City and County of Swansea Development Management and Control Committee
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CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA NOTICE OF MEETING You are invited to attend a Meeting of the DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL COMMITTEE At: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Swansea. On: Thursday, 10 January, 2013 Time: 5.00 pm AGENDA Page No. 1. Apologies for Absence. 2. To Receive Disclosures of Personal & Prejudicial Interests. 1 3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 - 8 25 October 2012. 4. Planning Application no. 2012/1376 – Various Banks at the River 9 - 40 Tawe, Swansea Vale North and Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea. 5. Planning Application no 2012/1376 - Gower Holiday Village, 41 - 56 Monksland Road, Reynoldston. (Referral from Area 2 held on 4 December 2012) 6. Consultation by Welsh Government on proposed changes to Non- 57 - 67 Domestic Permitted Development Rights. 7. To receive the Minutes of the Rights of Way & Commons Sub Committee held on 10 October 2012. (For Information) _Rights_of_Way___Commons_Sub_Committee_Minutes_- _10_October_2012.pdf Patrick Arran Head of Legal, Democratic Services & Procurement 3 January 2013 Contact: Democratic Services - 636824 Agenda Item 2 Disclosures of Personal Interest from Members To receive Disclosures of Personal Interest from Members in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea. You must disclose orally to the meeting the existence and nature of that interest. NOTE: You are requested to identify the Agenda Item / Minute No. / Planning Application No. and Subject Matter to which that interest relates and to enter all declared interests on the sheet provided for that purpose at the meeting. 1. If you have a Personal Interest as set out in Paragraph 10 of the Code, you MAY STAY, SPEAK AND VOTE unless it is also a Prejudicial Interest. 2. If you have a Personal Interest which is also a Prejudicial Interest as set out in Paragraph 12 of the Code, then subject to point 3 below, you MUST WITHDRAW from the meeting (unless you have obtained a dispensation from the Authority’s Standards Committee) 3. Where you have a Prejudicial Interest you may attend the meeting but only for the purpose of making representations, answering questions or giving evidence relating to the business, provided that the public are also allowed to attend the meeting for the same purpose, whether under a statutory right or otherwise. In such a case, you must withdraw from the meeting immediately after the period for making representations, answering questions, or giving evidence relating to the business has ended, and in any event before further consideration of the business begins, whether or not the public are allowed to remain in attendance for such consideration (Paragraph 14 of the Code). 4. Where you have agreement from the Monitoring Officer that the information relating to your Personal Interest is sensitive information, as set out in Paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct, your obligation to disclose such information is replaced with an obligation to disclose the existence of a personal interest and to confirm that the Monitoring Officer has agreed that the nature of such personal interest is sensitive information. 5. If you are relying on a grant of a dispensation by the Standards Committee, you must, before the matter is under consideration: (i) disclose orally both the interest concerned and the existence of the dispensation; and (ii) before or immediately after the close of the meeting give written notification to the Authority containing - - details of the prejudicial interest; - details of the business to which the prejudicial interest relates; - details of, and the date on which, the dispensation was granted; and - your signature D:\moderngov\Data\AgendaItemDocs\8\9\9\AI00001998\$l2xda1ms.docPage 1 Agenda Item 3 CITY AND COUNTY OF SWANSEA MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL COMMITTEE HELD AT THE CIVIC CENTRE, SWANSEA ON THURSDAY 25 OCTOBER 2012 AT 5.00 P.M. PRESENT: Councillor R Francis-Davies (Chair) presided Councillor(s): Councillor(s): Councillor(s): J C Bayliss C A Holley P M Matthews U C Clay P R Hood-Williams P N Meara A C S Colburn B Hopkins H M Morris D W Cole D H Hopkins B G Owen A M Cook L James G C Philpott S E Crouch A J Jones J A Raynor J P Curtice J W Jones T H Rees N J Davies M H Jones P B Smith P Downing S M Jones R V Smith C R Doyle A S Lewis C M R W D Thomas W Evans D J Lewis M Thomas E W Fitzgerald R D Lewis G D Walker F M Gordon C E Lloyd L V Walton J A Hale P Lloyd T M White J E C Harris K E Marsh 28. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors P M Black, J E Burtonshaw, W J F Davies, A M Day, V M Evans, T J Hennegan, D H James, Y V Jardine, E T Kirchner, J Newbury, G Owens, D Phillips, I M Richard, J C Richards, R J Stanton, D G Sullivan, M Theaker, C Thomas and L G Thomas. 