THE BRONTE ENTERPRISE RKONTK, TEXAS, SK IT EM II E li 18, 1868 Vol. 35 No. 38 Typhoid Shots Free | Bronte Tangles with Robert Till Tuesday; Cases Reported at Anson New Sprayer Tried Out Lee Tonight; Defeat Ira 18,to 0City Health Officer Dr. John R Harris reported Thursday that By BILLY ALEXANDER the longhorns early in the first take over only to have the Bull­ he has received an unofficial re­ dogs intercept a pass. Here Wednesday Night period after the local lads took port that there are 14 cases of The Bronte Longhorns ramb­ In the fourth period, the Long­ led over the Ira Bulldogs last1 over on a punt by Ira Steven- typhoid fever at Anson, north­ The scourge of flies, mosquitos were right surprised to see the horns again drew blood when east of here. for joint use here and at Rob­ Friday night y a score of Id-0 ^ son elided the drive of 55 yards and other insects shouWi improve dense white fog rolling around Stevenson tossed a pass to Smith ert Lee. Coke County commis­ The Longhorns did their scoring when he went over from the one Dr Harris said that he would here, for Bronte win privileged here Wednesday night. The ma from the fifteen yaid line The sioners agreed that half of the in the first and last periods The foot line The try for extra point like to urge all person* living to be the first user of the new chine does put out a teriffie try for conversion was missed j cost would come from county local gndsters had one touch- was no good on a running play, in thu. aiea to take typhoid shots graying machine which arrived amount of the bug killing mist funds, while Bronte and Robert on a kick down called back because of From then on the Longhorns He said that persons may receive the first of the week The spray­ and is capable of covering a one- Lee will pay one-fourth of the backfield in motion. I m k ball. The Longhorns would Again in the fourth quarter, them free of charge at the lo­ ing was done Wednesday night. block area from any spot coat each. The first blood was drawn by and Bulldogs played neck and Bronte made another TD after cal hospital, providing they be Some local residents said the* The spraying was purchase*! a hard drive Arbie Phillips end­ gin taking the series of three in­ Mayor H O Whitt explained ed it with a 20 yard jount for jections nut later than Tuesday, last week that the machine will OVER a n PERSONS ATTEND THE the score. The try for extra point Sept 22 After that date, the us­ LUBBOCK COUPLE GIVE FLAGS TO cost Bronte a little over $500 was blocked ual charge will be made for the He said that cost to hire a ma­ BAPTIST ASSOCIATION MEETING In the second period Phillips shots LEGION: AUXILIARY VOTED IN chine to spray the town one time Quite a large number of local made another touchdown, only The George Scott Post of tne have long been interested in the costs $250, so "we’H have our Some 200 messengers and visi­ residents have already taken ty­ to have it called back because American Legion received as a work nf the organization They money back in a couple of spray­ tors attended the Runnels Bap­ phoid injections, Dr Harris re­ of backfield in motion gift last week the post colors were ir Bn nte on Memorial Day tist Association's Forty-Sixth An­ ported but everyone should take ings,” he added. Late in the fourth quarter, the and a national flag of matching of this year, along with Mrs. nual Session, which convened at them Danger of a typhoid epi­ A great increase in flies, mos­ the First Baptist Church here. Longhorns stopped an uprising size The flags are a gift from Kathryn Se"tt, mother at George of the Bulldogs when Arbie Phil­ demic was stressed after the Mr. and Mrs Roy Watson of quitos and other insects has been Monday evening. Sept 14 The Scott, to attend Memorial Day noted here aince the flood last lips recovered an Ira fumble on flood which swept through here Lubbock Mrs Watson is a sis­ c^emonicn opening session was at 6 45 pm last month. month. Many residents have when the Board of Executive the six yard line When the ter of the late George Scott, for A E Bell, Jr commander of game ended the Longhorns were whom the local post is named complained that they have to officers met and the women over the local post said that the flags sleep with air conditioners on to again on the march, having car­ Mr and Mrs Watson, who are Runnels and Coke counties met Plans In Making have with them poles for carry­ keep mosquitos away for their Women's Missionary ried the ball to the 50 after Phil­ active members of the Allen lips recovery of the Ira fumble Bros Post Auxiliary in Lubbock ing. leather carry belts and rain The Bronte Lions Club spear­ Union. For Homecoming headed the drive to raise funds The Longhorns are 'ooking for­ covers A cabinet for storing the Out of town speakers appear­ used in graying the town. ing on the program were Rev ward to the game tonight when Saturday, Oct 17 colors will be built right away. Clifford Nelson. Brownwood, the they travel to fy>bcrt Lee The Coke Uountv *SUS The Bronte Ex-Students As­ The Legion in a meeting Tues­ trict Sixteen Baptist Mission Bronte boys ate in tip-top con day night voted to work toward 1153 Debut of Band dition and will be ready to take sociation committees have been Enters Contest ary. speaking on “Mobilizing Our busy the past few days sending on the Steers. Let’s all go over the organization of a Legion Membership f o r Stewardship out invitations for the third an­ The Coke County Soil Conser­ And Pep Squad to Study " Rev. C E Buchanan, to Robert Lee and give the boys Auxiliary »f tiie post An aux­ nual Homecoming, which is set vation District has entered the Dallas, spoke on the Denomina­ a lot of backing Game time 8 Oh iliary his.-' never been inexistence for Saturday. Oct 17, at the national Soil Conservation A Be Tonight at R. L. tional Objective for 1954 and wards program sponsored by the here and members expressed the Bronte High School Bronte's band and pep squad 1955. A layman. Elliot Kemp, Go .dycar Tire 6i Rubber Co of WORK STARTED ON union that such an organiza­ will make their first ippearance Ballinger, brought a forceful per­ DR. EVAN A. REIFF Ea: F Glenn, president of the Akron. Ohio, it was announced tion would be a great help in of the season tonight at the Rob­ sonal stewardship testimony. The RANK REMODELING association made the following today by District Chairman C statement in connection with the carrying out the work of the ert Lee and Bronte football sermon for the evening was de­ Work has begun toward get N Webb, ot Tennyson Homecoming this year ' We are gome The game is being played livered by Rev. Taylor Pendley, ting things in shape to move and poet. anx.' us to have every one attend Members of Coke County Dis­ at Robert Lee. Dallas Superintendent of Associ- remodel the First National Bank At the same meeting, Marvin this program as we know that trict will compete against other Thomas Knox is the new band ational Missions. He was pastor in Bronte Leek was e ected adjutant, re­ you will enjoy seeing your old soil conservation districts in the at Wingate some eight years ago. placing J L Alexander who re teacher and has about 15 mem­ The firm is planning an exten­ friends If you evei attended the state Non-partisan judging com­ Tuesday all day sessions found signed and m ved to San Ange bers enrolled at present. How­ sive tcmodeling and enlarging Bronte School, taught in the mittees, selected from Texas' ever. he expe ls that quite a few nearly 200 messengers and visi­ lo. program Business will e carried Bronte School, or have been a outstanding exponents of the soil tors attending most of the day­ more will start taking band soon. on upstairs while the work is go­ tru.