MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 14th OCTOBER 2008 at 7.45 p.m. IN THE MEMORIAL HALL PRESENT: Councillors: M D Lowe (Chairman) N. Bedder R. Davies K W Dent D J Gartside P S Harley S D Hill P Newman Mrs. A Smith A J Willmott C A Wooding

ALSO PRESENT: The Clerk, The Deputy Clerk CPSO Roxanne Curtis 5 members of the public

APOLOGIES: Councillors: R Davies D J Hill S R Brown J S Smith *********************************************************************************** MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE HELD IN THE LIBRARY ON TUESDAY 14th OCTOBER 2008 AT 7.15 PM

PRESENT: Councillors; M D Lowe (Chairman) K Dent N Bedder

ALSO PRESENT: The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk

ACCOUNTS: Expenditure: The Clerk presented cheque no.s 108567 - 108602 for invoices and for petty cash and direct debits totaling £36,646.61 for October.

Income: the Deputy Clerk presented income details for September.

It was proposed and seconded that the Council accepts the accounts Resolved: the motion was carried.


Eastfield Primary School Letter as follows: Sharan Hollis is an independent Usborne Books for schools representative who would like to help us obtain books through a fundraising scheme whereby local businesses purchase Usborne books and donate them to the school. We very much hope you will support this scheme as we are currently hoping to restock our Library before the end of the autumn term.

105 Sharan has our permission to use the name of Eastfield Primary School as the beneficiary of any books that may be purchased. Each donator will have a book plaque posted in the front of the book.

Councillor M D Lowe declared and interest.

It was proposed and seconded that he Parish Council donates £100. Resolved: the motion was carried.

Rostock Ltd: Stock Audit report for period 04/07/08 - 09/10/08 Resolved: it was agreed that the stock report should be an Agenda item for the next meeting of the Leisure Centre Committee.

G W Atkinson Ltd Letter as follows: I am writing to inform you that with effect from 1st October, the cost for locking and unlocking Elizabeth Park and football area, Silverdale Park, Garden Street Recreation area and the Cemetery will be increased to £7 per visit.

Confirmed and signed this day of 2008




Chairman Councillor M D Lowe welcomed all to the October Meeting of the Parish Council.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors D J Hill, R Davies, S R Brown, J S Smith

Resolved: Reasons given for the apologies were accepted by the Council.

2. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST (in respect of items on this Agenda):

Councillor Willmott declared an interest in all matters concerning G W Atkinson Ltd.

Councillor P S Harley declared an interest in all matters concerning County Council and Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor N Bedder declared an interest in all matters concerning the Police.

Councillor Mrs. S Coomb declared an interest in any matters concerning Thurmaston Events Team

Councillor Mr B J Seaton declared an interest in all matters concerning Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor D J Gartside declared a personal interest Agenda item no 10, item of correspondence from the Royal British Legion.


It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record. Resolved: that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted.



107 Page 95 - 99: Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Committee 23.09.08 It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record.

Page 97: Pedestrian Crossing, Humberstone Lane: Councillor Harley confirmed that the proposed crossings have been included the 2008/2009 transport scheme.

Page 97: Request for allotment provision Cllr. Mrs. Seaton questioned whether the Clerk had received reply to her enquiry about potential land at the top of Church Lane. The Clerk replied that she has not received a reply.

Pages100 - 104 Minutes of the Meeting of the Leisure Centre’s and Parks Committee 30.09.08 It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record.

Page 101: Thurmaston Bowls Club fee reduction: Councillor Lowe expressed concern about the committee’s decision, and suggested that the council should investigate the Bowl’s club’s circumstances more thoroughly before making a decision to award a discount. Councillor Lowe suggested that he Committee obtains more information from the Bowl’s Club such as the number of members and how many of the members are residents of Thurmaston etc for further consideration. It was proposed and seconded that this item is returned to the Leisure Centre’s Committee for consideration pending further information. Resolved: the motion was carried

Cllr A J Willmott felt that as the Council were able to offer a discount to the Football Club, they should apply the same policy to other hirers.

Cllr Mrs Seaton reminded Councillors that the Football Clubs discount was discussed at length over three meetings, and felt the Bowls Club’s request should be considered further.

Page 102: Thurmaston Youth facilities group Cllr Mrs Seaton objected to the committee’s decision to refuse the request to use ASDA Pavilion. Cllr. Seaton was of the opinion that a fence should be erected to separate the sports pitch from the pavilion and open the pavilion for hire.

