Discrete Tabu Search for Graph Matching Kamil Adamczewski Yumin Suh
[email protected] [email protected] Kyoung Mu Lee
[email protected] Department of ECE, ASRI, Seoul National University Abstract forward to combine into the IQP optimization process. As a result, various methods have been developed to approx- Graph matching is a fundamental problem in computer imate the optimal solution of the graph matching problem vision. In this paper, we propose a novel graph match- based on different approaches, including eigenvector analy- ing algorithm based on tabu search [13]. The proposed sis [27, 20], random walk [7], stochastic methods [26] and method solves graph matching problem by casting it into other optimization techniques [21, 32]. an equivalent weighted maximum clique problem of the corresponding association graph, which we further penal- Conventionally, two stage procedure has been used to ize through introducing negative weights. Subsequent tabu approximate the solution of IQP: first, solve the optimiza- search optimization allows for overcoming the convention tion problem in continuous domain by relaxing integer con- of using positive weights. The method’s distinct feature is straint, and then project the intermediate solution into the that it utilizes the history of search to make more strate- original feasible space of IQP [20, 7, 14]. Nonetheless, re- gic decisions while looking for the optimal solution, thus cent research [21, 30] devises methods that produce discrete effectively escaping local optima and in practice achiev- solutions and suggests that post-processing discretization ing superior results. The proposed method, unlike the ex- leads to substantial loss in accuracy, especially that the dis- isting algorithms, enables direct optimization in the orig- cretization step is independent of the optimization of IQP.