delivery Plan October 2017) has identified a need locally for the Plan for Thame (as referred to in the adopted Neighbourhood Plan). The site is allocated in the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (via the Opportunities Access and Transport planning application to understand the capacity of the existing authority. Thame Neighbourhood Plan) and the principle of residential In relation to South Oxfordshire, the SHMA presents a need for the following provision in connection with the redevelopment: sewer network and improvements that may be necessary to following house types: In order to deliver on the aspirations of the Green Infrastructure Plan, accommodate the proposed development. Initial surveys confirm a moderate to low risk to future residents of use, together with community uses and public open green The Site and Ownership The existing Lower School Site has been calculated to experience • New playing pitches at the school’s Oxford Road site to act as the proposed redevelopment should explore opportunities to: the site from ground contamination and a very low risk from ground spaces, is established. 229 trips in the morning peak (0800-0900) and 59 trips in the Market Housing mitigation for the loss of playing fields at Lord Williams’s Lower A deep foul water sewer runs under the existing playing field gas. Further intrusive ground testing will be carried out to support The Lower School Site is located on the eastern side of the town B evening peak (1700-1800). 1 bed: 5.7% School to be secured through a Section 106 agreement in • Provide new, and connect with existing and proposed, green spaces within the northern portion of the site, and a distance of 5m will any future planning application for the site’s redevelopment to This exhibition has been designed to provide you with of Thame. The site is currently occupied by Lord Williams’s Lower 2 bed: 26.7% connection with a future planning application. As an alternative, through provision of green travel routes and wildlife corridors have to be left either side of the sewer free from buildings and ensure that any risk, however, low is effectively mitigated. information on the draft proposals and to request your School, with the intention of consolidating the Lower School onto This has been compared to the potential trips that could be created feedback on layout and design matters. 3 bed: 43.4% there is potential to provide two grass pitches to accommodate structures. 4 bed: 24.2% the school’s need. • Encourage sustainablethe drainage Upper School and water Site, saving leaving measures the area available for residential by a residential scheme of 135 dwellings (assuming a worst case development and potential community uses. The Lower School Our team is on hand to answer any questions you may have. LordAffordable Williams’s Housing Upper School Site, Oxford Road • Thame to Haddenham Cycle Route (through potential Section 106 • Promote use of sustainableSite is split travel into andtwo encouragemain areas: better traffic 1 bed: 32.6% provision) management 2 bed: 35.5% • The northern area (north of Towersey Road) is currently open green space and used as a sports field. 3 bed: 29.3% • Encourage use of electric vehicle charging and energy efficiency A 4 bed: 2.7% measures • The southern area comprises of a series of educational buildings We understand from our discussions with Thame Town Council • Promote waste reduction(to andthe recyclingnorth) and methods playing fields (to the south). that there may be a specific community need for housing suitable for young people and their families. Such a need, if identified, may Access to the school is via Towersey Road to the north, and there require us to look at an alternative and more appropriate housing is secondary minor access to the western side from Queen’s Road. mix. Your thoughts about what types of houses are required would be welcomed as part of this consultation. The boundary of the site is shown in red on the image above.

Any future development of the site must be sympathetic to its surroundings and respond positively to the environmental and townscape characteristics of the local area.

Landscape and Townscape Character

The site is surrounded by predominantly residential properties consisting of one and two storeys in height. The eastern and Land Use Context of the Lord Williams’s Lower School Site southern sides of the site are bordered by large residential estates with no pedestrian or vehicular access from them into the site. To Care home Phoenix Trail Residential land use A Lord Williams’s School main development site the west, older-style detached properties back onto the site. The western side is heavily bordered with vegetation. Rural/green space use Sports/community land use Employment land use B Lord Williams’s secondary site The site provides good access to both Queen’s Road and Towersey Site boundary Road which have good transport links to the centre of town and access to the surrounding areas of Thame.

Lord Williams’s Lower School – Design Brief 5

The Development Framework It is recommended that any development encompasses the following development principles: Development Areas, Types and Densities Zone 1 Zone 2 Lord Williams’s Lower School – Design Brief 7 Zone 2 Site A—Existing Lord A Williams School Site

Zone 1 B Site B—Playing Fields

Zone 3 The VisionSite Boundary

Low Density Zone –Detached Zone 1 will back onto a medium density area consisting of Zone 2 will form part of the northern site. The open green area larger detached residential properties. The intention is to will be kept to the west, leaving the eastern section reserved B Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys maintain a medium density layout with the possibility of low for development. This area should be medium density to scale apartment units towards the inner part of the site. This reflect the neighbouring properties. The area is highly visible, High Density Zone—Apartments/ area is partly bordered by existing vegetation. Lordand design shouldWilliams’s reflect the local character of the area. Lower School – Design Brief Housing 2-2.5 Storey 6 The decision to develop on the eastern side of the site, in accordance with option HA9, is preferred due to the benefits of retaining open view for residents of Meadowcroft. Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained Zone 4 and act as a screen Zone 3 Zone 4 Masterplan Option 1 Primary Vehicular access points Site A—Existing Lord Existing 1.5 Storey Properties A Williams School Site