-tee if the Hronte system, conservation movement, yvill de­ long sessions of reports from the New officers elected for the ing on. you and *<>ur wife or husband termine the state's outstanding Training Union, Brotherhood, HIGH SCHOOL hand are Jo Dell Walton, presi­ are extended a moit cordial in­ district for the period July 1, Women’s Missionary Union. Sun­ dent . Ruby Overstreet, vice pres­ FIRE TRUCK IN NEW PLACE vitation.” 1953, and April 30, 1954, on a day School, Evangelism and Dis­ basis of total points scored in CLASS OFFICERS ident, Rita Mcf ry-treasurer and reporter. Carol trict Missions and Encampments The Bronte fir* truck has a performance of regular district ARE EUE(TEI) Ann Yoes and Doak Snead will Tuesday morning was climaxed new home in the front part of events: duties. the city hall. The building has 2-5 pm .—Registration and tea be band mascots. Carol Ann is by a beautifully rendered solo, Grand award for one member The rlames <«f Bronte high been remodeled and a large door school have elected their offi­ the daughter of Coach and Mrs. sung by a Bronte girl. Miss Car­ at the First Baptist Church. of each winning district govern­ installed in the east half uf the 7:30 p m —Banquet in the cer* for the coming vear Fol­ E L Yoes and Doak is the son olyn Kemp The Annual Ser­ ing body and the top i-ooperating lowing is a list of officers for of Mr and Mrs Douglas Snead mon followed and was given by fiont of the building This will School gym farmer or rancher named by the allow the fire truck to drive di­ After banquet Visiting lor a* Mrs J L. Carroll is sponsor of Rev R H Cagle, pastor of the district will be a one week, ex­ each class long as you want to stay FRESHMAN the pep squad, with Ruby Over First Baptist Church. Ballinger, rectly unto Main street instead pense free vacation trip to Good­ of into the alley at the rear of treet, Jane Powell and Ginger Dinner was served to 200 Tickets will be $1 50 pa: per­ year's fabulous winter resort, the Vetal Flores, sponsor, Noel the city hall. Dean Scott president; Bobby Clark serving as cheer leaders guests by the local Baptist wom­ REV. BUCHANAN son Everyone is urged tc mail Wigwam Guest ranch on Good­ Hester vice president, Joy Wil­ The pep squad now has about en at the noon hour. Speaking in reservations in by Oct 5, as the year Farms, Litchfield Park, committee will want to know kins, secretary; Richard Rees, 24 girls m it. behalf of the State Orphanages Ariz, in December. 1954 how many to expect Tickets can reasurer; and James Andrew- One of the outstanding fea­ in the afternoon session was Rev FARM BUREAU MEMBERSHIP Members "f th* C"ke County also be bought at the door tures of the hard ■» the part E. J. Gregory, superintendent of District governing b«>dy w ho reporter The classes of 1913, 1923, 1933. SOPHOMORES played by the drum major and Mexican B a p t i s t Children'* DRIVE SET FOR OCTOBER 5-10 will compete for the Goodyear 1943 and 1953 will be the honor Mrs J 1. Carroll, sponsor; majorettes Jo Dell Walton is Home in San Antonio Follow­ Gov Allan Shivers has offic­ decide what policies we want award are C N Webb Bryan ed classes this year Wanda B« Snead, pre- dent the drum major and Rita McCul- ing his message, the committees Yarbrough. W C Shamblin, W ially proclaimed the Week. Oct incorporated into the national i-hen. Frances Carlton and Mary on next year’s work reported E Burns and Robert W Walker Jane Powell, vice president, 5-10. 'Texas Farm Bureau Mem farm program, and they must Johnnv Smith, secretary trea, Ann Gray as majorettes Rev B T Shoemake, Winters, TEACHING AT SCHREINER National winner* of the Good­ urer, Linda Lanswell, reporter was reeloeted as moderator, as bership Week ” decide who shall speak for far­ year Soil Conservation Awards The*, Blue, son of Mr and JUNIORS was the treasurer. R P Canady, During that week more than mers Next year will be a year at will be announced at the seven Mr and Matthew Caperton left Mrs T H Blue Sheffield, for Mis J T Henry, sponsor; Ballinger. 10,000 volunteer workers in some <>f action on a national basis, aqd regular area meetings of the Na­ Thursday morning on a short va­ merly of Bronte, haa accepted a Mary Ann Gray, president. Stan The place of next year’s meet­ tions Association "f Soil Con­ cation trip to Carlsbad Caverns, 180 organized counties will the voice of Texas farmers and position teaching at Schreiner ley Phillips vice president. Bill ing will be Norton on Sept 13 servation district Plaques will Uuid"W' and other point* in New spread out over the countryside tanchers will be determined by Institute at KerrviUe Blue s» Maxwell, secretary treasurer. and 14. 1954. Annual sermon is be awarded at these conventions Mexico. They were accompanied contacting individual farmers graduate of the ji&iur College Kenneth Scott, reporter to be delivered by Rev. C. F the membership in the Texas to the hundred first and second far as Denver City by Mrs. E and only recently graduated SENIORS Cloud of Wilmeth The budget and ranchers to invite them to Farm Bureau Federation.” place winning districts L. Caperton. who will viait her from the University of Texas Mi» Roycc Fanoher. sponsor; for 1954 remains at about the Join Farm Bureau The mem­ The Texas Farm Bureau is af­ daughter Mrs Jack Belcher, and same figure as the past year, $3.- Eddie Roe Alexander, president; bership goal in Tl’* as this year filiated with the American Farm family. 460 00 Shirley Tomlinson, vice presi­ The annual session was closed is 75,000 farm families. At the Bureau, which has a member­ Formtr Artillery Commander ' dent, Linda Fell, treasurer; Rita Enroll now. Price School of by an inspirational message on present, there are more than 53,- ship of 1,492,282 in 47 states and M.Cutchen ecretary. Ginger Christian Education by the new 000 Texas farm families with a Puerto Rico Illinois, the larg­ Congratulates New President Clark, reporter Dancing. Phone 245 president o f Hardin-Simmons membership in Farm Bureau, an est state in membership standing, University, Abilene, Dr. Evan A independent farm organization has nearly 200,000 members, Reiff of, by and for farmers while several other mid-western Local Baptist pastor. Key Coke County Farm Bureau will states have more than 100,000 Maynard R Rogers, was elected participate in this big member­ members Texas has the largest County Adopts vice-moderator of the Executive ship drive, according to Chair­ potential, with some 350,000 Board and the Asaociational Sun­ man C E Arrott. Plans are to farm families in the stale Many day School