108 Cllr Harley supported Cllr. Seaton’s comments, and it was proposed and seconded that this item is referred back to the committee for further consideration.

Resolved: including the above amendments, the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted.


CPSO Curtis reported that the Police had carried out test purchase operations in several shops in the village which had proven successful. Councillor Lowe reported that he received positive comments about the prompt response of the Police, when they attended a recent accident within 90 seconds of the call.


Resident, Thorpe Lane: The resident questioned a former suggestion to relocate the Football Club to the ASDA site and was of the opinion that this would not be appropriate as the site is for the benefit of all.

Resident: Lonsdale Road: Reported that the subway is covered with graffiti again.

Councillor Mrs. Seaton explained about the forthcoming graffiti art project for the subway which is currently being developed with the assistance of school children and local community groups. Councillor Harley offered to contact the County Council to arrange for subway to be cleaned in the interim.


Councillor Harley reported as follows: At the moment Charnwood Borough Council are in the later stages of the Local Development Framework, the Government has allocated building requirement for Leicestershire between 2001-2026. The Charnwood total is 19,300 of which 10,000 are already completed. The Government would like to see sustainable urban extensions, large developments next to and adjoining the Leicester principal urban area; which is mainly Thurmaston, Birstall and Glenfield areas. At the moment the decision upon the precise locations of the developments is not confirmed. Consultation on the options starts on the 24th October. On the 29th October there is a presentation at Elizabeth Park and the following week

109 on the 5th November, I have arranged a public meeting at Elizabeth Park Centre. Would urge everyone to come to the meetings and get involved. The Consultation will come to the Parish Council at the November meeting where we will need to formulate a detailed response including reasons for objections and appropriate and practical alternative suggested locations. One view is that the development could be spread around the whole of the Borough, focusing on all communities.

Councillor Harley explained the options and associated provisions /infrastructure included with each option.

The option for Thrumaston is approx. 5000 new homes, 25 hectares of employment land, including affordable housing, a new secondary school two new primary schools, possible flood reduction scheme. As a planning condition a site for Travellers and Show People.

All options will be discussed on the 29th October and 5th November. Councillor Harley urged everyone to attend the meetings.



The Royal British Legion Thurmaston Remembrance Day Sunday 9th November Parade details and requesting a representative to lay wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. Also requesting that the Chairman meet with the Queens representative and act as escort during the Parade and Service.

Resolved: Councillor Lowe to lay the wreath on behalf of the Council and meet with the Queens representative and act as escort during the Parade and Service.

Charnwood Borough Council Care of the Community in an Emergency Workshop session 23rd October at CBC Offices.

Thurmaston Events Team Letter re Cinema Event on 1st November, requesting a donation towards the event.

Resolved: Council to donate the equivalent cost of the hiring

110 Communities in Local Government The making and enforcement of byelaws consultation

Resolved: Copies of the consultation to be issued to members of the Leisure Centre and Environmental Committees and Agenda item for discussion at both subsequent meetings.

Leicestershire Rural Partnership 2008 Annual Report. For information.

Mrs. Sheila Revell Colby Drive, Thurmaston Letter as follows: I would like to thank the Council, particularly Tracey for nomination me to attend the reception at County Hall to celebrate International Day for Older People. My daughter attended as my guest and we both had a very enjoyable evening.


P/08/2462/2 48 Brakenfield Way, Thurmaston Erection of porch extension to front of dwelling Resolved: No comment

P/08/2530/2 Unit 29 – 30 Dukes Close, Thurmaston, Leics Change of use from storage/processing (B1/B2/B8) to MOT Testing station and car workshop. Resolved: No comment

P/08/2478/2 Erection of three-bedroomed dwelling on land adj. 53 Blount Road Resolved: No comment

P/08/2372/2 21 and 22 Dukes Close, Thurmaston Erection of 2m high security fence Resolved: Council to respond to application requesting a stipulation that the fencing is green, in keeping with other fencing in the area.

P/08/2400/2 924 Melton Road Thurmaston

111 Change of use from car sales to hand car wash

Resolved: Response to application expressing concern about traffic congestion in the area due to questing traffic on Melton road and suggesting implementation of yellow lines.