Site B—Playing Fields Site A—Existing Lord B A Williams School Site Site A—Existing Lord Existing Large Detached Properties Site Boundary B AA LordSite B—Playing Williams’sWilliams Fields School School Site Main Development Site Low Density Zone –Detached Site B—Playing Fields Existing 2 Storey Semi-detachedB properties Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys BB LordSite Boundary Williams’s Secondary Site High Density Zone—Apartments/ Zone 3 will form the central part of the site with the potential Zone 4 will reflect the building density of the surrounding area. Housing 2-2.5 Storey Private access for two Low Density Zone –Detached to provide higher density areas. The road frontage should be The general form will be based on a back to back approach and Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained properties B Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys Existing Single Storey Properties 8 marked with strong focal buildings. be sensitive to the building heights around. Heavy vegetation Site boundarySite Boundary Existing single storey properties and act as a screen Lord Williams’s Lower School – Design Brief along the border edge will provide a natural screen to the High Density Zone—Apartments/ Primary Vehicular access points existing properties. Housing 2-2.5 Storey LowLow density Density zone Zone – detached/ –Detached ExistingExisting care homeApartment block Block B Keysemi-detached Frontage—hedgerowHousing/Semi housing to Detached be maintained – 2 - 2 storeys Existing 1.5 Storey Properties andstoreys act as a screen High Density Zone—Apartments/ ProposedProposed key frontageKey Frontage areas areas Existing Large Detached Properties PrimaryHigh Vehicular density access zone points – apartments Housing 2-2.5 Storey /housing – 2-2.5 storeys Existing 2 Storey Semi-detached properties Your Views

Existing 1.5 Storey Properties ExistingExisting community School facilityCommunity to be Hall to be Private access for two Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained Access and Permeability properties Key Frontage – hedgerow to be retainedretained Existing Single Storey Properties Continuous pedestrian flow maintainedand act andas a act screen as a screen Existing Large Detached Properties throughout site ExistingExisting and andproposed Proposed key focalKey Focal green Existing Apartment Block greenareas areas 1. Development to use existing entrance on Towersey Road. Good ExistingPrimaryPrimary 2 Storey vehicular Semi-detached Vehicular access access properties points points Proposed Key Frontage areas We hope that you support these draft development pedestrian access should be encouraged from this point. proposals and we would like to hear your views and Heavy vegetationPrivate along access border for two edge A Key pedestrianKey Pedestrian links Linksaround site Existing School Community Hall to be properties Existing Single Storey Properties retained 1 provides natural screen throughout3 Continuous pedestrian flow Existing 1.5 Storey Properties around Site thoughts on concepts presented today. throughout site Existing 1.5-storey properties Existing and Proposed Key Focal green the year areas Existing Apartment Block Pedestrian access into Site 2 Heavy vegetation along borderExisting edge large detached A Pedestrian access into site Key Pedestrian Links provides natural screen throughout Existing Large Detached Properties around Site 2. Existing access from Queen’s Road to be used as a secondary access. Proposedproperties Key Frontage areas Leaflet distribution area Properties on Towersby Drive back the year Please take the time to fill in a Feedback Form today, FIGURE 14: Shared roads to existing three houses to be retained. onto site. Views are filtered by Pedestrian access into Site Existing School Community Hall to be Pedestrian/greenPedestrian/Green route Route through through Site boundary fencing and vegetation ExistingExisting 2-storey 2 Storey semi-detached Semi-detached properties Properties on Towersby Drive back retained or alternatively you can email us your forms at: properties site onto site. Views are filtered by Pedestrian/Green Route through Site Continuous pedestrian flow Medium Density/ 2 Storey boundary fencing and vegetation throughout site Existing and Proposed Key Focal green Medium Density/ 2 Storey Private access for two detached propertiesareas Site A—Existing Lord detached properties ForA Information For Information properties RetainedExisting and Singlesupplemented Storey Properties Sustainable drainageWilliams School Site [email protected] Keyboundary Pedestrian treesLinks and hedgerows infrastructureB Site B—Playing Fields 3. Access to the northern site to be via Towersey Road. Good pedestrian Heavy vegetation along border edge A provides natural screen throughout around Site Lord Williams—Thame access to be provided from both the open green area and Towersey the year Chiltern Grove providing Site Boundary potential access route Existing Apartment Block Road. Pedestrian access across Towersey Road into existing housing Pedestrian access into Site PCMS Design/Lord Williams School Chiltern Grove providing Lord Williams—ThameLow Density Zone –Detached B Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys development to be enhanced. potential access route Properties on Towersby Drive back Development Capacity Option 1 You can also write to us at: onto site. Views are filtered by Option 1 investigatesProposed Key a policyFrontage compliant areas scheme of 130-140 dwellings. 4 Pedestrian/Green Route through Site PCMSHigh Design/Lord Density Zone—Apartments/ Williams School boundary fencing and vegetation The development proposal will encourage a scheme thatHousing 2-2.5 reflects Storey Medium Density/ 2 Storey 19/07/18 SJW Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained detached properties 4. Good vehicular and pedestrian links to be provided within the both the densityForExisting Information and School character Community of theHall area.to be The scheme willand alsoact as a screen allow Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief 5 Properties on Horton Avenue back Development Capacity Option 1 retained development site. The layout will ensure strong visual zones and onto site. Views arethe filtered byoption of higher-density living within the centre of thePrimary site. Vehicular This access points 0972A SK 01 Continuous pedestrian flow boundary fencing and vegetation c/o Lanpro road layout to promote slow driving. Pedestrian links to enhance option seeks to retain the existing community use on the site. throughout site Existing and Proposed Key Focal green Existing 1.5 Storey Properties routes through site and open up views to surrounding areas. Chiltern Grove providing Lordareas Williams—Thame 19/07/18 SJW Brettingham House potential access route Development Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant) Approx. 130-140 units The proposalPCMS will Design/Lord enhance Williams pedestrian School and vehicular links throughExisting Large Detached and Properties 98 Pottergate Leaflet inviting members of the public to the consultation exhibition Heavy vegetation along border edge Properties on Horton Avenue back A around theKey site Pedestrian while maintaining Links large green spaces for recreationalExisting 2 Storey Semi-detached properties 5. Potential new vehicular access to Chiltern Grove to be assessed. Development Capacity Option 1 provides natural screen throughout onto site. Views are filtered by around Site 0972A SK 01 Norwich FIGURE 15: Private access for two use. A green corridor throughout the site will provide a strong visual Potential to provide pedestrian link via Cotmore Close, subject properties Existing Single Storey Properties the year boundary fencing and vegetation route and biodiversity links. “The redevelopment of the Lord Williams’s Lower School Site will facilitate the to agreement. 19/07/18 SJW NR2 1EQ Pedestrian access into Site Existing Apartment Block