superintendent. be made at a kickoff drive to "f the larger Farm Bureau states be held at Arrott’* home south­ have already reached their max west of Bronte, next Wednesday, $161,211 imum membership potential. Budget Mrs. Dull Kit-hards Is Sept 23 Hostess to Junior ('luh Farm Bureau policies are do All directors of the Coke Coun­ terminrd democratically through Coke County’* expenditure* sion was had on the possibility The Junior Study Club held ty organization and one helper a resolutions process in county, for the year 1954 are eatimated that the teat well which was its regular meeting in the home *ii' invited to attend the meet­ state and national conventions to be $161,211. Thu was dis­ drilled on L T Youngblood’* of Mrs Dolph Richards la*t Tues­ ing Arrott saxl that Coke Coun­ The number of voting delegates closed at a budget hearing at property a few years ago may day night A short business ses­ ty’s quota on members foe the at these conventions is determin­ Robert Lee Monday, when the be deepened sion was held and Mrs. Bill Claik coming year ls 250 farm families 'd by the number of Farm Bu­ Commissioners Court met in reg Other business attended to in­ was elected as the new secretary, Tht* is quite an increase ovgr reau members in the county or ular session. cluded the hiring of Joyce King replacing Mrs Allen Williams, the 185 that were enrolled last state Receipt* from all aourve* for a* ecretary in the offiiee of the who has resigned Secret pal year He urges that all the offi the year are expected to be $231.- county agent and home demon­ cers and directors be present so Texas Farm Bureau officials names wen1 exchanged are looking forward to the day 900 stration agent at a salary of $150 Pecan pie, i<*e cream, salted that plans could be completed per month. On the eve of the gigantic when the farmers and ranchers It wa* aatimated the county nuts and cokes were seived to .«f this state have a more power­ will upend close to $127,663 this The commissioners agreed to one visitor, Mrs. Allen Williams, state wide membership campaign use money from the Farm to J Walter Hammond, president of ful voice In determining what the year, while expenditures in 1952 and the following members national farm program shall be were $157,245 market road fund to help replace Mmti Bill Clark. Marvin Leek the state farm organization, bridges and culvert in PrccIneA* Officers of the Coke County Hr * (i*n Wsuei h Hr** of Washington. »ariim» 86th Dfviaten Another interesting action tak­ Le Drew Arrott, Brady Mills, stressed the need for a stronger 1 and 2 which were washed out Farm Bureau, in addition to the Ariosi* tamicaM^r (left), congratulates Jim Taylor, present two. en by the court was the leasing {lobby Vaughan, Jodie Hedges state Farm Bureau in a letter Chairman. C E Armtt. gre Ui ■nandei (rig h t), on hi* election as President of Teas*' famous Mth of 18 lot* here in Bronte The in the flood laat month Charles Oliphant. J B Arrott sent to all county Farm Bureau Members of the court discuss rectors James Arrott, James Al­ (Vision Association Rom# «0n veleigna of th* Division attended the lots are the county’s and com­ and the hostess. officials in the state ed the purchase of the sprayer ’The people engaged iu farm­ len. V V Wojtek, Finnell Smith. twenty sighth r* anion of pi*s*nt and former members of th* Division prise the plot of ground used for O T Colvin and Bryan Cart st lb* Gunter Motel lit ban Antonio last saek end General Taylor, storing county toad equipment which will be used Jointly by Dancing school on Monday, ing and ranching have a great man, secretary, Mrs. C E Ar • hots home it I* Ktroua, is Executive Director of th* Ttaaa Motor A bonus of $40 per lot was re­ Robert Lee and Bronte The Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs r«g>onsibility facing them this rott, reporter, Mrs O T Col­ Transportation Association lit Aoatm and during World War II sarrad ceived Taylor Emerson handled county had previously agreed to day afternoons Across from the year.” he de< la red ’’Thu is a ioner General HrM a* a field sit i*r» balUhoo Cai i ha transaction and some discus­ pay half of the $2145 coat. year of decision Farmers must vin; insurance agent, W L- Carr I ' < » »*■ *» September 18, 1953 day night with Bonnie Ensor at reported everything there 1* and Mf* J. M Rippctoe Mrs. The Bronte Enterprise Bronte. pretty and green and they hsd Ava Maxwell returned to Abi Mr. and Mr*. Georg* James a must enjoyable trip. Ray came down *or the weekend lene with her where hey ^ili and Bauford, Kenneth Clark an* Mr*. J. D B-rnard of Weather­ stay with Glenda Littlefield. TENNYSON Mr. and Mr*. Erve Little viait- Stanley Westbrook visited the ford visited in the home of her Bobby Duncan, son of Mr. and TOPICS ed Mr. and Mr* Bert Cornelius Tounget* Monday evening. PRISON RODEO son-in-law and daughter, Mr Mr*. Clint Duncan, left Wedno Monday evening. Mrs Marvin Corley Visited day to enroll in Texas Tech at Mr*. Edd Heckemdorf and Mrs. Chester Derrick Thursday -Huntsville Texas Lubbuck. Mr and Mrs. Paul Parker and Mra Sudie Brown and Mr. and afternoon. Mra. George Jamee visited the Mr and Mra Chester Derrick OCT. - - children, Mr and Mr*. J. B. 4 1118-25 TVmngeU Wedneaeday evening. and children and Mr. and Mrs. Dean* and children of San An­ Mr and Mrs. John Tounget, C. E. McKenzie and boys at Ed­ gelo, Mr and Mrs. Zack Tounget Mr and Mr*. J. P. Tounget and ith visited the Tounget. Thurs­ day evening anTTamily. Mr and Mr* Chea­ children, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. i Biklt Woodrow Howell of Midland ter Derrick and children, and Tounget and Ocie of Miles, Mr. W• then that are .Irons ought Ola Sue Brown visited the and Mr*. Archie Ketchum and and Bernie Lee Howell of Lub­ lo bear the inhrmitiew of Ihe weak George James' Saturday evening. children and Mr. and Mr*. Ray­ bock .spent Saturday night in tnd nol to plea.* sunrlrM-- Mr*. Otto Finck spent Friday mond Rouche a t Wall, Mis* Iva the I N Howell home. (Roman. 15,1.) at Miles with Mr* Greenland Henry and Reube Henry of San Mra George Jamas and Mrs It ia on* thing for a man to b* Tounget and Ken were dinner ronftdently strong in hi. faith; bu' and Mrs. Bailey. Angelo, and Mr and Mrs Zack it ia quite another if. in hu Mr. and Mrs Frank Miller of Tounget and family *>ent Sun­ guests of the Otto Finck* Wed­ Strength, hi- become* smug ami un •PERSONAL • Snyder ig>ent the weekend in the day with Mr and Mrs. Raymond nesday. sympathetic, unmoved and un»ee Mr and Mrs. J. P Tounget Ing He i. not truly • good Oin. A C Weatbrook home Henry and Floyd of Veribest tian if he fail, to help those lew STATIONERY Mrs Edd Heckemdorf of Mid­ Floyd left Monday for and children of Milas, Mr and fortunate than himself -for theii land spent last week with Mrs New Jersey where he will stay Mrs Robert Brown and family lake, not hi. -at every opportunity T1IE BRONTE ENTERPRISE until leaving for oversea* duty. and Mr and Mrs. George James Sudte Brown and other relative* ^ MJUMWMlliiiiUBWWWB Mr. Heckemdorf and Edmond Ola Sue Brown spent Wednea and Beauford visited the Toun- lhidi|uarlers For -

