LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Now Goods arriving at Mills Dry Eaton Rapids Fair Notes. Annual School Maetlner. Goods Co. Four big days-Sept. 2fl, 27, 2,Sanrl 29 The annual meeting of tlio (lualinod Tlicre will be sonic lino horse i-acc electors of ,«clio(il district Ko. I, Mason Good \V(/rl< lioi'.se for.siileiitCliapiii's.* Early fall novelties in millinery at Mrs. Chapman's. * on the last throe days. and \''evay, was held at the school Ndw siylc dress pi'ints ') tits, at E.vcitiiig base ball games will bt; hliildiilg ill said district',, pursuant to jrnirciit i'or 1,5c at Amc's, over Wil• TIME ROLLS ON Hail's. jilayed on Sept, 2S and 2!l. call, on Monday, .September-1, ISiKi, at| liams' drug store. -Htf. J{;iii(lall i.s.si!lllii|,'ii]iiely'K lliiu.shoe The premliiiJi list of the Miir show, S o'clock p. m. aiui Congress is bu.sy trying to get fop $\,->r>. Clia.s. II. Jlall lias two writing many Iniprovemcn'ls this yciir. Call In the alisence of .1. M". Dresser, desks for sale cheap. *l lieiiver, siitin and I'elt sailors at at Ibis olllce foralistaiidcntrvblanlcs iiiodei'at.or, Mr. 15. S. .-Vvery was de• thinpTs straightened out. Nodoubt Miv. Cliaiuiiiiii'.'i. * Mrs, G. 0. IMoad entertains a com- Send to tlic secretary, C. T. h'alrlU'ld signated to at!t in his M.VAH\ and tlie | but some of us will kick and find f e are i Peoile ])aiiy of lady friends this afternoon. I'Jaton :iiai)lds, for information con iiKH'ting was calli'd to order liylilni. r u i .i , . • Tlicrti was !i hard frost ill some lo- cerning tiie horse races and bicycle ealit.ii's lust Kridiiy iiifjliL. Many of oui' citizens in .rack- Tlie annual report of the school P"'^. L>"t then, that is human na- Son and Owosso Labor i.)ay, last M'oii- races. Who are Selling Ncwiind seciind liiind .school books board was read by the director and is | turc and scWom shortens life, Nc> clav. Tlie second day of the Fair, Wed as follows; ch(!iiii lit Hrowiic's Boole Store, * nesday, Sept. 27, will be bicycle day A. T. Giiiiii lias liiKiii appointed posl.- Til llii: Klcclniv 11/ Schnnl DIsIrM jVo, J, (if the matter liow free tiiey nialce silver, 'rowiisliip oi'dcp lidolcs and legal witli llvi! I)ig races on. as follows; 100 Tiiimnlitiiiif Vemii iinil '.'"(/"/ MnKini, maslcr at (:)kcim)s, in place of A. F. blfiiilJS at the l)iCM(i(,'i!AT iilllce, .yards djish. host .'I in 5; one lialf mile Oh-NTi.i-.iUKK :'-Tliii fi-liu.il lieanl ii( snid district re one dollar in silver will always buy Hariies, rcniin'ctl. Hpictliillj- HiilMiilt t'i,r voni-c.iuhldt.ratiori ;lt(. rutlew. llavo you si'iMi tliosi; iDvtily *l,r)0 race, bosh 2 in 3; tint; mile race; two InKi-epen of the condition of tlii< r^chools dnrln,: tht< one hundred cents woitli ot' goods Hender.sou & IIiuitiiigUm, clotliiiig and $2.00'line slioes iit Jirowii Bros'. ? and one-half mile race ; live mile race past year, toxicthrr with an •icconnt nf ilie ii)oni.ys dealers, have an ad. upon tiie eighth The good prizes oll'ered by Eaton rt'ci-lvotl and exivendrd tliitrefor,and .in estiniate nt at Ford's linzaar. A (liiiigliter was born to Mr. and riH'i.|j)ts and needt.d i-xprnses diiiliit,' the ensuing j)age of tills hssue. Bapids niorcliants in t.iiest! races w year. CHEAP. Mrs. Ralpli While hist Tuesday night 'l.'lie stars and stripes lloailng from liiivo a value of about $100 ;ind will Onr last i.rlinol year was a very iirosttnroiti one. Wc have just received the finest .1. L. Crews will start liis dvyv.r ii(\\t tile Hag stalf announced the opening attract smiic good talent. AltlionKh we had to lui.et the always ariraiyhiK einer- line of tablets ever in the city- Jkinday and wants .soiiio aiiiiics. Sec m-aoy, a cliaitKe of stipcrlntt-ndeiils, we Itavu m\ of school last Moriflay. Michigan Central Excursions, aunered theiefnini, and we have also successfully niitice. ori'fConHt the lihHlrHucn usually reMultinfr from fiori' VVe also .sell the best violin string- We do not quoto prices. Ca Don't forget that we are ln;ad Special excursion train will leav A. (1. Hull sold his .)crsi>y cnw to Hidei-Hbhi sickness nniori^ tt-acliers, in such way as to .at our atoro and we will con fliiiirters for wall paper and window :niiy City at 7;00 a, m, Tucsda.v, .Sept have H,.e(i Ihe sevt.fal dcp.ii-iuniiiti nctivsly and prn-for ten cents cncii, regular price geiitleiiiiiii IVoiii Detruil, reei;iviiig sliarlos. BnoWiNK's Hofuc S'l'oun. 121,ll, arriving in Cliifiigoat .''ii-IO p. in Krt',.Hively ••nua'.'ed on all sclioitl days. "vinco you we are doing just Ah i-v|d,.MCe of llic. aliility and re'lial-ie HlandlnK of 25c, each, 3'oO lor her. The W, c; T. IJ. will meet witli Mrs. OnelimittKl faro for the I'oiind trip, as wo advertise. AV.'iiilod—A general piii'po.se horse onrschoiilnwe snlmiil the fact that ilurlni! tlie last W, 0, Lungyear, .Kriday, Si'pt, Dl.li, at good I'or return jiassage not later than tf-riu wllcatlon and '.-nfiiri-eiueiit, liavii idaued dinner .sets and are never undersold. ,i iKJgii I'ersoii held a session of the on the certillcate plan to followdng ii« en their apjirovrd list for tiie'ceiirses of Pli, II., II. in full and winter rubber goods, hav• L., and It, S,, for three years. 'I'liis adinils graduates No matter wl-,at you want to buy- ciiT.ull. coui't in this city last Ttiesilay ing bought bel'oi'e the rise in jirices. points: iiiid iifljtniriied iiiitii the IStli. llA'riCH, I'l.AClC, OCIU.SIO.V, of our school to those courses in liiat liest and great est of American eiluralloinil Insiilulioas wlllioiit it will pay you to call and see us. Times are gradually growing easier. Ow, 1 io7 Drti-nll W. ll,S;h'.M. H examination. Tlie ladies'aid society of Kdeii w Od.-l fir, Marsliail i''. M. K.fiil Some of tlie boarded money is being Oct., 11 to P.' Detroit N. W, 1). A, We also el'iviwdl Uaplisl showed greater receipts ol foreign ImIIIhii than any FORD & KiRBY. Wring along your good dry wood and County Clerk iilackniorc informs us irovioiiH yeiir. 'I'liu anioniit received la ISIKI was •.•n.'l.7ll. Ill ISIII we received.? M(i.-I7 ; in 1802, .5(i(l7.- W(,' will ('.\clBinge boots luul slioes al; that tlic jurors drawn for tlieSepteiii- Clilcago, daily to Oct. .'iOtli, 20 per W. M. PRATT cent, of rcignhir fai-e, limit October ,'10, HI; and ilils year wi. have reci-lveil iill.','J.'i^—nesrly rock hottoiii prices. linowNBnos, * borl,eriii are not reqiiii'cd l,o report iivicM the sinoiint reeelvcd In 181)0, iiiitil Monday, Oct. 2. account of World's .i''air. nili-lly,lliesu(:re«s of Ihe sclieoli doling the pasl Mason Imnlcs will iiay no iittciition rear, ediiciitlonally anil'llnancially, assures us nf, wi- BUSINESS DIRECTOP?Y. to tlic SaMii'day half lloiidiiy, but will i\riss j\l. .Iciniit! Clowes gives a A son w;is born to' Mr. and Mrs. 1 hnllevi., a still nion, pnililiilde year's work In the ten recital at Leslie I'liursday evening, 11. Ii'ieid this morning. inointiN open wliich ivn iiro now entering. rcniiiin open as liiis l)eeli tlicii'usual Tli(. recitints and dlHliurseuieiits of scliool iiioiievs PHV8ICIANH. custoiii, ."^eiit. 7l,ii, under the auspices of tiie 'Now lot of dress goods in liitest for Ihe yi.sr Just closi d ore as follows; W. 11. C, at l)lie G. A. It hall. lt.,|. I). |)()V1NM:, IMiysldaii aiin StiiW DuuH, miss the rcninant sale of dress styh's and shadings at I iail'.s. *\ nK(IKIl.TH, Amount In lilnary (uml frniii last year .«.'i!l 71 (inieii ill farliliiii'^!' ^'}'.>"h.. J',''",'.'''' goods next ,Satiirday at Hall's. I'lic Ladies' Home Mi.ssionary D on; aiiii'sciiirirsiniiiis, Mnsdti, Mlcli. 'I'lio licst line of inoii's work siioos " '- Keiiei-al " " " 0:11 conan' Vei'iion .1. Willey of I'cwaiiio, a re Society of tiie i^f, E, church will serve for $1,2.') that can be Ibund, are at " raised liy ta.\ul|iMi i,Mi 7S g n D fllilCICN.M. I)., Ilnniiiipatlilsl. OnidO ill a six o'clock dinner in the chuir.li landall's. " of primary school money Ti\ 'itl | cent gi'iiduatc of tlu; M, A. C, has " of library nioiioy ml p.', Ca.sli will buy your groceries ^ It. I'oliif lilin^li. He.slileiici), llfst iloiif ca.st boon appointed iii'liicipal of the State parlors next .h'riday, Sept. Stii, I'rc.siiytdiiaii iiliiireli Dinner 10 clis, Ii'ariucrs—•lolin Liiscnby lias the " of fureiun tnltioi (1,'i'i 'j| clicaji at Sclioo! for tiie liiind at Lansing. besbbeiin jiullor in t,he liiarkel,. :i:ie " borrowed at Imiik Juiing year 1,6,10 0,11 " rocolved Irom all oilier unurces 'i .10 | attorneys. III! Epwoi'l-li League at Kdiui wi "Uncle .liinmio" Howard, now of sure and see it/. '"tf liold a teniiii'.raiice service next Sal> iOaton llaiiids, has been granted a Total receipts ! j)8,tiring tile past week we have read am; soorolaiy, Jliisoii. Ji, .1, liiillcii, pfeslilunt. uited in tliis city. .iusUcc Squier election of two Irnstena lo Hiicceed Messrs, 0. W, of several persons going to tlic World's VanSlylio and 10. S, Avery, respectively, whose terms Mason, took the lead with .TusticeIrish 8-1. Long-year Bros, have a novel lly .Ii'air who are indebted to us and seem of nlllce have this day «x|ilred. S. AV, Hnmraond six, O. .1. Ilooc catcher in tlicir drug store window on All of u-hici) is resiioclfiilly sitliniltted, FINAMCIAL to have no desire to pay. It is cheer• thi'ce, V. E. Deiismoi'c two and County Maple street.. The modus operandi .1 '1'. OAMriiKi.i., Director. h ful for tlie hard-working iicncil pusher "Y DJtlJHSliU, omeuairarmers' Danic, Ma- Cltu'k Blaclcmore one. is a wide belt covered witli molas.ses J , sou, Mloli., liiis money lo loan, liiislness Hid water that runs under a, trap and to stay at home while otilers are l n.-ilO after two men were out in Mason's Let .some of the other fcllows/Wait Scaitorlng ; -1 List of letters remaining iincallccl: half of the (Ifth inning. Attluittiine Some of our coi-respondciits have Total , 2(1 7;lfi tt.m tills time. l3oen slack of late and otiicrs we have for at the above named nlllce; • ;QlifoivKO. 'l;:inp.uv, 0;10p. m tibo game stood, seven to four in our Mr. ,lanicsIT. Shafer having receiv• not lieard fi'om in several weeks. We Mrs, E, I. Asultliio, Jtr.s. .Miniiio lioroy, favor. Sliarp could not go, .so the boys Tliroe tramps stopped at the I'csi ed a. majority of the votes cast was mitrolt OMWii.m. OiOO |>,m. BM n.in desire to liear from .you often,- If you Mrs, Limy iropiKir, i\iiss jhj.s.siu riiolps, took Lo Edgar along to catch I'ortlieiii deuce of ticromc Scovillo near Leslie declared duly elected. Mr, ,taiiie.s Jtothnii!, s, Wiilif, lOiSO p.ni, KhliOp. m. lOtSB B,ra the other day. They becomingratlicr are out of sup ilies, let us know and St.Xlionx'" A bldlot was then had upon tihe :Pc'rso,n, s calling for thu above plciis(j Nlag.FuUa, fiiaSa.m, f) ;;).'•> ltf(7 p.ni Montgomery Henders!)()tt was shot Ijoistcrous Mr. Scoville kicked one of wo will rcplen sit you. If you do not in the stoinacli and killed by Byron M. them into the road, gave another a care to.longer act let us know at once question of a successor to Jlr. Avery, say advertised• •• •, H, 0. Call, P, M.. NOllTllWABn. Brown at Lansing last Saturday bill' under the ear wliile the third re• that we may secure some one to take resulting as follows; Itch on human and hoi'ses iind iilE Sdtson , (ill,') a,m,_ 10:50 a.in, 6:30 p.m night. Tiie two were iirinters and mained neutral. Jrortiinate tliere was .yoiiriilacc. News we must and will Whole number of" votes cast, twenty-one, of whicli animals cured in 30 minutes hv Wool- IianslMg •.;)7 /'11:12 6:65 had been in the habit of meeting with a strong man where l,hey stopped, IlilVO. ^wosso,; n:28 Ar. 12:01) 7:11 John A. Itarues received :,.., Ill ford's Sanitary :Lotion. Tills iievejr otliers iuBrown's room Saturday nights they migiit have made serious troulile Ira E, Gnuclicr, express and railroad •y i a. 111. D't.2;2U p.m. 'I'heron VanOstrand , .•....-„„. 0 fails. .Sold by H. M. Williams, drug• to play cards and "laish the grow er.*' for a woman. agent at Autraiii, Alger Countiy, was Scattering '. 2 Buy City.., 8:30 •I:il5'p.m. 0:25 gist. Mason, Mich. 32w20 After the shooting Brown was ar• Three jr.ason girls went inlio an ice knocked senseless nctir that statioi) at 't'olal , 21 Qliutwln .„ 0:5,') l!;6B rested and i,aken to .jail. .nender,shott cream parlor' here, last Friday, iind about 9:30 o'clock last Thursday even• Ml'. .Tohn A, Barnes liaving received Utnckin'aw. 7;riO li,m 11:66 a m. was a married man and the father of died for tUrcc live-cent dislies of ing and roblied of iiis gold watch and a majoril,y of the votes east was de- BUSINESS LOCALS. • Dally. 0, W, Uuooi.ra, several children. cream, and tlieh wanted lio sc|:tlc tlie .f!7r) express and railroiid money. .He dared elected. M.J. Murtn.(.v, Gon, Pass, and Ticket A gt. On motion tlie meeting adjourned. Ticket Agonl, ManoD. OhicaKO, "While thrashing last Tlnirsday after• bill for ten cents. But the young was found by the crew of a passenger Drylni; Applos Wuirtcd. noon Philip l!icbeshinier-of tiio town• lady clerk made tlieni put up the train and taken to Marquette for ,T. T. CA5n:'iiJ']LL, Director, r am In tiie iiiiirkiil I'ov drying aiipies .'iiul wilt I'iglit cliiinge, and then ihey showed troai/inent. Tliore is no clue to the pay ilio liiglicst initrUct price, ship of De hi, lost astackof oats con CoiTii-non Council Proceotalngs. taining between three and four liuii- symptoms of light, and acted as though robbers. Mr. Gouclier lived in tills •'«w;ip ,1, 1,. Gross, i-Masoii. Mason, Sept. 4, 1893. To Lilt. pi di'cd bushels and two straw stacks. they might be really awful mad. city when a buy and learned the busi• .r- ll ,B Melli .Insured in tlic Earmers' Mutual. The —Eaton Eapkls Ilerald. Sounds like ness here. Council met pursuant to adjourn• Slicop to double in four year.s. fire is sup))nscd to have caught from a a flve-contyarn. ment and was called to order by acwi Mii.r.s Oitv t^oniis Co. Last Sunday afternoon the house Mayor'Reed. The l\rail noiito froni spark I'rom the engine. Tlic separator George TTaire, the fellow of the first ol! Otto Cajile, just etist of the city on Attention, I'vonlo of Mii.Hon. was got out of the way with much Present, Ald.Hoyb, Mills,Thorburn DANSVILLE TO MASON part, who has assaulted and liiigged the Dansvillo road, was destro.yed by We liiive been fortiliiiUe In seciiriiij,' Mr. W. dilliculty. It was fortunate that the (Ire together with the contents of the and 'VanSlyke'. Cliimcy, foriaer Siipl, ol' ilie Mlolilgmi Stoim- uniirotocted Lansing, females ' with Cu,'s Works at Jroni-oe, lo repre.niit its as gen• navliiK lioen aiseontlmieil, tlio suD.tcrlhov 'will stacks were located away from his force at arms and witliout consent of upper story and the cellar, those on KEPOKTS OF COJIMITTKKS. . lioroafter run a veliiclo over tlio road iliiiiy (Sun• large barns as they with tlic house eral agent in your incallty, .Mr. ciieitey is iki day and I^Qiirliiot .Inly excoiitctl) tor tlio convoy- l/lie jiartics (if tiie second part, has tlie ground lloor being saved in a The (Inancc committee reported slntiigw In yuiir-county, being a soiiot Davlil ioe of piissoiigers, e.Miress and trelKlits, jtl; rca- woiild surely have been destroyed. given liail in the sum.ol'.$150 to appear somewhat damaged condition. Tlie on the following bills and recom• Olieiiuyof Alason, and in jiitlionizing liini yoit can feel assured yon are doalliii; witli ii nmii ot nablo nitos, ioavlne llansvillo iU eight o'oloclc for trial before .lusticc Dolan Sept 12. lire bad gained much headway when mended'their allowance as follows: 111,, and arriving al. JTason at or bofornio n, m„ There were .'i-l ajiplicants at .the lionoj- and-, one who lias a poi-soiiiil iis well ii» 1(1 rotiirnlnt' at siicli time eacii day its shall l)est teachers' examination in this city last ITaire sliould be seen rely tied to'apost, discovered and everything being so Ilarvfiv Acker, to work on catch basin.....? (i.;i7 family rciaitatloii to stislain. ^ fIjUJjiote tlio eonvonieiice oC y^j^ his ijack bared: and each!one of iiis di-y burned nipidly. House was. in •1. A. flawkliis, to work on sower 'JOO Ho will call on you,, in a iuw days and wo trusIS Saturday, 32 were granted ccrtiUcatcs ictiins sentenced to-give him ten siirod for $700 and contents for $000 Andrew Xailniaii, work on .sijwcr: • 0 75 yoti will SCO it 10 your iiiiero.st lo favor liiin wltU •, ' l5iiHsvllio, Wicli., Qct, 17, mi ' ' ' •' as follows: , Dan lot Gregory, trolKlit and drayliiK a good-sized order. .Same will liavii our careful II. H, Daloman, North Aurnllna, DnisyK Cham- lashes with a blacksnake whip, the in the Hartford. Mr. Caplc has iiot n. E. Cobiii-n, one months' services as •111 itltentlon and bo ililed ^vitil dioico ;stocli. JJoii'S lion. A, If, Carlland, li'lora MoArthur, Mary .Smith, last one with abi'ooraand some brine dctcnhin'ed at this writing wlieblier or onglncef. -. Dl! 00 lie deceived liy long-winded iigoiits for far-iuvajr , Electric Bitters. • ITyrta L, Taylor, Jfary I'ngli, LnimlnK i Corn M. to give George a gentle reminder. not to rebuild. Tlie'barns and ijtacks It. F. Civillla, fori-lijlit of wity on land for, concerns. .I'liy no nltunllwii to Irresponslbla Clark, L. 0. DiiOainp. Mareia Itont, Losllo ; JI, K, wells... lOOO00O 1 jiarties wlio ckiiiti to be re^it esomiiig us. Jl'ri This remedy is so well known and of, grain near by were .saved with Cnok, Utile Doolitllu, Clam M. li"li«her, Mwin 0, For inontlisit:iias.beenltlic practice 0. L;Castoi'lin,freiglit .,.„,..,.,•.. BO 12 Olieiiey Is our only sitiesmiin in yotir seoUon» 80 papuliir us to need no special men- jnUor, Alice Vauglin, Geemo Ooryoll, Maseii; W, 11, much hard work. ' -•, Detroit L, 1>. & S. L. Worlcs, load- and lluy ol tlio oldest Iind largest Nursery in.Miolil-?j; Chapman, Walter Gunn, Holt j li, K. l)oomUo,Looke| of a number oi: .young people 1 viiig in giin and place your orders t|irougii iiiiiaiiyow , tion. All wlio liavc lised ElcctricBit- Frmikie Koene,I\Ilnna ItlKijs, nanuTiilo ; liose Mc- the vicinity (if Dansvillc' to congregate Secretary L. G. Webb of the Mich• SoiaU i'litisijiu-g I'Viio Woi'iVs, lii'iio liiiti intC- , can trust. ^Vo liave been in.business lieveiiG : v;|l;>evs sing the same song oC praise. A Ooriiilck, Iosco ;11iiiinL, Roiaheok, LIna llorabock, evenings In thatvillage and. have what igan Trotting Horse Breeders' Associa- terlnl.....: 215 7-11 Jfonrou tiie jiast 'l,^ years and e.vjieot to stay iioru •i; -7-{jurijr-medicine-does not exist, and it Geoigo Jewelt, ICaton llaplds ; nosHie Hill, Iluivitt; JIlchlKim Supply Co., iiiatorlal for water •15. years more. -11! itnytliing in unsatisl'iictory- Lottie Cook, Qkeino8',l.nulsu Itcssmau, OnanilaKn; they term a "good time." Last.Satur- tiop, is ii very happy man since the WOl'K.I...... 30 08 you, know right where to Iind us and wo will bi» Is guaranteed to do all thiitiscliiimed. Ooia StockinfT, Kale MattJsoii, BtockbrldK'o ; Ulla day night secmo:d; to .be', the grandest colt .Baronmorc hassiiowh so much diaries Selimulsler, drawing pipe.;..;... 5 25, only too glad to licar from voti. • • 'Ulectric Bitters;will cure all diseases Wlnterg, Fitchbnrg'; 'Mina Spaiildlui;, Shaltshnrg, celebration of tlie :soason for tiiem. Siecd. !Mr. .Webb brqd the colt, al- David SoiUUwIcU, 12 uiRhts on streets.... 10 201 Thanking you tw' past favors and snlldllngf., f"' oC tlio liver and kidneys, wHl, remove .LKelloy, i2nlglits oii'streets. .'. 2 701 you-on.r niir.l.nnofrpatronageo, wqm;o1V0H).0. , •V'oi.\. ti'nl,, v./.m.c Ingliani county's share of tlie State .Drunken brawls,' (IgMs and indecent tioiigh ho does not .own him now. Iloi'aco Ascltlne, woric In cemetery,..,,,. I..K, iLGKNI'-Uri-i! & vSO.VS, .pimples, l-)oils,salt rlienm and other taxes for 1893 la $3,5,889.83. The total langu'agc secmc.d ,to:be on the pro• The,. race, at Milw.aukce, where Bar-.; Paddock & Uondcrsoii, lighting streets 22- Prop's Monroe Xiirsnry, Sf: ^vJiITecfcions caused: by Jmpurc blood. amount to be raised inthe State is$l,- gramme, without.- intormission, -upon onraorc beat a (leld of aged horses and niglits,...... 159 IB 35W2 Monroe, Mich.; ,;'W111 drive malaria, I'rora the system Geo. S. 'M&slier, and men dn street 031,214.09. The rate of taxation Is 1,7 tlie.strcot's nearly all-night. Theolll- trotted to a record of. 2;17-§ Is a great Hoyt lii-os., groceries .tiinilshod Nellie , .30-13 mills on:thc dollar. In 1801, the leg-; cers seemed povverless in C|uelling the card for. the brecding.intcrcijts of the . ,Odol 1 twowecics..:....., 360 Two lots with good fruit ana simdo trees, coi»»-' islativc year when the democrats were disgusting performances. Last Mon• state und makes the .clam, May Wag? Daiilol Grejjory, draylng. '2 75 nor'Klin and Liinslng streets; i»lao,:two,g0«(t • In poweivtlie State tax apportioned to day the village marshal,-FredHill, goner,, ,by Stratlimorc,- a valuable On motion the report was accepted buUdli^ lots on Mill sXrcct. wu J. A. SiiEn\Yooin.. • tors.'. Entire sfttLsfaction guaranteed, Ingham-county was $26,832.60. , Re- made coraplalntTJelore'Justice Sciuiers brood mare.:. She is but six years-old and the "clerk was liistructeiil to draw niblican administrations come higher in tills city, and. a warrant was issued and ili. is 'doubtful if'blicre-is another orders for sara(3.- \ :. • •!,! ,, :! .,. : -Foir rino Furnltiirtj,:.-';' $9,057.23) but the people have said: we and placo,d 'in the hands of Constable oho intbe-statc.at thatiige with a son, ,Tbc requestor 0.:B.' Crane in regard .Callivt . F, L.'SyuqpD'a.:, liiust liavethem. The last legislature riawcrot't'tfor tlie,'ain'cst;.'oi: .four of.'.the or:daiiglibor as fast as,tlil.s colt by Ba- tosidi3wallc on 'Vvesb side "of,Lansing All kinds oC LaadOTgrTVlndo-wSotoeiiv^ madeashort-tiiperccord, italsomade: parl/lcipants,: who - wore - arraigned,, rorr,Wilkes.-;V'Mr.v-'P?cbb .probiibly strec,t,':was refeiTerl to':the street;^ ,oi salts by o l!;';?5;':'--YTle •jgreatost'. worm •-dostroyer on a higlifappropriation record.' This pleaded' guilty and we've' fined $5'cacli regrets„fcbat!lie:spld the colt, butheis mlttee.' ::,-• :,<- '::''.;:,.:• IOaborn.onW(»tatreat;-M«aon. '2it'21 t I'l'^'iji'ivleartli is DuUai I's Great Gcrmiin Worm will M seen ^ when j'ou pay. taxes this and .costs, or 10!;days!.' Ik^v •'iliozdngers;''iihlflv^^ Scents per,box,/-:; For. wlntei-i •...compare, yoiif ' .State - tax jail. .^Thc fiiiesand-'cost'sXvcreV' Pa#sale'l3y Holstisk & SonY^]?.>;H;^^ naSIMlSS IIA KOilUTKIt. ricuno, far exceeds anything yet ro. wrecked nnd everything in tho path ol,i^,. tho hotel or its occupants eoulcl bo HUNDREDS AEE LOST. INGHIM COUNT? DEMOCRAT. made. ported and will not fall far short of (!O0, the wind went down. Tho known prop- T ft. (!, Dunn & Co. ItiivUnf tlio .Sltiiiitlon. Great destitiition exists among tho erty loss is already over $1,000,000,^ Indliiim SoIdlf'i'H' MoiiiiMU'nr. R. G. Dumt Co.'s Wooldy Roviuw 7|0i)0 remaining inhabitants and urgent llllVo(r 111 tllti Kllfll. There was an enormous amount of ro- of Trudo Kuys: a ijieul is made for aid in shape of pro- MIGHTY HARVEST OF DEATH IN AtBiiltlraoro not since tho big flood Tlio Houso has )iiis.sed tlio silver bill joieiiiH- anione: tho Grand Ai'iiiy jieojilo V sioiis, crops and provisions having MASON, MIOJH. at Lidiaimiiolis when it was announced THE SOUTH. of 1808 has such a delude of water in• by a majority ufitoiiishlnti: to its frioiuls been entirely destroyed. vaded the city. TJio wind blow a galo und ).i fuvoriililo rusult in tht3 .Sonuto is that the soldiers' monument commis• sion had decided to remove the Mex• all the afternoon, damaging all mova• now beliovod not to bo far distttut. In- Dir. Oliivrliiiid'N TliiinkH, Itiiln 'WrouRlit on Kvpry Bldo—.Scoros of ble property. WountaiiUdis S(3as woro^ . 3luiil iiiiprovoinonlin tho stoek niiirkol ican war dates from tlio too of the mon• tVasliin^'ton special; The following I.lvpH DrKiroyiMl hylliii Augty Klcniiiiil — piled up and rolling in the basin. Tho'(>' xsff;f SlSPTliMliEJi. IS'Xi followed, tlib avoraijo prices I'lsinff ument and leave only llio tliito of tho civil war. This is the most itn]iosinp telegram fi'om J'resldent re• Soutlirrii CoiiHl .StruHo with ii Ilurrloaiiu'ii waves .spread over tlio' wliarves and' over 8^2 per share, and tlioro was also specting the vole in thollousoon Mon• Hooded tho streets and buildings adja• Su Mo Tu We Th Pr Sa u rise in wheat, cotton, and jiprk. .soldiers' inonumont in the country, and •Wrec'itneo. tiio (Jriiiul Army contributed about $.')"),- day oil the silver question was reua in cent. Men rowed ai'i.uiid in boats from / Money inarkots tbroiifrhoiit tho the House by Chairman AVilsou, wlio store to Htoi'o in tho lower part of tho ® (100 toward its cost, with the understand- 9 0 ® 7 L'ount'ry are; more healthy, fail• introduced the rei)nalbill: Work of tliu Wind. city carrying merchants and clerks to ures diniinishiuf,'- in numlior and re- iii),f that it was to eommeinorato the As communication becomes estiib- 3 4 5 (? Q UuzzAiin's liAV, Mass., Aug. 28. thoir places of business and removing 7 <9 siiinplion by a number pf banlw and liito war. Wlieii the eomiiiitisioii in lishod with that ]iart of the .South dov- charge of it piit.the dates of tho Moxicaii To Hon. Win. U Wilsnji, WftHlihiuton, ]). C.: valuable "oods and hooks. The streets 10 11 13 7^ otlior cstu1)li.shmeiits llhistrntos the astatod by the furious hurricane of 16 waron the iiiiporustra/i'iil, posts all ovei' I'limHO iiudopt for yourself iinil your nsKocintoii rosomblocl lagoors rather than busi• {,'onoriil tendency toward revival of Jii lo-Uay'H iicliiovdnioiil my hearty conunitulft. Sunday and iMonday, more comiilote ness thorough faros. The wharves 17 IS 20 22 23 eonlidenco. Manufacturers do not yet tlio country protested: the Kntuimpmcnt tious aud sliicuro tliiuikK. details of the awful visitation are made objected, and the National h'.ncuini)- GllOVliH Clkvklako. wore coiiipletoly submerged, if not de• 24 25 26 21 29 30 feel tliu,iip\vurd impulse and exhibit known. Many places whore Mio storm stroyed, 1 on tho whole rather less sif/ns of im- uieiit took ii|) the llffbt by declining to was most sovoro are not reached by © 8) 0 0 (9 assist in dediciitini,'' it. Tho Commis- IIIK Fli'o at ^illlwuiiiiKO. New York, Pliiladolphia, Boston and.-* jiroveineiit than a week iifjo. After telegraph, and rojiorts from these other cities sulTerod tea greater or loss some days of eneoura};emeiit, loo, stocks .sion has voted to remove tho dales At Mihvuiikeo, lire damaged, si.x points are nocossiirily slow and inac• and now all is serene. Htores in the Lindsay Block on the extent. Along tho Coney Island beach boKiin to drii),' UKaiii, and in speeuliitivo curate. The cyclone liow through Port everything has beoii swojit away, and IT DID NOT COME OEF. circles .somewhat loss eonlmcnce was south side to Mio extent of $l(ili,.|00. Itoyal, S. C., at the rate of 100 miles The largest losers wore those of the tho roofs of many big buildings woro .seen. iJJlit in these and in the money Trn'ilii! KxploHldii on Itdiird ii Stcaiiu'i*. an hour, and was followed by a tidal carried for blucks.' jMcCorniick Harvostor .Company, who wave that almost swept the town away. inarkots tho record of the week lias Pacilic mail steanuM' Barritcouta has The storm seems to have had its ori' been maiiily one of satisfactory jiro- biilVered a damage of $(iO,OI)(), iineovereil One hundred lives are said to have THE PRIZE FIGHT AT ROBY, IND., i arrived at Sail Francisco in a badly by iiisiiraiieo, AV. 11. Starkweather, gin iu a t^yelono arising in the West yre.sH lowitrcl recovery. ' shattered condition. The (kndv house, been lost hero. At the tinio this is STOPPED BY MILIXIA. whose loss was .$1.'!,01)0, and customers written Port Royal is completol.v cul Indies and from tliei'o swept along the WJieut was all'ected to some extent hatch, and .saloon were wrecked and (if the Milwaukee Transfer and Storage Atlantic coast in a iKirMioast: rli' dfiroc - by the Vienna report. match wood niado of the vessel's Mt- oil' from the outside world, as all the Company, whose aggregate losses were telegraph wires are down and the rail• tiou for a distaneo of nearly 1,50(1 i Corn yielded a little with more satis- tlngs. The captain reports that on the about .•fW),000. miles. • •TUv (7(i1iiiiiliiHfi AtliUitif II ItlTl'lvcl-—i'Ml'llllT tt(l (iv lllcli- belter advances from the more im• hours out of C'oinax, I.!. (.!., si.\ty miles Slrllco for WaRiw. llieiiiselvofi have no idea of the extent RAIN FAILS TO FALL. HiiyiinMi—Tniiililii Kvpcc?!I'd iil (Julvcsloii, of damage done. Tliu mossongor was portant cotton iiroduciiiH- Status the olV shore, when the steamer's'coiirso I'coria special; The fi-elglit biisiiiess Hot uiul Dry Wi'iitlior Coni iiuios In liruilj 'l'i'«iiH-Uiinic),'lii'K .Sli'd .Mills Sliirl. Up. unable to give the exact iminboi' of |)rice of that staple was advanced an had just lieeii shaped for .