Properties on Horton Avenue back The proposal will be respectful of school’sthe surrounding housing relocationProposed and Keyensure Frontage areas to a single site. This will ensure the delivery of a consolidated, onto site. Views are filtered by Properties on Towersby Drive back 0972A SK 01 boundary fencing and vegetation onto site. Views areDevelopment filtered by Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant)vegetated Approx. bordersPedestrian/Green 130-14 are0 retainedunits Route throughwhere Sitepossible. Existing School Community Hall to be boundary fencing and vegetation retained Continuous pedestrian flow You will have further opportunity to comment on the throughout siteMedium Density/ 2 Storey high-qualityExisting and Proposed educational Key Focal green facility for the town and surrounding villages at the Opportunities to re-use construction waste on-site will beareas explored. Development Capacity Option 1 (Policydetached Compliant) properties Approx. 130-140 units proposals for the site’s redevelopment as and when Heavy vegetation along border edge A For Information Key Pedestrian Links provides natural screen throughout around Site a planning application is made to the Local Planning the year Oxford Road Site. The Lower School Site will be redeveloped to create a sustainable Pedestrian access into Site Authority. Landscape, and Open Space Provision Properties on Towersby Drive back Lord Williams’s Lower School Redevelopment - Design Brief onto site. Views are filtered by Pedestrian/Green Route through Site boundary fencing and vegetationLord Williams—Thame Chiltern Grove providing Medium Density/residential 2 Storey community that will respond positively to local needs and the area’s detached properties potential access route For Information 1. Existing playing field to be retained as ‘green space’. New trees PCMS Design/Lord Williams School 1 to be planted along new frontage. Existing hedgerow bordering B Chiltern Grove providing residential Lordcharacter. Williams—Thame The new residential community will be supported by usable Public Exhibition 2 playing field to be retained. potential access route AlternativeDevelopment Capacity Option Option 1 PCMS Design/Lord2 Williams School and beneficialDevelopment Capacity green Option 1 spaces that facilitate healthy living and social inclusion, and We are aware that the proposed community facility shown on 19/07/18 SJW 19/07/18 SJW Site A—Existing Lord 2. Existing trees along Towersey Road to be retained as much as Williams School Site Option 1 may be surplus to local needs and that any such needs Properties on Horton Avenue back Lord Williams’s School invite you to view and comment on a draft Design Brief for the possible. New trees to be planted along main access road to provide onto site. Views are filtered by are well-related0972A SK 01 to,Site B—Plaandying Fields integrated within, a wider network of green infrastructure Properties on Horton Avenue back may be accommodated on the former Cattle Market Site within boundary fencing and vegetation more of a ‘boulevard’ feel. onto site. Views are filtered by the town. If the community facility is not required on-site, then 0972A SK 01 boundary fencing and vegetation Site Boundary redevelopment of their Lower School Site, Towersey Road, Thame. there is the potential to develop this area for additional housing. Development Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant) Approx.and 130-14 0 unitswalkable neighbourhoods. There is a clear public benefit arising from this This option is shown in Alternative Option 2. Low Density Zone –Detached 3. Key focal points within development site to be landscaped. Green Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys corridor throughout the site to follow pedestrian and road links. Development Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant) Approx. 130-140 units proposal through Highthe Density Z one—Apartments/relocation, upgrade, and consolidation of a school facility, The School propose to relocate their Lower School from its Towersey Road Site to the Upper 3 Housing 2-2.5 Storey Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained Investment in Educational and the delivery ofand acta as a screenrange of mixed new homes for the town.” 4 A School Site at Oxford Road, Thame, allowing the Lower School Site to be redeveloped for Primary Vehicular access points 4. Inclusion of attenuationFacilities basin to deal with surface water drainage housing, as is supported by the Thame Neighbourhood Plan. Existing 1.5 Storey Properties A key objective of the project that is critical to both Lord Williams’s School and Oxfordshire County Council is that the funds generated Existing Large Detached Properties

