
Eastern Life Official Publication of the Byzantine Catholic of Passaic


Glory to ! My dear friends, 2020 ’s Appeal What a year 2020 has been! A woman told me she de- cided to skip the rest of the year and start her new year Pledges Can Now Be Made Through December 31 on September 1. On our calendar from the Eastern Roman Empire, we do start the year on September 1, so maybe we should all move on early. At a at the cathedral I was admitting that I get con- fused about what order to do everything because our services are so disrupted by our sanitary processes. The priest said to me, “Don’t apologize, Bishop. We’re all newly ordained priests this year, trying to figure out what to do.” Thanks to your generosity, we really do have a newly-ordained priest this year, but the rest of us are all beginners, too.

Every year I enjoy sharing an with you from your collection here in Woodland Park. That’s one thing we are still allowed to do. One of our most popular and most popular feast days is the Protection of the Mother of God, also called Pokrov. In the icon you can see the Mother of God in the center. She is holding her veil, spread out in protection for us. Her raised hands are the posture used for prayer by the early . One of the most ancient paintings of Mary is in a catacomb in and shows her in this posture. Our Lord Jesus Christ is above blessing with one hand and holding a book with his other hand. She is surrounded by four and twelve . On the bottom is Romanos the Melo- dist, and the lower right corner shows the Mother of God giving Saint Romanos his vocation while he sleeps. There is a complete description with all the names on our eparchial website. We certainly do need extra protection this year.

I am so inspired at how our people stepped up to take care of each other and their parishes during the epidemic, and how the priests reinvented ministry for our time. I know many people have lost their in- come, or had their lives disrupted in other ways. This year, I ask for financial assistance in the work of the Eparchy only if you can afford it. If you are unable to assist financially this year, I completely understand. You need to care for yourself, your own family, and your own first. Please pray for our Eparchy in any case. As you can see all around the country, The Pokrov Icon, The Protection of the people need the light of Jesus Christ more than ever before. Please pray as never before for God’s mercy Description of Icon Starting from the center of the icon and moving out- and blessings in our country. I pray every morning wards to our right, in the middle row, Saint to the Mother of God for everyone of you. May the This exquisite antique icon is in the Heritage Center the , Saint John the Theologian (the Evan- Holy protect you under her mantle this year. of the Eparchy of Passaic. The Mother of God is in the gelist and Beloved ), Saint James the Apostle, center of the icon with her veil spread out as a symbol and the Holy Prophet . Above Saint Gabriel is of her motherly protection of the city, and her arms Saint Barachiel the Archangel, then the Saint raised in the “” posture, the prayer posture of Zosimus, Saint Savvaty, and Saint Sergei. the early Christians. Above her is Jesus Christ bless- ing with his right hand and holding a book in his left On the bottom row, Saint is The Pokrov Icon hand. in the center of the icon. Moving outwards to our Origin of Icon left, the one closest to Saint Romanos is the Starting from the center of the icon and moving out- Saint Gennadius, then Emperor Leo the Wise and his On Sunday, October 1 of the year 911, Saint Andrew wards to our left, in the middle row, Saint the wife Zoë. the Fool for Christ and his disciple Epiphanius had a Archangel is closest to the Theotokos, then Saint John vision in the of the in Constanti- the Forerunner (the Baptizer), then the Moving in the other direction from the center, next nople. The Mother of God escorted by Saint , Saint . Above Saint Michael to Saint Romanos is Saint Andrew the Fool for Christ Forerunner and Saint John the Beloved Disciple en- is Saint Uriel the Archangel, and next to him is Saint pointing to the Theotokos for the benefit of Saint Epi- tered into the Church. She stopped at the ambo where Basil the Great, then Saint Gregory the Theologian, phanios his disciple. Finally, in the lower corner of the she knelt and prayed fervently. She then proceeded to and Saint (not the usual portrayal icon is the Mother of God appearing to St. Romanos the where she prayed again, then removed her veil of him). while he was sleeping, bringing him healing and his and spread it out as a sign of protection of the City. vocation as a songwriter.

Bishop Kurt’s Reflection—p 2 Virtual Retreat—p3 Eparchial Financial Report—p5 Vocation retreat at seminary—p7 Page 2 Eastern Catholic Life OCTOBER 2020 I Lift Up My Eyes... Pastoral Reflections of Bishop Kurt O Gentle Protectress