A special Fall offer for you! — Stanley Hand Tools. —Cates Belts, (All Sizes) Warden — I Just borrowed that bar Ml morning to maka TEN aom. spurs.” — Phi Ico TV Sets for fhe gets Tuesday evening brook were honored with a wed­ — Allis Chalmers Tractors Mrs. Chester Derrick. Chester ding shower at the school house PRICE OF NINE! Ray and Shirley visited Mr and Monday evening. — Other Farm Machinery Mrs Bert Cornelius Tuesday ev­ And the 10th is a ISO-Wott Kitchen Bulb ening. — Pipe and Fittings Mr and Mrs. C. D. Derrick and Mrs Bert Cornelius visited Local News the Chester Derricks Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. S Higginboth­ A bagful of v.luc ten new Wcslmghousc lamp Dinker Webb of Kurt Stockton am returned Monday from a vis­ spent the weekend with hi* par­ it with their daughter and fami­ Bronte Tractor Co. bulbs for (hr prwc of nine, and the tenth one is ents, Mr and Mrs C N Webb ly, Mr and Mrs. EYank Sayner, Mr and Mra Charles West­ who live at Moriarty, N M They HUBIB B B W IWQWV 'V a special I Vi wan bonus bulb Yes, as a special tall offer a convenient

home lighting aseortment — three 60 watl lamp bulbs, si* I on-wan — lamp bulbs, plus the IW wan bonus bulb — has been prepared foe you