through the sale of the Lower School Site can be used to fund the Existing 2 Storey Semi-detached properties The School, and the landowners, Oxfordshire County Council, have commissioned 5. Park areas to act as keydelivery focal areasof the with Lower additional School landscaping to Oxford Road. and Given that there is a 5 playground facilities clearto be public located interest within aspecteasy walking to this distanceproject, workfor is being undertaken Existing Single Storey Properties future residents. to assess the likely land values that would arise from the sales Location of Public Consultation consultants (Lanpro) to develop a Design Brief that will guide the future development of receipts, and whether this would meet the redevelopment cost for Existing Apartment Block the relocation project. the site, and we would welcome your views on the initial plans. Proposed Key Frontage areas If there is a shortfall, there are a number of ways in which it could Existing and Proposed Key Focal green areas be bridged: Continuous pedestrian flow Youth Centre throughout site Key Pedestrian Links around Site The draft Brief will be displayed within the Youth Centre, Lord Williams’s Lower School, • Through an increase in the number of houses built on the land Heavy vegetation along border edge Pedestrian access into Site (through increasing density beyond the allocated 135), or provides natural screen throughout Lord Williams’s Lower School the year Pedestrian/Green Route through Site Thame on Thursday 15 November 2018 between 4.30pm and 7.30pm. • Reduce the percentage of affordable housing provision on the Properties on Towersby Drive back site onto site. Views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation Medium Density/ 2 Storey detached properties Pursuing either of these options will require further viability work For Information We hope that you are able to join us and share your views on the current plans. to be undertaken and discussions with the County, District, and Town Councils to take place, before they could be formally acted upon. We would however welcome the local community’s feedback Chiltern Grove providing Lord Williams—Thame potential access route. Representatives of the school and members of the consultant team will be on hand to and comments on either of these options. PCMS Design/Lord Williams School Alternative Option 2 shows how a higher number of units could Development Capacity Option 2 be accommodated. explain the proposals in further detail and to answer any questions you may have. 19/07/18 SJW

Properties on Horton Avenue back onto site. Views are filtered by 0972A SK 02 Alternatively, please email [email protected] to request an electronic version of boundary fencing and vegetation the plans and feedback form, available from 4:30pm on 15 November. Development Capacity Option 2 – Approx. 145-155 units For any further information, or to submit your views in the post, please write to:

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief c/o Lanpro Brettingham House 98 Pottergate Norwich NR2 1EQ FIGURE 16: Exhibition boards displayed at the public consultation event To the owner / occupier

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 30 Site A—Existing Lord A Williams School Site B Site B—Playing Fields

Site Boundary

Low Density Zone –Detached B Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys

High Density Zone—Apartments/ Housing 2-2.5 Storey

Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained and act as a screen

Primary Vehicular access points

A Site A—Existing Lord 6.2 | DRAFT OPTIONS SUBJECT TO PUBLIC CONSULTATION Existing 1.5 Storey Properties Williams School Site B Site B—Playing Fields