inspired artwork, etc. There seem to be obsessed with avoiding honor after the tecting the from Slavic invaders. hundreds of them in a large number of began to be honored by By the way, if you are part of our church, foreign languages and cultures. If peo- the people. When entering one village and you are not familiar with the “Tales ple today reject our current calendar as he put his pants on his head so that no of Bygone Years” also called “The Pri- culturally biased, perhaps we could all one would honor him as a holy man as mary Chronicles,” it is worthwhile to agree on one of the ones that Tolkien he walked through the village. In the read about it on the internet. It is a invented. Another calendar invented movie Ostrov, or Island, the most as- history of the eastern Slavs, beginning for modern fiction is fromBrave New cetical acquires a reputation for with Adam, and continuing through World in which years are numbered holiness and people in trouble come to Saint Vladimir and the adoption of the t seems like years since last Octo- from the birth of Henry Ford. In Hux- him for spiritual advice. For example, a Christian faith in Kiev in 988, and then Iber, so many things have happened. ley’s brave new world, the years are troubled woman asks him to bless her another century or so, ending in 1117 What seemed like just another exotic styled “in The Year of our Ford,” and before an abortion. He goes in another AD. Like many ancient histories, it is illness on the other side of the globe the Christian cross is replaced with a T room and pretends to be talking to the most reliable closest to its own time. took control of our entire . At in honor of the model T. Henry Ford holy man within earshot of her so that The author Nestor, of course, had ac- the beginning of the year, I saw Chinese is idealized as the inventor of mass pro- she won’t honor him as a saint. In my cess to many documents at the time people wearing masks in airports, and duction and assembly lines. The novel own life, I knew a man who entered re- that we no longer have. It is available now we all are. Then the social upheav- begins in the Year of Our Ford 632, covery for alcohol and drug addiction. in both English and Old Slavonic on al has been remarkable. I just learned which is 2540 AD. His sponsor wanted to cure him of the internet. It isn’t very long by our through my own family in California vainglory and the desire to be thanked, standards and will reward anyone who that two banks were burned to the Getting back to Constantinople, on so he told him he had to do kind acts takes the time to read it. ground in a quiet suburb of San Diego. Sunday, October 1, in the tenth century, for people and never identify himself. An unprecedented number of people Andrew the Fool for Christ had an early So, in the middle of the night, he used The Mother of God also saved the are out of work. What a relief that it morning vision of Mary the Theotokos to clean people’s windshields and leave city of Constantinople from various is October, the month when we re- in the Church of Blachernae. Andrew bags of groceries, and so on, and nev- plagues, so this feast day is really a won- member the Protection of the Mother saw the dome of the church open and er identify himself. I suppose he was derful feast day for us this year. Every of God, as we say in the , the Mary entered in the air surrounded following the tradition of the fool for year, I enjoy sharing with you one of gentle protection. by angels and saints. She knelt in the Christ, also. the treasures from your Heritage Cen- church and wept, praying to her Divine ter in Woodland Park. This year we are The feast of the Protection of the Moth- Son for all the people in the world. She Our feast day of the Protection of the looking at a very fine icon of the Pro- er of God is linked to several historical then walked to the altar and spread her Mother of God falls on October 1 be- tection of the Mother of God. It is not events, all of which are about the city of veil over all the people in the church. cause of the vision of Saint Andrew the very large, about like a sheet of typing Constantinople, or “New Rome,” the Andrew asked his disciple Epiphanius if Fool for Christ, but there were a num- paper, but is wondrous in details. The city from which we received our liturgy he also saw the vision, and Epiphanius ber of other times that Constantinople main features, as you no doubt noticed, and theology of the of Jesus answered, “Yes. I see it and I am aston- was saved from an existential threat and are Jesus Christ at the top of the icon, Christ. When Constantine built a new ished.” At the same time, the city was the people attributed it to the Mother blessing with His right hand, and hold- capital at the ancient city of Byzantium under attack. When the armies with- of God. For example, the following ing a book with His left hand. The book at the straits separating Europe from drew, the people attributed it to the passage occurs in the “Tales of Bygone looks like a gospel book in our tradi- Asia, he did not intend to split the Ro- protection of the Mother of God, and Years,” the oldest Slavic history: “Askold tion. Mary, who has a crown, is holding man Empire into two halves. Indeed, so this feast day is dated on October 1. and Dir attacked the Greeks during the her hands up in the “Orans” posture. he had fought some bloody wars to re- fourteenth year of the reign of the Em- This is an ancient posture for prayer. It unite the Roman Empire. Nevertheless, Saint Andrew, the Fool for Christ, was peror Michael. When the Emperor had is the most ancient posture depicted in there was a natural division between actually a Slav or Scythian who came to set forth against the infidels and had . There is a painting of the the old empire of Alexander the Great Constantinople as the slave of a body- arrived at the Black River, the eparch Mother of God praying in this posture dominated by the Greek language, and guard named Theognostus. He feigned sent him word that the Russes were ap- in a catacomb in Rome. The posture is the western part of the empire domi- insanity as a path to the traditional role proaching Tsar’grad, and the Emperor important because it reminds us that nated by the language. Only two of “Fool for Christ.” Saint Andrew turned back. Upon arriving inside the a key part of Andrew’s vision was that hundred years later, Old Rome fell to spent many years as a beggar in Con- strait, the Russes made a great mas- Mary prays for all of us. In addition, she barbarian invaders in 476 after a glori- stantinople, feigning insanity, and giv- sacre of the Christians, and attacked is holding a mantle or omophor extend- ous 1229 years. It was founded in 753 ing the alms he received to other beg- Tsar’grad in two hundred boats. The ed to show that she spreads her gentle BC according to its own traditions. gars. Based on a phrase in the epistles Emperor succeeded with difficulty in protection over everyone. of Saint Paul, the fool for Christ lives entering the city. He straightway has- There are of course many ways to name contrary to anything that might bring tened with the Patriarch Photius to the Recall that in Andrew’s vision, Mary the years, even today. The Jews have earthly glory. One famous example is Church of Our Lady of the Blacher- was accompanied by an entourage of year numbers, the Moslems have year Basil the Fool for Christ who lived in nae, where they prayed all night. They angels and saints. In this icon we see numbers, the Buddhists, etc. One an- . He helped beggars who were also sang hymns and carried the sacred four archangels and twelve saints. In cient system for numbering the years too ashamed to ask for help and went of the Virgin to dip it in the some icons, I couldn’t understand the was from the founding of Rome which naked in all weather. Oddly enough, sea. The weather was still, and the sea choice of saints that were added on the is abbreviated A.U.C. In that system, he shoplifted for beggars—in his mind was calm, but a storm of wind came sides, and someone explained to me Old Rome fell to the barbarians in 1229 he was helping both the beggar and the up, and when great waves straightway that if the icon was painted for a family, AUC, Constantinople fell to the Turks miserly merchant at the same time. He rose, confusing the boats of the godless the auxiliary saints would be related to in 2206 AUC, and we live in 2773 even rebuked Ivan the Terrible. By the Russes, it threw them upon the shore the family names and patrons. In this AUC. (Though I might be off by a year way, the famous church at the Moscow and broke them up, so that few escaped icon, the lower left archangel is Michael because I didn’t take into account when Kremlin is called Saint Basil. We would such destruction and returned to their (that’s on our left), and the lower right these years begin. They don’t begin on assume in our tradition it might be in native land.” (translated by Cross and archangel is Gabriel. The upper left January 1.) In the sixth century AD, the honor of Saint Basil the Great, but it Sherbowitz-Wetzor). Notice that the archangel is Uriel and the upper right Roman Empire numbered years from is actually named after Saint Basil the Old Slavonic name for Constantinople archangel is Barachiel. Uriel means the beginning of the reign of Diocle- Fool for Christ. The official name of was Tsar’grad. Notice also that this is a “God is my light” and Barachiel means tian. A monk by the name of Dionysius that church, one of the most photo- Slavic document, but it ironically docu- “God is my blessing.” (Did you know Exiguus created our current calendar in graphed buildings in the world, is the ments the Mother of God saving Con- Barach means “blessing”?) Accord- the 500’s based on the putative birth of Protection of the Mother of God. A lot stantinople from Slavic invaders. One ing to some , Uriel Jesus. JRR Tolkien created systems for of those churches seem to have several of the great ironies of this feast is that rescued Saint , and ac- numbering years in his fantasy writings, names for complicated historical rea- after Constantinople fell to the Turks cording to Jewish tradition, he is the an- based of course on events in his mythi- sons. There are some examples in the in 1453, the feast fell into desuetude gel of Sunday, the angel of poetry, and cal universe. Though when I tried to West as well. Saint fol- among the Greeks, but has grown in the angel who wiped out the Assyrian google them, all I could find was lists of lowed this tradition in many ways. One popularity with the eastern Slavs, even Army when Sennacherib surrounded modern calendars printed with Tolkien of his early followers was especially though it commemorates Mary pro- Jerusalem. “The angel of death spread OCTOBER 2020 Eastern Catholic Life Page 3 his wings on the blast and breathed in nally the Prophet . Quite a distin- right, we see the miraculous call of Saint Every year we remember the Protec- the face of the foe as he passed.” Like guished entourage indeed! Romanos. He was a sacristan in the tion of the Mother of God throughout Uriel, the Archangel Barchiel is not Church of the Blachernae in the 600’s. the month of October. This year it mentioned in the , however the On the lower part of the icon are more He had no talent but was loved by the seems especially apropos. Every year Archangel says, “I am Rapha- modern participants, at least modern Patriarch because of his humility. On at this time, we begin the “Bishop Ap- el, one of the seven who stand in the in the time of these events. We can , he had to be replaced peal.” This year, I know so many people presence of God.” According to some see Saint Andrew the Fool for Christ as a reader and was mocked by some are out of work and facing financial Christian tradition, Barachiel is one pointing up at the vision with his arm of the . He fell asleep, and in a hardship. Even if you are retired, there of the seven. The Archangel Barachiel around his disciple Saint Epiphanius. dream the Mother of God appeared to seems to be so much financial uncer- is mentioned in the Book of Enoch, On the lower left we see the Patriarch him with a scroll with the instructions tainty. Or perhaps your children or which is not in the Bible but is quoted Gennadius, and the Emperor Leo the to eat the scroll. Upon awakening, he grandchildren are out of work. This in the Epistle of Saint Jude. Wise and his wife Zoë. The central received a blessing from the Patriarch, year, I only ask for your help if you can contemporary figure is Saint Romanos ascended the , and chanted the afford it in good conscience. If you can The saints who have accompanied the Melodist standing in the middle of , “Today the Virgin….” He help the eparchy with its work, God Mary are Saint John the Baptizer, four the church. He is holding a text which went on to write many kontakia that we bless you. If you can’t afford it this year, Apostles: Saint Peter, Saint Paul, Saint is the hymn he composed, “Today, the sing today. By the way, there is a high- everyone understands, and God bless James, and Saint John, three patristic Virgin gives birth to the one who is quality photograph of this icon on the you too! We join together in praying theologians: Saint Basil, Saint Gregory above all being. The earth offers a cave eparchial website, and you can see all for the Protection of the Mother of the Theologian, and Saint John Chrys- to the one whom no one can approach.” these details and many more for your- God and ask for a better year next year. ostom, three monks: Saint Zozimus, Romanos wrote it in Greek, but the self. Saint Savvaty, and Saint Sergei, and fi- text in the icon is Slavonic. In the lower

pressed upon the attendees the impor- tance of devoting time every day in the reading of Sacred Scripture, especially with a healthy dose of the Psalter.

Despite the lack of face-to-face interac- tion, by all accounts the retreat was well received by those that attended. Dea- con John Harden, recently ordained in February, offered the following: “While I missed the face-to-face fellowship, Father Elias Carr’s presentations were tremendous. They were informational and inspirational. He is man filled with the Spirit. Also, our God-loving Bishop shared some excellent insights and kind words for us. We are blessed to have him as our Shepherd.”