in a handy carrying bag. You pay only the cost of rhe nine bulbs and $ get ten e 150-watt bonus bulb is absolutely FREE! PICTURE I------, It’s a bargain, folks . . . W a r * ', wOmt pM |ti »S«i tree bey M i by P b a b^lat buy m , by the bagful! man *e «*n Mb,. h la »« | • Fill rrapcv tockrli BIG VALUE MI ISS Mb, Hi m « I ts | • Rfpifer burned out bulb* H.M i KW • Dwcard dark. Jirty bulbs Om '10 .Mf bulb (Ms -»M riM I • K e f tptre bulbs on hand AU FOR ONIT . . r 74 | I______J F.ffi art priceless . . . Protes t them u ith good light! WKi Texas Utilities C o m p a n y i o*. om'


We Now Have A Price Includes Federal Tax and 1 year warranty Nice Line of Office of picture tube. Supplies — Reasonably Priced Pay as Come In Before You Buy! little as *2.5# I IVKKk The Burton—MODIl 765T17 W e Can Also Order Here’s the finest, lowest-cost quality television you can after a small down payment. Office Furniture* buy. The big 17-inch picture stays clear automatically, with no streaks, no flutter, no flop-over. Tune Adding Machines, both UHF/Y’HF channels on a single dial, see num­ VOU CAN t l SU R E...IF ITS Typewriters and bers through an illuminated magnifying window. The smart new, compact cabinet has a rich mahogany finish. W e s t i n g t a Office Equipment 4 • PERSONAL • ‘ . - Su. , W STATIONERY For Prompt Delivery. See other new 1954 Westinghouse models Pieturv right in ANY liqht with Magic Automatic Brightness Control . . AUTOMATICALLY The Bronte Enterprise BRONTE PHARMACY Camels; 24 waitsing and dancing STATE MttfiiON DAY The Bronte Enterprise September 18, 1963 Lunchroom Menu Shrine Circus to be horses; three troupee of tiny fid­ AT FIRST BAPTIST 88 get horses; troupes of performing iMkiig Backward land Carlton, Noah Pruitt, Ivey at Abilene. For Next Week At San Angelo dogs and all sorts of trained wild The First Baptist Church of fTakad lt*la the lasua of Sapt. Eubanks, J W Vanzant, J. B. John Caudle and Mrs. Josie and domestic animals Monday. September 11 Bronte will join some 1,427 oth­ II, l i t i , is Yaars Ago.) Olivas, Glen Ivey and Horace Lambert were married at Win­ B»**.-f and gravy, m.uhed pota­ Vast truupea of aerial and ar­ er Sunday Schools throughout The Rrr.nte school had its for­ Liles. W W Mullins was the gate. toes, string beans, sliced toma­ enic thrillers will include the Texas in receiving a special Mis­ mal opening with 339 for the football coach and the team toes, bixcuits and butter, peaches Flying Malkoa, monanchs of the sionary offering for State Mis­ firat day. In the high school 124 played the following schools: Ed­ Mrs. Mary Phillips returned and cookies and milk, air; the Leecoe, high wire bicy- registeied, making 215 in the en, San Angelo, Talpa, Wingate, home this week after an extend cliats; the Zoape Troupe of bare sions, known as "The Mary Hill Tuesday. September 22 grades The school had a schol­ Robert Lee, Mentzon Lakeview, ed visit with relatives in Hous­ back ndera; Victor it Claona, aer­ Davis Offering” in Texas Bap­ Beans, barbecue potato salad, astic list of 496 Milas and Norton ton and Rotan. ial maniacs; Guiterrec Troupe, ptfklos, bread, cobbler pie and tist Convention work Sunday The faculty for the term con­ College students from Bronte wizards of the wire; Senor Mo milk. (l . School will begin at 10 am. The sisted of the following teachers: included Norman Kiker, R T CARD OF THANKS rolli. slack wire thriller; Ameri- Wednesday. September 23 281 memfeert are urged to be B B Covey, superintendent, W Caperton and Frank Sayner, who |can Bel fond TVoug>v of Whirl Roust and gravy, mashed po­ present and visitors are always W Mullins, principal; Miss No­ attended Texas A&M Misses I want to thank my friends wind acrobat*; the De Wayne tatoes, English peas, sliced toma­ r cordially welcomed Vetal Flor­ vice Whitaker, Mise Mildred Cly- Modelle and Mozelle Higginbo­ for the nice sunshine box May Troupe of teeter board experts; toes, biscuit and butter, apricots ; w es is Sunday School superinten­ burn, Miss Mary Roach, Miss tham returned to Denton to en God bless you. Mrs. Mary Clark. 20 funny clowns headed by ”Kin- dent roll at TSCW while Farris Muck 38-ltc and milk. * +' ■i v v Juanita Ming. Miss Joan Vandei - ko“ with his miniature car; the In the morning worship ser­ fond. Miss Maurice Roper, J T ey entered the University of Thursday. September 24 24 I .add* re ties, the Hollywood Enroll now. Price School of Hamburger steaks, buttered vice at 11 o'clock, the message Henry. Mrs George Thomas. Texas at Austin aerial ballet and a delightful ar­ will be delivered by the pastor. Mist Nell Lxiwry, Mrs Hull. Mrs Dancing, Phone 245 potatoes pork and beans, let­ ray of features to please the mul­ Jimmie Eubanks entered Ok- tuce, biscuits and butter, dough­ Rev. Maynard R Rogers A solo Lucy Warner, O C Brinell and lahoma at Norman and Elbert titude of circus lovers. will be sung by Miss Carolyn nut and milk J H Hamblen Stephenson and Johnnie Clapp lot Ufc. ll<»prtalizatiuo and Several colorful spectacles will Kemp accompanied by Mr* C Bronte's football team in 1938 entered junior college at Arling Friday. September 2S Pulio Insurance, Sac be presented with hundreds of fl Holcombe had the following players: Rob­ ton. Misses Helen Abbott and Steak and gravy, mashed pota people and animals, with elabo­ The Training Union at 7 pm toes, string beans, sliced toma ert Brunson Edward Cumbie, Geraldine Hell entered junior B. D. SNEAD rate affects The performances will present the program on "Ob Louts Bridges, Percy Suggs. Glen c o llie at San AngeJo Junior toes, rolls and butter, jello and are scheduled afternoon and serving Christ's Commands ” Ev­ milk. Simpson. Winston Modgling Cumbie and Winnie Dean Modg- At First National Banl night on Friday. Sept 25, and ening worship service as at 8 Paul Rogers, Noel Pamfull, Le ling enrolled in Hardm-Simmons Saturday, 24, at 2:30 and 8 15 o'clock, with Pastor Rogers Dancing school on Monday. p m and a Sunday matinee per­ preaching on “God’s Law—The T Tuusday, Wednesday and Thurs­ formance only on Sept 27 The Second Commandment " day afternoons Across from the circus will be located at Guinn school. Field, where box offices and gates will open one hour earlier. Tickets are offered at popular Local News The big all new 1953 Shrine Mr and Mrs Russell Bennett LOOK!HAROAIN! low prices to all It will be a Circus is coming to San Angelo and children left Ttiursday for great circus and the only big and there will be tons of per­ Denwer City, where they will show coming to this territory TWO BEDROOM HOME forming elephants, funny clowns make their home Bennett has this year Plan now to take the 3 piece bath, kitchen cabinet by the score and 46 all star fea­ taken a job with Earl's Conetria kids. and sink Hot watar heater, ture acts appearing in the gi­ tion Co there two large closets and linen gantic 2't hour big top extrava he’s in business closet. Two base plugs each ganza. filled to the brim with Diversity Uluh Has First Mr and Mrs Bon Spoonts room. Asbestos siding. Sub­ spine tingling thrills to delight Meeting in Rees Home and children of Priddy ar.d Mr floor and hardwood on top. oltkters and youngsters alike and Mrs O S Nicholas of San for himself... Delivered to your location for Heading the conclaves of stu­ The home of Mrs Wade Rees Angelo were guests over the $2495.00. pendous arenic artists will be was the scene of the first meet­ weekend in the home of the two Misa Dollv Jacobs with her per­ ing of the year for the Diversity ladies' parents. Mr. and Mrs C Club It was held Thursday ev­ E Bruton The Spoonts have He's a lineman... CACTUS LUMBER forming military elephant, also the world's only performing ening Mrs. Cecil Kemp, presi­ about 1200 pullets on their farm His paycheck is signed "General Telephone.” dent of the group, greeted mem­ near Priddy that have just brgun COMPANY twin—baby pachyderms "Tillie But actually he's working for hims' if. and Millie” with their tiny cous­ bers. Mrs R C Lasswell dis­ to lay 2113 North Chadbourna St. cussed the programs planned for in 'Baby Dumbo;” the world's Mr and Mrs. Noel Perafull Like many of our employees, he owns stock .. San Angelo. Texas Dial 1139 only her of performing Andes the year, and Mrs Robert For­ man distributed the yearbooks and Gay at Abilene were down shares in his Company's profits and success. Mountain Llamas and Arabian Sunday visiting his parents, Mr Refreshments of tuna salad, And in one of America's fastest-growmg ritz crackers, hot tea and cof­ and Mrs Jess Perciful! Mrs Prrcifull said that her mother, WE RE HEADQUARTERS FOR fee we.c served to the following utilities, his |Ob is secure... his opportu tits members: Mines C. E Arrott, Mrs Slaughter, formerly of Rob ert Lee, who has been ill, is feel­ for the future many and bright J Arnold Ball, Charles Boeeking, Vetal Flores. Robert Forman, D ing much better and is viaiting Ui ’ll K Glenn. J T Henry, Che< Hol­ in Colorado General Telephone ( ompany combe, Cecil Kemp. R C Lass- Mr and Mrs T G Stlm4>augh Any time you feel tired and hot. drop in at our fountain well, J B Mackey. O R Mc­ will have as their Sunday morn­ f for a delicious, refreshing drink or sundae. Wa know how Queen, Ernestine Powell. J R ing guests, Rev and Mrs W E of the Southwest to lake ’em just right so you'll like 'am. Rasco, Maynard Rogers, Collins HawIBns and Frank Hayes of kL ZENITH TV HEADQUARTERS Sayner, Otis Smith. T F Sims. Jallas Rev, Hawkins i* to One of the Great Tel■ hone try ■ * Jr., H A Springer. George preach at Sanco in the Sunday Systems Serving America ( a ir 0 CENTRAL DRUG Thomas. A S. Whatley and the morning service The 14 oo*rattn{ comoaniet in th* Ofocisl Telephone System serve hostess. J O Bagwell, who has enroll­ ate; ed at Texas A AM at College Sta­ tion, was home last weekend for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Bagwell