•Vcitpiiico, ii uf Mie .liiek.soiiville Soiilheni Line, Iti'lflonH—Crop Cond it ions. eiffhth. The stock carried ove'r from lorrillc (.explosion occurred doing the lives lost, but wiMiout ovorostimating running between here and St. Louis, says that over 100 persons were killed •Washington dispatches in speaking NO indllT AT ItOIIV, the eroj) last year just closed, willioul ditniiige slated. The exphisioii seemed is lied 11]) by a strike, the trainmen re any allowance'for siicli a detdiiie in 1(1 have ocelirred in the hole among and drowued. Ho saw liim.self thirty of the weather and ct'0])s during tOia fiisiiigto work on the ground that their past week say that hot ami dry weather (ioviTiior , :\lii(tlii'«»' .Sdldlm'H Awn till! coiisuinpllon as has been witnessed the coal and the eaptiiiii thinks it was dead bodies. Others are being recov• wages had not been laid since .June, ered, and many are still missing. The coiitinilod intho Ohio valley, where the ^ l''lKlltl'IH. diiriiiH-the past half-year, itiipuruiitly dynamite, but has no reason to suspect '.riie railroad ollicials lavi.) notilled all .SiiV(!ii liiiiiili'oil oIlh.'i.Ts iinil niL'ii of rciidurs it certain that there will be no ally one. sulToring and misery the storm has crops have boon injured in many see- eonnocting lines that freight will not cau.sed caiiiidt bo iiictiired mir the dam- lions by continued drought. Frosts llio IiKlldiiit Nitlioniil (limril, fortillcHJ cotton faiiiine for a year to come. The be received until the matter i.s settled. wil.li .su'iii'd.-i, liityoncts, rillL'.s, it (liit liii;.!' stdidt t)f Amorican cotton at homo and iTcn'llili! t'l'iiiid of II l.ovc.SlcU Yoiitli. ago to jiroperty be estimated. !Most uf were coiiorted in \\'iscoiisiii| which must have caused some diiiiiage. The tfitii 1111(1 t.u'ciilry-suvoii rhdiisitiiil ijinind.s abroad i.s about 1,800,000 bales. A terrible tragedy lias occurred in a. TIK! I'l'Klty (irilKSllopiMII'K, tho drowned are negroes. wi.'iilhar was nioro favorable in the (if iiiiiiiiiiiiil.ioii, hivdtiiiidcL'il !it, Hdliy, village near Diidit'-Pcstb. A young The counties of Clark, .relVersnii, The people of Beaufort and Port Ind,. .Minidiiy nl^'lil', (iillsido Mio iifui'iit jiiiiii at a ball, c.vasperated because his Royal were ajiiirohensive in regard to Northwest. Crops were generally itKO I'll Hit .s\i.:kju I'Moyd, Harrison, and AVasliington, In- improvod in the Status to thii (if t-lic {'oltliiibinii, /MJiIdMc Cliili. attentions to a yoimg liidy had been diai'iii, are alllicted with a gi'iissliopjier the hile of St. Helena, a small island 'I'liii Jiiiisliuil li^flils wliii'li liiiil Led ill rriiyer •liihl. Itrforo tlit» I.yiii.-Iilii4;. sligbt(!d, iiiiiigliied lihiit if lie inherited four miles from Beaufort. Thi^y were west of Mio upper Mississijijii, wliilo^ plague, and hirnuM's are at a loss to the conditions wi;i'e iiiifav(irable in Ihe'^ Iwisii iiiinoilni'iMl t(i liilcn pliii'i! hiilwi'i'ii AVill Acki.soii, (.'Olorcd, aged I'D, wlio his father's large estittes he winild he know how to oxtorminate them.< On iiiiiihlo to hear a .single wor'd from ytiiiiij,' (IfitTd, (.diitiii|iidM I'citl.lli'r wciydit an a(.'(^uplaiilo siiildi'. Accordingly he. there. There were twenty-live lives States of the Ohio 'Valley and Teniios- itssatilled tho little Uptliegi'dve girl, itiitiiy fariiis in the territory iiuiikkI the soc. lu the Southern Rocky Abniiitain (if Ali.'itntliii, iiiid "Kid'' LaviMtiu df wits hanged by a inob at South l'\irk, I'el-iirned to his father's bouse and jicst.s liave stripped the corn and trees Idst between l.'ort I'diyal and Seabrook, liny City. iMicli., fiif a |iiii'.sc (if .filj'iiiii, killed his parents, wlio were in bed a small statidn luily fdiir miles ffdiii the districts the season is repiirtod as the K'y. 'I'iio crowd iiiinilKn'od |)i'obitbly df tilieir verdure, thereby causing most, siitisfactory for years, while in tiiu'i .liiiiitiy litti'i'y df (Jliii'itt^'d, iiMil Idll men, and, witli few uxce|)tioiis, was asle(> 1. With a hatchet be then niiir- heavy loss of (tereiil and fruit. harbor, all of tlieii'i negroes, who were .l(diMiiy (.'(Ji'inui'.s (if S|ii'iiiHli(jl(l, lll.,ldt' dcrei bis six young bl'others iiiid sis• plantation hands. Houses wero blown the Ndrtlierii Rocky Mountain districts (liiiet and orderly. Atdcison was llio ground is dry, crops need rain, and it $l,rilio |nii'.'ii\ were; ciilli-'d (ilV lidl'dpu brought heforo the girl and ackiiiiwl- ters. 'I'lieii liercMiriied tothe ball and Lost on LiiUo J';rl('. down and carried in every directldii, l.h(.' iiiililai'y ddiiioiisfrnldoM wits initdu daiic(Ml the reiiiaiiider (if the niglil, and almost a tidal wave 'covered the llie ranges are in poor coiiditidii. The cdged his crime, ll'c said liu did not Hdcliestor siiecial; During tho re- week wiiidry Mirdiigbmit tlid eontrah l.lii^ cllib'lioii.si'. HcMijititiiii llttycs of know wiiy liudid the dued.blitsiippdsed '.I'lid next (lay he was arrested on sils- ceiitstdi'iii tlie Maiiiiltoii .1. Mills sliiik town to a depth of ti>ii and twelve feet. (..Vdu'ii I'diiit, Ind., wild WHS ii|i|idiiil(.i(l liicioii. lie coiifesseil the (.'rinio. Only meager reports have been re• vjillo.vH. except ill portidns of Kaiisa.s^ Mie devil'was ill him. When asked if wlieii twenty-live miles olV Cliiti'lolle, and Nebraska. Over the greater por• i'i.ic(.'ivi.'r fill' Ihe (diih curly in Idiu dity, ho desired the services of a spiritual and the cook and two seiiiiioii were ceived from other points near lieaii- (scrv(jd an dfdor dii (liiiirlcs l''i'(.'d(.i'i'- 'I'lioiiKht it IJiiIoiiiIimI. fiirt, and it is feared that iniiii.y more tion (if the roghiii named croiis are adviser lie said; "1 would like for drowned. 'Tlie .leiinie .Matthews is much in need of ruin, and especially iclts. Klici'ilV (if fjiild' (Jdiinly, llmi, ho ,<(iiiie one to helji me jii'ay, but '•Od not shot iiU!.'-' playfully ex- supposed to liave foiiiidered with lii;i' ncgriies have been killed. The Alma slidiild iilldw lid iiiiiri' |ii'i;'.('. li^dil.s itl, Ciiniming, a large lidiil, loading at the from tlio lake region souMiward to the it will d(i no good. I go into eter• (daiuied the bride of Leo Stairoril, (!rew (if seven. The William Wheeler e.ist Gulf coast. f.lic ('lull lidiisi'. 'I'lii! Siu.'i'ilV went; Id nity an awful sinner. '.I'idl iiiotber I while the liilt(.^r was carelessly liaiid- was wrecked, biittlie crew were saved. .Sea Isliind Clieiiiical AVorks, was swept Mid chill lidiisd 111. li d'cldck niid niivo got into serious troiible and must dii; liiig revolver and talking t'lf slioot- fi'diii its nuKiriiigs and badly injured. The AVest India liurriwiiio which iidfici.) td I lie iiicii ill idiiif^;!.', iciiyi ii;,'-a an awful death, and thi'diigh you [ bid iiig hiiiiHelf at their home on 'Trcntdii ••'Irr lit Dcpiinw, Ind. The pildt boat Piilmotto, tied ii)) at passed Inland from Florida toNdrthornw (hj/.iMi (lopiilics 1(1 SL'd flutl, i.ho (irdcr I'dft Royal docks, was blown to pieces New Fiiglaiid ciiused great daiiiago to " lior and my Histors a long farewell. street, hlasl, |jiver]i(iol. Ohio. StitlVord .\'ew .Albany (hid.) s ii.ieial: Iiifor- wii.s rc,s]ic'ctud. Ddiiiiiiic, (V.MtilIcy, and linally siiiilc a few yards from lis growing crojis in Kilsterii Geiirgia, Send my body Ikiukj I(i Mrs. Millii.^ poiiilc'il the weapon at bis wife and iiiatidii reaches here of t le destriietion niddi'iiigs. .Every hiiiis'o in Port lioyal SoiiMi Cai'dliiia, and piirtioiis of Niirth |ll'C.silllMll of Mid ('lull, lllld I.IkJ Illi':ll .'Vckisoil', riiir'riinaii, 'I'eiin. .Sheisiiiy piilli.'il the trigger, little thinking Mutt by lire of the business portion of and Beiiiifort was .seriously damaged. Carolina and Virginia. Geiioroiis rains wild iiil.ciiilcd 1.(1 li^^'hl. IliPcw iiji lliu mother. 1 am guilty and liavu nothing it was loaded, ft wtis discliargcd, tli(> liepaiiw, Ind., a village thirty miles n|idil;;c iifler -I d'ldoi'lc in Mk'iifi.cc- iiidi'e to say." liiill strilciiig lilie woman in the left jaw I.hivs l.dsl. Iiy llundri'ils. occurred in North Dakota and ]iiirtioiis west of li(!re. The loss is estimated at of Afinnesdla., but the week was drier iiddi). i\d .-ijicciitl Id'.'iitis wcfc ftiii from After It brief prayer by M. W. Sliced and riiiigiiig downward lodged in tlie $10,011(1, with small insiiraiice. Only A, passoiiger train of the Atlantic OhiciiH'". l';.\'c(J|il. for lJi(^ iililil.iit llio neck below the ear, iiillietiiig fiititl in• than iisiiiil from tho Reeky Mountains the ilidb led him a'shori,distance away one business house is left standing. Ciiast line reiiclu.'d liicliiiiond, 'Va,, wostward to the Paoille ecu.st. Alabama lidliy H|idrMii;i' resort wtt.-i ;ts dull itiid and liaiigeil him to the stringers on juries. They bave iiecii iiiiirried but fi'din Charleston, S. C, having been d(.\- fully ii.-^ (hii'li Its It (.'ciiicU'ry. I.(3.s.s tliiiii six weelcs. ' re|idi'ts cotton iiickiiig getting along-v tlie south Olid of the trestle spaiiiiiiig TniKl, Ooiiipiiny l<'iiils. layiid twenty-four lidiirs by the slornl. favorably, but the crops are in need of 1 a hundred ,s|i(irls ciiiiic (iiil. (in Mu.' uloc- .^oiiMi i''ofk liivor. .Sam U|ithegi'ove, .1. B. Bcddlilacalild, tho SiJutherii I'Jx- l,ri(' niiid liitif ddtililJiio'itiKl liitif liopiii;!' (iliid.Hliiiir C(iii);nifiiliiliMl. On the apjilii^ation of. the New York shdwers. Ndrtberii Go irgia reports the girl's hither, gave Aekisoli a good Semii'ity and '.l.'riist Company in tho jire.-s Conipaiiy's messenger, who was that corn has lioeii injured liy droughts. (,liitl, ilnii'c would lie It lie'hf, or nl. Iciisl siippor, told the mob to not lire a shot ;\. ('iiblegi'itiii has been sent by the in Cliat'le.stdii during the storm, sa.ys .sonic filii wiMi Mic soldiciy. ''Kid" United 'status Soiitlicrii District(..'oiirts, into his body, but to he sure that no ollicers of tlie National Federiition df that the battle of v.'iiid and rain begi'iii coux (judi- IS rooK. Liivie'iu.! was the only lin'litcr who re- .AiiK.'i'ica to Clladstoiie, congratulating the I'kiuitaiile Coin|iiiiiy of New York, breath was left in it when the rope has been jilaced in the hands of a re. with terrilie force at one o'clock on jiiaiileil at the chili house nil iiie'hi,, jJu was s(>vcred. liiiii and the liberal party en the pas• .Sunday aflcrildoii and cdiitiniied with- Tlin iriiriiKTS' tlovli'W (;iv(W llio Opnornl WHS nut liiilf us diseilsted its (IrilVd over sage of the lidiiie rule hill. l'\ill(iwiiig culver. Tlie (!it|iitiil is .$2,100,000 iiiir Onlioiik ns l)iHi'iiiini«:liiK:. the slii']ilus ttiSIIII,000. (iiil ccisatidii until Aldiidiiy morning at the iii'lddii of (I'dVuriKir .MittMicws in jiioii lua.ii:.' is tlu.M'losiiig jiaragraph; "We earn• seven o'cidclf. 'While l,lio record of Tho Fiirincrs' Review, which is gen• sciidiii;,' ilio iiiitidiiiil etiiird Id sue llint estly hope tliiit Cod, who lias be.stiiwed .Kiiilnnid illcii .•\<'C rciiiains' unbrokoii, mailer of crd|i conditions, this week o.vpccted liy thespdi'ls from the test l)liysicitl iiowei's, will iirolong your life Clmrluston stood in the track of this contains tlie following; <'iise wliiidi Is Id he tried iie.vt week in Some time ago tho citizensof Si.dniii, II 11(1 enable you to (.'Oiniilute tlio great freight crews on the .liiclcsoiiville Soiitlieasterii road have agreed to the (;ycloiie which has shaken the old eity Corn—SliK.'o onr la.st report tliu oonditioij of J.he Luke C Idiiiilry ciiiirt. Cul., gave the Chinese liiiiiidryinen work- of (jiiding internecine strife, t;d her roiindatioii stones. The to1;al corn lias ciinlliiuud to cinlerloriitn. Only one Kt) such iniliiitry ileiiuiiislriitioii to notice to leave by the 1st oLSepteiiiber. bringing peaci.; and strength to the eiii- comiiany's tci'ins and the lirst freiglit ill iiiiio of tlio corrcspondciitH in lllliioln re• diimiige to ])roiiorty caiiiidt bo told for port tlio crop In Kuoii coadllloii. Twn-iiliitlis prtn-ciil, d. jirize IJeht mis bi'eii seen In No force was to be used and tlio (Jhiiia- lire, and peace and [irosperity to Ire- train to leave here since the strike pulled out Saturday afternoon. some days, aial the lass of life is un• report fuir. Ovoriin percent. oC alt tliu onan- this part of tlii3 cuiiiitry, iind it ttwcd iiieii were iirepariilg to leave jieuce- aiid." known. Not lifty yards' space was left t.es report tho outlook as vor.v (llHcotiriipfiiiL'. itbly. The other night a moll of viiie- In liKlliiitii there lius liufiii a Kreiir. dcclitiu tit the sniiill (ti'dwd (if s|iectiildrs. 'I'lio Dcri'ilind till! Ki'liids. ill Mie stroets that did not contain oniulltloii, iwid In only ii i'ow odUiitlOH -will iiiililiiiiiien arrived on the scene at I) yiir'd hands and tramps, led by '1.'. B. Iloiiio Kiili! AViiis. Buenos Ayrusspetdai; Advices liav debris of all kinds—roofs of houses, tliuro 1)0 iin averano crop. In threo-ConrliliH ; .n'idock by spociiil trains tin the Lak(j 'Viiv-ienti inaiiager of the Stroii'd viiie- London s|iociiil; Gliidstoiie's king .signs, awnings, telegraph polos, etc., 01' tho eounticH the orop in o-tlnmted ati r Shore aiiilJ''di't Wayne roads, botli uf yiii'ds, eaiiio to town and made boiiie rule light in the House of Com• been received fi'oin (Jorrieiites thatth losH iliini 7.1 por ooat. uf tlio normal, and troops, in disregard to the order of the wliieli were scatlered in all d'rectioiis In iimii.v caHCH fnllH below a iiiilf orop. In OlilO' wliiidi nin cld.so to the club hoilso. ii raid on the fJliiiutmeii. All mons is ended. The bill witsiiitssed by during the storm. nut ono eorrOHponileiitronorts aijood prOHpcot, • All was (lark 1111(1 still, Inlt the cdiil- houses in Cliiiiutowii were broken a vote of .'101 to 2(iV. There was unusual National Government's Arbitrator, at but about ono-thlrd report, fair. In the oth• iniiiidiiin' ollicers suspected a rtisu to into, the money tills and trunks of iiiiiniatioii along the route from Glad• tacked the reliels at Santo Tenia and It is reported that live hundred ers tlie condition la from poor lio vor.v bud. persons have been drowned on the MlulilKiiii reports a liotteroii'look, tho oondl- Hwc'i've them. J.'iclcot litis were thrown tho Chinanieii were fiireod open and stone's residence to the .House of Com• seized and sacked the town. tloiiH holiii,' about evenly uivcii at koocI, I'air,. (lilt and a compiiiiy of hnys in bliKj were rilled, and (.'lothing, cigiirs, and other mons. The std'oots were ei'owded with Sea Islands, but this report cannot bo poor. In ICcntiicky lialf of tliu onrrcspoad- All l':iillor lliii-l. verilled. The Sea Islands skirt the ont.s report fair and itoed, tho otliors jioor; (lotailed for .S'^ntry duty itrotiiid l;be biy goods woro stolen . The mob marched people who wished to eatcli a glimpse MIsHonrI lias a good proHpect for corn, tho con• emdosed iireiia. The yuiuiH' eitizuii tliroiigli town taking seven Gliinumeii of the great cbaniiiion of Irish lioirie Carl Hiiboi', editor of tho Corros- coasts of North and South Carolina, dition bcini,'(fOO jiec eoiit. report . thrown from his buggy and quite serr Kood, ii.l per cent, fair, the rCHtpoor. Nebraaka^ iiiH'forcu iiiid their surprise was toiii- ordered tliom tostop aiidiioheeilbeing ganized demonstration, the prime iiiin- .storm lit .Saviiiinuli. roportH Kood In lid percent, of the area, fair Ini pored with afeeUnH'dfsatishietioii Mutt liaid to lii.s order, he 0])eiiud lire with islor was cheered throiiglioiit Mic oiisly injured. .His blooded iiuir'e ran At Savannah, Gii., the storm, which 2.( per cent., poor in tin rout. town, will hiivo route. into'a liilchiiig-post in its friglit and u lart'c orop, nearly all ooaiitlca.bolnp; report- tli(.'.y wciiihl not be ordered to lire on Winchostors. Six .snots wore |ired. had been predicted by tho weather od at fair, uond' and very wood, 'i'lio Koneral Xidlow citi'/.ens, Soimi ollleers went The mob broke and run, but the ollleers will liitvo to be shot. buroaii for several days, began early iu oondillon In uondlii WlKoonHln aud Mlnuoijotai into the iiix^nii and found ii siiiitU ])iirty secured lieliiand overtook them. There riuiiiliiifly I'athollc CaKo. the afternoon and, accordiiig to a dis• and fair III tlic IJakotiiH. A Out, of 10 IVr Cent. of niuii takiny care of the phtco, but no are eleven men lindor arrest and war• A iiatbetic case is that of the •l-yoar- patch, increased from then on until it PotntouH—'i'ho avoraifo ooiidltlon of tlio po• .siffii.s of ;i lig'lit. rants are out for several others. old (;]iilrt of Ale.vanrter Sliowlo'tt of All tho saw mill companies of Wan reached tho cliina.Y between II and V2 tato crop. Ih poor In llllnola. Indliind, Ohio, Marietta, Ind. Three months ago Mr. sail, 'Wis., instituted a cut of 10 pei o'clock at night, having lasted for eight Mloblcnn, KansaH. Nobra.ska, MiunoHOta, Wla- Only twonty-fonr hours rations woro conaln und tlio PalcotnH. It Ib nearly fair Itp Showlott's wife died, leaving a family cent, in the wages of thoir employes hours. The storm and rain ceased for broiiglit on oiKili triiin and no camp 'riS()OI'.S ()AI..LKI) OUT About .'lOO men went on a strike ant) Kentucky and Iowa; kooU In JIlHHOiirl. t ciprtpmejits so that tlioollieersiiiid iiioii of live children, the .youngest •! years awhile in the afternoon. It began I'aHturos—ViialureB arclii very bad nlmpo Ini. -. others are.,e.N:poctod to follow. again witli.torrilic force and tho work TUhiolH, Indiana, Ohio, AtlalilKim, Kontuelcy, fared alike. A. [ilank sidewalk with ii To rrovniil; Mol) Vloioiico to Tliroo I'rlsoii- old. Tho child has beeoineinsaneov(3i KauHafl, Iowa and Wlsconain. In MiaHOnrl, (irs. its moMior's loss, wboin the little oiio of destruction reigned supremo and blanket iiovoriiiy survod us a coiicli for Afl<^r IIiiiidriidK of IIiillofR. KobriiKka. MInnoHOta and the Dukotau tho' •'lidsc. not on duty but no (Uio fi'j'iiiiibled. Loiiisvillo special; Tho State troops insists has gone on a visit. Tho child lasted until midnight, when tho storm pnsturofl arentlll fair.. riie stopping of tlio li^'bt will('Osltho aavo boon called out at Pinoville'to takes no rest hut is on a constant watch The deadlock in the Tenth Ohio Dis spent its fury. All tho wharves along NEWBY DENIED A> NEW TRIAL. .Statu (if .Indiana sonic inoiioy us woU us save from inob violence .Tolin and for the mother who caniitit roturn. trictRciniblic;an CJonvention atlronton the river front and ocean steamship .tlio CohiTiilnan Athletic Club. .'lames jMarlin and George Wagner, Tho child's misfortniiie is almost driv• Ohio, was broken by the nomination companies and Savannah, Florida and ing his father to the verge of raiulnos.s. on the I,7iWi'd ballot of O. S. Bund.y ol 'Western Railroad wharves wore under Tho Ciieo Will Go to tlio SiiproiiiO'Gourt of who woro arrested as being members llio United .Slates.. ,1', IlCILl.lMI liy'l'lltl^K. of t;'lio gang who lirod into a passenger .'laekson County. water. The city streets were impassa• Oliiilnni 111) i.iMM'diiiii. ble on account of debris and fallen AtSpriugilold, Illl,, Judfee Allen over-i/ .lames Cobb, a .wealthy farmer, was train on the Middleborough belt lino A Clioioni iircKsnjro. tho other day. The prisoners were Amsterdam spoeial: Nino fresh trees, twisted roofs, masses of brick ruled the motion for a now trial made'. .retiiriiiiig hoiiic from V'al|)araiso, liid. fences, and broken limbs and branches. by the defense inthocolobratodNowhy • When about three miles from lioiiie he removed to the Pinevillii jail for .safe cases of cholera and live deaths wore Secretary Probst, of tho Ohio State keeping. Amob of loO men is search• reiiorted in Loordam recently. The Board of Health, has received a tele It is dilllcultat the time this is writ- case.! A motion for aruost of judgment 'was set iijioii by two men, who jumped was lilixiwise overruled, and tho courl>. Into his wagon and attacked him with ing for otbor momliers of tho Rico- Dutch-American Steamship C'om))any gram from the authorities of .lersey ton to ostimato the damage as the re• Green gang, and a lynching is threat• lias iiotllied its agents that all cini- City, N. .1., announcing that cholera sult of tho storm, but it was very gen• then sontoneed the- convicted, man a club, kiioclciiig him senseless, and to two years at hard labor in.i ii'obbed him of .$iriO. lie is badly cut ened. graiits,heforo embarking mustreniain has broken out there. eral, and it is sate to say it will go up live days under t)he observation of an in tho hundreds of thousands and ])or- tho Chostor penitentiary. An ap-,- .about the huacl and there is ii liaiiility IMrs. Mary .Bowling, who was fatally TiiJS lULAICKIiXS. poal was allowed, and tlio caso will-thus;- \ .tliilt he will lose his(.'yesiglit. Ollicers shot has died, and this has ci'eaj.ed iiiucii Aniorieaii physician in the company's haps higher. Nearly if not (jiiite all liosjiitiil. The oinigrants will not be OIlICAfiO. the projierty owners in the city have go to tho United States Supreme Court."/" have lieen'searchiiii!'lor tlie thieves,but excitement in the neighborhood where Oati'LE—Common toTrlnio.... };i 2/i (?? 6 i6 .li.x-Attorney Generiul McCartney has ' allowed to come or go at pleasure, hut Hons—Siilpplni; OradcH II 7/i & boon damagdid to soino extent and some Jiave not found any clow. When Mr. she lived, ft is now said the object of been oiigagodi to carry the oaso up. Cobb's toaiu reached home, the sense• the attack on the train was not rob• will lie obliged to sleep and oat in tho SiiKEi'—l''iilr to Clioioo 3 (M (gi :i 75 to the amount of thousands. Fourteen hospital. Wi.lRA'i'—No. 2 Sprini; • lives are known to be lost, and this wilil Pending Mio appeal the defendant, will . less and bleeding body of Mie farmer bery, but an attempted assassination of OoiiN—No. 2 a? & lis go to prison. He talcos. Mio outcome- was found lying in Mio bottom of his .Henry AAHlkins, a mine foreman who OA'1'S-No.2 W (Li ii certainly be augmented when details World's Fiilr l'nKH«nB other posts for aid in.raising a fund, toi; i jiieiit of 1/he Carnegie Steel' iilaiit at World's Fair, collided with a freight Hoos—Clioloo LiRlit (3 li 75 bodies will bo found later on. Twelve ;i 00 defend Nowby. Homestead was started Monday inorn- I:AVIX(5 flIAMAC. train near Benton Harbor, Mich. Tho SiiEEP—Ooiiinion to J'riiiio '& II fill barks and barkentines which woro an• engine and several cars wore wrecked. WliEAT-No. 2lted !l (10 & fiS chored oil' quarantine station wore 'J iiig giving einploymont to about 2,000 fi7 .Sanniid Dcdtcr.H .Slioots Tliroo rorHoiiH and lUngineor Patterson of tho special, and Corn--No. 2Wiiltc (Ml n thrown high upon *,he island, and some Stole II Cannl Itoiit. ,. men.' About TiOO are yet idle. Thoy Oa'J.'s-No. 2 Whito nil (iO 28 will also bo ]irovlded with work within Two AVllI his liroman saved themselves by leap• of them wore carried by tho storm Sunday night, thieves stole: a'canal, • ," ST. LOUIH. 27 . a few day.s. About "Oilmen were given ing into tho canal. The passengers CATTLE.. & H 00 across tho marshes into an island twen• boat on tho Miami and IDrio canal,., A horrible shooting scrapo occurred wero transferred to the steamer Chic- UOClH ;i 00 & ti 75 ty miles distant from the quarantine which was tied up about thirty, miles .employment in tho Braddoek Wire near Butler, Ind., which will cause the Wheat—No. 2 nc.il ;i (10 (0 m cora. No one was soriousl.'y' injured. .111 station. south of Toledo, Ohio. They next. • • '. Works, wlntili resiiiiiod operations. No death of two and probably three promi• COIIN-No. 2 & M wage reduction was oll'erod as has boon Oats—No. 2... ;i:i lift 25 Tho ruin at quarantine is immeasur• caught a horse in ai neighboring pas-.,,' nent residents. Samuel Deeter, u KYE-No.'.! 2J © 50 .aiiticipntod, " *'J)i!]>l(ii.ion of Ganiidit.'* 48 able. Nothing is standing,whore one turo, hitched him' to tho boat and-'.,-!.!,,." wealthy and respected fanner re• OINCrNNATI. hauled it to Dolianco. Hero tho thievoSfl j siding two miles west of this city, ..London special: The Pall Mall Ga- CATrr.E..... 1) no 0 I 7.'i of tho finest stations of the South At• CoiiiaKi! C'oitipiirl.siiiis. liocis *. :l 00 til 5 75 lantic was twenty-four hours before, ex- broke tnto J. 13; "Weisenborg's olovatoi; •' •• became doiuented and procuring a z()tto has an article on tho "Depletion SlIEEP ;i 0(1 (a) 4 25 The issue of'standard silver dollars of Canada." Tho writijr advises an en• cejit the doctor's house,' and how this and .stole about $050 worMi of olovijft* revolver, shot and fatally wounded Wiieat-No. 2 tied fiS & 5U seed.' This they loaded into the boat, ' • '.•,•,'.._ ••from tho mints and treasury ollices for Amos Bachctol, Mrs. .'fohn Lowe and tire stoppage of assisted' emigration to CoiiN—No. 2 40;!it!f. 41)3 weathered tho fearful gale is minacu- •tlio week,ended .Sejitemher'^, was Canada, and^ endeavors to discredit the Oats-No. 2 J[i.\od 211 CS 27 . lous. *I.'lio whai'vos are goiid, tho new and a start was then made for Toledo. .':•,•;>, .•')] William Yatos. JBachetol was shot in n-VE-No. 2 ..$.'i,'i4,'l-ll; for tho eorresiioiiding period Dominion in' the eyes of the people of 40 & 51 fumigating plant, wliich cost tho city After getting through three locks tho • the groin. Mrs. Lowo in the side and DETJtOlT. robbers ran the boat into ihb Maumoe • ,of :IS92, $(i00,l,'i5. The shipment of arm and Yates in the back and arm. Great Britain. It is believed the Cattle. ;i 00 & 4'75 so much money, is in the bottom of tho fractional silver coin for the month of article is duo to United States 'inIIu- Hoos.....' II 00 (0> 0 00 sea, and nine vessels which worO'wait• River, hoping the current would' carry? After the shooting: occsiirrod Doctor a 00 ..Auji'iist was $1,0;!S,0-IU; for the eorro- once, and tho fact that William Wal• SilEEP 0 .'I 75 ing there for release to go to the- them down. By this time, the alarm then sot fire to.hls niotliiiir'sbarn, burn• WHEAT—No. 2 Hod Bl 112 had boon, given,, andi the mon, being;ji^' :sppnding period of .18112, $l,4;ii,(i22. ing up all this year's cropis, the loss dorf Aster is now propriiitor of tho pa• Oor.N'-Ni). 2 '.. 40 42 city are high and dry iu the marsh,, amounting to several thonsaud dollars. per gives color to the siispicion. OATS—No. 2 Wlilto, ohi .28 '2D and no doubt will bo total wrecks. The lIUIllv KtMipiMIK. ' i TOLKUO. Cosnine .was; tho only vessel which After being closed two liionths tho Tho maniac was linally captured by the WnE.\T-No;2ned...... "Ol to f.a ollicers and is now in sate keeping. , . AVlll Not Uu .Snot. ' •Corn—No. 2 Yellow 40!!;®, 411. managed to, kotsp alloat. It is re• First National Bank of Grundy Ciiiitor, 2fl)iil31 . Tho Secretary of Interior has • ro; Oats-No. 2 White 20;!i ported that eight of the crew of a ter• lowu, ojienod its doors with no'w ollieor' llYE—No;2.i ii & 40 rapin sloop wh'ich went ashore on the and a strong list of stoekhoUlers. l)«atli Iiili'liiincfl.. coivod a telegram from Inspisctor Fain-^ ; !•. HUFnijO. Curiomiluii CondoiiHOd. son, at Muskogee, IT,,stating that ho WllE.tT-No. 1 Hard south ond woredrownod.. All the bath New YORK is e.xpectiiig a beerwar,'.- Berlin special: Thci hotel iu Salm- Cohn—No. 2 Yellow houses are gone, the Knights of Pyth• .. jlSiisIuoMS IIouncH ISurnod. bacli, a hamlet in , the Wurtomburg had had an interview with th(3 Choctaw Oai'S-No. 2 White.... owing to the^ Invasion.of the territory',!.:;.- authorities and that, tho q."sstion of ias' club house was washed away,, by Wostiam brewingdirms. , • ..••>>. A fire at Conway, Iowa, started in B. Black Forest, was burned recently.! Kye—No.2 two of the' cottages of the Cottago Club Sixty young women fromcitioB of Baden, the execution of the .nine condemned ' jriLWAUKEE. Grain bags to-tho numbor'of. 3,O0O,'*^-4;^7^ F. Thompson's grocery store, antl in a men hadboen settled satisfactorily.. In WilEAT-No. 2 Sprlnif...... are also gone. The Ranoh and) Ram• ' , short time had consnmcd the grocory, who were passing thoir Jioliciays in COBN—No. a ;. bler club nouses wore'wrocked iind the- 000 havoarrivod in SanFranoisco;andi""'K,.,;i^^^ Salmbach, wore intho house when tho view pf tho instructions given to. In- Oats-No. 2 White....;...... the prices have gone down.' ' ,' '' i,:. a.drug i3liOrQ; and. a dry goods storo, spo(Jtor Fainson, this .telegram is .in-, 11 YE—No. 1...... railroad track is cleaned) out. Tho . Several business olHees, thcj postollioo firobi'oko out.' Most of thom wero Barlei-No. 2.. water swept with' tnbmondous force • Ai SKULL has been' excavated: in • aroused by tho town watchmen in time terpvoted to moan that the Indians pi and tl^ree stables, sixtoon buildings in will not bo e.