Cllr Gartside: Enquired whether a meeting had been arranged to formulate a criteria for the applications for community events. The Clerk replied that she had not arranged a meeting to date.

Cllr Bedder: Reported he was making regular visits to inspect the Health and Safety on site at the new parish office, and was pleased to report no concerns to date.

Councillor Willmott: Reported that he had attended the AGM of the CPRE, where the LDF was subject for discussion. Cllr. Willmott urged all Councillors to attend the consultation meetings.

Councillor Maguire: Reported that following the recent slurry sealing work on Barky Thorpe Lane area, STWA have dug up the path.

Councillor Mrs Seaton: Reported that she had visited Colby Road and appreciated the lovely views of open countryside which will be completely lost which is appalling.


Councillor Harley reported as follows: Thanked Councillor Maguire for his comments about the slurry sealing.

Reported that the bridge on Watermead Park will be closed this winter for improvements to be carried out.

The Chairman welcomed the two new Councillors; Cllr Maguire and Cllr Mrs Coomb, thanked all present for attending and closed the meeting.

Confirmed and signed this day of 2008




Present: Councillors: K Dent (Chairman) N Bedder Mrs A Smith C Davies D Maguire S Coomb

Also Present: The Deputy Clerk

1. APOLOGIES: The Clerk and Councillors: M D Lowe, D J Hill

Resolved: Reasons given for the apologies were accepted by the Council.


3. CEMETERY INSPECTION - Deferred to Thursday morning 10am – Cllrs: K Dent, C Davies, Mrs A Smith, N Bedder and D Maguire agred to attend and to report to next meeting.



Following the last meeting Lisa Handy (Cemetery Advisor) has informed the Clerk that she has reviewed the cemetery fees/charges, prepared a relevant risk assessment and has some information regarding the design for the cemetery extension, but unfortunately is unable to attend tonight’s meeting due to ill health. However she will send the relevant information to the Clerk, as soon as possible, and will attend the next meeting

Lisa has submitted the information/prices for Memorial Management Course to the Clerk for the Councils consideration as follows: The course is a full day’s workshop (half theory, half practical) and the cost is £100.00 per delegate (minimum £300). If you can get 7 people to attend the course it entitles you to one free place. Attendees receive a full delegates pack and a certificate of attendance

The Clerk presented a letter from the Natural Burial Company: Explaining that they operate two Natural Burial Sites in Leicestershire, one at

113 Prestwold near Loughborough and one at Scraptoft. The Natural Burial Company are looking for alternative sites in the County to help meet the expected demand in the future, and are looking to develop partnerships with landowners to establish a number of new Natural Burial sites of the coming years.

Councillors were of the opinion that there is insufficient space to accommodate a Natural Burial Ground.

Reolved: Clerk to reply as above.

Page: NEW BENCHES MEMORIAL HALL FIELD - THE CLERK The Clerk reported that both Mr. R Harriman and Mrs. M. McCombe had given permission and were delighted to dedicate the benches in Memoriam of the late Janice Harriman (Clerk to the Council) and the late Cllr Bill McCombe.

Page: Community Facilities Grant: The Clerk reported that she has completed the Grant application form, and submitted the form to Charnwood Borough Council for consideration.

5. PRECEPT 2009/2010

The Clerk reminded Councillors that she would setting the precept in November/December and asked them to consider work required and projects for inclusion.

 Plastic down pipes and guttering to be replaced with cast iron fixtures. Councilor Dent reported that there is a metal covering available for plastic drains and fixtures, and suggested that this may be a cheaper alternative to replacing with cast iron fittings.

The Grounds man has suggested the following for inclusion in the precept

The Cemetery:

 Wall to put plaques on in scattering section

Resolved: Estimate to obtained for consideration within the new precept.

 Tarmac path between ‘F’ Section and the Scattering Section

Resolved: Estimate to obtained for consideration within the new precept.


 Two new rows of slabs in G of R

Resolved: Estimate to obtained for consideration within the new precept.

 New concrete strip

Resolved: Estimate to obtained for consideration within the new precept.

 Refurbishment of woodwork on fireplace and edging in the Chapel.

Resolved: Councillor Dent agreed to investigate.

 Preparation for woodland walk - tree planting to edge of field.

The Memorial Hall:

 Clear bramble area at the rear of the Hall (Quotes to hand)

Councillors asked the Clerk to check ownership of the land in question via the land registry.