This sentiment was shared by Robert Behrens and Larry Worlinksy. Deacon Robert said, “Despite the con- ditions we were working with, I felt I Eparchial Deacon Retreat Goes Virtual benefitted from the talks by the retreat By Deacon John Reed master as well as those of Bishop Kurt. I really like Bishop’s suggestion that we ike many other planned events in The retreat master was Dom Elias Carr. may even seem that prayer is useless. But pray the psalms daily.” 2020, the annual eparchial deacon Dom Elias is a Regular of Saint through his talks, Dom Elias guided all of retreatL was not excluded from having Augustine. Ordained a deacon in 1998 us and encouraged us to find a deeper ap- Deacon Larry concurs. “I thought it to make adjustments to its originally and a priest in 1999, Dom Elias entered preciation of prayer and gave encourage- was great. I missed the worship and fel- planned activities. Not only did the the abbey of Klosterneuburg in 2002 ment that God is operative in each of our lowship, but I’m still grateful to see this COVID outbreak severely impact face- and made solemn vows in 2006. After lives both in good times as well as in bad. come together.” to-face events, this summer the eparchy serving parishes in Virginia as well as in He exhorted us to make our prayer and was notified that the long-held venue Austria and Norway, he now resides at our assistance in the celebration of the Next year, God willing, the threat of used for the annual deacon retreat, Our the Canonry of Saint Leopold in Glen sacred mysteries to be a sincere and holy COVID will be over and travel restric- Lady of the Villa in Mount Pocono, PA, Cove, NY, where the canons have care event and not to be simply routine and tions in the Northeast will be lifted, and was closing down. After a quick scram- of two parishes, and assist as bi-ritual mechanical. the deacons will be able to meet face- ble to secure a new location, an uptick priests the Ruthenian parishes on Long to-face once again. The 2021 retreat in COVID cases along with travel re- Island. Father Elias has a MA in Poli- On , the cadre of deacons is scheduled for September 17-19 at strictions imposed to travelers to New tics from Catholic University, a M.Phil. and candidates were also joined by Seminary in York forced yet another change. This in Religious Education from the Nor- our shepherd, Bishop Kurt. Bishop Huntington, NY. year’s deacon retreat, like many other wegian Teachers’ Academy in Bergen, Kurt joined Dom Elias’s comments on conferences would be held virtually, via and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology prayer and purpose with a very moving Zoom internet conferencing. The new from the Gregorian University. He is personal story of his own. He also im- Zoom-based format would be 3 virtual currently finishing a dissertation at the conferences held over two days. John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow and will soon be taking on a On September 18 and 19, Father Nich- leading role at Saint Mary’s Parish High olas Dadonna, Director of Deacons, School and Elementary School. He is along with 23 deacons, 1 tonsured grateful to able to offer the Sacred Lit- reader, and 3 deacon candidates from urgy in the ordinary and extraordinary the Eparchy of Passaic attended this re- forms of the as well as the treat. The most recent class of deacons Divine Liturgy were overjoyed to also see that their beloved classmate, Deacon Joe Lavinio, The theme and focus of Dom Elias’s talks from the Ukrainian Eparchy of Stan- was Prayer – The Secret History of Grace. ford, also attended this year’s retreat. In his opening words, he remarked that While there was some disappointment for both new clerics as well as those who that we could not meet in person, see- have been in ministry for some time, de- ing everyone’s smiling faces on camera veloping a habit for prayer can be one of was a welcome consolation. the easiest things to lose. And, at times, it Dom Elias Carr, retreat master Page 4 Eastern Catholic Life OCTOBER 2020 People You Know Around the Eparchy In Bayonne... Parish Celebrates the Special Service of Miraculous Mary, Helper of Mothers Icon.

n Wednesday, September 16, 2020, Saint John the Baptist Byzantine Catho- lic Church in Bayonne, NJ, was honored and blessed to have Bishop Kurt presideO over an inspirational prayer service for the miraculous Albazinskaya, Mary the Helper of Mothers icon at our parish. TheAlbazinskaya icon was at our parish from September 10 to September 24. Prayer services were offered each evening during the dates that the icon was at our parish.

Sister Mary Canavan, Vice Postulator of the Sister Miriam Bishop Kurt, Father Gregory Lozinskyy, Father John Zec, Father Martin Vavrak, League of Prayer, along with forty faithful individuals attended the service. Father Michael Kravchuk and Father Vitaliy Pukhaev personally gave a special blessing to each individual. It was a beautiful way to spend an evening together At the conclusion of the prayer service the faithful had the opportunity to venerate in prayer! the miraculous Albazinskaya icon and pray for their own special intentions. In Westbury... In Hillsborough... Damaged Shrine Restored! Parishioners Honor on His 50th Birthday

n April, 2020, Father Nicholas Daddona, who serves Saint Andrew Byzantine n Sunday, September 20, 2020, the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy , received a call from the Nassau County Police Department Cross, the parishioners of Saint Mary Parish in Hillsborough, NJ, honored thatI the shrine to Saint Andrew, which was in the front of the church, was de- theirO pastor, Father James Badeaux, after the weekend Liturgies, at a socially-dis- stroyed by an automobile which had jumped the curb. During the time of the Co- anced cake and coffee social in celebration of his 50th birthday. May God grant to vid-19 shut down and with vandalism that was occurring to churches in the next- his servant, the Priest James, many blessed years! Na mnohaja i blahaja l’ita! door county of Queens, a decision had to be made whether or not to replace the shrine. After discussion with the parishioners and much prayer, it was decided to go forward with the construction. As Saint John Paul II stated many times, “Do not be afraid!” With a donation from an anonymous donor, the new shrine was completed and blessed on Sunday, August 30. Father Nicholas, his altar serv- ers, his granddaughter, Mia, and the entire parish bless the shrine, thus giving wit- ness to our Eastern Catholic Church here on Long Island.

When traveling to the South, please visit our churches All Saints Epiphany of Our Lord Holy Dormition Saint Therese 10291 Bayshore Road 2030 Old Alabama Road 17 Buckskin Lane 7311 Lyons Road 4265 13th Avenue North North Fort Myers, FL 33917 Roswell, GA 30076 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 , FL 33713 1-239-599-4023 1-770-993-0973 1-386-677-8704 1-954-429-0056 1-727-323-4022

Saint Anne Saint Basil the Great Saints Cyril and Methodius of Myra 7120 Massachusetts Ave. 1475 N.E. 199th Street 1002 Bahama Avenue 5135 Sand Lake Road New Port Richey, FL 34653 Miami, FL 33179-5162 Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Orlando, FL 32819 1-727-849-1190 1-305-651-0991 1-772-595-1021 1-407-351-0133

EASTERN CATHOLIC LIFE Published monthly by the POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Mrs. Maureen French, Circulation Editor (USPS 165-600) (ISSN 0894-9786) Eastern Catholic Press Association Eastern Catholic Life ([email protected]) 445 Lackawanna Avenue 445 Lackawanna Avenue E-Mail us at: Official Publication of the Woodland Park, NJ 07424 Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic Woodland Park, NJ 07424 [email protected] Phone: 973-890-7777 Fax: 973-890- Most Reverend Bishop Subscription Rate: $15.00 per year. Eparchial Website: 7175 President and Publisher www.EparchyofPassaic.com News and Photo Services: Postage paid at Little Falls, NJ, and ad- Father James Badeaux, Editor Member of the Catholic Press Associa- ditional office at Bellmawr, NJ. Father Ronald Hatton, Associate Editor tion of America. Father Lewis Rabayda, Layout Editor OCTOBER 2020 Eastern Catholic Life Page 5

From the Office Eparchial Appointments Monsignor Mark Condon of the Bishop is relieved of his office as Judicial Vicar of the Eparchy of Passaic, effective October 1. We are happy to report that Monsignor Condon has been appointed vicar general of the Diocese of Paterson, NJ, effective immediately. Congratulations, Monsignor, and To be Ordained to the thank you for your selfless service to the people of the Eparchy of Passaic. Order of Deacon Father Eduard Shestak is appointed Judicial Vicar of the Eparchy of Passaic, effective October 1. Subdeacon Ryan Liebhaber Saturday, October 10, 2020, 10:00 AM Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church, Trenton, NJ

Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic

StatementByzantine of Financial Catholic Eparchy Position of Passaic Statement of Financial Position As of JuneAs of30, June 2020 30, 2020

Revenues: Eparchial assessments: $605,154 Eparchial Stewardship Appeal: 410,201 Donations, bequests, and other income: 4,763 ECL Newspaper Revenues: 52,811 Interest and dividend income: 394,350 Realized and unrealized gain on marketable securities: 396,960 Hospitalization assessments and reimbursements: 1,088,525 Insurance proceeds: 274,576 Total Revenue and other support: $3,227,340 Expenses: Property, casualty, Auto and Workmen's Compensation insurance: $121,705 Hospitalization: 1,166,649 Other insurance expense: 46,767 Pension and retirement costs: 14,807 Administrative salaries and payroll taxes: 100,203 Clergy salaries: 172,511 Clergy subsistence: 205,046 Stewardship rebates to parishes: 87,974 Stewardship expenses – postage, printing, and office expenses: 5,032 Diaconate program expenses: 3,387 Eastern Catholic Life publication – postage, printing, and office expenses: 66,094 Office administration and supplies – general: 18,883 Office postage and printing – general: 10,885 Legal and immigration fees: 96,248 Accounting fees: 96,000 Safe environment audit fees: 3,068 Celebrations, anniversary, and gifts: 8,089 Consulting fees: 75,720 Moving and relocation expenses – Immigrant Clergy: 12,107 Eparchial transportation and meeting expenses: 95,574 Utilities and telephone: 37,300 Maintenance and repairs – Chancery and Chapel: 59,918 Assessments – NJ, US, and Eastern Catholic Conferences: 16,936 Eparchial Retreat and Presbyteral Days: 1,310 Continued education and well-being of priests: 35,994 ECF Operating expenses – Eastern Christian Formation programs: 23,604 Investment management fees: 55,104 Books, literature, and subscriptions: 1,064 Carpathian Village and Shrine expenses, net of income: 117,376 Heritage Museum and Library: 39 Council of Hierarchs: 5,000 Aid to Eastern Europe: 49,465 Assistance to parishes: 552,553 Depreciation – buildings and equipment: 43,733 Total expenses: $3,406,145 Net decrease in assets as of end of year: $(178,805)

Page 6 Eastern Catholic Life OCTOBER 2020

Salesians Honor 20 Jubilarians newal of Salesian religious profession by Father Michael Mendl, S.D.B. by those celebrating that anniversary.