\eclited September 8. . . i'OIlK-MoHS... over tho island,.railroad tracks beiing Greooo which Is said 'to-be thatiof'vt .'-iWl to escape downtho'stairs. Afew saved NKW Yonic. carried from 300 to 500 foot., • theinsalvos by jumping from, the sec• OATTI/E...... ;.....';.. \, • • MystorlotlK i)ciitli. ond story windows. Four were sufl'o- ApiiiiUlng Loss. of.Lire. ; : '\ Hoos...... i The' people of) Savannah" and., at , . • .'Mrs.' .'Matt Tliomas :-o[ 'Kolsc),' Iiid., catGii in thoir .roblDsj and their dead, Sheep Brunswick had warning of tlio coming. m Reieoivoi' Averill of the Port Royal. WHEAT—No_ . 2 Hod.. Btormarid took to flight. 'But fpr • this :',diodv6r,v_sud(ienIy while preparing to bodies we're taken from the. i-uinsi' 0OHN—No. 2.;...... ;,;talce,'a trip. ^ The case is sliroudodia •Thoreiis no Ure department iii"Salm- the.loss of life 'ijyouldvhave.ibeen: .ter- •^"••|Bj'story.'v"' " • Ga.,Ghroniole that.the loss of life. oi^Bui'Tsn-Croamory. ''Whole' lows. Joseiili W. Collins, and In command of Popdita. "You^vill 1)0 very bappy, FISHES AT THE FAIR. Llilly; und I- tliat vosBol lie made many very inter• mmon oe michioan 1 TliO words escaped involuntarily, but esting cruise.'). Mildi'od did not hear them, Tho exhibition of salt-wator fish and Tho two girli> wandered on; tho wood MOST COMPLETE COLLECTION anomonoH is tin ex]ioriuiont wbicli a FAITHFUL RECOUNTING OF HER was alivo with inscet-lifo; tho birdi good many ))eoplo who knew shook EVER SHOWN. LATEST NEWS. sang, tho gruB.s-hoi)pors kept up their their hoads about. At ilrst the sea meriy chirp, Thoy stood for a momont ^valor was brought to Chicago in car• over a tiny pond, half choked with its boys, such as are used for tho ship• Crliiilmil l''m)llslim'«« of iv TJull-lSoy—Sbv BRU nnil Fri'Sli Witur Si)oel«» from All ment of acids, btit this was found to growth of tangled waler-lilieB; tho onil Fatal Ai'dilfiitB—.Mrs, linriiH .Sliot frogs croaked hoarsely; and groat CJIiims—Aiiiilluric'L'ii Vueil in Tliiiir Ciip- ho too oA'peutiiv* ttud Uuik oamt trnt substituted, I'eli^r 111 lADY MAJENDIE which they thankfully accepted. The sotting, andllobids mo gotoHimwallo years ago that, of course, was liner VIE^V OF LAOOON, SIIOWI.N'O WlIALliH I'UOQ- Tiiii; Treasiiror ot I..niising is qiiito a ing on tho water; it is so bluo, and than tho protont disjilay, but in Chi• fiuccofisful Aiiaiicicr, Hu cnllocled $t ^ CJfATTHIl XXV. doct-oi' desireil thatSnmmoi's should go IlKKS, to hod, thiit there might bo ono quite Booms as if I must sink; but Ho is call cago a vory great deal has been done taxes on a dog from a man who doesn't The lilUo ])iii'tv of English iiindotlioir fresh in tho morning. Andrew soomed ing mo, and I must go," to illustrate the industry, and that, soil. This is to impart new life to it. live in Lansing, and doesn't own a - way to tlio I'oom'in which tho eoncort thoi'oughly stunned; bo said nothing, too, without any American procedonts. Then it is punipeil back into a tank dog. was lo bo hold, nhoiit hiilf-past eiffht. "Nannio—wifel" cried Andrew, "wait but .sat holding jYannio's linnd in'liiS, for mol a littlo while!" Of all the- foreign countries Canada rosorvoir over the tanks and used They had io cfos.s jmi't of tlio sai'tlen, A .SCAFi.-"Oi,D at tho M. B. Church at and looking at hur witliont moving, "I cannot wait," sho said, slowly; "I sent the biggest display. There are again, Tho water runs in such a way for tho liii'go room of tho Kiii'haiis was Sanlt Slo. Marie fell and eight work• and they let him slay, seo Him on the shore, and voices are models of lish, stntl'ed fish, and tlsli- as lo become aerated again. Pop tho plaeo qhosoii for tho evening's men were in'ocipitalod to the gnuiiid. ]2very now and then tho deadly faint- bidding mo coino, Good-by, honey— oating birds. A Koventy-pouiid salmon the use of big MissiBsi])i llsh is an nmuBoiiiont. .Ml were injiirud, but only Amos Healy noss came back, tcri'ifying the wiitch- good-by!" from Queen Charlotte Sound, British aquarluni "2 foot fling, C) foot deep and was killed. Lady Ai-inino took Ditu's ann, and oi'S. Perdita fell IIS if she should not Pordita and Andrew boat over hor Columbia, suggests a lot of possibili- 12 feet wide. It contains calllsh, stur• A iiic.MHiVTi^D woman was found in began aslciiiH- hop kindly about Naiinio, have known how to bear it without in terror. Sho intirmurod soinothing tios to tho toller of flsli stories. Bark geon and piokorol. The lake fish, whom sho had thoitKht to bo looking the woods near ITitrrisville. Sho has Lail.y Ariniiie's calm exporionco and about the bonulifnl crimson llowovs— and dugout canoes from the west coast which include slurgoou, whitelish and ooiisiderahlc money, is well dressed, ^ ratbop frail duping: tho lust two day.s, active liol]), who told hor what to do, then suddenly a light came into hot of Catutda toll the story of tho Indian bass, woi'o gathoroil at the Put In Bay Jack ai\d Mildi'ud ^valkod toKotlicr, about I'lO yuiii's of age, but does not dis- and who Was full of I'osourco. When oyos, as if a Hash of returning con- angler, and a littlo niotlol of his homo station on Lake I'h'io, Tho Atlantic close her'identity. and tho schoolcoom pai'ty folloivud. morning dawned thoy trusted that tho sciousnoBs. Hor voice was vory fooblo and its surroundings shows whore lie lish were coHocted at Wood's Hell, Tho room was half ful'l; tho coui-icr worst was over, for Nannio slept. now. s when nqt on tlio walor. A right J\lass, Tho government stcainor Fish An insiiiio man from Fscanaha, who had sQcnptid two I'ows of soats, I'lithop Lady Arinine and IPordlta urged "Andrew, swoothoart, I am going wlialoand a shark, well mountad, show Hawk scoured tlio Soulliorii waters for was phicod in tho cooler at Iron Jifouii- In tho bai;kj.!P()und, whoi'o tho miisic Andrew to follow their example and fast," other productions of tho Dominion. speciiiions. At the oxlremo end of the lain, it'lloni|)lcd to set fire to the build• would bo best Iioiird. ing liy igniting his hod clothes. The go to bod for a few hours, loaving Sum- "Nannio, darling Nannio, have pity; Now Soutli Wales lias a group of main Fishories Building is tho angling Thcro ^vcposovol•al oliilili'cii present, Binokb was noticed jusl in time to pro- inoi's and tho doctor both with the pa• do not go,". Australian souls climbing over some annex, dovolod entirely to the consider• and in ono of tho foremost cliiiii'a Kit vont his being sulTocalod. tient; and ho allowed himself to bo per- "Kiss me, Dita, darling! Go—leave ocks, and many pictures 'of her fish ation oflishingas a'pastime. Thoro Dick's litUo foo, Miidemoisollo Her- Buadod, I'PATJAXS and other fnroigiiors in mino. mo with him now." Solomnly Pordita bent down, and tho Upiior l-'eiiinsula are iireparing U) DickBawboratoiico, l)iit his atten• Pordita did not wako till two o'clock, gave a long still kiss, then sho stole rolurii to thoir nntivo land on iiccoiiiit tion wiia taken up by a fttt littlo iviiig and slio found Lady Anniiio already away. of llio dillictill.y of llnding work tliero. Charles, that lay by its niistross, pant• back in the Belleviio, Her ladyship would not lot lior I'ctiirn until slio had "Open the window, Andy," gasped Two hundred of tlioin will leave Iron ing asthiiiationlly. Mountain within the next two weeks. "It is aoivil littlo dog,Milly,"]iosaid, eaten soinotliiiig, and niado Mildred tho dying woman, "Give nio light in a loud whi.sjioi', "btit it' docs not see that she did .so, and air!" '.fwo iiiiUNlCF.N Indians wore seen BpoakEng-lhsli; Icoinin hici'," ho added, Nannie's condition ajipoared to liave Ho rose to his foot, and drew up tho rowing olT the Choiiaux islands, Tlioy insinuatingly; but its it only cui-led up changed; there was a pink Hush on hor wooden blinds; a pale light), halt from were quarroliiig. One of thoiii picked Its face, iind showed itsyloiiiniiig- white i;hooks, and a light in her blue eyes the moon, half from the first tinge of up an oiir and struck tho oilier over tooth, lio desisted. and sho seemed to bo waiidoriag. It daylight, stole into tho room. the head. Tho latter fell overboard "It wants to listen to tlio music, OhI was piteous to seo how Andrew seemed "Andy," sho said, hor worhs coining and was driiwiied. No arrests wore look Mary!" ho cried, "tlioro is tho in that ono night to bsivo iiecoino quite slowly, "it is hard to part," made. Baiishoo in alowgown, with baroarms; an old man, looking helplessly from "I cannot lot you go," ho moaned. Bunnr.An.'s attempted to blow opon IB aho going to •sing','"' Perdita lo Lady Armino for comfort "Nothing \m\, death could part ua Ihosafo in tho depot of the 'iMinno'inta. ' _Tho)'o wits a goiiei'iil husliof ox])oeti|- and cncourageiiicnt. The doctor said two, Andy," She put hor feeble hand SiHiU, Slo. Marie and A(,lai\tic Uailrmvii 3 tioD, for the IJitn.shoe was a feminine that nothing inoro could bo done but to on his bowed nock—"liold me in your at .Mimistifiuo, Tlioy had ovorything f pianoforte player, ii professionitl from wiitcli for every clmnge, Hor pulse arms—there, closely, closer still—raise ready and were about to light the fiiso^ tlio concert I'ooms of Vieiinit. was fast and intcrniitliiiit, and she was nio, ^Vo are loii'etl'ior still. Look out when tliey wore frightened away by there, when all Is over, you will see tho Ilor long soimta borod D\t:k almo.st not conscious, an olllcer "who lia|)pened around that, '.riicy sat by her all tlio day, foi-e- sun rise up again, and the world go on way. beyond endiiraiiee. it was a, littlo as it I was with you—with you Btill." THE FJ.SIIER1ES HUILDING. bettor wbuii ii loiig-hiiifod young slalling witli strong restoratives tho A YOUNd man nained ICamp, living tendency to fainting. In tho evening "Andl, Nannlell?" and fish markets, Tho activily wit:li tho sporting clubs, the gentlemen Ash• in lA'ay Township, Macomb Coiiiil.y,. Gorman tenor sang a pTaiiitivo clutnson "Come—soon." d'amour,—it ended gnicofully on tho thoy wore startled to hearing hor say, whic+i tho Norwegians search tho ing liars and the lly and rod eriuiks can while driving was thrown out of liiS' Iniost in her natural voico, "Andy, are ,' Tho palo light lloodcd into tho room, ocean is illustrated by their exhibit. flock by llioinsolves and argue it out, wagon by llio hnrsos running away,, minor D, wlion 1,0 every one's horror tho night-lamp llickored up and wont . MademoisoUo Iforiuiiio's volco was you there?"' Real fishing boats that savor of the A Now "York sportsman's |)aicrlias a and both whools jiasced over his chest. "Yes, wife, I amlioldingyour hand." out suddoniy, and there was perfect hardy viking .are there, liouring such liavilion ia which it exhibits yacht •Several rilis wore lirokon and he wii« /•raised in a jnoreing shriek on tlic E aileuce. flat, and the diseoi'il inado every woll- "I have asked niothcrj 'honey, and anies as Aafjord, Avcndale, .Halien, niodols and photographs having refer- injured internally. Ho will jirobably tuiiod Gcriititii ear vibrato witili agony, she says we may walk together after Pordita had awakened Summers, and and Tronisoc. As far north almost eiico to tho art ot fishing. Outside of reeovof, church, and take the children after they had sent foi' tlio doctor, for her 'Tho child was curried olV by her par• Spit'/.bopgon those sharp-prowed tho annex is a reproduction, by the TiTKi?].: ai'O eleven cases of diphtlio- bliickhorrios; thoro jtro so many this heart told her that tho end was near; ents, one on each sido, kissii'ig itnd itd- crafts part tho waves, their mast-.ers on way, of Iziiak A\''altoii'K (i.shing house, rla in Mot'/ Townsbi)), Presiiuo Islo yoar by Goodman's stllo. ]3ai.s'y does and when thoy heard no sound, thoy dressing lior iis"jMa cliorio,nion ango," tfio hunt for cod and seal. A model in which tliore is an oil portrait of the Counl,y, There have boon eight nothing but low all diiy, and I cannot waited a wliile, and then wont m. "mais (ju'as tn?" of a viking ship is hero to show the old gontlonian. deaths. In one bouse there are two' Jack bent down lo Dick and said so- niako hor happy; .sho' h;td bettor go All was dim, and the doctor hastily littlo change of modol that has been An inlorosting exhibit is that of tho back to tlio islands." corp.ses and throe oliildren sick v/ith , veroly, "'VVlmt did you do';"' stopped back and brought a light. made in a thousand years. Norwegian American Angler.s. It includes (Ishiug the disease. Alpoiiii lias i|uitrantiiicd \ "I only just held iip this," answered "Sho is wandoi'iug," said Lady Ar• Niinnio was lying with her sweet face stock lish and cod liver oil are hero in boats, tents aiid furnituro. Thoro is a boi'.soir by placing an ollicor oy every , Dick, looking uiinaturitllyiuiioeont; and inine, softly. looking toward the window, and Ad- large quantities. They give a sea di.sjilay also ot tho lUos, rods, reels and road loading to tho city. lio showed his luotber'.s long bonncl- "Sho is livingagainin thopast,"said drew with liis arms still round her, as flavor to the atincsphcre, and you can tackle and some young women engaged MR. and Mn.s. Pi.:t,|.:r Burn.s, of In• piu concealed in liis hands. It was oC Andrew dreamily. "Nannie, wife, ho had laid down, and his head was almost see the llsh Jumping in tho nets in tying llios on the hooks and making oourso conllscatod; and ti palo Gorjnan Dahsy died long ago." buried,on the pillow. and hoar the boat's keel rubbing on Ashing linos, Ponn.sylvania makes an dian River, do not live together, and. girl, a beginner front tho Vienna, Coii- "I remember,"she said, "I was mak• He rose up when thoy spoko to him tho beach and the swash of tho surf if atiuarium oxliibit. It has built a .small when Peter citlled upon his wife to got sorvatoire, sang Brahm's lovely ing a cowslip bull, for'the wine was with a smile on his face, and lot Per you closo your eyes foi a moinent. All a change of clothing sho told him to bj "Wiegenlicd" quite cbai'miugly, and finished, and mother gave mo tho rest dita take his hand. sorts ot canned fish from old Norway oir. Ho insisted upon entering tho was vory much itpplaudcd. of tho llowers, I roinonihor Daisy would "She has gono before," hesaid, "but aro piled up, and there is aflsherman's house, and she tickled bis legs with \. Dita all the time sat listening as if not touch her food, and I gave 'her tho only tor a little while." And she \QQ hut from i'^ofoden showing liow two or bullets until ho ran, A surgonn only • aho was in a dream, Tlio imisic scoincd cowslip ball, and she ate that, "and sho him away. throe boats' crows bunk in a roiiglily found two, but sho fired at him font: to sootho and lull the sort of aching laughed fhintly. built pine board box. Glouccslor, times, wliich was pretty good sliooting; [TO BE CONTINUED.] for a woman. fooling tho eonstimt excitement of tho "Those'were bright days, Nannio," Mass., which is not too jiroud lo own up day had produced. A few whispcpcd that its greatness'is duo toils flshories, .TACort Nathan, a bellboy in an Al• nuirmurcd Andrew. How "I'aiiialcs" Aro Made. words from Lady Ai'inino had told liei- "Itis very pretty, Andy," she went has staked out a lot of sjiaco in which pena hotel, took a Winchoster rifle- tlmtMildrod's tato was now in bor own on, her eyes wandering around, "And Thoro aro no hot-corn mon in tho it glories in the fact. It tells of the which liad been loft in tho baggage hands—that iicrinissioii had boon given it is like you to have filled that jug streets of San Francisco at night, but past and present condition of its indu.s- room out of its caso and, not knowing- j to Jack to try iiiid win her. with wiillllowers. I shidl got used to instead, a number of picturesquely clad tries. A modol ot the town as it was it was loaded, pointed it at Charles i Tho thought oaino Hashing across tow'n after a bit. Let ine put out moth• Spaniards who hawk a queer article of one hundrod years ago, with cob Nacker, tho portar, who was just on- 'Jier, did they know that, if sho had so er's loaf, nothing so puroas home-made food, locally known as "tanialos," Tho wharves and cheap little lish .sheds, is tering tho room. Tho latter .sprang to- willed it, slio might hitvo been Jack's bread in London." nion take their stands punctually at shown, and then the town yiroudly ono sido and cautioned the boy to bo- Trifo now? and she was half amused, "You were ha])py, wife?" half past 8 o'clock in tho bvoning and points to a modol of a section of tho careful. Nathan, believing there was "Wjould it bavo been a happy fiito? He "Oh yes, I'll bo happy iiftor a bit, remain until midnight. Ono of thorn town as it is to-day. How tho wliarvcs no danger, then iioinlod tho gun at nn- heart answered "no," as distinctly us if but it eonios strange when you've boon thus describes the manufacture of their and the warehouses have grown! Tlio otlior bellboy named David Ormand' sho could seo Kdward Norton's dark used to the country; and you'll put up mcrchandiso: "To make tainalos, wo very mon who pace tlio piers in minia• • USTUANCK TO I'ISIIEIIIBS llIIILMNa. and pulled the trigger, Tho ball- eAi'Dost oycs actually present, and tho with mo if I am dazed-liked at first?" taken a chicken and boil it. When it la ture seem to havo a sense of their in• struck Ormand near the top of the- creased worth, hillsido down Avliich trickles a stream. , aionstantly varying expression sho Itnow •"I was not patient enough, Nannie." cold we cut it up as thoy do moat to This runs through a lishway and into shinilder, going through and knockijig \eD woll. Wlien sho thought of tho "Never say that, honey. I am not make Hamburg steak.' Then wo take ItoiiiKl lo ,Slpht SlacIceroL a pond on tlio floor. Around tho pavil• him down. Tlio wounded boy is doing- qorning's letter, sho felt she liad clovoj—I can't always understand what corn liusks and dip them into cold A ship's topmast thirty feet high is ion are tanks, the iron work of wliich nicel.y now, and no fatal results are ex• pected. gainpa much; she might lovo him now* you say, but you are rarely good to me, water.. Tho next ntop is to grind the shown and on tho eros.stroe is a Glou• is skillfully concealed, and tho visitor Bha might'toll herself that no ono and I would not have cried over a hasty cester fisherman eagerly looking out has the effect produced on him that he CoIj. Georgk p. Sanford,. of Lan• JBTOUldovor be to her what ho hitd boon; corn. Then wo grind fine some Chili word if'I had not been so muddled to• joppors and stow with a littlo flour and for a school of- mackerel. Another is at the bottom of a laico, tho Avatora sing, has again pui'chased tho State riie miglit troasuro the knowledge now, day, lama silly and ignorant body modol is that of a man at a wheel ready of which aro kept away from him fh Democrat. He founded tho paper. Wtilcod up and kept as a possession for for you to lovo, Andy." nrd to confer flavor, and after a littlo, take it oft' and lot it cool. The corn to pcriMt tho (chip's cutwater in tlie the siime way as those of tho Rod Soa Neau Henderson grasshoppers are l)p!o. It sboincd a littlo strange to hor "No, dear; dear, wife." direction of those mackerel, in which- husks being all ready, and tlio meal were divided, Wisconsin also contrib• doing much damage to oats. One farmer /fO'Spe how quickly Jack had boon Still her fancy went wandering on— evdr point of tho compass thoy arc utes some live fish, audboth that State >.cm'od; but sho felt that Mildred might somotiraos .she was walking in tho lanes made into a thick paste, wo take a piece sighted, olTorod a twenty-Jlvo-aore field for sale and Pennsylvania show small hatcli- for .$25. bo well content, for he M'as strong and with hor clover young London lovor, of chicken, two olives, a tablospoonful orios in operation. Primitive boats of pepper, and some meal and arrange A iine model of a boat, with tho mon Ai^PADLE strangers robbed John' somotimos fretting over tho blaeks that in it hauling in their herring nets, is and,taoklo used by tho Indians of tho ood and bravo, and possessed a manly would sully tlie wliito curtains sho it on a husk. Tlien wo take a knifo,"* Fonlk, a Muskegon saloonkeeper, of' gumllity and rosiguatiou to tlio inovit- in tho pavilion of tho Notlierltinds, and Amazon and tlio more modern appli• prized. And so for three days 'it wont and, as ono butters bread, spread tlio ances are in tho exhibit from Brazil. $2,OU0, One talked 'to him; tho other! ablo. Yes, Mildred would be very on,'Andrew always sitting by hor, and meal paste on other husks and iinftlly opened the cash drawer, ' happy. Thoy contrast strangely with the steol answering as though he shared and wrap ono Imsk so prepared arouiid tho rods and the gracefuL flies of North The Michigan and Ohio Band Asso• Mendelssohn's duot from tho "Lio- followed her thoughts in avery strange first husk and keep oh until tho tamalos Ainerica. ciation is tho ninno of a now organiza• , dpi' obno Worte" began—that lovely way. One day was vory sad; she aro as big as an ear of corn, when wo tion formed at Carloton, with .'foseph, fljoaking and answering of two sail . I have sketched in a general way tho Wiwrick, ot Wyandotte, as president thought sho held hor littlo child in ho tie tho ends and middle with a narrow most entertaining features ot the Msh- • KivB of which so many interprotations and A. H, Sherwood, of Carloton, sec• itpiiis, and rocked it, 'and spoke to it as pioco of husk and it is done. As soon oi'ies Building. Outside of those there ?Imvo boon niado. It wus beautifully retary. played by tho Banshoo—so beautituliy though it lived, and then nold it dead as enough tanialos aro made they aro are all sorts ot exhibits with Latin to hor breast, and fought that thoy placed in an oven and steamed until it names that aro of absorbing interest A MOVKMENT is afoot to liavo the that tho andionco encored it, and Michigan State building at the World's broke tho spell. miglit not take it away; but after that is time to take thorn down town. For to the siiecialist. Ho aim flock by it was always the same soft babbling corn hnaks I pay $7 for six pounds; himself and devour tho literary works Fair transjiortod to Lansing as, tho ros- •'Oh, is it to bo all over again?" said of green Holds and rural games, and chickens cost 95 cents each; olives, 86 of aquatic zoologists and botanists. , Idenc, ^o of th„o. Governor, . Ek-Gov. Lnco Diok, pitoously. Jack charitably sup• work—sho I'opeatcd simple village Ho can wrap himself up in maps tell- t""! Gov. Rich havo been advocating plied him with a pioco of string. Tlio for four gallons; Chili poppers,CO cents hymns one after another. a pound, and corn, $1,95 a sack of 160 ing all about g'oogriip'liical distribu• the plan and the schenie has gone so last chords wore still sounding, wlien And there was nothing to be done; tions of flsh. Fishermen, if tliey want far that estimates as to tlio probable tkoro Svas a liitlo commotion in tho pounds. There is C per oont. profit, nature had broken down—there was and my salos are such that I got along to know all about what there is in this cost have boon secured. The Statti • •crowd gathered .round the door, and has lon^ had in mind the oroction of only the waiting till tho feeble light without other business. Do yon know building, must ^study algte (v'ory sticky 'i^^'i'dita saw tho face of Mrs, Level's should flicker out. looking things', with arms that wave an ollicial residence for its Governor ,^aid looking anxiously in, very pale that a tamale will sober up a drunken and this seems to he an opportunity to . Mildred came ono morning to tho man?" in the water), ^sponges, corals, polyps and disturbed. Sho jumped up and and jelly llsh. Some of these forms of secure it and at no great cost. The , •touohod Andrew. door of,tho chalet and knocked -very softly, .Perdita camo out, looking very lifo so nearly border .on tho vegetable' residence would also be a pleasing sou• "Daddy, thorods Summors; sho looks venir of the Fair and wou d be a con-' worn and pale, The • trustees of the old that it is a'littlo dltlicult for a nqn-o.x- :as if'sho wanted us. lam afraid that larfc tribution from tho leading cities of tlks "I havo' called to say that mamma is the roof of the Basil oa pert to tell to wliat kingdom" thoy mother is not so woll!" coming,,and she wishes you to come should bo assigned. But thoy have State. Nearly all tho interio.r decorar:; I'fS.hall I.comewith you ,doar?" said St. Paul, in Rome, a contemporary re^ tions are of a rare quality of tlie State's •out for.a littlo while with me, Dita," mai'ks, were framed so far back as tho iir THE PisnnniES aniLDiNO. such'a quiet, easy, Philadelphia way of '•f^ ;:jri Lady Armilne. taking life'that they are a standing re• best timber, and the furnishings were •she, said, kissing her aft'cctionatoly. year 816, and were found to be perfectly i^^"'--/'(Oh, noithauks; It .isvery likely there are barrels of herring and pho• proach to the suporoxcited Ohicagoan. all contributed by firms whioh wanted; "Lwill.Gome; mother is very quiet sound and good in ISld, after the lapse .nothing worsoithan usual. PltBasocomo .now,.and Summers is with hor. Thank tographs on : screens of tho fishery : Then comes tho grand array of worms them to stand as good examples of ' when tho conooi't.is .over;" .and .thoy of, nearly a thousand years. These work. , Minnesota sends not only flsh that dAvoll under water, 'and that, thoir best'work,,. . .' • you.dear Milly, it will do.mo good." trusses aro made of fir. The timber 'ij.,..'' .wont hastily away. Sno .went for her hat, and they but flsh-oatin^ birds. The only'ma- spurned'by the soaring fishes, get thoir Caep Lake, Leolanaw County, was ; work of the external domes of tho' ."Whatis-it, Summers?" ;a8koaPor- •walked together up into the wood, and chinery in motion- in tho whole 'build• revenge when •thoy'aro put on the probably so named to keep people from '; irf>,,, ,dita,.afl theyireaohed tho'Bellevue; for sat down>Qn.a bench. It was very hot, Ohuroh'of St. Mark, in Venice, is more ing is ah apparatus shown bya Chicago poiut'-oC a hook and used as bait. All fishing m it. Tho Enterprise says it is ' , ithOimald had run.on without waiting, but a, gentle breeze played among tho than^.SdO years old, and it Js' still in a man lor cleaning fish. Bostonians for• the'bait worms are exhibit;ed, and the the heme of the black bass, and reports '•«#'and mot them-.at the .door .of,Mrs. itroQS, and broiight a sweot scent' of good state of. preservation. Tinibor sake their devotion to beans arid illus- leeohos. • .Then'are seen the reptiles, several large catches. . ; I^ovol's room. , syringaiOnitho air. under favorable oiroumstancea lasts trato their flsk markets' and the appli• such as turtles, terrapin, lizards, ser- Oih prospectors from Pittsburgthrive "Mrs. Loyoliisin a .vory bad faint, Aimomory of what soemod long ago very long. Sound, logs, for instance, ances for ctitching the principalingre- ponts, frogs and ne'Avts. "Some com- been in the vicinity of .PortHuron; for miss," she answorod. "I .-aentanti flashed across Ditaj and sho looked ore diig out; of bogs from time to timo dionts for'lobster 'salad, that strange promise ought to be ofl'oeted with tlio some time past, and claim to.have Dr. Schafausito.como iin, .and .poimd;at hor .companion. Mildred's from plocQs whore tliey have lain for aa^ dish for which the jaded midnight ap• United.;States 'Fi ' " " ' " " •• ' &P'f;. caiKto fotoh. jtou;"- grave sweet ;face was full of thought. indefinite period. ' ., ', petite so often'yearns.' In tho Govern• whioh turtle, terrt ,ff|!tr'i'They went',in.:: Nannie •wosdn^ia •".Dear.MildrQd,"-said Dita, softly,"is ment annex the tanks" are arranged in tire not classified ...j. — |„ . ,Sfar'.i',.idoath«jlike fainting 'fit, .and Vnothipg laUsettled.now?" , • It ifl well enough to be rioh, but to a circle, ai)d within, that is another is decidedly uhploasantv to aman OtTpmildge's on a number.,of, farm3,.thG: ,'!I,didinotlikeito .disturb; you with parade your riches is' contemptible.'; A pircle, a very, ollcctive plan as it: turns taste.' The aquatio^ birds, mammalia,' consideratiori being'.one-eighth .of/all; '.but; The design of the fishing achoon-! The doctor.shobk his 'head .gravoly ijnyhappiness,"she^answered, kissing man may bo proud, of his horse but itii aiioh as 'Otter, seals, whtUes. and such'tho^ ontlio-.property, or a: ^(Whan Perdita looked,at '.him. /"It is .•h'or.,'.-, notnocessarytO:,rido our""'— ' Page Iliustratiag" a Small Per Gent, ol iho Great Varieuj^ and Wonderfal Success of His Professional Work.