' 2u*Ut



PILLSBURY 21* LB. BOX MODEL COMPARISONS SHOW Chevrolet Advance-Oeugn trucks o u tfit the naxf PAN CAKE MIX 35c two m ain comb)nod! More Chevrolet frvcli in use than any other m ale! Stock Salt Feed Minerals See how little it will cost you to KIMBELLS 24 OZ JAR Th* lowest priced truck line of olll Chevrolet valve in head engines bring you own a rugged new Chevrolet truck gas saving performance in both buhl and You gri more truth . . you pay leu that’s just tight for your needs See WAFFLE SYRUP 35c nemo.’ No other truck offers you all the heavy-dutv models. And you'll bnd that how. much you'll save on the low, advanced features, the mggediicti and upkeep costs are lower, too low price . . . how much you'll be economy YOU gel in Chevrolet Advance- A better trade-in, toot ahead on the trade-in Huv right— WHITE GRAPES right now' LB. Design trucks. Yet they're Internsn low- You're money ahead when you buv a rtl prurd truth line’ Chevrolet truck . . you're money ahead BANANAS 12?4c while you drive it and you're ahead again LETTUCE You'll tov# on operation and upkeep! when you trade tl m’ That’s because Chev­ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Chevrolet Advance Design trucks are built rolet Advance Itesign trucks traditionally to haul your loads lor less! Two great command a higher resale value. SIMS FOOD STORE Caperton Chevrolet Co. PHONE 41 BRONTE, TEXAS POSTED NOTICE held in the strong trade Fat member of the board of trustees, Enroll now for thechildren'* liimb* $15 to $18, lower grade* PTA HAS FIRST introduced the 18 teachers of the Notice is hereby given that all classes in tap, ballet and acro­ $8 to $15. Stocker and lender Bronte school faculty. properties owned or controlled batic. Price School of Dancing, Iambi cashed at $10 to $15 MEETING OF Refreshments of punch and by O. R McQueen are posted ac­ L E T ' S TAIX M STO CK. Slaughter yearling! sold from $10 Phone 245 . cording to law, and all trespass­ cookies were served by Mr*. to $13. Old wethers drew $tf to NEW YEAR Royee Fancher and Mr*. J. T ers will be prosecuted. $7. Slaughter ewes sold from $5 The Bronte Parent-Teachers Henry. O. R. McQueen anxiously uwattrng developments Association held its first meeting A spokesman for the organi­ 38 4tp on wheat field pastures Looks of the year Tuesday night in the zation urged all parents to take like lots of wheat will get up school gymnasium A number of an active interest in the work SHOP BRONTE FIRST to $6. being done by the PTA. Dues Dr. Rubi<» Rosson Many sheep and cattle men are parents were present along with to become a member may be but grazing will dupend on whe­ all of the faculty members. turned in to any of the officer For ther more rams come or not this The group was lead In singing of the PTA. OPTOMETRIST DEPENDABLE IVStKtM I T E D 6 0 U L D Y month. There could be lots of "Ameru a" by Coach E L. Yoe*, See stock feed in the wheat belt if accompanied by Mr*. Chet Hol­ moisture conditions improve. combe The devotional was giv­ BROOKSHIRE WINTERS L. T. Youngblood en by Rev Maynard R Rogers, Hrmilc. T r u i Fort Worth—Cattle and calf I tw to government programs. and Mrs. D K Glenn, past presi­ BROWSINGS pi n es broke sharply at all raj-1 At F ■t Worth Monday, good Hospital News dent, introduced the new presi­ By Mrs. Herbert Holland or market centers Monday a> the ice fed cattle were scarce, Sept. 9. Russel Denson of Rob­ dent, Mi' J D. McEntirr New season’s largest uttering, nearly I from $18 to $21 50. with Mr and Mr* Arthur MoGufftn ert Lee and Mrs. Melvin Lass- ffk-ers wore installed with the 150.000 cattle, arrived. Grassei . | pi; ii mod um grosser* large- of Eden visited Mr and Mrs A ALEXANDER’S well admitted. Chester Roy Der­ ceremony being read by Supt America's Favorite Circus fat cows and Stockers suffered $10 to $15 50, and some J I. Carroll. Foy L Moore, a J Essary Wednesday. Mr. and rick admitted and later dismiss­ the biggest declines. liry bi mi dow n to $8 Fat cows Mrs Homer Holloway and son, ed. Arthur Wrinkle and Roger CAFE The downward swing of price- I to $1 1 50 and canner* and cut- Carl, of Coleman visited them SAN ANGELO Dale Lancaster of Blackwell dis­ THE In Sjh Angelo Oilers Ymi followed the sharp rise of the rs $« tu $9 50, s »me high yield- missed. Mrs. Georgia Mae Nixon of 3 GALA DAYS A 2 NIGHTS Sen Food ami Tutv Lunch** previous week when virtual star­ g Br .hma> and Western cut- Itronte Enterprise Arlington visited the James and < STEAKS. MEXICAN E«K)I) vation runs of livestock brought :he higher f.gurc Bulk Sept 11: Mrs. Joe George Hurlin Lee families during the GUINN FIELD I Wilkins, Mrs. Lora Richards and Published W**kly By )tun Yitur Eriemi« at about by the 1 arbor Day holiday ew $ to $12 weekend. Twice Daily. 2:30 8t 8:15 P.M. Mrs. Ben Oglesby admitted. E BEN OGLESBY had lifted prices sharply in all Good fat ca ses $13 Mr and Mrs Herbert Holland RAIN OR SHINE ALEXANDER’S categories. $17, fen heavies $17.50 Plain J. Brice uf Robert Lee and Stan­ spent the weekend at Croes Suspension of the drouth dis­ d me L 'u butchers $10 to $13, ley Westbrook of Tennyson dis­ Plains visiting Mi and Mrs Hei FRI. SAT. In Angelo, Cemcbe & ( h«»l 7 to $10 Stocker steer missed. aster feed program in many bert Holland and family. Mr SEPT. SEPT. counties last week helped cr> $10 to $16.50, few Sept 12: Rocky Ivey admitted and Mrs. Dee Foster of Bag stalize the thinking of many cat­ si oker steers and year- and Mrs. L. A. Barnes dismissed Spring were also at the Hollands tle owners that was time to put $11’ >0 Replacement Sept 13 David Baggett. Mike for the weekend 25 26 some cattle in the bank to $12 Cramley, Billy Dai. Labenske ad­ Mr and Mrs. C. H. Hester of SUN.—MAT. ONLY Many well informed people ml " ' c 1 ■ r g mitted Mrs. E. J Brice u< Rob near Abilene spent Wednesday the livestock and packing bus | s i discussed as the ert Lee admitted and daughter and Thursday of last week with 2:30 P M.. SEPT. 27 ness are anxiously the [ •f tl • p>>rk industry— was born at 7:41) p jn , named Mr and Mrs J C. Boatright. BOX OFFICES 8c GATES percentages of slaughte L)f C*J no a a hero' Seems the Judy Mae, weight 9 pounds. 6 Charlie Curtiss of near Math OPEN I HOUR EARLIER and heifers and expre- ■•d* th« Gom- ounces. Mrs. Lora Richards and is. Texas, visited the Bill Alex­ cern They feel that n 'eally love the lard Robert Herring dismissed anders last week. roads have been made no i.s- g v .ng th*m Sypt 14 Mt< E A Brook BREAKFAST CLUB MEETS ig numbe NINO! of cattle ked b.ds on around sh:re, Cullen Clark, Mrs John The Jolly Breakfast Club met n the basi of present n m re pounds. Late Pa- PARTICULAR * G Key of Winters and Mrs. I. with Mrs. J W. Clark Saturday gur*t, th* cattle pop !atr .it near 16 cents per A Harm's admitted Billy B Hol­ morning Present were Mrs. Bill SL* , j t m "me time for Entered as second class matter till rising land of BlackwelL Russell Den­ Willmann, Mrs Wesley Priming, .! ay the East Gar at the IVist Office at Bronte, State DMA Boss Claude A son of Robert Lee and Rocky Iv­ Mrs Dick Pizer, Mrs. Bert Hes­ l A-1 DEPENDABLE an gave a fair indicat.on of t Texas, Mirch 1, 1918, under th> ■ death or torture to ey dismissed. ter, Mrs A1 D. Richards and Mrs SERVICE hange of climate in DMA a p’i ■ f s* und of pure Act of March 3, 1879. Frank Reichert. le Department of AgricuiU Sept 15 Mrs Ralph Dunklin at Mr. and Mrs A J Ea*ary vis­ at t nerally with his statement 1: d 5 cents at FY>rt and J B Proctor W.nters ad­ Subscription Rates ited the Homer Holloways at eek on the drouth disaster p: M ■ T !>ped at $2* mitted. A son was born to Mr and Mrs L A Barnes at 8 20 Per year, in Coke and adjoining Coleman Sunday ram He said “This is a do. -oiling at seasup's counties ...... $2 00 Mrs. Doxie Lo udder spent «r program, not one aimed ’ lard a m , named Curtis L A Barnes, weight 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Per year, elsewhere $2 50 Wednesday night with Mrs. Her­ ftp fcei packing sows). Some bert Holland. Billy Jack Gentry, Mrs. Mel­ ;> to 600 pounds sell to Mrs. James Lee visited Mrs. vin Lasswcll. Mrs Ben Oglesby Any reflection on the efeararter r better. J P Tounget Tuesday afternoon. . d lambs active and and David Baggett dismissed. >r standing of any person, firm or corporation is not intended Mrs. B. V. Hedges spent the it F t Wi rth Morw- Sept 16: Mrs Berta Chew of day with Mrs. J. C. Boatright f last week were BlackwelL Mrs C J Fenwick and will be gladly corrected up­ on notification Monday. p6*-- of Winters and Mrs. R L Brown Mrs. G. S. Cook is at the bed­ VI.L NKJV 19.VI lim iTlIN admitted Mike Cromley, Billy side of her mother, who is very Dan Labenske of Snyder and ill in San Angelo. POPULAR PRICES TO ALL C Mrs E J Brice and daughte: uf H ilttg A4t*iSi X* Re| Billy Wayne Hipp. son of Mr Children 50c — Adults $1.00 JJattia/ik SAN ANGELO Robert Lee dismissed. and Mrs. Wornock Hipp, left I mibecah uss In* ludes All Tax P (ssoamn Tuesday for Lubbock where he And SEAT IN CIRCUS Enroll now for the children’s will attend Texas Tech. classes in tap. ballet and acro­ will give you batic. Price School of Dancing, Phone 245 .