Site A—Existing Lord Existing Large Detached Properties Site Boundary A Site A—ExistingLord Williams’s Lord School Main Development Site A A Williams SchoolWilliams Site School Site Low Density Zone –Detached Site B—Playing Fields B Existing 2 Storey Semi-detachedB properties Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys B Lord Williams’sSite B—Playing Secondary Fields Site B High Density Zone—Apartments/ Site Boundary Housing 2-2.5 Storey Private access for two Existing Single Storey Properties Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained properties Low Density ZoneSite –Detached Boundary and act as a screen B Housing/SemiSite Detachedboundary - 2 storeys Existing single-storey properties

High Density Zone—Apartments/ Primary Vehicular access points Housing 2-2.5 Storey LowerLow density Density zone Zone – detached/ –Detached ExistingExisting care homeApartment block Block B Key Frontage—hedgerowsemi-detachedHousing/Semi to be maintainedhousing Detached – - 2 storeys Existing 1.5 Storey Properties and act asstoreys a screen ProposedProposed key frontageKey Frontage areas areas Existing Large Detached Properties Primary VehicularHigherHigh access Density densitypoints Zone—Apartments/ zone – apartments/housingHousing 2-2.5 Storey – 2-2.5 Existing 2 Storey Semi-detached properties storeys Existing 1.5 Storey Properties ExistingExisting school School community Community hall Hall to be Private access for two Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained properties Key frontage – hedgerow to be to beretained retained Existing Single Storey Properties Continuous pedestrian flow Existing Largemaintained Detachedand act Properties andas a act screen as a screen throughout site ExistingExisting and andproposed Proposed key focalKey Focal green Existing Apartment Block Existing 2 Storey Semi-detached properties greenareas areas PrimaryPrimary vehicular Vehicular access access points points Proposed Key Frontage areas Private access for two properties Existing Single Storey Properties Heavy vegetation along border edge Key Pedestrian Links Existing School Community Hall to be A Key pedestrian links around site retained provides natural screen throughout Continuous pedestrianExisting flow Apartment Existing Block 1.5 Storey Properties around Site throughout site Existing 1.5-storey properties Existing and Proposed Key Focal green the year areas Proposed Key Frontage areas Pedestrian access into Site Heavy vegetation along borderExisting edge Existing Largelarge Detacheddetached Properties A Pedestrian access into site Key Pedestrian Links provides natural screenExisting throughout propertiesSchool Community Hall to be around Site Properties on Towersby Drive back the yearretained Continuous pedestrian flow Pedestrian access into Site throughout site onto site. Views are filtered by Existing and Proposed Key Focal green Pedestrian/greenPedestrian/Green route Route through through Site areas ExistingExisting 2-storey 2 Storey semi-detached Semi-detached properties Properties on Towersby Drive back boundary fencing and vegetation site properties onto site. Views are filtered by Pedestrian/Green Route through Site boundary fencing and vegetation Heavy vegetation along border edge A Medium Density/Key Pedestrian 2 Storey Links provides natural screen throughout around Site Medium Density/ 2 Storey Private access for two detached properties Site A—Existing Lord the year ForA Information detached properties properties RetainedExisting and Singlesupplemented Storey Properties Sustainable drainageWilliams School Site For Information Pedestrian access into Site boundary trees and hedgerows infrastructureB Site B—Playing Fields Properties on Towersby Drive back onto site. Views are filtered by Chiltern Grove access to be Pedestrian/Green Route through Site Lord Williams—Thame boundary fencing and vegetation Site Boundary retained as pedestrian access. Existing Apartment Block Medium Density/ 2 Storey PCMS Design/Lord Williams School Chiltern Grove access to be detached properties Option 1 investigated the option of a policy compliant schemeLord Williams—Thame of 130-140 For Information Low Density Zone –Detached retained as pedestrian access. B Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys dwellings. TheProposed development Key Frontage proposal areas will encourage a scheme that reflects Development Capacity Option 1 PCMS HighDesign/Lord Density Zone—Apartments/ Williams School both the density and character of the area. The scheme will alsoHousing allow 2-2.5 Storey the Chiltern Grove access to be Lord Williams—Thame 19/07/18 SJW retained as pedestrian access. option of higher-density living within the centre of the Site. Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained Existing School Community Hall to be and act as a screen PCMS Design/Lord Williams School Development Capacity Option 1 Properties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore retained Close back onto site. Views are filtered by Primary Vehicular access points 0972A SK 01 Continuous pedestrian flow boundary fencing and vegetationThe proposalDevelopment will Capacity enhance Option 1pedestrian and vehicular links through and around throughout site Existing and Proposed Key Focal green the Site while maintaining large green spaces for recreational Existinguse.19/07/18 1.5A Storey green Properties SJW areas19/07/18 SJW Development Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant) Approx. 130-140 units corridor throughout the Site will provide a strong visual route andExisting biodiversity Large Detached Properties Properties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore Key Pedestrian Links Heavy vegetation along border edgeProperties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore Close back onto site.A Views are filtered by links. 0972A SK 01 Existing 2 Storey Semi-detached properties boundary fencing and vegetation provides natural screen throughoutClose back onto site. Views are filtered by around Site 0972A SK 01 Private access for two the year boundary fencing and vegetation properties Existing Single Storey Properties The proposal will be respectful of the surrounding housing and ensure Development Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant) Approx. 130-140 units vegetated bordersPedestrian are accessretained into where Site possible. Existing Apartment Block