I rM I liMvo My luiiiil.-; have been swollen for wi'fU'f lo twieo j llndr iisiiiil i'ni(;i;ed opoii nnd ilohiiig' hO liailly that 1 would it i:i!iiiii'-i li-;ir liii'iu to pieties soratoiiiii},'. Ail the doctors treated I im- I'or ory-.l|.claii; not otii> of them over kip.'W what ailed me. I •ivi'iit to liolimin .S, lliiinplircy at tint liotei in Owosro, mid ill' iii.-.lantly told ini' I iiiid ICcziMiia and ho lias onrod iiiu com- pioti'ly ill one month's liino, allhoii;j;li I am liiliinj; nu'dieiiii- I'or liff: and ca RE my hlood. ns the (liicior (•liiiina that •u!il.-:'= lb(^ Hy.-li'iii bo (;leaii3- I'li the skin will iijjaiu liiicoiiio sore. — OF Til I'.- Lftte of Louilon. now of CUloaco, wltli a. BRANCH OFFICE at Dayik WiiiTl-iiiKAi), Conmiiii, Jlioli, h:ixjLsz)-a le. i'AiiALV.sis CiniKl),—Two ycitf., iiji-o, iii'ic-r cliild-birllt, 1 ^va8 G-roatest Livins: Erponeiit of Na• Has visited this Couutv oach month for tho past six months, and during those visits has examined nud talci'ii with Kovi'i-o piiin in lli'c h::cM iioi'iiiii'i'.aiiioil \'.'i;h I'.Mroino prescribed for hundreds, and elTootod mnny ol'tho most Wonderful Cures ever made in the State! mo'voiis I'hills, iliiriiiir which liino r. would .shal-.o liko oni' iii ture's Secrets. tlio siivi'fosl spiiHiiis, 'I liifi ooiidilion was ra|ii.iiy I'ollowod hy Ask your frioiiils nnil neighbors almut Dr. Ilohnnii S. Iluinphi'ey. Tiioro Is scarcely n neighborhood in tlio county tlhit panilysis of tlui lowor liiiibn, so tliiit 1 lost the "iiso of niysulf A Worthy Example of What IVlaj' be Accomplished by has not had tlio bunont of tlio iloctoi''.s wondorCnl .skill, niid riiroly a fainily which lias not liiiil oiio or nioro of its nicinboi-,'? rroiii the waist down anil had lo be iil'tod up iiiul siipporlrd liku Pefsistenl Effort and Tireless Energy. siiJitchcd from doatli ami rostoreil to health nftor nil liopo liml hocn givuii up and tho fainily physician pronounced the caso a^diiUl, so Hint for two yours I iiiivo not wiilkod aloim. I ho- incnrahlo. K nlllicteil do not fall to consiilt this most oiuiiiont physician and surgeon. caiiu! very dfop.iii.-ttl nnd siiirored untold ajroiiy with my Ktoiii- Ml oxaininiitioiis. conBultatioiis and advice free. acli, liver and bowels, iwaslakoii to ]Jr. j'iiiinpliroy'at thb liotei in Ciiarlotto in n most pitiablo (.'oiiditioii and so bini' iiiid LANSING, Wednesday, AUGUST 30. HASON. Thursday, AUGUST 31. diHooitnt^i.MJ I llioii;rlil no inorliil could help iiii), but tlio dootor DR. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY, Paid he could cuiti.; .mi.;, iiiid f hoijaii bin treatiiiiiiit and followed KxiiinliiHtiuii I'l-ooloAll. Cliroiilii KiiKmBOH, it faithfully month after inoiith niiii now I iiiii nhlo lo yot up The doetoi- Irmts ini aontn rtlBeaRns, bntdovoloi! and j,'o where 1 please, up and down stairs nini niiywhoro I dii- Tlif; Bnliicct of litis fihetoli, lirsl opened liis nyes to tlio light of Altlionifh tbo iloctor is In iiluoy cascflooni •I'lK whole liiiio to llio irwitniont of cbronio t\n<\ day ill iJie «alo of Iiidiaiia, U. .S. A., in (lie year 18-lH. flis pcio- [lolloi] to nao oxiwasivn instrnmonlfl liail lonj;Btandim!(inilBKr>iioal diBOBBoa; cmm kivoii slrc, anil ooiisiiler myself as Imviii^' .^ot ii new louse of lil'e, tind jiii' were iittglinli, Itis gfaiKifitthor itUL'i'utiii!,' to America lit nlieiniealB in innliini! niinlysia, niioioBcoiilo ut) hy otiier docluiB and i)roiiouuci)d iaou'-'ihir, 'f iifeo till) alllioled "to soo IJr. Ihilmnii S. lliiiiipliroy and hfi liu inoBtdesiraa i.o boo, Dr. Hntnpliri>y hw had i7ii;.', Bvtllinc ill Alhoriiiarle cuutily, Va,, where Ilolumn S. ! mill other nolunlilio ojciiininiitloiis, ynl lio nearly .1,1X10 onroi in tlin Uudo of AlluhlMai>, while cured. - JIu.s, Fannie M. c;iiali,i-:ni)|.;ii, iJtiiiipiircy, tlie (looior's fatliur, was'burn A. D. 1781. Al a later jlj maknn nii olinmoH la any ima, huliovliiK it to hiH patioiilB all told Ixi Miuniwotn, WlHuoiiBbi, II- Ciiarlotto, jMii;h. clitic hf ruiiiovef! with )ii» parents to Carrolton, Ivy., wliurn lie 1^ 1)1) ft part of tlin pliyHJiiinn's duly loasuortjiin liaolb, Alabaina, (leoritia, ToQiiL'BBno, Ohio and Ihi) piillont'HtruecomiitioD withoatoxponso Indiiinn, havo boon fully live timoHHiat unaihert iiii:l iind iifterwunlH iiiitrried Mary .10, Heron, nf Ijoxingloii, Ky., to tlio Kiilfnror. Whmovor iinil whorovor Dr. nearly Iwo-Ihlrda of theBosufTororn woroKivon np Lowi-;i.L, Juno 213, 1803, ill llify ilnaily fiidtliiiK i'l liidiaiist, ^yhft)•fi a lurgo fainily llninplirey ilooiihiB to locato a montlilj vlHil :m liopoliiBH iiivalidH, Homo to boblind, aoinuileaf, Dll. lIlI.MI'llllKV;— ljk'.ss(Ml tlifiir union. In the year IS'l.'l jMaBlnr liolnian, now Doc• and olborB a proy to Burofiila, olirouiokiduoy dlH- DEAR Sue—iS'oiirlj' evor since I can romonibor I have boon nrowds (look lo so« him, and no wondnr, for oBHo, eonBninplion, denlruolivo fninnlo troubles, tor I liiniplirey, was born, iiiul in 18'](1 the family, in common Ijy Uio firBtoxniiilualion , nail ofton without AmoiiB olherB, htindrwlR of olill.droa linpoUi«sl.v . li'otililcd witli cl'aiupiii),' ajielis in my stomach. One j'oar nyo •with luiudrodti of othors, ciiiiglit tlio westorn favor and moved nflkinx iKiTinMlon, lie toils tini InviilicI wluil deformed, Unt heboid no¥; mnny of thoin «oe v,J in .-Viif^iist 1 was so bad 1 coiilil si;an;oly out aiiythiiig. ^Vo om- to Illinois, wliere Dr. liiim|)lirfiy'H boyhood was principally tlio Iriinlilo in, anil tho proH|ionl. nf a unrn, ami liiiar,whilannaid.\ all am rapidly boinKoiiral tl pioyeil it docior anil ho i;itili!d it billions colic, bill iui could not KpiMlt. and inoBt wonilorl'ul of nil lici vnliii'fi Iiib hrHl 'I'hu doctor ifl Biiridnadod whli tbo iineHl, and i;^ i'oHdvo mo. Then wo oinployod ailothor and ho ])roiioiinced it iiiilirUHHinn anil lirBl ldok ata piiUont morn nioHt oxlonBivo oolleotjon of iuBtrnmontB over ini - K ICiirly in lifo yonng lloliiiaii oviuccd puciillarities so tiniiUo than all olso.and Dr.Ilnrnphroyifl novorniiB- ported lo tliifi nonnlry for uxaminlni! and treal-OK iieiiral.triii of tbo stomaiih, anil we doctoroti witli iiiiii until 1 got ' oDicr ('liildnin as to nttnict iinivorsnl iittention. lie cared little uik' all forniH of obioiiioallmuulflof tho head.lace HO bad I could only oat front Olio to two Kiimll crackers ii day, taltnn in bin dinitnoBis in nn.r iinno. .•.\e.i'ni-,lbioat, nohi', clieBt, InuKS, lioiirt, Blonineli, |^ for llio Biiorls and paRtiiiics of other boys, but was over of a 'riindoclor'HinolhodKdiiToi-MWirkodly from livor, Bploen, kidneyu, bowolB, roprodiiolivn or- when one day iny'liiisbiiiid Rat rcmlliij,' tho loiiiii Sontimil nnd Holier, Ihouglilfiil cast of mind. At Hciiool he >vh8 not consid- lliu Koneral iiraotitionnr in all nwia'ctn. uaiiB. nrinary orwinH, brain aud nurvonB ByHtoin, | ; ho saw Dr. iiolniaii .S. lluiiipiirey's iidvcrtisciiioiitaiid ho oitgcrly «!reii a bri';h( Hclioliir, nltliough imnsiomilely font! of books, but KolliiwinH tho plan otHt.OoOrKo'a lloapllid leo-al.vBiH. rlioiiniatJBm, niiil< hoadacbo. baokacbi-, |,) [;ra3))od at it niiil stiid ho was tbo iloctor for mo. IIo was to bo III,' WHS ever ri'iiiiy to ititerpri't iiatiiru in all iter moods. An .of jjonclou, liu reijwIorB every iinrlic'iilnr iih iioiiorfl, urowtliB, joint, iiiHen»oB,pilcB, hipdiiioiiue. al Ionia jMnrcli ill, so we made itrniiigomoiits lo go and see him, ;-J to Ihn piittoni's pliyhinalcon(h'liiiiiand innii- 'ei.itiija, ekin dJHeaiieH, iilcerfl luid ovory Conn Jinl's iii-rsi Willi its busy workers, a bee giitliorins lioiiey, birds " ml Hiaui. Tho coiidiiion oi luiuli oi-kmo, lo- u'ealivi'iiB of oltbur male or tiimnio, and he iirononiicod my case liillamiimtiou of lllo sloiiiitcli. llo biiildiiig ilieir nests, tiio lliglit of swallows, tlio ilistantcow boll, cnlion of any iinil nil liiHonBod imriH. nnd 'I'lieilonlor'BBpucitio medicinos (jo BtraiRbt m said ho could euro mo, so we coiiiiiieuced to doctor with him 111!.'bark of ilio lonely wiiliili dog, was siilllcloiit to givn a 7i wlii'llior Byinpiithoiiil or orunnir, toKOlhor and iloctornd tlireo months, nnd to-day, thanks to him, I am ti ?jwil,ii tlio mnoniit and nnlnro of lli'i disiiiiBn. •I". i||fi,.|iBci{| oripin, anil can ho plainly foil, al I'ar-ii-wiiy dreamy look to his large, earnest eyes. Ho learned •.••.•i-l> 111 the iliBeaficd imrtB veryshorlly aftortbair now woman. 1 will clieorfiilly adviso all jiooplo that need a fii In this way llio iinliniairionMt.of vital rnnr- " " ii hoKiin. Tboy aro plonBanlliitod nnd Ihn ro«lflrlM^,' ' ' eliinij in aiilion, yot iiKriMi with tho inonl dull- ^. docior to call ou Dr. Humphrey. liille cup of saiul, to tliu great beetle wliosu drouing syiii- p.pwor of the body nioamirod aKniiiHI; llni fia-(!ftiiiid nnnrKV and doHlrnolivo caiiahlli- .ii-,' liiiiy or fibihl, do not redui!OlboBlron),'tb,an(i In' Jilts. RiLEv JIcCall, pliciiiy witH Hoiomii mnsio'iii the dusk of evening to liis cliililish can bo iifleil whiloid, llio iisnal oooupaHon, uhlt^j liosof the dIsciiHo. Thun knowint; tho nc- iMiiiiy iiationlH still able for banl work nnd obmo r( Lowell, Kent Co., Jlich. ciir.s." All iiHture'H secrets seeiiiod to unfold tlieniselves at uial condition of tho I.Ibbuoh and tho elTiiol aUontion Id hiiHinoiia aro often fllowly.anroly,ye i •• j iL 'Miralili) lU' nut, anil can nlKo kivo tho inciindde. The doctor oarne.stlyrnqiinslfl all tie'. ,J «;ould flioot lo stun tlio aiiinntl, anil by the time tlio luckless JT-i j'.iitirfixiinalotiineand MxiiniiHOof troalnient. been an invalid from foiiialci troublo previous lo this fearful • V .'ind wrnihl li(jrL> point, finl tho utter (hdiialon Boiih iindor troatiiiaut to writo lilm orieii, as ad-.)jj <:i'e;ttui'e would regain coiisciousiieHs, it.s nliest would be open• .'I (rhiM'iBliod hy many iialioMls that, thoy ottKld. vii;o may 1)1) uncoflflary week aflor week in onlei :A Cdiisiiiiipiion of llio bowels, but managed to ken i around and do ed, 111!' liearl, lungs and iligeslivo organs e.vposoil, and this lo iiimh any Kivon cimoon as raiiidly tiB pos«ilil.\ n my work after a fiisliioii, but for tho jiast sevora months 1 liiivo 'A til w'^ wall in a few- ilnyft or ivueka, noLwith- nii'l a tro'.d coininon-BOiiBO Htateiilonl on Ihn pnil 1,^1 ^'oimg sludeiil of mitiire scrutlniziiig tlio woiidernil niul mys- f?j HlandlnK tho faol liiat l.hoy liavo nnlToriid for .•f i.a'ient. by mail iR Uiu uoxt Iblni; to a pur- Mi failoii so rapidly thiit I wtis obliged lo givo up houso-keopiug leriotiH npt-riilions of the vital orgiinfl. Tims at tlio early age ;,') yearn. -. ' .•nitallon. m nnd live with my sister. anf;i)rouB. li'iiulK I'or iVluii ol'iill A|;oB, At tliu tlmo 1 was taken lo see Dr. iliimplirey throe iiioiithB npernlioiis of the more important organs of the body, and that i(] Many disoilflefl aro bo dooeplivo that hiindroilB aro ailiaK with danitor- ago Ilmd given up all hope of ever getting well, had to keep lliese received their power of action from tlio bniin and s))inal jj onH, yet insidiotm inalndieB, al) nnconBcloiiB of thoir true condition. lly ronflon of falBO inodosty tboyontb of onr land aroknptiniijn 1 my bod for days together. jMy lioolors aud all my friends had (dinril by means of small wliitt; cliorils distributed to tbom, tbo ITSKl'l'lio 1 yno knoy anow wtlie l.(iey aryo ar onor ooi, well, wi'ii, bu. I'oit ar. oar antiralo e y iKnorant of tbo deadly of tboBorions rodnlta wlilcb cortaln solitary and indisnroot prnoticonoriim.'B pro-fe rj; given up (ill hopes of my over recovering. I ofton passed a iiaiiios of wliicli bo did not at that ti 1110 even know, for as yet fnoKH faBl.enint; ojioii flomevitn l ori,'an, whici h mnst noonor or laior n(- linco, TliOflO vicoo if porflifltod in ovontnally nudorniiao tbo oonHtitn- qimrl, of jolly-llko sliiiio with long jiieces of inuinbrano from the H' i.erl'y destro• y l.iien' i nnliiH' H reficaed' 'b y a1 s skilb-i d liand, Aro yrai nillintod? tion, iadncn norvonfl dobility and early docay, orRanlo waalcnesfi, prnnia- ]ie had hcfircely heard of such stiiilies as itnatoniy iind pliysiol- h Vonr cM.e niay be oiiHiiy curable now. bubut roiaoniliiir, ovory inoiniint, of Inm loBB of tbo manly pownrB, involnnlary Iobb nf vital ilnida, Konoral bowels at one time, and some days during tho twoiity-foiir liours ogy. The following season young IJolmaii \yits seiil to the" Hold bi hi'itlec„ l hrioK„B , yi.„ u iieari._r ibo da." whe.^'11n an incnrahlo Btatie may Hiiiior- proatration, aud ofllimiiH imbocilily and olironlo ojiiUiirjy. Of all iiial- I WDiiid pass a iiaif gallon of stiiil' that looked iilto my Insldes 1.0 plow. About till) middle of 11 (lerliiiii afternoon bis fatlior vena, u'boa the nioal. Hkillfnl iibyBician can rondor yon no iiBBiBtauco. adioaaillictinK mankind tlioroiH probably nono abont v?bicli tbo com ^, were rotting away. Whuix I was linally taken to see tho doctor W'l'lio pri'MMil. IB iifiiH, Tbo fuMire iiwiy lie TOO I.ATK, nion family doctor in i;onnral prantlco knowfl BO littlo, yot no Bnlforoi^ Sj 'iviilki.'tl out to look at Ilia growing corn and found tlio yoimg noed tho iittontion of tho oxpariencod Bpoolalifit nmro than thoBo, m biiro S ut the hotel ill Mason r could not get up stairs'luid iuid to ho «iiibryo docior baiiilitgiiig tlie leg of a woiiiuied mouse whoso 1 A I.II'e of Kxporlduco and Ooporl.unlty. woliavotominlfltorto adiHoiieoil body, a diBoaiiod mind, and imnitinii-^-^ carried into the iwrlor. I bogiiii treating that day and am now iiesi I'lie'•nnliless phiw-siiare" had torn in fragiiienis, and tbo M Dr, llnmpluey's onliro lire law bn'Mi dovolPil to tho Btiidy and wo rk lions (illod with morbid doeircB and fearful apiirobouBions. Dr. Unrn- keeping hoiiso and doing my own work; huvo gained over 20

iiiiiuis in weight, cal and sleep well, and look forward to a long (.)n anuther oeca.sion, nearly .similiir, he .vns fonnd curled up in ffl -eon aud ilono, if lohl, wonid road nioro likn liction than Bolmr trnlli. in tbin or any other onnntry, bnt alflo lo the fact of.tho direct inllnonoi! and iiBofiil life witli iny fainily and friends. llip fence corner carefully studying the liabits of a family of J'i lalhoiireiit lioBpilalH of linrope Ida opporlnnitiufl liiivo beau flucondtr i of hifl powerful will npon tbo iioonllar mnnlal doproosion alwiiya fonnd jVIit.s, TTenuy Baiicock. minute int-'ecis witii a fiinal! niiigiili'ying glass, flis fiitlier, now ,ij'lo liviuK iiian'H, not only BO, but. bo Iiiib iboroiiKbly l.riivalod, and hia In Rnch casoB, by wbinn ho ia onablod ti infaan a pari; of bin own ..ornjy in 11 rage of di.sii]ip(iit)iment at what ho considered "downriglit ... viewu of lll'o, diBeasn, etc, ai-M »o broad aud cosmiiijolilau that like a into thoir bnpoloHB livns. Worn not all snnh obbob held in the inoet sa- ,,' lion Id lira VandorbiU. in indroad boflinoun, bn koops walolnii ofi.inn..n, and ovnrm- . "roil oonliilonco tbn doctor conid print lotlorB from IhonBands of Krate- To Wiio.M IT JIav C'on'cern:— JuzinesH," deehled to send liliii away to college, This was Vi,.,.|.nk« l.bwo PiiHinnmitiru riiiedica ICiieli l Drowworldn conBlJinl.lyHeoiinrd' M, Thllarirnno niotliodn irf.ilinnH of McKoniio" I lin, , 1 f"' paliontfl who havu boon onrod, and aro today porfoot mon, pbyfNcally B Five years ago I was stricken with apople.vy, which miuleme >;loriouK ncw.s lo tin; young stuilent. Now ills dreams and as- •ij ,„ ,. I n a" Vmi .rnmi ar o Mm BH^ i I KeJVei? J i ""^ montjilly. Disoiiflo or ilobility of tbo reproilnolivo oruunH of .dlher [i well iiigli liel|)less, nnd wiiicli passing oil left my right sido jiirali'iii.s were ill hint 10 be reali/ed. Willi slight iH'epai'ation paralyzed lo such an o.vtenl that J could not lift my iirni or do (for fari!if'r.s" hoys in thiwe days needed loss tliaii now); bo was nioro tiian hobble around witli a cane. During this liino I had Ijiiiidlei! oir 10 trneigliboriiig town to live with a widowed liiilf- ;;;;|;=:;K;off;iia«;;x!;^^^^^ sjioils of severe vomiting, Avltii conipleto loss ot appetite. I sialor "1.0 work for his board and go to aoliool." Here Uo ru- partially recovered from this attack, but while driving chickens luained I'or ihreo years, always a close and attoutivo studout, I.alflBt UincnvorleH and IiuprovoiuuntH tisBuo chnu(,'0 in aoiiio important orKftn or orgima and norvons debility, also for [iroatatitia, va• from my garden was taken with another seizure which made ricocele and all private diaeiiBon, wbothor froin '\yiiiiiing tlie ri.'spect of both Icaehers and pupils, lie soon Dr. llninplirey ia die only phyaician who has tfikon place aa to ntTocl tho iiropor function mo so liol|)ioss that I iiiivo been only able to get about with tho <;ariied lite appellation of "Doctor" from Ilis being ever ready of Bald orwin and (iually broalc down tho actual iinprudont babila ot youth or aexuiil oxcesaOB biui bad the Bi)Oclal advantjiKO of Kuronoan atrnctnro iteolf. Kvon in aoino caaoa wlion this in nialiiro yoaru, or any canao tliat dubilitatoi. greatest dilliciiit}'. I em doyod the best doctors I could find. lo care for tiny playfellow iiijiifod iipoH the play-ground. ii hoapital alndioB in inicroaoopy of tbo blood baa bnpijonnd unusual skill may atop tbo do- thoBOxualfnnoliona, apondilyand poriuanenl. SI.): di/rerent ones workot over ine witli little or uo benefit till •l' and tiHanoB, who oarrioB with him a full lino Btrnotivo oporatioii, atiiy tho inroads ot tbo dta- ly cnrml. Couanltntton froo aud strictly cr,ii- last spring T called on Dr. Holman 8. Iluitiphroy at the hotel During tlie'fifBt year in school an incident occun-ed wblcb ;} ot inatroinonta and apparatua tor making oaao, and kivo llm paliont a oninfortablo and nflo- lidontial. Absolute euros gunriintood. No lirongbt him proniiiiontly before llio notice of tlie professsors. Ntrictly aoiontilic exaininationB ot thu Tiirlous fiillifo. Otiior casofl, it uoKloctod, nftor piiaoini; risk iocnrrod. in Ionia and coinmoiiccd treatment with liim. Four weeks ?a iDxtnroa nnd BocreliouB nf tlw body, iiB tho afterward I walked from my house lo town, a mile and a half, A little follow had, while eating lurched corn, lodged a whole nrino, blood, diaohnrKOS otimy kind, catarrh• a corljiiu ataiio, dio in Bpito of nil that skill can lipllopay or rita aoiontifioally tronlod and do. lloDoo it ia not only danttorous todoiay.bnt pnsitivoiy cured by a uOvor-fniliDf,' niutbod, and back, wliicli I had not cioiio for two years, during which Iteriiel in the upper jiart of tbo a r passages, which in a few al Boorotiona, etu,, olc, which oxaminationa ofttimes oriminiil, tor most nil ot ns live for aecoiids proslratod biin witli pai'O.vysms of coughing and aro now oonaidorod indiapoUH.-blo to a correct tboao wo lovo, far nioro tbau for onrsolvos, nud PorHonH unHlcillfully trniilud by iKUor- tniie I could not even liobblo to the road that runs by my house, Btntiigling, and while teaohers and impila alike were paralyzed rilaBUOfiia in all forma ot obBcjro and chroniciti a a crinio nRaiiiBt those to nogloot onroolves unt protjjudora who keep trilling with Ihnm i liavo regained the use ot mysolf all over, go wlioro I please, diHoaaaa. As vory tuw doctors ontaido tbo nntil promntoro death cluaos the scouo. month nftor month, Riving poiaonona and in- Willi leiir our young "Doctor," taking Ids liandkercbief betwcou larKO uitica aro tlniB prepared with oofltlyont- jnrious coiupuuuds, slionld call and ma tin.- all alone, and walk all I have a mind to. I oat well, sleep well, Ills lingers, caught tlio boy's tongue, drew It out of bis mouth, llt ot mioroBConio and othor OBflOntinl" inatrn-" /llHOiiHos of Woman, and am a live old man again, where as before I was worse than' • jind with a spoon haiidlo fished about' until bo dislodged the inonta tor making astriotly firat-olnaadiiigno-anoh aa hnvo bnniod tbn akill of nil other phyai- Wondorful Cures by ray improved meth• dead. Before taking Dr. llolman S. Humphrey's treiitment my „ hIb in many cnaoa, the idlliotcd woald do well oinns nnd thoir roniodioa. Dr. Humphrey Qniokly od of troatmoni; aocoinplisbod in uorvona do- ^ bowels did not move for a week or more at a tiiiio. Now I iim , obstruction, and tlio boy was fjnickly relieved. Ills tciichora to call upon tbo doctor and KOt hie opinion euros. Olcors tuiiiora, iibruid nnd polypoid bilit,v, prematnro iloolino of manly powers, f often allowed him to darkon.tlio school-room at recess to study • and loam wbothor tbo iloora of liopo nro yot Rrowtlia cured without the uao of tho knito or and kindrad ftrtootlonB,whic h havo Imeu nog- L regular as a clock, and I take pleasure In urging tho aflllcted the itclioii of liglit upon tbo oyes of the studonts, and it was oj)eii or forovor olosad iiRninat thoin. oanstice. No cntting. cn pain, no danger. looted or nnakilltnlly troalod. No expori- to see Dr. Humphrey and be cured. Tlioro comne n tnrninf; point in tlio oourno inonta or failnroa. Pntionts troatod by mail lioro thai he first learned tllo pupil of the oye was so named ut ovory disonao; Ibis ia oapaoiuUy trno ot idl Alanhooa I'crfoatly IluHlorod. and inodioinea sent by oxproaa. Puraoual E. 0. PiriLLirs, Ionia, Jlich. from the small imugo of the observer appearing in the eye, |)roKroflBivo diaoaace. all or any of which aro Quick, paiulopa nud nortain cure for inipotonco, consuitntlou proterublo, Wo guaruutuo cuni- seen as a very small individual, lookingliko a little pupil sitting oariiblo np to acurbiln tlinoi tliat la, until anoh lost manhood, aporinatorrhcoa, loSBOfl, woaknosy bla caaoa. To Wno.\t IT May Concern— in school. AKOTirEii IiL'i.DE IlAi'i'v Because Cuued.—For years I havo rrou UriniilyHia (Ifixamlimtion ot Urino).—All iiorsons Bnlforing with obscure diBoiiaot, or snapoctod kidney KlJootionB, would do well to briuc k; After a three j'cars' term bisfatlior decided that ho had cx- from'two to four onnceaot tho brslurinopaaaod In tbo morning for oxammallnr. Whilo Dr. llumiibroy'B pJi-intmbnt nddrooB is Chicago, 111., sulTerod will) very serious disease ot the kidneys, bladder and' •pended enough money on one bo^-'s education. So young IIol- owin,g. t.o the largo nnrabor oft pntiontni s in Hon thorn MioXign„ n and Northeastern Indiana and Ohio, bo baa Inontcd a brrmob oBico and dlapunaary ut &• prostate gland. I bad become so bad tliat I was obliged to ' miiii returned to the farm and tried bard by severe labor land draw my water witli a catheter always, and so irritable was the Ulllsdale, Micliigna, wlioro alf letters from this section can bo luldreshi d. Look box 322. bladder that.[ \vas forced to draw tbo water every hour, day or Ki'lf denial to save sullicient moans to coutiuuo his coUegiato ^f~All lottors IncloBlng stump for postag;!) iinswered fruu. All ()orrcBi>oudaiiao and consultation in Hlrlcteut: conlld"«()o. •coiirso. n»giit. This coustaut irritation brouglit on an abcess of theV .During the snininer of his Iflth year a •.