Father Zak called the jubilarians “living witnesses” to Salesian pastoral plans and ideals. He stated that the Congre- gation’s 28th General Chapter, which met earlier this year, calls Salesians to return to Jesus Christ, the center of religious life. The jubilarians have pre- sented Jesus to their confreres in mul- tiple ways: as apostle, high priest, Son of God in human form, carpenter’s son, meek and humble, welcoming the poor, zealous preacher and healer, teacher, good shepherd, unifier in brotherhood, a living rule.

Father Zak continued: All “the jubilar- ians have found in Christ the happiness for which we were created…. They’re living memorials of our Lord.” With the prophet Isaiah (first reading, Is. 44:1- 5), they’ve responded to ’s he New Rochelle Province of the Taking part in the jubilees Mass, in ad- invitation by saying, “I am the Lord’s.” Salesians of Don Bosco celebrated dition to Father Timothy Zak, S.D.B., Their fidelity has brought us the fruit theT profession and ordination anni- provincial , and 5 jubilarians of the Lord’s blessings and reminds all versaries of 20 jubilarians on Saturday, were another 49 Salesian priests, broth- of us that we’re chosen by the Lord. September 26, at the Marian Shrine in ers, and candidates, and almost 30 fam- Therefore, we all join the jubilarians in Haverstraw, NY. The jubilarians includ- ily members, Salesian Cooperators, and thanking God “for the surpassing worth ed fifteen confreres observing 25th, other friends of the jubilarians. The of knowing Christ Jesus” (second read- 40th, 50th, 60th, 65th, and even 70th Mass included the renewal of priestly ing, Phil 3:8-14). anniversaries of their first religious pro- commitment by the men celebrating fession in 2020; four observing 25th, their presbyteral jubilee, and the re- 40th, or 50th anniversaries of priestly ordination; and one observing both priestly and religious anniversaries.

One of the jubilarians was Father Fran- cis Twardzik, S.D.B., who ministered in the Passaic Eparchy for many years. Born in 1940 in Springfield, MA, he is a golden jubilarian of ordination. He was ordained at Saint Anthony Church in Elizabeth, NJ, on March 21, 1970. He has been a member of the commu- nity of the Salesian formation house in Orange since 2017. He made his first profession in Newton, NJ, in 1959 and has spent most of his priestly life in par- ishes of the Byzantine Eparchy of Pas- saic: assistant pastor at Saints Peter and Paul Church in Minersville, PA (1973- 1976), pastor of Saint Nicholas Church in Dunellen, NJ (1978-1989), and pas- tor of Saint Mary Church in Scranton, PA. (1989-2017). He had brief stints as a teacher in Tampa, FL., and Marrero, LA, and one year as assistant pastor at Saint Rosalie in Harvey, LA. Since the pandemic outbreak, he has resided in Haledon, NJ, as chaplain for the Sale- sian sisters.

The New Rochelle Province includes Salesian works in the eastern half of the United States and all of Canada: schools, parishes, youth centers, a re- treat house, and a Marian shrine.

Distance, health, or Covid-19 restric- tions prevented 15 of the jubilarians from being physically present at the shrine for the celebration. OCTOBER 2020 Eastern Catholic Life Page 7 Annual Circulation Report

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7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication (Not printer) (Street, city, county, state, and ZIP+4®) Contact Person Discover God’s game plan at Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic Maureen French 445 Lackawanna Avenue, Woodland Park, NJ 07424 Telephone (Include area code) (973) 580-8304 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher (Not printer) “Come and See” Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic Men 18-35 invited to virtual weekend retreat 445 Lackawanna Avenue, Woodland Park, Nj 07424 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor (Do not leave blank) Publisher (Name and complete mailing address) , November 6 to Saturday, November 7, 2020 Most Reverend Kurt Burnette - Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic 445 Lackawanna Avenue, Woodland Park, NJ 07424

Editor (Name and complete mailing address) Reverend James Badeaux o be a priest ... don't you have to give up everything - your family, your friends, 445 Lackawanna Avenue, Woodland Park, NJ 07424 the things you enjoy? Don't you have to be super holy, super smart, or some- Managing Editor (Name and complete mailing address) T Reverend Ronald Hatton how "different?" "Come and see" if this is the case! 445 Lackawanna Avenue, Woodland Park, NJ 07424

10. Owner (Do not leave blank. If the publication is owned by a corporation, give the name and address of the corporation immediately followed by the names and addresses of all stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of the total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, give the Every young man eventually has to make some hard decisions - college, career, names and addresses of the individual owners. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, give its name and address as well as those of each individual owner. If the publication is published by a nonprofit organization, give its name and address.) marriage, family, religious life. How do I know what's right? Does God care what I Full Name Complete Mailing Address decide? If you've ever thought about the priesthood, it's worth taking a weekend, Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic 445 Lackawanna Avenue, Woodland Park, NJ 07424 even if virtually, to learn how to listen for God's plans for your future. 13. Publication Title 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below Eastern Catholci Life 09/01/2020

15. Extent and Nature of Circulation Average No. Copies No. Copies of Single The Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius is pleased to host Each Issue During Issue Published the "Come and See" Weekend of Discovery on Friday, November 6, and Saturday, Preceding 12 Months Nearest to Filing Date a. Total Number of Copies (Net press run) November 7, 2020. This year's retreat will be given virtually online. Invited to 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities. If none, check box � None (1) Mailed Outside-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 (Include paid register for this online retreat are men, ages 18 to 35, single or married, who may Full Name distribution above nominal rate, advertiser’s proof copies,Complete and exchange Mailing copies) Address 4941 4924 b. Paid be considering a vocation to the priesthood in the Byzantine Catholic Church. Mailed In-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 (Include paid Circulation (2) (By Mail distribution above nominal rate, advertiser’s proof copies, and exchange copies) 0 0 In the interests of facilitating the necessary disconnection from the world, this and Outside Paid Distribution Outside the Mails Including Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, (3) year's challenge of a virtual weekend includes creating as much as possible an at- the Mail) Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Paid Distribution Outside USPS® 0 0 mosphere that is prayerful, positive, and fraternal. A selection of pre-recorded talks Paid Distribution by Other Classes of Mail Through the USPS (4) ® 0 0 introducing the seminary formation program will be offered as well as a recorded (e.g., First-Class Mail ) c. Total Paid Distribution [Sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)] 4941 4924 witness talk with the seminarians. A panel discussion will be live-streamed along 12. Tax Status (For completion by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at nonprofit rates) (Check one) The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: d. Free or (1) Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Copies included on PS Form 3541 77 77 with at least one liturgical service. � NominalHas Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months RateHas Changed During Preceding 12 Months (Publisher must submit explanation of change with this statement) Distribution (2) Free or Nominal Rate In-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541 PS Form(By 3526 Mail , July 2014 [Page 1 of 4 (see instructions page 4)] PSN: 7530-01-000-9931 PRIVACY NOTICE: See our privacy policy on www.usps.com. and Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes Through the USPS One of last year's participants summed up his experience, saying: "Discerning Outside (3) (e.g., First-Class Mail) God's will is important for me; I have been personally praying in front of my icon the Mail) (4) Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Outside the Mail (Carriers or other means) corner at home and at the Divine Liturgy asking for a clearer understanding of God's will for me for a long time, and attending this weekend was a significant part e. Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (Sum of 15d (1), (2), (3) and (4)) 77 77 of my continued discernment." f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e) 5108 5001

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Glory to Jesus Christ!

My Dear Friends,

What a year 2020 has been! A woman told me she decided to skip the rest of the year and start her new year on September 1. On our calendar from the Eastern Roman Empire, we do start the year on September 1, so maybe we should all move on early. At a Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral I was admitting that I get confused about what order to do everything because our services are so disrupted by our sanitary processes. The priest said to me, “Don’t apologize Bishop. We’re all newly ordained priests this year, trying to figure out what to do.” Thanks to your generosity, we really do have one newly ordained priest this year, but the rest of us are all beginners too.