29. DISCLOSURES OF PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTEREST In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, the following interests were declared: Councillor S E Crouch - Minute No. 38 - Application No. 2012/1314 - Personal and Prejudicial - Employee of Swansea University and left during discussion thereof. Councillor U C Clay - Minute No. 34 - Application No. 2012/1168 - Personal - Applicant is known to me. Page 2 Minutes of the Development Management and Control Committee (25.10.12) Cont’d Councillor N J Davies - Minute No. 34 - Application No. 2012/1168 - Personal - Applicant is known to me. Councillor P Meara - Minute No. 38 - Application No. 2012/1314) - Personal - Residual links with the university. Councillor J A Raynor - Minute No. 38 - Application No. 2012/1314 - Personal - My husband works at Swansea University. Councillor M Thomas - Minute No. 35 - Application No. 2012/0707) - Personal and Prejudicial - Applicant is a personal friend - Made statement under paragraph 14(2) of the Code then left during discussion. 30. MINUTES RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Development Management and Control Committee held on 30 August 2012 be accepted as a correct record. 31. PRESENTATION BY DWR CYMRU/WELSH WATER Fergus O’Brien (Coastal Water Manager), Ian Wyatt (Head of Development Services) and Steve Wilson (Waste Water Operating Manager) of Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water gave a detailed and informative presentation to the Committee on the details of the company’s planned Capital Programme works. They detailed the works to be planned during the next tranche up to 2025, particularly relating to the Loughor Estuary and the Gowerton Treatment Works. They outlined the potential engineering solutions to the various issues that the company has to address and the associated costings and viability of the schemes. They indicated they are looking at ideas from abroad to deal with the problems of reducing flow and waste water. Members asked questions of the Officers who responded accordingly. RESOLVED that the topic form the basis of a future Members’ Seminar to involve Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water, Environment Agency and Council Officers. Page 3 Minutes of the Development Management and Control Committee (25.10.12) Cont’d 32. PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 2012/0270 - EXTENSIONS TO EXISTING GARDEN CENTRE BUILDINGS, PROVISION OF NEW ACCESS, CAR PARKING AREA, COFFEE SHOP, FARM SHOP, LANDSCAPE CENTRE, NATURE WALK AND ASSOCIATED WORKS (OUTLINE) AT PONTARDDULAIS GARDEN CENTRE, ALLT-Y-GRABAN ROAD, PONTARDDULAIS, SWANSEA The Head of Economic Regeneration and Planning submitted a report to determine the application for the works detailed above. The application had been reported to the Area 1 Development Control Committee on 4 September with a recommendation that the application be approved as an acceptable departure to the Development Plan. A plan showing the location of the application site was attached at Appendix A and a copy of the officer’s report was attached at Appendix B to the report. A visual presentation was given to Members. The Officer indicated that the Health and Safety Executive would be informed of the decision with an opportunity for them to call in should they decide to. RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the conditions as set out in the report. 33. PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 2012/0849 - CHANGE OF USE FROM PUBLIC HOUSE (CLASS A3) TO EIGHT SELF-CONTAINED FLATS (CLASS C3), TWO STOREY AND SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSIONS AT 124 NEATH ROAD, HAFOD, SWANSEA The Head of Economic Regeneration and Planning submitted a report to determine the application for the change of use at the location above. The application had been reported to the Area 1 Development Control Committee on 2 October 2012 with a recommendation that the application be refused for the reasons detailed in the report. The Area 1 Development Control Committee on 20 October 2012 did not accept the officer’s recommendation but resolved to refer the application to the Development Management and Control Committee for decision with a recommendation that planning permission should be granted as the use for residential purposes will provide affordable Page 4 Minutes of the Development Management and Control Committee (25.10.12) Cont’d housing for the area and that the cessation of the use of the premises as a public house will be beneficial to the residential amenity of the area. A plan showing the location of the application site was attached at Appendix A and a copy of the officer’s report was attached at Appendix B of the report. A visual presentation was given to Members.