•ir.'iiin ' ,;,;v prostate gland, wliich, becoming chronic, dhscliarged constant• which is wholly outside of iIk! iloiniiin m' ni-ip.iiri kiio'.v „-d,v;.', ly and often laid me up for weeks at a time with acute attacka. and which indelibly slumped its iiillueiicc iipuii llie !::•• nf llr. None can appreciate iny Bulforlngs and chagrin from the pecul• Jlumpbroy. h was in the iiiontli of .Inly, the ^Ve:^lhl•l' b'.'illg iar condition I was in. Added to this my liver and stomach ,, liot. A sister of 1 ho doctor \yas visiti.ng at tlio old li..iii.>, l^iv- lu long Btaiidiug and chronic diseases his wondorful euros I was blind with cataracts in botli eyes. Was operated on by became so bad from constant doping with drugs that I could . Jug with bora littlo (i-yoai-old daughter, to whom llio doctor arc numljerod by the thouaand, and bundrqds of people lloclj: Dr. Iliimphroy and my siglit restored.: neitbor eat nor digest anything. I finally, through tho per- alstent urging of my family, wont to see Dr. Holman S. Humph• •was wai;mly attached. Upon lliis ijartiouiar nioriiiiig some to see him wliorever he visits, and no wonder, as he, reads dis JIhs. a. IlnssELL, Augusta, 'iVls, neighbor boys were going lishiiig to a Bti-eaiii iieaHv two miies eases like a book, dingnosiug iit;(l dMcriblug all organic dilii rey at tiie hotel In Owosso. At that time I had not sat up four irom the doctor's home, the little girl with an oldei- hroUier lu;- cullies without asking 11 question. This is truly a wondorful I was totally blind for twenty-four years with senile cataract. hours In as many months and firmly believed I would be laid companying them. About ten o'clock wliile the doctor was power, possessed by but few, and Is without doubt more thor Dr. Holmau b. Uuniphroy removed the cataract aud gave mo in my grave soon. Now, however, after six mouths of Dr. plowing in the field a pociiliar feeling over-powered his senses oiighly developed by Dr. Humphrey' than any other living niiin. good sight. •Ino. North, Eau Claire, '^Yls. Humphrey's treatment I am so well that I consider further iit- tenltons unnecessary. Dr. Humphrey has done more for rao I'or a moment and ho then saw as plainly as life his sister's lit• llis'great ability aud success in curing tbo various loug- tle girl at the bottom of a deop hole of water. The imiiression than I ever thought it was lu the ))owor of any man to do, more Biauding dinicult aud chronic diseases after all others have I had been very hard of hearing for mnuy years. Was entire• than he ever promised to do. I can now pass my water with- , •was so powerful that he immediately, obeyed the impulse, un- faiiod has drawn around him tho wealth and culturo from ly cured by Dr. llolmau S. Ilumpliroy. liitched the horse and rode with full speed for tho stream two out drawing it, sleep all night without getting up, and. am tak• every state in the Union, and ho has been paid tho highest pro- E. C. Oamimiell, Hillsdale, Mich. ing solid comfort.' Are you aflllcted? Go and see Dr. Humph• Juilos a\yay. Dasliing up he throw himself from the horse and fessi'oiiiil fees by many gnitoful patients ever paid a surgeon lu 'plunged headlong into tho water and with unerring precision rey aud be healed. Write me for particulars of my great do- this country, yet his charges to tho common people are always I was so deaf for years that I could only hear whpn yelled at-. livoranco from a most dreadful condition. brought the child to land. Tearing its clothing oH ho rolled it moderate and reasouablo. Many aro the grateful hearts which Dr. Ilolraan S. Humphrey has cured me entirely. upon its stomach until the water was all out, then stretching thank him for life and restored health after many disappoint• Bert White, Lansing, Mich. D. F. JoscELYN, West Haven, Mich., the body at full lengtli ho covered it witli the hot sand, ah'nost ments and long years of suffering. P. S.—The public will observe I do'not report oases from hot enough to blister, and holding the child's uoso ho placed After years of successful practice in Boston, Now YorJ: and I had siillered for years with a so-called Incurable valvular Californra or Maine, but those of your neighbors only. Lis lips over her mouth and blew her lungs full of air, at the l''lilladelpiiia tho damatid for his professional services became disease of the heart. Dr. Humphrey cured m'e entirely. Dr. HoMPniiEY. «amo time pressing the larynx backward to close tho passage 80 pressing from the south and west, where his reputtttlou had ,T. 'V. BuuNEJi, Newark, Ohio. , to the Btontach, then pressing upon the chest to force the air pri>codod him, that he consented to make a number of profee- S^What Dr. Hninplirey Docs Not Do. out, aud so kept tliis lu operation until his efforts wore finally slopiil y.slts to the largpr cities, whore ho mot and cured hun• I was troubled for years with catarrh, deafness and running rewarded with success. dreds of cases prououucod Incurable hy oth^r physicians. from one ear. Was completely cured by Dr. Humphrey. He does not attempt to frighten people Into doctoring bj Hero are two very ronmrkable facts: first, the impression re• Those occasional visits developed such' an extensive buslnosB Rkv. F. W. Bayi.kt-Jones, Muskegon, Mich. holding up the fear of a speedy death before their eyes, that the doctor determined to return to aud locate in the west He does not try to urge or persuade the sick to take uent- ceived whiln at the plow; secondly, his pressing the vocal box or I was a dreadful sufiorer from locomotor ataxia nnd paralysis and, as' during his childhood, make it his permanent homo, se• ment when he well knows them to be incurable. Jaryu.\ firmly baokwardon tho passage to the stomach to close of tho will. I have been entirely cured by Dr. Humphrey'i that passago and thus prevent tho air going into tho stomach lecting Chicago therefor on account ot its being tho great west• unusual skill. • Dr. H. Russell, Newark, Uhio. Neither does he by excuses, persuasion or false pretensei, 'instead of the lungs, and that too without any acquired knowl• ern metropolis and business centisr of nearly half o( North hold tho sick under his care month after month while doing ' edge of tlieso parts or over having heard a practical illustration America. Prom this point ho has decided to visit a few local• For nineteen long.years I sullored tho misery and annoyance them no good. •of their mechanism. ities at regularly stated periods for tho purpose of meeting his of serious deafness from catarrh of throat and middle ear. Was patients and enlarging his acquaintance among the people, He does not delude and persuade helpless incurables to doc-.' It will be observed that we call this boy "Doctor." Is 'it the completely cured by Dr. Humphrey. This method has marked advantages for the invalid, thus sav• tor out the last month of their lives or give up their last doUai-'M ability to save life under such clrouinstancos as the above which Auos IiUNDAXL, Hillsdale, Mich. for medicine. , constitutes the doctor, or a dlplbma which can bought in a doz• ing them not alone tho expense, but the annoyance, oxcitemont, en different places in tho United States for a few dollars? ' tigue, and In many coses actual danger of a trip to the city I measured 48 Inches around my belt from a very large fibroid He does not take patients under a false ' so-called guarantee, At the age of 21 Dr. Humphrey began tho study of medicine bon the vital energies are almost worn out. tumor. Was taken to Prof. Ludlam,.Chicago, who could do protending to charge only for medicines, and taking wliaiever proper with a regular preceptor of high standing, and In due [Dr. Humphrey has severed all conniictlon with Chicago, and nothing for me.. Dr. Humphrey removed every vestlgo of the amount ho can get for them;.or make the end and object of hia time ho I'ound himself a pupil of a • popular medical college. Is now devoting his.eatlro time to northern Ohio and Indiana growth without the use ot anything but medicines. life to extort money from tho sick. Hero, among much chull and rubbish, ho found some precious and southern Michigan.] • ' ' - • Mrs, Harvey SuiTir, JanesviUe, Wis. Neither does ho rush after each now nw'dieai sensation and ' icerucls of wheat and fastened upon some excellent principles bruit It about as a ciiro-all, but uses the vast- e.\perloncb of-SC in practice. Here, also, he witnessed many difliciiit surgical .CoNSUMPi'iON CtJiiKD.—I wfts rapidly falling luto'the grasp of years as a specialist among the afflicted. operations in the various hospitals of the city. A second year that fell destroyer, consiimptlon, given up by ijhysicians and What He Docs Do. he also spent in like manner in tho same institutions, graduat• TESTIMONIALS. friends, could just poke about unable to do anything of account. ing with high honors. Yet, not satisfied with the facilities - for Dr.Holman S. Humphrey makes the first ubjuct of his life- The following testiiuoulftls will 'serve to llluBtrate the varied Have bdqh.entircly cured by Dr. Holman S., Humphrey. . obuiiniiig a medical education in the Uiilted States, he now de• to hoal tbe-afilicted; tho second object to get a well-, dcii-rved • character and quuality of the doctor's work; ,^ Miss Jennie'FiiANKLiN, Mason, Mich. termined ui)on a visit to Europe, where three years were spent reputation as a healer of diseases among tlie peoiile; liie 'third in the very centers of mediciil leiii-ning. • His time was spent Insomnia' AND Nervous PuosTiiA'i'ioN'CunED.—When I went purpose is to earn a moderate'oompensatlon in order to pcuper- largely in visiting the best medical colleges, hospitals, dispen- I was horn deaf in one oar. Dr. Humphrey restored my hear• to Dr. Holmah Si'Humphroy nearly ii yoar'ago I had no idea of ly caie for himself and family. .i • ; getttnrr help, but .went simply to please my friends. I could . saries, oye, ear; lung and medical and surgical institutions de• ing complete. Qba L. Pease, North Adam's, Mich, He does do all ho agrees to and oftentimes more, ami where voted exclusivoly to specialized practice, not only lu England, scarcely stop or tilke a moment's comfort foi-'contracted physical falli'ifo does occur it can almost always be traced to enroloss- •but.also in Friiuce' iiiid Gorinuny. Ketmiiiug to America he I was fully in the clutclvijs of nuuih palsy.' Dr. Humphrey and mental sullerlng. At times I thought I should ose my nesa, imprudence or overwork on the part of paiitm).^, -.•lie fhlet "• BOW began his life's work in earneat. Observing everywhere cured me completely. Miss Jokik Slocum, Hudson, M oh, mind; all was darkness and gloom. Dr. Holman S. Humphrey slii being usually in'over or impropoi eating multitudes of broken-down aud siilferlng humanity ho soon de- pured me entirely, and I recommend him to all afflicted. IIo does deal caiidldly, liberally and honorably .with alliilike; 'cided to devote'all his time and splendid attainments to the I had suilerijd for years with' serious,deafness from catarrh. . . D. E. Hawley, Mason, Mich.,'Ing. C, Abs't. Ofllce. management and cure of such cases as the ordinary friniil;,' taking advantage of hone as to condition or circuiii'-t im i s Dr. Humpiirey cured me. ... : • - •EoziciiA'CoRED.—For-sixteen years I suilored untold torture doctor is not and noyer can bo prepared to treat successfullv. . :. IBA B. CABD,,HiUBdale,:Mioh. Ho promptly visits his town every frtur ^M.(,ks lud w )l so. , Pr.'Holraan 8; Humphrey performs every operation kiniwn , with skin dlseaflo, which at tlincs would be; so bad (pay: eyes contliiiioas long as God spares him to tho aillictQd i surgical ecIencGi'anii is the origiuator-of liiiny of tho latoBt aur : .. I was tilmo'st blind for years. •My sight was restoi-ed to me by w.buiu be.swoiionshiit for weeks and my.;face twice its ualumi •' Last,'biit not least, /).("((» Ai/i! ku 'as- size.'-No less than tweut}'-Uvo:difierent' doctors have treated fiicalimprovements:and tho Inventorof maiiy of the*bsst eur-- Dr.Holman S. Uuniphroy. ;! fniledi'''HucmauUati6nwWt,'w Jitt UIIM IS 6& 4[icAl|ippliA&ce8 known. , MaB.\;Mouiy; ;Nortli'^ Adamaj Micli. me,' ftiid I havo paid out for:these and; patent •modicme^ BrqaiM, SillM Your FoIUs and Our Pollcs. I'l-.cdf. Hull If viilllog relitlvoa at Polrolt and Mnrriaio Licoiioss. T. A. Blruey Is in Port Huron. Sonili Lyunsfor tw-u weeks. The following licenses have been Hon. and Mis. .1. T. I.'anipboll started for tlie L'spt, J. 0. Hnouk was in Lansini; ycslcrdny. WerUI's Fair Iasl Tuesday niglit. granted since our last report; Mrs. Ic. 0, Parsons returned lioiuoyi'slerday. Miss Maude Batenian of I.iiditeii, North Dakota, In iN'iiiae and Itesldoiiee. Age Will. K. Maunini; has moved hack to Daniriilo. iiialdiig all extended visit wHh I'-latives and frioiids Krwin E. Huston, While Oak Jlre. JI. J. Murray visited In Albion yesterdar. in tills city and vicinity. Laura L. Sharp, ifimdilia '^i Mrs. 0. n. llunlinKlon sppnt Sunday In l.nnsini;. A. .1, .Millir of Ilansville, waslii Ihoclly yoslerday. y, h. Dodge of Lansini,', was in the city 'I'ni'sdiiy. He irut up at tlireu o'clock iu tiio iiioriiing to catch OiiierC. lliiweii, Matiisiiipie .i:j W. v. Skinner of Lansing, was In thecityTucsdiiy. the .1:1.1 train and upon arrlTtii lioru found it about Harriet D. ISiuory, Muuiitique 44 THE MflSDH FUMITUHE EH. three hours lato. George \V, Wliitney, Ulves 28 S. U. OjHlyke of OsvoMO, was in llio city over Sun• .Mls-< Nell Uelchum left yesterday tor (lliicagu to day. Hiiirly tlm styb-s In fell aini wioler iiillliiiery, s'lii. Mary Down, Leslie 20 Has opened a new Furniture Store in the Dunsback bloclc, three will work tliieu weeks in one of the loading wliule Kdwiiid 11, r.lhhy, Wlllhiuiston ,.. • doors south of the Post Office, and carry in stock a large Ulrum Child of Laming, was in Ihe city lail Mon• Hals huiises. w-hoii Mrs, f^Iispiiiaii will go and assist day. linr tc pui'cliuse stocl.-. Upun (hidr retni 11 they will Ktva Wnrfel, Locke assortment of Fancy and Common Furniture at prices Ilr. K. 1). Nortli of Lansing, was lu tho cliy Tues• oirer to tho tallies of AIuKoii and vicinity style.' dlrect Jacob Scheorney, Lansing M that defy competition. day. from I'ai'U, as tlio desigiior and head trimmer go to Rertle .Mut^ger, l.aiisin;; 'ei W, G. llawcroft of Dansville, was in the city yen Paris eacli season anil have lint leoontly rotiiriieil. terdiiy. i'runk Slovens, Liinsiug Mrs, Kva Lewis returned home last weok Weit Real Estate Transfers. Nellie IMillett, l.uiisliig FULL LINE OF CASKETS ALWAYS ON HAND, Offer this Week nesdsy. The Iblkiwliijr Lniiisl'crs liiive been Walter I-;. Perry, l.ocki M. F. TICKNER, Funeral Director and Manager. 1I..I. Oroeu of Stockhrhige, was In the city last reciirded lu IjIio olllcc (Jl' the JJcKister Flora IC, ("iregiiry. Locko... Thursday. Mrs. J. It. Dart Is visitiuK friends ill l^'uliburi'lllo el' Deeds I'or Innhiini county, for tlic Henry Kluenfebl, Meildlau this week. werlc enfliiiK Sept. I'd, where consiil .Marlbii Kii|ikau, Lansing |s Mils Winnie Jl ills v/sltrd fidi-nds in Willlanihlon ci'iitifiH is $.'100 or over: debn It. Bel-/., Lan-llig. 21 last weelt. |)aiili-l Inlscidl 10 (IcdfKi'.l. KiiliU'f, lol 1(1, Lydia Rol.y,Okcnios 'm 11. JI. Williams is nlleudlni: Ihe Purl Huron mens lilk I'", l.iiiisliiK s ;i,-i) .Slilloli's Clii'o, the gi'cat cough iind Si'lli A. Mini .M.-iiy A. riiililiii'k l.i .liiliii Mi-- this week. d'oiip cure, is for .'^iile by ii.s. rocket Ready Made Mou.se Pr. |i. W. lialstead spiinl Sniidny with hindniighter Cnrrii'k. lols l-j, i;i mid M, Iilit u', Smllli & I'ciis-i: iiilil, .^la.slln size'Jiiglisl luiiitiiiiii SpMiiiss twenty-livh Liiiliin'He (losest reiiKivi', onlys In Luniini.'. Diiiili'l.). lllllatii lo Ooi-iiclla i;. lititlor, lot Fred Mnrey was homo from l.nosing over Sunday il'«•l .hard Cliiklrei, soft i (ilovr (.•iillnusee it,. Loiigyead liiiiipr Uros.'s midl '.', lill< 2, .li't-oiiic'.s ailil, Latisltit; I (inn aud .Monday. l'"i-aiik Illlllai-(110 Amos I,. l''rlnk, lols 11 bleiiiislies rroiii burses, lijeod spiiviiis. Willlard Siullli uf loicii, inado tlie ilK.'uei'KAr a lllld II, lliilt yjo curbs, s|)llHts, ."^wci.'iicy, riiig-liom', rail Tai-sday. lloiiry .1. DoiiiK-liy, tu IClim .Iiiiii) (l-.invil, DOOII.S iiiiKlc. of well seiisdiictl, lot 11;, lilk -II!, Mii.soii stilles. sprains, nil swdlleii tlironts. L. L. McRohertof Ri.lgeway, l.eiieweeeounly, Isia etc. .Save $51) liy use df diio I.Kittle. Painted Doors Icllii-flrieil white jiiiie, sliellilcetl trnd the city to-dav. Aiiins I,. Krliili 111 Kniiik 1';. anil rtle li. 1(10(1 lillllaril. '.'2 aci-cs lui ti w of 11 w '< Wiiri'iinliKl tlie mast wonderful lilciii- Mrs. Rev. K.fi.Ktlettandchildren of (.'aro, aio visit• covered witli Iwd heavy (.'oats of f^cva of .SL'cllo, Hellil '.. islicilre ever Uiimvii. .SnUI by II. M. ing Ijwr parents. NiJlllo II. I'l-i'gs III Aiircsti'S HrlgK«, b't H.OIl llnisli piiint, a light ilrab in cdlor. Gay CasiiTHu rutiiriied Satnidity from a weekV •I, lilk 'JiT, l.aii.siiiK "WilliRin.s, (Iriiggist, Jlasdii, .Midi, .'ilyl visit In Oliarlotto. TlKiiita.siitiil .Miirtliii PavLs to Asa Hiiilili, 2.SIK1 SupiTvisor .1. X. Hands of Welil.ervllle, was In tho 1(111, hlk mi, l.aiisliig Why Should I prices: city lust Sunday. .loliii l!misi!lo(l:illiovltu', W. Uiiiisi-, lot '.'02,1 •Not liavii coiilldiuice in IbilL wlik'li and 11. hlk 111, I,;iii.slNi; •2 (l.vd i;:li;i'iei,vi-. .1: and Saturday of last weid.. lli^lt-siii^lt-siif li, \V. dwell, lhiyy alali',v,l'.v,,. lIiVn Hiiiiiellntiiel My diiiigliti'i'has I'ei'ii iilllb-K Ll uiib ftonib. itniihte than llttrtoii, hlk -.'7, of (Iwcn's .'id iidil, Wll- for over six years an.l I Imve imid out ever 57oii fn G. IC. Banders is local reporter for tlie News In tlie "aiiisiotiaiiisioii f.lin vain trying to Iliid relief lor iior. aljseiice of liro. Cauipliell. Aitiiii Xii-liiil.s 111 \V, 11. Hllillirlilli.', jii'i on A laity Irieii.i a>tvisr in sei-uit' a Iioiile of Mr. ami Mrs. llerl Wilcox of Lansing, aio vlsliiiig 11 n;; (If sec 1,1, Miu-hllaii Diilliim's Oreal Geinino feoiiite IJirilii" Tonic 1 the riiriMits ol Mrs, ^VIIco.\. .Iiiliii II, Ciiliii In .Miu-y .\1. Stiiwi-li, 11of w she lias betui cuiipb-'elv i-cii-il by II We u-uve $2.50 and Mis. \^'ui. Gregg visited tier two danglilers in l.an i.'l III II III of I- i,.;iif' 11 e I.; iiiiil II pi" iif M fairtrhil and tlie resuIlM a'.-n* wooib-ifiil. Wt.c.ir,i((,t [i of w uf n e i.f of see IKI, lliiiikiM-liIll am rocoiiiiiiend it'too highly i" all iiidii-s wte. arealllietcil, sing last we(, 1'. Wlilt ill' oil s e eiuiier of .survey N'li. KKl, sue II, I F.o- wile by O. W, llal.-iteiid ,(- -'on, M;isoii, noil V it We offer tlicm at more wiiiit toOwossa lust .lloiida.r. Sliii-l;lii-blg(i ; Field. PauHVillo. Mr. und Mrs. Geo. lloyi of Ovlii, visit.-d rcliitives Kilwiii-d O, ICi'lley In l.tiey lCidlov, w Ri.-; and friends liere iliirliig Ihe past iveek. rils of s r. i-(ls of hit n, iiik-l, t'l-eiioli's ailili lliiy niiUiiHi's Gernimi Sficent Oinigli LiiiislliK 120(1 Cure at lliilsteiid it .Sun's. 'Miisdn. Paul Loos of I.uiisliiK, was in IIiIh clIy liiul latilr- ,liiini-s \V. Hliii-lii..v, liy Ailiii'f., to Mnry iay npiin iHisiiicss in tlm prid.ate court. llliiehe.v, lol II, lilkn.1, l.iitisiiig: 0. ]\I. Siiiitli left for Villus. Ari'/.oim, Inst Tiln.day. Will T, (loilley III (,'liiis. .1. Ciidh-v, ii w yi lie w-iisiiii oldtlnie r.isldi'ut of tliis vii-liilty, iilHW'/, luiil iiiiit-u, see lu, \\'lille. Oiil; I\lis. l'^annle Siiilth of ,laekH(Hivilie, I'loriila, viNiti-d liorcriihin, .Aliss jM..l(>nnie Olow-cs la.^1 weel(. li. L. i;.fisi':(jKA.\(;i'; Rcgistei'. .Mi.w Alia N'l.rrls orllelhl, and Mi-i., .'-'iiillii of l.nii- liiiy .I'lillmii'sQeniiaii -.1 c.eiii, Coiigli (Iiioil Man in i-e|ii-rseiit us In this liieiillly, to slitg, vveio gncst.H at ,S. II. .Muddeii's last wcel;. .sollell eotiiilry pi-iiiliiels of all kinds I'or its. Ad- To^acconiniodale our customers J'l. ll. Pulnani of Frnderlclt, was iu tint clty lust Cure at lialstead it .Sdti'.s. .Saturday. lie was (ui llie way to the Willie (Mty. Buy Diilliim's Geritiiin .la ceiii, Liver ilri'ss, who are not able to visit our store Mr. and Mrs. I\I. E. Kit/p;ttidck and dauglitnr lls,IOIii(!.-i(',li patdiitgo. .-tl. I liilstdini & PRODUCE, Miime of Lansing, visiled al .las. llurus' "ilenday. Soli's. M.'tsdit; h\ II. Ii'lckl's. Umisvillii. 66 I& 63 W Scl St., Clncliii-iatl, O. weGu'ill^.seiid one of the above gar Mi's. R. P. Walton of A iirelius. is keeping liiiuse for her Hen during Mrs. Vp'alton's stay at the Worlil's Fair nicnts upon receipt of price wit .^JMr.". Diivi'Goodiich aiiil ihildnii of I.Jln.^illg, ivoie guests uf tlie laniily of W. i\l. Piutt llie llist ol tlii. 20 cents added for postage, provic wmik. MlsH illiilla Plait went to Holt lust .Monday us a leaoher In tlio lnlerinediutu de|iarliae.-it of tlii-ir ing the order is received befoi-e the sellouts, Arthur f^Iiiiicli and Miss llora Aiideison of Lmi goods are,^ all i^sold. In oi-derincf sing, wore guests of the family of C, A. Hull iasl Sunilny. va, L'5' ti:K,w2, liioc, Mis. L, Main mill daiigliter. Ilia, spent l.ahor Day please give bust mcasui-e. If now.T tho v7or!d over n:i DI!S. Kit I-', wiUvIuit yotii- town on tlio dnto und nt tho at Owossoaiid are vlsltiiig at (Jaiiiey the balance of HoLotiiurjcd liolow. Vao/ in-u tlio most favorably known Moilic.-il E.-iportain Ainui-ica, tho weok, iiutlr.iair/oHtlioir W.-.nv Crieluat MothciiE! of Troatrnont have Biiined nn M rx. .Iiilia A. Iliiiitingtoii, .Mrs. P. A, Snieioi and cstablialieil ropntjilion nil ovciv tlin world. Tlioy nro Modiciil JJiroctnre of nn iiiinionHo Miss ,lenelte Slilead wont to the WurhPa Fair laat Kalabliabinentia JJoti-oit, ivhioli lhnyorgnni?.ei!in]57l) for tliu oxolusivo trcatmontot 'I'liiirsday. ChrouioUiaeaioa. Omy Curutjii; ctisaio Truatud, L. .1. Ford'und .lames Kirhy w-ero in .lac.ksoii the foro part of the week. Tliey wero ingiigi-d lit papi-r- WMAT TREAT CURE. lng a lioiifpe. Cntnrrli. Anllmin, Consnmption, IlronclilUrt, niioiiinatisni, Noiiralfrin, Ncvons .Dis- oatico, iJlood null Hkiii I)i;ijiiK,)S, aiuinacli anil lio'irt DiuciiHwi, 'J'niidworiii. J'iloa, linp- Miss Maud P. Rliodos hcgiiii tier tlilrd year as turo, Jinimtcucv, ]jQiifnon.i, Di.ionaoa ot tho l"yo, Ear, Noho nnd 'Xliroac, Enilopuy, Din- teacher in the primary departinani of the Holt schools oaHcaoCtlioKiimuynH-.ul nkidtlor. I'liilini: Manhood. llicciiFos (rf tlio Horniil OrBans, last Monday. I'onialo Woakuc:,!.', Djuc.:i;m oC Mou and Women, and all Diiionson of a Chronic Naturo. LANSING. Mis. ,/. 