Every year I enjoy sharing an icon with you from your collection here in Woodland Park. That’s one thing we are still allowed to do. One of our most popular icons and most popular feast days is the Protection of the Mother of God, also called Pokrov. In the icon you can see the Mother of God in the center. She is holding her veil, spread out in protection for us. Her raised hands are the posture used for prayer by the early Christians. One of the most ancient paintings of Mary is in a catacomb in Rome and shows her in this posture. Our Lord Jesus Christ is above blessing with one hand and holding a book with his other hand. She is surrounded by four archangels and twelve saints. On the bottom is St. Romanos, the melodist, and the lower right corner shows the Mother of God giving St. Romanos his vocation while he sleeps. There is a complete description with all the names on our eparchial website. We certainly do need extra protection this year.

I am so inspired at how our people stepped up to take care of each other and their parishes during the epidemic, and how the priests reinvented ministry for our time. I know many people have lost their income, or had their lives disrupted in other ways. This year, I ask for financial assistance in the work of the Eparchy only if you can afford it. If you are unable to assist financially this year, I completely understand. You need to care for yourself, your own family, and your own parish first. Please pray for our Eparchy in any case. As you can see all around the country, people need the light of Jesus Christ more than ever before. Please pray as never before for God’s mercy and blessings in our country. I pray every morning to the Mother of God for every one of you. May the Holy Virgin protect you under her mantle this year.

Blessed is the one who considers the poor. In the day of trouble, the Lord will deliver him. Psalm 41:1 Page 8 Eastern Catholic Life OCTOBER 2020

Life, Love, and the Human Person By Ann M. Koshute, MTS Give Real Peace a Chance

Do not think that I have come to bring competition over who is right. Rhe- aside all earthly cares” for even a mo- current crisis of culture and chaos is peace upon the earth. I have come to torical dominance is of greatest im- ment – we fall into the false peace Jesus Christ: to know Him, to follow bring not peace but the sword. Mat- portance, and one’s ability to cleverly that Jesus warns against. The “divi- Him, to image Him in how we speak, thew 10:34 and swiftly defeat one’s opponent sion” Jesus sows is not one that pits act – and yes, vote. (even the closest family member or us against each other but realigns our ne would have to be living on friend) is a badge of honor. In such priorities so that we are drawn to each Karol Wojtyła (who later became a desert island with no means politically charged times as these, other, and into forming a more per- Pope Saint John Paul II) lived under Oof communication to be unaware of civil discourse too often goes out the fect communion with Christ as the the oppressive Nazi and Communist the turmoil gripping our world, and window in favor of winning the argu- head and the love of the as regimes as a young man in Poland. specifically our nation. As if the fear, ment. When that happens, there is our exemplar. Both ideologies forcibly stripped isolation, and death resulting from only one winner: , who success- the people of their culture and their the Coronavirus pandemic weren’t fully adds fuel to the fire of our pride Peace I leave with you; my peace I give religion, and sought to take their enough, the year 2020 evidently had and self-righteousness and draws us to you. Not as the world gives do I give language by force, since words have more chaos to deal out; and the year further from what is True and Good it to you. Do not let your hearts be trou- the power to communicate Truth. is not yet over. In the United States – and from each other. bled or afraid. John 14:27 Wojtyła and many more Poles secret- the air is thick with racial tension, ly worshiped, studied, and preserved and there is no disputing that injus- Jesus’ puzzling words about “peace” Not as the world gives do I give it to the culture until these ideologies tices and offences against human dig- and “the sword” may lead us to you. If we were somehow confused were finally defeated. They (along nity have heightened those tensions. wrongly conclude that He came into about Jesus bringing “the sword,” we with others in Europe, including But retaliatory violence and destruc- the world to divide us; that the literal are set aright – and set on a new way many of our own ancestors) faced tion is never the answer to injustice; and figurative fires presently engulf- – when He tells us that His is authen- cruelty and division like most of us it only further extends the problem ing us come from Him. The division tic peace, holding no trace of fear. It have never (and God-willing won’t and leads us not to understanding and peace Jesus spoke of are not part is what our hearts have yearned for ever) experience. Yet they under- and healing, but only more and deep- of the current battles on the streets all along. The world will never be a stood Jesus’ words well: that whether er division. Identifying instances of and in media. The division Jesus fos- place of perfect peace, regardless of it be Hitler or Stalin or any political injustice and expressing our voices ters is between the chaos of the world who is president, how much money or otherwise powerful person or re- in support of reform are necessary and the order for which God created and possessions we accumulate, or gime, nothing can remove the peace and our right as citizens – and our us. When He says that “peace” is not which one of us rhetorically slays the of Christ from us unless we allow it. duty as Christians. Contributing to His purpose in the World, He means a most opponents with our skilled ar- the chaos through violence, rioting specific brand of peace, a false peace; guments – and our sarcasm. It can Right now it feels like the world is and refusal to dialogue respectfully or better, something thatmasquer - be a great good to be involved in poli- burning, and in some of our Ameri- with those with whom we disagree is ades as peace. The World beckons tics, to work toward reforms that will can cities, God help us, it truly is. Let absolutely opposed to this right and us to be so concerned with it that bring everyone to a better, safer life us not abandon hope! Let us pray duty. Neither silence nor violence our thoughts are taken up with who that corresponds to human dignity. for Christ to gift us with true peace, defeat injustice; they perpetuate it. we know, how we look, what every- Vote, peacefully protest, write letters with His peace. Let us not rely on one else is doing, and how best to and emails, and engage in respectful the promises of the World or be con- This chaos and division extends to get (and keep) personal or political conversations with those with whom sumed by its flames of division. Let many of our personal interactions. power. It’s a trap that lures us with you disagree. But remember that you us instead pray that the ig- On top of everything else, a conten- honey (after all, as stewards of God’s are a Christian! You are marked with nite the fire of love, goodness, justice, tious election is upon us, with many Creation we should be concerned the sign of the Cross of Christ, graft- and peace in each of us. Let us pray families divided along political lines. with our temporal needs, the care ed into the family of God, and His that we might be its kindling so that, Arguments in person and online of ourselves and our families, with icon of love on this earth. Christian- in Saint ’s words, threaten our relationships with those safety in our communities and the ity is not an ideology, and Jesus has we might “be who God meant [us] to we love and embolden us to pick world, and with advocating on be- no political affiliation or favorites. In be,” and through Him “set the world fights with those whom we don’t half of the poor and marginalized.) the end, we find no answers in legis- on fire.” know. Posts of a political nature on But when “the World” becomes our lation, media dominance, or the kind Facebook or Twitter too often cause singular focus – when we disregard of one-upmanship that tempts every eruptions of irrational anger and a the call of the Cherubic Hymn to “set one of us so easily. The answer to our

Miraculous icon is credited with defending the Russian reminds us that every human life has its ori- Orthodox outpost against Chinese invad- gin directly from God, and it offers hope to “Mary, Helper ers on several occasions from the 17th to the despondent and the oppressed. the early 20th century. It depicts a calm and of Mothers” prayerful Virgin Mother looking directly at The Byzantine Catholic parishes of New Icon the faithful. She displays for us an image of Jersey welcome our Latin Rite Catholic and Services will be celebrated at 7:00 PM her Son, newly born or perhaps yet unborn, Orthodox neighbors, as well as all Chris- resting over her torso. tians who honor the Lord’s Mother, to join t the initiative of Bishop Kurt, a mi- in the worship service of Psalms and Scrip- raculous Marian icon will make a tour A large, hand painted icon of the Virgin tural readings that will be offered in each ofA all the Byzantine Catholic parishes in Helper of Mothers will be present in each parish. New Jersey, including the state active duty Byzantine Catholic parish in New Jersey for military base, and Saint Nicholas Parish in two weeks or more. Bishop Kurt will per- More specific information about service White Plains, NY, throughout 2020. It is sonally preside over a devotional service in times can be obtained from the individual especially beloved by women who struggle each parish. There will be opportunities for parishes. Due to quarantine for coronavirus, 768 North Street, White Plains, New with infertility or difficult pregnancies. Sev- the faithful to venerate the icon, to engage this schedule is subject to change. York eral miraculous births have been attributed in personal prayer, and to take home holy Wednesday, October 28, 7:00 PM to this icon in the Byzantine Catholic com- cards depicting the Virgin Helper of Moth- • Holy Spirit, Mahwah: munity of Albuquerque, NM, where a copy ers. October 8-October 22 • Cathedral Chapel, Woodland Park. has been venerated for twenty years. Island and Church Streets, Mahwah, November 19 - December 3 The Albazinskaya icon celebrates how God New Jersey 415 Lackawanna Ave., Woodland The icon, known as theAlbazinskaya from became Man, and a Virgin became His Wednesday, October 21, 7:00 PM Park, NJ its place of origin on the borderlands be- Mother. It celebrates the mysteries of con- Wednesday, December 2, 7:00 PM tween and China, is also called ception and birth by which God has shared • Saint Nicholas, White Plains, NY: “Mary, Helper of Mothers.” The original His creative power with married couples. It October 22-November 5 OCTOBER 2020 Eastern Catholic Life Page 9

