4-H Bareback, English, Stockseat & Novice Classes

Scoring 100 points total

Member and appointments Clothing, equipment, courtesy, poise 15% Seat and hands Seat, posture, head, legs, hands, balance, distribution of weight, aids 35% Performance Standing, starting, walking, jogging or posting , figure-8 or equivalent at lope or canter from walk, stopping, turning, backing, general control 50%

The should do what the rider asks with the least possible effort on the part of the rider and least amount of resistance from the horse.

Gaited that pace, slow gait, fox trot, singlefoot, rack, or perform a running walk may be worked with the class, adjusting their speed to conform to the other horses. When riders are asked to post the trot on the rail or in a pattern, the intermediate gait is acceptable if that is the breed standard. However, if all other aspects of the performance are equal, a rider posting correctly will be given preference.

The member will be judged on correct posture, smooth gait transitions, and effective use of aids, with special emphasis on light hands. The performance of the horse is not to be considered more important than the methods used by the rider in obtaining the performance.

The member, horse, and equipment may be inspected at any time during the contest. Members using unsafe equipment may be asked to leave the ring.

Class Procedure Enter the arena to the right in a counter-clockwise direction. Exhibitors will be asked to walk, jog, trot, intermediate gait, or canter/lope both ways of the ring as instructed. Stay on the rail unless it is necessary to pass a slower horse; pass on the inside, toward the center of the arena, and return to the rail. All gaits are required in both directions UNLESS a pattern follows. seat riders may reverse to the outside.

The show committee or judge may ask for all or part of the tests listed. The patterns may be posted. In addition, the judge may ask for advanced movements and/or questions from 4-H horse project materials.

Tests ™ Regular or extended walk. ™ Regular or extended jog, trot, or intermediate gait (in at the extended jog, the rider should lean slightly forward, keeping contact with the thighs, with more weight in the . The seat should come slightly out of the saddle.) ™ Lope or canter (on the correct or a counter canter). ™ Perform figure-8s, serpentines, circles, straight lines, or other specific pattern at any of the above gaits. ™ Simple, interrupted, or flying lead changes. ™ Ride without irons or stirrups and drop and pick up irons/stirrups. ™ Haunch or forehand turn (forward motion preferred). ™ Sidepass or 2-track. ™ Transition from any gait to halt followed by “on the buckle” or loose . ™ Change of diagonals. ™ Pick up the ( only and only in line). ™ Back up. ™ Stand for inspection. ™ Rollbacks (western only). ™ Mount and dismount (juniors may NOT be asked to mount). ™ Balanced stops. ™ Answer questions from project materials.

Bareback Equitation Exhibitors may be asked to perform any test listed in equitation. Western riders must sit the jog or Intermediate gait. English riders must post the trot on the correct diagonal. No mount or dismount is allowed.

Information from PNW574 4-H Horse

Contest Guide, provided by:

Z:\WSU Office\WSU-1\4-H\Projects\Horse Project\Horse Patterns - Equitation.docx

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