0. Kiugerle and liltlo daughter and Mia, W. L, Uhirk W(uo guests of Mni. (1. .1. Cliarles at Laiwlng Iasl Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. I). Stiiiilou of Alger,speiit Siinilay ,IULY .'IO, IRiW. with Mr.Staiiton^s parents. Tliey wore upon Ilieir This New Motliod. wliioh linn nm-formndthonsands of inirnoulonn onroa, woa die- DET.ROrJ.V: way to the World's Kalr. covered by ])K.S. Kh'NNiilJY it KEIIOaN, nnd in pntonLod (hroughout thooiviiizud LANSING & NORTHERN R. R iNIrs. Ray Clowes "visited Iter hrolhor at Owossu world. It is tho (jrandoat discovery of tho luodoru mudical ii«o. to IIKTIIOIT, tills week, and w-as accompanied by liiir lu'otlicr, I (PlF fVHIFW TillsclnraotdiiiwROflwhichronniroa thoSciontifio loliii M'yganl of Oolilwater. J UB 1 SILn Trontaiont by apeoinliiitn, rocolvcB tho norsonid Kasl. n in p in |p III p III II III Henry Wliiteley and fainily of Lansing, spent Siin- nttontion otJ 3.K&K, All tTenlsnesrt of mt-rj iiriains from, ourly abuso lay at Alfred lloliinsoii's in Aiaiedoli, Mr. U'. is a Leave Laaslni; 1 ;i wi'i*!i 2.') 7.1;) clerk ill the lanil depiirtuieiit. '^r^:i;>niv;'*'j:^-r . Ilirect connections al Howell .liinctinn on inorninK at Ainnroe. this company having closed iiiilil spring ttAiu for Toledo, and al lletroll u'illi all lines for the owing to the Hlrlngency ot tiio thnes. DO NOT DELAY ! Kast and Soiitli and witii Htcaiiiers for Oleveland Klsk Hangs has lieeu inyHterionaly missing forahont At iloM'anl UUy for Upper i'eninstila and tliu North three weeks, and his fiiends are hncoiiiiiig alarnieil. wefl't, Al Grand Ilapida with the The Worlil's Fair is hinted as thocauseof lils alisence lint it is suggested that Ills udniiratioii an.i apprecia• OlIlOAGO & WliST MlOIllOAN IIY. tion of some [larliciiiar one of the World's Fair i.s -CALL ON- (| for nonton Uarhor.St.Josnph,Muskegon, BlKtlnpids. more responslUIe,—Grand Ledge rn S3'l°45' west Enil of driiiii on farm linobclwcoii iiilddlo'|i't3ba of 0 plot nefrl i^of sec4, and s pi of nolrl Kot will lonenonool Ita popularity whllo under tho' Satolytholrcoodnosi]doc3notondhQra,andthoga SCC4, nt a point 3 iihsfiO Iks ent corner. ' ; . - managemnntof iln proflcnt Droprtotora, irho ones try. thom iriU find tbeao lltUa plllaTalu- ftblolnnomany ways that thoy will not bo WIN The lino ahovo dcsci-ibcd to be tho center lino of tho s.ald drulu, the above de.icrlbed drain to have a bottom width of two feet with the banks slop• illaS todo nltbout tUom. But of ter oUslclc bsul ing outward at an angle ot forty-live (45) degrees, with,a grade nf bottom sullleicnt to (Iriilii tlio low land imitli of tho town Hue road, to a depth of three loot below tho stirfiicb from itsoomiiienooniciitonandto Hie township lino, and from the said line 011 and tothe end llioroof to liavo a bottom width ot one foot, with banks sloping outward at itn linglo of forty-hvo (45) (legvB0.s, with a depth and grade • of Imttom; siifflcldiil Ki dfain the lowest ffllflEBIli. \',<,V. lands to a dopUi of two feet logetiior with a strip ot land twelve (12) toot in width'next to'and adjolnlni; eltlier sideot the top of said drain as coii- stvuotcd Iho entlvo leiigHi, fov tlio purpose of jilacliig tlm oxuiivallons Hicrefrom.. Tho boniings above given are taken from tlio true Beographlciil inor- idliin, the mngnellc variation being turned oil by the veinlei'of tho compass. [:§:f!,jC^ iionianyllvoa that horolswlieM Surveyed September 4U1 and 5tli, A. D.'1893. .fOUNMoOKHARY, Surveyor. lUey always keep the Very Oholctiat of AUKIndt .:i%Toinnl:ooHrBi™tboaiit. OurplUaouroltwliila Said job will bo let by sections. The section attho outlet oftlio drain will he lot llrat, aiiO tho remaining sections, in their order up.steain.in — of •'->VV''•^•..:..•v.^:!;iS£!• •Uv-;.; lOthetiidoiiot. accordance with the dlngr.ani now on llio with the other papers norlalntDK to said dram, in the oiTlee of the. Drain Coiniiil.ssiouoj', to which rcforotico , • CBricr'.') I,iUlo«I.lvi;r rillcnw vory umall and may bo had by all parties Interested, and bids wlllbe nmdo imd received accordingly. ContnicU will be made with thtt lowest vesiJonslblo bidder •;', vory'c-iny lo talto. Ono two pills makoa doBO. giving ndetiuato security for the porformnnce of tho work, in a sum ihcn and there to liu llxed by mo. icsoivlng to niy.solt tho right to lojoot any and ;5hoynroBtriullywgetiihln»nddo not grlpo or all bids.' llie date for tlie completion ot'siioh conlracc, and tho termsof payment tliorefor, siiall bo announced at the tiiiio and place ot letting.. NUKSEKy^STOOK. I ]\mny.vspeoial;^arioi Notice is ftu'tlier lioi eby given, that at tho time and place of said lolting, or at such other time and placo thereafter to which I, tlio Drain Commis• FFEsIi^Salf MEiafs, ties to oirorboth in fruits and .'ornnmeutalsiand'^ '.:-,<;,.:'i,:.-i'j!i "" 1 sioner aforesaid, may iidjourn the same, tho asaesDment lor benoflts and lands comprised within tho"l'erry County Drain Special Assessment controlled only^ by us. • Wo. phy^commlssTiin,' w'',t •' • r\Vf^^^ District," will bo subject to review. •. , •', POVLT^T AMD GAME. salary, give oxoluslvo territory. aniVJpayiwoelUy.'-'^''''' The tflllnwing is 11 description ot Oieaoveral tracts or parcels of land constituting tho' special nasossmont dlstrlet of said drain, viz: in tlm town• Wriio lis at once and secure choice-: of . , •.JARTEtl SKEOlCtNS 0O;,MewVorl{. ship of I.oroy, w J4 ot ae K of sec 33 and so % of se of sec 33, town 3 n; riuigo i! 0, w J.

A wi5Li.-jrANA0icD Small farm will PROBABILITY THAT ' CONGRESS pay a long way better than an ill- MASONT, MIOH. WILL NOT ADJOURN. managed lai'ge farm, and the sooner this fact is rccognlzecl by the farming Iiciidcrii ut thu DciiinrralH In thi> liiiima A Jiir.K famine Is the latest addl.' community the bctlo'. A hunched acres of land, cultivated In a proper Fuvur uii liiiiuthis is true, is it nota good Press. power of any inemhcp who Is In charso of when the whole truth about them is greyhound, tbo Campania, which was shop. People'Avho''use the electric thing fol; the >couiitpy tliiit Grovor was any proposition on tiio floor to propoao lights often flnrl small holes in the told. Tho use ot steel fol' rails^was'm'ado suooossfiil? Tho Herald is quoted by LoffiLcy of ItoptihliciiiiH. closure at any time that h« l.lilnka It ad- launched but a few months ago and glass globes,-which they • hil'vo 'to possible by tlio eheaponing ot stool,and 'the directories as ii...Republican paper, The Ohio Democratic platform puts visnbld to do aa The amendinont was re• jected. recently broke the record from patch up with putty. "This old fel• that was duo toanowpl-oeess. If pro• but its editor must bo >dovoid 'Of tact it thus truthfully and .forcofully; Tho tection had made them'cheap in Amer• linanolal situation is tho untortunato Queonstown to New York, has been low says'ho has seen'the"ordinary and foresight.—Cedar-Riipids Gazette. ica, free trade would have mndo 'them logaoy of a Republican administration. How tho World Vfiign. so.badly shaken and strained by the house lly, which often'passes'olljtor a, high- in England. The fa,ct that they TIio.v Sniilrni. It is tho natural result of tho McKin- The Fourth National Bank ol, Louis- , jar and vibration of its twelve or caper with boiled mutton, 'alight on wei'o $10 a ton higher under protection Republican journals and iptiliticiauS loy tariff, the Shorinan -silvor law, o.k- vlllo, Ky., has resumed. _ •fourteen thousand horse-power enr one ot thesoglbbos,'.cut a ridfie with '^ shows what tho-tariff is for. Tho genr are following the cue to protostagainst travaganco of the revenue of .tlio party It is denied that Miss Florence PuB-: - its serrated 'hind legs, and then,^'wlth eral decline in tho piico 'is duo to in- lately in power, and tho -creation and |Vgines tha;tlt;must; be sent bade to any disturbance of tho tariff. Busi• man is to marry Prince Isenberg. . its saw-like' teeth, ciifc clear 'through ^vontioii; tho dilferenco between the ness, they say, demands rest,-and'oor- fostering of trusts and corrupt. combi• The Harvest Homo piijnic for South- ' iJi; tiie Clyde for repairs and changes :-ia, •the glass." It thtja goes'Inside'to see Eii'glish and American prices'is duo,'to tauity. '.T'o procood to obey tho people's nations by that party, all-oombinirig to ^i-structure which will cost $300 000. pi'otootion. mandato'for a roduotionof itaxes,-attor •shako crodii), to -oroato distrust in the orn Michigan at. Devil's-'Lake was at^.- -if thc.lightitself'isnot''a'big lump tended by 20,000 farmers' , , ; vi5.The:folly of crowding steam pressure of extra clarified-sugar. 'Ho says tho moiiotaryi danger is reniovod, will, money of tho country and to paralyze Tho Eepublicans cannot ^adhOVo -to its^biislnoss. - . . • '\ . that the fly e/ito.tho- floe class'dust tHa tlheOry that I protection choilpens. •thoy insist; "unsottlo" our industries. In an.address at Kissingon.Prince g^onithese new'vessala, so as to' save a Thoro has boon no ttalk of precipitate and considers' it an excellent substi• It is a -wholly artiliiiiir theory, and . -Wnnt No Snobbery. Bismarck declared himself opposed. to: ;!j;;j!few minutes'of houi's,' which people action. -The iritention of tho 'Domo- the, centralization of .tho. impijrial, ... tute ffjr''calorael -in ' removing bile tlley lirQ • always forgetting all about 'The ipooiilo of 'tho United States ai-e stvwbo are trdyeling^ for pleasure db'not cratic party is to rd'forin the tariff with powiir. : • ;. . •'•'m.^ from the • system.—Florida Times- "it and talking about the''ruinous m-ices mot prepared'to tolorato a Senate that :^?;ciire-foiS:;isJllustratcd4n:t of at which goods will havo to bo' sold un• duo'care-and dolilidvation, and-to give Union. ,-' •: business ample time to- adjust itself to , boasts'ot its siinilarity to the House of A; "V. Blythe, Sheriff of MUOT Coun': =•..-.,' |;;itlip,Campajila.; .Unless there Is spine der free' trade.. "Thoy ai'O'^ontinually Lords. ' ,•: • '' ."':.' ••': .. '•'•„'.''>' truing the wobl-^g'rowo'r^, foroxataple, any cliangos—six months at iDast. ty, Ark., is'$16,000 short in .:his';.ac-.;-c', .J' ||stilecte''p^t^ this practice, it.is only WojnsN'are a gre.'it ','d(ial ."hicfir' to tliat tlio .bare.prospect of freo wool 'Pho Republican protest is inconsist: Shouia Aak rorKlvonoBB. ^counts.,., V'':••.•'••::•.„. •' •-",.'• •':v',.r^.'' ' Ijjujiiuestion'pftinio ,^ know than'.niGn; if yotf meet them ia liii«' put clown -the'- price..- This. sho>v8 oht and Impudsnt. Ton - tiraea -.Blnco Roforo 'Opening'ihls campaign, Gov. Expert'Hayes, from • Comptroller ',.' Eoklos'offloo, has.gone,toInaiahapolla,:;;;'\ '' j^';ror'S;Whilch.have a'driig store yvhsn you.'are buying a plaiinly enough that thero' i? no slneor- tho war tariff was, passodshU'VothoiRo- -MoEihloy should havp asked tho Ohio cigar,,you ajb'not' expiicted to oHfer ity in this plea that protection choap- publicans revised or-amended it iii gon- pooplo to forgive- ihls tin-plate fakos'of to unravel tho affairs -of - the Haugliiisy';'; . ei-alibille. '^ They-have iboen .ixsrsistent .two^yoarBago.-.-•'••••• •••;••'•••;, ';••••' •.••'"•• 'Bank:.,;v,:/:;,:;^;:,';.y.,-;.-.'.^^^

.... .•' SIbiIo Itrisnrnbln for UtB, DISI'ANCE LENDS B.NCirANT.ME.NT. Tosllmony of One Who Know. Aniiniilii iinil KarthrinnlcoSi This you nitty oasily bo If you rull to reiaedjC THE JOKERS' BUDGET Stranger—This is a boautlful jiart of "Vlpltlng Bollano after tho .oarlh- tbe iQdliccstlau taii Don-asnlmlliitiou of the llosaile—I don't kuow what to da tho city.' Projiorty must bo very high quaKt) wo wore taken by our guide to a food, whioli nro the atteudnuts andorlalnaiora about Harry. I don't really lovo him. of nerrousnefls, that over present ailment JESTS AND YARNS BY FUNNY hero. hnnutonio pahr<;zo belonging to ono of which DO narcotlo. mineral aodatlvc or norrine Jlaude—'i'lioii why don't you break Citizen—No, sir, ])i'operty isn't worth tho Witrlulan faiullies of tho phico. It oap over do more than temporarily relieve. Of -MBN OK rilK IMtKSS. the ont'agemcut? course theao remedlea have no eaeot upon the anything along hero. wan luilll in tho '\'onetiaii stylo, with •rgane ot dli(eatJon and aeolmllatlon, eioepl to Bosalie-^lk'Ciuiso then I know I should "Not worth, anything! Why, ovory D&arblo pillars and staircasoa, and u dlBorder and enfeeble them, thna agiravatInK Tho DauKcroiis Kclio—Tho Uurcnllty fall in lovo with him,—[Chicago Kucord. houso In this row i.s a jjul'auo, and contrul luill from which tho living tho orljtlnal dlflloultv, Anionx the moBt alarm• tliero's half a iniloof them!" rooms 0 loned. The houso still stood, Flower" ing aud aaneerouj aymptoma of ohronin ncrr- Obvious—No Uso for Wiitep-A Ques. LOVISO. ouBnoaB la Inaomnlu, which la the profeailoniU "That doesn't miiko. any dUl'oroncOi olthoug 1 in a ruinous condition. Be• term for Inability to sleep, Where this ox- flon- -A Ooiiifortlna Thousht, etc. IJoatrice (an artist)—You look awfully They ai'o owned by mon that aro suf- neath ono side of the hall ran a range "lam ready to testify under oatfc Iet« there la always a tendency to mental over• Cttt well to-day, I should love to paint you foi'lng for tho nocossarios of lifo." of stables, tenanted by somo line horses, that if it had not been for Augu« throw, pareala and ovontual Innanlly. Jlogln at "I don't SCO any indlcatlouB that tho of which the owner was oxtroinoly the fountain head of all tbia diffloulty with OS you are. Flower I should have died befora IIoBlottcr'B Btonjftch Hitters nnd avert evil Bliinclie—t wish you would. Your owners want to soil out." fond. On tlie night before tho oarlh- this. Eight years ago I was takea TIIK DANOKROUS ECHO. "They're too ])oor to bo ublo oven to con»e(]ucnoeB. Ko nooner does the etomaoU | fiance wants a portrait of me so nuich.— quako these animals kont u)) a constant sick, and suffered as no one but roauiae Ita tone, and the Bystem gain In vUor buy 'h'op Sale' curds to put up in tho Mother—.My dauglder, I am astonished [Truth, Btainplng and pawing, tho nolso echo• through Iho aid of tblH benlgu tonic, than windows." ing through tho corridors, Moro than a dyspeptic can. I employed threo •leep returns and the nerves grow trnnipill. ntyonr conduct with that gentlenian. Ohllls and ferer. rlienniatlain, hlliounncsB and i vrCTI.M OP THE n.NANOrAL DEfUKSSIO.V. ':Havo you got any property along once tliu head groom and once tho of our best doctors and received distinctly heard liiin kiss you twice. this row'.^'' master himself went into tho stables lo nobeucfit. They told me that I had ooBfltlpatlon yield to the Hitters. Daiiglitor~.N'oiisenso, iila. You know Walkaljout Begys—Are the hard times "Havon't a foot of dirt wiliiln u niilo Hoe what miglit bo amiss. Tlio horses heart, kidney, and liver trouble. very well tlio conservatory has an echo biirtin' you any? of It." were in a strange and uiiaccouiitablo Everything I ate distressed me so Not Fliittiirlng. -tLifc. Kiisty Kiifiis -=• They're ptillin' mo "TTioH how do you know all this'?" slate of agitation, but they could dis• A certain yonns: poet has ucliiovecl flown worse'ii anybody I know of. lie- that I had to throw it up, August 'I'lKi ti.\KKAi,n'y OBViocrs. "I'm tho—" cover nothing else. In what wav tlio father an unoiiviable reputation anions member the old liiiiiks on the West Sido (Interrupting)—"Wliy, Groat .Scott! coining eonvulslou was convoyed to Flower cured me. There is no med- his friends for hia blunt eundop that ia Caspar Corkor-^Siiy, cull, I drcnmed tliat's l)oen giviii' we 60 cents wanst I ought to luivo known it I'at oiieo. their senses, who can say'? For these icine equal to it," IvORBNZO F, forever betrayiiiR-him into ono of llio las'night that 1 cliiiilKtd to tlio top of a week retrlarf' Shako! I'm an n.s.scssor inysolf when dumb beast ovidontly had a knowledge SWBPSR, Appleton, Maine, ft thiiiflfs - ono - would • havo- ])rofci'rcd-lo- tall mount'n, tin' found a wiiggin load Yes."" I'm at homo,"—Chicago Tribune. of it, doniocl to man.—T. 0. TroUopo's siiy-iiifforonlly, as Du Mauricr imts it. o' gold. AVell, he's (Hiit. Ife says his wages Komlnlsconcos. On his last birlh(3ay ho was given a •Jonas Deadboat—Tough when you have bus been cut down an' he' can't af Don't Olxairil tliii SiisiiunilorH. charming diniier by his doting )iiu'onts, waked up, wasn't it? ford it no more." Tbo stout man who wears a tight CoiillniMilH tiiul Oi'oiiiiri. alwhich iiowasbit'iorly disappointed by j " I'm sorry fur Iifiii. bolt around his wiilst to givo him an Of all the scloncos that of geology is tho regrets of several iiotiililos. Thus, C'as|)ar Corker—No; I kirowcd I was droaiiiiii' or I'd never o' climbod that "Fur liiiirl I'm thu one to be sorry fur, appoiiritnuo of jiuiiilinoss, lus well as to ])orliaps tlio least advanced. This is when a society girl said to him at tbo do tho suspondor sorvico, docs not due, not to a lack of students or earn• close of tlio evening; "What a delight• mouiitain.—[Chicago Hceord. you miseiiible hound f II iiiii't hurtin liiii any. He's giltiii' his inoiiey back know wlint harm ho is doing to liim- est and ])er.sistent investigation, but lo ful time wo liiivo had!" ho o.\-claiined solf. A doctor told mo yesterday tho restricted Held of observation. from tlio fullness of his hoiivt: "I'm .VO USE l''OU WATER. out o' mo,- co-iifound him!"'—[Chicago Tribune. tliat the wearliig.of a liglit belt by a Much of the study of geology, thoro- plad it hasn't seoinod dull lo you. Wo AVifo (severely)—-Is this the llsh you man, ospoeially a stout man, is most in• foro, Is necossarily of a theological invited some awfully clovci' people, caught? THE f.onic oil' IT.. jurious to lioarUi. It stops tbo olrcula- elmriicter. but not ono of tlioui ciinio!" jiiisbiiiid—^Y-c-.s, in' dear. tlon, and does not iiormit tho digostivo Kandein' Observor—Pardon inc, bnt Proquoiilly about tho time thoso Wife (slirewdly)—Were you flsliing in' organs to oporiito as tlioy sliould. theories bccamo aocc])tod as facts they what aro yon putting down in your note 13. n, W/l/J'nAl.L ,t Co., nruKKlBlB, Horse I salt witter or frusli water? When askod why it should bo'SO' much wore over-turned, or a iparontly so, by Cave, Ky., say; "Hnll'B Catarrh Curo ouriu 1 hook?" eroiy one (hut takos it." Hold by DruBoiBtsi 75t', Husband —I—don't know, m' dear. moru injurious for a man to wear any• some now diseovery. Until a few years Didn't taste it.-^[Ncw Vork Weekly. World's Fair '(''isitor—Oh, I'm jnat thing tight around his waist than it'ls- ago, for instaiico, it was generally ao- A rccnillarlly of ficnr>;iii IJ);Iilnin(;, pulling dowiv liie tilings tliat have made for a woman, who is lacod up year in ceiJted Ijy geologists that tho conti• A (iUESTIO.V. an iiiduliblo impr6H3ion upon my memo and'year out, tbedoulor said: "A man Lightning i.s playing some fipoor nents iinil oceans of tho earth occasion• Mi ry, so thill I won't forget tlioiii.—[Ghh and woman can't ha compared in that freaics in Gcorsia tlioso .siiniinor days. Lady (to now sorviint girl)—I must ask ally changed places; that islands of tho regard. A man uses uiitiroly dlll'oront Kcccut-ly, in Tlioinits County, agciiile- you always to tell me nothing but tlio cngo Ih.'oord. oceans wero summits of submerged OOWLEDGE muscles in breathing than a woman. niuii, lioliiing a baby in his arms, look tnitli. mountains or ranges of mountains. A CII.VSCE. Ho liecomcsaoeuslomed to breathing Brings comfort and improvement nnj refuge iiinlei' a jiiiio trooduriiig a llitiu- Servniit—Yes, ma'am ; but ])lenso, But recently, in viow of certain dis• from his alidomon, whilo a woman dop .stoi'ni. Li|4-litniiig stniek tho troo, "Here's iv chance for speculation', coveries, miiiiy students in geology tends to personal enjoyment whoa nla'ani, how am I lo know whether you breathes almost entirely from her' severely sliocKx-d tliu niiin, but loft tho And for realizing soon— havo been eoinpollcd to change their rightly used. The many, who live bet• Clin bear it? chest, Mon Imd bettor wear looso biiby uniiiu'iiicd, nnd the liitlor contin• Buy lliennoinoUTS in tliu morning belief, and holt that tho great conti- ter than others nnd enjoy life more, with bolts and provide' somo other siibsti- ued lo chip its liiind.s, evidently enjoy-1 A eO.MFORTI.NG TIIUtllJIIT. And they'll surely ri.se by noon. nontal masses itnddoep ocean lloors are less expenditure, by moro promptly tuto for susiieudcrs."—Pittsburgh iJis- iiig tlic vivid llnsbofi l.liiit illu'niiniilijd | --IGedartowii (,'.!a,) Staiidaril. pei'iiianent features of tho earth's adapting tho world's best products Mr. Seconilweil—Do you really lovo patch. eriist. the'neciTs of iliysical being, will attea; the .stoi'iu.—.AllaiiUi Conslitiilioii. me, then, deare.sl? KOT .SUFEIilll.N'd KltO.M b-YMPATIlV. tlio value to loaltli of tlie jiiiro liquit jMrs. iSocondweil—Ah, how iimcli you J)uiim.s* •*I*IiiH:lni'lHni" on AVlIdo, KffL'et; of ]UnNi(; on l*«?iin. laxative principles embraced iu tha low HAT!'! IIAHVI'JST KXCUIt.SIO.N,'^ can iiuvef know. You eitnriot understand imid I'litient—Your sign says 'T'coth An iiunising misliiko was rccontly Walter .Savage Liindor introduces j remedy. Syrup of .Figs. to lowii. Miniiesnla, KniiHii.s, Ndhi'iiskii. Col• how ein.sely you resemble my poor dear E.\tnu;teil I'aiiile.ssly." Is that so? niado Ijy a certain Pronch critic who is Pctorljoroiigh in coiiver.satioii witli | Its excclleneo is due to its presenting orado. Wynnunt:. IJliili, .Voi'lh luul Sontli lirst Imsiwnd.—[t'iiicngo Itecordi Deiili.st—Oil, yes. AVe're liiii'dcned iisiially accounted idovoi'. A wagglsii A'\niliam I-'onn, and makes him applaud Dakrjiii. Miiiiilohii. 'reniie.s.siH), jMissisHippl, in tho form most: acceptable and pleas• to it, you know,—[Cliiciigo Record. Eiiglisliimin, after the recent perform• Pcnu cynically, when tho latter do-1 ant to the tiiste, the refreshing and triily AhihiinKi. l.iiiiifilMiia, .•\rkaiisii.-i, Indhiii Ter• Exp|.;itiE.\cl.;i). ance of Dninii,s' "130111,40'' in London, ritory, Oklnhiinia. 'I'li.vaH, and Arlxoiila, will claros tl'uit there is soiiiothing In a vio-1 beneficial pro])oi'ties of a perfect lax• onus A.NI) K.NDS. wrote to a nowspapor, gravely oxiilain- loavii fi-oinall .miilioiiH o[ llio W'ahash llail- .•Vd. Vorly.ser—Wu want a matt who liu, if ])liiyoddiscreetly, tliatiippoareth ative; ell'ectimlly cleansing tlie system, roail on Deloher lolli, nlvorv low r.-itiw. knows boili liow to keep his mouth It sounds rallior odd lo read in tho Ing that there wore epigrams in to make 'hot weather cool, and cold | "Beiiise" which were obviously par• dis idling col'ds, liKadiiclics and fevers 'riek(Jls tjood rDiiii'iiiil},'twenty (biy.s from closed and how to stave oil! the curious. harilwai'U iimrket ropoi'ts that cutlery is woiitlior warm and temiieriito; not, ant pormiinontly curing constipation. (lillojt, will ho P, .rolin.son &. Co.. Iticliinoiul, Vn. 