FIGURE 17: Draft Option 1 for consultation Properties on Towersby Drive back Proposed Key Frontage areas onto site. Views are filtered by Development Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant) Approx.Pedestrian/Green 130-140 units Route through Site Existing School Community Hall to be boundary fencing and vegetation retained Continuous pedestrian flow throughout siteMedium Density/ 2 Storey Lord Williams’s Lower SchoolExisting Design and Brief Proposed | 31 Key Focal green areas detached properties For Information Heavy vegetation along border edge A Key Pedestrian Links provides natural screen throughout around Site the year Pedestrian access into Site

Properties on Towersby Drive back onto site. Views are filtered by Pedestrian/Green Route through Site Chiltern Grove access to be boundary fencing and vegetationLord Williams—Thame Medium Density/ 2 Storey retained as pedestrian access. detached properties For Information PCMS Design/Lord Williams School

Chiltern Grove access to be Lord Williams—Thame retained as pedestrian access. Development Capacity Option 1 PCMS Design/Lord Williams School

Development Capacity Option 1 19/07/18 SJW 19/07/18 SJW

Properties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore Properties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore Close back onto site. Views are filtered by 0972A SK 01 boundary fencing and vegetation Close back onto site. Views are filtered by 0972A SK 01 boundary fencing and vegetation Development Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant) Approx. 130-140 units

Development Capacity Option 1 (Policy Compliant) Approx. 130-140 units Site A—Existing Lord Williams School Site Site B—Playing Fields

Site Boundary

Low Density Zone –Detached Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys

High Density Zone—Apartments/ Housing 2-2.5 Storey

Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained and act as a screen

Primary Vehicular access points

Existing 1.5 Storey Properties

Site A—Existing Lord Site A—Existing Lord Site A—Existing Lord Existing Large Detached Properties A Lord Williams’s School Main Development Site Williams School Site W illiams SchoolW Siteill iams School Site

Site B—Playing Fields Site B—Playing Fields Existing 2 Storey Semi-detached properties B Lord SiteWilliams’s B—Pla yiSecondaryng Fields Site Site Boundary Site Boundary

Low Density ZoneSite –Detached Boundary Existing Single Storey Properties Low Density Zone –Detached Housing/SemiSite DetachedBoundary - 2 storeys Existing Single Storey Properties Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys

High Density Zone—Apartments/ High Density Zone—Apartments/ Housing 2-2.5 Storey Housing 2-2.5 Storey LowerLow Density Density Zone Zone – Detached/ –Detached ExistingExisting Care ApartmenHome Blockt Block Key FrontagSemi-Detachede—Housing/Semihedgerow to be maintained Housing Detached – - 2 storeys Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintained and act asstoreys a screen and act as a screen ProposedProposed Key FrontageKey Frontage areas areas Primary VehiculaHigherHighr a cce ssDensityDensity points Z one—Apartments/Zone – Primary Vehicular access points Apartments/HousingHousing 2-2.5 Storey – 2-2.5 storeys Existing and Proposed Key Focal green Existing 1.5 Storey Properties Existing School Community Hall Existing 1.5 Storey Properties Key Frontage—hedgerow to be maintainedareas Key Frontage – hedgerow to be to be retained Continuous pedestrian flow Existing Largemaintained Detachedand act Properties andas a act screen as a screen Existing Large Detached Properties throughout site Key Pedestrian Links Existing 2 Storey Semi-detached properties Key Pedestrian Links around Site Existing 2 Storey Semi-detached properties PrimaryPrimary Vehicular Vehicula accessr acc pointsess points around Site