 Chairs for the Memorial Hall:

Resolved: Councillor Bedder agreed to examine the chairs as several of them have fallen into disrepair.

 New external doors for Memorial

Resolved: Estimate to obtained for consideration within the new precept.

 Lights to be cleaned in the main hall

Resolved: Estimate to obtained for consideration within the new precept.

 Flagpole service Councillor Dent suggested that the Voltage Company could examine the flagpoles during installation of the Christmas lights.


Mrs M McCombe,22 Festival Avenue Letter as follows:

115 I would like you to pass on my thanks to the Council for having a bench in memory of Bill., to put a plaque on it would be wonderful. I will look forward to seeing it when it is done. My very sincere thanks to all involved.

Resident, Melton Road:

Letter complaining about party at the Memorial Hall on Saturday 20th September. (copies issued to councillors) Comments include:  Claiming that she had contacted the Police and complained of Racial abuse.  That she received no help from staff at Elizabeth Park or the Council’s Premises Officer.  Accuse the Council of providing a vehicle for the Premises Officer (from rates payers funding).  Informing that she will contact the Licensing Department to complain re: the Public Entertainment License.  Informing that she is seeking legal advice with a view to suing the Council for all the distress and harassment she has suffered over the years.

The Clerk reported that Councillor Dent had walked by the premises on the night in question and reported that there was no loud music or disturbance. Mr. Willmott, G W Atkinson Ltd had also visited the premises at 9pm and 10.30pm and reported that there was no undue noise or disturbances.

Mr. Willmott, Premises Control Officer, G W Atkinson Ltd submitted the following report:

At approx 21.00 hours our Premises Officer passed through the village and there was no undue noise from the hall.

Our Officer returned at 22.30 hours and sat outside the hall, there was no undue noise, some people were leaving.

22.50 hrs Officer entered building, at 23.00 hours the music ceased, clearing away began. The hirer reported that a nearby lady resident had been across to the hall at about 9pm and complained about the music and noise and that she was ‘hell bent’ on getting the hall closed down. The lady was rude and abusive to himself and his guests and as a result she had spoilt the evening.

116 23.55hrs, the hirer and the few remaining guests (10-15 people) left the Memorial Hall for home.

00.25 hours, the hirer returned and reported to the Premises Officer that the lady had returned and caused a scene by her conduct and manner outside of the Memorial Hall, delaying their departure and causing further distress to the hirer and guests.

The Clerk reported that Mr. Potts, Centre Manager, has received a complaint from the hirer, claiming that the person in question had been rude and abusive towards the hirer and his guests and had spoilt the party.

Councillor K Dent reported that Cllrs M D Lowe, A J Willmott and himself had passed the Memorial Hall on the evening concerned and there did not appear to be any noise or disturbances emanating from the premises. Additionally, Councillors noted that no other complaints have been received.

Resolved: It was agreed that the matter should be left in abeyance, that Clerk should not reply to the letter at present and the Clerk to contact PC Porter and inform him of the Councillors findings.


The Clerk reported that the Centre Manger has received a request for a refund of a booking fee as there has been a death in the family of the hirer concerned and subsequently the function has been cancelled.

Resolved: In line with Hire terms and conditions, it was greed that he hirer could transfer/ delay the booking to alternative date, but the Council should not offer a refund.


Councilor Dent: reported that the light in the Chapel needs attention. Clerk to arrange for the repair.

Councillor Dent requested a meeting next month in light of the Precept.

9. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 18th November 2008

Confirmed and signed this day of 2008

117 Chairman


Present: Councillors: B J Seaton (Chairman) M D Lowe D J Hill P S Harley J Smith A Smith P Newman

Also Present: The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk

1. APOLOGIES: Councillors: R. Davies, D Maguire




The Clerk reported that the Voltage Company are liaising with LCC re the licence, however, information from the Voltage co is still outstanding.

Page :. NOISE MAPPING Following our letter to Defra requesting information about the Action plan for Thurmaston following compilation of the data.

Reply received as follows:

Your concern about the road traffic noise levels has been noted. At the moment we are preparing Action Plans on Roads and Agglomerations (an area having in excess of 100,000 persons and a population density equal to or greater than 500 people per km2 and which is considered to be urbanised) for all the areas that have so far been mapped. This includes all areas that have noise indicators of over 55 decibels on average over a 24 hour period. Once the action plans are completed we will send the proposed Action Plans out for consultation to obtain comments and views from our stakeholders. With this in mind, Thurmaston Parish Council has been added to our contact list and you will received our consultation pack when we go to consultation. This will enable the Parish Council to make its comments and views known to Defra.