FREE CLOSE SHAVES Wty JlsdqJxboAA for 10 DAYS Hr lliii I’ftvisos

TO PROVE YOU'LL f ! LOVE THE REG. SIZE CTN. MARKET SPECIALS CIGARETTES $1.99 SW IFTS PREMIUM LB. 5 L B S FRYERS SCHICK“20” SUGAR 15c 19c “ 'Brin g in* government bflfb LB. hn«e' wilt br quite a rhore. \n>- TALL CANS (LIMIT) 2 FOR Ching that top-heavy will hr CLUB STEAKS mighty hard tw idoti!" MILK____ 25c 43c ARM OR SEVEN BONE LB. CAL TOP NO. 2‘ i CAN REACHES 27c BEEF ROAST 27c SWIFT S (SWEET RASHA) OUR VALUE NO. 2*, CAN LB. SALAD PEARS 35c SLICED BACON 69c HOME MADE PORE JACK SPRAT 2 FOR LB. PORK & BEANS 19c PORK SAUSAGE 19c r*R PGU 9 VAN CAMP LB. GROUND BEEF 27c • . . the letter# vtart H im from TUNA 25c FRESH LB. all over the Irrf world come #url» SWIFT'S 2 FOR IN SADDLE-ST1TCHID rummrnli i* the*e (torn render# Don’t pay us a cent! Don’t risk a cant! Just try a of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE STEW MEAT 17c Schick ’20’ for 10days in your own home. Within CADDIE CASE, $26.50 MONITOR, an ittientfitumal daily VIENNA SAUSAGE 39c new gpaprr SWIFT S PREM. Cooked, ready lo Eat. I.b 10 days, you must agree it give* you quick, easy, PKG. *Tfc# Wonit * i« muU retd- close shaves-or return the shaver to us and you Ptl tn§ for Uraif hi thinking PICNIC HAMS 15c people. . . .** DREFT OR TIDE ?7c haven't spent a penny Only if you decide to keep it, WISCONSIN STATE BRAND LB. **/ retnrneewe« Meatier rm vxiur 10-DAY FREE TRIAL O— %* •"<*« » . Mat* f f A TWaee wed •« aa w W a ia rt »eWr«l# If 1 d*< d* to keep it, I will pay ttmm la Tk* C Wat*aa M e a t MaaWer- $ down and $ weekly. H «**—* | a*.Uea l i WEST TEXAS LEADING JEWELERS Name ...... 20? S Chodbournc Son Anqclo, Texas AdflrtX ___ ■ taMraeal Pruitt's Store New account, please furnish l»»ll DON’T 0 0 BY — BRONTE — COME BUY reference* BRONTE V S. ROBERT LEE - There

Let’s all turn out for the big game tonight. The hoys will appreciate it, we will enjoy it. We believe that good sportsmanship is developed through clean athlet­ ics and urge everyone to support your team. I^et Us Add ... May the best team win.

Cactus Cafe The Bronte Enterprise Bob Wilson Barber Shop

Home Motor Co. Weldon Pikes Howard Brock

Kemp’s Caperton Chevrolet Co Bronte Service Station

Bronte Hospital White Auto Store Paul Good

Keeney Variety Store Jeff Dean Bronte Pharmacy

Gift Funeral Home Cumbie & Mackev Central Drug »

The Bronte Enterprise September 18, 1953 The Texas Tech-West Texas I State game will be aired from KGNC, Amarillo; KSNY, Sny- Lubbock by Eddie Barker and | Jack Dale over KFYO, Lubbock; | der and KXOX, Sweetwater TEXAS THEATRE BRONTE. TEXAS SHOW STARTS S:30 P. M. — SUNDAY MATINEE 1:30 P M. Motion PicturM Ar* Your Finomt Entartainmanl FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER lti & lit SALE Rosalind Russell, Paul Douglas. Mane Wilson in ' “NEVER WAVE AT A WAC” > Also Cartoon and News SUNDAY & MONDAY, SEPT 30 A 21, Sun Matinee 1 30, 3 07 Mitzi Gaynor. Scott Brady in “ttLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY** (In Technicolor) Alao Cartoon ADMIRATION LB. REG. CTN TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22 A 23 Yvonne DeCarlo, John Ireland in the South Sea Adventure, COFFEE 89c CIGARETTES $199 “Hl’RRKWNK SMITH” ANY BRAND LGE. K lMBEl.L S . 2 NO. 303 CANS tin Technicolor) Also Cartoon WASHING ROWDIER 27c SLICED BEETS 25c KVP 100 FT ROLLS PET OH CARNATION 2 LGE CANS C£aA&ibicd/ Acto- FREEZER PAPER $1.33 MILK 25c AUSTEX Bama Peach or Apricot 12 OZ.

