Borshchiv Regional State Administration Borshchiv




Investment passport of Borshchiv district was composed by the Department of Eco- nomic development and trade of Borshchiv District State Administration. It contains qualified, relevant and comprehensive information about competitive advantages, in- vestment opportunities in the district and aimed at opening and implementation of in- vestment potential.

We hope that the publication will not only be a source of information for business, but will increase the investment attractiveness of the region, become an effective tool for establishing business contacts with potential investors, promote the adoption of decisions on investment in Borshchiv district.

Borshchiv District State Administration



 Favorable geographical position: Borshchiv region is in close proximity to transit centers of western and border crossings of European countries.

 Favorable natural and climatic conditions for implementation of investment pro- jects in agricultural and industrial complex.

 Significant natural and resource potential: 91048.2 hectares of arable land, 39 min- eral deposits.

 Unique tourist potential: unique gypsum caves ("Optymistychna","Ozerna" "Сryshtaleva"(Crystal) and "Verteba"), monuments of architecture (castles, wooden churches, monasteries), monuments of garden-park’s art (Hermakivka dendropark, Skala-Podilska and Bilche-Zolote parks), nature reserve fund.

 High scientific and educational potential: availability of Agricultural College and branches of Vocational Lyceum.

 Human resources potential : 38,857 thousand economically active population of working age.



SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF DISTRICT 1.1. Natural-geographical and climatic conditions. 1.2. Demography and human resources. 1.3. Raw materials resource potential. 1.4. Basic indicators of social and economic development. 1.5. Economic potential. 1.6. Transport infrastructure. 1.7. Education. 1.8. Socio-cultural sphere. 1.9. Success stories.

SECTION 2. PROPOSALS FOR INVESTORS 2.1. Priority areas for investment. 2.2. Strategic investment projects for investors. 2.3. Free land plots for investors. 2.4. Real estate objects for investors.

Contact Information




The first written mention of Borshchiv dates from 1456, when he was privately owned city. In XVI - first half XVII centuries it was under Dudynski nobles, later— under Zolotnytskyy. In 1629 Borshchiv by royal privilege was granted Magdeburg right, according to which the city received its self-governance and coat of arms (picture of the ancient emblem was not revealed yet). During the 27 years (1672-1699) Borshchiv was under Turk- ish rule. As a result of first partition of in 1772, Borshchiv fell under the power of Austria. First Borshchiv County was a part of , and then to districts. In 1892, the first big industrial company - a tobacco plant began to work in the city , and in 1897 the railroad Chortkiv - Ivane- Puste was laid through Borshchiv. In the postwar years new plants were built in Borshchiv: corn-calibrating plant (1961), sugar factory (1962), stationery factory (1964).



1.1. Natural-geographical and climatic conditions.

DISTRICT AREA: 1 thousand m2 ALTITUDE: 116,443 m QUANTITY OF PRECIPITATION: from 520 to 600 mm. The climate is tem- perate continental. The average temperature is: in January -5˚C, July +19˚C. NUMBER OF SUNNY DAYS PER YEAR: 208 WATER RESOURCES: the territory of the district is washed by the river Seret to the east, and by the river to the south. Nichlava river which is a trib- utary of the Dniester, also crosses the district.

Borshchiv district is located in the southeast of Ternopil region. Zbruch River to the East separates it from the Khmelnytskyy region, and Dniester River to the south - from region. In the west the district borders with Zalishchyky, and in the north - with Chortkiv districts. The area is home to 68 thousand people. The district includes one city (Borshchiv), two townships (Melnytsya-Podilska, Skala- Podilska) and 69 villages.



1.2. Demography and human resources.

The largest population centers Age structure Both Age category men women The largest populated areas (th. persons) sexes Borshchiv 11,1 13,707 7,111 6,596 0-19 years 20.1% 22.3% 18.3% Shuparka 1,9 38,342 19,189 19,153 Ivane-Puste 1,9 20-59 years 56.5% 60.1% 53.2% Bilche-Zolote 2,5 60 and more 15,868 5,613 10,255

Sex structure years 23.4% 17.6% 28.5%

Urban 27,7% Men 47,0% Women 53,0%

Rural 72,3%

Average annual amount of present population 67,404

Number of economically active population 47,507

including of working age 38,857

Number of employees working in public institutions (excluding branches of cul- 4,052 ture)



1.2. Demography and human resources. Local territorial communities

Melnytsya- Skala-Podilska Ozeryany Borshchiv Bilche-Zolote Podilska local community local community local community local community local community

