2553: (Korea in 2010)

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2553: (Korea in 2010) 1 24 (Center for Korean Studies, Ramkhamhaeng University) 23 2553: 8 92 9:2 (Korea in 2010) => ?@AB >. > D> ! " 23 2554 2 Abstract Korea in 2010 , documented by Damrong Thandee, revealed changes and persistence taken place in South Korea between 1986-2010 in all spheres of social phenomena. The authorEs close observation during his last visit indicated a unilateral change of the society toward the status of an advanced industrialized country amid turbulent social process caused by internal and international factors. He was impressed by the superb management of this state and it should surely be a good lesson for other countries around the globe. This paper is an academic paper no. 24 of Center for Korean Studies, Ramkhamhaeng university. <www.ru.ac.th/korea> @IJ !"# 3 !"# % 2553 4 !"# ()*) 4 +,(!(!(-."+*/ ! 5 !0!),#1)*23 5 4,5 31 39 /)+**37*8#91/)*(/8/8+: ! 42 +,(!(.9!(-1"+*/ ! 66 /)+9 - 69 0,< 70 >/?) 72 3 KL? MN8DK?2O PAL 8/8+: ! 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YO N Y"N XN ]USc X cfXX"SXc d c S"! ]Ydg c!ddR ]RUS hi " U NP ZSXg dc YcfX Y e " Uc X R Y XX jk Seoul National University Entrance PALN9? h]! M cSY Y !MN NP " U ! XR RSd"SXPm ].. 2529 (!.. 1986) (1) cMiUd XcUUP X!N X!X c"X !X cfXSXTX T c XX N X XRUPQPU O] SXX" UR R S " U XSe O NP RU 5 e X! RU M NM XNP X e YN Xe R !Y"SXN X X ! MO "XMdZ "eb " UZNjcS X T T c!c!N c! "XNeNPX d! X cfXPQ!cR MdO O UNN XNcReRU" N X]cRX" UT" ! cT!dN X!X d N XcRYM!Y PQ!SXPU eRU " n N Xc! PQYPQ S "SXe d cRS! Z SY X X Z "SXRUN X! ]oY NP Xd X !Y SeRe Yn YXN N XN X TR" UY T PQ Y SpM S On]UX RU"S XPQ! TX " UPQ X f RUPQS c d " U " UN X!X"S !fc! STd M"X U X]R PqceXX cY"X!"SX U]RUN X!X c ] Y X X RUN X M! YT Y X f eN X PQS \ir! XdRUNPq S S X!X! cRU stp X NOX ! PS Sbb" UU] PqceX R PQ RbRc ! M!YX!Y !YY NPX R X Z d oiU " UeN X!XU S ir Sp Rd PUe Y p R " U! PUe! ZY" UU PQ"nMS ! dRU X X U]YPZicS (Pm !.. 1986) PkRRT (Pm !.. 2010) bNsuS" X X (participant observation) ] d hi" URS UU " U] XcPU cS d @9 92 9:2P@ 1. Q A ORS SM! SXO " XNPU"PU o PNST "X M e]cMMPUN ]o S R ]UYd U 70 MPUPQhM "SX R PU Z 50 !cT d (U R oiU" U! ! X ef Kim Sung-mi PQPU ! 50 6 h P!MoNNP"R i. UM Y R ! Y 13 !.. 2010) c!XX]Yd XN X " US U XTM d RU]ec RU ! M NM XNP S S YcfX Y e cMiUS RUPQ T S Y" US i]UP b"XPQ"P eg NPS skw" Xd o PkRRT ! R N X U 18.54 (M Pm !.. 2008) M PU dPU !X cfXXc YPU ]TS SZ oT R! " U c SM!c YSe NP S SX "MXM P! N ]U!SX" ! S ! Yc o MRYd Y X RU c!PQ!" U ZMpU! cMdN X e R X c MYcU o " UT Sd"SX XSdPUcPm !.. 1948 TZ c Xd ! RZYN X PQ! !NXZ !MX XY e TP "X Z " U ZPc S " UP "P NX e ZZNj YSR . >:2 U! ! MXM cSN d NPMd !Y ! PQU U " U e MUMXoiU dZNjjucS 7 ZNj Z " UYX S R!Y c !YN !Y Y c MSx SR XSx SO S PQR "! cMiU R NP cc " US! Z "XO X N XM " U O Zc hSXPU X hy hfPTz hRcY OSSU X" Uc! X YPQX Seoul subway train - crowded PuPUSXg S PuZ ZZNjjucS ZZNj " UhcS ZRU dh " Uhy " U PUcOM d PUSYOPQUUg ]YS S RZdh " Uhy X M " US Z !!XO " U" XX dRT SXg RU N X] cPM"XP "X] " U T Y!SPU ]o " U!SMX X S ZZNj ZZNjjucS McfX " URU R Z]N hPUR ]Yc d ! 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