>OR RENT — Two nicely fur­ FOR SA IE Fresh .nfertile egg-' Spaghetti Meat Ralls 2Sc PRESERVES 24c nished apartments also one Graded and guaranteed, James to LBS. ASSORTED 3 FOR 3 room ant bath ..oust, part Allen 38-tfc ly furnished. Call #171, Bal To create the new house, lop. from an original honir<.tead. the SUGAR 95c JKLL0 25c linger, Mrs J R Hash. 33 tie FOR SALE One bedroom suit $40 M White Auto Store, tuners added new rooms, rerooied with rolorful asphalt shingle? K1MBELL S 2 NO. 303 CANS VAN CAMPS and out on asbestos siding. Several new windows were added FOR SALE — Ferguson Seed Bronte 38 tfc VIENNA SAUSAGE 35c TUNA 25c oats, free of Johnson grass $1 Ves B*ix and Coit Butler will Bushel R. H. Sims 35 2tc FOUND- Leather ke y case con­ taining two keys. Owner may Humble to Air 6 bring fans the Texas AAM Ken­ have .same by identifying and tucky game direct from Lexing FRESH MEATS AND PRODUCE kXXR SALE — 1#0 acres near (ianu»s Saturday < paying for this ad The Bronte ton and stations K K IJ'. Dallas, Bronte Ed Stevens, Wingate, Humble Oil A Refining Co TENDER GROWN LB. Enterprise WQAI, San Antonio; and Kl'BD. 10 LBS. Route 2. 3# 2tp ion t five k)ck-'>ff Lubbock. will carry it. f < u ■ ! Conferatu-e FRYERS 19c SPUDS 45c FOR RENT — Three room house ROYALTIES — Do you have The Baylor-Cahforiiia game them? Will you sell them? If !< ■ ^.ilurda* ver a netvNak will be described directly from BALLARD 3 FOR LB. and bath Unfurnished In­ >f nearly 60 radio stations. quire at Enterprise Office so, hat them with me TAYLOR Berkeley by Dave Russell and EMERSON. Registered Dealer A f games will be inter- JiW- Cullinane over .-laiu n WA BISCUITS 35c BANANAS 12%c ■ - U V -11. •• FOR SALE — I960 Model GMC Phone 111 or 2*2 J. Box 17S i i * W.i. • K \!u ' San An! HORMLL LB CELLO BAG K< • ■ . v> at Lexington; Baylor! IVk ton truck Price is right Located in Joe R ost Construc­ and WRR. Dallas. Cii forma at Berkeley; i * Bronte Tractor Co. 36 2tc tion Building on west side of Announcers Bob Walker and 0LE0 18c CARROTS 13c K i -iio!- ) r.da in Houston; the highway in the north part Eddie Hill will be on hand to T BONE OR LOIN LB. HEAD SOMETHING NEW In Christmas of Bronte. TCU i ■ K.e in Ft Worth. T*\.i batt • I»SU in Hat n bring the Rice-Fb.'i ida game Cards See at Enterprise Of­ from Rice stadium in Houston STEAK 55c LETTUCE 10c H ug* In another game to be fice. I base all equipmeu* Tor rtrtnuiK over KXYZ. Houston; KTSA. your septic tank* ami cess p***l«t. T<\.. Tech marts FOUND — Ladies wrist watch. San Antonio; and WFAA WHAP, Call me it N - • \N > ■ ; T< \.< State in Lubbock We Reserve the Right to Until Quantities on Any Item Owner may have same by 570. Dallas Fort W'orth L M. Jones 21-0* for the Texas Tarh- identifying watch »nd paying W • Tf v State, Texas AdsM J*>iyi Ferguson and Dave for this ad at Enterprise of­ K- ■ ■ . m , Urn Florida, and TCU Smith will announce the | fice. FOR SALk «. H auJ 10 f A. i K i I- games will be at 8 LSU game from Baton Rouge motor double gt-s ed wtothnitU ami over WFAA WBAP. 820, Dallas- !'OR SALE—All sti -l waste bas­ towers IEEPFH SUPPLY IX) p m it. r-Califorma will be at kets, $1 30 The Bronte Enter­ Robert le * J hi p : and Texa.' LSU will be rt Worth; KABC, San Antonio;! and KWKC, Abtlene Bronte Ice Co prise at 8 05 p m. MHECEEH SERVICE Day and G which can probably be FOR SALE — 20 good registered night Da. phour 10 Night phooa picked up beat in this area are Rambourllet yearling ram* $30 2 HOME MOTOR COMPANY The TCU Kansas fray, which each Half brothers to the ear u D'd by Kern Tips and liest maturing, best fleshing FOR SALE — TwiTused Fng.d- A < i Cl...... from Ft Worth ov- lamb* in Coke County Show sires, water heater, one good i m> KFJZ, Ft Worth. past two years B K Bridges used washing machine. H. A. KKDC. Abi.ene, and KGKL, San A Son, Bronte, Texas [ Springer 35-2tc Angelo. i m m I ts a a a m r i' Now---


( ome In. Tell Us the Terms You’d Like

We’ll Finance Your Set for 12 to 21 Months ^ -.lin this year. the Humble Company will bring sou exciting radio broadcasts of Southwest Conference football games . . . but remember this: W e ( an Sell These Famous Makes of TV — A Go to thefifties with / /u mine neither television nor radio gives sou the color, Follow the Humble route to as many A RUA General Electric the excitement, the fun of seeing n football game football games av possible; tune in Humble's with your own tun eyes. So plan now to drive broadcasts of those you just can’t attend. Westinjrhouse Sylvania to as many fix>tball games as possible during the season Admiral Sentinel of l*)5 V On your way. stop for service under the Humble sign. Philco Stewart-W amer HUMBLE CHECK OCR PRICES BEFORE YOt BCY TV fr./~ji We install the set* »e well to your complete satisfaction. Also, we are associated with a service man who ran sen ice your set and keep it in first class operating condition. Another Thing — INSURANCE

Every TV’ Set or other appliance we finance is completely insured against Fire, Llightning, Wind Storm and Explosion. Your set will be automatically paid for in case anything happens to it.

We are dealers for all Westinghouae Appliances and can finance them for you. Come in and talk over your needs w ith us. We handle I>eep j Freezes. Refrigerators. Electric Roasters— all o f ’em. MUMBLE OIL A REPINING c o . BRONTE PHARMACY PITTMAN and PRUITT