Page . CCTV

118 The Clerk reported that CBC’s service package for the monitoring of the proposed cameras has been revised and costs have been reduced. Cllr Snart will be attending the next meeting of the Parish Council to explain the new proposals and costings for the scheme. Additionally, Cllr. Snart has agreed to forward information/costings to the Clerk in preparation for the meeting.


Following the August meeting of the committee, it was agreed that the Council should write to Mr Saddington re: potential land off Garden Street and Ms Websell re potential land at the top of Church Lane

Mr. Saddington has replied to the Clerk and informed her that he does not wish to lease the land off Garden Street for allotments. Mr Saddington informed the Clerk that he is personally using the land for allotment land.

No reply from Ms Websell to date.

At the September meeting it was agreed that the Clerk should contact the County Council to enquire about the land adjoining the Memorial Hall field for the provision of allotments. Reply received as follows:

Thank you for your enquiry below, I have passed this on to our Asset Management team who will advise me on this matter and once I have more information, I will update you accordingly.

Page : Urban Regeneration Project, Charnwood Borough Council, The Clerk explained that the projects have been delayed because there is currently, insufficient funding.

Page : PEDESTRIAN CROSSING HUMBERSTONE LANE/MELTON ROAD At the last meeting of the Parish Council, Councillor Harley confirmed that the proposed crossings have been included the 2008/2009 transport scheme.


Councillor Willmott reported that he had examined the document thoroughly and has prepared a response for the Councils consideration. It was agreed that the Clerk should issue a copy of the suggested response to all councillors for consideration.


5. PRECEPT 2009/2010 - Agenda item deferred to next meeting


P/08/2759/2 34 Thorpefield Drive Single storey extension to rear of dwelling Resolved: No comment

P/08/2762/2 Land adjacent to 61 Highway Road Thurmaston Demolition of detached bungalow and erection of 5 new bungalows Resolved: Council to object to the application as follows:

 The proposed access to the site is off Highway Road and near to the junction of Eastfield Road. Eastfield Primary school is situated on Eastfield Road and Highway Road is main route to the school. Highway Road is already heavily congested and overburdened with traffic. The Council has received many complaints about speeding traffic and requests for a pedestrian crossing and traffic calming for Highway Road. The proposed development will further exasperate traffic and congestion problems in the area.  Additionally, councillors noted the site concerned is connected to Councillor S R Campbell (Thurmaston Parish Councilor and Brough Councilor) and would therefore request that the application is considered by the Plans Committee.

P/08/2509/2 65 Colby Drive, Thurmaston Erection of dormer extensions to front and rear of dwelling Resolved: No comment

P/08/2747/2 3 Margaret Close Erection of single storey extension to front of bungalow Resolved: No comment


At the last meeting Councillor Mrs Seaton reported that the pedestrian steps and ramp to Dunelm on Thurmaston Retail Park needs attention to landscaping and maintenance, and the County Council have confirmed that they are not responsible for the section behind the highway

120 boundary. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Newlife, the contractor responsible for the maintenance of the Retail Park and requested their attention to the maintenance/landscaping of land behind the highway boundary (inc. copy of map).

Reply received from Charles Street Buildings as follows: ‘I am in receipt of your letter to Newlife in regard to the above which has been passed on to me by them. I concur with LCC that the area indicated on the drawing comes under my company’s responsibility. We agree that the earth bank on our side requires attention to improve appearance and i will instruct a landscape team to fulfil this purpose and add some additional shrubbery to the existing. This work will be completed asap, and definitely before Christmas. We will also have the graffiti removed from our side of the ramp and vegetation removed from the surface.’

Cllr D Maguire reported that following the slurry sealing work recently carried out on Lane, lumps of tarmac debris have been left on the grass verges which are posing a problem for residents who regularly mow the verges in front of their property. The Clerk agreed to report to LCC Highways.

Reply received confirming that action will be taken to remove the debris.

Cllr Maguire reported that there is a large gap in the hedge on Barkby Thorpe Lane which is effectively creating a short cut for children which is being used regularly. Additionally, fly tipping is becoming a problem in the area too. The gap is along a very busy strip of road and Cllr Maguire feels that children are at risk crossing at a dangerous point in the road. No reply to date.