The Byzantine Liturgy By Archpriest Petras, SEOD The Anaphora: It is Always Pascha

aint John Chrysostom once pray the Anaphora, it is not only a mat- Anaphora in peace,” and we reply that passion,” the “like-creating cross,” the preached about the Divine Liturgy, ter of words recalling some past event, it is “mercy, peace, a sacrifice of praise.” “three-day burial,” signifying the life- “ItS is always Pascha!” Pascha, of course, but these very words make the full giving descent into Hades to bring to is the mystery of God’s . It is meaning of what God has done present How can this be? It is because of the life the human beings taken by death, the revelation of God’s compassion to us again. Psalm 21:4 says, “You, O power of God. When we say the words and to celebrate a new Sabbath rest that for the people He has created. Today God, are holy, enthroned on the praises of the Anaphora, God is saying the brings life, and finally the “resurrec- we interpret “compassion” as simply a of Israel.” The word “enthroned,” is the same words with us by way of mystery. tion from the dead.” Every Anaphora feeling of mercy and kindness toward way we translate the Hebrew. Other Again, Saint Paul explains, “But now is the celebration of the Resurrection, another, but its deeper meaning is “to translations of this word are “inhabit,” (the mystery hidden from the ages) as Saint John Chrysostom proclaimed, suffer with” another. God loved us so or “dwell” in the praises of Israel. The has been manifested to His holy ones, “It is always Pascha!” We then remem- much that He took on our human life, reality is that when we praise God in to whom God chose to make known ber “the ascension into heaven, and and its limitations, even to the point the Liturgy, He is present among us, the riches of the glory of this mystery the enthronement at the right hand of of dying with us. As Saint Paul put it: He is offering today the same sacrifice among the Gentiles; it is Christ in you, God,” the reality that exists now and “He emptied himself, taking the form on the Cross that He suffered “with” the hope for glory. It is He whom we which is present in the Liturgy: Christ of a slave, coming in human likeness; us and “for” us so long ago in history. proclaim, admonishing everyone and is our High Priest and Mediator, He is and found human in appearance, He This Cross, of course, was fulfilled and teaching everyone with all wisdom, enthroned in heaven and as He prays to humbled Himself, becoming obedi- perfected by his glorious Resurrection. that we may present everyone perfect the Father we pray together with Him ent to death, even death on a cross” That is, His death was a manifestation of in Christ.” (Colossians 1:27-28) When now and in reality, as the Psalm says, (Philippians 2:7-8). However, He did his infinite love for us, a powerful love we say the words of the Anaphora, ““You, O God, are holy, enthroned on this not to bring us more suffering, but that brought about the fullness of life therefore, it is “Christ in you, the hope the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 21:4) Fi- to bring us the glory that comes from in resurrection. This is what Saint Paul for glory,” the glory of life in resurrec- nally, and most remarkably, what is genuine love. When God commands was saying in the passage from Philip- tion. It is the Lord Himself whom we still in our linear future is already pres- us to “love one another,” He is showing pians that I quoted above, the complete receive in Holy Communion, “for the ent here in our sacrifice of praise: “His us that by suffering with us and for us, verse is, “Because of this, God greatly remission of sins (victory over death glorious and fearsome .” He was raised to glory, so that by lov- exalted Him and bestowed on Him the both moral and physical) and for life Already, we “remember” that in Christ,” ing as He has loved us, we too are raised name that is above every name, that at everlasting. Amen.” the firstborn of all creation,” “is the be- to glory. That is why the command in the name of Jesus every knee should ginning, the firstborn from the dead, of John reads, “I give you a bend, of those in heaven and on earth Suddenly, therefore, we understand that in all things He himself might be : love one another. and under the earth, and every tongue the whole meaning of the Anaphora preeminent. For in Him all the fullness As I have loved you, so you also should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to we pray. We offer bread and wine just was pleased to dwell, and through Him love one another.” (John 13:34) In the the glory of .” (Philip- as our Lord did at the Last and Mysti- to reconcile all things for Him, making Liturgy we often sing a popular hymn pians 2:9-11) This sacrifice is present cal Supper in the upper room, and our peace by the blood of His cross through based in this verse of Scripture. in every Divine Liturgy in its full real- bread and wine is “Christ in you, the Him, whether those on earth or those ity, but it is no longer bloody, but it is hope for glory.” Then, as we pray the in heaven. (Colossians 1:15.18-20)” “It is always Pascha,” therefore, means a “sacrifice of praise.” This is what we commemoration (anamnesis) every- The celebration of our Divine Liturgy, that God’s compassion is with us truly call it when the deacon asks us to pray, thing that God has done for us becomes as a sacrifice of praise, is the past, the and in all its depth every time we cel- “Let us stand aright; let us stand in present in our “sacrifice of praise.” First present and the future of all our salva- ebrate the Divine Liturgy. When we awe; let us be attentive to offer the holy are the glorious events of the “saving tion and life in Christ. Page 10 Eastern Catholic Life OCTOBER 2020

most-pure Mother of God, you are a mighty defender for those in“O sorrow. You are a ready help to those in trouble. You are the salvation and Seasonal Reflections of the world. You are the Father Ronald Hatton depth of mercy, the fount of God’s wis- dom and the protectress of the world. O faithful, let us sing and praise her The Protection and the Priesthood glorious protection saying: Rejoice, O found out that my birthday was the In October 1895, a young seminarian through His priest, and gives His Body Full of Grace, the Lord is with you, and Feast of the Protection of the Mother and subdeacon of the White Fathers, and Blood to them in the precious Sac- through you He grants great mercy to of God, and I was a bit dumbfounded. Abbé Bellière, asked the Carmel of Li- rament. How blessed the priest is to the world.” – “At Psalm 140,” This mission eventually became Our sieux for a who would support – by echo the life of the Mother of God in for the Feast of the Protection of the Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Virginia prayer and sacrifice – his missionary the service he gives to his parish! Theotokos, October 1. Beach, VA. I became the first cantor; work, and the souls that were in the my father helped build our first icon future to be entrusted to him. Mother My priesthood has always been blessed My seasonal reflection is going to screen when we finally found a perma- Agnes designated Thérèse. She nev- by the knowledge that Saint Thérèse, be more of a personal one this time nent home. In April of 1991, Father Ed er met Father Bellière but ten letters a “Western” saint, and the Feast of the around, but with effects for all of us. drove me to meet with Bishop Michael, passed between them. Protection of the Theotokos, an “East- October is an especially spiritual time and I entered seminary in autumn of ern” feast, were part of who I was as a of year for me for a couple of reasons. that year. A year later Father Adolphe Roulland priest, a child of God, and as a Catho- When I lived in Virginia Beach, VA, (1870–1934) of the Society of Foreign lic Christian. Both of these women in back in the day, we had no Byzantine During the early part of my priesthood, Missions requested the same service my life have been a source of strength Catholic Church in our area, and did I met a parishioner who introduced me of the Lisieux Carmel. Once more to me throughout what, in many ways, not know of Ascension Parish, one to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux and her “Lit- Thérèse was assigned the duties ofspiri - has been a bumpy ride through the past hour away in Williamsburg. One day, tle Way.” I was intrigued by her life and tual sister. “It is quite clear that Thérèse, 25+ years. Every October 1st, as I cel- my mother saw in the local section of bought all the books I could find about in spite of all her reverence for the ebrate the feast in my parish, I am re- our newspaper that there was going to her, and took her on as a patron saint. I priestly office, in both cases felt herself minded of how both these feasts have be a mission at a local then found out that she had had a mis- to be the teacher and the giver. It is she been part of my formation as a priest, parish on October 1, 1989. Now, Oc- sion to priests. who consoles and warns, encourages how our Blessed Mother has sustained tober 1 is my birthday, and I thought it and praises, answers questions, offers me and covered me with her veil as I was such a treat that we could go to “our At age 14, Thérèse understood her voca- corroboration, and instructs the priests fought with human weaknesses and own” church as a “birthday present.” tion to pray for priests, to be “an apostle in the meaning of her little way.” temptations. I am a priest because of And so, Mom, Dad, and I went to the to apostles.” In September 1890, at her a Divine Liturgy that took place on my chapel at Saint Gregory the Great Par- canonical examination before she pro- It is interesting to think that the priest, birthday. I remain a priest because of ish that night. We had not been in our fessed her religious vows, she was asked in one aspect of his ministry, mirrors the protection, prayers, and interces- church for decades by then. Father Ed why she had come to Carmel. She an- the “ministry” of the Blessed Mother. sions of the Blessed Theotokos, and Cimbala, pastor of Ascension Parish, swered “I came to save souls, and espe- We see her as the ladder by which God through the prayers and intercessions Williamsburg, at the time, and Cantor cially to pray for priests.” Throughout comes to earth, takes on our flesh from of our Venerable Mother, Doctor of the (now Deacon) Nicholas Sotack were her life she prayed fervently for priests, her, and gives us Himself to the world. Church, and Little Flower, Thérèse of there to offer the Divine Liturgy for the and she corresponded with and prayed In a similar, although inferior, way, God Lisieux. With this, I commend to you, first time in Virginia Beach. The Lit- for a young priest, Adolphe Roulland, gives Himself to the world through the be you priest or layperson, the prayers urgy began, and as it progressed, they and a young seminarian, Maurice Bel- priest in the Holy . The priest of these two standards that our Lord began to sing the Jedinorodinyj Syne, lière. She wrote to her sister, “Our mis- is a ladder between heaven and earth, has raised up for us during the month (“Only-begotten Son”); the melody sion as is to form evangeli- standing at the altar giving his parish of October. awoke deep memories in my heart, and cal workers who will save thousands of to God and, turning to the people dur- I said to myself, “I’m home!” There I souls whose mothers we shall be.” ing Liturgy, gives them His blessing