'I'lioir merce grows upoua viiio of tho orchid Croat siiecdsrt Bhiiwh that Ihey liavii KDltlio witli licr lover by lior .side, cannot be coiToclly judged by the stylo nll'orilor] by llio series ot low ralo liarvoHt | family, ono ot thoso wou-d .sort of trop• true iih'ii.R ahoul making iiinnoy. Il'lniy ciiii of tlie speeial car wliieh iicai's around niciii'slons which Imvubooa arniiiKod by the show yon how lo employ odd liotii-B pVoUI- "Are you sure you are quite " ical air plants of wbieh travelers givo North-M'ostoi'nLliio. Tlukols for Uiohu ox- nbly. Drawing lier tenderly towiird him ns tlie .SeveiiLli Assistant lo tho Nintli .-Vs- such interrestlng description,?. It is fliir.sions will ho sold on AiiyiiHt 'J'.'d, Sop- r ho spoke, ho gazed into tlie depths of siatant Auditor, or soinelbiiig of that quite an expensive article in the niiiric- tomborritli, nntl October 10th,lSl)!l,i.o points ] TlieNertlJorlcChicago^SLi^oyi'g]^}^ Tim law liiindlos jiiigilisfs wililiout lier soft eyes, kind,—[I'liiiadelpliia Press, in NortluvuHlura' Town, AVeslot'ii irinnosota. ots, and the coarse toiiica beau, -ivliieh North Dakota, SonUi Bnkotii, Manitoba, gloves when they ilglit that way. " ready to take this, the most im is vory inferior to it, isqultofroquontly Sonic of tlio Ivunsas raiiiinakors have Nebraska, Oolonido. 'Wyonilni;', and tJtah, HREE porhint .step of your life?" the worst kind of luck. It was during Bubstitutod for it. nnd will bo Kood fori-otui'n pasanBO within Slie smiled. So general Is tho adulteration of va• twonty (lays from dalo of salo. Stop-over j While In the War a lull in tlieir olTorts that a series of ex• privllogos will bo allowed nn Roinf; trip In "Ves, Alfred " tensive and refreshing showers arose ami nilla extract, that chemists who uso it RAINS 1 wiiH tiilcmi ill with njiinnl in ilavoring almost always prepare torritory to which tiio tlokols ni'O Holil, Vov \ T lier glance was eloquent with Ibvc and swept over the State.—[Chicago ]{ecord fiirlbor infoi'nmtion, call on or aihlrcs.s (IIUfllKO 1111(1 I'lKMniintiHiti. IriLst their own from ihe genuine boiin, al• 'I'ickotABents of connootinK linos, Ciroiilai-s j ] W'VMl llOnKlr'UHl WItN Cdll* " -T am ready; that is, I will bo as 'I'ho'Kton jacket is one of tho most ab• though at a consiiderably greater ex• giving rates and dctuilod inl'orniatlon will ho llii«tl to my bud, tiiiiililf to surd-looking tilings in the world—befor- pense, Tho best place to got tho va• mailed, I'rue,, apon npplleiitlnii to "W, A. mym-M t'or'J'J inuntliK. soon as my maid has soiled my drosiscs 'i'lirall,General •fassongur and ll'iekot Agoiit, .•\f(.(ir .voiir.H of iiilmMT a sullieieiitiy to get tliem through the Cu,s ip pretty girl puts it on.—[Shoe and nilla bean is at a largo wholesale drug cdmimnitm iiuiclUiiUt :ul- store, in tho groat cities, where such Chicago i&North-'W'estern Jtailway.Clilcago, BOFFET vlHod nil) ti) iiiko Jlfnurn loin House without duty," Leather Reporter. Hiir.saimrillfl. I f!ot u hntltu articles are usually rotailod. iiiid oouhi (luhikly not I'Jniboldcued tlien, lie impriiitod a'kiss Tlio alligator grows as long as he DonicHtlo Ailvoi-tlalng. diiiitK'ii lor Itio hottor upon her brow,—[Truth, lives. Ami' he sometimes lives as long SLEEPERS. ((!!• tukltii; flMVdH bottlisK [ All Iillot's nrciiiniy. Mrs. George Ash ton,Jj'\''ictoriastrcct, wim wull, Riid liiivn not as ton or twelve feet.—[Chicago Dis• Westminister, tiikos this opportunity j No uhniigo of rr. Whc-olor, my (lid conipluint." Jah. great momories, but it does not follow- ot thanking hor numerous friends tor their kind lottors of sympathy on the I TiokotB sold to all poiuto at Lowont Ratei, A.'. WiiKv:uEn,UKM.l)ivlBlon Stroct, Uiiltiuiore, Md. Watts—Of course women have- the ]\[iss Antique—How moiin these news• that all who hiivG groat memories are Hai-eago Chocked toUoutinntiou, Speoliil Biktei most llnnno.ss of character. It is very papers aroi Here is a column headed great men. An idiot in Ohio was a dissolution ot her marriage.-London ' for Piirtiofl. Times;' seldom that you sec a woman taking to "Proposals,"and it ia about public im• great curiosity many years ago. He L. wir,r,rAnrs, ii. v. koknkk, Hood'sy?»"CHres drink to drown her.sorrows, whilo witli provements and such nonsense.—[Tho know tho whole Biblo by'heart'-from Ton wbak'an'dlndamod 'oyos uso Dr. Isaac | Goii'l Snpnrinteudrat;. Qon'l Pana'g'r Agani Hood's Pills cure llvor Ilia, USu per box. man it is tlic commonest thing in tho Club. beginning to end, and itanyvorso was 'J'lioinp.soii's Eyu-waler. It'is a carotully.- world. road or repeated to lilni' he could toll preparod'physician's prosorlpflon.'- Potts—No, the woman is- afraid her Brown-^^IIow often'Have I told you o.xactly in what book and chapter' it Unlike the Dutch Process hat would got awiy if she got luto.xi not'tt) play ball in the house? was to b'o found, and its vorso niirabor Tiio Copious Konnchiic. oatod.—[Indianapolis Journal. .lohiiiiy—.'lOvory. time you've- caught rao • in tho chapter. Ho was considered a Tlio pcoplo of Maine contend that the | No Alkalies • great marvel in this particular)'btitiiu —oIt— at' iti—[Judge. Kennebec pours into tho sea a greater STRICTLY IlO.MANTln. ovory other ho was a luontal imbecile, volumo of water than ^any other river will borunfrom CHtCAQO, PEORIA and Other Gliemicals and could not bo trusted oven to feed on tho Atlantic or Gulf Coast, from tlio I ST. LOUIS via tho Editor—Isn't this a rather nueor' end- 1*0 PUl!!.SKIiVR THIS SKALS;.' himself.—St. Louis Globo-Democrat. are used' in - tlii>> St. John-to tho Mississippi.—NeW'York BURLINGTON ROUTE preparation of iiig to this romance—uo marr; ago mcn- Times. tionoil? Doubtful Cuiiiplliiifliit. W. BAKER&GO.'S' Decision'111'the'JJclirliig Sea ArbltrftJ Authoroas—I omitted the marriage bo AViio wo^Ln b6 fi-oo from earthly Ills AUGUST 22, SEPTEMBER 12, tlon. A'Pronch physician has - hitoly ro- cause I'Wantod it to he strictly roraantio must buy a bo.vot Booehiim's fills. • '25 cents ooivcd the distinction of tho cross of ubo.x. Worth a Bulnoa. in ovory detail. There is no romnnoo in The Bchring Sea'arbitration' decision tho Legion ot Honor.' The reason'for OCTOBER 10, . I marriiigo,—[Chicago Inter-Ocoau. was announced last Tuesday morning the compllinont is curiously stated thus I'l' is the brave- girl that passoth the | On thoso dates ROUND-TRIP TIOKETS whlch' if abtolittelv and it was advoiso to 'tlie claims-of'the by a Parisian medical journal: • will bo SOLO at puTO and 'solubUf HE ME.VS'l'iDUSrNBSS.-- ieo-eroam parlor and stoppoth not. It lina more than three tlmti • United States-on every-point; but by This decoration Dr.-'X. owes' to ' thb' XjiO"V\7- JELjS^.TJEJm the strength of Cocoa mixed • tlie adoption of regulations as to seal visit of tho cholera to Paris.- Ho''lost ",So my daughter referred you to mo, Why so hoarse';' Usonatch's Dnivorsnl | To all points In NEBRASKA, KAN• j Willi Starch,' Arrowroot or • fifty-six iiatioiits ih-thiit epidomid. • Cbugh Syrup.' All druggists, 2Gc. _ 'Snijar, ana ia farimoro ooo- eh? Weil, I hardly understand it. She lishing-by-.vessels of' tho United States SAS, COLORADO, WYOMING, Domlonl, costing less than one-cent a cup. never consults me o.voopt in a liiianoial aud Great- Britain, tho "United Strttos UTAH, NEW MEXICO, INDIAN It'ia (Iclicioua, nourishing,. anil'' uAbilT-' MiNiS'i'EHS oxchango' pulpits some-' WnKN'Tiino ddals tlid'cards, tho ma-| wav." gains a point for wliicli It has striven in TERRITORY, TEXAS, MONTANA. BIOKSTED. dlplomatlo correspondence" for. many times, buVthoy nover jmy any.-boot. - jority aro suroto'got tho'deuco. Sold by'Orocora crorynhora;'. '"'AVoll-ah—sit', that's just it.—[To.vas Tickets KOOd twonty days, with stop* Siftiiigs. year, namely, the actual - pro'servation of' ovor on Bomg trip. Passeneers In the ( W. BAKER &CO„Sorohester;Mai(.- the seals. Not only is-pelagic sealing East should purohnao through ticket* vin tho BURLINGTON ROUTE of their 'I'O UK H.XPECTED.' u'ohibited ' withiu sixty miles • of' tho nenreot ticket ngent. For deoorlptivo Mliyiovlslands at all times, butprao- land pamphlet nnd further Information, AVillis—Tliat young man whoplaj's tho vKflto to P. S. EUSTIS, Oen'l Possengor • Tie Best cornet is sick. tically it is only permitted" to the oiti- Agent, Chicago, III. rorm Ad-ltiMiS zens of'the'U'lilted-States and Groat Wiillaco^-Do you think he will re• Wateriiroof Britain in tho Beliring Soa or Nortii cover? Paciiic Oc'eiin for one month etich'yoar, ' Coat.- "I'm afraid not. The doctor who'is tho month of August.' It is always un• E R S I P t,g attending liiin' lives next' door."-- in the profitable "after that month;' iforcover, COLURS&CUFFS.. [Life. WORLD! tho'use of liroarins in the capture of seals ENGOURAOBMEOT. is aljsolutely prohibited in-tho Bohring Soa. Shotguns may bo used in tho'Pa• If a' baking jpowder is' not uniform "in strength;- "Ialways embrace an opportunity,'! cific outsido the limit'only.in the months said Jlr. Jlnlliu, coiniilncoutly, to his so that tlie-same qiiantit-y will always do thc'Same • when pelagic sealing is to be'permitted. I Tho boat aud tnont economical CoUara and OuCC ladylove;', This •means, -iil other words, th()t all tvoi-n, 'rrythom. You will like thorn. , Muilins'"was a ' successful business work,:'n'o one can 'know hbw'to.-use-itj'a'nd ami-'- TjooliTrell. Fit well. Woiir well. .. '•^lie FISl^ll^D^^C^^a^^e.^^. u'oHtablO' pelagic • sealing is stopped —Ill for as cent* forn box of Ten collars or FlTi ^'."'"^^.S',!?,Y'i"'?,'il',J',';!""'>',''"li"hardcst»lorm. The mail, but rather backward in lovc- now 1'0MM)..L ShlCKEU la a perfoct ridlnir coat, and lencofortli, for only by theuse of-'lii-o-' fornily good, light food cannotbe produced with it.' nlre ot ouira, A anniplo collar nnd pairof ciiCb loa covers tho entire aaddle. newaroof Iraltatleus. Don't luaklng.' Ey mall (or 8lx C'nura. Addrcsa, slvlng iilao sua itiyacoat If Iho "Fish Ilrund" Is noton It. llluntra- arms in the months of'-May, ,Iuno;'July atylowanted. "Ashthtdcalertforthem." „ • ted Culalotrao free. A...I. TOWUH, Ilojton, Jilajs. "Do you regard mo'as-an opportu nnd August; are'seais' captured. It will All 'baking .pOwderS-'except' Royal,••beca'use ' Koverolble Oolliir Co.. 27 Kllhy St.. Hoaton. 1' nity?" asked the girl, sliyly. bo-lawful'hereafter to'use shotguns in ; lie'did after that.—[Truth. improp(2rly,i[;onipounded;knd'made from inferior'' ACRES OF LAND tlieircapturo'only itf'tlie North -Paoific EWIS'98%LYE Obeah sixty miles'from; land and only I, forBnlobyllieSiiNTPADL •' AKOTIIEB"JtATTEIl ENTIHELY. ' • materials, idse theirstrengtli'qt^ickly when the Ga'n'i Powdered and Perfamed. , : ...A'Din,uTa Bailroad ,* after .Tulylil.'it of each year. I. ,. (PA-ntNTED.) . . • ; CouPAKT in Minnesota, .fiend for Mitps acd'Clfcu* Jfr's, Dimling (to her daughter)-;-Why is opened-for iise. • At subsequent bikirigs there'' Th'lUiee a(n)ii|7i»( Ana pur«t Lye modOk^ l«r». They will bo aont to you • are you'so'Censorious about Amy? The Thcarbitrators'decide that the-Bohritig TJnIIko other Lye, U boiiig a fln* Sea. is an open- sea, and that'tho United .poiTdor nud packed In n oas Tfltft •Bible says wo must lovo our enomios. • will be noticed afalling off in 'Strength.''' The food' i 'removahlo Ud, tlio contents Kt- Slates did not purchase tliis sea-when Miss Dimling—But slio's'not my enemy. ftlwayo roaijyfor UBo., Wlllmslt} Alaska was 'pui'eliased. - Tlieydocido that is heavy, and' the-flour) eggs'and'buttef w'asted. •• ' tbe Ust porratned Hud Soap in 20 AildtesB HOPEWEUL CLARKE; . She's my doarost^friond.—^[Truth. • Russia' did not claim tsxciusivd jurlsdic-' minutoa.iefdioKf iofJina.' • L»nd Commlaaioiier, St. Paul.'Mlnn., It-is-always the Ga'$e'that the co'nsume^^ best for oleanalng w%»to-pIp«<, . tlon, aiid that Great Britain never recog- ' dlBlnfooting uinka, oloisti, irtib> < I'-'.'''''"' anxious. _ • ; ins bottles, palnta. treoi, oto. : ni'/.ed it.' - They alsd- decide' that'tho iri pocket, if-ndt in heSallthy'hy'kt&ipXiiig: iany/sub-'-.. ^ I'JSNNA. S.kLT M't'O CO, . , Telegraph'Op'orator (reading messajro)' .United'States"has'no property, right ;in Gen, Agto;, Pbilu., P»,V :—What's this? "Will marry youwhon- the seals outsido the usual three-mile stibte for'tH6 ..'>-, it'too forward? It's my first olTor, and 'strenuoiisly'foi" several" days'. But,- by possible to attain-in'ari'.absolutdylpu're^ " •••nMnnHBHiCliuIgitoini. SUM' > i'mafiald'hoUl get away;—[Boston Bea- the ndoption'of 'tho: regulations,'^-they ;nes8 aud head hoises cured feoni- , • practically,concedo'to the United' S atcs; It-is-ahva'ys strictly I'eliable.--:- ItUs'not-'brily more''- 'bjt]'«ck'i1ntiilbIiE.rCuil.loni,Wlili|.»iih».nl. some control, for, th'e'seals may ndt bo irow'TO'SOAUE T^E^t away,' . Succ«tifulwhDDftllriiliBiIl«ifill. SotdpncC, killed outside -tho'-now aaty-milo liniit eco'rt6mieal-becausis' of•;^tS^-•greater ,'strength; but''^^^.'^^ -vl t-ff.Hwxi.aaall'wty.H.Y. WflutorliooketpiaobrKBk Canaumptlvoa and: pooplo Mrs:' Ntiwife—John, I'lri sure I he'ar from Majf' Ist-to"July'Slst; nor at any I irbo bate weak lungi or Antli- wiir'Tetain^itS'^-iull'leaVehirigy ( I ma', abould uaii Piao-g Oiira for $76ibo to S250:ooS!vK;1':' burglars down stairs. tliheimaythoy bo 'killod.within 'sixty [ ConnumpUon'.-:It ttss: cured ;: Job n—'VVhat 'would' lypu' do • • if' you miles of' this Pribylov 'Islands.; ' ' ;i otliier 'powdeir•'will)' vun^til • usedj • and |- imake-''-more;: < ] tboDianda.- Ithan not Injur* ingforB, r. JOHNSON' i 00,1 'W^hmonil, Vi^,, were in iriy place? - • . • I ed onei- It la n«t bad to taks. THO question of reparation for thfl'soiz- • 'wholesome'food.-''"•"'•-'•••- - "-^ •^•••:-L''''-:'-.: ^: >•( I It la tbe best cougb syrup if : • Mrsi' Nuwifo-^Do?••'Why, ..tell-; thto liiros and loonfiscatidns'''by • tho !United ','HoM'eyeryirtaein IBSe. WANTED ?I^:t?,?-'KAVm.^Wop»y >B0 It'! I: about the 'baby's new tooth',' of ooarso;-^ Stlitos,':as''.well 'as'thb'damagca'-for-'tho phioago.IiiterOciaiv' ciose'Sbaaon; has'not' beiea ;flxea.' •,.. i NORTHEAST ALAIEDON. MASON MARKETS, NOTICE OF DUAIN LETTING. .SKM'. nil, I8ii:i. ,. and Oscar 0. Post, Coiiiily Drain Coimnlssloiior ot 7 Corn liarvfsl lia.s coiuniiMieeil.—.Snpl. -Kli, iiiiil Corruvteil iivury TliurHilay inoriiliig. the lesldeauu of Iloiijaialn I'oxson, at Fllulibiii'i,', In. vi'i-y few liifiiU'i-s Imve niiiiin niiy pi-opafiitliins OIUIN for tliu coastnictloii ot a coriaia drain Uiiown ami' fiir sowitit,' wlieiil,—A. Wi'sli;al(i of ICilcii, vislled WHEAT, Red,No, 2, per bushel,,, ft itofloo In Jiicksou uoutlty, and StoukbrlilKu and liiiiiKurlilll of W. L. CLARK. lil.s liuiiKhli'f, .Mrs. |.:iiiii'r'J'yiiT, liisl tveek. •Tlic liiRliaiii eoiiiily, anil dcsctrlhed as follows, to wit; .Siimliiy sclioid I'liiivi'iilioii ill .'Mi'i-idjnii hisl Weil- WHEAT, While, No, 1, per huslii'l iK'Sdiiy w;is wi'll iilleiKlcd, AI,.;" ;i |i|iilll;ihli' .'(I'S- WHEAT, White, .No.'a. per bushel sliiii.-C. Ili-leus hiis 11 sister vivitliii; liliii from WHEAT, Rejected CJ'-Coiri^siioiiildiiri.siiouiil raiiclillifNoftlte Kaii.siis.—.\. I'mil; ami sun, .'Miliiii, .siitilfur iCnlnii IIVE (") au Tiujuftiiy ol tiHcilj iv-uhvc—ititct not inter euiiiily .sliirl tlil.s a, in. in .speinl a few (lays.— O.vTS, per Innliei («, Obitn Wi«ln«Hiliiy iiiornin);. .Suliiiiil lii'K'iiti lii'iliiv lit lli'j lliitloii Willi Kiiiina CORN, shelled, per liuiidrud & I JUKI a.s li'iu'liw.-Mrs. .1. -M. Iliililwlii and OLOVKR SEEn.perhushei ..!> mi. IlKAJIl.VdS OF THE UltAl.N'S DISTANClt .NO, OK TIMOTIIV tiEEI), per bushel TlIK ilaiiHlilcr, (;iiii-ii, of Sliiirisliili't.', werii iniests al WOOL , . 1(1® !I0 t;. H, siIavjtr linjis a.vd cohneiis and si/jidivision links and cohnkhs. TFUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, A955. till' (Isliiiriii' liiiiise .Siiliiiiliiy iiiiil .Siiiidiiy.— CENTER LINE. en's. i.'aS' ANIU.E 'i'lio i..A..S. will meet. Willi .\ir.-i. .1. l'i'.i-)ier, \u-il- iii[oci:iiii:s .;iiii I'liovisioNs. iicsiliiy, .Sefil. i:i.-Miiiiilii Ivlliiii ivilliilliiiiil Kidiiiiil SALT.Sacinaw, per barrel , lii'Kliiiilng,, U Ill ewilur of I'ltiia Orulianl cruelt. at MiM-rh'ii Mils riilliiiiil Willi nr.—I'. Yduiijj'k liaby Tliuiieo WEST ALAIEDON, Is Keriiittsly III, lie was lIuiiiKlil lo In: ilyliiK last POTATOESBBANS.Unpick, per ebnslied.iierhuiihei l 1 m(Tic W M .\S » ca.sl (HI Msry Fellows Is t^.Jicliiu*.' In O.tniiin.—Re'ie iJnaiilH* iililhl. • KLOUR, per 100 iiouiids 'i 00..iso ~ Iv ••(•i I'lilllljis litis IllICKWIIEAT KLOUll.perlOOpouiidB @2 (if N2.T°.ir>'wi!.st (HI Kone t'> .St. L''ni''--ii. P. Llinli'iiy • Ii.i. tliu oniri'uM ler liiilidiii.: ttie lii'delvi'il llio lain fill' Issue of .\ii^'. aist. BUTTER 12fl> 'JI NO"•I,';' west 'HI bridge, and llioeoumie.qof Inglmm and ,Ia(;Uson at 11 iioinl 7,IG elis 0 of U, K, \i suo post on s tirl'k'L* II'.w 111" i.'jiJoi.iij .i')(.>.il liiniJ... — \li>. J). iJ LARK.perpnnnil '('>; It N 0° Jii; west 711 lioiiiitliii-.v of sue ai of Kloelibrldgo, Luavu iiw fri j; of sec 11 of \Yalui-loo. ItiUer w 'A ci so M of l.lnil.ii III Mli>,:iui. is vliilliiK at lliii helilu of year Atiii. IfM. APPLES, llrled, per pound (el i .sec.ai ol hioukbi-iduu, ' . ' 'I ooKi I; •'ti'l-iit. Tile fiilii we liail oaiiieiiiille accniiliiliiy in llil.s PKAOIIES, llrled, le'riiouild !'(& 10 i\ 60" west..... L'O X and s U lliie In sei; ai ill a pnliil 8,75 clis 11 of U, .S, ^ lio.st. Leave w y. ot su \<. IJiiler e -10 au ot liieiiliiv.-.Mlss Cfiieii l.'raii; Is vury .siek wllii sw frl iulj,—,'^rheiil ri'iiimmte'i| lasI Mniidiiy with liilter jiarl. iif Mils iiiniilli.-Aliniil-ln peniihi loiik PORK, |lre«sed,per 100 pound 0 00(ro N \-° wusl » '(•luci-l.yiiii ai ll'ln•lll>^,~.^ liliii Itiiwe tearhi.s iit thi' piissesslini iif .1. W, ('fiilu's limisi! tii ulve liliii a HAMS, per iioiind (itiVii/, NlWwo.st no 10 piliK lliis u-riil.—Elmiiiil lll;i'sl ifi II ai, hlnturnwfi-lKof SL'uai, • •/i 1 villi', are vieilini; her sisiiir, Mrs, Levi Klii^.^-Wiii, iiiirt wlilhi iillliiK' ilii' tliiaslilii),' iiiiicliliie liy riiii- nuiniiiNe MATruiAi,, N 'iW west (15 15 Fr,i>it:i-ei). wile 'Hill iliiii|;lil<'r vliili.d liiends In .lack iiiii;,'lilsli:iiiil iiiidcra lii'll.-l,)iiil(;;i nimiher from N l!i''wo,sl III tills iiliiei; will iillemi l.iihiir Day lit .liielisiiii iiexl. WATER LIME, per barrel W .N 117° west w 17 hull .Siiiiil'iy .-I.iilii itiiil lli'ilili'." ^lav, Willi have Lri'ii Miiiiilii.v.—(Jiiltii a larKe eniwd was In iilleiidaiii: OALOINED PLASTER, [lerbariel Wi m N t;.|° west 20 18 Hpe'iill'i;,' lll'-il vii'iiti'ill wllh AI'tii'il'MI Ilii'Mds, II ill ilie'.'Siiinliiv .schiiiil jileiiie at I'leasiiiil lali PLASTERINU HAia, per bushel (Tfi .td N' 71!° IIO' west III |lllii.,l I.I ili'h li'iiiii' in .i|ii"ti ll.iiiil-iy.—IJi'iil'l: SHINGLES,per Ihoiisand WiA U Town lliiu Imlwupii llii! towii.slilps of lliinlvurlilll and .SIockbrlilKU, al a point 20 uiis 50 Iks s of no •Sii'V, lis iiiiil liiiiilv \ Mill il liii'iiil-in Vi-viiy .^iiiliia.v last. |.'ildMy.-'i'he eariirtilershave Win. Wliiillnii N 71;° ;i(l' west w 111 i;;;;;m'i' of ,f''o ad liiinkurlilll. I.eavu iiw fil M of sec 31 .SloeUlirlilj,'e. Ktiler u J.j of no ^.-^ of see ac liiiii.sii lliilslii'il ii|i III llii>|iliislerlii):.—Iilloliei'sai'ii LIME, Ooiid.iier barrel (I!) 76 N -Vi' wusl lU 211 niiiiUei-lilll, liiisy III work ihrnwIiiK auiil mi lliu ('aliiiUKaii, LATll,|inrM feel .. •< Wl/i m N ll.'i° wusl m 21 FELT DISTRICT, \Vu laillevi! Iliu lilt? ilReli Is lo lie hit soon. f!, S. l''lufiHliiirt' .'Mii'i hl> ilr\i'r M'liiday.—IM. Nfid'" west m N-11!° wusl 01) Drain comes In from llio nortli. Mei'cli ri'liitiii'd III Mas'iii Miinday In ii'siiiiiii hlii STOCKBRIDGE. VoY noiir;il(,'iii, liciid and tiootliiiclie, N .Ifl" wust siuill'-i'ni till. IiIl'Ii leliuiil. Ill* Is a inciiihei' ui tin .10 ni'iilur class.—,\liss .Maildo Eri'idrtiiil nl .Mason, win Will. SiMj;li.Ion lost his b "Ills Willi all Ihi'lr roll I'lit.'iiiiiiitisni and all other iiiiiiis, use N'(;7° wusl 1,(11 lino betwi'Pii u V. and w M of no Vi of .see ao at a point 7.25 clis s nt lot corner. Leave 0 y,. tents liy lire Stitiiiday iiii'.lil. OrlKiii iinkiicw ii. in .N'(;r° west 21 V.nw\- w M'>(!aKl a I NORTH LESLIE, chnioli niornliiK and i.veiiiiii; i.isl Siiiidji\.~-Ur and N ;i5» uiisl • H'J A (Mdd "la'iy nlle'ided I''h'"" I'ay »' .'nelisiin laU Mrs, (.'nllaiilian of lietioli, have linen vislilni: he V 11° ;in- east ail Moiiih.\' -Srlioul oiheiiii. Iiiiri' iiiiw lire I'J.iii, A. .loiies, the (Hist weelt. They Went te Ann Arbor .Moinlay X7!i° ;til' oast a I dtri'Clii'r ; E, lllacklilnii, lllinli'lnliir;'r, \\'iiililro\v, as- accoiniiitiied liy Miss Myrtio Beriiiaii, —.Mr. and Mr .N 1° west ses'iir —E P, lllaiiliiiiaii niid laiiiily have returned 0, llrowiioll spriit Hiiiiday at I^nviiirvllin.-Scliool ho. ?!' )',' "'-'" '\ I'"''"'ofl"'-'^'^'» " K of sec 25. Lciivu w y, of .sc V, ot sec from vi'iiiiiK I'elailvi's ill iha siiiilhirn jiiirt of tlin pill last Monday witli a hir^o attendance.-Mrs, A N 1° west 2,5, I'.ntur sw ^ ot iiu of see 25, «liil'.,-.li TriivurHe City,—Miss Krain'is J^IIihlhi. N 1° west a5 hill,ill, ivliii liiis liei'ii a (.'ilcsl of .11 rs. Lucy (;alii|iliell, parents,—Mrs. l5eo. Irish who has buen vl«itln« ii X iri» Ifl' west 'hiis ^;iiiii' III liei Ininii', —iMIsH Nidliii \\'ilcox of ijnl'in parents In Anirlni cniiniy, returned Inst «eek.—.le If.-iriii line liiiiweeii sw K and iiw % n! im !4 of sec 25 at 11 iioliit 1,8-1 dis w ot farm uoriier. r.pavo f.'itv, is witli hrr pari'iiis liitri'.—Ptisniii-s are all drieii Ilie Mcliityre rntnrned to Cloary coliexe, Ipsllantli N 1,1'= I,V wusl sw 14 of nil Yi. Kilter nw M of no \^ ot sec 25. up anil soiiii'are I linKsanni as in ilin winter. Momhiv —.Mrs I'. Iferce was In .lackson this week.— Sl'ielilirl'l«e fair Pel. :id. .||h ami (illi. i\21''i'asl a7 .s' ,'ti;° ;i(i' nasi F;iriii lino lieltTOun nw and im y, of no y of seo 25 at it point fi.fJO clis n of fitini uot-acf. Leave SOUTH LEROY. N' :i(i'':;(i' east as nw of nu !4. I'.nter iie y ot iie sue 25. Mr, and alrs.T Wenoii anil family are visitini; at BUNKERHILL CENTER, X ui".|.'-i' east an Tiinipkiris. ,liirlisiiii enmity.—Rev. Win, Dliiwimdi" S>;|.T.rith,i8!l.'l. X.|7°ri'('ast .|0 ivlll piiarl the liiv;liaiii lironlt Ihu tnniiiii; yi'i^r. A daiii;liler ixiadden-^ liii' iiniiie of Aritiiir Briiiik N'orili ,Mc. It, il. Iliiniley 111 this idKce. has inl.-iiii iliiwii till' She arrir'id nil llie ltotii nit.—.f..hii \i'liiters lias lli N'orlli -II old 1 n imii.Ji' mill is [ii.tiiiif: llie new one en ii wall — iiiliiiiliiii III Ills lioiise ''iiinpli.It'll,—l'''red llt.lbiiiil Iind Klist •a wlfn of While Oak, III Ills parenr-, (^W, iiidinud. N i'.0° uast -I.'I 'I lie .Slllldity srililill enlivi'lltiiill of White Milk will lie Sunday, —^V, II. Dnninim is biilldliii; a shop to work Kusi .11 lii'ld at ilie ll'irl sfho'd hiitisi'iii'xi Hiindiiy —Miss at ail l'tlinls of enl iii'iiL'r w, rl;.