Councillor Mrs Smith reported that the overgrown Trees on Angrave site have been cut as requested.

New issues:

1. Councillor Mrs Seaton reported the privet hedge on the Angrave site is overgrown on Lea Close. The hedge is very high and completely shades the footpath which is consequently becoming covered with moss.

2. Councillor Mrs Seaton reported that there is a boat dumped/abandoned on the footpath of Lea Close.

121 3. Councillor Hill reported that the overgrown hedge on the corner of Charnwood Avenue has been pruned as requested, but unfortunately a section was missed.

4. Councillor Mrs Seaton reported that the hedge belonging to 2 Forest Drive, is overgrown on the footpath of Melton Road.

Councillor Harley reported on Highway issues as follows:

 He had asked the Street Wardens to visit Churchill Road and issue penalty tickets to illegally parked vehicles.  Has reported the abandoned boat to the Borough Council.  The County Council are going to replace the weight limit signs on Churchill Road with bigger signs.  Has requestesd that the weight limit sign on Humberstone Lane is relocated further along the road as it would be more effective.


Voluntary Action Charnwood: Impact report 2008 and invitation to AGM on Wednesday 19th November at 7.30pm. Resolved: Councillor Mrs Seaton and Cllr Harley reported that they will be attending. Councillor J Smith expressed that he would like to attend – Clerk to reply.

Enable Newsletter issue 15 Autumn 2008 Cllr Mrs Seaton took document for information.

CPRE: Branch News Autumn 2008 Cllr Mrs Seaton took document for Cllr Campbell.

Charnwood Borough Council Core Strategy Development Plan Document – Further Consultation Report Letter as follows, copies of letter and timetable of Road shows and exhibitions distributed to all committee members

Charnwood Borough Council Further Consultation on the Core Strategy Development Plan Document

I am writing to tell you that the Council will publish its Core Strategy for further public consultation on Friday 24th October 2008 and it will be available to view on our website at: www.charnwood.gov.uk/charnwood2026.

122 The Core Strategy is an important planning document that sets out the vision and broad planning framework for the district to 2026. When it is approved, it will give direction to where new homes, jobs and other development is located, how we can protect the environment and how we can improve the quality of life for all.

The consultation document has been prepared having regard to the issues identified through public consultation and the evidence gathered over the last few years. You are now invited to make comments on the document and the sustainability appraisal that accompanies it. Comments may be made during the six week consultation period which commences on Friday 24th October and ends on Friday 5th December 2006 at 5pm.

We encourage people to submit comments online where possible as this helps us to process your views more efficiently. You can now do this online by following this link: http://consult.charnwood.gov.uk/portal.

Alternatively, you can make comments in writing by sending them to: The Director of Development, Charnwood Borough Council, Southfield Road, Loughborough, LE11 2TN or by sending an email to: [email protected]. When making comments please clearly state your name, the organisation you represent (if relevant) and your contact details (including email address).

If you are commenting on the Core Strategy, please state clearly which paragraph or question number your comment is about. If you are commenting on the sustainability appraisal, please try to be clear which appraisal table you are referring to.

We will maintain your details and what you say on our consultation database. Please note that your contact details will be protected under the Data Protection Act but your name and any comments you make will be publicly viewable.

Any comments may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specific address that the Core Strategy has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination, and of its future adoption. Please let us know if you require this service.

The consultation documents and supporting information is also available at libraries across the Borough and at:

The Customer Service Centre The Service Shop Leicestershire County Council Southfields County Hall Southfield Road Glenfield Loughborough Leicester Leicestershire LE11 2TN Monday to Thursday 8.30-17.00 Monday to Thursday 8.30-17.00 Friday 8.30-16.30

123 Friday 8.30-16.30


Councillor Willmott: Reported that he had read an article concerning the increase in no of vermin due to the reduced frequency of bin collections. Councillor Willmott would be interested in Borough Council’s records/statistics re vermin control. Councillor Harley offered to investigate the statistics at a meeting which he is due to attend shortly with Environmental Health Officers.

Councillor Mrs. Smith: Requested an Agenda item for next meeting: Cycle Path – A607

Councillor P S Harley: Reported that he has organised ‘Cold Calling Zones’ for Unicorn Street and Charnwood Avenue, which have proven very effective. Councillor Harley offered to organise Cold Calling Zones for other areas as require.