Priestly Reflections Father Paul Varchola West I’ve Got to Admit It’s Getting Better...” s I settle into being a priest, and thought back to other times in my life more in tune with the world. This is ap- What this means is that we need to as a parochial administrator, I am where I felt that I could not get ahead plicable not only to music, but to every challenge ourselves to use our newly at- Aincreasingly noticing something rather and remembered a piece of advice I aspect of life, including spirituality! tained skills to better ourselves, to push strange. It seems as if with the more I heard a long time ago, back in under- ourselves to the next level. Whether learn, the more I discover, the more as- graduate music school. The more we grow in prayer, the more it be priestly, ministry, music, a labor pects of ministry in which I become in- attuned we become to our very being. trade, teaching, marriage, parenting, or volved, the more difficult things seem to I sat in on a master class once with a The more our relationship with God even one’s daily personal life, the more become. Of course, one always hopes rather well-known string quartet and I grows, perhaps the more readily we we struggle we must find the opportu- that the longer one is doing something, remember the cellist imparting the fol- are able to notice where this relation- nities within that struggle to grow. To the easier it becomes. In this instance, lowing wisdom upon the audience of ship could use some work on our part. quote the Beatles: “I’ve got to admit it’s that is unfortunately not the case. I am fledgling musicians. He told us some- This also inevitably leads to that every- getting better, a little better all the time very comforted that, in this struggle of thing to the effect that “the more pro- dreaded prayerful “dry spell.” We will ‒ it can’t get no worse!” We need to face growth, I found consolation in a quite ficient you become at your instrument, undoubtedly reach a point in our prayer our struggles not with the tears of an surprising place. you are going to think you are getting life, or perhaps life in general, when we onion, but with the joy of a smile be- worse.” Sage advice. believe our efforts to be fruitless. This cause, after all, things are indeed getting Recently, when I was reflecting on my could easily cause one to become de- a little better all the time. Christ calls day, I jokingly said to my wife, “You This is absolutely true. The more one spondent, or perhaps simply apathetic us to better ourselves, not overnight, know, the more I do this the more I am practices, the more one improves, the or a bit laxed toward prayer. When this but a little at a time. Through struggle, realizing that ministry is like an onion; more particular one becomes, all the happens, this is a wake-up call for us! let us all grow in prayer, in Christ, and the more layers I peel back, the more more do the little mistakes become evi- This is not the time to plough through in love for God and one another. It is it stinks and the more I cry!” We had dent. This is a good thing. This means and force prayer, but rather, this is the through prayerful love in Jesus Christ a good laugh. Of course, what I re- that one’s eyes are being more critical time to step back and adjust our rou- that we grow and make it through, for ally meant by saying this was that the of what is on the page, one’s ears are tine. “it’s getting better since you’ve been more involved I become in the various becoming more attuned to the func- mine ‒ getting so much better all the aspects of priestly ministry, the more tioning of music, one’s fingers are mov- As we become more proficient at any- time!” Whatever, it is, take it one day, complicated things seem to be. While ing with more grace, one’s very self is thing, struggles increase because we are one practice session, one prayer at a this could become discouraging, I growing more subtle, more receptive, getting better; a little better all the time. time. OCTOBER 2020 Eastern Catholic Life Page 11

Searching theFather Scriptures Jack Custer, S.S.L., S.T.D. Pompous Fools, Useful Tools, and the Only King and Lord

espite its focus on the people of warnings from prophets, the northern the Lord ( 4:28-33). His succes- In the last years of the 1st century BC, Israel as the Lord’s “chosen” and kingdom sank deeper and deeper into sor was killed, and his empire gobbled the Romans gradually collected the “treasuredD possession” (Deuteronomy idolatry and corruption. The predicted up by the Medes and Persians (Daniel fragments of Alexander’s empire. In the 7:6), the does offer oc- consequences came in the person of Ti- 6:30-6:1). Meanwhile, Daniel saw a fragile “peace” of the Emperor Augus- casional insights into how world events glath Pileser III and the Assyrian army, vision of Christ as “one like a Son of tus, Jesus Christ was born (Luke 2:1). and world leaders fit into God’s plan of which overran the north in the 720’s Man” who appears in heaven to receive Roman citizenship propelled Saint salvation for all mankind. BC (2 Kings 15). In his own mind, the “dominion, honor, and …his author- Paul’s evangelical mission all the way to Assyrian king was simply racking up ity is an everlasting authority…and his Rome (Acts 22: 32-29; 23:11; 25:10- We’re all familiar with the protracted victories and expanding his empire. In kingdom shall not be destroyed” (Dan- 12; 28:16-30). give-and-take between and Pha- the inspired vision of the Scriptures, he iel 7:13-14). raoh. Pharaoh, like every human being, is no more than a tool in God’s hands, Sometimes the grandiose plans of the possessed a free will and, unlike most a “rod” with which God punishes His The Persian king Cyrus sent the Jewish mighty lead them to support God’s human beings, also had the clout to errant children. The pride of the Assyr- exiles home from Babylon with money people; more often they seek to silence issue orders. The Lord respected that ians would soon bring about their own to rebuild the temple. Through Isaiah or destroy them. Undoubtedly, they freedom and, as Pharaoh grew more downfall (Isaiah 10). Meanwhile, Isa- (45:1), the Lord even calls this fire-wor- imagine they are in control; invari- and more stubborn, he suffered ten iah repeatedly foretold the coming of shipper “my anointed” (that is, a “mes- ably, their monuments and propaganda plagues, gave up his Hebrew slaves, and Christ (Isaiah 7-11). siah”) but makes clear that “For paint them as victors. The Psalmist lost his army in the Red Sea as the con- my servant’s sake and Israel my chosen sees human power struggles through sequence for his “hardness of heart.” Things were no better in Judah and Je- … I will accept you although you have God’s eyes: “Why do the nations rage Pharaoh’s pride led to his own down- rusalem, where prophets condemned not known me” (Isaiah 45:4). Cyrus and the peoples utter folly? The kings fall and gave glory to God through the idolatry and injustice and warned hyp- gladly supported any religion that of the earth rise up and the princes wonders of the Exodus (Exodus 14). ocritical tyrants that superficial religion prayed for him. One god was as good conspire together against the Lord and Without Pharaoh, “The Ten Com- could not buy the Lord’s favor ( as another, so long as Cyrus’ His Christ. …He who is enthroned in mandments” would have been a much 5:21-27; 14:12). This time, was secure. His empire was conquered heaven laughs; the Lord derides them.” less exciting film. God’s instrument of punishment was by Alexander the Great in 330BC, who To His Son, Jesus Christ, the Father the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, planted the Greek language throughout says: “Ask of Me and I will give you In the promised land, the Israelites be- who first besieged Jerusalem in 598 and the Mediterranean world and thus facil- the nations for an inheritance.” To the gan to clamor for a king to be like other finally destroyed it in 587BC, bringing itated the spread of the Gospel. Alex- mighty, the only sound advice remains: nations (1 8). After the glory King David’s dynasty to an end (until, ander’s empire was split up at his death, “O kings, give heed; take warning, you days of David and Solomon, Solomon’s of course, the birth of Jesus; Matthew with the Holy Land going to a general rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with foolish and arrogant son, Rehoboam, 1-2). The prophet Daniel, one of the named Seleucus, paving the way for the fear and rejoice before Him; with trem- fractured the land into rival kingdoms, exiles in Babylon, describes Nebu- various Herods who litter the pages of bling pay homage to Him … Happy are with capitals in Samaria and Jerusalem. chadnezzar’s megalomania and cruelty the . all who take refuge in Him” (Psalm 2). Despite more than two centuries of (Daniel 3) and how he was humbled by

passions, of resisting temptations, and School of Prayer consequently of avoiding sin, than the Father G. Scott Boghossian remembrance of God’s presence.”