Existing Single Storey Properties Existing Single Storey Properties Heavy vegetation along border edge PedestrianPedestrian access access into Site into Site provides natural screen throughout Existing ExistingApartmenExistingt Block 1.5-Storey 1.5 Storey Properties Properties Existing Apartment Block the year Proposed Key Frontage areas Pedestrian/GreenPedestrian/Green Route Route through through Site Proposed Key Frontage areas Existing Large Detached Existing and ProposedExisting Key FocalLarge green Detached Properties Site Existing and Proposed Key Focal green areas Properties Properties on Towersby Drive back areas Continuous pedestrian flow Continuous pedestrian flow throughout site onto site. Views are filtered by Key Pedestrian Links throughout site Sustainable drainage Key Pedestrian Links boundary fencing and vegetation around SiteExisting Existing 2-Storey 2 Storey Semi-detached Semi-detached properties properties infrastructure around Site Medium Density/ 2 Storey Heavy vegetation along border edge Pedestrian access into Site provides natural screen throughout Heavy vegetation along border edge Pedestrian access into Site detached properties Site A—Existing Lord the year provides natural screen throughout For Information the year Existing Single Storey Properties Williams School Site Pedestrian/GreenRetained Route and through supplemented Site boundary trees and hedgerows Site B—Playing Fields Pedestrian/Green Route through Site Properties on Towersby Drive back onto site. Views are filtered by Properties on Towersby Drive back boundary fencing and vegetation Existing Apartment Block Site Boundaryonto site . Views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation Medium Density/ 2 Storey Chiltern Grove access to be detached properties Lord Williams—Thame Medium Density/ 2 Storey OptionFor Information2 investigated the option of a higher density developmentLow Density Zone –Detached to detached properties retained as pedestrian access. Housing/Semi Detached - 2 storeys For Information incorporate Proposeda capacity Key of Frontageapproximately areas 145-155 dwellings. To achieve this PCMSHigh Design/Lord Density Zone—Apartments/ Williams School Housing 2-2.5 Storey and respectLord Williams—Thame the surrounding character and density, the intention would be Chiltern Grove access to be Existing and Proposed Key Focal green retained as pedestrian access. Chiltern Grove access to be to provide higher-density blocks centrally within the Site (providingKey Frontage— 1-,hedgerow 2- to be maintained Lord Williams—Thame retained as pedestrian access. PCMS Design/Lordareas Williams School Developmentand act as a screen Cap acity Option 2 and 3-bed apartments). PCMS Design/Lord Williams School Continuous pedestrian flow Development Capacity Option 2 Primary Vehicular access points throughout site Key Pedestrian Links Development Capacity Option 2 19/07/18 SJW The remainingaround19/07/18 development, SiteSJW where it borders existing residentialExisting properties 1.5 Storey Properties 19/07/18 SJW Existing Large Detached Properties Properties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore should maintain a lower density. 0972A SK 02 Heavy vegetation along border edgeProperties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore Close back onto site. Views are filtered Properties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore Pedestrian access into Site Close back onto site. Views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation Close back onto site. Views are filtered 0972AExisting 2SK Storey Semi-detached02 properties 0972A SK 02 provides natural screen throughout by boundary fencing and vegetation the year by boundary fencing and vegetation As demonstrated in Option 1, the proposal will enhance pedestrian and Existing Single Storey Properties Development Capacity Option 2 – Approx. 145-155 units vehicular linksPedestrian/Green throughout the Route Site maintaining through Site the large existing recreational spaces. A green corridor through the Site will enhance its visualExisting quality. DevelopmentApartment Block Capacity Option 2 – Approx. 145-155 units FIGURE 18: Draft Option 2 for consultation Properties on Towersby Drive back onto site. Views are filtered by Development Capacity Option 2 – Approx. 145-155 units Proposed Key Frontage areas boundary fencing and vegetation Existing and Proposed Key Focal green areas Medium Density/ 2 Storey Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 32 Continuous pedestrian flow throughout site detached properties Key Pedestrian Links For Information around Site

Heavy vegetation along border edge Pedestrian access into Site provides natural screen throughout the year Pedestrian/Green Route through Site

Chiltern Grove access to be Properties on Towersby Drive backLord Williams—Thame onto site. Views are filtered by retained as pedestrian access. boundary fencing and vegetation Medium Density/ 2 Storey PCMS Design/Lorddetached properties Williams School For Information

Development Capacity Option 2 Chiltern Grove access to be Lord Williams—Thame retained as pedestrian access. PCMS Design/Lord Williams School

19/07/18 SJW Development Capacity Option 2

19/07/18 SJW Properties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore Close back onto site. Views are filtered Properties on Cotmore Gardens/Cotmore 0972A SK 02 Close back onto site. Views are filtered 0972A SK 02 by boundary fencing and vegetation by boundary fencing and vegetation

Development Capacity Option 2 – Approx. 145-155 units Development Capacity Option 2 – Approx. 145-155 units 6.3 | SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION RESPONSES

The community’s views were requested on four key aspects of the Do you agree that the draft Brief provides an effective response Any further comments? Design Brief. A summary of the comments received is provided to the identified constraints and opportunities? below. Other matters raised, beyond those noted above included: A couple of respondents expressed disappointment that the draft A significant number of comments were made on the principle Brief did not comply with the Neighbourhood Plan. • A desire for smaller houses for young families and first-time of the Site’s redevelopment, including the rationale for moving buyers. the Lower School to the Upper School Site, the suitability of The ability of the Brief to effectively deal with and provide the Lower School Site for development, and the ability for local appropriate solutions to, the impact of development on traffic • Strong opposition to the adoption and use of Chiltern Grove infrastructure, including GP surgeries and schools, to ‘cope’ levels, was also questioned. to provide a third vehicular access point from the Site, and the with additional housing. These matters have been considered provision of a new pedestrian access from Cotmore Close to extensively through the allocation of the Site, and such comments The community felt it important to retain an element of community the south. are not replicated here. use on the Site.