— 1. S. Swee/.ev has l» North Millie Aiidiiiivs itf.Iiielisiiii, I" vUiliiii: rrienil.l lirre - turned Inini llie Wiirl'l's Kalr.-(l, W. Ijellsiiil will '^!!^,;![i!^i}a,l;^f;ii^^l^;;:(r^;a^^ "»'• Mills Ada llriiu'lidiT of Inttlmm, vlsiteil Mis. Win. ileliver the full iii-ili.'s he lias laken ftir tlie old and I'oller.Siitllldiiy.-'Mr, Nwlsiiii Cmlv ni lilis |ihle", 1 I'eilalile tirlii ol W. P, I'iiiise ,t- Oo., nniser.llnen ol Tlie iibuvit ilesuribud nialii, di-ali,1'^ •i 1"lo' bu ^f'''"^two ^ '"1"i'*I' '"'",1", «I"1'1"K outward at iiti aiii;lo ot forty-llvo duL-rees Wfl) 0110 I'oot iiiakiiii.; a srlimd • lisri I'er ilie inwii IsiumI iil'Lniii.', .- Oi.lieva, N, v., in nheill lliree wei.lts.—filail lo lirar mil looiiu fool itpward lo Uiliee ton 01 iliusald drain and lo liavu a deptli of four feet liulow t lu niarslius traversed bv tlio .said driiii lie'eilii 1 with -i Mri. S, W. >iKiiiiriii'y of lleriiii lieiiilils, (Ihin, is tliai oiiryoiinc friend. Pr. 1'. .M, Winters has proven strip of liiiiil next to and mfIjoin/iiKeiiulisidoo r fliutopof tlio said'drain ten feet In widlii for llio purpiMu of plaelnK tlw u.xa^^^^^^^ vlsitlnn III iliis tirlnliy. Iiilllh-elf clear lit the t'lt'ir;ies ol nil evil ill'SlKiihl;,' drain. SOUTHEAST VEVAY AND LESLIE wiiliiaii,—Work le bi'iiii; lH|tidiy liililii'ii on the t.'a Also an npeti liriineli drain located anil known as Mm wust britneli of tlio Kavuiis drain, uoinitioaoliig at a point In the center linn or iim ciLi But very Utile wlieat will lie sown uroiiini here.— hnopiii ilitcli,—flee.fliirry lias a veiysoreliaiid.—.les .•uiis drain, sluialu 0.02 ulis north ut llie e and w % line in sec 25 of lliinUurlilil, and niiiiiing tlieiico lis follows, Ui wit • " '"''^ , Sehoiil eiiniini'iiceil at the litililisrd laAt iMuiiihiy, with sle Irish of Lansiiii;, tvna raillnK on lii.r eld friiitiils Miss di'iiniii ilariinr of Mnsiin, as tearlier,—llev. S. last wiieH.—The peopiit of tills pbie.F., will ttikn in til llEAltl.VOS OF THE DllAlN'S Di.s'r \NCK NO. OJ.' IJslolieliiref l.'lii'MiiiiiCi vislli'il llie WiIkIii hrijllii'is 1). advv.iitisls caiilp liieeliiiK at Liiiisllli;.—We sue Wc have them in great v.^i'icty S, SUJtVEV LINKS AND OOltNEllS AM) SlJllDlVISION LINKS AND CORNERS. and their I'aiiiiiies last wneU.-.l. (Islinway niiii luiiilly now anil then patelies id biirkwiieut. ipiiie hndly CEN'l'Elt LINE. CHS, LK'S. ANOr.T11FH. spuiit Latior I'ay at ,liiiik«on,—,Mih, Nnlseii Oaliiiii idtleii Willi frost.— Mrs, Arthur llowlett ho|;aii visited Iiiends in Jaoksiiii |iart ol this week,—Olive school here to'iiay,—Wo Irani that ftirs, Kil, Ouiiiii at from lleginning 0 0 0 In cuiitcrof main drain. riaiiiia is atleiidini; sclieol at Miisnii, also Mauds uinl died tills inoniini;, t'lineral lo-miirrow at the Ciiili* N 81)° air west 17 78 I Unliy llarlii'r.—.Mis. Wni. IJaniia anil (Irs. .Me ollechiire.il, Mrs. Qiiiiin was a dauKliter of I'liillp N5l''ai)' west 2 22 0 r.alluhlin alleniled Lalinr Buy iit .IsciiHnli,—(^I'orKe eenev.alniiu. 'i'l years old and hiuhiy ii.iteeitied, N' 70° .'IT west m Fariii line bfti wouti tlio sw nf 110 Knf sue 25, and n y of nwy of seo '.'5, this lliio la the 11 anil s tf lino in ihidsoii and faiiiily now occupy iheir now house.— X 70° ,ao' west (i III) 3 .leniile liii;ileii has reliiriieil fniiii a two weeks' visit of'^invV of'nVj/oi'''/^^^^^^ '"^'^"'s^" n.lSelissdt iiwcdriier Giipliiiiii •Swounoy,!.!. S. .\., .Sim i")icKO "•'V with riil'itivi'S in .larksiiii, s 83° an' 3 51 ifani'i lliii'i bulwuuii 1 lii'i 0 Knt nw y of seo 25, and miiUliii purl 50 aus of nw y nf see 2.5 at a point Ciil.,'s;iys: ''Sliiloli'sCiii.iirrli lAinncdy S 83° 30' 20 •1 2i,IS clis s of sue line bctwcuii sees 2-i mid '25, Leave 0 y. I';nter iniikllc 50 aes of mvti of sec "n. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. tilit; (li'sG iiiofllciiK! \ liRvi! ovi.T found N'.ia" wust o 52 5 Only A iliort time a^e all seeiited iileiuss, iiiiw ail Miiih wmikl (Id nil! iiiiy goi.i(l." i'ricc -ro- i\ 11!)° wusl T 15 a Ib liiistie ami activity. The new preHldent Is at lii.i uOcciiltS, SokMiy fjoiiKyoai'ili'ds. ] S till" 30' wesi '2 58 7 post and the hiiys ail knew it,—Prof. Wiol has hueii S l!i)"> west ,>.' 8 npiiiiiiiteil lo siii'ei'ed I'rol, Ih'i.cliiiiirldue ns profsssiii SM" 15' west I .ir. 1) 111 ine'ihaiilos,-Prof, l.'llninn A. Sinllli, the new WEBBERVILLE. ,S 80° west. ' 30 323 arm line hulweeii Iho inlddlo pt 50 acs and lliu s '10 acs of w 70 a(;,s of nw y of .loc "r, at 'i noln profossorol'iinrh'. iiiliire, is hern and the Imys all say Mr. Prosser and gi-tiiiilniiii ol BrIi:litoii, are visiting .SWPwu.st,,,. '2 85 in 12.75 chs 11 of 0 and w y line in sec 2,5. r.eavc middle C(l a. liiitera 'loa ot w 7611 of nw of sou 25.t that lie Is a liiistlei,—Tim himrilof ajtrlcultnrii wsh In with Ills dauuliter. Mrs. B.llarlwick. Tlieohlgentle S Ui°wusl ii 115 II susilon last eveniiiK and to.iiay. Niinenl tiieir Iran- man is''«ll years old and iilniosl blind, Il is roiiiark' •S 71° 30' west .1 01) Knd of drain 0.13 disc ami a.7-1 elisn ot U. .S. K post butwuuii sees 25 and %\\\ i!iiiil(erlilll. Hactlons have as yet been learned,—"rof, il, H,abl e III seeliini walk to town aiiiiie—Mr, and Mrs nicks of III,'liiitaniral il"|iarlliimil. Is attemlllig Ilie ,), II. Ilail of Mason, ni-n visiting frlendii bi-re Ibis World's l''air tills week.-Thiinins (Jiiiisnn, snperln- week,—Clias. W. .Siiilih, Niiriiiaii Benieiit, Alfred 1'he lliiu above dcscfllied in bu the cuiiler lino of the ,sald west hraiicli drain, the .said drain to be 0110 foot wido on the bottom with h-iiiks slniilm.' tuiidenl ol tile (treen house, is la Saginaw on a visit, rierling,'linn. 'I'errell anil .lacih Bowers left last oiitwaril 111 an angle of fiirty-llvu ilngroes. one foot oat to one foot rise, ami to liiive ti d0|illi of tliruu feet helow tho lowest levels tOL'utlier with n sen —Alliiirl. R, fliirlis, rnriaiir t'orein.ii ortiie weod slioii, Miiiiiliiy for liidiaiiaiiiipolls to atteiul Ilie National ot [ami len^feet In width, next to and adjolnlriK uitliuf .side ot tlio top ot tho said drain as oonstnictcd, the entire ieiiKth for the purpose ofvlaciiiK the/ has aei'epli.il a like iinsltioii In Ohaiii|ilalii, IN, eiicainpnieiit of the 0. A. It,—('liiiiley yoniiga ro The celebrateii Rough aniJ excavations tlicroof. —Paul (Jh'wiil'erlaln of '.S'i lak.'s Piof, VuuDevorl's Innieil last Saliiiday finiii ii two weeks' vhit with All of llie said open main dlluh beliiK sitiiiiled In the township nt Waterlo•alerloo ..in. .faekRiin ctjimlv, wliluli Is town 1 ,s, range 2 0, ami the lownslilp of place as iiroi'iissor in nieidmnlcs. friends ill St. Olair ciiliniv,—0, II. Kline and wife nt .Sloukbfldge In Ingliiiiii emiiily, wlileli is lowii 111, r(inf,'e 2 e, and til.sn flio1) l.owii.slilil.owii,slilp; of liiiiiltwlilll ill Ingliaiii comity, which /s tmvii I 11, ratigu I e, tmt O.iliroriila, who iiave been visiting friends in this Read}', two piece Suits at all of Uie saiii branch (Inilii heliig sitttnled in the township ot HiiiilturlilllI In the ccoiinl' ^y iif Ingham„ , anil all In the statu ot miclilKiin. The .said open INGHAIVI AND VEVAY. iieiglihiirliooil for the jiasl six woeka, returned to iniilii dileli and llie salil open hraiiuli iliteli boiiii; coiiiiecleil lOK'Ctliur and tormiiig one entire ditoh. 'The foruKoiiiL' slii-vos'waii'Viia'dB'fni-li^^ their homo last Wednesday,—SlierllV .McKiieii was in $2.00 are great values. of eloaiiliig out iinil rcgradlng the said open niiilii dniln and the said open briineh drain to tho doplli of griide above nained, for the nuriiose of l'IvIi'i^ Mrs. Warren Aseltliie Is on th Mid nflsr a four town Inst week on biiaiiu'ss.—Tlia donation held at adcrpiato dralniiKo to the Iniids wliicli aro drained thereby, ' eipuni-wi j,iviiih woelis'llliu'ss of liowi'l coiiiiilaliil, Mrs, fieo, Shat. ilie (own hall Inst Thursday evening for the lienent .Siirvoyod August 2i.st,22il and 2ail, A. 11. isoa. luck is not as well. Mrs. W,-*. (llialker is «lll^erlll|! of Ilev, Miigee, was asiicci'ss bnlli sociiiliy and llnan Said job will bo lot hy .seutloiis. Tho .seclloii at tho outlelet of UitlKni drain will he let IlrstII rst, and the rciiialiiliig .suellnis ln'th(;hMM-dui'\m''st'reiun^ in wltll a Hwollnn anl.h', after a run of lypliold fnver,— oially, the receipts being .SlII. This Is the iargeiit do accordanuu Willi the diagram now on llie Willi the otliur napuJt^r i liurtitliiliiK lo.siildjlritiii.lii^l ot^l.hu l)|-alii CoauiilsslotiUfS, to wlileli ruferelico IColiert Riitnal and iiridn of Aiireliiis, Biiiiiliiyed at nation ever given a niiiiisterat this iilacn. The may be hiid by all parlies iiituresled, and bids w'" '' Ills pareiita.—l^rlioiil in tills ilislrlct ctiiiiniiinci.il on rnnderlngnf tlie program was well reci'lvi'd. May giving adi'ijiiateseeiirily for tho perl'nriiiiiiieft or tl._ . Monday vvitli Miss Mattle .leu'ett as tencher, iMiss Wlleyiif Biiglitoii,did herselfiiroiiii. .She l.i a liii'e all bills, 'ilie date for the uompietion of siieli contract, .It.well has linen eiii;ai;ed in teacli aiiotlier year In the elocutionist Otis Town ssslHted and was enenriii Nollue Is fiirllier lieruby (,'lveii, that at the t( HiitUlaclioniif the parents —Mis. I!iani l>lilii.iiid lost lime and again. Ills atniy of Mark Tw.iin anil Comnllsshmei-s aforusalii, may adjourn the .siiine, a viilnalilncow on Trlday last.—We are sorry to learn Arteiiiiis Ward was Willi received, lie had to ro]ii'at As.scssmeiit Distriel," will be subject lo review, Hint Oriindiiia Sliaer is snrleusly sick.—We deeplv It lo snllsfv tile crowd. AliclnsM.s in iheeiiiniiiiinity synipiithl^.'.e frniii sad o.vpiii leiice witli Mr. iiiid Miswis, h til see Mr. Magi'e reliiriieil lieri' iiiiotlier yenr.— tjaphi in the loss iif their iiniiiti ami hope that jiros- D. 1). ICIngshiiry turned the iinstolhcn ever to J, 11. perity iiiiiy soon iiverlake tlieni.—li. One fidiii Oaskey laat flioiiday. Wii have every reason lo lie Aiaiiania,'returned fioiii lliii World's ii'iiir tasl week Don't these chilly nights make and lias lieeii the itnesL "f liii cousin, Mrs, W, II lieve Mr. ('iisltey will iiiiikii an obliging [lostinastor. Toall fur a few days, . —J. It, Dart is running his sliivii iiiili full liiasi nut ivilhslsinling the hard times.—fliirselioiilcniiinieiireii you think of heavier Coiinly brain Commissioner of .Taeltson county. County Drain Coiiinilssioner of tho County of rnglinm. AURELIUS. last .Monday williO.W. Harvey as prliici|iai and SiiPT, 6,180.1. Miss Murray of Leniy. and Miss Miirncrof Perry, as A, Marshall and family riitiiriiud last n[|;lit frniii siBlants.—Miss Tnp|ier of Howell, visiled frieinls hen NOTICJi; or DRAIN r.KXTING, the World's Kalr. 'I'liey iiiaile their stay shorter last week —V. I']. Lansing of ilowell, wns in tnwn lust tliiiii (tiny hail liilenile'l nil aceoiiin of thu riicl[iieii,io f Moiiilay on biisitirHs.—I). I). Kiiigsti'nry lnis liii- NoUcc is hereby given, that 1, Oscar 0.1'ost, County Drain Coinmissioner of Uie Cnmily ot liiKhani, State ot Miehigan, will, on the soih anv ol Iheir daii|;liter L.'iia, hut wn are f;iiid to siiy she is jiroved ills residence very iiincii by a new nddiiinii .Soptoiiiboi', A. D. isa.'W,! at v',the„ ,,...„.w,resldeiicwo of .....Charle. .ws JT... . Wood, ..In. th.....ej lownsliliL>...,.i,„|p ,o f I.esllc•.iiii...^. . ani,t t o o'ldoeH In llio foruiiooii of thai; day, proeced In i-oeeiio iniprovini; and will he all riulit in a day or two if and paint.—Mrs il. R. Lowo is visiting fi-ieiii|s In bids for the recoiistriictloii and uleaiiliiK ottt of a certain drain Iciinwn and lieslKiiatcd as iioiliing new seta lu,—Lafayellu Near and family will llaiiSTilln. townsliip of Le.siioand described as follows, to wit; .- Marltiiess County Drain," located and estahllsbud 111'tho return to-day,—.lay Xmir tliiiiks while there Is no Call Olid see our light weight An ope, n nialii drain In the— townshi p, of Lesli—e known and recorde— d as Uie "IlarUness Dr.-vin,, the said drain lioiiig uiioii Uie lino and roiitu itiid ot laiicli to hit seen .ini) si};lits m Kraiiil, yet liniiin Itiiius EDEN. (ho luiiKUi, diniiiiisloiis, depUi, and width hereiiiafter set forUi and duserlbud, to wit; Comnienclng upon the lownship lino between tlio towiishlns ot them all. But he will reiiieiiilier witli pleasure his On Kriiliiy of last woel; seven bushiess men wore wools at ^1.00. They are Hmilcorblllmld.l.csUoatlbeU. .S.i^postnpontboeitstboiimlitryot sectlmi 13 nt Leslie ami riiiiniiiK'tlieiice, .as follows, to wit: '-"""'•"'I'i'oi trip to the World's Eair,-S. Murslmll and wife slarl. in our little town.—.Mr. and Mrs, James Taney ell lo.day for a l«-ii iiioiiths' visit with lierslstei in were In Jacliaoii the Ilrst of the week.—E. M. Ciirtle iiuAnixtis OK THE dhai.v's DlSTANClC NO. OK WiscoiiHlii —No one vvlll attiiiniit lo sow wlioat iiiilil of Lmislng, was in the fiarden last week.—• dandies. THE U, S, SUllVKV LINES AND COIINKRS AND KAHM LINEJ AND COaNlCltS. we Kel rain.—.Mrs, Snckett and Mamii I'lilllps altend- Mrs. Wni. Oair Is (|uile hIcIi-SlisH Jlyra Womi of CICN'l'KIl LINE. Oil's. Lie's. ANOLK eil church liero last Hiiiiilay. Mrs, IMilliips has on* iManiui, wilt comineiice her fall (eiiii of aclioot hero Raged as teaclior ai i'ortlftiiii tlio cominir year.-Win, next Miinday uioriiliig —Mr. iiiid Mia. Arthur Hunt lioglnniiig At town line. 1'. lia'/.elliin in lalklni! patent on Ills rockinij chair.— of .liicksoii, were tho giteats of Mr. and Mrs. .foliii West U, S. Uavis and daunlitiir MukkIo and Mrs. 0, 11. YaiiDi'iisnii ever Siiiiilny.—Mrs, Wm. Ilaiiiia and HendersoDL N .lf)° wusl Oasl^.r celebrated labor day nt .lackson. N8S°'I5' wosi; ITarm line helweeii so Ut of.iie 1to m^ cfllehratod Labor Day at Oweaso.— Uev. Fay left for and cluitrliiK out ot a certain drain known and may bo had by all parties interested, and bids will bo made and received according y. , Coiil.ritcts will be iiiado with Uie lowe.st resiioii^sililobhlinr DANSVILLE. Grand llapids last Moiiilay.—Mr. and Mrs, Dr, Dodge deslL'iiatcil as "Uogtis Swamp Drain," located and giving adeiiiiato scciiiity for tlio pertormance ot the w"-'-- " •="•" ""'i i'""'"i"' I'v nm ee>-.-.'.'i .-'^..' ...... V»''""'»"J'e ""'"oi of St, Johns, were at II. IIiidKea' ovi-r Sunday.—N estahllslicd In Uio township of lyiinslng, and des• Tho last ipiarlorly lueotini; was hold at the M. IJ. N. Mclnlyre, wife and daughter of Grand RaphK cribed as follows, to wit: Cominenclng at the all bids. The dato tor the completion ot situli contract, church last Sunday inornlii|!, PreacJiinK hy Ilev. are aiie/iiling tho week at E. II. IIiu^eiton^M —Mlaa north lino of the sw y of so y, of section 7, {sev• NoUco Is further liercby given, that ' " " llrockway of Mamiii. There was k full liouso.—At Ella Ward, was calling on friends iu Jackson last en) at a point SO rods nortli and lo-l rods and inlssloncr aforesaid, may adjourn the si Iho aiiuitnl school luceliiiK Monday evoniiiK, Joseph Monday.—Fred .Marsti of Baltimore, has boon the 20 links west ot the so corner ot section 7, riin- District," will bo subject to review, , Koeno, whose term of ofllco e.xpired nt that llnio, has guest of R. A. Fay and liinilly for a fow days, lie nliij,' southeasterly to lili;luvay,thenco west 20 rods Tito following is a desftrlpUon ot the several tracts filled Ilio ollice of Irustee and director for 2;t yours, will ri'lurn homo by tho way of Now York City. thence soiiUi and westerly ,Vi rods across Hie east y ot sec 12, e y ot sw y ot sec 12, w 'A ot se y of sec Ur. J, il'. Loiuon and D. 0. Avery woio oieclod as II y of w 'A ofay ot sw y ot see 13, s y ot w y. ot triistoos for two anil tliroo years rospocllvoly, — 58 acres ot w H of iie y ot Section 18, Also a s ce 13,0 pt ot so fi-r;,i ot sec 13. so y ol iie]4 of sec 13 hrancli comnionoliiK at so corner of sw^ot so plot 17yo! swUfot sects, n Mot s ot sec20. There will lie a liuslneHs luoollnR of the II, M, S, on A, Justice of the Peace Says, y ot section 7, riiiiulnK east on south side ot 35W2 CSCAlt 0. rOST, County Drain Coinniissionor of the Cmmty ot rngliii Wednesday at 'I p. in,, after which a ten cent tea will Hon, .Toll 11 Nciiloy, justice of fclic Dated this 2(1 day ot September, A. I), l8l)3. am. be Kervod from five till seven. All aru conllally In- lilgliway los rods, accoriling to the plat and sur• •vited.—A riiK, boo was held at tho parsomigo last peace and cx-mcmbcr of the House oil vey niatle by I, U, 'Woodliouso, Dcc,v22d, A. D. TiieKiIay aaornnoii at which /il ladlofl wore [irosent, Kepi'CHcnt.'itive,'3 from Meredith, IL, 1875, - - and for once they worked more tliaii tlniy tallmd, was' tortwiilvc yciivsii terriblesulTcrcr Said lob will bo let hy sections. The section at Tiicy sowed liii poiimis of carpet rags.—Thoro will be tho onUot ot tlio drain -will ho let Ilrst, and the an ice oroani social at tho furnituro room of K, A, witlii'lieuniatism. lie says: I cannot remaining sections In their order upstream, In llensmora, wliloh will he the hist ice cream Hociai obtain any medicine whicli does nicso accordance with tlio diagram now on llio with kIvcii hy the L. A,S.of the M. K church tills coii. tho other papers pertaining to said drain, in the Old08landSlronaos«Sta»oaridSovinnt8onli . forcnco year.—Morrill Proctor and lady called on much good as ,your Stiiphur .Bitters, olllco of tho County Jliaiii Ooiiimlssibiior, to in tho City, and ] think it is the best medicine which reference may be had by parties Interested, rfrloiids In Wlillo Oak Humlay.—Our Rrlst mill Is pro. (Hid bids will bo niiulo and received aecordingly. -KroBBlnt; nicely. The niaohiuory la coming in every made, . , Contracts will ho made wltli tho lowest responsi• - day and looks good. ble bidder giving adequate security for the per- Are you in,' debt on your farm or Buy Diilliim's German 15 cent Liver fovmiinco 01 the work. In a sum then iind Uioro Capital, $75,000. SOUTH DELHI. other property and about to be fore• A.Q.SheelHOf Grand Ledge, Gp'ent Saturday and Pills, 'lOiu cacli packiige, atHalstcad & tobull.xed by mo, reserving to myself the right to reject any and nil bids, 'J'he date for tlio com• M, D. OUATTEUTON... Sunday at John ICIooit'.—Dow and Low Price have Son's, .AliLSon; •F, H, irield's, Dansville: pletion ot saoli contract, and tlio terms of pay- closed or liavc been foreclosed'? or if Priisldent purchased a now hay press and wllliioonbo ready for L.awBDn,,, btiHiness,—Quite a number took in the hine rock .nient therefor, shall bo annotinced at Hio time youliiive free and clear property and „,Vlco.prii«ident , and place ot IctUiig. - J,M,DRESSKR , Hhoot ut niiuoudile last Saturday.—Miss Amelia Stone you wish to make a change of any ..' Oashlol . ia making an oxtonded risit \Yltli her sister, Mrs, Notice Is further licroby given, that at tho tlnio I Tomi Bliormau of Pluo lako.—Fred Kurt/, ofSagi. and place of said letting, or at snob other time FOR.A e».gE. iT.vyiLL j4o:r..j;u.0lE Idnd, come and see or write S. 0.' and nlaco thereafter to •wlileli T, tliu Drain Coin- It ia ac agrocUile La2atl-70 for tliVi Bawols;. naw, andllohoit Milllir of Hilledalo, apont part of mlsslonor aforesaid, may adjourn Uio same, the Stallknkcut, room 20, Carter build• Interest Paid on TInie Certiflcatos of DGpflsIl lait week with Floyd Wait.—School . commenced assessment for beiiellts and tho lands comprised can bo made into a Tea iov uzo in oniii mlanlo. •at Holt .Monday with JIlis LftPilut, principal; Jlolia Prloii.'Ho.. GOo.ttndSUlOperpaokriffa • ing, .Tackson, Mich. He can find you ritttt, intormodlato; Maude • Rhodes, Primary.—Miss COMPOUND. within tho "IJogtis Swiimp Drain Special Assess• ft Mifti An Elofffint Toilet Powueh A rocsat dlscoTory by oit old ment Uistriot," will lio subject to revliiw. y M.y fortho'XoetUsmdBrcatii-SSo. clear prdporty to trade for mortgaged MONEYTOLOAN. COME AND SEE U8.' All* Hllllard ooiamnnciid touching school at Diuia- The following Is a description of the several villi) this week.—The sale at tho Jamea Mijcwsli farm pliyslolon. SvccMffunti utiA tracts or piircols ot land constituting tliu stiucial Por Sale by Longyear Bros.' property it an.ybody can.. . ,' was fairly well fttteiidod last Falday.'rhlnM wont pnontMu 'biI fftoiiaonrfii d/ assessment district of .said drain, viz: Tliooos _T)lrootorB-D, P. Wliltmoro, i, O. We'lib, J,!!.' fall-.—Sohool commenced in diatrict No, (), Monday. Zattlei, Is tlio only ptrfocUy I ot w J<; of no of sec 18, and w 22 ii of w !4 ot no Telephone ]!To. 3G3, •, . "'"»•'. Qoo-JV. lirlslol,.H. M..>||llBmB, hnjpa JfiSjI'^f' . Willi Frank naletimn as tonolier,—Miss Ilaltio Fergu. Biifo unil rollnblo medleino dis- /, and e 18 a ot e }< ot nw tri y of sec 18, center Tills Is Wh'at. neoa,M.D.(niottertoii,J. BI.Droaser.O.G.nnntlDK--^'" * Hon returned from Dolrolt hut Saturday night.—Mra. eoTotod,' Beworo of-uaprlnolplod druggltta wlio nost of 0 J.^ ot aw frl y. ot seo 18, and w pt otnw Dr. Kooh'a German NorToPllIii for ndrvoua people, ton. . •' - ' • ,' - '•.•'•'.:-^'-i''''- • ',' 'Wni. Uaucock is worse.—Ohiirllo Fry was kicked by frl y of sec 18, w 1^ of nw y ot sec 17, ,nul no y A Sawing Wlaohlno Free. oITor Interior medicines In ploooot this. AbIc toe aunrai.tocd ,.to cure weak raeniory,lea s of ht;aln .nhorseIni*wooknnd'hadlhreo ribs broken,—Hoy. ot nw y ot see n, and a m a ot o U ot no K ot A 505 sewing niaeliino which wo sell at $l\.00 Cook'g Cotton Iloot Compound, tahe no tuMt- sec 17, and sw y ot se ii sec 7,'and w DO a of s >^ power, lost manhood, nightly omlsolona and all norv. ••Ward intends to resign and will-take care of hla oiianena In fithor sra. Price, 81 or 6 for $5, Dul- to §23,50 will be placed In your homo to use wltli- ii .ngtdin.otlior;—J. It. Uancocklias tradedbUaidUorioa tute, or Indoso 91 and 0 conu lu postage In letter of sw ot sec8, and su y ot soy ot sca•^, luid .and now ho drives a ii,iir 0 f nloe colls, • w'/* of e « ot 0 }<{ of w 14 ot, so • M o£. sw y ol lam's Qor^mn Jledlolne Co,, Kllnt, MloU„Maiinfuet- out cost ot ono ocnt toyou, Senil this advpr- and wo tyUlscud, sealed, by return mail. TuU sealed nrers. Bold by Ilalstsad J;..t)oD, Uiuian,and Ii, U, cato for such positions at tho Grand Kaniai B" ' ' parUeulars la plain onyolopo,'to ladles only. II sees. •••••• y PioUl, BansTllle., •, . - • ' '. . , , '," ilscraent wltli aildross to-day to Alvah Mii-a,Op.' jneBS Cpllege,- Shorthand, and Nonnol Bohool ; Uuy .Dullam's German 15 cent Liver Itflttups. LAddTQaa Pond Lily Com pan v. 'Dated Uils 2Stli day ot August, A. D. 1803. I'or Cntaloguo, address/1 -A. S.-J Parish; - Pro -, OSOAll 0.1'OST, DQpt^E;E.,.Ohioago^IlI. • • 'V i;' •; .-.Bills, 40in'eacli packaffij, .-it Walstead & .Ko. 3 FIshorBIoek, Cttralt, U191]. Comity, Drain Coinailsstonor of, tlio Connty of . •; Incliain,• 3.IW.1 .: m