Be fearless! “For I, the LORD your Surely the Lord is in This Place God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who acob dreamt of a ladder going up to The reality of God’s omnipresence is Spirago and Clarke’s Commentary on helps you”“ (Is. 41:13). When the Em- heaven and saw the angels ascending challenging because it demands holi- the Catechism states that “the whole press Eudoxia threatened Saint John andJ descending on it. In the dream, the ness of life. “When Abram was nine- Divine essence fills the whole created Chrysostom with banishment, he an- LORD appeared at the top of the lad- ty-nine years old the LORD appeared space and every one of its parts.” The swered, “You will not frighten me, un- der. God promised Jacob that through to Abram and said to him, “I am God Catholic Encyclopedia says that “God less you are able to send me someplace him, all the nations of the earth would Almighty; walk before Me, and be Himself, or the Divine Nature, is in im- where God is not.” be blessed. Then Jacob awoke from his blameless”“(Gen. 17:1). God’s om- mediate contact with, or immanent in, sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in nipresence is also strengthening and every creature – conserving it in being We don’t see the air, yet we know that this place, and I did not know it” (Gen. comforting because we know that He and enabling it to act.” God is here with it surrounds us and that without it, we 28:16). May we all come to acknowl- will never leave us or forsake us (Heb. us, fully present, preserving us in exis- could not live. Similarly, we don’t see edge the same truth: God is here with 13:5). “Be strong and courageous. Do tence. Consider the practical implica- God, but we know He is always with us, and we often do not realize it. not be frightened, and do not be dis- tions of this overwhelming reality. us, and that He continually sustains us. mayed, for the LORD your God is with A sponge in the sea is saturated with God is present with us right now. God’s you wherever you go.” (Josh. 1:9). No one can hide from God. “Can a water on every side. In like manner, in omnipresence is a fundamental truth of man hide himself in secret places so God, “we live and move and have our natural theology, as well as divine rev- God is uncircumscribed. To be cir- that I cannot see him? declares the being” and “He is not far from any one elation. “Do I not fill the earth and the cumscribed is to be surrounded, LORD” (Jer. 23:24). If a man is caught of us” (Ac. 17:28, 27). heavens says the LORD?” (Jer. 23:24). bounded, or limited. The infinite and “red-handed” in some sin or crime, how David prays, “Where shall I go from eternal God, Father, Son, and Holy embarrassed and ashamed he feels. An essential spiritual discipline is the Your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Spirit cannot be contained. When But we are not ashamed to commit “practice of the presence of God.” One Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, Solomon built the Temple in Jerusa- the most terrible sins in the presence of the many ways to “practice the pres- You are there! If I make my bed in lem, he realized that even though God of God. On the other hand, if we re- ence of God” is to call to mind His at- Sheol, You are there! If I take the wings manifested His holy presence in the member that God is with us wherever tribute of omnipresence. Make an act of the morning and dwell in the utter- Temple, He could never be limited we may be, won’t we be more diligent in of faith in God’s presence by praying, most parts of the sea, even there Your to or entirely contained within it. He avoiding sin? Saint Teresa of Avila says, “My God, I firmly believe that You are hand shall lead me, and Your right hand prayed, “Even heaven, the highest heav- “every evil happens to us because we here present.” In light of the dogmatic shall hold me” (Ps. 139:7-10). Wher- en, cannot contain You, much less this do not reflect that God is present with fact that God is fully present in every ever you are, God is there with you. temple I have built” (2 Chron. 16:8). us but imagine that He is at a distance.” place, let’s say with the Patriarch Jacob, Saint Alphonsus writes, “there is no “Surely the LORD is in this place, and more efficacious means of subduing the I did not know it” (Gen. 28:16). Page 12 Eastern Catholic Life OCTOBER 2020 Holy Dormition Friary—Sybertsville, PA Eparchial Parishes Live-Stream Holy Ghost Byzantine Catholic Church—Jessup, PA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Byzantine Catholic Church—Levittown, PA The Divine Services Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church—Scranton, PA Below are just a few examples from our eparchy Saint Ann Byzantine Catholic Church—Harrisburg, PA Below is a list of many of the Parishes of the Eparchy of Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church—Roswell, GA Passaic which are Live streaming Divine Liturgy on Saturday, VIRGINIA Sunday, and Holy Days. You may access the links to their Ascension of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church—Williamsburg, VA streaming sites (Facebook, Youtube, etc,) on our website: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Byzantine Catholic Church—Virginia Beach, VA Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church—Annandale, VA www.eparchyofpassaic.com. FLORIDA CONNECTICUIT Saint Nicholas of Myra Byzantine Catholic Church—Orlando FL Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church—Danbury, CT Byzantine Catholic Church—New Port Richey, FL NEW JERSEY Saint Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Church—Fort Pierce, FL Cathedral of Saint Michael the Archangel—Passaic, NJ Our Lady of the Sign Byzantine Catholic Church—Coconut Creek, FL Assumption of (Saint Mary)—Trenton, NJ NORTH CAROLINA Our Lady of Perpetual Help—Toms River, NJ Saints Cyril & Methodius Byzantine Catholic Church—Cary, NC Our Lady of Perpetual Help—Toms River, NJ—Radio The Mission Community of Greater Charlotte Saint Michael Byzantine Catholic Church—Perth Amboy, NJ Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church—Perth Amboy, NJ SOUTH CAROLINA Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church�Hillsborough, NJ Charlotte, NC, Byzantine Catholic Mission at Fort Mill, SC Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church—Dunellen, NJ MARYLAND Saints Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church—Somerset, NJ Patronage of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Church—Arbutus, MD Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church—Jersey City, NJ Saint Byzantine Catholic Church—Beltsville, MD Saint John Byzantine Catholic Church—Bayonne, NJ Nativity of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church—East Brunswick, NJ Saint Byzantine Catholic Church—Rahway, NJ Saint Elias Byzantine Catholic Church—Carteret, NJ Byzantine Catholic Church—Linden, NJ Saint George Byzantine Catholic Church—Newark, NJ NEW YORK Saint Andrew Byzantine Catholic Church—Westbury, NY Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church—White Plains, NY Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church—New York, NY Holy Spirit Byzantine Catholic Church—Binghamton, NY Resurrection Byzantine Catholic Church—Smithtown, NY PENNSYLVANIA Saint Michael Byzantine Church—Mont Clare, PA Saint Mary Byzantine Church—Wilkes-Barre, PA Saint Mary Pokrova—Kingston, PA Saint John Byzantine Church—Wilkes-Barre, PA Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic—Mahanoy City, PA Saint John Byzantine Church—Wilkes-Barre, PA Saint John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church—Lansford, PA Saints Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church—Bethlehem, PA Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church—Old Forge, PA Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church—Taylor, PA Saints Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church—Minersville, PA Saint Michael Byzantine Catholic Church—Dunmore, PA Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church—Hazleton, PA Saint John Byzantine Catholic Church—Hazleton, PA

Theosis in Action November 15 December 12 Open to all young adults ages 18-35. Philip’s Fast afternoon of recollection Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic 2020 events Church in NYC; Christmas social Facebook.com/theosisinaction Save the dates! [email protected]

Eastern Catholic Life Upcoming Eparchial and Parish Events Circulation Department October, 2020 445 Lackawanna Avenue The Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic 1 Holy Protection of the Theotokos subscribes to the Woodland Park, NJ 07424 Solemn Holy Day•Chancery closed 13 Columbus Day Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People Next Issue: Civic holiday•Chancery closed November, 2020 adopted by the United States Conference of Catholic November, 2020 . The Eparchy, within all its parishes, institutions and 8 Holy Archangel Michael and All Holy programs, is committed to assuring a safe environment in Copy Deadline: Bodiless Powers of Heaven ministry October 21 Solemn Holy Day for its children and young people that conforms to Charter 14 Christmas Fast begins at sundown requirements. For further information regarding the Epar- The current issue of the ECL chial Safe Environment Program please contact: was printed at Evergreen 21 of the Theotokos into the Father David J. Baratelli, Ed.S., M.Div. Printing, Bellmawr, NJ, and Temple Safe Environment Program Coordinator • 973.890.7777 was distributed from the Solemn Holy Day U.S. Post Office via second 26-27 Thanksgiving Holiday Dr. Maureen Daddona, Ph.D. class mailing in Civic holiday•Chancery closed Victim’s Assistance Coordinator • 516.623.6456 Bellmawr, NJ. All Wedding Jubilarian Celebrations are moved to next year.