Melnytsya- Skala-Podilska Ozeryany Borshchiv Bilche-Zolote Podilska (Konstansiya) (Zelene) Vyhoda Ivankiv (Berezhanka, Zhylyntsi Verkhniakivtsi Oleksyntsi (Boryshkivtsi, Triisia, Hushtynka) Okopy, Bilivtsi, Trubchyn)

Horoshova Losyach Pylatkivtsi Vysichka Shershenivka Vilkhovets Turylche (Verbivka, Korolivka Pidpylypya) Dzvynyachka Hushtyn Mushkativka (Slobidka- Mushkativska)

Dnistrove Pyshchatyntsi Zbruchanske Strilkivtsi

Kudryntsi Tsygany (Mykhailivka) Urozhaine Ustya (Mykhalkiv) Khudykivtsi


1.2. Demography and human resources. Villages that are not included into the local communities

№ Name of settlement population (villages)

1 Babyntsi 697

2 Burdyakivtsi 1140

3 Vovkivtsi 1261

4 Hermakivka 1584

5 Hlybochok 1500

6 Zalisya 812

7 Ivane-Pyste 1871

8 Kryvche 1646

9 1577

10 Panivtsi 1222

11 Pylypche 960

12 Sapohiv 718

13 Skovyatyn 662

14 Shuparka 1844



1.3. Raw materials resource potential.

FORESTRY RESOURCES: 16944.9 hectares WATER RESOURCES: 1925.2 hectares AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES: 91048.2 hectares MINERALS: 39 open deposits with total area of 225.7 hectares, including 8 developed.

Cattle and poultry Cattle 5382

Pigs 26620

Sheep and goats 752

Poultry 28200

Agricultural production in 2016 Gross agricultural output in all mln. UAH 530,0 categories of farms including: - -

- agricultural enterprises mln. UAH 227,9

- population mln. UAH 302,1

Agricultural production in physical terms in all categories of farms in 2016

- grain crops t. 120544 - sugar beets t. 18880 - potatoes t. 55741 - vegetables (open soil) t. 21029 - milk t. 21734 - meat t. 6640 - eggs mln. pieces 23500



1.4. Main indicators of economic and social development

Measurement Name of indicator 2015 2016 units

Volume of sold industrial output ths. UAH. 481666,2 480532,7

Volume of livestock production ths. UAH. 95327 102523

Volume of crop production ths. UAH. 357189 382169

Volume of direct foreign investments mln. USD. 10,8 11,0

Volume of capital investments mln. UAH 95,1 124,8

Volume of completed construction ths. UAH. 2982 7000 works

Volume of export mln. USD. 6,9 6,0

Volume of imports mln. USD. 0,3 1,1

Volume of retail turnover mln. UAH 203,9 213,0

Volume of the service sales mln. UAH 85,4 85,0

Volume of average monthly wage UAH 2871 3162

Amount of administrative services provided by the Centre of administra- Units 8932 9560 tive services



1.5. Economic potential LARGEST ENTERPRISES


Gross agricultural product Borshchiv cheese, PJSC 45027,9 530086,0 th. UAH

Foreign trade turnover: Dinter Ukraine Skala, SE 269019,0 7,1 mln. USD

EXPORTS: Ukrspyrt, SE 7051,6 6,0 mln USD

Skala-Podilska special carrier, 28862,0 IMPORTS: LLC 1,1 mln. USD

VOLUME OF RETAIL TURNOVER: Burdyakiv special carrier, 28147,7 213,0 th. UAH. LLC


KNAUF Gypsum Skala, LLC 57120,6




1.6. Transport infrastructure

DISTANCE TO THE LARGEST CITIES OF UKRAINE AND EU- A railway track Ternopil-Ivane-Puste passes ROPE through Borshchiv district, with the length of 67 km. Ternopil 108 km

Chernivtsi 87 km The total length of paved roads in the district is 405 km. Khmelnytskyy 130 km

Ivano-Frankivsk 150 km Passenger transportation on territory of dis- trict is carried by Limited Liability Company Lviv 230 km “Borshchiv ATP-16138” and 6 private carri- Kyiv 450 km ers.

Odesa 660 km The volume of freight transportation in 2016 620 km amounted to 352,9 th. tons.