Confirmed and signed this day of 2008



Present: Councillors: D J Hill (Chairman) D J Gartside S D Hill C Davies C A Wooding P S Harley Mrs B J Seaton

Also Present: The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk 1 member of the public Joanne Ridgley – Charnwood Borough Council Mr D Elwood – Thurmaston Bowls Club




Cllr Hill welcomed Joanne to the meeting. Joanne described her role working for Charnwood Leisure Services and explained that she would like to arrange activities for young people in Thurmaston. Joanne suggested that the following activities could be arranged and supervised by CBC Leisure staff: Basketball – accredited courses, Girls football, Dance and junior workout classes. Joanne reported that she had successfully obtained a grant from the School Sports Partnership for activities for 8 – 12 year olds. The Borough Council have got funding to run a 10 week course of activities between January and March 2009. Joanne asked Councillors for suggestions of activities and the Clerk suggested that consideration is given to roller disco as a privately run session which used to run on Saturdays had proven very popular.

Councillors were fully supportive of the intentions and it was proposed and seconded that the Sports Centre and Sports facilities on Elizabeth Park are offered free of charge for sports activitities/courses provided and supervised by the Borough Council Sports Leisure Staff.

Resolved: the motion was carried.


Cllr Hill welcomed Mr Elwood to the meeting. Mr Elwood explained that Thurmaston Bowls Club is facing severe financial

125 difficulties. The club closed the season last year with a deficit of £338 and expected a deficit this year of around £500. Mr. Elwood explained that the club has the lowest membership known and is currently faced with rising costs and falling income.

Councillor Lowe asked Mr Elwood about the number of members and how many of the members were residents of Thurmaston. Mr Elwood replied that there are 30 members of which 29 are residents of Thurmaston.

5. THURMASTON BOWLS CLUB – DISCOUNT – Referred from Full Parish Council Meeting.

At the last meeting in response to a letter from Thurmaston Bowls Club explaining that the Club is facing severe financial difficulties and requesting a reduction in fees; it was agreed that the Council offers Bowls Club a 30% reduction in their fees for next year. However, this decision was not approved by the Parish Council and returned to the Committee for further consideration.

Following a lengthy debate, it was proposed and seconded, that in light of the receipt of more information from Mr Elwood about the bowls clubs circumstances, the Council should offer a 30% reduction on next years fees.

Resolved: with a majority of Councillors in favour of the proposition, the motion was carried.

6. ROSTOCK – STOCK REPORT – referred from the Finance Committee

The Clerk issued copies of the Stock Report for Elizabeth Park Centre for the stock period 04/07/08 – 09/10/08.

Councillors were concerned about the stock audit and submitted the following observations/ recommendations:

 The Centre Manager should monitor individual product sales.  The vending machine should be switched off during bar opening hours.  Draught Strongbow is not selling and consideration should be given to cans instead of draught to eliminate wastage on this product.  Consideration to provision of food/catering.

Councillors suggested that the Centre Manager should investigate the

126 findings of the report and consider the above observations and recommendations. Councillors requested an Agenda Item for the next meeting of the Committee Food & Catering provision - Robert Potts.


The Clerk presented the Annual playground Inspection reports and reported that she has asked the Grounds man to address all issues raised. The Grounds man has placed orders for replacement parts for the play equipment and repairs to the safety surface as necessary.

Councillor Mrs Seaton suggested that consideration is given to grass mat safety surface for any future playground projects as an alternative to rubber safety surface.

8. PRECEPT 2009/2010

The Deputy Clerk presented the suggested budget for 2009/2010 which included an allowance of £10,000 for projects as previously.

The Deputy Clerk reported that there is approx. £2,500 funding remaining following the completion of this years projects.

The following suggestions have been submitted for consideration:  4 more round tables are required for the sports hall (£175 each)  150 upholstered chairs for centre @ £19.99 each (£3000) (existing tables could be transferred to ASDA Pavillion and chairs to the Memorial Hall??)

 Extension of CCTV to cover new office?  New Kitchen extension  Cleaning/lock ups/staff provision for ASDA Pavillion

The Deputy Clerk issued copies of the suggested precept, which included a £10k allowance for projects to all Councillors for consideration. Councillors agreed to consider the suggested precept and return to the next meeting with ideas/suggestions. The Deputy Clerk informed Councillors that the precept would need to be finalised prior to the January meeting of the Full Council.