Questions were posed on where the replacement playing fields Design Brief Response Comments Received would be located. The community’s comments on the draft Design Brief have been Do you consider there to be any additional opportunity or Questions were raised over how development on the northern considered and the concept Masterplan shown in the following constraints to the site’s redevelopment that have not yet been land parcel would relate to / avoid the existing surface and foul section seeks to respond, where appropriate and feasible, to considered by the team? water mains that run close to the eastern boundary. these comments.

A number of respondents expressed concern over the impact Is there a need for a community facility on the Lower School Site The key areas of the masterplan that have been revisited can be of the proposed development on the local highway network, or can this need be met through the redevelopment of the Cattle summarised as follows: considering the existing roads in and around the site to already Market Site? be heavily congested during peak times. • The concept masterplan demonstrates how 135 dwellings can The majority of respondents requested that community uses be be accommodated on Site. A couple of respondents questioned the impact of a change in provided on the Site, considering the supply of facilities within transport movements on local air quality. the eastern part of Thame to be poor. • Some community uses are shown as being retained (subject to further assessment of local need) on the masterplan. A representative of the Barley Hill Church suggested that there is Would you support an increase in the number of houses at the an opportunity for them to take on the existing Youth Centre in site or a reduction in affordable housing if it was needed to find • Additional separation has been allowed for between proposed order to retain it in community use. the Lower School’s relocation? and existing properties to protect residential amenity.

The impact of the development on ecology and tree retention A number of respondents objected to both options, suggesting • The housing on the northern land parcel has been moved to was questioned. that the school’s move should not take place unless a policy the western end of the Site to avoid existing below ground compliant amount and mix of houses could be provided. utilities and to protect the amenity of residents to the west. Design matters formed the subject of a number of comments, with the majority of respondents asking for good levels of separation However, a greater proportion of respondents suggested that • Vehicular access into the southern land parcel is to be between the proposed houses and existing residences, and for they would prefer a reduction in affordable housing as opposed provided via the existing points. The potential to provide further attention to be given to housing density and heights in to an increase in housing numbers. pedestrian access via Chiltern Grove will be explored further these more sensitive locations. at the application stage.

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 33 7 Concept Masterplan 7.1 | CONCEPT MASTERPLAN (135 DWELLINGS) A Lord Williams’s School Main Development Site

B Lord Williams’s Secondary Site

Existing properties: Site boundary Single-storey properties Lower density zone – detached/ 1.5-storey properties semi-detached housing – 2 storeys 2-storey semi-detached properties B Higher density zone – apartments/ housing – 2-2.5 storeys 2-storey detached properties “Meadowcroft” care home Electricity sub-station Key frontage – hedgerow to be block maintained and act as a screen Existing school/community hall to be retained Proposed key frontage areas Potential future development area Primary vehicular access points Private access to properties Existing and proposed key focal green areas Pedestrian access into site Retained and supplemented Pedestrian/green route through boundary trees and hedgerows site

Continuous pedestrian flow Properties on Towersey Drive back throughout site A onto site. Views are filtered by Sustainable drainage boundary fencing and vegetation. Key pedestrian links around site infrastructure Built form to be set back by a minimum 5m from site boundary The masterplan concept option reflects new information becoming Heavy vegetation along border edge provides natural screen Medium density / 2-storey available through investigative surveys being undertaken, and in throughout the year detached properties response to public comments received during the consultation period (see section 6).

The proposed focal park within the Lower School Site has been repositioned and expanded to account for the location of SuDS infrastructure. Boundary vegetation has been greatly reinforced to Chiltern Grove to be investigated as a pedestrian-only access protect the amenity of neighbouring properties on Towersey Drive and Cotmore Gardens. This feature also protects underground electrical conduits that run from Chiltern Grove to the sub-station on Cotmore Close.

Properties on Cotmore Gardens/ Cotmore Close back onto site. Within the Secondary Site, to the north, the layout has been Views are filtered by boundary fencing and vegetation. Electricity sub-station modified in keeping with Figure HA 10 of Policy HA 5 of the Thame Neighbourhood Plan. This change retains the minimum 1.9 ha open space allocation in this area, whilst protecting underground foul water services traversing the Site at the eastern boundary. FIGURE 19: Concept masterplan following consultation event and public responses

Lord Williams’s Lower School Design Brief | 35