Kraków 560 km The volume of passenger transportation in 2016 amounted to 1361,2 thousand of people. Budapest 690 km



1.7. Education. Educational institutions of І-II levels of accreditation 1

Quantity of vocational institutions 1

Quantity of comprehensive schools 57 including in local territorial communities of 17 Melnytsya -Podilska 7 Skala -Podilska 4 Ozeryany 8 Borshchiv 5

Quantity of preschool educational institutions 35 including in local territorial communities of

Melnytsya -Podilska 8

Skala-Podilska 6

Ozeryany 4

Borshchiv 7

Bilche-Zolote 2

Quantity of extracurricular educational institutions 5

Average annual amount of students 926

Average annual amount of pupils in general education institutions 6,185 including in local territorial communities of Melnytsya -Podilska 1,567 Skala-Podilska 812 Ozeryany 245 Borshchiv 1665 Bilche-Zolote 285



1.7. Education.

There is Borshchiv Agricultural College in Borshchiv, which prepares spe- cialists in the areas of Commercial Activity, Mechanization and Electrifica- tion of Agriculture, Agriculture and Construction. School graduates continue their training in higher educational institutions of Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and other cities.



1.8. Socio-cultural sphere


There are unique opportunities for development of tourist infrastructure in the area that are associated with the presence of monuments of nature, culture, history and architecture. Special climate, mineral springs, forests, and unique landscape of the valley of the Dniester river. Overall 124 architectural monuments (including 8 wooden churches, monasteries), approximately 186 archaeological sites, 72 monuments of nature of local importance located on the territory of the district. It is one of the most rich cave region of the world, 9 caves are concentrated here. They are natural monuments of state importance ( Optymistychna - the longest gypsum cave in the world - 217 km, Korolivka village, Ozerna - 120 km, Strilkivtsi village, Cryshtaleva - 24 km, Korolivka village and Verteba - 8550m. There are garden art memorials of state importance ( remarkable parks of Skala-Podilska and Bilche - Zolote and dendropark of Hermakivka ).



1.8. Socio-cultural sphere HEALTH CARE

Amount of hospitals 2 including in local territorial community of Melnytsya -Podilska 1

Amount of polyclinics 3 including in local territorial communities of Melnytsya -Podilska 1 Skala -Podilska 1

Amount of ambulatories for General Practice Family Medicine 54 including in local territorial communities of Melnytsya -Podilska 16 Skala -Podilska 7

Ozeryany 4 Bilche-Zolote 4 Amount of ambulatories 14 including in local territorial communities of Melnytsya -Podilska 4

Skala -Podilska 3 Ozeryany 1 Bilche-Zolote 2 Amount of pharmacies 38 including in local territorial communities of

Melnytsya -Podilska 8 Skala -Podilska 4 Ozeryany 1



1.8. Socio-cultural sphere Sports spheres

Total number of sports 169 buildings, including:

- stadiums 2

-grounds with training equipment including in local territorial communities of 13

Melnytsya -Podilska 2 Skala -Podilska 2

-grounds with non-standard equipment 32 including in local territorial communities of Melnytsya -Podilska 5 Skala -Podilska 4

- tennis courts 1

-football fields 43 including in local territorial communities of Melnytsya -Podilska 8 Skala -Podilska Ozeryany 5 3

-premises of sports and health purpose 24 including in local territorial communities of Melnytsya -Podilska 6 Skala -Podilska 1 -gyms 30 including in local territorial communities of 5 Melnytsya -Podilska 6 Skala -Podilska Ozeryany 1 - shooting galleries 5



Number of cultural and leisure establishments 139

36 - clubs including in local territorial communities of 12 Melnytsya -Podilska 6 Skala -Podilska 2 Ozeryany

63 -libraries including in local territorial communities of 17 Melnytsya -Podilska 11

Skala -Podilska 4 Ozeryany 6

-houses of culture 35 including in local erritorial communities of 8 Melnytsya -Podilska 6 Skala -Podilska 2 Ozeryany 2 Bilche-Zolote

- museums 1

Primary art educational establishments 4 including in local territorial communities of 1 Melnytsya -Podilska 1

Monuments of history 53

Monuments of arts 26 Monuments of architecture 124 Monuments of archaeology 186




Restaurants 4 including in local territorial community of

Skala -Podilska 1 Borshchiv 3

Bars 16 including in local territorial communities of

Melnytsya -Podilska 3 Skala -Podilska Borshchiv 2 4

Cafes 22 including in local territorial communities of

Melnytsya -Podilska 2

Skala -Podilska 2

Ozeryany Borshchiv 2 Bilche-Zolote 14 3

Eating outlets 4



1.9. Success stories

Knauf Ukraine Skala LLC. The enterprise deals with the extraction of gypsum raw materials. In 2016 the enterprise extracted 213,7 tons of gypsum.