9. BYELAW CONSULTATION DOCUMENT - Referred from the Full Parish Council Meeting.

Copies of the document were distributed to all councillors prior to the

127 meeting. The Clerk reported that Councillor Willmott has examined the Consultation Document in depth and prepared a response for consideration.

Resolved: Councillors commended Cllr Willmott and were in support of the proposed response.

10. TREE SURVEY The Clerk presented the Tree Survey Report and pointed out that two trees were categorised priority 1 – Health and Safety Works to be carried out within three months. 21 trees were identified which require priority two works - remedial Health and safety to be completed within six months. Estimates for the work supplied as follows:

Priority 1 £290.15 Priority 2 £1775.12

Resolved: Councillors agreed to request a quotation for the work from Mr Agger, Tree Surgeon. If the quotation is less than the above estimate, order to be placed for work to be carried out as necessary.


At the last meeting of the committee it was agreed that the Council should reply to Youth Facilities Group informing them that ASDA Pavillion is not available at present as the site is currently closed on grounds of H&S. However, this decision was not approved by the Parish Council and returned to the Committee for further consideration.

Councillor Harley reported that he has spoken with the Borough Council and they have confirmed that the construction work will take approx. 4 weeks to complete.

It was proposed and seconded that the Council actively seeks potential hirers in preparation for when the pavilion is open following completion of the construction work and fencing off of the pitch.

Resolved: the motion was carried.


Page : ASDA SPORTS PITCH The Clerk reported that the Borough Council will have more information next week



Following the last meeting the Clerk reported that she had informed the Centre Managers to promote the centre and facilities, attempt to increase bookings and generate activities at the Centre and provided a list of suggested activities. The Centre Manager has agreed to advertise the facilities in Leicester Mercury and Thurmaston Times and arrange activities as suggested.

Resolved: Mr Potts to be invited to the next meeting for progress update.


Cllr. Hill reported that the hinges on the court gates are damaged due to misuse of the gate. The Grounds man has recommended that consideration is given to adjusting the gate or replacing it with a more suitable/robust design. Cllr. Hill has met with the supplier of the sports court and they have agreed to submit options/quotes for consideration. Not received to date. Resolved: Clerk to chase up.

Page: Deeds – Silverdale Park The Clerk presented a copy of the Official Register of Title.

Page : Sports Surface for Tennis Courts:

At the last meeting it was agreed that Sports Court UK Ltd would supply quotes for surface options for the tennis courts. Options to include tarmac surface for multi-sport and 3G astro-turf for football. It was also agreed that Bellinger Design should investigate the criteria of 106 funding contributions for Thurmaston and potential grant funding options. The Clerk reported that she is now in receipt of quotes from Sports Court UK. Also, has spoken with Fenella Bellinger who has investigated required facilities for National league Footsall and five a side football. The tennis court area could accommodate 5 a side Football or Footsall, but not a full size pitch. Fenella explained that synthetic pitches are available in different specifications according to requirements. There is a specification specifically for football and a specification for multi-use. Julie Robinson, Recreational Services Manager (CBC) has agreed to supply details of availability and criteria of 106 funding contributions for Thurmaston. Julie has advised that the Council would not qualify for a grant for a full size all weather pitch on Elizabeth Park as the park is not connected to a school. However, suggested that a grant for a full size

129 pitch may be available if the Council wished to develop such a facility on the ASDA site as it next to Roundhill School. Julie will advise the council about potential grant funding and needs for facilities identified.

The Clerk suggested that Fenella Bellinger and Julie Robinson are invited to the next meeting of the committee to discuss options and grants applicable.

Resolved: Councillors agreed to the Clerks suggestion to invite Fenella Bellinger and Julie Robinson to the next meeting of the committee to discuss options and grants applicable.

Page: Thurmaston Town suspected entrance fees At the last meeting Cllr. Lowe reported that he had noticed a representative of Thurmaston Town FC at the entrance gates to Elizabeth Park and suggested that the Council should check whether the Football Club are charging entrance fees again.


14. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (For Information and Agenda Items Only)

Councillor Mrs B J Seaton: requested an Agenda Item for the next meeting of the Committee: Skateboard Park.

15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 2nd December, 2008

Confirmed and signed this day of 2008