Elahri-Borschiv LLC. iEnterprise provides storing and drying of grain.

Ukraine Dinter Skala SE. The enterprise was founded in 2007. Provides production of concentrated juices. In 2016 the enterprise pro- duced 10 th. tons of juice.

Pereymy LLC provides breeding of pigs and meat production. Annual average livestock is 5028 pigs, average annual amount of meat production - 2,6 th. tons.



2.1. Priority areas for investing

1. High-tech industrial complex 4. Agro-industrial complex 2. Transport and Logistics 5. Tourism and Recreation 3. Development the mineral resource base

2.2. Strategic investment projects No Name of the project Estimated Payback Brief description cost period

1. Construction of tourist 40,5 mln. 3.9 years The project envisages construc- and entertainment com- UAH. tion of hotel complex, restau- plex and a water park rant, water park, playground, in Kryvche, Borshchiv parking and annually providing district of tourist services in the amount of 33.8 mln. UAH.

2. Construction of speleo- 20,8 mln. 3.4 years The project provides construc- logical and tourist com- UAH. tion of a tourist complex with plex in Korolivka, 30 seats, annually provision of Borshchiv district tourism services in the amount 23.4 million. UAH.

3 Construction of the 51,4 mln. 3.5 years Water can be extracted from workshop for bottling UAH. three artesian wells with the to- drinking water tal amount of 4000 m3 per day, which are currently preserved. The depth of wells is 110- 120 m. The wells are situated near Berezhanka at a distance of 15 km. from Borshchiv on the right bank of river Zbruch.



2.3. Free land plots for investors

Location Vovkivksa Str., Borshchiv Location Nichlava Str., Borshchiv

Area 0.03 ha Area 0.02 ha Purpose For residential or industri- al development, commer- Purpose For commercial use

Distance to: Distance to:

railways 2.2 km railways 4 km

motorway 2 km motorway 2 km

regional center 115 km regional center 115 km

Location Bilche-Zolote

Area 0.04 ha

Purpose For commercial use

Distance to:

railways 17.5 km

motorway 8.1 km

regional center 120 km

Location Hermakivka Location Babyntsi

Area 0.2 ha Area 0.02 ha

Purpose For residential construction, commercial use Purpose For commercial use

Distance to: Distance to:

railways 1 km railways 14.8 km motorway 1.3 km motorway 7.9 km regional center 140 km

Additional information There is electricity supply regional center 135 km system



2.3. Free land plots for investors

Location Babyntsi Location Kryvche

Area 0.01 ha Area 0.26 ha

Purpose For commercial use Purpose For commercial use, resi- dential production

Distance to: Distance to:

railways 14.8 km railways 2.5 km

motorway 20 m motorway 8 km regional center 131 km

regional center 135 km Additional information Paved area

Location Sapohiv Location Kryvche

Area 0.01ha Area 0.45 ha

Purpose For residential Purpose For commercial use, resi- dential production construction, commercial use

Distance to: Distance to:

railways 15 km railways 2.5 km

motorway 3 km motorway 10 m

regional center 129 km regional center 131 km


SECTION 2. 2.4. Real estate objects for investors

Shop of musical instruments in Factory of food products in Melnytsya-Podilska Melnytsya-Podilska

Industrial premises (m2) 1,176 Industrial premises (m2) 3,800

Processing Attracting investments terms lease Appointment facility vegetables and fruits Availability of engineering networks: Sale, Attracting investments terms lease Water supply system (yes, no) no Availability of engineering networks:

Sewerage (yes, no) no Water supply system (yes, no) no

Gas supply system (yes, no) no Sewerage (yes, no) no

Electricity supply system (yes, yes Gas supply system (yes, no) no no) Electricity supply system (yes, yes Distance to railway station 5 km no)

Distance to railway station 3 km Distance to the paved road 0.5 km Distance to the paved road 0.3 km Distance to district center 35 km Distance to district center 36 km

Distance to Ternopil city 145 km Distance to Ternopil city 146 km

Volodymyr Volodymyr Contact person Bodnarchuk Contact person Bodnarchuk (03541) Phone, fax, е-mail Phone, fax, е-mail (03541) 4-13-48 4-13-48



Production facilities for the production of Svitanok ME in concentrated juice in Melnytsya -Podilska Borshchiv

Production facilities (m2) 399.3 Production facilities (m2) 3,596 Industrial Purpose of the object premises

Attracting investments terms Sale, lease Attracting investments terms Sale, lease

Availability of engineering networks: Water supply system (yes, no) no

Water supply system (yes, no) yes Sewerage (yes, no) no

Gas supply system (yes, no) Sewerage (yes, no) yes no

Electricity supply system (yes, no) yes Gas supply system (yes, no) yes

Electricity supply system (yes, yes Distance to railway station 4 km no)

Distance to railway station 500 m Distance to paved road 0.1 km

Distance to pavedroad 20 m Distance to district center 36 km Distance to Ternopil city 110 km Distance to Ternopil city 146 km Prokopyshyn Bohdan Contact person Volodymyr (03541) Contact person Bodnarchuk Phone, fax, е-mail 2-12-64, (03541) 2-20-95 Phone, fax, е-mail 4-13-48



PE "Factory skirts" Production and administrative premises of Borschiv Ahroservis LLC in Borshchiv

Total area of premises 3,134 m2

2 Production facilities 366.9 m Production facilities 3.900

Warehouses 2,002 m2 Industrial Purpose of the object Administrative premises 765.9 m2 premises Availability of engineering networks: Number of floors 2 Rent, re- Water supply system (yes, no) Attracting investments terms yes demption

Availability of engineering networks: Sewerage (yes, no) yes Water supply system (yes, no) yes Gas supply system (yes, no) yes Sewerage (yes, no) yes Electricity supply system (yes, no) yes Gas supply system (yes, no) yes

Electricity supply system (yes, yes Distance to railway station 0.1 km no)

Distance to railway station 1.5 km Distance to paved road 100 m

Distance to paved road 50 m Distance to Ternopil city 110 km Distance to Ternopil city 110 km Vasyl Nadiya Contact person Domitryak Contact person Novokhatska (03541) Phone, fax, е-mail Phone, fax, е-mail (03541) 2-17-44, 2-11-58 2-31-61



Children’s complex with pool in Ozeryany woodworking plant Borshchiv

2 Production facilities (m ) Total area of premises 486 м2 3,635

Rent, Number of floors 2 Attracting investments terms sale

swimming Purpose of the object pool Availability of engineering networks:

Rent or re- Attracting investments terms Water supply system (yes, no) demption yes

Land plot area 1,254 m2

Sewerage (yes, no) no Land ownership Communal

Gas supply system (yes, no) yes Water supply system (yes, no) yes

Electricity supply system (yes, no) yes Sewerage (yes, no) yes

Distance to railway station 0.1 km Gas supply system (yes, no) no

Distance to paved road 0.2 km Electricity supply system (yes, no) yes

Distance to paved road 0.01 m Distance to district center 12 km

Distance to Ternopil city 110 km Distance to Ternopil city 98 km Prokopyshyn Vasyl Contact person Bohdan Contact person Ursulyak (03541) Phone, fax, е-mail Phone, fax, е-mail (03541) 2-12-64, 3-13-47 2-20-95



CE “Borshchivagtroprombud” Beef production enterprise Ivane-Puste village Borshchiv

Industrial premises, m2 1340 Industrial premises, m2 4800

Initial use Building Attracting investments terms Rent, lease

Beef produc- Initial use Investment terms Rent, lease tion

Engineering services: Engineering services: Water supply system (yes, no) Water supply system (yes, no) no yes

Sewerage (yes, no) no Sewerage (yes, no) yes Gas supply system (yes, no) no Electricity supply system (yes, Gas supply system (yes, no) no yes no) Distance to railway station 2 km Electricity supply system (yes, no) yes

Distance to paved road 50 m Distance to railway station 0.1 km

Distance to paved road 0,2 km

Distance to district centre, km 24 km Distance to Ternopil city 110 km

Distance to Ternopil city 134 km Yaroslav Vasyl Contact person Koziy Contact person Havrylyuk Phone, fax, е-mail (03541) Phone, fax, е-mail (03541) 2-15-13 4-56-61





Borshchiv District State Administration 20a, Shevchenko Str. Borshchiv, Ternopil region Tel. (03541) 2-11-78, 2-12-78, E-mail: [email protected] Web-сайт:

Department of Economic Development and Trade of Borshchiv District State Administration 20a, Shevchenko Str. m. Borshchiv, Ternopil region Tel. (03541) 2-12-36, 2-15-84, 2-21-34. E-mail: [email protected]